Whales and Dolphins
Whales and Dolphins
Whales and Dolphins
Campaign for intelligent marine mammals to have right to life, which would
protect them from hunters and captivity
Ian Sample
Campaigners who believe that dolphins and whales should be granted rights
on account of their intelligence are to push for the animals to be protected
under international law.
Under the declaration of rights for cetaceans, a term that includes dolphins,
whales and porpoises, the animals would be protected as "non-human
persons" and have a legally enforceable right to life.
If incorporated into law, the declaration would bring legal force to bear on
whale hunters, and marine parks, aquariums and other entertainment venues
would be barred from keeping dolphins, whales or porpoises in captivity.
"We're saying the science has shown that individuality, consciousness and
self-awareness are no longer unique human properties. That poses all kinds of
challenges," said Tom White, director of the Centre for Ethics and Business at
Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles.
"The next step is taking the science and advocating for law in different places,
from a regional point of view, from a national point of view, and eventually
from a multinational and international view," said Chris Butler-Stroud of the
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
Then one day, Kelly managed to grab a gull that flew into the tank. When she
delivered it to her keepers, she got an especially large fish reward. The next
time Kelly was fed she hid the fish at the bottom of the pool, and later brought
it to the surface to lure more gulls into the pool. The strategy proved so
successful that she taught her offspring, who went on to teach others.
As an early step, the special rights for cetaceans are being considered by the
UN as part of its convention on migratory species, which aims to protect
migrating species over their entire ranges.
Enshrining the rights in law could be some time, though. "If we are lucky it
could take 10 years," said White. "We are at the stage of climate scientists 20
years ago. This is the first step."