MFF T2 Tier

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Captain NOT
Tanky but not strong enough
America worth it

Drax Not improved enough and other combats are better
worth it

Great survivability and a decent supporting character.

Team heal also heals whole BW team. However very
Groot So-so
low DPS and his team buff can now be achieved from

Iron Fist Worth it Great DPS, good at BW and AB

Black 2 I-frames and improved tankiness. The re-spec

Worth it
Panther REALLY helped him all across the board.

Moon Knight Worth it Great survivability but low DPS, good at BW and AB

NOT much better DPS but still slow and too weak compared
worth it to other combat T2

Nebula not enough improvement to make her useful
worth it

MUST have his uni to benefit from the T2 crit bonus,

Crossbones So-so
otherwise he has low DPS

Hulk Not much improvement over T1 with a bad passive.
worth it

NOT Still weak and defense wasn't improved enough.

Red Hulk
worth it Passive is VERY niche.

NOT Skills are too slow, damage is too low, and poor
worth it survivability. Has trouble clearing SL stage 1.

Worthless without her T2 but still not a huge

White Tiger So-so improvement. Decent DPS and great against single

Great damage boost but still lacks defense. The ignore

Venom So-so
dodge will be useful in Shadowlands

Carnage Worth it Great invincibility and DPS boost. Nearly untouchable

Shang-Chi Worth it Great damage against single targets

Giant-Man NOT I-frames help his tanking but he still takes a lot of hits
COMBAT Worth? Reason

worth it

Good DPS boost but heal passive is still not strong

Blade So-so

A decent boost that benefits the whole team but not a

War Wolf So-so
huge improvement to himself.

Very tanky and exactly how the Hulks should have

She-Hulk So-so
been from the start, but doesn't excel at anything

Does decent damage and good survivability. The uni

Sif Worth it
really helps.

Situational. Can stun-lock heroes in SL but other then

Ulik So-so
that, mediocre.

Hogun So-so Great damage and a debuff.

Nice team boost to defense, but it is best to avoid

Volstagg So-so
damage completely instead of just minimizing it.

Hulk Buster So-so Solid all-around boost to a mid-tier character

BLAST Worth? Reason

Iron Man So-so Great DPS but difficult to solo WB

NOT Good DPS and heals. Can solo WB but needs to be

worth it played defensively

Malekith So-so quite tanky, very high DPS, good in Shadowlands

War Machine Great DPS but difficult to solo WB
worth it

NOT Low DPS but better survivability due to his

worth it invincibility.

NOT Improved DPS but difficult to solo WB. Only used for
Star Lord
worth it leadership

Low DPS and difficult to stay in shield (w/o uni), can't

Wasp Worth it finish AB but does well against WB. Removes debuffs
from whole team.

M.O.D.O.K. very weak attacks and no extra survivability
worth it
BLAST Worth? Reason

NOT Disappointing and his minions don't do enough

Red Skull
worth it damage (70% at T2)

Sharon Great DPS and very safe/tanky. A bunch of I-frames

Worth it
Rogers and an "on attack" striker.

Clunky T2 because you need to use Disintegrate to

Lash keep his buff up but damage is good and immunity is
worth it

extremely squishy and poor at WB/AB but amazing in

Wiccan Worth it
TL/BW/Shadowlands due to very high DPS.

A decent damage boost to an already great character,

Songbird So-so
but a T1 can't do much that a T2 can.

Worth it Good boost to a top character

Baron Mordo So-so Increases DPS but lacks survivability

A solid boost but a worthless team buff. Practically

Ancient One So-so
unkillable and still does decent damage.

Kaecilius So-so Decent boost with a good passive

Not a huge DPS boost but the heal is a great addition

Worth it to helping her survive. Still mid tier and get get
bogged down easily.

Able to solo Odin in mission 12-8, I-Thanos in WB, and

Enchantress Worth it
Dr. Strange in TL. Crazy OP

SPEED Worth? Reason

Black Widow Worth it Good all around and able to clear speed AB

Solid all-around improvement and great in

Spider Man Worth it
Shadowland since bosses can get webbed.

Improved DPS and survivability, but not as good as

Gamora So-so
other speed characters for AB or WB.

Hawkeye So-so Good damage but a lot depends on his proc timing

Inconsistent DPS but very high dodge. Not good at

Mocking Bird So-so
AB but great at 1 on 1.
SPEED Worth? Reason

Falcon ???

So-so Not much improved besides the stat boost

Yondu So-so overall a bit stronger and can solo some bosses

Ant Man So-so Great survivability, good at BW and AB but lacks DPS

Just a DPS/dodge improvement over T1. There are

Sharon C...
So-so better options. Still hard to solo speed AB, but does
(Agent 13)
great in Battleworld and Shadowlands

She is a solid T1 character, but her T2 doesn't

Sin So-so
improve her much

A solid stat boost on top of a great healing/I-frame

Gwenpool Worth it

Low damage and not a huge stat boost, summons

Squirrel Girl So-so
still do all the work

Spider-Gwen So-so A solid all-around upgrade

Great boost and really effective if you use him for

Miles Morales Worth it
World Boss, or against villains

Not a game-changer but a solid DPS boost to a top

Silk Worth it tier character. Easy to cap dodge, crit rate, and crit

Great at PvP and Shadowlands and pretty durable,

Misty Knight So-so
but nothing OP

NOT Very disappointing. Long skills that get broken easily

Black Cat
worth it and a buff that randomly procs.

A solid boost to a solid character. Not going to re-

Dare Devil So-so write the meta, but if you use him, it's a great stat
and survivability bump

Great DPS and survivability boost. The red-headed

Elsa Worth it
step-child, F2P version of Carnage

If you like GG, T2 is a solid boost to all stats you

Green Goblin So-so already love. More DPS, more dodge, but still far
from invincible
SPEED Worth? Reason

Wong Very lackluster
worth it

Fandral No I-frames, a lack of damage, and no defense
worth it

UNIVERSAL Worth? Reason

A great support character and an offensive version of

Ronan Groot, able to boost the whole team. Can't solo WB
worth it
but good at TL.

Very good DPS and all-around solid character with

Hyperion Worth it
healing, good at WB

NOT It only boosts his clones but they still aren't strong
worth it enough and can still be one-shot by a large AoE.

Great DPS but still horrible defense. Use hit-and-run

Ghost Rider Worth it tactics. Very effective against villains. The mobster uni
REALLY helps his survivability

Summons do huge DPS and with her shield, stuns,

Clea So-so and binds, she will be great at SL but lacks

Great survivability and an 80% buff reduction makes

Satana So-so her great on all SL levels, but not a huge T2
improvement over a solid T1 character

Hellstorm Worth it Buffs, heals, summons, immunity. Top tier

Similar invincibility to Elsa. Decent DPS boost. A solid

Black Bolt Worth it
well-rounded character

Great survivability boost but still needs some help with

Singularity Worth it

The T2 helps but most of her improvement is from her

Cap Marvel Worth it
shield. Low DPS but really tanky.

Crazy DPS but still a glass cannon, the unworthy uni is

Thor Worth it
highly recommended.

NOT She misses a lot, and doesn't have much defense.

worth it Mainly useful for her leadership.
UNIVERSAL Worth? Reason

Better survivability then Thor and a great

Jane Foster Worth it
improvement over her T1.

Great DPS boost if you have the ANAD uni. Still a bit
Angela So-so
squishy so build defensively.

Small DPS boost to a top tier character. Similar to SR,

Loki So-so
a luxury, not a priority

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