Research Article: Uniaxial Bond Stress-Slip Relationship of Reinforcing Bars in Concrete

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Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Volume 2012, Article ID 328570, 12 pages

Research Article
Uniaxial Bond Stress-Slip Relationship of Reinforcing
Bars in Concrete

Sungnam Hong and Sun-Kyu Park

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 440-746, Republic of Korea

Correspondence should be addressed to Sun-Kyu Park, [email protected]

Received 14 November 2011; Accepted 13 February 2012

Academic Editor: Gai-Fei Peng

Copyright 2012 S. Hong and S.-K. Park. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly

This paper documents a study carried out on the estimation of the bond stress-slip relationship for reinforced concrete members
under axial tension loading. An analytical model is proposed that utilizes the conventional bond stress-slip theories as well as the
characteristics of deformed bar and concrete cross-sectional area. An equation for the estimation of the bond stress is formulated
as the function of nondimensional factors (e.g., bond stress, slip, etc.). The validity, accuracy, and eciency of the proposed model
are established by comparing the analytical results with the experimental data and the JSCE design codes, as well as the analytical
models given by Ikki et al. and Shima. The analytical results presented in this paper indicate that the proposed model can eectively
estimate the bond stress-slip relationship of reinforced concrete members under axial tension loading.

1. Introduction Because this has not been recognized by many researchers,

results often show a significant dierence to real behavior.
Bond of reinforcing bars to the surrounding concrete In general, bond action in reinforced concrete members
influences the behavior of reinforced concrete structures in is represented by the bond stress-slip relationship. Many
many ways [1]. It can be a key element for the ultimate load- bond stress-slip relationships have been proposed and some
carrying capacity of reinforced concrete structures since it of these have been formulated. These relationships have
aects the anchorage of bars and the strength of lap slices. been used in the finite-element method (FEM) [1214] and
Moreover, the deformation capacity of the members, and cracking [15, 16] analysis. However, most of the proposed
hence the redistribution capacity in statically indeterminate relationships were derived from pull-out tests and dier from
structures, is directly influenced by the bond. For these each other. The main limitation of the pull-out test is that
reasons, it can be said that a fundamental issue for reinforced it does not simulate the actual conditions in a reinforced
concrete structures is the bond between the reinforcing bars concrete flexural member. Therefore, utilizing relationships
and the concrete [2]. derived from the pull-out test might be considered to
One of the major drawbacks in reinforced concrete bond contain inevitable problems. Consequently, it is necessary to
research is the absence of a generalized method for determin- establish a realistic bond stress-slip relationship that takes
ing bond strength. This leads comparisons between various into account the actual conditions in a reinforced concrete
researches and test results on bond dicult. Most investiga- flexural member, which is usually long embedment length
tors have used pull-out tests that are commonly adopted in and axial tension force at the cracking section.
reinforced concrete bond studies [311]. In most research, This article presents an analytical model to estimate the
not a great deal of attention has been focused on the embed- bond stress-slip behavior of reinforced concrete members
ment length and the stress state in the concrete. The embed- based on the axial tension test. The models suggested for the
ment lengths and the stress states have, therefore, not estimation of the bond stress-slip relationship in the JSCE
coincided with those in real reinforced concrete members. code [17] and by Ikki et al. [18, 19] and Shima [20] are
2 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Bond stress
interlocking Shearing o

Deformed bar

Round bar Pull-out

Frictional bond
Smax Slip

Figure 1: Bond stress-slip relationship.

extended in order to analyze the bond stress-slip behavior of ld

reinforced concrete flexural members. An analytical equation hd
is formulated as an exponential function of the relative rib
area and the nondimensional slip. The validity, accuracy,
and eciency of the proposed model are established by
comparing the results of the present study with the results
obtained from the analytical and experimental studies. In
addition, a parametric study was performed to evaluate the Figure 2: Details of deformed bar.
eects of the bond factors. The results of analysis presented
in this paper indicate that the proposed model can be used
eectively to estimate the bond stress-slip relationship. are currently mainly used for reinforcement in reinforced
concrete structures. The best bond actions can be obtained
2. Bond Mechanism by means of an appropriate combination of the 3 above
mentioned parameters.
2.1. Interaction between Reinforcing Bar and Concrete. With Rehm [22] showed that the relative rib area could be
the growth of bond researches, a reinforced concrete struc- regarded as the ruling criterion for the bond action of
ture was known as a composite structure [21], whereby deformed bars. The experimental evidence also proves that
the slip occurs along the reinforcing bar under loading bond actions are relatively the same, provided that the
and the bond action is a function of the slip. To put it relative rib areas are the same, and the rib face angle is greater
concretely, when the external force is progressively applied than 30 . The generally accepted values ranging between
to a reinforced concrete member, interfacial stresses between 0.050.15 represent a good compromise for the relative rib
the reinforcing bar and the concrete are created and the area, in terms of ultimate bond strength and splitting ability,
capacity of the interface to transmit stresses begins to weaken and so forth [1].
at certain load levels. These irreparable damages spread to the The relative rib area, the so-called bond index, is defined
surrounding concrete. As a result of this process, the capacity as
of the interface to transmit stresses gradually deteriorates and
a slip of both materials inevitably occurs. fR = , (1)
As shown in Figure 1, the stress transfer mechanisms, ds ld
which refer to the bond action, are usually expressed by the where AR : area of the projection of a single rib on the cross-
bond stress-slip relationship obtained from pull-out tests. section of a deformed bar.
The bond actions are comprised of an adhesive bond, a Yamao et al. [23] pointed out that bond stress-slip rela-
frictional bond, and a shear bond. In the case of deformed tionships in long embedment and short embedment lengths
bars, the bond resistance capacity is mainly governed by the dier significantly, as explained in Figure 3. In addition, the
mechanical interlocking action. maximum bond stress obtained from specimens with short
embedment show a steady increase that coincides with the
2.2. Relative Rib Area. In fact, the bar geometry, and more increase of the relative rib area.
specially the rib geometry, governs to a high degree the gen- Also, when the relative rib area increases, the maximum
eral bond behavior and determines the bond resistance [2]. bond stress obtained from specimens with long embedment
In particular, as shown in Figure 2, the bar diameter (ds ), the will have smaller values than that obtained from specimens
rib height (hd ), and the rib spacing (ld ) are found to be the with short embedment. However, even in cases where the
most important parameters [1]. In addition, deformed bars embedment length is sucient, an increase is shown in
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 3

15 century. A number of bond stress-slip relationships and

corresponding bond models have been proposed in the
last three decades. A number of popular bond models are
introduced in the following paragraphs.
Short embedment
In 1957, Rehm [22] carried out pull-out tests with spec-
Bond stress (MPa)

imens that have a short embedment. He also proposed the
following bond model, which is a function of slip, and
Long embedment comparatively analyzed the bond stress distribution with the
proposed model as
b = c1 Sa + c2 S, (2)

where b : bond stress, S: slip, c1 , c2 , and a: experimentally

obtained values.
In 1967, based on the pull-out tests and axial tension
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
tests, Mugurama and Morita [24, 25] proposed the bond
S/ds (%)
model as
ln exp 1 S/Smax + 1
Analysis b = b,max exp   , (3)
exp 1 S/Smax + 1
Figure 3: Bond stress-slip relationships of short embedment and
long embedment. where b,max : maximum bond stress determined by experi-
ment, Smax : slip at the maximum bond stress determined by
proportion to the relative rib area, even though the max- experiment.
imum bond stress is smaller than that of cases where the They also estimated the bond behavior under three
embedment length is short. Hence, the eect of the relative dierent boundary conditions using (3). Results from the
rib area on the bond action in the case of long embedment above analysis concurred with the experimental results.
length needs also be considered. However, in this model, it needs to be assumed that the
slip corresponding to the maximum bond stress and the
2.3. Stress State by Boundary Conditions. Generally, test maximum bond stress obtained from the long specimens
methods used to measure bond stress and slip can be cate- under axial tension is significantly smaller than that of the
gorized into two methods, namely, pull-out tests and axial short pull-out specimens.
tension tests. The formulation of the bond-slip relationship In 1987, Shima [20] reported the following bond models
has been developed for the following typical bond problems, that can predict the tension stiening eect and that can
as shown in Figure 4: (a) one side pull-out; (b) both sides be used under any boundary condition. Equation (4) were
pull-out. In these tests, the main limitation is that they do proposed for the bar with a long embedment and for the
not simulate the actual conditions in a structural member. bar with a short embedment, respectively, while considering
Due to the eect of the compressive force (C), concrete is the strain eect in accordance with the boundary conditions.
in compression and the reinforcing bar is in tension. In This model is beneficial when the concrete is under the
reality, in the tensile zone of a reinforced concrete member, compressive stress condition at the reinforcing bar level and
the concrete and reinforcing bar are both in tension. The can be applied to the analysis of the behavior of a reinforced
presence of a lateral stress modifies the stress distribution concrete member without any experiment in order to
shown in Figures 4(a) and 4(b) to a considerable degree. determine experimental factors. For this reason, this model
In the axial tension tests shown in Figure 4(c), a mono- is the representative bond model that is currently being used
tonically increasing tensile force (F) is applied to the two in the analysis and design of reinforced concrete members as
protruding ends of the reinforcing bar embedded in the  
 2/3 S
concrete prism. The distribution of tensile stresses induced b = 0.9 fc 1 exp 40 ,
in the reinforcing bar and concrete will be varied as shown ds
in Figure 4(c). This distribution is very similar to that of
S 1
the tension face of a reinforced concrete flexural member. b = 0.73 fc 2/3 ln 1 + 5000 ,
ds 1 + 105 s
It can, therefore, be considered that utilizing the bond-slip
relationships obtained from the axial tension tests in the
analysis is more realistic than utilizing those obtained from where fc  : compressive concrete strength, ds : bar diam-
the pull-out tests. eter, s : strain of the bar.
However, (4) was obtained from the experimental results
3. Bond Models of a pull-out test for an anchored bar embedded in the
footing of a reinforced concrete pier or column. The appli-
3.1. Existing Models. The bond behaviors of reinforced cability of this equation may, therefore, be limited because
concrete members have been studied extensively in the last restrained cracks occurred in the specimens. In addition, the
4 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

fs , tensile strength fs , tensile strength

f c m, compressive stress f c m, compressive stress

(a) (b)
fs , tensile strength
f c m, tensile strength

Figure 4: Typical stress distributions for (a) one side pull-out, (b) both sides pull-out, and (c) axial tension.

bond behavior must be influenced by many factors such as increases lineally according to the compressive concrete
the concrete cover, the amount of confining reinforcement, strength ( fc 2/3 ). Therefore, the eect of the compressive
or the axial force of the column. concrete strength is considered by using a nondimensional
While taking into consideration all the above-mentioned bond stress (b / fc 2/3 ). Also, the eect of the bar diameter
problems, Ikki et al. [18, 19] performed axial tension tests is considered by using a nondimensional slip (S/ds ). This is
which were evaluated by using the following bond model, because the slip is proportional to the bar diameter [23, 26].
modified from (4) given by Shima [20]. Generally, (5) was These nondimensional indexes were used to formulate the
comparatively accurate at predicting the bond-slip relation- bond stress. In addition, the relative rib area was introduced
ship of test specimens. However, the maximum bond stress in order to consider the eects of the rib geometry of the
corresponding to the slip cannot be calculated by the deformed bars. With some modification of the Ikki et al.
following (5) as [18, 19] model, the bond model is proposed as
1.45  0.5
 2/3 S S
b = ks f kd 0.9 fc 1 exp 40
, (5) b = k fc  2/3
1 exp 4500

where ks f : coecient of the concrete stress condition (1.0 S
when the concrete is compressed, 0.7 when the concrete is exp 5 + 5.5 fR 0.9 ,
tensioned), kd : coecient of the bar direction during con-
where k: coecient that accounts for the eects of the
crete casting (1.0 for a vertically cast reinforcing bar, 0.9 for a
proposed model on bond stress, fR : relative rib area.
horizontally cast reinforcing bar).
From the position of the reinforcing bar during casting,
A review of earlier literature indicates that most of the
and depending on whether or not a stirrup is used, k can be
bond models were obtained from pull-out tests and, there-
classified as
fore, might not be suitable for reinforced concrete flexural 
members. Furthermore, the maximum bond stress corre-    100
k = 0.2 exp 4.5 + 55 3.06 fR 0.24
sponding to the slip cannot be calculated. This is very im- Ac
portant because the maximum bond stress is a main factor  
vertically cast bar ,
in the determination of crack spacing, anchorage strength,

and the strength of lap slices. Therefore, it is not possible    100
to accurately calculate the maximum crack width and the k = 0.2 ksh exp 4.5 + 55 3.06 fR 0.24
lengths of anchorage and lap slices using the bond models  
proposed by the previously mentioned researchers. vertically cast bar with stirrups ,
It should be noted that the models given by Ikki et al. 
[18, 19] and Shima [20], among the aforementioned models, k = 0.2 exp 4.5 + 55 fR
were compared with the proposed model. This is because Ac
some coecients of the models given by Rehm [22] and horizontally cast bar ,
Mugurama and Morita [24, 25] must be decided experimen- 
tally.   100
k = 0.2 ksh exp 4.5 + 55 fR
3.2. Newly Proposed Model. In order to formulate a bond  
horizontally cast bar with stirrups ,
model which works successfully under axial boundary
conditions as shown in Figure 4(c), the following factors are
considered to express the bond stress. In research carried where Ac : cross sectional area of the concrete, ksh : coecient
out by Shima [20], it is discovered that the bond strength which expresses the eect of the stirrups (1.0 for a vertically
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5

H-30 MPa-FR0.11 concrete strength ( fc ) to 20 50 MPa, and the reciprocal

V-30 MPa-FR0.22 of the cross sectional area of concrete (100/Ac ) to 0.111%,
H: Horizontal 0.0625%, and 0.04%, respectively. Each specimen is iden-
Position of reinforcing
bars during casting V : Vertical tified by a numbering system containing a code to help
Concrete strength identify the characteristics of that specimen. The specimen
20 50 MPa numbering system is explained in Figure 5.
Relative rib area 0.02 0.22 Figures 6 and 7 demonstrate the eect of the aforemen-
tioned factors on the bond stress-slip relationship for the
Figure 5: Key to specimen numbering system. specimens with a 0.0625% reciprocal of the cross-sectional
area of concrete and 30 MPa and 40 MPa fc compressive
concrete strength, respectively. Due to the scope of this paper,
cast stirrup, 0.85 for a horizontally cast stirrup), fR : relative not all figures are shown.
rib area. When using deformed bar, the uniform variation of the
Although the Equations k are divided into a horizontally bond stress noted for a general range of the relative rib
cast bar and a vertically cast bar, the change in bond capacity area ( fR ) was 0.10 0.15. However, a very high variation
due to the position of the bar during casting was insignif- was seen at 0.16 and above. Based on the above results,
icant. This is because the depth of the concrete below a the proposed model in (6) was varied by a fixed ratio for
horizontal bar of reinforced concrete members was usually the nondimensional slip (S/ds ) and the compressive concrete
smaller than 30 cm. As shown in research carried out by strength ( fc ) with small sensitivity for the relative rib area
Rehm [22], bars that are horizontally cast 30 cm above the ( fR ) at a general range of 0.10 0.15. However, sensitive
bottom of the specimen show an inferior bond behavior variation was verified when the size of the concrete cross-
compared to bars that are cast in a horizontal position section is relatively small. Nevertheless, such eects would
marginally above the bottom of the specimen. not be large because the size of the cross-section in a real
In addition, the reciprocal value of the cross-sectional application is usually sucient.
area of concrete (100/Ac ) has the same meaning as the Rehm [27] reported that the upper limit of bond resis-
average stress of the corresponding cross sectional area of tance capacity is controlled through shear failure in the case
concrete falling under the unit load. In this study, it is of fR = hd ld > 0.15. This fact was unexpectedly proved
believed that the size eects of the cross section need to be through the parametric study for the general range imposed
considered in accordance with the cross sectional area of on the value fR by the relevant standards or by approval doc-
concrete, which is actually loaded. uments. The results of the parametric study verify that the
As reflected in the ksh , the eect of lateral confinement parameters considered in the proposed model appropriately
on bond behavior or bars in structural members should be simulate the bond behavior of a reinforced concrete member
considered, since the degree of confinement of a bar aects under axial tension boundary conditions.
both the magnitude of the ultimate bond stress and the bond
stress-slip relationship. Ikki et al. [19] reported significant
results that showed that the bond stress was slightly higher in 4. Experimental Program
specimens that did not have stirrups than it was in specimens
that did have stirrups. Even though Ikki et al. [19] may not 4.1. Specimen and Experimental Conditions. For verification
have determined the fundamental cause for the previously of the proposed model, the test results performed by
described phenomena, it is assumed that the bond-slip Ikki et al.[18, 19] were used. The experimental conditions
relationship does not rely on the in-plane restraint (which is and properties of each specimen are shown in Table 1.
the perpendicular reinforcing bar axis), until splitting cracks The specimens for the axial tension tests are made up
occur. This is because splitting cracks had not occurred of two series with dierent properties, namely, the T-Series
within the range for measuring the maximum bond stress. and the D-Series. The concrete cover of all specimens is
40 mm, regardless of the concrete cross-section. In the T-
Series, the square section was used, with the exception of
Furthermore, the bond stress at any location along a specimen TV0-50, which was used in the circular section.
reinforcing bar is proportional to the slope of the steel stress The length of each specimen was 764 mm as shown in Figure
distribution curve at that point. The bond stress can be 8. Concrete was cast in a horizontal direction perpendicular
obtained at any point by using the bond model proposed by to the embedded reinforcing bars. However, specimens TV0-
many researchers. However, the bond model is very sensitive, 45 and TV0-45 were cast in a vertical direction parallel to
since the slope of the steel stress distribution curve is a the embedded reinforcing bars. In addition, a stirrup was
dierential term. Hence, the dispersion of the bond stress test arranged only in specimens TH-30 and TH-45. The tensile
data is currently unavoidable. reinforcing bar was embedded at the center of the square
and circular sections. Here, D19 bar was used as the tensile
3.3. Parametric Study. In order to estimate the various fac- reinforcing bar for all specimens, while the Youngs modulus
tors of the proposed model, a parametric study was of the bar is Es = 181.3 GPa, and the yield stress is f y =
performed by transmuting nondimensional slip (S/ds ) to 357.8 MPa. The test details of specimen TH1-45 are shown
1 4%, relative rib area ( fR ) to 0.02 0.22, compressive in Figure 8. In the D-Series, two types of circular sections
6 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering




Bond stress (MPa)

Bond stress (MPa)



3 9

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
Specimen Specimen
V-30 Mpa-FR0.02 V-30 Mpa-FR0.10 V-30 Mpa-FR0.13 V-30 Mpa-FR0.18
V-30 Mpa-FR0.04 V-30 Mpa-FR0.11 V-30 Mpa-FR0.14 V-30 Mpa-FR0.20
V-30 Mpa-FR0.06 V-30 Mpa-FR0.12 V-30 Mpa-FR0.15 V-30 Mpa-FR0.22
V-30 Mpa-FR0.08 V-30 Mpa-FR0.16
(a) (b)


Bond stress (MPa)

Bond stress (MPa)


0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
Specimen Specimen
H-30 Mpa-FR0.02 H-30 Mpa-FR0.10 H-30 Mpa-FR0.13 H-30 Mpa-FR0.18
H-30 Mpa-FR0.04 H-30 Mpa-FR0.11 H-30 Mpa-FR0.14 H-30 Mpa-FR0.20
H-30 Mpa-FR0.06 H-30 Mpa-FR0.12 H-30 Mpa-FR0.15 H-30 Mpa-FR0.22
H-30 Mpa-FR0.08 H-30 Mpa-FR0.16
(c) (d)

Figure 6: Eects of bond factors ( fc = 30 MPa, 100/Ac = 0.0625%).

Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 7


9 30



Bond stress (MPa)

Bond stress (MPa)




0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
Specimen Specimen
V-40 Mpa-FR0.02 V-40 Mpa-FR0.10 V-40 Mpa-FR0.13 V-40 Mpa-FR0.18
V-40 Mpa-FR0.04 V-40 Mpa-FR0.11 V-40 Mpa-FR0.14 V-40 Mpa-FR0.20
V-40 Mpa-FR0.06 V-40 Mpa-FR0.12 V-40 Mpa-FR0.15 V-40 Mpa-FR0.22
V-40 Mpa-FR0.08 V-40 Mpa-FR0.16
(a) (b)


Bond stress (MPa)

Bond stress (MPa)

0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
Specimen Specimen
H-40 Mpa-FR0.02 H-40 Mpa-FR0.10 H-40 Mpa-FR0.13 H-40 Mpa-FR0.18
H-40 Mpa-FR0.04 H-40 Mpa-FR0.11 H-40 Mpa-FR0.14 H-40 Mpa-FR0.20
H-40 Mpa-FR0.06 H-40 Mpa-FR0.15 H-40 Mpa-FR0.22
H-40 Mpa-FR0.12
H-40 Mpa-FR0.08 H-40 Mpa-FR0.16
(c) (d)

Figure 7: Eects of bond factors ( fc = 40 MPa, 100/Ac = 0.0625%).

8 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Table 1: Properties of test specimen.

Type Existence of stirrup Sectional property

Specimen Direction of bar on casting
(Series) (D6) [mm]
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
TH1-30 Horizontal Yes 300 300
TH1-45 Horizontal Yes 450 450
T-Series TH0-30 Horizontal No 300 300
TH0-45 Horizontal No 450 450
TV0-45 Vertical No 450 450
TV0-50 Vertical No 500 mm
D-30 Vertical No 300 mm
D-45 Vertical No 450 mm

Specimen: TH1-45 Unit: mm 0.3

Stirrup(D6) Concrete
40 0.25
Strain gauge
tb / fc (%)
150 82 150 150 150 150 82 150


Figure 8: Sectional properties of the specimen TH1-45 and 0.05

positions of strain gauges.

0 1 2 3
0.3 S/ds (%)
Present study
0.25 10ds left
15ds left JSCE
10ds right Ikki
0.2 15ds right

Figure 10: Bond stress-slip relationship of TH0-45 specimen.

tb / fc (%)


were used, with diameters of 30 cm and 45 cm, respectively.

0.1 The length of each specimen was 964 mm. Concrete was
cast in a vertical direction. No stirrup was arranged and the
tensile reinforcing bar was also embedded at the center of
the circular section. Here, D16 bar was used as the tensile
reinforcing bar, with the Youngs modulus of the bar Es =
0 192 GPa, and the yield stress f y = 390 MPa.
0 1 2 3
S/ds (%) 4.2. Determination of Bond Stress and Slip. To obtain the
TH0-30 bond stress and slip from the measured strain, the method
10ds left Present study proposed by Yamao et al. [23] was utilized. At any point, the
15ds left Shima bond stress derived from an equilibrium condition can be
10ds right JSCE written as
15ds right
ds dfs ds Es ds
b = = , (8)
Figure 9: Bond stress-slip relationship of TH0-30 specimen. 4 dx 4 dx
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 9

0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

tb / fc (%)
tb / fc (%)

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
TH1-30 TH1-45
Present study 15ds left Present study
15ds left Shima
Shima 10ds right
10ds right JSCE
JSCE 15ds right
15ds right Ikki

Figure 11: Bond stress-slip relationship of TH1-30 specimen. Figure 12: Bond stress-slip relationship of TH1-45 specimen.

where Es : Youngs modulus of the bar, ds /dx: slope of the JSCE code [17]. For notational convenience, the analytical
strain distribution curve. solutions have been designated according to the surname of
The function of strain s = (x) is assumed as the strain the first authors (Ikki, Shima) and of design codes (JSCE).
distribution curve obtained by connecting every three neigh- For example, Shima represents the solution provided by
boring point with a second degree polynomial function. Hiroshi Shima. Also, the solution obtained from the pro-
Here, if the three neighboring points are set as (xi1 , i1 ), posed model is denoted by the present study.
(xi , i ), and (xi+1 , i+1 ), the strain curve can be expressed and The following equation is the concrete design bond
the obtained strain curve shows the strain distribution from strength proposed by the JSCE code [17] as
point (i 1) to point (i) as  
fbdj = 0.28 fc 2/3 fbdj 3.2 MPa . (12)
s = (x) = ai + bi x + ci x , (9) In Figures 916, analytical solutions are shown compared
to the experimental data and the proposed model at dierent
where ai , bi , ci : numbers, called coecients.
locations along a reinforcing bar. From these figures, it is
By substituting (9) into (8), bi (x) can be written as:
verified that the bond stress-slip relationship in a specimen
Es ds (bi + 2ci x) is the same, independent of the locations along a reinforcing
bi = , (10) bar. However, the bond stress in the data obtained from the
right sides of specimens D-30 and D-45 shown in Figures 15
where bi : bond stress corresponding to point i. and 16 is underestimated compared to that of the left sides.
In the axial tension test, the slip at any point could be For this reason, Ikki and Kiyomiya [18, 19] explained that
obtained by the integration of the strain from the certain the local hardness of the concrete layer in contact with the
point (i 1) with zero slip to the point concerned i as ribs of indentation had decreased due to the bleeding of the
 xi concrete.
  The important basic factor for the analysis of defor-
Si (x) = Si1 (x) + ai + bi x + ci x2 dx. (11)
xi1 mational behavior and the calculation of crack width in
reinforced concrete members is the constitutive law for rein-
5. Validation of the Proposed Model forcing bar and concrete. The constitutive law of bond action
between reinforcing bar and concrete is also important for
All the test specimens are calculated by using the proposed FEM analysis. Consequently, the JSCE model [17] is always
model and the results obtained are compared with the consistently conservative.
experimental data given by Ikki et al. [18, 19] and analytical The Shima [20] model yields an over-predicted overall
solutions provided by eminent researchers [1820] and the bond-slip behavior for all specimens, which is not desired.
10 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Table 2: Comparison results for the maximum bond stress and the associated slip.

Method Type Data of Experiment Present Study Ikki Shima JSCE

S/ds [%] b,max / fc S/ds [%] b,max / fc b,1% / fc b,1% / fc bdj / fc
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
TH1-30 1.013 0.189 0.852 0.169 0.166 0.264 0.0891
TH1-45 0.813 0.179 0.845 0.159 0.166 0.264 0.0891
TH0-30 0.834 0.230 0.857 0.221 0.166 0.264 0.0891
TH0-45 1.050 0.197 0.850 0.178 0.166 0.264 0.0891
TV0-45 0.847 0.197 0.865 0.201 0.185 0.264 0.0891
TV0-50 0.832 0.196 0.809 0.190 0.185 0.264 0.0891
D-30 0.771 0.199 0.831 0.205 0.207 0.295 0.0999
D-45 0.930 0.180 0.850 0.172 0.207 0.295 0.0999
Mean 0.886 0.196 0.845 0.187 0.181 0.272 0.092

0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2
tb / fc (%)
tb / fc (%)

0.15 0.15



0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3
S/ds (%)
S/ds (%)
TV0-45 Present study
Present study 10ds left
10ds left 15ds left Shima
Shima JSCE
15ds left 10ds right
10ds right 15ds right
15ds right

Figure 13: Bond stress-slip relationship of TV0-45 specimen. Figure 14: Bond stress-slip relationship of TV0-50 specimen.

Moreover, the model predicted the maximum bond stress of The model proposed in this study is quite accurate at pre-
b, 1% / fc as significantly more than the experimental values dicting the bond stress-slip relationship of test specimens and
for all test specimens. This trend can also be seen in Table 2. its accuracy is not aected by changes in test variables. This
This model is quite erroneous when used for predicting the is important since the test variables change rapidly among
bond stress-slip behavior for the axial tension members. This dierent types of reinforcing bars and various concrete
may be due to the fact that the model was developed based strengths, and so forth. Also, the benefit of this model is that
on the pull-out tests. the maximum bond stress corresponding to the associated
The Ikki et al. [18, 19] model, in general, predicts com- slip can be obtained, which is a core factor in the estimation
paratively closer to the experimental values for all the test crack spacing.
specimens. For the square specimens, this model slightly It should be noted that the peak value of the nondimen-
underestimated the maximum bond stress b,1% / fc , yet the sional bond stress curve b / fc 2/3 , compared to the nondi-
predictions were very close to the test values. Conversely, this mensional slip index curve S/ds , is of greater significance
model slightly overestimated the circular specimens. As for when identifying the maximum crack-width-related aspects
the Shima [20] model discussed above, this model also did of reinforced concrete members. That is, the maximum bond
not give the maximum bond stress and the associated slip. stress is a main factor in the estimation of crack spacing, so
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 11

0.35 0.35

0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25

0.2 0.2

tb / fc (%)
tb / fc (%)

0.15 0.15

0.1 0.1

0.05 0.05

0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
D-30 D-45
Present study 10ds left Present study
10ds left
15ds left Shima 15ds left Shima
10ds right JSCE 10ds right JSCE
15ds right Ikki 15ds right Ikki

Figure 15: Bond stress-slip relationship of D-30 specimen. Figure 16: Bond stress-slip relationship of D-45 specimen.

factors. Also, based on the results of the parametric study,

direct calculation of the maximum crack width is possible
the factors considered in the proposed model appropriately
from the estimation of the maximum bond stress.
simulate the bond behavior of reinforced concrete members
Furthermore, in order to consider the predictive assess-
under axial tension boundary conditions.
ment in respect of the analytical solutions including the
The results of the analysis presented in this paper indicate
proposed model, the calculations were carried out for the
that the proposed model can be used to eectively estimate
nondimensional maximum bond stress and the correspond-
the bond stress-slip relationships of reinforced concrete
ing nondimensional slip for all specimens. The comparison
flexural members. The results compared well with the experi-
results can be seen in Table 2.
mental data and validation was obtained.
However, the bond stress b,1% when S/ds = 1% was
Although the current design codes and the bond models
used, since the estimation of the maximum bond stress
proposed by dierent researchers provide design criteria for
by using the formula proposed by Ikki et al. [18, 19] and
the bond behaviors of reinforced concrete members, these
Shima [20] was dicult. Based on the comparison results,
criteria are not well defined and there is no concurrence
the model proposed by the author showed that the mean
among the dierent variables aecting the bond behaviors.
values for the nondimensional maximum bond stress and the
Therefore, the proposed model could be of benefit to struc-
corresponding nondimensional slip were 0.845 and 0.187,
tural engineers when analyzing and designing reinforced
respectively. These values are the nearest values for the
concrete members under bending.
experimental values. Consequently, the model proposed in
this paper is the most accurate model for estimating the bond
behavior of axial tension members. Acknowledgment
This work was supported by the Postdoctoral Research Pro-
6. Conclusion gram of Sungkyunkwan University (2011).
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