Research Article: Uniaxial Bond Stress-Slip Relationship of Reinforcing Bars in Concrete
Research Article: Uniaxial Bond Stress-Slip Relationship of Reinforcing Bars in Concrete
Research Article: Uniaxial Bond Stress-Slip Relationship of Reinforcing Bars in Concrete
Research Article
Uniaxial Bond Stress-Slip Relationship of Reinforcing
Bars in Concrete
Copyright 2012 S. Hong and S.-K. Park. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
This paper documents a study carried out on the estimation of the bond stress-slip relationship for reinforced concrete members
under axial tension loading. An analytical model is proposed that utilizes the conventional bond stress-slip theories as well as the
characteristics of deformed bar and concrete cross-sectional area. An equation for the estimation of the bond stress is formulated
as the function of nondimensional factors (e.g., bond stress, slip, etc.). The validity, accuracy, and eciency of the proposed model
are established by comparing the analytical results with the experimental data and the JSCE design codes, as well as the analytical
models given by Ikki et al. and Shima. The analytical results presented in this paper indicate that the proposed model can eectively
estimate the bond stress-slip relationship of reinforced concrete members under axial tension loading.
Bond stress
interlocking Shearing o
Deformed bar
Round bar Pull-out
Frictional bond
Smax Slip
imens that have a short embedment. He also proposed the
following bond model, which is a function of slip, and
Long embedment comparatively analyzed the bond stress distribution with the
proposed model as
b = c1 Sa + c2 S, (2)
fs , tensile strength fs , tensile strength
(a) (b)
fs , tensile strength
f c m, tensile strength
Figure 4: Typical stress distributions for (a) one side pull-out, (b) both sides pull-out, and (c) axial tension.
bond behavior must be influenced by many factors such as increases lineally according to the compressive concrete
the concrete cover, the amount of confining reinforcement, strength ( fc 2/3 ). Therefore, the eect of the compressive
or the axial force of the column. concrete strength is considered by using a nondimensional
While taking into consideration all the above-mentioned bond stress (b / fc 2/3 ). Also, the eect of the bar diameter
problems, Ikki et al. [18, 19] performed axial tension tests is considered by using a nondimensional slip (S/ds ). This is
which were evaluated by using the following bond model, because the slip is proportional to the bar diameter [23, 26].
modified from (4) given by Shima [20]. Generally, (5) was These nondimensional indexes were used to formulate the
comparatively accurate at predicting the bond-slip relation- bond stress. In addition, the relative rib area was introduced
ship of test specimens. However, the maximum bond stress in order to consider the eects of the rib geometry of the
corresponding to the slip cannot be calculated by the deformed bars. With some modification of the Ikki et al.
following (5) as [18, 19] model, the bond model is proposed as
1.45 0.5
2/3 S S
b = ks f kd 0.9 fc 1 exp 40
, (5) b = k fc 2/3
1 exp 4500
where ks f : coecient of the concrete stress condition (1.0 S
when the concrete is compressed, 0.7 when the concrete is exp 5 + 5.5 fR 0.9 ,
tensioned), kd : coecient of the bar direction during con-
where k: coecient that accounts for the eects of the
crete casting (1.0 for a vertically cast reinforcing bar, 0.9 for a
proposed model on bond stress, fR : relative rib area.
horizontally cast reinforcing bar).
From the position of the reinforcing bar during casting,
A review of earlier literature indicates that most of the
and depending on whether or not a stirrup is used, k can be
bond models were obtained from pull-out tests and, there-
classified as
fore, might not be suitable for reinforced concrete flexural
members. Furthermore, the maximum bond stress corre- 100
k = 0.2 exp 4.5 + 55 3.06 fR 0.24
sponding to the slip cannot be calculated. This is very im- Ac
portant because the maximum bond stress is a main factor
vertically cast bar ,
in the determination of crack spacing, anchorage strength,
and the strength of lap slices. Therefore, it is not possible 100
to accurately calculate the maximum crack width and the k = 0.2 ksh exp 4.5 + 55 3.06 fR 0.24
lengths of anchorage and lap slices using the bond models
proposed by the previously mentioned researchers. vertically cast bar with stirrups ,
It should be noted that the models given by Ikki et al.
[18, 19] and Shima [20], among the aforementioned models, k = 0.2 exp 4.5 + 55 fR
were compared with the proposed model. This is because Ac
some coecients of the models given by Rehm [22] and horizontally cast bar ,
Mugurama and Morita [24, 25] must be decided experimen-
tally. 100
k = 0.2 ksh exp 4.5 + 55 fR
3.2. Newly Proposed Model. In order to formulate a bond
horizontally cast bar with stirrups ,
model which works successfully under axial boundary
conditions as shown in Figure 4(c), the following factors are
considered to express the bond stress. In research carried where Ac : cross sectional area of the concrete, ksh : coecient
out by Shima [20], it is discovered that the bond strength which expresses the eect of the stirrups (1.0 for a vertically
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 5
3 9
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
Specimen Specimen
V-30 Mpa-FR0.02 V-30 Mpa-FR0.10 V-30 Mpa-FR0.13 V-30 Mpa-FR0.18
V-30 Mpa-FR0.04 V-30 Mpa-FR0.11 V-30 Mpa-FR0.14 V-30 Mpa-FR0.20
V-30 Mpa-FR0.06 V-30 Mpa-FR0.12 V-30 Mpa-FR0.15 V-30 Mpa-FR0.22
V-30 Mpa-FR0.08 V-30 Mpa-FR0.16
(a) (b)
Bond stress (MPa)
Bond stress (MPa)
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
Specimen Specimen
H-30 Mpa-FR0.02 H-30 Mpa-FR0.10 H-30 Mpa-FR0.13 H-30 Mpa-FR0.18
H-30 Mpa-FR0.04 H-30 Mpa-FR0.11 H-30 Mpa-FR0.14 H-30 Mpa-FR0.20
H-30 Mpa-FR0.06 H-30 Mpa-FR0.12 H-30 Mpa-FR0.15 H-30 Mpa-FR0.22
H-30 Mpa-FR0.08 H-30 Mpa-FR0.16
(c) (d)
9 30
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
Specimen Specimen
V-40 Mpa-FR0.02 V-40 Mpa-FR0.10 V-40 Mpa-FR0.13 V-40 Mpa-FR0.18
V-40 Mpa-FR0.04 V-40 Mpa-FR0.11 V-40 Mpa-FR0.14 V-40 Mpa-FR0.20
V-40 Mpa-FR0.06 V-40 Mpa-FR0.12 V-40 Mpa-FR0.15 V-40 Mpa-FR0.22
V-40 Mpa-FR0.08 V-40 Mpa-FR0.16
(a) (b)
Bond stress (MPa)
Bond stress (MPa)
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
Specimen Specimen
H-40 Mpa-FR0.02 H-40 Mpa-FR0.10 H-40 Mpa-FR0.13 H-40 Mpa-FR0.18
H-40 Mpa-FR0.04 H-40 Mpa-FR0.11 H-40 Mpa-FR0.14 H-40 Mpa-FR0.20
H-40 Mpa-FR0.06 H-40 Mpa-FR0.15 H-40 Mpa-FR0.22
H-40 Mpa-FR0.12
H-40 Mpa-FR0.08 H-40 Mpa-FR0.16
(c) (d)
0 1 2 3
0.3 S/ds (%)
Present study
0.25 10ds left
15ds left JSCE
10ds right Ikki
0.2 15ds right
0.3 0.3
0.25 0.25
0.2 0.2
tb / fc (%)
tb / fc (%)
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
TH1-30 TH1-45
Present study 15ds left Present study
15ds left Shima
Shima 10ds right
10ds right JSCE
JSCE 15ds right
15ds right Ikki
Figure 11: Bond stress-slip relationship of TH1-30 specimen. Figure 12: Bond stress-slip relationship of TH1-45 specimen.
where Es : Youngs modulus of the bar, ds /dx: slope of the JSCE code [17]. For notational convenience, the analytical
strain distribution curve. solutions have been designated according to the surname of
The function of strain s = (x) is assumed as the strain the first authors (Ikki, Shima) and of design codes (JSCE).
distribution curve obtained by connecting every three neigh- For example, Shima represents the solution provided by
boring point with a second degree polynomial function. Hiroshi Shima. Also, the solution obtained from the pro-
Here, if the three neighboring points are set as (xi1 , i1 ), posed model is denoted by the present study.
(xi , i ), and (xi+1 , i+1 ), the strain curve can be expressed and The following equation is the concrete design bond
the obtained strain curve shows the strain distribution from strength proposed by the JSCE code [17] as
point (i 1) to point (i) as
fbdj = 0.28 fc 2/3 fbdj 3.2 MPa . (12)
s = (x) = ai + bi x + ci x , (9) In Figures 916, analytical solutions are shown compared
to the experimental data and the proposed model at dierent
where ai , bi , ci : numbers, called coecients.
locations along a reinforcing bar. From these figures, it is
By substituting (9) into (8), bi (x) can be written as:
verified that the bond stress-slip relationship in a specimen
Es ds (bi + 2ci x) is the same, independent of the locations along a reinforcing
bi = , (10) bar. However, the bond stress in the data obtained from the
right sides of specimens D-30 and D-45 shown in Figures 15
where bi : bond stress corresponding to point i. and 16 is underestimated compared to that of the left sides.
In the axial tension test, the slip at any point could be For this reason, Ikki and Kiyomiya [18, 19] explained that
obtained by the integration of the strain from the certain the local hardness of the concrete layer in contact with the
point (i 1) with zero slip to the point concerned i as ribs of indentation had decreased due to the bleeding of the
xi concrete.
The important basic factor for the analysis of defor-
Si (x) = Si1 (x) + ai + bi x + ci x2 dx. (11)
xi1 mational behavior and the calculation of crack width in
reinforced concrete members is the constitutive law for rein-
5. Validation of the Proposed Model forcing bar and concrete. The constitutive law of bond action
between reinforcing bar and concrete is also important for
All the test specimens are calculated by using the proposed FEM analysis. Consequently, the JSCE model [17] is always
model and the results obtained are compared with the consistently conservative.
experimental data given by Ikki et al. [18, 19] and analytical The Shima [20] model yields an over-predicted overall
solutions provided by eminent researchers [1820] and the bond-slip behavior for all specimens, which is not desired.
10 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
Table 2: Comparison results for the maximum bond stress and the associated slip.
0.3 0.3
0.25 0.25
0.2 0.2
tb / fc (%)
tb / fc (%)
0.15 0.15
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3
S/ds (%)
S/ds (%)
TV0-45 Present study
Present study 10ds left
10ds left 15ds left Shima
Shima JSCE
15ds left 10ds right
10ds right 15ds right
15ds right
Figure 13: Bond stress-slip relationship of TV0-45 specimen. Figure 14: Bond stress-slip relationship of TV0-50 specimen.
Moreover, the model predicted the maximum bond stress of The model proposed in this study is quite accurate at pre-
b, 1% / fc as significantly more than the experimental values dicting the bond stress-slip relationship of test specimens and
for all test specimens. This trend can also be seen in Table 2. its accuracy is not aected by changes in test variables. This
This model is quite erroneous when used for predicting the is important since the test variables change rapidly among
bond stress-slip behavior for the axial tension members. This dierent types of reinforcing bars and various concrete
may be due to the fact that the model was developed based strengths, and so forth. Also, the benefit of this model is that
on the pull-out tests. the maximum bond stress corresponding to the associated
The Ikki et al. [18, 19] model, in general, predicts com- slip can be obtained, which is a core factor in the estimation
paratively closer to the experimental values for all the test crack spacing.
specimens. For the square specimens, this model slightly It should be noted that the peak value of the nondimen-
underestimated the maximum bond stress b,1% / fc , yet the sional bond stress curve b / fc 2/3 , compared to the nondi-
predictions were very close to the test values. Conversely, this mensional slip index curve S/ds , is of greater significance
model slightly overestimated the circular specimens. As for when identifying the maximum crack-width-related aspects
the Shima [20] model discussed above, this model also did of reinforced concrete members. That is, the maximum bond
not give the maximum bond stress and the associated slip. stress is a main factor in the estimation of crack spacing, so
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 11
0.35 0.35
0.3 0.3
0.25 0.25
0.2 0.2
tb / fc (%)
tb / fc (%)
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
S/ds (%) S/ds (%)
D-30 D-45
Present study 10ds left Present study
10ds left
15ds left Shima 15ds left Shima
10ds right JSCE 10ds right JSCE
15ds right Ikki 15ds right Ikki
Figure 15: Bond stress-slip relationship of D-30 specimen. Figure 16: Bond stress-slip relationship of D-45 specimen.
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