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Engineering Structures 171 (2018) 395–404

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Compressive membrane action in RC one-way slabs T

K. Thoma , F. Malisia
University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Lucerne, CC Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau, Switzerland


Keywords: The static boundary conditions of reinforced concrete members often prevent longitudinal expansion by way of
Compressive membrane action (CMA) friction, restraints, etc. This restraint to the longitudinal expansion of reinforced concrete members induces
Thrust line membrane stresses which can cause compressive membrane action (CMA), resulting in an increase in the
NLFE analysis structural capacities. In the literature CMA is often referred to as arching action. In this paper, the results of NLFE
Cracked membrane model
analyses of one-way reinforced concrete slabs with respect to arching action and composite action in bending
Arching action
Composite action in bending
due to the membrane stress state are investigated, interpreted, and compared with the thrust line. Using equi-
librium conditions, algebraic relationships for the structural behaviour can be derived and compared with the
analytical results. Furthermore, the influence of CMA on various parameters, in particular steel stress σsx , mid-
slab deflection w, and slenderness h/ l , is illustrated.

1. Introduction [7], Belleti et al.[3,8], and Cantone et al. [9], amongst others.
While it makes sense to neglect membrane action in the design of
Compressive membrane action (CMA) occurs in reinforced concrete structural members, the structural capacities determined in the course
members if lateral expansion (dilatancy) is restrained; see Fig. 1. of a structural assessment can be increased by considering this effect.
Longitudinal expansion of reinforced concrete members can be pre- Doing so can result in increased shear and punching shear capacities [1]
vented either by applying external normal or constraint forces [1], or and decreased steel stress amplitudes due to fatigue loading [10]. In
by providing specific support conditions. CMA generally leads to an this paper, the structural effect of membrane action in one-way re-
increase in the structural capacity of structural members. Ritz [2] de- inforced concrete (RC) slabs is discussed. Using equilibrium conditions,
veloped truss models for prestressed slab strips and square slabs in algebraic relationships for arching action and composite action in
order to discuss the influence of membrane stress states on the struc- bending can be derived and evaluated under consideration of the results
tural behaviour of these members. Extensive literature reviews on CMA of nonlinear finite element (FE) methods. This approach allows the
can be found in Ritz [2], Belletti et al. [3], and Einpaul et al. [1]. The correlation between the pressure line and the thrust line to be de-
monstrated. The nonlinear analyses were executed in ANSYS Mechan-
ical APDL [11]. The constitutive law for reinforced concrete used in the
NLFE analysis is based on the cracked membrane model [12] and was
implemented as an ANSYS Usermat by Thoma et al. [13–15].

2. Compressive membrane action

Fig. 1. Compressive membrane action (CMA) in laterally restrained slabs. The load transfer in a randomly loaded structure can be visua-
lised as a funicular polygon [16]. In the case of compressive forces
influence of a tensile membrane stress state on the load–deformation this is referred to as the thrust line; see Fig. 2(a). Decompression of
behaviour of reinforced concrete structural elements was investigated the cross section or the thrust line extending beyond the cross sec-
experimentally by Galmarini et al. [4], Locher et al. [5], and Gou- tion kern width results in internal compressive forces Dc of the
verneur et al. [6], amongst others. Theoretical considerations with re- pressure line. Moment equilibrium demands the corresponding
spect to the tensile membrane stress state can be found in Galmarini tensile forces Zs ; see Fig. 2(b).

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Thoma).

Received 24 September 2017; Received in revised form 25 February 2018; Accepted 14 May 2018
Available online 07 June 2018
0141-0296/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Thoma, F. Malisia Engineering Structures 171 (2018) 395–404

Notation l plate length

mx bending moment
asx ,asx′ reinforcement area bottom, top nx normal force
b plate width npl plastic normal force
c,c′ distance between edge of the concrete and centre of q line load
gravity of the reinforcement at the bottom, top t time
Dc compressive force in the concrete vy shear force
EAc longitudinal stiffness of the concrete cross section z inner lever
Es Young’s modulus of concrete zx distance to centre of gravity of compressive force
e distance to centre of gravity of the reinforcement Zs tensile force of reinforcement
ec width of the cross-section kern – corresponds to the middle εc,εs concrete strain, reinforcement strain
third for a rectangular section εcu,εsu ultimate strain of concrete, reinforcement
F point load ε1 principal strain
f spring stiffness factor σsx steel stress at the crack
fct tensile strength of concrete σc concrete stress
fctb flexural tensile strength of concrete θc inclination of the compressive force Dc
fsy yield strain of the reinforcement θ0,θ1 bond shear stress factor
fsu ultimate strain of the reinforcement τb0,τb0 bond shear stress
fcc cylinder compressive strength of concrete δ slip
h plate height φ creep factor
k spring stiffness ∅s ,∅′s reinforcement diameter bottom, top
kctb flexural tensile strength factor

∂ ∂
= (zx + e ) asx ∂x σsx + (asx σsx −n x ) ∂x zx …
  
① ②

… − zx ∂x n x ,
 
③ (6)

where e = const . The first and second terms of Eq. (6) correspond to the
portions of the shear force due to bending ① and arching action ② ,
respectively. According to Marti [17,18], the first term in Eq. (6) can
also be interpreted as the change in force in the reinforcement per unit
Fig. 2. (a) Thrust and pressure lines in a single-span slab strip; (b) free-body length and hence be correlated to the required bond stresses. The third
diagram. term corresponds to the portion of the shear force due to membrane
action ③ . Furthermore, Eq. (7) follows from Eq. (6) or from taking the
Using the free-body diagram in Fig. 3, the two equilibrium condi- partial derivative of Eq. (3).
tions (Eqs. (1) and (2)) can be derived.
∂ 1
∂x x asx ·σsx − nx

(v −a
y sx ·(zx
∂ ∂
+ e )· ∂x σsx + zx ∂x n x ) (7)

If the internal forces m x ,n x , and vy and the steel stresses σsx are known
(for example from a nonlinear FE analysis), the derivatives ∂/ ∂x (σsx )
and ∂/ ∂x (n x ) can be determined numerically in a first step. By taking
into account Eq. (7) it becomes possible to evaluate the equation of the
Fig. 3. Free-body diagram – internal forces.
pressure line (Eq. (3)) and the individual terms (① - ③ ) of the equation
for the shear force (Eq. (6)). Interpretation of the three terms of Eq. (6)
then allows a detailed analysis of the flow of forces and determination
∑ H = nx → nx = asx ·σsx−Dc ·cos (θc ) (1)
of the extent to which the load is transferred via bending, arching ac-
∑ M →o = mx → mx −nx ·e = Dc ·cos (θc )·(zx + e) tion, or membrane action. The flow of forces changes if shear re-
inforcement is present and can be described with stress field models
Using Eqs. (1) and (2) the relationship for the pressure line (e.g., [19]).
m x −n x ·e For the special case of a constant normal force, Eqs. (6) and (7)
zx + e = simplify to:
asx ·σsx −n x (3)
can be determined, where e = const . Setting σsx to 0 in Eq. (3) yields the ∂ ∂
vy = (zx + e ) asx σsx + (asx σsx −n x ) zx ,
analytical solution for the thrust line: ∂x ∂x
     
mx ① ② (8)
zx = −
nx (4)
If Eq. (1) is taken into account in solving the equilibrium condition (Eq.
(2)), and ∂/ ∂x (m x ) is calculated, the following result is obtained: ∂ 1 ⎛vy−asx (zx + e ) ∂ σsx ⎞.
zx =
∂ ∂x asx σsx −n x ⎝ ∂x ⎠ (9)
vy = mx
∂x (5)

K. Thoma, F. Malisia Engineering Structures 171 (2018) 395–404

3. Numerical studies Detailed information about the material law and its verification using
RC and PC beams can be found in Thoma [15]. The validation of the
3.1. Case study – modelling material relationships, carried out on slab strips and plates, has been
published in Thoma et al. [14].
In this subsection, the relationships for the structural models with The single-span slab strips subjected to a single point load are
rectangular cross section (shown in Fig. 4) that were presented in analysed using the FE mesh shown in Fig. 6. The mesh was extended
Section 2 are evaluated and discussed. An FE analysis according to first- accordingly for the analyses of calculation models subjected to line
order theory is carried out, which is why the resultant normal force of loads, and for two-span slab strips. The parameters used in the analyses
all systems is n x = const . The evaluation of the flow of forces and the are shown in Table 1.
required derivatives is carried out using the relationships in Eqs. (8)
and (9).

Fig. 6. FE mesh of the single-span slab strip subjected to a single point load.

Table 1
Input parameters–plate strips.
h b l c (1) (2)
asx ∅(3) fcc ∊cu
Fig. 4. Calculation models: (a) single-span slab strip; (b) two-span slab strip; (c) [m] [m] [m] [mm] [mm2/m] [mm] [MPa] [‰]
cross section. 0.2 1 6 25 754 12 30 −3.0

fsy fsu Es εsu k ctb θ0 φ f

The nonlinear FE analyses were carried out in ANSYS Mechanical [MPa] [MPa] [GPa] [‰] [–] [–] [–] [–]
APDL [11]. The used constitutive law for reinforced concrete is based 500 570 205 75 0 0.60 0 1
on the cracked membrane model [12] and was implemented as an (1) c′ = c; (2) asx′ = asx ; (3) ∅′s = ∅s .
ANSYS Usermat by Thoma et al. [13]. If this constitutive law and shell
elements are used, analyses of reinforced concrete shell structures
3.2. Case study – evaluation
taking into account material-dependent nonlinearities are possible. To
describe the stress–strain relationships of uniaxially loaded concrete,
Initially, NLFE analyses not taking into account the flexural tensile
the constitutive law proposed by Sargin [20] is used, which allows both
strength of the concrete were carried out, i.e. kctb = 0 . Fig. 7 shows the
the influence of transverse strains ε1 on the compressive strength of the
thrust and pressure lines of the two single-span slab strips. It can clearly
concrete fcc and the softening (Fig. 5(a)) to be taken into account. Using
be seen that the shapes of the thrust and pressure lines are identical
until the cross section undergoes decompression or until the lines reach
the edge of the cross-section kern width ec .

Fig. 5. Constitutive laws: (a) concrete; (b) reinforcing steel; (c) bond shear
stress–slip relationship.

the concrete cylinder compressive strength fcc (in N/mm2) its Young’s
modulus and tensile strength are determined to be Ec = 10000·fcc1/3 and
fct = 0.3·fcc2/3 [21], respectively. The flexural tensile strength of the
concrete is calculated to be fctb = kctb·fct . The stress–strain relationship
of the reinforcing steel is estimated using a bilinear constitutive law
(Fig. 5(b)). The cracked membrane model is characterised by its use of a
step-function rigid-plastic bond shear stress–slip relationship (τb−δ re- Fig. 7. Thrust and pressure lines of single-span plate strip subjected to: (a) a
lationship); see Fig. 5(c). Sigrist and Marti [22] suggest using the fol- single point load; (b) a line load.
lowing values for the bond shear stresses:
The situation is similar for the two-span slab strips, which is illu-
strated in Fig. 8. It can further be seen that the pressure line and thrust
τb0 = ϑ0 ·fcc2/3 , where ϑ0 = 0.60 and ϑ1 = ϑ0 /2 (10) line coincide again as soon as the pressure line enters the cross-section

K. Thoma, F. Malisia Engineering Structures 171 (2018) 395–404

kern. As soon as the pressure line exits the cross-section kern,the path of regions in a state of compression and decompression of the system:
the resulting compressive force Dc follows that of the pressure line, arching action dominates up to the point where the thrust line reaches
which assumes its greatest eccentricity zx + h/2 at the maximum mo- the cross-section kern; subsequently, the dominance of the arching ac-
ment. tion decreases steadily up to mid-span and composite action in bending
takes over. As expected, the addition of both modes of load transfer
yields the shear force distribution. A similar situation presents itself in
two-span slab strips; see Fig. 9(b). In the compressed regions the load or
shear force is transferred mainly via arching action, while bending
dominates in the regions of maximum stress. Generally, a shifting from
arching action to bending also occurs in regions in a state of decom-
pression of two-span slab strips.
If the flexural tensile strength is taken into account in the FE ana-
lysis ( fctb = fct ), the pressure line coincides with the thrust line even
beyond the edge of the cross-section kern. This is illustrated in
Fig. 10(a) for the example of the single-span slab strip subjected to a
single point load. If cracks develop, arching action ② gives way to
composite action in bending ① ; see Fig. 10(b). If the spring stiffness is
varied, the influence of the flexural tensile strength on the structural
behaviour can be seen more clearly. The thrust line changes, because
the resulting spring force and the normal force in a system decrease
with decreasing spring stiffness. The pressure line, however, coincides
with the thrust line until the cross section cracks. Subsequently, the
Fig. 8. Thrust and pressure lines of the two-span plate strip subjected to: (a) pressure line calculated under consideration of the flexural tensile
two point loads; (b) a line load. strength approaches the pressure line calculated without taking into
account the flexural tensile strength; see Fig. 10(c). Since the concrete
If the pressure line coincides with the thrust line, loads are trans- contributes to the load transfer via tension in the region around the
ferred via arching action only. As soon as the pressure line stops coin- neutral axis, the pressure line calculated with fctb > 0 lies slightly above
ciding with the thrust line, loads are transferred via arching action ② as the pressure line calculated with fctb = 0 . Since the resultant normal
well as via composite action in bending ① . force in the system is smaller for f = 0.1 than for f = 1.0 , the steel stress
Fig. 9(a) illustrates the flow of forces and the various load-transfer developments shown in Fig. 10(d) are also different from each other.
mechanisms of the investigated single-span slab strips. The compressive Fig. 11 shows the development of the compressive force Dc ·cos (θc )
force Dc at the support corresponds to the normal force of the spring and the derivatives (Eqs. (9), and the contribution of bending and
support and increases steadily up to slab strip mid-span. The develop- arching action to the shear force vy in a single-span slab strip with
ment of the shear force transferred via composite action in bending ① f = 1.0 subjected to a single point load. It can be seen that the con-
and via arching action ② emphasises the correlation between the tribution of composite action in bending ① to the shear force vy

Fig. 9. Flow of forces and load-transfer mechanisms: (a) single-span plate strip; (b) two-span plate strip.

K. Thoma, F. Malisia Engineering Structures 171 (2018) 395–404

dominates and that that of arching action ② rapidly decreases to zero as

soon as the cross section has cracked completely. The sum of both
contributions yields the shear force vy .

3.3. Parameter study

In a parameter study the influence of essential parameters on the

internal forces, pressure line, and flow of forces of the calculation
models shown in Fig. 4 is investigated. The parameters compiled in
Table 1 were used for the calculations. Furthermore, deformations and
forces were evaluated. The following parameters were varied:

• Spring stiffness k, or f
• Reinforcement area a sx

• Plate height h and length l

• Flexural tensile strength f , or k
ctb ctb

• Cylinder compressive strength f cc

• Bond shear stress τ , or ϑ
b0 0

• Loads F and q
• Creep factor φ
3.3.1. Load–deformation behaviour
Fig. 12 shows the calculated load–deformation behaviour and
the development of the normal force vs. the mid-span deflection w
for the systems depicted in Fig. 4 as a function of the spring stiffness
k. It can be seen that the bending stiffness in the cracked state, as
well as the structural capacity, increases significantly with in-
creasing spring stiffness k = f ·EAc / l , while the deformation at failure
decreases considerably. It can further be observed that the influence
Fig. 10. single-span plate strip analysed considering its flexural tensile of the bending tensile strength and tension stiffening decreases with
strength: (a) pressure/thrust line for f = 1; (b) arching action and bending; (c) increasing spring stiffness f. The executed analyses show that even a
pressure/thrust line for f = 0.1; (d) steel stresses σsx . small spring stiffness or a small restraint to longitudinal expansion
has a significant effect on the load–deformation behaviour of the
investigated systems. The influence of the longitudinal restraint
decreases with increasing spring stiffnesses – the system approaches
the limit behaviour f → ∞.

3.3.2. Pressure lines

The resulting pressure lines and the steel stress σsx of the single-
span slab strips as a function of the spring stiffness are shown in
Figs. 13(a) and (b). If the cross section is in compression, i.e. if the
pressure line lies inside the cross-section kern, the steel tensile
stresses are σsx ≈ 0. If the cross section is in a decompression state the
steel stresses σsx increase in line with the loads. It can be seen that
the maximum steel stress σsx decreases rapidly with increasing
normal force n x . The same situation presents itself for the two-span
slab strips shown in Fig. 13(c) and (d). Both the pressure line and the
steel stresses depend on the resultant normal force – with a pro-
nounced reduction in the steel stresses σsx as a function of the spring
stiffness. For real systems this can be interpreted to mean that a
significant reduction in the steel stresses can be achieved even by
applying a low longitudinal restraint. The flow of forces, the con-
tribution of composite action in bending ① , and the contribution of
arching action ② to the shear force vy as a function of the spring
stiffness factor f for the four investigated calculation models is il-
lustrated in Fig. 13. It is shown that arching action ② is activated
Fig. 11. Single-span plate strip analysed considering its flexural tensile strength even with small spring stiffnesses k = f ·EAc / l . It can also be seen that
– flow of forces and load-transfer mechanisms for f = 0.1. the structural behaviour, as well as the ratio of bending and arching
action for large spring stiffnesses, approaches a limiting value. This

K. Thoma, F. Malisia Engineering Structures 171 (2018) 395–404

Fig. 12. Load–deformation behaviour of the investigated static systems as a function of the spring stiffness k, or the spring stiffness factor f: (a) single-span plate strips
subjected to a single point load; (b) two-span plate strips subjected to two point loads; (c) single-span plate strips subjected to a line load; (d) two-span plate strips
subjected to a line load (□ softening of the compression zone; ♢ yielding of top reinforcement; ○ yielding of bottom reinforcement).

K. Thoma, F. Malisia Engineering Structures 171 (2018) 395–404

Fig. 13. Pressure lines and steel stresses in single-span plate strips: (a) subjected to a single point load; (b) subjected to a line load.

is true both for the investigated single-span plate strips (Fig. 13(a) 3.3.3. Parameter study for the single-span strip
and (b)) and the two-span plate strips (Fig. 13(c) and (d)). The in- Only the results of the parameter study for the single-span plate
fluence of the concrete tensile strength on the structural behaviour strip subjected to a single point load are discussed. The maximum steel
of the calculation models is not discussed, as no conclusions further stress σsx , the longitudinal expansion u, the maximum vertical de-
to those in Section 3.2 were drawn. formation w, and the load–normal force ratio n x / F are of particular
interest in the analysis of reinforced concrete systems subjected to

K. Thoma, F. Malisia Engineering Structures 171 (2018) 395–404

Fig. 14. Parameter study for a single-span plate strip: (a) influence of the reinforcement area asx ; (b) influence of the plate strip height h; (c) influence of the span
length l; (d) influence of the load F; (e) influence of the flexural tensile strength factor kctb ; (f) influence of the concrete cylinder compressive strength fcc .

K. Thoma, F. Malisia Engineering Structures 171 (2018) 395–404

Fig. 15. Parameter study for a single-span strip: (a) influence of the bond shear stress factor θ0 ; (b) influence of the creep factor φ .

membrane forces. The parameter study shows that even small spring 4. Summary and conclusions
stiffnesses k = f ·EAc / l , where f ≲ 1.0 , or small restraints to longitudinal
expansion u cause all the investigated parameters to decrease and 4.1. Summary
asymptotically approach a limiting value. This is illustrated in Figs. 14
and 15. The steel stresses σsx decrease considerably with increasing Compressive membrane action (CMA) occurs in reinforced concrete
reinforcement ratios ρs = asx / h , whereas the mid-span deflection w and members with restraints to volume expansion. For this paper, single-
the longitudinal expansion u only vary very slightly, as can be seen in span and two-span plate strips and one-way slabs were analysed using
Fig. 14(a). The influence of the beam slenderness h/ l on the results can the nonlinear FE method in order to examine the correlation between
be inferred from Fig. 14(b) and (c). The steel stress at the crack σsx the thrust and pressure lines, and the flow of forces (composite action in
decreases with increasing slenderness, and the mid-span deflection w bending, arching action, and compressive membrane action).
increases strongly with increasing slenderness. The analyses also show First, the theoretical correlation between the thrust and pressure
that the influence of the spring stiffness f decreases with increasing lines was presented. Then, the flow of forces in one-way slabs was il-
slenderness. This is demonstrated by the decrease in the ratios lustrated using the shear force, and the contributions of composite ac-
σsx (f = 5)/ σsx (f = 0) and w (f = 5)/ w (f = 0) . As expected, the results of tion, arching action, and compressive membrane action to the total
the analyses are strongly dependent on the load intensity,and the in- shear force were determined. Two single-span slab strips with point
fluence of the longitudinal restraint decreases in a similar manner with loads at mid-span and two two-span slab strips with line loads were
increasing f. This is illustrated in Fig. 14(d). In the calculated load–- used to calculate and discuss the thrust line and pressure line and the
deformation diagrams shown in Fig. 12 it can be seen that the bending various load-transfer mechanisms. This was done using the results of a
tensile strength only has a small effect on the investigated analysis re- nonlinear FE analysis carried out in ANSYS Mechanical APDL [11]. The
sults (Fig. 14(e)). The cylinder compressive strength fcc is an essential constitutive law used in the analysis is based on the cracked membrane
parameter of the constitutive law that underlies the NLFE analysis. The model [12] and was implemented as an ANSYS Usermat by Thoma et al.
tensile strength fct , the Young’s modulus Ec , and the bond stresses τb are [13–15]. The influence of the flexural tensile strength fctb on the pres-
directly dependent on fcc . This explains the relatively strong influence sure line and the flow of forces was quantified. Finally, a parameter
of fcc on the analysis results, which can clearly be seen in Fig. 14(f). study was carried out to investigate the influence of relevant para-
The influences of the bond stresses and of time-dependent de- meters (reinforcement ratio, bond shear stress, creep, etc.) as a function
formations such as creep, shrinkage, and temperature deformations on of the restraint to volume expansion on the load–deformation beha-
the investigated analysis parameters are of particular interest. viour of the investigated systems, the maximum steel stress σsx , the
Fig. 15(a) shows that the bond characteristics, and hence tension stif- longitudinal expansion u, the maximum vertical deflection w, and the
fening [23], of linear elastic, cracked reinforced concrete members with load–normal force ratio F / n x . The results demonstrate that a small re-
large restraints to volume expansion ( f ≳ 1.0 ) strongly influence the straint to volume expansion is enough to cause a clear reduction in steel
results of the analysis, particularly the steel stress σsx . In this parameter stresses and deformations. Looking at the effects of creep, the results
study only the influence of creep was examined. To do so, the Young’s show that time-dependent deformations in members with low restraint
modulus of the concrete Ec,t =∞ = Ec,t = 0/(1 + φ) [24] was reduced and it to volume expansion need to be considered in analyses of compressive
was assumed that the load is introduced at time t = 0 . Fig. 15(b) il- membrane action.
lustrates the pronounced influence of parameter φ on the results of the
analysis. For large factors f, i.e. strong restraints to longitudinal ex-
pansion u, the influence of creep tends to decrease. This suggests that 4.2. Conclusions
the compressive membrane stresses decrease somewhat due to creep.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the parameter study

K. Thoma, F. Malisia Engineering Structures 171 (2018) 395–404

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Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in the


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