"Online Shopping": A Project Report On
"Online Shopping": A Project Report On
"Online Shopping": A Project Report On
Project Report On
Online shopping
Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award
Shubham Pal
BBA CAM 2nd ( Evening )
Asst. Prof. ( IT )
Shubham Pal
BBA CAM 2nd (Evening)
Enroll no: 02321001910
4.3 DFD
A process in which images or listings of goods and services are viewed
remotely via electronic m e a n s , e . g , a v e n d o r ' s website, i t e m s ar e
s e l e c t e d f o r p ur c h a s e , a n d t h e t r a n s a c t i o n i s completed
electronically with a credit card or an established credit account. Various
encryptions schemes may be, and usually are, used to reduce the risks
of sending sensitive information , such as credit-card numbers, over the Internet
or other telecommunications facility.
3.1 Introduction
3.1.1 Purpose
This document is meant to delineate the features of OSS, so as to serve as a
guide to the developers on one hand and a software validation document for the
prospective client on the other. The Online Shopping System (OSS) for
furniture shop web application is intended to provide complete solutions for
vendors as well as customers through a single get way using the internet. It will
enable vendors to setup online shops, customer to browse through the shop and
purchase them online without having to visit the shop physically. The
administration module will enable a system administrator to approve and reject
requests for new shops and maintain various lists of shop category.
3.1.2 Scope
This system allows the customers to maintain their cart for add or remove the
product over the internet.
3.1.3 Definitions
OSS- Online shopping System (for furniture shop)
SRS- Software Requirement Specification
GUI- Graphical User Interface
Stockholder- The person who will participate in system
Ex. Customer, Administrator, Visitor etc.
3.1.4 Overview
3.3.1 Description
3.3.2 Registration
3.3.3 Login
Customer logins to the system by entering valid user id and password for the
Changes to cart means the customer after login or registration can make order or
cancel order of the product from the shopping cart.
3.3.5 Payment
For customer there are many type of secure billing will be prepaid as debit or
credit card, post paid as after shipping, check or bank draft. The security will
provide by the third party like Pay-Pal etc.
3.3.6 Logout
After the payment or surf the product the customer will logged out.
3.3.7 Report Generation
After all transaction the system can generate the portable document file (.pdf)
and then sent one copy to the customers Email-address and another one for the
system data base to calculate the monthly transaction .
4. If the customers select the buy button then another screen of shopping cart
will be opened.
5. After all transaction the system makes the selling report as portable
document file (.pdf) and sent to the customer E-mail address.
3.4.1 GUI
1. Login Page
2. Registration Form
3. Product Page
4. Shopping Cart
5. Portable Document file (.pdf) buying report
The system is on server so it requires the any scripting language like PHP,
VBScript etc.The system require Data Base also for the store the any transaction
of the system like MYSQL etc. system also require DNS(domain name space)
for the naming on the internet. At the last user need web browser for interact
with the system.
The system shall be built using a standard web page development tool that
conforms to Microsofts GUI standards like HTML, XML etc.
3.7.1 Security
The system use SSL (secured socket layer) in all transactions that include
any confidential customer information.
The system must automatically log out all customers after a period of
The system should not leave any cookies on the customers computer
containing the users password.
The systems back-end servers shall only be accessible to authenticated
Sensitive data will be encrypted before being sent over insecure
connections like the internet.
3.7.2 Reliability
The system provides storage of all databases on redundant computers
with automatic switchover.
The reliability of the overall program depends on the reliability of the
separate components. The main pillar of reliability of the system is the
backup of the database which is continuously maintained and updated to
reflect the most recent changes.
Thus the overall stability of the system depends on the stability of
container and its underlying operating system.
3.7.3 Availability
The system should be available at all times, meaning the user can access it using
a web browser, only restricted by the down time of the server on which the
system runs. In case of a of a hardware failure or database corruption, a
replacement page will be shown. Also in case of a hardware failure or database
corruption, backups of the database should be retrieved from the server and
saved by the administrator. Then the service will be restarted. It means 24 X 7
3.7.4 Maintainability
A commercial database is used for maintaining the database and the application
server takes care of the site. In case of a failure, a re-initialization of the
program will be done. Also the software design is being done with modularity in
mind so that maintainability can be done efficiently.
3.7.5 Portability
The application is HTML and scripting language based. So The end-user part is
fully portable and any system using any web browser should be able to use the
features of the system, including any hardware platform that is available or will
be available in the future.
An end-user is use this system on any OS; either it is Windows or Linux.
The system shall run on PC, Laptops, and PDA etc.
The customer wants to buy item. The system shows all product categories to
customer. If customer select item then they listed in shopping cart for buying.
The payment will made with credit card or bank check. If customer wants to
cancel the order before shipping then he or she can cancel it.
Customer can see the buying report on account detail.
3.9 Preliminary Schedule
An online shopping system that permits a customer to submit online orders for
items and/or services from a store that serves both walk-in customers and online
customers. The online shopping system presents an online display of an order
cut off time and an associated delivery window for items selected by the
customer. The system accepts the customer's submission of a purchase order for
the item in response to a time of submission being before the order cut off time.
The online shopping system does not settle with a credit supplier of the
customer until the item selected by the customer is picked from inventory but
before it is delivered. Therefore, the customer can go online and make changes
to the order. In addition, available service windows are presented to the
customer as a function of customer selected order and service types and further,
the order picking is assigned in accordance with a picker's preference. When
ordering goods, many shopping systems provide a virtual shopping cart for
holding items selected for purchase. Successive items selected for purchase are
placed into the virtual shopping cart until a customer completes their shopping
trip. Virtual shopping carts may be examined at any time, and their contents can
be edited or deleted at the option of the customer. Once the customer decides to
submit a purchase order, the customer may print the contents of the virtual
shopping basket in order to obtain a hard copy record of the transaction.
4.3 Activity diagram
Activity diagram is another important diagram in UML to
describe dynamic aspects of the system.
Activity diagram is basically a flow chart to represent the flow
form one activity to another activity. The activity can be
described as an operation of the system.
Design activity begins when the requirement document for the software is
developed. Desigining is the first step in moving from the problem domain
towards the solution domain.It is essentially the bridge between the requirement
specification and final solution for satisfying the requirement.The goal of the
design process is to produced a model or representation of a system which can
be used later to build that system. The produced model is called the design of
the system.The design of the system is essentially a blue print or a plan for a
solution for the system.
System design is also known as top level design. At this level the focus is
on deciding which modules are needed for the system, specification of
these modules and how these modules should be interconnected.
In this level the internal design of the module or how the specification of
the module can be satisfied is decided. This level is also known as logic
design. It I
In function oriented design, the design consist of module definition with each
module supporting a functional abstraction. The system is viewed as
transformation function,
Transforming the input to the desire output. The purpose of the design phase is
to specify the component for this transformation function, so that each
component is also a transformation function.Hence the basic output of the
system design phase is the definition of all the measure data structure, all the
major module of the system and how these modules interact with each other.
Object Oriented has clearly become the buzzword of choice in the industry.
Almost everyone talks about it. Almost everyone claims to be doing it, and
almost everyone says it is better than traditional function oriented design.
Object oriented design is the result of focusing attention not on the function
performed by the program, but instead on the data that are to be manipulated by
the program. Thus, it is orthogonal to function oriented design.Object oriented
design begins with an examination of the real world Things that are part of
the problem to be solved. These things( which we will call objects ) are
characterized individually in terms of their attributes (transient state
information) and behavior (functional process information). Each object
maintains its own states , and offers a set of services to others object share data
areas are eliminated and objects communicate by message .Passing (e.g.
parameters ) . Objects are independent entities that may readily be changed
because all state and representation information is held within the objects itself.
7. Implementation
Once the design is complete most of the major decisions about the system have
been made. The goal of the implementation phase is to translate the design of
the system into code in a given programming language.
Coding starts once the design phase is over. During the design phase, it is not
decided that which language will be chosen and how the different modules will
be written. In the coding phase the system design is converted into a code using
programming language. During the coding the focus should be on the
developing programs that are easy to read and understand and not simply on
developing programs that are easy to write.
The coding of the system is done in PHP scripting language. JavaScript is used
for validation. All the forms are designed in HTML. MySQL is used for creating
Coding for the development has been done keeping in view the following
1. Descriptive Comments
2. Describe blocks of code, rather than commenting every line.
3. Be correct, an incorrect or misleading comment is worse than no
comment at all.
4. Indentation will be used to ensure that the code is readable.
5. Naming conventions (for variables, subroutines, etc.) - these will follow
the project naming conventions documented in the project file.
6. Complexity should be minimized and modules sub-divided when
required, simplifying the code.
8. Testing
This project was a challenge for me from the very beginning of the project. I
was imagined that could I able to finish the project or not. But my friends give
me the inspiration to finish the project, but the most important person, without
whose help I was really unable to finish the project without help of my
Programming teacher Ms. Shivani Gupta (Asst. Prof. , IT). I want to give her
special thanks. I want to give thanks to my friends also.
All Staff of the shops where Ive investigated and take information ware very
much helpful. Without their help it was impossible for me to understand the
problems & techniques of Point of Sales system. The tried their best to
understood me their system. If I would not be able to understand the system
then I was fully unable to develop their system. So I want to give them Thanks
Now I have finished my project successfully and I am feeling glad by thinking
that I have really done a god job.
10. Project Synopsis
The Online Shopping application enables vendors to set up online shops,
customers to browse through the shops, and a system administrator to
approve and reject requests for new shops and maintain lists of shop
Our online shopping will use the internet as the sole method for selling
goods to its consumers. The consumer will be in complete control of
his/her shopping experience by using the unique storefront concept.
Shopping will be highly personalized and the provider provides lower
prices than most competitors. This, in brief, is a description of our
product which will showcase a complete shopping experience in a small