CV Taniariqbal 2016
CV Taniariqbal 2016
CV Taniariqbal 2016
PhD, Neuroscience Program, Michigan State University May 2015
Thesis: Elucidating mechanisms of neurogenic inflammation in the mouse olfactory
Bachelor of Arts, Major: Biology Minor: Psychology, Kalamazoo College June 2005
Thesis: Angiotensin II stimulation of NADPH oxidase activity and secretion
of Cyclophilin-A in adventitial fibroblasts; Potential role in the paracrine mediation
of vascular smooth muscle cell hypertrophy
2015 Guest Lecturer, Neurobiology of Disease, Michigan State University
Lecture presented: Neurogenic inflammation
2014 Guest Lecturer, Neurobiology of Disease, Michigan State University
Lecture presented: Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Spring 2013 Mentored Teaching experience; Neurobiology of Disease, Michigan State
Assessment and curriculum building: designed writing assignments and
rubrics to teach good science writing skills and critical thinking to
undergraduate science students
Curriculum building: wrote class syllabus, invited guest lecturers,
organized class schedule
Student assessment: assessed student learning through writing
assignments, presentations, and class participation
Lessons presented: Science Writing
Spring 2012 Course Assistant; Neurobiology of Disease, Michigan State University
Student assessment: assessed student learning through writing
assignments, presentations, and class participation
Managing a diverse classroom: the majority of students in this course
spoke English as a second language, and received their earlier education
outside of the US. Thus, I had to think about my expectations to cultivate
good writing and speaking skills
Lessons presented: Olfaction and Neurodegenerative Diseases;
Sensorineural Deafness.
Fall 2010 Teaching Assistant; Learning and Memory, Michigan State University
Initiated, stimulated, and directed discussions on primary literature
Iqbal CV 2
Lead students to think and write critically
Student assessment: assessed student learning through poster
presentations, writing assignments, and class participation
Lessons presented: Long-term habituation; Neural representation of
habits; Hippocampal damage and memory; Hippocampus and spatial
memory; Amygdala and emotional memory
2007- 2009 Laboratory Instructor of Record; Human Physiology, Western Michigan
Independently managed 2 sections of 24 students each, per semester, for 6
Student Assessment: wrote and evaluated quizzes, assignments, and exams
Guided students through laboratory exercises
Lessons presented: Intro/lab math; Passive Membrane Transport; Sensory
Systems; Skeletal Muscle Physiology; Human Cardiac Physiology; Blood &
Immune System; Respiratory Physiology; Renal Physiology; Digestion &
Winter 2005 Teaching Assistant; Physiological Ecology, Kalamazoo College
Guided students through laboratory exercises
Student Assessment: assessed student learning through writing
July 2015- Postdoctoral Researcher, Ma lab, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
present Studying mechanisms of dendritic branching of murine cerebellar Purkinje
Skills in molecular cloning, AAV genome editing, immunolabeling, brain
tissue clearing, microscopy, polymerase chain reaction, Neurolucida,
western blotting
January Graduate research, Hegg lab, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
2010-May Studied mechanisms of regeneration, neuromodulation, and inflammation
2015 in the olfactory system
Skills in confocal imaging, live cell imaging, tissue digestion and DNA
extraction, polymerase chain reaction and reverse-transcriptase PCR, gel
electrophoresis, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, enzyme-
linked immunoassays, olfactory behavioral testing, cell culture, metamorph
image analysis, transgenic animal colony management, small animal
surgery, statistical analyses, scholarly writing, and presentations
March 2007- Graduate research, Byrd-Jacobs lab, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
June 2009 Studied adult plasticity and regeneration of the olfactory system
Skills in immunohistochemistry, histology, axonal tract tracing, small
animal surgery, ImageJ morphometric analysis, scholarly writing, and
August Research Technician, Pagano lab, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI
2005- Studied the role of adventitial fibroblasts in the initiation of hypertension
June 2006 Skills in cell culture, pharmacological treatments, western blotting,
luminometry based activity assays
June- Sept Research Assistant, Pagano lab, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI
Iqbal CV 4
2004 Studied the role of adventitial fibroblasts in the initiation of hypertension
Skills in western blotting, scholarly writing, and presentations
Peer- Reviewed Manuscripts:
Jia C, Hayoz S, Hutch C, Iqbal T, Pooley A, and Hegg CC. An IP3R3- and NPY-expressing
microvillous cell mediates tissue homeostasis and regeneration in the mouse olfactory
epithelium. PLOS ONE, March 2013
Paskin TR, Iqbal TR, Byrd-Jacobs CA. Olfactory bulb recovery following reversible
deafferentation with repeated detergent application in the adult zebrafish. Neuroscience,
Nov 2011; 196:276-84
Jia C, Sangsiri S, Belock B, Iqbal T, Pestka JJ, and Hegg CC. ATP mediates neuroprotective
and neuroproliferative effects in mouse olfactory epithelium following exposure to
satratoxin G in vitro and in vivo. Toxicological Sciences, August 2011, 124(1): 169-178
Iqbal T and Byrd-Jacobs CA. Rapid degeneration and regeneration of the zebrafish
olfactory epithelium following Triton X-100 application. Chemical Senses, June 2010;
Iqbal TR, Turley A, Hayoz S, Hegg CC. Environmental irritant-initiated substance P and
cytokine release in the mouse olfactory epithelium preceding processes of neuronal
regeneration. Program No. 259.24. 2012. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. New Orleans, LA:
Society for Neuroscience, 2012. Online
Iqbal TR, Hegg CC. Nickel sulfate inhalation causes deficits in sense of smell, possibly
through irritation signaling via TRPA1, TRPV1, and NK-1 receptors. Program No.
375.18.2011. Neuroscience Meeting Planner. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience,
2011. Online
Iqbal TR, Hegg CC. Signal transduction pathways of IP3R3-containing microvillous cells.
Chemical Senses v36(9): A1-A123, Oxford University Press, 2011
Paskin TR, Iqbal TR, Byrd-Jacobs CA. Reversible partial deafferentation of the zebrafish
olfactory bulb with repeated detergent application. AChemS abstracts. Chemical Senses,
2010, 35(7):639
Iqbal TR and Byrd-Jacobs CA. Persistent recovery of the adult olfactory epithelium
following chemical lesion. Program No. 65.11, Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC,
2008. Online
Iqbal TR and Byrd-Jacobs CA. Triton X-100 treatment in zebrafish alters olfactory
epithelium morphology. ISOT Abstracts. Oxford University Press, Chemical Senses, 2008,
33(8), S94
Oral Presentations:
Neuroscience Program Seminar Series, Michigan State University, April 17, 2015
The environment and inflammation: elucidating mechanisms of neurogenic inflammation in
the mouse olfactory epithelium
Bowdoin Neuroscience Program Seminar, Brunswick, ME January 29, 2015
The environment and Inflammation: mechanisms of neurogenic inflammation in the mouse
olfactory epithelium
Grinnell Department of Biology Seminar, Grinnell, IA. January 26, 2015
The environment and Inflammation: mechanisms of neurogenic inflammation in the mouse
olfactory epithelium
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MSU Graduate Academic Conference. East Lansing, MI, March 27, 2014
Activation of trigeminal nerve fibers and macrophages in response to irritants of the
olfactory epithelium.
MSU Graduate Academic Conference. East Lansing, MI, February 15, 2013
Inflammation of the nose caused by environmental irritants: implications for
Neuroscience Program Seminar Series, Michigan State University, October 25, 2012
Environmental irritant-induced inflammation and neurogenesis in olfactory system
Biological Sciences Seminar, Western Michigan University, April 2009
Chemical lesioning of the adult zebrafish olfactory epithelium allows for analysis of
peripheral neuronal turnover and partial deafferentation-induced changes to the olfactory
Poster Presentations:
Society for Neuroscience 2014, Washington D.C. November 2014.
Iqbal TR and Hegg CC. Trigeminal nerve activation and initiation of neurogenic
inflammation through irritant-sensing channels and secondary chemosensory cells in the
mouse olfactory epithelium
41st Annual Pharmacology Research Colloquium, East Lansing, MI June 6, 2014
Iqbal TR and Hegg CC. Signal transduction pathways of IP3R3-containing microvillous cells
Michigan Chapter Society for Neuroscience, Kalamazoo, MI, May 30, 2014
Iqbal TR and Hegg CC. Elucidating mechanisms of neurogenic inflammation in the mouse
olfactory epithelium
Association for Chemoreception Sciences. Fort Meyers, FL, April 2014
Iqbal TR, Hegg CC. Activation of Trigeminal Nerve Fibers and Macrophages in Response to
Irritants of the Olfactory Epithelium
Society for Neuroscience 2012, New Orleans, LA, October 2012
Iqbal TR, Turley A, Hayoz S, Hegg CC. Environmental irritant-initiated substance P and
cytokine release in the mouse olfactory epithelium preceding processes of neuronal
Society for Neuroscience 2011, Washington D.C., November 2011
Iqbal TR, Hegg CC. Nickel sulfate inhalation causes deficits in sense of smell, possibly
through irritation signaling via TRPA1, TRPV1, and NK-1 receptors
National Directors of Graduate Studies in Pharm. and Physiology Meeting, E Lansing, MI, July 2011
Iqbal TR, Hegg CC. Signal transduction pathways of IP3R3-containing microvillous cells
Association for Chemoreception Sciences XXXIII, St. Pete Beach, FL, April 2011
Iqbal TR, Hegg CC. Signal transduction pathways of IP3R3-containing microvillous cells
Association for Chemoreception Sciences XXXI, St. Pete Beach, FL, April 2010
Paskin TR, Iqbal TR, Byrd-Jacobs CA. Reversible partial deafferentation of the zebrafish
olfactory bulb with repeated detergent application
Michigan Chapter Society for Neuroscience, Kalamazoo, MI, May 2009
(a) Iqbal TR and Byrd-Jacobs CA. Repeated chemical lesioning produces partial
deafferentation and allows for recovery of the olfactory bulb
(b) Paskin TR, Iqbal TR, and Byrd-Jacobs CA. Retrograde tract tracing as a method to reveal
regeneration of epithelial sensory neurons following chemical ablation
Society for Neuroscience, Washington DC, November 2008
Iqbal TR and Byrd-Jacobs CA. Persistent recovery of the adult olfactory epithelium
following chemical lesion.
International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste XV, San Francisco, CA, July 2008
Iqbal TR and Byrd-Jacobs CA. Triton X-100 treatment in zebrafish alters olfactory
epithelium morphology
Michigan Chapter Society for Neuroscience, Detroit, MI, May, 2008
Iqbal CV 6
Iqbal TR and Byrd-Jacobs CA. Time course of changes in olfactory epithelium following
Triton X-100 application
Kalamazoo Community Medical Health & Sciences Research Day. Kalamazoo, MI, April 16, 2008
Iqbal TR and Byrd-Jacobs CA. Changes in olfactory epithelium thickness after Triton X-100
treatments: a novel approach to adult zebrafish olfactory bulb deafferentation.
Kalamazoo College Diebold Symposium, Kalamazoo, MI, April 25, 2005
Iqbal TR and Pagano PJ. Angiotensin II stimulation of NADPH oxidase activity and secretion
of Cyclophilin-A in adventitial fibroblasts; Potential role in the paracrine mediation of
vascular smooth muscle cell hypertrophy
Summer Laura Beebe (Pennsylvania State University) Summer Undergraduate Research
2016 Program
I provided training in a variety of experimental methods and scientific
communication (oral and written).
Summer Charlene Rivera Bonet (University of Puerto Rico- Cayey); Bridge to
2014 Neuroscience Program
1st Place Award in RISE Poster Presentations (awarded Certificate of
Scholarship from UPR-Cayey)
Trained by me in a variety of experimental methods, protocol writing, and
scientific communication (oral and written).
Presented her research at the (1) Mid-Michigan Symposium for
Undergraduate Research Experiences in East Lansing Michigan; (2)
Research Symposium in Microbiology at Mayagez, Puerto Rico October
2014; (3), URGREAT-MBRS-RISE XII Undergraduate Research Symposium,
Carolina, Puerto Rico, October 2014; (4) and, Annual Biomedical Research
Conference for Minority Students, San Antonio, Texas. November 2014 (Full
Travel Award Winner)
Summer Stephanie Romero Rosa and Dianarys Hernandez-Aquino (both University of
2013 Puerto Rico-Areciebo); Bridge to Neuroscience Program
Trained in reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, protocol
writing, scientific communication (written and oral)
Summer Mara Elena Castell Toro (University of Puerto Rico- Cayey); Summer Research
2011 Opportunities Program (SROP).
Trained in experimental methods and scientific communication (written and
Presented data in a talk at the MSU Undergraduate Research Symposium
and at the Committee on Institutional Cooperation SROP Conference
(Columbus, OH, July 15-17).
Earned National Center for Institutional Diversity Exemplary Summer
Research Citation, an award given to promote the very best scholarly work
by 2011 SROP participants.
Summer Robin Franklin; Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program
2007 Trained in immunohistochemistry
Listed as an acknowledgement on publication (Iqbal and Byrd-Jacobs, 2010)