STO Config PDF
STO Config PDF
STO Config PDF
This article provides configuration steps for stock transport order between two plants within the company
code as well as cross company code configuration.
Configuration Steps
1. STO Document Type
Standard document type used in UB. If user selects different document type, system gives a warning
message to select the correct document type.
If custom document type needs to be used then it should be defined as T -- Transport in the Control field
of that document type configuration.
Configuration Path: IMG- Material Management- Purchasing-Purchase Order-Define Document Types.
Item Number Interval: Determines the size of the steps between the default item numbers.
Number range in the case of internal number assignment: Number that determines how documents are to be numbered
by the system. It indicates which number range is relevant for a document type.
Number range in the case of external number assignment: Number that determines how documents are to be numbered
by the user. It indicates which number range is relevant for a document type.
Number range in case of internal number assignment for ALE: This number range is only to be maintained in the case
of contract types that are distributed among local systems.
Number range in case of internal number assignment for ALE: This number range is only to be maintained in the case
of contract types that are distributed among local systems.
Update group for statistics update: The update group is a control element in the updating definition, which allows all the
different business events in the various applications to have a uniform influence on the statistics update in the Logistics
Information System (LIS).
Field Selection Key: Determines, for the relevant purchasing document type, which attributes the fields of the purchasing
document are to have.
Control indicator for purchasing document type: Allows differentiation between the various kinds of purchasing
Item Number Interval for Subitems: Indicates the interval in which sub-item numbers are suggested.
You set the indicator. If a stock transport order or scheduling agreement is then created and a vendor is
assigned to the supplying plant, the system
adopts the data from the vendor master record (e.g. the currency, price determination indicator) and
the info record (e.g. planned delivery time, order unit), and
updates the statistics of the Logistics Information System with the vendor data
Other configuration for the STO document type is to assign allowed item categories and account assignment
categories. Item category code for stock transport orders is U Stock transfer.
This item category can then be assigned to Purchase Requisition document types so that PRs can be
converted into the stock transport orders.
Plant X would like to order materials from plant Y. Plant X enters a stock transfer
order. The stock transfer is used to plan the movement.
2. Posting a delivery in the issuing plant (Create delivery in VL10B and Post GI in
VL02N & Movement Type: 641.
Delivery Type NL is to be assigned for the issuing plant in the configuration
4. Posting a goods receipt in the receiving plant( GR : 101 Mvt)
Once the goods arrive in the receiving plant, the plant posts a goods receipt for the
delivery. The stock in transit is therefore reduced and the unrestricted-use stock
1. The quantity posted from stock is managed as stock in transit of the receiving
plant. After the goods receipt has been posted the quantity is posted to the
unrestricted-use stock of the receiving plant from stock in transit. This enables the
quantity "on the road" to be monitored.
3. The transfer posting is valuated at the valuation price of the material in the issuing
4. If the plants involved belong to different company codes, the transfer between
plants is also a transfer between company codes. In this case, the system creates
two accounting documents when the goods issue is posted. The stock posting is
offset against a company code clearing account.
Delivery costs - -
Billing type in SD - - IV
Document type - - RE
Price Valuation price Valuation price Pricing in SD and MM
(supplying plant) (supplying plant)
Planning using Purchase order Purchase order Purchase order
Stock after Stock in transit Stock in transit (Stock in transit CC)
Goods issue
The document type (NB or UB) determines the posting logic in other words, whether stock in transit is set up.
The item category (U or BLANK) determines whether billing takes place.
You can enter a vendor (freight vendor) in the stock transport order.
The stock transfer order is part of MRP: Purchase requisitions that were created in MRP can be
converted into stock transport orders.
The system can run an availability check for the stock transfer.
The goods issue (GI) can be entered using a delivery via Shipping (LE-SHP). For the goods issue in SD,
a replenishment delivery is created.
If you want to withdraw materials for stock transfers from different storage locations and stocks
according to a particular strategy.
The goods receipt (GR) can be posted directly to consumption.
The entire process can be monitored via the purchase order history.