Thesis Severin Yacon

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University of Kassel

Faculty of Agriculture, International Rural Development and

Environmental Protection


Establishment of a Classification Scheme to structure the

Post-Harvest Diversity of Yacon Storage Roots
(Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H. Robinson)

Supervised by:
1. Prof. Dr. Andreas Brkert
2. Prof. Dr. Maria Finckh

Submitted by: Severin Polreich

May 2003

1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................1
1.1 Review of Literature relating to the Crop Yacon .......................................1
1.1.1 Distribution and Domestication of Yacon in the Andean Region...............1
1.1.2 Ecology .....................................................................................................1
1.1.3 Cultivation Techniques..............................................................................2
1.1.4 Botanical and morphological Description ..................................................2
1.1.5 Beneficial Aspects.....................................................................................3
1.2 Components of Yacon Storage Roots.......................................................4
1.2.1 Carbohydrate Composition in the Yacon Storage Roots...........................4
1.2.2 Oligofructans in the Yacon Storage Roots ................................................4
1.3 Biodiversity................................................................................................5
1.4 Yacon Gene Banks ...................................................................................6
1.5 Information about Plant genetic Resources ..............................................8
1.5.1 Documentation of Gene Banks .................................................................8
1.5.2 Morphological Classification of Yacon ......................................................8
1.5.3 Passport Data ...........................................................................................9
1.5.4 Evaluation of agronomic Traits in Yacon.................................................10
1.6 Objectives of the Study ...........................................................................11
2 MATERIAL AND METHODS...................................................................12
2.1 Origin and Identification of the Yacon Germplasm..................................12
2.2 Analyzed Parameters ..............................................................................14
2.2.1 Fresh Weight (FW) and Number of Storage Roots .................................14
2.2.2 Refractometric Index in Storage Roots ...................................................14
2.2.3 Colouring of the Root Stock and the Root Flesh .....................................15
2.2.4 Morphological Characteristics of the Storage Roots ...............................15
2.3 Data Processing and Analysis ................................................................19
2.3.1 Yield Uniformity .......................................................................................19
2.3.2 Yield Index ..............................................................................................20
2.3.3 Codification of the Parameters ................................................................21
3 RESULTS................................................................................................22
3.1 Yield ........................................................................................................22
3.1.1 Fresh Weight of the Storage Roots .........................................................22
3.1.2 Storage Root Number .............................................................................22

3.1.3 Distribution of the Root Weight and Frequency.......................................23
3.1.4 Yield Index ..............................................................................................24
3.2 Refractometric Index in Storage Roots ...................................................24
3.3 Influence of Weight on the RI in the Storage Roots ................................25
3.4 Phenotypic Characteristics of Storage Roots..........................................26
3.4.1 Colouring of Root Stock and Roots .........................................................26
3.4.2 Morphological Diversity in Storage Root Yield ........................................28
3.5 Duplicates of Accessions in the Germplasm Banks ................................28
3.5.1 Refractometric Index and Root Yield ......................................................28
3.5.2 Phenotypic Characteristics of Storage Roots..........................................29
4 DISCUSSION ..........................................................................................32
4.1 Reliability of Post-Harvest Characteristics ..............................................32
4.1.1 Influence of environmental Factors on Post-Harvest Traits ....................32
4.2 Physiological Traits .................................................................................33
4.2.1 Refractometric Index ...............................................................................33
4.2.2 Yield ........................................................................................................34
4.3 Morphological Traits................................................................................34
5 CONCLUSION ........................................................................................36
6 SUMMARY ..............................................................................................37
6 RESUMEN ..............................................................................................39
6 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ..........................................................................41
7 REFERENCES........................................................................................43


Figure 1: Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) morphological aspects. 3

Figure 2: Map o Peru with the location of the gene banks of International Potato
Centre (CIP), Regional Centre of Andean Biodiversity Research (CRIBA)
and National University of Cajamarca (UNC). 13
Figure 3: Weight distribution of roots per weight class and plant and frequency
distribution of the number of roots per weight class and plant. 16
Figure 4: Secondary pigmentation in yacon storage roots. 16
Figure 5: Relation between width and length of yacon storage roots. 17
Figure 6: Types of surface structure of yacon storage roots. 17
Figure 7: Principal storage root types of yacon. 18
Figure 8: Yield means per plant of the accessions at the gene banks. 23
Figure 9: Root number means per plant of the accessions at the gene banks. 23
Figure 10: RI means (Brix) of the accessions at the gene banks. 25
Figure 11: Accessions with high characteristic root type pattern. 27
Figure 12: Secondary pigmentation in yacon storage roots. 27
Figure 13: Accessions with similar traits in storage roots. 30
Figure 14: Yield profiles of duplicated yacon accessions. 31


Table 1: Chemical composition of yacon accessions per 1 kg of root fresh matter. 5

Table 2: Potential traits for a morphological and physiological characterization of
yacon clones. 9
Table 3: Location and description of the three gene banks of International Potato
Centre (CIP), Regional Centre of Andean Biodiversity Research and
National University of Cajamarca (UNC). 14
Table 4: Description and codification of the root types. 18
Table 5: Average FW and number of storage roots from different germplasm banks
in Peru used for this study. 22
Table 6: Average soluble solids concentration in storage roots from different
germplasm banks in Peru. 25
Table 7: Average RI (Brix) in storage roots of different weight classes. 26


1.1 Review of Literature relating to the Crop Yacon

1.1.1 Distribution and Domestication of Yacon in the Andean Region

Yacon (yacn, llacn, llakuma, aricoma, jiquima) (Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. &
Endl.) H. Robinson) belongs with other 21 Smallanthus species to the family of the
Asteraceae. The origin of yacon and its relatives are the humid slopes in the Andean
region of Latin America. In Peru seven Smallanthus species are found, from which yacon
is the only domesticated species (Brako and Zarucchi, 1993). According to Grau and Rea
(1997) the origin of the term yacon probably comes from the indigenous language
Quechua and is a composition of two words: yaccu = insipid and unu = agua.
It is supposed that the domestication of yacon began in the Yungas (1,000 to 2,300 masl)
or mountain jungle in the north of Bolivia or in the south of Peru (Grau et al., 2001).
However, the presence of yacon has declined and its area of cultivation has been
reduced. It is still grown in many smallholder locations throughout the Andes from
Ecuador to northwestern Argentina. Usually a few plants or rows are cultivated in field
corners or backyards to complement the food supply during the year through piece-meal
harvest (Hermann et al., 1999). In some regions yacon is occasionally cultivated in small
plots for sale to the local market (Grau et al., 2001). At present the commercial production
is rising due to an increasing demand for yacon.

1.1.2 Ecology

Grau and Rea (1997) mentioned that yacon shows a high plasticity, as it is able to grow in
a wide altitudinal range between 0 and 3,500 masl. Cultivation at sea level can be found,
for example, in New Zealand and Japan. The optimum temperature for growth is 18-25
C, but it is able to tolerate temperatures up to 40 C without mayor yield loss, if sufficient
amounts of water are supplied. Generally, the optimum precipitation is around 800 mm.
Yacon is adapted to a wide variety of soils, but prefers rich, moderately deep to deep,

light, well-structured and well-drained soils. Growth is poor in heavy soils. Yacon tolerates
a wide pH range from acid to weakly alkaline.

1.1.3 Cultivation Techniques

In Peru usually from the beginning of September until the end of November, depending on
rainfall, offsets are planted manually, by a plant density of 70 to 100 cm between rows and
60 to 80 cm between plants. During the cultivation cycle, pest and weed control does not
play a significant role, due to the rapid growth of yacon and natural agents are present
and effective (Lizrraga et al., 1997). Roots reach maturity after six to seven months at
the medium altitude sites (600 2,500 masl), and after up to a year at high altitude sites
(>2,500 masl). The average yield is around 30 t ha-1 fresh weight (FW) equal to between 1
and 15 kg per plant, but harvests of up to 100 t ha-1 have been achieved (Kakihara et al.,
1996). Normally the harvest occurs at the end of the rainy season when the aerial parts
are dying off (C. Arbizu, CIP-Lima, 2002, pers. comm.).

1.1.4 Botanical and morphological Description

Grau and Rea (1997) describe yacon as a perennial herb of 1.5 to 3 m height. The root
system is composed of 4-20 fleshy tuberous storage roots that can reach a length of 25
cm by 10 cm diameter, and an extensive system of thin fibrous roots. The shape of the
storage roots reminds of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir.). The flesh colour of the
storage roots varies considerably: white, cream, white with purple striations, purple, pink
and yellow. The tuberous root bark is brown, pink, purplish, cream or ivory white and very
thin (1-2 mm). Yacon is propagated vegetatively with 8-12 cm long offsets or propagules
(seeds) taken from the root stock (corona). Storage roots without attached stem are not
able to produce shoots. The stem is cylindrical or subangular, ramified in most clones,
hollows at maturity, densely pubescent and a green to purplish coloured bark. Lower
leaves are broadly ovate and hastate or subhastate, connate and auriculate at the base;
upper leaves are ovate-lanceolate, without lobes and hastate base; upper and lower
surfaces are densely pubescent. The inflorescences are terminal, composed of one to five
axes, each one with three capitula (Fig.1). The colour of the flower varies between yellow
to bright orange; ray flowers are two or three toothed. Usually sterile seeds are produced;
the sexual propagation in yacon is less frequent than in other Smallanthus species.

1.1.5 Beneficial Aspects

The crop is cultivated for its tuberous storage roots, which possess a sweet flavour due to
several carbohydrates including fructose, glucose and sucrose and oligofructans. Dried
leaves can be prepared as a relaxing-tea. Therefore, the main advantages which justify
the cultivation of this crop are its adaptability to a wide range of climates and soils and its
potential for incorporation into agroforestry systems, erosion control, and the potential use
of both underground and aerial plant parts as forage. Even so a wide range of processing
alternatives, good post-harvest life and, if managed properly, exceptional qualities for low
calorie diets and natural medicines make a cultivation attractive (Grau and Rea, 1997).

Figure 1: Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) morphological

aspects (Len, 1964). A: flowering branches. B: leaves. C:
flowerhead. D-F: tuberous roots. G: transverse section of the
tuberous root (x, xylem, c, cortex tissues). H: staminate disk
flower. I: pistilate ray flower.

1.2 Components of Yacon Storage Roots

The principal component of the yacon root is water (93 - 70 % of FW). About 90 % of the
dry weight (DW) are carbohydrates. The content of fibre, vitamins, minerals and protein in
the roots is small (Grau et al. (2001) (Tab. 1). For centuries yacon was cultivated only on
a small scale. Although the medicinal properties of this root were partly known, recently,
more attention has been paid to its beneficial ingredients, especially the carbohydrates.
Investigations were carried out and the composition of storage carbohydrate was
analysed (Ohyama et al., 1990; Asami, 1991).

1.2.1 Carbohydrate Composition in the Yacon Storage Roots

The carbohydrate composition of yacon varies considerably throughout the growing cycle
and after harvest (Asami et al., 1991; Graefe, 2002). Grau and Rea (1997) assumed that
the different concentrations of oligofructans (also called fructo-oligosaccharide = FOS) in
the dry matter of the storage roots was attributed to the different time after harvest at
which analyses were undertaken. According to this, Hermann et al. (1999) mentioned that
the increasing de-polymerization of fructans increased sweetness and caused a
concomitant rise in the Refractometric index (RI). With increasing time of post-harvest
storage, fructans and sucrose are depolymerised by hydrolysis into glucose and fructose.

1.2.2 Oligofructans in the Yacon Storage Roots

In yacon roots an oligofructan similar to inulin with a polymerization degree (DP) of 3 10

and a E - (1, 2) bond was identified. Due to the low DP of the oligofructans in yacon roots
it is not an inulin like the oligofructans in other members of the Asteraceae in which the
DP amounts to about 35 (Ohyama et al., 1990).
It is well known that oligofructans have a number of medicinal properties. The inclusion of
oligofructans in the human diet supports the development of probiotic bacterial flora and
decreases the colonization of salmonella in the intestine. Because oligofructans are not
metabolized by humans, they can be incorporated in a low calorie diet for diabetics (Grau
et al. (2001). The high concentration of fructose and oligofructans in the roots justifies its
potential for the development of yacon syrup as a low caloric sweetener (Hermann et al.

1999). Additionally the sweetening effect of fructose is about twice as strong as that of
sucrose (Badui, 1993).
In spite of the very promising potential of its active ingredients, until now large scale yacon
cultivation and possible industrialization have not been adequately researched (Melgarejo,
1999). Knowledge about the crop is limited and a lot of research is still required.
Furthermore there exists a potential to use wild relatives in breeding programs that could
improve desirable traits such as a thicker root bark, looser storage root arrangement and
higher oligofructan levels (Grau and Rea, 1997). Grau et al. (2001) suggested that S.
macroscyphus could be incorporated into breeding programs to improve the production of
FOS with a DP > 6 and to shorten the vegetation cycle.

Table 1: Chemical composition of yacon accessions per 1 kg of root

fresh matter (Hermann et al., 1999).

Carbohydrate Mean

Dry Matter (g) 115

Fructans (g) 62
Free glucose (g) 3.4
Free fructose (g) 8.5
Free sucrose (g) 14
Total carbohydrates (g) 106
Protein (g) 3.7
Fibre (g) 3.6
Fat (mg) 244
Ash (mg) 5.027
Calcium (mg) 87
Phosphorus (mg) 240
Potassium (mg) 2.282

1.3 Biodiversity

In spite of its clonal propagation yacon shows considerable morphological and

physiological variation. The main variability in traits of the tuberous roots is found in
Ecuador and in northern and southern Peru. Arbizu and Robles (1986) indicated that the
major genetic diversity of yacon appears to be in the eastern Andean part between the
Apurimac river basin (12 S) in Peru and the La Paz river basin in Bolivia (17 S). The
variability in flesh colour is highest in southern Peru and northern Bolivia, where variants
with white, cream, yellow and purple flesh can be found. There is less variability in

Ecuador, southern Bolivia and northwestern Argentina, from where only white and yellow
clones have been reported.

However, it is difficult to distinguish the variants and to find adequate characteristics that
identify a clone, because plants from a certain geographic range can have a form that
reflects the environmental circumstances of the area where it is grown. These
characteristics have a low heritability which can disappear when the variants grow in the
same environment (Grau and Rea, 1997).
During the last decades the diversity of cultivated yacon has decreased due to genetic
erosion during the last decades (Velasquez, 1996). According to the most recent survey,
less than a million people in the Andes consumed or knew of yacon. Also, farmers prefer
basic food crops like potato, wheat, barley, beans etc., which have substituted yacon in
the farmers diet (Grau and Rea, 1997).
Nowadays, this trend seems to be changing, because of the interest in the medicinal
qualities of the crop. Yacon has recently been introduced to other continents. For
example, it is cultivated in several states of the USA, however without reaching yet a
commercial production level. Experiments were carried out in Northern New Zealand,
where the crop has reached the supermarkets as a specialty vegetable. In Japan, Brazil
and Korea, yacon is cultivated commercially. In the Czech Republic and other Central
European countries, attempts were made to establish yacon production, but this has
largely failed due to the long winter season (Grau and Rea, 1997).

1.4 Yacon Gene Banks

In order to benefit from yacon on a large scale and to reach a reliable and secure supply,
the plants biodiversity should be better exploited. Currently, the objectives of breeding
programs and conservation of quality genetic material can not be achieved given the
limited knowledge about wild and cultivated yacon variants. The marginal crop cultivation
techniques of small holders have contributed to this problem.

Prior to 1980 no clear taxonomic key for yacon existed (Rea, 1998). Recently a network of
institutions in Latin America began to collect and to systematically document yacon
material in gene banks, based on a collaborating program of RTA (Races y Tuberculos
Andinos), which was initiated in 1992. Holle and Talledo (2001) remarked that the

implementation of a conservation system needs to classify the biological diversity which is
available in the gene banks. This would require some knowledge about the heritability of
traits, the identification of the parallel forms of each group of organisms and of duplicates,
and the evaluation of the genetic variance of the species in order to conserve germplasm
of each species variety as an evolutionary unit. In this context, the collections must be
documented recording the location, the collector and already existing germplasm.

Currently, the following institutions are working on the conservation of RTA germplasm
(Arbizu and Holle, 1997):

1. A collection of 32 yacon accessions, which are characterized morphologically and

molecularly is managed by INIAP (Autonomous National Institute of Agricultural
Research) in Pichincha, Ecuador (3,058 masl). The material is planted once a year,
and duplicates are maintained in vitro at 5 C. A major part of the accessions comes
from the provinces of Caar, Azuay and Loja in southern Ecuador.

2. In Bolivia, material from 30 accessions is held, also in situ (17 families), in the La Paz
department. In Argentina, only minor collections of yacon exist.

3. In Peru, 417 accessions have been collected. However, a large number of those are
duplicates (Arbizu and Holle, 1997).

The collections of yacon material are held in:

a) The los Baos del Inca research station of the National University of Cajamarca
(UNC), Cajamarca, at 2,536 masl, This collection consists of 90 accessions and
maintains the yacon variants of the northern departments of Peru.

b) The International Potato Centre (CIP), which maintains a collection of 44

accessions in Lima (240 masl) and Mariscal Castilla (2,550 masl). Up to now, only
41 accessions have been characterized morphologically.

c) The National Research and Technology Institute of Agriculture and Nutrition (INIA)
holds 119 accessions in Cusco (3,392 masl).

d) The Regional Centre of Andean Biodiversity Research (CRIBA) at the Universidad
Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco (UNSAAC) manages 157 accessions
from southern Peru in Ahuabamba, Cusco (2,100 masl), and has also initiated an
in situ program at five localities.

e) One further collection in Ayacucho holds 7 accessions.

1.5 Information about Plant genetic Resources

1.5.1 Documentation of Gene Banks

Any information related to plant genetic resources increases the usefulness of the
germplasm resources to regular and potential users. The availability of data describing the
conserved germplasm helps administrators, curators and users in the monitoring of
inventories and seed germination, as well as in the tracking and shipping of germplasm.
The evaluation of the genetic diversity and selection of germplasm in the collections
enhances their utilization, supports the future collecting and help to coordinate interactions
between the collecting institutions (Perry, 1992).

1.5.2 Morphological Classification of Yacon

In spite of the claim of germplasm banks that morphological criteria for the differentiation
of yacon types have been identified it is difficult to characterize the conserved plant
material. The high variation in morphological features prevents the application of adequate
descriptors like those in the officially accepted descriptor lists for other species, which are
published by the IPGRI, for example the descriptors of oca (Oxalis tuberosa) (IPGRI and
CIP, 2001).
Although field collections, conservation and evaluation of yacon clones exist, the gene
banks and the in situ collections of yacon could not agree on homogene descriptors, and
there likely exist many duplicates with different names.
In many studies yacon accessions were characterized by individual criteria and a different
number of descriptors. In Cajamarca, Huaman (1991) carried out an experiment with 45
accessions to determine the relevance of 46 descriptors. In the trial of Taboada (1998)

which was carried out in Cusco, 72 descriptors had been used to distinguish the clones. In
Oxapampa Melgarejo (1999) chose seven descriptors to identify variants. In the study of
Paz (1997) three types of yacon were differentiated by root colour and pigmentation in
Bolivia. Franco and Rodriguez (1997) characterized 60 biotypes with twelve features.
Meza and Cruz (1995) only used the root bark to group the accessions.
Given the unequal characterization of the yacon accessions among the gene banks, Holle
and Talledo (2001) concluded that a homogeneity and standardization of descriptors
would be needed for an efficient management of the collected accessions. This avoids
duplicates and makes it possible to exchange information about the documented data
between the institutions. Following this idea, Arbizu et al. (2001) proposed a list of 20
descriptors (Appendix A), which should be recognized by various Peruvian institutions as
standard criterions to identify accessions of S. sonchifolius. However, until today the list is
not completed and the reliability of some descriptors has not been confirmed.

Table 2: Potential traits for a morphological and physiological characterization of yacon

clones (Seminario, 1995).
Morphological characteristics Physiological characteristics

x erect and semi-erect plant type

x internode length, stem colour
x stem and leaf pubescence { flowering habit and duration
x number of flower heads { tuberous root yield and quality
x colour of flower heads { dry matter content
x shape and tooth number of the { oligofructan content
corolla { reducing sugar content
x root grouping { changes in sugar patterns during
x root shape post-harvest period
x root skin colour
x root flesh colour
x number of tuberous roots per plant

1.5.3 Passport Data

The way of documenting and maintaining information about the germplasm differs from
institution to institution, which makes any information exchange difficult. Due to the
incomplete passport data, for persons except the curator an accessions origin often
remains unclear. Hijmans (2002), for example, showed in a survey the necessity for
complete passport data to determine relations between the agroecological conditions at
the site of the original distribution and agronomic traits for potatoes. Also Hershey et al.

(1994) mentioned that the geographic origin is of a fundamental importance for the
genetic diversity. The FAO (1996) gives several recommendations about the optimal
conservation and utilization of germplasm and in the CGIAR centres a System-wide
Information Network on Genetic Resources (SINGER) is under development.

1.5.4 Evaluation of agronomic Traits in Yacon

The evaluation of the variation in agronomic and consumer related traits is of most
importance for the genetic improvement of a crop (Hershey, 1992). Melgarejo (1999)
indicated different yield and soluble solid concentration for the tested accessions.
Hermann et al. (1999) observed differences in the refractometric index and yield of the
investigated accessions. Kuroda (1992) tested seven accessions in tissue culture and was
able to select a line with a higher sugar concentration. Kuroda and Ishihara (1993)
determined high sugar variability in yacon. Nuez et al. (2001) selected three of ten
accessions with a higher concentration of FOS.

1.6 Objectives of the Study

This study focuses on the establishment of classification criteria to structure the post-
harvest diversity in storage roots of yacon. To use yacon on a larger scale and to reach a
reliable and secure supply, advantage must be taken of the plants biodiversity and
potential genetic resources.

In cooperation with CIP, UNC and CRIBA, which manage the main yacon gene banks in
Peru, this study aims at presenting a classification scheme to improve the accessibility to
the Peruvian germplasm and to foster the rapid and efficient exchange of information and
a uniform way of documentation. In the long run, the appearance of duplicates in the gene
banks should diminish and a quick and uncomplicated updating of the accession specific
information should be possible.

In order provide a quick and precise overview about the post-harvest characteristics in the
germplasm, the fresh-matter yield and specific yield formation properties, refractometric
index (RI) and morphological characteristics of the storage roots, grown at the sites of the
respective gene banks, were evaluated and entered into a central database. To avoid
post-harvest compositional changes in the roots and to conserve the unspoiled
appearance of the roots, the analyses were carried out at the gene banks immediately
after harvest.


2.1 Origin and Identification of the Yacon Germplasm

The field work was carried out during the harvest time of 2002 at the germplasm
collections of International Potato Centre (CIP) in Mariscal Castilla, Regional Centre of
Andean Biodiversity Research (CRIBA) in Ahuabamba and National University of
Cajamarca (UNC) in Cajamarca, where the yacon accessions were maintained ex situ
(Fig. 2 and Tab. 3).

To properly characterise the accessions, the passport data that were obtained from the
germplasm banks were compiled, checked, corrected and joined together into a central
database (Appendix E). The database terms were selected according to the guidelines of
the Singer Data Dictionary (, FAO and IPGRI (2001) and additional
suggestions of CIP. Whenever needed, the coordinates of the accessions were corrected.
At CRIBA, for example, coordinates were not available. Geographic data were calculated
and compiled by using DIVA-GIS software (Hijmans, R. et al, 2002) and maps on the
scale of 1:100,000 from the National Geographic Institute (ING), Lima - Peru.
Generally, the yacon germplasm was grown in plots of more or less 1ha without any
additional application of fertilizer. The arrangement of the yacon plants in the field was not
repeated, that is each accession was planted in one single plot only.
At CIP 34 accessions were used for analysis. Three seven month old plants of each
accession were analyzed. At CRIBA 80 accessions were harvested after a vegetation
period of eight months. Three plants of each accession were available. At UNC about 88
accessions were maintained. Here four plants per accession of an average age of 2.5
years were analyzed. The harvest took place without machinery but with special spades
called Chaquitaclla, which are generally used by the local farmers to avoid damage on
the storage roots.

< 1000 masl
1000 2000 masl

2000 -3000 masl

3000 4000 masl

> 4000 masl






Gene banks




Figure 2: Map of Peru with the location of the gene banks of International Potato Centre (CIP),
Regional Centre of Andean Biodiversity Research (CRIBA) and National University of Cajamarca

2.2 Analyzed Parameters

2.2.1 Fresh Weight (FW) and Number of Storage Roots

Immediately after harvest, the roots were cleaned, weighed and subdivided into five
weight categories >60 g, 60-<100 g, 100-<150 g, 150-<200 g and t200 g. Per accession,
the mean average of all the weights was considered and the mean average of the
quantity of storage roots were determined within each weight class with the aim to
establish a distribution of weight and frequency, thereby revealing the specific yield
formation properties of each accession (Fig. 3).

Table 3: Location and description of the three gene banks of International Potato Centre (CIP),
Regional Centre of Andean Biodiversity Research (CRIBA) and National University of Cajamarca
(UNC). (For the data of precipitation and Temperature during the year 2000 look at Appendix B)

Germplasm bank CIP CRIBA UNC

State Junin Cusco Cajamarca

Province Concepcion Urubamba Cajamarca
District Mariscal Castilla Machu Picchu Los Baos del Inca
Locality Mariscal Castilla Ahuabamba Universidad
Longitude -75.084 -72.552 -78.5
Latitude -11.601 -13.201 -7.166
Altitude (m) 2,550 2,100 2,536
Annual Temperature Average (C) 15*1) 18*3) 15*4)
Annual Precipitation (mm) 1,039*1 1,200*3) 551*4)
Relative Humidity (%) 92*1) 60*3) 70*4)
Soil texture Clayey loam*2) Loam*3) Clayey loam*5)
pH (in H2O) 4.3*2) 4.2*3) 7*5)
Number of Accessions 34 80 88
*1) Source from the CIP, Lima (2000); *2) Source from the laboratory of analisis for soil, plant, water and fertilizer, National University Agraria
La Molina (UNALM), Lima (2001); *3) Source from L. Lizarraga (pers. comm., 2002), CRIBA, Ahuabamba; *4) Source from the meteorological
station A. Weberbauer, UNC-Senamhi, 2000; *5) Source from the soil laboratory of the UNC, Cajamarca (2000);

2.2.2 Refractometric Index in Storage Roots

The refractometric index of the storage roots (RI) was measured with a portable
refractometer (Brix scale 0-32 %) immediately after harvest, to determine the natural
concentration of soluble solids in the roots. Typically the RI is a measure of soluble solids
and is highly correlated with the sugar concentration and sweetness of yacon (Hermann,
1999 and Graefe, 2002). Following recommendations on sampling yacon root sap for RI

determination made by Ynouye (unpublished data, 2002), a slice of 1 cm thickness was
transversally cut out of each roots central part. The slice was squeezed out and a drop of
root sap was transferred to the refractometer to measure the sugar concentration. For the
analysis seven roots per plant were used and roots from all weight classes were taken to
determine the relation between RI and weight class. However, existing number of plants
per accession in the germplasm banks seemed insufficient thereafter, in order to obtain
trustworthy statements about representative RI values per accession.

2.2.3 Colouring of the Root Stock and the Root Flesh

The colour of the root stock was determined according to the descriptor list, proposed by
Arbizu et al., 2001) (Appendix A).The colour of the root flesh was determined at the
moment of cutting the roots to measure the RI. The flesh colour was compared according
to the colour chart from the Royal Horticultural Society, London (1995). Four main colour
groups were identified. The orange group was represented by orange colour types,
according to the plates 24 (B - D) and 25 (D). The white group was represented by white
(plate 155), greyed white (plate 156) and green white types (plate 157). The intermediate
stage of the orange and white types was called cream group with colour variations among
the yellow white (plate 158) and orange white (plate 159) levels. In some accessions,
secondary purple pigmentation deposits were observed, whereby a difference was made
between the different kinds of pigment distribution within the flesh (Fig. 4).

2.2.4 Morphological Characteristics of the Storage Roots

To analyse the specific morphological features of each accession, representative roots

and a part of the root stock were documented photographically (Appendix G).
Subsequently the accessions were categorized systematically by parameters to evaluate
the post-harvest handling, such as yield uniformity, peeling aptitude, length-width-relation,
predominant root-type-pattern and surface structure type of the root.
According to the variation size in root weight and in the length-width relation of the roots,
the yield uniformity of an accession was indicated by high variation or low variation in the
yield (Appendix E). The peeling aptitude is an important qualitative trait to determine the
suitability for processing procedures. Accessions with irregular formed roots were
considered as unsuitable and showed a good aptitude if the roots were regular formed.

According to their length-width relation the roots were classified into elongated or
shortened roots (Fig. 5). If a root with a ridged surface structure was found in the
accession, it was noted as ridged, or if not, as smooth (Fig. 6). To determine the
predominant root type pattern of an accession, seven root types were established (Fig. 7
and Tab. 4), the roots being differentiated by strict features accordingly.











<60 60-<100 100-<150 150-<200 >=200

Weight class (g)

Figure 3: Weight distribution of roots per weight class and plant (bars) and
frequency distribution of the number of roots per weight class and plant
(asterisks) for about 200 accession exemplifying types of profiles. (see
Appendix F for all accessions).

Figure 4: Secondary
pigmentation in yacon
storage roots. 1a = cross
section of a root with radially
distributed secondary
pigmentation; 1b =
longitudinal section of a root
with radially distributed
secondary pigmentation; 2a =
cross section of a root with
1a 2a marginally distributed
secondary pigmentation; 2b =
longitudinal section of a root
with marginally distributed
secondary pigmentation.

1b 2b

a) c)

x / y = 0.5

x / y <0.5


x / y >0.5

Figure 5: Relation between width and length of yacon storage roots. To determine if a root was elongated
or shortened, the maximal transverse axis (x) was divided by the maximal longitudinal axis (y). At a ratio of 0.5
(a) or >0.5 (b) the root was considered as shortened. At a ratio of <0.5 (c) the root was considered as

Figure 6: Types of surface structure of

yacon storage roots.

Smooth Ridged

Lemon-shaped Reverse pear-shaped

Pear-shaped Spherical Cylindrical

Figure 7: Principal storage root types of yacon.

Table 4: Description and codification of the root types in Fig. 7.

Shape type Lemon Pear Spherical Cylindrical
The main
Opposite of
root part is in
reverse pear Formed like Shaped like
the upper
Narrows shaped, a ball, the a cylinder.
part. The
from the however, the axes of width The ends
Description lower end
central part upper part and can be
to both ends. finishes longitude are truncated or
truncated or
pointed or nearly equal. pointed.
like an acute

2.3 Data Processing and Analysis

To visualize the variation in yield, root number and RI, the standard deviation (STD of the
means) are indicated. Within the accessions the variation in the RI was particularly high,
therefore, it was decided to additionally present the lower (LCL) and upper confidence
limits (UCL) of the means (Appendix E).
The range of the five weight classes was chosen subjectively to record the distribution of
the major yield part in an adequately resolved yield profile. In order to determine if that
was a relation between RI and the root weight, a correlation of RI on weight class was

Because various root types within an accession appeared frequently, only the
predominant root types were considered for the individual root shape pattern. In
accessions with the appearance of both elongated and shortened roots ,the mean of the
length-width ratio (Fig. 5) of all roots was a decisive factor for a classification into an
elongated or shortened shape type.

2.3.1 Yield Uniformity

The uniformity expresses the variation of shapes (elongated, shortened) and individual
root weight within the yield of an accession. The smaller the value of uniformity the greater
the homogeneity in yield. For classification, accessions with an uniformity smaller than 10
% were considered as uniform (Appendix C and E).

U = CV1 x CV2 / 100

U = Uniformity

CV1 = coefficient of variation for length-width relation

CV2 = coefficient of variation for individual root weight of roots that weighed more

2.3.2 Yield Index

Important parameters in assessing the yield profile of an accession are per plant
1) amount of yield per weight class
2) number of root per weight class.
Naturally, these two numbers are correlated. Since it is cumbersome to compare multiple
numbers among accessions, a yield index (YI) was calculated based on the assumption
that larger roots are of greater interest in practice:

YI = 0.01 x W1 + 0.02 x W2 + 0.03 x W3 + 0.04 x W4 + 0.05 x W5

YI = yield index

W1 = the percentage of the root number per accession of a given plant that was
composed of roots that weighed less than 60 g.

W2 = the percentage of the root number per accession of a given plant that was
composed of roots that weighed between 60 g and less than 100 g.

W3 = the percentage of the root number per accession of a given plant that was
composed of roots that weighed between 100 g and less than 150 g.

W4 = the percentage of the root number per accession of a given plant that was
composed of roots that weighed between 150 g and less than 200 g.

W5 = the percentage of the root number per accession of a given plant that was
composed of roots that weighed t200 g.

To rank the importance on YI, scores from 0.01 to 0.05 were assigned to the weight
classes. The greater the YI of an accession, the larger the portion of roots in desirable
weight classes.

2.3.3 Codification of the Parameters

To make the data accessible, codes were assigned to the analyzed parameters and
entered into the central database (Appendix E).

Yield uniformity:
0 = high variation
1 = low variation

Peeling aptitude:
0 = bad
1 = good

1 = shortened
2 = elongated

Root surface structure:

0 = smooth
1 = ridged

Predominant root type pattern:

1 = lemon shaped
2 = reverse pear shaped
3 = pear shaped
4 = spherical
5 = cylindrical

Colour of the root flesh:

1 = white
2 = cream
3 = yellow

Distribution of the secondary pigmentation:

0 = without
1 = radial
2 = marginal

Colour of the root stock:

1 = white
2 = white with red-purple
3 = red-purple


3.1 Yield

3.1.1 Fresh Weight of the Storage Roots

The fresh weight (FW) of the roots varied strongly among the accessions, yielding from
zero to almost 17 kg per plant. Differences between the accessions were large. The CVs
indicated a fluctuation of up to 80 % for the average FW, which was 3.3 kg per plant (Tab.
5). A number of high yielding accessions were found, in which a FW more than 8 kg per
plant was obtained, but other accessions did not even yield 1 kg per plant (Appendix E).
Particularly high yields were obtained for the accessions Y-065, Y-031, Y-104 and Y-067
(about 5 kg FW more than the total average of the FW) at the genebank of CRIBA, where
the highest variability in yield was found (Fig. 8).

Table 5: Average FW and number of storage roots from different germplasm banks in Peru used
for this study.
FW (kg) per plant Number per plant
Germplasm bank* Mean STD Mean STD
CIP 2.43 1.25 15 6
CRIBA 4.87 3.74 21 13
UNC 2.19 1.48 12 7
Mean 3.29 2.80 16 9
*CIP = International Potato Centre, Mariscal Castilla; CRIBA = Regional Centre of Andean Biodiversity Research, Ahuabamba; UNC =
National University of Cajamarca, Cajamarca

3.1.2 Storage Root Number

The number of storage roots per plant varied between 1 and 43, in the accessions Y-068,
Y-065, respectively (accessions without roots are not considered) (Fig.9). In general, the
variability in root number was high at all genebanks, however in the genebank at CIP no
accession yielded less than 10 roots per plant (Appendix E). The accessions at CRIBA
showed the highest mean average root number per plant, but also the largest fluctuation
in root number was found (Tab.5).





Yield (kg)







Figure 8: Yield means per plant of the accessions at the gene banks (2002). CIP =
International Potato Centre, Mariscal Castilla; CRIBA = Regional Centre of Andean
Biodiversity Research, Ahuabamba; UNC = National University of Cajamarca, Cajamarca.

Root number


Figure 9: Root number means per plant of the accessions at the gene banks (2002).
CIP = International Potato Centre, Mariscal Castilla; CRIBA = Regional Centre of Andean
Biodiversity Research, Ahuabamba; UNC = National University of Cajamarca, Cajamarca.

3.1.3 Distribution of the Root Weight and Frequency

In general the main part of the yield was due to roots in the weight class t200 g. 45 % of
the harvested roots had a root weight of t100 g. The frequency of roots per weight class
decreased continuously with an increasing yield, however the number of roots in the

weight class t200 g was as high as in the weight class 60-<100 g. The yield profiles of the
accessions with extremes in FW and root number were very different. High yielding
accessions such as CLLUNC-072 and Y065 had a similar profile with the highest share
in roots t200 g and a smaller amount of roots that weighed less than 60 g. In the
accessions with poor yields, the root frequency distribution was shifted towards the lower
weight classes. Exceptions were the accessions CYDPA-07011, CLLUNC-035 and
CLLUNC-099, for which no roots appeared in the class t150 g.
The mean distribution of root weight and frequency differed between the gene banks. At
CRIBA nearly 90 % and at UNC more than 65 % of the weight was determined in the
weight classes t100 g, while at CIP the share of weight amounted 55 %.
At CIP and UNC around less than 40 % of the roots had a root weight t100 g, which was
different to the distribution of the frequency at CRIBA, where 60 % weighed more than
100 g (Appendix F).

3.1.4 Yield Index

The mean YI amounted 2.6 and had a STD of 0.6, which indicates, that in relation to the
variability of absolute root numbers, a moderate variation within the accessions was
found. The highest mean average YI with an amount of 3.0 was found at the gene bank of
CRIBA and the lowest at CIP, where the YI amounted 2.1 (Appendix E). Overall the
percentage of the roots in larger weight classes was higher at CRIBA than at CIP
(Appendix F).

3.2 Refractometric Index in Storage Roots

The variation of RI among the roots was high, as the CV amounted to 40%. Minimum and
maximum RI extremes were 13 Brix (Appendix E). Most measurements were between
6.6 and 12 Brix. In 50 % of all accessions the RI was found in the range of 7.1 11.7
Brix. Lower soluble solid concentrations were found in 30 % and higher concentrations in
20 % of all accessions. In the genebank at CIP the highest mean average RI was
presented. At CRIBA the mean of RI was in many accessions less than the mean of the
accessions at all genebanks together (Tab. 6). Outlying RI values were obtained for Y-
095, Y093 and Y096, in which RI was about 17 Brix (Fig.10 and Appendix E).

Table 6: Average soluble solids concentration in storage roots from different germplasm banks in
Germplasm bank* Mean STD
CIP 12.3 2.8
CRIBA 7.1 3.2
UNC 9.8 3.4
Mean 9.3 3.7
*CIP = International Potato Centre, Mariscal Castilla; CRIBA = Regional Centre of Andean Biodiversity Research, Ahuabamba; UNC =
National University of Cajamarca, Cajamarca.





RI (Brix)







Figure 10: RI means (Brix) of the accessions at the gene banks (2002). CIP =
International Potato Centre, Mariscal Castilla; CRIBA = Regional Centre of Andean
Biodiversity Research, Ahuabamba; UNC = National University of Cajamarca, Cajamarca.

3.3 Influence of Weight on the RI in the Storage Roots

A slight correlation between weight class and Brix was found. The highest average RI
was found in roots that weighed between 60 g and less than 100 g (10.1 Brix) and the
lowest (8.5 Brix) in the weight class t200 g FW (Tab. 7).

Table 7: Average RI (Brix) in storage roots of different weight classes.
RI (Brix)
Weight class (g) Mean STD LCL 0.95* UCL 0.95*
t200 8.5 3.18 8.2 8.7
150 - <200 8.8 3.48 8.5 9.1
100 - <150 9.6 3.76 9.3 9.8
60 - <100 10.1 3.92 9.8 10.3
<60 9.4 3.90 9.1 9.8
*LCL 0.95= Lower confidence limit at 95 % probability; UCL 0.95= Upper confidence limit at 95 % probability.

3.4 Phenotypic Characteristics of Storage Roots

Within the accessions the parameters varied strongly and could not always be used as an
adequate characterization to describe the clone. However, some accessions manifested
uniform appearances in storage roots, which were regarded as representative (Fig. 11).

3.4.1 Colouring of Root Stock and Roots

The root stock colour was white in 15 %, white with red-purple in 30 % and red-purple in
55 % of all accessions.
About 36 % of all accessions had a yellow, 40 % a cream and 24 % a white coloured root
flesh. About 4 % of the roots, which were all from the germplasm bank at CRIBA, showed
a secondary purple pigmentation. In some accessions fluctuations within the roots
occurred between orange / cream and cream / white, that a clear differentiation into more
precise colour gradates was difficult. The secondary purple pigmentation and its
distribution, on the other hand, were considered as very constant (Fig. 12).

a b

c d

Figure 11: Accessions with high characteristic root type pattern. a) In Y-089 (CRIBA, 2002) the
roots were predominately lemon-shaped and elongated. b) Shortened pear-shaped roots were
characteristic for CLLUNC-031 (UNC, 2002). c) The roots of CLLUNC-022 (UNC, 2002) were elongated
cylindrical. d) In CLLUNC-086 (UNC, 2002) the roots were variable in shape.

Figure 12: Secondary pigmentation in

yacon storage roots. 1a = cross section of
root with a radially distributed secondary
pigmentation; 1b = longitudinal section of
root with a radially distributed secondary
pigmentation; 2a = cross section of root
1a 2a with a marginally distributed secondary
pigmentation; 2b = longitudinal section of
root with a marginally distributed secondary

1b 2b

3.4.2 Morphological Diversity in Storage Root Yield

In the majority of the accessions the root yield was very heterogeneous. Elongated as well
as shortened storage roots were found almost in every accession. The length-width
relation fluctuated on an average of 40 % and the individual root weight about 80 % in the
accessions. In the gene bank at CIP 97 % of the accessions tended to elongated roots,
while at CRIBA around 70 % presented predominantly shortened roots. At UNC in 55 %
mainly shortened and in 45 % mainly elongated roots were found (Appendix E).
A number of accessions, however, had a more regular root yield pattern. The CV for
weight in CLLUNC108, Y-93, Y-95 and Y-96 indicated a large variation; however,
elongated roots predominated clearly in the root shape. In these accessions
underdeveloped propagules seemed to be typical. There were other accessions with
characteristic root types. In the accession CLLUNC-031 For example, the pear-shaped
root type dominated, in CLLUNC-022 cylindrical root types predominated and in Y-089
lemon-shaped root types were mainly found (Fig. 11 and Appendix G).
A ridged root surface structure was observed in only 5 % of the accessions and
concerned only scattered roots in the accession.

3.5 Duplicates of Accessions in the Germplasm Banks

Many accessions have been duplicated between the genebanks of CIP and UNC (C.
Arbizu, CIP-Lima, 2002, pers. comm.). Based on the similar sites of origin and passport
data it is likely that twelve CIP accessions were duplicated (Appendix D). However, the
characteristics of the putative duplicates were not always very similar.

3.5.1 Refractometric Index and Root Yield

The RI varied strongly between duplicated accessions. P-1385 and CLLUNC-086, which
are two genebank accessions representing the same clone, showed at CIP and at UNC
relatively high RI values. Also the weight varied strongly between duplicated accessions;
however, some accessions had relatively low yields at both genebanks, for example
AMM-5150 and CLLUNC-084, AME-5186 and CLLUNC-083.

3.5.2 Phenotypic Characteristics of Storage Roots

A visual comparison of the storage roots allowed recognizing similar traits within the same
accessions, which were grown at different sites (Fig. 13). Both AMM-5129 and CLLUNC-
091 had reverse pear-shaped root types in conjunction with a bad peeling aptitude. P-
1385 and CLLUNC-086 were also similar in the occurrence of cylindrical roots and a bad
peeling aptitude, while AME-5186 and CLLUNC-083 were very heterogeneous similarly
also and cylindrical, lemon- and reverse pear-shaped root types appeared predominantly.
AKW-5075 and CLLUNC-087 seemed to be similar. The roots had a good peeling
aptitude and the same root types appeared. Exceptionally in ACW-5076 and CLLUNC-
090 as well as in ARB-5124, ARB 5125, CLLUNC-089 and CLLUNC-094, the colour of the
root stock were similar in all duplicate pairs. The colour of the root flesh did not vary
considerably within the duplicates.

The similarity of the YI of some accession duplicates was indicator for the related yield
profile. Almost no deviation of the YI was determined in ACW-5076 and CLLUNC-090,
AJC-5189 and CLLUNC-096, AKW-5075 and CLLUNC-087, AME-5186 and CLLUNC-
083, AMM-5129 and CLLUNC-091, ARB-5027 and CLLUNC-082. With a view of the yield
profiles, the repeated conspicuous distributions of weight and frequency became more
In AMM-5129 and CLLUNC-091, the slight differences appeared in the weight class t200,
in which the weight increased in CLLUNC-091 by 10 %. The proportion of weight and
frequency in the other three weight classes were relatively stable. In spite of slight
differences among the yield profile of AME-5186 and CLLUNC-083 the emphasis of root
frequency and weight was established in the lower weight classes ( less than 150 g) by
around 75 % of the total yield. In ARB-5027 and CLLUNC-082 nearly similar profiles
resulted. The weight and frequency proportions decreased continuously with an
increasing weight class (Fig. 14).

1a 1b

2a 2b

3a 3b

4a 4b

Figure 13: Accessions with similar traits in storage roots. (duplicates are indicated by the same
number). 1a) AMM-5129 (CIP, 2002); 1b) CLLUNC-091 (UNC, 2002); 2a) P-1385 (CIP, 2002); 2b)
CLLUNC-086 (UNC, 2002); 3a) AME-5186 (CIP, 2002); 3b) CLLUNC-083 (UNC, 2002); 4a) AKW-5075
(CIP, 2002); 4b) CLLUNC-087 (UNC, 2002).

100 100
90 AMM-5129 (CIP, 2002) 90 CLLUNC-091 (UNC, 2002)
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
<60 60-<100 100-<150 150-<200 >=200 <60 60-<100 100-<150 150-<200 >=200

100 100
90 90
AME-5186 (CIP, 2002) CLLUNC-083 (UNC, 2002)
80 80
70 70
60 60

50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
<60 60-<100 100-<150 150-<200 >=200 <60 60-<100 100-<150 150-<200 >=200

100 100
90 ARB-5027 (CIP, 2002) 90 CLLUNC-082 (UNC, 2002)
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
<60 60-<100 100-<150 150-<200 >=200 <60 60-<100 100-<150 150-<200 >=200

Weight class (g)

Figure 14: Yield profiles of duplicated yacon accessions. The mean root weight and the absolute
number of root in each weight class per plant were transformed to relative values. The root weight is
depicted in bars and the root number is presented as asterisks.


4.1 Reliability of Post-Harvest Characteristics

The morphological traits of the subterranean parts differed in some specimen evidently
from others and perhaps could be considered as genetically determined. Within the
duplicates, traits such as root type pattern, distribution of weight and frequency and colour
of root stock showed to be relatively constant, while the others seemed to be influenced
largely by exterior factors such as climate and agricultural management. The colour of the
root flesh varied changed slightly within the roots of an accession. Therefore, it is referred
to by a range of shades within the colour type.
Due to the lack of repetitions at the same site, the relevance of the traits could not be
determined completely. Prior to this study, little was known about the ambient
circumstances, the accession specific information and the condition of the germplasm in
the gene banks. Even the accessions were not cultivated to produce a maximum output
but to conserve gene material. In this context, the results obtained in this study can only
partly assess the economic potential of an accession. Additionally it has been tested that
many agronomic traits are too genetically complex to be screened for in the preliminary
characterization (FAO, 1996). The complete extent of genetic variation within the
genebanks could not be fully determined by only referring to the subterranean parts.
Villavicencio (2002) determined a large genetic variance within 19 different groups among
31 yacon clones; when characteristics of above ground parts were included in the

4.1.1 Influence of environmental Factors on Post-Harvest Traits

Due to the lack of exact information about climate and agroecology it could not be
determined if the large variation of the agronomic traits within the genebank is affected by
the different origins of the accessions. Due to the highly diverse microclimate in the
Andean region, reconstructions about the conditions at the site of origin by interpolation of
officially available data could not be carried out. Hijmans (2002) referred to the problem of
low resolution of interpolated climate data. To relate climate and post-harvest

characteristics it is essential to document information about the climatic and
environmental conditions of the site of origin, for example like it is suggested in the
descriptors of oca (Oxalis tuberosa Mol.) from IPGRI and CIP (2001). Further, for
collecting expeditions in the future a spatially unbiased statistical sampling procedure
must be used to collect a representative sample of yacon in Peru.

4.2 Physiological Traits

4.2.1 Refractometric Index

Due to the scarce gene material available for this study no statistical analysis could be
carried out.
According to Graefe (2002), the genotypic variability of RI was higher within than between
the accessions. The environmental interactions might have caused the variability in RI
among the duplicated accessions at the two genebanks of CIP and UNC. Therefore, a
direct comparison of the RIs grown at different sites could not be carried out, and the RI
could not be used as a precise descriptor to differentiate accessions. Nevertheless, by
comparing accessions grown under the same environmental circumstances some
accessions have clearly distinct RIs. In other studies the same accessions showed
prominent results in RI. Nuez et al. (2001) reported that ARB-5125 had a high content of
FOS, which is, immediately after harvest, highly correlated to the RI (Hermann et al., 1999
and Graefe, 2002). Melgarejo (1999) reported higher RIs in accession ASL-136 and lower
RIs in ARB-5185. Also in the study of Hermann et al. (1999) ASL-136 showed higher RIs.
Because of the great fluctuation also between roots of the same plant, it is obvious that
the RI is not only affected by environmental factors. During the survey, it was observed
that extreme low RIs were measured in older roots, probably due to the advanced
decomposition process of the stored carbohydrates. Nieto (1991) observed that in some
accessions the process of maturation was more advanced than in others. It seemed to be
that the accession specific RI is affected by the speed and uniformity of which maturation
is reached. While it was intended to analyze only equally conditioned roots, it was difficult
to determine root only by visual selection.

Neither the root colour nor the root weight is a considerable factor for the variation in RI,
however, a slight relation between weight class and RI could be observed. In this context
it must be pointed to the high STD of the RI means in the weight classes.

4.2.2 Yield

Like the RIs the yield per plant fluctuated considerably within the accessions as well as
between the duplicated accessions at different sites. The high variation between the
duplicates can be due to the different micro climatic occurrences and soil conditions, the
different age of the cultivar and different agricultural management. Within the 2.5 year old
accessions in Cajamarca for example, many decomposed roots were found, while in
Mariscal Castilla the condition of the roots was much better. Therefore it could not be
proved if the high variation in yield within and between different accessions is determined
genetically. To determine the heritability in yield, the accessions should be grown under
similar environmental conditions and a monitoring over several harvest times is needed.

Similar to the RI, by comparison of the accessions within the same site some duplicates
resulted in Mariscal Castilla and in Cajamarca as low yielding accessions. Melgarejo
(1999) obtained high yields and root number by the accession P-1385, which came out in
this study similarly with relatively high results. For the accession ASL-136, which reached
the highest yield per plant and root number in the genebank at CIP, is known to normally
reaching high yields (Hermann et al. 1998).

4.3 Morphological Traits

The subdivision of the yield into the five weight classes was preliminary, whereby the
weight classes should be established within the main appearance of individual root
weight, to reflect an accession specific yield profile. In profit oriented production, roots of
the weight class <60g probably will not be important and more attention will be paid to the
upper weight classes. The YI is still a preliminary way to assign preferences to the distinct
weight classes. The importance of this value could increase if the root traits which are
interesting for breeding or market objectives are clearly determined. Then the YI should
be calculated based on the absolute root number.

Because of the supposed low heritability of the absolute yield and root number, it was
decided to present the yield distribution in percentage, which allowed a direct comparison
between the yield profiles.
Different to the study of Taboada (1998) the individual root shape was described by two
parameters, shape and predominant root type pattern. Still it is discussed if elongated and
shortened roots appear in the same plant or not. For example, Huaman (1991) mentioned
a genetically determined variation of the root diameter and length among the analyzed
accessions. M. Hermann (CIP-Lima, 2002, pers. comm.) supposed that shortened roots
are formed mainly in the centre of the root stock and are surrounded by elongated roots.
However, the evident differences in shape between the gene banks indicated to the
influence of external factors like climate or soil conditions. During the survey besides
accessions in which both shapes appeared, only elongated root formations could be
documented for example in CLLUNC-108, Y-093, Y-095 and Y-096. Grau and Rea (1997)
mentioned that irregularly shaped root types resulted from the contact with soil stones or
the pressure of neighbouring roots. Within the analyzed material of the duplicated
accessions even the irregularity seemed to be a repeating feature and was documented
as bad peeling aptitude. If it was due to the pressure of neighbouring roots it could be the
genetically determined growth peculiarities of the subterranean plant parts. For the
processing of yacon the peeling aptitude could be an important trait for purposeful
The individual root type was not an adequate criterion to differentiate the accessions in
every case, rather it was dealt with as a quantitative trait, and similar to Taboada (1998)
the predominant root type pattern was indicated in the database. It could be important for
the farmer to know about the specific root type pattern and shape, which can influence the
expenditure of harvesting. For example it is easier to harvest shortened or spherically-
shaped than elongated or lemon-shaped root types.


This study introduces to a classification scheme to structure the post-harvest

characteristics of yacon storage roots. The scheme links to a structured yacon database,
designed to support the preliminary evaluation of yacon germplasm. The obtained data
can be documented consistently and it is possible to enter supplementary data at a later
stage into the database. The evaluation of physiological and morphological traits related
to productivity and yield stability will be made easier. Due to the high variation, the set
parameters can not be considered separately for identification of accessions.

Refractometric index, yield and root number might be accession specific, which were
however highly variable at different growing sites. Environmental factors might be a
reason for the great fluctuation. The RI was not influenced by the root weight, but seemed
to be dependent on individual root age. Some accessions with characteristic individual
yield profile and root type pattern were documented. Partly the same characteristics were
noticed on duplicated accessions at distinct sites. However, the role of environmental
variables like altitude, temperature, precipitation, radiation, soil type and physiological
variables like plant age and age of individual roots on the investigated traits must be

Exactly arranged assays will be essential to determine the reliability of the investigated
traits and to provide information about the role of environmental and physiological factors.
The same accessions should be planted repeatedly in different altitudes and soils or
should be exposed to different temperatures, precipitation or radiation densities and
compared by the described parameters. To determine the root age, root formation and
their influence to the RI, yacon plants could be planted in hydroponics, whereby the RI will
be measured in intervals and dependent on the root position in the root stock. Also the
accessions should be on trial in field experiments and the RI should be measured in
certain intervals to obtain an accession specific RI gradient over time.


Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H. Robinson) is an underused and only
marginally marketed perennial Andean root crop. Recently, the interest for yacon has
increased due to the dietetic properties of the yacon storage roots, especially their high
content of oligofructans, also called fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS). Some institutions in
Peru have started to collect and conserve gene material. Until today, the extent of the
genetic diversity of yacon is unknown and a descriptive key for its characterization is
needed given the high variability of phenotypic traits. At many gene banks accessions are
characterized by subjective parameters, consequently, the data can hardly be compared.
The aim of the present study was to establish a classification scheme for yacon storage
roots according to their physiological traits such as fresh weight (FW), root number and
the refractometric index (RI) and phenotypic traits such as the colour of the root stock and
root flesh, yield uniformity, predominant root-type-pattern, peeling aptitude, length-width-
relation and surface structure type. In addition, representative roots and a part of the root
stock were documented photographically. The data set was based on about 200
accessions, maintained at three yacon gene banks in Peru at CIP (International Potato
Centre) in Mariscal Castilla, Junin; CRIBA (Regional Centre of Andean Biodiversity
Research) in Ahuabamba, Cusco and UNC (National University of Cajamarca) in
Immediately after harvest the FW, root number and the RI were determined. The roots
were subdivided into five weight classes >60 g, 60-<100, 100-<150 g, 150-<200 g and
t200 g, to establish a distribution of weight and frequency of each accession. The colour
of the propagules and the root flesh was determined according to the colour chart from the
Royal Horticultural Society, London (1995).

The FW and root number per plant varied considerably between the gene banks and also
among accessions. The total FW mean amounted to 3 kg per plant, whereby the highest
FW mean average of about 4.9 kg per plant was found at CRIBA. The total mean root
number was 16 roots per plant. The accessions with the largest mean average root
number per plant (21 roots per plant) were found at CRIBA and the accessions with the
lowest mean average (12 roots per plant) at UNC.
In 50 % of all accessions RI was in the range of 7.1 11.7 Brix. Lower soluble solid
concentrations were found in 30 %, and higher concentrations in 20 % of all accessions.

In the gene bank at CIP the accessions with the highest mean average RI (12.3 Brix)
were found. The analysis indicated that RI and individual root weight are not related. The
root yield, root number as well as RI seemed to be largely affected by cultivation and
environmental factors and their genetic determination remained unclear.
About 36 % of all accessions had a yellow, 40 % a cream and 24 % a white coloured root
flesh. About 4 % of the roots, all from the germplasm bank at CRIBA, showed a secondary
purple pigmentation. In 15 % of all accessions the root stock colour was white, in 30 %
white with red-purple and in 55 % red-purple.

Overall the results showed that only the consistent use of a well defined classification
scheme comprising FW, root number, RI, colour of root stock and root flesh, yield
uniformity, predominant root type pattern, peeling aptitude, length-width-relation and
surface structure type will allow to differentiate between the large range of morpho-types
in yacon.

To examine this further, the accessions should be grown under similar environmental
conditions. Subsequent bioassay or molecular tests should be conducted in order to
determine to what degree these morphological and physiological differences are
genetically determined.


Yacn (Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H. Robinson) es un cultivo perenne

andino, el cual todava esta siendo utilizado y comercializado marginalmente. El inters
por ste, se ha incrementado debido a las propiedades saludables de su raz,
especialmente la gran cantidad de oligofructanos, tambin llamados fructo-
oligosacaridos (FOS). En Per, algunos institutos comenzaron a colectar y conservar
material gentico. La extensin de la diversidad gentica es aun desconocida, y
descriptores para la caracterizacin son necesarios debido a la gran variabilidad de las
caractersticas fenotpicas. En varios bancos de germoplasma, la identificacin es
determinada con parmetros subjetivos, por consiguiente es difcil a comparar los datos.
El objetivo de este trabajo fue a establecer un sistema para uniformizar las caractersticas
de post-cosecha de la raz de yacn, de acuerdo a sus caractersticas fisiolgicas como
peso fresco (PF), nmero de races y el ndice refractometrico (IR) as como
caractersticas fenotpicas como color de los propagulos y de la pulpa de las races,
uniformidad del rendimiento, formas predominantes de races, aptitud para pelar, relacin
entre longitud y ancho y estructura de la superficie de la raz. Adicional races
representativas y un muestro de la corona fueron documentados fotogrficamente. Los
datos fueron basados en aproximado 200 accesiones, mantenidas en tres bancos
peruanos de germoplasma de yacn: CIP (Centro Internacional de la Papa) en Mariscal
Castilla-Junn; CRIBA (Centro Regional de Investigacin en Biodiversidad Andina) en
Ahuabamba-Cusco y UNC (Universidad Nacional de Cajamarca) en Cajamarca.

Inmediatamente despus de la cosecha se determin el PF, nmero de races e IR. El

peso de las races fue dividido en cinco categoras: >60 g, 60-<100, 100-<150 g, 150-
<200 g y t200 g, para establecer la distribucin del peso y la frecuencia de cada
accesin. El color de los propgulos y de la pulpa de las races fueron determinados de
acuerdo a la clave de colores de la Sociedad Real de Horticultura, Londres (1995).

El PF y el nmero de races por planta variarn considerable entre los bancos de

germoplasma y tambin entre las accesiones. El promedio total result en 3 kg por
planta, siendo el promedio mas alto obtenido en CRIBA con 4.9 kg por planta. El
promedio total del nmero de races fue de 16 races por planta, siendo CRIBA el banco
de germoplasma que registr el promedio mas alto, con 21 races por planta. Las

accesiones con el promedio mas bajo (12 races por planta) fueron registradas en el
banco de germoplasma de UNC.

El IR oscil en un rango de 7.1 11.7 Brix en 50 % de las accesiones. La concentracin

ms baja de slido soluble fue detectada en cerca del 30 % de las races y la
concentracin ms alta en 20% del total evaluado. El promedio IR del banco de
germoplasma del CIP se present como el mas alto (12.3 Brix).
No fueron observadas relaciones particulares entre el IR y el peso individual de la raz.
Aparentemente el rendimiento, nmero de las races como el IR fueron afectados
drsticamente por factores ambientales y de cultivo que por factores debidos al genotipo.
El color de la pulpa de la raz fue en 36 % amarillo, 40 % crema y 24 % blanco. Mas que
4 % mostraron una pigmentacin secundaria purpurea. En 15 % de las accesiones el
color de la corona fue blanco, en 40 % crema y en 55 % rojo purpureo.

En total los resultados mostraron que solamente el uso consecuente de un esquema de

la clasificacin bien definido, comprendido en PF, numero de races, IR, color de los
propagulos y de la pulpa de las races, uniformidad del rendimiento, formas
predominantes de races, aptitud para pelar, relacin entre longitud y ancho y estructura
de la superficie permitir la diferenciacin dentro del mbito amplio de morfotipos en

Para determinarlo exactamente es necesario que las accesiones crecen bajo de

condiciones ambientales. Seguientemente, se debera examinar bio ensayos o anlisis
moleculares para determinar en cuanto las diferencias morfologicas y fisiologicas
dependen del genotipo.


Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H. Robinson) ist eine wenig genutzte
und marginal vermarktete perenne Wurzelknolle aus den Anden. Durch die kalorienarmen
Inhaltsstoffe der Speicherwurzeln, insbesondere einem hohen Anteil an Oligofructose,
auch Fructooligosacchsride genannt (FOS), hat das Interesse an Yacon in der letzten Zeit
stark zugenommen. In Peru haben einige Institutionen damit begonnen Genmaterial zu
sammeln und zu konservieren. Bis heute ist das Ausma an genetischer Vielfalt
unbekannt und wegen der hohen Variabilitt der phnotypischen Merkmale wird ein
Bestimmungsschlssel bentigt. An vielen Genbanken geschieht die Charakterisierung
der Herknfte durch subjektiv festgelegte Parameter, folglich knnen die Daten schwerlich
miteinander verglichen werden.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines Klassifizierungsschemas fr
Speicherwurzeln des Yacon, bezglich der physiologischen Charakteristika wie
Frischgewicht (FG), Wurzelanzahl und refraktometrischer Index (RI), als auch der
phnotypischen Charakteristika wie Farbe der unterirdischen Sprossteile und des
Wurzelfleisches, Gleichmigkeit in der Ertragsbildung, vorwiegende Zusammensetzung
der Wurzeltypen, Schleigenschaft, Lnge-Breite Verhltnis und
Oberflchenbeschaffenheit der Wurzeln. Zustzlich wurden reprsentative Wurzeln mit
einem Stck des unterirdischen Sprossteils fotografisch dokumentiert. Die Daten wurden
von ber 200 Herknften erhoben, welche von drei Genbanken in Peru, dem CIP
(Internationales Kartoffelforschungszentrum) in Mariscal Castilla, Junin; CRIBA
(Regionales Zentrum zur Erforschung der Andinen Biodiversitt) in Ahuabamba, Cusco
und der UNC (Nationaluniversitt Cajamarca) in Cajamarca, zur Verfgung gestellt
Unmittelbar nach der Ernte wurden das FG, die Wurzelanzahl und der RI bestimmt. Die
Wurzeln wurden in fnf Gewichtsklassen (>60 g, 60-<100, 100-<150 g, 150-<200 g und
t200 g) aufgeteilt, um die Gewichts- und Hufigkeitsverteilung in jeder Herkunft zu
ermitteln. Um die Farbe der unterirdischen Sprossteile und des Wurzelfleisches zu
beurteilen, wurde der Farbencode der Royal Horticultural Society, London (1995) benutzt.

Das FG und die Wurzelanzahl pro Pflanze variierten betrchtlich zwischen den
Genbanken als auch innerhalb der Herknfte. Der Gesamtdurchschnitt des FG betrug 3
kg pro Pflanze. Pro Genbank wurde der hchste Durchschnitt (ca. 4.9 kg pro Pflanze) bei

den Herknften des CRIBA festgestellt. Der Gesamtdurchschnitt der Wurzelanzahl betrug
16 Wurzeln pro Pflanze. Die Herknfte mit der hchsten durchschnittlichen Wurzelanzahl
(21 Wurzeln pro Pflanze) wurden am CRIBA ermittelt, whren an der UNC
durchschnittlich nur 12 Wurzeln pro Pflanze gebildet wurden.
Bei 50 % der Herknfte wurde ein durchschnittlicher RI in einem Bereich von 7.1 11.7
Brix gemessen. Durchschnittlich niedriger liegende RIs wurden bei 30 % ermittelt,
whrend bei 20 % die durchschnittlichen RIs hher als bei allen anderen waren. Ein
insgesamt deutlich hherer Durchschnitt wurde in den Herknften des CIP festgestellt
(12.3 Brix). Aufgrund der Analysen konnten keine speziellen Zusammenhnge zwischen
individuellen Wurzelgewicht und RI nachgewiesen werden. Wurzelertrag und -nummer
sowie RI schienen stark durch umweltbedingte und anbautechnische Faktoren beeinflusst
worden zu sein, wobei die genetische Veranlagung unklar blieb.
36 % der Herknfte besa eine gelbe, 40 % eine cremefarbene and 24 % eine weie
Wurzelfleischfarbe. 4 % zeigte auerdem noch eine sekundre Pigmentierung. Die
unterirdischen Sprossteile waren bei 15 % der Herknfte wei, bei 30 % wei mit
purpurroten Stellen und bei 55 % purpurrot gefrbt.

Insgesamt zeigten die Ergebnisse, dass nur durch einen konsequenten Gebrauch eines
klar definierten Klassifizierungsschemas eine Differenzierung innerhalb der groen
Spanne von Morphotypen in Yacon erfolgen kann. Dabei sollten folgende Charakteristika
mit eingeschlossen werden: FG, Wurzelanzahl, RI, Farbe der unterirdischen Sprossteile
und des Wurzelfleisches, Gleichmigkeit in der Ertragesbildung, vorwiegende
Zusammensetzung der Wurzeltypen, Schleigenschaft, Lnge-Breite Verhltnis und
Oberflchenbeschaffenheit der Wurzeln.

Um dies genauer untersuchen zu knnen, sollten die Herknfte unter gleichen

Umweltbedingungen angepflanzt werden. Bioassays oder Molekularanalysen sollten
durchgefhrt werden, um den Grad der genetischen Veranlagung morphologischer und
physiologischer Unterschiede zu untersuchen.


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Appendix A: Provisional descriptors for yacon, proposed by Arbizu et al. (2001).

Appendix B: Data of the climatic conditions during 2000 at the gene banks of the CIP
in Mariscal Castilla, the CRIBA in Ahuabamba and the UNC in
Appendix C: Calculation of the yield uniformity by the CVs of the length-width relation
and the individual root weight.
Appendix D: Passport data and post-harvest characteristics of duplicated accessions
Appendix E: Passport data and post-harvest characteristics (CD-ROM)
Appendix F: Yield profiles (CD-ROM)
Appendix G: Photo archive of storage roots (CD-ROM)
Appendix A: Provisional descriptors for yacon, proposed by Arbizu et
al. (2001).

1. Predominant colour of the stems

11. Shape of the leaf border
1a. green / 1b. green-yellow
1. pinnacled
2. dark green
2. sowed
3. green with purple
3. double sowed
4. red with purple
2. Distribution of the secondary stem pigmentation 12. Habit of the inflorescence
0. absent 0. absent
1. nodes 1. sparse
2. internodes 2. moderate
3. nodes and internodes 3. frequent
3. Ramification of the stems
13. Colour of the ray flowers
0. absent
1. dark yellow
1. predominant apical
2. orange-yellow
2. within the complete stem
14. Shape of the ray flowers
4. Colour of the foliage 1. ovate
1. green 2. elongated
2. dark green 3. elliptic

5. Colour of the leaf surface 15. Teeth number of the ray flowers
1. green 0. absent
2. green with purple pigmentation 1. 2-toothed
2. 3-toothed
6. Colour of the leaf veins
1. green
16. Seed production
2. red-purple over principle leaf veins distributed
0. absent
3. red-purple over principle and secondary leaf veins
1. present

17. Colour of the storage root bark

7. Overlapping of the leaf wings
1. white
0. absent
2. orange
1. present
3. red-purple
18. Colour of the storage root flesh
8. Leaf shape
1. yellow-white
1. triangular
2. yellow-white with secondary purple
2. triangular hastate
3. roped
3. bright yellow?
4. orange

9. Shape of the leaf base

19. Hendidures in the storage roots
1. truncated
0. absent
2. hastate
1. present
3. roped

20. Colour of the root stock

10. Shape of the leaf top 1. white (155 A D)
1. acute 2. white with red-purple
2. blunt 3. red-purple (60 B)
Appendix B: Data of the climatic conditions during 2000 at the gene
banks of the CIP in Mariscal Castilla, the CRIBA in
Ahuabamba and the UNC in Cajamarca.

Precipitation (mm) Temperature (C)

Month CIP* CRIBA*2) UNC*3) CIP* 1)
Jan. 149.6 179.0 69.3 15.7 18.6 15.2
Feb. 149.4 175.2 85.5 15.9 18.5 15.0
Mar. 149.0 167.6 91.2 15.5 18.7 15.1
Apr. 78.0 85.5 61.0 15.6 18.2 15.1
May. 46.5 49.0 23.0 14.9 17.4 15.0
Jun. 18.9 37.0 0 14.2 16.2 14.5
Jul. 28.2 40.5 0 13.9 16.1 14.2
Aug. 31.2 52.0 0 14.6 17.1 14.7
Sep. 66.0 67.4 25.0 15.5 18.3 14.8
Oct. 96.0 90.0 69.4 16.0 18.9 14.9
Nov. 87.9 110.6 66.2 16.6 19.4 15.2
Dec. 134.6 146.5 60.0 16.1 18.9 15.2
Total / Average 1035 1200 550 15.4 18 14.9
*1) Source from the CIP, Lima (2000); *2) Source from L. Lizarraga (pers. comm., 2001), CRIBA, Ahuabamba; *3) Source from the
meteorological station A. Weberbauer, UNC-Senamhi, 2000; *5).
Appendix C: Calculation of the yield uniformity by the CVs of the
length-width relation and the individual root weight.

Length-width relation Mean root Uniformity =

Accession < 0.5 = elongated CV (%) CV (%) CV (shape) * CV (weight) /
=> 0.5 shortened
weight (g) 100
ACW-5076 0.35 40 110.2 78 31
AJC-5189 0.3 18 113.0 59 11
AKW-5075 0.32 22 78.5 41 9
AME-5186 0.37 25 80.6 57 14
AMM-5129 0.35 24 124.8 85 20
AMM-5135 0.28 20 78.5 53 10
AMM-5136 0.39 7 92.0 49 4
AMM-5150 0.31 39 103.9 48 19
AMM-5163 0.34 19 99.5 51 10
ARB-5027 0.27 12 75.9 48 6
ARB-5073 0.32 33 93.3 43 14
ARB-5124 0.24 19 133.7 53 10
ARB-5125 0.3 21 111.6 48 10
ARB-5184 0.32 27 98.5 54 15
ARB-5185 0.33 25 117.6 70 18
ARB-5382 0.3 11 110.3 58 6
ARB-5537 0.33 27 67.1 37 10
ARB-5563 0.28 31 92.4 44 14
ARB-5564 0.34 29 90.2 37 11
ASL-136 0.26 24 110.8 56 13
CLLUNC-001 0.7 83 170.5 109 90
CLLUNC-002 0.39 11 128.2 100 11
CLLUNC-003 0.39 36 130.4 113 40
CLLUNC-004 0.58 44 113.9 60 27
CLLUNC-005 0.39 41 122.2 62 25
CLLUNC-006 0.47 25 109.0 95 24
CLLUNC-007 0.37 35 88.5 66 23
CLLUNC-008 0.51 62 91.9 52 32
CLLUNC-009 0.4 34 75.4 61 21
CLLUNC-010 0.49 60 114.7 49 30
CLLUNC-011 0.38 27 138.0 67 18
CLLUNC-012 0.66 31 80.1 62 19
CLLUNC-014 0.46 34 106.4 69 24
CLLUNC-015 0.39 42 101.4 71 30
CLLUNC-016 0.42 36 103.1 62 23
CLLUNC-017 0.47 27 94.1 52 14
CLLUNC-021 0.45 26 99.1 43 11
CLLUNC-022 0.27 20 94.6 64 13
CLLUNC-023 0.37 39 124.0 62 24
CLLUNC-025 0.58 51 166.7 69 35
CLLUNC-026 0.49 37 117.1 63 23
CLLUNC-027 0.43 41 155.8 63 26
CLLUNC-028 0.35 22 113.6 65 14
Appendix C continued
Mean shape Mean root Uniformity =
Accession < 0.5 = elongated CV (%) CV (%) CV (shape) * CV (weight) /
=> 0.5 shortened
weight (g) 100
CLLUNC-029 0.34 44 124.3 48 21
CLLUNC-030 0.33 27 102.0 59 16
CLLUNC-031 0.54 14 94.7 49 7
CLLUNC-034 0.6 34 127.0 54 18
CLLUNC-036 0.53 29 154.9 49 14
CLLUNC-037 0.6 39 98.7 63 25
CLLUNC-038 0.41 25 101.4 62 15
CLLUNC-039 0.54 15 127.6 76 11
CLLUNC-040 0.55 21 133.3 83 18
CLLUNC-041 0.54 32 151.7 99 31
CLLUNC-042 0.56 24 123.5 90 21
CLLUNC-043 0.59 17 112.6 80 13
CLLUNC-045 0.44 32 105.8 65 21
CLLUNC-046 0.58 16 191.6 78 13
CLLUNC-047 0.65 35 95.9 80 28
CLLUNC-048 0.57 49 87.4 49 24
CLLUNC-049 0.43 35 135.0 67 23
CLLUNC-050 0.33 30 122.8 57 17
CLLUNC-052 0.45 20 99.3 70 14
CLLUNC-053 0.38 24 144.7 72 18
CLLUNC-054 0.61 50 85.6 49 25
CLLUNC-055 0.54 35 120.9 72 25
CLLUNC-056 0.32 26 123.3 65 17
CLLUNC-057 0.3 24 96.8 44 11
CLLUNC-058 0.53 43 123.3 81 34
CLLUNC-059 0.3 36 102.9 73 26
CLLUNC-060 0.62 44 87.4 60 26
CLLUNC-061 0.44 21 141.2 55 12
CLLUNC-062 0.5 49 90.3 79 39
CLLUNC-063 0.4 18 130.1 59 10
CLLUNC-065 0.44 19 94.2 41 8
CLLUNC-067 0.65 31 83.1 85 26
CLLUNC-068 0.59 21 113.5 68 14
CLLUNC-069 0.24 12 140.6 82 9
CLLUNC-070 0.49 42 111.9 64 27
CLLUNC-071 0.41 25 127.0 60 15
CLLUNC-072 0.64 54 213.1 77 42
CLLUNC-073 0.37 62 105.3 65 40
CLLUNC-075 0.46 25 97.4 54 13
CLLUNC-077 0.59 27 86.6 57 15
CLLUNC-079 0.59 71 179.0 118 83
CLLUNC-081 0.71 24 98.7 64 15
CLLUNC-082 0.46 27 82.3 46 12
CLLUNC-083 0.47 36 84.9 41 15
CLLUNC-084 0.5 41 88.9 53 22
CLLUNC-086 0.5 34 89.9 51 17
CLLUNC-087 0.49 26 88.6 63 17
CLLUNC-088 0.38 32 85.0 59 19
Appendix C continued
Mean shape Mean root Uniformity =
Accession < 0.5 = elongated CV (%) CV (%) CV (shape) * CV (weight) /
=> 0.5 shortened
weight (g) 100
CLLUNC-089 0.47 33 101.6 58 19
CLLUNC-090 0.52 49 101.1 63 31
CLLUNC-091 0.43 21 124.3 73 16
CLLUNC-092 0.44 26 89.5 70 18
CLLUNC-094 0.42 28 103.0 77 22
CLLUNC-095 0.41 48 65.2 45 22
CLLUNC-096 0.45 31 131.2 64 20
CLLUNC-102 0.35 27 144.7 72 20
CLLUNC-105 0.45 16 112.2 61 10
CLLUNC-106 0.38 33 112.3 66 22
CLLUNC-118 0.47 15 171.5 56 9
CYDPA-07001 0.34 17 82.4 45 8
CYDPA-07002 0.23 18 74.4 52 9
CYDPA-07003 0.38 41 66.4 25 10
CYDPA-07004 0.42 19 70.7 28 5
CYDPA-07005 0.38 32 97.5 45 15
CYDPA-07006 0.42 59 105.6 53 31
CYDPA-07007 0.38 21 88.5 45 10
CYDPA-07008 0.26 18 87.9 37 7
CYDPA-07009 0.29 29 84.0 46 13
CYDPA-07010 0.38 29 103.0 48 14
CYDPA-07011 0.54 30 62.0 27 8
GOM-130 0.36 37 86.8 42 15
P-1184 0.34 26 118.5 67 17
P-1385 0.25 20 109.0 50 10
Y-001 0.42 36 103.5 54 20
Y-003 0.61 37 143.7 54 20
Y-004 0.48 22 257.2 81 18
Y-005 0.39 22 133.0 67 15
Y-007 0.48 19 91.3 51 10
Y-008 0.41 21 164.2 73 15
Y-009 0.61 27 145.2 65 18
Y-010 0.58 20 197.0 70 14
Y-011 0.68 27 149.1 75 20
Y-012 0.5 22 181.5 86 19
Y-013 0.64 31 149.6 68 21
Y-014 0.53 17 145.3 60 10
Y-015 0.55 29 166.4 52 15
Y-016 0.54 41 152.9 81 33
Y-017 0.41 20 121.7 51 10
Y-020 0.51 53 242.8 65 35
Y-021 0.52 21 244.4 64 13
Y-023 0.82 25 269.3 95 23
Y-024 0.41 13 199.9 73 10
Y-025 0.44 30 208.1 57 17
Y-026 0.52 22 140.2 62 13
Y-028 0.6 26 185.7 73 19
Appendix C continued
Mean shape Mean root Uniformity =
Accession < 0.5 = elongated CV (%) CV (%) CV (shape) * CV (weight) /
=> 0.5 shortened
weight (g) 100
Y-030 0.38 14 196.0 56 8
Y-031 0.65 45 239.4 94 42
Y-032 0.53 16 226.6 71 11
Y-033 0.44 12 230.6 90 11
Y-034 0.43 31 219.0 78 24
Y-037 0.41 12 205.3 65 8
Y-038 0.57 18 179.5 67 12
Y-039 0.56 8 158.2 57 5
Y-040 0.53 46 182.6 67 31
Y-041 0.66 36 196.6 72 26
Y-042 0.49 27 183.3 66 17
Y-044 0.52 19 187.2 76 14
Y-046 0.75 22 206.2 62 14
Y-049 0.52 15 225.5 58 8
Y-052 0.65 20 172.7 98 20
Y-053 0.7 13 184.9 64 9
Y-055 0.62 23 210.1 69 16
Y-056 0.7 31 179.9 73 22
Y-059 0.44 24 148.2 69 17
Y-060 0.53 21 189.7 75 16
Y-061 0.49 29 173.6 58 17
Y-062 0.75 27 178.7 68 18
Y-063 0.67 38 207.2 92 35
Y-065 0.66 26 205.2 67 18
Y-067 0.47 14 256.2 95 13
Y-071 0.46 19 232.3 72 13
Y-072 0.41 17 233.2 88 15
Y-075 0.4 16 211.9 84 13
Y-077 0.43 26 238.4 62 16
Y-078 0.45 14 188.9 69 10
Y-081 0.31 31 279.0 101 31
Y-084 0.5 24 229.3 71 17
Y-086 0.39 43 208.5 57 25
Y-087 0.52 31 162.3 68 21
Y-088 0.46 18 220.9 61 11
Y-089 0.35 15 274.4 63 10
Y-090 0.41 21 202.7 69 14
Y-100 0.48 25 170.5 60 15
Y-103 0.5 35 156.5 67 23
Y-104 0.49 14 226.9 99 14
Y-106 0.51 19 153.3 66 13
Y-107 0.53 20 154.3 66 13
Y-108 0.49 39 163.0 74 29
0.46 0.14 29 138.5 122.4 65
Appendix D: Passport data and post-harvest characteristics of duplicated accessions.

Duplicate set 1 2 3 4 5
Collection# ACW-5076 CLLUNC-090 AJC-5189 CLLUNC-096 AKW-5075 CLLUNC-087 AME-5186 CLLUNC-083 AMM-5129 CLLUNC-091
Location Bambamarca Bambamarca Frutillo Frutillo Caucau Caucau Chiquin Chiquin Cochahuayin Cochahuayin
District Bambamarca Bambamarca Bambamarca Bambamarca Namora Namora Chiquin Chiquin Yungay Yungay
Province Hualgayoc Hualgayoc Hualgayoc Hualgayoc Cajamarca Cajamarca Bolognesi Bolognesi Yungay Yungay
Department Cajamarca Cajamarca Cajamarca Cajamarca Cajamarca Cajamarca Ancash Ancash Ancash Ancash
Country Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru
Altitude 2500 2500 2500 2600 2600 2600 3300 3300 2500 2500
Latitude -6.667 -6.667 -6.667 -6.667 -7.202 -7.202 -10.150 -10.150 -9.134 -9.134
Longitude -78.500 -78.500 -78.500 -78.500 -78.269 -78.269 -77.184 -77.184 -77.734 -77.734
CultivarName Yacon Yacon Yacon Yacon Yacon Yacon Yacon blanco Yacon blanco Yacon Yacon
SourceType 22 22 22 22 22
CollectionDate 19910730 19930315 19910715 19930113 19921019
Juan Juan Kasuo Magaly Marcial
Cruzado Cruzado Watanabe Espejo Mndez
BiologicalState 300 300 300 300 300
RI 13.6 7.7 15.2 9.0 12.5 9.8 10.0 10.3 15.3 10.6
LCL_0.95 12.5 6.4 14.0 7.5 11.1 8.4 9.0 9.1 14.1 9.0
UCL_0.95 14.8 8.9 16.4 10.5 13.9 11.2 11.0 11.5 16.6 12.1
Yield 3.6 1.4 3.2 2.1 2.2 1.0 2.2 1.2 1.4 2.2
YI 6.1 2.9 6.9 4.3 5.2 2.3 5.2 2.7 2.7 4.3
Root# 33 13 28 16 28 12 27 14 11 18
Uniformity 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
PeelingAptitude 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
Shape 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
RootSurfaceStructure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PredominatedPattern 1 2/1 5/2 3/5 5/1/2/3 3/2 5/1/2 5/1/2 2/3 2/1
Colour 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 2 1 2
Sec.Pigmentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ColourPropagules 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Appendix D continued
Duplicate set 6 7 8 9
Collection# AMM-5150 CLLUNC-084 AMM-5163 CLLUNC-092 ARB-5027 CLLUNC-082 ARB-5124 CLLUNC-089 CLLUNC-094
Location Arwaypampa Arwaypampa Llipta Llipta Tintn Tintn Jos Galvez Jos Galvez Jos Galvez
District Carhuaz Carhuaz Shilla Shilla Laraos Laraos Jos Galvez Jos Galvez Jos Galvez
Province Carhuaz Carhuaz Carhuaz Carhuaz Yauyos Yauyos Celendin Celendn Celendn
Department Ancash Ancash Ancash Ancash Lima Lima Cajamarca Cajamarca Cajamarca
Country Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru
Altitude 2700 2700 3400 3400 3200 3200 2600 2600 2600
Latitude -9.270 -9.270 -9.217 -9.217 -12.330 -12.330 -6.917 -6.917 -6.917
Longitude -77.634 -77.634 -77.617 -77.617 -75.750 -75.750 -78.117 -78.117 -78.117
CultivarName Yacon Yacon Yacon Yacon Yacon Yacon Yacon blanco Llacn Llacn
SourceType 22 22 22 22
CollectionDate 19921020 19921021 19910504 19921018
Collector Marcial Mndez Carlos Arbizu Carlos Arbizu
BiologicalState 300 300 300 300
RI 12.4 13.3 14.1 10.2 10.7 13.0 14.1 9.4 10.1
LCL_0.95 11.5 11.3 13.2 8.7 10.0 11.8 13.1 8.5 9.0
UCL_0.95 13.3 15.3 15.1 11.7 11.4 14.2 15.1 10.3 11.2
Yield 1.9 0.7 1.6 1.4 2.7 1.4 2.0 1.6 1.9
YI 4.3 1.5 3.8 2.9 6.1 3.2 3.8 3.6 3.8
Root# 18 8 16 15 35 17 15 16 19
Uniformity 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0
PeelingAptitude 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Shape 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2
RootSurfaceStructure 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PredominatedPattern 5/2 1/3/5 5/1 3/2/5 2/5 5/2/1 5/1 1/2/5 5/1/2
Colour 1 2 2 3 1 2 3 2 3
Sec.Pigmentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ColourRootstock 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1
Appendix D continued
Duplicate set 10 11 12
Collection# ARB-5125 CLLUNC-089 CLLUNC-094 ASL-136 CLLUNC-032 CLLUNC-095 P-1385 CLLUNC-086
Location Jos Galvez Jos Galvez Jos Galvez Chota Chota Chota Roncopata Roncopata
Santa Maria de Santa Maria de
District Jos Galvez Jos Galvez Jos Galvez Chota Chota Chota
Chicmo Chicmo
Province Celendin Celendn Celendn Chota Chota Chota Andahuaylas Andahuaylas
Department Cajamarca Cajamarca Cajamarca Cajamarca Cajamarca Cajamarca Apurimac Apurimac
Country Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru Peru
Altitude 2600 2600 2600 2900 2388 2900 2750 2750
Latitude -6.917 -6.917 -6.917 -6.550 -6.557 -6.550 -13.650 -13.650
Longitude -78.117 -78.117 -78.117 -78.650 -78.650 -78.650 -73.480 -73.484
CultivarName Yacon naranja Llacn Llacn Yacon Llacn Yacon YaKumpi Yacumpi
SourceType 22 22 22
CollectionDate 19921018 19920610 19930720 19850820
Collector Carlos Arbizu Alberto Salas Juan Seminario Carlos Arbizu
BiologicalState 300 300 300 300
RI 14.7 9.4 10.1 14.5 9.0 14.1 12.2
LCL_0.95 13.9 8.5 9.0 13.6 7.7 13.4 10.4
UCL_0.95 15.5 10.3 11.2 15.2 10.3 14.9 14.0
Yield 3.3 1.6 1.9 4.6 1.1 3.0 1.1
YI 7.4 3.6 3.8 9.7 2.4 6.6 2.5
Root# 30 16 19 42 16 28 12
Uniformity 1 0 0 0 0 1 0
PeelingAptitude 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Shape 2 1 2 2 2 2 1
RootSurfaceStructure 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PredominatedPattern 5/3 1/2/5 5/1/2 1/5 1/3/5 5 5/2/3
Colour 3 2 3 2 3 2 3
Sec.Pigmentation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ColourPropagules 3 1 1 3 1 3 3

Dr. Michael Hermann merits special thanks to enable my work at CIP in Lima for his
obliging support in many ways and sharing his broad knowledge. Also I would like thank
Prof. Dr. Andreas Buerkert and Prof. Dr. Maria Finckh for the excellent advice and for
being responsive and patient during the supervision of the thesis.

Many thanks to Ing. Miguel Valderrama and Ing. Juan Seminario at UNC and Ing. Luis
Lizrraga at CRIBA for the good cooperation and for contributing the plant material. I also
thank all the workers, without them the work at the gene banks would not have been

Id like to thank to Ivn Manrique for relieving the organization and realization of my work.
Many thanks to Nestor Crdenas for his great assistance during the excursions to
Mariscal Castilla and Cajamarca.

I thank to Dr. Carlos Arbizu, Reinhard Simon, Coen Bussink, Henry Juarez and Thomas
Bernet at CIP for the good advices and inspiring discussions. I am also very grateful to
Karl Henning Walter, Jrg Schumacher and Edwin Rojas for the technical support and to
Sophie Grfe and Sebastian Krause for proofreading.

Finally, I thank particularly to Marcella Dionisio for encouraging and supporting me at all
times during the completion of the study.

Appendix E: Passport data and post-harvest characteristics (CD-ROM)

Appendix F: Yield profiles (CD-ROM)
Appendix G: Photo archive of storage roots (CD-ROM)

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