Health Workers:: A Global Profile
Health Workers:: A Global Profile
Health Workers:: A Global Profile
chapter one
a global profile
in this chapter
They make important contributions and are critical to the functioning of most health
systems. However, the data available on health worker numbers are generally limited
to people engaged in paid activities, so the numbers reported in this chapter are
limited to such workers.
Even then, the definition of a health action for classifying
This report defines paid workers is not straightforward. Consider a painter
employed by a hospital: the painters own actions do not
health workers to be all improve health, though the actions of the painters employer,
the hospital, do. Then take the case of a doctor employed by
people engaged a mining company to care for its employees: the actions of the
doctor improve health, though the actions of the employer do
in actions whose not. A classification system that considers the actions of the
primary intent is to individual alone, or those of the employer alone, cannot place
them both in the health workforce.
enhance health In principle, the report argues that the actions of the
individual are most important, so that the painter is not a
health worker while the mines doctor is. However, in practice,
it is not yet possible to fully apply this rule because much of
the data on health worker numbers do not provide sufficient detail to allow people
directly engaged in improving health to be separated from other employees (1). For
this reason, the report takes a pragmatic approach and includes all paid workers
employed in organizations or institutions whose primary intent is to improve health
as well as those whose personal actions are primarily intended to improve health but
who work for other types of organizations. This means that the painter working for a
hospital is included as is the doctor working for a mine. WHO is working to devise a
more detailed, standard classification system for health workers that should permit
the gold standard definition to be applied in the future (see Box 1.1).
The system of counting used in this chapter allows two types of health workers
to be distinguished. The first group comprises the people who deliver services
whether personal or non-personal who are called health service providers; the
second covers people not engaged in the direct provision of services, under the term
health management and support workers (details are given in Box 1.1; see also Box
1.2). The report sometimes presents information for different types of health service
providers, although such detail is often available only for doctors and nurses. Further
explanation of the sources of the data, classification issues, and the triangulation
and harmonization applied to make the data comparable across countries is found
in the Statistical Annex.
The available data do not allow reporting on the people working for a part of their
time to improve health, such as social workers who work with mentally ill patients. In
addition, the report has chosen not to include workers in other types of occupations
who contribute in vital ways to improving population health, if their main function
lies elsewhere. This category includes, for instance, police officers who enforce
seat-belt laws. Finally, current methods of identifying health workers do not allow
unpaid carers of sick people or volunteers who provide other critical services to be
counted. This exclusion is simply because of a lack of data, and all these valuable
contributions are acknowledged in subsequent chapters.
Furthermore, official counts of the health workforce often omit people who deliver
services outside health organizations, for example doctors employed by mining
companies or agricultural firms, because they classify these employees under the
health workers: a global profile
The third version of the International Standard Classification used to define the different types of economic activity in a
of Occupations (ISCO), an international classification sys- country. In ISIC, health is considered a separate industry.
tem agreed by members of the International Labour Orga- Vast numbers of workers with different training and oc-
nization, was adopted in 1987 and is known as ISCO-88 (2). cupational classifications are found in the health industry:
Many national occupational classifications, and most cen- many more than the health service providers themselves.
suses and labour force surveys, use one of the three ISCO These include professionals such as statisticians, com-
versions. Because the system is used to classify all types of puter programmers, accountants, managers and admin-
workers, the breakdown provided for health workers is not istrators and also various types of clerical staff as well as
very detailed, so many ministries of health have developed support staff such as drivers, cleaners, laundry workers
their own classification systems. WHO is now working on a and kitchen staff. Examples of the various types of occu-
process to devise a more detailed, standard classification pations included for the health industry classification in
system for health workers that is consistent with the ISCO. the South African census are provided below.
This work coincides with the update of ISCO-88, which is Some health service providers work in industries other
expected to be ready in 2008. than health, such as mining or manufacturing. According-
The table below shows the health-specific occupation- ly, for this report, health workers include all occupations
al classification used in the South African census of 2001, listed under the health industry, plus people in occupa-
which is typical of many countries using a three-digit ISCO tional groups 15 working in other industries.
coding system (four-digit codes break down each of the The report groups health workers into two categories
categories listed into subcategories). Note that traditional that map directly into the ISCO codes. People covered by
healers are part of the official occupational classification occupational codes for groups 15 in the table are health
and are included in counts in this report where data are service providers; other workers in the health industry
available. are called health management and support workers.
At the same time, another internationally agreed clas- This is shown in the figure, where health workers make
sification system the International Standard Industrial up the first three of the four occupational boxes.
Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) is commonly
Occupational classifications for the health industry, South African census, 2001
ISCO groups of health service providers Type ISCO code no.
1. Health professionals (except nursing) Professionals 222
2. Nursing and midwifery professionals Professionals 223
3. Modern health associate professionals (except nursing) Associates 322
4. Nursing and midwifery associate professionals Associates 323
5. Traditional medicine practitioners and faith healers Associates 324
Examples of other occupations involved in the health industry
6. Computing professionals Professionals 213
7. Social science and related professionals Professionals 244
8. Administrative associate professionals Associates 343
9. Secretaries and keyboard operating clerks Clerks 411
10. Painters, building structure cleaners and related trades workers Craft and related trades workers 714
Data source: (2).
The global health industries that employ them. An accurate count of such workers
is difficult to obtain, but they make up between 14% and 37%
Box 1.2 The invisible backbone of the health system: management and support workers
People who help the health system to function but do not whole. Health management and support workers provide
provide health services directly to the population are often an invisible backbone for health systems; if they are not
forgotten in discussions about the health workforce. These present in sufficient numbers and with appropriate skills,
individuals perform a variety of jobs, such as distributing the system cannot function for example, salaries are
medicines, maintaining essential buildings and equipment, not paid and medicines are not delivered.
and planning and setting directions for the system as a
health workers: a global profile
Information has also been obtained on the relative availability of dentists and
pharmacists, though fewer countries report this information. There is close to parity
between the number of pharmacists and doctors in the South-East Asia Region,
substantially more than in the other regions. The ratio of dentists to doctors is
highest in the Region of the Americas. These data should be interpreted carefully,
however, because of the difficulties involved in counting dentists and pharmacists,
many of whom are likely to work in the private sector.
The proportion sian Federation, a number of other former Soviet republics and
Sudan report more female than male doctors. Moreover, women
of female doctors in are making substantial progress in some regions. The propor-
tion of female doctors in Europe increased steadily during the
Europe increased 1990s, as did the proportion of female students in medical
schools (12). In the United Kingdom, for example, women now
steadily during constitute up to 70% of medical school intakes (13).
From the limited information that exists on the ages of
the 1990s health workers in different settings, no general patterns can
be observed, though some information is available for specific
countries. For example, an increase in the average age of the
nursing workforce over time has been noted in a number of
OECD countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States (14, 15). Policies
relating to the official age of retirement are considered in Chapter 5.
It has not been possible to document trends over time in the mix of health
professionals or their characteristics in enough countries to allow a global analysis.
Systems for recording and updating health worker numbers often do not exist, which
presents a major obstacle to developing evidence-based policies on human resource
Africa Americas South-East Asia Europe Eastern Western
Mediterranean Pacific
Doctors Nurses Others
Data source: (3).
health workers: a global profile
have the highest includes Canada and the United States, contains only 10% of
the global burden of disease, yet almost 37% of the worlds
numbers of health health workers live in this region and spend more than 50%
of the worlds financial resources for health. In contrast, the
workers African Region suffers more than 24% of the global burden of
disease but has access to only 3% of health workers and less
than 1% of the worlds financial resources even with loans
and grants from abroad.
30 South-East Asia
% of global burden of disease
25 Africa
20 Western Pacific
15 Europe
10 Eastern Mediterranean
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
% of global workforce
Data sources: (3, 18, 19).
% in urban localities
Line of spatial equality
(% of world population
55 in urban localities)
Doctors Nurses Others
50 Data sources: (3, 22).
10 The World Health Report 2006
The correlation between the availability of health workers and coverage of health
interventions suggests that the publics health suffers when health workers are
scarce (20, 21, 2527). This raises the more fundamental issue of whether there are
enough health workers. Methodologically, there are no gold standards for assessing
sufficiency. The following section examines sufficiency from the perspective of
essential health needs.
Box 1.3 Where are the health workers? Service Availability Mapping
To help national decision-makers obtain information rapidly, systems/serviceavailabilitymapping/en/index.html.
WHO is working with countries to develop a tool called Ser- A rapid version of a national SAM has been applied
vice Availability Mapping (SAM). Using WHOs Health Mapper in a dozen countries, providing a rich picture of services
(a Geographic Information System-based software package) across districts. Data on human resources include the
and a questionnaire loaded on personal digital assistants, density and distribution of health workers by major cadre
district health teams collect critical information on health and training exposure in the last two years, unfilled posts
resources, public health risks and programme implementa- and absentee rates. The figure shows the density of doc-
tion, in order to provide updated maps of health services. tors, clinical officers, registered and enrolled nurses and
For more information, see midwives, combined, per 1000 population in Zambia.
Minimum desired level of coverage
Threshold estimate
Lower bound Upper bound
(2.02) (2.54)
0 1 2 3 4
Doctors, nurses and midwives per 1000 population
Data sources: (3, 30, 31).
Needs-based sufficiency
Various estimates of the availability of health workers required to achieve a package
of essential health interventions and the Millennium Development Goals (including
the scaling up of interventions for HIV/AIDS) have resulted in the identification of
workforce shortfalls within and across mostly low income countries. In the HIV/AIDS
literature, scaling up treatment with antiretrovirals was estimated to require between
20% and 50% of the available health workforce in four African countries, though less
than 10% in the other 10 countries surveyed (28). In more general terms, analysts
estimated that in a best case scenario for 2015 the supply of health workers would
reach only 60% of the estimated need in the United Republic of Tanzania and the
need would be 300% greater than the available supply in Chad (29). Furthermore,
The world health report 2005 estimated that 334 000 skilled birth attendants would
have to be trained globally over the coming years merely to
reach 72% coverage of births (18).
To achieve a global assessment of shortfall, the Joint
WHO estimates a
Learning Initiative (JLI), a network of global health leaders,
launched by the Rockefeller Foundation, suggested that, on
shortage of more than
average, countries with fewer than 2.5 health care professionals
(counting only doctors, nurses and midwives) per 1000
4 million doctors,
population failed to achieve an 80% coverage rate for deliveries nurses, midwives
by skilled birth attendants or for measles immunization (24).
This method of defining a shortage, whether global or by and others
country, is driven partly by the decision to set the minimum
desired level of coverage at 80% and partly by the empirical identification of health
worker density associated with that level of coverage. Using a similar threshold
12 The World Health Report 2006
method and updated information on the size of the health workforce obtained for
this report, the JLI analysis has been repeated for skilled birth attendants (see Figure
1.4). A remarkably similar threshold is found at 2.28 health care professionals per
1000 population, ranging from 2.02 to 2.54 allowing for uncertainty.
The 57 countries that fall below this threshold and which fail to attain the 80%
coverage level are defined as having a critical shortage. Thirty-six of them are in
sub-Saharan Africa (Figure 1.5). For all these countries to reach the target levels
of health worker availability would require an additional 2.4 million professionals
globally (Table 1.3). (Based on the upper and lower limits of the threshold, the upper
and lower limits of the estimated critical shortage are 3million and 1.7million,
respectively.) This requirement represents only three types of health service provider.
Multiplying the 2.4 million shortage by 1.8, which is the average ratio of total health
workers to doctors, nurses and midwives observed in all WHO regions (except
Europe, where there are no critical shortages based on these criteria), the global
shortage approaches 4.3 million health workers.
In absolute terms, the greatest shortage occurs in South-East Asia, dominated
by the needs of Bangladesh, India and Indonesia. The largest relative need exists
in sub-Saharan Africa, where an increase of almost 140% is necessary to meet the
These estimates highlight the critical need for more health workers in order to
achieve even modest coverage for essential health interventions in the countries most
in need. They are not a substitute for specific country assessments of sufficiency,
nor do they detract from the fact that the effect of increasing the number of health
health workers: a global profile 13
Table 1.3 Estimated critical shortages of doctors, nurses and midwives, by WHO region
Number of countries In countries with shortages
Estimated increase
WHO region Total With shortages Total stock shortage required
Africa 46 36 590 198 817 992 139
Americas 35 5 93 603 37 886 40
South-East Asia 11 6 2 332 054 1 164 001 50
Europe 52 0 NA NA NA
21 7 312 613 306 031 98
Western Pacific 27 3 27 260 32 560 119
World 192 57 3 355 728 2 358 470 70
NA, not applicable.
Data source: (3).
require a minimum increase of US$ 7.50 per person per year in the average country.
This can be taken to be a lower limit cost because some level of salary increase is
likely to be necessary to retain the additional health workers in the health sector
and in the country. The extent of the required increase is difficult to determine,
partly because salaries in the deficit countries can be up to 15 times lower than
those in countries that are popular destinations for migrants (32). The Millennium
Project assumed salaries would need to double if the Millennium Development Goals
were to be achieved (33), which would increase the current annual salary cost by
US$ 53 billion in the 57 countries. To put this figure into perspective, this represents
an increase in the annual global wage bill for health workers of less than 5%. It would
also require an increase in annual health spending by 2015 of US$ 20 per person in
the average country an increase of over 75% on 2004 levels.
These figures need to be interpreted with caution, particularly because labour
markets for health workers are evolving rapidly as globalization increases. It is very
likely, for example, that salaries in some of the countries where shortages were not
identified would have to be increased as well, to ensure that their workers did not
migrate to some of the deficit countries. This type of effect is difficult to predict, but
the numbers reported here clearly show the need for the international community
actively to support the process of strengthening human resources for health.
AFP 2005
Dr John Awoonor-Williams is the only doctor at Nkwanta District Hospital, Ghana, serving a population of 187 000 in a remote,
vast area in the northern part of the Volta Region.
health workers: a global profile 15
The global profile presented here shows that there are more than 59 million health
workers in the world, distributed unequally between and within countries. They are
found predominantly in richer areas where health needs are less severe. Their num-
bers remain woefully insufficient to meet health needs, with the total shortage being
in the order of 4.3 million workers.
The profile also shows how much is not known. Information on skill mix, age
profiles, sources of income, geographical location, and other characteristics that
are important for policy development is far from complete. One reason for this is
the variation between countries in the definitions used to categorize health workers,
which makes it difficult to ensure that the same people are being included as part
of the health workforce in different settings. WHO is confronting this issue by
developing a standard classification of health workers in collaboration with countries
and other partners.
The other reason is simply the lack of data. In some countries, information on
the total size of the health workforce is not routinely collected, while little is known
about certain categories of health workers even in countries with extensive data
reporting systems. The lack of reliable, up-to-date information greatly restricts the
ability of policy-makers at national and international levels to develop evidence-
based strategies to resolve the health workforce crisis, or to develop health systems
to serve the needs of disadvantaged populations. Relatively small investments by the
global community in this area could well have substantial returns. Chapter 7 returns
to this issue and suggests some possible solutions. Meanwhile, Chapter 2 discusses
some of the most important challenges that face the global health workforce today.
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