Antentop 2003-03

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ANTENTOP 03 2003 # 004

ANTENTOP is FREE e-magazine devoted to ANTENnas

3-2003 Operation, and
Edited by hams for hams

Plasma Antennas Thanks to our authors:

In the Issue:
Prof. Natalia K.Nikolova
Practical design of HF and Oliver Nichelson
VHF Antennas! Jean-Pierre GOUIN & Daniel
Antennas Theory! Leonid Hmyz, UA4PNT
Yuri Blanarovich, K3BU
Alexei Rusakov, UA4ARL
Teslas Mysteries! Nikolay Kisel, UA3AIC
Alex, RA3GBQ
WW-II Radio! Igor, UA6HJG
And others..
And More.
Russian EH - Antennas EDITORIAL:

Well, my friends, new ANTENTOP

03 -2003 come in! ANTENTOP is
just authors opinions in the world of
amateur radio. I do not correct and
re-edit yours articles, the articles are
printed as are. A little note, I am
not a native English, so, of course,
there are some sentence and
grammatical mistakes there
Please, be indulgent!

Now ANTENTOP is sponsored by

microHAM, please, visit to
microHAMs site at

I believe, you find many interesting


Copyright: Here at ANTENTOP we just ANTENTOP 03 2003 contains huge Contact us: Just email me or
wanted to follow traditions of FREE flow of antenna articles, and several
drop a letter.
information in our great radio hobby historical articles. Hope, you will like
around the world. A whole issue of it. Our pages opened for all
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control this process. It comes from all of Email: [email protected]
us, and thus it belongs to all of us. This
doesn't mean that there are no copyrights. 73! Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK NB: Please, use only plain text
and mark email subject as:
There is! Any work is copyrighted by the
ex: UA3-117-386, UA3ZNW, igor_ant. I receive lots spam, so, I
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op: UK3ZAM, UK5LAP, messages without reading.
ANTENTOP is FREE e-magazine, available FREE at
ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Editorial

Welcome to ANTENTOP, FREE e - magazine!

ANTENTOP is FREE e- magazine, made in PDF, Preview: Some articles from "cooking" issue will be
devoted to antennas and amateur radio. Everyone pasted for preview on this site, others no. Because,
may share his experience with others hams on the as I think, it must be something mysterious in every
pages. Your opinions and articles are published issue.
without any changes, as I know, every your word has
the mean. Publishing: If you have something for share with
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Every issue of ANTENTOP is going to have 100 me an email. Also, if you want to offer for publishing
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Preview's files will be removed in this case. I do not
know what a term for one issue will need, may be 2-3 Your opinion is important for me, so,
month or so. As I have counted, a whole issue of contact if you want to say something!
ANTENTOP will hold nearly 10 - 20 MB .

A little note, I am not a native English, so, of

course, there are some sentence and grammatical
mistakes there Please, be indulgent!

Copyright Note: I have a big collection of pictures, I have got the

pictures and stuff in others ways, from FREE
Dear friends, please, note, I respect Copyright. websites, from commercial CDs, intended for FREE
Always, when I want to use some stuff for using, and so on... I use to the pictures (and seldom,
ANTENTOP, I ask owners about it. But sometimes some stuff from closed websites) in ANTENTOP. If
my efforts are failed. I have some very interesting the owners still are alive, please, contact with me, I
stuff from closed websites, but I can not go to touch immediately remove any Copyright stuff, or, if it is
with their owners as well as I have no response on necessary, all needed references will be made there.
some my emails from some owners.

I do not know, why the owners do not response me. Are they still alive? Do their companys are a
bankrupt? Or do they move anywhere? Where they are in the end?

Business Advertising: ANTENTOP is not a and, they will do this work, and we will see lots
commercial magazine. Authors and I (Igor Grigorov, interesting articles there.
the editor of the magazine) do not get any profit from So, if you want to put a commercial advertisement in
the issue. But off course, I do not mention from ANTENTOP, please contact with me. A commercial
commercial ads in ANTENTOP. It allows me to do advertisement will do ANTENTOP even greater
the magazine in most great way, allows me to pay interesting and various! I hope, readers do not
some money for authors to compensate their hard mention against such commercial ads.
work. I have lots interesting stuff in Russian, and Book Advertising: I do not think, that Book
owners of the stuff agree to publish the stuff in Advertising is a commercial advertisement. So,
ANTENTOP but I have no enough time to translate Book Advertising is FREE at ANTENTOP. Contact
the interesting stuff in English, however I may pay with me for details.
money to translators,

Mailing address: Box 68, 308015, Belgorod, Russia NB: Please, use only plain text and mark email
Email: [email protected] subject: igor_ant subject as: igor_ant. I receive lots spam and viruses,
so, I delete ALL unknown me messages without

73! Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

ex: UA3-117-386, UA3ZNW, UA3ZNW/UA1N, UZ3ZK

op: UK3ZAM, UK5LAP,EN1NWB, EN5QRP, EN100GM mirror: Editorial

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Antenna Theory Page

Loop Antennas: by Prof. Natalia K.Nikolova

Dear friends, I would like to give to you an interesting and reliable antenna theory.
Hours searching in the web gave me lots theoretical information about antennas.
Really, at first I did not know what information to chose for ANTENTOP.
Now I want to present you one more very interesting Lecture - it is a 5
Lecture about Loop Antennas. I believe, you cannot find such info
anywhere for free! Very interesting and very useful info for every ham, for
every radio- engineer.

The Technology of the Future

Plasma Antenna Technology:

On earth we live upon an island of "ordinary" matter. The different states

of matter generally found on earth are solid, liquid, and gas. Sir William
Crookes, an English physicist identified a fourth state of matter, now
called plasma, in 1879. Plasma is by far the most common form of matter.
2 Plasma in the stars and in the tenuous space between them makes up 25
over 99% of the visible universe and perhaps most of that which is not
visible. Important to ASI's technology, plasmas are conductive assemblies
of charged and neutral particles and fields that exhibit collective effects.
Plasmas carry electrical currents and generate magnetic fields.

Tesla wireless transmission method

3 The Underwater Communication System of Nikola Tesla: by Oliver 30


Modern analysts, both those who believe Tesla had discovered

something new and those who believe he was mistaken in his
observations, see Tesla's transmission method the same as present day
broadcast radio technology. The broadcast model assumes that there is
an antenna propagating electromagnetic waves omnidirectionally into the
air. The Tesla supporters propose many ingenious, but implausible,
schemes that would account for Tesla's claims for his wireless system.
The Tesla opponents simply point out that according to electromagnetic
theory, Tesla's ideas are impossible. Both groups are incorrect in thinking
that his wireless method is the same as the broadcast technology used

HF Antennas

4 Half- Loop Antennas for ALE and Frequency Hoping: by Jean-Pierre 35


The present describes a HF loop antenna and its agile coupler which can
be adapted to the new designs of ALE and FH (frequency hopping)
radiosets. The original specification in 1993 was : "a small mobile antenna
and coupler for HF voice and data communications in driving from 0 to
600 km without silent zone, in association with a 125 Watts CW radioset.

Page 1 mirror:

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Multirange Vertical Antennas: by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

5 At a lack of the place for installation of a separate vertical antenna for 42

each of three upper HF ranges it is possible to use a combined three-band
antenna that works at the ranges itself.

Old Military HF Antennas of Communication Cars: by Igor Grigorov,


I have a small collection of information about old military HF antennas

6 45
used over the World. Presently, three old military automobile HF antennas
are described at the article. The antennas are written as it is, i.e., I give
all information, that I have had. I know, the information is not complete at
all, but, nevertheless, the information is interesting and it can help
somebody to make own car antennas.

Design of Antenna UA1DZ: by Leonid Hmyz, UA4PNT

7 50
Antenna UA1DZ was published at ANTENTOP 01-2003. I was received
some questions about design of the antenna. Now, the article contains
design of the antenna, suggested by UA4PNT, Leonid Hmyz, and this
one gives answer to all questions that I have received from readers. 73!

Current Distribution in the Antenna Loading Coils: By Yuri Blanarovich,

8 K3BU, VE3BMV, VE1BY 52
Very interesting practical and theoretical discussion about Current
Distribution in the Antenna Loading Coils. Read it and know more
about antenna operation. 73! I.G.

Russian EH- Antennas: by Nikolay Kisel, UA3AIC

9 61
It is not an article, so it is early still to write scientific treatises on this
subject. It is while a test, supervision, analysis, searching of answers to
many questions. My experience can encourage ones, and others I will
disappoint. I think, a EH- antenna can compete to any dipole, IV or GP,
EH-antenna can work both at a field, and at restricted urban conditions.

VHF/UHF Antennas

5/8 VHF/UHF Antenna: by Alex, RA3GBQ

To do the antenna one can very easy as well as the costs are nothing.
You need a box of a sweets- surprise Chupa- Chups, a piece of an old
10 coax, some wire, epoxies, and a little of job. 64

So, go to do it!

Short Rubber Duck for VHF/UHF Hand Held: by Igor, UA6HJG

All portable hand held radios have a short rubber duck antenna. Some
11 of the rubber duck antennas are rather long and if it is not necessary to 65
communicate on a far distance, the long antenna just hinders to use a
hand- held. I decided to make a short rubber duck antenna that is
convenient for daily usage and for short distance communication.

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ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Folding 145-MHz 3-el YAGI for Mountains: Igor, UA6HJG

This antenna was developed specially for mountains trip from my

12 66
experience of radio communication in mountains. The antenna is
optimized to the maxima forward gain. At work you can hold the antenna
by the "tail" and direct the antenna to your correspondent using vertical
or horizontal polarization.

Simple 430-MHz 3-el YAGI for Mountains: Igor, UA6HJG

13 This antenna was developed specially for high-mountainous trip 67

proceeding from my previous experience. At the first place I stand
following characteristics: gain, weight, reliability. The antenna is
optimized of the maxima forward gain. The design is made not knock-
down that is very conveniently as the antenna is always ready to
operation. You can hold the antenna by its tail and direct the antenna to
your correspondent at operation.

Simple 430- MHz 4-el YAGI for Mountains: Igor, UA6HJG

The purpose of this design is to create an antenna for mountains. The

antenna must correspond follow requirements: To have gain not less the
7-dB. Forward Gain is the main characteristic of the antenna. A wide
14 lobe must be. During a QSO you can hold the antenna by the tail and 68
shaking of the antenna should not result to full 'failure' of the
communication. Simplicity in making and adjustments. An opportunity of
fast repair in field conditions. Antenna weight with coaxial cable
both must be up to 500 gram. 50-Ohm coax for the feeding must be

4- Ovals Antenna for 430- MHz: Igor, UA6HJG

15 69
Why an oval? At first, from the antenna theory we know that an oval
radiates energy a little bit more effectively than a square. At the second,
in practical, it is more easy to do an oval then a square.. So choose the

4- Ovals Antenna for 430- MHz for Mountains: Igor, UA6HJG

16 70
The antenna is tested at 1997 and at 2000 on the mountain Elbrus and
the antenna shows good result. I made QSOs in distance of 200-300
kms with 59 for both ends!


QRP-Tales: by Alexei Rusakov, UA4ARL/qrp

On 25 May 2003 I worked the WPX-CW contest. I started calling CQ-WPX

at 0000Z but was only answered about every fifth time
17 71

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ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Table of Contents

Table of Contents


Trap on Coaxial Cable: by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

If a multi-band antenna or a symmetrical antenna is installed at

18 insufficient environment it is possible when the antenna works to 72
transfer, a part of RF energy is reflected from closest subjects to the
antenna itself and to the braid of the coaxial cable of the antenna. From
the braid of the coaxial cable the energy goes to hams shack and
causes damage to all radio equipment in to the shack.

A trap on the coaxial cable helps to eliminate the sneaking of the

reflected RF- energy to the shack.

Antenna and Towers Tools

Epoxies for Towers: by Bill, W9OL

In my business as a masonry restoration contractor, I used many

19 73
types of anchor systems. I also use many types of epoxies

Hysteresis at a Coaxial Cables at VHF ranges: by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

20 74
The phenomenon, hysteresis at a coaxial cable, was opened
randomly. What is the phenomenon?

Fastening of Guys: by Nick V. Derenko, US8AR

Different ways apply for fastening guys to a mast or to antenna

elements. The common way is to drill holes in the tips. It,
21 undoubtedly, results to easing of rigidity of towers and antennas both. 75
At the same time it is possible to apply "sparing" method of fastening
of guys.

Wooden Struts: by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

In the far eightieth years of 20 century, on to one of Russian radio
22 transmitting radio center I saw a self-made opened transmission line that 76
fed a transmitting antenna. Struts of the line were made of oak tree. What
is wonder at that? These struts were about some tens years old.

Tool for Pulling Guys: by Victor. RN9FAB

23 For several years I use to a home-brew tool, that I made by myself, for 77
puling guys.

Recycling Chokes for the LF-Band : Urban Ekholm, SM5EUF

24 77
When experimenting on the LF-band chokes with inductances of some mH are often
needed. They are not so easy to get in these days. Those in the junk-box from the
tube era are often quite big.

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ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Table of Contents

Table of Contents

Parameters of Coaxial Cables: Credit Line:

Just parameters near 40 coaxial cables

25 78

LF 136-kHz

LF-Dummy Load
Several Dummy Loads that were described at LF-Forum:
[email protected]
26 79

History of LF-Bands: by Ed, RU6LA

27 80-85
It is very excellent stock of date for LF- Bands collected by Ed, RU6LA.
Ed is well known as an enthusiast of the 1360kHz LF-Band, Ed is the
first man who have made the First Asia-Europe QSO at 136-kHz, Ed
is well, I am afraid, there is no place enough to write up all that Ed
have made for amateur radio. Just look at his new work for us, the
History of LF-Bands.


RBM Radio: by Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

Radio RBM is one of the most famous Russian military radio that was
used in the WW-II and after the war as a surplus radio. RBM took place
28 in the WW-II, after the war RBM was used as trial radio for military 86-91
teaching centers. Lots of Russian hams know well the radio. I want to
give some information about RBM and its antennas at ANTENTOP.

73! I.G.

Vacuum Tubes: by Vitaly Brousnikin

29 Historical notes about development of tubes from early years to our days 92-100
in the World and in Russia

Belgorod, Russia, December- 2002.

Page 101 mirror:

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Loop Antennas

Feel Yourself a Student!

Dear friends, I would like to give to you an interesting and reliable antenna theory. Hours searching in the web
gave me lots theoretical information about antennas. Really, at first I did not know what information to chose for
ANTENTOP. Finally, I stopped on lectures Modern Antennas in Wireless Telecommunications written by Prof.
Natalia K. Nikolova from McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

You ask me: Why?

Well, I have read many textbooks on Antennas, both, as in Russian as in English. So, I have the possibility to
compare different textbook, and I think, that the lectures give knowledge in antenna field in great way. Here first
lecture Introduction into Antenna Study is here. Next issues of ANTENTOP will contain some other lectures.

So, feel yourself a student! Go to Antenna Studies!


My Friends, the Intro was given at ANTENTOP- 01- 2003 to Antennas Lectures.

Now I know, that the Lecture is one of popular topics of ANTENTOP- 01 and 02 - 2003. The
both Lecture were downloaded more than 1000 times to December, 15!

Now I want to present you one more very interesting Lecture - it is a Lecture about Loop
Antennas. I believe, you cannot find such info anywhere for free! Very interesting and very
useful info for every ham, for every radio- engineer.

So, feel yourself a student! Go to Antenna Studies!


McMaster University Hall Prof. Natalia K.


LECTURE 11: Loop Antennas

(Radiation parameters of a small loop. A circular loop of constant

current. Equivalent circuit of the loop antenna. The small loop as a
receiving antenna. Ferrite loops.)
by Prof. Natalia K. Nikolova mirror: Page-5

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ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Loop Antennas Page-24
ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Plasma Antenna Technology

The Technology of the Future

Credit Line:
ASI Technology Corporation

What is Plasma? Standard Parabolic Reflector

On earth we live upon an island of "ordinary" matter.

The different states of matter generally found on
earth are solid, liquid, and gas. Sir William Crookes,
an English physicist identified a fourth state of matter,
now called plasma, in 1879. Plasma is by far the
most common form of matter. Plasma in the stars
and in the tenuous space between them makes up
over 99% of the visible universe and perhaps most of
that which is not visible. Important to ASI's
technology, plasmas are conductive assemblies of
charged and neutral particles and fields that exhibit
collective effects. Plasmas carry electrical currents
and generate magnetic fields.

Plasma Antenna Technology Plasma Parabolic Reflector

The essence of a plasma antenna is that it is equal to

performance of a metal antenna but is lighter. When
a plasma antenna is turned off, it is transparent -
immune to electronic countermeasures and allowing
other adjacent antennas to transmit or receive
without interference.

Since the discovery of radio frequency ("RF")

transmission, antenna design has been an integral
part of virtually every communication and radar
application. Technology has advanced to provide
unique antenna designs for applications ranging from
general broadcast of radio frequency signals for
public use to complex weapon systems. In its most
common form, an antenna represents a conducting
metal surface that is sized to emit radiation at one or
more selected frequencies. Antennas must be
efficient so the maximum amount of signal strength is
expended in the propogated wave and not wasted in
antenna reflection.

Plasma antenna technology employs ionized gas

enclosed in a tube (or other enclosure) as the
conducting element of an antenna. This is a
fundamental change from traditional antenna design
that generally employs solid metal wires as the
conducting element. Ionized gas is an efficient
conducting element with a number of important
advantages. Since the gas is ionized only for the time
of transmission or reception, "ringing" and associated mirror: Page 25

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Plasma Antenna Technology

effects of solid wire antenna design are eliminated. Plasma Reflector

The design allows for extremely short pulses,
important to many forms of digital communication
and radars. The design further provides the
opportunity to construct an antenna that can be
compact and dynamically reconfigured for frequency,
direction, bandwidth, gain and beam width. Plasma
antenna technology will enable antennas to be
designed that are efficient, low in weight and smaller
in size than traditional solid wire antennas.

When gas is electrically charged, or ionized to a

plasma state it becomes conductive, allowing radio
frequency (RF) signals to be transmitted or received.
We employ ionized gas enclosed in a tube as the
conducting element of an antenna. When the gas is
not ionized, the antenna element ceases to exist.
This is a fundamental change from traditional
antenna design that generally employs solid metal
wires as the conducting element. We believe our
plasma antenna offers numerous advantages
including stealth for military applications and higher
digital performance in commercial applications. We
also believe our technology can compete in many
metal antenna applications.

Initial studies have concluded that a plasma EMI/ECI mitigation

antenna's performance is equal to a copper wire Detection and tracking of ballistic missiles
antenna in every respect. Plasma antennas can be Side and back lobe reduction
used for any transmission and/or modulation
technique: continuous wave (CW), phase modulation, Military antenna installations can be quite
impulse, AM, FM, chirp, spread spectrum or other sophisticated and just the antenna portion of a
digital techniques. And the plasma antenna can be communications or radar installation on a ship or
used over a large frequency range up to 20GHz and submarine can cost in the millions of dollars.
employ a wide variety of gases (for example neon,
argon, helium, krypton, mercury vapor and zenon). Plasma antenna technology has commercial
The same is true as to its value as a receive antenna. applications in telemetry, broad-band
communications, ground penetrating radar,
Market Applications of Plasma Technology navigation, weather radar, wind shear detection and
collision avoidance, high-speed data (for example
Plasma antennas offer distinct advantages and can Internet) communication spread spectrum
compete with most metal antenna applications. The communication, and cellular radiation protection.
plasma antenna's advantages over conventional
metal elements are most obvious in military Unique Characteristics of a Plasma
applications where stealth and electronic warfare are Antenna
primary concerns. Other important military factors are
weight, size and the ability to reconfigure. Potential One fundamental distinguishing feature of a plasma
military applications include: antenna is that the gas ionizing process can
manipulate resistance. When deionized, the gas
Shipboard/submarine antenna replacements. has infinite resistance and does not interact with RF
Unmanned air vehicle sensor antennas. radiation. When deionized the gas antenna will not
IFF ("identification friend or foe") land-based vehicle backscatter radar waves (providing stealth) and will
antennas. not absorb high-power microwave radiation
Stealth aircraft antenna replacements. (reducing the effect of electronic warfare
Broad band jamming equipment including for countermeasures).
spread-spectrum emitters.
ECM (electronic counter-measure) antennas.
Phased array element replacements. mirror: Page 26

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Plasma Antenna Technology

A second fundamental distinguishing feature is that

ONR contract N66001-97-M-1153 May 1997 - The
after sending a pulse the plasma antenna can be major objective of this program was to determine
deionized, eliminating the ringing associated with the noise levels associated with the use of gas
traditional metal elements. Ringing and the
plasma as a conductor for a transmitting and
associated noise of a metal antenna can severely receiving antenna. Both laboratory and field-test
limit capabilities in high frequency short pulse
measurements were conducted.
transmissions. In these applications, metal antennas
are often accompanied by sophisticated computer ONR contract N00014-98-C-0045 November 1997
signal processing. By reducing ringing and noise, we - The major objective of this effort was to
believe our plasma antenna provides increased characterize the GP antenna for conductivity,
accuracy and reduces computer signal processing ionization breakdowns, upper frequency limits,
requirements. These advantages are important in excitation and relaxation times, ignition
cutting edge applications for impulse radar and high- mechanisms, temperatures and thermionic noise
speed digital communications. emissions and compare these results to a reference
folded copper wire monopole. The measured
Based on the results of development to date, plasma
radiation patterns of the plasma antenna compared
antenna technology has the following additional
very well with copper wire antennas.

No antenna ringing provides an improved signal to MDA Phase I SBIR Contract DASG60-01-P-0063
noise ratio and reduces multipath signal distortion. May 2001 - This six month work (expanded for an
Reduced radar cross section provides stealth due to additional three months by MDA) focused on using
the non-metallic elements. plasma rather than solid metal as the current
Changes in the ion density can result in medium for an antenna. We illustrated the use of
instantaneous changes in bandwidth over wide controllable apertures (open plasma windows) for
dynamic ranges. far field antenna radiation. Experiments verified our
After the gas is ionized, the plasma antenna has plasma windowing concept.
virtually no noise floor.
While in operation, a plasma antenna with a low
ionization level can be decoupled from an adjacent
high-frequency transmitter.
A circular scan can be performed electronically with
no moving parts at a higher speed than traditional
mechanical antenna structures.
It has been mathematically illustrated that by
selecting the gases and changing ion density that the
electrical aperture (or apparent footprint) of a plasma
antenna can be made to perform on par with a metal
counterpart having a larger physical size.
Our plasma antenna can transmit and receive from
the same aperture provided the frequencies are MDA Phase II SBIR Contract DASG60-02-C-0055
widely separated. April 2002 - This 24 month contract is focusing on
Plasma resonance, impedance and electron charge developing a feasibility prototype high power
density are all dynamically reconfigurable. Ionized antenna based on our windowing concept and to
gas antenna elements can be constructed and design and develop a high power phased array
configured into an array that is dynamically using plasma phase shifters to steer the beam.
reconfigurable for frequency, beamwidth, power, Malibu Research Associates is our subcontractor
gain, polarization and directionality - on the fly. on this project.
A single dynamic antenna structure can use time
multiplexing so that many RF subsystems can share MDA Phase I SBIR Contract DASG60-02-P-0033
one antenna resource reducing the number and size April 2002 - This 6 month contract focused on using
of antenna structures. plasma as a replacement for metal in a frequency
selective surface (FSS) used to filter
Sponsored Work electromagnetic waves. A tunable FSS can absorb
frequencies above the resonant frequency and
To date, plasma antenna technology has been reflect those above to reduce radar vulnerability to
studied and characterized by ASI Technology countermeasures. Plasma is an excellent shield
Corporation revealing favorable attributes in and filter for antenna systems.
connection with antenna applications. Government
sponsored work has included: mirror: Page 27

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Plasma Antenna Technology

Tunable Plasma Frequency Selective This theoretical plot is of the plasma FSS array
Surfaces for Shielding Radar Systems illustrated above. Each dipole element is assumed
to be in length, in diameter. The vertical separation
Schematic representation of an FSS dipole array is taken to be while the lateral separation is taken to
be The plot has the curves for the perfectly
conducting case (high plasma frequency and
density) along with those for several values of the
plasma frequency, which depends on plasma
density. A well-defined reflectivity resonance exists
at 1GHz. This result indicates that appreciable
reflection occurs only for plasma frequencies above
2.5GHz. The results illustrate the essence of the
plasma FSS: a highly reflective band stop filter can
be achieved which can be switched on and off
simply by controlling the properties of the plasma.

Navy Phase I SBIR Contract N00178-03-C-1013

January 2003 - This contract intends to develop a
This sketch illustrates a finite section of an FSS gas plasma antenna array architecture capable of
dipole array. The array elements are the vertically meeting the broad Navy objectives for future
aligned rectangular regions. The horizontal lines on shipboard radar systems. We are proposing a
the rectangles indicate the way in which the elements compendium of plasma technologies that could be
are broken up into segments for the purpose of integrated into existing radar suites or be designed
defining current modes. into future revolutionary radars. These technologies
are plasma windowing, plasma waveguides, plasma
Plot of ASI's theoretical model Frequency Selective Surfaces and flat parabolic
arrays (FLAPS).

ASI Technology Corporation developed under

contract with General Dynamics Electric Boat
Division and in conjunction with the Plasma Physics
Laboratory at the University of Tennessee, an
inflatable plasma antenna. This antenna operatedat
2.4 Ghz and was designed to mount on the mast of
an attack submarine. We have also demonstrated
prototype plasma waveguides and plasma
reflectors to General Dynamics.

Plasma Waveguide with energized tube as a

switch acting as a window for a pulse

The following discussion illustrates why there is

military and government support for plasma
antenna concepts. The gas plasma antenna
conducts electron current like a metal and hence
can be made into an antenna but with distinct
advantages. The following technological concepts
are important to plasma antennas: mirror: Page 28

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Plasma Antenna Technology

1. Higher power - Increased power can be achieved plasma density and can be maintained during
in the plasma antenna than in the corresponding reconfiguration. Estimates indicate a 20db
metal antenna because of lower Ohmic losses. improvement in antenna efficiency.
Plasmas have a much wider range of power
capability than metals as evident from low powered 5. Reconfiguration and mutifunctionality - The
plasma in fluorescent bulbs to extremely high- plasma antenna can be reconfigured on the fly by
powered plasmas in the Princeton University controlled variation of the plasma density in space
experimental fusion reactors. In this range, a high- and time with far more versatility than any
powered plasma antenna is still low powered plasma. arrangement of metal antennas. This reduces the
Since plasmas do not melt, the plasma antennas can number of required elements reducing size and
provide heat and fire resistance. The higher weight of shipboard antennas. One option is to
achievable power and directivity of the plasma construct controlled density plasma blankets around
antenna can enhance target discrimination and track plasma antennas thereby creating windows (low-
ballistic missiles at the S and X band. density sections of the blanket) for main lobe
transmission or reception and closing windows
2. Enhanced bandwidth - By the use of electrodes (high-density regions in the plasma blanket). The
or lasers the plasma density can be controlled. The plasma windowing effect enhances directivity and
theoretical calculations on the controlled variation of gain in a single plasma antenna element so that an
plasma density in space and time suggest that array will have less elements than a corresponding
greater bandwidth of the plasma antenna can be metal antenna array. Closing plasma windows
achieved than the corresponding metal antenna of where back lobes and side lobes exist eliminates
the same geometry. This enhanced bandwidth can them and reduces jamming and clutter. This
improve discrimination. sidelobe reduction below 40db enhances directivity
and discrimination. In addition, by changing plasma
3. EMI/ECI - The plasma antenna is transparent to densities, a single antenna can operate at one
incoming electromagnetic signals in the low density bandwidth (e.g. communication) while suppressing
or turned off mode. This eliminates or diminishes another bandwidth (e.g. radar).
EMI/ECI thereby producing stealth. Several plasma
antennas can have their electron densities adjusted 6. Lower noise - The plasma antenna has a lower
so that they can operate in close proximity and one collision rate among its charge carriers than a metal
antenna can operate invisible to others. In this antenna and calculations show that this means less
physical arrangement mutual side lobe and back lobe noise.
clutter is highly reduced and hence jamming and
clutter is reduced. 7. Perfect reflector - When the plasma density is
high the plasma becomes a loss-less perfect
4. Higher efficiency and gain - Radiation efficiency reflector. Hence there exist the possibilities of a
in the plasma antenna is higher due to lower Ohmic wide range of lightweight plasma reflector
losses in the plasma. Standing wave efficiency is antennas.
higher because phase conjugate matching with the
antenna feeds can be achieved by adjusting the

ASI specializes in the development of patented new applications of plasma in the

advanced patented plasma technologies in areas of antennas, communication links,
support of DOD and commercial electronic shielding and noise reduction.
organizations. ASI staff has extensive The Company has worked on plasma
experience in the disciplines of science, projects with General Dynamics, University
physics, engineering and mathematics with a of Tennessee, the U.S. Missile Defense
focus on advanced plasma physics. ASI has Agency, the U.S. Navy and Malibu
innovated and Research, Inc.
ASI Technology Corporation
The Technology of the Future mirror: Page 29

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 The Underwater Communication System

Oliver Nichelson
Copyright 2003 333 North 760 East
American Fork, Utah 84003
[email protected]

Historical Problems witnessing earth-ionosphere cavity resonance at

Schuman frequencies.2 More recent scholarship,
Tesla described his wireless transmission method by however, has shown that that Tesla was aware of the
three important characteristics: differences between conventional wireless
transmission methods and the technology he was
It did not use electromagnetic radiation. developing.3
It operated through the earth or water.
The mechanism of transmission is an electric Tesla was more than an engineer of conventional
current - not radiation. methods. He was an electrical researcher who
investigated fundamental issues of the science. It
Modern analysts, both those who believe Tesla had will be shown that the three characteristics of Tesla's
discovered something new and those who believe he wireless transmission system describe an
was mistaken in his observations, see Tesla's electrostatic wireless method that used the earth as a
transmission method the same as present day conductor and transmitted displacement currents. At
broadcast radio technology. The broadcast model moderate energy levels, the system could be used
assumes that there is an antenna propagating for communication. At greater levels, power could be
electromagnetic waves omnidirectionally into the air. sent by wireless.
The Tesla supporters propose many ingenious, but
implausible, schemes that would account for Tesla's Non-Hertzian Transmission
claims for his wireless system. The Tesla opponents
simply point out that according to electromagnetic During-1899 - 1900, Tesla set up a laboratory in
theory, Tesla's ideas are impossible. Both groups are Colorado Springs to investigate wireless signal
incorrect in thinking that his wireless method is the transmission. It was during this period he discovered
same as the broadcast technology used today. that a properly configured receiver could detect
waves, initiated by lightning strikes, propagating
Anachronistic interpretation - applying the assumptions through the earth. Many details about the apparatus
of today's electrical theories to Tesla's original turn of for generating and receiving electrical signals (such
the century researches - is only half the problem of as tuned resonant circuits that were recognized in
understanding the inventor's wireless method. The 1943 by the Supreme Court as the basis of
situation is further complicated by the similar sounding commercial radio designs) are given in his writings,
descriptions Tesla gave to his earlier and later but he never directly reveals the physics behind the
transmission techniques. mode of propagation. Tesla does point toward his
novel transmission technique when he notes that his
In his early work, Tesla attempted electronic transmission method is "the diametrical opposite of a
transmission by electrifying the atmosphere. This is transmitting circuit typical of telegraphy by Hertzian
the case in his patent entitled Method of Intensifying or electromagnetic radiations."4 This claim alone
and Utilizing Effects Transmitted Through Natural indicates a technology different from the transmission
Media, #685,953, applied for in June 1899. In this technology of today.
patent, he proposes a very powerful transmitter to
ionize atmospheric gases and, by that, create a One of his early lectures on evacuated tube
conductive path between the transmitter and receiver illumination provides a good example of physical
through which a current could be sent. Later, when effects he was using. Tesla describes a setup for
Tesla disclosed his through-the-earth, and through illuminating bulbs. It consists of two plates on either
water1, transmission with essentially the same type of side of the bulbs. The plates are connected to a
apparatus and operating at ELF frequencies, modern transformer driven by an oscillator. The two plates
authorities have assumed that Tesla was mistaken are similar to a capacitor and the electrical activity
about his method of propagation and was really mirror: Page 30

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 The Underwater Communication System

between them is like the electrostatic field between two

capacitor plates.

As he described it, an evacuated bulb was place

between the electrodes:

... when we excite luminosity in

exhausted tubes..., the effect is due to
the rapidly alternating electrostatic
potential; ... the medium is
harmonically strained and released.5

He also noted:

It might be thought that electrostatic effects are

unsuited for such action at a distance. ... It is
true that electrostatic effects diminish nearly
with the cube of distance from the coil,
whereas electromagnetic inductive effects
diminish simply with distance. But when we
establish an electrostatic field of force, the
condition is very different, for then, instead of
the differential effect of both the terminals,
we get their conjoint effect.6

To make sure that the difference between the type of

fields he intended and those of Hertz was understood
he explained:

As the term electrostatic might imply a steady

electric condition, it should be
remarked, that in these experiments the force induction through the air is possible. I cannot
is not constant, but varies... stretch my imagination so far, but I
When two conducting bodies are insulated and do firmly believe that it is practicable to
electrified, we say that an electrostatic force is disturb by means of powerful machines
acting between them.7 the electrostatic condition of the earth and
thus transmit intelligible signals
Tesla's emphasis on the non-Hertzian nature of his and perhaps power.9
signaling process, particularly when taken within the
context of his work with electrostatics, indicates the Tesla believed that the earth was not just a sink into
mode of propagation involves similar electrostatic which electrical energy can be poured, but that it is a
effects between a transmitter and receiver. As he reservoir of charge. The capacity of the earth is
often insisted, this mode of transmission differs determined by the standard formula for the
significantly from that of Hertzian waves in that this one capacitance of an isolated sphere of radius R:
is a form of conduction:
So far, I have considered principally effects
C = 4 0 R
produced by a varying electrostatic
force in an insulating medium, such as air.
When such a force is acting upon a For the earth, this works out to 708 microfarads.10
conducting body of measurable dimensions, it
causes within the same, or on its Tesla's idea was that his high power transmitter he
surface, displacements of the electricity, and could cause the earth's charge to oscillate and that
gives rise to electric currents8 these oscillations could be detected anywhere on the
globe. He further noted that these oscillations were
Also: changes in pressure, "the energy will be
economically transmitted and very little power
Some enthusiasts have expressed their belief consumed so long as no work was done in the
that telephony to any distance by receivers.11 mirror: Page 31

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 The Underwater Communication System

To differentiate Tesla's wireless method from

contemporary understanding of the technique, and
from the misunderstandings arising from the
chronology of Tesla's research into the nature of
electrical communication, his method can be
contrasted with modern patents for electrostatic
submarine communication and the inventor's earlier
work in this field.

Contemporary Patents

L. Gilstrap's patent for an Electrostatic Communication

System, #3,964,051, issued June 15, 1976, describes
a device consisting of two concentric conducting
spheres (#26 & #28) separated by a dielectric layer to
form a monopole radiator for electrostatic waves.

Gilstrap patent 3,964,051

Curry states:

The antenna system for an electromagnetic

emission into space circulates energy in accordance
with the laws governing electrical current in motion.
Since the field strength produced by an antenna is
proportional to the alternating currents circulating in
it, its optimum structural relationships are directed to
a reduction of the total antenna resistance, thus to
increase the total current for a given power input to a

He adds:

Being a current-actuated device,

such an [electromagnetic] antenna
will not operate in any physical
conducting medium such as
water or earth.14
The patent states that "longitudinal electrostatic or
capacitive waves, also called scalar or polarization While a radiator for electromagnetic
waves because of their relationship to the Maxwell emission produces its field strength
wave equations" are the means of propagation but the by the effect of changing currents;
patent does not explain how these waves differ from the radiator for electrostatic emission
conventional forms of electromagnetic radiation. It of the type here to be described
simply states that as the spheres are subject to produces its field strength by the
voltages of opposite polarity the "outer sphere then effect of changing potentials.15
appears as an ideal monopole radiator to the external
dielectric medium, in this case water."12
Curry proposes "the electrical potentials of the
In this configuration, electric field is confined to the signal to be transmitted to two equal metal plates
region between the two conducting spheres of the (#17 & #18) each of which is hermetically sealed
transmitter. Little energy, if any, is available to stress within insulating material (#20 & #21) immersed in
the external dielectric medium, the water. a conducting fluid such as sea water."16 By applying
a varying potential to the plates of the radiator,
P. Curry's patent for an Underwater Electric Field charge of opposite polarity accumulates on the two
Communica-tion System, #3,265,972, issued August 9, plates such that a charge gradient exists in the region
1966 proposes a ra-diator of a different configuration between the radiators. The patent explains:
and presents a detailed discus-sion of communication
by electrostatic induction. mirror: Page 32

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 The Underwater Communication System

... a phase displacement of 90 degrees In addition to the mode of propagation being

exists the wave of charge potentials different, what travels between the transmitter and
induced by an alternating current receiver is different. In electromagnetic
signal upon the water ... and the transmission waves are sent out that are picked up
resulting wave of charge by the receiving antenna. These waves induce a
displacements occurring in the water current the antenna. In an electrostatic system a
body between the segments.17 current passes directly between the transmitter and
The method of propagation, then, is to periodically
alternate electrical charges on the two plates that will This current is the same as that which exists in a
launch sinusoidal carrier waves into the medium. capacitor, that is, it is a displacement current. In a
When one plate is positive, the other will be negative; standard inductor-capacitor-resistance circuit, when
then the first will be negative and the second positive. it is energized and oscillating, it is understood that
This action, the patent states, will create the sinusoidal the current that passes through the conductors is
waves. completed through the non-conductor of the
capacitor's dielectric through a displacement
In a detailed analysis of forces involved in this type of current. As charge is changed on one plate of the
transmission Curry shows that radiators with a capacitor, an opposite but equal change in charge
capacitance of .0053 microfarads operating at 100 kHz is seen on the other plate of the capacitor. In
with signal generator output of 200 volts coupled with a Tesla's system the transmitter and receiver act as
biasing potential of 1000 volts will produce a force from the capacitor plates and what passes between
its charge displacement of 26,500 dynes.18 them is a displacement current.

On the receiving side, Curry states that the charge Displacement current, today, is seen as something
gradient can be expected to attenuate substantially at of a virtual current, something different from a "real"
even moderate distance from the point of transmission. or conduction current that flows through a wire.
As an example he notes that if a signal intensity of Tesla, however, understood what is meant by an
10,600 dynes at the point of transmission is reduced electrical current in the same sense as Maxwell -
one billion times the "standing wave of the signal that "all charge is the residual effect of the
energy will therefore be charged with a force polarization of the dielectric"20 and that "the
differential of 1.06 x 10-5 dynes. Each dipole in his variations of electric displacement evidently
example has a capacitance of .0053 microfarads with a constitute electric currents."21 As a Maxwellian,
system capacitance of .00265 microfarads. The Tesla was correct in describing his transmission
voltage developed in the receiving network is .02 volts. system as one using true electric currents.
As noted "this is substantially above the minimum
requirements of signal intensity for the detection of Tesla's wireless electrical energy transmission
electrical signal energies."19 system differed in all three characteristics he claimed
- it was not electromagnetic, it operated through the
This detailed analysis, however, overlooks the earth or water, and conveyed electrical energy by a
important point that electrostatic waves do not current. Once Tesla's communication method is
propagate into the medium in the same way as better understood as a new branch of electrical
electromagnetic waves. In an electromagnetic science that was started over 100 years ago, it will
transmission system, charge is accelerated in an not only have an impact on terrestrial technology, but
elevated conductor, an antenna, to launch waves will have applications in the future for space
omnidirectionally into the air. At a receiver, the communications.
electromagnetic waves induce a current in the
antenna. The variations in the current are processed
by the detection circuitry to replicate the transmitted

In electrostatics, it is not necessary for flux lines to

detach from an antenna and close upon themselves to
propagate a wave that is received at a distant point.
The transmitter, in Tesla's plan, oscillates the earth's
charge and the receiver is connected to that same
charge reservoir. Signals are not launched, but exist
as pressure variations in the earth's oscillating electric
field. Because the field already exists at the point of
transmission and at the point of reception, the
propagation characteristics are different from
electromagnetic waves. mirror: Page 33

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 The Underwater Communication System
NOTES Tesla, Nikola, "On Light and Other High Frequency
Phenomena" (1893), LPA, pg. L-121.
Tesla states that his transmission system is an 8
"apparatus for submarine signaling" in Tesla, Nikola, LPA, L-127, emphasis added.
"The True Wireless," Electrical Experimenter, May 9
1919, pg. 30; in the same article he also states that LPA, pg. L-138, emphasis added.
"transmission thru sea-water is more efficient" with his 10
wireless method, pg. 87. See :"The Earth as a Condenser and Its Role in
Wireless Telegraphy," Scientific American
Wait, James R., "Propagation of ELF Electromagnetic Supplement, No. 1451, October 24, 1903, pg. 23248.
Waves and Project Sanguine/Seafarer," IEEE Journal 11
of Oceanic Engineering, vol. OE-2, no. 2, April 1977, Tesla, Nikola, "Famous Scientific Illusions,"
pgs. 161-172. Electrical Experimenter, February 1919, pg. 732.
Tesla, Nikola, "Nikola Tesla on his Work with Gilstrap #3,964,051, Column 2, lines 34 - 48.
Alternating Currents and their Application to Wireless 13
Telegraphy, Telephony and Transmission of Power, An Curry #3,265,972, Column 1, lines 21 - 28.
Extended Interview," transcripts with legal counsel 14
given in 1916, Leland I. Anderson, Editor; Sun Curry, Column 1, lines 29 - 31.
Publishing, Denver, 1992, pgs. 132-133. 15
Curry, Column 1, lines 44 - 48.
Tesla, Nikola, "The Transmission of Electric Energy 16
Without Wires," originally in The Electrical World and Curry, Column 1, lines 49 -54.
Engineer, March 5, 1904, reproduced in Nikola Tesla: 17
Lectures * Patents* Articles, published by the Nikola Curry, Column 4, lines 8 - 38.
Tesla Museum, Nolit, Beograd, (hereafter, LPA) 1956, 18
A-156. Curry, Columns 5 - 6.
Tesla, Nikola, "Experiments With Alternate Currents Curry, Column 7, lines 35 - 75 to column 8 line 2.
of Very High Frequency and Their Application to 20
Methods of Artificial Illumination" (1891), LPA , pg. L- Maxwell, James Clerk, A Treatise on Electricity
42. Emphasis added. and Magnetism, Volume One, Part I, Electrostatics,
LPA, pg. L-43. 21
Maxwell, pg. 65. mirror: Page 34

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Half-Loop Antennas

Jean-Pierre GOUIN & Daniel LAFARGUE

In France
7, chemin de Vaubesnard
91410 Dourdan FRANCE
means e-mail: [email protected]
Credit Line: Starec

The present describes a HF loop antenna and its agile These conditions beeing fulfilled, the loop antennas
coupler which can be adapted to the new designs of deliver a high current and have a high selectivity with
ALE and FH (frequency hopping) radiosets. The a high quality factor (Q-factor), typically 10 times
original specification in 1993 was : "a small mobile higher than the Q-factor of the best traditional
antenna and coupler for HF voice and data couplers designed for 5 to 10 meters whips or 10 to
communications in driving from 0 to 600 km without 40 m dipoles.
silent zone, in association with a 125 Watts CW
radioset. 1.2 On fast frequency tuning
Frequency range 2-12 MHz Channel tuning time < 5ms For future fast ALE procedures the tuning target time
Bandwidth > 3,5 kHz in a military environment" is 50ms, while the "low speed" frequency hopping
Following on from this product other versions with (F.H.) procedures already require a 5ms tuning time,
wider frequency range (3-15 MHz, 3-30 MHz, 2-30 with all calculations and control exchange times
MHz), a higher power and various dimensions and beeing included or already done. This can't be done
shapes for fixed, land-mobile and naval applications using electromechanical tuning. Digital switching
have been developed. devices are cost effective today at low and medium
powers. Their switching time run in milliseconds
1. GENERALITIES using low loss vacuum relays, and in the
microseconds using electronic relays like PIN-diodes.
1.1. on the HF tuned loops But the PIN-diode technology cannot be used in
loops for transmission, due to their inability to
The HF transmission tuned loop antennas which are withstand the high currents and due to the losses
designed for HF transmission have small dimensions they bring (0.5 to 1 W) which would drastically
(< 0,1 ) compared to the wavelength, in order to decrease the overall efficiency at the lowest
conduct a quasi constant current and to be considered frequencies. Vacuum relays, including REED relays,
as magnetic dipoles. Their radiation impedance and are the only technologies available to switch the
efficiency mainly depends on their surface which capacitors of a transmission tuned loop antenna
creates a magnetic flux in the near field and an efficiently.
electromagnetic field in the far field. Their diameter,
height or width (round or square shape) run from 1 to 3
1.3 On the power requirements
meters, and their radiating surface generally do not
exceed 5 m2 in order to coincide with the small Based on the experience of 2 previous generations of
dimensions required. tuned loop antennas, and the proprietary propagation
simulations, it was calculated that two 100W
These types of antennas differ from open antennas radiosets and 4m2 loops having a -15 to + 5dBi
(like whips, horizontal dipoles, log-periodic antennas,) typical gain figure from 2 to 12 MHz would insure
by their impedance which is reactive and can be voice and data communications at any distance from
adapted by capacitor only. Their radiating resistance is 0 to to 600 km at least.
low (< 1 m ) at the lowest frequencies of the range. This mission cannot be fulfiled by any 5 to 10 m whip
As the efficiency is given by the ratio radiating antenna on a medium soil, even in association with a
resistance/ total resistances of the tuned circuit, it is 400W/1 kW radio set: a vertical whip or a bent whip
necessary to minimise the radiating element resistor, on a vehicle in move do not transmit and receive
using a good conductive metal (aluminium, copper), enough energy to cover the typical 50-250 km silent
and to use low loss capacitors. zone. mirror: Page 35

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Half-Loop Antennas

A 125W radioset combined with a tuned loop antenna - The inductance L is a function of the spiral surface
is sufficient to fulfill the mission requirement using the comprised between the feed bar and the platform.
Near Vertical Incident Signal (NVIS propagation). This
will be further improved due to frequency management Two types of antennas have been compared, type A
and the new generations of HF modems which will and type B, differing by the positions of their
bring a lower threshold of sensibility. capacitors.

II DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW MOBILE TUNED II.3. Modelisation of the antenna type A

FRAME ANTENNA The capacitor is positioned in the secondary of the
transformer, at the end of the line (FIG 1).
II.1 Principle
The mobile tuned loop antenna is a "half-loop" set-up
vertically on a metal surface which achieves a full loop
equivalence. The metal surface like a mobile platform
(truck or shelter, ship's cabin,...) must have a good
electrical continuity. Thie half-loop is half the size of a
full loop and makes installation possible on small
vehicles on the move.
Figure 1
The half-loop is folded and joined at each end to the
platform's earth. One end is loaded by a variable
capacitor. The electrical equivalent sheme is given FIG 2

A feed rod ("the feed coil") links the radioset RF

access to a precise point of the half-loop. It is
equivalent to a fixed reactive element, and the whole
system acts as a loss-free autotransformer whose
primary circuit can be set to 50 W.

II.2 Modelisation of the antenna

Figure 2
The modelisation purpose is the definition of the
electrical circuit and the parameters of the antenna. It The results are computed by a specific C.A.D.
is made by the wire methods of moments. radiofrequency device and compared to the values
measured on full scale antenna mock-up.
The radiating element is represented by a radiating
impedance (Rr, La) with a loss resistance Rp As an example, FIG 3, FIG 4, FIG 5 show the
The tuning capacitor is represented by a serial circuit
(C, Rc), C being the capacitor value and Rr its loss

The 50 matching is figured by a loss-free transformer

M with a matching ratio K, and a parallel or serial
inductance L at the RF input.

Establishment of the equivalent circuit parameters:

-The radiating element (Rr, La) is calculated by an

electromagnetism software based upon the method of

- The radiating element loss Rp is determined

according to the antenna material and section

- The capacitor's losses Rc are determined through the

manufacturer's data
- The matching ratio K is a function of the primary to
secondary radiating surface ratio
Figure 3 mirror: Page 36

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Half-Loop Antennas

impedances at various frequencies on the Smith

The calculated and measured values are compared
charts, with computed values (in full line) and at various frequencies (FIG 6, FIG7) The bandwidth
measured values (in doted lines). These charts is measured at VSWR 2.5:1 , when the real and the
underscore the performances of a resonating cavity
imaginary terms of the impedance are equal.
like a R, L, C parallel device, and confirm the
impedance values computed by the method of

Figure 6

Figure 4

Figure 7

The results have validated the antenna equivalent


This sheme helped to optimize the dimensions of the

radiating element, considering the efficiency and
bandwidth requirements. The approximative values
are, from 2 to 12 MHz:

Rr = 0,5m to 3 with a 2,2m2 antenna surface

Rp= 0.01 to 0.02

C= 3500 to 60 pF
Figure 5 Rc= 0.05 to 2 mirror: Page 37

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Half-Loop Antennas

The equivalent circuit aided in the calculation of the

voltages and the currents developed over each
electronic component.

II. 4. Modelisation of the antenna type B

The tuning capacitor is positioned in the primary of the
autotransformer (FIG 8).

Figure 10
higher for the Type B than for the Type A antenna. In
a tuned circuit, bandwidths (B) are inversely
proportional to the quality factor (Q), and Q is
proportional to the efficiency (h ); when Q >> 1, h x B
Figure 8
= Rr/2p La = constant If ha and hb are the Type A
and Type B antenna efficiencies , and Ba et Bb their
Its equivalent electrical scheme is given on FIG 9. bandwidths respectively, the applying formulas are
ha Ba = hb Bb, and ha / hb = Bb / Ba When the
measured bandwidth ratios is Bb / Ba = 10 , the
efficiency ratio becomes ha/hb is 10.

Observing that Type B antenna optimizes the tuning
in the primary circuit, and that the Q-factors of
primary and secondary are quite different, the energy
Figure 9
transfer in the secondary is not maximized. On the
contrary, in the Type A antenna the tuning brings a
The Type B antenna is modeled in the same way as maximum Q-factor and the current is the highest in
the Type A antenna, and using the same physical the radiating resistor.
parameters. An additional capacitor may be added in
the feed rod to optimize the radioset matching
The Type A antenna design brings the best antenna
II.5. Compared performances type A and type efficiency.
B antennas
II.6 Improvement of the design
Comparative simulations
Increasing the bandwith
The compared simulations gave a clear advantage to
the Type A antenna type. As an example, FIG 10 Trials on vehicles were made under strong rain.
shows a +12 dB gain advantage for the Type A Modifications of the tune positions were observed at
antenna at 12 MHz the highest frequencies (FIG 11 )
Such modifications can give an operational problem
Comparative measurements with no possible reset in transmission (in FH mode
The comparative simulated results were confirmed by
This shifting problem was resolved by widening the
the comparative measured bandwidths Using 2
bandwidth by using two radiating elements in parallel
antennas having the same radiating surface, the
and electrically linked. The simulation of this structure
compared measured bandwidths were 5 to 10 times mirror: Page 38

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Half-Loop Antennas

Principle of the capacitor switching

The capacitors which are necessary to tune the
antenna reactance are scaled from 3300pF to 60 pF
at 2 MHz and 12 MHz respectfully, with a 1,5 pF
accuracy at the highest frequencies.

A logarithmic series of n switchable capacitors in

parallel defined by Ci=2 Ci-1 with C1=1.5 pF give all
discrete value multiple of 1,5pF:

C = S ki Ci from i = 1 to n , with ki= 0 ou 1

C1, which is the smallest used capacitor,

defines the accuracy of the C capacitor

The highest individual capacitor value is in theory

3300/2=1650 pF in order to get 3300pF by the
addition of all capacitors, and n must be higher than

Figure 11 The total number of capacitors is choosen equal to

12 to takto into consideration the dispersion of the
modification concluded in a +10 to +15% extended components whose values are guaranteed with a
bandwidths and in +0.5dB to +1dB extra efficiencies all 5% precision, and to recover the possible missing
over the frequency range. frequency bands.

II.7. Realisation of a fast tune design A special software was created to define and
memorize the kiCi arrangements which are
The 2-12 MHz.antenna was developed for the required necessary to get all discrete capacitor values and
efficiency and a minimum 3.5 kHz bandwidth recover the possible missing frequency bands. It
independently of the variations in the environment. memorizes the calculated values and the measured
values. A calibration at the first installation or in
With a 2.2m2 radiating surface the half-loop reactance operation in case of a major environment change can
is 2mH at 2 MHz and 3.5mH at 12 MHz. be done in less than 6 seconds.

The tuning principle consists in switching capacitors in Measured results

parallel to create a series of bandwidths with mutual
covering at a VSWR < 2.5:1.(FIG 12) The prototype of the antenna achieved a VSWR
Typical figures are given FIG13.

Figure 12

Figure 13 mirror: Page 39

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Half-Loop Antennas

II.7. Qualification "The results were independant of these

environmental conditions, the reception signal/noise
A 2-12 MHz demonstrator was built with acceptable beeing only slightly affected under the very high
dimensions for land mobile applications (height=90cm, voltage cables.
length=2.4m, width=30cm). All adjacent bandwidths
were covered within the 2.5:1 VSWR specification. "...The half-loop antenna bring the best results in
terms of link budget and listening comfort".
Its efficiency was measured every 0.5 MHz on a test
station by substitution of a refence whip. These values Thomson-CSF also confirmed that the half-loop
were not more different than 1dB from the values antenna on a moving car allows fast data
deducted from the Q-factor measurements. transmissions without fault in the silent zone of the
whip antenna, and that it improves the probability of
A second version with a 2-30MHz frequency range successfull synchronisation of the new procedures in
was developped. It was qualified for military bad ionospheric conditions.
environment with mechanical tests (chocks, vibrations)
and climatic tests (-40C +70C, rainfall, salted fog, Other field trials were successfully conducted in
windspeed, ice, dusts, etc...) according to MIL SPEC France and several foreign countries in the Middle
standards. It is now in service in quantities in the East and America.
French Army.
Mobile and naval half-loop antennas and fixed/semi-
Extract from the field trial made by Thomson-CSF in fixed loop antennas using the same electronic
octobre 1994 for the French Army: components and softwares are working today with
various radiosets for military and civilian applications
"From 0 to 600 km, all Q/S and S+N/N measurements as well, in frequency hopping, ALE or fixed frequency
have confirmed a behaviour without fault of the half- modes A modular and universal interfacing unit
loop. It always gave results much higher than that of makes it possible to fit the antenna at the radioset RF
the guyed 5m whip whatever the climatic conditions output using the control interfacing designed for its
were (rain, intensive fog...). We tried to use the station antenna coupler.
in the most extreme environment conditions noting the
link results, while driving under the rain, under the high The control exchanges can be done in RS232 or
voltage cables either parallel or perpendicular to the multiwire cable according to the speed. The
road, measuring signal/noise in highly industrialized frequencies can be provided in clear, as a channel
towns (like Clermont Ferrand) , on the country roads number or not provided at all. A frequency counter is
through humid forests, etc... necessary in this last configuration.

(Continue on the next page)


STAREC has been involved for a long time in the design of specialized antennas, a wide range.of which has
been proved in operation with French and foreign Armed Forces.

This equipment is mainly used in fixed or mobile weapons or telecommunication systems, such as shelters,
trucks, battle tanks, forward armoured vehicles, etc. STAREC is involved in the RITA, ROLAND, PR4 G, HF
Carthage programs.
Agile half loop on vehicle mirror: Page 40

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Half-Loop Antennas

V APPLICATIONS The chart below present the "not so wellknown"

specificities and applications of the HF tuned
HF/125W loops and half-loops.


Very small dimensions for HF (1.5 to 3m rectangle or Difficult installations (on roof, small areas, ship,...)
Half-loop capability to communicate from a moving
Can be radomed vehicle.

Discrete stations (fixed and mobile)

Small surface on ground.A ground plane is not Easy and low cost installation.
necessary for loop

Communications up to 1000km with 125W, without

silent zone in azimuth nor petal nulls in elevation.
Low take-off angle propagation andGround wave
Communications of the ships along the coasts and
radiation (8-shaped pattern)+Near Vertical Incidence
over mountains.
Skywave (NVIS)
Directivity: + 2dB in free space and +5dB or +6 dB on One antenna only gives the equivalent services of
a conductive ground Gain: - 12/-15 dBi at lowest a NVIS antenna (like horizontal dipole) and a
frequencies to+ 2/+ 5 dBi at highest frequencies. vertical whip (at longer ranges).

Achievement of an ALE fully automated mobile

station: no more need to change antennas at halt
alongside the classic silent zone of whips.

High selectivity in the lowest range.

High reduction of outband transmissions.
Compared to the whip antennas: Better listening
High reduction of received noise and improvement of comfort, reduced Bit Error Rate (BER) of data
the Signal/Noise ratio(typically 6 to 10dB in reception transmissions or FH synchronisation signals. Extra
compared to the wider band antennas like tuned filters can be avoided in many applications.
whips or dipoles) Operational in industrial zones and areas of
frequent lightning.
High rejection of the strong wideband signals like
high voltage lines spurious, indirect effects of Simultaneous transmission and reception on the
lightening, etc... same narrow site (head of a star chained network,
duplex station, HF-HF relay,...)
2 tuned loops are highly isolated (particularly when
they are perpendicular with one frame in the central
axis of the other one).

Fully capacitive tuning unit, without coil nor magnetic Interesting for certain ships
signature effect

HF/125W fast tuned frame antennas can find a number of applications for point to point, ground to air and
ship to shore applications at any distance to 1000 km. mirror: Page 41

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Multirange Vertical Antennas

Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

[email protected]

A combined three-band antenna

Three band antenna fundamentals: At a lack of the

place for installation of a separate vertical antenna
for each of three upper HF ranges it is possible to
use a combined three-band antenna that works at
the ranges itself. Figure 1 shows schematic of a
combined three-band antenna.

Figure 1 A combined three-band antenna

each other. The distances between the vibrators are

fixed with the help of small plastic insulators. The
design has very strong mutual influence for every
vibrator against each other.

Figure 2 Simple design of a three ranges antenna

The antenna consists of from three quarter-wave

verticals that are resonated for each of working
ranges. The verticals are connected in the bottom
together. Two quarter-wave counterpoises should
be use for each operation range of the antenna A
coaxial cable with 50-Ohm characteristic
impedance will do well for the antenna. A coaxial
cable with 75-Ohm characteristic impedance also
would be work with the antenna, but a SWR in the
coax will be higher compare to 50-Ohm coaxial
cable. Table 1 shows the combination of ranges
where a mutual influence of vibrators against each
other is minimum.

Design of the Antenna: Three various designs of

the three- range antenna are shown below. Figure 2
shows a simple design suitable for 6 - to 15-M. The
three vibrators are placed on a small distance from mirror: Page 42

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Multirange Vertical Antennas

Figure 3 shows a simple design suitable for 6 - to Distances between the vibrators are 10 -30
17-M. Antenna has the triangular shape. Special centimeters. It is decrease the mutual influence of the
sitting should be used for the antenna design. vibrators to each other.
Vibrators are screwed in the bottom with the help of
strong screws. The design has a small mutual Antenna Adjusting: The antenna is adjusted by
influence for every vibrator against each other. changing lengths of the vibrators. It is not
complicated. One way is to move vibrators relatively
Figure 3 A triangular shape antenna design the metal base, as it is shown in Figure 5. Do it
carefully, because the vibrators have mutual
influence to each other. It needs to do additional
holes on to end of the vibrators for realization of the
way. It is possible to do one of the vibrators. This
method always gives a good result.

Figure 5 A three range antenna adjusting

Figure 4 shows a simple design suitable for 6 - to 30-

M. Vibrators are screwed to a strong metal angle.

Figure 4 A three range antenna on a metal angle

Other way is to change lengths of the upper ends

of the vibrators. The vibrators ends made from
thick copper or aluminum wire. The wire may be
shortened, move in the side, as it is shown in
Figure 6. But at the way an amateur must have
access to ends of the antenna.

A three ranges antenna for the low ranges

Figure 7 shows a simple design suitable for 40 - to

160-M. Vibrators made from a copper wire in
diameter 1 to 2 mm. Vibrators have length
(/4)*1.1. Each vibrator is matched with coaxial
cable with help of its own a shortening capacitor.
The shortening capacitor can have 100-pF at
ranges of 6- to 17-M, 150-pF at ranges of 20- and
30-M, 200-pF at ranges of 40-80 meters, 250-pF at
160-M. The shortening capacitors should be placed
in a whether- proof box.

Figure 8 shows another simple design suitable for

40 - to 160-M. Vibrators made from a copper wire
in diameter 1 to 2 mm. mirror: Page 43

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Multirange Vertical Antennas

Figure 6 A three range antenna tuning with the Figure 7 A simple design suitable for 40 - to 160-M
help of thick wire

Figure 8 A simple design suitable for 40 - to 160-M

with lengthening coil

Vibrators have length (/4)*(0.5-0.9). Each vibrator is

matched with coaxial cable with help of its own a
lengthening coil. You can use this design if you
have a lack of place.

It is not wise to use more than three vibrators for a

multi- range vertical antenna, because overall
efficiency of the antenna drops in this case. Such
multi- vibrators antenna will be too complicated at

Remember: Two and more resonance (a quarter

wave) counterpoises for each operation range of the
antenna should be used. However, if the antenna is
placed at a small altitude above a metal roof and the
braid of the coaxial cable has a good electrical
contact with the metal roof, the antenna could be
used without any counterpoises.

RF choke should be used: An RF- choke on the

coaxial cable should be installed at feeding terminals.
. The RF-choke precludes leaking of RF- currents on
to outer braid of the coaxial cable. Without the RF-
choke the outer braid of the coaxial cable serves as a
radiating part of the vertical antenna. It gets to TV not matter) hardly dressed on the coaxial cable end
and RF- interferences when the antenna operates on at the antenna terminal make the RF-choke.
transmission. 10 - 30 ferrite rings (permeability does mirror: Page 44

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication

Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

[email protected]

I have a small collection of information about old military HF antennas used over the World.
Presently, three old military automobile HF antennas are described at the article. The antennas are
written as it is, i.e., I give all information, that I have had. I know, the information is not complete at
all, but, nevertheless, the information is interesting and it can help somebody to make own car

Tuned dipole

Tuned dipole exhibited in Figure 1 was used in army dimensions of the automobile, as it is exhibited in
of the USSR. Scheme for the antenna is shown in Figure 1b. Tuned dipole has high radiation both at
Figure 1a. Tuned dipole made from a strong tube low and high (mostly) angles. It allows the antenna to
that has diameter 15 to 30 mm. The tube is installed make links by earth and reflected from ionosphere
at height of 1-1,5 m above the roof of an automobile wave.
and goes out approximately on 1 meter for overall

Figure 1 Tuned dipole mirror: Page 45

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication

Length L of the antenna (see Figure 1a) depends to could reach to 10-15 meters in length. It depends
dimensions of a car, where the antenna is installed, on sizes of the car.
usually the length close to 6 meters. The antenna
feeds with help a short length of a two-wire line, Folded dipole is fed by two-wire ladder line in length
usually the length is equal to 2- 3 meters, an ATU is about 3 meters. The line is connected to an ATU.
used. Antenna is adjusted with help of a symmetrical The antenna is tuned on maxima of RF current to
variometer LT installed at opposite ends of the points A. Folded dipole is tuned in resonance in the
tuned dipole. The antenna is tuned on maxima of RF operation frequencies with help of loading spools LT
current to points A. In such case the antenna together with capacitor C, that made as a
ensures maximum effective work. But in the manual constructing part of the car.
of the antenna is pointed, that the antenna in some
cases can be tuned on maxima of RF voltage on The antenna is intended for 60-90 meters, and
points A. Such set-up for the antenna is possible if usually does not work at other ranges. . Folded
the communication car is placed on a good dipole has strongly radiation to the sky and a little
conducting surface (it can be moist salty soil) or by to the horizon.
operation from natural shelters - holes, ravine.
Inductances of antenna variometer vary from several Dipole with low characteristic impedance
microhenry up to 300 microhenrie. The antenna
works good at 2-25 MHz. Dipole with low characteristic impedance is intended
for a work at wide frequencies range and for
At usage of this antenna in military communication installation on the roof of a communication car that
car, the antenna gives that advantage, that the roof has small dimensions. Figure 4 shows the scheme
of the automobile remains free. It enables to install (Figure 4A) and disposition (Figure 4B) of the dipole
on the roof other antennas, for example, for VHF- on communication car. I must say, that I have seen
UHF ranges some photos, where the antenna was installed
athwart to the roof, as it is shown at Figure 4C. The
Folded dipole antenna is located at the altitude approximately at 1
meter above the roof. Wings of the dipole made as a
Folded dipole was in use within the World War II metal grid has shape, crosswire at the cells soldered.
and till 70s of the 20 century. The dipole is a wire The wing of the dipole has the width in (0,5-1,5)-
folded by meander and loaded to serial coil plus a meters and the length (1,5-2)-meters.
capacitor. Figure 2 shows the disposition of the
folded dipole on communication car. The antenna is Figure 5 shows the scheme of feeding of dipole with
located at the altitude approximately at 1-1,5 meters low characteristic impedance. The antenna is
above the roof. Figure 3 shows the scheme of the connected through a two-wire ladder line in about 2
antenna. Wings of the folded dipole meters length to an ATU. The ATU has a resonance mirror: Page 46

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication

Figure 2 Folded dipole placed on communication car

Figure 3 Scheme of the folded dipole mirror: Page 47

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication

Figure 4 Dipole with low characteristic impedance mirror: Page 48

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Old Military HF- Antennas of Communication

Figure 5 Scheme of feeding of dipole with low characteristic impedance.

circuit LF- CR, that is coupled with help of war. The antenna ensures the sure communication
coupling coil LC with a transmitter. With the help with zenith radiation in HF range 2- 4 MHz in radius
of variable of 200-300 km from the antenna. Also this antenna
spool LF and variable capacitor CR this circuit ensures long-distance communication in HF ranges
can be retune in the frequencies range of 2-20 5-20 MHz.
MHz. In the same frequency range the antenna
works. Maxima of RF current in to the antenna is But this antenna had the deficiencies: at the first, it
installed with the help of variable symmetrical has too complicated matching device, at the second
capacitor CT. the antenna takes too much place in the roof of the
car. For these reasons, since of the end of 50s, the
Such antenna was widely used in communication antenna practically is not used in military
cars during the World War-II and some time after the communication cars.

Russian Field Radio Station, 1941, w.w.-II Russian Field Radio Station, 1913, w.w.-I mirror: Page 49

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Design of Antenna UA1DZ

by Leonid Hmyz, UA4PNT

Credit Line:
Date/time:29-Jun 12:37
Message *:536305

Antenna UA1DZ was published at ANTENTOP 01-2003.

I was received some questions about design of the
antenna. Now, the article contains design of the antenna,
suggested by UA4PNT, Leonid Hmyz, and this one gives
answer to all questions that I have received from readers.

73! I.G.

Figure 1 shows the design of antenna UA1DZ Figure 2 shows the connection of the two wire
ladder line to the vibrator of the antenna UA1DZ

1. Base Insulator 1. Screw-bolt, M4

2. Counterpoises, (10-14) pieces, made of Aluminum Wire, 2. Upper Wire (see Figure 1, item 5) of the
(4- 6)-mm in diameter, or # (2-6)AWG, Two Wire Ladder Line
9.4 meters in length
3. Vibrator of the Antenna UA1DZ
3. Vibrator of the Antenna, made of Aluminum Tube,
(60-130)-mm in diameter, 4. Screw-bolt, M4
9.3 meters in length
4. Base Mast, any hard stuff, wood, plastic, metal tube
(2. 3) meters in length

5. Two Wire Ladder Line mirror: Page 50

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Design of Antenna UA1DZ

Figure 3 shows the design of the Base Insulator and Figure 4 shows the design and the connection of two
the connection of counterpoises wire ladder line to coaxial cable

1.Aluminum Plate in Squire Shape, 1. Two Wire Ladder Line, distance between struts
20x20-cm in sizes, near 5 centimeters
holes for counterpoises (item 2, Figure 3 )
2. Connection with help of Screw-bolt
2. Counterpoises, (10-14) pieces, made of Aluminum
Wire, 3. Coaxial Cable
(4- 6)-mm in diameter, or # (2-6)AWG,
9.4 meters in length 4. Fix Coaxial Cable with help of Scotch or with help
of two clamps to T-Plate made of plastic or Textolite
3. Base Mast, any hard stuff, wood, plastic, metal tube
(2. 3) meters in length

4. Roof of House Take a Visit to:

5. Base Insulator, Teflon or Textolite,

40 centimeters in length
Kazan, Radio- Club
6. Insulator, Teflon or Textolite

General Info

1. Two stacks of Guys

2. Guys made of synthetic rope,

or metal wire broken by insulators to 1.5 meters

2. Take care about waterproof for all electrical


3. If you have not a room to place counterpoises in

straight line, place them in zig - zag line

4. Two Wire Ladder Line goes in straight line

73! UA4PNT mirror: Page 51

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Current Distribution in the A.L.C.

By Yuri Blanarovich, K3BU, VE3BMV, VE1BY

mailto: [email protected]

A recent article on by Alan Applegate, K0BG To which W8JI replied:

"In Search of 'The Perfect Mobile Antenna'" on Aug. 5,
"The idea current is high in only the start of a coil is not
2003 and posted comments, created some controversy
and heated exchange between myself and the "well
Model an antenna with EZnec, and look at the load.
respected engineer" (according to Aaron, NN6O) Tom
Model a coil in any software, and look at current. Read
Rauch, W8JI. This article had some flaws and was far
any textbook, even beginner's textbooks, and see what
from approaching "perfect" mobile antenna. To which
they say. Measure a real antenna yourself!
W8JI stated:

"By using a flawed and seriously over-simplified model, You are like to call names, insult people, and argue
the results are totally misleading when applied to rather than take the time to learn basic electronics.
conventional antennas. Repeating misleading This is in any book, including the ARRL Handbook. If
information in article after article does NOT make it you look at HOW an inductor works, the current flowing
correct. It certainly does not make our community more in one terminal ALWAYS equals the current flowing out
skilled or better informed about how things work." the other terminal. "

and (The rest of the exchange can be seen at

following the K0BG article at
"While I appreciate all your (K0BG) efforts, it is
important that readers and writers fully understand why
and how something works before reaching This was quite an accusation and a challenge to reality
conclusions. Otherwise this all just wastes bandwidth, and my knowledge. This was not the first time that
and people learn incorrect information. The goal of E- W8JI "challenged" me and was proved wrong.
Ham and Internet should be to INCREASE technical Knowing what was the reality (uneven current
skills through mass peer review and learning, not to distribution, coil gets hotter at the bottom) and what
repeat misinformation. " Barry Boothe, W9UCW measured, I was curious what
was the source of W8JI misinformation. I ordered 19th
In view of the above and in order to "INCREASE edition of ARRL Antenna Book and followed chain of
references that led to information on page 16-7 and
technical skills through mass peer review and learning"
Fig. 9 and 10. (see page 53)
I have summarized in my posting the most important
items contributing to high efficiency of mobile or Looking at those two pictures, we can see that the
shortened antennas. W8JI commented that I was current across the radiator was "linearized" to be a nice
wrong about the current distribution in the antenna straight line instead of actual cosine curve. Also, Fig.
loading coils, where I stated: 10 is missing the important cross-hatched area, the
current across the coil is shown as a "nice" linear
"4. Loading coils. Should be mounted as high as
current over h2 and coil apparently has zero physical
possible in the antenna mast to increase the current
length. This passage in the Antenna Book is written by
radiating portion of the whip. Wire or tubing should be
Bruce Brown, W6TWW "Optimum Design of Short Coil-
rated to carry the power without melting the coil. Q of
Loaded High-Frequency Mobile Antennas" first
the coil is not that important, coil in this situation is the
published in ARRL Antenna Compendium, Volume 1,
part of the radiating element, most of the current is at
page 108.
the base of the coil and surprisingly Q or form factor is
not THAT important as measured and verified
experimentally by W9UCW. Loading coils at the base
or autotuners are the worst. Bugcatchers, single coils
with no shorting, spider mounts for multiple coils are
very efficient." mirror: Page 52

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Current Distribution in the A.L.C.

This is a true representation and shows the last 30

Going back to that reference we can see on page 109 degrees "linearized", which is OK for simplification, but
Fig.1 a current distribution on 1/4 wave radiator. it introduces an error, which could magnify in precise
calculations and modeling.

This is expanded in Fig. 2, mirror: Page 53

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Current Distribution in the A.L.C.

The base coil is omitted, which "simplifies" or distorts flow in the equivalent part of a full 90-degree-high-
the picture of real current distribution in shortened antenna."
radiator with base loading coil. As we will see later, if
the coil was shown, 1 A current applied at the bottom, So here is qualifier that in long skinny coils, as in
and current measured at the top of the coil, authors helically wound antennas, radiation allows coil current
would have seen the drop across the coil and current to decrease. The problem seems to be that in one case
at the bottom of the radiator (top of coil) would not be 1 the current decreases across the coil (helical), but in
A, but more like shown by the shaded area in Fig. 3. "regular" loading coil that is not allowed, which is false.
(Where was the measurement, verification?)

Is this really true or is it based on a previous

reference? Lets follow the trail to the referenced article
(by W6TWW) in 1953 QST, p. 30 by J. Belrose,
VE3BLW (now VE2CV) "Short Antennas for Mobile
Operation" and we see the origin of the "constant"
current across the coil and the "linearized" current

Then we see in Fig. 3 coil inserted in the middle of 30

deg. radiator. Coil has "zero" physical length and
current distribution across the coil is shown as constant
and as W8JI claims. The implication is that coil
magically widens the area under the current curve over
the top 15 deg. Here is the cross-hatched area that is
missing in the ARRL Antenna Book, which is really Curves with 1, 2, 3 show various current distributions
what is happening in the coil loaded radiator. This from 1 for no coil, to 3 for coil that brings the antenna
figure implies that current across the coil is constant to resonance. Jack in his calculations assumes that the
and actually makes short radiator work better than the current across the coil is constant and that seems to
"naked" one, without the coil (proportional to the areas perpetuate all the way to the latest edition of ARRL
under the current curves). In reality, the picture should Antenna Book. So much for the "theory". What is the
show current across the coil coming from the bottom reality? I repeatedly asked W8JI to measure the
right corner of the shaded area to the top current curve current in typical mobile coil loaded antenna, like in
at 15 deg. or bottom of the coil. Hustler 80 m resonator. His reply was that he
measured thousands of coils and he found constant
Bruce, W6TWW, states: current. He would not reply to this one case that
represents a typical situation and is the subject of this
"Therefore, the current exiting the top of the coil is the
same as that entering the bottom of the coil. (This is
true for conventional coils. However, radiation from
long skinny coils allows coil current to decrease, as in
helically wound antennas.) This is easily verified by
installing RF ammeters immediately above and below
the loading coil in a test antenna. Thus, the coil forces
a much higher current into the top section than would mirror: Page 54

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Current Distribution in the A.L.C.

What is the truth? reflect the reality. As someone said, one measurement
is better than thousands of theories. The question is,
It all started with discussion on the TopBand Reflector how was W8JI measuring the current, and getting
(see the archives on for May 2003) with more current than it was applied at the base?
thread "160 m Mobile Antenna Suggestions" Barry, W9UCW among other arguments and
05/msg00044.html explanations wrote:
"In our measurements, we used long and short coils
Barry, W9UCW pointed out his findings based on real and the current taper was was almost identical if the
life measurements of decreasing current across the topmast capacitance was held the same. If the
loading coils. This agreed with my "unscientific" "make up" was above the coil, there was slightly less
experience, when I fried the loading coil with 600W into taper down of current, due to the larger capacitance
Hustler resonator, melting heat-shrink tubing and wire above. It would also resonate lower in freq. It appears
at the bottom of the coil. There was an exchange of to us that the current decrease in the coil has most to
arguments on the subject of current in the loading do with the section of the quarterwave element that it
coils, with W8JI insisting on constant current across effectively replaces. The actual decrease in our tests
the coil. Unfortunately, the TopBand reflector was always a little more than the decrease calculated
moderator terminated W9UCW responses, so W8JI for the "replaced" section, no matter what coil was
had his famous "right" last word. used. I hope that answers your questions."
Tom, W8JI on his web page "I think your position (W8JI) is clear....that under the condx described, current reduction in a loading coil
states: can't, won't, never did, never will happen. My
position is that it always does, and I've measured it.
"The modeled current distribution for 1-ampere applied
Neither of these hypotheses will go far to satisfy the
at the base (in 1-foot intervals) is:
real objectives of our study."
1ft= 1.0031
2 ft= 1.0091 Barry, W9UCW was kind to provide proof in the form of
3ft= 1.0178 some measured data and photographs showing the
4ft= 1.0318 antenna setup, loading coil and RF ammeters installed
<Coil> at the top and bottom of the loading coil, which could
5ft= 1.0175 be reversed:
6ft= .97512
"Here are some actual measurements of current
7ft= .92984
below and above loading coils.
8ft = .89522
92" mast, using a HI-Q coil (openwound airdux, 2
Measuring the current into and out of the loading coil 1/2"d) with small thermocouple type meters
with a small thermocouple RF meter, I detect no mounted on the insulated coil support. First for
difference This is in close agreement with the model. " 40m, moving the coil in the mast from base to
center to top (with hat) and reresonating.
and "conclusion"...
Base --100ma below & 66ma above
Clearly there is no basis to the claim current is high Center --100ma below & 45ma above
only in the first few turns of an inductor, or that current Top --100ma below & 37ma above
tapers in relationship to "electrical degrees". The most Then, same test but for 30m
accurate way to state the effect would be to say:
"When the loading coil is short and the capacitance of Base --100ma below & 75ma above
the antenna beyond the coil is reasonable (in this case Center --100ma below & 60ma above
3000 ohms Xc or less), there is an immeasurable Top --100ma below & 52ma above
reduction in current in the coil."
On a long, skinny 160 resonator with 25pf of top
First, there is a problem in his modeling with current hat and whip, mounted on an 8' mast, I read 100ma
increasing from the base towards the coil. That should below and 65ma above the coil.
be the flag telling him that 2 + 2 is not sometimes 4.04.
Second, EZNEC has no provision for incorporating Because of the constant claim that this must be
physical length of coil. It just considers LC parameters. due to the fact that the coil is so big compared to a
Roy Lewallen, W7EL, author of EZNEC and Richard wavelength, I measured the in and out current on
Clark, KB7QHC recommend workarounds to replace a TOROIDAL loading coil used on a 20m mobile
the coil with cylinder of similar size or breaking the coil antenna. It was a 78" base mast (including spring
to number of physical segments with appropriate and mount) with a 38" top whip (including 12" of
inductances. W8JI "findings and measurements" hardly alum. tubing for adjustment). mirror: Page 55

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Current Distribution in the A.L.C.

Below --100ma & Above --79ma Here is the coil in center loaded radiator, 100 mA
meters at both ends of the coil. The bottom one is
When I moved the coil to the top of the mast and showing full deflection (with power adjusted to) - 100
made a horizontal "X" top hat to resonate it back mA while at the same time the top ammeter is showing
on the same freq, I got 45 mA as described above. The meters were mounted
Below --100ma & Above --47ma that way so that they could do a test and then just turn
the coil assembly upside down and do another test to
So, It happens even in a totally shielded loading make sure results were the same and that no
coil with miniscule power going thru it! Kirchoff anomalies crept in. Results were always identical.
has no laws about current being the same on both
ends of inductors. His current law is about one
POINT in a circuit and his voltage law is about a
closed loop."
... and some significant difference W9UCW in field
strength measured between the base and center
loading coil:
"The actual difference in signal strength between
top and base loading of a 9' antenna is about 16 db
(measured) on 75m, but Tom calculates 8db on
160. That's because he assumes the same current
in the coil. Actually it's worse on 160 than 75."
Barry's pictures are worth a thousand words:

W9UCW's setup with radial field (60), base loaded

vertical with RF thermocouple ammeters inserted at
the top and bottom of the coil. The reality.

So how does the real distribution of current in loaded

antennas look? The answer can be found in the John
Devoldere's "Bible" - "ON4UN's Low Band DXing", 3rd
Edition, on page 9-34: (see page 57)

When I pointed out this reference to W8JI, his

response was:

"I just looked at that, and you are right. John is

incorrect, and I'll bring it to his attention. Thanks for
pointing that out."

This is not the first time that W8JI is wrong. His typical
modus operandi is first to attack and ridicule the
opponent, then the exchange of arguments ensues.
When he realizes he is wrong, rather than admitting,
he clouds the issue with his "arguments". After staying
quiet for a while, he then emerges, pretending to be
the expert on the subject with corresponding postings
on his web page, without giving credit to the originator.
Normally this is called plagiarism.

The Internet is a great place to publish ideas, good and

wrong. In the spirit of Tom's posting on the's
purpose, I had to react to his disinformation by
presenting the facts, especially when it happened more
than once.
Why is this important? Technical subjects have their
laws and rules. Perpetuating wrong information
doesn't serve anybody. As we can see in this
example, something that was "established" 50 years
ago, perpetuated through "peer reviewed" books to
this day, can cause problems and wrong conclusions. mirror: Page 56

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Current Distribution in the A.L.C. mirror: Page 57

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Current Distribution in the A.L.C.

In summary: I hope this will help to better understand the loaded

The current in a typical loading coil in the antennas, to incorporate the effect into the modeling
shortened antennas drops across the coil roughly software and to develop more efficient shortened
corresponding to the segment of the radiator it antenna systems.
Below is the result of plotting current in the G5RV
... and that's the way it IS, hardly W8JI's -
antenna using inductors in the form of loading stubs
"...there is an immeasurable reduction in current in the as done by W5DXP in Eznec. It can be seen that the
coil." current entering the stub is greater than current
exiting the stub. When simple inductance in Eznec is
inserted in place of the stubs, the current erroneously
is shown as the same at the both ends of the

Comments from the REC.RADIO.AMATEUR.ANTENNA News Group

current minimum point on the other side.

Here are some comments relating to the subject of
current distribution through loading coils as
That same principle holds true for standing wave
rehashed on news
antennas which are
antennas with (surprise!) standing waves. The current
Posting by Cecil, W5DXP shedding some light on is NOT the same
the "theoretical" (Kirchoff and Ohm laws) at each end of the coil (unless a current maximum or
arguments and their propriety to the case: current minimum
occurs in the middle of the coil). However, for traveling
Assume a transmission line with an SWR of 10:1. Put a wave antennas,
series inductor in series with the transmission line. the current at each end of a loading coil would be close
Assuming negligible losses, the forward current is the to equal.
same at each end of the coil and the reflected --
current is the same at each end of the coil. The 73, Cecil"
question is: Do the superposed currents, Ifwd+Iref,
remain constant? Of course not, because of phase
shifts. With a large enough coil, one could cause a
current maximum point on one side of the coil and a mirror: Page 58

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Current Distribution in the A.L.C.

More info from Cecil, W5DXP on the subject: Now here is something that might blow some minds.
The inductive stub above is ten feet long. That's about
"Yuri Blanarovich wrote: 1/8WL on 20m. A 1/8WL shorted stub equals +jZ0. The
results of running the above antenna on 20m is that the
What I was looking for is to see 1. if anyone else current through R1 is 185 degrees out of phase with
MEASURED the current in loading coils, and what the current through R2. At the time when the current
results they arrived at (and if we are wrong, then through R2 is flowing toward the end of the antenna,
where did we go wrong). 2. If this is right than to have the current through R1 is flowing toward the feedpoint.
modeling software implement it with least error. I Wonder what Kirchhoff would say about that. If you
would like to use that for optimizing, say, loaded replace the stub with a coil of the same reactance, not
elements for receiving arrays on low bands, optimizing much changes.
mobile antennas, loaded multielement beams, etc.
Tell W8JI to stop using lumped circuit analysis
Hi Yuri, when he should be using distributed circuit
try this out for your argument in the other group. Using analysis. :-)
73, Cecil"
Example 1: 102' CF dipole with loading coils in the
center of each arm to cause the antenna to resonate Yuri, my latest posting sheds more light. Apparently,
on 3.76 MHz. I get XL=j335 ohms. W8JI doesn't realize that there are two superposing
currents phasor-adding together to get the net current
Example 2: Replace the above loading coils with series and the phase distribution between those two current
inductive stubs hanging down. Ten foot stubs with six waves are opposite because they are traveling in
inch spacing between the wires is what I used. What opposite directions. This is a characteristic of standing-
happens to the current across that six inch gap is wave antennas.
obvious from the current plot using EZNEC. Hint:
There is a step function across that six inch gap just as See what happens when one tries to ignore the
there will be with a six inch coil. component waves?
Then ask: Why doesn't EZNEC treat these two cases Because the two currents are traveling in opposite
the same way? directions, any phase delay through the coil shifts the
phase of the two currents IN OPPOSITE
73, Cecil"
DIRECTIONS. Thus the total relative phase shift effect
through a 10 degree coil is 20 degrees.
and ...
Mark, NM5K wrote:
Yuri Blanarovich wrote:
Dunno...I finally got up enough courage to wade thru
There is too much reliance now going on modeling
program results, ignoring some realities. a bunch of that myself. Both had some decent points..
But....Just using my built in "BS" filter only, which
Yuri, rarely seems to fails me, and ignoring all other
here is a modeling result that you might like. :-) I took a influences, I still have to side with Tom. I still think the
102' dipole and loaded it in the center of each leg with current is fairly constant.
an inductive stub that made the dipole resonant on
3.76 MHz. I added a one ohm series 'load' to each side
of the stub. Drawing one leg of the dipole, it looks like W5DXP:
The key to understanding is to realize that the net
----------R2-+ +-R1----------FP--- ... other half current is the phasor sum of the forward current and
|| reflected current (on a standing- wave antenna).
| | inductive Assume a 10 degree phase delay through the coil on
| | stub the frequency of operation. Ifwd-in and Iref-out are on
+-+ the same side of the coil. Ifwd-out and Iref-out are on
the other side of the coil.
EZNEC reports 0.85 amps through R1 and 0.57 amps Ifwd-in--> coil Ifwd-out-->
through R2, a difference of 33%. If one could model -----------------------////////////-------------------------
the inductive loading reactance as an actual physical <--Iref-out <--Iref-in
coil instead of a lumped single point impedance,
results would be similar to the above. Assume that |Ifwd-in| = |Ifwd-out| which satisfies
Kirchhoff mirror: Page 59

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Current Distribution in the A.L.C.

Assume that |Iref-in| = |Iref-out| which satisfies Ifwd-out lags Ifwd-in by 10 degrees. Iref-in leads Iref-
Kirchhoff out by 10 degrees. So current on the right side of the
coil equals Ifwd-out at -10 degrees plus Iref-in at +10
Ifwd-in + Iref-out = net current on left side of the coil degrees, NOT a current maximum point.

Ifwd-out + Iref-in = net current on right side of the Therefore, in this example, net current on the left side
coil of the coil
cannot possibly be equal to net current on the right
Ifwd-out lags Ifwd-in by 10 degrees side of the coil.
73, Cecil
Iref-out lags Iref-in by 10 degrees (Iref-in leads Iref- and summarized by W4JLE:
out) If we feed an antenna at the current point, the
Now let's assume that Ifwd-in and Iref-out are in phase. current decreases as the voltage increases along
the antenna element from feed point to end..
So current on the left side of the coil equals Ifwd-in at
zero degrees plus Iref-out at zero degrees which is a That being said, a coil replacing a segment of an
current maximum point. antenna (in order to physically shorten it) will
exhibit the same properties (relating to currents) as
Ask yourself: Can we have a current maximum point the segment it replaced.
on both sides of the coil? I trust that answer is obvious.

Yuri Blanarovich, P.Eng., M. Sc.


op of: OK3KAG, OK3KGH, OK3KAH, 4U1ITU, XJ3ZZ/1, VE3IBM, CJ3DCB, CG1ZZ, VA1A, VC1A, etc.
President TESLA RC: N2EE, NT1E, VA1A, VC1A - member: ARRL, RAC, Aruba IDA, MRC, FRC
Photo above was taken at VE1ZZ QTH while operating in CQ WW and WPX contests, where I managed to take
world #1 spots on 80 and 160m. mirror: Page 60

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Russian EH-Antennas

By, Nikolay Kisel, UA3AIC, phone in Moscow (095)-497-52-58

e-mail: [email protected]

It is not an article, so it is early still to write scientific More info one can find in the internet:
treatises on this subject. It is while a test, supervision,
analysis, searching of answers to many questions. My http: //
experience can encourage ones, and others I will http: //
disappoint. I think, a EH- antenna can compete to any
dipole, IV or GP, EH-antenna can work both at a field, Schematic of the antenna is below.
and at restricted urban conditions.

But I have done my own design that you can see on connection. Variable capacitors have max capacity of
the pictures. 55-pF. The cylinders have diameter of 80-mm, height
of 200-mm, and made of a bronze sheet of 0,5-mm
Picture 1 shows two antennas, conical one for 10 thickness. Using such antenna details, it was possible
meters is made by UA3AO, cylindrical antenna, to cover a frequency range from 10 up to 30 MHz.
retuning from 30 up to 10 meters is made by myself. I
have used two variometers from old military Russian If you have not such variometer, you can try to tune the
surplus radio -140 for my antenna. The variometer antenna to separately ranges. For example, for 20
gives 0,65 - 6,9-H or 2,8-29-H, it depends from the meters: L1=10 coils (3-H), copper wire of diameter of
1.81-mm (#13 AWG), 30 mm, L2=16 coils (6-H) mirror: Page 61

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Russian EH-Antennas

copper wire of diameter of 1.81-mm (#13 AWG), 30

mm, C1=37-pF, C2=26-pF, variable capacitors 6- 33-
pF are soldered to bridge to each of them. After tuning
I have soldered still one 18-pF capacitor to each of the
variable ones.

Picture 2 shows this antenna on the roof of my house,

my YAGI is at the background. I did QSOs with all
continents using only 100 W. But it is only at a dry
weather. Only there were rains, snow, humidity under
100% and my antenna goes to detuning. When the
antenna was dried up in a room, it goes to work again.
My conclusion: it is an antenna for Sahara!:) It is a
joke, but you can keep the antenna in a dry place. After
adjustment the antenna in a room, the antenna
changes its resonance frequency near 350 kHz
upward. Conclusion: this antenna does not love narrow
roof, it likes wide place at a roof with access for tuning.

Picture 3 shows my EH-antenna on the roof of my

house, retuning GP on 40, 15 and 17 meters is at the
background, to one of the GP counterpoises is
attached a nylon rope, to the rope the EH- antenna is

Pictures 4, 5 and 6 show design of the antenna. A

plastic strip of 5-mm thickness was used as the base of
the antenna. The plastic strip is used as finishing stuff
at decorating a building, and short pieces of them cost
nothing. The pictures are made at the apartment of
RV3AKU that is located in the centre of Moscow (there
are very heavy radio noise and interferences!). mirror: Page 62

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Russian EH-Antennas

Picture 7 shows a -antenna made by

UA3AO at UA3AOs summer- house. Valery, For adjustment of -antennas all our group of EH-
UA3AO used cylinders of diameter of 100-mm enthusiasts UA3AO, UA3FH, UA3HR, UA3ALE and
and 300-mm of length. The antenna works at UA3AIC used the same set of devices. It is a FSM
(Field Strength Meter), a SWR-meter, and a neon bulb.
80 and 40 meters very well.
73! UA3AIC mirror: Page 63

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 VHF- UHF-Antenna

Alex, RA3GBQ,, [email protected]

To do the antenna one can very easy as well as the Sweets- surprise Chupa- Chups
costs are nothing. You need a box of a sweets-
surprise Chupa- Chups, a piece of an old coax,
some wire, epoxies, and a little of job.

So, go to do it!

Take glass-reinforced plastic rod 5 and upper part

of a sweets- surprise Chupa- Chups 10.
Insert the rod and wire 4 for matching coil into item

Take a metal tube, cut a ring 7 and insert into item


Take a plastic cap 8 from a plastic can, fix a RF-

socket 9 on it, solder the wire of the coil 4 to the
socket , solder by 3-5 wire the ring 7 to the socket.
Turn up item 10, fill up it by epoxies 6, and close it
by the cap 8.

When the epoxies are hardened, drill holes for

counterpoises 11 at low side of the item 10 and
through out item 7.

Cut a thread into item 5 and onto counterpoises


Remove braid 3 from a coaxial cable, put on the

braid 3 onto item 5 that before is covered a glue.
The length of the braid 3 is equal to 5/8 for 144 0r
430 MHz.

Coil the spool 4 (any number of turns) with step

between turns of 1-mm, solder the spool to the braid

Insert 6 /4 counterpoises.

Meter SWR. Chose a tap from the coil 3 to

minimum SWR.

Put on a can of a pen onto the upper end of the

rod 5.
Put on a shrink plastic tube 1 onto the rod 5.

Heat the shrink plastic tube.

Get you own antenna!

73! mirror: Page 64

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Short Rubber Duck for VHF/UHF Hand - Held

Igor, UA6HJG, [email protected]

All portable hand held radios have a short rubber 145 MHz Rubber Duck
duck antenna. Some of the rubber duck antennas
are rather long and if it is not necessary to
communicate on a far distance, the long antenna
just hinders to use a hand- held. I decided to make a
short rubber duck antenna that is convenient for
daily usage and for short distance communication.

Range 144 - 146

... For Yaesu VX-1R and C - 508

I have made this antenna for VX-1R as it has a small

RF-socket SMA. Antenna has length in 43-mm
(together with RF-socket). Copper wire of diameter
0.6-mm (# 23 AWG) is coiled up a turn- to turn on a
form of diameter of 8-mm. 25.5 turns were coiled. At
thus the resonance of the antenna was at 145.3-
MHz with SWR 1:1. After winding and checks of the
resonance, put on a shrink plastic tube on the
antenna, and heat it.

For any stations having BNC socket

430 MHz Rubber Duck

Antenna has length in 69-mm (together with RF-
socket). Copper wire of diameter 1.3-mm (# 16
AWG) is coiled up a turn- to turn on a form of
diameter of 10-mm. 22 turns were coiled. At thus
the resonance of the antenna was at 145.3-MHz with
SWR 1:1. After winding and checks of the
resonance, put on a shrink plastic tube on the
antenna, and heat it.

Range 430 - 440

The design of an antenna for a range of 433-MHz

does not differ from the previous design, only it need
to reduce the number of turns of the coil. Antenna
has length in 42-mm (together with RF-socket).
Copper wire of diameter 1.3-mm (# 16 AWG) is
coiled up a turn- to turn on a form of diameter of 8.5-
mm. 6 turns were coiled. At thus the resonance of
the antenna was at 435.3-MHz with SWR 1.8:1.
After winding and checks of the resonance, put on a
shrink plastic tube on the antenna, and heat it.

These designs were checked with hand-held radios

VX-1R, C-568, FT-50 and C-508. At range of
communication in city 1-2-kms the home- brew Credit Line:
rubber duck almost do not lose to commercial
made ones.

73! mirror: Page 65

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Folding 3-el YAGI for Mountains

Igor, UA6HJG, [email protected]

This antenna was developed specially for mountains

trip from my experience of radio communication in
mountains. The antenna is optimized to the maxima
forward gain. At work you can hold the antenna by
the "tail" and direct the antenna to your
correspondent using vertical or horizontal
Figure 1 shows the design of the antenna.
Antenna boom is made of a plastic water pipe of
1000-mm of length and of 22-mm OD. Antenna
reflector and vibrator both are made of aluminum
wire of 5-mm of diameter. Antenna vibrator is
made of bimetallic wire of 5-mm of diameter. The
vibrator is soldered to PC board that is the central
insulator for the vibrator.
Figure 1

A 50-Ohms coaxial cable is used with the antenna advantage one antenna above other one. The essence
without any symmetrical devices. The cable goes of this method is simple. You take a dipole as the
along the boom and get out from the tail. For exemplary antenna and do compare the dipole with the
antenna folding you can loose screws, turn antenna experimental antenna.
vibrator along the boom, and again strength the
screws. Antenna director and reflector is removed Being on the southern slope of Elbrus- mountain at
from the boom and hide inside the boom. height of 4000 meters I use the method with help of
Turkish ham station TA7T. The distance between me
Coaxial cable has the length of 1100-mm. The cable and TA7T was approximately 500-kms. I hardly heard
is laid inside the boom and get out from the tail. It is TA7T by my exemplary dipole but I had 59 with the
need to protect from weather the place where the YAGI. It is near 10 dB in real gain!
coaxial cable is soldered to the vibrator. RF socket
also must be protected from weather and dirty at
transportation of the antenna. Antenna has weight of
0.4-KG. Practical measured (by device SWR-121)
SWR is: at 144.7=1.3:1, 145.2=1:1, 145.7=1.6:1.

Antenna has gain compare to half-wave dipole 6-7

dB. In general to measure the real gain of an
antenna in the amateur conditions is practically not
easy matter. I use a comparative method that shows mirror: Page 66

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Simple 430-MHz 3-el YAGI for Mountains

Igor, UA6HJG, [email protected]

I want to pay attention that UHF antennas for

mountain climbing has the own specificity. So,
antennas having the gain more the 6-9-Db-dB are
not necessary in mountains at big height (from
3000 meters and is higher), as well as you do not
need mast for the antennas. Also I prefer not
knock- down antenna design. .

This antenna was developed specially for high-

mountainous trip proceeding from my previous
experience. At the first place I stand following
characteristics: gain, weight, reliability. The
antenna is optimized of the maxima forward gain.
The design is made not knock- down that is

Figure 1

very conveniently as the antenna is always ready to The coaxial cable has length of 50-mm. The place of the
operation. You can hold the antenna by its tail and soldering of the coaxial cable to the vibrator must be
direct the antenna to your correspondent at protected from the weather. Antenna has weight of 150
operation. gram. 150, real gain of 6-7 dB above half-wave dipole.
Figure 1 shows the design of the antenna. The SWR is: at 433-MHz =1.8:1, at 435-MHz =1.4:1, at 438-
boom is made of an ebonite rod of 412-mm length MHz=1:1, at 440-MHz=1.5:1 ( it as measured by device
and of 8-mm diameter. Antenna elements are made
of a copper wire of 2- mm (#12 AWG) diameter. 50 Commentary:
Ohms coaxial cable is soldered to antenna vibrator I recommend to use the antenna with low-power UHF
without any symmetrical and matching devices. The radio (10-mWtts) for a range 433-434. I have 30- 50
coaxial cable goes along the boom and get out from kms of distance (at direct vision) using the antenna with
the antenna tail. Antenna elements are fastened to such station. Also I recommend to use the antenna with
the boom by epoxies. The antenna can place above usual UHF radios, be sure, you easy will skip more than
or inside a tourist backpack. 100-kms!

Credit Line: mirror: Page 67

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Simple 430-MHz 4-el YAGI for Mountains

Igor, UA6HJG, [email protected]

The purpose of this design is to create an antenna

for mountains. The antenna must correspond follow
1. To have gain not less the 7-dB.
Forward Gain is the main
characteristic of the antenna.

2. A wide lobe must be. During a QSO

you can hold the antenna by the tail
and shaking of the antenna should
not result to full 'failure' of the
3. Simplicity in making and Figure 1 shows a design of such antenna. The boom
adjustments. An opportunity of fast
is made of a wooden strip.. Elements and the vibrator
repair in field conditions. are made of 2-mm copper wire (# 12 AWG).
4. Antenna weight with coaxial cable
both must be up to 500 gram. The sizes of elements:
5. 50-Ohm coax for the feeding must Reflector 345-mm.
be used. Vibrator 285-mm.
Director-I 312-mm.
Director-II 306-mm.

Figure 1

The design of antenna vibrator is shown on Figure 2. Figure 2

Coaxial cable has 850-mm length and this one goes
along the boom. Soldered place must be protected
from weather.

Antenna has weight of 290 gram. SWR (metered by

SWR-291) is: at 433- MHz =2:1, at 435-MHz =1:1, at
438-MHz =2:1.
The antenna worked very well in the mountains. Also
the antenna may be used for stationary work from a
fixed QTH.

Credit Line: mirror: Page 68

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 4-Ovals Antenna for 430- 440 -MHz

Igor, UA6HJG, [email protected]

I need a good universal antenna for repeaters

working at the 70-cm range, packet radio and for
routine work. Such antenna must be satisfy the
follow characteristics:

1. Real Gain 9-10-dB.

2. Low SWR at 430-440- MHz.

3. Wide forward lobel.

4. Unpretentiousness to close located 8. Stability to heavy icing and to winds in

subjects. 10-20 meters per second..

5. Simplicity in manufacturing and

adjustments. 4 Ovals Antenna responded all of the conditions. Why
an oval? At first, from the antenna theory we know that
6. Possibility to create phased an oval radiates energy a little bit more effectively than a
systems on the basis of square. At the second, in practical, it is more easy to do
the antennas. an oval then a square.. So choose the OVAL! Figure 1
shows a design of the
7. 50 - Ohm coaxial cable feeding.
Figure 1

antenna. Boom is made of iron L-plate 25x25-mm. All Director-I- 649-mm. (-20).
the four ovals are fastened to the boom by struts made
of insulation stuff such as tree, hetinax, etc. Antenna is Director- II - 639-mm. (-20-mm).
fastened by the tail, that is behind the struts.
Figure 2 shows the design of the Driven Element. RF
Perimeter of elements (ovals): socket is soldered directly by the ends of the oval.
Three holes is drilled at each strut. One holes is in the
Reflector- 727-mm. (-20-mm for soldering). center for fastened the strut to the boom, two holes are
at the ends for bimetal oval. Antenna reflectors and
Driven Element- 653-mm (+10-mm distance for a RF directors have the same design as the Driven Element
socket). only difference is its ends soldered together. mirror: Page 69

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 4-Ovals Antenna for 430- 440 -MHz

Figure 2

Antenna has weight of 900 gram. SWR is: at 430-MHz made of iron L-plate having not the same dimensions
you would do correction lengths of antenna elements. I
=1.2:1, at 435-MHz =1:1, at 440-MHz=1.3:1 SWR was
metered by device SWR-121. If you will use boom want to pay attention, that the antenna is more
laborious than YAGI, but it work much better.

Igor, UA6HJG, [email protected]

When an antenna is intended for mountains it must strip drying by oil. Perimeter of all ovals is increased
follow such additional requirements as: on 20-mm compare to previous design. All struts are
1. Light weight. made from un- foiled PC-board. Antenna elements
2. To have folding design and to take a are made of 2-mm diameter soft copper wire (# 12
little place in a backpack. AWG). Soldered parts must be protected from the
3. Antenna should be conveniently to weather.
hold in a hand, to fasten to a tree or
stick. . Antenna has weight 400 gram. Other characteristics
4. Tolerance to a dirty, water and snow. are as the previous design has. The antenna is tested
5. Possibility to repair in field conditions. at 1997 and at 2000 in the mountain Elbrus and the
6. antenna shows good result. I made QSOs in distance
So, the boom of the trip antenna is made of a wooden of 200-300 kms with 59 for both ends!

Igor, UA6HJG, on Elbrus Elbrus mirror: Page 70

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 QRP Tales

By Alexei Rusakov, UA4ARL/qrp (RU-QRP # 005) [email protected]

Continued from ANTENTOP- 02-2003

On 25 May 2003 I worked the WPX-CW contest. I

started calling CQ-WPX at 0000Z but was only
answered about every fifth time. After about an hour
I had only 18 QSOs on 80 meters. I started calling
CQ just to see how the propagation was. At 0120Z
TO5AA was 559. Finally I was able to work Europe a
Yesterday, before the WPX-CW contest I heard
someone call CQ. The signal was right at the noise
level, so it was impossible to copy. Even my
500MHz filter didn't improve the signal. I fine tuned
and the RST finally got up to 339 and I recognized

part of his call sign, 3?2N?, but with QSB. He

continued to call CQ but had no response. The RST
got up to 559. The call sign was 3D2NC. I gave him The RCC had a contest on 26 April 2003. Propagation
a call. No answer. I called again. He said RPT AGN, was poor for both short and long skip, but I did make 150
but there was a European station calling him and he QSOs. However not many contacts were QRP. After the
went back the European. On my third attempt he contest I listened to the upper bands without luck. 15
finally came back to me. Sadly he gave me the meters was dead as well as 10 meters. I listened to HF
standard RST 559 for my QRP signal. in the evening and it was dead also.

At 1101Z I heard no body calling. . I waited for a few The weather in Volgograd is very unstable now. Friday
minutes more. Then a few sations from Siberia and the high was +19 C, Saturday it was only +5 C.
Europe started calling. They probably heard the pile-
up for 3D2NC, whose signal peaked at 569. After Victor, RZ4AA, shares QRP experiences with me. He
about 30 contacts his signal dropped and I couldn't said "After every contest I always hear HF. Usually
hear him any more. I was interested in how well he propagation is better than before the contests. The
was heard in Siberia so I sent an e-mail to contesters have gone back to their other rigs and then it
UA0_____ asking how well the European station is possible to work 5 watts QRP DX without any
was heard there. problems." Last weekend he had about 20 QRP QSOs
into South America (LU, CX and PY) using 5 watts and
On 20 meters signals from far Europe were 559 and dipole antenna up about 5 meters. He worked one LU
on 15 meters they were 579. The frequency of 3D2 station who was also running QRP and they both
is free now. Is somebody calling QRL ? I waited and exchanged RST of 579!
heard CQ CQ de A3JJ A3JJ K. Immediately a few
stations called him. A3JJ answered a Dutch station I next listened to 21.00 MSK. I heard the Switzerland
and giving "... de EA3JJ". After first QSO the pile-up contest. The propagation was improving some now. I
disappeared. tuned to the DX window and heard someone transmitting
"...ON /QRP. His RST here was 589 and he was talking
Today I heard RZ6HX/QRP on 21 MHz. to Belgium, but I couldn't hear the Belgian station. He
told the Belgian station that he was usng a K2 txcvr.
72! Alexei, UA4ARL/qrp When he said 73 and gave his call sign, I was surprised
to hear VK9XK! I gave him a call and he came back to
me on the first try. He gave my RST as 599. His QTH
was Christmas Island. Grear FUN!

72! UA4ARL/qrp Alexei Rusakov

Credit Line: : mirror: Page 71

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Trap on Coaxial Cable

Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

[email protected]

If a multi-band antenna or a symmetrical antenna is

installed at insufficient environment it is possible
when the antenna works to transfer, a part of RF
energy is reflected from closest subjects to the
antenna itself and to the braid of the coaxial cable of
the antenna. From the braid of the coaxial cable the
energy goes to hams shack and causes damage to
all radio equipment in to the shack.

A trap on the coaxial cable helps to eliminate the

sneaking of the reflected RF- energy to the shack.
The trap can be made from the coaxial cable that
feeds the antenna. Figure 1 shows installation of the
trap. The data for the trap for all amateur SW-ranges
are shown in Table 1. The trap can be made for a
range, where the sneaking of the RF- energy does
the most trouble.

If several ranges are suffered from the incidental the resonance to frequency of the reflected RF -
reflected RF- energy, then several proper traps are energy. If the reflected RF-energy has not enough
installed on the coaxial cable. In this case the first power to make the LED glow, the trap can be tuned
from the antenna trap should be tuned to the most with the help of an RF-voltmeter that should be
high frequency range. disposed near by the trap.

Empty plastic bottles of soft drinks are used for forms If you have a good radio - ground try to connect the
to the traps. A Scotch fixes coils of the trap. The ground to upper, or to bottom side of the trap.
diameter of the trap could be differed to plus/minus Instead of a radio - ground you may try a device
20 % compare indicated in Table 1. The trap is Artificial Ground connected to thick copper wire by
placed where the coaxial cable entered in to the a length of 5-20 meters. In some cases radio
shack. One turn of copper wire in diameter 1 mm ground does not give any effect. Try the connection
loaded to a LED (Light Emitting Diode) is coiled in experimentally way.
above the trap. LED shows when the trap is tuned to

Table 1 Data for trap

Band, Inductance, uH Diameter, Length of winding, mm Turns quantity, n

MHz mm
3,6 30 100 100 30
7 10 50 100 18
10 5 50 50 12
14 2,4 40 50 10
18 1,5 50 50 7
21 1,2 50 50 6
24 0,9 50 40 5
27-30 0,6 30 35 5

Great Source for Ham Radio in Russian ! mirror: Page 72

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Epoxies for Towers

By Bill H. in Chicagoland
[email protected]

In my business as a masonry restoration contractor, I Each Mod has it's advantageous and
used many types of anchor systems. I also use many disadvantages. The glumpy type (glumpy is a
types of epoxies. technical term <wink>_can be mixed to the
desired amount. The drippy type is either used
The anchors I liked best and were specified by the
all at once or throw the rest away.
engineers were made by Rawl. For a tower base, you
would want as long an anchor as possible, and obviously,
a diameter similar to the specified J bolt size. Now as for purchasing...I bought my supplies
from a firm that specialized in caulking and
Reason for wanting as long an anchor as possible is to epoxies.
have as much concrete mass above/around the bolt. Hilti has it's version (read higher priced) and is
sold at special Hilti stands in selected Home
As for the epoxies, I've used two basic types, Hi-Mod and Depots.
Lo-Mod. The Modulus refers to its flowing or clumpiness. Check your Yellow Pages for locations near
Sika is the brand I used most. Comes in two parts. Also you.
comes in both Modulus types.

If you drill a hole into concrete, and wish to smear the I never trusted using simple threaded rod and
epoxy around the expansion bolt, they you want a epoxy epoxy in the type of work I did, securing large
that does not flow or drip. This type comes in two cans, sections of stone to Chicago Landmarked
you mix the appropriate proportions, allow to sit for the building. I only used expansion bolts.
instructed amount and then basically glob the epoxy onto Hardware store threaded rod is of unknown
the expansion bolt. The other type of epoxy frequently strength. I would not use it on my own tower.
comes in a caulking gun type tube that has both activator Expansion bolts come with a engineering spec
and product in the same tube but separated by a thin foil sheet.
barrier. You mix this type in that tube by pushing the
attached plunger back and forth the instructed number of
All that being said...I have no relationship with
times. The bolt gets inserted into the concrete, and then
you use the plunger to drip the epoxy into the hole and let the products/brands mentioned above, just
it seep down around the expansion bolt. years of experience.
If I was to anchor a tower base to an existing
concrete base, I would use
this system.

The message was at the

TowerTalk mailing list

[email protected] mirror: Page 73

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Hysteresis at a Coaxial Cable at VHF ranges

By Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

[email protected]

The phenomenon, hysteresis at a coaxial cable, for help. But, before that I tried the transmitter in the air.
was opened randomly. What is the phenomenon? It impossible, but far radio station heard me! I again
metered the power at antenna terminal of the coaxial
We know, when a coaxial cable hangs for a long cable. It was 8 Watts. So, the losses drop from 10 to 2
time at an opened air, losses of the coaxial cable dB. I cannot explain the phenomenon, I only observed
start to increase. For HF- ranges it does not and used it.
matter, but at VHF ranges the signal starts to fade.
However, at those times a SWR in the coaxial I proved the phenomenon in practically way. For this
cable is not aggravated, and on the contrary, a purpose, losses at old coaxial cables, that were enough
SWR even is improving. It is obviously the long time laying in crude places or hanging on opened
reflected wave cannot reach to the SWR meter air, were measured on frequency of 144 MHz. Then the
because the wave faded in the losses coaxial coaxial cables had been vigorous shook and tapped by
cable. But a transceiver cannot catch far radio a wooden hammer. Well, losses in the coaxial cables
signals. dropped on to 2- 6 dB.

Such matter was with me, when one service VHF- I have mentioned, at coaxial cables with polyethylene
radio, that was served by me begun to work not insulator that are at an opened air the phenomenon is
properly. I found, that the coaxial cable weaken observed usually in the middle of winter or in the end of
radio signal more the 10 dB. I just metered the spring. Do you have any idea about it?
power at the transmitter output, it were 10 Watts,
and at end of the coax feedline, it were 2.8 Watts. It allows me to recommend, for decreasing losses at
Then I tried to remove the bad coaxial cable from a hanged at an opened air coaxial cables, time to time to
cable shaft, but I could not remove the cable, shake up the coaxial cables. Before usage of old coaxial
although I very vigorously shook the cable. cables for construction of feeder systems, the coaxial
cables must be vigorously shook and tapped at all of the
So, I could not remove the cable, and I connected length by a wooden hammer.
the old cable to the transmitter and decided to go

Winter. On a Roof Russian VHF radio station Mayak mirror: Page 74

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Fastening of Guys

by Nick V. Derenko, US8AR

Made in Ukraine ex UB5AEO, UB4AR mailto:[email protected]

Different ways apply for fastening guys to a mast or Takes a kapron cord. From this one do loops for
to antenna elements. The common way is to drill
fastening guys, as it is shown at Figure 1. (where Dt is -
holes in the tips. It, undoubtedly, results to easing of diameter of a tube).
rigidity of towers and antennas both. At the same
time it is possible to apply "sparing" method of Several loops is put to the chosen place on a mast or on
fastening of guys. antenna elements and attached to these ones by usual

Figure 1. Loop for fastening guys

threads. Here we do attach a binding cord as it is Further, using cordlike binding, we adhere loops to a
shown in Figure 2. tube as it is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2. Preparing loops for fastening guys

Figure 3. How to bind

At the figures are designated: L - Loop for fastening, After the ending of binding we pass the end of binding
B - Beginning of binding cord, End - End of binding cord in Helping Loop and strongly pull for the beginning
of binding cord. After that do melt of the Beginning and
ord, HL Helping Loop.
the End the binding rope, and that is all. mirror: Page 75

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Wooden Struts

By Igor Grigorov, RK3ZK

[email protected]

Made in the USSR

In the far eightieth years of 20 century, on to one of
Russian radio transmitting radio center I saw a
self-made opened transmission line that fed a
transmitting antenna. Struts of the line were made
of oak tree. What is wonder at that? These struts
were about some tens years old. They were made
at the end of 40 years, during restoring of the
USSR after World War-II. The struts had been
thoroughly boiled in paraffin before installation. Till
now these wooden struts, made in great quantity,
lie in a tub filled with paraffin. At repair of
transmission lines the paraffin is kindled, the
insulators are got and used. The wooden struts,
despite of their antiquity, looked rather fresh and
had sufficient mechanical and electric strength.

Figure 1 Wooden compression strut

Figure 2 Two -wire line with usage of

wooden compression struts The struts had length 12-15 centimeters, and width
about 2 centimeters. Kerfs were made at a small
distance from ends of the struts. Figure 1 shows the
wooden strut. Wires of the ladder line were wound
around of struts and kept on kerfs. Figure 2 shows the
two-wire line with usage of wooden struts. mirror: Page 76

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Tool for Pulling Guys

by Victor. RN9FAB [email protected]

For several years I use to a home-brew tool, that I bimetal of diameter of 4-6 mm, steel rope, wire rope.
made by myself, for puling guys. I made it of 8 mm Picture shows how the tool holds the guy.
of steel plate. The tool holds any guys, for example,

A winch is attached to the hole in the tool and placed Everyone can design the tool to needed sizes,
by the place where the guy is fastened. proceeding from own needs. Force of capture is defined
by a difference of shoulders of cross levers to which
You can very easy move the tool onto a guy. The fasten plates. Plates have longitudinal gnowing -through
tool does not bite a guy at pulling. When a guy has at the place where it hold a guy.
been pulled, the tool removed by unscrewing the
bottom plate.

Urban Ekholm, SM5EUF

[email protected] [email protected]

When experimenting on the LF-band chokes with 12x12x15mm. I have measured the Q of some of them
inductances of some mH are often needed. They are and it was between 10 and 25.
not so easy to get in these days. Those in the junk-
box from the tube era are often quite big. Caution: Yes, of course you have to be careful not to
apply any force on the glass part of the lamp. I have
Do you have low-energy lamps that are not working taken between 5 and 10 lamps apart and used the
any more ? Before giving them away to recycling do method of holding the socket with a glove firmly against
the following: a piece of wood. Then using a small screwdriver to
carefully bend the socket into two parts. By doing in this
Carefully disassemble the electronic part with a way no force is applied to the glass. When the socket is
screwdriver. Inside there (among some other things) divided into two parts it is an easy matter with a small
is a choke with an inductance of 1.8-17mH sidecutter to cut the wires going to the filaments.
(depending of the power and the make of the lamp).
They chokes are very small, approximately Happy recycling ! mirror: Page 77

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Parameters of Coaxial Cables

Credit Line:

Diameter, Losses (db/100m) at frequency (MHz) Price (US $) and
Coax no
mm 100 200 400 900 1800 producer
50-17-51 27,5 1,4 2,1 3,1 5,1 7,7 8,0 RU
RFC LCF 7/8 28 1,16 1,69 2,53 4 6,1 15 GM
NOKIA RF 7/8 27,5 1,2 1,8 2,6 4,1 6,2 15 FN
NOKIA RF 1/2 16 2,2 3,2 4,6 7,3 11 10 FN
RFC LCF 1/2 16 2,13 3,1 4,6 6,9 10,3 10 GM
ANDREW LDF4-50A 16 - - 4,6 7,3 11 10
RFC LCF 3/8 12,1 3,1 4,4 6,6 9,8 14,4 7,0 GM
50-7-58 12,1 3,4 4,9 7,1 11,2 17 4,0 RU
12D-SFB-NL 15,6 - - 5,4 8,7 13,1 8,0 JP
10D-SFB-NL 13 - - 6,5 10,3 16,4 6,0 JP
8D-SFB-NL 11,1 - - 8,2 12,9 19,2 4,0 JP
8D-SFAE 11,1 - - 7 11 16,5 6,0 JP
10D-FB 13 3,2 4,8 7 11,3 17,2 3,5 TW
8D-FB 11,1 4,3 7 10,5 16 24 2,0 TW
8D-FB-LL 11,1 - - 9,5 14,7 - 2,5 TW
POPE H 100 9,8 4,1 - 8,5 13,2 19,2 2,0 NL
11,1 - - 8,2 12,4 19 3,0 US
BELDEN 9913 11,1 - - 8,8 14 - 3
SIVA RH 100 9,7 - 5,2 8,2 13 18,5 2,0 IT
LMR-400 11,1 - - 10,6 16 - 1,5
5D-FB 7,4 6,5 9,6 14,4 21 32 1,0 TW
RG-8/U; 6,0 - 9.0 - 13,5 - -
RG-8A/U 10,3 -7,0 -10,5 -15,75 24 38 1,5 TW
50-11-31 13 3,8 6,6 9,5? 15 - 4,0 RU
50-11-11 13 4,5 8,5 14,0? 24 - 1,5 RU
50-7-312 11,3 8,5 14 22 36 - 1,0 RU
50-7-11 11,3 8,5 14 22 36 - 1,0 RU
50-7-32 11,3 6,8 11,8 18 - - -
RG8-LRP 10,4 - 9 13,5 24 38 1,5
RG-8x 6,15 12,1 17,7 26,5 - - 1,0 TW, ,5RU
RG213/U, RG213BX 10,3 7 10,5 15,75 27 40,5 1,5 TW
3D-FB 5,3 8,3 12 24 - - 1,0 TW
RG-58/U 5 14 20 33 - - 0,3
RG-58A/U 5,03 13,1 18,7 31 - - 0,3
RG-58C/U 4,95 16 23 35 - - 0,3
RG-174/U, RG-174A/U 2,8 26 38 57 - - 0,25
Producer:: RU- Russia; IT- Italy,; GM- Germany, NL-Netherlands; US- USA; JP-Japan ; TW- Taiwan. mirror: Page 78

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 LF-Dummy Load

Dummy Load from Uwe, DJ8WX DJ8WX Dummy Load

[email protected]

Here are two dummy loads in use; one is a bulb

110V/DC500W, Z 35 Ohm on 136kHz (bridge
measurement) and the other is made of four hollow
ceramic resistors 200 Ohm/60W each, makes 200W
only (see Picture). but blowing air through the
resistors (see attachment) makes a lukewarm 300W
dummy on 136kHz (0,4uH only). I tried 800W. A
peace of paper above the dummy caught fire within
10 sec.


Dummy Load from Ha- Jo, DJ1ZB

[email protected]

For the time being I am using a dummy load made of

ten low inductivity DALE resistors Type NH-50, 499
ohms each, in parallel on a large aluminum cooler
(the fins of which could even be immersed into water
when necessary), which could be used up to 30 MHz
with a coil/capacitor matching arrangement at the
input resulting in an VSWR of about 1,2. The
matching arrangement has been designed about ten
years ago in my qrl by measuring R and X of the
parallel resistor arrangement over the frequency
range and trying to find a suitable match by
employing the old Supercompact software or the
ARRL Radio Designer.

Therefore I guess (I have not tried it yet, no need to Dummy Load from John, G3PAI
do so) for such a small band like 136 kHz it should
be possible to build a dummy load using ordinary About 30 years ago, Ongar Radio station to the north-
wirewound resistors (preferably DALE or similars east of London had a number of nine kilowatt HF ISB
because of their easy mounting on a cooler surface) transmitters. For dummy loads they used carbon tubes
because their inductance could be cancelled by a about a foot long and an inch or two in diameter.
suitable capacitance in parallel, or by several Resistance was 75 ohms and they were cooled by
distributed capacitors within the parallel resistor pumping water through them. I had a box of such
arrangement. It should be rather simple to determine resistors, but they went missing in a house move.
the capacitance needed, a VSWR meter designed
for LF should do it. 73
John Rabson G3PAI
Caution: Nobody should respect such a load to also
absorb harmonics of the transmitter frequency, All of these Dummy Loads were described
because it is a tuned load. Harmonics may see a
at LF-Forum:
short circuit, depending of the Q of the load, and will
be reflected. This special behaviour of the tuned
load does not matter, of course, if a low-pass filter is [email protected]
added to the tank circuit of the transmitter.

73 Ha-Jo, DJ1ZB mirror: Page 79

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 History of LF-Bands

It is very excellent stock of date for LF- Bands RU6LA

collected by Ed, RU6LA. Ed is well known as
an enthusiast of the 1360kHz LF-Band, Ed is
the first man who have made the First Asia-
Europe QSO at 136-kHz, Ed is well, I am
afraid, there is no place enough to write up all
that Ed have made for amateur radio. Just
look at his new work for us, the History of LF-

73! I.G.

Many facts are found in excellent LF news archives

by Dave G3YXM Also TNX: AMRAD, Marcus
DF6NM, Geri DK8KW, Laurie G3AQC, Mal G3KEV,
Peter G3LDO, John G3WKL, Reino OH1TN, Rik
ON7YD, Dexter W4DEX.


1.10-2.11.03 At the RSGB HF convention at Manchester, UK Laurence KL1X-GM4DMA received the Nevada
Cup for his innovation and general helpfulness to LFers in 2002-2003 season

25.07.03 First Alaska's WD2XDW beacon. Laurence KL1X (BP41XD) has started a beacon tests in
137.7738kHz at 2W ERP

30.06.03 RIP 73kHz and last QSO on this band (Peter G3LDO - Mike G3XDV)

15..25.06.03 First LF DXpedition to Africa (Laurence GM4DMA-KL1X to 9G Ghana)

15.05.03 FCC refuses 136kHz. The USA will not have a 136kHz allocation in the near future. Next WRC

14.03.03 First reception of Oceania signal in Asia (RU6LA@UA9OC RX ZL6QH)

13.03.03 First reception of Asia signal in Oceania (Bob ZL2CA RX RU6LA@UA9OC)

13.03.03 First 2-way QSO Europe - Asia (RU6LA@UA9OC - RU6LWZ QRSS & CW)

10..16.03.03 First LF DXpedition to Asia (RU6LA & UA9OC to Siberia)

15.02.03 First reception of Europe signal in Alaska (Laurence KL1X RX Laurie G3AQC)

3.01.03 First reception in South America on 136kHz (LU8EDR and LU8DYK RX Marcelo LW2ETU) mirror: Page 80

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 History of LF-Bands

18.12.02 First reception of Europe signal in North America on Jason (John W1TAG RX Jim M0BMU)

Nov. 02 In first Dexter W4DEX takes regular plots of HBG(HB Switzerland) on 75kHz reception of
Europe signal in North America

Nov. 02 For a conference of 1-st region IARU in San-Marino for the first time is officially recommended
Band Plan for the 136kHz band. Also there was an offer on amateur distribution about 500kHz.
For this purpose the small Working Group was created with the purpose of consideration 10kHz
of a site between 470 and 490kHz

4..5.11.03 First Indonesian CW beacon. YB3AQF in Surabaya has started 2-day's CW beacon tests in

13.10.02 At the RSGB HF convention at Egham, Surrey, UK Jim M0BMU received the Nevada Cup for
his innovation and general helpfulness to LFers in 2001-2002 season

27.09.03 First reception of Europe signal in Asia (RA9MB RX RU6LWZ)

21.08.02 LU Argentina gets 136kHz band - 1W EIRP

17.07.02 PY Brasil gets 136kHz band

14.03.02 Rudolf Hell (the inventor of Hellschreiberdies) dies at Age of 100

19.01.02 First 2-way Jason QSO (Wolf DL4YHF - Dave G3YXM)

1.12.01 First reception of Oceania signal in North America on 136kHz (Dexer W4DEX RX ZL6QH

1.12.01 First beacon test on 137.7898kHz in DFCW120 from ZL6QH

13-14.10.01 At the RSGB HF convention at Old Windsor, UK Alan G3NYK received the Nevada cup for his
innovation and general helpfulness to LFers in 2000-2001 season. Peter Bobek awards were
presented to G3AQC, G3LDO and M0BMU (also to be sent to VE1ZJ, VA3LK and VE1ZZ) for
their Trans-Atlantic successes

13.10.01 First repeater: RX 136kHz band to 145MHz USB TX. Crawley Club G3WSC - MB7LF

Oct 01 First ZL New Zeland, ZL6QH has received permission to transmit in 136kHz band

17.09. 01 At 40th WG FM meeting (Corfu): Implementation of Recomendations 62-01(Info & Report)

1.08.01 First reception of Oceania signal in North America on 184.4kHz (Steve VE7SL RX ZL6QH

21.11.01 First reception of Europe signal in North America on 73kHz in QRSS (John W1TAG RX Laurie

15.03.01 DARC, RSBG and AMRAD - the sponsors of the Trans-Atlantic Challenge have decided to
present awards to Larry VA3LK, Laurie G3AQC, Jack VE1ZZ, John VE1ZJ and Peter G3LDO
for their contacts

9.03.01 First reception of Europe signal in North America on WOLF (John W1TAG RX Jim M0BMU)
WOLF - A new mode developed by Stewart KK7KA is being tried on 136 at present mirror: Page 81

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 History of LF-Bands

5...19.02.01 Firsts 2-way QSOs North America - Europe (Larry VA3LK - Laurie G3AQC 5..19 Feb and John
VE1ZJ / Jack VE1ZZ - Peter G3LDO 13 Feb)

3.01.01 LA Norway gets frequencies below 9kHz

31.12.00 First 2-way narrow audio (Slow-Voice) QSO (Markus DF6NM - Geri DK8KW)

27.12.00 Alberto I2PHD has started project FFT software "ARGO" Beta 1, build 110

21.12.00 First reception of North America signal in Europe (Peter G3LDO RX Jack VE1ZZ)

14-15.10.00 At the RSGB HF convention at Old Windsor, UK David G0MRF received the Nevada Cup for his
innovation and general helpfulness to LFers. David was also presented with a Peter Bobek
award for his trans-Atlantic crossband contact with VE1ZJ

Sep 00 Wolf DL4YHF has started project FFT software "Spectrum Lab" or SpecLab

15.09.00 In first Alan G3NYK takes regular plots of CFH (Halifax Nova Scotia, 137kHz) reception of North
America signal in Europe

10.09.00 First reception of Europe signal in North America (John VE1ZJ RX David G0MRF/p)

17.08.00 EA Spain gets 136kHz band

27.07.00 Brian CT1DRP has permission to operate in the CEPT band from both his QTHs until November

23.07.00 First 2-way QSO in North America (Mitch VE3OT & Larry VA3LK)

1.07.00 Three German stations; DJ2LF, DF6NM and DK8KW have been issued with permits to operate
between 8.9 and 9.0 kHz

26.06.00 Petr OK1FIG has built a new front end for the Spectrogram engine "EasyGram"

17.06.00 First beacon tests (176.5...184.5kHz) from VK / ZL

10.06.00 First TX Hell by Andy G4JNT

16.05.00 F France & other Fx gets 136kHz band official

7.04.00 Larry VA3LK has a special permit to operate the 136kHz band from VO1. This is with a view to
what he has called "Transatlantic II", an attempt at the first transatlantic QSO on amateur LF at
Nov 2000

Mar 00 First attemp 2-way QSO VK / ZL on 165-190kHz (ZL6HQ & special AX2TAR - VK7ZAL) Signals
were heard both ways at various times but no QSO took place

Jan 00 RadCom (RSGB) has published a Band plan in 136kHz band (in October 1999 Geri DK8KW has
presented similar on RSGB HF Convention )

1-2.01.00 First transmission the VLF radio station in Grimeton for HAMs. The frequency is 17.2 kHz and
the call sign is SAQ mirror: Page 82

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 History of LF-Bands

5.12.99 First 2-way DFCW QSO (Rik ON7YD & Marcus DF6NM)

9-10.10.99 At the RSGB HF convention at Windsor, UK Dave G3YXM received the Nevada Cup (the RSGB
Experimenters Award sponsored by Nevada of Portsmouth) for his innovation and general
helpfulness to LFers in 1998-1999 season.

Aug 99 The first LF column written by Dave G3YXM in RadCom (RSGB)

June 99 LF forum in Friedrichshafen (DL) has accepted the decision to found award for the first
transatlantic QSO on LF in memory to Peter Bobek DJ8WL/DA0LF(SK Apr 99) , for
his work on 160m and 136kHz

May 99 F France gets 136kHz band

23.04. 99 OE Austria gets 136kHz band - A1A, A1B, 1W ERP

1.04.99 SM Sweden gets 136kHz band - 1W ERP

22.03. 99 First 2-way PSK31QSO on 137kHz (Reino OH1TN & Riso OH3LYG)

4.02.99 FCC has granted a one-year experimental license to the Amateur Radio Research and
Development Corporation (AMRAD) to conduct tests on the frequency 136.75 kHz using the call
sign WA2XTF..."

Feb 99 First commercial 136 rig by Nevada, now have stock of the "Ropex" 136 TX. It is crystal
controlled, runs on 12V and produces 30 or 130W of RF. It costs less than 200.

15-18.01.99 First Transatlantic beacon tests (members of AMRAD are RX and europians HAMs are TX)
and foto

Jan 99 DL Germany gets 136kHz band

Jan 99 First reception of Europe signal in Africa (Rik ON7YD/EA8 RX Marco IK1ODO in QRSS)

Nov 98 Rik ON7YD has started project software for TX QRS V 1.08

Sep 98 At the RSGB HF convention John G3TDZ received the Datong Electronics Cup for his
innovation and general helpfulness to LFers

24.08. 98 First 2-way SSTV QSO on 136kHz (Reino OH1TN & Riso OH3LYG)

24.08. 98 First 2-way SSB QSO on 136kHz (Reino OH1TN & Riso OH3LYG)

29.06.98 UA Russia gets 136kHz band - A1A, 100W Output

13.06.98 S5 Slovenia gets 136kHz band - A1A, 100W Output

Jun 98 PA Netherlands gets 136kHz band - A1A, 400W Output

May 98 First LF DXpedition (Dave G3YXM to GM New Galloway, Scotland)

Apr 98 I Italy gets 136kHz band mirror: Page 83

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 History of LF-Bands

Mar 98 ON Belgium gets 136kHz band - A1A, 2kW Output

Mar 98 LX Luxembourg gets 136kHz band

30.01. 98 Gx United Kingdom to get 136kHz band

Jan 98 EI Ireland gets 136kHz band

1.01. 98 HB Switzerland gets 136kHz band

Sep 97 At the RSGB HF convention Andy G4JNT received the Datong Electronics Cup (the RSGB
Experimenters Award sponsored by Datong Electronics ltd) for his innovation and general
helpfulness to LFers

1.09.97 LA Norway gets 136kHz band - A1A, 100W Output

23.08. 97 First "DX" 2-way QSO on 73kHz. (Andy G4JNT& Peter G3LDO at 57km distance)

3.08.97 First 2-way QRSS QSO (Andy G4JNT & G3PLX on 72.09kHz., QRSS100 at 393km distance)

22.04. 97 First 2-way CW QSO on 137kHz (Reino OH1TN & Riso OH3LYG)

Apr 97 Official CEPT/ERC Recommendation 62-01E (WGFM meeting in Mainz): " 135.7-137.8
kHz may be used with a maximum e.r.p. of 1 Watt on a secondary basis by the Amateur Service
in CEPT countries"

12.04. 97 First "DX" QSX QSO on 73kHz. (G3YGF RX Andy G4JNT at 100km distance)

1.04.97 OH Finland gets 136kHz band - 100W Output

14.02. 97 First 2-way QSO on 73kHz. (Mike G3XDV & Peter G3LDO/p at 175m distance, CW)

Dec 96 At the WGFM meeting: 135.7-137.8 kHz (one of channal of Trans-Europian electric power
systems at 139kHz)

Sep 96 WGFM-PT22 were summarised in the document FM(96)123 135.7-141.4 kHz to WGFM meeting

July 96 Gx United Kingdom gets 73kHz (71.6...74.4) band

Feb 96 At the WGFM (Working Group Frequency Management - of the CEPT-ERC) meeting the
proposal was re-issued. The WGFM invited its monitoring sub-group PT-22 to search for an
alternative in the 130-150 kHz area

Dec 95 At the WGFM (Working Group Frequency Management - of the CEPT-ERC) meeting (Sofia), the
German administration referred to the IARU recommendation and announced the proposal for
the Europian harmonised secondary amateur segment 142-147kHz

??? VK Australia gets LF (165-190kHz) band - ? mirror: Page 84

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 History of LF-Bands

??? ZL New Zeland gets LF (165-190kHz) band - 5w EIRP

??? Concluding the preparatory ITU-CCIR studies to WARC-79 the desirability of LF small
secondary access was emphasised by SPM-WARC79 (Special Preparatory Meeting -of the ITU
to WARC); however WARC-79 ran out of time and the subject was left unresolved

Jan 74 The Long Wave Club of America (LWCA) "was organized in January, 1974 to promote both
DXing and experimenting on frequencies below 550 kHz..."

??? First? beacon on 187kHz under FCC part 15 (Dexter W4DEX)

??? W United States gets LF (160-190kHz) band - beacons limited to 1w output and a 15 meter
antenna under FCC part 15

12.12.01 First Transatlantic reception (G.Marconi in St John's, Newfoundland, Canada RX Poldhu Cove
in Cornwall, England) 3425km

Guglielmo Marconi(25.04.1874-20.07.1937) and A.S.Popov(16.03.1859-31.12.1905) started with

Credit Line:

Comments are welcome to:

[email protected] mirror: Page 85

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 RBM Radio

Radio RBM is one of the most famous Russian military radio that was used in the WW-II and after the war as a
surplus radio. RBM took place in the WW-II, after the war RBM was used as trial radio for military teaching
centers. Lots of Russian hams know well the radio. I want to give some information about RBM and its antennas

73! I.G.

History: Radio RBM, firstly named as RB (Radio, WW- II. USSR, Leningrad Front, 1943.
Base), was designed before the WW-II, in the 1938, Radio RB
in the Research Center of Communication of Red
Army, by a special research group guided by colonel
Sosunov. Special variant of RB named as RB-40,
that had low weight because it was made in an
aluminum cabinet was produced from end of 1939
for spy and partisan. It was made near 1000 RB-40,
but then its producing was stopped because the
aviation need aluminum. In the 1942 some
modifications were done in the radio, and RB was
named as RBM (Radio, Base, Modified). In the 1943
both with RBM was produced RBM-5 that has 5
watts power compare to 1 watt that RBM has. After
WW-II other modification of RBM named as RBM- 1
was produced. RBM-1 was produced until end of
50s. Some samples of RBM-1 was produced for
export (see picture with Latin letters on the front

Composition: RBM 1 consists of from two

boxes, one is the transceiver other is its supply unit.

Transceiver has dimension of 345x195x260-mm,

weight of 13 KG. It works at two frequency ranges, I-
5.0- 2.75 MHz, II - 2.75-1.5 MHZ, has CW and AM
modes. Transmitter made on vacuum tubes

Transmitter has 1 watt output(in reality 1.5 watts),

plate current 35-mA and heater current 1-A. Export Sample of RBM-1

Receiver has sensitivity of 10-V at AM and 3-V

at CW, plate current 10-mA and heater current 0.5-
Transmitter and receiver use common units as: an
antenna and output audio transformer, that does
modulation for transmitter at AM mode and audio at
receiving mode.

Power supply has three batteries of BAS-80 for

plate and a NiCad accumulator 2NCN-24 for heater,
weight of 14 KG. The Power Supply run the radio
during 24- 36 hours.

Purpose of RBM is to do reliable simplex

communication at any conditions. Distance of the
communication depends on antennas that use with
the radio. mirror: Page 86

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 RBM Radio

Short Whip Antenna does communication near

10 kms on AM and near 15 kms on CW.

I live near village Prohorovka, Russia, where at

July-4- August 5, 1943, The greatest tank battle
of WW - II was. As I know, near 500 samples of
RB radio took place in the battle
USSR tank KV-1
German tank Elefand/Ferdinand Destroyed by a German tank Tiger.
Destroyed by a tank mine. Prohorovka, July, 1943
Prohorovka, July, 1943

Russian RBM-1 mirror: Page 87

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 RBM Radio

Schematic of RBM-1

Ground Dipole Antenna does communication near Note: The distance of communication is shown for
17 kms on AM and near 35 kms on CW. daytime at middle level of interferences. At nighttime and
at high level of interferences the distance of
Mast Antenna does communication near 30 kms on communication is decreased in two times.
AM and near 50 kms on CW. mirror: Page 88

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 RBM Radio

Picture from Russian Manual mirror: Page 89

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 RBM Radio

Picture from Russian Manual

Winter, 60s, XX- century, Russia mirror: Page 90

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 RBM Radio

Credit Line:

Radio Magazine, USSR

RBM Padio. Manual for user. 1952. mirror: Page 91

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Vacuum Tubes

Vitaly Brousnikin, [email protected]

Historical notes about development of
tubes from early years to our days in the
World and in Russia
For a time receiving and amplifying valves were PR-1
named in this country "cathode" or "vacuum relay".
The first Russian mass valve designed in 1918 at the
Radio Laboratory of the town of Nizhny Novgorod
under supervision of M.A.Bonch-Brouyevich (on the
basis of the first model - "Babushka" tube) was
named PR-1 ("vacuum relay, model no.1"). The
name of the R-5 valve produced in 1922 by the
Petrograd Electro-Vacuum Works meant: "relay,
model no.5. A new valve with thoriated cathode
produced in 1923 consuming a ten times less

denominated K2-T ("rectifier with two anodes and

thoriated cathode").

By 1929 the number of models of radio valves

increased very much, which caused the necessity of
the introduction of a new integral system of their
1. R5 denomination. A 'letter and figure' system of
2. Micro marking was introduced, which remained till early
3. MDS 1940's. The first letter in the valve marking shows
it's category: "P" - receiving, "U" - amplifying, "S" -
heating current than the "R-5", was named the special, "V" - rectifying, "T" - broadcasting, "N" -
"Micro". Equally economical of heating a two-grid low-frequency. The second letter described the
valve with "cathode grid" was named "MDS" ("micro, cathode - "T" - thoriated, "K" - carbonized, "B" -
two-grid").The first low-powered vacuum rectifier was bariated, "O" - oxide. The figure included mirror: Page 92

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Vacuum Tubes

in the marking, which was usually a factory number of of 2 and 4V direct heating appeared (UB-107, UB-
design, served for division of the valves of the same 110, SB-154 etc.). The receivers using such valves
category. According to this system the valves models were battery-supplied. From 1935 the so-called 4-V
R-5, "Micro", MDS, PT-19, KT-2 were renominated as "super"-series of glass valves with indirect heating
P-7, PT-2, ST-6, ST-19 and VT-14 (in Russian appeared , which was installed in the AC-supply
transcription). direct-amplification radios (E4S, EKL) and in the first
Soviet superheterodynes (TsRL). In 1931 the first
In early 1930's a series of economical glass valves home penthode SO-113 of this series was produced.

VO-166 SO-124 UB-110

The main drawback of this marking system was that it In 1937 our electro-vacuum industry started mass
defined the valves rather approximately. For instance, production of quite a new type of valves. There were
one and the same valve could be referred to the the tubes in metallic cases - 6A8, 6G7, 6J7, 6K7,
category of both receiving and amplifying valves. From 6L7, 6F5, 6F6, 6S5, 6X6, 5C4 (in Russian
the other side, the valves that strongly differ from one transcription) and also the glass electronic optical
another, such as triodes, tetrodes with "cathode grid", tuning indicator 6E5 - similar to the contemporary
tetrodes with a screening grid, AF penthodes and both American tubes (6A8, 6Q7, 6J7, 6K7, 6L7, 6F5, 6F6,
kinds of RF penthodes ("varimu" and with short 6C5, 6H6, 5Z4, 6E5). The metallic valve 6L6
characteristics) were put into the same category ("C") (Russian AF power tetrode) and the glass versions
of special valves. Produced in 1937 penthode model of the 5Z4 and 6L6 tubes were produced somewhat
SO-183 and a double diode-penthode SO-193 were later and still later the cheaper glass analogues of
also included in the same category. Besides, the many other metallic valves appeared. The marking
existing system of marking did not make it possible to system of all those valves was more precise than
define if a given valve was used in a battery radio or it that of 1929. The name of the valve was shorter and
had an indirect heating cathode. its purpose and properties were defined more
exactly. mirror: Page 93

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Vacuum Tubes

EKL -34
E K L - 34
The 5-tube R-set of direct amplification "EKL-34" was
produced by Leningrad Kozitsky Works (earlier
spelled "Kazitsky") from 1934 and was an improved
version of the "EKL-4" set. The difference was a
better technology and characteristics. In the author's
collection the set has the serial number 3903.
Set of tubes: SO-124, SO-118, SO-118, UO-104,
Tuning range:
MW 225-720 m; LW 680-2000 m
Sensitivity - 40-300 mcV/m
Power output 0.8 W
Power consumption 65 W
Dimensions 520420260 mm .

The AC-switch of lever-type is placed on the left side EKL 34, inner look
of the base. The vertical moving dial of 20x25 mm
has a pointing in fixed units, a light, a wire pointer.
Beside the dial there is the control handle of the 3-
section tuning capacitor . The two knobs on the base
control volume and positive feedback. Wire
potentiometers wound on wooden rings are used for
control. In the center a small lever with horizontal
move is the band selector. The two levers to the left
serve for fine tuning of RF coils for maximum
sensitivity during listening. The set has a couple of
adapter terminals to connect with a gramophone.
The switching of the AC voltage of 110-127-220 V is
made by resetting of the jumpers

on the net transformer. The loudspeaker has a 3- with the aereal. A SO-118 tube works as the
section field coil. The outer side of the glued paper detector. The first AF step is built on a similar tube.
cone is made of natural leather. The output audio step is working on a direct heating
triode UO-104. The scheme is sourced on a rectifier
VO-116. All the resistors are carbonic ("Kaminsky"
The R-set is built according to the structure of direct
type). The filter caps are paper-made (Leningrad
amplification 1-V-2 with controlled positive feedback
using tubes of the indirect 4-volts heating. The RF "Krasnaya Zarya" Works), the rest are of open
construction made of mica.
amplifier on a tetrode SO-124 has the cap coupling

EKL 34, the schematic

We should note, that even the latter system of marking showed the number of outer terminals
marking was not quite consistent. For instance, one (including the filament and the outlet of the metallic
and the same letter "F" was used to denominate a case). That hindered denomination of new valves
high-gain triode and an output AF penthode (6F5 and similar to the earlier produced ones with the same
6F6). Initially the figure taking the third place in the number of mirror: Page 94

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Vacuum Tubes

electrodes. And in 1940 a new project of marking of The European valves with a "spider" base. 4V
radio valves was worked out , which eliminated this indirect heating. End 1930's. Photo shows valves:
drawback. The most parameters of the system were AK2, AL4, AF3, ABC1, AZ1 made by the "Valvo"
close to the international one. The first figure and "Telefunken.". It is interesting to note the
approximately showed the heating voltage, the letter in screening caps used for such valves ("Tefag"
the second place described the basic purpose of the chassis).
valve or its construction. The figure in the third place
did not have a special meaning and then served for
division of the valves of the same purpose and
construction. For description of the valves' outer
design (except the usual metallic ones) another letter
was added: "C" - a glass valve of usual size, "M" -
glass, mini-sized, "J" - glass, of "acorn" type, etc.

Soviet mini-sized valves of the battery series. 2V

direct heating, an octal base. Early 1940's. The outer
conducting coating serves as a screen. Photo shows
valves 2G2M, SO-243, 2K2M, SB-243. See "Rodina-
The radiotrones made by the American "RCA"
corporation. Most of them had 6,3V indirect heating.
Produced in 1930's. Photo shows tubes: 6A7, 75,
80, 6D6 from "RCA Victor 5T4" receiver. The valve
7G12S of a similar design was produced in the

In accordance with the new marking system some The valves with a T-type base (8 pins). Left - the
valves (in particular, the glass mini-sized ones metallic valve EF14 made by "Telefunken
worked out in 1938) got a new marking. For instance, G.m.b.H." for military purposes (WWII) with the
the valve model SB-242 should be marked 2A1M, the inscription "Wehrmacht". Then follow the UCL11,
SO-241 - as 2K1M etc. But the new marking was not EYY13 and the vacuum impulses counter N3 made
generally accepted because the radio works by the "Dressler"
continued production of valves with the old marking.
Only mini-sized valves of a later design (2K2M,
2J2M) were marked in a new way.

Because by the time there were still many radios in

operation using valves of the old 4-Volt glass series
our industry produced for some time valves
substituting the former types. The names of
substituting valves are the following: 4N4S (for SO-
118), 4F5S (for SO-122), 4J5S (for SO-124). The
inner framework of the tubes mirror: Page 95

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Vacuum Tubes

6N7S (one triode), 6F6, 6J7 and 6K7 was used in the Octal (8 pins) valves of the metallic series. They
substitutes. The electric data (except heating voltage) have a directing spigot on the base. In the USSR
and the base were the same as in old valves. Such their production started in 1937. Valves with 6,3V
valves are very rare now. indirect heating were most widely used. Photo
shows Soviet valves 6F6, 6A7, 6K3, 6G7, 6X6,
In 1946/47 the "metallic" series was extended by quite 6L7. They were popular in the USSR till end
a number of new valves. In particular, the newly 1950's.
produced so called "single-base valves" appeared,
which were similar to the American 6SA7, 6SK7,
6SQ7 and later - the 6SR7 and 6SJ7. They did not
have a control grid terminal in the upper cap any
more, but due to a special construction of the base the
inter-electrode capacity did not increase at that. The
letter "S" in the second position of the marking stands
for "single-base". During the first years the valves
were produced under their "native" marking, but later
they were designated as 6A7, 6K3, 6G2, 6J8 (in
Russian transcription). In the author's collection there
are such valves with a Latin marking produced in late
1940's and a Soviet valve of the same period 6V6-GT Soviet octal valves in the bottles. 6,3
- the ancestor of the well-known AF output tetrode (12,6)V indirect heating. Enjoyed a wide spread in
6P6S (in Russian). The "legendary" 6P3S valve had the USSR somewhat later than metallic ones, often
also undergone several modifications. Its history being their cheaper equivalents. Among them we
begins with the metallic 6L6 valve (Russian) of 1937 can point out a group of valves with a high heating
make. The first version of the home "in glass" 6L6 was tension for series connection of the filaments in
no good because of overheating of the under-sized transformerless shemes (see "Rekord-47"). Photo
case. The valve 6P3 (Russian, made of glass, though shows valves 6P3, 6N7S, 5C3S, 6P6S, 6F5M,
not having the "S" at the end of the marking) produced 6F6S, 6E5, horizontally - 30C6S.
in early 1950's did not show the required quality. Only
in mid-1950's its construction was improved. That was
the "classical" 6P3S already. It is produced even now
with slight improvements and bears the marking of
6P3S-E and is a valve highly thought of among the
The two-anode direct heating 5C3S kenotrone has
also a long history. Among its predecessors there are
both the old German valve of the "numeral" series
RGN1064 and our VO-166. Similar valves existed in
the European "A"-series (AZ1), and also in the US
(5U4G, RCA80).

Home-produced valves of higher durability with metallic rings over the bases:
30P1S, 6G7S, 6X6S, 6A10S, 6S2S, 6N8S,

5Z4S. mirror: Page 96

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Vacuum Tubes

When the standard GOST-5461-50 was introduced in Made in the USSR

this country, the system of marking of radio valves
was put in order. The principles of classification mostly
remained the same. The marking of new types of
valves ("finger-shape" etc.) were already envisaged in
the above-mentioned standard.

The valves produced abroad. Photo shows valves: 6F6 by the "Kentucky Radiotrones", EM34 by the
"Philips" (a tuning indicator with two diametricaly set sectors), 5U4G by the "Sylvania Thorn Colour
Television Laboratories Ltd.", 6X5 by the "Tung-Sol Electric Inc.", 6K7 by the "Kentucky Radiotrones",
RGN1064 by the "Telefunken".

In mid 1950's the construction of the octal valves The glass analogs of the European metallic valves
was modernized. With no more fastening of the with outer screening coating. On the photo: 6SQ7
holders of electrodes on the so-called "crest-pod" 6SJ7.
(left) a conciderable decrease of the valves sizes
was made possible (right). On the photo: two
different versions of the 5691 tube made by the
RCA. mirror: Page 97

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Vacuum Tubes

Glass valves with Loctal base - 9 pins having a lock in a metallic spigot. 1940-50's. Photo
shows the Soviet 4P1L valve (in the center). In particular, such valves were used in the
"Philips 208U" radio.

Glass valves with the "Rimlock" base. 8 pins, Valves with the Noval base with 9 or 7
diameter 18 mm. On the tube's glass base there is a (Heptal) pins, known in the USSR as "finger-shape"
direction "nose". Photo shows 6,3 V valves of valves. Diameter 18 and 16 mm. A gap in the pins
indirect heating produced by the "Philips" taken from located by circumference served for direction while
a "Philips 320A" receiver: ECH42, EBC41, EAF42, setting the tube. They gained a wide spread in the
EL41, AZ41. Valves of such a design were not made USSR from late 1950's as substitutes for octal
in the USSR. valves and became the last series of tubes used in
home radio devices. mirror: Page 98

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Vacuum Tubes

Battery valves with the Heptal base. Have 1,1 (2,2) The home-produced TV valves with the Magnoval
V direct heating. Home produced tubes are known base. Not used in R-sets. On the photo: 6D22S,
from end 1940's and were installed both in table-top 6P41S, GP-5, 6P45S, 6P42S.
(the "Rodina-52") and portable battery powered
radios. Photo shows valves: 2P1P, 1A2P, 1B2P,
1K1P, 2P2P.


We have seen with our own eyes the eclipse of the Unfortunately it does not work now because of
whole epoch - the epoch of the Soviet Union. And wasting of the materials, of which resistors and caps
somehow imperceptibly the things of our common are made. In case of need I reconstruct my radios
surrounding became pieces of antique. It seems carefully. Fortunately, we can still find here old spare
quite recently thatwe tried persistantly to get rid of parts and materials to use them for restoring.
bulky valve radio receivers and buy light and Working with my collection brings me a kind of
portable "transistors" instead. Generations change energy.Every R-set was some time "a favourite of
in technology but even now who of the people over the family" and the spirit of old times hides under
35 does not feel nostalgic of the scale and the every chassis and revives in the soft radiation of the
"green eye" of an old radio gleaming in the tubes.
The idea of making a homepage reflecting my
I have a feeling I was interested in old radios collection has come to me in the summer of 1998.
through all my life.May be it is genetic memory? And since then the volume of information on the site
My grandfather, a journalist by education, took a has been increasing and the design of the pages
great interest in radio broadcasting in 1930's. He has changed not once (for the better, I presume).
was also an active listener.I remember him sitting For over a year I have attained a kind of an
at the radio set trying to tune in some DX station "intermediate finish": now on the pages those
through the mess of statics. It was my grandad interested can find not only the photos but also the
who gave me my first radio set as a present in diagrams and technical data of all the radios
early 70's. It was a big and heavy multy-band set included in the site. In the halls of the virtual gallery
trying to tune in some DX station through the mess the music of those half-forgotten years can now be
of statics. It was my grandad who gave me my first listened to. "The Tube Souls" forum is open on the
radio set as a present in early 70's. It was a big site that (I hope) will become a place of contacts
and heavy multy-band set in a wooden cabinet between valve radio fans and collectors. Marking the
model "October". Frankly, I was only 7 then and it virtual museum with a special award of the biggest
did not become the first piece of my collection - Russian site on museums was a
after some time it was lost. My present collection is pleasant result.
about 3 years old.A receiver of the same model as
my very first one is most precious to me. Besides During 1998 my collection was enlarged by some
some radios made in this country in 1930-50's I rare exhibits owing to information in the World Wide
also have some R-sets produced by Phillips, Web. But the contents of the site have gone beyond
Mende, Tefag , RCA. A radio of direct amplification the limits of the exhibition. The growing interest of
"EKL-34" made in Leningrad in 1934 is the oldest Russian and foreign visitors of the virtual gallery for
of them all. the history of this country's radio industry, the
attention of the mirror: Page 99

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 Vacuum Tubes

press have confirmed my intension to convert the site In conclusion the author calls for the visitors of the
into a complete database on all the models of tube virtual museum to express their opinions and
home radios produced in this country which include remarks. Welcoming every criticism, I hope that the
not only the technical characteristics but also a intercourse with the visitors will enable me to upkeep
description my virtual gallery as a constantly attractive resource
in the Russian section of the Web.
of the exhibits, so to say, from the first hands. The
volume of material piled up during the work on the Yours sincerely,
collection makes this project quite realistic. Vitaly Brousnikin,
[email protected]

"Volna-T" broadcasting receiver. 1970's. "PTS-47". Built-in broadcasting receiver.

Model 1947.

Visit Vitalys Site mirror: Page 100

ANTENTOP- 03- 2003, # 004 ISBN: 978-0-9864885-5-9

ANTENTOP is FREE e- magazine, made in PDF, I do not know, why the owners do not response me.
devoted to antennas and amateur radio. Everyone Are they still alive? Do their companys are a
may share his experience with others hams on the bankrupt? Or do they move anywhere? Where they
pages. Your opinions and articles are published are in the end?
without any changes, as I know, every your word has
the mean. I have a big collection of pictures, I have got the pictures
in others way, from FREE websites, from commercial
A little note, I am not a native English, so, of CDs, intended for FREE using, and so on... I use to the
course, there are some sentence and grammatical pictures (and seldom, some stuff from closed websites)
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Copyright: Here, at ANTENTOP, we just follow the editor of the magazine) do not receive any profit from
traditions of FREE flow of information in our great the issue. But off course, I do not mention from
radio hobby around the world. A whole issue of commercial ads in ANTENTOP. It allows me to do the
ANTENTOP may be photocopied, printed, pasted magazine in most great way, allows to pay some money
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It comes from all of us, and thus it belongs to all of interesting stuff in Russian, and owners of the stuff
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There is! Any work is copyrighted by the author. All enough time to translate the interesting stuff in English,
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Copyright Note: Dear friends, please, note, I this work, and we will see lots interesting articles there.
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