X X X P: G Y(s) R(S) E(s)
X X X P: G Y(s) R(S) E(s)
X X X P: G Y(s) R(S) E(s)
Q.1: (20 m). a) Draw a block diagram of a common closed loop control system consists of a reference
input r(t), a system output y(t), a system f(.), a sensor h(.), an actuator K and a controller c(.).
b) Write an M-file MATLAB program to find the roots of the following polynomial P(x), to evaluate
polynomial P(x) starts from at x = -2 and ends at x = 2 with 0.1 step size and plot the results P(x) versus x.
P( x) x 3 x (1)
Q.2: (25 m). Consider the following system given in equation (2) where the system output is y(t) and
system input is u(t).
y 6 y 11 y 6 y 6u ,
y (0) y (0) 1, y(0) 0
a) Draw block diagram of the system?
b) Solve the given initial value problem, yg(t) = yc(t) + yp(t) for unit step input, u(t) = 1. (One of the roots
of the characteristic equation is -1)
Q.3: (25 m). Consider the nonlinear system and its output given in equation (3)
x x x x 2 u
y x x 2
Q.4: (30 m). The transfer function of the following feedback system is given in equation (4).
Prof. Dr. Ahmet Uar. Exam time is Two hours (120 minutes) Good Luck