Teach Yourself Thorax
Teach Yourself Thorax
Teach Yourself Thorax
12. The sixth thoracic vertebra articulates by means of synovial joints with all the following
structures except:
a. The head of the sixth rib.
* b. The body of the fifth thoracic vertebra.
c. The tubercle of the sixth rib.
d. The inferior articular process of the fifth thoracic vertebra.
e. All of the above.
13. The second rib or its costal cartilage articulates with all the following structures except:
a. Body of the sternum
b. Second vertebral body
c. Third vertebral body.
d. Transverse process of the second vertebra.
* e. All the above
16. The jugular notch lies on the same level with which of the following vertebrae?
a. The fourth cervical
b. The third thoracic
c. The first lumbar
* d. The second thoracic
e. The sixth thoracic
17. The costal notch for the seventh rib articulates with which of the following structure?
a. The jugular notch
b. The sternal angle
* c. The xiphiosternal junction
d. the xiphoid process
e. the manubrium
18. The intercostal vessels and nerves, all the statement are TRUE except :
a. Course between the transversus thoracis and internal intercostal muscles.
b. Are arranged from above downwards: vein, artery and nerve.
c. Lower nine posterior intercostal arteries originate from the thoracic aorta.
* d. Anterior intercostal veins on the right side drain into the azygos vein.
e. Branches of the nerve include rami communicantes and collateral branches.
19. During quiet respiration enlargement of the thoracic cavity can be accomplished by all
the following except the:
a. Diaphragm
b. External intercostal muscles
c. Interchondral portions of the internal intercostal muscles.
* d. Sternomastoid muscles.
e. Transverse thoracic muscle
24. The highest point of the dome of the diaphragm as shown by purcussion for liver dullness
in the right midclavicular line at gentle breathing is the:
a. 4th rib.
* b. 5th rib.
c. 6th rib.
d. Xiphisternal joint
e. Tip of the 9th costal cartilage.
25. Concerning the diaphragm, all the statement are TRUE except:
a. Has an attachment to the body of the sternum.
b. Is a boundary of the anterior mediastinum.
* c. When it contracts, raises intrathoracic pressure.
d. Is a boundary of the posterior mediastinum.
e. The crura motor supply from lower thoracic nerves.
27. When the diaphragm descends in inspiration, which of the following is enlarged?
a. Oesophageal hiatus
* b. Aperture for the inferior vena cava
c. Aperture for the internal thoracic artery
d. Aortic hiatus
e. Medial lumbocostal arch
29. Concerning the diaphragm, all the statement are TRUE except:
* a. Is pierced by the inferior vena cava through its muscular portion.
b. Is innervated by the phrenic nerves.
c. Has a right crus which encircles the oesophagus
d. When paralysed on one side, is seen on a chest x-ray taken in inspiration, to be
higher on that side than on the other.
e. Minor openings transmit splanchnic nerves and sympathetic trunk.
33. The number of broncho-pulmonary segments in the middle lobe of the right lung is:
a. One
* b. Two
c. Three
d. Four
e. From two to four
35. Which of the following structures does not indent the left lung:
a. Oesophagus
b. 1st rib
c. Aorta
* d. Superior vena cava.
e. Common carotid
38. The pleura descends below the costal margin on all the following areas except:
a. Right xiphicostal angle
* b. Left xiphicostal angle
c. Right cost vertebral angle
d. Left cost vertebral angle
39. The surface marking of the pleural limit includes the following except:
a. 8th rib in mid-clavicular line
b. 4th intercostal space on left cardiac notch.
* c. 10th rib anterior-axillary line
d. 12th rib, opposite vertebral column.
e. 6th costal cartilage deviates laterally on both sides.
46. The bucket - handle movement of the ribs during relaxed expiration involves all the
following except:
a. Decrease of the transverse thoracic diameter.
* b. Contraction of the external intercostal muscles.
c. Inward rotation of the ribs.
d. Movement at the costovertebral joints.
e. Untwisting of costal cartilages.
47. The pump-handle movement (elevation of the sternum) during inspiration involves all the
following except:
a. Increase in the anteroposterior chest diameter.
b. Increase in the vertical chest diameter.
* c. Movement at the costovertebral joints.
d. Movement at the sternocostal joints.
e. Movement at the sternomanubrial joints.
49. The medial surface of the right lung (pleura intervening) is related to:
a. Lymph trunk
* b. The azygos vein
c. A recurrent laryngeal nerve
d. The descending thoracic aorta
e. None of the above.
50. Posteriorly, the reflection of parietal pleura is at the level of the:
a. 8th rib
b. 10th rib
* c. 12th rib
d. 2nd rib
e. None of the above
53. The following structures have impressions on the mediastinal surface of the right lung
except the:
a. IVC
b. Oesophagus
* c. Descending aorta.
d. Subclavian artery
e. Pericardium
57. The following are TRUE about the state of development of the aortic arches just before
birth except:
a. The ductus arteriosus is derived from the sixth left aortic arch.
b. The first aortic arch artery has disappeared.
c. The right recurrent laryngeal nerve hooks around a derivative of the sixth aortic
* d. The fifth arch arteries have disappeared.
58. All of the following contain part of the conducting system of the heart except:
* a. Fossa ovalis
b. Sulcus terminalis
c. Anterior papillary muscle.
d. Posterior papillary muscle.
e. Moderator band.
59. The right atrium of the heart, find the FALSE statement:
a. Is derived partly from sinus venosus
b. Contains oxygenated blood
c. Presents the fossa ovalis on its septal wall.
* d. Anterior cardiac vein drains directly into it.
e. Crista terminalis is formed by sulcus terminalis.
62. The bulbus cordis contributes to formation of all the following except the:
a. Left ventricle
b. Trabeculated part of the right ventricle.
c. Outflow tracts of both ventricles.
d. Root of the aorta and pulmonary artery.
* e. All the above
64. Malformations associated with abnormal growth of the conotruncal region include the
following except:
a. Persistent truncus artriosus.
b. Transposition of the great vessels
* c. Patent ductus arteriosus
d. Pulmonary infundibular stenosis.
e. Tetralogy of Fallot
67. All the venous blood of the heart drains into the:
a. Coronary sinus
b. Venae cordis minimi
c. Anterior cardiac veins
* d. Right atrium
e. None of the above
68. The pericardium is supplied by all the following vessels except:
a. Pericardiaco-phrenic artery.
b. Branches of the bronchial arteries.
* c. Branches of the oesophageal arteries.
d. Superior phrenic arteries.
e. Inferior phrenic artery.
69. The pain originating in the parietal pericardium travels by way of:
a. The cardiac plexus
b. Greater splanchnic nerves
c. Intercostal nerves
d. Vagus nerves
* e. None of the above.
74. Regarding the superior vena cava, find the TRUE statement:
a. Begins behind the sternal angle.
b. Is guarded by a single valve.
* c. Pierces the fibrous pericardium behind the third right costal cartilage.
d. Begins by the union of left brachiocephalic and right internal jugular veins.
e. (b) and (c).
75. Regarding vasa vasorum of the ascending aorta, find the TRUE statement:
a. They arise from the left coronary artery.
b. They arise from the right coronary artery.
c. They are the same as coronary arteries.
d. They carry deoxygenated blood.
* e. They arise from within the aorta itself.
79. This vessel can be tied off in the transverse sinus of the pericardium during pulmonary
* a. The aorta
b. The superior vena cava
c. The inferior vena cava
d. The right pulmonary artery
80. Thebesian or venae cordis minimae are most numerous in relation to the following
a. The right atrium
b. The left atrium
* c. The left ventricle
d. The right ventricle
81. One of the most common abnormalities of the great vessels that occurs more frequently
in premature infants is:
a. Coarctation of the aorta
b. Abnormal right subclavian artery
c. Right aortic arch
* d. Patent ductus arteriosus
e. Double aortic arch
82. The inferior vena cava is formed by all of the following veins except:
a. Subcardinals
b. Sacro cardinals
* c. Anterior cardinals
d. Right vitelline vein
e. None of the above
83. Instead of closing after birth, the ductus arteriosus may remain patent and cause
sysmptoms. In ligating it the surgeon must be careful not to injure a nerve lying very
close to it. This is the:
a. Phrenic nerve
b. Sympathetic trunk
* c. Left recurrent laryngeal
d. Fourth intercostal nerve
e. Sixth intercostal nerve
84. An aneurysm (abnormal dilatation) of the aortic arch may affect the:
* a. Left bronchus
b. Right bronchus
c. Vena azygos
d. Oblique sinus
e. Left ventricle
89. The limbus fossae ovalis forms a prominent margin for which of the following structure?
a. The sinus venarum cavarum
b. The right atrioventricular ostium
c. The pulmonary trunk
d. The interventricular foramen
* e. The fossa ovalis
90. The outflow tract leading into the pulmonary trunk through the pulmonary orifice is
known as which of the following:
a. The crista terminalis
* b. The infundibulum
c. The crista supraventricularis
d. The limbus fossa ovalis
e. The ostium of the coronary sinus.
91. The largest branch of the right coronary artery is which of the following?
* a. The posterior interventricular
b. The marginal
c. The sinustrial
d. The atrioventricular node
e. The conus arteriosus
92. Which of the following structures is located in the posterior interventricular sulcus?
a. The oblique vein of the left atrium
b. The great cardiac vein
c. The coronary sinus
* d. The middle cardiac vein
e. The small cardiac vein
93. In quiet breathing, and in the supine position, where is the apex beat of the heart located?
a. Left of the sternal angle at the level of the second rib.
* b. In the left fifth intercostal space in the midclavicular line.
c. In the midaxillary line.
d. At the xiphisternal junction.
e. In the second intercostal space left of the sternum.
94. The ostium secundum is formed by the breakdown of an area in which of the following
* a. The septum primum
b. The septum secundum
c. The pars muscularis
d. The pars membranacea of the interventricular septum.
e. The endocardial cushions.
95. The superior mediastinum is situated chiefly behind which of the following structures?
a. The heart
b. The xiphoid process
* c. The manubrium
d. The arch of the aorta.
e. The pulmonary trunk.
103. As regards to the mediastinal surfaces of the lung, all the following are TRUE except:
a. It is the least expansile surface.
b. It is irregular
* c. The azygos vein is found on the surface of the left lung.
d. The heart is located mainly into the left lung surface.
e. The surfaces bordering its superior part (superior mediastinum) are related to the
arch of the aorta, the pulmonary trunk and the carina.
109. As regards the adult oesophagus, the following are TRUE except:
a. Is 20-25 cm long.
b. Begins at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra.
c. Is constricted by the left principal bronchus.
* d. Is separated from the pericardium by the right atrium.
110. A barium swallow shows the patient's mid esophagus to be compressed by a structure
anterior to it. This could be the:
a. Left ventricle
b. Right ventricle
c. Right bronchus
* d. Left atrium
e. Thyroid gland
111. The left recurrent laryngeal nerve hooks on the:
a. Pulmonary trunk
b. Descending thoracic aorta
* c. Ligamentum ateriosum
d. Left common carotid
e. Left subclavian artery
114. Regarding the right vagus nerve, find the TRUE statement.
a. Contain nerve fibres whose impulses speed the heart
b. Passes infront of the right principal bronchus
* c. Passes through the oesophageal opening of the diaphragm
d. Gives parasympathetic nerve fibres to sweat glands via the intercostal nerves
e. It contributes to pulmonary plexus but no oesophagial plexus.
116. All the following correctly describe the phrenic nerve except:
a. It is a component of the somatic nervous system.
b. It does not innervate the entire diaphragm.
c. It innervates the diaphragmatic peritoneum
d. It originates from spinal nerves C3, C4 & C5.
* e. It passes through the aortic hiatus.
119. The following are branches of the internal thoracic artery except the:
a. Superior epigastric
* b. Bronchial
c. Musculophrenic
d. Pericardiophrenic
e. Mediastinal
121. As regards the right sympathetic trunk, the following are TRUE except:
a. Lies in front of the head of the first rib.
b. Contributes fibres to the deep cardiac plexus.
c. Contains fibres which are responsible for dilatation of the right pupil.
* d. Is continous with the lumbar section of trunk behind the lateral arcuate ligament.
e. Contributes preganglionic fibres to ganglia in the abdomen.
122. The cranial most root of the greater splanchnic nerve is from the:
a. Third thoracic sympathetic ganglion
b. Fourth thoracic sympathetic ganglion
* c. Fifth thoracic sympathetic ganglion
d. Sixth thoracic sympathetic ganglion
e. Seventh thoracic sympathetic ganglion
123. This artery gives rise to the 6th - 9th anterior intercostal arteries:
a. 6th superior intercostal artery
b. 6th inferior intercostal artery
c. The superior epigastric artery
* d. The musculophrenic artery
124. Regarding the internal thoracic artery, find the TRUE statement.
a. Is a branch of the axillary artery
b. Has no terminal branches.
c. Descends anterior to the sternum.
d. Is a branch of the brachiocephalic artery
* e. Often supplies branches to the thymus gland.
127. A patient was stabbed in the chest, with the knife going through, it entered through the
anterior aspect through the 5th intercostal space on the left. The injured structure was:
a. Left pleural sac
b. Right pleural sac
* c. Pericardial sac
d. Internal mammary artery
e. Anterior mediastinum
128. In order to pass a needle into the pleural cavity in the mid- axillary line, the following
structures will have to be pierced except:
a. Internal intercostal muscle
* b. Levatores costarum
c. External intercostal muscle
d. Parietal pleura
e. Transversus thoracis
129. During which weeks of gestation would an exposure to German measles be most likely to
produce cardiac malformations?
a. 3rd to 4th
b. 8th to 9th
c. 7th
d. 4th to 7th
* e. 5th to 10th
130. In severe coarctation of aorta, reversal of blood flow will be most obvious in the:
a. Suprascapular artery
b. Internal thoracic artery
c. Superior mesenteric artery
d. Lower posterior intercostal arteries
* e. (b) and (d).
131. Cancer of the apex of the lung may affect certain vital structures, which cross the neck of
the first rib. This could result in:
a. Paralysis of one hemidiaphragm.
* b. Loss of sweating from half the face.
c. Impaired pronation of the forearm.
d. Inability to close the eyelid completely.
e. All the above.
132. Regarding the right atrium, which of the following statements is FALSE:
a. The smooth part receives the superior and inferior vena cavae and coronary sinus
* b. Has an internal vertical ridge called sulcus terminalis
c. Crista terminalis forms part of inferior vena cava valve.
d. Fossa ovalis lies between the two cavae openings.
e. Before birth, venous blood from superior vena cava is almost separated from
inferior vena cava blood.
134. In coarctation of the aorta, the following vessels may enlarge except:
a. Highest intercostal artery.
b. Internal thoracic artery.
c. Musculophrenic artery.
* d. Upper posterior intercostal.
e. Inferior epigastric artery.
136. Which of the following congenital heart malformations is easily compartible with life,
and does not need correction:
a. V.S.D
* b. Dextrocardia
c. A.S.D
d. P.D.A
e. Pulmonary valve stenosis.
144. The pleura coincides with the lungs at the following area:
a. 8th rib
b. 2nd rib
* c. Supraclavicular region
d. Diaphragmatic region
e. 10th rib
145. Presence of air in the pleural space is referred to as:
a. Chylothorax
* b. Pneumothorax
c. Haemothorax
d. Pyothorax
e. Hydrothorax.
147. The following are TRUE about the pleural cavity and pleural membranes except :
* a. Lungs are completely surrounded by the pleural cavity.
b. The pleural cavity is a closed potential space.
c. There is only a capillary layer of serous fluid in the pleural cavity.
d. Pleural fluid lubricates the pleural surfaces and reduces friction.
e. Parietal and visceral layers of pleura slide smoothly against each other during
148. Blood supply to the parietal pleura is from the following except:
a. Posterior intercostal arteries.
b. Anterior intercostal arteries.
c. Internal thoracic artery.
d. Musculophrenic artery
* e. Superior epigastric artery.
149. Regarding the lobes and fissures of the lungs, the following are TRUE except:
a. As a variation, the left lung can have three lobes.
b. As a variation, the right lung can have two lobes.
c. The middle lobe (of the right lung) is wedge-shaped in outline.
d. The bronchopulmonary segments of each lung are ten.
* e. The superior lobe of the right lung is bigger than the superior lobe of the left lung.
151. Pleural fluid or any other fluid/pus or blood can be withdrawn from the pleural cavity
using hypodermic needle passed:
a. Either above or below a given rib
* b. Only above a given rib
c. Only below a given rib
d. In the middle of a given intercostal space.
e. None of the above.
158. The first costal cartilage gives attachment to the following except:
a. The suprapleural (fibrous) membrane
b. Rhomboid (the costoclavicular) ligament.
* c. The scalenus anterior muscle.
d. The sterno clavicular disc.
e. The capsule of sternoclavicular joint.
159. Regarding embryology of the heart and great vessels, which of the following statements
* a. The ductus arteriosus forms ligamentum venosum in the adult.
b. Functional closure of the ductus is mediated by bradykinin.
c. Functional closure of the ductus occurs soon after the lungs first expand.
d. There may be a slight reversal of the blood flow through the ductus during the
postnatal period.
e. Anatomic obliteration of the ductus usually takes several weeks.
160. The endocardial cushions of the atrioventriclar canal participate in all the following
* a. Formation of the semilunar valves.
b. Formation of the membranous interventricular septum.
c. Formation of the atrioventricular valves.
d. Closure of the ostium primum between the left and right atria.
e. Division of the atrium into the right and left chambers
161. Which of the following statements is TRUE about cardiac development:
* a. The heart bends into an s-shape because the caudal regions of the endocardial
tubes grow faster than the cranial regions.
b. The sinus venosus becomes incorporated into the atrium prior to the formation of
the heart loop.
c. The left and right sides of the heart result directly from the side-by-side
apposition of the left and right endocardial tubes.
d. The atria are represented by cranial portions of the endocardial tubes.
e. During the formation of the heart loop, a single tube heart remains suspended by a
complete dorsal mesocardium.
162. Derivatives of the embryonic sinus venosus include all the following except:
a. Valve of the inferior vena cava
b. Valve of the coronary sinus.
c. Coronary sinus
* d. Tuberculated portion of the right atrium.
e. Smooth-walled portion of the right atrium.
163. Regarding the embryology of the respiratory system, which of the following is FALSE:
a. The respiratory (lung) bud appears at the 4th week of embryonic development.
b. The lung bud is an outgrowth of the foregut.
c. The epithelial lining of the respiratory system is entirely endodermal in origin
d. The oesophagotracheal ridges form a septum that divide the foregut into a dorsal
portion and a ventral portion.
* e. The respiratory primordium does not communicate at all with the pharynx.
164. Regarding the development of the larynx, which of the following statements is TRUE:
a. The internal lining of the larynx is of mesordermal origin.
b. Laryngeal cartilages originate from 2nd and 3rd pharyngeal arches
* c. The laryngeal orifice changes in appearance from a sagittal slit to a T-shaped
d. The laryngeal ventricles are bounded by folds of tissue which differentiate into
false vocal cords only.
e. The superior laryngeal nerve and recurrent laryngeal nerve innervate derivatives
of the 2nd and 3rd pharyngeal arches respectively.
165. Concerning the embryology of the trachea, bronchi and lungs, which of these statements
a. At the 5th week of the embryonic development, the lung bud forms the trachea
and the bronchial buds.
b. The lung buds grow in the caudal and lateral directons to penetrate the coelomic
cavity leading to formation of a space called pericardioperitoneal canal.
c. During further development, secondary bronchi divide repeatedly forming 10
ertiary bronchi in the right lung and 8 in the left lung.
* d. During postnatal life, no further development of the lung occurs.
e. At the time of birth, the bifurcation of the trachea is located opposite the 4th
thoracic vertebrae.
166. Regarding embryology of the respiratory system, which of the following statements is
a. Tracheo-oesophageal fistulae occur in approximately 1 in 3000 births.
b. Tracheo-esophageal fistula is associated with other birth defects.
* c. Type I alveolar epithelial cells are formed last after type II alveolar epithelial
cells have formed.
d. Surfactant is produced by type II alveolar epithelial cells.
e. By the 7th month, there is sufficient capillaries to guarantee adequate gas
exchange and the premature infant is able to survive.
168. Regarding the abdominal type of respiration the following are TRUE except:
a. Is accompanied by a marked inward and outward excursion of the anterior
abdominal wall.
b. Occurs in babies and young children.
* c. Occurs in women also.
d. Partly takes place in men.
e. Occurs in young children because their ribs are nearly horizontal.
172. Concerning the structure of the trachea, which of the following is TRUE.
a. The trachealis muscle is striated and supplied by the vagus nerve and
* b. It has about 16-20 bars of cartilage.
c. Its posterior surface is round and applied to the esophagus.
d. It gets arterial blood supply from the internal thoracic artery.
e. The cricoid cartilage is part of the trachea in children.
173. Regarding the trachea in the thorax, find the FALSE statement:
a. It lies in the superior mediastinum only.
b. Its anterior relations include the manubrium, thymus and inferior thyroid veins.
c. The carina marks its termination.
d. Its lower border is about the intervertebral disc between T4 and T5.
* e. None of the above.
175. With regard to the tracheal bronchial tree, the following are FALSE except:
* a. The terminal bronchioles mark the end of a purely conducting portion of the tract.
b. Some tertiary bronchi possess gaseous exchange epithelia.
c. The respiratory bronchiales are lined by respiratory epithelium.
d. The broncho-pulmonary segments are closely related to each other.
e. All the above.