Sudan Communicable Disease Profile
Sudan Communicable Disease Profile
Sudan Communicable Disease Profile
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Edited by Dr Michelle Gayer, Dr Albis Gabrielli, and Dr Mire Connolly of the Programme on Communicable
Diseases in Complex Emergencies, WHO/CDS.
This Profile is a collaboration between the Communicable Disease Working Group on Emergencies (CD-
WGE) at WHO/HQ, the Division of Communicable Disease Prevention and Control (DCD) at WHO/EMRO
and the Office of the WHO Representative for Sudan. The CD-WGE provides technical and operational
support on communicable disease issues to WHO Regional and Country Offices, MoHs, other UN agencies,
NGOs and international organizations. This Working Group includes the Departments of Control, Prevention
and Eradication (CPE), Surveillance and Response (CSR) in Communicable diseases (CDS), Roll Back
Malaria (RBM), Stop TB (STB) and HIV/AIDS (HIV) in HTM; and the Departments of Child and Adolescent
Health and Development (CAH), Immunizations, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) and Health and Action in
Crisis (HAC).
The following people were involved in the development and review of this document and their contribution is
gratefully acknowledged:
The following persons in HQ, EMRO and WHO Country Office in Khartoum contributed to the development of
this document and their technical input is gratefully acknowledged:
Dr Samira Aboubaker (FCH/CAH), Dr Roberta Andraghetti (CDS/CSR), Dr Hoda Atta (EMRO/DCD), Dr Samiha
Baghdadi (EMRO/DCD), Dr Andrew Ball (FCH/HIV), Ms Rachel Bauquerez (CDS/CSR), Dr Claudio Beltramello
(CDS/CPE), Dr Eric Bertherat (CDS/CSR), Dr Julian Bilous (HTP/VAB), Dr Sylvie Briand (CDS/CPE), Dr Philippe
Calain (CDS/CPE), Dr Claire-Lise Chaignat (CDS/CPE), Dr Kabir Cham (CDS/MAL), Ms Claire Chauvin
(HTP/VAB), Dr Ottorino Cosivi (CDS/CSR), Dr Denis Coulombier (CDS/CSR), Dr Philippe Desjeux (CDS/CPE),
Dr Dirk Engels (CDS/CPE), Dr Suzanne Farhoud (EMRO/DHP), Dr Pierre Formenty (CDS/CSR), Dr Malgosia
Grzemska (CDS/STB), Dr Zoheir Hallaj (EMRO/DCD), Dr Bradley Hersh (HTP/VAB), Prof. Martin Hugh-Jones
(WHO Collaborating Center for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems for Public Health,
Louisiana State University), Dr Yvan Hutin (HTP/BCT), Dr Frdrique Marodon (CDS/CPE), Mrs Gill Mayers
(HTP/VAB), Dr Franois-Xavier Meslin (CDS/CPE), Dr Abraham Mnzava (EMRO/DCD), Dr Ezzeddine Mohsni
(EMRO/DCD), Dr Antonio Montresor (CDS/CPE), Mr Altaf Musani (EMRO/EHA), Ms Kathy ONeill (CDS/CSR),
Dr Salah-Eddine Ottmani (HTM/STB), Dr Brian Pazvakavambwa (FCH/HIV), Dr William Perea (CDS/CSR), Dr
Sergio Piche (EMRO/DHP), Ms Claire Preaud (CDS/CSR), Dr Aafje Rietveld (HTM/MAL), Dr Mike Ryan
(CDS/CSR), Dr Guido Sabatinelli (WHO/Khartoum), Dr Maria Santamaria (CDS/CSR), Dr Lorenzo Savioli
(CDS/CPE), Dr Khalid Shibib (SDE/HAC), Dr Nadia Teleb (EMRO/DCD), Dr Williamina Wilson (CDS/CSR), Dr
Nevio Zagaria (CDS/CPE).
We would like thank the Government of Ireland and the Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) of
the US Agency for International Development for their support in development of this document.
The purpose of this document is to provide public health professionals working in Sudan with up to date information on the
major communicable disease threats faced by the population. The list of endemic and epidemic diseases has been
selected on the basis of the burden of morbidity and mortality. Diseases which have global eradication or elimination
goals are also included. The document outlines the burden of communicable diseases in Sudan for which data are
available, provides data on recent outbreaks in the country, and presents disease-specific guidelines on the
prevention and control of these diseases.
The control of communicable represents a major challenge to those providing health care services in Sudan. It is
hoped that this document will facilitate the co-ordination of communicable disease control activities between all
agencies working in the country.
The classification of cases below five years old according to the national IMCI
guidelines - that differ slightly from the ARI guidelines - is reported below.
Lack of safe water Yes 58% of the population has access to sanitary means of excreta disposal, the
and poor percentage being less than 20% for the poor households. Access to sources
sanitation of safe water varies considerably especially by standards of living, with the
Poor having very limited access to them. (Source: Multiple Indicator Cluster
Survey, 2000).
Others Yes Indoor air pollution. Low temperatures may increase the relative risk of
children's acquiring pneumonia.
Risk assessment
ALRI represent one of the top leading causes of death in children under 5 in
conclusions Sudan. Inadequate feeding practices, food insecurity and overcrowding among
displaced people, low immunization coverage, limited access to quality health
care (trained staff and drugs) are likely to increase children's risk to illness and
death, especially among rural populations and the Poor.
Card Agglutination Trypanosomiasis Test (CATT): for T. b. gambiense only.
Immunofluorescent assay: for T. b. rhodesiense mainly and possibly for
T. b. gambiense.
Detection (microscopy) of trypanosomes in blood, lymph node aspirates or
cerebro-spinal fluid (CSF).
Case classification:
NOTE: in the 1s` stage or early in the 2i0 stage of the disease there are often no clinical signs
or symptoms classically associated with the disease. Suspicion is then based on local risk of
In T.b. rhodesiense infection: 3 days to a few weeks
In T.b. gambiense infection: longer incubation period that can take several months
or even years
Period of The disease is communicable to the Tsetse fly as long as the parasite is present in the
communicability blood of the infected person or animal (from 5-21 days after the infecting bite).
Parasitaemia occurs in waves of varying intensity in untreated cases during all stages
of the disease. Once infected, Tsetse fly remains infective for life (life span: 1 to 6
Burden From January 2000 to November 2002, the figures collected from various and
incomplete sources show that about 138,800 people were screened and about 6,155
cases were identified. Among them about 48% were already in the neurological phase
of the disease.
The average prevalence rate calculated for these figures is 3.7%. The prevalence can
reach more 20% in some areas such as Ibba village.
About 5 million people are at risk from African trypanosomiasis in Sudan, and 50,000
are estimated to be already infected.
Due to the focal nature of the disease, prevalence should refer only to the areas at
risk. Aggregation: of datato the national level is misleading and obscures the problem.
It is almost impossible to measure incidence rates of T. b. gambiense sleeping
sickness, because the variable and long asymptomatic period of the disease makes it
impossible to know with any accuracy when infection began. There is little or no
information on mortality available outside hospital records, since most of the deaths
take place in rural areas with poor or non-existing civil registration systems. In
particular, mortality in infants is difficult to measure, even with systematic screening,
because of the well known systematic underreporting of infant deaths. In addition, it is
very difficult to obtain age/sex breakdowns.
Seroprevalence of 10-30% has been found in certain villages of southern Sudan .
Geographical Foci of T.b. gambiense form are located in the southern part of Sudan, west of
distribution the Nile, within 100 km of the borders with Central African Republic, Democratic
Republic of Congo and Uganda. The main foci are Juba, Kato-Keji and Yei counties in
Bahr-alJabal state, and Maridi-Mundri-Ibba, Tambura, Yambio and Yei counties in
Western Equatoria state.
Very little information is available on the current status of African trypanosomiasis
in Bahr-EI-Gazal and Eastern Equatoria states, but the area around Torit (Eastern
Equatoria) is known to be heavily affected.
Small foci of T.b. rhodesiense form are located in southern Sudan on the East side of
the Nile river, along the border with Ethiopia.
An important feature of African trypanosomiasis is its focal nature. It tends to occur
in circumscribed zones, and observed prevalence rates vary greatly from one
geographical area to another, and even between one village and another within the
same area
Seasonality The disease has no clearly evident seasonal pattern.
Lack of safe water No The Tsetse fly is not attracted by dirty water.
and poor
Others Yes It is a neglected disease.
Risk assessment Southern Sudan is experiencing a resurgence of epidemic sleeping sickness:
conclusions transmission rate and prevalence are increasing rapidly. War has played a
major role in causing the breakdown of surveillance, case-detection and
treatment. Access to populations in epidemic areas has been so far extremely
difficult, and health capacity has almost collapsed.
The number of people living in areas at risk for sleeping sickness in southern
Sudan can be estimated at 1-2 million, but reliable data are not available.
Prevalence of confirmed Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection in
humans now exceeds 5% in several foci.
Burden Although there is many suspected cases but there is no confirmed one .
Geographical There is scattered cases(there is no difenitive areas ) .
Seasonality Cases are distributed all over the year. Seasonal incidence patterns are not constant
over years.
Alert threshold Five or more linked cases must be investigated further.
Recent 2001 February: 7 deaths were reported from Acumcum (western Bahr-al-Gazal).
epidemics in the Many cases were also reported but figures are not available. Shigella dysenteriae
country was isolated from stool samples.
March- April 1999- During an outbreak of recurrent fever in Rumbek county (Lakes
state), cases of bloody diarrhoea were observed and confirmed as shigellosis.
Epidemic control Inform the Health Authorities if one or more suspected cases are identified. Early
detection and notification of epidemic dysentery, especially among adults, allows
for timely mobilization of resources needed for appropriate case management
and control.
Confirm the outbreak, following WHO guidelines.
Rectal swabs from suspected cases should be collected and shipped refrigerated to
laboratories in an appropriate medium (e.g. Cary Blair medium) for culture to
confirm the diagnosis of Sdl. It is recommended that at least 10 cases be used to
confirm the cause, identify antibiotic sensitivity and verify the outbreak. Once
confirmed, it is not necessary to obtain laboratory confirmation for every patient.
Testing of Sdl isolates for antimicrobial sensitivity should be done at regular
intervals to determine whether treatment guidelines remain appropriate.
International referral laboratories are available to assist in identification of the
organism and confirmation of the anti-microbial resistance pattern.
Do not wait for laboratory results before starting treatment/control activities.
Prevention See:
Section on Diarrhoea) Diseases and Annex 3: Safe Water and Sanitation
Guidelines for the Control of Epidemics due to Shigella dysenteriae type 1.
(available online at: http://www.who.intlemc-documents/cholera/whocdr954c.html)
Burden Even if no official data is available, cases of cholera are known to occur in the
Geographical No definite geographical distribution for the disease .
Seasonality All the outbreaks mentioned below occurred between March and June
Alert threshold Any suspected case must be investigated.
Burden Year number of cases percentage
2000 3248423 13%
2001 2709955 13%
2002 1066893 21%
Geographical Throughout the country.
Provision of information on: the protective qualities of breast-feeding, and the
importance of breast feeding ill children
Practical support for breast feeding ill children
Infectious agent
Bacterium: Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Case definition Clinical description:
Upper respiratory tract illness with laryngitis or pharyngitis or tonsillitis
adherent membranes of tonsils or nasopharynx.
Laboratory confirmation: isolation of C. diphtheriae from a clinical specimen
Case classification:
Suspected case: not applicable
Probable case: a case that meets the clinical description
Confirmed case: probable case confirmed by laboratory or epidemiologically linked
to a laboratory-confirmed case
Carrier: presence of C. diphtheriae in nasopharynx, no symptoms
NOTE: persons with positive C. diphtheriae identification but who do not meet the clinical
description (e.g. asymptomatic carriers) must not be reported as probable or confirmed cases
Mode of
Contact (usually direct, rarely indirect) with the respiratory droplets of a case or
transmission carrier
In rare cases, the disease may be transmitted through foodstuffs (raw milk has
served as a vehicle)
Incubation Usually 2-5 days, occasionally longer
Period of Until virulent bacilli have disappeared from discharges and lesions; usually 2 weeks or
communicability less and seldom more than 4 weeks. The rare chronic carrier can shed bacilli for 6
months or more. The disease is usually not contagious 48 hours after antibiotics are
Lack of safe No
water and poor
Others No
Risk assessment Outbreaks can occur when social or natural conditions lead to overcrowding
conclusions of susceptible groups, especially infants and children. This frequently occurs
when there are large-scale movements of non-immunized populations.
DTP3 coverage:
2001: 71 % (official country estimates); 46% (WHO-UNICEF estimates)
2000: 65% (official country estimates)
1999: 79% (official country estimates)
1998: 70% (official country estimates)
1997: 79% (official country estimates)
1990: 62% (official country estimates)
1980: 1 % (official country estimates)
The antibodies only neutralize toxin before its entry into cells, and is therefore
critical that diphtheria antitoxin be administered s soon as a presumptive
diagnosis has been made.
Antibiotic therapy, by killing the organism, has three benefits:
The termination of toxin production
Amelioration of the local infection
Prevention of spread of the organism to uninfected persons
Diphtheria antitoxin i.m. (20,000 to 100,000 units) in a single dose, immediately
after throat swabs have been taken.
Procaine penicillin i.m. (25,000 to 50,000 units/kg/day for children; 1.2 million
units/day for adults in 2 divided doses) or parenteral erythromycin (40-50
mg/kg/day with a maximum of 2 g/day) until the patient can swallow; then
Oral penicillin V (125-250 mg) in 4 doses a day, or erythromycin (40-50
mg/kg/day with a maximum of 2 g/day) in 4 divided doses.
Antibiotic treatment should be continued for a total period of 14 days
Isolation: strict (pharyngeal diphtheria) or contact (cutaneous diphtheria) for 14
NOTE: Clinical diphtheria does not necessarily confer natural immunity, and patients should
therefore be vaccinated before discharge from a health facility
Close Contacts*
Surveillance for 7 days for all persons with close contact, regardless of
vaccination status, and throat culture.
All must receive a single dose of benzathine penicillin G i.m. (600 000 units for
children < 6; 1.2 million units for 6 or older). If culture is positive, give antibiotics as for
patients above.
All must receive a single dose of benzathine penicillin G i.m. (600 000 units for
children < 6; 1.2 million units for 6 or older).
Seasonality The disease is seasonal occurring with patterns depending on climatic factors,
especially rainfall. In the Sahelian zone, transmission generally occurs in the rainy
season, when surface water is available (May to August). In the humid savanna zone, the
peak usually occurs in the dry season, when drinking water sources are most
scarce and heavily contaminated. (November to January).
In Sudan, the majority of cases are reported between May and October, during the
rainy season. As the worm emerges on an annual cycle, this is also the period
during which infection occurs (transmission season).
Recent epidemics Dracunculiasis is an endemic disease, with little likelihood of rapid changes in
in the country incidence. However, in hyperendemic situations, field surveys can be performed to
determine prevalence of infection, discover high-risk sources of water, and apply
control measures (see below).proper surveillance &interventions will eliminate
all sourse of infection .
The migration and emergence of the worms occur in sensitive parts of the body,
e.g. the sole of the feet
Serious secondary bacterial infection frequently sets in subsequent to the accidental
rupture of the worm.
The emerging of the worm often happens at the busiest time of the year when people
need to plant or harvest their crops, and half or more of a village population may
be affected at the same time. In addition to its impact on agricultural productivity,
dracunculiasis also is a major cause of absenteeism from school. Moreover, it has
been observed that when disabled adult members of a household are prevented from
fully performing their agricultural or domestic activities due to dracunculiasis, the
nutritional status of children in the same household will deteriorate in the following year
due to both lack of food and negligence in the care of children.
Man-made water-catchment ponds such as ha firs are,shallow wells &ponds are
the main source of transmission in Sudan, and the epidemiology of the disease is
determined largely by the use of these open water sources.
Laboratory criteria:
Positive ELISA antigen detection or IgM capture, or
Positive virus isolation (only in a laboratory of biosafety level 4), or
Positive skin biopsy (immunohistochemistry), or
Positive PCR with sequence confirmation.
Case Classification*:
Suspected: a case that is compatible with the clinical description.
Probable (in epidemic situation):
Any person having had contact with a clinical case and presenting with acute
fever, or
Any person presenting with acute fever and 3 of the following: headache,
vomiting/nausea, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, intense fatigue, abdominal pain,
general or articular pain, difficulty in swallowing, difficulty in breathing,
hiccoughs, or
Any unexplained death
Confirmed: Any suspected or probable case that is laboratory-confirmed.
Contact (in epidemic situation): An asymptomatic person having had physical
contact within the past 21 days with a confirmed or probable case or his/her body
fluids (e.g. care for patient, participation in a burial ceremony, handling of
potentially infected laboratory specimens.
(*) Case classification should be tailored according to circumstances locally identified on
the field (e.g. including contact with sick animals or animals with abnormal
Mode of Person to person transmission by direct contact (spread of droplets onto mucous
transmission membranes) or indirectly by infected blood, secretions, organs, semen and fomites.
Risk is highest during the late stages of illness when the patient is vomiting, having
diarrhoea or haemorrhaging. Risk during the incubation period is low. Under natural
conditions, airborne transmission among humans has not been documented.
Nosocomial infections have been frequent.
Incubation Incubation period is usually 2 to 21 days
Period of As long as blood, saliva, faeces and other secretions contain virus.
Others No Hunting-related activities have been indicated as a risk factor for acquiring the
infection in several occasions.
Period of Any person who is infected with HIV may pass the infection to another through the
communicability routes of transmission described above.
Infectiousness is observed to be high during the initial period after infection. Studies
suggest it increases further with increasing immune deficiency, clinical symptoms and
presence of other STIs
Burden Estimated number of adults and children living with HIV/AIDS, end of 2001:
(including all people with HIV infection, whether or not they have developed symptoms
of AIDS)
Adults (15-49) 410,000 (2.6% of all adults)
Women (15-49) 230,000
Children (0-15) 30,000
Estimated number of deaths due to AIDS in 2001: 23,000
Reported AIDS cases in 2001: 492
(Mode of Transmission: Heterosexual: 348: Perinatal: 6; Unknown: 138)
Estimated number of living orphans (2001): 62,000
Geographical No data available; HIV median prevalence among ANC attendees in 1998 was about
distribution 0.5% in urban areas and about 3.75% in rural areas.
Seasonality Not applicable
Alert threshold One suspected case must be investigated
Recent epidemics Number of AIDS cases by year of reporting:
in the country
1979: 0 1987: 2 1995: 257
1980: 0 1988: 64 1996: 221
1981: 0 1989: 122 1997: 270
1982: 0 1990: 130 1998: 511
1983: 0 1991: 188 1999: 517
1984: 0 1992: 184 2000:652
1985: 0 1993: 191 2001: 492
1986: 2 1994: 201
Total (end 2001): 4004
Physical protection
The protection of the most vulnerable, especially women and children, from violence and
abuse is not only an important principle of human rights but is also essential for reducing
the risk of HIV infection
Protecting health In order to reduce nosocomial transmission, health workers should strictly adhere to
care workers Universal Precautions with all patients and laboratory samples - whether or not
known to be infected with HIV.
Health care workers should have access to voluntary counseling, testing and care.
Often health workers deployed in complex emergencies experience significant
occupational stress and those tested, as part of the management of occupational
exposures, will require additional support.
Counselling and The establishment of voluntary testing and counseling services to help individuals
voluntary testing make informed decisions on HIV testing should be considered when relative stability is
programmes restored. Often refugees are coerced into testing, or are required to make decision with
regard to testing when they are suffering acute or post traumatic stress disorders
As refugees are often tested prior to resettlement in other countries, it is critical that they
receive counseling on the legal and social implications of the test. Often migration or
temporary residency status is contingent on the applicant having HIV antibody
seronegative status
Post-test counseling is essential for both seronegative and seropositive results.
Refugees and conflict survivors who are already traumatized will require additional
psychosocial support if they test seropositive. Typically the support networks of
displaced persons are disrupted and suicide risk assessment forms an important part of
post-test counseling in a refugee or conflict context.
Testing of orphaned minors should be done with the consent of their official guardians
only where there is an immediate health concern or benefit to the child. There
should be no mandatory screening prior to admittance to substitute care
Asymptomatic HIV-infected children should be immunized with the EPI vaccines.
Symptomatic HIV-infected children should NOT receive either BCG or yellow fever
Mode of From the reservoir host through the bite of infective female phlebotomines (sand
transmission flies).
Phlebotomus papatasi is the vector of L. major in Sudan. The highest vector population
density is usually found when the temperature is high, humidity is medium and rainfall is
low. The vector is domestic and peridomestic in the villages. Humans are the preferred
hosts, and daily biting activity is highest in the evening.
There is limited information on the animal reservoir of cutaneous leishmaniasis in
Sudan. It is probably represented by the Nile rat Arvicanthus niloticus
Phlebotomus orientalis is the vector of L. donovani in Sudan, most abundant where
Acacia seyal and Balanites aegyptiaca vegetation is common and where the soil is rich
in clay.
Burden Year number of cases deathes
2000 204 2
2001 351 32
2002 258 ---__
Geographical Darfur and Kordofan Provinces are known to be endemic for zoonotic cutaneous
distribution leishmaniasis. Epidemics in recent years have occurred in Northern, Eastern,
Khartoum, and Central Province.
Most of mucosal leishmaniasis patients come from areas of endemic visceral
leishmaniasis (DESCRIPTION)
Seasonality During the epidemics occurred in Sudan in recent years, the peak of infection was
believed to occur in August and December, dropping sharply in March, April and May.
Recent epidemics 1976 Shendi-Atbara area (Northern Province)
in the country 1985-1987 Khartoum Province: about 10 000 recorded cases. Peak incidence in
September 1986.
1990-1992 Dongola and Mahas areas (Northern Province)
Food shortages No However, malnourished people are more susceptible to the infection due to a
weakened immune response. Many of the patients seeking treatment are also
Risk assessment VL is known to be endemic in Sudan: the first case was reported in 1904. High
conclusions mortality in the country is mainly due to the absence of diagnostic facilities, the
unavailability of first-line drugs at the peripheral level, and increasing resistance
to pentavalent antimonials.
The majority of cases are found in children and teenagers (up to 75%) as
transmission occurs early in the life. Prognosis is usually severe due to
frequent malnourishment and associated diseases, such as TB, respiratory
and/or intestinal infections.
World Health Organization 48
Case Management VL is a severe and fatal disease in the absence of treatment.
Epidemic control VL epidemics can be controlled by an integrated, feasible and efficient strategy based on:
Provision of first line drug (pentavalent antimonials) to improve cure rate and, in
zoonotic foci, reduce transmission
Provision of long-lasting bednets (Insecticide Treated Nets - ITNs) to limit contact
between human and vector
Health education and social interventions to increase awareness and improve early
diagnosis, early health-seeking and good treatment compliance.
Personal protective measures are effective in preventing contact of sand flies and
man. Such measures include skin repellents, vaporizing liquids, bednets
impregnated or sprayed with pyrethroids, and screened doors and windows.
Usually the mesh used for leishmaniasis control is the same used for malaria
control: therefore, it has to be impregnated with insecticide, otherwise sandflies
will pass through.
Vector control: application of residual insecticides on surfaces where sand flies rest,
such as indoor and outdoor walls, tree trunks, rock crevices, water wells,
and flowering plants, could be effective in reducing the size of the sand fly
population over time and thus decrease the risk of infection, but is not
recommended due to its high cost, low sustainability, and logistic constraints.
Reservoir control: control methods must be adapted to the biology of each
species (anticoagulants, poison baits, deep ploughing to eliminate plants on
which the animal feed, use of artificial canals or barriers to prevent colonization
o reinvasion). The animal reservoir for L. donovani has not been identified yet.
Systematical case detection and rapid treatment: this applies to anthroponotic foci
There is control programme integrated with the malaria control for L . Work is in
progress to evaluate the use of vaccine against L. donovani and of mosquito nets
impregnated with insecticide to reduce human-fly contact.
Mode of Not clearly established: probably organisms enter the human body through the
transmission mucous membranes of upper respiratory tract and possibly through broken skin,
during close and frequent contact with untreated, infected persons.
Incubation 9 months to 40 years; on average 4 years for tuberculoid and 8 years for lepromatous form.
Period of
If not treated: infectivity is possible as long as bacilli are demonstrated in a patient.
Treated: infectivity vanishes within 3 days of treatment with muitidrug therapy
Overcrowding No
Poor access to No
health services
Food shortages
Lack of safe No
water and poor
1 month to 1 year and more: recidivant attacks of "filarial fever" (pain and inflammation
of lymph nodes and ducts, often accompanied by fever, nausea and vomiting)
5 to 20 years: chronic illness manifestations may include elephantiasis (swelling of
limbs), hydrocoele (swelling of the scrotum in males), and enlarged breasts in females.
Period of As long as microfilariae are present in the peripheral blood (6-12 months to 5-10 years
communicability after the infective bite).
Burden Sudan is included in the Afrotropical endemic region ,no other data available .
Geographical Lymphatic filariasis is endemic in the southern part of the country. It is not present in the
distribution northern part.
Lymphatic filariasis is a focal disease, and an important feature is that it tends to occur
in circumscribed zones. Observed prevalence rates vary greatly from one geographical
area to another, and even between one village and another within the same district.
Risk assessment The complex emergency situation of Sudan is one of the reasons why this country
conclusions has not been included so far in the Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic
Filariasis (GPELF). This results not only in a scourge for the country under
consideration, but also poses a risk for elimination of LF in neighbouring countries
since Angola can represent a source of transmission.
Health Mapping for Lymphatic Filariasis will be completed in next years, in order to
localize exactly populations at risk. After that, it will be possible to implement the
control programme, to monitor drug coverage over time, and to monitor the
elimination of the disease in space and time.
The introduction of GPELF in Sudan would bring "beyond filariasis" benefits, as
albendazole is an effective and safe drug for treating soil-transmitted helminths as
well; ivermectin is effective against many intestinal parasites and even against
scabies and lice.
Epidemic control Because of relatively low infectivity and long incubation, outbreaks of lymphatic filariasis
are unlikely
Overcrowding Yes Due to increased population density and increased exposure to mosquito bites
in temporary shelters
Poor access to Yes Delays in access to effective treatment increase the likelihood of severe
health services disease and death
Delays in access to effective treatment also increase the pool of malaria
gametocyte carriers (the mature sexual stage of the parasite in humans,
that once picked up in the blood feed of a mosquito then develops into the
infective stage for transmission to another human)
Food shortages No However, malnutrition increases vulnerability to severe malaria once infected.
Case management also becomes more complicated, resulting in increased
Lack of safe No However, temporary surface water bodies may increase malaria vector
water and poor breeding opportunities
Others Yes Breakdown of control measures, and lack of preventive interventions such as
insecticide treated materials (bed nets, sheeting etc.) and residual insecticide
spraying of shelters
Seasonality Higher incidence during the colder months .some state has tow beaks (februrary
april) , (September desumber ) .
Burden Cases and deaths of meningococcal meningitis reported to WHO:
2002: no data reported
2001: no data reported
2000 (week 25): 4 031 cases, 328 deaths
1999: 33 313 cases, 2 410 deaths
1998: 697 cases, 82 deaths
1997: 297 cases
1996: 340 cases
Geographical Epidemics occurred in Sudan between 1980 and 1999 affected the following regions: Blue
distribution Nile, Darfur, Gezira, Kassala, Khartoum, Kordofan, Omdurman, Rombeik, Sennar,
White Nile.
Seasonality Outbreaks tend to occur during the dry season (December to January)
Detecting meningococcal meningitis epidemics in highly-endemic African countries. Weekly Epidemiological Record, 2000, 38: 306-9.
World Health Organization 67
Recent epidemics 2002: As of February 11, a total of 330 cases including 49 deaths were reported from
in the country Limun, Kauda and Hieman, in the Nuba mountains (South Kordofan). Serogroup A has
been confirmed. (CFR=14.8%)
January-March 2002: as of 21 March 2003, 126 cases and 7 deaths were reported
from Isoke (Torit county, Eastern Equatoria), and 104 cases and 14 deaths from
Ikotos, in the same county
February-March 2002: as of 15 March 2003, 8 cases and 1 death were reported from
Padak (Boma county, East Equatoria)
March 2001: 42 admission cases and 2 deaths were reported from Jaibor (Keew
county, Upper Nile)
February-March 2001: as of 26 March, 19 cases and 1 death were reported from
Chuil (Latjor county, Upper Nile). N. meningitidis serogroup A was identified.
February-March 2001: as of 22 March, 67 cases and 13 deaths were reported from
Paluer (Bor county, Upper Nile)
February 2001: 117 cases and 1 death were reported from Narus (Eastern Equatoria)
2000: a total of 2,549 cases of meningococcal disease, of which 186 were fatal, were
reported to the national health authorities between 1 January and 31 March 2000.
Bahr-al-Jabal State resulted to be the most affected, with 1.437 cases (including 99
deaths) reported in the Juba city area. Other States affected included White Nile (197
cases, 15 deaths), South Kordofan and Sennar (where incidence was lower). Epidemic
response activities included vaccination of a total of 70,000 people in early March.
1998-1999: an outbreak of meningococcal meningitis was reported in the Northern
Darfur region. An increase in the number of cases had already been observed in
December 1998. As far as May 1999, about 22 000 cases of meningococcal disease
had been notified from 19 of the 26 States of Sudan, out of which 1600 had died.
More than 10 million doses of meningococcal vaccine had been distributed for mass
vaccination campaigns. A total of 33 313 cases and 2 410 deaths have been reported in
1999 from Sudan to WHO.
1988: following the returns of pilgrims from Mecca (Haji) in August 1987 many
countries in EMR faced an unusual spread of meningococcal infection. In Sudan, the
1987 introduction developed into epidemic spread in the meningitis season of 1988.
32 016 cases of meningococcal disease have been reported in 1988 from Sudan to
Risk assessment Central and southern Sudan is included in the African meningitis belt,
Conclusions extending from Ethiopia in the East, to Senegal in the West, mainly within the
range of 300 mm to 1 100 mm annual rainfall. In this area sporadic infections
occur in seasonal annual cycles, while large-scale epidemics occur at greater
intervals with irregular patterns. These usually begin during the dry season
from December to February, and can sometimes last more than a year.
Since the early 1990s, Sudan has been practising preventive vaccination,
mainly directed to high-risk groups. However, this was not sufficient to prevent
the 1999 epidemics.
High risk of epidemics in overcrowded refugee camps
Burden There are an estimated two million persons at risk of onchocerciasis in Sudan, and
10,000 cases of onchocerciasis-related blindness.
Southern focus: in Western Bahr-al-Gazal, more than 80% of subjects in some
villages had palpable nodules in 1998.
Northern focus: Rapid Epidemiological Assessment (REA) in 1995 revealed that
16% of the local inhabitants had palpable nodules. Skin-snip positivity reaches
Eastern focus: skin-snip positivity may reach 50% in some villages, but nodule rates are
low (1998).
Western focus: Rapid Epidemiological Assessment (REA) in 1996 revealed that
22% of subjects in this area had palpable nodules and 28% had onchocercal skin
lesions or itching
Food shortages No
Lack of safe No
water and poor
Others No
Burden Number of cases reported:
2001: 645 1997: 418 cases
2000: 80 1990: 566 cases
1999: 51 1980: 28,631 cases
1998: 169
Geographical No data available
Seasonality Pertussis has no distinct seasonal pattern, but may increase in the summer and fall.
Alert threshold
Recent epidemics 2002 December: 5 cases (no deaths) are reported from Akob Payam (Tonj county,
in the country Lakes state)
2002 October-December: 127 cases with 2 deaths were reported from Akon (Gogrial
county, Western Bahr-al-Gazal)
2002 August-September: 68 cases and 5 deaths were reported from several villages in
Oriny and Shilluk counties (Upper Nile state). All cases, except 5, were children <5 years
of age.
Case classification:
Suspected: a case that meets the clinical case definition
Confirmed: AFP with laboratory-confirmed wild poliovirus in stool sample
Polio-compatible: AFP clinically compatible with poliomyelitis, but without
adequate virological investigation
Mode of Poliovirus is highly communicable. Transmission is primarily person-to-person via the
transmission fecal-oral route
Incubation The time between infection and onset of paralysis is 4-30 days
Period of From 36 hours after infection, for 4-6 weeks
Geographical Foci of human disease occur in limited areas within the country.
Foci of animal disease occur in most part of the country.
Seasonality No seasonality reported
Alert threshold One case in a susceptible animal species and /or human must lead to an alert
Recent epidemics August-October 2002: suspected rabies outbreak in Rumbek, Twic, and Ikotos/Torit
(Lakes and Western Equatoria states). A total of 38 unprovoked dog bites, and 3
deaths with manifestations consistent with rabies among people were reported.
Suspected rabid dogs were killed but no specimen was tested. Bitten people was
Lack of safe Yes Use of surface water infested by cercariae and contamination of water by
water and poor urination/defecation are essential for transmission of Schistosomiasis.
Others No
Risk assessment Also in "chronic" complex emergencies such as the one that affects Sudan,
conclusions case-management and control of schistosomiasis should be a priority
intervention due to the effect that this disease plays on the general status of
infested individuals and on the increased severity of concomitant infections.
Notwithstanding this, no large-scale programmes are currently implemented
in Sudan.
Praziquantel is locally produced and is available on the market.
However, the quality of the drug is not always good, and should be tested
before being used in control programmes.
Category 2:
Intervention in schools (enrolled and non-enrolled children): Targeted treatment of
school-age children, once every 2 years.
Health Services and community based intervention: Access to Praziquantel for
passive case treatment.
Category 3:
Intervention in schools (enrolled and non-enrolled children): Targeted treatment of
school age children twice during primary schooling (once on entry, again on leaving).
Community based intervention: Access to Praziquantel for passive case treatment
For the definition of classes of intensity and further information, see:Prevention and
Control of Schistosomiasis and Soil-transmitted helminthiasis, First Report of the
Joint WHO Expert Committees, WHO Technical Report Series, WHO, Geneva, 2002.
2. Creation of alternative, safe water sources to reduce infective water contact.
3. Proper disposal of faeces and urine to prevent viable eggs from reaching bodies
of water containing snail hosts.
4. Health education to promote early care-seeking behaviour, use of safe water (if
available) and proper disposal of excreta.
5. Reduction of snail habitat and snail contact (in irrigation and agriculture
practices) - environmental management.
6. Treatment of snail-breeding sites with molluscicides (if costs permit).
Hookworm infection:
Suspected: Severe anemia for which there is no other obvious cause.
Confirmed: Suspected case and Presence of hookworm ova in stools (microscope
Suspected: bloody, mucoid stools.
Confirmed: Suspected case and
Presence of T. trichiura eggs in stools.
Mode of - Ingestion of eggs, mainly as a contaminant of food: A. lumbricoides and T. trichiura
- Active penetration of skin by larvae in the soil (Hookworm)
Incubation - 4 to 8 weeks for A. lumbricoides
- a few weeks to many months for hookworm disease
- unspecified for T. trichiura
Period of - A. lumbricoides: eggs appear in the faeces 45-75 days after ingestion and become
communicability infective in soil after 2-3 weeks. They can remain viable in soil for years. Infected
people can contaminate soil as long as mature fertilized female worms live in the
intestine (life span of adult worms can be up to 12-24 months).
- Hookworm: eggs appear in the faeces 6-7 weeks after infection. As larvae they
become infective in soil after 7-10 days and can remain infective for several weeks.
Infected people can contaminate soil for several years.
- T trichiura: eggs appear in the faeces 70-90 days after ingestion and become
infective in soil after 10-14 days. Infected people can contaminate soil for several
Others No
Burden Estimated number of new cases:
2001: 59,897 (of which 23,997 (40.0%) were notified)
2000: 59,875 (of which 24,807 (41.4%) were notified)
Estimated number of new cases of smear positive (ss+) TB:
2001: 26,953 (of which 11,136 (41.3%) were notified)
2000: 26,944 (of which 12,311 (45.6%) were notified)
Geographical Even if specific data are not available, tuberculosis is known to be widespread in the
distribution country.
Seasonality No specific seasonality is reported
Alert threshold An increase in number of cases in crowded settings must lead to an alert
Recent epidemics No data available
in the country
Population Yes Mainly due to the interruption in treatment and increased duration of
movement communicability
Overcrowding Yes Overcrowding is recognized as one of the most important factors leading
to increase risk of transmission
Poor access to Yes People affected by TB who cannot access health services and be
health services treated, remain infectious for a longer period
The fatality rate is high (about 50%) without proper treatment
The interruption of treatment is the most important cause of
development of multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB)
Food shortages No However, poor nutritional status increases vulnerability to TB infection and
development of active disease.
Lack of safe water
and poor sanitation
Risk assessment Sudan is in a phase of routine implementation of DOTS strategy, the TB policy
conclusions based on WHO recommendations. DOTS was introduced in 1990, and the
DOTS population coverage increased from 80% in 2000 to 97% in 2001.
The smear-positive TB case-detection rate (new ss+ notified/new ss+
estimated) decreased from 46% in 2000 to 41 0/c, in 2001. All TB
cases detection rate (all cases notified/all cases estimated) decreased from
41% to 40% in 2001. The target is to detect 70% of all cases and successfully
treat 85% of them by 2005.
BCG vaccination coverage:
2001: 71 % (official country estimates); 51 % (WHO-UNICEF estimates)
2000: 66% (official country estimates)
1999: 92% (official country estimates)
1998: 80% (official country estimates)
1997: 80% (official country estimates)
1990: 73% (official country estimates)
1980: 2% (official country estimates)
Burden No data available.
Geographical No data available
Seasonality No data available.
Alert threshold Two or more linked cases
Recent epidemics No data available
in the country
Overcrowding Yes Due to increased population density and increased exposure to mosquito bites in
temporary shelters
Poor access to Yes Collapse of vaccination programmes.
health services
Increased fatality due to unavailability of case management
Food shortages No
Lack of safe water
and poor sanitation
Yes Open water storage provides favourable habitat for Ae. aegypti
Old tyres, old water containers, etc. increase vector breeding
Temporary surface water bodies (poor drainage leading to pools and
open channels of water) may increase vector breeding opportunities.
Disease surveillance is not adequate to detect cases of sylvatic yellow fever that
often occur in remote areas. Moreover, an outbreak of yellow fever can go
undetected because the signs and symptoms of yellow fever have a wide spectrum
and overlap with many other diseases, and it is difficult for health workers to make
a definitive diagnosis based on the signs and symptoms alone. Mild cases can go
undetected because the patient is likely to be treated at home and does not seek care in
a health facility.
YFV (yellow fever virus vaccine) coverage:
2001: no data available
2000: no data available
1999: no data available
1998: no data available
1997: no data available
1990: no data available
1980: no data available
Epidemic control An infected mosquito spreads yellow fever when it bites non-infected humans. When
human-to-human transmission is established, the conditions for an epidemic are in
place. Depending on the travel patterns of infected humans or infected mosquitoes, the
epidemic spreads from village to village and into cities.
Under epidemic conditions, the following must be implemented:
Mass vaccination
Emergency mosquito control measures:
- Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites (the most important measure)
- Spraying to kill adult mosquitoes (less important due to small impact)
Prevention Vaccination is the single most important measure for preventing yellow fever:
- In endemic areas, vaccination must be given routinely through the
incorporation of yellow fever vaccine in routine child immunization
programmes and mass preventive campaigns. Yellow fever vaccine is
not recommended for symptomatic HIV-infected persons or other
immunosuppressed individuals; for theoretical reasons, it is not
recommended for pregnant women.
Routine mosquito control measures:
- Eliminating potential mosquito breeding sites.
Definition of syndrome Acute onset of diarrhoea AND severe illness AND absence of
known predisposing factors
Viral gastroenteritis
Faeces Cholera Enterotoxigenic E. coli
Giardiasis Cryptosporidium
Possible diseases/pathogens
Amoebic dysentery
Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli
Clostridium difficile
Ebola and other haemorrhagic fevers*
*Ebola and other haemorrhagic fevers may initially present as bloody diarrhoea. If such an aetiology is suspected, refer to "Acute
Haemorrhagic Fever Syndrome" for appropriate specimen collection guideline.
Blood smear
Specimens required Serum
Post-mortem tissue specimens (e.g. skin
biopsy and/or liver biopsy)
Laboratory studies
Viral: Parasitic:
Culture Demonstration of
Antigen detection pathogen
Antibody levels
Genome detection
Viral: Leptospiral:
Culture Culture
Laboratory studies Antigen detection Antibody levels
Antibody levels Serotyping
Genome analysis
Definition of syndrome Acute onset of cough OR respiratory distress AND severe illness AND
absence of known predisposing factors
Possible diseases/pathogens
Bacterial or viral:
Antimicrobial susceptibility (for
Laboratory studies bacteria)
Antigen detection
Antibody levels
Genome analysis
Toxin identification
Adapted from: Guidelines for the collection of clinical specimens during field investigation of outbreaks. WHO/CDS/CSR/EDC/2000.4
A stock solution can be prepared by adding the following products to one litre of water:
Product (% concentration b y weight of available chlorine) Amount for 1 litre
Mix by stirring and allow the chlorinated water to stand for at least 30 minutes before using it. The free residual
chlorine level after 30 minutes should be between 0.1 to 0.5 mg/litre. If the free residual chlorine is not within
this range the number of drops of the stock solution should be adjusted so the final product falls within this
If the water is cloudy or turbid it must either be filtered before chlorination or boiled vigorously rather than
chlorinated. Chlorination of turbid water might not make it safe.
See: Guidelines for Cholera Control, WHO 1993 and Fact Sheets on Environmental Sanitation for Cholera Control, WHO 1996
Good sanitation can markedly reduce the risk of transmission of intestinal pathogens, especially where its
absence may lead to contamination of clean water sources. High priority should be given to observing the basic
principles of sanitary human waste disposal, as well as to ensuring the availability of safe water supplies.
Appropriate facilities for human waste disposal are a basic need of all communities; in the absence of such
facilities there is a high risk of water-related diseases. Sanitary systems that are appropriate for the local
conditions should be constructed with the co-operation of the community.
People will need to taught how to use latrines, about the dangers of defecating on the ground, or in or
near waters, and about the importance of thorough hand-washing with soap or ash after any contact with
excreta. The disposal of children's excreta in latrines needs to be emphasized.
See Fact Sheets on Environmental Sanitation for Cholera Control, WHO 1996 and A Guide to the Development of On-site Sanitation,
WHO 1992
A safe injection is one that:
Does no harm to the recipient
Does not expose the health worker to avoidable risk
Does not result in waste that puts other people at risk
An unsterile injection is usually caused by:
Reusable syringes that are not properly sterilised before use
Single-use syringes that are used more than once
Used syringes and needles which are not disposed of properly
Dr Hoda Atta Dr Aafje Rietveld
[email protected] [email protected]
Dr Suzanne Farhoud Dr Allan Schapira
[email protected] [email protected]
Dr Ezzedine Mohsni Dr Brad Hersh
[email protected] [email protected]
Meningococcal disease
Dr Nadia Teleb Dr Maria Santamaria
[email protected] [email protected]
Dr William Perea
[email protected]
Dr Markus Behrend
[email protected]
Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Fact Sheet No 117 Revised November 1998 17.html
Food Safety and Foodborne Illness Fact Sheet No 237 revised January 2002
Injection Safety: Facts & Figures Fact Sheet No 232 October 1999
Injection Safety: Questions & Safety Fact Sheet No 234 October 1999
Protocol for the Assessment of National Communicable Disease Surveillance and WHO/CDS/CSRIISR/2001.2
Response Systems. Guidelines for Assessment Teams English only
Guidelines for the collection of clinical specimens during field investigation of outbreaks WHO/EDC/2000.4
http://www.who.intlemc-documents/surveillance/docs/whocdscsredc2004.pdf English only
Hepatitis A WHO/CDS/EDC/2000.7 English only
WHO Guidelines for Epidemic Preparedness and Response to Measles Outbreaks WHO/CDS/CSRIISR/99.1
http://www.who.intlemc-documents/measles/whocdscsrisr991c.html English only
Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Plan. The Role of WHO and Guidelines for National and WHO/CDS/CSR/EDC/99.1
Regional Planning English only
http://www.who. int/emc-documents/influenza/whocdscsredc991 c.html
Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis, WHO/CDS/CSR/EDC/99.7
Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Haemophilus influenzae English and French
Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of epidemic dysentery and cholera, 1999 WHO/CDS/CSR/EDC//99.8
http://www.who.intlemc/diseases/cholera.html English and French
Infection Control for Viral Haemorrhagic Fevers in the African Health Care Setting WHO/EMC/ESR/98.2 fevers/whoemeesr982c.html English and French
Control of epidemic meningococcal disease. WHO practical guidelines 2nd edition
Guidelines for the Surveillance and Control of Anthrax in Human and Animals. 3rd edition
Cholera and other epidemic diarrhoeal diseases control - Technical cards on environmental
sanitation, 1997
Epidemic diarrhoeal disease preparedness and response - Training and practice, 1998 WHO/EMC/97.4 Rev.1
(Facilitator's guide) English, French and Spanish
Dengue haemorrhagic fever: Diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. 2nd edition 1997
http://www.who.intlemc/diseases/ebola/Denguepublication/index.html English only
Guidelines for the control of epidemics due to Shigella dysenteriae type 1 WHO/CDR/95.4 English only
Protecting ourselves and our communities from cholera (41 min) 2000 English and French
WHO/EMRO Roll Back Malaria website
Southern SUDAN
2,460,432 29,435,305
no compete: t e popu ation o southern Sudan is estimated at about six million
World Health Organization 122
Life Expectancy at Birth (in years)
55 (male) 58 (female) (2000)
Infant Mortality Rate 81 deaths per 1,000 live births (2000)
Mortality Rate for Children <5 years old 108 deaths per 1,000 live births (2000)
Maternal Mortality Ratio 500 deaths per 100,000 live births (1990-1998)
Population Growth Rate 2 . 4 % (1980-2000)
Access to an Improved Water Source 75% of population (2000)