Final Project

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April 11, 2017

Calcasieu Par ish

School Distr ict
Pl ans
Cur r ent Sit uat ion and Fut ur eGoal s
Calcasieu Par ish is a school distr ict w ith 64
school buildings. This includes high school ,
Elem entar y schools,
child developm ent
center s, alter native
schools, a
GETTING building, and other
offices for school
HIGH w or ker s.
Futur e goals
SPEED include having the

INTERNET students all be 1:1

w ith laptops, higher
bandw idth, an access point in ever y classr oom . M or e
Ther e ar e tw o m ajor com panies. Suddenlink
classr oom technology in the classr oom s. Another goal,
and Souther n Com m unications LLC. w ould be to have all schools in our distr ict have equal
School distr ict has gone w ith Suddenlink . technology and connectivity.

The schools budget w ill be affected by lack of

com petition, also the am ount of buildings
Another goal
needing high speed inter net. I also think w ould be to give
ther e could be issues since som e of the teacher s m or e PD
schools ar e located in r ur al ar eas, and som e
ar e in ur ban. oppor tunities so
they can utilize the
Sm ar t budget m oves, along w ith som e State
technology in their
Gr ants. w ill pr ovide funding for our futur e classr oom .
Why Is Teacher s
Technol ogy wil l al so
t akepar t
Impor t ant in in PD's
Educat ion?: ev er y
y ear .
dev ices wil l be
r epl aced ev er y
y ear in
Get t ing Teacher s wil l
a cycl e.
keep Lear ning!
Technol ogy t o
St udent s and
TEacher s:
School dist r ict wil l r esear ch BYODpr ogr ams .
Thepar ish al so wil l begin
impl ement ing 1:1, pl an t o
impl ement ov er a 5 y ear t ime,
t o get t o al l t heschool s.
Responsible use of Devices:
Students, par ents, teacher s, and
adm inistr ator s w ill sign AUPs. They w ill
also take par t in digital citizenship A l l sch ool tech nol ogy w i l l b e f i l tered,
thr oughout their education. Par ents and and managed b y a securi ty system.
teacher s w ill also be given infor m ation
about how to pr otect your student, and DA M A NGED::
teach them r esponsibility.
When the school is 1:1, students will have
the ability to buy insurance for their
device, at a $50 rate per year. This will
Sch ool s h av e th e save students and the school money
ob l i gati on to protect th e when devices are lost and stolen.
pri v acy of students!

Devices w ill be m anaged by our technology depar tm ent and tecch

contacts. Teacher s ill do inventor y m ultiple tim es thr oughout the year.
Tech suppor t specialists w ill be able to r em ote into our devices, along
DEVICE w ith having adm inistr ator r ights over them .


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