The Calcasieu Parish School District plans to improve technology access and use across its 64 school buildings. Current goals include providing every student and teacher with a laptop, increasing bandwidth and wireless access points, and ensuring equal technology resources across schools. The district will research BYOD programs and transition to 1:1 device models over 5 years. It will also boost teacher professional development on educational technology and replace some teacher devices annually. Funding will come from smart budgeting, state grants, and potentially lack of competition from internet providers in rural areas. Student and teacher use of devices will be managed through digital citizenship training, acceptable use policies, and device security/filtering systems.
The Calcasieu Parish School District plans to improve technology access and use across its 64 school buildings. Current goals include providing every student and teacher with a laptop, increasing bandwidth and wireless access points, and ensuring equal technology resources across schools. The district will research BYOD programs and transition to 1:1 device models over 5 years. It will also boost teacher professional development on educational technology and replace some teacher devices annually. Funding will come from smart budgeting, state grants, and potentially lack of competition from internet providers in rural areas. Student and teacher use of devices will be managed through digital citizenship training, acceptable use policies, and device security/filtering systems.
The Calcasieu Parish School District plans to improve technology access and use across its 64 school buildings. Current goals include providing every student and teacher with a laptop, increasing bandwidth and wireless access points, and ensuring equal technology resources across schools. The district will research BYOD programs and transition to 1:1 device models over 5 years. It will also boost teacher professional development on educational technology and replace some teacher devices annually. Funding will come from smart budgeting, state grants, and potentially lack of competition from internet providers in rural areas. Student and teacher use of devices will be managed through digital citizenship training, acceptable use policies, and device security/filtering systems.
The Calcasieu Parish School District plans to improve technology access and use across its 64 school buildings. Current goals include providing every student and teacher with a laptop, increasing bandwidth and wireless access points, and ensuring equal technology resources across schools. The district will research BYOD programs and transition to 1:1 device models over 5 years. It will also boost teacher professional development on educational technology and replace some teacher devices annually. Funding will come from smart budgeting, state grants, and potentially lack of competition from internet providers in rural areas. Student and teacher use of devices will be managed through digital citizenship training, acceptable use policies, and device security/filtering systems.
School Distr ict GETTINGSTARTED Technol ogy Pl ans Cur r ent Sit uat ion and Fut ur eGoal s Calcasieu Par ish is a school distr ict w ith 64 school buildings. This includes high school , Elem entar y schools, child developm ent center s, alter native schools, a technology GETTING building, and other offices for school HIGH w or ker s. Futur e goals SPEED include having the
INTERNET students all be 1:1
w ith laptops, higher bandw idth, an access point in ever y classr oom . M or e Ther e ar e tw o m ajor com panies. Suddenlink classr oom technology in the classr oom s. Another goal, and Souther n Com m unications LLC. w ould be to have all schools in our distr ict have equal School distr ict has gone w ith Suddenlink . technology and connectivity.
The schools budget w ill be affected by lack of
com petition, also the am ount of buildings Another goal needing high speed inter net. I also think w ould be to give ther e could be issues since som e of the teacher s m or e PD schools ar e located in r ur al ar eas, and som e ar e in ur ban. oppor tunities so they can utilize the Sm ar t budget m oves, along w ith som e State technology in their Gr ants. w ill pr ovide funding for our futur e classr oom . goals. Why Is Teacher s Technol ogy wil l al so t akepar t Impor t ant in in PD's Educat ion?: ev er y y ear . Some dev ices wil l be r epl aced ev er y y ear in Get t ing Teacher s wil l a cycl e. keep Lear ning! Technol ogy t o St udent s and TEacher s: School dist r ict wil l r esear ch BYODpr ogr ams . Thepar ish al so wil l begin impl ement ing 1:1, pl an t o impl ement ov er a 5 y ear t ime, t o get t o al l t heschool s. Responsible use of Devices: Students, par ents, teacher s, and adm inistr ator s w ill sign AUPs. They w ill FI LTERI NG: also take par t in digital citizenship A l l sch ool tech nol ogy w i l l b e f i l tered, thr oughout their education. Par ents and and managed b y a securi ty system. teacher s w ill also be given infor m ation about how to pr otect your student, and DA M A NGED:: teach them r esponsibility. When the school is 1:1, students will have the ability to buy insurance for their device, at a $50 rate per year. This will Sch ool s h av e th e save students and the school money ob l i gati on to protect th e when devices are lost and stolen. pri v acy of students!
Devices w ill be m anaged by our technology depar tm ent and tecch
contacts. Teacher s ill do inventor y m ultiple tim es thr oughout the year. Tech suppor t specialists w ill be able to r em ote into our devices, along DEVICE w ith having adm inistr ator r ights over them .