Answer Key: Est2 Listeni G I

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Answer Key TEST2

SECTION 1 Questions 1-10
LISTENING 1 (the) local clinic
SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 TEST 1_o1 2 a charityevent
3 hold a protest
1 A because Iarnie says: 'I've been thinking about next month's
camping trip.' 4 B because Peter says: 'we might need a caterer to
provide refreshments:
2 A because Iarnie says: 'I wasn't completely happy with the caml
we used last year. It was rather small'.
5 C because Peter says: 'the village hall is a good idea. It's more
official than having it in someone's living room'.
3 C because Iarnie says: 'No, actually it's just outside Carlisle. It's
6 A because Peter says: 'we'll give them an alternative. Say. one
huge Site and it's on a lovely lake, Lake Brant I believe if's called.'
evening in the week after everybody's finished work. We'll see
4 B because [arnie says: 'For kids that rarely get to see anything
more than concrete. it's ideal: which is the most acceptable to them. then book the hall:
7 financial situation
5 A because Iarnie says: 'at this campsite it's only 4 per night anc
8 socially
they told me that if we had over 50 children. which we do, they
9 for free
could give us a further 10% off"
10 Volunteers
6 barbecue
77/seven SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 TEST 2_02
8 discuss their day 11 B because she says: 'we have child carriers. free of charge' and
9 (some)/(the) caves 'It might make things a bit easier for you than using a pushchair:
10 buses t2 C because she says: 'Posters, postcards. replicas:
13 B because she says: 'they were sculpted in 1894 for the grand
opening in 1897:
SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 TEST 1_02
i4 A because she says: 'the first people to build here were the
11 director/Director
Celts' and 'When the Romans came. they too built a temple here:
12 reception staff 15 1.6 m/metres
13 35/thirty-five 16 benches
14 ID and 3/ten and three 1746 Clfony-si. degrees centigrade
IS get involved 18 minerals
19 healing POIVCr.;
16 emotional or physical
\../ 17 homesickness 20 60/sixty and 70/sevenry

18 daily
SECTION 3 Questiolls 21-30 TEST 2_03
19 (about) 45 minutes/forty-five minutes
21 (urban) transport systems
20 (the) Counselling Service 22 (traffic) congestion
23 (al status symbol
SECTION 3 Ouestions 21-30 TEST 1_03 24 S/ftv< pounds
25 (a) credit card
21 B because Simon says: 'It seems that everyone else is working
26 alternate days (
on the same things at the same time and every time I look the
27 rapid transit
books are checked out from the library.'
2.8 17%/scventcen per cent
22 C because Si mon says: 'Bradman was simple and 29 (special) parking facilities/areas
straightforward and J felt as ifI got a lot out of that: 30 arrests
23 diagnosis
24 pure rational thought SECTION 4 Ouestlons 31-40 TEST 2_04
2 (the) 11rh cent my '31medtcal profession
2 problem 32 narrow
27 analyse 33 physicians
34 human dimensionlmind
28 unreliable/unusual/surprising
35 E because she says: 'just because it's now officially a
29 modify
school book:
30 communicate 36 A because she says it: 'shows how much imagination and
excitement there is in scientific discovery;
SECTION 4 Questiolls 31-40 TEST '_04 37 G because she says it: 'forces us to look at some of the darker
aspects of human nature:
31 (the) South Bank
38 If because she says: 'it is the first fictional response to Charles
32 (a) power station
Darwi n 's On The Origin of Species'.
onternporary artists 39 D because she says it: 'is a biography' and it 'is about Luca
3 a) gasworks Turin, a biophysicist'
a) 3/three-storey building ./ 40 C because she says: 'that classic of the genre. Charles Darwin's
3&modern British artists On The Origin of Species'.

37 IS97
3H hi'toric
3\! temporary exhibitions
40 (a) warehouse
.' ,

TEST3 SECTION 4 Ouestions 31-40 TEST 3_04

31 B because he says: 'if for no other reason than it will help make
LISTENING sense of the next series of lectur es:
32 C because he says: 'the post-war baby boom. With the end of
SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 TEST3_01
1 Sanders the Second World War in 1945, there began in the USA an era of
24456786 perceived prosperity and secunry, In.short, people started to reel
3 leave (a) message that that the world was a much better and safer place to
4 SO/fifty
bring up children'.
33 A because he says: 'seventy million III the USA "lone - were
5 251h (of) June
6 round
34 A because he says: 'the more conservative atmosphere of the
7 large
preceding decade'.
35 C because he says:'The role of women chauged and, uh.
9 B because the man says: 'The buffet is fine:
equality for ' .omen.,. well, 1t.'I'S)U~t My that once ~ctlaln hooks
J 0 A because the woman says: 'it's 30 a head ... times 50 ... so
were published, women were nu longer gOing to be satisfied with
that's 1,500. Fifty per cent of that would be 700 now, with the
their roles as devoted wives and mothers:
balance due - another 750 - on the day: and the man replies, 36 n because he says: 'The crime rate rose to nine times what It
'Great. I'll call in tomorrow if that's okay. I can pay you the was in the fifties',
deposit then: 37 C because he SllyS:'lasers being Invented at the start or
SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 TEST 3_02 the decade:
38 (photographic) evidence
11 B because she says: 'The East Front, which is the part we see
39 the second/znd
from the road, was added as part of the work done by Queen
40 (nuclear) war
Victoria and was completed in 1850:
12 C because she says: 'The last major changes to the structure TEST4
were made by King George the Fifth who, in J.913,had the East
Front redesigned: LISTENING
13 C because she says: 'the palace was bombed Seven times during SECTION I Questions 1-10 TEST 4_01
the Second World War, most seriously in J940:
1 12/1wclve
14A because she sal's: 'It was George the Fourth who turned it 2 3lth ree because she says 'I'm Slaying Withtwo other students
into a palace, doubling its size, when he became king in 1820: and the lady who rents the house to us:
15 A because she says: 'King George the Third who, in 1761. had 3 abroad
become the first royal owner of the building, though it was still 4 SO/fiftyminutes
not used as the home of the royal family - just as a private home 5/6 A, D (in either order) A: because she says 'It's just so far away';
for Queen Charlotte. It was known as The Queen's House at D: because she says 'there's nothing to do there:
that time: 7 (the) (student) noticeooardtsj/notlce bo.rd(s)/notlceboard(s}
16A because she says: 'in 1834, he offered it as a new home for 8 Hillside (College)
Parliament after the Houses of Parliament were destroyed by fire'. 9 literature/Literature
17 D because she says: 'in 1837, when Victoria became Queen: 10 (on) Monday
'Victoria was also responsible for moving the Marble Arch' and
'Victoria died in 1901: SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 TEST 4_o2
18 8,OOO/8000/eighlthousand 11 C because he says 'after finishing my degree:
19350 12 A because he says 'I had to find the money (or the night:
20 state rooms 13 B because he says 'originaHy I was going to be sent to 3 village
in India:
SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 TEST 3_03 14 C because he says 'mostly a mixture of descendants from
21 (our) past mistakes Africa and India'... 'There arc also some Trinidadians of Chinese
22 what they thought and British origin:
23inajob 15 B because he says 'some concepts don't quite translate. They're
24 flexible and adaptable pure Trinrdadlan. It's not A because the terms (e.g. 'playing mass')
25 F because she says: 'The first one was anthropology, which he are connected to the English language.
said would cover pre-history and archaeology as well'. J6 3 111illion dollars/ I OOOOOOIS 1,000,000/1.000.00011000000
26 C because she says: 'this Wasnot meant to mean that we will dollars
spend all Our time looking at economic theory, but more that we 17 (in) the jungle
need to see how humans behave'. 18 D because he says 'the kids'.. .werc so respectful'
27 A because she says: 'we'll be looking at how cultural 1.9F because he says 'a Samaritan - that's someone who listens
mformanon is handed down from one generation to the next and supports people who have problems with their lives:
through teaching children: 20 A because he says 'so many different kinds of festival to see:
28 H because she says: 'in relation to urban planning:
29 E because he says: 'laws affect the way wealth is distributed: SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 TEST 4_03
30 G because he says: 'In sociology and social work. and in social 21 B because Sonia says 'We're supposed to fill this form in' and
science generally, they can only study patterns of behaviour the questions are about a course e.g. question J: 'Was the course
and observe. If you compare that to the way scientists work in well organised?'
phYSICS or chemistry, it's very different because they use specific 22 A because 'Mattheus' says 'Fair enough' after Sonia says the
experiments that can be tested and which give concrete answers.
teacher was flexible.
Social studies is often accused of being unscientific:


21 C because Sonia says '[ know it was a bit early, with dosses B because he says: 'There is an admission fee for the castle,'
starting at 8.30, but) ou choose if )'OU want to sign up to them or C because he says: 'Another sight to see is the fantastic
not, so that's no excuse really: And then Mattheus says 'Yeah, they firework display on November 5"', and the cost of that
could ha,'. taken the evening classes if they didn't want to wake includes refreshments:
lip early in the morning: E because he sal's: '3 rock concert, at an admission price of10
24 n because Sonia sap: 'Look, the business studies book was per person'.

interesting, but I thought the human behaviour one was boring: 19 every year
25 B because Mauheus says: 'I want to study psychology. You 20 elderly people

want to become master of the universe,

national company, don't you?'
managing 3 huge multi-
F-- SECTION 3) Questions 21-30 n TEST 5_o3
26 A because Sonia say" 'most of the books 1 wanted had already 21 A because Paul says: 'there's so much stuff on the subject that
been taken out'. I'm finding it difficult to put it all into one short presentation:
27 F because Mattheus says: 'as you go in, the librarians' desk is on 22 B because loe says: 'keep it concise: and Isabel says: 'An
)'our right. Directly opposite is the section for new publications explanation of the movements and periods in art wouldn't be
- new books the college h,ts acquired. too long:
28 A because M~Hth\!lJ~ ~dy': 'Belund that [the seating: and 23 B because Paul says: 'It would certainly cut down on time:
computers section} we've gOt the periodicals - newspapers and 24 B because Paul says: 'I thlnk I'll have a collecuon of pictures.
lnngilzlI1<S. And that's before the reference section: including famous pieces of art from classic to modern, projected
29 D because Mattheus says; 'Management and business studies, on the wall, like the Mona Llsa and some pop art, and ask people
along with marketing, are ,,11 us you said, at the back. but OIl
whether they think it's art on not:
the right:
25 C because Paul says: 'That's what I'm hoping for - some
30 B because l..lattheus says: 'It's between the multimedia room
disagreement to liven lip the presentation:
and the seminar room. They're all behind the librarians' desk:
26 C because lsabel says: 'Artists now have the freedom to express

SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 n TEST 4_04 themselves

27 (the) library

31 C because he says: 'perhaps over 3,000 years old, arriving in

28 (the) staff
Ireland with the Celts, some claim:
29 (library) computers
32 A because he says: 'Each one has a stick called a hurley. Here
30 search engine
YOll are: I've hrought mine along - had it since I was at school:
33 C because he <ay" 'you hit It into the net for three points or
vou C:1n hit It over the net for one pomt'
SEcnON 4 Questions 31-40 n TEST 5_04
H C because he says: 'the golden age of the game is considered to 31 Minority/minority
be the eighteenth century'. 32 Number/number
35 B because he says: 'In 1879: 33 Population/population
36 B because he says: 'closely followed Just a few years later'. 34 total
37 A because he says: 'with greater organisation last century, the 3515%
All Ireland Hurling Championship got off to a Oying start: 36 Europe
38 Ireland 37 common language
39 soccer/football and basketball 38 (economic) status
<10shorter 39 oral traditions
40 literate
SECTION 1 Questiolls J -1 0 nTEST S_Ol LISTENING
1 Alpine Avenue SECTION 1 Questions 1-.10 n TEST 6 01
2DMX 1 3Q/thirt)'-four (,1- iD) -
3 silver 2 on Monday I

4 Four Star/four star 3 Paul Scott

5 memory card Hill Street
6 waterproof , 5 (the) school secretary
7 {bi~d-crarch 6 7.30/seven thirty
8 replacement 7 11 pm/eleven p.m. latest
9 ret.ind 8 Bath
I 0 Customer Servrces/customer services 9 tax and insurance
10 (the) school accounrant
SECTION 2 Questiolls 11-20 n TEST 5_02 SECTION 2 Questions 11-20 TEST 6_02
11 F because he says: 'At the moment we are at the entrance. and
immediately to our left is the tourist information office,' 11 B because SaUy says: 'You will usually find me in the office on

t2 G because he says: 'And, of course, behind the tourist office is the first floor of this building when I'm not attending lectures!'
the car park: 12 C because Sally says: 'once you've opened a bank account (if
13 0 because he says: 'To the right of the deer park is the you haven't got one already r
castle museum: 13 study skills
1'1 11because he says: 'Alternatively, you can choose to dine in the 14 castle and museum
prcruc area on the other SIde of the deer park: 15 academic staff
t 5 H because 11<' says: w" hope that 01\ your wa)' out, you'll pop 16150
Into the gift shop by the C.X1t~ 17 Trade Fair
16-18 (in any order) 18-20 (in any order)

A because Sally says: 'We have a top band lined up for your
entertainment, but I'm not allowed to say who they are:
D because Sally says: 'on Thursday there is an important date for
your diaries:
E because SaUy says: 'we are more than happy if you turn up
wearing jeans and a 'l-shirt.

SECTION 3 Questions 21-30 TEST 6_03

21-23 (in any order)

A because Mary says: 'one symptom is that the person eats
too much:
B because MaT)' sys: 'They also put on weight,'
E because the tutor says: 'the person with the condition often
becomes clinically depressed:
24 eating snacks
r25 loses control
26 embarrassed
27 extreme diets
28 eating again
29 diabetes
30 Overeaters Anonymous

SECTION 4 Questions 31-40 TEST 6_04

31 B because be says: 'I must confess that my own interest in the

subject was actually stimulated by an article published more than
fifty years ago in a popular Sunday tabloid:
32 B because he says: 'the opening of the worlds first commercial
nuclear power station, more than fifty years ago now. at Calder
Hall in 1956',
33 C because he saysr '..; we've always had to put more energy
into the reaction than we've ever succeeded in getting out:
34100 million/lOO,OOO.OOO
35 fusion reactor
37 reactor
38 (fusion) reaction
40 1I0ne kilogram/kg

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