B A C N e T I N T e G R A T I o N G U I D e I - V U ® L I N K / I - V U ® O P e N L I N K
B A C N e T I N T e G R A T I o N G U I D e I - V U ® L I N K / I - V U ® O P e N L I N K
B A C N e T I N T e G R A T I o N G U I D e I - V U ® L I N K / I - V U ® O P e N L I N K
CARRIER CORPORATION 2014. All rights reserved throughout the world. I-Vu is a registered trademark of
Carrier Corporation. BACnet is a registered trademark of ASHRAE. All other trademarks are the property of
their respective owners.
Follow the steps in this document to integrate one or more third party BACnet controllers using an i-Vu
Link/Open Link. See the i-Vu Link/Open Link Installation and Start-up Guide for installation and networking
The i-Vu Link driver supports BACnet devices connected to Port S2 and BACnet devices connected on the
Ethernet port simultaneously.
The i-Vu Open Link driver supports BACnet devices connected to Port S1 and BACnet devices connected on the
Ethernet port simultaneously.
The third party point count for the i-Vu Link/Open Link is the total of the 2 ports.
BACnet Integration Guide Carrier Proprietary and Confidential CARRIER CORPORATION 2014
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Before-you-begin checklist
Before-you-begin checklist
You need the following items, information, and skills for the integration process:
Experience installing, wiring, setting up, and downloading custom control programs to the i-
Vu Link/Open Link
BACnet Integration Guide Carrier Proprietary and Confidential CARRIER CORPORATION 2014
Rev. 4/22/2014 All rights reserved
1 Connect the third-party device to the Carrier controller
Scenario 1
A straight-through cable to connect the i-Vu Link/Open Link to a hub or switch, and a second straight-
through cable to connect the hub or switch to a BACnet server or gateway
Maximum cable length: 328 feet (100 meters)
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1 Connect the third-party device to the Carrier controller
Scenario 2
Use 18-24 AWG twisted, shielded pair cable for up to 2000 feet (609.6 meters).
NOTE Shielding provides noise immunity in an electrically noisy environment. Acceptable wiring types, in
order of greatest to least noise immunity, are:
2-pair, each pair individually shielded
2-pair, single overall cable shield
See MS/TP Networking and Wiring Installlation Guide for details.
Use the same polarity throughout the network segment.
Repeaters are required for more than 31 devices. See your third-party device manufacturer's
To reduce communication and data errors, terminate each end of an EIA-485 network with a resistor whose
value equals the network's characteristic impedance. Some third-party manufacturers provide a built-in
resistor that you enable or disable with a jumper. Make sure that only devices at the end of a network have
termination enabled.
EXAMPLE If an EIA-485 2-wire network's characteristic impedance is 120 Ohms, terminate one pair by
placing a 120 Ohm resistor across the Net+ and NET- connectors of the master. Terminate the other pair by
placing a 120 Ohm resistor across the + and - connectors of the furthest slave.
A solid receive light on the i-Vu Link/Open Link indicates a wiring or polarity problem.
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2 Discover BACnet networks, devices, and objects
TIP Run a commstat manual command to determine which device routes to each network. The BACnet
Bind Show Network section of the Commstat window shows the IP address of the router to each network.
4 To discover BACnet devices on a network, select a network in the navigation tree, then click Go. After all
devices are found, close the status dialog box. Click beside an item to expand the list of devices.
5 To discover BACnet objects on a device, select the device on the navigation tree, then click Go. After all
objects are found, close the status dialog box. A list of all BACnet objects in this device appears on the
navigation tree.
TIP Make sure you are discovering objects in the correct device. It may take some time to discover
objects in devices with more than 100 objects.
6 Optional: Do the following to export the BACnet information so that it can be used in the Snap application:
a) On the navigation tree, select a discovered network with devices or a single device.
b) Click Export.
c) Name and save the .discovery file in any folder.
Some third-party BACnet devices may not be discovered because they do not support the BACnet methods
required for auto discovery.
If the discovery process returns ambiguous information, such as multiple points with similar names, contact
the third-party manufacturer's representative for clarification.
Device configuration or network load can prevent the i-Vu or Field Assistant interface from showing all
BACnet devices. If you do not see a BACnet device that you expect to see, check the system's BBMD
configurations. If the configurations are correct, try the discovery process again.
If a third-party device is not discoverable, you must get the device's address and point list information from
the third-party vendor. See To format a BACnet address (page 6).
Troubleshooting BBMD's. See the BBMD Utility User Guide.
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3 Create a control program in Snap
TIP Verify the third-party manufacturers register addressing pattern by establishing communication with a
few points whose values you can physically manipulate before you spend time addressing the remaining
integration points.
When integrating third-party devices into a i-Vu or Field Assistant system, most communication problems are
caused by incorrect data or typing errors in the microblock's Address field.
NOTE Numeric values in a BACnet address can be entered using decimal or hexadecimal notation. Type 0x
before a hexadecimal value.
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3 Create a control program in Snap
For object type, you may type the abbreviation (not case sensitive), the full name, or the
object type number. Some standard BACnet object type numbers are listed below. See
the BACnet standard for a complete list. For proprietary BACnet objects, see the object's
Use... Or... Or...
ai analog-input 0
ao analog-output 1
av analog-value 2
bi binary-input 3
bo binary-output 4
bv binary-value 5
dev device 8
msi multistate-input 13
mso multistate-output 14
msv multistate-value 19
Every object in a controller has a unique instance number, regardless of its control
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3 Create a control program in Snap
TIP For standard BACnet objects, see the BACnet standard for property identifiers and
property identifier numbers. For proprietary BACnet objects, see the object's manufacturer.
NOTE Priority levels 1 and 2 are reserved for manual and automatic life safety commands.
For more information on reserved priority levels see the BACnet standard.
BACnet Integration Guide Carrier Proprietary and Confidential CARRIER CORPORATION 2014
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3 Create a control program in Snap
Method 1: Polling
Benefits Allows rapid detection of a dead device or of network problems
Does not require additional memory
Drawbacks Generates unnecessary network traffic if a value does not change frequently
Misses value changes that occur between pollings
Can overwhelm the target's controller if many microblocks request the same property
value (such as outside air temperature). The BACnet object must send the value to each
microblock that polls for that data.
To set up Set the microblock's Refresh Time to 30 seconds or less.
NOTE The microblock will not poll at a Refresh Time interval smaller than 1 second.
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3 Create a control program in Snap
The Carrier input compares the TimeRemaining value in each COV notification broadcast the target sends to its
(Next Subscription time + 11) to determine whether another input has subscribed since it did. If another input has
subscribed more recently, the input adds 10 minutes to its Next Refresh time. This allows the COV Subscription
request from the last subscribing input to keep the subscription service active for all subscribers to the same
Elapsed Action Target Input 1 Input 2
time Lifetime Next Subscription Next Subscription
(minutes) TimeRemaining (minutes) (minutes)
0 Input 1 subscribes to target 21 (Input 1) 10
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3 Create a control program in Snap
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4 Download the BACnet driver and control programs
2 Click and browse to the updated .sal file that you have saved on your computer, select the
file, and click Open.
3 Click Continue.
4 When process is complete, the message appears File added successfully.
5 Click Close.
NOTE These changes are not applied until you have updated routers and controllers.
1 In i-Vu or Field Assistant's navigation tree, Right-click the router that you wish to update and click Driver
2 Select Properties page > Update tab.
3 If the database contains 2 or more routers, you must check Change for all control programs of this type in
the Controller section.
4 Click Update. A message appears Changes the driver and screen file to use the current library version.
NOTE If more than one router exists, the additional routers are listed below the Update button.
5 Click OK.
6 Click Accept.
7 Continue to update any other necessary devices.
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5 Set up the BACnet driver properties if using BACnet MS/TP
MS/TP Station ID - Defines the MS/TP MAC address of the i-Vu Link/Open Link on the MS/TP network.
In order to check or change BACnet MS/TP polling parameters:
1 In the i-Vu or Field Assistant navigation tree, right-click on the i-Vu Link/Open Link and select Driver
Properties > Device.
2 Under Configuration, review the settings for Max Masters and Max Info Frames.
Max Masters - defines the highest MS/TP Master MAC address on the MS/TP network.
For example, if there are 3 master nodes on an MS/TP network, and their MAC addresses are 1, 8, and 16, then
Max Masters would be set to 16 (since this is the highest MS/TP MAC address on the network).
This property optimizes MS/TP network communications by preventing token passes and poll for master
requests to non-existent Master nodes.
In the above example, MAC address 16 knows to pass the token back to MAC address 1, instead of counting up to
MAC address 127. Each MS/TP master node on the network must have their Max Masters set to this same value.
The default is 127.
Max Info Frames - defines the maximum number of responses that will be sent when the i-Vu Link/Open Link
receives the token. Any positive integer is a valid number. The default is 10 and should be ideal for the majority of
applications. In cases where the i-Vu Link/Open Link is the target of many requests, this number could be
increased as high as 100 or 200.
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6 Verify the i-Vu Link/Open Link is set up correctly
If... Then...
You see the point value you You have successfully established communication with the
expect with no errors in the Error third-party device.
All points show question marks The i-Vu or Field Assistant application is not communicating
instead of values with the i-Vu Link/Open Link. Troubleshoot communications.
See the i-Vu Link or i-Vu Open Link Installation and Start-up
The point name is red Look in the Error column for one of the following error codes
and descriptions.
1 - Communications Disabled for this Microblock
Enable the integration point's Communications Enabled
field on i-Vu or Field Assistant's Network Points tab.
3 - Address Error - Unknown Protocol Specified
Verify that Address in the integration point is correct.
A value is incorrect Verify that:
The Address in the integration point is correct.
The retrieved value is scaled properly, if necessary. For
example, scaled from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Refer to the
third-party manufacturer's documentation for scaling
If the above solutions do not resolve the problem, gather the following information for technical support:
A diagnostic capture. See next topic.
A screenshot of the Driver Properties - right-click on the third-party controller in the navigation tree, select
Driver Properties > Properties page > BACnet MS/TP > Properties page
A screenshot of the controller's Properties page > Network Points tab, showing addresses and errors
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6 Verify the i-Vu Link/Open Link is set up correctly
3 Click the Start button next to the adapter that is connected to the network. This starts the IP capture.
TIP Choose the adapter that shows the Packet value changing. This indicates the interface is active on
the LAN.
4 Allow the capture to run long enough to ensure that there is sufficient data to allow a technician to review the
BACnet Integration Guide Carrier Proprietary and Confidential CARRIER CORPORATION 2014
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