GATE Chemical Engineering 1999 PDF
GATE Chemical Engineering 1999 PDF
GATE Chemical Engineering 1999 PDF
altemati"es - A. B, C and 0 arll pro1'ided. of Lhts A is conened to B Uuougl1 the
U1dicate the correct answer by writing A, B. C or tll{lction A~ 3 B. Mole- fracnon of A .iu
0. ns npproprinte, !\Dinst the corresponding the e.XLt streaQl iS
question number in the bloc~ 1n the ~tSIH:r book.
I Marks : I ' 35 = 35)
b 1/3
C, 1/4
The system of equations.
d. 1/5
2x + 4) e iO
7 Which uf the folloWJII!l is true for Vtrinl
Sx + 10y = 25 equation of sUIto
n. bas no w1ique solullQn a. Vinal cocff:ictems are wnversal
b. has only one solution ra COilS UlnLS
c. has only two solution:; b Virial coel'ficient B represents thr~e
d. has mtuute solultons bod)' onteroctions
.2 , Four .fnir coins are tossed simulUlilcously c. V.r"11 coemcrents are funchons ol'
The probabi li\)' ~lal nt least one head turns tempernturc only
up is d For some gases, Vi rial equations and
1L 1/ )6 ideal gas ~quations are the s;une
b, ISf[(i 15. A g:rs mrxture of three componenLS t~
3. b. 3
' 5
a. ll d, (i
rl JJ a 20 ruts
n. com'erges for p > 1 b. IiJ m/s
b. Jiv,;rges for p > I c, 5 ../2 m/s
c comerges for r < l d 5 mls
d. di verg~s for p < I Ill, In centnfugal pumps. cantallon occurs
5 1\ solution of spec.fic gmvlly J.U consrS1s 1vben pressure of the impeller eye or vane
of 35% A by 11e1ght and the ceruaioing B becomes
1 !he speci [tc gmvtt) of A is U7, !he ,~ Jess thnn nrmospheric pressure
specific gr:wtly ofB i> b. more tban liqurd \'apour pressure
c. le~$ Otan IJquld vppour pre<sun: a. is oflow Yolntility
d. ono111 thlln ~tmospberle prcssuru b. fotm~ A low-bonln.g uzco1rope
Lt. Fut IMlinnr l1o" thrOugh pocked bed. c, forms hiAhboilioj!. l!Ztolrope
the prcssul'C dr9p 1$ proport.iona\ to (V, j, d. ~~ nnl 11<:1' tbc t'Ciativt l'lllatility ur
the superficini Ii~uid ~do~it.V :md Dv is thc- the original component!.
J>Ilrl ielc diameter)
18. The r~vcry of ponicillln from tb e
a.. V, /l)p' acidified fennent1>1ion broth is done hy
b, v/ D1,l 11; distil Iali on
C. \ , ' I'_.,I,J b. <:Vopomlion
d. \1 0 vD.' c. absorption
12. Por n tu<bin...agit.1t d and ))all:led t.1nk:. d. liquid ex~e~on
o perating at low Reynolds number (b~sed
19. Pe:nclratioll tln:ury sla""' Utal the maS-~
on m1pcll.:r dinm<rter). llw powe1 number tronsfer ~'tlofficienl is equal lo (where D, is
(Np) vori~ will1l'<R,. ~s diffu.,ivity and t is time)
:~ ~'~t \'l NJU (D,I)' ~
IJ. N, a ,fN._: b. (DJt{~
c N,- ><:ostanl .:. (-ID,I(nt)) U2
d. N0 11IINo. d. (4D.,Ill "
13. Gibbs pluts rule finds oppli"ation whon 20. A n alka1inesolullon is used reduce tlt~:~
heottrnsfer occurs by ra concentntion of cnrbon dioxide in o
3, oondnction
slrcaru !rom I 0 In 0. H o by obsorption
wilh irTeversible chemical renclion. The
b~ convec_tion ovem ll number of lmru;J'e.- units based on
C. J'>ldi3tiOli g.. phase is
d. c:andt:usntion . 9,2 1
14. As the dill'wenc:.: between Ute wall b. 4.605
tcmporoturc ond the bu"' tempcrnllll\l c. I()()
. - 3'2
c g<JCS throush ll minimum
b. 112
cl s~ thw ug h maximum
c. 312
15. tn pipe llow. bc.1t ~~ itonsf=od lrom hut
parnmolcr. S > ct. since d. ligltt ond rei.,l'i ollaek by ucills
a. the function is e.wont:ni.Jnl 3]. [n a l1ca1 O.'lc)langcr, lloating hcd Is
b !he L~ploca-transform Integral af )lrovided to
~nt) llliS finjte vnJu.,: only for s ~ a a. l1>Cililate clcMing o.f Ute cxchngcr
.:. ll1e Ln1lla~e-transf01m Integral of b. increase Ute heat b'l>nst'e1- atCJ!
""p(nt) hru! initial values onl) fou a .:. rdiew llr""'"' o:4U>Cd by lhQ'fllal
d. lh.: fimllllon exp(ll is pidl.le-wl~e cxpan~lun
continuous only- for s a d. .inuronsc U1u Jog moon lom>pCTllture
26. A system "ilh a doubt.. pole ot lit'> origin gradient
is anstablo since the conusponding tcnn iu 32, Suc.nlS-C is a disaccharide consi~ting or
the lime domain a. glucose md _glucose
n. ls a const-ant ra b. glucose nnd fru<:lose
b.. grows- e~-,>onenti:aUy with time. c. gluoose and ~obdo.e
c. grows linonrly wiU1 time d. fructose nnd gruactose
tl. aooay lin.:nrly will\ tlmd 33. The organiil add monomer In :Nylon G6 tS
27. A ~inusoidal variation in d1.: inlnJt P""irrg 11. $ebootc ac1d
through linear firsl-order system b. terephtll"lllc ~cid
a. b<lCOrnC.S moro Cllscillolor:y (frequcnc) C. dipic 3CIIi
d. bL'IlZnic acid
b. become.< less oscillatory (i'n:qu~ncr
34. Which one of the lbllowing is noL lil!dy IIJ
be li con.<tituenl.ufvegetoble Oll!?
" gaL< nmplificd (magnitude mcreases)
C~ t. =( :~'.
!Marks: 2 20 = 401 c.
36. A box C4lnLiins S bnll. 2 of whrch an: d.
defective. The pmbnbillry that none oflhe
boUs drown aJ'e doooCiive when lwo ore .jf. Velocity ofn ~ moll p:lrtlclc Qfdiornch.1' Dp
drBwn nt random without rq>lat.:c:ment is at " 1li~tJmc~ r lrum lhe rotation I axis of"
cyclone rotntlng nl n l\!luL1r Apeed co i<
" 15f2S
civeu b)' (tJte 0 tl1er S~>JI bois are OS peo
b. 9116
stand:trd nol~t.ion)
1:. 7116
d. lJS a, (D,p,-p)lllr
37. f'hc tirn~ic:nl 01" S),l + yz-l at lhg point (- I'
t.l, t) is
b ( l)'cP,- p)filr'
n. 3i- Jj+3k 18 Jl
ll. 3i-3j+6k
" P.- p)nhJ.
c. 4o-:i- 3k
d 4i- ;\j+6k
ra rD~
18 ,,
S<l1urnted ~olutign ol' benz""e in wnler is ln
d. [ D'~ f/,- Jl l~h
equtltboium "ltlr A mixuore <>I' alr and
I~ fL
""JIOUI'll Of benzene and Woter ul tOCliO
tcmllCtllture bOd Jl<Cs~=- Mole frntlion of -12. \Vater is Oowing :ll l m/~ tJtrougll a pip~
ben1..ene tn liquid is 'Xn nnd the vp11ur
;t, Pn b. S1r 2
b. sup. 9 c. s..fir.
>l, (p- - Pv"') 11]1 d. 511
In(~ )
~Utdin,g frmn initially "2 moles of A and
zero mnles of B. how mnny moleo will nt: q
fmmed t "''uilihrium7
.1 (1,25~ f'Qr cylindim< tJf very thin wall. q C:tll be
h. (J 338 approximnll!d by
c. O.IS2 " " llrkJJ ~ 1~) 2]
<L 0.637 u. , )
In ~
-10. Mnxwtlrs oolatiu11 cur...,.puudiug tu the ~
td<mtity.dU - TtlS I '\'dP > ~f!Jdnt ill-
2nr,k(T 1;.)
b. 'J - _,._,.__,...,'"-
(r,, - r )
2nf<(T - T0 ) b. 0,6
IJ -
(r.,-r, ) e. o.s
d, 0,2
L 2irk (T To) -18. For the liquid pbll!IU tt:roo(tfd~ irrev~siblt
'1 -Jr,+r,)/2]
l'll>cllon A > B, tho. corove,..ioo of A in
44. For a coumer-cm-r.:nt ltJ:OL cKalt:tngcr wiU1 C'STR i~ lilund 111 be 11.3 Ill " "I'"""
T'to= 80 C. T, = 60 C, T~ =50 C, and T 1, 1eiO<;ity of 0.1 min 1 Whnt will be the
= )0 r. and Inc tempermure ditlero1ee convcrston (or f'FR with space velocity
betweeu Ule IWO >lt'tmms being u.e S3111C ot0.2 mrn- 1 1 j\sume llint tb<l alllhe other
e\'01')'1\'b~rc long z, the direction of flo" opcpting condJtion are the s:nne tor
cof the hC)t lluid, the temperature prolile CSTR and PFR.
~1\ould satisl) ;1. 0. 15
J'T " I'l b. u.:;
II. l
<I: c. (),(j
J'i d. 0.9
b. - ,=II -19. Consider the oU1 O)rdcr io'C\'Ct'Sible liquid
phose: rcction A- B. Which one uf the
'''<1:"r 0 f<JIIIJWing. pl<m mvolving hnlf-lif~ nf the
t>:aetiun (tn.l oud the initi~l J'dlclanl
d. i/T - () conecntrt i~n (C.~o) givCII strisht Llno
<I: ra plot
-IS, \Vall of' a oubical oven an: ul' UJicknesa L C,..,. v.-.. lt;:t
and tbuv '~ tUJ~de of moteriol of tbeowol
couducti,.iLy,. k. The lcmpcwature _i:nside the
- lu C11o
e, CAn"' In t 1r.t
v~ It ~
c. 8l.25 a Lli
d. 48.2S b. 2
46. lf the $pecitic heal$ of :1 gas and o vpour \:, 2.24
nre 0.2 ~.likJ! K nd I.S kJ kg K d. u
re-spectively, 1111d the ltutnirul\' is 0.01. the S I. A C<mtrol Y~tem hlL\ Ihe followins
lmrniil heal. in k.l/1..1! K is lransler runcltun,
l l , 0.31 a. I
b. 0.1Ci7 b. liS
1!.0.017 c. 7/R
tL 0.215 d. l
tbe Vapour pressw-es of l>enzene und Which of tl1e ~y!<tcm l~>V1J18 tlJe followinll
wlucnu aJ'<> 3 and .\1~ alluu;phcre; lTan5fer filnctlons i~ .!<it3ble'l
rc:sp<...:tively. A liquid Iced of tlA mules of
bc'117.eni: ;md t),6 molll'l nf toluen~ ;, 1
vaiJ')rit.ed. ."-~sumin~ tht tile pl'(>dlli!ts ~r" 72
in olquilibtium, the vfipout tlh~!e mole I
lhlction of bcn7.<.>ne ;, b. 1
s - 2.; + 3
"' o.~
6 ufR
flwe Merb a-t.._ (II A 71
cxp(- 20.r) A.uJ\\'et tlfJ) JV~.t~Jt qot'bl.'ltle
'.,- 2, - 1 (1\latl.,s: .5 1.5 - 751
53 Euch item gJven in the lefl-hlllld rolumn Is I
closely ajsi>Cifilt:li \ 1ith a specific ~(i. l::vnluate J( 4K' -t .1').1.> hy ltupezoldl
chnrnct<~i,tic listotl in the riJ~hlhund
~lumn. t.latch <!.'lch of'lhe item~ 11~Lh the
t'Ulc, Usc ~ J!tap ize of 0.2. Ohlll iJ1 lite
UIJrfC$ponding charJtlcri~t lc. error b{>nnds for this solution. ('ampule the
ahsohth>error of the nnmeric.1l solution hy
(\\'rile hoth aJts\\c:rs in 13nx Nn. .53)
evolualing the integral analyll.u>ll) .
A. 'l'rlnl>'J)IIrl:ni<ln htl!
I;! Control vnlve S7. Solve tb; - 6XJ=-6x by the following
J. lnc1'ease in gam mar_gin metb<xls:
2, Phose i< proportional to fiujUC!lCY
a. vnrintjon of L>i'lrnmeten
3, H)l"'rbofic b. ~eparntion of'\13riah les
~. Unslllblc rospon>c 58.
5. luOJ\!35~ in pbaso murgin a, AI what. poinls are Ihe CaucltyRciman
G. Pba~e angl~ i~ - 90 eq\lations satislied ror lhe fnuellon,
S4. Each of Ute methods given in the left-band F(z) xj -t i x."y 1 Whetc> i f.(z)
column i! closely Jink"d to one> of thd ra analytic?
items listed tn tltc right-hand column b. Compute lbc distinct cube rool5 nf
Match e.1ch method witl1 the (H).
corresponding item. 59. II is proposed to produce occt.llch::hydo by
l Write both answe~ ul Ho~ No. 541 o;odation of ethanol m gas ph:tSe
A, Discounted cah !low C,fl, OH (g) ' 112 O:(g) - > ClhGIO (g)
B. D~llning balance H:zO (g)
'The ratiO of atr to elbnool in d1e fl-esh tbed
I. Depred ation
2. Jluyout poriod (before it i.s mt,ed with r.:cycle stn:m) i>
10 to !. The c~>nver:siou Qf ~th~nol oo
3. l'rolit.1bitity ann lysis
single pa!s through the rc.ctor is 25'1., l11c
-t Solvlli!~ \loluc unrcactcd ethanol is completel) separated
hand ~11urn11 wi01 Ute corrc:spouding camposititm of the QU[Iel >1re:tm. lh>m th<:-
cbc"llllenl nature listt d ln the ri!fll~hruul n:ctor in mass fr.tctinn nnd n111fc l'rncti&?n'l
column. 60. ("nCO., , lurry has In be dried. l11c drier i~
(Write both Answ~ in Box Ko. jS) dcigoed l<1 l'llJilQVe 100 k& mot>litre fl<r
hour, r\ir I 20 C ~tnd 40o refalivc:
A. Pcrs,>c:>< humidity. enters the dncr and leaves nt 65
65. Obuun expn:ssiuus [or Sb>udystat~
is being UIC'.JSUI\:d by usina an uriticu
toUlJ>Crulure prolilo nut! beat tmusfcr mte
ruerr tL~ slm u in the Gollowllig figur
for u hollow spbencul contnhter. n,_,
SU$[Oce (nt r = r,} is maintained ut T ~ T,.
and the outer Sllrlllce (at r - r,,) is
muiutained ut T - '1'~.
(,(, , 150 kg of wolcr is lo be heated in n slcom v-ossel (r('lm 2.5 C IC> 80 C. St.:auo
ts ooutlcJU;ing ut 110 C. and the heal
transfer urea ts 0.15 nl! 'l'lo~ h"11l trnusfer
coetlicio>nls lbr c~udeusatiou {f steam and
'J'hc cmss S<>clionol urea of tho opening at enl<l.:S U1e system aud the ratio of Ute molar
tho hu11ouo nf Ute tullk i ~ u. As!nuuo that I lot ilow r~ uf nir -and tlllrt OJ' tho II OtU ~~ 4.
< II The mlet air and Ute inlet wnt~r ho1e 0. l
and ! .(1 mnlo porcu,Jt of uruo11nuu
N~P"ctiv~l) , Th.o Mu'l'hl'te vapour pluta
1 68.
dctemtine tltc exi t wut>t CQm[lO$i lion nnd
the exit n~r composition.
D~tcrmlnatilln of c flicicnc, is omucnl in
d<tc:ctcd 1n the =~tor C:okuhltc the rote ~011tnll.lcr is
.:on.toots k, ond k, f"" the '" 0 reoctillnJ 7J.. 1\ s'-"'nd-<ll'dcr p~ "1th the ll':ln<fcr
,illume dtt no B lllld C "ere intldll) 1\mction
pn:scntutth~ I'I:.>Ctot .
70. Au isothermal plug Oo\\ ....,ctor io
T ~ ,)'-2s - 3
dcsignod to sh-.:: ~0 . com=ion of.\ for
Is eootroll.:d "lth a pmpcmonolullegnl
a sccond-onlcr hq111d phoc rcocllon A contrnUor. if ill the other lags in th~
B. Pure A at .:onccntration I l;mol;m1 is control loop :ttc ncgli!l'blo nd Urcir
ted to th reactor ot o Oow rotc of S m1 hr ste;,dy-nate gin are II equl to unil) ,
fhc rotc conJilont for the rcoctoon ~~ find the rciJtiou bet\Veetl tliC pam meta'S of
poctliod opct:~uns tcmpCI'llturc os 0.3 tltc conlroUcr. that bould be sJfi..fied for
m1 ~mol h \\1ten the reactor " !1Cil,.11) the control sys1om to b bblc.
operotcd b~~.>ed on th-" dotugn. it wu~ found
7~. A new cquiJllDcnl mdc of uutcriol A
o 1\ollm~ed reactOr while U1~ remaining
tbot 30 " of ll1~ utitiot re.1ct"r 11\:h.-ed co<ts, pot in<t llation. k. 3 lokhs o.nd ls
expc.::ted to have a scup volue of lll"o of
l!ehavcd as a plug llow rea~tllr C'alculatc Ulis cost at Ute ~nd of a U!cful life of I 0
the cumt.'1'Kivu ()bCflint.:d in ~u~.:H a rc;,~I.OI .
yeot~. Simibr oquiprncnt made of maluriol
71 F11r an c;wthunlllc rca<:hon A U, !>0 H crn~ts Rs. 1.5 lkh<. but i likely to hn\'1!
lonol of U ooo to be: ptoduccd wh~~ no Nl!mp value, A5~ume !lUll both lypCll uf
o~hlcving 90 " conwrion or 1\ rn ~~~ Ute equipment coulU b<' replaced nt a CONL
IS<Jihermnl bnl..:h rca..:tllr operated AI 300 1\ thol is 20 "' more thon the original v luo.
'l'he rc;o~ttun h li1 l!c ~tuned "ith pure A at On the basi of equal capitollzod C<Jb thr
tbc cllncc:utralll/!1 ol' J() i.IUOJ/ml bollt typCJ of the equipment. cstimnt.: whot
Ddcnninc tho \'Oiumc nf the reodnr, !llwuld. be the u.eful life for equipment
dur:llion of tho: bat~h upcrounn ond the:
Write nlcnll
additional infonnohon L< 0\'aobble to (stoi~hiomctrkJly l>olooccd) ror \be
d~tt:I'Diint the: onlcr and rlc conlit4nl of
manufacture of each of the fotlo<~ tn8
the n:c:tion Laboro\(>0 <!.~p<:!inn:nlJ
500o corwmiun " ot-U.incd in~ mon llu: .:. <fl "'"c Jiom tth~ I ~ene
I'C.1CIIOII " '"-'p<:<:ICd IO l!c C:llht:t lir<l 01' d. caustk soda from brine
Sec<JOO 1)1\ICI
c. tripk ~uper phtlSpbatc from r'""'(lllate
72 A pmponionol .:onuollcr " us.:d fo. the rod..
couttOI of f111Hmlcr i\'11'"" If the
dynllllucs of >II tltc nu..:r' un1t. in tho