Electronics Telecommunjcation Engineering Paper - .: E PX) Ii
Electronics Telecommunjcation Engineering Paper - .: E PX) Ii
Electronics Telecommunjcation Engineering Paper - .: E PX) Ii
IO BJ) - 11104 I o( 16
(e, = 2,7) l11e renected wn1 e 1s
a ngh1cncularly polarrzed E =lOcos( 6H " 10'1- Px)ii,
b. Jell circularly polarized What is dte phase constant J} of d1e キセカ・ _@
c. nght ellipucall) polarited a. 2:t red// m
<l lei\ ・ャゥーエ」 イオj セᄋ@ polarized
b. 9Jt red// m
2. A poim charge of + 10 11C placed at a c. 18r.redl/m
dtstnnce of 5 em from the centre of a d Sin redflm
conduction grounded sphere of radius 2
em is shown m the diagrnm gi1•en below 6 \Vluclt one of the following gives the
values of the auenuation factor a and
•to セ」@ / p hase shill factor J} for a wave progagated
セ セZウ」ュ]エ セ R セ@ ra In 11 gOOd dielectric having cr/( OlE) >> I?
\....__, a 。 ェ 。セjp セ Bセ@
What is the total Induced charge on the.
b. 。 セ j [Njゥウ セ p ] jキー O ・@
conducting sphere'1
a. 10 11c [aJpt 6J
b 4 11t
c. a= .P=JruJIE
b -1,25
b. 3.22 Ill c. 125
c. 32.2 m d. 2.5
decreasing 11 ilh time with their planes What is dte average JlOII er crossing a
perpendicular to the field. If Ote rings are 」ゥイ 」 エ セ。イ@ area of radius 4 m in the plane x =
identical except thm ring 2 bas a セ Qゥ ョ@ air constant'!
gup in it. \\hich one of the following a. セ XP@ w
statements is correct'/ b 24(1\V
a. No e.nu is induced in ring I c. llOW
b. An e,mJ' is an diced in both the rings d. 60 w
c. Equal joule heating occurs in both the •J Coosider the followmg stnlements
1ings regarding Snuth charts·
2 Ill 16
A oorm11lized smith chart applie-• to a 4. For over-coupling Ute input lenninal
line of any charnctclTistie イ・ウゥエNセョ」@ and impedance j;; equal to the recipfOC.'II of
セ」Av@ セ@ \\'ell for nonnAiilcd the st.1ndin11 wave ratil>
jエ、ュゥ エ。ョセNZ ッ@ Which of me ウ エ。ャ セュ・ョエウ@ given above :u·e
2. A polnr coordinate SmiU1 chm1 COlTCc.t'/
constrains clrclcs of con•t:>nt 7. ond I aud2
circles of CQnstant 7. "'h."
3 and 4
3. In Smith chart, the di1tance tow•rd• c, I and 3
the lv3d ゥセ@ Zセィ@ •ys mea,ured in
d. 2 and 4
セャッ」LZキls・@ dil'c:etion
13. \Vhidt one of the rolluwlng ウエ。・ュョセ@ ゥセ@
\Vhich of the セャッエcAiG エ@ given abuve Of<>
con't'llt? Shmt·cit"Cuited セエオ「ウ@ nro ptcfc-m:d
to open-circuited <111b• because the lallcr
n. L 2 and 3 3{'"t:'
b. 2 and 3 a. moredi'flicu lt to m3ke and connect
c. I aud 3 b. m'3de qf • tran<mission line with •
d . l ntHI 2 di!Nrenl cb3racteristi" impedance
HI. A ( J()() - j 75)0 lo•d ゥセ@ e<mneolcd l ull co· c li•bletu mdiate energy
セクゥ。ャ@ c.nhle or chnraclt.'1'ishc illlpodtmcc 75 d. incapable of ァィセョ@ a full r:mgc <1f
ohm• 31 12 GHs. ln or<lcrto obtuiu the belli lh:qucooi<>j.
matchmg, which ッョセ@ of' the fi1llowing wilt \VItich one of U1c following stulem c:nts l.s
h•vc to be cojャエ」、 セ@
a. A short·cirouited stub al luad
b loductanoe at load
ra An rtntonna at'ray \ャojセゥエウ@ of 5
ornnidlreetionu l element' carrying equal
c. A cap>citancc :tl " Rpecific disl.'Jnce Ill in-phase <urnmiS. l'he elements are
loud セZアオ。ャケ@ •pne<-<1 。 ャュエセ@ l(·a>.tS with the>
d. A shon-cux:oited セlo「@ at some specific opncing bel\\ ct:tt [ャ」セオ・ッエ@ elcmcnl.!J being
dist.1oce from load cqnn l to Me wrLVeiC'181h, 11•e ditectivity
II. What is Otc effect of tlte セ ッイエィ G ウ@ magoctio ーZオ セ@ \ tem \\itt h:wc: :t maxinHUJl
d. Numinnl >ttClluotillll in the rdlccled (Rcsisbncc q オセhエ ケI@ and .oioloc.t Ute cornet
wave answeo· "'ing the code• given below
12 Consider tltu following エセャッュョウN@ l.ist T
fsd. Malc.h List I 1Voltage Values) with diffenmce
r.lsl IJ ( Error,;;, p」イセ \Z ョ エ ッァ・@ o( True Value) 3. Radialllr< an11ng.cd lu fumt broadside
and セ・ ャ ・\A ャ@ Ot.: correot aru;w<:r USH\8 Ute arru.)' witb hm1zontnlorrny line
code« giwn belo11 4. r 。 、ゥ。 oセ^[@ 。ョ Q 、@ァセ ョ lo fom1 broadside
Listl :UT'3 Y with vertical array lino
A. 2V Code6:
B. 5V A B C
c. 10 v •. 2 4 3
D. 20V b. 3 4 2
List n c. 3 I 2
L T Lセ@ d. 2 I 3
2. l U('u 19. Iu mognclic rueasun:111<!nl8. Lloyd·Fisher
ra square is l.l!<.'tl in ャ「 セ@ 、 セ エ 」 ョゥ。
which one of the following?
エN ゥ ッ ョ@ of
c. 2 20. \Vhiclt one of lite following statements ゥ セ@
not correct in c-onnection with electro
,f. ,; セ@ 2 dynamk ins truments'?
17. W hich one of the roUowing define< a. As lite coils are 。 ゥ イ セイ・、N@ these
ャ セ イアオ ・ャ キ・
ゥ ァ ィA@ ratio and hen<:¢ have •
b. The lorgesl in«:rv• l btltw ccn highc.•·t high ..:ns iriviry
11ncl luwcst me•&ured \'Dine>, エィZセ エ@ the
c. 'fhe>e ins tn101ents c.1o be used on both
device can he odju"'ed to me3Sure
device can be adjusted lo measure d. Th"'e are more el\pen•rve thon either
d. The rotio of a change in outpul Pl\IIMC or moving-iron type
magn itndo to tlte change in the input instrumonts
which causes it. after the s teady stale 2 t. C'oMidtr tlte Jbllo11 ing ウ エ 。 エ ・ュ ョ エウ セ@
has been rcoched
·nte major problem in most ol' tho nc.
Match l.ist I (Cimrncterisric 16 he bridges is COlliN I of electric field& in ordll!'
Obloiut:d) with Li>t IT (1\mitl.gcmcul of to ...Unim.ize the cap"Jd t.:mce effects
Radiato'") and select the cvrr<:<:t :mswer be!We<.'ll bridge 」ア ュー ッ ョ・エ セ@ and from
オ セ ゥョ ァ@ ャ ィ ・」セ ・ウ@、 given l,.;lctw them to ground. TI1e effects due to U1is
List セ ャ・」エイ A」@ lid d 」 セョ@ b.. miniroi£od by
·I nl 16
J. ウ」ー。イセャゥョァ@
vnrlous compone11ts of tho d. To hove s¢.1lfng of sinusoid•!
briclge as widely ns practicable wovefonM
2. controlling c\セー。、エョ」・@ so as to enclo$" 26. Which one of the follow iog stalen1ents u
hriclge components in conducting not correct'/
ウャエゥ・」セ N@ connected to plate the a. l'he power requirements of 、ゥセエッャ@
c.apoc.itnnco!-1 where. it docs not hnml instrunH!JU.S AN: consiclcmbly lowt:r
3. using Wagner's eartltling device than thal of 3na log iost.J'Ume.nts.
-1. u•ing ltig)l gJ>do in$ulation :tnd b. In .maJog_ ゥョセエイオュッウN@ ャ「セ@ rc.:!iolulion
mounting_ d1e Z ᄋ イーャj。エオN セ@ on imaal:rting limit is one pact in セ・カ ュャ@ l)unclr..:ds,
st..1nd• whereas digital ir"truntt:nl.s c-ao he;
Which of the s tatemerlls grven above are made wiUt • relSolution of one p:rrl in
」ッイエセ_@ N・キョセ ャエィ ッ オ ウ。ョ 、 ウ@
c. I and 3 ffie3SUI t.11UCUI.s
d. 1. 2 :tnd -l d. DigiL'Il instruments iJJdic•l• the
22. D:rtnping 1<11'\[Ue itt the di>C or '" a,c. イセ 、ゥョ ァNウ@
M\^ u ケ@ in 、セ」ゥイョオャ@ numbers 、ゥイセ
energy mewr is provided by wbich one of ttnd ther.:fore errors due to plll'1lli11X and
tlio foDOII'ing'/ 。 ーイ ッセ ュ。エゥッョN@ etc .• an: セャゥュョッエ・、@
tc Elcc:trostatic oOcd 27. Which one oi' tlu: lb Uowing l. Ute principal
b. Mngnclo slttic cffcd ra disadvaolllge of a pieroelectrio transducer'!
.:. Eddy eull'\."tll effect 。 N セ@ ncau ttt..:as un: forco only
cl Chcrnic.ll cf'Jcc.t b. It cnnnut mc.;,.sure st3tic. t!Ontlitions
" Tile x-input and y-input to a CRO セM 5 c. It is too •maJ I to hnodle
cos (lUI • 4>) and 5 s in (lUI 4>). d. It produces only d.c. vnltage
respectively, What will he the rosulti11g 28. A squal1l wave is de lined by
Lissojous pattern'/
+ 0 r-- 1,' 2
n. A straight line lnclincd to an セョァャ・@ () f-A.A,
X I セ@
clock frequency•
2A( I+ cQS 111r)
" " 5kHz c.
h. 50 kHz
2A ( 1- <:IJs M)
c. 100 kflz. d.
d. 250kHz [( n -+ l)1r J
25. TI1o Sdtmitt Trjggcr is u.cd in OOJ'bin 29. Wltut is the inverse Lapl:reo transform of
dig it• I tit:quency m.ete.·•· What ;, iu e-v ?.
n. To cnnvert input signnl into pul..,. of
short dur'l!t.ion
b, To provide エゥュ セ「。ウ・@ ウヲァョセ ャ@ of セ。 ャ@ b. 11(1- 11)
tooth type c. li (t - a)
c. To convert input siDillloidnl $tgnul illl(l
d. (1 u)u( l ")
t'Cctonsubr Pulses
Sof 16
30. 1vlotch List I (Tfme Oomoin Property) with 33. Wltich ill the output of Ute syst.:rn with
lゥセエ@ 11 (frequeney Domain Property) h [n] = ( l/ 2 )" u(11) m r.,.ponsc tu エ「 セ@
pertaining l() Fourier Rcprcscnl!ltion
Periodicity Proporties and セ・ ャ・」エ@ the input x[n) : 3+cos( セイョ K@ ; )
currect answer us in_g the code8 g'ven
I ist I a. セ {ョ } ]@ 31 セ { 」ッウ H GB セ [ I}@
A. Continuous
B. dゥウNセᄋ・エ@ b. ケ Hョj セ S エ@ セ@ cos(ll/1 1; )]
C. Pefiodic
3. Non.. poriod ic
34. A discl'<!to lime oystem liltS impul•e
セ M Di.•crcle
o>:spuJ\Se /l(n) = "'"(n • 2),Jal L '\Vhi<:J1
A B c 0 one of the following sl:tlc:mtnt is correct?
The ウケ エセョ@ セゥ@
:1, 3 -1 I 2
a. Slllblo. causal and memory los•
b. 2 -1 3
b. Unstable. 」。オ セ 。ャ@ ilfld bas memory
2 l セ@ 3
d. 3 I 4 2
ra c. stable, non-causal and has memory
d. Un$tnble. nQn-<:au.•al セョ、@ memory ャ ・ウNセ@
3 1. Given thai N セL@ ( t) = c''u(r) and
35. What is the number of roots of the
(I) = ,,->>'11( I). Which one nf
.セj@ uエ セ@ polynomiaiF(Z )= 4:' - S:' -Z+ 2.
following gives lheit· convolution'/ lay ing outs.ide !he unit circJe'l
a. [ r/•' - e-"1' J a. 0
{ BG セォL }@ b.
c. 2
ltt"'' M ・ ᄋセG }@ d. 3
{ ォL M セ[ j@ 36. Wbioll 011c of tile following ァゥカ・Nセ@ the
c. .((I . r. )= イ N セHエャ\イ@ ..
, ELg(XJl= I g(X)d.\'
d. •<(I , W[ I ] Mセ HイI@ 1 ォ セ@
b. £[ g(X)j = I g(X )f(X jdX
() ur lb
c. £[g (.t)}= fg•(X )d\" b. [ JLC - R'C']
38. Cous ider the following wuvcJJOrm
diagrum: d.
3 4 1. ConsiJenhc toiiCl\\ lng graph:
ᄋ セ セ イ@ ,.,2
. ' 2 r--L.
Whk:h one uf the following r,:h cs the
NZッゥャGセB@ descliption of thu wuvcfon11 shown Whkh one of the following is not a エイセ」@ of
in Lhc abow diagram'! the above graph'!
a u(t} +u(t - 1) IL
• •
b. u(t) +(t-l)u(t-1)
c. u(t)+u(t - l} +(t-2)u(t - 2)
d. ャHエI K Hエ M R I オHエ M セI@
ra h.
39. Cous ider the following cil-cult:
セQMイ\^A L@
v + .----1
signal frequency ul is d.
a 11Jt.c
b. II [ 2N]
NLMZ セ N[@
40. ( 'onsider the fill lo\1 ing dn:uit:
セ@ c
For what value of the circuit shownw. What is the numher of fundamental cul-
above exhibit> unity po11er factor? selS?
a. 15
a, - -
,f/7 b. 16
セN@ 8
7 o( lu
d. 7 nc
43. Tbc input vollllge V l wtd current II lor u c. [1+ RCS]
Une-J.r ーMjNウセゥカ・ 1lOI WOI'k Is gtven h}
1; • .W,+BI, and /1 , ('f', +DI,
d. [I+ RCSJ
Now consider the fol lowing network:
46. The セャ・」エイゥ。@ reHisrlvity <lf wdium silioutc
10 0
s lass is I()5 Om whereas Otat of pure sil[ca
glass is 10 1• Om. This vast diUC!reuc<! of
----1==::::J--- 2 12 order.l vf magnitude ゥセ@ due 10 which
one (>f iJw tollowi ug ' ' "i'.'IJS'/
,. Mセ 2' a The loosely-bound sodium ious in the
Which one nf UJ• [l)llowin!! ゥ セ@ lhe l.fllnsfer
matrix? b. The impurities in silica
c. The di(l'crence in U1e crystal stntclures
d. The preseuce of free セャ」イッョ ウ@ in the
of the network shown 。「ッセ」 _@ -17. Molch IAsl I (Type ot' Mnteriol) wilh l.isl
{セ@ jセ }@
II (Type of Bonding} ond sc1ccl Ihe correct
answer オセゥョァ@ t11c codes
I ,isr I
{セ@ JIO] ra A. eャ・ュ
B. H)·dn>gen molecule
ョエセ A@ セ ッュゥ」ョ、オエ ッ イ@
セ@{ :]
C. Copper
D Agl
[0I J()]
l ist II
d. I. Ionic
2. Covalent
<14. For UJI ideal s tep-down ( n: l) transformer.
a, 3 2. 4
b. {セ@ Zセ}@ b.
J 4
d. J 2. 4
c, loll] 4K. Consider rhe foll<lWint crystnllogrnphic
I.ist U b. Piozoclcctric
1 9eV c. Optoclcclronic
2. 0.05 e\• d. Supt:rconduc.ting
3. 1,5 e\' 54. Con.si<kr tho foUowing s tat.,.ttenl$ rdating
セN@ Oorles& to ーゥ ・コッャセ エイゥ |ス@ materill ls and tlleir effect..
Codc:s: I. Stress >pplied lo lht: nuteri•l produces
A B c D electric potariz.1tion
2. An e leciTic field npplied to the moterial
u. 4 2 3
b. セ@ 3 2 1
pt'Odu-.es strain in il
I 3. .-\H picwelectric materials are nlso
c. 3 2 -1
イセ NL ッ、」エイゥ@ materials
<1, 2 セ ᄋ@ 3
Which of the statements given abow are
50. A copper wino is I metre long mtd Ita• a
uniform cross-seetlon of 0.1 mtn: . "fho
ra .,
l and 3
resist:mc.e or the wire at room エ ・ ュー・イ[セ エ オイ・@
ls 0. 17 1 ohm. What is the resistivity of ャオ セ@ b. I and2
mntcrinl'l c. 2 and 3
(L 1.7 1• 10 ' Um d, L 2 and 3
b. 1.71 IO'' Q.m 55. Cun•ider tile rolhming セエo」ュョ s@ ltl •
3. Suilllblc fo l' RF bypass
i> セGpイ\Zウ・、@ セ@ D = >:E - 、 セ@ whore e is the 4. lオョセエ M ャoi G ヲャ@ ウエ。「ゥャ セ@
pormittivit). E ゥセ@ tltc JioJd. セ@ is stu in nod d
セGッ、・ウ Z@
is a ohnractetistic canstatlt of lite material
A c
Wh1Ch i• this matcmll'l
a. Motnl •• '
2 ,D
b. Anli· ferromngnctic material b. 2 3 4
c. ウセLNッイョゥ」 ョ、オ 」Zエッゥ@ c. 4 2 3
d. Pioz,ooloctric ma terial d. 4 3
SN. Wbk h o l' the following stolonionls "'" セGQ B@ 62. '11te mnteri•l for the セイ・@ In セ@ pow er
tOr a semiconductor thilt i.t; オNセ・、@ as a lrnrulbmter mull have
ーィッエ」ョ、オイ セ@ "· l1igl• resistivity and ll)w l>cm>eobilily
I. It should セ セ」Z@ no dopin!! ra b. low value of s•turatiou mag netiz,tion
i It •hould have large response lime and high t'l:sistivily
3. II should have nn energy band g•p e. high penneobility and low resi•uvity
value U1nl utolchcs wil.b &e<1ueucy of a. high ーセュ^・ッャゥ エ ケ@ and high ""I.UT4lion
tight セial@ セ@ used to excite tbo magnc>tizotion
ーィッエ ッ」 ョ、オ」エ セ イ@ 63. Cousidor tl1e foliO\\ iugstatemcnt•
Select tho correcT -"I•W<"' using the c(lde• 'Titt ゥオエイャョAセ@ eon..:c:ntrution of a
8"iven be)o\\
n. 1. 2and 3 I. ,h:pund$ on doping
b I and 2 2. ine:rcus.us axponcntinlly wiUt tlccJ'CU.'iC-
c, 2 and 3 ofbond gap oflhesemiconducror
b. Paramagnetic a. 1. 2and3
c. ・エイッュ。ァセゥ」@ヲ b. I and 3
lL ・ョゥュァエセ@f c, l J!Jld 3
3. High fi·cqucncy tunlng eireult>
d. I. 2 and 4 4 . l:l.ig.b frequency switdling circuit
65. Whicb o.ne nf' Ihe f111lnwing statement• Is
Under snuU sil!)l•l op<:l'3tinn of• diode, A B C D
n. its bulk イ・ウゥオョ」セ@ ゥョ 」ョNZSウセ@
a. 2 J 3
b. it• j wtctionrq<istanec predomi11ate,; b. 3 J 2
c. it 3Cis like a closed switch c. 3 4 2
d, it beh.1ves as a clipper d. 2 4 3
wィゥセャエ@ nne o f the following stoternents is
·n•c vollllgc gain .,,. o given C<l!nn>Oil
not con'Cet'!
SOUI'C" .TFET セューャゥヲ」[イ@ d"f)<::ldri (10 it•
a. input impedance
a, TJ>e Ol,k:r.llion ol' t V01' ""n I>"
ouverstl) uJTcctcd by stray mugni!lie
b. ampllfiealion factor
c dynumic draill イ・ウゥ
d. drJin load rcsislllncc
エ QNエセGc@
ra Q.C. ficltb or by the セ ーイ・N
masses of metal neMI>y
・ョ」 」@ of l•rgc
a. Pmcluctlon nl' vnltugc in " \Mイケウセ ッャ@
3. Relates no\\ with mte of chnnge of セ オ「 ェNL ャ ・ ゥャ@ tu lltt:ebanical セ エ イ ッゥョ@
coocentratitm: in sp!u.:e
aorrect'l condu\!l.ivity エィZセョ@ lh:ol of tile •Hoying
•• 1. 2and 3
d . Because lloe •<>lid solulimt has a low<:t
h. 3 hntl4
molecul:u· weight
c. I nnd 2
76. Cer.1mfo 1nsu laton undergo a glazing
d. 1, 2. 3 :tnd セ@ pmcess to セオ」・@ the possibility of electric
72 [n mjci'OW:J\ c tclcntc'lr)
l t.tpcui.Cr st.ahon:i bl'eakdown. What is the eJTecL of Otis
nre required to co,·er large •rea. 'Wl1at ts, process?
generally. l11e diuanoo beowcen n:pe-Jter a. ll ュ。ャNZ 」 セ@ the surface nou ·aboot·l:>ent
セ ャエゥ ッョウ _@
b. ll mukos Ute surface.retlecting
•. I() km
c. n makes Ute surface "urvature free
b. 20 km
d. II makes the セオイヲ 。」・@ moist
c. 4() I..'Jn
Which ッョセ^@ of t.be folioing ウ セQャ ・ュ ュ ウ@ Is
d . II)() km
Consider the folio" ing セ ャ。 ・ュ ョエウ@ relating
A tunnel diode is Zセ Aキ。ケ @ bbscd
to the micto ウ セイ ゥ ーャゥョ ウ@・
a. b) セ@ uNセ N@ StiUI'CC
l. Modes on. miccostrlp エゥセ\ ウ@ JJ'C put·cly
'IJThJ b. in lloc 111idtllc of it,< negative rc;ilslllncc
2. Microstrip l lne is also <:Jlllcd opon strip
line c. iu tl1c. pos.iliv.,; rt:SU!t:mco region Jtcan:sl
to zero
3. Radiation loss in microRirip line can be
reduced by using th in hig,h dielectric d. ir1 tht: rC\'CI'5c diJ'cc'lion
mal<riaIs 78. Ho\\ con the citonncl widUt in セ@
セ @N Confonnol ltansfonnation tecluliquc ls
lield effect ゥイセョ ウゥ エ ッ イ@ be conlmlled?
quitu ,;uitnblc for solving microstrlp :t, By two hack-bhlsed p·n junction.•
b. 2. 3 and 4
c. 1. 3and4 ·' (t ) ; cos 2000r.l 3sin 6000Jrt
d. 1, 2 ond •l セ N@ 2kHz
h Bnlh A 2nd R oro mdi' idualh true hut
"- ncgati' "· n:al ond equal R is not !he correct cxplanotio"nlll \
d. posili\e, =land equal
e. .-\ is true but R is folse
82. Asserhnn (A): AI mom ャセュー」イョ オ セエN@ on !he d. .-\ is f.tls.; but R is true
•b><:nc..: of an c:<to:rnal fo.:ld. 3 b:u-oum
I2L1not.. ヲセtイッ」ャ・エゥ@ Cl')-.tJI v'Chibi'-' no 86. t'-'sertion f /\). -\ driving poml tmJ!<'(lancc
function hl>s mullirlc コ・イセ@
pol.ui oa1ion. on fro a!ti. of
the s-plonc
Re•son (Rt: I here are no dipot..-. on this
crysul •I room lcmpcralurc in the. absetoc< Reason (R): .\ posili\'e reol function h.<
no multipl< pole• nr 1ern nn jto-a<is of lhe
of on c:..tcmollield.
u. Btolh A and R att individUAlly true and
R is the cunt<.\1 c'pl•notion uf/\ a. Both A ana R m: ュ、 ゥカイ セオャ I@ true and
R IS セic@ cum:ct cxplan(ltion ur.\
b. !loth A nod R ""' indi' tduolly trw but
b. Bolh '\ and Rue indfviduull) true セオャ@
R l!l no t the correct cxplnnation ol II
セ N@ II iii iruc but R ;, fats"
ra R ;, uot the 」ッイセ
c. A is エイオ セ@ but R is false
M Q@ 」セーキョオエ@ ion nf A
compounds lUU.I uエ セ@ clout.runs in ャ「セij@ arc
" 1bjcc1 In tl1o rostroinl of valence for«•. Reason (Ri: 'l'he ャ^セ ゥウャ」@ ga l,•anometer Is
m•do to buve critic.> I damping.
a. Dolh .'\ and R oro individwll} true and
R t. the com:ct e'pl•nation of A a. Bolli A ond R arc individuallv true and
R is oイ セ@ com:ct セー ャ 。ョセエゥッ オ@ of 1\
much .,gnilicanec if tile >emkonduc:tor is with tempc-anrre i.• more m FE1 than in
ョッᄋィュァ」ᆱセオ L ャ ⦅ケ@ doped. BJT
Rc.uon rRI The wm:nl dcnsih unifonn Reason {R): lne chan2e in mub1l11\ of
throughout the tluclmc.< • of ャィセ@ carr""' due to Lc:mpc:rawrc is comp<:l,;oto:d
セ・ュゥ」ッョ、オエイ N@ by incn::asc ln conccntnllion of 」。イゥセ@ due
to ternpernnue mlicld effect ttonsiSIOO
•- Bnth \ und R att mdl\1d111il) true aoJ
R "' ャィセ@ セ@ c.\planaloon c.>f A a Bntll A ond R ..re indi,·iclu•ll} lme and
R is the cnnecl e.'(pt•n•lion of A
b. Botl1 .\ami Rare individu•tl) tru.: but
R is not the correot 。Nセー ャ Zオキエ ゥ ッョ@ of 1\ b. Bolh A oml R >n: individu•lh true hut
R IS not the cuncd e.'pl•natw;n uf A
"- A l!l true but R i• fal,c
tL i\ ;, tilL!• hul R is tru"
c. A is ll'o" but R is false
d. A i$ false but R ;, true
13 ot 11>
89 i\llsertion {A): An electronic \'Oitmeter I. Che:tper method
resds 110llllge drop セ」イッウ@ a very high 1. Lm' !"'C'iiidtutl o1'C;'ygen content in the
r'C$iMLnnc,c used in an electronic c-ircuil grown c.rysla I is po<Sible
l'nt>re- t1ccuratel) tbnn o vollmetcr \Vhich 3. Uniform doping is po.,ible
""<:!! the '"m¢ PMMC instron>ent as the 4. Larger dlameter 」イケ^ャ ャ セ@ cnn be grown
i111licating devic-e オウセ、@ in 1he electmnic
votunolL"''_ 5. Which nf the :obuvc are the advantJlgetl
Reason IR) : The ae<:uo'llcy of the electronic of ohe l)oal セエ ュエ@ (FZI mtclood nver the
voltmeter i.s less lbJou thul of Ute PMMC cコッ」 「イャセォNゥ@ (CZ) rncth<Jd in セゥョァャ・@
instrument wed in it, crystal gtowlb of silicon'/
a. Both A and Rare individuolly !me and •· 1and2
R is the com:ct"'xplanalion or A b. 2 and 3
b. Hoth A nnd Rare individuAllY 1r11e bm .::. 3 and 4
R is nol lhe corred explnnati.;n of(\ d. 1 •ud 4
セ N@ A is true but R i:s false \Vh.ich ッョセ@ of Ulo following stalenMJts is
d. A is fa l!e but R is !rue corrtct2
9(). A bipolnr JUnction エュョウゥセッイ@ is in TI1.c N セ」エ@ of lrrutsisloJ' 」ィ。イエゥセャ@ Utal
セ。ャオイゥッョ@ rt:gioo. Gh1cn enahlcs ct to be directlY determined !tom
tho slope is ·
r = lOV.R, = lkQ. iエ LNセ@ tOO and
a. the common·erniuer output
I ;,. u = O .:w. What is the セi@ ector current cbamclcrislics
in s aturation? ra b. tl1t common-.:mitlcr lnlnsfer
lO mA
b. 9.7 OL\.
ch""" ct.or is lie•
c. Ute c.urumon·l,lasc ittplil char3ttcristi.C.fo!
c. 0 mA d. the 」ッョオ M 「。セNZ@ tfllll!lfer
(l I utA chnmctari.stics
91. Considc:r lbe following state.ttl<mlli 95. Which ont: <rf lhc following >llltements is
Au SCR, from its OFF slllle. '"'" be mad• con'Cct'?
F11r an MOS cop:ocitor t3bricated on a 11-
ON by
I. incru.1.•ing ゥエセ@ anode voltage tvpc: sc:mjconductor セエ イ ッョァ@ ゥ ョ カ」セゥアョ@
occurs whe.ot ウ オイヲセ」 Nッ@ f)Otc't1lial ゥセ@
2. in"r"l!l ins its gate セオイ\Zョ エ@
。 セ@ "'fUa l lo Fermi potential
3. tkco.,•sing its !l,alo vollllge
b. .1:1.'1'0
4. decreasing its 3node cUJTctit
<:, ョセァ。ャNゥカ・@ a11d tt(ua l to Penni potential
G|セゥ」ィ@ of Ota <tntcmen\!1 giveo .obo,•e art:
in magnitude
d. P""ilive •nd "'JUal lu Femt.i potential in
:L Eilhor 1 no· 2
b. Elthor 1 or 3
96. .ln wluch one of thu following. two optical
.::. Eilbo.t 2 or ·I polarisers. one in tront and other in back
correct? b. 1.('0
In the COOIOXI of !C fabJ ication. c. LDR
mctalliZ3tion me.'"'- d. LS I
u. connecting metallic; wires
b. formntion
n. セ Uョ@ pulse of duroliou T. Whol is !Joe Iillllr
b. - 5n output w:syefonn'?
c. t n 3 . RectungullU' pul•c of d11r.11jon T
X(n) and Output y(n)} with List IT (System d. Triongubr ーオゥウセ@ of duration 1T
Category) and select the cooTcct answer QPセ N@ Consider lite fol1011 ing yセ エ 」ッ|NDZ@
オNセゥョァ@ the C()!lc.' givon heluw;
I. G Q Q]セ@ lkI· ,,_.(k- tJ-1>, vl.t - t(- b, v!k - 2J
List I
2. y[k) e x(k] 1\セク { ォ@ 1) 1u1.([k 2)
.v(n4 2) +y(n • I) 1 y(n)
= 2t(n4- l) +.t(n) 3. y (k]-= -<[k> 1] +a1x[k] I a,x[k 1)
4. y[k] =a,.r[k] l a,-'(k" 1] - I.!J'[k 2)
B. ,,, v1 Hョ
I セ@
A=[: :J
A B c
5 2 I Which one or the lollowmg if tl1e ョZセイオャ@
d. 5 2 1 4·
100. To "ruclt one of ll!C follcm ing dil'lctt.,lC<> b. (M+Ni )e"'
C<!U3tiUnS, the u npulse ""'POliSC
c. セゥ|NQMK@ A'l)e"
b. A straight line wilb a slope o[ 20
dBltlecndo passing lhrwgh the I'Oim 0 d. A rectangular hyperbola
dB und I radls III Consodcr the l(lllowing ctrcurt
c. Constam at 0 dB tor w < I and n slope v, v
of+ 20 、ャS Q 、セ」ョ@
fQt "'> I
1 Me
d. Constant m 0 dB for ''' < I and n slope
of- 20 dB/decade for m > I
107 The driving point ヲュー・、。ョ」セ@ or 11 r.-nctive
IICtWOrl; 11115 poles lll Cu = 0. -10 イオ、 Oセ@ and
infinity. Zeros an: located nl ''' = 20 and 60
rad/s, The impedance nt I0 radls is -j70 n. II' i セ BG@ 51' 1111dV1 = 31' _ !hen 11hat i,; the
Which one of the fnllm1 fng gives the form
of セエ 」@ first foster network of the driving ra input ゥューセ、ZエNョ」@ or the CRO in セ@ above
poim impo:>dancc function'!
a. An inductor L, u p:tralld combination, a. I MO
of an inductor L, nnd a capacilor C,: b. I 5 Mfl
and a capacitor C:-. all in scr•es c. 3Mn
b. Two. parallel combinations of d_ 5 Ml'l
inducrors and capacitor> in series 11 2, ConSider the fttllowmg circoit
c. 15W
The y-11aran1tlers ·nf the compusite d. Cannot be dc1em11ned Ltnlcss lhc value
nc1wnrt- will satisfy which one of 1hc of R •s known
H U LZ[セ Q L@ )E
114. Cl)nSider the following network:
c. ( (>'
51 +6'+1'
+I' )' £
Which one of the following is the 5 ,,
d[ .
+6' +I')' E:
differential equation lor v in 01" above 6• + 1'
118. What Is dte magnetic dipole moment in
dv A.m1 for a square current loop hnving the
a. c M Kc オセッ@
vertices ni the points A( I0. 0, 0), (!l. I0. 0),
dv C(-10. 0, 0) nnd D (0. -10, 0) and with
b. G-+Cu=O current 0.0 1 A llowing in uオセ@ sense
a. .,-
I du
c. - - +Gv = O ra _a,
dt! b. - 20;-
d. C- - Gu =O
dr c. 410;
1[5. Consider the following circuit;
d. 4(a,+a,)
119. For au electric lield E " Eb sin wt, what is
a. OA b. 45"
b. 1A c. 90°
c. 5 A d. 180"