Electronics Telecommunjcation Engineering Paper - .: E PX) Ii

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Whtch on of the followmg stalements IS d. Joule heati ng does not occur m enher
correc::.l'! nng
A right ci rcularly J>Oiant.ed wol'e is 5, The electric field or a wave propngming
incident from air onto a polysterene through a lossless medium Hセ L Lァjウ NL I@ fs

(e, = 2,7) l11e renected wn1 e 1s
a ngh1cncularly polarrzed E =lOcos( 6H " 10'1- Px)ii,
b. Jell circularly polarized What is dte phase constant J} of d1e キセカ・ _@
c. nght ellipucall) polarited a. 2:t red// m
<l lei\ ・ャゥーエ」 イオj セᄋ@ polarized

b. 9Jt red// m
2. A poim charge of + 10 11C placed at a c. 18r.redl/m
dtstnnce of 5 em from the centre of a d Sin redflm
conduction grounded sphere of radius 2

em is shown m the diagrnm gi1•en below 6 \Vluclt one of the following gives the
values of the auenuation factor a and
•to セ」@ / p hase shill factor J} for a wave progagated
セ セZウ」ュ]エ セ R セ@ ra In 11 gOOd dielectric having cr/( OlE) >> I?
\....__, a 。 ェ 。セjp セ Bセ@
What is the total Induced charge on the.
b. 。 セ j [Njゥウ セ p ] jキー O ・@
conducting sphere'1
a. 10 11c [aJpt 6J
b 4 11t
c. a= .P=JruJIE

c. 5 !!C <l a = OJJ = (i) ' ps

d 12.5 11C 7_ If d1e phase velocity of a plane "ave tn a
3 For sea " aaer a = 5 mho/m and £, = 80. perfect dielectric is Q.-1 limes Its 'alue in
what is the distllllce Cor whicl1 radio s1gnal

free space. then ll'hat is the relative

cau be l!ansmitted with 90% auenuation at permilli d ty llf the dielootric'!
25 kHl l a 11.25
a U.322 m

b -1,25
b. 3.22 Ill c. 125
c. 32.2 m d. 2.5

d. 322m II In free space

Two metal rings I rutd 2 are placod i11 •
uniform magnetic field which IS
E(x,r) =6(J cos( wt -2.x)a, V ! 111

decreasing 11 ilh time with their planes What is dte average JlOII er crossing a
perpendicular to the field. If Ote rings are 」ゥイ 」 エ セ。イ@ area of radius 4 m in the plane x =
identical except thm ring 2 bas a セ Qゥ ョ@ air constant'!
gup in it. \\hich one of the following a. セ XP@ w
statements is correct'/ b 24(1\V
a. No e.nu is induced in ring I c. llOW
b. An e,mJ' is an diced in both the rings d. 60 w
c. Equal joule heating occurs in both the •J Coosider the followmg stnlements
1ings regarding Snuth charts·
2 Ill 16
A oorm11lized smith chart applie-• to a 4. For over-coupling Ute input lenninal
line of any charnctclTistie イ・ウゥエNセョ」@ and impedance j;; equal to the recipfOC.'II of
セ」Av@ セ@ \\'ell for nonnAiilcd the st.1ndin11 wave ratil>
jエ、ュゥ エ。ョセNZ ッ@ Which of me ウ エ。ャ セュ・ョエウ@ given above :u·e
2. A polnr coordinate SmiU1 chm1 COlTCc.t'/
constrains clrclcs of con•t:>nt 7. ond I aud2
circles of CQnstant 7. "'h."
3 and 4
3. In Smith chart, the di1tance tow•rd• c, I and 3
the lv3d ゥセ@ Zセィ@ •ys mea,ured in
d. 2 and 4

セャッ」LZキls・@ dil'c:etion
13. \Vhidt one of the rolluwlng ウエ。・ュョセ@ ゥセ@
\Vhich of the セャッエcAiG エ@ given abuve Of<>
con't'llt? Shmt·cit"Cuited セエオ「ウ@ nro ptcfc-m:d
to open-circuited <111b• because the lallcr
n. L 2 and 3 3{'"t:'
b. 2 and 3 a. moredi'flicu lt to m3ke and connect

c. I aud 3 b. m'3de qf • tran<mission line with •
d . l ntHI 2 di!Nrenl cb3racteristi" impedance
HI. A ( J()() - j 75)0 lo•d ゥセ@ e<mneolcd l ull co· c li•bletu mdiate energy

セクゥ。ャ@ c.nhle or chnraclt.'1'ishc illlpodtmcc 75 d. incapable of ァィセョ@ a full r:mgc <1f
ohm• 31 12 GHs. ln or<lcrto obtuiu the belli lh:qucooi<>j.
matchmg, which ッョセ@ of' the fi1llowing wilt \VItich one of U1c following stulem c:nts l.s
h•vc to be cojャエ」、 セ@
a. A short·cirouited stub al luad
b loductanoe at load
ra An rtntonna at'ray \ャojセゥエウ@ of 5
ornnidlreetionu l element' carrying equal
c. A cap>citancc :tl " Rpecific disl.'Jnce Ill in-phase <urnmiS. l'he elements are
loud セZアオ。ャケ@ •pne<-<1 。 ャュエセ@ l(·a>.tS with the>
d. A shon-cux:oited セlo「@ at some specific opncing bel\\ ct:tt [ャ」セオ・ッエ@ elcmcnl.!J being
dist.1oce from load cqnn l to Me wrLVeiC'181h, 11•e ditectivity
II. What is Otc effect of tlte セ ッイエィ G ウ@ magoctio ーZオ セ@ \ tem \\itt h:wc: :t maxinHUJl

field in the reflected wano at ヲイッアオ・ョ」ゥ\セ@ in a, onl)' m x·--<tlreeti(Jn

the vicinity of gyro·frequenc)'l b only m y·direction
n. No attenuation in the reOcetod Wltve c, both セ M rmd y-direc•inn
1>. Decreased attent>Atil)o in lbe relleclod d. in the direction mnklng ·an angle of 45°

wave with x...NM^セウZ@

c lucreased allenuoli.on in U1e reOected IS, Match lゥセャ@ I (Prop<ll'lies of Standord
W:tve Resistance Matt:fbb) w!U1 List TI

d. Numinnl >ttClluotillll in the rdlccled (Rcsisbncc q オセhエ ケI@ and .oioloc.t Ute cornet
wave answeo· "'ing the code• given below
12 Consider tltu following エセャッュョウN@ l.ist T

Relating to the cavity イ・セッョエウ@ A. Higb イ・ウセエゥカNy@

I . For o,·er-coupling the co¥ity terminAl$ B. Small temperature coaffidcnt
3re at voltage maximum m the input C. p.,monence l''iflt lime

line at r"sonance D. Low thermo-electric c.ru.t: with copj>er

2. F<Jr <1vcr-coupling tit" セZョカゥエケ@ tc:nninols Lisl ll
ut..: at the voltage minimum in tbc input
1. Low ntc3suri.ng ccror
me at reAOnnnce
2. Small d'tangc of rcststatlcc duo lo
3 . For under-coupling the normoliz.ed
impedance at the voltage ma;omum i• Jgt:iug
the •lilndlng waver.u1o 3. Ro!tisls o:'\idntion and corrosiOn
4. Low resistance change: with
3ot l li
5. Small siz.e of rcsi>lor A. Conccotrntlon Q( radib!ion in azimuth
Cl)des: B. Concenlr:ttion of rudiation in clc1atictn
A B C D C. Bi· dircctiorutl patlcm
2 List 1J
1 J セ@ l. Two radiaWrs sp•,c cd 3iJ4 opart and
c. 2 4 fed with cut,...,ls having 180" phase
d. 5 2 I. difference
16. A vollmclcr IHLs a raugc. 0 • 20 V nnd 2 Twu radi:ttors sp>ced ).. 4 "l'"rt >nd fed
mr'anuf.<tclurcl' イ Ai l セウ@ il!; nccurncy It$ ± l 0 o with eurr<:nlll h(tviqg 9()0 phose

fsd. Malc.h List I 1Voltage Values) with diffenmce
r.lsl IJ ( Error,;;, p」イセ \Z ョ エ ッァ・@ o( True Value) 3. Radialllr< an11ng.cd lu fumt broadside
and セ・ ャ ・\A ャ@ Ot.: correot aru;w<:r USH\8 Ute arru.)' witb hm1zontnlorrny line
code« giwn belo11 4. r 。 、ゥ。 oセ^[@ 。ョ Q 、@ァセ ョ lo fom1 broadside
Listl :UT'3 Y with vertical array lino

A. 2V Code6:
B. 5V A B C
c. 10 v •. 2 4 3

D. 20V b. 3 4 2
List n c. 3 I 2
L T Lセ@ d. 2 I 3
2. l U('u 19. Iu mognclic rueasun:111<!nl8. Lloyd·Fisher
ra square is l.l!<.'tl in ャ「 セ@ 、 セ エ 」 ョゥ。
which one of the following?
エN ゥ ッ ョ@ of

Ctldes: a. B-1-1 curve

b. B·H loop
c. Both B-H curve ond B·H loop
ll. •' 2
、 セ@ lron ltHlscs-

c. 2 20. \Vhiclt one of lite following statements ゥ セ@
not correct in c-onnection with electro
,f. ,; セ@ 2 dynamk ins truments'?
17. W hich one of the roUowing define< a. As lite coils are 。 ゥ イ セイ・、N@ these

iru lntmenl• are frt:e from H)•>teresL\

a. '11te least mterval between two and OOdy currc-nllosscs
udjacent discNI" dt:tails. which can be b. The,c. instruments hove • high
distinguished fi•om on :utotbet'

ャ セ イアオ ・ャ キ・
ゥ ァ ィA@ ratio and hen<:¢ have •
b. The lorgesl in«:rv• l btltw ccn highc.•·t high ..:ns iriviry
11ncl luwcst me•&ured \'Dine>, エィZセ エ@ the
c. 'fhe>e ins tn101ents c.1o be used on both
device can he odju"'ed to me3Sure

oc. •nJ <Lc.. ond are very IIS'eful where

c The lea•t inlerYal between highest and occur:ato r.m.&. ' f-lllu1JS of yohngc.
lowest ュ セ ウョ オ イ・、@ value•. tltal the i"""'ped rve of wnvetb m... nre required

device can be adjusted lo measure d. Th"'e are more el\pen•rve thon either
d. The rotio of a change in outpul Pl\IIMC or moving-iron type
magn itndo to tlte change in the input instrumonts
which causes it. after the s teady stale 2 t. C'oMidtr tlte Jbllo11 ing ウ エ 。 エ ・ュ ョ エウ セ@
has been rcoched
·nte major problem in most ol' tho nc.
Match l.ist I (Cimrncterisric 16 he bridges is COlliN I of electric field& in ordll!'
Obloiut:d) with Li>t IT (1\mitl.gcmcul of to ...Unim.ize the cap"Jd t.:mce effects
Radiato'") and select the cvrr<:<:t :mswer be!We<.'ll bridge 」ア ュー ッ ョ・エ セ@ and from
オ セ ゥョ ァ@ ャ ィ ・」セ ・ウ@、 given l,.;lctw them to ground. TI1e effects due to U1is
List セ ャ・」エイ A」@ lid d 」 セョ@ b.. miniroi£od by
·I nl 16
J. ウ」ー。イセャゥョァ@
vnrlous compone11ts of tho d. To hove s¢.1lfng of sinusoid•!
briclge as widely ns practicable wovefonM
2. controlling c\セー。、エョ」・@ so as to enclo$" 26. Which one of the follow iog stalen1ents u
hriclge components in conducting not correct'/
ウャエゥ・」セ N@ connected to plate the a. l'he power requirements of 、ゥセエッャ@
c.apoc.itnnco!-1 where. it docs not hnml instrunH!JU.S AN: consiclcmbly lowt:r
3. using Wagner's eartltling device than thal of 3na log iost.J'Ume.nts.
-1. u•ing ltig)l gJ>do in$ulation :tnd b. In .maJog_ ゥョセエイオュッウN@ ャ「セ@ rc.:!iolulion
mounting_ d1e Z ᄋ イーャj。エオN セ@ on imaal:rting limit is one pact in セ・カ ュャ@ l)unclr..:ds,

st..1nd• whereas digital ir"truntt:nl.s c-ao he;
Which of the s tatemerlls grven above are made wiUt • relSolution of one p:rrl in
」ッイエセ_@ N・キョセ ャエィ ッ オ ウ。ョ 、 ウ@

n. 1. 2nnd3 c. Digitnl insb'Ulllents are CI<IJ'<llnely

h. 2o.nd 3 p9f(.•ble and usually do not require on
outside source of supply for

c. I and 3 ffie3SUI t.11UCUI.s
d. 1. 2 :tnd -l d. DigiL'Il instruments iJJdic•l• the
22. D:rtnping 1<11'\[Ue itt the di>C or '" a,c. イセ 、ゥョ ァNウ@
M\^ u ケ@ in 、セ」ゥイョオャ@ numbers 、ゥイセ

energy mewr is provided by wbich one of ttnd ther.:fore errors due to plll'1lli11X and
tlio foDOII'ing'/ 。 ーイ ッセ ュ。エゥッョN@ etc .• an: セャゥュョッエ・、@
tc Elcc:trostatic oOcd 27. Which one oi' tlu: lb Uowing l. Ute principal
b. Mngnclo slttic cffcd ra disadvaolllge of a pieroelectrio transducer'!
.:. Eddy eull'\."tll effect 。 N セ@ ncau ttt..:as un: forco only
cl Chcrnic.ll cf'Jcc.t b. It cnnnut mc.;,.sure st3tic. t!Ontlitions
" Tile x-input and y-input to a CRO セM 5 c. It is too •maJ I to hnodle
cos (lUI • 4>) and 5 s in (lUI 4>). d. It produces only d.c. vnltage
respectively, What will he the rosulti11g 28. A squal1l wave is de lined by
Lissojous pattern'/
+ 0 r-- 1,' 2
n. A straight line lnclincd to an セョァャ・@ () f-A.A,

X I セ@

1>. An ellipse witl1 an lncllnod major Mi• r. 2 ..t r,,

c. A c ircle 1t ;, ー ・ イゥャ^、 ゥ」 Zセャ ケ@ extendelll nutsi(le this
d A horrmntallino interval. \\"hat is the gencr•l coo.IJicitut a,
in the Foudet expansion oJ'Utis w•vc?

211. In • digit.1l voltmeter. input •ignal i•

inlegroted for durol.iou of 500 clo<"k cycles. !1. 0
To eliminate tho etTect of 100 Hz noise 2-i( I- COSII/1" )
present in the signnl what Lt Lhc ma\:imutn b.

clock frequency•
2A( I+ cQS 111r)
" " 5kHz c.

h. 50 kHz
2A ( 1- <:IJs M)
c. 100 kflz. d.
d. 250kHz [( n -+ l)1r J

25. TI1o Sdtmitt Trjggcr is u.cd in OOJ'bin 29. Wltut is the inverse Lapl:reo transform of
dig it• I tit:quency m.ete.·•· What ;, iu e-v ?.
n. To cnnvert input signnl into pul..,. of
short dur'l!t.ion
b, To provide エゥュ セ「。ウ・@ ウヲァョセ ャ@ of セ。 ャ@ b. 11(1- 11)
tooth type c. li (t - a)
c. To convert input siDillloidnl $tgnul illl(l
d. (1 u)u( l ")
t'Cctonsubr Pulses
Sof 16
30. 1vlotch List I (Tfme Oomoin Property) with 33. Wltich ill the output of Ute syst.:rn with
lゥセエ@ 11 (frequeney Domain Property) h [n] = ( l/ 2 )" u(11) m r.,.ponsc tu エ「 セ@
pertaining l() Fourier Rcprcscnl!ltion
Periodicity Proporties and セ・ ャ・」エ@ the input x[n) : 3+cos( セイョ K@ ; )
currect answer us in_g the code8 g'ven
I ist I a. セ {ョ } ]@ 31 セ { 」ッウ H GB セ [ I}@
A. Continuous
B. dゥウNセᄋ・エ@ b. ケ Hョj セ S エ@ セ@ cos(ll/1 1; )]

C. Pefiodic

⦅イ HエI M イ セ@ セゥ ョ H@ 11n, ;Jj

D. Non·Pefiodio
Li•• n "·
J Periodic
2. C<1ntinuous d. y[nJ - V K セ {」ッウH@ ""T;)]

3. Non.. poriod ic
34. A discl'<!to lime oystem liltS impul•e
セ M Di.•crcle
o>:spuJ\Se /l(n) = "'"(n • 2),Jal L '\Vhi<:J1

A B c 0 one of the following sl:tlc:mtnt is correct?
The ウケ エセョ@ セゥ@
:1, 3 -1 I 2
a. Slllblo. causal and memory los•
b. 2 -1 3
b. Unstable. 」。オ セ 。ャ@ ilfld bas memory
2 l セ@ 3
d. 3 I 4 2
ra c. stable, non-causal and has memory
d. Un$tnble. nQn-<:au.•al セョ、@ memory ャ ・ウNセ@
3 1. Given thai N セL@ ( t) = c''u(r) and
35. What is the number of roots of the
(I) = ,,->>'11( I). Which one nf
.セj@ uエ セ@ polynomiaiF(Z )= 4:' - S:' -Z+ 2.
following gives lheit· convolution'/ lay ing outs.ide !he unit circJe'l
a. [ r/•' - e-"1' J a. 0

{ BG セォL }@ b.
c. 2
ltt"'' M ・ ᄋセG }@ d. 3
{ ォL M セ[ j@ 36. Wbioll 011c of tile following ァゥカ・Nセ@ the

[ e··• + e セNj@ J croliS-correlotion I'Y., (k)) of liN finite

length sequences X(n) = { I. セN@ l, 2f and
c. [k, ' kl ) y(nH l. 2. 1.3 }'!

( c.•.t'tiCv-:l-1 a. 13. 10. 8. 14. 7. 5. 21

d. r
k,-k, J
b. !2. 10, 7. Qセ L@ 6.(UJ
c. (3. 9. 8. 14. 7. S..?.}

32. Which one of tit<: following must be d. {2 10. b. 14. 7. 5. 3)

satisfied if u signal ゥセ@ to be periodic
37. Which one of the follow ing gives the
thr-<tJ t -< •f• '1

averaMe value or expectation of tbe

... ク Hエ KWセ I ] クHイI@ fun<.'tion g(X) of Ute random variable ).'1
h. .セ Hイ K Wセ I ] 、\H エI@ di {Giwn /(X l is Uoe pt·ol>abilit) density
ヲゥセョ」エッ I@

c. .((I . r. )= イ N セHエャ\イ@ ..
, ELg(XJl= I g(X)d.\'
d. •<(I , W[ I ] Mセ HイI@ 1 ォ セ@

b. £[ g(X)j = I g(X )f(X jdX
() ur lb
c. £[g (.t)}= fg•(X )d\" b. [ JLC - R'C']

J. E[g(X)] = j[ァ H セ I@ ]ux

' ! (-\)
[ J1.C+

38. Cous ider the following wuvcJJOrm
diagrum: d.
3 4 1. ConsiJenhc toiiCl\\ lng graph:

ᄋ セ セ イ@ ,.,2

. ' 2 r--L.

Whk:h one uf the following r,:h cs the
NZッゥャGセB@ descliption of thu wuvcfon11 shown Whkh one of the following is not a エイセ」@ of
in Lhc abow diagram'! the above graph'!

a u(t} +u(t - 1) IL

• •
b. u(t) +(t-l)u(t-1)
c. u(t)+u(t - l} +(t-2)u(t - 2)
d. ャHエI K Hエ M R I オHエ M セI@
ra h.
39. Cous ider the following cil-cult:

セQMイ\^A L@
v + .----1

I· or the ubU\•C cin;uil. 1\ hich ッョセ@

folio\\ ing statements is cw-rect? fhe
of' the

I·Ohage V. is independent of R. if the input ·/ f'


signal frequency ul is d.
a 11Jt.c
b. II [ 2N]

.:. .fii 42. Consider a spanning tree of the connected

d. Has w1y value graph:

NLMZ セ N[@
40. ( 'onsider the fill lo\1 ing dn:uit:

セ@ c

For what value of the circuit shownw. What is the numher of fundamental cul-
above exhibit> unity po11er factor? selS?
a. 15
a, - -
,f/7 b. 16
セN@ 8
7 o( lu
d. 7 nc
43. Tbc input vollllge V l wtd current II lor u c. [1+ RCS]
Une-J.r ーMjNウセゥカ・ 1lOI WOI'k Is gtven h}
1; • .W,+BI, and /1 , ('f', +DI,
d. [I+ RCSJ
Now consider the fol lowing network:
46. The セャ・」エイゥ。@ reHisrlvity <lf wdium silioutc
10 0
s lass is I()5 Om whereas Otat of pure sil[ca
glass is 10 1• Om. This vast diUC!reuc<! of
----1==::::J--- 2 12 order.l vf magnitude ゥセ@ due 10 which

one (>f iJw tollowi ug ' ' "i'.'IJS'/
,. Mセ 2' a The loosely-bound sodium ious in the
Which one nf UJ• [l)llowin!! ゥ セ@ lhe l.fllnsfer
matrix? b. The impurities in silica
c. The di(l'crence in U1e crystal stntclures

d. The preseuce of free セャ」イッョ ウ@ in the
of the network shown 。「ッセ」 _@ -17. Molch IAsl I (Type ot' Mnteriol) wilh l.isl

{セ@ jセ }@

II (Type of Bonding} ond sc1ccl Ihe correct
answer オセゥョァ@ t11c codes
I ,isr I
{セ@ JIO] ra A. eャ・ュ
B. H)·dn>gen molecule
ョエセ A@ セ ッュゥ」ョ、オエ ッ イ@

セ@{ :]
C. Copper
D Agl

[0I J()]
l ist II
d. I. Ionic
2. Covalent
<14. For UJI ideal s tep-down ( n: l) transformer.

3. vtm der Wwlls

which une <If llte fnllowing il' lh¢ ABC D
parnnoetcr malri:<'l 4. Meltllllc
cッ、・ウ セ@
A, [ 1 B A c D

a, 3 2. 4

b. {セ@ Zセ}@ b.
J 4

d. J 2. 4
c, loll] 4K. Consider rhe foll<lWint crystnllogrnphic

Ill plnncs (shaded) usins n cube of srzc z ョNセ@


d.[I :'II iセ@ shown iu 1l1e diagram


45, Which une t>f Oto fvllnwing ゥセ@ tho lmnsfcr

fllnCQOll l)f Ul1 O[CCincuJ lOW pUSS Ji llor
using R und C elements?
fiCS 141
a. (1+ f(CS] Which Oll<l 1l f the following gives Ml ller
indices (If the above planes in onlcr'l
b. (1 +RCSl n, ( 110).(200), (100),1 111)
( 100).{200), (ll0).( 111)
c. (11 1).(1 10)(200).(100)
8 o f tr.

-ゥ ョ I@
d. (200). (II 1),( I J0).(100)
c. qD 'ID -
iJ -
l'vlatdt lゥ セ エ@ I (Mntoria l) with List U (Bnnll • il>; ax ' ox ax .
(j·ap) セ ョ、@ select tlte correct answer ll$ing
(1n C/J
エィセ@ code.; giwu bej)ow d. qD - - ql) -
セ@ セMNZ@ ,, rb:'
List I
Uセ N@ The material which has the property of
A. Metal
becomjng "lecLticaiJy tlOiarit.ec.l 111
13. Semtmei:!l t'Csponll<l to"'' 3pplicclmcchanical s lrt:Ss is
C'. Semiconductor lenned as
D. ャョ セ オゥbエッイ@ a. fセGャtッ・」エイゥ@

I.ist U b. Piozoclcctric
1 9eV c. Optoclcclronic
2. 0.05 e\• d. Supt:rconduc.ting
3. 1,5 e\' 54. Con.si<kr tho foUowing s tat.,.ttenl$ rdating
セN@ Oorles& to ーゥ ・コッャセ エイゥ |ス@ materill ls and tlleir effect..

Codc:s: I. Stress >pplied lo lht: nuteri•l produces
A B c D electric potariz.1tion
2. An e leciTic field npplied to the moterial

u. 4 2 3
b. セ@ 3 2 1
pt'Odu-.es strain in il
I 3. .-\H picwelectric materials are nlso
c. 3 2 -1
イセ NL ッ、」エイゥ@ materials
<1, 2 セ ᄋ@ 3
Which of the statements given abow are
50. A copper wino is I metre long mtd Ita• a
uniform cross-seetlon of 0.1 mtn: . "fho
ra .,
l and 3
resist:mc.e or the wire at room エ ・ ュー・イ[セ エ オイ・@
ls 0. 17 1 ohm. What is the resistivity of ャオ セ@ b. I and2
mntcrinl'l c. 2 and 3
(L 1.7 1• 10 ' Um d, L 2 and 3
b. 1.71 IO'' Q.m 55. Cun•ider tile rolhming セエo」ュョ s@ ltl •

ferroelectric mutct i"l

c. 1.71 10.. !:2.!11
1. >ll domnins arc lined up in Ute
d. l 7l 111 9 ilm direction of applied tield giving riec to
5 1. What is the approximare mobility or ho les saturation

iu Gcnu.anium at roollt lemperalure? 2 if the tield ゥ セ@ reduced to 7.e<Q. many

n. 4500 セ ュ@ ).,v セ@ dotno ius remain aligned
b. 2«<Hl cm:/V .s 3. tltt remnant polnnUJtion can b"

c. 1800 con' IV.s eliminoled only if lbe material iis

heated ,tbove Curie tcmperohm:
d. 900 cm'IV ..s
:a. I. 2 and 3
The 、ゥ ャ GャオNセゥョ ョ@ 111' holh elec.trnrn; and hoi""

occurs in a semiconductor (witlt G i セ@ cbn•·ge b. 2 and 3

of clech'Onlhole! D, .D,: tlilfu. ion c. 1 and 3

c.mstant fnt' ele<:tronslholes: d. Lund 2

IJJ;t l ゥjN\ーャG」 セ@ g.rntlicnl for 56. Consider lhc following slalouitnlll related
clectrnnsntolt>l). | セ エ@ ゥセ@ Ute tOtal dliiU$iOn lo forroclectric ュ。ャ・ エゥ 。ャセ@ nbovo the Curie
セオュZョエ@ (J411rl? l<:mperature
to D -lip 1. It is in Ihe pammognttlc state
•. qD -•q 2. iエセ@ electric susoeplibility is invenoely
'I at· rr エセ@
propurtion,Jto ゥセ^@ tt:mper:uure
h. qD !....(lln )+ qDr .E..f
" lir イQセ@
ilp J
ゥ|イ セ@ il.t
3. Magnit11de of eledtic ウ オ セ」・ー エ ゥ「 ャ ゥ エ ケ@
g<Jell down by • fltctor of r..w hundreds
in 」。 ューセイ ゥウッ ョ@ to lite value he low the List!
C urie temperonrre t\. Pnpcr
Which of !he statements given ahnve are B. Mlcn dielectn c
」ッイ\セ GO@
C. Commie d ielechic
n. I . 2 and 3
D. Elcdrolyli"
b. 1 セ イゥャ@ 2 Lislll
c. 2 nnd3 1. Low volume for large capoGituucc
d. I and 3 2. ャョ セ ー」ョ \ゥャ Q 」@
S7. ャGィセ@ electric di•plncement P tn a material

3. Suilllblc fo l' RF bypass
i> セGpイ\Zウ・、@ セ@ D = >:E - 、 セ@ whore e is the 4. lオョセエ M ャoi G ヲャ@ ウエ。「ゥャ セ@
pormittivit). E ゥセ@ tltc JioJd. セ@ is stu in nod d
セGッ、・ウ Z@
is a ohnractetistic canstatlt of lite material
A c
Wh1Ch i• this matcmll'l
a. Motnl •• '
2 ,D

b. Anli· ferromngnctic material b. 2 3 4
c. ウセLNッイョゥ」 ョ、オ 」Zエッゥ@ c. 4 2 3
d. Pioz,ooloctric ma terial d. 4 3

SN. Wbk h o l' the following stolonionls "'" セGQ B@ 62. '11te mnteri•l for the セイ・@ In セ@ pow er
tOr a semiconductor thilt i.t; オNセ・、@ as a lrnrulbmter mull have
ーィッエ」ョ、オイ セ@ "· l1igl• resistivity and ll)w l>cm>eobilily
I. It should セ セ」Z@ no dopin!! ra b. low value of s•turatiou mag netiz,tion
i It •hould have large response lime and high t'l:sistivily
3. II should have nn energy band g•p e. high penneobility and low resi•uvity
value U1nl utolchcs wil.b &e<1ueucy of a. high ーセュ^・ッャゥ エ ケ@ and high ""I.UT4lion
tight セial@ セ@ used to excite tbo magnc>tizotion
ーィッエ ッ」 ョ、オ」エ セ イ@ 63. Cousidor tl1e foliO\\ iugstatemcnt•
Select tho correcT -"I•W<"' using the c(lde• 'Titt ゥオエイャョAセ@ eon..:c:ntrution of a
8"iven be)o\\

n. 1. 2and 3 I. ,h:pund$ on doping
b I and 2 2. ine:rcus.us axponcntinlly wiUt tlccJ'CU.'iC-
c, 2 and 3 ofbond gap oflhesemiconducror

d I and 3 3. incrons.es non-IUtc:arly with incrensc of

t he magne tic: m11tcrial in which permanent lempernture
atomic ュセ ァョ・エゥ」@ dtpoles have parallel 4. mcreases linearly Wlth mCfe.1sC of
orientation is termed as w hich one of the tcmp<'l'lllurc

foUow'ing'l 5. Wltich 11f the •talcmenl!l given >bovt'

a, dゥ「ュ。ウNョ ・ エ ゥセ@ are cocrcx.'1'?

b. Paramagnetic a. 1. 2and3
c. ・エイッュ。ァセゥ」@ヲ b. I and 3
lL ・ョゥュァエセ@f c, l J!Jld 3

60. Which nne of the lhllowing ュ 。エ」 イャセ@ Is •• " d. 2 and 4

ccram_ic tnutcrrnJ? 64. Consider the followitlg stalementst
1. Mica OUTi ng un electr<m lr;umllon liCI'OS$ tht'
2.. Zi11t ; ulpllldc energy gup in an indireet energy gap
3. Antimo ny mAiertlll llkc silicon
+. Coppor 1. Lbc: n.1otnonluJn of tbc elccb·on changes
61. tll>tc.b List I (Type of C>pucitol') with List 2. the dirllctlon of motion of tho: elcclron
[I (C haroctt:ri•tic) and •olocl tltc correct changes
answer using lhe codes
10 nl Ill
3. 01e potentinl energy of rhe electron List t
c.hnnges t\. Vorne! Of diode
4. the kinetic l'llergy of lhe electron B. Tunnel diode
changes C. Photodiode
Which of the s tatemenll< !li' "" above are D. Zener diurl"
•• 1. 2.1nd3
L To- 」「 。 Q ᄋ ァセ@ auxiliary storag,o b:Htcrics
b. セNS@ .:tnd 4
2 . Rcfct'tlllc<> vollttj!O
e. L3 JUd 4

3. High fi·cqucncy tunlng eireult>
d. I. 2 and 4 4 . l:l.ig.b frequency switdling circuit
65. Whicb o.ne nf' Ihe f111lnwing statement• Is
Under snuU sil!)l•l op<:l'3tinn of• diode, A B C D
n. its bulk イ・ウゥオョ」セ@ ゥョ 」ョNZSウセ@
a. 2 J 3

b. it• j wtctionrq<istanec predomi11ate,; b. 3 J 2
c. it 3Cis like a closed switch c. 3 4 2
d, it beh.1ves as a clipper d. 2 4 3

wィゥセャエ@ nne o f the following stoternents is
·n•c vollllgc gain .,,. o given C<l!nn>Oil
not con'Cet'!
SOUI'C" .TFET セューャゥヲ」[イ@ d"f)<::ldri (10 it•
a. input impedance
a, TJ>e Ol,k:r.llion ol' t V01' ""n I>"
ouverstl) uJTcctcd by stray mugni!lie
b. ampllfiealion factor
c dynumic draill イ・ウゥ
d. drJin load rcsislllncc
エ QNエセGc@
ra Q.C. ficltb or by the セ ーイ・N
masses of metal neMI>y
・ョ」 」@ of l•rgc

b. 1: iui ng o magnetic セ ィ ャ・ ャ、@ with •

セW N@ Match l. ost l (Equation) wil11 Ust JJ Jongitudin• l slol along it. over lite
Hrセ ャ。エゥッョ@ l>ctw"'CiliD.:.criptlon) nolil • .-Je.:t ttan.<ducer c3n i。セ@ ely be bcndkial
the correct answer using lhu セ N@ Rclaliwly $111> U diliJ>lncement.s lU't:
List! rcqui.red for npprecioblc diffeft'>ILial

,1,. Continuity 011u•tion output

D. ffins!tin"s v4unl1on d. [.VDT ァ ゥ カ・セ\@ high Q Qーセ|@ :md m:my
C. Poisson's oqu>liou timts, there '' nQ need for
•mpl.ificotion. It pOlUie<SSC> a lti.gb
Ust 11

&ensith ity, which to lypicaiJ y of about

I. Rclat>lS diffusion conslant wttlo 4() Vltitm
mobility 7<). IVhkh o ne of thO" fo llowing dalinos pie7.o·
2 Rolatcs c.l>argc dousity with elcc!J•ic resistive

a. Pmcluctlon nl' vnltugc in " \Mイケウセ ッャ@
3. Relates no\\ with mte of chnnge of セ オ「 ェNL ャ ・ ゥャ@ tu lltt:ebanical セ エ イ ッゥョ@
coocentratitm: in sp!u.:e

b. Chang<IS in th" V!I )Uc of res[siiVity uf ft

--1. Role of change of minority 」セイゥ・@ couduclo o· which ls strained
density witl1 lim" c. Creolion o f flrain in • cryst.1.l when

Codes: electricity is passed through dto <I)'Stol

i\ B (' 0 d. lucrcaso in the liictional re5ist.1ncc of •
セ N@ .t 3 2 セ エ ゥ、ョァ@ conlllcl nnder the inlluenee of
b 4 .2 3 maaocti" lictll
I 2 3 7L ('onslder lbe following エセQ ヲNZョエ ・ ョャ セ@ rel•ling
d 4 3 l 10 an
HIセ N@ 1\lotch List (Diodo) wi01 Li;o ll L VOT type o( tr:msduo.;r
(Apptic.1tion) and select the con·ecl answer I. A セッ ョ@ lron c<lrc provides the mag m:tic
losing dtc codes givon bel0\1 : cOlll>ling 「」Zエキセョ@ a: prlwary NZセh i@ :ual
II o t 16
two セ・」ッ ョ、ッイケ@ c.oils. eonneated in 75. Wlt} tloes the d ectric conducti vity of •
series opposition so lid solulii>Tl alloy drop o lf rapidly with
2. 'l11e oulpul is proportional lo lhe inc.rcasod alloy cuntcnt'!
、ゥウーャ。 セ・ュNZオエ@ of l11e tron core a. Because tlte solid solution has a
3. 1 he t.leov1ce is very sens itive ;:md is dideclric ,,.tun;
litttZll' over :1 \\'ide r:m.gc: oftuot.ion b. Boc.auso the •olid solut ion lw• • l•ss
-+. ·nti$ is fl vari11hlu indu.\:.l,ull:t.t regu l:tr slroclure lhon truJl of a purct
ャ ュオセ、NZ」エ@ meta l
Which of thu stato nonts g.ivuo -abo,te are c. Bec.111SC lhe solid sl')hnion has • ィゥ ァ ィセZイ@

aorrect'l condu\!l.ivity エィZセョ@ lh:ol of tile •Hoying
•• 1. 2and 3
d . Because lloe •<>lid solulimt has a low<:t
h. 3 hntl4
molecul:u· weight
c. I nnd 2
76. Cer.1mfo 1nsu laton undergo a glazing
d. 1, 2. 3 :tnd セ@ pmcess to セオ」・@ the possibility of electric

72 [n mjci'OW:J\ c tclcntc'lr)
l t.tpcui.Cr st.ahon:i bl'eakdown. What is the eJTecL of Otis
nre required to co,·er large •rea. 'Wl1at ts, process?
generally. l11e diuanoo beowcen n:pe-Jter a. ll ュ。ャNZ 」 セ@ the surface nou ·aboot·l:>ent

セ ャエゥ ッョウ _@
b. ll mukos Ute surface.retlecting
•. I() km
c. n makes Ute surface "urvature free
b. 20 km
d. II makes the セオイヲ 。」・@ moist
c. 4() I..'Jn
Which ッョセ^@ of t.be folioing ウ セQャ ・ュ ュ ウ@ Is

d . II)() km
Consider the folio" ing セ ャ。 ・ュ ョエウ@ relating
A tunnel diode is Zセ Aキ。ケ @ bbscd
to the micto ウ セイ ゥ ーャゥョ ウ@・
a. b) セ@ uNセ N@ StiUI'CC
l. Modes on. miccostrlp エゥセ\ ウ@ JJ'C put·cly
'IJThJ b. in lloc 111idtllc of it,< negative rc;ilslllncc
2. Microstrip l lne is also <:Jlllcd opon strip
line c. iu tl1c. pos.iliv.,; rt:SU!t:mco region Jtcan:sl

to zero
3. Radiation loss in microRirip line can be
reduced by using th in hig,h dielectric d. ir1 tht: rC\'CI'5c diJ'cc'lion
mal<riaIs 78. Ho\\ con the citonncl widUt in セ@
セ @N Confonnol ltansfonnation tecluliquc ls
lield effect ゥイセョ ウゥ エ ッ イ@ be conlmlled?

quitu ,;uitnblc for solving microstrlp :t, By two hack-bhlsed p·n junction.•

problems b. By Ute length of the •ourcc

wィゥセャ@ o f tho .<tatomen" given >hove are c. By U1c length of tho drain

correct/ d . By l11c longtl•s of h<ttl1 lhc sourc:c aod

t\1 1. 2 01nd 3 the droin
79. Whnt •• the Nyquist rate for the signal

b. 2. 3 and 4
c. 1. 3and4 ·' (t ) ; cos 2000r.l 3sin 6000Jrt
d. 1, 2 ond •l セ N@ 2kHz

74. Which one of the following, sta tements i•

b. セォh コ@
c. 12 kH>
Ionic crystals ;rre
d. 6kH z
n har1l and brittle
80. If !he resporu;e of a system loan input does
b. soft and elostic
not the depend the future values of lhe
c. hard and corrosive tnpuL Lh.:n which ッョエセ@ of following is true
cl s11ft Jnd, inllnmm:obJg for llhH)'!Item?
• · ll is upol'iodic
b. it is causal
ャ セ ョ エャ ャ^@
c. i• OOIICipOIOry
II 85. Assertion (a): , \ periodic funclion
tl. 11 ゥセ@ di•crclc sal.-1) ing ャ ^ ゥ イャセ ィャッエB\@ 」ョ ョ、ゥャ ッョセ@ セjゥ ョ@ be
8 I. \\ hoch one of Uoo followotl!l jlnlcmcoll j, cl\pontled into o l' ouricr seri<.:ll.
correct'/ r・Zセ[ッョ@ (R): A Fourier ウ・セゥNZ@ Is. s
sunun;alion of wc:igbtcd sine anti 」セゥ ョ 」@
\ \・」ッュャMセイ、Z@ セケ\ ャ 」ュ@ iA crilic.llly
W liVCO of the fundomenl.1 1 frequency snd
(IJimp"d 11 hcn th" I'OUIS ol itA cllal-actc:rilllic
Ctfl&:ilion ort-
its harmonics.
o. 11Cgll(l\ c. tt3f 311d UIIC<jUOJ
a. Both A and Rare indivlduaUy tn1e ond
R セエィ・@ correct explarunion of A
b. 」ッューャセ@ 」ッョェセjXQウ@

h Bnlh A 2nd R oro mdi' idualh true hut
"- ncgati' "· n:al ond equal R is not !he correct cxplanotio"nlll \
d. posili\e, =land equal
e. .-\ is true but R is folse
82. Asserhnn (A): AI mom ャセュー」イョ オ セエN@ on !he d. .-\ is f.tls.; but R is true
•b><:nc..: of an c:<to:rnal fo.:ld. 3 b:u-oum
I2L1not.. ヲセtイッ」ャ・エゥ@ Cl')-.tJI v'Chibi'-' no 86. t'-'sertion f /\). -\ driving poml tmJ!<'(lancc
function hl>s mullirlc コ・イセ@

pol.ui oa1ion. on fro a!ti. of
the s-plonc
Re•son (Rt: I here are no dipot..-. on this
crysul •I room lcmpcralurc in the. absetoc< Reason (R): .\ posili\'e reol function h.<
no multipl< pole• nr 1ern nn jto-a<is of lhe

of on c:..tcmollield.
u. Btolh A and R att individUAlly true and
R is the cunt<.\1 c'pl•notion uf/\ a. Both A ana R m: ュ、 ゥカイ セオャ I@ true and
R IS セic@ cum:ct cxplan(ltion ur.\
b. !loth A nod R ""' indi' tduolly trw but
b. Bolh '\ and Rue indfviduull) true セオャ@
R l!l no t the correct cxplnnation ol II
セ N@ II iii iruc but R ;, fats"
ra R ;, uot the 」ッイセ
c. A is エイオ セ@ but R is false
M Q@ 」セーキョオエ@ ion nf A

cl A " I'J l•c hut R i• true

d. i\ ;. f•l•c hut R ゥ セ@ li'UC
83. ll..cnion (A). Rcoilllil'hy of fcrritcs ls
very. much lnwcr lhnn lhnt of 87. j\!;Sc:rtion rAJ: A ll•llislic g alv•IIQIIICler
terromagnetic nulU:ri:al!i, dt». nol produc.: • $lcndv·s Uite deflection
t(eason (R)I 1'..-rite• al'll 」 ィ セZ ュゥ 」 ッエ@ ''"" its poini'er m」ゥャオエ・セM with decreMing

compounds lUU.I uエ セ@ clout.runs in ャ「セij@ arc
" 1bjcc1 In tl1o rostroinl of valence for«•. Reason (Ri: 'l'he ャ^セ ゥウャ」@ ga l,•anometer Is
m•do to buve critic.> I damping.
a. Dolh .'\ and R oro individwll} true and
R t. the com:ct e'pl•nation of A a. Bolli A ond R arc individuallv true and
R is oイ セ@ com:ct セー ャ 。ョセエゥッ オ@ of 1\

b. Bnth .\ ond R ore ondividu•lly lruc: but

R IS not tho correo:;l ""'Pt•nnlion of A b. Bntl1 A •nd R ore iudi' iduaD\ true bul
R is nm the correct e.'<pbn:Hic;n nf A
c. A " In"' hu1 I< ;, ヲウセ@
c . A ill 1roe rot R ,. f•lse

II. ,\ t• fo l•e but R ゥセ@ lru"

d. \ is f11lse but R iJ true
セj N@ As<er11on I \)' Ihe conccntrntion
Rl!. セ・イエ ゥ ッョ@ (i\): The ,,ri>lltln of l!>rllmetc:n
me;,Uitd 「セ@ lisll tR'-d docs not hnc

much .,gnilicanec if tile >emkonduc:tor is with tempc-anrre i.• more m FE1 than in
ョッᄋィュァ」ᆱセオ L ャ ⦅ケ@ doped. BJT
Rc.uon rRI The wm:nl dcnsih unifonn Reason {R): lne chan2e in mub1l11\ of

throughout the tluclmc.< • of ャィセ@ carr""' due to Lc:mpc:rawrc is comp<:l,;oto:d
セ・ュゥ」ッョ、オエイ N@ by incn::asc ln conccntnllion of 」。イゥセ@ due
to ternpernnue mlicld effect ttonsiSIOO
•- Bnth \ und R att mdl\1d111il) true aoJ
R "' ャィセ@ セ@ c.\planaloon c.>f A a Bntll A ond R ..re indi,·iclu•ll} lme and
R is the cnnecl e.'(pt•n•lion of A
b. Botl1 .\ami Rare individu•tl) tru.: but
R is not the correot 。Nセー ャ Zオキエ ゥ ッョ@ of 1\ b. Bolh A oml R >n: individu•lh true hut
R IS not the cuncd e.'pl•natw;n uf A
"- A l!l true but R i• fal,c
tL i\ ;, tilL!• hul R is tru"
c. A is ll'o" but R is false
d. A i$ false but R ;, true
13 ot 11>
89 i\llsertion {A): An electronic \'Oitmeter I. Che:tper method
resds 110llllge drop セ」イッウ@ a very high 1. Lm' !"'C'iiidtutl o1'C;'ygen content in the
r'C$iMLnnc,c used in an electronic c-ircuil grown c.rysla I is po<Sible
l'nt>re- t1ccuratel) tbnn o vollmetcr \Vhich 3. Uniform doping is po.,ible
""<:!! the '"m¢ PMMC instron>ent as the 4. Larger dlameter 」イケ^ャ ャ セ@ cnn be grown
i111licating devic-e オウセ、@ in 1he electmnic
votunolL"''_ 5. Which nf the :obuvc are the advantJlgetl
Reason IR) : The ae<:uo'llcy of the electronic of ohe l)oal セエ ュエ@ (FZI mtclood nver the
voltmeter i.s less lbJou thul of Ute PMMC cコッ」 「イャセォNゥ@ (CZ) rncth<Jd in セゥョァャ・@
instrument wed in it, crystal gtowlb of silicon'/

a. Both A and Rare individuolly !me and •· 1and2
R is the com:ct"'xplanalion or A b. 2 and 3
b. Hoth A nnd Rare individuAllY 1r11e bm .::. 3 and 4
R is nol lhe corred explnnati.;n of(\ d. 1 •ud 4
セ N@ A is true but R i:s false \Vh.ich ッョセ@ of Ulo following stalenMJts is

d. A is fa l!e but R is !rue corrtct2
9(). A bipolnr JUnction エュョウゥセッイ@ is in TI1.c N セ」エ@ of lrrutsisloJ' 」ィ。イエゥセャ@ Utal
セ。ャオイゥッョ@ rt:gioo. Gh1cn enahlcs ct to be directlY determined !tom

tho slope is ·
r = lOV.R, = lkQ. iエ LNセ@ tOO and
a. the common·erniuer output
I ;,. u = O .:w. What is the セi@ ector current cbamclcrislics
in s aturation? ra b. tl1t common-.:mitlcr lnlnsfer
lO mA

b. 9.7 OL\.
ch""" ct.or is lie•
c. Ute c.urumon·l,lasc ittplil char3ttcristi.C.fo!
c. 0 mA d. the 」ッョオ M 「。セNZ@ tfllll!lfer
(l I utA chnmctari.stics
91. Considc:r lbe following state.ttl<mlli 95. Which ont: <rf lhc following >llltements is
Au SCR, from its OFF slllle. '"'" be mad• con'Cct'?
F11r an MOS cop:ocitor t3bricated on a 11-

ON by
I. incru.1.•ing ゥエセ@ anode voltage tvpc: sc:mjconductor セエ イ ッョァ@ ゥ ョ カ」セゥアョ@
occurs whe.ot ウ オイヲセ」 Nッ@ f)Otc't1lial ゥセ@
2. in"r"l!l ins its gate セオイ\Zョ エ@
。 セ@ "'fUa l lo Fermi potential
3. tkco.,•sing its !l,alo vollllge

b. .1:1.'1'0
4. decreasing its 3node cUJTctit
<:, ョセァ。ャNゥカ・@ a11d tt(ua l to Penni potential
G|セゥ」ィ@ of Ota <tntcmen\!1 giveo .obo,•e art:
in magnitude
d. P""ilive •nd "'JUal lu Femt.i potential in

:L Eilhor 1 no· 2
b. Elthor 1 or 3
96. .ln wluch one of thu following. two optical
.::. Eilbo.t 2 or ·I polarisers. one in tront and other in back

tl "Eifbcr ;\ or 4 are needed?

92. Wllieb one of tlld following ウエセュZョui@ is a. 1.1m

correct? b. 1.('0
In the COOIOXI of !C fabJ ication. c. LDR
mctalliZ3tion me.'"'- d. LS I
u. connecting metallic; wires
b. formntion

.::. doping Si02 セケ・イ@

of interconnecting
condnclion patlem nnd bonding pads

1l covering with :o meo:oll ic 」セー@

97. y[n] = L x[k)
Which one vf tl\c lollowing .<fstcms is
inverse. uf the !ly.•dcm given uhuvt:?
セS N@ Con< idcr the following a. x[nl= v[n]- y (n - tJ
l i nt II>
b. .f [n] "' 1•[11] following expres•ion• give.< tl1e invcr.;c
L.;place transform o fF(s) G(•)7
c. •·[n . -t]
セ iョI ]@ a, f(l) g(l)
d. .t(n) - ny[n) b. f( t) I g(t)
9S. What Is t.hc plW!e •ogle of U1c C()l11pusite c. f{l ) - 81 1)
セゥ ョ セuッゥ、。ャ@ signal resulting from Ute d. tt t) •g( t
addition o f v,(n) • セ ュ@ (5nn] nnd I02. The impu lie rcspolllie of a linenr. lime-
•·1 ( n)- .J2cos [Strn) invari•nt system is a reclangulor pulse of
duration L IL is excited by an input of a

n. セ Uョ@ pulse of duroliou T. Whol is !Joe Iillllr
b. - 5n output w:syefonn'?
c. t n 3 . RectungullU' pul•c of d11r.11jon T

<L - n /3 b. Rectangular pub.:> of duration 2T

99. t\lo!ch L ist J CE<tltatiun Connecting lfiput c. Trinogular pulse ofdurotioo T

X(n) and Output y(n)} with List IT (System d. Triongubr ーオゥウセ@ of duration 1T
Category) and select the cooTcct answer QPセ N@ Consider lite fol1011 ing yセ エ 」ッ|NDZ@
オNセゥョァ@ the C()!lc.' givon heluw;
I. G Q Q]セ@ lkI· ,,_.(k- tJ-1>, vl.t - t(- b, v!k - 2J

List I
2. y[k) e x(k] 1\セク { ォ@ 1) 1u1.([k 2)
.v(n4 2) +y(n • I) 1 y(n)
= 2t(n4- l) +.t(n) 3. y (k]-= -<[k> 1] +a1x[k] I a,x[k 1)
4. y[k] =a,.r[k] l a,-'(k" 1] - I.!J'[k 2)
B. ,,, v1 Hョ
I セ@

1'(" 1 I) • n)'(ll) - 4n<(n)

v(n) ,. .t'(n)
ra Which of lite systems gov"n obow
ruprose nt recursive discrelc syslcms?
D. y(n 1l)y( n) =4x( n)
"· J aold 4
ListU b. land 2.
I Linear, timo-variablc, 、 セ ョ。ュゥ」@ c. L 2 and 3

2. Lin""'· time-invarianl 、 セエョ。 ュゥ 」@ d. 2, 3and 4

3 Non-linear. lime- variabl«. dynamic 1114. A linear const>nt t>•r•mcttr continuous-
4. Non·line.1f, time- in,"arianl:, dynamic
time system has the following A matrix in
i1s s tale represeniotion X = AX - Bu
5. Non-linear, time-variable, memory It$>

A=[: :J

A B c
5 2 I Which one or the lollowmg if tl1e ョZセイオャ@

b. 2 5 ..j response or tltt ウケセ エ ・ュ@ followi!Ig tbc

•t>pljeation of ony lnpul1
c. 2 3 5
a. m・キKn Mセ@

d. 5 2 1 4·
100. To "ruclt one of ll!C follcm ing dil'lctt.,lC<> b. (M+Ni )e"'
C<!U3tiUnS, the u npulse ""'POliSC
c. セゥ|NQMK@ A'l)e"

h(n) o(n. ,_ 2) • 8( u • 2 ) corrcoponMI

d. M coso!! , N gin aJ
a. l'( n+1) = .1:(n)- .x(n- 2)
JOS . For half-wave (odd) セケ ョオ ・エイケ N@
with t セ@ =
b. ケH セ^ M RI セ クHョI M Nク Hョ@ 4) period of x{t). which ッョセ@ o f the followin11
ls CCJtrect?
c. ⦅Qエ HョI ᄋ[ セHョ セ RI オ H ョ@ 2)
a. x(l l T, 2) = . 11(r)
d. y(n) =-x(n • 2) +x(n 2)
b. x(1t Tg 2) = x(1)
HI I. L.oploce trans fouii.S of ( l) and g(l) •re F(s)
nnd G(s ). .,.pcct.ivdy \Vhil:h one of the c. .<(a'l;) = x(•)
I ; uf Jb
d. x(t =1;,) = x(t) a. Iie o11tlto real 。Nセャ ウ@ or the s-planc
b. alternate
11,)6 If .\ (.t) =
( -) 1$ エィセ@ gtven net"ork c. lie un the unit; circk
l+ s
d. arc arbitrary
funct ゥ」セ@ which one or エィセ@ f<'llowing
II 0 What i< the h1cus (lf the tip of the vohngc
describes the 」エュセ エ@ 13ode plot'
phasor across It tn a series R-L-C circuit'!
a A srraighl line "ilh a slope of -20
dB/decade pussiw,lthrough the t>oint I) a. A parnholn
liB and I rudls b. An ell ipse
c. A circk

b. A straight line wilb a slope o[ 20
dBltlecndo passing lhrwgh the I'Oim 0 d. A rectangular hyperbola
dB und I radls III Consodcr the l(lllowing ctrcurt
c. Constam at 0 dB tor w < I and n slope v, v
of+ 20 、ャS Q 、セ」ョ@
fQt "'> I
1 Me
d. Constant m 0 dB for ''' < I and n slope

of- 20 dB/decade for m > I
107 The driving point ヲュー・、。ョ」セ@ or 11 r.-nctive
IICtWOrl; 11115 poles lll Cu = 0. -10 イオ、 Oセ@ and

infinity. Zeros an: located nl ''' = 20 and 60
rad/s, The impedance nt I0 radls is -j70 n. II' i セ BG@ 51' 1111dV1 = 31' _ !hen 11hat i,; the
Which one of the fnllm1 fng gives the form
of セエ 」@ first foster network of the driving ra input ゥューセ、ZエNョ」@ or the CRO in セ@ above
poim impo:>dancc function'!
a. An inductor L, u p:tralld combination, a. I MO
of an inductor L, nnd a capacilor C,: b. I 5 Mfl
and a capacitor C:-. all in scr•es c. 3Mn
b. Two. parallel combinations of d_ 5 Ml'l
inducrors and capacitor> in series 11 2, ConSider the fttllowmg circoit

c. f1vo series combinalion of induc1ors

und capacitors connected in parallel
d. None of the above
ION. rhe 2-Jl<ln ョセ ャ |ャGッ イ ォ@ shnwn in the circuot

gil'cn bcllllv is conncclctl in parallel with

another 2-port network which has y 11 = -
Y•: • -Ytl • Yn • Y
What Is the power delivered lo n:>istor R

in the above circuit?

3. - 15 w
b () w

c. 15W
The y-11aran1tlers ·nf the compusite d. Cannot be dc1em11ned Ltnlcss lhc value
nc1wnrt- will satisfy which one of 1hc of R •s known

following'/ 113. Consider the following cirtitil:

"' y .. = Y +g .R, ..,
b. Yll =- Y + g
c. ケ L L セ My K ァ@ IOQ
d. Yn = Y セ`@
-:- 'iiF セ@
I09 Wh1ch one or the follo11 ing statements ゥ セ@
correct'! The poles and コ セュ ウ@ of the driving In U1c above circuiL the Wm!nl / , ゥセ@ 2 ;\
poim renc1nnce funclion of ao L-C when the Vltluc of R, is 200. \Vhnt 1vlll be
16 of 16
the value of h. when R1 Is changed to 117. An infinitely long Wtiforrn charge of
1001 density JO nC/rn is ャ ッセオ」、@ at y = 3. == 5.
a. I A 11tc field intensity a1 (0. 6. I) ゥ セ@ E セ@
b. lA 64.7a, -86.3aX ! m . What is lhe field
c, 3 A lnh.'llslty at (5. 6, I)?
d. 4 A a. E

H U LZ[セ Q L@ )E
114. Cl)nSider the following network:


c. ( (>'
51 +6'+1'
+I' )' £
Which one of the following is the 5 ,,
d[ .
+6' +I')' E:
differential equation lor v in 01" above 6• + 1'

118. What Is dte magnetic dipole moment in
dv A.m1 for a square current loop hnving the
a. c M Kc オセッ@

vertices ni the points A( I0. 0, 0), (!l. I0. 0),
dv C(-10. 0, 0) nnd D (0. -10, 0) and with
b. G-+Cu=O current 0.0 1 A llowing in uオセ@ sense
a. .,-
I du
c. - - +Gv = O ra _a,
dt! b. - 20;-
d. C- - Gu =O
dr c. 410;
1[5. Consider the following circuit;
d. 4(a,+a,)
119. For au electric lield E " Eb sin wt, what is

the phase diiTercnc-e between the

conduotion current and and オャ ウー ャ。」ュセョエ@
What is the current ! in tbe above circuit? a. oc·

a. OA b. 45"
b. 1A c. 90°
c. 5 A d. 180"

d. 6A 120. An infinitely long line chorge of unilonn

116. Whid> one of the tbllowing statements is charge density P<>Clm Is s ituated pmllel
correct? to and at u distance from the grounded

in lin itc plane conductor. l11i$ field

In a for·brnnch parallel circui·t, 50 mA
problem can be solved by whioh one of the
current flows in each branch. If one of d1e
branches opens, the currel&ts in the od1er

brmwhes a. By conformal transfonnation

b. By method of image-s
•• increase
c. By Laplace's equation
b. decrease
c, arc unaffected d. By Poisson's equation
d. double

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