Cromwell Tools - Hand Tools PDF
Cromwell Tools - Hand Tools PDF
Cromwell Tools - Hand Tools PDF
Page .... 838 - 840 Page .... 841 - 876 Page .... 877 - 880 Page .... 881 - 885 Page .... 886 - 891
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Page . . 1001 - 1003 Page . . 1004 - 1007 Page . . 1008 - 1015 Page .............. 1016 Page . . 1017 - 1019
555 TOOLS 556 558 GRIPS 560 STAMPS 561
Page1020 - 1029 Page .............. 1029 Page1030 - 1053 Page1054 - 1056 Page .............. 1057
569 TOOLS 572 & BITS 575 TOOLS 580 SPANNERS &
Page . . 1058 - 1059 Page . . 1060 - 1079 Page . . 1080 - 1084 Page . . 1085 - 1086 Page . . 1087 - 1133
582 Patented Design
583 SOCKETS 588 TOOLS 589 591 & SNIPS
Page . . . 1104 -1105 Page . . 1134 - 1141 Page . . 1142 - 1156 Page .............. 1157 Page . . 1158 - 1160
Page .............. 1161 Page . . 1162 - 1163 Page . . 1164 - 1187 Page . . 1188 - 1201 Page . . 1202 - 1214
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on machine tools where repeatability and
long tool life are of critical importance.
Industrial tooling that has enhanced
features and benefits demanded by
craftsmen and professional users.
Designed for regular use in industrial
applications. Manufactured to stringent
quality levels and international standards.
Standard quality tooling for use by
tradesmen and generally industrial use.
Description Group Page Description Group Page
Adjustable Wrenches 501 838 - 840 Nut Spinners 556 1029
Agricultural Tools 522 942 - 943 Pin Spanners 581 1088
Automotive - Battery & Electrical System Tools 503 841 - 843 Pipe - Benders 588 1146 - 1147
Automotive - Body Repair 503 844 - 848 Pipe - Cutters 588 1148 - 1149
Automotive - Braking System Tools 503 849 - 851 Pipe - Flaring Tools 588 1150
Automotive - Compression Testers 503 852 - 853 Pipe - Pressure Testers/Tap Reseaters 588 1151
Automotive - Cylinder, Piston & Valve Tools 503 854 - 855 Pipe - Threaders 588 1152
Automotive - Inspection 503 856 - 857 Pipe - Vices 588 1153
Automotive - Jacks & Stands 503 858 - 860 Pipe - Wrenches 588 1154 - 1155
Plastering Tools 512 886 - 889
Automotive - Nut Splitters 503 861
Pliers & Grips 558 1030 - 1053
Automotive - Oil Filter & Sump Tools 503 862 Punches & Stamps 560 1054 - 1056
Automotive - Parts Washers 503 863 Ratchet Spanners 580 1087
Automotive - Pullers & Separators 503 864 - 870 Riveting Tools 569 1058 - 1059
Automotive - Special Tools 503 874 - 876 Roller Cabinets & Tool Chests 594 1188 - 1201
Automotive - Roadside Assistance 503 872 Roller Stands 588 1157
Automotive - Timing Tools 503 871 Safety Checkers 516 919
Automotive - Tyre Care 503 873 Safety Tools 575 1080 - 1084
Axes 525 961 Saw Frames 538 1001 - 1003
Basin Wrenches 588 1142 Scaffolding Tools 580 1086
Bolt & Cable Cutters 592 1160 - 1161 Scissors 533 979 - 981
Box Spanners 581 1087 Screwdriver Bits 573 1072 - 1079
Brick Tools 512 890 - 891 Screwdrivers 572 1060 - 1071
Cable Ties 515 897 Service Cases 593 1164 - 1167
Cable & Wire Stripping Tools 516 898 - 899 Service Keys & Lifters 588 1156
Chain Separators 588 1143 Shears & Snips 591 1158 - 1160
Chain & Strap Wrenches 588 1143 Sockets & Accessories - 1/4 Square Drive 582 1106 - 1108
Clamps 539 1004 - 1007 Sockets & Accessories - 3/8 Square Drive 582 1109 - 1113
Cold Chisels, Pry Bars, Utility Bars 505 877- 880 Sockets & Accessories - 1/2 Square Drive 582 1114 - 1120
Contractors Tools 522 944 - 951 Sockets & Accessories - 3/4 Square Drive 582 1121
Crimping Tools 515 892 - 896 Sockets & Accessories - 1 Square Drive 582 1122
Sockets & Accessories - Clips, Rails & Trays 582 1123
Cycle Tools 595 1215 Socket Sets - 1/4 Square Drive 582 1125 - 1126
Decorating Kits 533 977 Socket Sets - 3/8 Square Drive 582 1127 - 1128
Decorating Tools 533 968 - 978 Socket Sets - 1/2 Square Drive 582 1129 - 1132
Digital Levels 510 884 Socket Sets - 3/4 Square Drive 582 1133
Distance Meters 536 989 Socket Sets - 1 Square Drive 582 1133
Drainage Equipment 588 1144 - 1145 Socket Sets - Mixed Drive 582 1124
Drawer Cabinets 593 1162 - 1163 Sockets & Socket Sets - Ken-Grip 582 1104 - 1105
Engineers Hand Tools 518 921 - 933 Soldering Tools 516 900 - 907
Engraving Tools 504 877 Spanners - Combination 582 1089 - 1094
File Handles 531 967 Spanners - Ring 582 1095 - 1099
Fluid Handling 540 1008 - 1012 Spanners - Open Ended 582 1100 - 1101
Garden Tools 522 934 - 941 Spanners - Miniature/Spanner End Fittings 582 1102
Grease Nipples 541 1016 Spigot End Fittings 581 1088
Hammer Shafts 530 967 Spirit Levels 510 881 - 885
Hammers 525 958 - 963 Stencils 561 1057
Hammers - Inserted Face 527 964 - 966 Stud & Voltage Detectors 516 920
Hexagon - Keys 601 1232 - 1233 Tape Measures 536 986 - 988
Hexagon - Ball Drivers 602 1234 - 1236 Tool - Tethering 596 1216 - 1217
Impact Sockets - 1/4 Square Drive 583 1134 Tool - Bags 593 1172 - 1175
Impact Sockets - 3/8 Square Drive 583 1334 - 1135 Tool - Boxes 593 1179 - 1187
Tool - Cases 593 1176 - 1178
Impact Sockets - 1/2 Square Drive 583 1136 - 1138
Tool - Control 595 1202 - 1203
Impact Sockets - 3/4 Square Drive 583 1139 - 1140 Tool - Kits 595 1204 - 1214
Impact Sockets - 1 & 11/2 Square Drive 583 1140 - 1141 Tool - Pouches 593 1168 - 1170
Insulated Service Tools 534 982 - 985 Tool - Rolls 593 1171
Ken-Grip - Sockets & Socket Sets 582 1104 - 1105 Torque Tools 555 1020 - 1029
Knives 537 990 - 1000 TX Keys 603 1237
Laser Levels 510 884 - 885 Vice Grips 589 1157
Lubrication Equipment 540 1013 - 1015 Water & Garden Accessories 523 952 - 957
Magnetic Tooling 553 1017 - 1019 Woodworking Tools 597 1218 - 1231
Mains Testers 515 897 Workshop Spanners 580 1085 - 1086
Multimeters 516 908 - 920 Wrenches 582 1103
Page 837
Cushion Grip M16 Kennedy Professional 150mm Wrench
Adjustable Wrenches Jaw capacity: 24mm.
Drop forged chrome vanadium steel with phosphate anti-corrosion
finish. Hardened parallel opening jaws are ground and polished, laser
etched with metric graduations for rapid repeatable reference setting.
The wide grooved profile of the opening mechanism and coarsely Up to 20% greater jaw capacity than
knurled adjusting screw ensures smooth adjustment. Slim head profile conventional adjustable wrenches
allows easy access, the contoured jaws improve grip when used on M12
damaged misshaped fasteners. The unique geomatic
cushion grip improves user comfort, is resistant to oil and
grease to provide a slip free grip. Securely bonded to the I-
beam handle sub frame to prevent the ingress of oil and dirt.
Conforms to: BS 6333-1995, DIN3117-1988. Conventional 150mm Wrench
Jaw capacity: 20mm.
Tapered Jaw For Access
Into Tight Spaces.
Grooved jaw for
positive grip
even on worn
Length Jaw Opening Fastener Order Code List Offer
(mm) (mm) Range KEN-501 Price/1 Price/1
150 (6) 23.9mm M2-M14 (1/8 - 9/16) -3060K 29.13 18.64
200 (8) 28.6mm M4-M18 (3/16 - 5/8) -3080K 31.69 20.28
250 (10) 32.8mm M6-M20 (1/4 - 3/4) -3100K 45.62 29.20
300 (12) 38.1mm M8-M24 (5/16 - 1) -3120K 66.39 42.49 Extra Wide Jaw
Twin Pack Adjustable Wrench
Short handle (120mm) for accessibility when working in confined
spaces. e.g. under sinks etc. Wide head for maximum jaw opening
(32mm). Slimline (6mm) graduated head. Dual material handles for
maximum durability and comfort. Phosphate finish with ground jaws.
300 (12) 9073P* 35 (11/2) 745g -6014E 66.39 47.80
Combi Grip Adjustable Wrenches
These wrenches have a quick release reversible lower jaw with a Adjustable Wrench Set
serrated side with extra hard teeth for pipe gripping, a strong handle Set of three adjustable wrenches 9070, 9071 and 9072.
and a phosphated corrosion resistant finish. The smooth adjusting PIECES
action makes them fast and easy to use.
Conform to: ISO 6787-1982, ASME B.107.
8M-1996, BS 6333-1995,
Page 838
Adjustable Up to 20% greater
Wrenches jaw capacity than
Manufactured from high strength I beam section chrome or adjustable
phosphate vanadium steel for improved strength and rigidity, the jaws wrenches
are heat treated for extended tool life. High polished corrosion-resistant M24
finish. 15 offset head angle for positive torque control. Slimline Conventional
tapered jaws for improved access into confined spaces. Parallel jaws 375mm Wrench
with smooth jaw adjustment and self-locking design prevents the jaws Jaw capacity 40mm.
opening unintentionally even when under full load. Suitable for
industrial engineering, automotive, agricultural, maintenance and
assembly applications. Conforms to: BS 6333-1995, DIN3117-1988.
Tapered Jaw Kennedy 375mm Wrench
For Access Into Jaw capacity 50mm.
Tight Spaces.
Phosphate Finish 3
Phosphate Finish
Length Jaw Torque Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Opening (mm) (kg/cm) each KEN-501 Price/1 Price/1
100 (4) 17 (21/32) 714 60g -0040K 22.29 14.27 PIECES
150 (6) 24 (1) 1670 140g -0060K 23.57 15.08
200 (8) 28 (13/32) 3100 260g -0080K 25.66 16.42
250 (10) 33 (15/16) 5190 400g -0100K 33.26 21.29 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
300 (12) 38 (13/8) 8820 650g -0120K 48.42 30.99 Contents
of Pieces each KEN-501 Price/1 Price/1
375 (15) 50 (2) 17295 1040g -0150K 78.78 50.42 3 100, 200 & 300mm 1100g -0600K 86.50 51.90
450 (18) 60 (23/8) 23060 1670g -0180K 123.00 78.72 2 150 & 250mm 540g -0620K 50.95 30.57
600 (24) 70 (23/4) 25000 3300g -0240K 246.00 157.44
Chrome Finish Sets
Chrome Finish
Length Jaw Torque Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Opening (mm) kg/cm each KEN-501 Price/1 Price/1 RANGE
100 (4) 17 (21/32) 714 60g -1040K 24.52 15.69
150 (6) 24 (1) 1670 140g -1060K 25.93 16.60
200 (8) 28 (13/32) 3100 260g -1080K 28.23 18.07
250 (10) 33 (15/16) 5190 400g -1100K 36.59 23.42 PIECES
300 (12) 38 (13/8) 8820 650g -1120K 53.27 34.09
375 (15) 50 (2) 17295 1040g -1150K 86.66 55.46
450 (18) 60 (23/8) 23060 1670g -1180K 135.30 86.59
FatMax Ratchet
Adjustable Wrenches Number
of Pieces Contents Weight
Order Code
Ratchet jaw eliminates the need to break from the fastener. 3 100, 200 & 300mm 1100g -1600K 95.50 57.30
Forged CrV construction. Patented design. 2 150 & 250mm 540g -1560K 55.95 33.57
Available in 150mm (6), 200mm (8) and 300mm (12) sizes.
Phosphated hardened and anti-corrosion treated. Comfortable handle.
Graduated jaw. As per DIN 3117, BS 6333, ISO 6787, GGG-W6316
Type 1, Class 2 and ASME B107, 8M-1991.
Ergo Type
Manufactured from drop forged chrome vanadium steel.
Ground and polished parallel gripping jaws with
Product Size Weight Order Code List Offer
etched measurement scale.
Number (mm) each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
0-97-544 150 ( 6) 200g -8674A 17.67 12.90
0-97-545 200 ( 8) 380g -8675B 18.90 13.80
The adjustable jaw does not fall out at the
FatMax Adjustable Wrenches maximum opening capacity.
Locking feature for switching between ratcheting and fixed operation. Product Length Weight Order Code List Offer
B87 770 (30) 5800g -4018J 388.74 279.89
and easy operation. Soft grip handle with TPR inserts
for comfort with a lanyard hanging hole for safety.
Adjustable Wrench Set
Set of three adjustable wrenches 8070, 8071 and 8072.
Page 839
Satin Finish
Adjustable Wrenches
Slimline tapered parallel jaws for improved access into confined spaces with smooth jaw adjustment and self-locking design prevents the
jaws opening unintentionally even when under full load. Graduated laser etched jaws for fast repeatable jaw setting and adjustment.
Manufactured from I beam section chrome vanadium steel for improved strength and rigidity, the jaws are heat treated for extended tool life.
Corrosion-resistant satin finish. 22.5 offset head angle for positive torque control. Suitable for marine
engineering, automotive, aerospace, agricultural maintenance and assembly applications.
Conforms to: BS 6333-1995, DIN3117-1988.
Torque Ratings
Conform to ISO 6787:1982.
Smooth jaw adjustment. Graduated laser etched jaw for EXTENDED replacement jaw,
fast jaw setting. RANGE knurl and pin.
from chromed Wrench Size Weight Order Code Offer
drop forged Finish (mm) each KEN-567 Price/1
steel. 150 (6) 25g -0060K 5.86
Length Jaw Weight Order Code List Offer 200 (8) 55g -0080K 6.38
(mm) Opening each SEN-501 Price/1 Price/1 250 (10) 90g -0100K 8.27
Phosphate 300 (12) 130g -0120K 12.04
150 (6) 20mm 140g -4060K 8.58 5.49 375 (15) 250g -0150K 19.57
200 (8) 24mm 280g -4080K 12.06 7.72 450 (18) 365g -0180K 30.58
250 (10) 30mm 435g -4100K 16.38 10.48 600 (24) 420g -0240K 63.74
300 (12) 34mm 720g -4120K 18.59 11.90 100 (4) 20g -1040K 6.09
778 (30) 93mm 5800g -1300K 254.80 163.07
150 (6) 25g -1060K 6.44
200 (8) 55g -1080K 7.00
Set 250 (10) 90g -1100K 9.10
Chrome 300 (12) 130g -1120K 13.24
Number Conents Order Code List Offer 375 (15) 250g -1150K 21.54
of Pieces SEN-501 Price/1 Price/1
450 (18) 365g -1180K 33.63
2 150 x 250mm -4200K 22.45 14.37 600 (24) 420g -1240K 70.12
Page 840
Circuit Standard Automotive
Continuity Tester Fuse Set
For testing circuit continuity on non-live systems. An assortment of standard automotive
Locates broken circuits in fuses, switches, sockets and wires. bladed fuses supplied in transparent storage
1m lead. box. Colour coded transparent fuse bodies.
Super sharp tempered steel probe to test through wire insulation. Rated to 32V.
Fuse material: zinc.
210mm Plug-in fuse type: 3A, 5A, 7.5A, PIECES
45mm 15A, 20A, 30A (15 of each).
Plug-in fuse type: 10A (30pcs).
Requires AA battery
(not supplied). Model Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
CCT001 90g -1000K 14.02 8.69
Model Weight Order Code List Offer High Amp Maxi Fuse Set
Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
For use on 6 and 12V An assortment of Maxi (High Amp)
SCT012 80g -1020K 10.96 6.80 automotive bladed fuses supplied in a
transparent storage case.
Commercial Duty Circuit Tester Colour coded transparent fuse bodies.
Suitable for use with power on. For 6, 12 and 24V automotive Fuse voltage rating: 32V.
systems only. Locates shorts, earths and open circuits. Fuse material: Zinc.
1.4m heavy duty lead with spring strain relief. Contents:
Super sharp stainless steel probe to test through wire insulation. Fuse types: 20A, 30A, 40A, 50A,
Probe length: 100mm. 60A, 70A, 80A, 100A (6 of each).
For fast, simple and strong splicing
of automotive electrical wires.
Easy-to-use, no wire strippers
or crimper required.
Model Weight Order Code List Offer PIECES
Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 For use on 6 and 12V Maximum electrical
XCT012 245g -1040K 19.95 12.37 rating: 600V.
Circuit 105C.
Tester material:
Durable polycarbonate handle with internal bulb, steel contact probe and 1.5m heavy duty brass.
rubber insulated lead fitted with sheathed crocodile clip. Plating: tin
202mm insulation.
Material: PP.
90mm Red: 0.5mm2
x 1.0mm2
Blue: 1.5mm2
x 2.5mm2
Product Range Weight Order Code List Offer Number Order Code List Offer
Number (DC Volts) each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
014900 6, 12, 24 160g -1029Q 19.95 15.76 50 -9930K 10.05 6.23
Page 841
Booster Professional Battery MADE IN
Cables Starter/Chargers ITALY
For use on cars and light commercial vehicles. High quality copper Startmaster
coated aluminium cables, colour coded (Red = positive, Black = In a tough steel case. Protected against reverse polarity. Fitted with
negative) fully insulated clamps. heavy duty charge leads and crocodileclips. Powerful charge and
400A: Suitable for use on boost rates. Easily accessible internal fuses. Ammeter for charging
up to 2.5L petrol and indication. Ideal for heavy duty garage and workshop use. All models
1.5L diesel vehicles. 12/24V excluding 05532 which is 12V.
Models 05534, 05536, 05537 are
500A: Suitable for wheel mounted. Model 05538
use on up to 5.5L is wheel mounted with
petrol and 3.0L charging timer. Model
diesel vehicles.
Supplied in
NEW 05539 is wheel
mounted with charging
Storage Bag timer and remote lead
Model Cable Amp Order Code List Offer for one-man operation.
Number Length Rating Core KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
KBC 400 3.5m 400 16mm2 -5360K 40.30 24.99
KBC 500 4.5m 500 25mm2 -5370K 48.37 29.99
BBC 35 480 4.30kg -5280K 89.95 55.77 charge leads and crocodile clips.
Easily accessible internal fuses.
Ammeter for charging level
Booster Cables 300A indication. Both
For use on cars and light commercial vehicles, these high quality, models are 12/24V
light duty copper coated aluminium cables are colour coded charging voltages
(Red = positive, Black = negative) and feature fully insulated clamps. and have two charge
300A: 10mm2 diameter cable suitable rate levels.
for use on up to 1.5L petrol vehicles.
Supplied in
Storage Bag 05531
Model Cable Amp Order Code List Offer Model Supply Battery Charging Order CodeList Offer
Number Length Rating Core SEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number Capacity Current SIP-494 Price/1 Price/1
05530 13amp 085Ah 12.5amp -5530L 133.60 106.88
SBC300 2.5m 300 10mm2 -1250K 18.74 14.24 05531 13amp 110Ah 16.0amp -5531M 167.00 133.60
Battery Chargers
Robust battery chargers suitable For home, garage and workshop use, with normal, fast and starter
for home and light workshop use. boost modes.
Simple and easy to use. LED Built-in voltmeters.
indicators. For WET batteries,
AGM technology and GEL batteries.
Optimised charging programme.
Efficient 3 stage charge. 100%
rated output. Portable and
lightweight. Intelligent circuit
control and protection.
Page 842
AB-30M 30Amp Manual Professional SWISS
Battery Charger Booster Packs MADE
Standard charger requires manual disconnection after charging. Designed for jump starting engines. Heavy duty extra-long insulated
250 Ampere jump start. booster clamps and copper cables. Surge protection. Outer casing
Switchable 12/24 Volt and fast or standard charge. constructed of impact-resistant plastic.
Voltage: 12/24V. 1 year battery warranty. Rapid mains
Peak amps: 350Ah. charger included. Peak tension
protection. Recharging indicator.
12v DC output socket.
Pro Booster 5024 (07192)
12/24V. 5000/2500amp
peak boost rate. 1680/840
cranking rate. With surge
protection. 40mm copper
cables and heavy duty clamps.
Extra fast charger.
Digital charge display
Model Charging Order Code List Offer Model Peak Order Code List Offer
Number Voltage Amps ABS-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number Voltage Amps SIP-273 Price/1 Price/1
AB-30M 12/24V 30A -1230D 185.65 157.80 07192 12/24V 5000/2500 -4836M 953.48 762.78
Product Charging Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer
Number Amps SIP-494 Price/1 Price/1 Number each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1 Voltage ALD-503 Price/1 Price/1
039 36 1600A -3313X 204.30 163.44 032005 225g -1519M 11.95 9.44 12V -3050E 42.23 33.78
Page 843
7-Piece Panel
Beating Set
Supplied in a high quality fitted blow moulded impact resistant case. Drop forged, high carbon steel hammers with ground heads and cheeks.
Hickory, octagonal section shafts. 1x: curved, utility, heel and toe dolly. 1x: 12oz shrinking hammer and flat faced bumping hammer, 1x 10oz
round finishing pick.
Group 525
No. of Weight Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer
Pieces each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Description KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
7 7.40kg -7650K 134.95 83.67 Replacement Case -2980K 14.95 10.47
Length Weight Order Code List Offer Length Weight Order Code List Offer Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) per 6 KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) per 6 KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) per 6 KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
120 7.10kg -7500K 30.37 18.83 64 7.50kg -7540K 21.96 13.62 132 7.10kg -7580K 23.99 14.87
Double-End Hand Dolly Toe Dolly (Low Crown Dolly) Heel Dolly
For reshaping For reshaping. Can be used For general reshaping
crowned panels in the hand to deliver a of contoured panels,
and general series of blows to the raising low spots
panel beating. underside of the panel. and general panel
Long crown enables beating.
use in hard to
reach areas.
Length Weight Order Code List Offer Length Weight Order Code List Offer Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) per 6 KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) per 6 KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) per 6 KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
75 6.90kg -7520K 22.70 14.07 120 8.50kg -7560K 21.85 13.55 81 5.80kg -7600K 18.74 11.62
Page 844
Dent Puller 3 Piece Panel Seam Splitter Set
Set Ideal for separating spot-welded panels during repairs.
For repairing dents in body panels. Supplied complete with self Stainless steel coated chrome vanadium with through tang
tapping pull screw for use where access to the rear of the panel is shafts allow use with hammers. Dual material soft grip handles for
blocked by reinforcements or other parts, a range of steel hooks and comfort and control. Includes 90, curved and straight seam
pull curls for pulling the edges of panels and a chain and hook. splitters. Cushioned handle absorbs any shock from hammer blows.
The long hammer shaft allows the pulling/striking force to be Made from super
precisely controlled. tough alloy steel.
Contents: (1x)
hammer (10lbs cast iron), 22.5 x 500 and 22.5 x 200mm pipes,
2 hole pipes, 6 x 170, 6 x 120, 6 x 200
and 3mm x 100mm plates, chain and hook,
hex nut and blow moulded storage case.
Spot Weld Remover
Suitable for cutting holes in steel metal, steel, plastic and brass.
PIECES The hardened steel cutter is reversible increasing tool life. Adjusting
the spring loaded centre point screw accurately controls the depth of
cut allowing the top to be removed whilst leaving the lower panel in
Fine adjustment of
cutting depth by
Trim Remover
Model Weight Order Code List Offer Set
Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
5-piece set of angled lever tools designed for the safe and
DP9 9.00kg -3460K 56.58 35.08 undamaged removal of trim and trim stud panels.
Manufactured from hi-tech resilient plastic
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
230mm 155g -1500K 16.21 10.05 045500 360g -1843B 14.95 11.81
Page 845
Hydraulic Body
Repair Kits
Porta Power with Ram & Spreader
Used for clamping, pulling, bending, straightening, spreading and
lifting operations. Snaps together. Heavy-duty hand pump has
automatic overload feature. Tough, blow moulded case. Strong
flexible hose with spring guards at both ends. 10,000PSI hydraulic
hand pump, 1/2 Tonne ram and spreader.
Single Speed Hydraulic Hand Pumps Twin Speed Hydraulic Hand Pumps
Rugged construction with an internal overload valve, Rugged construction. Internal overload valve prevents it from
a pressure rating of 10,000psi (700bar) being used beyond rated capacity.
and a 1/4 NPT thread size. Operates in a vertical and horizontal position.
Operates in a vertical Pressure rating 10,000psi (700bar). 3/8 NPT thread size.
and horizontal Pump handle locks into place to be used as a carrying handle.
Pressure Rating Oil Volume
Model PSI (Bar) Usable Oil Per Stroke Oil Port Length
Number Capacity Thread (mm)
Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 1 Stage 2
200 10,000
HPT035 350cc 7.0cc 1.0cc 3/8 NPT 310
(13.8) (700)
200 10,000
HPT070 600cc 13.0cc 2.8cc 3/8 NPT 528
(13.8) (700)
200 10,000
HPT250 2500cc 13.0cc 2.8cc 3/8 NPT 632
(13.8) (700)
Model Pressure Rating Usable Oil Oil Volume Per Oil Port Length
Number PSI (Bar) Capacity Stroke Thread (mm) Model Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
HPS035 (700) 350cc 3.2cc 1/4 NPT 292 HPT035 5.30kg -8900K 131.09 81.28
10,000 HPT070 8.00kg -8940K 157.87 97.88
HPS060 (700) 600cc 3.2cc 1/4 NPT 478 HPT250 12.0kg -8960K 202.09 125.30
Hydraulic Push Rams on. For use with Porta Power/Body Dozer power units.
Rugged construction with a heavy-duty return spring. Chrome plated
piston inhibits rusting. 1/4 NPT thread size. Accessories easily snap
Page 846
Bench Presses
Ideal for pressing, bending and extruding. The Hydraulic pump can be manually operated or
by compressed air connecting the airline supplied to an air supply line or direct to a
compressor providing at least 8 - 9.5bar at 4cfm. Hydraulic gauge is included.
Ideal for industrial and automotive applications.
20 Tonnes
Sturdy steel frame with end braces and wide feet for extra stability. Work bed height is
adjustable in 8 increments of 120mm, allowing large work pieces to be worked on with
maximum flexibility.
Capacity: 20 tonnes.
30 Tonnes
Heavy duty steel frame with
end braces and wide feet for
maximum stability.
Work bed height is fully
adjustable in 7 increments of
140mm, giving increased
flexibility when working with
large work pieces.
Capacity: 30 tonnes.
Can be
operated or
air operated
Weight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47kg.
diameter 33mm
Spare pump available - (KEN503-8820K), see page 856.
Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
60mm 30mm
Page 847
Lever Operated Folding Windscreen Stand Glass Run
Vacuums Lightweight tubular steel design with chain Channel Cleaner
For use in hand lift applications only. Multiple stops foam protection and rubber feet. Automotive glass run channel cleaners are
vacuums used on a single load can only Large rubber suckers prevent screen from for the fast removal of glass, chips and
improve handling. If using more than one moving during preparation. debris from run channels on
vacuum tool the ratio of maximum lift side windows. Suitable for
capacity does not increase. To lift heavier unhooking locking weather
weights a larger vacuum must be used. All strips around windscreens,
are fitted with a rubber suction cap which will with a long shaft for reaching
not damage contact surface during the lifting deep into door recess.
action. For use on glass and plastic or any Manufactured from hardened
smooth surface material and can and tempered chrome
also be used for pulling out vanadium steel with a
dents. comfort grip.
Single (VLS045) -8730K
Double (VLD070)
Triple (VLT070)
Folding frame makes this ideal
for both workshop and mobile
screen preparation.
Supplied flat pack
for self-assembly.
Windscreen Moulding
Release Tool -8710K
Model Cups Max Order Code List Offer
Number Lift KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Removes trim moulding around cemented
VLS045 1x10cm 45kg -2620K 14.95 9.27
windscreen and rear windows quickly and Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
VLD070 2x12cm 70kg -2640K 37.45 23.22 easily. Length each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
VLT070 3x12cm 110kg -2660K 49.95 30.97 260mm 150g -8710K 5.95 3.69
330mm 190g -8720K 7.09 4.40
610mm 190g -8730K 12.70 7.87
Filler Applicators
100mm wide plastic spreader, Type Weight Order Code List Offer
suitable for the PIECES each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Automotive Curved Hook Tools
Windscreen Curved hook tools are for inserting
application of Release Tool 90g -2810K 3.95 2.45
auto body and removing rubber seals and gaskets,
filler. they feature a long shaft and curved head
Wax Injector Gun for smooth operation in both directions.
WIG100 Manufactured from hardened
Pneumatic tool for spraying and injecting wax and tempered chrome vanadium
underseal into areas that are difficult to steel with a comfort grip.
Pack Order Code List Offer access, such as door cavities, inside box
Quantity Size KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 section chassis and around wheel arches.
5 100mm (4) -2820K 5.20 3.22 Has a 1ltr container with a NPT
connection, operates from 90 - 145psi
(6 - 10bar) air pressure with an air
Auto Body Filler Applicator Set consumption rate of 380ltr/min and a
4 Piece Set vacuum of (maximum) 550mm HG.
Spring steel blades Supplied with 900mm
with composite spray hose and
grips. Suitable for hanging hook.
the application of
auto body filler.
Blade widths:
12, 25, 50 Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
and 75mm. Length each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Size (W x H x D): 230mm 120g -8760K 8.95 5.55
123 x 210 x 5mm. 295mm 150g -8770K 10.15 6.29
Page 848
Brake Caliper Brake Fluid Tester (Battery Operated)
Spreader This ingenious tool is invaluable in the garage workshop for
Retracting brake caliper pistons can testing the quality of brake fluid. Testing for moisture content
be used with square drive in the fluid by resistance to electric current.
ratchet and 21mm hex You get instant results from the built-in LED indicator light system.
wrench or spanner and (Runs on 1x 1.5V AAA battery).
is suitable for use on most
cars and motorcycles.
Constructed from hardened
steel with phosphate
finished spreader plates Order Code List Offer
for corrosion protection. Description KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Brake Fluid Tester -1130K 32.77 20.32
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer
each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
8mm Hex 245g -2880K 4.03 2.50 02725000 -1153V 157.50 124.43
Page 849
Vacuum Testing & Pneumatic Brake & Clutch Bleeder
Brake Bleeding Kit PBB100
Vacuum testing kit that helps to locate and identify faults on cars, Has a 1ltr container with a
motorcycles and commercial vehicles. Supplied in robust blow NPT connection, operates
moulded case. from 90 - 145psi (6 - 10bar)
Contents: serviceable metal bodied vacuum pump, reservoir jar, air pressure with an air
transfer lid, storage lid, 4x lengths of 6mm ID tubing, 1x length of consumption rate of
4mm ID tubing adaptor. Set of brake bleeding adaptors, rubber cup 180ltr/min, an extraction rate
adaptor. of 1.6ltr/min and vacuum
Maximum vacuum: 550mm Hg. (max) of 550mm HG.
Reservoir capacity: 150ml. Handles non-flammable
liquids between 0 and 80C.
Angled Flat Band Hose Clip Heavy Duty Hose Clip Pliers -
Hose Clamp Pliers Pliers Clic Compatible
Removes and installs flat band hose clamps. 10614 With steel jaws and PVC coated
Swivel tips to grip at any angle. Locking Nickel plated, for use on self-tightening hose handles. These spring loaded
handle allows user to maintain open clips. dual purpose pliers are
position and hold clamp in place. designed for
fitting and
removing Clic and
Clic-R hose clips.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each STH-558 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
215mm 200g -1960K 11.75 7.29 220 (83/4) 295g -1061G 35.47 28.38 260mm 230g -4810K 24.91 15.44
Product Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer
Number ALD-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number ALD-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
ALB30558 -3090J 59.95 47.96 ALB30570 -3110L 64.66 51.73 660500 -6500A 9.95 7.86
Page 850
Hydraulic Spring Type
Hose Clamp Hose Pinch Tool
Spring loaded, clamps brake and fuel hoses to allow brake/clutch For clamping flexible brake lines, fuel lines, vacuum hose and other
slave cylinders to be disconnected or removed with the minimum of fluid lines up to 12mm diameter. Allows servicing to be carried out
fluid loss. without the need for system draining. Sliding lock collar allows hoses
to be fully or partly closed. Smooth rounded jaw edges avoid damage
to hoses.
All steel construction with
corrosion-resistant chrome
These pliers have steel jaws, PVC coated handles and a 1/2 sq for
use with torque wrenches and bar breakers. Suitable for all ear type
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Hose Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Range each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
AT4185 -4820K 28.22 17.50 11-60mm 330g -1940K 30.58 18.96
Page 851
Pressure Compression Tester
Tester Suitable for all types of spark plugs.
Cooling System & Radiator Cap Pressure Tester Finds faults in piston rings, valves,
Designed for the pressure testing of cooling systems and radiator caps up to 35psi (2.5bar). head gaskets and cylinder bores.
Suitable for use on most makes of car and commercial vehicles, including: Mercedes, Ford, Suitable for use on most petrol engine
Chrysler, Peugeot, Honda, Lexus, Mazda, Suzuki, Toyota, Nissan, Opel, Volkswagen, Saab, vehicles and motorcycles. Can be used on
Volvo, Audi, Citroen, Fiat and BMW. crankshaft seals in two-stroke engines.
195mm flexible hose. For use on 14mm and
Contents: 18mm threads. Large easy to read scale
14 radiator pressure 0 - 21bar/0 - 300psi. Air release valve to
testing caps, for use allow rapid re-testing.
in testing cooling
systems for leaks.
Two cap adaptors,
sizes 2 - 3 and 4 - 5,
for testing radiator
cap release pressure
and seal condition.
Two 200psi coolant
hoses (5/16 and 3/8),
for use with
T-adaptor for in-line
pressure testing.
T-adaptor for creating
in-line pressure testing
Two 3/4 hose clips.
Oil Pressure
Test Kit
Description Order Code List Offer The AST4494 is an updated kit covering a
KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 huge range of cars, vans, trucks and
Cooling System & Radiator Pressure Tester -0960K 299.95 185.97 motorcycles. Contains: quality gauge with
1m long hose, quick coupler system,
Vacuum & Fuel Pump Tester 90 elbow and range of 9 adaptors.
Suitable for use on most engines, from cars to commercial vehicles and most motorcycles.
Large, easy to read dual calibrated colour coded scale. Suitable for all types of spark plugs.
Can be used on crankshaft seals in two-stroke engines. Suitable for testing and finding fault
in petrol engines with spark misfires, poor engine compression, weak/rich mixture, ignition
over advanced/retarded, inlet manifold and carburettor air leaks, incorrect valve timing and
poor fuel economy. Can be used for carburettor balancing, checking turbo boost pressure up
to 0.7bar and fuel pump.
Length Adaptor
of Hose Thread
63mm M14
94mm M14
57mm M18
57mm M10
57mm M12
95mm M14, M18
95mm M10, M12
Cylinder Leakage
Test Kit
The AST4682D popular kit covers cylinder
leakage testing on a wide range of petrol
Contains: adaptors for 10, 12, 14 and
18mm spark plug hole connections.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each SYE-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number each AST-503 Price/1 Price/1
331905 2.30kg -3319F 305.95 281.47 AST4682 2.50kg -4682D 146.95132.26
Page 853
Piston Ring Valve & Piston Ring Valve Spring Compressor
Pliers Compressors Fully adjustable valve spring
To enable fast installation or removal of Designed for use on production lines as well compressor for use on large and
piston rings. A self-adjusting spring tensioned as in the automotive workshop. Able to diesel engines. A unique direct action
mechanism manufactured from nickel- cope with occasional commercial use. compressor lever gives improved visibility and
plated steel Manufactured from ease of use in areas of difficult
with PVC bright nickel plated access. Manufactured from heavy
handles for steel with PVC duty steel with all rivetted joints
extra grip. cushion grips. and a slip resistant rubber handle.
Capacity: Restricted access adaptors:
50 - 100mm 25, 30mm.
(2 - 4).
Page 854
Cylinder Cylinder Hone
Hone Set For honing of brake cylinders and
Four different honing tools in one set suitable for honing/deglazing car brake and clutch piston bores with capacities between
cylinders, motorcycle, lawnmower, outboard motor engine cylinders, small bore car engine 19 - 68mm. Self aligning flexible shaft
cylinders with capacities between 18 - 89mm. Self-aligning flexible shaft and leg assembly for and leg assembly for
smooth operation at all speeds and easy alignment. Honing diameter and pressure is adjusted smooth operation at
via a simple, spring and cone mechanism. Suitable for use with a variable speed electric or air all speeds. Honing
drill and fits into all three jaw chucks. Supplied in a plastic blow-moulded case. diameter and pressure
Overall length: 200mm. is adjusted via a
simple, spring and
Set Contents: main honing body, twin leg set - 50mm, triple leg set - 50mm, triple leg set - cone mechanism.
60mm; three sets of medium stones: 19 x 4.5mm (x3 off), 29 x 4.5mm (x5 off) and Suitable for use with
51 x 7.0mm (x3 off). a variable speed
Twin Leg 18 - 64mm electric or air drill
For small brake and fits into all 3 jaw
cylinders 50mm twin chucks. Supplied
leg set and 2x 29mm complete with a
stones. medium grade stone
(NB Ready assembled set. For storage
in kit) purposes legs are
Triple Leg 19 - 68mm retained in position by
For large brake/clutch a triangular clip. This
cylinders. Use medium can be removed using
collar, 50mm triple leg long nose pliers or
set and 3x 29mm tweezers and should
stones. be retained for further
Triple Leg 32 - 89mm use. Replacement
For disc brake stone sets available.
cylinders. Use large Use brake fluid for
spring, 60mm triple cutting lubricant.
leg set and 3x 19mm Overall length:
stones. 200mm.
Triple Leg 32 - 89mm
For small engine
cylinders. Use large
spring, 60mm triple
leg set and 3x 51mm BEST
stones. SELLER
Replacement Stone Sets - 3 Piece, Medium
LxW Weight Order Code List Offer Group 257
(mm) each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Weight Order Code List Offer
19 x 4.5 83g -2990K 5.09 3.16 Type Weight Order Code List Offer Type
each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
29 x 4.5 89g -2980K 5.09 3.16 3 Leg 105g -2940K 14.13 8.76
51 x 7.0 99g -3000K 6.19 3.84 4-in-1 248g -2930K 29.41 18.23 Replacement Stones - 29 x 4.5mm
Medium 83g -2980K 5.09 3.16
Cylinder Valve Grinders
Hone For grinding and lapping valves. Heavy Duty Cylinder Hone
Suitable for use with electric or air power Solid wood handle with rubber suction cup for For honing of brake cylinders and
drills. To hone and deglaze cylinder bores. firm positive grip. piston bores with capacities
The flexible drive shaft Overall length: 224mm. between 51 - 178mm.
allows for easy alignment Self-aligning flexible shaft and leg
within the cylinder. assembly for smooth operation at
Supplied complete with all speeds. Honing diameter and
220 grit stones. pressure is adjusted via a simple,
spring and cone mechanism.
Product Cup Dia. Order Code List Offer Suitable for use with a variable
Number (mm) SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1 speed electric or air drill and fits
660902 32 -6902R 1.39 1.10 into all three jaw chucks.
660903 22 -6903S 1.23 0.97
660904 19 -6904T 1.23 0.97 Supplied complete with a fine
660905 19 & 22 -6905V 1.79 1.41 grade stone set. For storage
purposes legs are retained in
Cylinder Hone Stone Sets position by a triangular clip.
This can be removed using
To suit 028000 long nose pliers or tweezers
Contents: and should be retained for
3x 19mm, 3x 29mm,
further use.
3x 50mm stones and Replacement stone sets
nine replacement available. Use brake fluid
spring clips. for cutting lubricant.
(Cylinder hone
not included.) Overall length: 290mm.
Product Grit Order Code List Offer
Number SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
028001 400 fine -1168M 24.95 19.71
028002 220 med -1168N 24.95 19.71
028003 100 coarse -1168P 24.95 19.71
To suit 028100
Contents: 3x 100mm stones and three Weight Order Code List Offer
replacement cotter pins. Type
each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Product Grit Order Code List Offer 3 Leg 380g -2920K 28.04 17.38
Product Capacity Order CodeList Offer Number SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1 Replacement Stone Sets - 100 x 9mm - 3 Piece
Number (mm) SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1 028101 400 fine -1169A 19.99 15.79 Fine 88g -2950K 11.64 7.22
028000 13 - 89 -1168L 49.95 39.46 028102 220 med -1169B 19.99 15.79 Medium 93g -2960K 11.64 7.22
028100 50 - 180 -1168T 47.95 37.88 028103 100 coarse -1169C 19.99 15.79 Coarse 97g -2970K 11.64 7.22
Page 855
2-in-1 Padded Creeper Board &
Heavy duty steel
frame with powder
coat finish. Vinyl
2 in 1
coated cushioning.
Quickly converts
from creeper to seat.
Adjustable back
and parts tray
2 in 1
when in the seat
Creeper Seat
The creeper seat
is fitted with a
parts tray for tools
and components.
113kg (250lbs).
Dimensions (L x W x H):
1020 x 475 x 120mm.
Weight: 5kg.
Lightweight Plastic
Creeper Board
Page 856
Lead Lamp Rechargeable 30+ 7 LED Rechargeable
Wire Cage Lamp Worklight - 230V
Designed for the professional, Ideal for use in automotive workshops and 37 super bright LEDs. Dual use as an
with heavy duty rubberised the construction industry. Heavy-duty rubber inspection lamp or directional torch. Moisture
handle, wire protection and polycarbonate case. Lasts protection IP44. Two magnets and two 360
cage with integral hook up to 6hrs when fully charged. swivel hanging hooks for hands free
and 4.8m of cable. Adjustable brightness. Durable, applications. Lower quarter of lamp rotates
Accepts screw-in (ES) robust and reliable. Foldaway 180 to use as a stand. Supplied with AC/DC
type bulb (supplied swivel hanging hook, wall or mains charger and 12V DC in-car charger for
separately). bench mount charging base portable charging.
4.8m with 1.9m power cable*. 30 7.2V (800mAh) Lithium-Ion battery. Main light
CABLE LEDs provide a constant high lasts up to 4 hours, and directional light lasts
light output. Water and oil- up to 20hrs, when fully charged.
Voltage Weight Order Code List Offer resistant to IP68. Powered
each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 by high capacity
240V 995g -5380K 19.95 12.37 lithium-ion polymer batteries.
Optional flashing mode. Sealed
Lead Lamp switch. Can be stood upright.
Uses induction charging
Plastic Cage technology. Battery low warning.
Plastic protection cage *Screws and wall
with integral hook and plugs for mounting
4.8m of cable. the charging unit to a
Accepts screw-in wall are not included.
ES) type bulb
4.8m Rated to
Order Code Offer
Voltage Weight Order Code List Offer Type EDI-904 Price/1 Price/1
each SEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
240V 720g -5370K 16.42 12.48 Rechargeable Lamp -1100K 88.66 47.88
24 LED Worklight
24 super bright LEDs. Magnetic base. Soft
Input Bulb Max Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer touch durable composite casing. 360 swivel
Voltage Fitting Rating KBE-282 Price/1 Price/1 Type KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 hanging hook for hands free applications.
110V Screw 60W -3200K 26.42 17.97 Rechargeable -5080K 77.65 48.14 Requires 3x AA batteries (not supplied).
240V Bayonet 60W -3220K 26.42 17.97 Lasts for
4 - 5 hours approx.
Mechanics Stethoscope IP20 moisture protection.
Professional stethoscope provides a fast and Length: 208mm.
easy way to locate noises in engines or Under Bonnet
bearings and other moving parts. High quality LED Lamp - 230V
surgical grade PVC and rubber parts for 120 LEDs give complete engine
increased sound definition, plastic ear-pieces bay illumination. Detachable
minimise outside noise with an aluminium extendable foam covered
alloy probe/needle for finding the exact mounting bracket to attach safely
Page 857
Strong steel chassis provides stability when under load. Fixed
direction castors and swivel castors for easier positioning under
vehicles. Long reach single piece pump handle with
comfort rubber for rapid raising and lower.
Safety overload protection valve prevents overload
damage to hydraulic mechanism. Integral carry handle.
GS and TUV approved.
T238: 525 x 225 x 145mm
T2.249: 695 x 344 x 180mm
T280: 1150 x 360 x 210mm
HTJ03: 630 x 344 x 180mm
Group 270
2 - 3 Days
Model Maximum Height (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Load Min. - Max. each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
(T280 Model Only)
T238 2000kg 130 - 380 12.0kg -6320K 53.47 33.15
T2.249 2250kg 145 - 495 36.5kg -6350K 99.00 61.38
Carriage at Cost T280 2000kg 140 - 800 58.0kg -6920K 321.20 199.14
HTJ03 3000kg 150 - 490 36.5kg -6360K 154.95 96.07
Weight Order Code Offer
Description each KEN-567 Price/1
Torsion Spring for T280 49g -7880K 7.71
Torsion Spring for T2.249 49g -7860K 7.71
Seal Repair Kit for T238 7g -8160K 7.51
T280 Model Seal Repair Kit for T2.249 4g -8180K 11.27
Heavy Duty
Trolley Jacks
Constructed from heavy gauge steel for heavy-duty use with a large diameter saddle for a secure hold under the jacking point. Extra
long handle for easy access under bigger vehicles which also tilts and locks in three positions with a built-in handle mounted safety release
to prevent accidental lowering of the load. A foot pedal pump and fine adjustment are fitted on the handle for optimum vehicle height.
Automatic safety overload protection and rear toe plate for easy positioning.
Toe plate
Pump handle
Control rod
2 - 3 Days Spares
Model Order CodeList Offer Order Code Offer
Number Capacity KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Description KEN-567 Price/1
T556 5 Tonne -6380K 640.89 397.35 Handle Assembly to -7800K 59.54
Carriage at Cost T1056 10 Tonne -6420K 971.20 602.14 suit T556 & T1056
Page 858
3 Tonne Quick Lift 2 Tonne Low Profile Long Reach Trolley Jacks
Trolley Jack A low entry height Trolley Jack. Heavy duty fixed direction castors,
3 tonne capacity. One stroke instant lift foot pedal, raises the saddle swivel castors and inside wheel ensure excellent manoeuvrability and
up to jack point to increase productivity. Constructed from heavy easy positioning under the vehicle prior to lifting. The foot pedal is to
gauge steel. 1m, two-piecehandle. 120mm diameter saddle. rapidly raise and lower the load arm and the vehicle. The long reach
Automatic safety overload protection. Positive twist, lock and release pump handle has a comfort rubber grip. Includes a practical tray for
mechanism. Heavy duty carrying tools and a rubber pad for the saddle. For use on a firm level
rear swivelling castor wheels. surfaces. DO NOT work under the raised vehicle until another means
Maximum load: 3000kg. of support, such as axle stands are in place.
Minimum height: 145mm.
Maximum height: 490mm.
T349: 685 x 346 x 180mm
Model Maximum Height (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer Dimensions
Number Load Min. - Max. each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 T510L: 1010 x 365 x 135mm
T349 3000kg 145 - 490 37.2kg -7100K 154.95 96.07 T525L: 1150 x 350 x 180mm
2.5 Tonne
STJ330 (2 tonne)
Model Maximum Height (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Load Min. - Max. each SEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
STJ330 2000kg 135 - 330 8.5kg -6320K 32.88 24.99
STL410 3000kg 130 - 410 15.8kg -6360K 72.35 54.99
Model Maximum Height (mm) Weight Order Code Offer Model Order Code Offer
Number Load Min. - Max. each KEN-503 Price/1 Type SEN-567 Price/1
T5359 2000kg 89 - 359 14.5kg -6520K 40.94 Seal Reparie Kit for Sen-503-6360K -0500K 6.99
T450L 2500kg 85 - 450 34.0kg -6530K 104.99 Seal Reparie Kit for Sen-503-6320K -0510K 6.49
Page 859
Bottle Heavy Duty Bottle Jacks
Jacks With machined/cast steel bases and cylinder housings.
With large cast iron bases with a steel cylinder housing and an Fitted with an overload protection valve. Three piece
adjusting notched saddle. Fitted with an overload protection valve. 'pumping' handle also operates hydraulic release. Use on
Two piece pumping handle also a firm level surface. DO NOT work under the vehicle until
2, 3 and 5 tonne jacks another means of support, such as axle stands, are used.
operates hydraulic release. Use on a supplied in a robust plastic
firm level surface. DO NOT work under case
the vehicle until another means of
support, such as axle stands, are used.
Models B234, B337 and B541 are
supplied in a robust blow moulded carry
case. Complies with the EC Machinery
Directive. GS and TUV approved.
(Load ratings are metric tonnes
i.e. 1 tonne = 1,000kg).
All supplied with spare seals.
Model Max Load Height (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer
Model Max Load Height (mm) Max Saddle Weight Order Code List Offer Number (Tonne) Min. - Max. each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Number (Tonne) Min. - Max. Adjustment each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 B3047 30 285 - 475 23.0kg -5770K 149.95 92.97
B234 2 181 - 345 48mm 3.00kg -5820K 19.95 12.37 B5048 50 300 - 480 34.0kg -5790K 199.95 123.97
B337 3 194 - 372 60mm 3.75kg -5840K 22.95 14.23
216 - 416 70mm 4.90kg
230 - 457 80mm 5.75kg
Scissor Jack
B1246 12 230 - 465 80mm 7.50kg -5710K 49.95 30.97 Made from heavy-duty steel with a rubber saddle which provides a
B1546 15 230 - 460 80mm 8.50kg -5730K 64.95 40.27 positive grip and prevents damage to jacking points. Designed to
B2045 20 242 - 452 60mm 11.0kg -5750K 79.95 49.57 safely raise vehicles. Easy to use and compact for easy storage.
1 Tonne (1000kg) safe working load. Wide base plate for extra
Ratcheting Axle Stands stability.
Suitable for Lifting range: 88 - 383mm.
supporting raised Base plate size: 150 x 90mm.
vehicles or equipment. Spindle thread: 12.5 x 2.5mm.
Protective red enamel
coating. 10-position
ratchet design that
automatically locks
when raised.
Group 582
Type Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Engine Support 500kg -8100K 119.95 74.37
Page 860
Telescopic Hydraulic Nut Splitter Set
Transmission Jack The hydraulic ram provides up to 10 tonnes of direct non-twisting
Ideal for car and light commercial transmission removal and application of thrust that is more effective and secure than a
installation. Fully adjustable universal rotary saddle with adjustable mechanical thrust screw. Fully threaded body allows for quick and
corner brackets and safety chains. Foot operated pump and release easy height adjustment. The splitter bodies are manufactured from
valve leaves both hands free to manoeuvre transmission. Wide base carbon steel.
with four 3 dia. swivel-type ball bearing castors providing stability 8 Piece Set contents:
and easy manoeuvring. Two-stage flash chromed rams inhibit rust 1x hydraulic ram.
from entering the hydraulic 1x splitter body 3/8 diameter capacity.
system. Lifts from 875 to 1x splitter body 1/2 diameter capacity.
1800mm. 1x splitter body 5/8 diameter capacity.
1x splitter body 3/4 diameter capacity.
1x splitter body 1 diameter capacity. PIECES
1x threaded attachment sleeve.
1x oil bottle.
Contents TTJ500
Capacity Tonne
Ram Extensions 2
Minimum Saddle Height 875mm
Maximum Saddle Height 1800mm
Saddle Size 680 x 810mm
Chain Length 95mm
Saddle Tilt Forward 24
4 Piece Set
Contents (1 of each): No.1, No.2, No.3, No.4.
2 - 3 Days
Carriage at Extra Cost
Page 861
Oil Drain Plug Strap Type Oil Filter Adjustable Oil
Key Set Remover Filter Wrench
DPK017 Used for gripping round and irregular shaped U.48PB
A comprehensive set of quality 3/8 sq. drive items, tubes and piping. Ideal for oil filters, Can be used with all diameter filters from 66
oil drain plug keys with tommy bar. hot radiator caps and hub caps. to 105mm. Universal tightening
Made from satin finished chrome vanadium. power whatever the size of the
Contents: Male Square: 7mm, 8mm (5/16), filter. Easy to use - release the
9mm, (3/8), 10mm, 11mm, 12mm and wrench and position over the
13mm. Female Square: 10mm. filter. Unlock to snap shut the
Male Hex: 8, 9, 10, 12, 14 and strap automatically around the
17mm. Male Triangular 10mm. filter giving a tight and effective
PIECES fit. Tighten or loosen with the
Tommy bar.
fast ratchet action. Comes
with a lock switch for NEW
extra grip for stubborn
Diameter Weight Order Code List Offer or jammed filters.
(mm) each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Product Diameter Order Code List Offer
60 - 140 280g -9500K 24.70 15.31 Number (mm) FAC-503 Price/1 Price/1
U.48PB 66 - 105 -9674N 64.59 54.90
Chain Wrench Oil Filter Remover
Used for gripping round and irregular shaped Chain Type Oil
items, tubes and piping. Ideal for oil filters, Filter Remover
hot radiator caps and hub caps.
Mild steel shank with 1 external hex and 1/2
Product Number Order Code List Offer internal square drive. Heavy
Number of Pieces KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 duty leaf link chain
DPK017 17 -1720K 48.95 30.35 suitable for removing
large oil, fuel and water
Oil Filter Cap Wrench Set filters on commercial
vehicles, plant
Cap type filter wrenches manufactured from machinery etc.
chrome vanadium with a satin finish. Use
with 3/8 or 1/2 sq drive wrenches to remove
paper cartridge style oil filters.
Contents: 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 38mm and
1/2 - 3/8 adaptor.
Diameter Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
60 - 140 430g -9520K 16.09 9.98
Product Diameter Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
Oil Filter Pliers
038900 150 -1607V 41.95 33.14
Manufactured from hardened and tempered
chrome vanadium with chemically blackened
corrosion resistant finish and vinyl grip. Steel Loop Oil Filter Removers
Three position rapid jaw adjustment with high Die-cast screw with non-stretch steel band.
grip tooth profile, ensures the minimum The tool is looped over the filter and
amount of effort is required to remove or fit tightened. Once the filter is gripped firmly it
oil filters. can be removed. Suitable for one-handed
use in areas of confined access.
Articulated filter wrench with and a 1/2 internal square drive. Suitable for
swivel action tightener. removing oil, fuel and water filters, gripping
Suitable for oil filters with hubs and brake drums, removing exhausts
limited access. etc. The compact design allows use in
Capacity: confined spaces.
75 - 110mm.
Spread/ Weight Order Code List Offer Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer Product Diameter Order Code List Offer
Range each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 each SEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
60 to 120mm 600g -1800K 22.50 13.95 75 to 110mm 320g -1800K 14.95 11.36 038600 300 -1606E 34.95 27.61
Page 862
Parts Washer -
Bench Standing
Used in garage, workshop and industrial applications for degreasing components for inspection and prior to assembly. Recirculated
cleaning fluid is filtered before entering the pump and being directed over the workpiece. Flexible chrome finish metal delivery hose. Heavy
duty non-welded one piece tank. Fully enclosed electric nylon pump. Self-latching fusible linked lid closes in the event of a fire. Triple baked
enamel finish. Accepts all common degreasing agents. Shelf keeps parts out of solvent during inspection and drying. Immersion soaking
when the parts shelf is removed. Fitted with a 3 pin moulded plug and a 1.6m power cable.
Minimum agent capacity 9ltr. Maximum agent capacity 13ltr. Rubber feet. 240V.
Overall size (L x W x H): 470 x 340 x 250mm.
Tank size (L x W x H): 400 x 310 x 230mm.
Power rating: 25W.
Voltage: 240V.
Rated input: 0.3A.
Replacement Parts
Order Code Offer
Description KEN-567 Price/1
Flexible Hose for PWB013 -6050K 8.98
Model Weight Order Code List Offer Flexible Hose for PWF050 -6060K 11.97
Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Filter for PWB013 -8600K 3.92
Filter for PWF050 -8640K 6.52
PWF050 31.0kg -8640K 179.95 111.57 Pump for PWF050/PWB013 -8700K 32.48
Page 863
Bearing Pullers
Industrial Reversible/Double-Ended Adjustable
Used for the removal of gears, ball races, bearings, pulleys and
sprockets from a drive shaft. With reach capacities of 75, 100, 150
and 200mm.
All sizes have double-ended, adjustable, reversible legs and can be
used for internal and external applications.
Always use a three jaw puller 2 Jaw -
JAW Internal
whenever possible. This produces
better load distribution across Assembly
the jaws and easier and safer
removal of the part. Determine
what spread is needed - this is
the width of the part to be
removed. The reach capacity is 3 Jaw - JAW
determined by the depth of the External
part to be removed. Assembly
3 Jaw -
UP TO Assembly
Spare Jaws
All pullers can be assembled are also 2 Jaw -
for internal or external use. Available External
3 Jaw Pullers - Supplied with both 3-legged yoke Combined 2+3 Jaw Pullers -
Product Spread Reach Thread Order Code List Offer 4-in-1
Number (mm) (mm) Length KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Supplied with 2 and
MP375 40 - 75 60 125 -3130K 20.69 12.83 BEST 3-legged yokes and
MP3100 50 - 100 70 160 -3140K 29.79 18.47 SELLER 3 leg assemblies -
MP3200 60 - 150 120 240 -3160K 48.84 30.28 allowing the pullers to be
MP3150 80 - 200 175 335 -3180K 84.19 52.20
configured in 2 jaw internal /
external or 3 jaw internal / external assemblies.
2 Jaw Pullers - Supplied with both 2-legged yoke
Product Spread Reach Thread Order Code List Offer Product Spread Reach Thread Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) (mm) Length KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) (mm) Length KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
MP275 40 - 75 60 125 -3030K 14.83 9.19 MP275 40 - 75 60 125 -3230K 32.16 19.94
MP2100 50 - 100 70 160 -3040K 21.33 13.22 MP2100 50 - 100 70 160 -3240K 46.17 28.63
MP2200 60 - 150 120 240 -3060K 34.66 21.49 MP2200 60 - 150 120 240 -3260K 75.67 46.92
MP2150 80 - 200 175 335 -3080K 60.03 37.22 MP2150 80 - 200 175 335 -3280K 105.41 65.35
adjustable, providing more pulling
Spread: 350mm.
Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Reach each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
300mm 1.20kg -3320K 48.17 29.87 083300 12.0kg -2153D 169.95 134.26
Page 864
Mechanical Puller - Bearing Mounting
Combination Sets Tool Kit
2 & 3 Jaw Reversible Adjustable The right combination of impact ring and mounting sleeve ensures
Two position jaws can be adjusted for the effective transmission of mounting force. The simultaneous
increased pulling options. support of the outer and inner rings prevents the risk of deterioration
Spread: 60mm. of the races and rotating assemblies. The kit is also suitable for the
Reach: 50mm. mounting of other components such as handles, spacers, sealing
rings, seals, pinions and pulleys.
Light and strong construction for workshop use, toolbox contains:
33 Impact Rings:
Very robust for a long working life.
Impact-resistant, synthetic material, avoiding metal-to-metal contact.
Ideal for use in conjunction with a press.
Group Calibrated for approximately 400 different bearings with bore
669 diameters between 10 and 50mm and with outside diameters
between 26 and 110mm.
Clearly and permanently identified to aid selection.
&3 50mm
3 Mounting
Light and
Product Weight Order Code List Offer robust,
Number each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1 made of
082300 0.30kg -2100N 45.95 36.30 aluminium.
With a
good grip
Mechanical Pullers for the
2/3 Jaw General-Purpose hand.
Double-ended reversible 1 Special
legs, for internal and Dead Blow
external applications. Mallet:
082705 Ensures
Spread: 150mm. optimum
Reach: 80mm. impact.
082805 Bore Outside Order Code List Offer
Spread: 200mm. Diameter Diameter SNR-669 Price/1 Price/1
Reach: 140mm. 10 & 50mm 26 & 110mm -4310L 434.77 413.03
Bearing Puller
To remove grooved ball bearings efficiently from shafts and cases
without dismounting the bearing. This ideal tool assortment is
suitable for bearing sizes from 10 to 100mm bore diameter.
Six puller arm sets and two threaded spindles in a practical case.
Puller arm with a joint in order to guarantee an optimal power
transmission on the bearing. User-friendly because of the elastic
retaining ring which keeps the puller arms in position. Puller arm
made from quality steel.
Product Order Code List Offer
Number Beams SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
082705 2/3 Jaw -2110T 81.95 64.74
082805 2/3 Jaw -2120M 155.95 123.20
Reach: 75mm.
Spread: 150mm.
Reach: 150mm.
Spread: 150mm.
Reach: 225mm.
Order Code
List Offer
Price/1 Price/1
0.85kg -2250A
3.70kg -2253D
6.00kg -2260M
83.95 66.32
149.95 118.46
189.95 150.06
Order Code
Page 865
Bearing Bearing Separator &
Separators Puller Set
For removing bearings, gears and bushes from shafts Bearing separator with two
where access with a interchangeable thin jaw puller
mechanical puller legs. Puller has a 75mm spread
is restricted. and reach.
Separators have tapered The separator has a maximum
edge for insertion diameter of 55mm and a reach
behind close fitting of 115mm.
bearings, gears and
Jaw hardness:
42 - 45 HRC.
150mm 115mm
Product Capacity Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 55mm
BS50 30 - 50 -4520K 19.95 12.37 CAPACITY
BS75 50 - 75 -4540K 25.95 16.09
BS105 75 - 105 -4560K 36.95 22.91
BS150 105 - 150 -4580K 99.95 61.97
Mechanical Separator Set Product Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
30 - 75mm
For removing bearings, gears, 093005 75/55 2.00kg -2301B 129.95 102.66
sprockets and bushes.
Metal storage case. Separator & Puller Combination Set
Contents: Set contains components to make five different
1x 7 thrust bolt. puller/separator combinations:
1x 30 - 50mm 10mm, 89mm reach three jaw internal or
separator. external puller.
1x 50 - 75mm Thin jaw, two jaw puller
separator. internal or external.
2x 80 and 100mm 55mm diameter
main rods. separator.
2x 90 and 110mm
extension rods.
1x beam.
Order Code
MS12 4.95kg -4750K 109.95 68.17
Internal Extractor REACH
Kits Product Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
The collets are precision machined, supplied complete with sliding Number (mm) each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
hammer assembly. For removing rapidly and efficiently gears, 094003 10 2.95kg -2403D 199.95 157.96
bearings, pinions, oil seals when conventional pullers cannot be
used. Collets close down to allow passage through a bore and then Multipull Blind Housing Pullers
wind out to grip the blind side of the component.
For the removal of blind housing bearings without the need to
dismantle machinery or remove the running shaft. Positive seating
allows even tension on the inner and outer bearing rings reducing
resistance. The stabilisers reduce sideways movement and self
centres the puller. The three sets cover a range of ISO bearings,
if there is no ISO reference on the bearing refer to the puller spread
and adaptor.
098000 - ISO designation: 6004-6010, 6004-6015.
Reach: 125mm.
Adaptor dia.:
5.5 - 8mm.
Product Diameter Weight Order Code List Offer 098100 -
Number Min. Max. each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
ISO designation:
095801 6.0 13.0 2.10kg -2506P 133.95 105.82 6299-6205,
095800 6.0 60.0 8.30kg -2505M 575.00 454.25
095802 13.0 30.0 2.50kg -2507Q 173.95 137.42 6200-6211 and
095804 8.0 22.5 3.70kg -2508P 206.95 163.49 6212-6222.
Reach: 415mm.
Collets Other sizes available on request. Adaptor dia.:
Product Diameter Weight Order Code List Offer 5.5 - 12.5mm.
Number Min. Max. each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
095810 8.0 11.0 -2509Y 31.95 25.24
095811 10.5 13.0 -2510A 31.95 25.24 Product Diameter Weight Order Code List Offer
095812 13.0 18.0 -2511C 36.95 29.19 Number Min. Max. each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
095813 18.0 22.5 -2512E 42.95 33.93 098000 20 95 0.85kg -2600A 134.95 106.61
095814 22.5 30.0 -2513G 59.95 47.36 098100 20 117 3.15kg -2610H 276.95 218.79
Page 866
Mechanical Slide Hammer Puller Set Slide Hammer Puller Set
Puller Sets Multi-function 3 Jaw Internal & External
SWP9 Steering Wheel Fully hardened and chromed carbon steel Multi-function
Suitable for GM, Ford and Chrysler vehicles. slide hammer with a 1.2kg weight. Slide Hammer Puller Set
Also suitable for removing pulleys and fly Slide hammer design for removing bearings Fully hardened and chromed carbon steel
wheels. from blind housings. Suitable for use where a slide hammer with a 1.2kg weight.
shaft or other solid surface is not available Slide hammer design for removing bearings
Contents: for a thrust bolt or hydraulic ram to push
1x yoke, from blind housings.
against. The bearing is removed by the Suitable for use where a shaft or other solid
1x thrust bolt. impact action of the slide hammer weight
1x thrust cap. surface is not available for a thrust bolt or
hitting the stop at the end of the bar. The hydraulic ram to push against. The bearing is
2x 75mm screws puller legs are securely located on the
(5/16 x 24 UNF). removed by the impact action of the slide
bearing by screwing down the tapered nut to hammer weight hitting the stop at the end of
2x 75mm screws lock the arms in position. Blow moulded
(3/8 x 16 UNC). the bar. The puller legs are securely located
storage case. on the bearing by screwing down the tapered
2x 90mm screws
(5/16 x 18 UNC). Contents: nut to lock the arms in position.
1x plastic storage tray. 1x T-bar. Blow moulded case.
1x hammer. 6 Piece Set Contents:
1x two jaw head. 1x T-bar. PIECES
1x three jaw head. PIECES
1x hammer 1.2kg.
1x leg locking nut. 1x 3 jaw internal puller 15 - 30mm.
1x grip wrench adaptor. 1x 3 jaw internal puller 30 - 80mm.
1x tapping adaptor and hook. 1x 3 jaw external puller 15 - 80mm.
2x axle pullers. 1x blow moulded case.
3x 120mm puller legs,
3x screw and nut assemblies.
HPB9 Harmonic Balance
For harmonic balance removal, timing gears
1x blow moulded
storage case. 3
and other parts with bolt circle diameters
from 38 to 117mm
(11/2 to 45/8).
Ductile steel yoke.
1x yoke.
1x thrust bolt.
1x ram nut.
3x 75mm screws
(3/8 x 24 UNF).
3x 75mm screws
(3/8 x 16 UNC).
1x plastic storage tray.
2 Jaw
CP18 Combination
Steering wheel puller suitable for GM, Ford
and Chrysler vehicles.
For harmonic balance removal, timing gears
and other parts with bolt circle diameters
from 38 to 117mm (11/2 to 45/8).
As SWP9 and HPB9 above.
Page 867
6 Way Hydraulic Hydraulic Pullers
Puller Set 2 and 3 Jaw Kits
10 ton capacity hydraulic ram Combination twin/triple leg puller kits.
with tommy bar. Complete with ram extension offer a wide range of pulling options.
Supplied with three position puller Suit most applications.
legs covering a spread 153405:
of 100 - 240mm and reach Spread: 100mm.
of 0 - 150mm. Reach: 100mm.
Can be used as a two or three Extension: 50mm.
legged puller with the same head.
Contents: Spread: 150mm.
1x combination head. Reach: 150mm.
1x hydraulic ram. Extension: 50mm.
3x three position puller Contains components to make up four different pullers. In metal box.
6x leg connectors.
6x screw nuts, bolts and
1x 50mm extension rod.
1x centre adaptor.
1x blow moulded storage
&3 250mm
Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Model Weight Order Code List Offer Number each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 153405 3.70kg -2831A 182.95 144.53
HP19 4.90kg -3500K 164.95 102.27 155000 8.20kg -2850A 259.95 205.36
Page 868
Hydraulic Separator & Hydraulic
Puller Combination Set Separator Sets
Manufactured from forged alloy steel. HS7 105 - 150mm
Taper jaws allow the HS11 75 - 105mm
separator to be used For removing bearings, gears, sprockets and bushes.
where access behind the 10 ton capacity hydraulic ram with tommy bar. Metal storage case.
component is too
restricted to use normal Both sets contain:
pullers. Makes four 1x hydraulic ram.
hydraulic pullers and one 1x separator.
separator. 2x 200mm main rods. PIECES
In lockable metal case. 2x 230mm extension rods.
1x beam.
Spread: 150mm. 1x ram nut.
Reach: HS7 (only) also contains
50/100/150mm. 1x 80mm push plate.
1x 50mm ram extension.
1 x 100mm ram
Product Diameter Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Min. Max. each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
155200 10 105 19.0kg -2857H 459.95 363.36
Hydraulic Puller
Have a simple, grease filled ram HS7 Set
instead of the mechanical force Illustrated
screw. This produces more power easily and
efficiently. The spring loaded plunger Product Weight Order Code List Offer
provides direct, non-twisting Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
application of thrust safely. HS7 15.0kg -4700K 225.95 140.09
Hydraulic Micro Puller - 3 Jaw HS11 9.30kg -4720K 154.95 96.07
The jaws are manufactured from
drop-forged steel with independent Hydraulic Puller/ Separator Set
leaf springs for positive location. 10 ton capacity hydraulic ram with tommy bar.
Suitable for the rapid removal of Suitable for agricultural machines,
small bearings. garage and industrial use.
Spread: 19 - 45mm. Contents:
Reach: 73mm. 1x hydraulic ram
(KEN- 503-7200K).
73mm 3x 4, 6 and 8 puller legs.
REACH 1x twin head.
1x triple head.
Product Order Code List Offer 1x 50mm ram extension.
Number SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1 1x 100mm ram extension.
082150 -2100C 75.95 60.00 2x 200mm main rods.
2x 230mm extension rods.
Thin Jaw Hydraulic Puller - Combination Set 1x 75 - 105mm separator.
1x bolt.
Manufactured from forged 1x ram ring. 1x ram nut.
steel, with thin jaws for Blow moulded storage case.
access where the
clearance behind the
component is limited.
Hydraulic 2 & 3 Jaw Kit
Spread: 225mm.
Reach: 225mm.
Extension: 50/150mm.
Contains components to
make up to five different
hydraulic and one
mechanical thin jaw puller.
In metal box.
&3 225mm
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Model Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
186504 15.0kg -2906N 624.95 493.71 HPS22 16.0kg -3520K 299.95 185.97
Page 869
Ball Joint Ball Joint Servicing Kit
Separators Made from cast iron and hardened carbon steel, this kit is designed
Manufactured from drop forged alloy steel with slim tapered fork jaw for the removal of press fit type ball joints without having to remove
for easier access into confined areas. Suitable for use on most the control arm from the vehicle. The kit can also be used for
car and light commercial vehicle ball joints. removing brake anchor pins and the servicing of universal joint
100mm Overall Length - Restricted Access
Designed for use in hard to reach and confined areas.
Mainly for use on Asian import cars.
overall length
Page 870
Noid Light 6 Piece Standard
Test Set Timing Light
NLT060 For checking and setting ignition timing on automotive, agricultural
The Kennedy Noid light test set is for diagnosing fuel injector signal and marine engines. For use on 12V systems. Reverse polarity
faults fast. Simply disconnect the injector harness and plug in the protected. Accurate to 8,000rpm. 135cm long durable power leads.
relevant noid light. Turn the ignition on - if the light is constant or Impact resistant housing. On/off trigger switch. Bright linear Xenon
absent, then the signal from the ignition system is at fault. flash tube for daylight use. Focused lens provides concentrated light.
Easy to use and fits a wide variety of injector harnesses. Easy to apply inductive impulse pick-up.
Compatible with: GM - TBI GM - SCPI. GM - PFI,
Universal Sprocket
Holding Tool
An essential tool for many timing belt
replacement applications. Used to
counter-hold camshaft or injection
pump sprockets during release Description
Order Code List Offer
of centre bolt. KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Standard Timing light -5340K 57.95 35.93
Product Order Code List Offer pick-up
Number AST-503 Price/1 Price/1 Advance dial
AST4500 -4500N 68.29 61.46
Page 871
4000kg Elasticated Steel Jerry Cans 5ltr Fuel Container
Tow Rope Manufactured from 16 swg steel. Suitable for Suitable for transporting and storage
Model TRE400 storing petrol. of petroleum spirit
Two zinc plated steel safety Suitable for storing and and diesel.
hooks. Elasticated core transportation of diesel, UN approved,
minimises drag on paraffin and conforms with
overrun. Heavy duty motor oil. S.I. 1982/630
stitched webbing. With lever type Petroleum Spirit
On tow sign. safety sealing Plastic Container
Manufactured to cap and integral Regulations 1982.
BS AU 187 1983. carrying handle. Colour coded for
Painted outside use with different
Extended length: 4m. and phosphated fuel types.
UN Approved, Weight Order Code List Offer
Order Code List Offer Class 3. Colour each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Length KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Red 630g -9010K 9.45 5.86
4m -8240K 28.95 17.95 Green 630g -9020K 9.45 5.86
Order Code List Offer Black 630g -9030K 9.45 5.86
Capacity KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
2000kg Tow Rope 5ltr -9270K 27.94 17.32
Model TRP200 10ltr -9260K 32.95 20.43 Non-Approved Fuel Container
Zinc plated steel 20ltr -9250K 39.95 24.77 Durable
safety hook. Metal Spouts For Jerry Can polyethylene
Looped one end. Order Code List Offer containers.
Manufactured Capacity KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Diesel, petrol,
from tough 5 & 10ltr -9300K 13.45 8.34 chemical and oil
high visibility 20ltr -9320K 12.75 7.91 resistant.
polypropylene. Integral rigid
On tow sign. 20ltr Plastic dispensing
Manufactured to spout.
BS AU 187 1983.
Jerry Can
Length: 3.6m. HDPE (high density polyethylene) jerry Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
Order Code List Offer each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Length can complete with patented jerry can 5ltr 320g -9100K 8.98 5.57
KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 locking cap and internally stored 10ltr 500g -9120K 10.33 6.40
3.6m -8220K 8.80 5.46 spout. Suitable for liquid fuels. 20ltr 755g -9140K 15.53 9.63
Robust and resistant against
Telescopic impact. Steel Fuel Can
UN Approved.
Wheel Wrench Class 3. Manufactured from heavy gauge steel with an
Manufactured from drop forged chrome epoxy coated finish. Supplied with a flexible
vanadium steel. Supplied with 17/19mm polythene vented pouring spout. Suitable for
double ended socket that will fit the majority storage and transportation
of car wheel nuts. Can be used with any of petroleum spirit.
other 1/2 drive accessories. Extends to Tested to
500mm overall to give maximum leverage. DIN 7274,
GS and TUV approved. complies with
UN Class 3.
Drive Weight Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
each SEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Capacity PRL-540 Price/1 Price/1 Capacity each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
1/2 1.00kg -9000K 7.38 5.61 20ltr -5610A 23.55 20.02 10ltr 1.90kg -9200K 30.87 19.14
Product Capacity Colour Order Code Offer
Number CTL-503 Price/1
SFC1B 5ltr -5187Q 16.15
SFC2B 10ltr -5187S 20.40
SFC1G 5ltr Green -5189S 16.15
SFC2G 10ltr -5189V 20.40
Order Code List Offer SFC1R 5ltr -5189W 16.15
Description KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Red Weight Order Code List Offer
SFC2R 10ltr -5189Y 20.40
SFC1Y 5ltr -5189Z 16.15 each MED-996 Price/1 Price/1
Warning Yellow
-8400K 9.95 6.17 SFC2Y 10ltr -5190B 20.40 0.78kg -1080K 55.63 48.95
Page 872
Mini Air Compressor/ Air Line Tyre Inflator
Pressure Gauge/Tyre Inflator This push on type tyre inflator is robust
For inflating tyres, airbeds, boats, sports equipment and any other and has a dial type pressure gauge
inflatable products. Complete with 3m reading up to a maximum of 170psi.
of cable 12V car The pressure gauge is protected from
cigarette lighter accidental damage by a rubber shock
plug, nozzles guard.
and adaptors. Max. Pressure Weight Order Code List Offer
The dual air Reading each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
pressure 170psi 720g -8480K 51.14 31.71
gauge can be
read in both
lb/in2 and Heavy Duty Air Line
kg/cm2. Tyre Inflator with Gauge
300psi. This heavy duty push on inflator is of rugged construction and has a
clear view integral pressure gauge reading from 10 - 120psi.
Weight Order Code List Offer Max. Pressure Weight Order Code List Offer
Voltage each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Reading each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
12 1.3kg -2500K 21.95 13.61 120psi 635g -8520K 61.95 38.41
Max. Pressure Weight Order Code List Offer Max. Pressure Weight Order Code List Offer
Reading each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Reading each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
120psi 43g -8460K 9.25 5.74 64psi 125g -8440K 17.75 11.01
Tyre Tread Mini Digital Tyre 4-Way Tyre Valve Service Tool
Depth Gauge Pressure Gauge This case hardened tool is for
Vehicle Inspectorate approved for MoT Suitable for measuring of unit of pressure, the internal and external repair
testing. Pocket sized, complete with clip and psi, bar, kgf/cm2 or of valve threads, insertion
clear, easy to understand scale for fast kpa. Large LCD display. and removal of
tyre tread depth checks. Range: 0 - 100psi valve cores.
(0 - 7.0bar),
0 - 7.0kgf/cm2
(0 - 700kpa). Order Code List Offer
Product Order Code List Offer Product Order Code Offer Type KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Number SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1 Description BAT-331 Price/1 4-Way Tyre Valve
032800 -1523X 5.99 4.73 Mini Tyre Gauge -2610A 10.00 -8500K 5.45 3.38
Service Tool
Digital Tyre Digital Tread Depth Gauge Tyre Tread Depth Gauge
Profile Gauge Suitable for tread depth, brake shoe and pad This handy sized tyre depth gauge is
Spring loaded with a hold measurement wear measurement. Large LCD display. graduated in mm and 1/32 and comes with a
button for ease of use. Supplied with vinyl pen type pocket clip.
Power: 1.5V.
Capacity: 0 - 25mm/1. Range: 0 - 25mm.
Resolution: 0.01mm/0.0005. Resolution: 0.1mm.
Product List Offer Product Offer Graduation Weight
Order Code Order Code Order Code List Offer
Number M&W-340 Price/1 Price/1 Description BAT-331 Price/1 each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
MW176-01DTG -3101A 16.30 14.67 Tread Depth Gauge -2611B 12.00 mm & 1/32 25g -8450K 7.45 4.62
Page 873
Cleaning & Decarbonising Spark Plug Brush Set
Brush Set Set of three: nylon, brass and
20-Piece stainless steel.
This cleaning brush set is very versatile in use as it comes with three different material
bristles and can be used either manually or with a power drill.
Quick release screwdriver, quick release extension bar,
9, 11, 13, 15, 17 & 19mm Brass Brushes,
9, 11, 13, 15, 17 & 19mm Steel Brushes, PIECES
9, 11, 13, 15, 17 & 19mm Nylon Brushes.
Order Code List Offer
Type KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Spark Plug Brushes -5000K 4.39 2.72
(Set of 3)
Type Number Order Code List Offer Type Order Code List Offer
of pieces KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Cleaning & carbonising brushes 20 -4990K 35.95 22.29 Spark Plug -2750K 9.25 5.74
greasy. Set includes blade widths: 19mm (3/4), 25mm (1) and
38mm (11/2).
Overall length: 280mm (11).
Jaw Order Code List Offer
Model Weight Order Code List Offer Type KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Number each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Straight -1240K 19.95 12.37
GSL338 530g -1700K 22.87 14.18 Angled -1260K 21.45 13.30
Page 874
Oxygen EGO, O2, Lambda Diesel Injection
Sensor Socket Set Pump Puller
Three piece universal set. Essential for servicing today's computer-controlled vehicle For the removal of diesel injection
systems. Easily removes exhaust gas oxygen sensors (known as EGO, O2 or Lambda pumps from the following engines:
sensors), vacuum switches and pressure switches. Also suitable for diesel
injectors found on Mitsubishi, Nissan, Opel, Vauxhall and VW vehicles.
Made from heat treated cast steel. DPP010
Set contains:
22mm (7/8) hex, 1/2 square drive socket with 7.5mm side slot for sensor wire clearance.
Socket has 22mm hex for use with a spanner. Overall length: 80mm.
22mm (7/8) hex, crow's foot style wrench, 1/2 square drive (double square for easy access).
With full length 11mm slot for total clearance of switch/sensor wire. DPP030
22mm (7/8) hex, crow's foot style wrench, 3/8 square drive.
With full length 8.6mm slot for total clearance of switch/sensor wire.
Order Code List Offer
Description KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Sensor Socket Set -8020K 35.86 22.23
Product Suitable for the Offer
Order Code
Number following engines KEN-503 Price/1
Rear Axle Bush DPP010 Landrover Freelander (Td4) -1620K 19.83
& Rover 75 2.0d (M47R)
Installation Tool DPP020 BMW M47/57 Engines -1630K 23.88
For the in-situ installation DDP030 2.5TDS (BMW, Landrover,
-1640K 15.64
of the rear axle mounting Vauxhall, OPEL)
bushes on selected VW
and Audi vehicles such as Diesel Injector Removal Set
Audi A3, VW Bora and
Golf IV. Bosch/Delphi
Specifically designed for removing
Delphi/Bosch injectors using 5/8 slide
hammer. Set of three adaptors and a special
tool for removing the internal part of Bosch
injectors which can be used with an air tool
to loosen the injectors through vibration.
Order Code List Offer
Product KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Rear Axle
Bush Tool -1550K 107.05 66.37 PIECES
Oxygen Sensor Socket Viscous Hub Spanners Includes: five cutting reamers, pilot post,
1/2square drive. 22mm hex. x 90mm length. For the removal of thermal viscous fan hubs. T-bar and a hexagon key.
Cutaway section allows socket to pass over Suitable for most makes of car.
Type Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number Order Code List
Type of Pieces KEN-503 Price/1
Oxygen Sensor 32 325g -1850K 8.58 5.32
-2760K 10.95 6.79 Seat Cutter Set 8 -1830K 61.97
Socket 36 315g -1860K 8.58 5.32
Page 875
Radio Release Trim & Upholstery Tool Set
Master Set Five piece set of angled lever tools designed for the easy
RRM046 removal of vehicle trim fasteners, mouldings and wheel hubs.
Radio release master set contains a comprehensive set of high Ideal for use inside and outside the vehicle, the tools are
quality tools suitable for authorised release and removal of manufactured from plastic to avoid marking and scratching metal,
in-car entertainment units. These professional tools, have a chromed wood or upholstery material.
finish and are manufactured from heavy-gauge materials to ensure
these tools will not distort in general use. Supplied in foam lined
aluminium carry case.
Compatible with the following makes of in-car entertainment units:
Audi, Becker, Becker from 2002, Blaupunkt, Blaupunkt from 2002,
BMW, Clarion - New,
Clarion - Old, Fiat Brava,
Bravo & Marea, Grundig,
JVC, Kenwood II to 2001,
Kenwood III from 2002,
Mercedes Benz, Opel,
Opel-Inbus, Panasonic, PIECES
Panasonic from 2006,
Pioneer, Porsche,
Skoda from 2002,
Sony I to 2001,
Sony II from 2002,
Product Number Order Code List Offer Number Order Code List Offer
Number of pieces KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1 of pieces KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
RRM046 46 -1560K 144.95 89.87 5 -1510K 16.11 9.99
Page 876
Professional Scutch Holders -
Engraver Kit Carbon Steel
Model 741 Used for chasing out and general masonry work.
With heavy duty, continuous rated motor.
Motor rating: continuous. Points supplied: A2, A4, A5 and A8.
Detachable Bit
For scutch chisels
and hammers.
Protector Sleeves
Contoured high impact resistant plastic
Product Weight Order Code Offer
Number Voltage each BUR-504 Price/1 grips redirects the force of miss-hits safely
741-7070 240 1.00kg -1635L 37.49 away from your
741-7087 110 1.00kg -1635R 37.49 hands
preventing injury.
Suitable for use
Engraving Points for Record Power Engraver with octagonal
A2 For glass and steel. Solid carbide. cold chisels.
A4 For hardened steel. Carbide tipped. To Suit Length Order Code List Offer
Octagon Size (mm) KEN-505 Price/1 Price/1
A5 For soft metals and alloys. 13mm 120 -9040K 3.66 2.71
16mm 120 -9050K 3.66 2.71
A6 19mm 120 -9060K 3.66 2.71
A6 & Ball points for metal embossing, 22mm 120 -9070K 3.66 2.71
A7 hammering and leather work. A7
A8 Abrasive point for frosting glass Pullers
and smoothing. B-36 Alloy steel with rubber handle to absorb the striking vibrations.
Jaws are sharp polished to ease the nail pulling operation.
A80 Diamond point for fine glass engraving. B-38 Malleable cast iron handle with heat treated drop
forged jaws.
Product Weight Order Code Offer B-36
Number Voltage each BUR-504 Price/1
740-0119 A2 50g -1620R 4.99
740-0041 A4 50g -1614C 5.83 B-38
740-0058 A5 50g -1615E 4.99
740-0065 A6/A7 50g -1616G 4.99
740-0072 A8 50g -1618L 4.99
740-0102 A80 50g -1619N 6.66
Model Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) each BAH-565 Price/1 Price/1
B-36 290 0.50kg -0036K 50.57 43.49
Engraver Kit B-38 450 2.20kg -1001Z 103.88 89.34
Electric hand held engraver with positive on/off switch and 5 position FatMax
stroke adjuster for varied engraving depths. For use on metals, Utility Bars
plastics, glass, ceramics, wood and leather. Supplied with two
Carbide steel engraving tips and an alphanumeric template. The FatMax Utility Bar is 4 tools in 1 and can be used for prying,
splitting, board bending and hammering. Manufactured from a single
5-Position adjustable engraving depth piece of forged tempered steel bar for increased strength and
Soft grip durability. The serrated jaws are ideal for grabbing common sizes of
Positive On/Off timber and decking, a bevelled nail slot for pulling and prying nails
1.8m cable and polished hammer face.
Includes 2 tips
and template
for letters and numbers
Page 877
Cold Chisels -
Chrome Vanadium
Manufactured from high quality octagonal chrome vanadium steel Width x Length Octagon Order Code List Offer
with a ground cutting edge, in accordance with BS 3066. (mm) (mm) KEN-505 Price/1 Price/1
For use on brickwork, masonry and cold metals. 6 x 100 6 -1600K 1.94 1.44
6 x 150 6 -1620K 2.04 1.51
Flat 9 x 125 9 -2410K 2.14 1.58
Used for cutting and chipping cold metals and brickwork. 9 x 150 9 -2460K 2.27 1.68
12 x 150 9 -3220K 2.24 1.66
Flat Chisel Set 12 x 200 9 -3240K 2.47 1.83
12 x 255 9 -3260K 2.93 2.17
12 x 305 9 -3280K 3.15 2.33
16 x 150 12 -4020K 2.65 1.96
16 x 200 12 -4040K 2.94 2.18
18 x 200 16 -4840K 3.77 2.79
18 x 230 16 -4850K 4.08 3.02
18 x 255 16 -4860K 4.20 3.11
18 x 305 16 -4870K 4.40 3.26
18 x 455 16 -4890K 5.97 4.42
25 x 200 22 -6440K 5.65 4.18
25 x 230 22 -6450K 6.04 4.47
Number Contents Order Code List Offer 25 x 255 22 -6460K 6.30 4.66
of Pieces (mm) KEN-505 Price/1 Price/1 25 x 305 22 -6470K 6.67 4.94
3 6 x 150, 12 x 200 & 18 x 255 -7150K 7.84 5.33 25 x 355 22 -6480K 7.20 5.33
3 12 x 150, 18 x 200 & 25 x 255 -7160K 10.33 7.02 25 x 455 22 -6490K 9.09 6.73
Page 878
Contractor Wrecking &
Flat Cold Chisels Pry Bars
Manufactured from high quality octagonal chrome vanadium steel Manufactured from heat treated carbon steel. Ideal for
with a ground cutting edge, in accordance with BS 3066. For use on dismantling timber constructions, opening packing cases
brickwork, masonry and cold metals. and removing nails (depending on the type of bar).
Chisel and V-Notch Wrecking Bar
For general dismantling and stripping applications,
within a wide range of industries.
one pry bar.
Contractor Brick
Bolster Chisels
Chrome vanadium - PIECES
used for splitting bricks.
Number Order Code List Offer
of Pieces Contents KEN-505 Price/1 Price/1
450mm Wrecking Bar,
2 -8750K 13.95 9.49
Width x Length Octagon Order Code List Offer 325mm Pry Bar
(mm) (mm) SSF-505 Price/1 Price/1 600mm Wrecking Bar
2 -8760K 14.95 10.17
75 x 230 -1300K 5.94 4.28 375mm Pry Bar
75 x 230 c/w guard -1310K 7.34 5.28
100 x 230 -1320K 6.58 4.74
100 x 230 c/w guard 22 -1330K 8.08 5.82 Fatmax
Wrecking Bar
Forged, from high-carbon steel able to withstand 975 ft-lbs. of bending
Contractor Electricians Floor Chisels momentum. Tri-lobe design increases strength, durability and
Chrome vanadium - ease of use. High-visibility, powder-coated finish. Slotted claw and
hardened and bevelled ends improve functionality and performance.
tempered cutting edge.
For cutting the tongue
in tongued and
grooved floorboards.
Page 879
Heavy Duty Plastic Handled Pry Bars
Pry Bars Made from square section chrome vanadium with ground
Manufactured from forged points. Impact resistant plastic handles offer a more
carbon heat treated steel comfortable and secure grip to make these pry bars user
with ground points. friendly. Handles are oil and acid resistant.
These traditional designs are ideal for use by Suitable for a wide range of general duty applications within the
tradesmen in any industrial environment. packing, automotive, maintenance and assembly industries.
Rolling Head Straight Blade
Suitable for use in confined spaces. For general duty usage.
Line Type
Angled blade provides greater leverage.
Length Order Code List Offer Blade Length Order Code List Offer
x Section KEN-505 Price/1 Price/1 x Width KEN-505 Price/1 Price/1
400 x 16mm -8520K 9.07 6.71 300 x 10mm -8300K 13.67 10.12
600 x 20mm -8560K 13.01 9.63
450 x 13mm -8320K 20.95 15.50
Line Type Set
Chisel &
Punch Set 14 Spot Weld Chisel & Bar
The Right Angled Seam Chisel and L Bar has been specially designed
PIECES by Kennedy Tools for the separation of hard to reach spot welds and
Chrome Vanadium Steel
Contents: bonded panels as well as coping with the many traditional uses for
Pin punches: 3/16 x 6, 3/32 x 41/4, 1/8 x 43/4, 3/16 x 51/4 and pry and wrecking bars.
1/4 x 53/4. Features & benefits
Centre punches: 5/32 x 5. Easily separates hard-to-reach spot welded or bonded panels.
Chisels: 1/2 x 6, 5/8 x 61/2, 3/4 x 71/2 and 7/8 x 8. Sharpened on three edges, the sharp end allows for penetration
Taper punches: 3/16 x 10, 7/32 x 10, 5/16 x 10 and 3/8 x 10. between the panels and both side edges allow for side impact to
drive the panels apart without damage.
90 end for use in hard-to-reach pinchweld areas.
Page 880
Fox Wedges Boat
Used for splitting mating surfaces and for packing machinery and Levels
structures before fixing.
Construction Boat Level
Manufactured from hardened and tempered forged steel. Die-cast aluminium frame with a milled measuring face
for accuracy. 1 vertical, 1 horizontal vial for normal and upside down
measuring. A very popular level with scaffolders. Includes leather belt
Group 575 Levels
With shockproof vertical and horizontal vials set in a robust
aluminium body with a milled bottom surface to ensure that the level
Size (mm) Order Code List Offer rests flat against surfaces. The horizontal vial has a viewing angle of
CTL-505 Price/1 Price/1 300, ideal for making overhead measurements. Die cast body,
75 x 25 x 9.5 (3 x 1x 3/8) -2010A 3.76 3.57 electrostatic powder coated. Level vial accuracy guaranteed
89 x 13 x 6 (31/2 x 1/2x 1/4) -2011B 2.40 2.28 for 10 years.
75 x 25 x 6 (3 x 1 x 1/4) -2012C 2.72 2.58 Accuracy: horizontal 0.029 (0.5mm/m),
89 x 13 x 6 (31/2 x 1/2 x 1/4) -2013D 5.40 5.13 vertical 0.043 (0.75mm/m).
89 x 25 x 6 (31/2 x 1 x 1/4) -2014E 2.84 2.70
89 x 25 x 9.5 (31/2 x 5/8 x 3/8) -2015F 3.42 3.25
89 x 19 x 6 (31/2x 3/4 x 1/4) -2018J 2.62 2.49 81S: with non-magnetic base.
100 x 16 x 9.5 (4 x 5/8 x 3/8) -2019K 3.52 3.34 81SM: with magnetic base (ferrite).
100 x 25 x 6 (4 x 1 x 1/4) -2020L 2.94 2.79 81SREM-25H: Two super strong rare earth magnets for fantastic
100 x 25 x 13 (4 x 1 x 1/2) -2021M 5.26 5.00 sticking power to steels and scaffold tubes.
127 x 25 x 6 (5 x 1 x 1/4) -2023P 3.14 2.98
127 x 25 x 9.5 (5 x 1 x 3/8) -2024Q 4.00 3.80
127 x 25 x 13 (5 x 1 x 1/2) -2025R 5.62 5.34
150 x 13 x 9.5 (6 x 1 x 3/8) -2026S 4.84 4.60
150 x 25 x 13 (6 x 1 x 1/2) -2028V 6.50 6.18
150 x 38 x 13 (6 x 11/2 x 1/2) -2029W 6.82 6.48
150 x 38 x 9.5 (6 x 11/2 x 3/8) -2030X 6.40 6.08
150 x 25 x 6 (6 x 25 x 1/4) -2031Y 3.42 3.25
150 x 50 x 13 (6 x 2 x 1/2) -2032Z 8.50 8.08 Model Length Weight Order Code List Offer
200 x 38 x 13 (8 x 11/2x 1/2 -2033A 8.34 7.92 Number (mm) each STB-510 Price/1 Price/1
200 x 50 x 13 (8 x 2 x 1/2) -2034B 12.34 11.72 81S 250 (10) 200g -2210A 29.60 25.46
230 x 38 x 13 (9 x 11/2 x 1/2) -2035C 8.76 8.32 81SM 250 (10) 215g -2410G 31.28 26.90
230 x 50 x 25 (9 x 2 x 1) -2036D 18.50 17.58 81SREM-25H 250 (10) 220g -2412P 36.36 31.27
Model Order Code List Offer Base Level Order Code List Offer Size each KEN-510 Price/1 Price/1
Number Length STB-510 Price/1 Price/1 Dia. Dia. KEN-510 Price/1 Price/1 75 x 125mm 87g -2800K 4.94 3.21
17768 250mm -3400A 12.08 10.39 50mm 32mm -2100K 3.23 2.10 85 x 140mm 87g -2820K 5.66 3.68
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Length each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-510 Price/1 Price/1
0-42-287 80mm (31/4) 50g -4937F 2.76 2.01 75mm (3) 45g -2400K 2.68 1.74
Page 881
Box Section FatMax I-Beam
Spirit Levels Spirit Level
Extruded aluminium body. Powder coated finish. Three high visibility Aluminium body with magnetic base and solid block acrylic vials that
vials: horizontal, plumb and 45. Two rubberised handle grips and two have been machined to exacting tolerances to ensure movement of the
milled working faces. bubble is smooth and comes to rest quickly. Small magnifying area in
Accuracy: 0.5mm/m. the centre makes reading the position of the vial easier. Rubber end
caps protect the level against damage if dropped and a curved body
profile allows the level to be used for gradients on drainage and pipe
Product Length Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
Weight Order Code List Offer Non-Magnetic Base
Length each KEN-510 Price/1 Price/1 5-43-548 1200 (48) -5193P 35.85 26.17
5-43-572 1800 (72) -5193W 61.51 44.90
230mm/9 140g -0090K 11.77 7.65
Magnetic Base
1-43-525 600 (24) -5193F 28.78 21.01
Level Box Section
With magnetic base. Made from impact resistant ABS Spirit Levels
plastic. Three vials horizontal, vertical and 45.
Accuracy: With two vials (one horizontal,
1.0mm/m. one vertical).
powder coated.
Weight Order Code List Offer horizontal 0.029 (0.5mm/m);
Length each SEN-510 Price/1 Price/1 vertical 0.048 (0.75mm/m).
230 (9) 140g -2090K 3.53 2.29
Product Overall Length Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) STB-510 Price/1 Price/1
Torpedo Level with 900 (36) -0736C 20.49 17.62
Magnetic Base 1200 (48) -0748D 25.19 21.66
Robust aluminium body with a magnetic strip on the base. The level Box Section Spirit Levels
has three vials; one fixed vertical and one fixed horizontal as Box-section lightweight extra strong frame with soft-ribs' for strength
well as an angle vial that can be rotated +90 or - and finger grip.
90 from its standard horizontal position. Accuracy: horizontal 0.057 (1.0mm/m), vertical 0.048 (0.75mm/m).
The horizontal vial has a viewing angle of
300, allowing the level to be used for 80AN-2: Features two vertical and one horizontal vials accurate to
overhead measurements when the level 0.5mm/m. Vials guaranteed to remain accurate for
10 years. Electrostatic powder coated abrasive resistant
Page 882
Spirit Levels NEW
Lightweight aluminium body with powder coat finish. 1 horizontal, 2 plumb vials. Shock absorbing end caps.
Milled working faces for precise measurement. Beam structure makes it strong and durable.
Rule scale for ease of marking out.
Accuracy: 1.0mm/m
Length Number Order Code List Offer
(mm) of Vials KEN-510 Price/1 Price/1
300 (12) 3 -3620K 12.19 7.92
400 (16) 3 -3660K 14.29 9.29
600 (24) 3 -3740K 14.56 9.46
900 (36) 3 -3860K 20.48 13.31
1000 (40) 3 -3900K 22.53 14.64
12600 (48) 3 -3980K 22.87 14.87
FatMax I-Beam
Spirit Levels
Vials accuracy of 0.5mm/m for improved accuracy. Magnified centre vial for more user comfort. Solid vials for better control and less slips.
MaxEdge centre vial: bridged centre vial for continuous marking surface. Top read scale for fast measurements.
Pencil included, quick help for marking. Shock absorbing end caps makes it long lasting and choc-resistant. Aluminium body removes excess
dirt and prolongs life.
Page 883
PreciseLine Digital
Digital Level Angle Level
MW580 0-42-087
Precision navigational level sensor. CNC machined super flat edge. Angle measurement 0 up to 180.
Heavy duty aluminium alloy body, chrome finish. Laser accurately Clear LCD screen.
extends level capabilities. Strong magnets on underside. Horizontal and vertical vials.
Standard 9V battery. Anodised aluminum profile.
Features: Accuracy: 0.1.
Measuring: 4x 90. Length: 40cm.
Resolution: 0.05. Supplied in carry case.
Accuracy: 0.2.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer
Number each BCH-266 Price/1 Price/1 Number STX-585 Price/1 Price/1
GAM 220 MF 1000g -9071K 298.38 159.13 TP-1 -5330M 77.36 61.89
Page 884
Starter Laser
for Home Use
600mm/24 laser level fitted with a horizontal vial, dot function and a patented sight system for a range of up to
40m/130ft. Can be aligned horizontally on uneven surfaces using the impact resistant adjusting screw.
The sturdy metal laser housing is also waterproof.
Accuracy: horizontal 0.5mm/m, 0.06/ft.
Battery operating life: approx. 16hrs - 2x AAA.
Projects crossed vertical and horizontal lines in a matter of econds both perfectly levelled.
Ideal for installation of built-in furniture, tiling, wall papering, shelving and all installation work.
The tripod can be disassembled and screwed together to form the telescopic leg. The base
unit features a scale for rotating the level at degree increments.
Laser class: 2 red diode laser.
Wavelength: 635nm.
Range: 10m.
Output: 1mW.
Horizontal accuracy: -+0.5 mm/m.
Self-levelling range: ca. 4.5.
Product List Offer
Range Order
Telescopic leg height max height: 2.75m. Code
Operating life: 30hrs on 3x AA batteries. Number STB-510 Price/1 Price/1
Page 885
Drywall Drywall T-Square -
Foot Lifter Metric
STHT1-05868 Pole Sander STHT1-05933
Two piece steel construction for ultimate Extruded aluminium design for durability.
durability and versatility. Sliding channel to Telescopic Metric/inch measurements for use in multiple
adjust height. Foldable design allows tool to aluminium markets. Foldable arms for use in tight
lay flat in storage. Plastic/steel footloop for handle allows spaces. With two sided cutting guide
easy movement around jobsite with the easy finishing of to create smooth, even
hang hole for storage. plaster joints in ceilings cuts in both directions.
and walls.
Size: 16.3 x 52 x 8cm. Fully pivoting head.
Extends from
1.15 to 2.90m.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer
Number each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 Number STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
STHT1-05933 1.1kg -9111D 20.59 15.03 STHT1-05933 -9116M 28.83 21.05
Aluminium Pole
Utility Sander
Product Order Code List Offer Heavy duty ribbed
Number STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 aluminium body stays flat
STHT1-05868 -9111X 21.21 15.48
and rigid with wooden
handle. The efficient clamp
design holds paper or Product Order Code List Offer
Number STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
Drywall Panel Carrier screen firmly in place.
Accepts most sandpaper STHT1-05894 -5245A 21.20 15.48
Synthetic, light, resistant body that does not and sanding screens.
damage the board. 14" handle for extra reach Length: 1300mm. Hand Sander
and visibility while carrying drywall. One person Sand paper size: STHT0-05927
can carry large materials with better balance 300 x 105mm. Heavy duty ribbed aluminum body stays flat
and control. Durable plastic handle angled to and rigid. The efficient clamp design holds
keep knuckles away from panels for comfort. paper or screen
Ergonomic lifting handle. Carefully designed firmly in place.
holding notch for efficient blocking of the panel Bi-material handle
during transport. Helps transport building provides comfort
boards and other flat materials with ease. and protection.
Hi-visibility yellow makes it easy to locate on Accepts most
the job. sandpaper and
Product Maximum Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer
Number Capacity STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 Number each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 Number STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
1-93-301 91kg -7929B 10.59 7.73 STHT0-05928 0.7kg -9110W 24.38 17.80 STHT0-05927 -9109V 10.60 7.74
Page 886
Extending Support Prop Extremely versatile and virtually Paint & Plaster Mixer
indestructible. It can be used for moving
This lightweight support prop is designed to soil, garden waste, rubble and various Used for mixing plaster, concrete,
give a helping hand when fixing overhead other jobs around a garden or building site. filler, epoxy resin, emulsion paint
panelling and boarding. It has 125 x 80mm 460mm diameter. and wallpaper paste.
flat plates at both ends with a swivel ball The stirring end should be
joint for ease of use and to avoid damage to fully immersed before the
panel when pressure is applied. shaft is turned.
It has four pre-set adjustable height ranges: Light duty shaft
1.16 to 2m, 1.46 to 2.3m, 1.76 to 2.6m, 8mm hex.
2.06 to 2.9m. Overall length:
Heavy duty
12mm hex.
Overall length:
Builders Plasterers
Flexible Bucket Bath
Extremely versatile and virtually BM197
indestructible. it can be used for Manufactured from polyethylene, virtually
mixing plaster or cement, moving unbreakable. Guaranteed not to rot, rust,
rubble and various other jobs around a crack or distort. Strong, light and easily
building carried.
Order Code List Offer site.
Range KEN-512 Price/1 Price/1
15ltr Invincible
Yellow Builders
15ltr (3 gal.) filling
scale inside.
Five year guarantee.
Order Code List Offer
SSF-512 Price/1 Price/1
Yellow Buckets
26ltr -2980K 8.06 5.32
40ltr -3000K 10.77 7.11
75ltr -3040K 22.40 14.78
Capacity Order Code List Offer Blue Buckets Product Order Code List Offer
KEN-907 Price/1 Price/1 26ltr -3080K 8.06 5.32 Number Capacity KEN-512 Price/1 Price/1
15ltr -8300K 9.39 7.51 42ltr -3100K 10.77 7.11 BM197 165ltr -3000K 52.07 34.37
Page 887
Plasterers Plasterers
Hawk Hawk
Lightweight scoured aluminium blade to prevent plasterslip-off. With single screw fixing, zinc
Detachable wooden handle with cushioned comfort ring. plated for corrosion protection.
Designed to reduce discomfort during periods of extended use. Heavy gauge sheet aluminium
Manufactured to the high standards expected by todays trade. platform, highly polished, mirror
finish. Suitable for DIY use.
Manufactured from heavy gauge hard-rolled aluminium for a lightweight
and durable hawk the edges have been
smoothed and the corners rounded for DuraSoft
convenience. The DuraSoft handle
provides a soft feel, reduces
fatigue and offers
excellent durability supplied
with sponge rubber callus
preventer. Used for holding
plaster during application.
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Product Size Order Code List Offer
(mm) per 10 KEN-512 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1
300 x 300 7.00kg -0920K 17.32 11.43 M1 330 x 330 -4001M 27.42 20.84
tear, stretch, shrink or bubble, and helps for comfort and control.
prevent cracks in plaster finishes. improved comfort and
control. Blade length:
Colour: White. Size: 50m x 90m. 12"/300mm.
All prices are per roll Product Blade Order Code List Offer
Width x Order Code Offer Offer Number Size MTN-512Price/1Price/1 Product Order Code List Offer
Length AVN-981 Price/1 Price/6+ M4510SD 255 x 75mm -4710S 11.95 9.08 Number S&J-513 Price/1 Price/1
50mm x 90m -0130K 3.55 3.55 2.49 M4512SD 300 x 75mm -4712S 12.84 9.76 716D-05 -1726D 12.08 9.18
Page 888
Finishing Corner Trowel Plasterers
Trowel M/T230 Trowel
MXS13D Resilient DuraSoft Aluminium shank single tang banana pattern.
High carbon spring steel blade with a handle with Six rivet construction cross ground to
hardened and ground finish. finger guard. prevent drag. For laying on and finishing
With an aluminum alloy DuraSoft Blade set at plaster. Manufactured to the high standards
a 103 angle DuraSoft
handle mounting that expected by todays trade.
is lightweight that flexes to
but very strong. form a perfect
90 corner
during use.
Product Size Order Code List Offer
Curved Number (mm) MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1
DuraSoft handle
provides a soft feel, M/T23D 127 x 100 -4323D 16.37 12.44
reduces fatigue, and
offers excellent durability. Inside Corner Trowel
Product Size Order Code List Offer M65D Size Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1 Square radius used to form per 10 KEN-512 Price/1 Price/1
MXS13D 330 x 125 -7513D 42.18 32.06 inside and outside 280mm (11) 4.00kg -0100K 15.05 9.93
corners. Fitted with a
Midget Trowel resilient DuraSoft Plasterers
curved handle.
Made from the highest grade spring steel. Ideal for steps or Trowel
Resilient DuraSoft curved handle anywhere requiring a Select Plasterers Trowel Economy
reduces fatigue. square corner. Manufactured from carbon alloy
steel blade with ground
Product Size Order Code List Offer and polished
Number (mm) MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1
M65D 300 x 115 -1500A 14.63 11.12
Curved Corners/
Finishing Trowel Single tang
STHT0-05899 with smooth
Stainless steel blade prevents rusting and shaped wooden
provides durability. Slight bow in blade allows handle for improved
user to make perfect drywall user comfort and control.
joints. Bi-material handle
Product Size Handle Order Code List Offer provides comfort and Product Size Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) Type MTN-512 Price/1Price/1 protection. Number (mm) per 10 S&J-513 Price/1 Price/1
M11SSD 200 x 75 Durasoft -4011S 39.67 30.15 Blade: 10611W 280 4.25kg -2768K 15.05 11.44
320 x 130mm.
Plasterers Trowel Adhesive Trowel
MPB14SSD Product Order Code List Offer Detachable blade secured by two wing nuts.
Number STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
The stainless steel blade of this trowel is pre- Serrated edges with 1.5mm
shaped to help eliminate trowel marks and STHT0-05899 -9108T 19.09 13.94 V-notches at
the working edge of the blade is bevelled to 5mm centres.
prevent aggregate popping. This means it Stainless Steel Outside Corner Tool
already feels like a trowel that has been STHTO-05622
broken-in even when Stainless steel blade prevents rusting and
you use it for the provides durability. Bi-material handle for
first time. comfort and protection. Hang
hole in handle for easy storage.
Blade tapered along top
to create a smooth
Supplied even finish. Approved by the
complete with Contract Flooring
Durasoft handle for Association and by leading
improved comfort and control. adhesive manufacturers.
Product Size Order Code List Offer Blade Order Code List Offer
Number mm MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1 Size S&J-513 Price/1 Price/1
MPB14SSD 355 x 125 -6814S 64.76 49.22 280 x 115mm -3150L 34.10 25.92
Product Order Code List Offer
Number STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
Tile Grouters Float STHT0-05622 -9104P 8.48 6.19
Weight Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Size per 10 MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1 Number STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 Size per 10 SEN-512 Price/1 Price/1
9 x 4 -4643C 14.30 10.87 STHT0-05777 -9107S 8.48 6.19 280mm (11) 4.60kg -0100K 9.03 5.96
Page 889
Double Ended Brick
Brick Jointer Jointers
Double Ended Brick Jointer 580 Manufactured from high carbon steel. Used
Suitable for finishing to produce concave joints in mortar that are
Heavy duty steel. Used to horizontal and more resistant to moisture. Each end of the
produce 1/2 and 5/8 vertical joints. jointer is a different size.
concave joints HIghly polished Concave joints help
between bricks. and lightweight. conceal small
irregularities in the
Produces 1/2" and 5/8" brick laying.
concave joints.
Product Order Code List Offer
Number FOO-520 Price/1 Price/1 Product Joint Order Code List Offer
Overall Order Code List Offer 580 -4320M 5.46 4.26 Number Size MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1
Length KEN-512 Price/1 Price/1 M83 10 x 13mm -5283Q 7.23 5.49
580 -0440K 6.00 3.96 M80 13 x 16mm -5280M 7.23 5.49
M81 19 x 22mm -5281N 7.23 5.49
M82 16 x 19mm -5282P 7.23 5.49
Brick Jointer
Suitable for half round finishing of the joints Corner Block & Line Brick Mortar Raker
between bricks. London pattern smooth Robust and lightweight angled blocks with
wooden handle integral line, can be used single handed. Used to remove old mortar before repointing.
with integral tang. Helps bricks and blocks to be laid straight. Strong aluminum handle is contoured to fit
Pack of 2. the hand and squared off at the end.
Hardened nail, adjustable to the proper
depth, can be securely tightened by
slipping the nail in the eye of a
Size Weight Order Code List Offer spade bolt and twisting.
(mm) per 10 KEN-512 Price/1 Price/1
Large 45mm wheels.
150 x 12 1.50kg -0420K 7.35 4.85
Plumb Bobs
Corrosive resistant epoxy
coated with brass screw Product Line Order Code List Offer Product Size Order Code List Offer
cap. For Number Length S&J-513 Price/Pk Price/Pk Number (mm) MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1
establishing 10701S 30m -2773G 6.57 4.99 M89 215 x 150 -5489M 13.12 9.97
datum line
without the Rubbing Brick Carrying Tongs
use of a Brick Heavy duty tongs designed and built
level. Wide grip plastic handle securely fastened to for strength and durability.
a P20 grit fluted abrasive stone. Ideal for Can be quickly
dressing down adjusted to carry
and removing from six to ten
marks from bricks.
Weight Order Code List Offer or for
each KEN-512 Price/1 Price/1 cleaning
5oz -2050K 6.46 4.26 bricks.
10oz -2100K 7.78 5.13
Line Pins Size: 152 x 76 x 25mm. Product Opening Order Code List Offer
Construction quality, hand, chrome Product Order Code List Offer Number Capacity MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1
plated line pins. Supplied in pairs. Number MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1 M88 152 x 76 x 25mm -5288L 25.38 19.29
Use with Kennedy brick line to M/T840 -5340T 16.04 12.19
create a horizontal line for
consistent Brick-Mate Tape Measure
bricklaying. An innovative way to set out dry bonds and
accurately calculate brick quantities,
designed specifically to aid professional
Hi-Visibility bricklayers. Unique blade design with four
Brick Line blade scales to calculate brick and block
Braided nylon brick line quantities and course heights along with a
85.5m, will not unravel if conventional metric scale. Tough, high-vis,
struck by a trowel. Not ergonomic case with rubber grip pad. Easy to
Weight Order Code List Offer affected by extreme operate positive lock minimising blade slip.
Size per 10 KEN-512 Price/Pr Price/Pr moisture or dryness, will
150mm (6) 140g -2160K 6.30 4.16 not mildew and it stays taut. Polyester
coated carbon
steel blade.
Brick Line
Construction quality, use with line pins and
plumb bobs.
Page 890
Builders Professional
Trowel Brick Trowel
Philadelphia Pattern Brick Trowels Ground polished, hardened and Manufactured from high carbon tempered
tempered high carbon steel alloy and hardened steel with a ground and
Suited for laying blocks. Forged from a single blades, tapered to remain rigid polished finish, tapered to remain rigid
piece of high grade tool steel. right to the tip with high angle to the tip. Polished and varnished
Stronger impact area. Taper ground handles for improved knuckle high angle handle, with chromed
and polished blade. clearance and control. ferrule, holds the tang in place
Durasoft handle provides Chromed ferrules hold preventing the blade from
a soft feel grip. the forged tang firmly. twisting.
Broad Heel
Product Size Handle Order Code List Offer Brick Trowel
Overall Width Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) Type MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1 11 heel width. London pattern, Length (mm) KEN-512 Price/1 Price/1
M1910 250 x 130 Wooden -4191M 43.20 32.83 a smooth rounded end wooden
handle with integral tang. 280mm (11) 140 -0060K 18.75 12.38
M1910D Durasoft -4192N 49.88 37.91
M1911D 280 x 140 Durasoft -4202N 49.88 37.91 Overall Order Code List Offer
M1912D 300 x 150 Durasoft -4212N 49.88 37.91 Length Type SEN-512 Price/1 Price/1 Professional Pointing Trowel
280mm (11) London -0060K 11.25 7.43 Made from high carbon tempered and
Pointing Trowels hardened steel with a ground and polished
Forged from a single piece of highest Pointing Trowel finish. Tapered to remain rigid to the tip.
grade tool steel for unsurpassed Ground polished, hardened and tempered Polished and varnished high angle
strength. Hardwood handle with high carbon steel alloy blade, high angle handles for greater balance, control
polished steel ferrule. handle. Chromed ferrule holds the and knuckle clearance, with
Resilient DuraSoft handle forged tang firmly. London chromed ferrule. Holds the
provides a soft feel, pattern, a smooth rounded forged steel tang in place
reduces fatigue end wooden handle with preventing the blade
and offers excellent integral tang. from twisting.
Product Size Order Code List Offer Overall Width Order Code List Offer Overall Width Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1 Length (mm) SEN-512 Price/1 Price/1 Length (mm) KEN-512 Price/1 Price/1
M46115D 125 x 55 -4785D 16.38 12.45 180mm (7) 90 -0040K 6.30 4.16 180mm (7) 90 -0040K 10.50 6.93
provides a soft feel, reduces fatigue hardened and tempered high carbon alloy tempered high carbon steel
and offers excellent durability. steel. With protective lacquer to inhibit rust. blades with lacquered coating
Used for mixing or gauging Angled handle for balance. Square forged to inhibit rust. London
small quantities of quick tang and chromed ferrule holds blade pattern smooth rounded
setting plaster. securely to prevent twisting. wooden handle with
internal tang.
280 x 85mm.
Product Handle Order Code List Offer Product Overall Order Code List Offer Product Width Order Code List Offer
Number Type MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length S&J-513 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) S&J-513 Price/1 Price/1
M48D Durasoft -4800S 30.18 22.94 10110V-03 255mm (10) -2701A 24.55 18.66 11106Q-03 150 -2806G 15.00 11.40
Page 891
Standard Industrial Blade Connector Terminals
Pack quantity: 100.
Durable low cost copper or brass connectors. Manufactured as single
piece connectors. Electro tinned to protect from corrosion.
Insulated with flared entry, colour coded vinyl sleeves.
All disconnect terminals supplied with anti-vibration copper sleeve.
Push-on Female and Male Tab Connector Terminals Type Colour Size (mm) Order Code List Offer Offer Offer
Pack quantity: 100. Dia. x L KEN-515 Price/Pk Price/Pk Price/5+ Price/10+
Blade Red 2.3 x 10.4 -2000K 16.94 13.04 11.86 10.67
1.9 x 18.4 -2010K 18.10 13.94 12.67 11.40
2.8 x 9.0 -2050K 16.81 12.94 11.77 10.59
Blade Blue 2.3 x 18.4 -2060K 20.48 15.77 14.34 12.90
Blade Yellow 2.8 x 10.0 -2100K 35.29 27.17 24.70 22.23
Fork and Ring Connector Terminals
Pack quantity: 100.
Page 892
Crimping Plier Kit
Made from heavy gauge carbon steel heat
treated to HRa 65/70. Chemically
blackened with cushion grip handles for
operator comfort.
Kit comes complete with 100 assorted
insulated and non-insulated terminals in a
neat plastic see through box.
Strip range: 0.75 - 6.
Crimp/cut capacity: 1.5 - 16mm.
red - 0.5 x 1.5mm2, blue - 1.5 x 2.5mm2.
Bullet connectors - male:
red - 4.0mm2, blue - 4.0mm2.
Bullet connectors - female:
red - 4.0mm, blue - 4.0mm. PIECES
Fork connectors:
red - 4.0mm, blue - 4.0mm, yellow - 4.0mm. Order Code List Offer
Ring connectors: Pieces KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1
red - 4.0mm, blue - 4.0mm, yellow - 6.0mm. 361 -5530K 35.38 27.24
Average Weight Order Code List Offer
Quantity each KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1
240 0.40kg -5610K 19.62 15.11 Heavy Duty Ratchet Crimping Tool Kit
Heavy duty 220mm ratchet crimper with a selection of pre-insulated red, blue and yellow
electrical connector terminals, cable ties and
Terminals - Rings/Forks insulation tape. Ratchet crimper has
Red ring 4BA, 2BA and 1/4. Blue ring 2BA, 1/4 laminated steel jaws with strengthened PVC
and 5/16. handle grips.
Yellow ring 1/4, 5/16 and 3/8. Spade blue, red Suitable for crimping insulated terminals as
and yellow. follows: red channel: 0.5 - 1.00mm,
Average quantity: blue channel: 1.5 - 2.5mm, yellow channel: PIECES
300 pieces. 4.0 - 6.0mm.
Supplied in a fitted case with slide locking clips
and handle.
Kit contents: Heavy duty ratchet crimper, black
insulation tape (19mm x 9m),
black cable ties (2.5 x 100mm).
Ring connectors: red - 3.7, 4, 5mm, blue - 3.7,
4, 5, 6mm, yellow - 4, 5mm.
Butt connectors: red - 1.5 x 1.5mm2, blue -
1.5 x 2.5mm2.
Push-on spade connectors - male: red, blue,
yellow - 6.3 x 0.8mm.
Push-on spade connectors - female: red,
blue, yellow - 6.3 x 0.8mm.
Push-on spade covered connectors -
female: red, blue - 6.3 x 0.8mm.
Push-on piggy back connectors - female: red,
Average Weight Order Code List Offer blue - 6.3 x 0.8mm. Order Code List Offer
Quantity each KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1 Bullet connectors - male: red, blue - 4mm. Pieces KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1
300 0.60kg -5620K 19.03 14.65
Bullet connectors - female: red, blue - 4mm. 552 -5540K 94.37 72.66
Page 893
Multi Jaw
Crimp Tool Kit
Model TCK 005
Crimp tool kit with full cycle ratcheting crimp
and adjustable crimp pressure frame. Five
pairs of interchangeable hardened and
tempered carbon steel jaws with a chemically
blacked finish for terminals, connectors,
ferrules and end sleeves. Supplied in a
robust plastic carry case.
Ferrule Terminals
SELLER 534 6mm2 - 16mm2 CRIMP TYPE
-6300K 25.48 19.62
Uninsulated Terminals
Product List Offer -6400K 27.67 21.31
Order Code 0.5mm2 - 6.0mm2 CRIMP TYPE
Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer
Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1 Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1
TCU006 -5400K 74.17 57.11 Replacement Jaws -6400K 27.67 21.31
Carbon steel jaws with a chemically blacked finish and PVC handles.
Capacity: DIN 1 - 2, 6, 10 and 16mm.
AWG 14, 10, 8 and 6.
Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer
Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1 Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1
TCU016 -5420K 81.61 62.84 Replacement Jaws -6420K 38.50 29.65
Page 894
Crimp Tool
Ferrule crimp tool with full cycle ratcheting crimp frame and adjustable crimp pressure. Carbon steel jaws with a chemically blacked finish and
PVC handles.
Model TCF 004
Capacity: 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, 2.5 and 4mm.
AWG 20, 18, 17, 16, 13 and 11.
Model TCF 016
Capacity: 6, 10 and 16mm.
AWG 10, 8 and 6.
Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer
Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1 Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1
TCF004 -5200K 55.51 42.74 Replacement Jaws (TCF004) -6200K 25.48 19.62
TCF016 -5210K 59.31 45.67 Replacement Jaws (TCF016) -6300K 25.48 19.62
Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer
Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1 Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1
TCI006 -5220K 52.86 40.70 Replacement Jaws -6220K 25.48 19.62
Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer
Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1 Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1
TCC008 -5340K 55.51 42.74 Replacement Jaws -6340K 25.48 19.62
Modular plug crimping tool complete with wire cutting and stripping facilities.
Manufactured from hardened and tempered carbon steel with chemically blacked finished and tempered jaws with PVC handles.
Capacity: 8P8C/RJ-45, 6P/RJ-12, RJ-11 and 6P2C.
Page 895
Adaptable crimping tool with 4 easy-change jaws to meet your crimping needs. The
design features a ratchet handle to enable the application of consistent pressure,
as well as a quick release lever, tension adjustment wheel, locking screw and soft
grip handles. Heat treated steel with a Zinc Phosphate surface finish.
KRC07 7 Jaw Ratchet Crimping Tool Set
Jaws supplied:
Insulated Terminal:0.5- 6.0mm2
Non-insulated Terminal:1.5mm2 - 10mm2
Open Barrel Terminal:0.5 - 6.0mm2
Cord End Terminal (Small AWG):0.5mm2 - 4.0mm2
RG Type Coaxial Cable Connector: RG 58, 59, 62 and 6, 6.48mm - 8.23mm
Cord End Terminal (Large AWG):0.5mm2 - 16.0mm2
Open Barrel Terminal 7 D-SUB, V3.5:2.5mm2 - 8.0-10.0mm2
Non-Insulated Terminals
-5110K 13.99 10.77
1.5mm2 - 10mm2 CRIMP TYPE
Open Barrel Terminal 7 D-Sub Product Size Order Code List Offer
-5160K 13.99 10.77
V3.5 -0.5mm2 - 6.0mm2 CRIMP TYPE
Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1
8 Position 8 Connector KRC04 4 -5710K 114.27 87.99
-5170K 15.70 12.09 KRC07 7 -5740K 142.84 109.99
Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer
Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1 Number KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1
TCU095 -5440K 191.60 147.53 Replacement Jaws -6440K 63.42 48.83
Page 896
Cable Tie Cable
Gun Ties
Steel jaws grip the cable with trigger action Suitable for securing or retaining cables and objects of various shapes and sizes.
for rapid tightening, tensioning and trimming, Tensile strengths of 8 to 22kg. Heat resistant from 40C to 85C.
ideal for production environments. Supplied in packs of 100.
Capacity: 2.4 to 4.8mm width.
Mains Testers
With heavy duty one-piece moulded insulation
sheaths covering both blade and transparent
plastic handle for extra protection and safety.
Order Code EDI-515 Offer
Assorted Cable
Black Natural
Will detect live electricity supply. 2.5 x 100 -2100K -2110K 1.00 Tie Sets
Suitable for AC to 125 - 250V. 3mm wide tip. 2.5 x 160 -2120K -2130K 2.02 Sets of single
Conforms to DIN VDE 0680 part 6:1977-04 . 2.5 x 200 -2140K -2150K 3.33 diameter and mixed
3.5 x 150 -2200K -2210K 2.84 diameter (both in
3.5 x 200 -2220K -2230K 3.80
3.5 x 300 -2240K -2250K 7.64 packs of assorted
3.5 x 370 -2260K -2270K 10.10 lengths).
4.8 x 120 -2300K -2310K 3.10
4.8 x 200 -2320K -2330K 3.80
4.8 x 300 -2340K -2350K 7.64
4.8 x 380 -2360K -2370K 11.38 Pack Order Code Offer
Blade Cap Weight Order Code List Offer 4.8 x 430 -2380K -2390K 13.58 Colour dIA
Length Type per 12 KEN-515 Price/1 Price/1 Size EDI-515 Price/Pk
7.0 x 200 -2500K -2510K 7.25 Black Mix mm 600 -3100K 18.66
150mm Plastic 210g -0500K 3.69 2.84 7.0 x 300 -2520K -2530K 10.47
190mm Plastic 400g -0550K 4.95 3.81 Black 2.5mm 300 -3110K 4.57
7.9 x 350 -2600K -2610K 14.21 Black 3.6mm 400 -3120K 17.56
7.9 x 400 -2620K -2630K 15.89 Black 4.8mm 500 -3130K 28.44
Edison Socket 7.9 x 450 -2640K -2650K 17.85 Natural Mix mm 600 -3200K 18.66
9.0 x 550 -2800K -2810K 31.69 Natural 2.5mm 300 -3210K 4.57
Tester 9.0 x 760 -2820K -2830K 54.84 Natural 3.6mm 400 -3220K 17.56
3-Pin Socket Tester for 230V AC Circuit 12.0 x 650 -2900K -2910K 46.30 Natural 4.8mm 500 -3230K 28.44
The Edison 3-Pin Socket Tester provides a
quick and simple way to test that mains Magnetic
sockets are live and wired correctly. Tests and Cable Guider
indicates faults with earth, live & neutral
reverse, neutral, live & earth reverse and wiring An innovative tool for inserting cables through brick walls, cavity walls, studwork etc.
faults. Suitable for 230V AC circuits. Tested by major utilities - saves hours of engineers time.
Includes three adaptors for 3.7 to 5.9mm cable diameters.
Drill bit not included.
330mm (13)
Page 897
No.500 Cable Stripper/ Multi-Stripper PLUS
Screwdriver/Volt Tester Cable stripper for round and
The newly developed Multi-Stripper PLUS, screwdriver, voltage tester, stripper for conductors, continental type cables of
round and coaxial cables and cutter in only one tool. Screwdriver: two double ended bits: 8 - 13mm dia (e.g. NYM
No.1PZ and 8855; x 3.5 slotted No.2PZ and 8855: x 4.0 slotted bit storage inside 3x 1.5mm up to 5x 2.5mm).
ergonomic dual material handle. Voltage tester: 110 - 250V. Round cable stripper: capacity Flush stripping even in
8 - 13mm dia (eg NYM 3x 1.5mm - 5x 2.5mm). Built-in side cutter: for PVC-isolated round hard-to-reach areas, e.g. ceiling and wall
cables max. 9mm dia. Coax stripper: two or three-level stripping of all common coaxial areas, junction and distribution boxes, switch
cables of 4.8 - 7.5mm dia. Wire stripper: for all common stranded and solid conductors cabinets, etc. The ergonomic tool design
0.5mm (20AWG) to 6.0mm (10AWG). provides a sure grip and safe handling.
Needs no adjustment of the cutting depth.
Capacity Order Code List Offer Capacity Order Code List Offer
(mm) KEN-516 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) KEN-516 Price/1 Price/1
8.0 - 13.0 -8340K 40.86 31.05 0.5 - 6.0 -8300K 19.81 15.06
For stripping of all common round cables of 4 - 28mm. Wire stripper
adjusts automatically to diameter of wire to allow quick and accurate
stripping. Stripping blades are made from hardened steel. Order Code List Offer
Capacity (mm2) KEN-516 Price/1 Price/1
Overall length: 130mm.
0.5 - 6.0 -7980K 27.17 20.65
Page 898
Cable Stripper & Powerstrip Wire Stripper
Ripper Self adjusting. Wire is gripped and stripped in a single
MK02 action. Also features a wire cutter to allow for
For stripping of outer insulation from cables. Spring loaded gripping trimming. Adjustable slide and lock wire stop
arm, blade has adjustable cutting depth of up to for fast accurate setting of
3mm. Blade can be turned through 90 by strip length.
pushing the side button, to cut along the length
of cable. Also features a spring loaded ripping
blade for insulation removal.
Overall length:
Weight Order Code List Offer Capacity Order Code List Offer
Capacity (mm2) each KEN-516 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) SEN-516 Price/1 Price/1
0.5 - 6.0 150g -8520K 73.64 55.97 6.0 -8240K 32.95 25.04
793936 - Swingo Designed for cutting fibre optics, KEVLAR materials, plastic canvas,
One tool for cutting upholstery, headlines, cloth, fabric, string and many more.
and stripping wire Lightweight and easy to use for both right and left handed users.
from 0.02 - 10mm. Long lasting precision ground hardened high carbon alloy steel with
Adjustable stripping Molybdenum and Vanadium blades.
depth. Soft grips. Jaw Serrated blade reduces slippage.
force adjustment. Adjustable pivot point adjusts
Designed for stripping the tension between
without jolts. the blades.
Extended tang for durability.
Page 899
Butane soldering irons can be used anywhere, any time, without having to plug into the wall. They dont have power cables making them
ideally suitable for fine work. The run time for the irons varies from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on model and heat setting, but refilling
them with butane gas only takes about 20 seconds. They offer more flexibility than traditional soldering irons as you can change the size of
the soldering tips, put hot blow air tips for heat-shrink work, put hot knife tips on for cutting plastic, and flame tips for brazing.
The temperature can be controlled very easily for each application (580C to 1,300C) with the temperature adjustment dial.
Butane soldering irons dont use an open flame, unless using the flame tip. There are small catalytic combustion screens built into the
other tips, which heat up and glow so that soldering iron wont flame out.
Butane Butane
Soldering Tools Soldering Torch
Flint type ignition which is built into the cap. Cordless pocket sized soldering torch, butane
Uses standard butane lighter fuel and is powered - simple to refill. The gas fuel
simple to refill. Fully adjustable tip level can be seen clearly in the
temperature control with a safety transparent 7ml tank. Textured anti-
fuel cut-off when cap is slip barrel, flint wheel in cap for
replaced. Textured anti-slip ignition. Safety wire stand
barrel. Supplied with prevents the soldering iron
pointed soldering tip. from rolling when not in
Can be used with use. Can be used with
double flat, hot air, hot knife, gas torch
flame and hot knife, can Power rating: 50W and deflector tips.
also be used as a blow Soldering temperature 375C Supplied with pointed
torch. Supplied without Run time 60 minutes soldering tip and without Butane.
fuel. Overall length with cap: 195mm
Overall length with soldering tip: 180mm. Power rating: 30W to 70W.
Weight Order Code List Offer Soldering temperature: 210C to 400C.
Product Number each KEN-516 Price/1 Price/1 Maximum temperature: 1300C.
Run time: (full tank of fuel at mid heat
BS050 100g -9000K 18.75 14.25 approx 30 minutes
level setting).
Overall length with cap: 153mm
Butane Soldering Overall length with soldering tip: 140mm.
Iron Tips Product
Order Code
Interchangeable tips Pro 50 55g -3010A 18.75 16.50
for use with Kennedy
butane soldering tools. 2.4 to 4.8mm
Double Flat Tip
Fine Tip Hot Knife
Butane Soldering Kit
To Suit BS050 Soldering Iron Impact resistant plastic case with shock absorbing high density foam
Size Order Code List Offer
Type (mm) KEN-516 Price/1 Price/1 inlay. Contains the Pro 50 butane powered soldering torch. Pointed
2.4 -9050K 6.75 5.13 soldering tip, hot knife tip, blow torch tip and heat blower tip, coil of
Double Flat Tip 60/40 resin cored solder and tip cleaning pad.
4.8 -9040K 6.75 5.13
Fine Tip -9060K 6.75 5.13 Supplied without Butane.
Hot Knife Tip -9070K 6.75 5.13
Page 900
Butane Butane
Soldering Torch Soldering Tool
Cordless soldering torch, butane powered, simple to refill. PIEZO self ignition. Uses standard butane lighter
Suitable for soldering, light gauge welding, brazing. The gas fuel level fuel and is simple to refill. Fully adjustable tip
can be seen clearly in the transparent 20ml tank. temperature control with a safety fuel cut-off
Textured anti-slip barrel, flint wheel in when cap is replaced.
cap for ignition. Safety wire stand Textured anti-slip barrel with built in
prevents the soldering iron from stand for anti roll. Supplied with
rolling when not in use. pointed soldering tip. Can be
Supplied with pointed used with double flat, hot
soldering tip and blow air, flame and hot knife,
torch nozzle. can also be used as
Can be used with a blow torch.
hot knife, gas torch Supplied without fuel.
and deflector tips.
Power rating: 50W
Soldering temperature 375C
Run time 60 minutes
Overall length with cap: 195mm
Overall length with soldering tip: 180mm.
Power rating: 30W to 70W.
Soldering temperature: 250C to 500C. Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Maximum temperature: 1300C. Number each KEN-516 Price/1 Price/1
Run time: (full tank of fuel at mid heat approx 120 minutes BS075 100g -9100K 35.95 27.32
level setting).
Overall length with cap: 233mm
Overall length with soldering tip: 215mm. Butane Soldering
Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Iron Tips
Number each NIM-516 Price/1 Price/1 Interchangeable tips
Pro 70 80g -3050D 24.13 21.23 for use with Kennedy
butane soldering tools. 2.4 to 4.8mm Hot Air Hot Knife Flame
Double Flat Tip Blower Tip Tip Tip
Butane Soldering Kit To Suit BS075 Soldering Iron
Size Order Code List Offer
Impact resistant plastic case with shock absorbing high density foam Type (mm) KEN-516 Price/1 Price/1
inlay. Contains the Pro 70 butane powered soldering torch, pointed 2.4 -9140K 7.95 6.04
soldering tip, hot knife tip, blow torch tip and heat blower tip, coil of Double Flat Tip 3.2 -9150K 7.95 6.04
60/40 resin cored solder and tip cleaning pad. 4.8 -9160K 7.95 6.04
Supplied without butane. Hot Air Tip -9170K 7.95 6.04
Flame Tip -9180K 7.95 6.04
Hot Knife Tip -9190K 7.95 6.04
Page 901
Butane Butane
Soldering Torch Soldering Torch
Flint type ignition which is built into Self igniting at the push of a switch, one-handed operation. Cordless
the cap. Uses standard butane multi-function heat and soldering torch, butane powered simple to
lighter fuel and is simple to refill, 20ml tank. Textured anti-slip barrel with anti-roll flat on handle,
refill. Fully adjustable tip to prevent movement when not in use. Suitable
temperature control. for soldering, brazing and light gauge welding.
Supplied with pointed Fully adjustable tip temperature
soldering tip and a control. Supplied with pointed soldering
stand with sponge. tip. Can be used with hot knife,
Supplied without gas torch and deflector tips.
fuel. Supplied without
Page 902
Butane Soldering Torch - Butane
Heavy Duty Soldering Tool
A heavy duty powerful heat tool with self ignition for one handed Piezo self ignition. Uses standard butane lighter
operation, butane powered simple to refill. The gas fuel level can be fuel and is simple to refill. Fully adjustable
seen clearly in the transparent 38ml tank. Machined aluminium tip temperature control with a safety fuel
barrel with anti-roll flat on handle, to prevent rolling when not in use. cut-off when cap is replaced.
Fully adjustable tip temperature control. Textured anti-slip barrel with built-in
Supplied with pointed soldering tip, stand for anti roll. Supplied with
this tool is capable of soft soldering, pointed soldering tip.
brazing, sweating and heat Can be used with single
expansion of seized fasteners. flat, double flat, hot air,
Protective case with auto hot air deflector
gas shut off. Can be and hot knife, can
used with hot knife, also be used as a
gas torch and blow torch.
deflector tips. Supplied
Supplied without fuel.
Butane Soldering Torch - Heavy Duty Rework Kit Butane Soldering Tool Kit
A more comprehensive kit for the repair and maintenance of most BSK125
electrical and electronic soldered assemblies, in the most remote Butane soldering iron complete with 5 tip attachments, cleaning
environments. Contains: PRO 120 butane powered soldering torch sponge and safety stand.
with 2.4mm chisel tip, professional metal bodied desolder pump, Kit contents: 1x butane soldering iron. 5x tip attachments: 2.4mm
precision side cutter(insulated), 1mm chisel tip, and 4.8mm double flat, hot knife, hot air blower and hot air deflector.
5mm diameter hot air blower tip, gas torch tip, 1x cleaning sponge, 1x safety stand.
coil of 60/40 cored solder, two metal trays,
flux, moulded stand and user manual.
Supplied in a metal box with hammer paint
finish and chrome plated snap latches.
Group 860
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each NIM-516 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-516 Price/1 Price/1
Pro 120KS 1.35kg -3160P 98.75 86.90 8 460g -9320K 73.00 55.48
Page 903
Soldering Soldering
Irons Irons
Thermo-plastic handles, designed for comfort and a firm safe grip. Supplied with a double flat nickel plated tip, 1.2m power lead and
The mains lead is held by a cable clamping screw which eliminates 3 amp three pin plug. Manufactured to BS EN 60335-2-45.
the strain on electrical connections.
All supplied complete with a double flat nickel plated tip and 3 amp
3-pin plug with 1.5m power lead as standard.
Manufactured to BS 3456. All 230V.
15W Fine Duty For light duty electrical repairs and fine electronics
40W Medium Duty Medium duty soldering iron for most general For printed circuit boards and micro-electric soldering SMD and
soldering where a little more power is required. generally in the electronics industry. Lightweight design with a shim
retained tip to prevent seizure. The K series iron has an efficient
heat flow to maintain the tip, temperaturel.
K1000 Rated 380C (700F). Tip diameter 4.75mm (3/16).
Supplied with 5937 Adiron tip.
Wattage equivalent: 15.
75W Heavy Duty Heavy duty soldering iron for metal repairs such as
battery connections and other small metal joining tasks.
Expert Soldering
Soldering Kit Irons
Ideal for hobbies, model making and home repairs. Copper soldering For general soldering duties. Cool touch handles with hanging hook.
tip for use on wood, leather, burning and stain glass work. All meet new low voltage directives. Conform to CE Standards.
240V - 50/60Hz, 100W with an insulation category of 11. Supplied *Supplied with blue handle.
with smoothing tip, cutting tip, soldering aid tool and a coil of multi-
purpose solder.
Page 904
Angle Vice
600 Series Soldering Stations Aluminium vice with a two position lockable
ball joint, cast steel clamp and swivel
Bench or wall mounting. Supplied with stand mechanism. Horizontal/vertical grooved jaw
incorporating sponge and accessory is designed to hold irregular shaped objects.
holder. 650-PS Basic power Removable jaw rubber covers for protecting
supply unit. 24V 50W delicate components.
output. Power-on indication. Will clamp to surfaces of
Can be used with any 24V 5 to 50mm thickness.
soldering iron up to 50W.
Soldering iron supplied Jaw width: 74mm.
separately. Upright: rotates through 360 and the vice
can swivel between 45 and 135.
Right angles: vice can be rotated
through 360.
Page 905
Desoldering Fume
Tool Hood
Anti-Static Val-U-Vac Designed for extracting fumes from
With carbon impregnated tip and body to prevent solder adhesion and work area by passing them through
dispel static. Conforms with CECC 15. Removal of molten solder is a carbon sponge filter. The unit has
achieved by the spring loaded piston creating a vacuum in the barriel built in lighting controlled from an
of the tool. With safety shield and extraction springs located outside individual switch. Lightweight
of the vacuum chamber and PTFE nozzle to prevent solder stickng. metal construction which
Nozzle size: clamps to desired work top
3mm OD x 1.5mm, or table. Fully adjustable
ID x 20mm. both in height and reach.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Voltage: 220/230V.
Size each KEN-516 Price/1 Price/1 Maximum height: 530mm.
190 x 20mm 40g -8480K 9.50 7.22 Maximum reach: 515mm.
For clean, positive developed to enable efficient soft soldering The industry standard
joint preparation. to metals such as stainless steels. These silver brazing flux.
For tinned metals are difficult to solder due to the tough Working range
materials and chromic oxide layer, which is 550 - 800C.
copper. present on the surface Suitable for use with the
of the steel alloys. The lowest melting point
free acid within Frysol silver brazing alloys.
A8 flux removes these Complies with
oxides, thus producing DIN 8511 FSH-2.
a clean surface for the
solder to wet.
This product has a
Weight Order Code Offer
shelf life of 36 months Description each JMY-875 Price/1
Tin Order Code Offer from the date of Powder 250g -6008K 19.99
Size FRY-875 Price/1 manufacture. Powder 500g -6020L 36.40
125ml -6014E 6.20 Paste 1.00kg -6020B 70.53
250ml -6015F 8.40 Size Order Code Offer Stainless
1ltr -6017H 16.20 FRY-875 Price/1
Grade 500g -6020T 44.06
10ltr -6020L 93.60 1ltr -6061L 37.00 Powder
Page 906
Multicore Lead-free
Solder Solder
60% tin, 40% lead. With 5 99.3% tin and 0.7% copper.
core 362 flux. Suitable for Uses the non-corrosive Ersin
general purpose electrical 362 flux giving excellent
work. Supplied on reels. solder
Melting range: spread and fast wetting.
183 - 188C. Designed to be substituted
for tin/lead alloys in all
electronics assembly
soldering operations.
Melting range: 225 - 230C.
Savbit Solder
Special alloy solder. For all electrical work.
Enables fine copper wires to be soldered
General purpose grade (60/40) for a wide Copper Alloy Solder
range of joint applications. Silbralloy
more efficiently. Reduces tip corrosion. Supplied in tube dispenser.
With five core Ersin non-corrosive, 2% silver, 91.7% copper, 6.3% phosphorous.
low residue flux. Melting range 644-825C.
Conforms to CP105-CP2.
Melting range: 182 - 215C.
Product Dia. Weight Order Code List Offer Wire Weight Order Code List Offer Rod Diameter
Order Code Offer
Number (mm) each MLT-875 Price/1 Price/1 Diameter each NIM-516 Price/1 Price/1 JMY-875 Price/1
WK518 1.2 28g -5205E 3.95 3.24 1.0mm 25g -1010A 2.50 2.20 3mm -3860W 1.64
Page 907
Auto Range
Digital Multimeters
Within the Edison range of multimeters you will find direct reading multimeters and non-contact reading multimeters.
Ideal for electrical troubleshooting and straightforward environmental testing in residential and commercial environments.
DAM075 MET060 MNT070
The 2 in 1 digital multimeter is capable for The 5 in 1 digital multimeter is capable of The 3 in 1 digital multimeter is capable of
the following tasks: electrical testing using testing the following: electrical testing. testing the following: network cable testing,
test probes, no contact voltage detection and Temperature: -20 to 1000C. line testing (RJ11), DMM testing.
testing for wiring faults. Humidity: 30 to 90%. AC/DC voltage: 1000V.
Testing temperature: -20 to 1000C. Sound level: 35 to 100db. AC/DC current: 10A.
AC voltage: 750V. Illumination: 4000 to 40000Lux. Resistance: 200MW.
DC voltage: 1000V. AC/DC voltage: 600V. Relative measurement function. Diode testing
AC/DC current: 10A. AC/DC current: 10A. facility. Clear display with LED back light and
Resistance: 40MW. Resistance: 40MW. data hold function.
Capacitance: 200mF. Capacitance: 200mF. Pack includes: network digital multimeter,
Relative measurement function. Diode Frequency: 1Hz to 200KHz. test probes, TJ45 jack (remote),
testing facility. Clear display with LED back Relative measurement function. Diode 9V battery (installed), instruction manual.
light and data hold function. Auto power OFF testing facility. Clear display with LED back Dimensions (W x D x H): 165 x 65 x 230mm.
and low power indicator. light and data hold function.
Digital display count: 3999. Auto power OFF and low power indicator.
Pack includes: digital Digital display
multimeter, test count: 3999.
probes, temperature Pack includes:
sensor probe, environment digital
DC1.5V x3 AAA multimeter, test
batteries (installed), probes, clamp-on
instruction manual test leads,
Dimensions tempereture sensor
(W x D x H): probe, 9V battery
152 x 45 x 190mm. (installed),
instruction manual.
(W x D x H):
165 x 65 x 230mm.
Model Weight Order Code List Offer Model Weight Order Code List Offer Model Weight Order CodeList Offer
Number each EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1 Number each EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1 Number each EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1
DAM075 416g -3100K 81.91 58.98 MET060 618g -3460K 114.68 82.57 MNT070 618g -3600K 122.88 88.47
DAM100 DAM060
Auto Range Hi-Accuracy Digital Multimeter with USB interface, Auto Range Digital Multimeter with USB interface, ideal for electrical
ideal for electrical troubleshooting and straightforward maintenance, troubleshooting and straightforward maintenance,
initial start-up testing and R and D. initial start-up testing and R and D.
Linear frequency: 5Hz to 200KHz. Temperature testing (K Type): -5C to 1000 C.
Logic frequency: 5Hz to 2MHz. AC voltage: 700V.
Duty cycle: 5% to 95%. DC voltage: 1000V.
Diode testing: 0 to 2.5V. AC/DC current: 10A.
AC/DC voltage: 1000V. Resistance: 60MW.
AC/DC current: 10A. Capacitance: 300mF.
Resistance: 50MW. Frequency/duty cycle: 1Hz to 1MHz.
Capacitance: 5000mF. Diode testing and buzzer.
Relative measurement function. Relative measurement function.
Clear display with LED back light and data Clear display with LED back light and
hold function auto power OFF and low data hold function.
power indicator. Auto power OFF and low power
Digital display count: 50000. indicator. Auto/manual range.
Pack includes: digital multimeter, test Electronic protection system.
probes, clamp-on trat leads, USB Digital display count: 6000.
Model Weight Order Code List Offer Model Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1 Number each EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1
DAM100 1018g -3420K 327.70 235.94 DAM060 182g -3440K 163.84 117.96
Page 908
Digital 116 175
Compact true-rms meter for HVAC Rugged & easy to use general purpose DMM
Multimeters troubleshooting. It has everything needed in suitable fora wide range of applications &
114 an HVAC meter including temperature and environments
Used for troubleshooting on go/no-go microamp measurements to quickly True RMS voltage & current
testing. It includes a feature to prevent false troubleshoot problems with HVAC equipment 6000 count display with fast bargraph
readings caused by ghost voltage. and flame sensors. AutoHoldR - just probe and the
Voltage max: 600V AC/DC. Voltage max: 600V AC/DC. measurement is automatically captured when
Continuity: 600W. Current max: 600mA AC/DC. its stable. Lifetime Warranty
Safety rating: Cat III 600V. Capacitance max: 500mF. 0.15% basic dc accuracy
Temp. range: -40C - 400C. 0.01mV - 1000V ac/dc
Continuity: 600W. 0.01mA - 10A ac/dc
Diode test: 2V. Resistance : 0.1W - 50MW
Safety rating: Cat III 600V. Capacitance : 1nF - 10,000mF
Frequency : 0.01Hz - 100kHz
Model Weight Order Code Offer Model Weight Order Code Offer Product Weight Order Code Offer
Number each FLU-516 Price/1 Number each FLU-516 Price/1 Number each FLU-516 Price/1
114 550g -1124A 129.99 116 550g -1126C 174.99 175 420g -1175R 199.99
Model Weight Order Code Offer Model Weight Order Code Offer Product Weight Order Code Offer
Number each FLU-516 Price/1 Number each FLU-516 Price/1 Number each FLU-516 Price/1
115 550g -1125B 149.99 117 550g -1127D 179.99 179 420g -1179K 249.99
Page 909
Digital DAM332 DM664
Pocket sized with integral lead storage. Extra large digits, temperature probe
Multimeter Features include continuity, diode, and short lead capacitor adaptor.
DM383 reading/peak hold, fused current range, Features include continuity, diode, transistor
Features include continuity, transistor hFE, auto power off, overload indication, hFE, auto power off, overload indication, low
reading/peak hold, fused current range, auto low battery indication. battery indicator, tilt stand/hanger.
power off, overload indication, low battery Voltage max: 600V AC, 600V DC. Voltage max: 700V AC, 1000V DC.
indication, tilt stand/hanger. Current max: 400mA AC/DC. Current max: 10A AC/DC.
Resistance max: 40MW. Resistance max: 200MW.
Voltage max: 600V AC, 600V DC. Capacitance max: 2mF.
Current max: 10A DC. Safety rating: Cat II. Frequency max: 20kHz.
Resistance max: 2MW. Warranty: 1 year. Temp max: -20 to 1000C.
Safety rating: Cat II. Supplied with wallet. Safety rating: Cat III 600V, Cat II 1000V.
Warranty: 1 year. Warranty:
Supplied with 1 year.
915 915
Order Code Offer List
Order Code Offer
Model Number EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1 Model Number EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1
Order CodeList Offer
Model Number EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1
DM383 -2900K 27.02 19.45 DM664 -3000K 62.73 45.17
Replacement Probe -9030K 7.99 5.75 DAM332 -2600K 39.18 28.21 Replacement Probe -9010K 9.99 7.19
DAM668 DAM982
Removable rubber holster with integral lead holders. Features include Features include continuity, diode, auto ranging, reading/peak hold,
continuity, diode, transistor hFE, auto ranging, reading/peak hold, bar back light, auto power off, overload indication, low battery indicator,
graph, fused current range, overload indication, low battery indicator, tilt stand/hanger.
tilt stand/hanger. Voltage max:
Voltage max: 700V AC, 1000V DC. 750V AC, 1000V DC.
Current max: 10A AC/DC. Current max: 10A AC/DC.
Resistance max: 32.6MW. Resistance max: 40MW.
Capacitance max: 32.6mF. Capacitance max: 20mF.
Frequency max: 150kHz. Frequency max: 10MHz.
Safety rating: Safety rating:
Cat III 600V, Cat III 600V,
Cat II 1000V. Cat II 1000V.
Warranty: 1 year. Warranty: 1 year.
Model Number Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer
EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1 Model Number EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1
DAM668 -2700K 91.51 65.89 DAM982 -3400K 104.52 75.25
Replacement Probe -9010K 9.99 7.19 Replacement Probe -9010K 9.99 7.19
Page 910
Digital 287/IR3000FC 289/IR3000FC
The IR3000FC connector allows you to The IR3000FC connector allows
Multimeter wirelessly transfer data from your existing you to wirelessly transfer data from your
177 Fluke Tools to your smart phone. Large existing Fluke Tools to your smart phone.
This is the industry standard, with all the 50,000 count 320 x 240 (1/4 VGA) dot matrix Large 50,000 count 320 x 240 (1/4 VGA) dot
features you need to troubleshoot and repair display. Logging function with TrendCapture matrix display. Logging function with
so many problems in electrical and electronic for easy review of logged data. Multiple TrendCapture for easy review of logged data.
systems. readings per display provide more information Multiple readings per display provide more
Fluke 177 Series digital multimeter give you at a glance. I'-info button for convenient on- information at a glance. I'-info button for
True RMS voltage and current board help. PC interface for easy data convenient on-board help. PC interface for
measurements, 6000-count resolution, transfer. easy data transfer. Has the same features as
manual and automatic ranging and provide the 287 but includes Lo
frequency, capacitance, resistance, continuity Voltage max: Pass filter for motor
and diode measurements. In addition, 1000V AC/DC. drive measurements,
provide higher 0.09% basic accuracy, a digital Current max: LoZ - low impedance
display with analogue bar graph and backlit. 10A AC/DC. function prevents false
Temperature max: "ghost voltage"
Voltage DC: -200C to 1350C. readings and 50O
0.1mV - 1000V Resistance max: range for motor
Voltage AC: 500 MW. winding and low ohm
0.1mV - 1000V Conductance max: measurements.
Current DC: 50nS. Voltage max:
0.01mA - 10A Capacitance max: 1000V AC/DC.
Current AC: 100mF. Current max:
0.01mA - 10A Frequency max: 10A AC/DC.
Resistance: 1MHz. Temperature max:
0.1 - 50M Ohms -200C to 1350C.
Capacitance: Resistance max:
1nF - 100kHz 500 MO.
Frequency: Conductance max:
0.01Hz - 100kHz 50nS.
Temperature: Capacitance max:
0.1C -40/400C 100mF.
Frequency max:
Page 911
Digital T90 V3000FC
Feature superior environmental & safety A fully functional True RMS voltage meter that
Multimeter protection. The fast responding LED wirelessly relays AC voltage measurements
1000FLT indicators update in less than one-tenth of a to other Fluke Connect enabled master
The Fluke 1000FLT offers 5 essential lighting second to let you know that there are units. Share test data using the Fluke
tests: dangerous voltages present. Easy to use Connect app with ShareLive video call.
Lamp test: test bulb without removing from when wearing gloves, these testers have Measure up to 1000V.
fixture. large buttons, bright indicators and clear Use as a standalone meter or as part of the
Ballast test: audible & sensory indicators. Heavy duty system.
easily determine if ballast is moulded cases, double insulated test leads Logging function for
working. with a wear indicator and a probe dock. 2 recording and saving up
Non-contact voltage: year guarantee. to 65,000 readings.
quickly check for voltage Voltage: 12V - 690V Safety rating:
presence. Continuity: 0 - 400kO CAT IV 600V,
Pin continuity test: Frequency: 0-60Hz CAT III 1000V.
tests if filaments have Safety rating:
continuity. CATII 690V CAT III
Ballast-type test: 600V IP rating;
determine if ballast is IP54
electronic or magnetic
without taking fixture
apart - identify energy
wasting ballasts.
Operating temperature:
-10C to +50C.
Safety rating:
IEC 61010-1,
pollution degree 2. NE W
Size: 21.5 x 3.0 x 6.5cm.
Order CodeList Offer
Model Number FLU-516 Price/1 Price/1
1000FLT -8640D 139.99 139.99
A fully functional DC voltage meter that
NEW NE W wirelessly relays DC voltage measurements
to other Fluke Connect enabled master
units. Share test data using the Fluke
Order CodeList Offer Order Code List Offer Connect app with ShareLive video call.
Model Number FLU-516 Price/1 Price/1 Model Number FLU-516 Price/1 Price/1 Measure up to 1000V.
1000FLT -1975E 183.99 183.99 T90 -7090L 39.99 39.99 Use as a standalone meter
or as part of the system.
PRV240 T110 Logging function for
The Fluke PRV240 proving unit is a portable, Feature superior environmental & safety recording and saving up
pocket-sized, battery-powered voltage source. protection. The fast responding LED to 65,000 readings.
It is unique in that it sources stable AC and indicators update in less than one-tenth of a Safety rating:
DC voltages for both LoZ and HiZ second to let you know that there are CAT IV 600V,
instruments. The PRV240 reduces the risk of dangerous voltages present. Easy to use CAT III 1000V.
shock and arc flash by removing unnecessary when wearing gloves, these testers have
exposure to a potentially hazardous electrical large buttons, bright indicators and clear
environment while verifying the functionality audible & sensory indicators. Heavy duty
of test tools before and after absence or moulded cases, double
presence of voltage is checked. insulated test leads with a
Output voltage: 240V AC RMS or DC wear indicator and a probe
(10% =1MO). LoZ>3kO load dock.
(60V AC typical, 50V AC RMS minimum). 2 year guarantee.
Operating temperature: -10C to +50C. Similar specifications to the
T90 but with switchable load,
Safety: IEC61010-1, IEC61010-2-030. vibratory indicator under load,
rotary field indicator and NEW
electrical torch function.
Voltage: 12V - 690V Model Number
Order CodeList Offer
Continuity: 0 - 400kO FLU-516 Price/1 Price/1
Frequency: 0-400Hz V3000FC -8641H 139.99 139.99
Safety rating:
Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer
Model Number FLU-516 Price/1 Price/1 Model Number FLU-516 Price/1 Price/1 Model Number FLU-516 Price/1 Price/1
177 -5786F 99.99 99.99 T110 -7110N 59.99 59.99 PC3000FC -5742E 79.99 79.99
Page 912
Auto Ranging EETO1 Electrical
Multimeters Tester
The Amprobe AM-500 series provides a model to cover commercial and advanced residential with
applications, the HVAC professional or electrical contractors. Features include a built-in LCD
flashlight to see wires and fuses in the dark, flame sensors, a Velcro strap and a carry case.
Voltage Range:
AM520 AM530 12~690V AC/DC
Feature rich auto-ranging DMMs with backlit Feature rich auto-ranging DMMs with backlit Response Time:
display. display. <0.5s at 100% of
each nominal voltage
Model AM520 is average reading Model AM530 is TRUE RMS reading
Accuracy (235C):
Temperature -40C +1000C Temperature -40C +1000C (3%+3) or 5V
Non-contact voltage detector Non-contact voltage detector Response Time: <2s at
1mV - 600V ac/dc 1mV - 600V ac/dc 90% of each voltage
Basic dc accuracy Basic dc accuracy Peak Current: <3.5mA
0.8% 0.8% (at 690V)
0.1mA - 10A 0.1mA - 10A
ac/dc ac/dc High voltage indication
0.1W - 40MW 0.1W - 40MW Voltage Range:
Capacitance Capacitance 100~690V AC
Resistance Resistance Continuity test:
/Continuity /Continuity Detection Range:
Frequency to Frequency to 0~1MW
10MHz 10MHz Test Current: Approx.
Bargraph Bargraph 1.5A (battery 3V, 0W)
Min/Max Min/Max Standard Category:
recording recording IEC 61010-1
Cat III-600V Cat III-600V GS: CAT lll 690V
2 year warranty 2 year warranty ETL:CAT IV 600V
Contents: Contents: Pollution Degree: 2
temperature probe, temperature probe, IP code: IP64
test leads, manual test leads, manual
Order Code Offer Order Code Offer Model Order Code List Offer
Model Number AMP-516 Price/1 Model Number AMP-516 Price/1 Number EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1
AM520 -1872C 63.99 AM530 -1873D 84.99 EETO1 -4700K 51.52 37.09
2 temperature
probes &
adapter, test Case to suit Amprobe
leads, Multimeters
Vinyl case to suit the
30 series multimeters.
Model Number Order Code Offer Model Order Code Offer Model Order Code Offer
AMP-516 Price/1 Number AMP-516 Price/1 Number AMP-516 Price/1
AM550 -1875F 113.99 DM78C -2578M 40.00 VC30-A -7000X 14.00
Page 913
Digital Multimeter with 10 Function Digital Multimeter
Non-contact Voltage Detector with Temperature Probe
10 Function Manual Ranging 30XR-A 33XR-A
The 30XR-A has all the basic functions for Temperature, frequency and capacitance.
Digital Multimeter automotive, residential and education Extended 4000 F capacitance range for
5XP-A applications. 9 functions and 30 ranges motor run/start testing. Magne-Grip holster
27 ranges/10 functions. Battery load test handles most measurement needs. with magnetic hanging strap. data hold, peak
with 1.5V and 9V capabilities. Diode test. Magne-Grip holster with magnetic hanging hold, min/max and REL.
Non-contact voltage indicator (70V to 600V strap frees both hands for work. Battery/fuse Display: LCD, 3-3/4digit, 3999 Count.
AC) operates on all ranges. Min/max records door designed for easy accessibility. Battery Measurement ranges:
minimum and maximum values. tester. Voltage: AC 0.1mV - 750V (45 - 500Hz).
Display: LCD, 3-1/2-digit, 1999 Count. Display: LCD, 3-1/2digit, 1999 Count. Voltage: DC 0.1mV - 1000V.
Measurement ranges: Measurement ranges: Input impedance: 10MW.
Voltage: AC 0.1mV - 750V (45 - 500Hz). Voltage: AC 0.1mV - 600V (45 - 500Hz). Current: AC 0.1A - 10A
Voltage: Voltage: (45 - 500Hz).
DC 0.1 mV - DC 0.1mV - 600V. Current:
1000V. Input impedance: DC 0.1A - 10A.
Input impedance: 10MW. Resistance:
10MW. Current: 0.1W - 4MW.
Current: AC 0, A - 10A Continuity:
AC 1A - 200mA (45 - 500Hz). R <35W.
(45 - 500Hz). Current: Frequency:
Current: DC 0.1A - 10A. 10Hz - 1MHz.
DC 1A - 200mA. Resistance: Capacitance:
Resistance: 0.1W - 20MW. 4F - 4000F.
0.1W - 20MW. Continuity: Temperature:
Continuity: R <75W. -20C - 1000C.
R <75W. Dimensions: Dimensions:
Dimensions: 196 x 92 x 60mm. 196 x 92 x 60mm.
155 x 72 x 32mm. Weight: Weight:
Weight: approx. 426g approx. 400g
approx. 210g (incl. battery). (incl. battery).
(incl. battery).
Model Order Code Offer Model Order Code Offer Model Order Code Offer
Number AMP-516 Price/1 Number AMP-516 Price/1 Number AMP-516 Price/1
5XP-A -1005P 37.00 30XR-A -1030P 63.99 33XR-A -1033W 88.99
Pollution continuity
Degree II
Category IV
safety rating
Model Order Code Offer Model Weight Order Code List Offer Model Order Code Offer
Number AMP-516 Price/1 Number each CAN-516 Price/1 Price/1 Number FLU-516 Price/1
15XP-B -1015S 58.00 ELMA 903 150g -3245M 35.00 31.50 77-IV -0770D 289.99
Page 914
Universal Multimeter
Test Leads
One pair (red, black) test leads with right handed shrouded banana plug connectors.
CAT11 1000V 10A. Non fused.
Suitable for use with any 4mm multimeter/instrument for general purpose measurements.
Product Number ETL901 ETL903 ETL904
Probe Length ETL901
145mm 120mm 160mm
(on both) Red/Black ETL903
Lead Lengths 800mm 650mm 800mm
Pair - Red/Black
Right Angled Right Angled Right Angled
Connectors Shrouded Shrouded Banana Shrouded
Banana Lug Short 15mm Lug Banana Lug
End Cap Protectors Plastic Plastic Plastic
Rating CAT11 1000V 10A CAT11 1000V 10A CAT11 1000V 10A
Fuse No No No
Use Any 4mm multimeter/instrument for general purpose measurement ETL904
Order Code EDI-516-9010K EDI-516-9030K EDI-516-9040K
Edison Multimeter Compatibility Product Order Code Offer
DM664/DAM668/DAM982 DM383 OJM826 Number EDI-516 Price/1
Order Codes EDI-516-3000K/ ETL901 -9010K 7.19
EDI-516-2700K EDI-516-2900K EDI-516-9040K ETL903 -9030K 5.75
EDI-516-3400K ETL904 -9040K 9.35
C25 Case Pair of silicone insulated test leads with Pair of silicone insulated testleads with
Zippered case with shrouded banana plugs and test probes with shrouded banana plugs and test probes with
padding and inside pocket. removeable lantern tips and GS38 removeable lantern tips and GS38
Size: 218 x 128 x 64. probetip covers. probetip covers.
Suitable for: 17x/8x/150x
series. IEC 61010 : IEC 61010 :
Cat III 1000 V Cat III 1000 V
C50 Case Cat IV 600 V Cat IV 600 V
Protective meter case
with inside pocket and
belt loop.
Size: 192 x 90 x38
Suitable for 11x/17x series.
Page 915
Digital Digital
Multimeters Multimeters
OJM826 Open Jaw ACD-10 TRMS-Plus Clamp-On Multimeter
Large digits, duty cycle function, Amprobes ACD-10 TRMS-PLUS meter offer thinner jaws over standard
relative measure. Features include clamp meters. Allowing access to tight measurement areasand still
continuity, diode, auto ranging, accommodating conductors up to 25mm. Also measures capacitance
reading/peak hold, back light, auto and frequency. Frequency is measured by either jaws or test leads.
power off, overload indication, low Very versatile clamp multimeter. True RMS version for noisy
battery indicator, tilt stand/hanger. measurement environments for a more accurate
Voltage max: reading.
750V AC, 1000V DC. Voltage max: AC/DC
Current max: voltage to 600V.
200A AC. Current max: 600A AC.
Resistance max: Jaws only 10mm thick.
40MW. Resistance: 40MW.
Capacitance max: Continuity buzzer.
40mF. Capacitance: 3000mF.
Frequency max: Frequency measurement.
100kHz. In rush current.
Safety rating: Hold and maximum reading functions.
Cat III 600V, Accommodates conductors up to 26mm
Cat II 1000V. in diameter.
Warranty: Auto ranging. Auto power off.
1 year. Test leads, battery, soft carrying pouch,
Supplied users manual.
with case.
For test
leads Model Order Code List Offer
Number EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1
page 915 OJM826
Rep. Probe
T5-1000 Model T5-600
Test for Voltage, Current & Test for Voltage, Current &
Resistance/Continuity Resistance/Continuity
The fast and easy solution to The fast and easy solution to
basic electrical testing. basic electrical testing. Model Order Code Offer
Number AMP-516 Price/1
Fixed fork OpenJaw measures Fixed fork OpenJaw measures ACD-10 -1710A 66.00
ac current to 100A without ac current to 100A without
breaking the circuit. breaking the circuit.
Measure ac/dc voltage to 600V Measure ac/dc voltage to 600V TRUE RMS TRUE RMS
or 1000V. or 1000V.
Measure Resistance to 1000W. Measure Resistance to 1000W. Clamp-Meter AC & DC Clamp-Meter
Continuity buzzer. Continuity buzzer. 373 374
GS38 probe tip covers. GS38 probe tip Rugged & safe clamp meter for Rugged AC/DC clamp meter for
2 year warranty. covers. Industrial, Commercial and Industrial & Commercial
Model T5-1000 2 year warranty. Residential electrical work. maintenance. Fluke technology
ac/dc voltage Model T5-600 Bright backlit display filters out noise & captures
to 1000V. ac/dc voltage 600A ac TRMS. inrush current exactly as the
Cat III-1000V to 600V. 600V ac/dc. circuit protection sees it. Optional
safety rated Cat III-600V Resistance to i-Flex flexible clamp extends
safety rated 6W. measurement to
Capacitance to 2500A ac.
1,000uF. 600A ac/dc TRMS
32mm Jaw size. (2500A ac with
3 year warranty. optional iFlex).
Cat III- 600V ac/dc TRMS.
Model Order Code Offer Model Order Code Offer Model Order Code Offer Model Order Code Offer
Number FLU-516 Price/1 Number FLU-516 Price/1 Number FLU-516 Price/1 Number FLU-516 Price/1
T5-1000 -7070R 139.99 T5-600 -7050Q 129.99 373 -1373E 179.99 374 -1374F 269.99
Page 916
Auto Range 1000A
AC/DC Digital Clamp Meters
Edison multimeters are an essential and versatile piece of test equipment. They are used by qualified electricians and mechanics alike to
perform various essential tests and measurements on delicate electronic systems, automotive devices, mains appliances, and installations.
By operating the multi position switch they can quickly and easily set to be a voltmeter, an ammeter or an ohmmeter. Within the Edison
range of multimeters you will find direct reading multimeters and non-contact reading multimeters.
DCM070 DCM070 True RMS
Ideal for electrical troubleshooting & testing in Ideal for electrical troubleshooting & testing in
commercial environments. The AC/DC digital commercial environments. The AC/DC digital
multimeter is capable of testing for the multimeter is capable of testing for the
following: telephone networks, fuse following: telephone networks, fuse
connections. connections.
AC voltage: 750V. DC voltage: 1000V. AC voltage: 750V. DC voltage: 1000V.
AC/DC current: 1000A. AC/DC current: 1000A.
Resistance: 60MW. Resistance: 60MW.
Frequency: 100kHz. Frequency: 100kHz.
Frequency from clamp: 400Hz. Frequency from clamp: 400Hz.
Diode testing facility, continuity buzzer, clear Diode testing facility, continuity buzzer, clear
display with LED backlight & data hold display with LED backlight & data hold
function, auto power OFF & low power function, auto power OFF & low power
indicator, auto range facility, 4 segments indicator, auto range facility, 4 segments
bar graph. bar graph.
Digital display count: 3999. Digital display count: 3999.
Conforms to IEC 1010, CAT II 1000V and Conforms to IEC 1010, CAT II 1000V and
Pack includes: digital clamp multimeter, test Pack includes: digital clamp multimeter, test
probes, 3x DC1.5V AAA batteries (installed), probes, 3x DC1.5V AAA batteries (installed),
instruction manual, protective case with carry instruction manual, protective case with carry
handle, handle.
Dimensions (W x D x H): 140 x 58 x 260mm. Dimensions (W x D x H): 140 x 58 x 260mm.
Weight: 606g Weight: 606g.
Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer
Number EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1 Number EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1
DCM070 -3800K 139.26 100.27 DCM070 True RMS -3840K 163.84 117.96
environments management.
Proprietary PAT tests: Earth continuity. Test
Inrush current 200mA DC. PASS/FAIL
Current threshold 0.2ohms.
capture Insulation resistance. Test
Min/Max voltages 500V DC. PASS/FAIL
logging. threshold 2Mohms. IEC lead test.
3 year warranty. Tests performed earth continuity.
Cat III- Insulation resistance. Live, neutral
1000V/CatIV- continuity and polarity.
600V safety
NEW Circuit tests: Power socket test.
Input voltage range 230V +10%, -
15% AC. Indicators phase to
earth voltage. Phase to neutral
voltage. Neutral to earth.
Model Order Code Offer Model Order Code Offer Dimensions Weight Order Code Offer
Number FLU-516 Price/1 Number FLU-516 Price/1 (mm) each SEA-516 Price/1
375 -1375G 324.99 A3000FC -1979C 129.99 26 x 10 x 5.5 800g -5550M 394.00
Page 917
Airflow, Velocity & Moisture/Damp
Temperature Tester Detector
Infrared Digital Thermometer TVA150 0-77-030
This meter is for measuring airflow and Gives % moisture reading based on electrical
with Laser Targetting temperature. Conforms with EN61326-6: resistance across two pins.
IRT537 2006 and EN61326-2-2: 2006. LCD screen with dual measurement bar
Measurement range: -20C to 537C. Meter capabilities: graph.
Accuracy: -20C to 50C 2.5C 51C to Measuring wind/airflow in: Measures moisture in wood from 6-44% and
537C (reading x 1% 1C) m/s, km/h, fpm, mph, kts. other building materials from 0.2 - 2%.
D/S ratio: 12:1. Beaufort scale. Powered by 3 cell batteries (supplied).
C and F.
Emissivity: 0.95. Celsius/Fahrenheit display Temperature in both
selection. Back light display.
Power source: 9V battery. Testing ranges:
Average/maximum/minimum/ 0.4 ~ 20m/s,
maximum-minimum mode selection. 80 ~ 4000fpm,
Complies with: -10 ~ 50C
EN61326:1997/A1:1998/A2:2001/A3:200 (14 ~ 122F).
3. Dimensions (L x W x H): 162 x 56 x 4 digit clear LCD
190mm. display with
optional back
Data hold
Auto power OFF
and low power
Battery operated -
3x AAA (included).
Group 312
Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer
Number EDI-312 Price/1 Price/1 Number EDI-312 Price/1 Price/1 Number STX-585 Price/1 Price/1
IRT537 -4000K 109.95 79.16 TVA150 -4020K 138.95 100.04 0-77-030 -5082L 57.57 46.06
Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer Dimensions Weight Order Code List Offer
Number EDI-312 Price/1 Price/1 Number EDI-315 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each CAN-516 Price/1 Price/1
THM150 -4040K 89.90 64.73 TNC150 -4200K 106.24 84.99 150 x 18 x 20 60g -3480P 20.00 18.00
Page 918
MEGGER Insulation
Automatic discharge of the circuit after testing, audible
and visual warning if the test probes are applied to a
live circuit, and a test inhibit feature which operates
automatically under live circuit conditions. The units
also conform fully to IEC 61010-1 for use in Category
III 600V applications, and provide all of the facilities
needed to meet insulation testing requirements relating
to the current edition of the IEE Wiring Regulations.
In line with other products in the contractor range,
MIT300 insulation testers feature rugged construction,
with an impact-resistant rubber-overmoulded case, and
innovative circuitry which guarantees high accuracy
combined with stability of calibration. Both provide
indication of insulation resistance up to 999M ohms,
200mA continuity testing, a fast-reacting continuity
buzzer, and facilities for nulling the resistance of the
test leads. The entry-level MIT300 offers insulation test
voltages of 250V and 500V, the MIT310 allows testing
at 250V, 500V and 1,000V. In addition to the basic
features, the mid-range MIT310 adds a default
voltmeter function. The MIT310, incorporates a dual
solid-state displays which simultaneously show the test
results numerically, and in the form of a moving-arc bar
graph that accurately simulates the operation of an MIT300
analogue meter.
Both come complete with a full calibration certificate.
Fluke 1503/1507
Insulation Testers
Combines an insulation tester with basic DMM functionality. Test motors, cables, appliances and electrical installations. Testing is inhibited if
the circuit is live, and automatically discharges after testing for operator safety. Supplied with a pushbutton probe, so that you can test
without holding the meter. Lock down & Lead null buttons. Rugged
construction with large backlit display that shows information at a
glance. Cat IV-600V safety rating means that it is suitable for all
uses and areas.Measures ac/dc volts, resistance & continuity
using a 200mA test current. Model 1507 has advanced features
that test over time for moisture ingress & insulation breakdown.
Model 1503
Test voltages 500/ (model 1507)
Insulation measurement 0.1MW - 2GW
Model 1507
Test voltages 50/100/250/500/1000v
Insulation measurement 0.01MW - 10GW
Measure Dielectric Absorption & Polarisation Index
Remote test probe, Test Leads, Test Probes, Alligator clips, Manual
TPAK - Magnetic/Velcro hanging kit
Fluke TPAK is compatible with all current Fluke DMMs
(plus the 1503 & 1507). Hang your DMM on panels,
Page 919
Volt Multi Material
Stick Cable Detector
Non-Contact AC Voltage Detector Used for checking the presence of an AC GMS 120
voltage, locates break in cables, blown fuses Locates live cables, metals or wooden
Non-contact voltage detector without the need and distinguishes between live and neutral substructures in walls or ceilings. It is the only
to disconnect the conductor/appliance. wires in both single and three phase supply. tool on the market that calibrates itself,
Flashing light and audible indication Volt Stick has a sensitivity of up to 4mm therefore preventing errors caused by
of AC voltages of 100 to 240V. distance of a 2.5mm conductor carrying incorrect calibration.
Quick and accurate detection of 20 - 240V. Features a detection buzzer for
cable breaks, blown fuses and Max. detection depth: ferrous metals/
even greater clarification. All models are fully non-ferrous metals/
distinguish between live, neutral approved to IEC 61010-1, CATIII 1000V AC
wires in single and three phase live cables/wood -
and CE. 120/80/50/38mm.
Voltage sensitivity: Note: The Volt Stick is for SOUND Auto shutdown:
100 to 240V AC. use on 50Hz supply only. VERSION 5 mins.
Frequency: 50/60Hz. Batteries: 1x 9V.
Over voltage category: Dimensions
Cat III 600V. (L x W x H):
Detection distance: <5mm. 200 x 85 x 32mm.
Operating temperature:
32 to 122F (0 to 50C).
Storage temperature:
-4 to 140F (-20 to 60C).
Humidity: <85%RH.
Power: batteries x2, 1.5V (AAA).
(EDI -904- 3040K). (Not supplied).
Model Weight Order CodeList Offer Dimensions Sound Order Code List Offer
Number each EDI-516 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) CAN-516 Price/1 Price/1
NCD332 26g -2000K 17.60 12.67 150 x 15 x 15 No -3550E 16.00 14.40
145 x 18 x 20 Yes -3548C 18.00 16.20
Model Weight Order Code List Offer
Volt Stick Number each BCH-266 Price/1 Price/1
PRO12 GMS120 270g -4242W 177.10 94.45
VoltAlert non-contact An instant tester for safely checking the
presence of an AC voltage, without making FatMax Stud
Voltage Detectors any disconnections in cables, wall sockets,
Safely check for the presence of fuses, circuit breakers, junction boxes, etc. Sensor 300
an AC voltage without probing or Indicator tip illuminates on detection of FMHT77407
disconnecting. Locate breaks in AC voltage. Features a unique shielded Backlit LCD screen clearly displays all of the
cables, identify blown fuses and forktip. Cables and connections can easily be sensors readings, even in low light
distinguish between live & neutral checked in low voltage equipment too. conditions. Wood and metal stud detection
wires in cables & connectors. through up to 11/2 deep surface material. AC
Touch the tip to a terminal strip, detection identifies live wires up to 2 deep.
cable or socket and if the tip OnePass center-find technology locates
glows red and the unit beeps - stud centers. Deep metal scan senses metal
then theres voltage present. through up to 3 of material. Auto-calibration.
VoltAlert 1AC-II Order Code List Offer Marking channel improves accuracy of
Description marking-out readings.
IEC 1010 Cat IV-1000V - the CAN-516 Price/1 Price/1
highest safety rating. PRO12 Volt Stick -3537H 30.00 27.00 New ergonomic
200V - 1000V sensitivity. design, and soft
Heartbeat tests battery & electronics grips provide
Metal, Volt & Stud Detector comfort and
Rugged construction. 2 year warranty. 1979 control of the
LED and audio detection tool.
Model Weight Order Code Offer for use on metal such as
Number each FLU-516 Price/1 iron, steel, copper and
1AC-II 117g -1002B 23.00 brass, and can pin-point
hidden screws and nails.
VoltAlert 2AC Detects dead or live
IEC 1010 Cat IV-1000V - mains cables also hidden
the highest safety rating. water and gas pipes,
Model Weight Order Code Offer Dimensions Weight Order Code List Offer Model Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each FLU-516 Price/1 (mm) each CAN-516 Price/1 Price/1 Number each STX-585 Price/1 Price/1
2AC -1290A 20.00 140 x 40 x 24 120g -2900T 18.00 16.20 0-77-407 -6060L 38.69 30.95
Page 920
Engineers Firm Joint Calipers Spring Dividers
Squares Manufactured from high quality Manufactured from high
Manufactured from hardened and steel, with a polished finish. quality polished steel.
tempered steel. The edges are ground Consisting of two legs which are Ground finished points, a
parallel to give the square an exact right held together by a large nut and fine adjusting screw is
angle on both the inside and outside of the screw to provide a firm friction mounted across the legs
stock and blade. joint. Each firm joint caliper has for setting the distance
Squareness Tolerance: an adjustable ground point between the two points.
75mm, 100mm and 150mm = +/- 0.030mm which can be retracted for A circular spring bow
225mm and 300mm = +/- 0.040mm storage and the other leg is joins the legs,
angled at the tip. with a knurled
The legs can be reversed, so extension attached
the tip turns inwards or for use when pivoting
outwards. Firm joint calipers the dividers. Dividers
are used for scribing arcs are used for scribing
and parallel lines by using the arcs and circles, a
*Supplied edge of the workpiece as a light centre punch mark
in robust guide, and are also used for on the work keeps the
case. measuring from the centre pivot leg in the centre
point of a component. while marking.
been precisely ground to produce parallel 200 ( 8) 110g -0280K 25.00 16.25
edges so that the square has an exact right Contents: 255 (10) 170g -0300K 29.00 18.85
angle on both the inside and outside of the 6 spring divider, 6 internal 305 (12) 195g -0320K 32.50 21.13
stock and blade, to ensure accuracy. caliper and 6 external caliper. External Calipers
Conforms to BS939 Grade B. PIECES 75 ( 3) 50g -0430K 16.30 10.60
100 ( 4) 50g -0440K 16.30 10.60
150 ( 6) 120g -0460K 17.80 11.57
Type 310
See Page 612 Engineers Conforms to BS 5204 - B
Straight Edges
Finish ground on both sides and edges marked at supporting points on the 36 size and
longer. Product number suffixed B indicates one edge has a 30 bevel.
Page 921
Engineers Rule Engineers Rule
Round End - Pocket Type Round End - Pocket Type
Spring tempered stainless steel blades. 13mm blade width with Spring tempered stainless steel blades. 12mm blade width with
pocket clip/depth gauge slide. Reverse side is marked with 1/64 to pocket clip/depth gauge slide. Reverse side is marked with 1/64 to
mm conversion table. 12mm blade width. Can also be used as a mm conversion table.
depth gauge.
EEC Class 1
Steel Rules
Finest quality spring tempered stainless steel. Satin chrome. Anti-glare finish with permanent black figures and graduations. Extremely easy
to read. Accuracy: 0.2mm full scale. Constant at 20C. Rustless.
Round End
Round End - Rigid Blade Rigid Blade - Metric - subdivided to 0.5mm and 1mm, figured every 10mm.
Spring tempered rigid steel blades.
150mm/6 = 19mm blade width.
Other lengths = 25mm blade width.
With hanging hole.
Scale Order Code List Offer
Type Length
KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
150mm/6 -3110K 7.81 5.08
Metric 300mm/12 -3310K 13.13 8.53 Rigid Blade - Inch - subdivided to 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64, figured every inch.
& Inch 600mm/24 -3710K 25.62 16.65
1000mm/39 -3910K 74.37 48.34
150mm -3130K 7.81 5.08
Metric 300mm -3330K 13.13 8.53
only 600mm -3730K 17.43 11.33
1000mm -3930K 69.42 45.12
Square End
Square End - Flexible Blade Flexible Blade - Metric - subdivided to 0.5mm and 1mm, figured every 10mm.
Spring tempered flexible Anti Glare
steel blades. Satin Chrome
12mm blade width. Rustless
Flexible Blade - Inch - subdivided to 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64, figured every inch, every 8/64,
and every 4/32.
Square End - Rigid Blade Rigid Blade - Metric - subdivided to 0.5mm and 1mm, figured every 10mm.
Spring tempered rigid steel blades.
150mm/6 = 19mm blade width.
300mm/12 = 25mm blade width.
Rigid Blade - Inch - subdivided to 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64, figured every inch, every every 8/64,
and every every 4/32.
Page 922
Brass Counter
A robust measuring tool manufactured from hard rolled brass with permanent black figures and graduations.
Flexible and rustless, it has a 19mm wide blade and countersunk fixing holes.
All rustless rules up to and including 600mm/24 have an anti-glare,
easy to read finish with permanent black figures and graduations.
Rustless rules over 600mm/24 are standard rustless steel.
Metric graduations conform to BS 4372 : 1968.
Round end - flexible blade. 2 sides - 4 edges. For workshop and home use. Cross pattern types are self
Metric - subdivided to mm, 0.5mm, figured every 10mm. closing and open only under applied pressure. High quality
Inch - subdivided to inches, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/10, 1/20, 1/50, 1/100. finish supplied singly or as a six piece set.
Bent Nose
Extremely lightweight extrusion made from anodised aluminium,
hardened and lacquered. Graduated mm/1/8. Supplied in clear
plastic wallets.
Flat Blade
Page 923
Depth & Drill
Angle Gauges Gauges
Depth & Angle Gauges Manufactured from hardened steel with a
Plain Type Depth Protractor Type Plain Type Depth Protractor Type satin finish. An ideal way to quickly measure
Gauge Depth & Angle Gauge Depth & Angle the diameter of drills and steel wire.
Designed for Gauge Top and bottom Gauge
measuring flat based Ground steel with faces accurately Graduations 0 - 180
recesses. Consisting graduations from 0 - ground. The in both directions.
of a precision ground 180 in both body can be 1/2 deg. resolution.
steel rule and body directions for fast and reversed
which are positioned accurate on the rule.
at 90 to each other. measurements. When
The body has the rule is positioned Range of Order Code List Offer
precision ground to 90 on the sizes KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
locating faces, with a protractor it then 1.5 - 12.5mm -1130K 35.20 22.88
knurled adjusting/ provides accurate 1/16 - 1/2 -1140K 28.88 18.77
securing nut. measurements of
Drill Gauges
Protractor Manufactured from hardened steel with a
Plain satin finish. An ideal way to quickly measure
type type Protractor the diameter of drills and steel wire.
1 - 60 Gauge
Measures drill sizes Nos 1 - 60.
Plain Holes are marked with size
Rule Length: and decimal equivalent
type 150mm (6) of drill.
Rule Length:
150mm (6)
Type Order Code List Offer
M&W-553 Price/1 Price/1
Plain -1005E 25.00 18.75
Protactor -1007G 53.50 40.13 Range of Order Code List Offer
sizes KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
No. 1 - 60 -1100K 29.00 18.85
Page 924
Feeler Feeler Stock Strip Feeler Stock Coil
Gauges Inch sizes are 12 long, 1/2 wide. Millimetre Also useful for shimming in fixture
Hardened and polished taper blades, sizes are furnished in 300mm lengths, and die work. Supplied in a compact,
enclosed in a steel case. Blades are clearly 12.7mm wide. Rounded ends. Each piece sturdy plastic rewindable dispenser case.
marked for easy identification. marked with thickness and with convenient Rewind feature,
3/16 (5mm) hole for hanging. minimises accidental
Metric: Manufactured damage. Made of
to BS 957: 2008 the finest tempered
Part 1 (Metric). steel, marked every
Range: 6 or 150mm with
10 Blade: a line, thickness in
.05 - .80mm. Thickness Weight Order Code List Offer thousandths of an
13 and 20 Blade: (mm) per 10 KEN-519 Price/1 Price/1 inch or in hundredths
.05 - 1mm. 12.7mm x 300mm of a mm.
0.03 15g -1030K 5.84 4.56
0.04 15g -1040K 4.23 3.30
0.05 15g -1050K 4.23 3.30 Thickness Weight Order Code List Offer
Number of Weight Order Code List Offer 0.06 20g -1060K 4.23 3.30 (mm) each KEN-519 Price/1 Price/1
Blades each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 0.08 25g -1080K 4.23 3.30 12.7mm x 7.6m
10 55g -0710K 12.10 7.87 0.10 30g -1100K 3.42 2.67 0.03 60g -3030K 98.07 76.49
13 70g -0740K 15.10 9.82 0.15 45g -1150K 3.42 2.67 0.04 70g -3040K 72.63 56.65
20 100g -0780K 18.70 12.16 0.20 60g -1200K 2.43 1.90 0.05 75g -3050K 72.63 56.65
0.25 75g -1250K 2.43 1.90 0.10 110g -3100K 72.63 56.65
Inch: Manufactured to BS 957: 2008 Part 1. 0.30 80g -1300K 2.43 1.90 0.20 230g -3200K 62.13 48.46
4 Blade length. 0.40 120g -1400K 2.43 1.90 0.50 390g -3500K 69.69 54.36
Range: 0.50 150g -1500K 2.43 1.90 1/2 x 25ft
10, 18 and 1/2 x 12
0.0010 100g -2020K 98.07 76.49
26 Blade: 0.0010 60g -0020K 5.05 3.94 0.0015 60g -2030K 72.63 56.65
.0015 - .025. 0.0015 20g -0030K 3.08 2.40 0.0020 70g -2040K 72.63 56.65
0.0020 20g -0040K 3.08 2.40 0.0030 90g -2060K 72.63 56.65
0.0025 20g -0050K 3.08 2.40 0.0040 110g -2080K 72.63 56.65
0.0030 30g -0060K 3.08 2.40 0.0050 135g -2100K 72.63 56.65
0.0040 40g -0080K 2.63 2.05 0.0060 150g -2120K 72.63 56.65
0.0050 40g -0100K 2.63 2.05 0.0100 220g -2200K 62.13 48.46
0.0060 40g -0120K 2.63 2.05 0.0150 360g -2300K 72.63 56.65
0.0070 60g -0140K 2.63 2.05 1/2 x 20ft
0.0080 70g -0160K 2.63 2.05 0.0200 430g -2400K 69.69 54.36
No of Weight Order Code List Offer 0.0090 70g -0180K 2.11 1.65 0.0220 404g -2440K 69.69 54.36
Blades (mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 0.0100 80g -0200K 2.11 1.65 0.0240 459g -2480K 69.69 54.36
10 40g -0610K 13.16 8.55 0.0120 90g -0240K 2.11 1.65 0.0250 500g -2500K 69.69 54.36
18 65g -0650K 18.40 11.96 0.0150 110g -0300K 2.11 1.65
26 90g -0690K 23.63 15.36 0.0200 150g -0400K 2.11 1.65
0.0250 200g -0500K 2.11 1.65
Double Ended Feeler Gauge
Hardened and polished taper blades Feeler
enclosed in a steel case. Gauges
Blades are clearly marked. Tempered steel, accurately finished to the
Metric & Inch: To BS957: 2008 Part 1 Double Ended Feeler Gauge
correct thickness, individually checked and
(Inch) and BS957: 2008 Part 1 (Metric). marked. Locking screw to allow one or more Hardened and polished. Blade etched with
75mm/6 blade length. blades to be held in position. size. Manufactured to BS957: 2008 Part 1
Range: 18 Blade: 0.05 - 0.025. (Inch) and BS957:1969 Part 1 (Metric).
Inch: Blade length: 75mm.
No. 66 No. 75 18 Blade: Metric range: 005 -
26 Blade: 05mm. Inch range: 00015 - 0025.
0015 -
No. of Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Blades (mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 Number each STT-587 Price/1 Price/1
18 60g -0790K 14.58 9.48 66 100g -1512S 32.91 26.33
Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Blades each SEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
Feeler Inch:
18 60g -5790K 8.75 6.13
Manufactured to BS 957 : Parts 1 & 2.
Gauges 12 blade length.
Hardened tempered steel blades in 124/12 10 Blade: .0015 - .025. Safe & Sure
Page 925
Automatic Standard Duty Heavy Duty
Strength of punch and depth of depression is Strength of punch and depth of
Centre Punches adjustable by turning the knurled head. depression is adjustable by turning
Light Duty Delivers a punch between 2.25 to 13.5kg the knurled head. Delivers a punch between
Delivers a punch when head is depressed. (5 to 30lb). 6.3 to 22.5kg (14 to 50lb).
Chrome vanadium tip with rubber sheathed
steel body.
4 6
Size Overall Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length (mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
2 115 -2412K 3.68 2.39
*Round 3 125 -2413K 3.59 2.33
headed. 4 150 -2414K 3.47 2.26
Point Diameter Order Code List Offer 5 165 -2415K 3.47 2.26
(mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 6 180 -2416K 3.59 2.33
100mm (4) Overall Length 8 200 -2418K 4.15 2.70
3.2 (1/8) -2050K 4.79 3.11 Set
4.0 (5/32) -2060K 4.79 3.11 Point Diameter Order Code List Offer
4.8 (3/16) -2070K 4.79 3.11 (mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 Supplied in plastic wallet.
6.3 (1/4) -2090K 4.79 3.11 1.6 (1/16) -2220K 4.91 3.19 Contents: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8mm.
125mm (5) Overall Length 2.4 (3/32) -2230K 4.91 3.19 Number Order Code List Offer
6.3 (1/4) -2110K 6.18 4.02 3.2 (1/8) -2250K 4.91 3.19 of Pieces KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
9.5 (3/8)* -2120K 7.18 4.67 4.0 (5/32) -2270K 4.91 3.19
6 -2420K 17.55 10.53
Set Set
Supplied in plastic wallet. Supplied in plastic wallet. Extra Length
Contents: 1x 3.2, 4, 4.8 and 6.4 x 100mm. Contents: 1.6, 2.4, 3.2 and 4mm. Inserted
Number List Offer Number List Offer
of Pieces
Order Code
KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces
Order Code
KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 Pin Punches
4 -2100K 20.57 12.34 4 -2300K 17.21 11.19 Manufactured from
chrome vanadium
steel. Used for
Centre Punches Drift, Nail & punching out pins
Ideal for driving tight fitting pins out of Centre Punch Set and dowels.
mechanical assemblies or realigning holes to MOD.CG
fit dowel pins. Made from chrome vanadium Ergonomicly designed punches have shock
steel with high absorbing elastic sheaths to make them
strength octagonal more stable and offer a more positive grip.
shanks and Supplied in a storage
featuring PIECES
module to make
cushioned grip organising easier.
handles with
shock absorbing
air pockets. Size Overall Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length (mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
Overall length:
150mm (6). 2 143 -2422K 4.44 2.89
3 155 -2423K 4.34 2.82
4 185 -2424K 4.19 2.72
5 202 -2425K 4.19 2.72
6 209 -2426K 4.34 2.82
Point Dia. Order Code List Offer Contains: 8 219 -2428K 5.27 3.43
(mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 6x drift punches 10 230 -2430K 7.46 4.85
2.0 -2332K 4.19 2.72 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8mm,
3.0 -2333K 4.19 2.72 4x nail punches 4, 5, Set
4.0 -2334K 4.19 2.72 6 and 8mm, Supplied in plastic wallet.
5.0 -2335K 4.19 2.72 1x centre punch 6mm. Contents: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8mm.
6.0 -2336K 4.19 2.72
8.0 -2337K 4.19 2.72 Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each FAC-518 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
Set of 6 pieces
as above -2331K 30.00 19.50 11 1.45kg -9620K 117.92 100.23 6 -2435K 18.74 11.24
Page 926
Long Parallel Pin Parallel Pin Punches
Punches With Air Grip Ideal for driving tight fitting pins out of mechanical assemblies
Ideal for driving tight fitting pins out of mechanical assemblies or or realigning holes to fit dowel pins. Manufactured from
realigning holes to fit dowel pins. Manufactured from hardened and hardened and tempered steel. With a knurled body for extra grip.
tempered steel. Fitted with an air grip handle that absorbs vibration Conform to BS 3066.
as well as deflecting wayward hammer blows.
5.3, 6.1, 7.6 and 9.5mm.
Product No. of Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Pieces each ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1
161W 9 510g -0059L 49.30 35.99
Pin Number
of Pieces
Order Code
Punches 100mm (4) Overall Length
Manufactured from hardened and tempered steel with a knurled grip. 6 2.4, 3.2, 4.0, 280g -2200K 17.21 11.19
Suitable for use in the machine shop or the automotive industry to 4.8, 5.5 & 6.4
drive tight fitting pins out of mechanical assemblies or to realign 150mm (6) Overall Length
holes to fit dowel pins. 4.0, 4.8,
4 585g -2400K 19.85 11.91
5.5 & 6.4
Taper Punches
Product Point Dia. Weight Order Code List Offer Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel.
Number (mm/inch) each STT-587 Price/1 Price/1
100mm (4) - Overall Length Used for aligning holes in jigs and fixtures etc.
565A 1.5 (1/16) 25g -1250F 3.66 2.93
565B 2.5 (3/32) 25g -1252G 3.66 2.93
565C 3 (1/8) 25g -1254H 3.66 2.93
Point Dia. Overall Length Weight Order Code List Offer
565D 4 (5/32) 25g -1256J 3.66 2.93 (mm) (mm) each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
565E 5 (3/16) 34g -1258K 3.66 2.93
565F 5.5 ( 32)
7/ 34g -1260L 3.66 2.93 3 210 115g -1533K 6.53 4.24
565G 6 (1/4) 46g -1262M 3.66 2.93 4 215 160g -1534K 6.53 4.24
565H 8 ( 16)
5/ 46g -1264N 3.66 2.93 5 225 180g -1535K 6.53 4.24
6 240 195g -1536K 7.88 5.12
200mm (8) - Overall Length 8 270 380g -1538K 11.97 7.78
248A 3 (1/8) 46g -1225P 4.92 3.94 10 355 520g -1540K 15.69 10.20
248B 5 (3/16) 55g -1226Q 4.92 3.94 12 355 540g -1542K 17.44 11.34
248C 6 (1/4) 66g -1227R 4.92 3.94
248D 8 (5/16) 75g -1228S 4.92 3.94 Taper Punch Set
248E 9.5 (3/8) 116g -1229T 4.92 3.94 Contents: 1x 3, 4, 5, and 6mm.
Pin Punch Sets PIECES
S565PC - 8 Piece Set
Contents: 1x 1.5, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6 and 8mm, supplied in plastic
S248 - 5 Piece Set Contents: 1x 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9.5mm.
S248PC - 5 Piece Set
Contents: 1x 3, 5, 6, 8 and 9.5mm, supplied in plastic wallet.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each STT-587 Price/1 Price/1
8 Piece - 100mm (4) - Overall Length
S565PC As above 300g -1266P 29.29 23.43
5 Piece - 200mm (8) - Overall Length Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces Contents each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
S248 As above 700g -1230E 24.58 19.66
S248PC As above 700g -1235F 24.58 19.66 4 3, 4, 5 & 6mm 683g -1550K 24.26 14.56
Page 927
Straight Shank Q-MAX Small Hole Gauge Set
Hollow Punches Cutters Range 3mm (1/8) to
Manufactured from hardened Non-rotating hole cutter. A small pilot hole is 13mm (1/2)
carbon steel. Through body drilled allowing a connecting bolt to join the The knurled handle allows fine adjustment of
ejection of the punched material punch on one side and the die on the other the gauge within the workpiece. Use in
makes them ideal for punching side of the material. Pressure is then applied conjunction with a micrometer to accurately
clean edged holes in leather, by tightening the bolt and thus the hole is measure internal dimensions.
wood, plastics, card and paper. literally punched out. Other sizes available on Contents: 90, 99, 110 and 110mm overall
request. Imperial 3/8 to 13/4. length.
Metric 10mm to 80mm. Plus squares and
rectangles. Heat treated for a long keen
Cut Dia. Overall Order Code List Offer cutting life providing burr-free accuracy time
(mm) Length KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 after time.
5 (3/16) 100mm -1580K 5.96 3.87 Capacity: mild steel up to 16swg (1.62mm),
6 (1/4) 100mm -1581K 7.05 4.58 stainless steel up to 16swg (1.62mm), sheet
8 (5/16) 105mm -1582K 7.05 4.58 copper, brass and aluminum up to 2.0mm.
10 (3/8) 117mm -1583K 7.05 4.58 Plus many other sheet materials and ductile Number Order Code List Offer
11 (7/16) 117mm -1584K 7.54 4.90 of Pieces KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
12 (1/2) 115mm -1585K 7.54 4.90 plastic.
4 -1150K 56.60 33.96
14 (9/16) 115mm -1586K 8.43 5.48
16 (5/8) 115mm -1587K 8.43 5.48
17 (11/16) 115mm -1588K 10.40 6.76 Telescopic Gauges
19 (3/4) 118mm -1589K 10.40 6.76 With knurled satin finish bodies
21 (13/16) 118mm -1590K 11.29 7.34 providing positive adjustment of
22 (7/8) 118mm -1591K 11.29 7.34
the hardened and radius ground
24 (15/16) 121mm -1592K 12.77 8.30
plungers ensuring accurate measurement of
25 (1) 121mm -1593K 13.52 8.79
theinternal diameter when used with a
Hollow Punch Sets micrometer. For smaller diameter
Supplied in hardwearing PVC measurements use the small hole gauge.
pocket wallets with tie fastening. PIECES
30.0mm -1114Q 8.37 90 -150 31/2- 6 137 -1179K 27.70 18.01
Number Order Code List Offer 31.0mm -1115R 8.37
of Pieces Contents KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
32.5mm -1116S 8.90 Set
5mm (3/16) 35.0mm -1118V 9.64 Supplied in a size marked PVC
6mm (1/4)
8mm (5/16)
37.0mm -1119R 11.12 storage wallet, with stud fastening. PIECES
6 37.5mm -1119W 11.47 Contains 1 of each size A - F inclusive.
10mm (3/8) -1600K 33.75 20.25 40.0mm 10mm -1120X 13.08
11mm (7/16) 45.0mm -1121Y 13.89 Set range: 8 - 150mm (5/16 - 6).
12mm (1/2) 47.0mm -1122D 15.58
6mm (1/4) Weight Order Code List Offer
50.0mm -1122N 16.18 each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
8mm (5/16) 51.0mm -1122P 16.86
10mm (3/8) 52.0mm -1122T 19.82 425g -1180K 103.00 61.80
6 12mm (1/2) -1650K 38.00 22.80 55.0mm -1123A 20.70
16mm (5/8)
19mm (3/4)
65.0mm 14mm -1125C 39.23 Gauge Sets
Page 928
Edge & Centre Edge & Centre Edge Finders
Finders Finders
Much time and trouble is taken in locating Cylinder Type
holes, or in other machine operations, which For fast accurate work location.
must be carried out accurately, relative to a Made from tool steel and
given datum. In most cases an accuracy of hardened all over, they can be
the order of .001 is sufficient and a jig borer used on flat surfaces, straight
is not available. The centre locator provides a edges, shoulders, grooves, Diameters Weight Order Code List Offer
each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
quick and efficient means of establishing the studs, dowels, centre points Shank 0.200
required position and can be used by an and scribed lines. fig 1 Body 0.375 30g -1410K 14.43 9.38
unskilled operator. Indicates the relation Shank 10mm
To locate an edge first secure
between the centre line of any machine
the finder in a collet or chuck, Body 10mm 40g -1420K 15.37 9.99
spindle and a datum face to within .0005 by Shank 0.200
the work table is then traversed
the run-off method and to within .0002 by Body 0.500 40g -1430K 17.72 11.52
using the light line method. Although ideal to cause the rotating edge
for use on mills the locator can also be used finder to make contact with Edge & Centre Finders
on drills, lathes or any other rotating the workpiece.
(fig 1). Combination
machinery employing a chuck.
fig 2
Upon touching the workpiece Diameters Weight Order Code List Offer
the edge finders contact point each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
will be forced into running Shank 0.200 50g -1440K 20.08 13.05
concentrically with the body Body 0.500
(fig 2). Any further movement Shank 0.200 30g -1450K 19.34 12.57
to off-centre will cause a Body 0.375
distinct wobble. Shank 5mm
12mm 40g -1445K 20.08 13.05
At this point, the distance fig 3
from the work edge to the Double Edge
centre of the finder is equal to
half the diameter of the contact Diameters Weight Order Code List Offer
point. each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
Type Weight Order Code Offer Shank 0.200 60g
each HUF-518 Price/1 Datum lines and centre points -1460K 15.62 10.15
Body 0.500
0 - .2 Contact Diameter are located using the
3 Piece Imperial Set 230g -1001A 42.00 combination edge and centre
finder (fig 3). Plain Edge
Parallel Ended Stem 4g -1002B 9.50
Ball Ended Stem 3g -1003C 9.50 fig 4
This has a cone shaped contact
5mm Contact Diameter point which is lowered into position barely Diameters Weight Order Code List Offer
3 Piece Metric set 250g -2004D 42.00 each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
Parallel Ended Stem 4g -2005E 9.50 touching the workpiece at the point you wish Shank 0.500 60g
Ball Ended Stem 3g -2006F 9.50 to measure. -1470K 16.03 10.42
Body 0.500
90mm Extension The finder is made to run concentrically using Shank 12mm 50g -1480K 16.03 10.42
Universal 51g -2100G 12.00 a steel rule or straight edge (fig 4). Body 12mm
Edge & Centre Finder - Position the contact arm in line, but slightly away from the surface to
be aligned. When finding the surface of a diameter, the Disc' must
5 Piece Set be positioned as near to the centre of that diameter as possible. Run
Consists of a chuck body and four contact arms. the spindle between 200 and 500 revs/min. The table or spindle is
Designed to check run-out or concentricity, straightness then moved slowly, to bring the contact arm closer to the surface to
and alignment. Will indicate the position of a datum point on a be aligned. The contact arm will tap lightly against the surface (fig 2)
component or fixture from the centre line of a machine spindle. the movement of the arm will become less and less the nearer the
Suitable for use on drill presses, lathes, milling machines, borers etc. datum point gets to the spindle centre line (fig 3). When the arm
Chuck Body: stops spinning in a straight line and starts to 'jump', this indicates
Held in the spindle using a suitable drill chuck or fig 1 the datum point (fig 4):
1/2 contact dia + Edge = Centre 1/2 contact dia - Centre = Edge
collet chuck (fig 1). The contact arms are
retained in position using the knurled collar which fig 2 fig 3 fig 4
lightly clamps the ball joint inside the body.
Arms may be exchanged without the need
to remove the body from the machine spindle.
Universal Indicator Holder
The detachable end will allow clamping with 2
and 3 piece dovetail clamping Clamping
assemblies and when removed Assemblies
will fit standard 4 side clamp.
This uses the spindle centre
line to align component
bores or spigots, check the
flatness or squareness of
workpieces or fixturing and Chuck
check run-out of components. Body
The spindle should only be
rotated manually to avoid Universal Indicator Holder
damaging the dial test
indicator (fig 1).
Needle Point 2 Piece 3 Piece Needle Point
To lightly mark out lines and positions on a
component as a guide to subsequent operations,
using the machines dials or digital read-out to Ball Contact
position the scriber point (not illustrated).
Ball Contact .250 Disc Contact .100
Used to find a datum Used to find a datum Disc Contact
Flat point .125 .0005 Convex point .050 Contents Weight Order Code List Offer
Work- away from a flat Work- .0005 away from each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
Piece Piece
surface. a convex surface. As Above 130g -1500K 30.45 19.79
Page 929
Eye Telescopic Mirrors Inspection
Loupes Ball and socket universally positional Mirrors
Manufactured from shock resistant plastic. joint, holds the high grade distortion For fast accurate inspection of hidden areas.
Shatterproof free mirror at any angle. Chrome plated high Copper backed clear-view glasses. Universal
lens. Ideal for polish finish telescopic shafts. ball joints hold mirrors firmly at any angle.
watchmakers, A-2 Fixed Length
Circular Mirror With PVC grip, pocket clip and magnetic
electronics and With high power magnet and pocket clip.
model makers. pick-up.
Mirror diameter: 30mm.
Mirror diameter: 22mm (7/8).
Clear Overall length: 190mm (71/2).
Mag. Focal Order Code List Offer
Factor Length KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
10 31mm -6000K 5.61 3.65
Mag. Focal Weight Order Code List Offer A-2T Telescopic Length
Factor Length each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 Length Weight Order Code List Offer With PVC grip, pocket clip and magnetic pick-
10x 31mm 20g -5290K 6.29 4.09 Closed/Open each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 up.
4.0x 63mm 14g -5300K 4.99 3.24 180/480mm 41g -5380K 5.47 3.56 Mirror diameter: 22mm (7/8).
3.5x 75mm 10g -5310K 4.99 3.24 Length: 114 - 457mm (41/2 - 18).
3.0x 90mm 10g -5320K 4.99 3.24
Mirror diameter: 50mm.
Hand Magnifiers
Plastic lightweight magnifiers.
Used to Weight Order Code List Offer
provide a Length
each ULL-518 Price/1 Price/1
clear crisp Fixed 40g -1010K 8.17 6.54
enlarged Telescopic 30g -1110K 13.30 10.64
image. Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Used for Closed/Open each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 E-2T Telescopic Length
inspection of 280/420mm 100g -5420K 8.18 5.32 Mirror diameter: 31.75mm (11/4) .
finished Length: 114 - 470mm (41/2 - 181/2)
parts, Rectangular Mirror
enlarging Mirror size: 90 x 50mm.
small text
and pictures
Mag. Order CodeList Offer
Diameter Factor KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
050mm 5x -6040K 6.00 3.90 Model Weight Order Code List Offer
075mm 4x -6060K 8.02 5.21 each ULL-518 Price/1 Price/1
100mm 2x -6080K 8.78 5.71 E-2T 32g -1410K 10.88 8.70
Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Closed/Open each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
Inspection C-2 Telescopic Length
370/550mm 127g -5460K 8.57 5.57
Mirror Mirror diameter: 57mm (21/4) .
Length: 254 - 355mm (10 - 14).
Sheet glass mirror Inspection Mirrors
recessed into With flexible shafts which can be adjusted
lightweight aluminium into any position. Available as standard or
housing. Gives clear with light attachment.
visibility in concealed Both models have high grade distortion-free
areas. glass mirrors with chrome plated shafts.
Size: 100 x 100mm. Inspection mirror with light requires 2x AA
batteries and has a swivel head. Model Weight Order Code List Offer
Order CodeList Offer each ULL-518 Price/1 Price/1
KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 Standard C-2 128g -1310K 12.57 10.06
100 x 100mm -5360K 8.26 5.37
Telescopic Stainless With telescopic handle, pocket clip
and magnetic pick-up.
Steel Mirrors Mirror size: 25 x 50mm
Unbreakable (1 x 2) oval.
mirrors made of -1274D
stainless steel Mirror Weight Order Code List Offer
No bolted joints. Diameter each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
Rust-proof 50mm 180g -5400K 11.00 7.15 Extended Weight Order Code List Offer
Page 930
Chuck Style Chuck Style Ratchet Type
Tap Wrenches Tap Wrenches Tap Wrenches
English Type English Type Manufactured from hardened
Used in hand tapping operations Designed and tempered steel, with chrome
and provide the reach and for holding engineers plated high polish finish.
leverage needed for accurate taps. Available as a Switchable between forward and
tapping in tight spaces. chuck or standard bar reverse coupled with the
Heavy duty ductile steel body with knurled type. With an multi-positional sliding T-bar makes this tap
chuck, four equalising jaws to hold the tap adjustable wrench ideal for use in confined spaces.
true and sliding T-bar which can be used T-wrench bar. Individually boxed.
when tapping against a shoulder or
other obstructions. Individually boxed.
Tap Wrenches
Square Length Order Code List Offer
With all steel, hardened and tempered
Size (mm) (mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 bodies, solid construction, hardened ground
Standard Length jaws and knurled adjustable handles for extra
2.0 - 2.8 50 -8860K 15.61 10.15 grip. Straight handle design provides greater
3.0 - 5.0 65 -8880K 16.58 10.78 leverage, especially when using larger
7.0 - 9.4 90 -8900K 22.47 14.61 diameter taps.
Long Reach Tap sizes to ISO 529.
3.0 - 5.0 165 -8920K 49.61 32.25
7.2 - 9.0 255 -8940K 63.49 41.27
length Size (mm) (mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
2.0 - 2.8, 3.0 - 6.0 85 -8720K 21.93 14.25
3.0 - 5.0, Tap Wrench Set 6.0 - 8.0 100 -8750K 28.12 18.28
7.0 - 9.4mm. Contents:
Square size: 2.8 - 5mm and PIECES Replacement Jaws
Extra length 4.0 - 12mm. Order Code Offer
3.0 - 5.0, To Suit
KEN-567 Price/1
7.2 - 9.0mm.
KEN-518-8720K -6500K 4.48
KEN-518-8750K -6510K 6.12
5 3
1 x 2.8 - 5.0mm and 1 x 4.0 - 10.0mm.
Die Stock Set Contents:
1 - 13/16 x 150mm,
1 - 1 x 210mm, PIECES
PIECES 1 - 15/16 x 280mm.
Page 931
Scribers Scribers Surface
Used for the marking out of fine lines on Available in three types. Used for marking out lines
metals. Manufactured from hardened and Pocket parallel to a true edge or groove,
tempered high grade steel with knurled With either hardened steel or tungsten and also to mark the centre of
bodies for high grip and precision ground carbide points, also a reversible point round bars. Machined base, two pillars,
points for accurate marking. Available with to prevent snagging of clothing when clipped a double ended scriber and an
a chisel point, pocket type, machinists into pocket. With knurled bodies adjustable attachment
standard type, double ended, which are for extra grip. for holding scribers up to
mainly used in conjunction with surface Tungsten point overall length: 89mm.
1/4 diameter on to the
gauges. pillar. The base has a
Pocket Scriber machined V-groove for use
With steel tip only, also a reversible point to on pipes and round bar and
prevent snagging of clothing when clipped into two frictionally held pins which
pocket. With knurled bodies for extra grip. are used as a guide when sliding
Product Weight Order Code List Offer along the true edge or groove. The
Overall length: 88mm. Number Per 10 ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 angle of the pillar can be finely
E225 260g -0328E 22.31 16.29 adjusted with the use of a knurled
thumb screw.
Spare Points to Suit Pocket Scribers Supplied with two pillars.
Overall Order Code List Offer Product Order Code Offer
Length KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 Number Type ECL-567 Price/1
88mm -4330K 11.16 7.25 220-05 Steel -1220A 2.87
Scriber Point KEN-567-6200K 2.60 225-02 Tungsten -1225B 14.84
Machinists Machinists
One piece single ended for marking out in One piece single ended for marking out in
confined places. confined places.
Overall length: 115mm. Steel point overall length: 90mm. Group 330
Overall length: 180mm. For marking, scoring and identification on
hard and soft materials including alloy,
copper, stainless steel, glass and ceramics.
Overall Order Code List Offer Overall length: 180mm. PIECES
Length KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
180mm -4360K 9.39 6.10
Number Order Code List Offer
Flexible Pick Up Tool of Pieces KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
4 prong steel retractable claw. 4 -2900K 12.00 7.20
Weight Order Code List Offer
Flexible steel stem with a spring loaded Type each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
plunger to open and close jaws.
Fixed 35g -4200K 9.55 6.21
Universal Hook & Pick Set
Chrome plated and corrosion- Designed for use in automotive and
resistant. Ideal for recovery of engineering applications. Ideal for use in the
small objects. Retractable Carbide Tipped removal of O-rings, cotter pins, seals,
Etching Pen bushes, springs and washers. Impact
For marking and scribing in hard and soft resistant handles. Presented in sturdy blow
materials including steel, plastics and timber. moulded plastic case.
Overall length: 180mm. Contents; 210mm (8) hook tip, straight tip,
90 tip
135mm (5)
straight tip,
hook tip,
tip, 90 tip.
Weight Order Code List Offer
each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
35g -4220K 8.23 5.35
Spare Point
Length Order Code List Offer
KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 Weight Order Code List Offer Number Order Code List Offer
600mm (24) -4820K 3.48 2.26 each KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
900mm (36) -4840K 4.66 3.03 9g -4240K 4.62 3.00 7 -2920K 29.95 17.97
Page 932
Wooden contoured handles with high grade steel blades, hardened and tempered with extremely keen cutting edges.
Scrapers reduce high spots from a surface which has been previously machined or filed.
Three Square Half Round
Suitable for tool room and light engineering work. For use on hollow surfaces such as bearing linings and internal
Used on small bearings and bushes and into restricted/tight angles. cylindrical surfaces.
Length Width Weight Order Code List Offer Length Width Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) (mm) per 5 KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) (mm) per 5 KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
100 8 320g -2440K 16.43 10.68 100 11 330g -2540K 16.88 10.97
150 10 620g -2460K 19.14 12.44 150 16 600g -2560K 19.14 12.44
205 15 1200g -2480K 38.60 25.09 205 16 1000g -2580K 27.76 18.04
Flat 3 Piece Set
For use on flat surfaces and external cylindrical surfaces. 1 each 100mm three square, half round and 205mm flat.
Product Length Width Weight Order Code List Offer Product Length Width Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) (mm) (per 5) ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) (mm) (per 5) ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1
256 210 30 1200g -0068W 36.55 26.68 258/4 100 10 320g -0071Z 18.33 13.38
Capacity Length Order Code List Offer Capacity Length Order Code List Offer
(mm) (mm) ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) (mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
0.0 - 1.00 83 -0045X 12.11 8.84 0.0 - 1.00 83 -1210K 12.11 7.87
0.75 - 1.50 85 -0046Y 12.92 9.43 0.8 - 1.50 85 -1220K 12.92 8.40
1.4 - 3.10 95 -0047Z 13.85 10.11 1.3 - 3.10 90 -1230K 13.85 9.00
4 4
3.1 - 5.00 100 -0048N 19.14 13.97 3.0 - 4.80 100 -1240K 19.14 12.44
Pin Vice Set Pin Vice Set
Capacity: 0.0 - 5.0mm. Capacity: 0.0 - 4.8mm.
Capacity Length Order Code List Offer
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Order Code List Offer (mm) (mm) KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1
of Pieces each ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces KEN-518 Price/1 Price/1 32 51 -4400K 27.27 17.73
4 160g -0044W 57.28 41.81 4 -1200K 40.50 24.30 57 76 -4410K 30.15 19.60
70 101 -4420K 39.09 25.41
90 127 -4430K 54.87 35.67
Pin Chucks Pin Chucks
Used mainly on automatic lathes for gripping For holding small drills in lathes and larger
very small drills, where pin chuck does not chucks. With three collets.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Type each RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number Type each BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1
SBC235 Border 1.52kg -4360K 14.74 10.02 7101 Digging 2.00kg -7101D 30.01 22.51
SBC290 Digging 1.94kg -4310K 16.32 11.10 7102 Border 1.85kg -7102E 27.04 20.28
SBL290 Digging 2.27kg -4410K 15.37 10.45 5514 Rabbiting 1.90kg -5514S 36.05 27.04
Garden Garden
Spades Spade
Polished and ground stainless steel blades Blades are manufactured from heat treated
with deep sockets and swan neck for improved and tempered high carbon steel.
strength. Bend resistant. Epoxy coated to resist corrosion and reduce
Polypropylene YD handles and shafts. soil adhesion. Weather-proofed solid ash
shafts with Supergrip PYD high strength
polypropylene handles,
angled for improved user
STAINLESS comfort and control.
STEEL County Range
Extra long sockets provide
extra strength.
Digging Border Digging
SDS180 SDB150 1180NB
Suitable for Suitable for use Blade width:
general in confined areas 180mm.
application. of the garden. Overall length:
Blade width: Blade width: 710mm.
180mm. 150mm.
Group 961
Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Type each RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1 Product Order CodeList Offer
Number Type S&J-522 Price/1 Price/1
SDS180 Digging 2.1kg -2510K 38.57 26.23
SDB150 Border 1.7kg -2560K 35.57 24.19 1180NB Digging -1181D 34.44 24.80
Page 934
Garden Garden
Forks Forks
Manganese steel forged socket and head A high quality product that is suitable for use in garden centres, parks, sports areas industrial
with a varnished hardwood shaft and gardens, farms and for household use where a high quality professional product is required.
polypropylene PD handle. The products are produced from heat treated steel which is carefully ground. These tools also
have steel handles and PVC grips.
Carbon steel blades and plastic
Polished and ground
stainless steel prongs with
deep sockets and swan
neck for improved strength.
Bend resistant.
Polypropylene YD handles
and shafts.
Digging Border
FDS180 FBS140
Suitable for Suitable for
general use in confined
application. areas of the
Blade width: garden.
180mm. Blade width:
Overall length: 140mm.
1000mm. Overall length:
Page 935
A high quality product that is suitable for use in garden Garden
centres, parks, sports areas, industrial gardens, farms
and for household use where a high quality professional Tools
product is required. The products are produced from heat treated steel which is Garden Lawn Rake
carefully ground. These tools also have steel handles and PVC grips. Rake B9128
1121/12N Tubular
Draw Garden Dutch Hoe 3 Prong Overall steel
Hoe Rake 240220 Cultivator length: shaft.
240420 240520 Blade width: 240620 1525mm. Blade
Blade Blade width: 128mm. Blade width: width:
width: 300mm. Overall length: 90mm. 480mm.
140mm. Overall length: 1600mm. Overall length: Overall
Overall 1570mm. 1620mm. length:
length: 1650mm.
Lawn Rake
Edging Hardwood
Knife shaft.
240120 Overall
Blade length:
width: 1650mm. Dutch Hoe
215mm. 3232-4N
Overall Handle:
length: 1219mm (48).
930mm. Head width:
105mm (4).
Shaft: ash.
Perfectly suited to the smaller enthusiast, or those people with balconies or patios. The materials used in the manufacture of Bulldogs
standard tools are the same as those used to produce these childrens tools.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1
5673 1.2kg -5673C 18.95 14.21 3231N 1.5kg -3231N 7.21 5.41
5788 1.2kg -5788C 26.78 20.09 3108 -3108M 9.86 7.40
Page 936
Garden Garden
Rakes Tools
Garden Rake Carbon steel blades,
3840EY aluminium shafts and soft
The head of the rake is manufactured grip rubber
from carbon epoxy coated to resist handles.
corrosion and reduce soil adhesion. Garden
Overall length: 1524mm. 341051
340851 Overall length:
Dutch 1530mm.
341151 Blade
Draw Hoe width:
Blade 128mm.
width: Overall
140mm. length:
Overall 1530mm. Lawn Rake
length: 340351
3840EY 1410mm. Blade width:
Garden 440mm.
Rake Overall
Product Weight Order CodeList Offer Product Weight Order CodeList Offer
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Number each RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1
Number each S&J-522 Price/1 Price/1 340851 0.64kg -4800K 8.61 5.85 341051 905g -4900K 9.19 6.25
3840EY 1.20kg -3840Y 55.13 39.69 341151 0.63kg -4820K 8.61 5.85 340351 870g -4920K 13.66 9.29
Gardening Set 10 Country Gardening Set
Contents: 11
PIECES Hand trowel, weeding fork and bulb planter, digging PIECES
Hand trowel, weeding fork and bulb planter, spade and fork. Garden rake, dutch hoe and lawn
digging spade and fork. Garden rake and dutch STAINLESS rake all with carbon steel heads, aluminium handles
and soft rubber grips. Bypass secateurs - maximum CARBON
hoe both with stainless steel heads, steel handles STEEL cutting diameter 25mm. Heavy duty polythene STEEL
and PVC grips. Bypass secateurs - maximum
cutting diameter 25mm. Heavy duty polythene garden bag garden bag with 170ltr capacity.
with 170ltr capacity. Heavy duty Canadian rigger gloves size 10. Heavy duty Canadian rigger gloves size 10.
Page 937
200mm/8" Pruning Shears Razor Sharp
- Anvil & Bypass Secateurs
Precision heat treated carbon steel blade with rust resistant coating. Teflon coating, easy reach thumb catch, textured ergonomic
Blade locking mechanism. Spring loaded. Bi-material grip. handles, wrist/storage strap slot and coil spring. Extra large safety
thumb catch. Hardened carbon steel blade for positive cutting action,
NEW PTFE coated.
Anvil The bypass cutting action minimises stem bruising for green stems.
Maximum cutting diameter:
20mm (3/4).
Heavy Duty
Textured rubber grip handles.
Overall length:
Bypass Action
Versatile tool ideal for all levels of gardener. The main functions
include - root remover, mini saw, secateurs, weeding tool and Pruning Shears
pruning knife. Bi-material grip and stainless steel blades to help BD31303
prevent rust. With blade lock. Ideal for cutting back overgrown bushes and foliage. The ratchet
Size (H x W x D): 150 x 80 x 18mm. mechanism aids the user when cutting through thicker twigs and
branches. 20mm cutting capacity. Anvil blade design.
Ratchet action cutting system. Handle protection.
Oil dispenser.
Soft grip handle.
Handle lock.
Overall Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Length RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1
150mm -2380K 9.74 6.62 BD31303 -3130D 11.41 8.56
Page 938
10" Blade 1/4 Mesh
Hedge Shears Riddle
Precision heat treated carbon steel blade with rust resistant coating. NE W For bringing soil to a suitable
Aluminium handle with bi-material grip. Easy cutting. condition, removing large lumps
to provide the perfect potting soil,
according to size. Made of steel mesh.
Diameter: 360mm.
Depth: 70mm.
Order Code Offer
Type RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1
10 Hedge Shears -2370K 19.99 13.59
Weeding fork:
270 x 76mm.
Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer
S&J-522 Price/1 Price/1 S&J-522 Price/1 Price/1 S&J-522 Price/1 Price/1 Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1
-4904R 28.02 20.17 -4901R 28.02 20.17 -4900R 28.02 20.17
Hand Trowel 255g -2410K 8.82 6.00
Weeding Fork 170g -2400K 8.82 6.00
Carbon Steel Bulb Planter 205g -2420K 8.97 6.10
Fork & Trowel
Hammered epoxy coated carbon steel
blades. Varnished wooden handles. Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1
Hand trowel: 285 x 87mm. 3 (as above) 825g -2450K 19.37 11.62
Weeding fork: 285 x 80mm.
Graduated bulb planter: 290 x 63mm. Beechwood Handled Tool
Hammered epoxy coated steel blade.
With long pattern handle.
CARBON Transplanter
Overall length: 358mm.
STEEL Width: 56mm.
Weight Order Code List Offer Set: Hand Travel, Weeding Fork, Bulb Planter
Type each RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1
Hand Trowel 200g -4210K 3.14 2.14
Weeding Fork 230g -4200K 3.14 2.14 3 900g -4250K 11.17 6.70 Transplanter 225g -1950K 3.34 2.27
Page 939
Pruning Saw
Ratchet Tree Lopper & Contoured grip with push button locking
Telescopic Pole Saw
Overall length: closed: 230mm,
2.4m telescopic pole. Ratchet cutting opened: 440mm.
mechanism. Pole saw can be used
independently or attached to the lopper.
Lopper cutting capacity: 35mm (13/8).
Saw blade size: 25 x 350mm (1 x 14).
Pruning Saws
Strong two component plastic handle.
396HP - for hard or dry wood, fast cut.
Razorsharp Loppers
Hardened carbon steel blades for strength Product Length Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) BAH-522 Price/1 Price/1
Bypass Action
Weight Order Code List Offer
Product Overall Order CodeList Offer Product Overall Order Code List Offer Type each BAH-522 Price/1 Price/1
Number Length S&J-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length S&J-522 Price/1 Price/1 Tungsten
4903RSS 24 -4903R 27.09 19.50 4822SG 560mm -4822S 29.39 21.16 Sharpener 0.0.3kg -9680M 15.90 12.40
Page 940
Bow Bow
Saw Saws
No.331 All models feature lever tension handles for rapid blade change
Steel tube frame with quick change blade feature. Supplied with and rigid oval section frames. Supplied with clip-on plastic blade
No.51 blade for cutting dry wood, fitted with safety sleeve. protectors to prevent injuries during transportation and storage.
Suitable for cutting dry and green wood.
Suitable for gardeners, landscapers, builders, farmers etc.
Standard duty suitable for occasional use e.g. DIY, gardener etc.
Heavy-duty suitable for regular use e.g. professional landscapers etc.
Triangular Pattern
Low profile frame for use in
confined areas, for example
among tree branches.
Product Length Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) each BAH-522 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
10-24-51 600 698g -2013C 19.95 15.56 Lightweight 220g -4700K 4.02 3.42
10-30-51 760 800g -2013J 22.52 17.57 Garden Bag
Bow Saw Blades Hardpoint Bow Saw Blades Replacement Blades for
For cutting dry, seasoned wood, as well as For sawing green wood. Raker toothing. Bow Saws
for cross-cutting fresh, green wood. Peg Hardened and tempered high quality steel. Bow Saw Replacement Blades
toothing. Hardened and tempered high- Tooth points high frequency, heat induction
quality steel. Tooth points high frequency, hardened for long lasting performance.
heat induction hardened for long lasting
Page 941
Bill Bill Grass Hook
Hooks Hooks For cutting rough grass, weeds and for
For maintenance of hedges/hedge laying. For maintenance of established general roadside and field maintenance.
hedges/hedge laying. Lightweight with a flat blade ground on both
Stafford Bill Hook sides. Left or right-handed use.
Heavy section double-edged blade with Double-Edged Bill Hook
curved hacking edge and straight chopping A tool used in the maintenance of hedgerows
edge. Round section handle. Carbon steel. and hedge laying, with two blades and a
round handle.
Southern Counties Bill Hook Half Turn Devon Bill Hook Grass Hook - Cranked
Heavy section hook carbon steel blade. Carbon steel blade with caulked handle.
Oval section handle. Used as a grass hook, the crank allows the
Blade length: 240mm. hook to be used close to the ground.
Blade length: 255mm. Overall length: 375mm. Suitable for right hand use only.
Overall length: 405mm.
Product Weight Order CodeList Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each S&J-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1
4516AZ 700g -4516A 44.81 32.26 1807 650g -1807B 32.00 24.00 1812 632g -1812T 20.57 15.43
Product Weight Order CodeList Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each S&J-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1
4501BZ 700kg -4501B 44.81 32.26 3830 1.40kg -3830V 38.00 28.50 1800 500g -1800D 20.57 15.43
Brushing Hook
Invaluable tool for both the farmer and highway maintenance contractor.
Manufactured with forged manganese steel cutting blade, they are used for a wide variety of applications from trimming
and thinning to clearing bush and thickets.
Blade length: size 2.
Overall length: 1275mm.
Page 942
Agricultural Hay Fork
Tools Varnished hardwood
Manure Drag Fork Tanged Manure Forks: Manure Fork shaft, manganese steel
1748 - PD handle 1711 forged tang
1609CS Manganese steel forged tang Varnished hardwood shaft,
Forged socket steel blade with and head.
and four prong head, with manganese steel forged Blade size:
a long reach hardwood handle. tubular steel shaft. Available in tang and head.
Head size: 130 x 178 x 203mm. 250mm.
a choice of PD or T handles. Shaft size: 1219mm. Overall
Overall length: 1830mm. Blade width: 230mm. Overall length: 1539mm. length:
Overall length: 810mm. 1774mm.
Irish Single
Edge Slasher
Used for hedge laying and cutting heavy
hedges and thicket. Forged socket steel
blade with a long reach hardwood handle.
Blade length: 255mm.
length: 1160mm.
Head Size Weight Order Code List Offer Head Size Weight Order Code List Offer Head Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(oz/g) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1 (oz/g) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1 (oz/g) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1
20/566 6.20kg -9090K 40.78 26.10 16/453 5.40kg -9110K 22.24 14.23 28/795 7.20kg -9140K 26.00 16.64
Felling Axe
Suitable for felling small trees, chopping off branches and splitting logs. High quality tool steel blade, polished and lacquered.
Finely sanded hickory handle, shaped for maximum user comfort. Part painted head and handle for durability.
900mm hickory shaft. 21/2 x 3/4 eye.
Page 943
Square Mouth Square Mouth
Shovels Shovels
SSC245/SSC190 Forged high carbon steel blade coated with corrosion-resistant epoxy
High-tensile tubular steel construction with YD handle which is paint. Weather-proofed solid ash shaft secured in the socket by an
designed for heavy industrial and professional use. Shovel head is aluminium rivet for maximum stability. Suitable for concrete mixing,
finished in a tough epoxy powder coating which prevents rusting and working tarmac, moving sand or ballast and clearing out or back filling
reduces soil adhesion. trenches.
Black finish, heat treated blade and hardwood shaft. Bend resistant. Type: hardwood shaft. Type: hardwood shaft.
Polypropylene YD handle. Handle type: T-hardwood. Handle type: PY
SSC215 Shaft: hardwood. polypropylene.
SSC245 SSC190 Type: open Blade material: carbon Shaft: hardwood.
Type: open Type: open socket. steel, powder coated, Blade material: carbon
socket. socket Handle type: varnished. steel, powder coated,
Handle Handle YD 2521-AU varnished.
Type: YD type: YD polypropylene. Blade width: 255mm. 2521-UA
polypropylene. polypropylene. Shaft: Blade height: 320mm. Blade width: 255mm.
Shaft: metal. Shaft: metal. hardwood. Overall length: 1030mm. Blade height: 320mm.
Blade material: Blade Blade Overall length: 1030mm.
carbon steel, material: material: 2521-HT
epoxy coated. carbon steel, carbon steel, Blade width: 280mm. 2521-WE
Blade: epoxy coated. powder Blade height: 345mm. Blade width: 305mm.
(W)245mm x Blade: coated, Overall length: 1055mm. Blade height: 370mm.
(H)300mm. (W)190mm x varnished. 2521-NC Overall length: 1080mm.
Overall (H)300mm. Blade: Blade width:
length: Overall length: (W)215mm x 370mm.
965mm. 975mm. (H)300mm. Blade height:
Overall length: 305mm.
1020mm. Overall length:
Square Mouth
2213 Designed for moving loose materials such as sand, gravel, earth, grain and coal etc. Not designed for digging or levering.
2007 Used mostly in the food and farming industry. Round blade, which is specifically designed for shovelling grain.
Light rustproof and easy to sterilise.
5212 Used for trench work, concrete mixing, working tarmac and shovelling.
5221 One piece manganese epoxy coated steel blade and socket with the blade being hardened and tempered for greater rigidity.
High tensile steel tube shaft with a polymer sleeve and a galvanised steel framed MYD style handle which is fitted with a wooden grip.
5202 For shovelling out or backfilling trenches, concrete mixing, working tarmac and moving sand, cement and chippings etc.
2213 - PD handle 2007 5212 5221 5202
(illustrated) Type: Type: Type: Type: hardwood shaft.
Type: open open socket. open socket. all metal. Handle type: HMYD, metal
socket. Handle type: Handle type: Handle type: framed.
Handle type: PD Ash T-Handle. MYD metal Shaft: hardwood.
Available polypropylene. Shaft: Ash. framed. Blade: steel, epoxy coated.
with PD Shaft: Blade Shaft: steel. Size 1
polypropylene hardwood. material: Blade Blade: (W)240mm x (H)305mm.
or T. Blade solid forged material: Overall length: 950mm.
Shaft: material: steel. steel, epoxy Size 2
hardwood. aluminium. Blade width: coated. Blade: (W)255mm x (H)320mm.
Blade material: Blade width: 165mm. Blade width: Overall length: 965mm.
steel epoxy 310mm. Blade height: 255mm.
Page 944
Square Mouth
General purpose contractors shovel for digging out and refilling trenches, mixing concrete and moving Forks
tarmac. All blades are hardened and tempered with an epoxy coating.
Extra strong square
S14212 S14332 S14312 prongs with the chisel points
Type: Type: Type: makes this tool ideal for digging
open solid solid in heavy clay or stony ground. All
socket. socket. S14112 S14322 socket. blades are hardened and
Handle Handle Type: solid Type: Handle tempered with an epoxy coating.
Type: Type: socket. solid Type: MYD
YD MYD Handle socket. metal S21322
polypropylene. metal Type: T Handle framed. Type: solid
Shaft: framed. wooden. Type: MYD Shaft: socket.
hardwood. Shaft: solid Shaft: metal framed. hardwood. Handle Type:
Blade fibreglass. hardwood. Shaft: metal. Blade MYD metal
material: Blade Blade Blade material: framed.
carbon- material: material: material: carbon- Shaft: metal.
manganese carbon- carbon- carbon- manganese Blade
steel. manganese manganese manganese steel. material:
Blade size: steel. steel. steel. Blade size: carbon-
(W)240mm x Blade size: Blade size: Blade size: (W)240mm x manganese
(H)310mm. (W)240mm x (W)240mm x (W)240mm x (H)300mm. steel.
Overall (H)300mm. (H)300mm. (H)300mm. Overall Blade size:
length: Overall Overall Overall length: (W)240mm
980mm. length: length: length: 980mm. x (H)310mm.
970mm. 985mm. 1000mm. Overall
5527 Grafting Tool Fork
The slightly dished blade and
round cutting edges are designed The high carbon steel blade is FSC210 S21332
for clay digging and heavy ground slightly dished with a rounded Type: all metal. Type: solid socket.
breaking work. Also known as a cutting edge, suitable for clay Handle type: Handle Type: MYD
grafting spade. digging and heavy MYD metal framed. metal framed.
ground breaking Shaft: metal. Shaft: solid
Type: all metal. work. High strength Blade material:
Handle type: fibreglass.
solid forged all-steel carbon steel, Blade material:
MYD metal construction with epoxy coated.
framed. carbon-manganese
corrosion-resistant hard Blade: steel.
Shaft: wearing epoxy coating. (W)210mm x
steel. Blade size:
(H)325mm. (W)180mm x
Blade material: 2131-GZ Overall length:
steel (H)310mm.
Type: all metal. 1040mm. Overall length:
epoxy Handle type: Weight:
coated. 1010mm.
MYD metal framed. 1.80kg Weight:
Blade width: Shaft: steel.
165mm. 2.70kg
Blade material:
Page 945
Taper Mouth
General purpose shovel with tapered blade. All blades are hardened and tempered with an epoxy coating.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1
S15112 kg -7781B 29.06 20.34 S15322 kg -7811B 29.06 20.34
S15312 kg -7791B 29.06 20.34 S15332 kg -7821B 30.13 21.09
Taper Mouth
Taper Mouth Shovel, Use as an alternative to the square mouth for Taper Mouth Shovel
shovelling out or backfilling trenches,
Fork & Round Shovel concrete mixing, working tarmac etc. The Streamlined shaft,
STC190 tapered blade allows for clearing out tight contoured to fit comfortably
High tensile tubular steel corners. in the hand. Automatically
construction with metal MYD rotary welded, perfect weld
handle which is designed for alignment ensures maximum
5222 strength. Carbon steel, made
heavy industrial and professional Type:
use. Finished in a tough epoxy from high strength carbon/
all metal. manganese steel. Epoxy
powder coating Handle type: 5TM2MYD
which prevents rusting and Blade size: coated, for reduced soil
MYD metal adhesion and rust. Heat
reduces soil adhesion. framed. No 2.
Handle tempered steel for a long life.
Shaft: steel.
Blade material: type: 2000AC
steel epoxy metal D Type: all metal.
Type: all metal. coated. grip. Handle type: MYD metal
Handle type: MYD metal framed. Blade: Head size: framed.
Shaft: metal. (W)190 - 315mm x Shaft: steel.
Blade material: carbon steel, 172mm x 250mm. Blade material:
epoxy coated. (H)280mm. Shaft: Ash carbon steel, epoxy coated.
Blade width: 190 - 165mm. Overall length: 711mm Blade width:
Page 946
Trenching Round Mouth Shovels General Service
Shovels An ideal tool for shovelling loose materials Shovel
Ideal for narrow trench work like pipe and cable laying. Often used such as gravel. The pointed blade gives A general purpose
in conjunction with a cable laying shovel. All blades are hardened and easier penetration. All blades are hardened contractors shovel.
tempered with an epoxy coating. and tempered with an epoxy coating. Blades is hardened and
tempered with an epoxy
S16322 S16312 S16332 coating.
Type: solid Type: solid Type: solid S13112
socket. socket. socket. Type: S13212 S17112
Handle Handle Handle solid Type: open Type:
Type: MYD Type: MYD Type: MYD socket. socket. solid socket.
metal framed. metal framed. metal framed. Handle Handle Handle
Shaft: metal. Shaft: Shaft: solid Type: T Type: YD Type: T wooden.
Blade hardwood. fibreglass. wooden. polypropylene. Shaft:
material: Blade Blade Shaft: Shaft: hardwood.
carbon- material: material: hardwood. hardwood. Blade material:
manganese carbon- carbon- Blade Blade carbon-
steel. manganese manganese material: material: manganese
Blade size: steel. steel. carbon- carbon- steel.
(W)190/ Blade size: Blade size: manganese manganese Blade size:
165mm x (W)190/ (W)190/ steel. steel. (W)210mm x
(H)270mm. 165mm x 165mm x Blade size: Blade size: (H)240mm.
Overall (H)270mm. (H)280mm. (W)240mm x (W)230mm x Overall
length: Overall Overall (H)300mm. (H)290mm. length: 955mm.
970mm. length: length: Overall Overall
985mm. 985mm. length: length:
990mm. 1000mm.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1
S16322 -7812C 30.96 21.67 13112 -7786G 29.06 20.34
S16312 -7792C 29.06 20.34 13212 -7776G 14.43 10.10
S16332 -7822C 32.73 22.91 17112 -7787H 29.06 20.34
Round Mouth
Epoxy coated steel blade and socket with the blade being hardened and tempered for greater Round Shovel
rigidity. The pointed blade is designed for easy ground penetration when digging or shovelling
gravel, sand, earth and loose materials. SRC230
5321 High tensile steel tube shaft with a polymer sleeve and a galvanised steel framed MYD Black finish, heat treated blade
style handle fitted with a wooden grip. and hardwood shaft.
2309 Ash straight shaft. Bend resistant.
5302/5RM2MYD Available with T-handle or D grip. YD polypropylene handle.
Page 947
Cable Laying Cable Laying, Draining
Shovels & Grafting Tools
Specially designed for digging trenches for cables. Generally High-tensile tubular steel construction designed for heavy
used in conjunction with the trenching shovel. All blades are industrial and professional use. Shovel head is finished in a
hardened and tempered with an epoxy coating. tough epoxy powder coatingwhich prevents rusting and reduces soil
S11332 S11312 S11322
Type: solid Type: solid Type: solid Cable Laying Newcastle Grafting
socket. socket. socket. Shovel Drainer Spade
Handle Handle Handle All steel with Ideal for All steel with
Type: MYD Type: MYD Type: MYD slightly dished digging a slightly
metal framed. metal framed. metal framed. blade and trenches, pipe, dished head.
Shaft: solid Shaft: Shaft: metal. round cutting cable and drain Ideal for
fibreglass. hardwood. Blade edges. channels and digging post
Blade Blade material: Designed for post holes. holes in
material: material: carbon- clay digging confined
carbon- carbon- manganese NCD165
and heavy Type: all metal. spaces.
manganese manganese steel. ground
steel. steel. Blade size: Handle type: GSC140
breaking work. MYD Type: all
Blade size: Blade size: (W)140 x
(W)140mm x (W)140mm x (H)280mm. CLC140 metal framed. metal.
(H)240mm. (H)270mm. Overall Type: all metal. Shaft: metal. Handle type:
Overall Overall length: Handle type: Blade straight
length: length: 980mm. MYD material: metal.
940mm. 975mm. metal framed. carbon steel, Shaft: metal.
Shaft: metal. epoxy coated. Blade
Blade material: Blade width: material:
carbon steel, 165 - 100mm. carbon steel,
epoxy coated. Blade height: epoxy coated.
Blade width: 400mm. Blade width:
140 - 115mm. Overall length: 140 -
Blade height: 1115mm. 127mm.
280mm. Blade height:
Overall length: 280mm.
990mm. CARBON Overall
STEEL 1650mm.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each RTL-522 Price/1 Price/1
S11332 -7823D 32.73 22.91 CLC140 2.00kg -8340K 33.96 23.09
S11312 -7793D 29.06 20.34 NCD165 2.20kg -8500K 38.37 26.09
S11322 -7813D 30.96 21.67 GSC140 3.90kg -8320K 29.88 20.32
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1
S12332 2.70kg -7824E 32.73 22.91 5213 1.70kg -5213T 32.23 24.17
S12322 -7814E 38.72 27.10 5524 2.90kg -5524F 44.48 33.36
Page 948
Fencing Post Hole Bar - Post Hole Diggers
Maul Chisel End Post hole diggers have a steel oval mouth shovel blade
S61414 S62424 which are hinged in opposition for easy use and soil
The specially shaped over-sized' Steel Post hole digging removal. A closure stop on the shafts keeps the blades in
head is designed to drive home bar manufactured from parallel when driving
fence posts. It is fitted with a high grade heat treated downward into the
900mm (36) hickory handle for steel bar with one chisel ground creating a
shock resistance. point and one tamper neat post hole while
head. The post hole minimising the need
Overall length: 950mm. for backfill.
Head size: digger has a 60mm S64424
115 x 130mm mushroom head at one Scissor action
diameter. end and a bevelled Overall length:
Weight: 5.40kg chisel edge at the other. 1730mm.
It is frequently used for Blade size:
digging small holes in 360 x 220mm.
earth. Max. opening:
Overall length: 1800mm. 550mm.
Blade size: 230 x 60mm.
Weight: 8.00kg
Hinged action
Overall length:
Blade size:
240 x 135mm.
Max. opening:
Product Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1 Number each SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1
S63124 -6567C 63.00 44.10 FM12F -0112G 34.07 25.55 S65424 14.5kg -6569E 77.89 54.52
Page 949
Asphalt & Asphalt
Tarmac Rakes Rake
Tubular steel handle, long tang and FM12F Asphalt Rake Floor Scraper
solid steel painted head with 16 flat The tines on this rake are designed to allow
teeth for evenly spreading loose the easy movement of asphalt into it's 3886BC 3420-BC
stocks of tarmac and asphalt. required position. Ash shaft (FSC sourced). Long reach tubular Replaceable high
steel handle with carbon spring steel
Handle length: 48" (1200mm). contoured grip, blade, ground and
flat tooth head. polished finish.
S31424 Teeth: 16 flat. Tubular steel
Asphalt Rake Head size: handle.
16 Flat Teeth 80 x 475mm. Blade size:
Head width: Shaft length: 75 x 205mm.
406mm. 1750mm. Overall length:
Overall length: S32424 1220mm.
1780mm. Tarmac Rake
16 Round
Head width:
Overall length:
16 Teeth
17 Teeth
Product Rake Order Code List Offer Description Order Code List Offer
Number Type SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1 BDG-522 Price/1 Price/1
S31424 Asphalt -7861B 23.63 16.54 16 Flat tooth metal teeth -1115E 22.71 17.03
S32424 Tarmac -7862C 31.96 22.37 17 heavy-duty metal teeth -1115M 31.08 23.31
Handle to fit standard pick axe or mattock eye. Hickory shaft fitted
with a plastic head designed for increased grip in the
eye of the pick axe or mattock head Weight Order Code List Offer
once fitted. Capacity each COT-907 Price/1 Price/1
Product Order Code List Offer 10ltr 1.90kg -4100K 40.35 32.28
Number SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1
S71440 -6511B 7.05 4.94
S71410 -6512C 12.42 8.69 Tar Brushes
For use with tar, creosote,
Pick Axe Head whitewash etc.
S72004 All with 80mm (31/8) heads.
A solid eye navy pick head with chisel and Short handle length:
point for the breaking of concrete. 300mm (12).
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each SSF-522 Price/1 Price/1 each COT-907 Price/1 Price/1
S72004 3.18kg (7lb) -6510A 10.08 7.06 130g -1010K 2.14 1.71
Page 950
Floor Roofing Scraper Square Earth
Scraper S42414 Punners Rammer
S41411 The heavy duty roofing Used for compacting earth, S51424
Used for removing scraper. One-piece solid hardcore and tarmac. Square head supplied
grease and dirt from steel forged blade and Manufactured from cast, fine with tubular steel metal
workshop floors, wooden handle. grain grey iron with a tubular shaft. Used for compacting
preparation areas and The scraper can be steel handle. areas of tarmac or asphalt
shopping arcades etc. re-sharpened with a or for tamping down backfill
hand file. Ideal for heavy SP10S
The steel blade is Head weight: 10lb. during the erection of fence
designed not to damage duty scraping including posts.
roofing felt removal, Overall length:
tiled flooring or laminates 1140mm. Overall length: 1280mm.
and is fitted with chopping, paint removal Blade size:
and digging or cutting Weight: 1.50kg.
fibreglass handles for 130 x 130 x 25mm.
strength and easy tree roots. SP12S Weight: 4.50kg.
sterilisation. Overall length: 1640mm. Head weight: 12lb.
Blade size: 240 x 170mm. Overall length: 1140mm.
Overall length: 1480mm. Weight: 1.50kg.
Blade size: 210 x 100mm. Weight: 2.60kg.
Weight: 1.15kg.
Spare blades
Stainless steel to suit
floor scrapers.
Five hole old type.
(W x H):
310 x 700 - GRAIN
840mm. ETC.
Page 951
Garden Knapsack
16ltr capacity
Can be used for left or right handed operation. Spray lance with blow-moulded container
locking trigger and four adjustable nozzles, that clips onto handle for with filter and fluid level
storage. Pressurising pump handle with grip and storage loop. graduations. 20ltr capacity
Pressure release valve. Adjustable webbing shoulder straps. blow-moulded container
with filter and fluid level
graduations long reach.
Capacity Weight List Offer Capacity Weight List Offer Capacity Weight
Order Code Order Code Order CodeList Offer
each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
5ltr 1.11kg -4320K 22.66 19.26 1.5ltr 360g -4360K 14.44 12.27 8ltr 1.3kg -4800K 30.84 26.21
Capacity Weight
Order Code List Offer
each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
Material Weight List Offer Capacity Weight
0500ml -4900K 3.16 2.69 Order Code Order Code List Offer
0740ml 75g -4920K 5.49 4.67 each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
1000ml -4940K 7.25 6.16 EVA Foam 121g -9700K 4.38 3.72 10ltr 452g -4840K 7.06 6.00
Page 952
RUTLAND Coil Hose Hose Trolley
Quality Gardening Tools
Sets This large capacity trolley
These hose coil sets come stores up to 60m of 13mm
complete with a seven (1/2) hose or 45m of 16mm
pattern spray gun, heavy (5/8) hose. It is easy to
duty snap action assemble snap and click,
connectors and a needs no tools. It has a
threaded tap sturdy frame with a rust
connector. It is light and corrosion-resistant
in weight, does not coating.
kink or tangle and Hose not included.
provides superior
waterflow control.
Spray patterns:
Order Code List Offer
Size RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Order Code List Offer
Capacity RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
15m -3940K 22.28 16.71
30m -3960K 41.62 31.22 60m/200ft -4100K 27.07 23.01
Order Code List Offer
Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer Size RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
Type RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Size RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 30m -4020K 13.98 11.88
Hose Tidy -4090K 3.40 2.89 30m -4120K 21.54 16.16 50m -4040K 27.92 23.73
or 60m of
13mm hose.
8 8
15m 30m
Page 953
Spray Nozzle Brass Outdoor Tap Set
Starter Set A quick inexpensive, and effective way of fitting an
Four piece spray nozzle set outside tap. Kit includes screws and plugs, self cutting
with nozzle, water stop tap, supply hose, garden tap and pipe clips.
hose connector, hose
connector and tap adaptor.
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
Adjustable Hose Brass Outdoor
47g -4600K 1.10 0.94 760g -9550K 21.24 15.93
Nozzle Tap Set
1/2 Water Stop Hose Connector Universal Tap Connector Clamp-on Tap Connector
Water stop valve to cut off supply as soon as This male snap action connector can be This male snap action tap
the connection is disconnected and is ideal attached to any tap with either a 1/2 or 3/4 connector has a flexible
for connecting to implements. BSP fitting. coupler on the other end which
fits most taps and is then
tightened onto the tap by twisting
the butterfly screw.
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
1/2 Water Stop Universal Clamp
Hose Connector 35g -4580K 1.32 1.12 Tap Connector 23g -4530K 1.53 1.30 Tap Connector 47g -4500K 4.72 4.01
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
2 Way Male Multi-Purpose Square
-4460K 1.82 1.55 Tap Connector 81g -4540K 4.96 4.22 180g -9560K 6.87 5.84
3 Way Male Snap Hose End Connector 13mm (1/2) Hose Joiner
Action Connector This fitting is for use on the end of the hose This fitting is used for either mending or
For splitting one supply which connects to the supply. joining hoses.
hose into two outlets,
with all three hoses
having female
snap action
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
3 Way Male Hose End
23g -4470K 2.09 1.78 34g -4520K 2.18 1.85 Hose Joiner 31g -4480K 1.54 1.31
Connector Connector
Page 954
Heavy Duty Spray Gun Oscillating
Spray Gun This seven pattern spray gun has a comfort Sprinkler
6 Pattern Chromed Spray Gun grip, locking trigger and snap action This oscillating sprinkler has a gear drive
Heavy duty chrome spray gun, designed to be connector. operation for even, gentle lawn watering.
used for all gardening and general purpose Spray settings: Coverage levers enable easy adjustment to
tasks. Soaker. your required oscillation width, giving a
Spray settings: Shower. coverage of about 200m3 (depends on water
Soaker. Circle. pressure, length and bore of hose).
Shower. Jet.
Jet. Flat.
Flat. Mist.
Mist. Cone.
6 7
Weight Order CodeList Offer Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
Spray Gun -9260K 9.84 8.36 Spray Gun 170g -4240K 4.83 4.11 560g -4400K 11.54 9.81
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Weight Order Code List Offer
Brass Chrome each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
345g -4220K 14.38 12.22 386g -4230K 16.30 13.86 490g -4380K 9.14 7.77
Spray Gun Spray Gun
Spray settings:
Soaker. Mist.
Shower. Full.
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1 Type each RTL-523 Price/1 Price/1
Spray Lance 230g -4440K 6.80 5.78 Spray Gun Set 197g -4200K 7.20 5.40
Page 955
Heavy Duty Lightweight Garden Bag Multi-Purpose
Garden Bag 170ltr capacity garden bag with two handles. Black Tubs
170ltr capacity garden bag with a unique Made from rot-proof woven polyethylene Multi-purpose tubs made from
strengthener around the mouth and three fabric with tear resistant stitching for high impact plastic with rope
handle design. Tough woven polyethylene durability. handles. Ideal for moving and storing
fabric with tear resistant stitching for longer household or work items, can be used both
usage. UV treated for extra long life and indoors and out.
stays rot-proof for years.
700(H) x 560mm
172ltr (approx.)
Page 956
Gazebo Shelter NEW
Measuring 3m x 3 x 2.6m when assembled, this pop-up gazebo has a steel frame and waterproof 250g polyester PVC coated cover. Comes
complete with guide ropes, pegs, weight bags, wind bar and carrying holdall. Ideal for shelter from the sun or light rain but do not use during
extremely windy conditions. Side panels not included - sold separately through order code RTL-984-2520K.
Packed size (W x H x D):
1240 x 205 x 205mm.
Page 957
Claw Hammers Tool Tethers,
Fibreglass Shaft
With textured slip resistant rubber grip. Shaft and grip combine to
dampen the impact transmitted through to the users hand and wrist.
Lanyards & Accessories
Reduces operator fatigue and the risk of RSI (Repetitive Strain
Injury). The high strength of the shaft and head bond
make the hammer virtually unbreakable.
Hickory Shaft FatMax Vibration Dampening Hammers - FatMax Antivibe Steel Hammers - 1 Piece
With fine grain, forged steel head, hardened 2 Piece Patented over-sized strike face, 25% larger Sweet
and tempered with polished face. Patent pending vibration absorption Spot. Anti-vibration grip. New industrial
isolates vibration to the hammer design for better comfort and
head for best in class less arm fatigue.
vibration dampening.
Type Head Order Code List Offer Type Head Order Code List Offer
Head Length Weight Order Code List Offer Size STN-525 Price/1 Price/1 Size STN-525 Price/1 Price/1
Size (mm) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1 Straight Claw 14oz -7244T 31.75 24.13 Curve Claw 16oz -7266M 29.00 22.04
16oz 332 2.70kg -4160K 16.62 10.64 Curve Claw 14oz -7260D 31.75 24.13 Rip Claw 16oz -7267S 29.00 22.04
20oz 350 4.80kg -4200K 18.28 11.70 Claw 17oz -7242M 35.90 27.28 Rip Claw 20oz -7268V 31.75 24.13
24oz 335 5.20kg -4240K 20.11 12.87
Page 958
Ball Pein Ball Pein
Hammers Hammers
Stanley hammers are manufactured from drop forged high carbon Fibreglass Shaft
steel, with ground and polished faces. Evertite fixed shafts secure With textured slip resistant rubber grip. Shaft and grip
the head to the shaft. Separate water and oil quenching of head combine to dampen the impact transmitted through to the users
ensures correct hardness. hand and wrist. Reduces operator fatigue and the risk of RSI
Ball Pein (Repetitive Strain Injury).
High strength
graphite core
surrounded by
jacket for Head Length Weight Order Code List Offer
protection Size (mm) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1
against Head Length Weight Order Code List Offer 1/2lb 275 3.20kg -3400K 20.42 13.07
accidental Size (mm) Per 1 STN-525 Price/1 Price/1 3/4lb 275 3.20kg -3430K 22.05 14.11
16oz 320 700g -1554E 23.15 17.59 1lb 350 3.80kg -3450K 23.67 15.15
overstrikes. Ribbed 11/2lb 400 6.00kg -3470K 28.40 18.18
24oz 380 900g -1556G 26.48 20.12
handle for improved 32oz 380 1212g -1558J 28.68 21.80 2lb 400 7.20kg -3500K 30.26 19.37
user comfort.
Brick Hickory Shaft Engineers Ball Pein Hammers
With fine grain, forged steel head, hardened Ball pein hammers are manufactured from
Hammers and tempered with polished faces. high-grade drop forged steel fully heat-
For setting, dressing and splitting treated. Ideal for use with cold chisels,
bricks, tiles, concrete blocks, punches, rivets and for the shaping of metal.
chipping mortar etc. They are available with a hardwood, hickory,
Standard Pattern Hickory Shaft fibreglass or tubular steel shaft.
With fine grain and forged steel head.
Hardwood Shaft
With fine grain, forged steel head, hardened
and tempered with polished faces.
Machinists Hammers
Machinists hammers suitable for use on Engineers Ball Pein Engineers Ball Pein Hammers
metal. Manufactured to European Hammers Tubular Steel Shaft
DIN 1041 standard. Hickory Shaft With textured slip resistant rubber grip.
Manufactured from finest quality drop forged Dampens the impact transmitted through to
steel, hardened and tempered with ground the users hand and wrist.
and polished faces.
Page 959
Cross Pein Welders Club Hammers
Hammers Chipping Hammers Club (or lump) hammers are fully
Cross pein hammers are traditionally used by Scaling and chipping hammers. For boiler forged and heat treated with flat face
joiners and fitters. Cross pein can be used scaling, weld dressing etc. and chamfered edge for use with cold
for setting pins and nails prior to driving chisels, brick bolsters, star drills and
Hardwood Shaft masonry nails.
home with the flat faced pein. Manufactured from tempered and
hardened steel, chisel and point striking Fibreglass Shaft
Hickory Shaft faces with close grain hardwood handle. With textured slip resistant rubber grip. Shaft
Hardened and ground forged steel head with and grip combine to dampen the impact
polished striking face securely fixed to a transmitted through to the users hand and
close grain hickory shaft. Shaped to fit wrist. Reduces operator fatigue and the risk
comfortably in the hand. Tapered head is of repetitive strain injury (RSI).
suitable for use with small pins, helps reduce
Head Length Weight Order Code List Offer Head Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Size (mm) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1 Size (mm) per 4 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1
31/2oz 325 3.20kg -8040K 11.29 7.23 2 1/2lb 265 5.10kg -5450K 19.07 12.20
3lb 265 7.20kg -5500K 20.86 13.35
Warrington Hardwood Shaft 4lb 265 7.90kg -5600K 23.21 14.85
Close grained hardwood shaft shaped to
comfortably fit in the hand. Forged steel head Hickory Shaft
with ground and polished striking face. With fine grain, forged steel head, hardened
and tempered with polished faces.
Head Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Size (mm) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1
7oz 280 3.80kg -7220K 10.99 7.03
Scutch Hammer
Hickory Shaft
Double bit type. Suitable for dressing brick
Head Size Lgth Weight Order Code List Offer and stone work prior to rendering. Fine
(oz/No) (mm) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1 grain, forged steel head, hardened and
8/0 280 1.30kg -8080K 9.62 6.16 tempered with polished faces. Replaceable
plain and comb style bits supplied Head Length Weight Order Code List Offer
10/1 290 2.50kg -8100K 10.87 6.96 Size (mm) each KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1
12/2 300 3.00kg -8120K 11.40 7.30 separately.
14/3 325 3.50kg -8140K 11.18 7.16 21/2lb 330 2.40kg -5250K 16.58 10.61
16/4 330 4.10kg -8160K 14.68 9.40 3lb 265 2.75kg -5300K 18.14 11.61
4lb 265 3.60kg -5400K 20.19 12.92
Hammer Head Length Order Code List Offer Head Length Weight Order Code List Offer Head Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Type Size (mm) KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1 Size (mm) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1 Size (mm) each STN-525 Price/1 Price/1
Upholsterer 7oz 270 -7550K 14.23 9.11 22oz 250 5.10kg -6520K 30.16 19.30 31/2oz 325 175g -1450A 12.69 9.64
Page 960
FatMax Sledge Hammer
Particulate filled fibreglass core absorbs vibrations and shock on impact. Overmoulded high
impact polypropylene jacket for additional durability and overstrike protection. FatMax
FatMax Demolition Hammer AntiVibe shock absorbing layer that helps reduce vibrations in the handle. Durable rubber
FMHT1-56008 overmould for long lasting, slip resistant grip. Shock absorbing collar isolates vibrations to
Particulate filled fibreglass core absorbs the head and reduces shock through the handle on impact. Forged hammer head
vibrations and shock on impact. Overmoulded permanently bonded to the handle for durability with bullet nose design provides 2x more
high impact polypropylene jacket for concentrated striking force.
additional durability and overstrike protection.
FatMax AntiVibe shock absorbing layer that
helps reduce vibrations in the handle.
Durable rubber overmould for long lasting,
slip resistant grip. Shock absorbing collar
isolates vibrations to the head and reduces
shock through the handle on impact. Forged Length Head Order Code List Offer
Weight STN-525 Price/1 Price/1
hammer head permanently bonded to the
handle for durability with bullet nose design 89.2cm 3.6kg -7295K 41.91 31.85
provides 2x more concentrated striking force. 88.5cm 2.7kg -7296N 37.86 28.77
Weight head: 1814g.
Length: 37cm. Sledge
Double faced sledge
hammers are fully -5840K
forged and heat-
treated. Ideal for use
on spikes, stakes,
cold chisels and
hardened nails.
They are available -6270K
with a hickory or
Length Head Order Code List Offer fibreglass shaft.
Weight STN-525 Price/1 Price/1
37cm 1814g -7294H 25.62 19.47
Head Size Weight Order Code List Offer Head Size Weight Order Code List Offer Head Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(oz/g) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1 (oz/g) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1 (oz/g) per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1
20/566 6.20kg -9090K 40.78 26.10 16/453 5.40kg -9110K 22.24 14.23 28/795 7.20kg -9140K 26.00 16.64
Felling Axe
Suitable for felling small trees, chopping off branches and splitting logs. High quality tool steel blade, polished and lacquered.
Finely sanded hickory handle, shaped for maximum user comfort. Part painted head and handle for durability.
900mm hickory shaft. 21/2 x 3/4 eye.
Page 961
Bumping Finishing Picks Plastic
Hammers Highly polished striking heads and Mallets
Highly polished striking heads and cheeks. cheeks. With crowned faces. Will Ultra high molecular weight polythene mallet
One square and one round face. The most remove low spots when metal finishing. heads, suitable for high impact applications.
popular general purpose panel beating Hardwood shaft and finishing beater. With solid wooden shafts.
hammer. Hickory shaft. Manufactured to BS 4114.
Curved Pein Panel Beater Tinmens - Cylindrical
Manufactured to BS 4114.
Medium weight for general use where access
Flat Faced is difficult.
For straightening thicker gauge metals where
Length: 325mm.
a reasonable striking force is needed.
38mm 40mm
Bossing - Pear Shaped
340g 2.60kg -7250K 31.38 20.08 23-8122 70 650g -0374J 17.60 14.08
23-8126 80 950g -0375L 22.57 18.06
Shrinking Hammers
Highly polished striking heads and cheeks.
One flat round face and one milled, serrated Head Weight Order Code List Offer
square face. Hickory shaft. Manufactured to Size Per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
BS 4114. Specially designed for panel 9oz 2.40kg -7340K 30.71 19.65 Length (mm) each MON-588 Price/1 Price/1
beating on slightly stretched areas of metal. 320 (13) 340g -0734D 14.80 13.32
The cross milled face forces small amounts Reverse Curve Finishing Hammer
of metal into the spaces created. Setting-in Sticks
Highly polished striking heads and cheeks.
Sizes: 325mm (except -7300K = 345mm). The high crowned radius faces have a convex For similar work as bending sticks, with a
A2 D surface suitable for work on concave and more acute curve. Designed for flashing
recessed panels. The short head is ideal for work.
use in confined areas. 25mm 28mm
Hardwood shaft.
Length: 325mm.
95 35 x 40 390g -7290K 29.02 18.57 Size Per 6 KEN-525 Price/1 Price/1 Length (mm) each MON-588 Price/1 Price/1
110 40 x 48 450g -7300K 30.92 19.79 320g 2.30kg -7310K 23.74 15.19 340 (131/2) 270g -0748V 15.41 13.87
Page 962
Rubber Rubber
Mallets Mallets
Standard: All purpose mallet used widely for Soft faced for use where steel hammers
automotive, industrial, DIY and camping etc. would mark the surface.
Provide a gentle but firm blow with little rebound.
Solid hickory shafts.
Page 963
Nylon Faced Thorex Nylon Faced
Hammers Hammers
Hard nylon faced hammer with two screw-on all purpose Chrome plated head with two screw on nylon striking faces.
striking faces for light and heavy duty applications.
Chrome plated head with a fully moulded polypropylene
shaft with soft feel dual material grip.
Overall length: 305mm.
Page 964
Thorace Dead Blow Nylon Faced
Hammers Safe Blow Hammers
Hollow die cast head partially filled with steel shot, Hard nylon faced hammer with 2 screw-on all purpose striking faces
which adds to the weight of the impact and prevents which can easily be replaced manually without the use of any other
rebound, delivering a dead blow. The handle is tools - minimising downtime. Hollow chrome plated zinc head partially
manufactured from aluminium alloy with a shock filled with steel pellets which impact a split second after the hammer
absorbent non-slip rubber grip. face, reducing rebound, fitted with a fully moulded polypropylene
shaft with soft feel dual material grip. There are no metal parts in the
striking faces which could mar the workpiece as the head wears
down. The striking faces are reinforced for extra strength and to
prevent fracture from off-target hits. Precision grooves in the metal
head prevent faces from vibrating loose during use.
Supplied with two screw in replaceable white nylon
Due to the
fluctuating price of 71-310C 1 32 145g -0172P 3.35 3.15
COPPER, 71-312C 2 38 241g -0173Q 4.99 4.69
may apply 71-314C 3 44 352g -0174R 6.99 6.57
71-316C 4 50 540g -0175S 10.32 9.70
71-322C 5 70 1283g -0176T 22.77 21.40
71-310AF 1 32 47g -0141E 1.48 1.39
77-908SPF A 25 15g -0411G 1.53 1.44
77-910SPF 1 32 20g -0412H 2.05 1.93
77-912SPF 2 38 38g -0413J 2.68 2.52
77-914SPF 3 44 47g -0414K 3.32 3.12
Product Size Face Length Weight Order Code List Offer 77-916SPF 4 50 74g -0415L 4.36 4.10
Number Ref. (mm) (mm) each THO-527 Price/1 Price/1 77-922SPF 5 70 146g -0416M 7.16 6.73
03-208 A 25 230 400g -0150A 10.63 8.50 Nylon
03-210 1 32 280 725g -0151B 14.71 11.77 76-125NF 1 32 20g -0125L 2.43 2.28
03-212 2 38 305 1070g -0152C 18.99 15.19 76-150NF 2 38 32g -0126M 3.27 3.07
03-214 3 44 305 1650g -0153D 24.10 19.28 76-175NF 3 44 47g -0127N 4.25 4.00
03-216 4 50 355 2500g -0154E 34.44 27.55 76-200NF 4 50 63g -0128P 5.37 5.05
03-222 5 70 915 5150g -0155F 79.75 63.80 76-275NF 5 70 138g -0129R 8.95 8.41
Page 966
Pick Axe File
Handles Handles
Manufactured to BS 3823. Polypropylene file handles
Overall length: 950mm (36). with integral hanging hole
S71440 - Economy and covered with a ribbed
Made from genuine hickory with a waxed finish. rubber grip for increased
S71410 - Hickory purchase and added comfort.
Handle to fit standard pick axe or mattock eye. Hickory shaft fitted Available in three sizes:
with a plastic head designed for increased grip in the eye of the pick O, 1 and 2.
axe or mattock head once fitted.
Length For Head Weight Order Code List Offer Handle Size Suitable Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Weight each KEN-530 Price/1 Price/1 Length File Length each KEN-531 Price/1 Price/1
610 4lb 330g -2240K 6.00 5.16 75mm - 4 - 6 20g -5300K 0.66 0.57
760 7lb 710g -2300K 7.50 6.45 100mm - 8 25g -5400K 0.76 0.66
910 10/14lb 860g -2360K 8.82 7.59 125mm - 10 45g -5500K 0.88 0.77
150mm - 12 - 16 60g -5600K 0.98 0.85
Moulded Plastic File Handles
With contoured grip and hanging hole.
Length For Head Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Weight each KEN-530 Price/1 Price/1
330 13/16oz 190g -3130K 4.90 4.21
355 20/24oz 200g -3140K 5.39 4.64
Hammer Wedges
Manufactured from
high grade steel.
Page 967
Short & Long Handled Wood
Wall Scrapers Scraper
Wall scrapers that help remove wallcoverings, paint, For removing paint from wooden surfaces.
floor and wall tiles more easily. The blunt side of the Four hardened scraping edges -
blade is useful for stripping off paint, removing two fine and two rough.
wallcoverings and
tiles, whilst the
sharp edge will
easily remove Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
paint from glass. Length (mm) each HAR-533 Price/1 Price/1
Blades are easily 210 135g -5510A 5.39 4.20
changed and Blades (Pk 2) 70g -5520B 3.89 3.03
Heavy Duty Professional Scraper
Heavy-duty tungsten carbide scraper with a
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer blade which has two working edges.
Type length each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 Outlasts steel blades up to 100 times
Short 200mm 140g -0580K 8.78 6.15 (depending on surface).
Long 315mm 160g -0600K 10.11 7.08
100mm Scraper Blades (Pk 10) 65g -0620K 8.48 5.94
Filling Knives
(Half Tang)
Blade Length Weight Order Code List Offer
x Width (mm) per 12 SEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
Scrapers (Half Tang)
100 x 140 1.50kg -1700K 5.67 3.97
Blade Length Weight Order Code List Offer 100 x 100 1.20kg -1720K 5.89 4.12
90 x 75 1.10kg -1740K 5.17 3.62
Group 537 x Width (mm)
125 x 25
per 12
KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
-5410K 8.52 5.96 115 x 65 1.00kg -1760K 4.82 3.37
125 x 50 1.40kg -5420K 9.06 6.34 90 x 50 0.90kg -1780K 4.55 3.19
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 80 x 35 0.80kg -1800K 4.31 3.02
Length (mm) each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 150 x 75 1.50kg -5430K 10.22 7.15
Filling Knives (Half Tang)
170 55g -1090K 1.65 1.16 100 x 140 1.30kg -1500K 6.70 4.69
Scrapers (Scale Tang) 100 x 100 1.10kg -1520K 5.89 4.12
Page 968
Putty Putty Comfort Grip
Knives Knives Putty Knife
Half Tang Scale Tang Scale Tang
Available in traditional clipt Heavy duty, with scale tang, tempered Heavy duty, with scale tang, tempered
pattern or chisel pattern. flexible steel blade and polished flexible steel blade and bi-material
rosewood handle. Traditional comfort grips.
pattern glazier tool.
Point Blade Length Weight Order Code List Offer
x Width (mm) per 12 KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
115 x 38 Clipt 1.20kg -5500K 7.75 5.43
Palette Knives
Scale Tang
Heavy duty, with scale tang, tempered
Chisel Point Chisel Point flexible steel blades and polished
rosewood handles. Used for
mixing paints, spreading
Blade Length Weight Order Code List Offer Blade Length Weight Order Code List Offer printing inks, folding
x Width (mm) per 12 SEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 x Width (mm) per 12 KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
pigments etc.
90 x 38 Clipt 0.80kg -1860K 4.28 3.00 115x38 Clipt 1.20kg -0860K 12.86 9.00
57 x 38 Chisel 0.70kg -1840K 4.28 3.00 115x38 Chisel 1.20kg -0960K 11.06 7.74
Combi Shave Hook Combi Shave Hook Blade Length Weight Order Code List Offer
x Width (mm) per 12 KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
Half Tang Scale Tang 90 x 25 1.50kg -1020K 6.73 4.71
High carbon, clear lacquered steel blade with Heavy duty blade and quality wooden handle.
quality wooden handles. For removing paint from flat, Hacking Knife
concave and convex
mouldings. Scale Tang
Originally designed for chipping out old putty.
The tough construction allows
it to be used with a
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Blade Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Length per 12 SEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 Length per 6 KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 x Width (mm) per 12 KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
200mm 1.30kg -1900K 3.47 2.43 180mm 2.70kg -1070K 9.00 6.30 115 x 30 2.40kg -1060K 8.54 5.98
Knife For removing excess sprue on UPVC window Stainless steel rigid blade. Steel runs nearly
A high quality tool for professional tradesmen frame welded joints (not designed to remove all the way through the varnished wood
such as floor layers, window fitters and lead beads). Stainless steel blade. Can be used handle. Chisel blade for removing excess
workers. Wooden handled with a polished in conjunction with Sprue Guide for sprue on UPVC window frames.
carbon steel blade, bevelled to sharp and professional finish. Non-slip cushion grip. Also used for glazing bead
hand honed for a perfect burr free edge. extraction.
Group 961
Overall Order Code List Offer Overall Order Code List Offer Overall Order Code List Offer
Length CTL-537 Price/1 Price/1 Length CTL-537 Price/1 Price/1 Length CTL-537 Price/1 Price/1
210mm -2120M 25.80 23.22 210mm -8880M 12.94 11.65 210mm -2140T 21.00 18.90
Page 969
Professional Paint
Brushes - Synthetic
A range of long lasting synthetic filament paint
brushes specifically designed for the professional
for achieving very fine finishes with all paints and
available in a range of sizes from 1/2" to 4".
With cushioned rubber grip handles.
Order Code
Price/1 6 14
13 (1/2) -6762K 1.94 1.36 PIECES PIECES
25 (1) -6764K 2.59 1.81 6 Piece Set
38 (11/2) -6766K 3.70 2.59 Width Order Code List Offer
50 (2) -6768K 4.35 3.05 (mm) KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 1x 1/2, 3x 1, and 2x 2.
75 (3) -6772K 6.49 4.54 6 Piece Set -6790K 17.10 10.60 14 Piece Set:
100 (4) -6776K 7.88 5.52 14 Piece Set -6794K 44.48 27.58 4x 1/2, 4x 1, 4x 2, 1x 3, and 1x 4.
Professional Paint Brushes
High quality lacquered wood handles. Chrome
plated lapped and pressed ferrules. Long pure
black high quality bristles. Hard wearing brushes
designed to give long life and the finest of
finishes for the true craftsman.
*With plastic handle.
Paint Brushes
Plastic handles. Chrome plated lapped and
pressed ferrules. Pure bristles vulcanised in
rubber. Designed to give excellent results at an
affordable price. For DIY and trade use.
Width Weight Order Code List Offer PIECES
(mm) per 12 KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
13 (1/2) 0.25kg -1120K 2.31 1.62 14 Piece Set
25 (1) 0.55kg -1140K 2.85 2.00 4x 13, 25 and 50mm, 1x 75 and 100mm.
38 (11/2) 0.70kg -1160K 4.35 3.05 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
50 (2) 1.10kg -1180K 5.35 3.75 of Pieces each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
75 (3) 1.80kg -1220K 8.21 5.75
100 (4) 2.60kg -1240K 10.45 7.32 14 0.85kg -1300K 54.45 33.76
With painted wood handles. Chrome plated lapped
and pressed steel ferrules. Long pure bristles.
Width Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each SEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 6 Piece Set
13 (1/2) 15g -0210K 1.68 1.18 1x 13mm,
19 (3/4) 25g -0220K 1.84 1.29 3x 25 and
25 (1) 30g -0230K 1.99 1.39
38 (1 2) 43g
1/ -0240K 2.60 1.82 2x 50mm.
50 (2) 65g -0250K 3.21 2.25 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
63 (2 2) 85g
1/ -0260K 4.09 2.86 of Pieces each SEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 12 Piece Set
75 (3) 110g -0270K 4.84 3.39 6 330g -0370K 12.65 8.86 1x 19, 38, 63 and 100mm.
100 (4) 150g -0280K 6.23 4.36 12 865g -0330K 26.29 18.40 2x 13, 25, 50 and 75mm.
Page 970
No-Loss Evolution Industrial Maintenance
Paint Brushes Brushes
Synthetic bristles. Ideal for applying enamel Ideal for a wide variety
and emulsion paints and varnishes, and of tasks around the
under coat. Very light, with a plastic and workshop, home and
rubber mixed handle. for use when applying
creosote, cleaners
and degreasers etc.
Wooden handles with
pure bristles.
1x 75mm (3) No.8 -6460K 0.93 0.65
Product Width Order Code List Offer No.10 -6470K 1.36 0.95
Number (mm) HAR-533 Price/1 Price/1 No.12 -6480K 1.49 1.04
80605 125 (5) -3480P 5.70 4.45
Wooden Handled - Fine Point
PIECES Steel ferrules. Soft hair bristles.
Shed & Fence Block Brush
Suitable for applying wood treatments and
preservatives. Block style brush for greater
Page 971
Slant Cut Tar 9 Wallpaper
Lining Brush Brushes Hanging Brush
For use on fine and detailed decorating work For use with tar, creosote, whitewash etc. For smoothing out bubbles in wallpaper
and difficult to get to areas where the All with 80mm (3 1/8) heads. whilst hanging. Made from materials that are
finish makes all the difference. Type: Bolt-On hard-wearing.
Overall Length: 300mm Length: 1200mm (47). Dimensions (H x W x D):
230 x 105 x 20mm.
Page 972
Dust Sheet - Dust Sheets - Paint Kettles
Cotton Twill Cotton Twill Made from high quality polypropylene and
Economy cotton twill provides excellent Tough cotton twill provides suitable for use with all types of paint,
protection to carpets, flooring and excellent protection to liquids, compounds, fasteners and fixings.
furniture whilst decorating. carpets, flooring and Tapered design to allow stacking. Lids are
furniture when painting. sold separately.
Dimensions (L x W): 6ft x 3ft. Supplied as standard with plastic handles
(except *).
Weight Order Code List Offer Size Order Code Offer Order Code List Offer
each HAR-533 Price/1 Price/1 MYK-722 Price/1 Capacity KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
55g -1910B 2.35 1.83 10m -7100K 8.32 1ltr -1520K 1.49 1.04
25m -7110L 16.64 2.5ltr -1530K 2.02 1.41
100m -7120M 62.50
Black Plastic Paste Table
Rigid construction with extra central legs for
Dust Paint
stability, integral measuring scale, built-in Kettles
cutter track, cutter guide fixing slots, Sheets Suitable for use with all paint brushes
paper dispenser fixing slots, trough clip fixing For protecting furniture, flooring and carpets
up to 150mm/6.
slots and built-in carrying handle. Waterproof - whilst decorating.
can be used as a paste table or outdoor able Capacity: 2ltrs.
for barbecues etc. Made using recycled
Page 973
Mini Emulsion Mini Gloss Roller Set Mini Roller
Roller Set 100mm (4) Set
100mm (4) For use with gloss paint. Supplied with a handle and tray. Includes a
For use with 100mm (4") high density foam roller for gloss
emulsion and a knitted 100mm (4") sleeve for use with
paint. emulsion
Order Code List Offer
Description KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 Size Order Code List Offer Size Order Code List Offer
Roller Set -4120K 2.87 2.01 (mm) KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
Tray Only -4100K 1.10 0.77 100 (4) -4130K 2.87 2.01 100 (4) -4140K 2.86 2.00
Mini Paint Roller Frame Long Arm Radiator Roller & Sleeve
100mm (4) Radiator roller frame and 4 roller sleeve.
Single arm type. Moulded plastic handle. Single arm moulded handle frame
Suitable for use with all 4 mini roller and medium pile roller sleeve. Flexi Roller Frame -
heads. Suitable for emulsion paint. with 3 Assorted
Multi-use 4 (100mm) roller with
Description Order Code List Offer flexible shaft made from
Size Order Code List Offer KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 glass-fibre for awkward to reach
(mm) KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
Radiator Roller areas behind radiators and
100 (4) -4060K 1.80 1.26 Complete -4070K 3.74 2.62
wardrobes etc. Comes with three
assorted sleeves, high density
Floor Roller Paint Tray Floor Roller Paint Kit foam gloss roller, high quality
380mm (15) 300mm (12) woven fabric emulsion roller and
Large dimension 4 piece floor a black foam roller for smoothing
paint tray designed roller paint kit wallpaper behind radiators etc.
for floor paint. consisting of Handle designed for extra comfort
Incorporates gullies roller, roller and grip.
for excessive bracket,
paint drain. extension arm
Dimensions: and paint tray.
(W)15" x (L)17".
Page 974
Bird Cage Paint Roller Double Arm Roller Head Paint Roller
Galvanised steel double arm head.
For use with 1 diameter stale with screw
hole for fixing.
Single arm type with moulded black Bird cage pattern with a
plastic handle. Integral hanging hollow tapered wooden
hole for easy storage. For use with handle for use with extension.
roller refill sleeves Cage diameter: 44mm.
(not supplied). To suit KENNEDY refills.
Cage diameter: 38mm.
To suit SENATOR refills.
See Page 982
See Page 982 for Extension
for Extension See Page 982
Refills are supplied for Extension
Refills are supplied separately -
separately - See page 984 See page 984 Refills are supplied
separately - See page 984
3 Piece Comprising a standard roller Pad handle, paint tray
Comprising a bird cage paint roller, kit, which includes bird cage paint (300 x 205mm), large pad
medium pile refill and plastic roller, medium pile refill and plastic paint (200 x 70mm), medium pad
paint tray. Suitable for indoor use tray, and an emulsion & gloss painting kit, (140 x 70mm)
on smooth surfaces. PIECES which includes mini roller, refill, 50mm paint and window
brush, paint tray and 3.70 x 2.80m polythene frame pad
dust sheet. (65 x 40mm).
Page 975
Shepsil 12 Medium Pile Refill
Refill For double arm rollers. Medium pile, suitable for rough
Suitable for emulsion and masonry paints on rough surfaces. Use surfaces such as stucco, concrete, pebble dash, embossed
also with vinyl silk, vinyl matt, exterior paints on rough surfaces - wallpaper, brick and block walls.
stucco, concrete, brickwork, light pebble dash and textured surfaces. To fit KENNEDY 300mm wide double arm roller head.
To fit KENNEDY 230mm wide bird cage pattern rollers.
Length Core Pile Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Diameter Length each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
230 (9) 44mm 18mm 100g -4300K 4.25 2.98 300 (12) 100g -4600K 7.33 5.13
Length Core Pile Weight Order Code List Offer Length Core Pile Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Diameter Length each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) Diameter Length each KEN-533 Price Price/1
230 (9) 44mm 9mm 100g -4330K 4.52 3.16 230 (9) 44mm 18mm 100g -4350K 15.69 10.98
For applying and finishing texture paints. Use for applying and
texturing high-build, aggregate and texture paints on interior walls, Medium pile is suitable for smooth surfaces. Long pile is suitable for
exterior walls and ceilings. rough surfaces.
To fit KENNEDY 230mm wide bird cage pattern rollers. To fit SENATOR 180mm & 230mm wide bird cage pattern rollers.
Page 976
Delta T-Class 9" Medium Roller Sleeves
Pile Roller 9 Short Pile Sleeve
Thermobonded woven polyester for smooth to semi-smooth surfaces. For use with emulsion
Ideal with emulsion, undercoat, eggshell and satin paints. paint on smooth surfaces.
Matting resistant with minimal fibre loss. Dimensions: 9 x 11/2 (225 x 38mm) dia.
Size: 9" x 1.75" diameter.
9 Medium Pile Tiger Stripe Roller Sleeve
Medium pile woven sleeve for use with emulsion and undercoat.
NEW Dimensions:
9 x 13/4
(229 x 44mm) dia.
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Size each HAR-533 Price/1 Price/1 Description each HAR-533 Price/1 Price/1
9 -1170G 2.91 2.27 Short Pile 70g -1185E 2.18 1.70
Pack Weight Order Code List Offer Size Order Code List Offer
Quantity each HAR-533 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) HAR-533 Price/1 Price/1
Pack of 10 -1580K 6.19 4.83 178 (7) -1270M 1.55 1.21
18 Piece Decorators
Painting Kit
2x 25mm industrial paint brush. 13, 50, 75 and 100mm
industrial paint brushes. 240mm economy paint tray - plastic. PIECES
230mm wide birdcage (jumbo) paint roller. 230mm long pile
polyester roller refill. 230mm medium pile
polyester roller refill. 230mm wide foam paint
roller refill. Long pile radiator roller complete.
Long pile radiator roller refill.
Metal telescopic handle.
General-purpose masking tape
19mm x 50m and 50mm x 50m.
460mm canvas tool bag. Dustsheet.
5x dust masks.
5x sheets grade 0 glass paper and
Page 977
200mm (8) Glass & Tile Cutter Grout & Adhesive Spreader
Tile Nipper Zinc alloy handle with a tungsten carbide Non-scratch plastic spreader. The
For nibbling shapes in wall and floor tiles. cutting wheel. grooved edge ensures that the
Suitable for use on both ceramic wall and adhesive is evenly spread. The flexible edge
floor tiles. Drop forged steel is suitable for removing excess grout.
handles and tungsten
carbide tips.
6mm (1/4)
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order CodeList Offer
(mm) each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
200 (8) 345g -8260K 13.66 8.20 130mm 45g -1980K 5.07 3.55 180mm 43g -1960L 5.11 3.58
Tile Cutting Six Wheel Glass & Tile Cutter Tile Spacers
Pliers Six wheel cutting head with tungsten carbide Average pack quantity: 250.
Tungsten carbide cutting wheel. The cutting wheels.
self-adjusting top jaw ensures
a clean break. Suitable
for use on ceramic
tiles or glass.
Cutter - 260mm
Push cut tile cutter with two steel bars as the handle guide.
Tiles are scored with one smooth action and then snapped
with the heavy duty tile breaker.
Group 279
Quick Action Tile Breaker
Page 978
Paper Paper
Scissors Scissors
Non-twist blades manufactured from the finest quality stainless steel Non-twist blades manufactured from the finest quality stainless steel
with plastic handles. with plastic handles.
Set contents: 160mm and 180mm
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Length Order Code List Offer
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
4 320g -3720K 29.89 18.53 2 320g -3850K 13.61 8.44
Page 979
Tailors Bi-Material Handled General-Purpose Shears
Scissors Slimline Scissors Traditional pattern stainless steel
Plastic Handled Bi-Material comfort handle. Slimline scissors scissors with high polished finish.
The asymmetrical plastic handle design ideal for fine and intricate detailed work. Asymmetrical handle design for
allows the scissors to be used comfortably
just above the work surface when cutting
cloth in a straight line. The
straight and curved blade improved user comfort and
tips are suitable for both control.
long cuts and precise Length Weight Order Code List Offer
stitch cutting. (mm) each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
150 (6) 80g -2260K 6.10 4.27
180 (7) 130g -2270K 6.46 4.52
Order Code
Paper Hanging Shears
Length Order Code List Offer All metal, with stainless steel blades
mm KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 140 (51/2) -3920K 3.02 2.11
215 (81/2) -3380K 18.00 12.60 165 (61/2) -3930K 3.72 2.60 to produce perfect cuts.
240 (91 /2) -3390K 18.78 13.15
Bi-Material Handled Offset
Tailors Thread Cutting Snips Scissors
Plastic Handled The asymmetrical Bi-material comfort handle Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Handy, economical lightweight plastic snips design with hardened and ground steel blades (mm) each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
with finger hole for stability. Replaceable allows the scissors to be used comfortably 255 (10) 270g -2200K 15.68 10.98
stainless steel blades (uses Kennedy 533- just above the work surface when cutting cloth
375 blades). in a straight line. The straight and curved
Useful for blade tips are suitable for both long cuts and Sidebent Shears
cutting precise stitch cutting. Sharp stainless steel Stainless steel blades, large
threads, wires, blades. loop comfortable handles. For
string, plastic pull straps etc. trimming.
Length Order Code List Offer
(mm) KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
125 (5) -3750K 3.73 2.61 190mm
Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Bi-Material Side Bent Scissors (mm)
180 (7)
The asymmetrical plastic handle design with 205 (8) 190g -2080K 15.59 10.91
hardened and ground steel blades allows the 230 (9) 280g -2090K 21.62 15.13
scissors to be used comfortably just above 255 (10) 440g -2100K 28.01 19.61
the work surface when cutting 305 (12) 720g -2120K 44.27 30.99
cloth in a straight line. The
straight and curved blade tips 245mm
are suitable for both long Fibre Optic Cutters
cuts and precise stitch FOC145
cutting. Sharp stainless Designed for cutting fibre optics, KEVLAR
steel blades. materials, plastic canvas, upholstery,
Length Order Code List Offer headlines, cloth, fabric, string and many
mm KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 more. Lightweight and easy to use for both
190 (71/2) -3940K 4.53 3.17 right and left handed users. Easy reach
Length Order Code List Offer 215 (81/2) -3950K 6.05 4.24 thumb lock. Long lasting precision ground
mm KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 245 (93/4) -3960K 7.50 5.25 hardened high carbon alloy steel with
240 (9 1/2) -3780K 15.14 10.60 molybdenum and vanadium
Bi-Material Grip Scissors Set blades. Serrated
Multi-Purpose Shears bladereduces
5 Piece Set, Contents: slippage.
High strength reinforced offset steel blades Slimline Scissors: 140mm and 165mm
with serrated cutting edge. Suitable for Offset Scissors: 190mm, 215mm and
moderate to heavy cutting 245mm
Overall length: 145mm (5").
Cutting length: 32mm (1").
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
145mm 82g -3570K 19.10 13.37
between the blades.
Extended tang
for durability.
PIECES Overall length: 160mm
Cutting length: 42mm.
Length Order Code List Offer Number of Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) HAR-533 Price/1 Price/1 Pieces KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-533 Price/1 Price/1
305 (12) -5920M 4.63 3.61 5 -3900K 18.80 13.16 160mm 82g -3580K 18.58 13.01
Page 980
Industrial Special Purpose Scissors Leather Scissors - 3133BS-8
High carbon tool steel with polished blades.
Scissors Locking Seizers One blade micro serrated, one blade with a
Composite Materials Scissors Stainless steel seizers with three position knife edge.Suitable for leather, textiles,
Suitable for: Aramid (Kevlar), carbon fibre, ratcheted locking handles and serrated synthetic textiles, canvas, rubber, carpet and
glass fibre, resin coated composite fibres jaws. Used for clamping wires etc, underlay, felt, rope, plastic film,
(both wet and dry), leather (due to low during electronic or paper and card etc.
friction coating), rubber etc. other intricate work.
Shortcut 3500T-8
High carbon tool steel. High leverage -
machined pivot screw. Modified grinding and Length Weight Order Code Offer
setting. Xylan low friction coating Length Weight Order Code Offer (mm) each WTY-533 Price/1
for protection. (mm) each WTY-533 Price/1 255 (10) 270g -3133B 28.38
150 (6) 130g -2548S 8.42
Carpet/Craft Scissors - 5060SS-10
Safe-T-Guard Scissors Surgical grade stainless steel blades.
Length Weight Order Code Offer 6010CP-5.5 Comfortable ergonomic handles made from a
Type (mm) each WTY-533 Price/1 Patented design with tamperproof guards dishwasher-proof high quality plastic. Hollow
Shortcut 200 (8) 270g -3500T 36.00 protecting the precisely machined blades. ground blades - adjustable pivot.
Chrome plated finish. TUV GS approved Suitable for: carpet & underlay, textiles,
Standard 3600T-8 Approved by the Ministry of Defence, the synthetic textiles, threads, paper, card,
High carbon tool steel with xylan low friction German TUV Product Safety GmbH and leather, rope, silks, canvas,
coating for protection. High leverage - carries the first recommendation from the rubber, food preparation.
machined pivot screw, modified Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents.
grinding and setting. Suitable for: textiles, threads, fibres, paper,
thin card and many other items whilst
protecting the user from serious
Length Weight Order Code Offer
(mm) each WTY-533 Price/1
Round Points 3700T-10/R 255 (10) -5060S 28.86
With rounded points for safety and to prevent
snagging on loose weave materials. Offset Glass Fibre Shear - 3660G-8
Length Weight Order Code Offer Hot forged, High carbon tool steel blades.
handles - machined pivot screw (mm) each WTY-533 Price/1
with xylan low friction coating for High leverage - machined pivot screw.
140 (51/2) 270g -6010C 10.78 Modified grinding and setting. Xylan low
protection. Modified grinding
and setting. friction coating for protection.
Drapers Scissors - 1913BS-4.5
Polished bright steel blades with two round Suitable for: glass fibre, wet & dry
points for safety. processes, trimming in confined
Page 981
Adjustable Wrenches
Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel with hardened parallel opening jaws that are ground and polished, laser etched with
metric graduations for rapid repeatable reference setting. The wide grooved profile of the opening mechanism and coarsely
knurled adjusting screw ensures smooth adjustment. Fully insulated, conforms to EN 60900:2012 standards for safe electrical
applications up to 1000V.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-534 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-534 Price/1 Price/1
400mm 619g -0800K 77.43 57.30 150mm (6) 264g -0600K 51.72 38.27
Page 982
Insulated Cable Insulated Ratcheting Cable Cutter
Knives For copper and aluminium cables up to 32mm diameter. Lightweight
Fully insulated to conform to VDE 0680/201
1000V steel handles with insulated vinyl hand grips. Fixed and moving blade
and EN 60900:2012 standards for safe electrical made from high grade alloy steel. Combines lightweight and
applications up to 1000V. ratcheted mechanical advantage in its circular cutting motion. Quality
tested EN 60900:2012 and insulated to 1000V AC.
Curved Blade
Steel hook blade for splitting flat and ribbon cables along its length.
Straight Blade
Fixed straight blade and protection cap. Blade length: 45mm.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length Capacity each KEN-534 Price/1 Price/1
Length each KEN-534 Price/1 Price/1
180mm 70g -3540K 33.92 25.10 240mm 22mm 398g -4960K 65.32 48.34
Weight Order Code List Offer
Weight Order Code List Offer Description each KEN-534 Price/1 Price/1
Description each KEN-534 Price/1 Price/1 125mm Extension Bar 200g -7440K 30.34 22.45
Reversible Ratchet Handle 660g -7400K 114.52 84.74 250mm Extension Bar 270g -7460K 36.43 26.96
Page 983
Insulated Interchangeable
Screwdriver Set
Ergonomic, insulated, full size handle, swivel cap and eight interchangeable drivers supplied in a compact protective
pouch with belt loop. 2-in-1 design, use the detachable swivel cap for fast (low torque) driving, or use the full size
detachable ergonomic handle for higher torque fastening.
Safe up to 1000V AC/1500V DC.
No.0 x 100mm,
No.1 x 100mm and
POINT No.2 x 100mm.
Set Contents:
2.5 x 75,
4.0 x 100,
5.5 x 125,
Crosspoint Parallel Tip 6.5 x 150mm.
Crosspoint screws virtually eliminate the Slotted head screws are the most commonly No.0 x 60,
screwdriver slippage if the correct size is used screw. To safely drive these screws, the No.1 x 80,
used. The No.2 driver is suitable for most tip of the screwdriver should be of the same CROSS
No.2 x 100mm.
applications. width as the slot in the screw head and fill it POINT
the screw head.
Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer
Tip Blade Weight Order CodeList Offer Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 2.5mm 75mm 20g -7940K 4.04 2.75
No.0 60mm 20g -7900K 4.05 2.75 4.0mm 100mm 60g -7950K 4.49 3.05 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
No.1 80mm 60g -7910K 5.01 3.41 5.5mm 125mm 75g -7960K 5.20 3.54 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
No.2 100mm 90g -7920K 5.86 3.98 6.5mm 150mm 110g -7970K 6.14 4.18 7 715g -8000K 30.99 18.59
Set Contents:
Supplied in clear
plastic wallet.
2.5 x 85,
Crosspoint Parallel Tip 4.0 x 100,
Crosspoint screws virtually eliminate the Slotted head screws are the most commonly PARALLEL 5.5 x 125,
screwdriver slippage if the correct size is used screw. The tip of the screwdriver should 6.5 x 150mm.
used. The No.2 driver is suitable for most be of the same width as the slot in the screw
applications. head and fill it as well, to minimise slipping. No.0 x 75,
No.1 x 100,
POINT No.2 x 100mm.
Page 984
Pro-Torq 19 Piece Insulated Socket Set 1/2 Sq. Dr. AF/Metric Socket
Insulated Pliers 03095
Especially suitable for production line 1/2 Fully insulated socket set with a
environments where repetitive work is range of 16 sockets, a reversible
undertaken. Double polished ratchet and a 5 and 10 extension bar.
head and joint with Supplied in a black case with foam tool
induction hardened control' insert. Manufactured to IEC
cutting edges. VDC/IEC 900 600900:2004, Category C'.
1000V AC DIN EN 60900 Set contents: reversible ratchet
handle, 5 and 10 extension bars;
Insulated End Wire Strippers sockets 8, 10, 13, 17, 19, 20, 22
and 25mm; AF 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16,
3/4, 7/8, 15/16 and 1.
Insulated Diagonal
Cutting Nippers
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
145mm (53/4) 215g -5080K 26.28 15.77
160mm (63/8) 205g -5100K 26.08 15.65 29 Piece Insulated General Purpose Tool Kit
205mm (8) 262g -5120K 31.78 19.07 00007
General purpose insulated tool kit supplied in PIECES
Insulated Snipe a black case with foam 'tool control' insert.
Nose Pliers Manufactured to IEC 600900:2004,
DUAL Category C'.
HANDLES Set contents:
8 engineers combination pliers,
* Bent nose 6 diagonal cutting nippers,
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 8 long snipe nose pliers,
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 7 cable jointers coring knife,
160mm (63/8) 157g -5020K 21.18 12.71 3 terminal screwdriver 1/8 (3mm),
205mm (8) 221g -5040K 26.48 15.89 3 electricians screwdriver 5/32 (4mm),
205mm (8)* 212g -5060K 26.89 16.13 6 insulated screwdriver 3/16 (5mm),
6 insulated screwdriver 5/16 (8mm),
Insulated Combination Pliers No.1 Philips screwdriver (75mm blade length),
No.2 Philips screwdriver (4 blade length),
reversible ratchet handle (1/2 sq. dr.),
DUAL 5 and 10 Extension bars (1/2 sq. dr.),
MATERIAL insulated sockets (1/2 sq. dr.): 10 - 14,
17 and 19mm, hex keys: 5 and 6mm,
open ended spanners: 10 - 14, 17
and 19mm.
insulated. 170mm (63/4) Pro-Torq wire stripper 1000V insulated.
7-pce VDE dual grip screwdriver set:
No.0 x 60, No.1 x 80 and No.2 x 100mm,
2.5 x 75, 4.0 x 100, 5.5 x 125 and 6.5 x 150mm. Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
PIECES (mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
180mm (7) insulated cable knife, curved blade.
2x small parts storage boxes. 320 125 340 3.50kg -3400K 158.00 86.90
Page 985
Auto Locking ABS Active Braking Tape FatMax XL
Tape Measures Measures Tape Measure
Blades are reverse printed and have a nylon ABS - Active Braking System automatically 5-33-886
coating for extra life. The double-sided locks the blade in place. Push button to The Mylar coating makes the blade 10 times
marking makes all the difference when release brake and allow blade to retract. Non- more resistant to abrasion and unique blade
measuring ceilings and window reveal etc. slip moulded rubber case. Non-reflective steel armour coating protects the first 15cm, where
All come with an automatic brake which locks blade. Triple rivetted sliding end hook with an the tape suffers most wear and tear. With
the blade in position during use until you extra strong magnet and rubber grip. Secure heavy duty, slip-resistant casing with easy-grip
press the release control button. They also belt clip. With stud marking every 16 on inch rubber moulding and 3-rivet tru-zero hook gives
benefit from a sliding magnetic hook and belt marked blades. extra strength and prevents breakage on
clip. rewind. 150% larger end hook securely holds
to all building materials, including rounded or
odd shaped items.
Double Class II accuracy:
Sided 32mm wide blade,
Blades providing 4m blade
*Stud markings
every 16.
Page 986
Diameter Pull/Push Locking Tape Measure
Tape Measures Tape Measures Locking spring assisted tape measure
Designed for measuring diameters/ With spring blade return. Self-adjusting hook with blade return. Housed in a tough
circumferences of circular objects. Polished for internal and external reading. plastic case.
chrome case with yellow blade for easy Metric and inch Length: 7.5m/25ft.
reading. readings. ABS
W606PD 1/32 to 12 and 1/16 thereafter on casing. End hook
the first side and 1/64 has two rivets,
on the diameter side. graduated with
1/32, 1/16
W606PM metric reads and mm.
cm and mm on the
first side and cm and
millimetres on the
diameter side.
Blade width: 6.4mm.
Product Blade Order Code List Offer Blade Blade Order Code List Offer
Number Length LUF-536 Price/1 Price/1 Length Width SEN-536 Price/1 Price/1 Blade Order Code List Offer
W606PD 6 -5606A 22.17 16.63 2m/6 13mm -1130K 1.53 0.95 Length SEN-536 Price/1 Price/1
W606PM 2m -5606M 22.17 16.63 3m/10 13mm -1140K 1.81 1.12 7.5m/25 -0360K 13.52 8.38
Locking FatMax
Tape Measures Tape Measures
Tough plastic case with a slide action blade lock. Locking spring assisted blade return. 32mm (11/4) blade. 3.3m (11ft) stand out
Rivetted metal end hook. Steel belt clip and wrist strap. Action lock holds the blade precisely length. Multi-function hook grips on the
where you want it. Blades and hooks are heavy gauge and corrosion-resistant. Self-aligning side, top and bottom. Heavy duty Mylar
hooks ensure accuracy for internal and external measurements. 5m and longer tape hooks coating extends blade life by up to ten
have four rivets (3m/10 tape hooks have two). times.
Chrome Cased Hi-Vis Cased
Features both
metric and
inch stud
markings on
the blade.
Page 987
Steel Tape Measure Long Tape
Non-reflective steel tape with nylon coated Measure
blade for maximum durability. The tape is LTB-10-E - Fibreglass Blade
Surveyors Fibreglass Tape housed in a high impact ABS plastic case Strong fibreglass tape to withstand a pulling
Measure with flush winding handle and belt clip. For force of near 500 kg. Double nylon blade
A high tensile strength fibreglass tape that ease of use, the tape is finished off with a coating for extra wear resistance. Case can
will never kink or rust. It is white on one side handy plastic loop and metal end hook. be opened and washed out for maintenance.
and yellow on the other to help prevent Class II. 10m/33.
twisting and the blade is double-coated to
protect the markings which feature both
metric and imperial measurements. Housed
in a robust ABS open frame with folding end
claw and large D type handle with rubber
insert for a comfort grip. It also has a quick,
2x fast retraction function and marking spike.
Fibreglass Tape
A high tensile strength fibreglass blade that FatMax Xtreme Long Tape
is both water- and corrosion-proof. It has an
easy to read dual scale (metric and imperial), 0-34-203
reinforced blade tip and metal end claw. The Durable aluminum case with a 9.5mm yellow
tape is presented in steel blade with polymer coating for increased
an impact durability. Automatic
resistant ABS Spring retraction,
plastic case easy to call back.
with flush Blade protection
fitting bumper, for protection of
winding the blade against fast
handle retraction. Double
and sided print blade
convenient with large
strap graphics, easy
handle to read.
Caribiner belt
easy to
Blade Blade Order Code List Offer
Blade Order Code List Offer Length Width SEN-536 Price/1 Price/1
Length KEN-536 Price/1 Price/1 10m/33 9.5mm -2420K 6.50 4.03 Blade Blade Order Code List Offer
50m/165 -3960K 30.20 18.72 20m/66 9.5mm -2440K 8.50 5.27 Length Width STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
100m/330 -3990K 60.40 37.45 30m/100 9.5mm -2460K 11.51 7.14 30m/100 9.5mm -4240M 47.73 34.84
9999 9
Supplied in
a carry case
Wheel Weight Order Code List Offer Product Blade Order Code List Offer
Circumference Each KEN-536 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
320mm 2.00kg -9000K 70.81 43.90 0-34-132 30m/100 -5222C 29.72 21.70
Page 988
Laser Laser Distance
Distance Meters
TLM 65 Short Distance Laser Measure 414D
Measurer LD 320 Measure distance up
Provides the basic measuring technology that to 50m single
STHT1-77032 craftsmen need on the building site. Rapid handed.
Short distance measurements easy to operate measuring Laser accuracy to
working range of functions. Good readability thanks to large 2mm
20m. It is ideal figures and illuminated display. Impact- Automatically add or
for DIY use and resistant housing with shock-absorbing subtract
can be used like STABILA soft grip casing. Fulfils the new measurements.
a tape. Compact international standard ISO 16331-1. You can Measure area &
design and easy really rely on the range and accuracy data. volume without
to store. calculation errors.
8 functions: 2 line display. 5
Laser accuracy Length, area, volume, tracking (continuous
to+-3mm. reading memory.
measurement), Pythagoras with two 3,000
measuring points, Pythagoras with three measurements.
measuring points, minimum tracking, Includes protective
maximum tracking. pouch & belt lanyard.
Laser Class: 2
Output: <1mW
Accuracy Typical: +/- 2.0mm (+/- 3/32") @100ft
Measuring Range: 0.05-40m (0.17-130ft) Product Measurement Order Code Offer
Number each FLU-516 Price/1
414D 50m x 2.0mm -1414D 99.99
Class: IP40
Batteries: 419D
2xAAA supplied Laser accuracy to
Battery Life: 1mm.
Up to 3,000 Automatically add or
measurements. subtract
Product Range Order Code List Offer Measure area &
Number STX-585 Price/1 Price/1 volume without
STHT1-77032 20m -7502M 61.79 49.43 calculation errors.
Stake out &
Laser Pythagoras
Rangefinder 80m distance
GLM80 measurement.
Precise and easy to operate with an 3 line backlit LCD
illuminated display. Up to 25,000 individual display.
measurements per battery charge due to 20 reading memory.
Li-Ion technology. Reliable aid on any Tripod mount.
Product List Offer
Range Order Code IP54 water & dust
construction site due to robust design. Number STB-310 Price/1 Price/1
Range: 0.05 80m resistant. 3 year
LD 320 40m -0532M 99.92 90.93 warranty.
Accuracy, 1.5mm
Dimensions: 111 x 51 x 30mm
Units of measure: Laser Distance
m/cm/mm Meter Product
Measurement Order Code
FLU-516 Price/1
Memory D5
capacity 419D 80m x 1.0mm -1419D 189.99
Versatile laser measuring tool that is able to
(values): perform many different calculation functions,
20 + 1 424D
from direct measurement, area calculation to Measure distance up to 100m single
indirect measurements handed. 180
using the tilt sensor horizontal distances can inclination sensor
be calculated in spite of any obstruction. The for levelling &
built in digital point finder, height tracking and
a high resolution a built-in compass
2.4 colour display and to determine the
4x zoom, make aiming at heading.
longer distances easier; Automatic end-
you can even carry out piece correction for
measurements in glaring fast & accurate
sunlight. measurements
Multi-functional end from internal &
piece tripod thread.
Spray proof/dust external corners.
protected IP54. Automatic end-
Batteries: piece correction.
2x AA 1.5V. Stake out &
Dimensions: Pythagoras
143.5 x 55 x 30mm. functions. line
backlit LCD
display. 20 reading
Product Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code Offer Product Measurement Order Code Offer
Number BCH-266 Price/1 Price/1 Number each DIS-312 Price/1 Number each FLU-516 Price/1
GLM80 -2181C 294.53 157.08 D5 195g -2050E 349.05 424D 100m x 3.0mm -1424D 289.99
Page 989
Colour Coded
Catering Knives
Most Granton knives are made from fully hardened and tempered stainless steel and are easy to clean. Both the black and coloured handles
are insert-moulded from polypropylene co-polymer to withstand sterilising and dishwasher use and do not present the potential health
hazards that are frequently associated with other knives. Our blades are laser tested and made to BS EN ISO 8442-1:1998 from hot
Sheffield forgings or fully hardened and tempered stainless steel, double taper ground and hand finished.
Cross Contamination - The Contoured Handle
The Granton ColourGripTM System Improved angle grip and finger guard
All Granton knives are available with a choice of to reduce the chance of injury.
red, blue, yellow, green, brown, white or black Contoured thumb platform and rounded
handles. This system helps prevent cross blade back for added user comfort and
contamination by assigning coloured handles to also ensures positive grip to prevent
particular work areas. This table shows how slipping accidents.
coloured handles can be assigned to particular
work areas. This offers instant visual
identification of potential cross contamination
hazards. The Patented Granton Edge
ColourGrip The patented Granton Edge can be found in every place where a perfect cutting edge
is appreciated. First introduced over 80 years ago, the secret of its success lies in
Raw Meat the precision with which the scallops are ground on alternate sides of the blade,
Raw Fish giving the keenness of a hollow ground razor coupled with the strength of an ordinary
knife. In addition, the patented ground
Cooked Meat scallops create air cushions which allow for
Salad/Fruit smooth and fast cutting. Granton knives
Vegetable only require to be steeled occasionally in the
normal way to retain a perfect cutting edge.
21/2 Curved Peeler 41/2 Tomato Knives 4 Paring Knives 12 Ham/Salmon Slicer
This knife is used to peel or Short rigid blade with serrated With serrated edge. 24mm deep (top to bottom)
make fruits and vegetables edge suitable for slicing items blade for flexibility when thin
decorative. that have a soft centre without slicing is required. Granton edge
crushing it. for easy cutting. Stainless steel
blade to resist rusting.
Dishwasher safe.
Overall length: 171/2.
31/2 Vegetable Knives 3 Mini Paring Knives 6 Flexible Filleting 12 Beef Slice
Short rigid blade. Sharp at tip This knife is ideal when you want Knives 28mm deep (top to bottom)
only. Suitable for peeling to slice small vegetables or fruit. Tapered flexible blade suitable blade for extra rigidity when
vegetables. for filleting fresh fish. slicing denser meats. Granton
edge for easy cutting. Stainless
steel blade to resist rusting.
Dishwasher safe.
Overall length: 171/2.
Page 990
Cooks 10 Butchers Knives Boning Knives 10 Counter Knives
Knives Having a larger width towards the Designed for cutting meat away 24mm deep (top to bottom)
A cooks knife has a curved point of the blade balances the from the bone, trimming excess blade for flexibility when thin
blade designed to rock' from weight towards the end of the fat or preparing thin cutlets. slicing is required. Pointed tip for
handle to tip for a gentle, even knife for general purpose cutting 6 Straight Blade Boning Knives piercing and accurate cuts.
rocking and gliding motion as you of large joints of meat. Stainless Straight blade for general boning Granton edge for easy cutting.
cut. Exceptionally safe wide blade steel blade to resist rusting. work. Suitable for chicken and Stainless steel blade to resist
is also great for scooping and Dishwasher safe. pork. rusting. Dishwasher safe.
gathering after cutting. Suitable Overall length: 151/2.
for dicing onions and peppers,
also makes slender matchstick
french fries and thinly shreds
cabbage. Use the whole blade to
cut larger items or use the flat
side of the blade to lightly smash Order Code
the skins from garlic cloves. Colour GRN-537
Black -5600A
Blue -5601B
Brown -5602C Order Code
Colour GRN-537
Green -5603D Colour Order Code
Red -5604E GRN-537 Black -2410A
White -5605F Black -5400A Blue -2411B
Yellow -5606G Blue -5401B Brown -2412C
Brown -5402C Green -2413D
List Price/1 19.84 Green -5403D Red -2414E
Offer Price/1 16.07 Red -5404E White -2415F
White -5405F Yellow -2416G
10 Carving Knives Yellow -5406G List Price/1 16.15
This particular knife is ideal for List Price/1 10.50 Offer Price/1 13.08
cutting large sized roasts or Offer Price/1 8.51
those large cakes. Features 8 Palette Knives
special half moon serrations 6 Curved Blade Boning Knives Flat blade palette knife for turning
which enable the user to cut Use a narrow boning knife on meat or veg in a pan or
items that have a soft centre meat where a thin blade is smoothing icing on cakes. Blade
without crushing it. Stainless needed to cut accurately. is tapered from handle to tip for
steel blade to resist rusting. even bending up to 90.
Dishwasher safe. Stainless steel blade to resist
Overall length: 151/2. rusting. Dishwasher safe.
7 Cooks Knives
Order Code
Colour GRN-537
Black -5660A
Blue -5661B Order Code
Colour GRN-537
Brown -5662C Order Code
Colour GRN-537
Green -5663D Black -4660A
Red -5664E Blue -4661B Black -5460A
White -5665F Brown -4662C Blue -5461B Order Code
Brown -5462C Colour GRN-537
Yellow -5666G Green -4663D
Red -4664E Green -5463D Black -5020A
List Price/1 12.06 White -4665F Red -5464E Blue -5021B
Offer Price/1 9.77 Yellow -4666G White -5465F Brown -5022C
Yellow -5466G Green -5023D
List Price/1 14.66
8 Cooks Knives List Price/1 10.58 Red -5024E
Offer Price/1 11.87
Order Code Offer Price/1 8.57 White -5025F
Colour GRN-537 Yellow -5026G
8 Wavy Edge Slicer
Black -5780A
Features special half moon 12 Sharpening Steel List Price/1 10.58
Blue -5781B Offer Price/1 8.57
Brown -5782C serrations which enable the user Keep your knives razor sharp with
to cut items that have a soft a sharpening steel. Supplied with
Green -5783D
centre without crushing it, e.g. hanging ring. 2 Knife
Red -5784E
White -5785F
bread. Stainless steel blade to Scabbard
10 Cooks Knives
Order Code
Colour GRN-537 Order Code Order Code
Colour GRN-537 Colour GRN-537
Black -5700A Order Code
Colour GRN-537
Blue -5701B Black -4600A Black -6160A
Blue -4601B Blue -6161B Blue -6801B
Brown -5702C
Brown -4602C Brown -6162C Brown -6802C
Green -5703D
Green -4603D Green -6163D Green -6803D
Red -5704E
Red -4604E Red -6164E Red -6804E
White -5705F
White -4605F White -6165F White -6805F
Yellow -5706G
Yellow -4606G Yellow -6166G Yellow -6806G
List Price/1 18.07 List Price/1 11.05 List Price/1 16.85 List Price/1 18.07
Offer Price/1 14.64 Offer Price/1 8.95 Offer Price/1 13.65 Offer Price/1 14.64
Page 991
Auto Blade Maxisafe - 101899 Secupro Megasafe Safety Knife
Automatic safety knife with 3 sided slider. For
Retraction Knives
work with triple-walled corrugated board No.116001
Martego - 122001 boxes. Adapts to the type of cut required at Aluminium handle. Automatic
Safety Cutter with automatic blade retraction the time, be it sideways, horizontal or straight blade retraction. 20mm cutting depth. TUV-
system. Designed for all normal cutting jobs, from up top. Ergonomically styled plastic certified. Installed deep double edged
especially box-slitting. The ergonomically handle with metal wear-protector at the blade trapezoid blade No.99. GS certificate
squeeze lever - made out of aluminium and a outlet. NO. S 60040423.
soft plastic component - provides comfortable
and non-slip handling.
Size Order Code List Offer
(LxWxH)mm MRR-537 Price/1 Price/1
153x26x38 -5700E 19.43 19.43
Page 992
Auto-Safe Auto Retracting
Safety Knife
Auto-Safe Metal Detectable Knife Automatic blade retraction on completion of Automatic Retractable Safety
cut to leave no possibility of leaving the blade
Durable metal body. Fully metal detectable, out unattended. Easy blade change system. Knife
including the plastic parts. Allows for two Comfortable ergonomic grip with lanyard Combined safety knife and strap/tape cutter.
blade length options fixing loop. Features auto retractable blade and quick
blade release, together with bi-material
comfort grip. Accepts medium, heavy duty
and hook blades.
Page 993
Autoload & Utility Interlock Knives
Lock Knives Knives Retractable
ABS plastic with rubber coating for A range of Snap-off blade knives with 0-10-018
extra grip. Steel blade slides prevent contoured moulded grips and steel slides Die cast metal body with unique wedge blade
blade slippage or case splitting and that prevent blade slippage or case splitting lock action prevents the blade from pushing
give the knife a smooth action. Snap off and give the knife a smooth action. Blade through when under pressure. No screwdriver
blade. Unique spring loaded automatic blade locking mechanism in the thumb slide. required for blade changing, twist and turn
replacement. Replacement blades available on request. the release mechanism.
Snap-off Blade 18 x 122mm, 7 segment blade.
8 segment, 18mm heavy duty.
KEN-537- 0720K
Overall Weight Order CodeList Offer
Length each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
130mm 176g -2418P 7.18 5.24
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each SEN-537 Price/1 Price/1 Snap-off Knives
KEN-537- 0740K 130mm 60g -0330K 1.64 1.07 Push button cartridge release stores spare
Overall Blade Weight Order Code List Offer blades for instant blade change.
Length Segments each KEN-537 Price/1 Price/1 Snap-off Blade Cartridge holds up to four blades.
140mm 13 65g -0720K 6.65 4.32 13 segment, 9mm standard.
170mm 8 165g -0740K 9.65 6.27
9 x 85mm, 13 segment blade.
8 Segments
Overall Weight Order CodeList Offer
Length each KEN-537 Price/1 Price/1 Number of Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order CodeList Offer
160mm 38g -0370K 2.20 1.43 Segments YMT-537 Price/1 Price/1 Length each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
13 -4650K 4.46 2.90 130mm 60g -2435Y 4.59 3.35
Ultra Slim 8 -4620K 6.97 4.53
Page 994
Quick Release
Utility Knife
Snap-off Knife Blades Classic design which features quick blade Hercules Pattern Trimming
release, comfort grip handle and useful
Kennedy Industrial quality knife blades have lanyard hole. Knives
a superior edge hardening for longer tool life Heavy duty fixed blade pattern, with
and sharper edge. Best value with longer interlocking body to prevent blade pop up
working between blade changes and with during arduous cutting applications. The
easy, safe segment-snap to renew leading spring opening mechanism allows rapid
edge. replacement of dulled blades without the
18 x 100mm - 8 segment Product Order Code List Offer need for any other tool. Spare blades are
Number KEN-537 Price/1 Price/1 stored in body.
SX75N -0800K 8.45 5.49 Fixed Blade
9 x 55mm - 7 segment
Twin Headed Quick Release
Utility Knife
9 x 91mm - 13 segments Two knives in one with an interlocking
mechanism which ensures only one blade
can be used at a time. Features quick blade
release and easy blade change function. Impact
Overall Pack Weight Order Code List Offer
Length Quantity each KEN-537 Price/Pk Price/Pk Resistant
10 72g -2050K 4.20 2.73 Scabbard
18 x 100 100 735g -2060K 33.09 21.51 The spring opening mechanism allows rapid
9 x 55 100 143g -2020K 19.70 12.81 replacement of dulled blades
10 23g -2110K 2.76 1.79
9 x 91 100 Product List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
108g -2120K 24.26 15.77 Order Code
Length each KEN-537 Price/1 Price/1
Number KEN-537 Price/1 Price/1
SX3200 -0810K 10.99 7.14 185mm 347g -0480K 9.44 6.14
Snap Off
Knife Blades Fixed - Complete with 5 Heavy Duty Blades
Trimming Die cast body with heavy duty knurled style
Best value with longer working between blade for extra grip which provides a greater degree
changes and with easy, safe segment-snap Knives & Blades of control and comfort.
to renew leading edge. 1-10-550 Titan FB - Fixed Blade
Heavy duty knife. Ergonomically designed
aluminium alloy body, high strength, low
weight for improved user comfort and control.
Tough epoxy coating. Overlap nose design
prevents blade push through when under Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number of Pack Order Code List Offer
heavy pressure. Easy blade change no Length each KEN-537 Price/1 Price/1
Segments Quantity YMT-537 Price/Pk Price/Pk screwdriver required. Supplied complete with 135mm 150g -0530K 4.38 2.85
10 -1010K 4.20 2.73 polypropylene belt scabbard and three blades
8 100 -1020K 34.08 22.15 stored in body. Fixed Blade Dry Wall
10 -1080K 2.84 1.85
13 100 -1090K 24.99 16.24 Knife
Snap-Off Bi-Metal Ideal for drywall working. Specially made for
Blue Blades dusty conditions that normally ruin tools. The
Revolutionary snap-off blade that lasts Product Overall Order Code List Offer slim nose for scoring makes this product
3x longer. The blades are shatterproof for Number Length STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 unique.
ultimate safety, which makes them suitable 1-10-550 175mm -2468C 13.79 10.07
for universal use in most applications, and
features soft snap technology for safer 2-10-199 (199) Die Cast Zinc Body
segment breakage. Textured non-slip grip. Supplied with blade. Product Order Code List Offer
Number IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
10508103 -6903C 9.27 6.95
Blade Pack Order Code Offer
Size Quantity IRW-565 Price/Pk Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Wheel Lock
10507103 18mm 8 -6103G 4.22 Length each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 Fixed Blade
10507104 18mm 50 -6104H 25.83 140mm 160g -2461R 4.51 3.29 Trimming Knife
Turn anti-clockwise to unlock. Turn
Snap-Off Knife 0-10-299 Fixed Blade Utility Knife continuously to disassemble for blade change.
Blades Cast metal body knife with blade storage.
Supplied with three blades.
1-11-301 = 7 segment.
1-11-300 = 13 segment.
Overall Order Code List Offer
Length YMT-537 Price/1 Price/1
Product Pack Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order CodeList Offer 155mm -4520K 6.61 4.30
Number Quantity STN-585 Price/Pk Price/Pk Length each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
1-11-301 100 -2534T 34.08 24.88 136mm 500g -2462S 3.43 2.50
1-11-300 100 -2530P 24.99 18.24 Wheel Lock Retractable Blade
0-10-590 Slim Knife Fixed Trimming Knife
FatMaxTM Blades Die cast body with interlock blade securing,
Best ever Stanley Snap-Off Blade with Turn anti-clockwise to unlock. Turn
prevents blade push through when under continuously to disassemble for blade change.
patented induction hardened edge. pressure. Supplied complete with five spare
Pack quantity: 5. blades stored in the handle.
Product Blade Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Order Code List Offer
Number Size STN-585 Price/Pk Price/Pk Length each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 Length YMT-537 Price/1 Price/1
5-11-718 18mm -2548W 3.83 2.80 122mm 65g -2470D 7.18 5.24 175mm -4540K 9.10 5.92
Page 995
Trimming Retractable - Complete with Quickslide
5 Heavy Duty Blades
Knives Slimline diecast body with Utility Knife
Retractable Blade Knife with contoured grip which provides a Durable all-metal, die-cast zinc construction.
Scabbard greater degree of control and Swivels open for no-tools blade changes
Trimming knife supplied with heavy comfort. High carbon steel blades. Up to five (Compatible with all standard blades).
duty blade and impact resistant spare blades can be stored in the handle. With sliding blade holder for one-handed
scabbard. operation. One-piece belt clip.
Overall length: 170mm.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order CodeList Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 Length each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 Length each SEN-537 Price/1 Price/1
150mm 110g -4820A 6.73 5.05 155mm 120g -2460P 7.73 5.64 160mm 150g -0500K 4.67 3.04
Page 996
BladeLock Quick Release
Folding Knife Folding Knife
Auto Retractable Quick Release FK100 Quick release blade and folds to 9 x 3.5cm
BladeLock engineered to keep the blade to stow using the integral belt clip.
Safety Knife securely locked in the handle. Eliminates Accepts medium, heavy duty and hook
Designed for comfort and ease of use, this accidental pull-out during use. With blade blades. With blade guard.
knife has auto retractable blade and bi- guard. Liner lock for quick one-handed
material comfort grip. It also features quick operation. All metal body design for added
blade release and easy release blade durability. Wire stripper for built-in
storage. Comes complete with 4 blades. convenience. 1 blade included.
Product Overall Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer
Number Length STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 Number IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
0-10-825 160mm -2507N 13.21 9.64 1888438 -7242H 15.31 11.48
Knife Blades Bi-Metal Blades Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
911 Normal duty blade. Combines spring backing steel with an Length each KEN-537 Price/1 Price/1
921 Heavy duty blade. electron beam welded high speed steel edge. 115mm 120g -1120K 9.11 5.92
987 Snub-nose safety blade. Spring backing steel offers flexibility reducing
*Dispenser pack. the chance of shattering for operator safety. Knife Blades
Heat treated HSS cutting edge offers long
blade life and edge sharpness. Lasts up to Kennedy Industrial quality knife blades have
Product Pack Order Code List Offer three times a superior edge hardening for longer
Number Quantity STN-585 Price/Pk Price/Pk longer than tool life and sharper edge.
0-11-911 5 -2560H 1.47 1.07 carbon steel Medium Duty
1-11-911 100 -2562K 20.45 14.93 blades. Bulk For use on paper, card and
2-11-921 10 -2573A 2.59 1.89 packs 10, 50 leather.
0-11-921 5 -2570P 1.70 1.24 Pack Weight List Offer
3-11-921 10* -2573S 2.51 1.83 and 100 are Order Code
supplied in Quantity Per Pk KEN-537 Price/Pk Price/Pk
1-11-921 100 -2572R 24.99 18.24
4-11-921 400 -2574T 90.91 66.36 dispenser 5 30g -2540K 1.43 0.93
4-11-987 10 -2629A 2.51 1.83 boxes. 100 250g -2550K 19.85 12.90
Heavy Duty
1996 For use on carpets and vinyl.
Sharpened hooks Product Pack Order Code List Offer
with point. Number Quantity IRW-565 Price/Pk Price/Pk
10504240 5 -3050R 2.88 2.16 Pack Weight Order Code List Offer
Product Pack Order Code List Offer 10504241 10 -3060S 4.26 3.20 Quantity Per Pk KEN-537 Price/Pk Price/Pk
Number Quantity STN-585 Price/Pk Price/Pk 10504243 100 -3080V 42.45 31.84 5 30g -2560K 1.65 1.07
0-11-983 5 -2620B 1.70 1.24 10 55g -2500K 2.33 1.51
1-11-983 100 -2622D 28.42 20.75 Snub Nose Blades 100 250g -2570K 24.26 15.77
Snub nose design to Hook Type
FatMaxTM Blades reduce risk of With point, suitable for
Page 997
No.3 & 4 Style
Non-sterile nickel alloy handle with textured body. For precision use
in modelling and craft work.
Pack Order Code Offer Pack Order Code Offer Each blade is
Style Quantity KEN-537 Price/Pk Style Quantity KEN-537 Price/Pk packaged in safety
10A 100 -7015K 12.53 21 100 -7045K 12.53 foil for easier handling.
Pack Order Code Offer Pack Order Code Offer Pack Order Code Offer
Style Quantity KEN-537 Price/Pk Style Quantity KEN-537 Price/Pk Style Quantity KEN-537 Price/Pk
11 100 -7025K 12.53 22 100 -7055K 12.53 24 100 -7075K 12.53
Pack Order Code Offer Pack Order Code Offer Pack Order Code Offer
Style Quantity KEN-537 Price/Pk Style Quantity KEN-537 Price/Pk Style Quantity KEN-537 Price/Pk
15 100 -7035K 12.53 23 100 -7065K 12.53 26 100 -7085K 12.53
Precision Knives
Suitable for modellers art and craft workers and wood carvers. Ideal for making point of sale samples where precision cutting is required.
Available in three styles:
Light duty: lightweight, small diameter aluminium handle suitable for cutting on paper, soft and lightweight materials or wood.
Medium duty: lightweight, large diameter aluminium handle suitable for cutting heavy paper and medium density materials.
Heavy duty: fluted, ABS plastic handle suitable for working with hardwood, plastic and other difficult to cut materials.
Page 998
16-Piece Precision
Knife Set
Multi-purpose knife set, ideal for modelling,
craft work and industrial use. Covers a PIECES
wide range of applications including
cutting, chiselling, stencilling and scoring.
All holders have a positive guide locator to
provide extra safety when changing blades.
1x light duty holder.
1x medium duty holder.
1x fluted ABS holder.
1x general cutting and trimming blade.
1x general cutting and slicing blade.
3x detail cutting and stripping blade.
1x medium/heavy duty cutting blade.
1x stencilling and scoring blade.
1x precision wood chiselling blade.
1x deep cross and smooth
wood chiselling blade.
2x chiselling and trimming blade.
1x heavy duty cutting blade.
1x close corner cutting blade.
Pack Weight Order Code Offer Pack Weight Order Code Offer Pack Weight Order Code Offer
Quantity each KEN-537 Price/Pk Quantity each KEN-537 Price/Pk Quantity each KEN-537 Price/Pk
10 9g -7520K 2.27 5 12g -7550K 2.27 5 9g -7420K 2.59
General Cutting & Slicing Deep Cross & Wood Chiselling Close Corner Cutting
Pack Weight Order Code Offer Pack Weight Order Code Offer Pack Weight Order Code Offer
Quantity each KEN-537 Price/Pk Quantity each KEN-537 Price/Pk Quantity each KEN-537 Price/Pk
10 9g -7280K 2.59 5 9g -7400K 2.27 10 9g -7480K 2.27
Detail Cutting & Stripping Chiselling & Trimming Medium/Heavy Duty Cutting
Pack Weight Order Code Offer Pack Weight Order Code Offer Pack Weight Order Code Offer
Quantity each KEN-537 Price/Pk Quantity each KEN-537 Price/Pk Quantity each KEN-537 Price/Pk
5 8g -7310K 2.27 10 10g -7410K 2.27 10 10g -7470K 2.27
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each YMT-537 Price/1 Price/1 Length each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
135mm 84g -1500K 7.73 5.02 110mm 40g -2478H 7.96 5.81
Pack Weight Order Code List Offer Product Pack Weight Order Code List Offer
Quantity each YMT-537 Price/Pk Price/Pk Number Qty each STN-585 Price/Pk Price/Pk
5 22g -1520K 1.99 1.29 0-11-221 3 15g -2519J 2.03 1.48
50 22g -1530K 18.39 11.95 1-11-221 50 115g -2521L 22.72 16.59
Opener Scissors
Tin Opener Threading
Screwdriver/Bottle Opener/Wire Bender
Wire Corkscrew
Screwdriver & Bottle Opener
Bender Reamer
Bottle Cross Point
21/2 Spear Point
21/2 Spear Point
Threading Tool
Fish descaler
Flat Corkscrew
Tin Opener
Spear Point
Tin Opener
Key Ring
Page 1000
Hacksaw 150mm
6" Junior Hacksaw
Frames BLADE Hacksaw Frames
Pro-Grip Junior Featuring an aluminium handle and tension Beaver Style
Rigid steel frame. Contoured die cast handle adjustment screw, this junior hacksaw is High impact resistant pistol grip. Steel oval
with knuckle guard. Thumb screw blade supplied with a 150mm (6") general purpose section frame for strength and rigidity. Thumb
tensioner. blade. screw blade tensioning. Supplied complete
Complete with 150mm (6) 18tpi metal cutting
with 150mm blade.
(6) blade. (6)
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length per 12 KEN-538 Price/1 Price/1 Blade Weight Order CodeList Offer Length per 12 KEN-538 Price/1 Price/1
235mm 2.50kg -0550K 8.55 5.30 Length each YMT-538 Price/1 Price/1 275mm 1.80kg -0630K 12.87 7.98
150mm -0300K 8.20 5.08
Piercing 125mm Low Profile Junior Hacksaw 150mm
BLADE 6" Quick Release Junior Manufactured from rigid and
Fixed steel frame with a wooden handle. Hacksaw lightweight aluminium with hi-strength I-beam
Used for fine Featuring a quick release mechanism for fast frame. Moulded soft touch' cushion grip.
metalwork by and easy blade change, this hacksaw Supplied with
jewellers, combines a robust design with a moulded blade.
clockmakers and all handle. It comes supplied with a 150mm (6")
skilled craftsmen. general purpose blade.
Product Length Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 Length per 12 KEN-538 Price/1 Price/1
PS51 292 -0540G 17.06 12.45 250mm 2.70kg -0500K 7.45 4.62
Page 1001
Professional Hi Tension Adjustable
Plus Hacksaw Hacksaw Hacksaw
Heavy duty steel frame with front grip HT50 Accepts 250/300mm (10/12) blades.
and D style handle with grooved slip Lever in handle tensions 12" blade to Suitable for light duty and workshop use.
resistant rubber inlay for positive 50,000psi. Blade won't twist or bind. Spare
control and comfort. Wing nut and lever blade blades store inside back. Cast aluminum
tensioning. The blade can be set at 45 to and steel frame. Depth of cut: 4".
the frame to allow flush cutting. Supplied with
Overall Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length LNX-538 Price/1 Price/1 Length each SEN-538 Price/1 Price/1
300mm (12) -5542B 34.79 26.09 430mm 300g -0650K 10.57 6.55
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length per 5 KEN-538 Price/1 Price/1
400mm 3.80kg -2350K 26.92 16.69
Multi-Position Hacksaw Frame
Hacksaw Lightweight body with wing nut blade
tensioner. Supplied with blade. Suitable for
Adjustable Hacksaw 603F
light duty and workshop use
Blade rotation through 360 without removal.
Die-cast D style handle for user comfort and Automatic blade tensioning for easy blade
control. Epoxy coated tubular steel frame for fitting. Machined and shouldered pins for
strength and rigidity. The blade can be set at secure blade retention. 45 cutting angle
90 to the frame to allow cutting in areas increments. Aluminium construction.
with restricted access. Wing nut blade Ergonomic handle.
tensioning. Accepts 250mm (10) and Overall dimensions: 429 x 137mm.
300mm (12) blades. Supplied with blade. 300mm
2-Piece Hacksaw Frame & 300mm
(12) Strong and rigid construction frame Traditional hacksaw with die-cast D style
Blade Set BLADE with die-cast aluminium handle. Wing handle and solid frame. The blade can be
nut and lever blade tensioning allow easy adjusted to fit at right angles to the frame.
250/300mm (10/12) hacksaw frame with blade replacement. The blade can be set at
10x 12 x 1/2 x 18tpi HSS blades. Blade length: 300mm (12).
90 for straight cuts and at 35 to the frame
for flush cutting. Supplied with blade.
300mm BLADE
Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order CodeList Offer
Contents each KEN-538 Price/1 Price/1 Length per 5 YMT-538 Price/1 Price/1 Number each ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1
As above 850g -3050K 23.95 13.41 400mm 3.80kg -2250K 16.28 10.09 70-20TR 320g -0748E 23.67 17.28
Page 1002
Hacksaw Low Profile
Frames Hacksaw
225-S has a rectangular back section and blade storage. 325 has Manufactured from rigid and lightweight aluminium with hi-strength
ergonomical frame. Centred blade for correct balance and spring I-beam frame. Moulded soft touch' cushion grip. Features wing nut
tensioned loading mechanism for quick blade changes. Both have an blade tensioning and 0 and 45 blade settings. Supplied with blade.
alternative 55 mounting for flush cutting and are supplied with a
bi-metal blade.
300mm (12)
(12) BLADE
Offset Hacksaw Frame
For use in awkward applications and for
flush cutting. Heavy duty die-cast
300mm aluminium handle with a chrome
BLADE plated, steel frame.
Supplied with blade.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number per 5 BAH-538 Price/1 Price/1
225-PLUS 2.35kg -2030P 27.46 21.42
325 3.10kg -2151F 42.20 32.92 Reaches the
parts other
FatMax frames cannot
5-in-1 Hacksaw
This FatMax hacksaw from Stanley is a versatile piece of kit in that
it can be converted to 45 and 90 standard blade positions, 2x pad Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
saw positions, 1x 45 access saw. Other features include in-frame Length per 5 KEN-538 Price/1 Price/1
spare blade storage. In the standard blade position the lightweight 300 2.10kg -0700K 12.29 7.62
frame holds the blade securely at 100kg of tension.
Flexible Back Bi-metal
Hacksaw Blades
The perfect combination of shatter resistant spring steel, used as the
backing material, and tough, wear-resistant HSS teeth - Electron-
beam welded together. Ideal for interrupted cuts in cramped places
(12) or where the blade is subject to stress caused by twisting or bending.
BLADE Provides optimum tooth strength/life and reduced breakage and
fracture when compared to traditional all-hard blades.
Made to BS 1919 : Part 1: 1993.
Page 1003
Extra Heavy Duty Light Duty Cast
G-Clamps G-Clamps
Lightweight Pressed Manufactured from drop forged steel ribbed Light duty cast steel. Suitable for
anti-twist frame suited to fabrication and tradesmen, engineers, woodworkers
Steel G-Clamps welding applications, etc. etc.
Welded steel frame with chrome-plated steel
screw, handle and swivel shoes.
Suitable for light duty applications.
Capacity Throat Weight Order Code List Offer Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Depth each KEN-539 Price/1 Price/1 each SEN-539 Price/1 Price/1
50 32mm 0.45kg -2220K 18.06 11.20 50mm 195g -1020K 4.28 2.65
Capacity Throat Weight Order Code List Offer 75 43mm 0.70kg -2230K 33.85 20.99 100mm 675g -1040K 8.10 5.02
(mm) Depth each KEN-539 Price/1 Price/1 100 52mm 1.40kg -2240K 48.94 30.34 150mm 1340g -1060K 10.68 6.62
150 72mm 1.90kg -2260K 65.31 40.49
Standard 200 110mm 4.50kg -2280K 83.00 51.46
25 27 80g -1970K 3.59 2.23 250 123mm 6.00kg -2300K 115.39 71.54 119 Slim Section
50 25 130g -1980K 4.28 2.65 300 130mm 9.00kg -2320K 159.39 98.82 Clamps
75 35 310g -1990K 6.46 4.01
100 48 600g -2000K 8.10 5.02 Ideal where space is limited. Manufactured
Deep Extra Heavy Duty G-Clamps - from drop forged steel.
63 66 360g -2010K 5.78 3.58 Copper Plate Screw
Manufactured from drop forged ribbed anti-
Medium Duty G-Clamps twist frame steel suited to fabrication and
Engineers clamps with cast anti-twist ribbed welding applications, etc. Resistant to rusting
frame. For tradesmen, light engineering, and weld spatter.
woodworkers etc.
Acts as a third arm allowing many clamping
Shoe to fit Weight Order Code Offer separately -
(mm) each KEN-567 Price/1 see above
50 10g -5020K 1.10
Group 75 15g -5030K 1.54 G-Clamp Weight Order Code List Offer
Adaptor each KEN-539 Price/1 Price/1
405 100
5.57 95mm (33/4) 420g -3590K 14.23 8.82
Page 1004
One-Handed T-Handle Heavy Duty
Speed Clamp Clamps T-Handle Clamps
Manufactured from pressed steel for General-purpose. Manufactured from medium Manufactured from heat treated carbon steel
strength and durability. Trigger heat treated carbon steel finished with nickel for extra strength. Finished with nickel and
adjustment based on the sealant and chrome plating. Steel T-spindle chrome plating. Textured T-spindle for extra
cartridge applicator gun. Quick release thumb for extra clamping force. clamping force.
lever. High strength hexagonal steel thrust
rod with swivel shoe for clamping non parallel
surfaces. High strength plastic contact pads.
Quick Thicker
Action Section For
Page 1005
One Handed Quick Quick-Grip
Action Bar Clamps Clamps
Kennedy Professional Dual Action Quick Clamps are designed for use I-Beam bar with patented POWER LOCKS which hold more
one handed for speed and convenience. The pistol grip handle pressure, longer. QUICK-RELEASE trigger for non-explosive pressure
houses a ratchet clamping mechanism, that incrementally applies release. QUICK-CHANGE
clamping force when you pull the trigger, to release or reposition the jaw converts quickly into a
clamp jaw hold down the quick release button and slide the jaw along spreader. 95mm throat
the bar. Can be used as a bar clamp or as a spreader simply by depth, non-marring
turning the handle around. pads.
Features include: 90mm throat depth. Clamping force of up to
180kg. Quick release buttons for both jaws allows them to be
positioned quickly anywhere on the bar and can be turned around to
act as a spreader. Heavy duty steel bar. Non-slip clamp faces. UP TO
Capacity: 4"/100mm.
Trigger Clamps
Nylon and steel construction that provides strength
and durability. Quickly converts from a clamp to a
spreader. Removable bar design integrates longer
or shorter bars.
Page 1006
Spring Action Sash Clamps
Gripper Clamps SG ductile cast iron heads and slides, bars are manufactured
Designed for speed and convenience. One hand from bright drawn steel. Main screw and handles are made
operation gripping most materials. Durable non from high grade steel.
marking jaws pivot to hold irregular shaped
workpieces. Contoured handle for non-slip
grip with serrated jaws for extra firm
holding. Unique spring load pin
for quick and easy adjustment.
Provides a
Third Hand Cant drop out during use.
Capacity Order Code List Offer
(mm) Weight KEN-539 Price/1 Price/1 High Grade
PIECES 0600 2.20kg -3820K 42.50 26.35 Steel for
0910 2.75kg -3840K 46.56 28.87 Heavy Duty
1220 3.25kg -3860K 50.58 31.36 Applications
1670 4.00kg -3880K 52.93 32.82
Overall Jaw Opening Throat Weight Order Code List Offer
Length (max.) Depth per 4 KEN-539 Price/Pk Price/Pk Lightweight
120mm 40mm 045mm 248g -5300K 2.43 1.51 Sash Clamps
150mm 60mm 065mm 250g -5320K 3.66 2.27
210mm 90mm 100mm 772g -5340K 6.10 3.78 Manufactured from high grade lightweight aluminium. Lever sprung
quick adjust tail slide mechanism allows one-handed instant
adjustment. Large 3 clamping pads help reduce footprint on the
Gripper Clamp Set workpiece. Designed for clamping large work pieces during assembly.
Spring loaded clamps, as
12 Piece Set Contents:
4x 120mm,
4x 150mm,
4x 210mm. Capacity Order Code List Offer
(mm) Weight SEN-539 Price/1 Price/1
600 838g -4020K 25.50 15.81
900 970g -4040K 27.94 17.32
1200 1kg -4060K 30.35 18.82
Cast iron heads and slides, bars are bright drawn steel and the main
screw and handles are high grade steel. The tail slides are secured
Number Order Code List Offer by a solid steel pin. Also available are lengthening bars, which
of Pieces Weight KEN-539 Price/1 Price/1 increase the bar length.
12 1564g -5400K 10.97 6.80
136 Extra
Quick-Grip Heavy Duty
Handi-Clamp Sash Clamp
Squeeze to adjust and click to
release. Manufactured from
high-tech resin for a
lightweight and durable
L136/6 135 Heavy- L135/4
Lengthening Duty Sash Lengthening
Bar Clamp Bar
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer 135 Heavy Duty Sash Clamp
(mm) each IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 With a 32 x 6mm (1 x ) bar section.
50mm 188g -8620A 8.35 6.26 The slides and heads are flat bottomed to stand without support.
100mm -8640F 11.59 8.69 Product Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
90 Welding
Number (mm) each REC-565 Price/1 Price/1
135/2 610 (24) 2.15kg -8508G 42.50 29.75
135/3 760 (30) 2.40kg -8510H 44.17 30.92
Angle Clamp 135/4 915 (36) 2.65kg -8512J 46.56 32.59
One man set up and operation, 135/5 1070 (42) 2.90kg -8514K 49.55 34.69
made from cast iron, copper 135/6 1220 (48) 3.15kg -8514S 50.58 35.41
135/7 1370 (54) 3.35kg -8515T 51.75 36.23
plated spindle for spatter 135/9 1680 (66) 3.80kg -8517W 52.93 37.05
protection, T-Handle
Lengthening Bar
enables high pressure for secure
L135/4 915 (36) 1.85kg -8536W 34.15 23.91
clamping, easy fixing to a work
bench or machine tool table. 136 Extra Heavy Duty Sash Clamp
Same as No.135, but with a T section bar for extra resilience
(as high as 1.9 tons). The fixed head can be bench mounted.
Product Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) each REC-565 Price/1 Price/1
136/5 1070 (42) 4.85kg -8520M 60.27 42.19
136/6 1220 (48) 5.25kg -8521A 62.69 43.88
136/7 1370 (54) 5.85kg -8522N 63.58 44.51
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer 136/9 1680 (66) 6.45kg -8524P 69.37 48.56
(mm) each KEN-539 Price/1 Price/1 136/11 1980 (78) 7.15kg -8527B 82.19 57.53
60mm 05.3kg -0360K 82.65 51.24 Lengthening Bar
90mm 10.5kg -0390K 121.81 75.52 L136/6 1220 (48) 3.65kg -8538X 50.26 35.18
Page 1007
Liquid Plastic Funnels Industrial Quality
Measures Resistant to oil and Plastic Funnel
Chemical and oil resistant chemicals. Heavy Rectangular
polyethylene duty polyethylene Suitable
liquid measures. which will not for use
Graduations: shatter or break in with
1/4 ltr - 10ml,
cold weather. petrol, oil,
1/2 ltr - 10ml, Diameter Weight Order Code List Offer water etc.
1ltr - 10ml, (mm) each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1
2ltr - 20ml, 50 4g -2810K 0.51 0.37
3ltr - 50ml, 75 9g -2815K 0.55 0.40
100 20g -2820K 0.65 0.47
5ltr - 100ml. 120 32g -2830K 0.94 0.68 Size Weight Order Code List Offer
150 50g -2840K 1.12 0.81 (mm) each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1
Plastic Funnel Set 250 x 180 210g -2900K 14.73 10.61
Capacity Weight Order CodeList Offer
each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 50, 75, 100 Tin-Plated Industrial
45g -5500K 4.08 2.94 and 125mm. Quality Funnels
75g -5520K 5.11 3.68
1ltr 100g -5540K 7.18 5.17 Suitable for use
2ltr 180g -5560K 10.27 7.39 with petrol, oil,
3ltr 260g -5580K 15.01 10.81 PIECES water etc.
5ltr 360g -5600K 22.23 16.01
Heavy Duty Liquid Measures Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1
Chemical and oil-resistant
polyethylene liquid 4 75g -2890K 2.35 1.69
measures. Integral Diameter Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1
dispensing spout Heavy Duty 150 140g -2600K 8.75 6.30
resistant to extreme Plastic Funnels
weather conditions. 200 250g -2800K 11.33 8.16
Can be used in With anti-splash rims.
conjunction with Metal Funnel with Plastic Spout
dispensing spouts and Filter
listed below.
Graduations: Sturdy metal construction NEW
1/2ltr - 1/4 and 1/2ltr, complete with
1ltr - 1/4, 1/2, 3/4ltr, integral handle for
2ltr - 1/2, 1, 11/2 and 2ltr, Diameter Weight Order Code List Offer ease of use, plastic
(mm) each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 spout and
3ltr - 1, 11/2, 2, 21/2 and 3ltr, 160 150g -2910K 4.75 3.42
5ltr - 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5ltr. removable filter. High
200 163g -2920K 4.99 3.59 rim design guards
250 210g -2930K 5.23 3.77
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer against splashing. Flexible
each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 350 491g -2940K 23.22 16.72
spout extension also
60g -5700K 5.41 3.90 available (KEN-540-2700K).
-5720K 8.21 5.91
-5740K 11.44 8.24
Polyethylene Funnel with
3ltr 240g -5760K 14.66 10.56 Lockable Lid Diameter Order Code List Offer
5ltr 340g -5770K 14.40 10.37 KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1
Screws into a 170mm -2690K 14.45 10.40
standard 2" bung Flexible spout extension -2700K 7.50 5.40
Pouring Spouts hole on a barrel.
Flexible polyethylene, suitable for use with Includes a removable
the spouted funnels and measures to allow filter screen. Plastic Funnel
for easy pouring in awkward areas.
Size: 253mm x 200mm NEW With anti-splash rim,
Suitable For Weight Order CodeList Offer removable brass filter,
each KEN-540 Price/1Price/1 Order Code List Offer integral handle and rigid
Capacity KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1
1/2 & 1ltr Measures 5g -5160K 1.15 0.83 offset spout.
2, 3, & 5ltr Measures 15g -5170K 1.32 0.95 4.5ltr -2680K 39.95 28.76
Page 1008
Lever Lever Syphon
Pump Pump Pump
Zinc-plated, self-adjusting LP300 Flexible plastic outlet and semi- rigid inlet
telescopic suction tube. Zinc chrome finish steel, tubes. Hand pumping units incorporate
Comfortable lever grip. telescopic suction tube. one-way valves. Suitable for use with petrol,
Suitable for lubricants and Suitable for lubricants, diesel and non-corrosive liquids.
non-corrosive diesel and non-corrosive All tubes can be cut to length.
liquids. liquids. Suitable for SPS/25 For use with containers up to 25ltr.
Suitable for container sizes Fitted with 30mm bung.
container 60 and 200ltr. Tube length: inlet 410mm/outlet 530mm.
sizes 60 and Tube length
200ltr. 480 - 900mm. SPS/205 For use with containers up to
Tube length Inlet on pump 205ltr. Fitted with a 50mm threaded bung.
480 - 900mm. 2 BSP and Tube length: inlet 860mm/outlet 1000mm.
For use with BSP and M59 x 5 male thread. SPH/205 Heavy duty, for use with containers
metric threaded barrels. up to 205ltr. Fitted with a 50mm threaded
Tube length: inlet 860mm/outlet 1000mm.
SPS/25 has a
squeeze action.
200ltr 200ltr SPS/205 & SPH/205
60ltr 60ltr have a plunger type
Discharge Weight Order Code List Offer Discharge Weight Order Code List Offer
per Stroke each YMT-540 Price/1 Price/1 per Stroke each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1
300ml 2.0kg -3000K 25.51 18.37 300ml 2.0kg -3000K 34.02 24.49
Up to 25ltr
Piston Rotary Pump
Pump RP250
PP190 Cast iron pump, steel
Polypropylene pump with suction tube and spout.
viton seals. Chemical Suitable for lubricants and
resistant. Suitable for diesel (not anti-freeze).
lubricants, fuels, Suitable for container size
solvents and 200ltr. Tube length 980mm.
non-corrosive liquids. Inlet on pump 2 BSP and
Suitable for container M59 x 5 male thread.
size 200ltr. Tube length
480 - 900mm. Inlet on
pump 2 BSP male and
female thread.
Up to 205ltr
Heavy duty
Up to 205ltr
Model Suitable for Weight Order Code List Offer
Discharge Weight Order Code List Offer Number Containers each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1
Discharge Weight Order Code List Offer per Stroke each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 SPS/25 25ltr 40g -4000K 8.11 5.84
per Stroke each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 SPS/205 205ltr 80g -4050K 26.91 19.38
190ml 730g -3250K 74.23 53.45 35ltr/min 5.7kg -3100K 46.18 33.25 SPH/205 205ltr 420g -4150K 42.26 30.43
Page 1009
Dispensing Plastic Oil Cans Plastic
Bottles One-piece moulded plastic Oil Cans
Manufactured from oil and bodies with positive force feed Moulded plastic body pump oilers with nylon
chemical resistant pumps, supplied with nylon pump unit and 150mm spout.
polyethylene. push-fit spouts.
With rigid applicator
nozzles and
sealing caps.
1000 Industrial 146g -5440K 10.41 7.50 Flexible 210mm 210g -1850K 2.02 1.45 Capacity Weight Order CodeList Offer
(ml) each PRL-540 Price/1 Price/1
750 0.11kg -5200A 4.98 4.23
Dual Transfer Pump Oil Suction Gun
DTP500 SG500
Heavy-duty aluminium construction. Durable Chrome finish. Suitable for rapid draining or Trigger Spray Industrial
inlet and outlet valves. Suitable for the filling of oil and other non-corrosive Dispenser
transfer of many different liquid types. liquids. Sprayer head with adjustable and
Portable and easy to operate. closeable plastic nozzle. Suitable
Ideal for use in many for various chemicals. HDPE
home, industrial and (high density polyethylene).
farm applications. Working pressure:
90psi/6.2bar. Colour: orange.
Capacity: Height: 290mm.
500cc. Diameter: 63mm.
Overall length: Base dia: 100mm.
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer Capacity Weight Order CodeList Offer
(cc) each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 (cc) each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 (ml) each PRL-540 Price/1 Price/1
500 878g -3400K 20.71 14.91 500 870g -0380K 14.68 10.57 750 0.12kg -5250B 7.93 6.74
Page 1010
Barrel Adaptors Steel Body Drum
Threaded plastic adaptors to convert BT2SV Taps
drums to use BSP fittings. Lockable. Shut-off valve. With 3/4 BSP male threads. Both models can
Orange (Trisure) - ADTS Cast iron outlet spout. be locked into the off position by use of a
Converts from padlock or locking pin.
56 x 4 male Polypropylene
to 2 BSP female. Not suitable
for petroleum-
Converts from Type Weight Order Code List Offer
DIN61 male to each CTL-540 Price/1 Price/1
2 BSP female. BT2SV 2.6Kg -2022H 59.00 47.20
Self-Closing/Safety Tap
3/4BSP Thread
Yellow - ADDIN61
Converts General-purpose safety taps for fluid
from DIN61 Weight Order Code List Offer dispensing on 210ltr drums.
Type each CTL-540 Price/1 Price/1 Standard alloy - BTSA.
female to 2
BSP female. Flame Arrestor 654g -2012C 59.95 47.96 Lockable, nylon seal.
shaft seals and allow both rotary and linear Cast Iron 1.5kg -2023J 43.00 34.40
movement. Has a 70 Shore hardness and an BTSAF
Alloy body, lockable, nylon seal
operating temperature range of -30C to Brass Bod with integral flame
+120C. Highly resistant to many chemicals,
petroleum, diesel, LPG etc. All sizes to 125 arrestor.
BS1806. Used to allow air to fill the vacuum left by
dispensing fluid.
Seal - ADOR
O ring for use For use in
with all above conjunction
adaptors. with 3/4 drum tap.
2 BSP thread.
Nitrile seal.
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each CTL-540 Price/1 Price/1 Type each CTL-540 Price/1 Price/1 Type each CTL-540 Price/1 Price/1
Seal 4g -2060Z 2.00 1.60 Brass 462g -2024K 25.00 20.00 BTSAF 178g -2011B 6.45 5.16
Page 1011
Tilting Drum Oil Dispenser
Cradle 17ltr - 6GR
Tilting Drum Cradle tips, rotates and locates 205ltr drums. Medium-duty oil dispenser
Equipped with removable handle suitable for medium grade oils.
Powder coated finish. Full rotary action pump.
Large 21/2 (63mm) non-sparking Rotationally moulded, medium
wheels making it suitable for use density polyethylene container
on rough flooring in gas/fuel plants. complete with nozzle storage
Maximum load 600lbs (273kgs). drip holster.
Unit comes flat packed. Height: 700mm.
Dimensions (H x W x L):
415 x 410 x 814mm.
Weight: 12.5kg.
Internal Dimensions Weight Order Code List Offer Straight Handle - Steel Plated - DKS45
Description Suitable for
Length x Width x Height each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1
5L Plain Tray 540 x 345 x 50mm 1.05kg -4210K 13.80 9.94 steel or
5L With Mesh 540 x 345 x 50mm 1.05kg -4220K 26.04 18.75 plastic drums.
8L Plain Tray 665 x 560 x 50mm 2.7kg -4250K 17.50 12.60 Non-slip
8L With Mesh 665 x 560 x 50mm 2.7kg -4260K 31.95 23.00 rubber grip.
Drip Tray
Weight Order Code List Offer
For protecting floor surfaces and coverings to prevent any unsightly Description each CTL-540 Price/1 Price/1
stains or puddles that would make the storage area floor dirty or
slippery. Suitable for catching those Straight Handle - Steel 750g -2030L 12.95 10.36
small parts during maintenance. If
placed under the catch tank while Straight Handle - Brass - DKB45
changing oils, any spillage is Non-sparking brass
contained and during ratio changes construction.
it is ideal for catching bearings, Suitable for use
springs etc preventing with flammable
contamination. The tray is materials.
made of moulded plastic with Non-slip
integral carry handles. rubber grip.
Internal dimensions: 330 x 520mm.
Product Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer Description Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Litre each WES-540 Price/1 Price/1 each CTL-540 Price/1 Price/1
350 10 519g -9200A 6.21 4.97 Straight Handle - Brass 50g -2031M 43.00 34.40
Page 1012
Pneumatic Direct Feed System
Fluid Extractor Lever Type LP12.5
FEBK10 Direct high pressure lubricating system with centre pump,
Pneumatic fluid extractor for use in metal dust cover/lid with integral stabiliser and fixing mechanism.
draining engine oil, water, fuel and Flexible delivery tube with offset nozzle.
hydraulic fluids from vehicle engines and Suitable for medium greases.
other mechanical equipment, bleeding Discharge per stroke: 3.8cm3,
brake/clutch fluid and collection of other Tube length: 375mm,
non-corrosive fluid spillage. Inlet on pump max: 260mm.
High capacity 10ltr fluid reservoir ideal for Barrel (illustrated) available separately.
garage, extension tube storage, used for
workshop and on-site use.
Supplied with 1500 x 15mm initial
tubing with extension tubes;
700 x 6mm, 360 x 10mm, 310 x 6mm
and 380mm brake bleeder attachment.
Air supply 70-110psi (5-8bar), air
consumption 180ltr/min, vacuum
(maximum) 500mm HG, extraction
rate 2.5ltr/min., air inlet size 1/4 BSP.
400 1.90kg -0360K 53.12 38.25 280mm diameter drum cover, pump,
265mm diameter follower plate,
3m high pressure hose and control valve
Pistol Type Adjustable Angle Pneumatic Grease Gun with caps swivel.
PGC400 Pump specification:
360 handle rotation. Continuous flow. Chrome Pump ratio: 50:1.
plated steel body and enamel finish gun. Offset Air inlet: 1/4 BSP female.
nozzle. Suitable for medium Grease outlet: 1/4 BSP male.
grease. 14oz cartridge - Grease delivery at 6bar (90psi):
bulk, suction or pump fill. 500g per minute (16).
Can be connected to the air brake systems on Tube: 30mm dia. x 410mm length.
lorries. 1200 - 6000psi based on 30 - 150psi Units also available to suit:
feed. 25, 50 and 200kg kegs.
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer To Suit Weight Order Code List Offer
(cc) each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 Keg Size each CTL-540 Price/1 Price/1
400 1.88Kg -0350K 67.71 48.75
400cc 12.5kg 4.80kg -4533A 623.70 498.96
Page 1013
Lever LG200
Chrome plated steel body, handle and offset nozzle.
Suction fill only. Suitable for medium/heavy greases. 200cc
Working pressure: 3000psi/206bar.
Diameter: 45mm.
Overall length: 300mm.
Lever LG400
Chrome-plated steel body, rubber grip and offset nozzle.
Cartridge, bulk or suction fill. 400cc
Suitable for medium/heavy greases.
Working pressure: 4500psi/310bar.
Diameter: 56mm.
Overall length: 370mm.
Lever LG500
Chrome-plated steel body and handle, offset nozzle.
Cartridge, bulk or suction fill. 500cc
Suitable for medium/heavy greases.
Working pressure: 4500psi/310bar.
Diameter: 63mm.
Overall length: 352mm.
Lever LG-PRO500
Enamel finish steel body, offset nozzle.
Cartridge, bulk or suction fill. 500cc
Suitable for medium greases.
Working pressure: 6000psi/400bar.
Diameter: 56mm.
Overall length: 340mm.
Lever Type
Grease Gun
Chrome-plated steel body, comfortable lever grip and
offset nozzle. 14oz cartridge, bulk or suction fill. 400cc
Suitable for medium/heavy greases.
Diameter: 56mm.
Overall length: 370mm.
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
Bulk Fill Cartridge each YMT-540 Price/1 Price/1
400cc 400g/14oz 1.25kg -0250K 20.87 15.03
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
(cc) each CTL-540 Price/1 Price/1 (cc) each CTL-540 Price/1 Price/1
400 1.74Kg -4527V 96.54 77.23 500 1.25kg -4538G 37.02 29.62
Page 1014
Push-Type Grease Gun 100cc
Grease Guns Pom-Pom PP100
Robust metal body. Versatile one-hand Oil and acid
operation. Supplied with universal nozzle resistant plastic
connector for standard grease fittings. body. Suction fill.
Suitable for soft/medium greases.
Capacity Weight
Diameter: 35mm. Order Code List Offer
each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1
Overall length: 220mm.
100cc 140g -0050K 12.34 8.88
Steel Push-Type
Grease Gun
Bulk or suction fill. Corrosion protective electro-plated finish. Polished nozzle and galvanised
plunger assembly.
Suitable for medium
or heavy greases.
Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity Weight
each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 Order Code List Offer
35cc 258g -0020K 7.75 5.58 each YMT-540 Price/1 Price/1
140cc 436g -0040K 12.63 9.09 120cc 415g -0030K 15.79 11.37
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
Bulk Fill Cartridge each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 Bulk Fill Cartridge each YMT-540 Price/1 Price/1
120cc 760g -0100K 21.43 15.43 120cc 505g -0370K 10.80 7.78
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
Bulk Fill Cartridge each KEN-540 Price/1 Price/1 Bulk Fill Cartridge each YMT-540 Price/1 Price/1
500cc 1.35kg -0320K 41.76 30.07 400cc 1.50kg -0360K 23.05 16.60
Grease 60cc
Grease Oil Gun 120cc
Gun Gun Lever 30960
TelescopicMPO Lever 30955 One-hand lubricator, complete with rigid
Telescopic hand grease gun with metal body Swiss manufactured hand fill, one-handed angled tube and special hydraulic connector
and push-on connector. operation grease gun designed for the more for oil. Top pressure output for industrial use
arduous operating conditions. Lightweight in construction, transport and DIY.
Capacity: 60cc.
high strength casing helps reduce operator
fatigue whilst offering high-pressure output
for industrial, building, transport or DIY use.
Supplied complete with rigid angled tube and
Page 1015
Hydraulic Hydraulic
Grease Nipple Kit Connectors
Contents Giant Hook-On Type
1/4" BSP,
1/8" BSP,
M8 x 1.25
1/4" BSF.
1/4" BSF.
Thread Weight Order Code List Offer Thread Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order CodeList Offer
Size each KEN-541 Price/1 Price/1 Size each KEN-541 Price/1 Price/1 Number each CTL-541 Price/1 Price/1
1/8 BSP(T) 40g -0480K 4.42 3.62 1/8 BSP(T) 40g -0490K 8.17 6.70 SOC2 120g -4619S 5.92 5.15
Page 1016
Magnetic Vee Magnetic Magnetic Pick-Up Tool
Blocks Vee Block High power magnet
Powerful magnet in a precision-ground mild Ideal for holding cylindrical workpieces for for easy pick-up
steel case. The vee block can be used grinding application. The adhesion will and release of metal
on its base, side or end to hold components simultaneously hold the workpiece and objects. Can be
for machining operations. The large vee can vee-block to any flat used for scrap and
hold diameters up to 65mm and the smaller ferrous ferrous debris.
vee diameters up to 20mm. The on/off surface. Spring-loaded
switch toggles both vees simultaneously. magnet release.
Suitable for holding Permanent magnet,
cylindrical and complex never needs to be
workpieces for marking, re-magnetised.
spark erosion, Maximum
grinding, lifting weight:
measurement 10lbs/4.5kg.
and inspection
Magnetic Dimensions Working Weight Order Code List Offer
adhesion W x L x H): Size each KEN-553 Price/1 Price/1
(top and 70 x 102 x 95mm. 100mm dia. 634g -0160K 16.70 11.52
bottom faces):
200/150kg. Magnetic Weight Order Code List Offer
Adhesion each KEN-554 Price/1 Price/1 Magnetic Long Reach
Dimensions Weight Order Code List Offer 50kgf 4.00kg -1100K 235.56 183.74 Long reach handle. High power
(mm) each ECL-400 Price/1 Price/1 magnet for easy pick-up and release
Single Vee Blocks Magnetic Link of metal objects. Can be used for
80x70x95 3.15kg -0475A 273.59 259.91
Two magnetic units joined by an scrap and ferrous debris.
101x70x95 4.00kg -0473X 300.95 285.90 Spring-loaded magnet release.
Matched Pair adjustable steel strap (82mm long).
Capable of holding at many different angles. Permanent magnet, never needs to
101x70x95 9.00kg -0474Y 678.61 644.68 be re-magnetised.
Single link base dimensions
(L x H x W): Maximum lifting weight:
Magnetic Plate Drag 60 x 30 x 25mm. 8lbs/3.6kg.
This powerful magnetic drag is
manufactured with ferrite magnets.
It enables quick and safe lifting and
transportation of steel sheets.
The grip is also used as a lever for
disengaging the workpiece.
Magnetic Weight Order Code List Offer Working Weight Order Code List Offer
Adhesion each KEN-554 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-553 Price/1 Price/1
Length Weight Order Code List Offer 100kgf 6.00kg -1300K 456.71 356.23 140cm 1430g -0220K 64.96 44.82
(mm) each ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1
350 550g -0496C 19.00 13.87
Magnetic Pick-Up Wand
High power magnet for easy pick-up and release of metal
Demagnetiser objects. Can be used for scrap and ferrous debris.
Any workpiece in materials such as tool and Permanent magnet, never needs to be re-magnetised.
high speed steel will retain some magnetism Lightweight. Chrome-plated and corrosion-resistant.
after being held by a Maximum lifting weight: 14lbs/6.35kg.
magnetic chuck.
For further operations
this may need to be
demagnetised efficiently.
Supplied complete with
1.8m cable.
Dimensions Weight Order Code List Offer Working Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each ECL-400 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-553 Price/1 Price/1
150x87x117 3.80kg -7295E 185.86 176.57 140mm 567g -0200K 46.40 32.02
Page 1017
Magnetic Magnetic Parts Tray Hold
Trays Rustproof stainless steel tray fitted Fasts
For holding metal items such as nuts, bolts, with 4x 85mm magnets in a non- Suitable for work holding and work handling.
washers etc. marking cover which attaches to any ferrous Supplied complete
surface. For retaining hand tools and with release
Dish fasteners, ideal for applications where nuts,
For use in high screw carry
bolts and parts could get lost preventing handle.
and confined assembly. Suitable for automotive mechanics,
spaces with appliance repairs and most applications within
rubberised the service and repair industry.
magnetic base Size: 295 x 270 x 42mm.
mat to protect
work surface.
Page 1018
Magnetic Bar Magnets
NEW Hold Fasts A range of one-piece
cylindrical magnets with
Neodymium Countersunk Positive gripping pot magnets
opposing poles at either end.
supplied with screw-down
Shallow Pot Magnets release handle. Can be used Permanently magnetic.
Neodymium iron boron rare earth' singly or in multiples for
material. Strongest magnet making welding or other jigs.
material available. 80C max. With M8 x 1.25 thread.
operating temp. Zinc plated body. Depth: 35mm.
Dia. x Depth Order Code List Offer
(mm) ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 Dia. Magnetic Weight Order Code List Offer
16 x 4.5 -0496G 1.20 0.88 (mm) Adhesion each KEN-554 Price/1 Price/1
20 x 6.0 -0496J 1.65 1.20 40 20kgf 590g -1200K 61.38 47.88
25 x 7.0 -0496L 2.50 1.83 50 40kgf 955g -1240K 79.89 62.31 Dia. Depth Weight Order Code List Offer
32 x 7.0 -0496N 3.90 2.85 (mm) (mm) Per 100 KEN-553 Price/1 Price/1
40 x 8.0 -0496Q 5.60 4.09 6.0 20 (3/4) 0.44kg -8050K 2.60 1.79
Magnetic 8.0 25 (1) 1.00kg -8060K 3.49 2.41
Neodymium Pot Magnets Quick Clamp
10.0 30 (13/16)1.90kg -8070K 5.26 3.63
Neodymium magnet in a cylindrical PACK OF For fast accurate
brass pot. Assembled with steel holding. Button Magnets
pole pieces to give a multi-pole Dimensions A horseshoe type cylindrical
effect which offers superior grip (W x L x T): magnet. Opposing poles are
at the contact face ideal for 65 x 110 x 15mm. at the same end of the
clamping or lifting application. Weight Order Code List Offer magnet separated by a slot.
Ideally work at temperatures Angles Supplied with a plain bore
each KEN-554 Price/1Price/1
upto 80C, but have a 30, 90 & 135 270g -1700K 13.19 10.29 and keeper.
maximum working Permanently magnetic.
temperature of 100C.
Channel Magnet
Diameter Depth Order Code List Offer Designed to give maximum grip within Diameter Depth Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) (mm) ECL-553 Price/Pk Price/Pk channels or slots. Able to grip non-uniform (mm) (mm) Per 100 KEN-553 Price/1Price/1
Deep workpieces. 12.7 (1/2) 9.5 0.87kg -8210K 3.70 2.55
6 20 -0350A 4.02 2.93 20 (3/4) 12.5 2.00kg -8220K 5.00 3.45
8 20 -0351E 5.82 4.25 25 (1) 16.0 5.60kg -8230K 9.16 6.32
10 20 -0352B 5.78 4.22 32 (11/4) 19.5 13.0kg -8240K 15.31 10.56
13 20 -0353C 7.70 5.62
16 20 -0354D 11.65 8.50
20 25 -0355E 18.67 13.63 Shallow Pot Magnets
25 35 -0356F 28.91 21.10 North polarity in centre separated from
32 40 -0357G 54.04 39.45 Dimensions Weight Order Code List Offer
L x W x H (mm) each KEN-554 Price/1 Price/1 opposing pole by a continuous
Shallow slot. For use in areas of
6 4.5 -0360K 2.25 1.64 130 x 30 x 13 250g -3500K 34.80 27.14
restricted height.
8 4.5 -0361T 3.64 2.66 Supplied with plain bore
-0362M 3.04
-0363N 3.97
Power Magnets fixing hole/keeper.
16 4.5 -0364V 6.14 4.48 A square horseshoe Permanently magnetic.
20 6.0 -0365P 7.50 5.48 magnet. Supplied with
25 7.0 -0366W 13.73 10.02 plain fixing holes.
32 7.0 -0367R 19.40 14.16 Kg pull (max):
Shallow with Thread 25mm - 4.5, 30mm - Diameter Depth Weight Order Code List Offer
6 4.5 -0370V 2.38 1.74 (mm) (mm) Per 100 KEN-553 Price/1 Price/1
8 4.5 -0371W 4.06 2.96
9.0, 40mm - 11.8.
20(3/4) 7.8 1.75kg -8260K 6.56 4.53
10 4.5 -0372X 3.37 2.46 Size Weight Order Code List Offer 28.5(11/8) 8.7 4.70kg -8270K 9.35 6.45
13 4.5 -0373Y 4.37 3.19 (mm) each KEN-553 Price/1 Price/1 38 (1 /2) 10.6 9.70kg
1 -8280K 15.16 10.46
16 4.5 -0374Z 6.86 5.01 25 x 40 x 20 60g -8120K 22.35 15.42
20 6.0 -0375A 8.12 5.93
25 7.0 -0376B 12.27 8.96
30 x 45 x 30 120g -8130K
40.5 x 57 x 35 180g -8140K
30.89 21.31
63.60 43.88
Deep Pot Magnets
32 7.0 -0377C 20.26 14.79 North polarity in centre
separated from opposing
Disc Magnets Ferrite Shallow Pot Magnets pole by a continuous slot.
Manufactured from ceramic ferrite material. Ideally suited for gripping
Nickle plated neodymium disc and block Suitable for holding machine tool
magnets Magnetic poles on applications. Supplied with
accessories with M6 threads or M5 x 1 threaded bore fixing
both faces, supplied in tubes. building into jigs.
Maximum working hole and keeper. *M3 x 0.5
temperature Heavy Duty L-bolt
100C. Diameter Depth
(mm) (mm)
Per 100
Order Code List Offer
KEN-553 Price/1 Price/1
Dia. x Depth Pack Order Code List Offer 9.5 (3/8)* 15.1 2.00kg -8290K 13.26 9.15
(mm) Quantity ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 17.5 (11/16) 16.0 2.70kg -8310K 6.56 4.53
Disc 20 (3/4) 18.0 4.50kg -8320K 7.39 5.10
3x2 10 -0514C 4.02 2.93 x Width Weight Order Code List Offer 27 (11/16) 25.4 9.80kg -8330K 11.34 7.82
(mm) each KEN-553 Price/1 Price/1 35 (13/8) 30.0 28.9kg -8340K 19.82 13.68
4x2 10 -0514F 4.55 3.32
4x3 10 -0514J 4.63 3.38 66 x 10.7 220g -7020K 17.24 11.90
4x4 10 -0514M 6.07 4.43 76 x 12.5 300g -7040K 18.87 13.02 Set
5x2 10 -0514Q 5.03 3.67 100 x 15.5 610g -7060K 36.33 25.07 2 each: 12.7mm button.
5x3 10 -0514T 5.41 3.95 1 each: 17.5mm deep button,
5x5 10 -0514X 7.72 5.64 J-bolt PIECES
20mm button and 20mm pot.
6x3 10 -0515A 5.74 4.19
6x4 10 -0515D 7.28 5.31
8x4 10 -0515G 9.60 7.01
9x3 10 -0515K 9.27 6.77
10 x 3 10 -0515N 9.82 7.17
10 x 5 10 -0515R 13.79 10.07
15 x 3 3 -0515V 7.59 5.54
20 x 3 3 -0515Y 9.49 6.93 Size Weight Order Code List Offer
20 x 10 1 -0516B 10.59 7.73 (mm) each KEN-553 Price/1 Price/1
Block 46 x 10.7 90g -8900K 13.26 9.15 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
25 x 10 4 -0516E 14.96 10.92 56 x 10.7 130g -8910K 10.38 7.16 of Pieces each KEN-553 Price/1 Price/1
25 x 10 4 -0516H 15.01 10.96 66 x 10.7 190g -8920K 12.23 8.44 5 90g -9000K 23.31 16.08
Page 1019
Trucheck Trucheck Plus Torque Testers
Torque Testers More flexibility than the basic TruCheck provides, the Plus adds a
The Trucheck is for click type torque wrenches and comes with a comprehensive range of features. With three modes of operation the
single measurement unit (Nm or lbf.ft). Only one button on the device TruCheck Plus is suitable for click wrenches, dial and electronic
to zero the display - simplicity itself! TruCheck has an accuracy of +/- wrenches and in Track mode will continually monitor the torque
1% of reading over it's operating range. Comprehensive range of 8 signal. Three torque units: N.m, lbf.ft and TruCheck Plus also
models available. has a user selectable limit feature. The operator sets the target
torque and tolerance and the instrument will calculate whether the
Drive Size: reading is within tolerance and indicate the result by illuminating one
43221 - 1/2 female square. of three coloured LEDs: yellow = low, green = OK, red = high.
43226 - 1/2" female square. Complete with RS-232 serial data output lead. The reading,
43230 - 27mm male hexagon supplied with 3/4 square drive socket. measurement unit and limit status (Low, OK or High) are output via
43237 - 27mm male hexagon supplied with 3/4 square drive socket. RS-232. Comprehensive range of 6 models.
43244 - 27mm male hexagon supplied with 1 square drive socket.
Drive Size:
43222 - 1/2.
43231 - 27mm male hexagon. Supplied with 3/4 square drive socket.
43245 - 27mm male hexagon. Supplied with 1 square drive socket.
Product Dimensions (mm) Order Code Offer Product Dimensions (mm) Order Code Offer
Number Range NBG-555 Price/1 Number Range NBG-555 Price/1
(D x W x H) (D x W x H)
43253 0.1 - 3Nm 64 x 175 x 72 -0431F 630.57 43250 0.1 - 3Nm 64 x 175 x 72 -0431C 700.64
43254 0.1 - 10Nm 64 x 175 x 72 -0431G 630.57 43251 0.1 - 10Nm 64 x 175 x 72 -0431D 700.64
43255 0.1 - 25Nm 72 x 175 x 64 -0431H 630.57 43252 0.1 - 25Nm 72 x 175 x 64 -0431E 700.64
Page 1020
Torque Calibration
Clear, easy to use scales. Specifically designed to set and calibrate
most makes of torque tools. Mechanism is totally enclosed in a die-
cast aluminium housing. Repeatable accuracy to 2% of reading.
Memory pointer and built-in needle shock absorber. Single direction
mechanism for clockwise use. The preferred and certified ranges of
these torque calibration analysers meet the specified measuring
range as detailed in ISO 6789 : 2003.
Supplied with
Traceable -6600K
Torque Range Scale Sub Order Code List Offer
ISO (Nm) Inch Divisions KEN-555 Price/1 Price/1
26-130cNm 36-180 2cNm/2ozft/in -6600K 574.20 528.26
0.8-4 7.2-36 0.05Nm/ -6640K 574.20 528.26
2.4-12 24-120 0.2Nm/ -6660K 574.20 528.26
5.0-25 44-220 0.5Nm/ -6700K 574.20 528.26
Ideal for applications where no electrical or air supply is available.
Enables precision tightening of threaded fasteners. Aids the
loosening of nuts that are corroded or seized. Accurate to within
4%, taking the uncertainty out of high torque tightening.
TN14: Input: 1/2 sq. drive. Output: 3/4 sq. drive.
TN27: Input: 3/4 sq. drive. Output: 1 sq. drive.
also comes
complete with
spare square
drive lug. Robust
ensures long life
with minimal
Page 1021
Torque Quick-Set Torque Drivers
Drivers 1/4 Micrometer style adjustment allows easy accurate setting.
Can indicate torque in two ways - measures and displays torque as it Slipping action at pre-set torque eliminates overtightening.
is applied, or measures and displays the maximum torque used, The adjustment ring automatically disengages when the tool is in use
after it has been applied. Ideal for the electronics, electrical and to prevent accidental adjustment. Stainless steel shafts. Anodised
domestic appliance industries. Stainless steel shafts coloured aluminium handles. Suitable for electrical, electronics and instrument
aluminium handles and scaled nylon dials. 1/4 hex drive. Dual scale. assembly works.
Manufactured to ISO 6789 : 2003. Manufactured to ISO 6789 : 2003. (Accuracy 6% of reading).
(Accuracy 6% of reading). Minor Type
Minor Type 1/4
Standard Type
Can be used with 1/4 drive. Sliding T bar supplied.
S500H 100-500 8-40 465g -8500K 144.57 133.00
Can be converted to a male end by using the appropriate adaptor.
Engineers Torque Can be pre-set to any torque value within range by using a Torque
Screwdriver Set Calibration Analyser. Can be fitted with impact-free resetting option.
PIECES Manufactured to ISO 6789 : 2003. (Repeatability at 6% of set
TorqueVario-S torque screwdriver set 13 piece compact set, torque).
essential for accurate and effective work. Ergonomic Soft Finish grip
for comfort during repetitive tasks, light, compact, modern design.
Calibrated, certified and traceable to EN 6789 with an accuracy of LS135H
+/-6%. Metal box with cut-foam insert contains TorqueVario-S torque
screwdriver, setter, bit holder and 10 of bits. Also compatible with
Wihas one piece torque blades for unrivalled access in tight spaces
Contents: handle 1.0 - 5.0Nm, 1/4 hex dr. universal bit holder, torque
setter screwdriver. LS406H
Screwdriver bits:
Phillips: PH1, PH2,
Pozidriv: PZ1, PZ2,
Torx: T10, T15, T20, Product Torque Range Weight Order Code List Offer
T25, Hex 3, 4mm. Number cNm each KEN-555 Price/1 Price/1
LS135H 2-135 12 200g -5700K 74.27 68.33
LS406H 6-406 36 300g -5800K 77.89 71.66
TT Torque Screwdrivers
Product Number Order Code List Offer Supplied with a 1/4 hexagon bit holder designed using a 4mm
Number of Pieces WIH-555 Price/1 Price/1
hexagon stem. Easy torque adjustment without the need of additional
26893 13 -6893B 118.00 106.20 specialist tools. All tools feature a lock to prevent accidental
adjustment of the set torque. Accuracy exceeds the requirements of
Torque ISO6789 (+/-6% for tools up to 10Nm). Traceable calibration
Wrenches certificate for the clockwise direction supplied with all adjustable
tools (not PTypes). Comfortable
Hex. Drive Adjustable Reversible Precision
1/4 1/4
and durable handle.
Page 1022
1/4 Square Drive
Slipper Wrenches
1/4Micrometer style fine adjustment with positive locking system. Automatic resetting with audible click when the wrench slips. Accurate
repeatability. Aircraft specification stainless steel heads, aluminium handles. Designed to operate in any environment from the toughest
engineering production line to fine finish assembly areas.
Manufactured to ISO 6789 : 2003.
Torque Wrench
Manufactured from high quality satin finish steel with a polished
steel head. Supplied with a fully traceable calibration certificate
and storage case. The desired torque value can be set, and is
displayed in windows on the handle. Supplied in
Manufactured to BS EN 26789 : 1994 and Federal GGG-W-686 Robust Storage Case
3/8 1/2
FXL320 1/2 60-320 45-225 2.57kg -6920K 121.40 72.84 FXL200/FXL320 -6900K 10.10
Square Drive
Torque Wrench
Reversible ratchet head. Click + Snap action indicates when the pre-set torque level has been reached. Engraved kgf.m and Nm scale on
barrel. Micrometer type sleeve allows preset torque values to be accurately set. Manufactured to ISO 6789:2003 (BS EN 26789:2003)
3/8 1/2
NEW Square
Overall Sq. Torque Range Order Code List Offer
Length Drive Nm kgf.m SEN-557 Price/1 Price/1
Drive Due 280mm* 1/4 5-25 0.5-2.5 -0300K 28.35 18.99
April 2016 365mm 3/8 19-110 1.9-11.2 -0400K 28.35 18.99
440mm 1/2 42-210 4.2-21.4 -0500K 32.82 21.99
Page 1023
Torque Wrenches
Torque Conversion Factors High quality chrome-plated, polished steel head and retractable torque
To International System S.I. Inch Metric setting lever. Click and Snap action indicates when the
From mNm cNm Nm lbf.ft kgf.m pre-set torque level has been reached.
mNm 1 0.1 0.001 0.142 0.009 0.0007 10.2 0.01 0.0001 Four easy read scales Nm, kgf.m, x10, lbf.ft.
cNm 10 1 0.01 1.416 0.088 0.007 102 0.102 0.001 Push through square drive connector to instantly reverse action.
Nm 1000 100 1 141.6 8.851 0.738 10.197 10.20 0.102 Knurled grip plastic handle. 7.062 0.706 0.007 1 0.0625 0.005 72 0.072 0.0007
Complete with factory tested calibration certificate, operating 113 11.3 0.113 16 1 0.083 1152.1 1.152 0.0115
lbf.ft 1356 135.6 1.356 192 12 1 13.826 13.83 0.138
instructions and torque conversion chart. 0.098 0.01 0.0001 0.014 0.0009 0.00007 1 0.001 0.00001 Supplied in a cardboard case. 98.07 9.807 0.098 13.89 0.868 0.072 1000 1 0.01 Manufactured to ISO 6789 : 2003 (BS EN 26789 : 2003).
kgf.m 9807 980.7 9.807 1389 86.8 7.233 100000 100 1 Accuracy = 4%.
EXAMPLE: To convert 10 lbf.ft to Nm, read across (units to be converted from)
and down (units to be converted to) as shown above to obtain
Torque Conversion Factor.
3/8 FTW011
Number of Units to be Converted x Conversion Factor = Total Converted Units
i.e: 10 lbf.ft x 1.356 = 13.56 Nm
Note: The unit Kilogramme Force (kgf.m) is also known as Kilopond (kp.m), 1kgf.m=1kp.m
3/8 FTW033
With Factory
1/2 FTW150
1/2 FTW250
1/2 FTW350
3/4 FTW800
Page 1024
Classic 1/2 Square Drive
Mechanical Torque Wrenches
The torque build-up can easily be recognised by three signals: S.208
Sight - see the wrench start to break, Touch - feel the point of torque, Click wrenches with fixed ratchet. NEW
Sound - the ratchet click'. Hard wearing mechanism. Push through Accuracy: 4%.
square drive connector for instant direction reversal. Easy to read Reliability of mechanism 25,000 cycles.
scale with clear markings in the handle. Retracting torque adjuster Ratchet with 72 teeth (5 increment) for use with sockets.
that cannot be altered by accident ensuring accuracy on repetitive One-way wrenches.
operations. Sensitive and sound click when reaching torque.
Supplied with sturdy blow moulded plastic box and calibration Automatic reset.
certificate fully traceable to national standards and suitable for Supplied with ISO 6789 calibration certificate.
ISO9000 assessment purposes. Supplied in plastic protection tube.
All wrenches conform to ISO 6789 : 1992. Square Drive
AVT100A 1/2
Model Sq. Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Drive Nm lbf.ft (mm) each BTL-582 Price/1 Price/1 Product Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
AVT100A 3/8 2.5-11 2-8 318 0.60kg -6057T 139.92 103.54 Number Nm Ibf.ft (mm) each FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1
AVT300A 3/8 5-33 4-24 422 0.75kg -6058W 139.92 103.54 10020 20-100 15-75 416 1.04kg -7472D 245.24 208.45
EVT600A 1/2 12-68 10-50 476 1.05kg -6354A 148.46 109.86 20040 40-200 30-150 479 1.22kg -7472F 245.24 208.45
HVT2000A 3/4 140-560 100-410 1130 6.60kg -6582F 550.72 407.53 34060 60-340 45-250 632 1.54kg -7472H 283.26 240.77
Dial Indicating
Torque Wrenches
Ideal for use in inspection and quality control, research and development, production and after sales service. Lightweight aluminium handles,
abrasive resistant bodies for longer life and easy read dual scale for observing the amount of torque applied throughout the tightening
process. Socket not included.
Manufactured to ISO 6789 : 2003.
(Accuracy 4% of reading).
Square Drive
3/8 10-50 7.5-37.5 380 0.70kg -1088J 137.53 110.02
1/4 20-100 15-75.0 505 0.94kg -1099K 137.53 110.02
1/2 60-300 50-220.0 593 1.42kg -1103L 168.84 135.07
1/2 60-340 50-250.0 685 1.48kg -1106F 168.84 135.07
Page 1025
Adjustable Torque All Norbar torque wrenches are designed and manufactured to exceed
Wrenches the following national and international standards:
BS6703: 1988, ISO 6789: 1992 & U.S.A.GGG-W-00686-C (GSA-FSS).
Square Drive Adjustable Ratchet & Fixed Head (Push-Through)
1/4 3/8 72 tooth fine ratchet mechanism which allows use in confined areas. Incorporating click sound and snap feel to indicate when
torque setting has been reached. Knurled disc on the ratchet head to reverse ratchet direction. Clear plastic handle protects the scale
from accidental damage. Torque setting can be altered by rotating the adjustment lever at the
base of the wrench. Pre-set P type versions available to eliminate the torque setting being altered
on the production line (see below). Fixed head
version has push square drive for instant
direction reversal. All with ratchet except
11125 which is non-ratchet.
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
11123 SLO 1/4 4-20 40-180 220 400g -1001B 102.96 82.37
11087 SLO 3/8 4-20 40-180 220 400g -1001D 102.96 82.37
11125 SLO Fixed 3/8 4-20 40-180 215 400g -1001A 102.96 82.37
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm lbf.ft (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
13640 TTi20 3/8 1.0 - 20 10 - 180 230 -1265F 89.84 71.87
13285 TTi20 1/4 1.0 - 20 10 - 180 230 -1264E 89.84 71.87
13658 TTi50 3/8 8.0 - 50 6.0 - 35 329 -1266G 93.04 74.43
13659 TTi50 1/2 8.0 - 50 6.0 - 35 329 -1267H 93.04 74.43
13440 TTi100 3/8 20 - 100 15 - 75 405 -1272N 96.25 77.00
13441 TTi100 1/2 20 - 100 15 - 75 405 -1273P 96.25 77.00
13442 TTi150 1/2 30 - 150 20 - 110 455 -1080E 99.46 79.57
13443 TTi200 1/2 40 - 200 30 - 150 505 -1274Q 102.66 82.13
13444 TTi250 1/2 50 - 250 40 - 185 560 -1082H 105.88 84.70
13445 TTi300 1/2 60 - 300 45 - 220 610 -1275R 109.07 87.26
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm lbf.ft (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
13043 60 1/2 8 - 60 5 - 45 320 0.75kg -1232B 121.79 97.43
13044 100 3/8 20 - 100 15 - 80 353 0.75kg -1233C 121.79 97.43
13046 200 1/2 40 - 200 30 - 150 442 1.05kg -1235E 138.67 110.94
13050 400 3/4 80 - 400 60 - 300 680 1.40kg -1108K 238.47 190.78
These new professional torque wrenches have been re-engineered to be even more accurate, durable and easy to use. Calibration certificate to
ISO 9000:2000. Factory calibrated to 3%. Ergonomic new handle with a high proportion of soft-feel, high grip material. Handle material and
lens resist all chemicals in common automotive, industrial and aviation use. Secure push/pull locking mechanism is quick and intuitive to use
and prevents accidental adjustment. Large scale window and long scale length for great visibility and accurate setting. Unique on a torque
wrench, the Timestrip gives a visual indication that the wrench is due for re-calibration.
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm lbf.ft (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
15012 PRO50 3/8 10 - 50 7.5 - 37.5 327 0.69kg -1422B 143.56 114.85
15013 PRO50 1/2 10 - 50 7.5 - 37.5 327 0.69kg -1424D 143.56 114.85
15014 PRO100 3/8 20 - 100 15.0 - 75 367 0.76kg -1428H 143.56 114.85
15015 PRO100 1/2 30 - 100 15.0 - 75 367 0.76kg -1430A 143.56 114.85
15016 PRO200 1/2 40 - 200 3.00 - 150 466 1.04kg -1431B 159.72 127.78
Page 1026
Adjustable Torque All Norbar torque wrenches are designed and manufactured to exceed
Wrenches the following national and international standards:
BS6703: 1988, ISO 6789: 1992 & U.S.A.GGG-W-00686-C (GSA-FSS).
3/4 1 Square Drive Industrial Adjustable Ratchet
Robust construction gives accurate results to 4%. Back break action indicates when specified torque has been achieved and
improves accuracy by reducing the possibility of overtightening. With calibration certificate fully traceable and suitable for ISO 9000
assessment purposes. With ratchet.
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm lbf.ft (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
12001 3AR 3/4 100 - 500 70 - 350 915 5.20kg -1501A 378.97 303.18
12006 4R 3/4 150 - 700 100 - 500 1090 6.30kg -1502B 402.89 322.31
12007 4AR 3/4 200 - 800 150 - 600 1140 6.30kg -1502F 407.00 325.60
12009 5R 3/4 300 - 1000 200 - 750 1470 7.30kg -1503C 412.76 330.21
12009.01 5R 1 300 - 1000 200 - 750 1470 7.30kg -1503Q 452.93 362.34
12012 5AR 3/4 700 - 1500 500 - 1000 1470 10.4kg -1504D 578.68 462.94
12012.01 5AR 1 700 - 1500 500 - 1000 1470 10.4kg -1504R 618.79 495.03
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm lbf.ft (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
14015 800 3/4 200 - 800 150 - 600 1035 5.20kg -2515P 837.95 670.36
14002 1000 3/4 300 - 1000 220 - 750 1250 5.80kg -2502B 837.95 670.36
14003 1000 1 300 - 1000 220 - 750 1250 5.80kg -2503C 905.35 724.28
14004 1500 3/4 500 - 1500 370 - 1100 1570 6.70kg -2504D 876.48 701.18
14005 1500 1 500 - 1500 370 - 1100 1570 6.70kg -2505E 952.56 762.05
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
11085 SLO/P 1/4 1-20 10-180 220 400g -1021B 98.28 78.62
11086 SLO/P 3/8 1-20 10-180 220 400g -1022C 98.28 78.62
11089 SLO Fixed 3/8 1-20 10-180 215 400g -1020A 98.28 78.62
11090 SLO/P 16mm (Spigot) 4-20 40-180 210 400g -1023D 98.28 78.62
the wrench must be set against a torque wrench analyser or similar instrument. Setting system is designed to discourage unauthorised
alteration. Coloured end seals are provided to identify the wrench to a particular operator, torque setting or calibration period. With reversible
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm lbf.ft (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
11164 60 3/8 8 - 60 5 - 45 305 0.60kg -1200L 109.06 87.25
11171 60 1/2 8 - 60 5 - 45 305 0.60kg -1200T 109.06 87.25
11139 100 1/2 20 - 100 15 - 80 330 0.70kg -1201A 109.06 87.25
11140 200 1/2 40 - 200 30 - 150 425 1.00kg -1202B 124.77 99.82
13057 300 1/2 60 - 300 45 - 220 662 1.25kg -1104H 146.73 117.38
13056 400 3/4 80 - 400 60 - 300 682 2.00kg -1110M 204.40 163.52
Page 1027
Presetable Torque Breaking Handle -
Spigot Type
Handle breaks at an angle of 20 and features a unique patented single direction mechanism, ensuring long
tool life and repeatable accuracy. Fitted with the new mechanical torque adjustment locking device.
Automatically resets when force is released and returns to the in-line position. Overall length: 265mm.
Manufactured to ISO 6789 : 2003. (Repeatability at 4% of reading tools above 10Nm and 6% for tools less
than 10Nm).
Compatible the Norbar
Mechanical Torque Adjustment Locking Device 16mm Spigot End fittings.
Easy-to-use locking device for the torque adjusting screws. Product Torque Range Spigot Weight Order Code List Offer
Does not rely on friction to arrest movement. Number Nm Size each KEN-555 Price/1 Price/1
Operated using a single adjusting key. BH25 5.0-25 44-221 16mm 415g -5900K 128.90 118.59
Adjustable Torque All Norbar torque wrenches are designed and manufactured to exceed
Wrench - Spigot Type the following national and international standards:
BS6703: 1988, ISO 6789: 1992 & U.S.A.GGG-W-00686-C (GSA-FSS).
16mm Spigot Adjustable Fixed Head
Accuracy exceeds all international standards. Traceable calibration certificate supplied to satisfy ISO 9000 quality systems.
Unmistakable signal when set torque is reached. For left- and right-handed torque tightening.
16 - 22mm Spigot Adaptor
Allows 22m spigot
fittings to be used
with 16mm
spigot wrenches. 16
Product Order Code List Offer
Number NBE-555 Price/1 Price/1
72000 -1494F 89.62 79.76
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
11126 SLO/TH - 4 - 20 40 - 180 210 400g -1301A 98.28 78.62
16mm Spigot Professional Adjustable
For applications that require a spanner fitting rather than a socket (i.e. hydraulic and pipe fittings). Robust construction gives accurate results
to 4%. 16mm diameter spigot for use with any 16mm diameter end fittings. With calibration certificate fully traceable and suitable for ISO
9000 assessment purposes.
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm lbf.ft (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
13018 60TH - 8 - 60 5 - 45 300 550g -1450M 91.95 73.56
13019 100TH - 20 - 100 15 - 80 340 600g -1451A 91.95 73.56
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm lbf.ft (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
15064 200TH - 40 - 200 30 - 150 445 650g -1445E 115.69 92.55
15065 300TH - 60 - 300 50 - 220 569 1.17Kg -1446F 133.87 107.10
Product Model Square Torque Range Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Number Drive Nm lbf.ft (mm) each NBD-555 Price/1 Price/1
11167 60THP - 8 - 60 5 - 45 288 0.55kg -1459B 87.51 70.01
11143 100THP - 10 - 100 8 - 80 315 0.60kg -1461D 87.51 70.01
11144 200THP - 20 - 200 15 - 150 405 0.78kg -1462E 97.07 77.66
11117 300THP - 30 - 300 22 - 220 645 1.13kg -1463F 129.36 103.49
Page 1028
16mm Spigot 16mm Spigot End Fittings 16mm Spigot Drives
End Fittings Ring End
Open End
Reversible Push-Through
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Ratchet Head Ratchet Head
each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1
16mm Bore - Metric Square Weight Order Code List Offer
8mm 100g -4300K 38.69 30.95 Drive each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1
Size Weight Order Code List Offer 10mm 100g -4310K 38.69 30.95
each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1 Reversible Ratchet Head
11mm 100g -4320K 39.73 31.78 3/8 190g -5550K 44.70 35.76
16mm Bore - Metric 12mm 100g -4330K 38.69 30.95
8mm 100g -2810K 36.51 29.21 Push-Through Square Drive Head
13mm 110g -4340K 38.69 30.95 1/2
10mm 110g -2820K 36.51 29.21 14mm 110g -4350K 38.69 30.95 290g -5900K 46.12 36.90
11mm 110g -2830K 36.51 29.21 15mm 120g -4360K 38.69 30.95
12mm 110g -2840K 36.51 29.21 16mm 120g -4370K 38.69 30.95 16mm Spigot
13mm 110g -2850K 36.51 29.21 17mm 120g -4380K 38.69 30.95 Drives
14mm 120g -2860K 36.51 29.21 18mm 120g -4390K 38.69 30.95 Blank
15mm 120g -2870K 36.51 29.21 19mm 130g -4400K 38.69 30.95 End Fitting
16mm 140g -2880K 36.51 29.21 21mm 130g -4410K 40.15 32.12
17mm 140g -2890K 36.51 29.21 22mm 170g -4420K 40.15 32.12 Fixed Square
18mm 140g -2900K 32.60 26.08 24mm 160g -4430K 40.15 32.12 Drive Head
19mm 160g -2910K 36.51 29.21 27mm 150g -4440K 40.15 32.12
20mm 160g -2920K 36.51 29.21 16mm Bore AF (Inch)
21mm 160g -2930K 37.82 30.26 3/8 100g -4450K 46.93 37.54
22mm 220g -2940K 37.82 30.26 1/2 100g -4460K 46.93 37.54 Reversible
23mm 220g -2950K 37.82 30.26 9/16 100g -4470K 46.93 37.54 Ratchet Head
24mm 220g -2960K 37.82 30.26 Product Square Weight Order Code List Offer
25mm 220g -2970K 38.82 31.06 Flare End Number each NBE-555 Price/1 Price/1
26mm 220g -2980K 39.82 31.86 Fixed Square Drive Head
27mm 240g -2990K 42.35 33.88
30mm 240g -3000K 42.35 33.88 29828 3/8 120g -1488C 36.91 32.85
32mm 240g -3010K 42.35 33.88 29827 1/2 160g -1488F 36.91 32.85
16mm Bore AF (Inch) Reversible Ratchet Head
3/8 100g -3500K 46.93 37.54 29830 1/2 280g -1488T 67.45 60.03
7/16 110g -3510K 46.93 37.54 Blank End Fitting
1/2 120g -3520K 46.93 37.54 29832 - 140g -1488W 33.78 30.06
9/16 120g -3530K 46.93 37.54 Blank Open End Fitting
5/8 140g -3540K 46.93 37.54 Weight Order Code List Offer 85242 - 90g -1489D 33.78 30.06
11/16 Size
140g -3550K 46.93 37.54 each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1
3/4 160g -3560K 46.93 37.54 16mm Bore - Metric
-3570K 46.93 37.54
-3580K 54.79 43.83
10mm 100g -5200K 41.59 33.27 22mm Spigot Square Drive
11mm 100g -5210K 42.72 34.18 3/4 fixed square drive.
220g -3590K 54.79 43.83 13mm 110g -5220K 41.59 33.27
1 220g -3600K 54.79 43.83 14mm 110g -5230K 41.59 33.27
11/16 240g -3610K 54.79 43.83 16mm 120g -5240K 42.72 34.18
11/8 240g -3620K 54.79 43.83 17mm 110g -5250K 41.59 33.27
13/16 240g -3630K 54.79 43.83 18mm 120g -5260K 41.59 33.27
11/4 240g -3640K 54.79 43.83 19mm 120g -5270K 41.59 33.27
22mm Spigot End Fittings 21mm
-5280K 53.96 43.17
-5290K 52.55 42.04 Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Open End 24mm 120g -5300K 52.55 42.04 Number each NBE-555 Price/1 Price/1
27mm 130g -5310K 46.93 37.54 29969 540g -1541E 129.44115.20
Manufactured from hardened and tempered chrome vanadium steel, with satin chrome finish.
Weight Order Code List Offer Oil and acid resistant high impact plastic handles. 6 (150mm) combined socket and blade
Size length. Overall length: 230mm.
each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1
22mm Bore - Metric
30mm 360g -4000K 64.96 51.97
32mm 370g -4010K 63.88 51.10
36mm 390g -4020K 63.88 51.10 Hexagon Weight Order Code List Offer
41mm 530g -4030K 71.89 57.51 Type AF each KEN-556 Price/1 Price/1
46mm 530g -4040K 71.89 57.51 4.0mm 80g -7400K 8.02 5.61
4.5mm 80g -7450K 8.02 5.61
22mm Spigot End Fittings 5.0mm 80g -7500K 8.02 5.61
Page 1029
Pro-Torq 3-Piece Professional Quality
Comfort Grip Pliers Chrome Vanadium Plier Sets
Manufactured from specially selected steels. The dual material grip
handle design allows the user to apply the greatest force with the
minimum amount of effort. Manufactured with a polypropylene core
for strength and durability with a soft thermoplastic outer for non-slip
comfort grip. Especially suitable for production line environments
where repetitive work is undertaken.
Chrome Vanadium
Plier & Wrench Sets
Manufactured from industrial quality chrome vanadium steel,
chemically blacked with laser etched markings and bi-material grips. Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Contents Number each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
3-Piece Plier
& Wrench Set Adjustable Wrench 205mm 501-108
Waterpump Plier Groove Joint 190mm 558-367 840g -9810K 33.95 18.67
Combination 180mm 558-346
Combination Plier
Adjustable Wrench
Heavy Duty
Page 1030
Combination Pliers Manufactured from specially selected
steels. The dual material grip handle
VDE Insulated design allows the user to apply the
PW2169 greatest force with the minimum amount of effort. Manufactured with
Maxigrip combination pliers. Polished head with ergonomic moulded a polypropylene core for strength and durability with a soft
dual material handle, incorporating anti-slip guards and palm grips for thermoplastic outer for non-slip comfort grip.
improved comfort
and control. Pro-Torq Combination Pliers with Side Cutters
Especially suitable for production line environments where repetitive
work is undertaken. Double polished head and joint.
DUAL Induction hardened cutting
HANDLES edges with serrated jaws for
gripping nuts
Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Length each ELL-558 Price/1 Price/1
PW2169/6 160mm (63/8) 205g -2350G 15.21 10.95
PW2169/7 180mm (7) 280g -2351H 18.26 13.15 Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
PW2169/8 200mm (8) 365g -2352J 20.29 14.61 Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
PW2169/10 250mm (10) 675g -2353V 26.38 18.99 165mm (61/2) 210g -6820K 15.21 9.13
180mm (7) 293g -4800K 16.63 9.98
PWSF2164 200mm (8) 370g -6840K 20.29 12.17
Drop forged from high grade steel, individually induction hardened with
a corrosion protected polished surface. Slip guard safety handles, Pro-Torq Insulated Combination Pliers
for use around live circuits not exceeding 1000V AC or 1500V DC. Especially suitable for production line environments where repetitive
VDC/IEC 900 work is undertaken. Double polished head and joint.
DIN EN 60900 for gripping nuts.
DIN EN 60900
1000VAC 1000VAC
Model Length Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) each ELL-558 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
PWSF2164/7 180mm (7) 280g -3051B 25.12 18.09 160mm (63/8) 226g -5140K 25.90 15.54
PWSF2164/8 200mm (8) 365g -3052C 27.38 19.71 180mm (7) 290g -5160K 25.12 15.07
205mm (8) 344g -5180K 27.50 16.50
1000V Insulated
Combination Pliers Universal Type Heavy
187.16VE Duty Combination Pliers
Cutting edges designed to cut all types of wire e.g. piano wire, soft Universal type heavy duty combination pliers with single cutter.
wire and modern materials etc. Long lever arm, offset pivot for Chrome vanadium steel with heavy duty insulated handle with slip
minimum cutting effort. High durability chrome molybdenum guard. Double polished head and joint.
vanadium steel, very hard cutting edges 61/63HRc. VDE tested. Serrated parallel jaws for gripping
To ISO 5746, NF ISO 5746. flat workpieces and
a serrated
curved jaw for Crimping
gripping nuts, Jaws
etc. Also with side cutter
with induction hardened
cutting edges.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
160mm (63/8) 200g -4520K 12.31 7.39
180mm (7) 275g -4530K 14.41 8.65
Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 205mm (8) 370g -4540K 16.34 9.80
Number Length each FAC-558 Price/1 Price/1
187.16VE 165mm (61/2) 195g -3187G 27.96 23.77
Tethered Combination
Combination Pliers
Heavy Duty
Vinyl Dipped
Model Length Weight Order Code List Offer Model Overall Handle Weight Order Code Offer
Number (mm) each BAH-558 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length Type each TAR-558 Price/1
B2628G-160 160 (61/4) 205g -4060E 25.24 19.69 TA101056 180mm (7) Heavy Duty 290g -1056L 43.94
B2628G-180 180 (7) 280g -4061T 26.80 20.90 TA101057 200mm (8) Heavy Duty 360g -1057M 46.14
B2628G-200 200 (8) 365g -4063K 29.88 23.31 TA101059 180mm (7) Vinyl Dipped 250g -1059P 33.60
Page 1031
Combination Soft Touch Engineers
Pliers Pliers - Slip Joint
Industrial quality chrome vanadium steel, chemically blacked. Hardened steel body with replaceable soft nylon jaws and bonded
Particularly useful for engineers and electricians. vinyl-coated handle. For use on delicate or finished components
Serrated jaws for gripping nuts, which normal steel jaw pliers would mark or damage. Dual position
bolts, studs etc. joint allows use across a wide range of diameters. With serrated
parallel jaws for gripping flat workpieces and curved jaw for gripping
nuts, pipes etc.
Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Universal Type Combination Pliers
Number Length each FAC-558 Price/1 Price/1 with Joint Cutter
187.16CPE 165mm (61/2) 195g -3187A 23.36 19.86 Chrome vanadium steel, bonded vinyl coated handle. Double
polished head and joint. Induction hardened cutting edges. Also with
Engineers Pliers - side cutter, serrated gripping and crimping jaws behind the head and
Slip Joint joint cutter for heavy Joint
duty wire cutting. Cutter
Chrome vanadium with a chrome finish and textured grip dipped
handles. With serrated parallel jaws for gripping flat workpieces and
curved jaw for gripping nuts, pipes etc. Dual position joint allows use Crimping
across a wide range of diameters. Jaws
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Unsleeved handles, for use in environments where bare metal
150mm (6) 190g -4630K 6.89 4.13 handles are appropriate. The handles are impervious to swarf, glass
200mm (8) 250g -4640K 7.57 4.54 chippings and are resistant to heat melting.
255mm (10) 405g -4650K 10.62 6.37
Page 1032
Long Nose Pliers Manufactured from specially selected
steels. The dual material grip handle
with Cutter design allows the user to apply the
Chrome vanadium steel, with bonded vinyl coated handle. greatest force with the minimum amount of effort. Manufactured with
Double polished head and joint with induction hardened cutting a polypropylene core for strength and durability with a soft
edges. Also with side cutter and serrated gripping thermoplastic outer for non-slip comfort grip. Especially suitable for
and crimping jaws behind the head. production line environments where repetitive work is undertaken.
Double polished head and joint. Induction hardened cutting edges
with serrated jaws for gripping nuts.
Jaws Pro-Torq Long Nose Pliers
with Side Cutter
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer DUAL
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 MATERIAL
140mm (51/2) 118g -3200K 14.53 8.72 HANDLES
160mm (63/8) 147g -3210K 14.74 8.84
200mm (8) 218g -3230K 15.89 9.53
Model Length Weight Order Code List Offer HANDLES
Number (mm) each BAH-558 Price/1 Price/1
B2430G-140 140 (5 2) 120g
1/ -4022G 27.09 21.13
B2430G-160 160 (6 4) 170g
1/ -4022R 29.11 22.71
B2430G-200 200 (8) 300g -4026R 34.97 27.28 1000VAC
soft grip handles. Carbon steel
forged construction. Linesman's Pliers
Meets ANSI
specification. PIECES
Model Length Order Code List Offer Number Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
FMHT0-70812 250 -9072C 16.44 12.00 3 -9830K 21.15 11.63
Page 1033
Manufactured from specially selected Bent Nose Pliers
steels. The dual material grip handle
design allows the user to apply the with Cutter
greatest force with the minimum amount of effort. Manufactured with Chrome vanadium steel, bonded vinyl coated handle.
a polypropylene core for strength and durability with a soft Double polished head and joint with induction
thermoplastic outer for non-slip comfort grip. Especially suitable for hardened cutting edges. Serrated jaws
production line environments where repetitive work is undertaken. with side cutter.
Double polished head and joint. Induction hardened cutting edges with
serrated jaws for gripping nuts.
Pro-Torq Long Nose Pliers with Side Cutter
Flat Nose
1000VAC Pliers
Ideal for general gripping especially thin materials. Bonded vinyl
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer coated handle. Double polished head and joint.
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Induction hardened cutting edges.
205mm (8) 212g -5060K 26.89 16.13
Serrated jaws.
Pro-Torq Insulated Plier Set
3 Piece Set
Double polished head and joint with induction hardened PIECES Notched
Number Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
3 -6980K 75.75 41.66 125mm (5) 91g -3150K 11.64 6.98
Page 1034
Long Nose Long Jaw
Pliers Round Nose Pliers
185.20CPE Bonded vinyl-coated handle. Double polished head and
Half-round straight nose pliers with narrow, finely serrated tips and a joint. Induction hardened cutting edges. The round
pipe-grip for reduced slipping. The pliers also feature a side cutter for nose jaws allow the forming of loops in wire
copper and hard steel wire (max 160kg/mm2). or thin strips of material.
Jaw width: 75mm.
Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Length each FAC-558 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
185.20CPE 200mm (8) 192g -3185T 30.87 26.24 160mm (63/8) 142g -3120K 15.42 9.25
Group 503
Jaw Order Code List Offer
Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Type KEN-503 Price/1 Price/1
Number Length each BAH-558 Price/1 Price/1
Straight -1240K 19.95 12.37
B2979D-180 180mm (7) 196g -4175F 34.29 26.75 Angled -1260K 21.45 13.30
Needle nose pliers with wire cutter, For medium-hard precision cutting edges.
serrated, straight pattern. Hardness 63 - 65 HRC.
Flat-round tapered jaws,
straight gripping faces.
Hardness 61 - 63 HRC.
Page 1035
Manufactured from specially selected Insulated Diagonal
steels. The dual material grip handle
design allows the user to apply the Cutting Nippers VDE
greatest force with the minimum amount of effort. Manufactured with Drop forged from high grade steel, individually induction hardened
a polypropylene core for strength and durability with a soft with a corrosion protected polished surface, slip guard safety
thermoplastic outer for non-slip comfort grip. Especially suitable for handles, for use around live circuits not exceeding 1000V AC or
production line environments where repetitive work is undertaken. 1500V DC.
Double polished head and joint. Induction hardened cutting edges. VDC/IEC 900
Pro-Torq Diagonal DIN EN 60900
Cutting Nippers
Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Number Length each ELL-558 Price/1 Price/1
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 PW773/5 125 (5) 0.17kg -2317T 18.26 13.15
145mm (53/4) 215g -5080K 26.28 15.77 PW773/6 160 (61/4) 0.21kg -2318V 21.30 15.34
160mm (63/8) 205g -5100K 26.08 15.65 PW773/7 180 (7) 0.27kg -2319W 25.37 18.27
205mm (8) 262g -5120K 31.78 19.07
Standard Diagonal Cutting Nippers
Cutting Nippers Side cutting plier with progressive edges designed to cut hard
Double polished head and joint. Induction material such as piano wire close to the joint and to cut softer
hardened cutting edges. Designed to give material as copper wire and plastic insulated
added strength at the point yet still wire at the tip. ISO: 5749 DIN: 5749.
fit into Finish:
confined black oxidised,
spaces. anti-corrosion
The cutting treated.
edge is offset
at a slight angle to the handles to
allow close cuts to a flat surface.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length Per 6 KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length each BAH-558 Price/1 Price/1
130mm (51/4) 0.75kg -3300K 11.01 6.61 125mm (5) 91g -3955A 30.07 23.45
160mm (63/8) 1.10kg -3320K 12.05 7.23 140mm (51/2) 121g -3956B 31.74 24.76
B2101G 160mm (61/4) 163g -3957C 32.43 25.30
180mm (7) 1.30kg -3330K 20.33 12.20
180mm (7) 217g -3958D 34.34 26.79
140mm (51/2) 126g -7224M 34.43 26.86
Diagonal 21HDG 160mm (61/4) 162g -7224R 35.19 27.45
Cutting Nippers Heavy Duty 180mm (7) 245g -7225B 37.26 29.06
200mm (8) 275g -7225F 41.02 32.00
Page 1036
Heavy Duty Pro-Torq
End Cutting Nippers End Cutting Nippers
For cutting hard wire. Designed for cutting wire flush to surface. Manufactured from specially selected steels. The dual material grip
Induction hardened cutting edges to cut hard wire. Special design for handle design allows the user to apply the greatest force with the
cutting wire not accessible from the side, and allows knuckle minimum amount of effort. Manufactured with a polypropylene core
clearance. Wire capacity BS3087 hard 1.6mm. for strength and durability with a soft thermoplastic outer for non-slip
Length: 61/2/165mm. comfort grip. Double polished head and joint. Induction hardened
Cable capacity max: 16mm2. cutting edges. Used for twisting
and cutting wire in the
Chrome vanadium steel with a satin finish. 140mm (51/2) 0.83g -4300K 14.98 8.99
160mm (63/8) 1.20g -4320K 24.62 14.77
Also have a serrated section behind the 180mm (7) 1.30g -4330K 22.23 13.34
head for gripping. Hard wearing
heavy-duty PVC safety handles.
Compound Action
End Cutter
Heat treated jaws with ground finish. Ergonomic bi-material soft grip
handles. Carbon steel forged construction.
Increased jaw force
for better cutting
Also with serrated gripping and and gripping
crimping jaws behind the head. Meets ANSI
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer specification.
Length each SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
125mm (5) 170g -4300K 6.58 3.95 Model Overall Order Code List Offer
150mm (6) 205g -4320K 6.92 4.15 Number Length STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
200mm (8) 270g -4340K 10.95 6.57 FMHT0-71851 190mm (71/2) -9073D 19.95 14.56
Page 1037
Heavy Duty Cable Cutters
Cable Cutters Drop-forged from high carbon micro alloyed steel induction
For use when cutting aluminium and copper cable, using a slicing hardened blades. Tough double tempered handles. For cutting
action. Manufactured from forged steel with PVC dipped handles. copper cable up to 10mm diameter.
Capacity: 60mm2.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
255mm (10) 516g -8220K 36.70 22.02 200mm (8) -5680K 23.95 14.37
Cutting Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length each ELL-558 Price/1 Price/1
10mm 165mm (61/2) 130g -5640K 11.76 7.06 PA1968/10 250mm (10) 590g -2124S 28.40 20.45
Cutting Weight Order Code List Offer Cutting Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Capacity Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
32mm 675g -8200K 138.00 82.80 32mm 335mm (13) 995g -9500K 201.00 120.60
Spare blades 75g KEN-567-5500K - 43.44 38mm 335mm (13) 995g -9510K 249.00 149.40
Page 1038
End Wire Stripper Manufactured from specially selected
steels. The dual material grip handle
VDE Insulated design allows the user to apply the
Drop forged from high grade steel, individually induction hardened greatest force with the minimum amount of effort. Manufactured
with a corrosion protected polished surface. Slip guard with a polypropylene core for strength and durability with a soft
safety handles, for use around live circuits thermoplastic outer for non-slip comfort grip.
not exceeding 1000V AC or 1500V DC.
Pro-Torq Wire Strippers
VDC/IEC 900 Double polished head and joint. Serrated parallel jaws
DIN EN 60900 and a serrated curved jaw. Also with side cutter
with induction hardened cutting edges.
Especially suitable for
production line
where DUAL
repetitive MATERIAL
work is
Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Length each ELL-558 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
PWSF1954/6 160mm (63/8) 160g -3040S 25.12 18.09 170mm (7) 223g -4900K 25.63 15.38
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
155mm (6) 166g -3590K 22.94 13.76 160mm (63/8) 199g -5200K 25.15 15.09
Page 1039
Spring-Loaded Soft Touch Wide Jaw
Slip Joint Water Pump Pliers Slip Joint Pliers
Manufactured from hardened and tempered chrome vanadium 8231 Ergo
steel with corrosion-resistant chemically blacked finish. Vinyl Simple push button jaw adjustment. Dual material handles for
grip for improved comfort and control. Replaceable soft grip durability and comfort. Short handle (160mm) for accessibility when
plastic inserts allow delicate or finished components to be gripped working in confined spaces. e.g. under sinks etc. Slimline 6mm head.
without damage. Eight position groove with spring-loaded Wide jaw opening: 51mm.
rapid jaw adjustment.
Overall length: 250mm.
Capacity: 40mm.
Page 1040
Pro-Torq Groove Plier &
Waterpump Pliers Wrench Set
Double polished head and joint with hardened steel jaws. The dual Overall length:
material grip handle manufactured with a polypropylene core for 150mm (6):
strength and durability with a soft thermoplastic outer for non-slip 3 Piece Set
comfort grip. Ideal for environments where repetitive work is Contents:
undertaken. Joint protector stops the handles closing chrome finish
together, preventing trapped fingers. adjustable wrench,
groove joint
waterpump pliers,
heavy duty
linemans pliers.
Overall Jaw Weight Order Code List Offer Number Order Code List Offer
Length Opening each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
265mm (101/2) 45mm 420g -6960K 19.09 11.45 3 -9810K 22.35 12.29
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Product Overall Order Code List Offer
Length each YMT-558 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length WIH-558 Price/1 Price/1
250mm (10) 380g -4660K 18.06 10.84 27416 250mm (10) -3440K 32.80 29.52
Page 1041
European Pattern Internal - Straight Jaw
Circlip Pliers
Industrial quality chrome vanadium hardened
and tempered. PVC cushion grip handles.
Coil sprung to aid operation.
External - Straight Jaw
Circlip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Circlip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Capacity Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
10 - 25mm 125mm ( 5) 65g -6520K 18.09 10.85 10 - 25mm 125mm ( 5) 65g -6500K 15.62 9.37
19 - 40mm 175mm ( 7) 135g -6570K 18.90 11.34 19 - 65mm 175mm ( 7) 130g -6550K 16.26 9.76
32 - 60mm 250mm (10) 265g -6620K 20.18 12.11 32 - 60mm 250mm (10) 250g -6600K 17.59 10.55
Circlip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Circlip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Capacity Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
10 - 25mm 125mm ( 5) 65g -6530K 19.04 11.42 10 - 25mm 125mm ( 5) 65g -6510K 16.14 9.68
19 - 40mm 175mm ( 7) 140g -6580K 19.98 11.99 19 - 65mm 175mm ( 7) 140g -6560K 17.59 10.55
32 - 80mm 250mm (10) 260g -6630K 21.26 12.76 32 - 80mm 250mm (10) 260g -6610K 18.90 11.34
Circlip Pliers
Long Handled
Industrial quality chrome vanadium hardened and tempered.
PVC cushion grip handles. Coil sprung to aid operation.
Overall length: 300mm (12).
Page 1042
Pro-Torq Reversible
Sprung Circlip Pliers Circlip Pliers
Manufactured from specially selected steels. The dual material grip These straight and bent nose pliers are reversible for both internal
handle design allows the user to apply the greatest force with the and external circlip insertion and removal, made from high grade
minimum amount of effort. These are manufactured with a carbon steel with comfortable insulated handles.
polypropylene core for strength and durability with a soft Straight Jaw
thermoplastic outer for non-slip comfort grip. Double polished head
and joint. Induction hardened cutting edges. Especially suitable for
production line environments where repetitive work is undertaken.
Sprung Straight Jaw Circlip Pliers - Internal
MATERIAL Circlip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
HANDLES Capacity Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
10 - 18mm 150mm ( 6) 110g -5870K 10.14 6.08
12 - 25mm 150mm ( 6) 110g -5890K 11.04 6.62
18 - 48mm 210mm (81/2) 200g -5910K 11.81 7.09
45 Angled Jaw
Circlip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
10 - 25mm 150mm (6) 100g -6050K 8.99 5.39
12 - 65mm 170mm (7) 140g -6070K 8.99 5.39
MATERIAL Circlip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
HANDLES Capacity Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
10 - 18mm 150mm ( 6) 110g -5880K 10.14 6.08
12 - 25mm 150mm ( 6) 110g -5900K 11.04 6.62
18 - 48mm 210mm (81/2) 200g -5920K 11.81 7.09
Circlip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Straight & Bent Nose 6 Piece Reversible Circlip Plier Set
Capacity Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Contents: one of each type and size as listed above.
10 - 25mm 150mm (6) 100g -6060K 11.25 6.75 Supplied in moulded carry case.
19 - 40mm 170mm (7) 140g -6080K 11.25 6.75
Sprung Internal & External Straight
Jaw 4 Piece Circlip Plier Set
Supplied in a plastic moulded carry
Contents 1 of each:
External straight jaw,
10 - 25mm and 19 - 40mm.
Internal straight jaw,
10 - 25mm and 12 - 65mm.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
4 490g -6090K 36.30 19.97 6 1.30g -5930K 63.30 34.82
Capacity: 10 - 50mm (3/8 - 2).
Straight (x2) The set comprises Straight
and Bent Nose, Internal
and External Pliers.
Circlip Weight Order Code List Offer Number Order Code List Offer
Capacity each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/ of Pieces KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
10 - 50mm 210g -6750K 22.30 13.38 4 -6160K 17.50 9.63
Page 1043
Pro-Torq Miniature
ESD Pliers & Cutters Side
View Head
Dissipative handles safely discharge any electrostatic Flat Nose
energy, reducing possibility of damage to sensitive
items. The dual material grip handle design allows
the user to apply the greatest force with the
minimum amount of effort. These are
manufactured with a polypropylene Bent Nose
core for strength and durability
with a soft thermoplastic outer
for non-slip comfort grip.
Electro Static Dissipative Long Nose
Needle Nose
Dual Material Grip
Micro Diagonal
Type Overall Order Code List Offer
Length KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
Flat Nose 130mm (51/4) -9120K 25.47 15.28
Bent Nose 140mm (51/2) -9160K 25.52 15.31 Diagonal
Long Nose 130mm (51/4) -9130K 25.35 15.21 Cutters
Needle Nose 140mm (51/2) -9150K 26.45 15.87
Micro Diagonal Cutters 110mm (41/4) -9060K 27.55 16.53
Diagonal Cutters 115mm (41/2) -9080K 28.60 17.16
End End
Cutters Cutters
Page 1044
Miniature Pro-Torq
Pliers Miniature Pliers
Made from high quality chrome nickel steel with induction The dual material grip handle design allows the user to
ground cutting edges. Double dipped PVC grips for user comfort and apply the greatest force with the minimum amount of
control. Used for delicate, fine and accurate work in a continuous effort. These are manufactured with a polypropylene
production environment. core for strength and durability with a soft
Spring loaded return for quick thermoplastic outer for non-slip comfort grip.
repetitive opening and Made from high quality chrome nickel
operator comfort. steel with induction ground cutting
edges. Used for delicate, fine and
accurate work in a continuous
Spring Loaded production
Return environment.
For quick, Spring-Loaded Return
repetitive work For quick, repetitive
and operator work and operator
comfort. comfort.
PVC Grips Dual Material Grip
Overall Order Code List Offer Overall Order Code List Offer
Type Length KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Type Length KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
Flat Nose 130mm (51/4) -7440K 9.98 5.99 Flat Nose 130mm (51/4) -1210K 11.98 7.19
Bent Nose 120mm (45/8) -7430K 12.20 7.32 Bent Nose 120mm (45/8) -1230K 15.26 9.16
Needle Nose 150mm (6) -7450K 9.98 5.99 Long Nose 130mm (51/4) -1240K 12.84 7.70
Needle Nose 110mm (41/4) -7460K 12.20 7.32 Needle Nose 150mm (6) -1220K 15.26 9.16
Diagonal Cutters 110mm (41/4) -7410K 10.97 6.58 Diagonal Cutters 110mm (41/4) -1250K 13.71 8.23
End Cutters 110mm (41/4) -7420K 9.98 5.99 End Cutters 110mm (41/4) -1260K 12.50 7.50
Set Set
Supplied in a cushioned Supplied in a cushioned, zip around case with elasticated
zip around case with tool loops to keep PIECES
elasticated tool loops to the pliers and
Page 1045
Miniature Glass
Plier Set Pliers
5 Piece Set PA1014/8
Used for precision work on a number Designed for holding and shaping glass. Handles are painted instead
of applications. Spring tensioned pliers of dipped to prevent the embedding of glass splinters.
suited for repetitive use. Fitted with
slip-resistant PVC cushion grip handles
and heat-treated stainless steel blades.
Pliers 42 - 45HRC,
Nippers 45 - 48HRC.
Set contents:
diagonal nippers,
Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
flush cutting 90mm (31/2); Number Length each ELL-558 Price/1 Price/1
bent nose pliers,
45 100mm (4); PA1014/8 200mm (8) 350g -2118N 23.34 16.80
pointed nose pliers,
100mm (4); Gas Pliers
round nose pliers, PA78/8
100mm (4);
Designed for gripping various sizes of pipework. Includes a joint
flat nose pliers, cutter and V notch to enable gripping of wire. With unsleeved
100mm (4). handles.
Carpenters Pincers
Revolving Punch Pliers Ideal for the easy removal of tacks and nails. Bonded vinyl-coated
Standard Duty handle, double polished head and joint with induction hardened
For producing cutting edges.
2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4 and
4.5mm holes in a wide range
of materials including card, PVC etc.
Hardened steel body with durable
epoxy coating. Six revolving punches
cutting edges are induction hardened.
Moulded contour grips.
Page 1046
Locking Straight Jaw Bi-Material
Pliers Handle Grip Wrenches
Straight Jaw Locking Pliers - Fast Release Rolled chrome vanadium steel bodies, drop-forged hardened steel
New patented fast release soft grip locking pliers. 2x easier opening jaws with corrosion-resistant bright nickel coating. The dual material
than traditional locking plier. Fast release mechanism can be opened handle design allows the user to apply the greatest force.
single-handed. No trigger release or pinch points. Anti-pinch pro-touch
soft grips for comfort and grip. Straight jaw allows maximum contact
with flat sided work pieces and is ideal for fabrication industry.
Overall Jaw Weight Order Code List Offer Type/ Overall Max Clamp Weight Order Code List Offer
Length Capacity each VIS-558 Price/1 Price/1 Duty Length Pressure Per 10 KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
Standard 125mm (5) 660Ib2in 1.90kg -7050K 12.12 7.27
175mm (7) 33mm 350g -1007R 14.76 12.40
250mm (10) 44mm 550g -1010R 16.96 14.25 180mm (7) 880Ib in 2.10kg -7070K 13.91 8.35
255mm (10) 1320Ib2in 5.50kg -7100K 15.99 9.59
Long Nose Locking Pliers with Wire Cutter - Fast Release Heavy 255mm (10) 2500Ib2in 6.00kg -7130K 17.91 10.75
Long, straight nose provides easy access in narrow, hard-to-reach Set: Details as above.
places. Available in two sizes. Number Contents Order Code List Offer
of Pieces KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
2 125mm (5) & 255mm (10) -7280K 25.60 14.08
Long Nose
Specially designed with long slim jaws to enable access to restricted
areas. With quick release.
Page 1047
Curved Jaw Locking
Grip Wrenches Pliers
Rolled chrome vanadium steel bodies, drop forged hardened steel Curved Jaw with Wire Cutter
jaws with corrosion-resistant bright nickel coating. The jaw opening Provides a better grip on round items such as pipe. Can be used as a
and clamping pressure can be adjusted with the knurled head screw. non-slip pipe
wrench or
as an
Capacity Overall Weight Order Code List Offer wire cutter.
(mm) Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Model Overall Jaw Order Code List Offer
0 - 63 235mm (91/2) 630g -8040K 19.94 11.96 Number Length Capacity VIS-558 Price/1 Price/1
7WR 175mm (7) 41mm -1007V 16.23 13.63
10WR 250mm (10) 48mm -1010V 18.65 15.67
Ideal Grip Wrench
Heavy duty chrome vanadium. With quick release. Two staged curved 3 Piece Pliers Set
jaw design for gripping small and large diameters. Particularly suited 10WR and 5WR have curved
to gripping rounded off nuts and circular objects. jaws and a wire cutter.
6LN is a long nose
straight jaw with wire cutter. PIECES
Set Contents:
10WR: O/length: 250mm (10).
Jaw capacity: 48mm.
6LN: O/length: 150mm (6).
Jaw capacity: 51mm.
5WR: O/length: 125mm (5).
Jaw capacity: 29mm.
Complete with kit bag.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Model Number Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Number of Pieces VIS-558 Price/1 Price/1
255mm (10) 600g -7270K 21.21 12.73 TVG73 3 -1026V 47.97 40.29
Parallel Plus Grip Wrench 3 Piece Curved Jaw Locking Pliers Set
Heavy duty chrome vanadium. With quick release. Self-adjusting lower Self-energising lower jaw provides three
jaw swivels into place. Grips squares, hexagons. times more gripping power, with no
slipping or stripping on any style nut or
bolt head. Unique curved jaw CR.
Hex key adjusting screw.
Guarded release.
Set Contents: PIECES
10CR: O/length: 250mm (10).
Jaw capacity: 48mm.
7CR: O/length: 175mm (7).
Jaw capacity: 38mm.
5CR: O/length: 125mm (5).
Jaw capacity: 29mm.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Model Number Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Number of Pieces VIS-558 Price/1 Price/1
255mm (10) 340g -7250K 27.66 16.60 10508020 3 -0053D 45.38 38.12
Page 1048
Long Nose Hose
Pliers Clamp
500A NEW Long rounded jaws with smooth section. For pinching off hoses
Five position slip joint system. Unlock trigger allowing smooth and without serration and gripping small sections of pipes. Invaluable aid
safe release. Easy to use and secure. Usable with one hand. for brake repairs on cars.
Machined groove in
upper jaw holds
small round
Chromed finish.
Nose Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Width Length each FAC-558 Price/1 Price/1 Capacity Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
17mm 250mm (10) 770g -3501R 59.84 50.86 (mm) Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
0 - 45 235mm (91/2) 640g -8460K 18.79 11.27
Single Setting Lock-Grip Pliers 0 - 100 300mm (12) 790g -8480K 21.00 12.60
Unlock trigger allowing smooth and safe release. Easy to use and Flat & Convex Grip Wrench
secure. Usable with one hand. Machined groove in upper jaw holds The convex jaw shape allows clearance around small obstacles and
small round sections. the broad jaw profile ensures that flat workpieces are clamped
Chromed finish. securely.
Nose Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Width Length each FAC-558 Price/1 Price/1
17mm 248mm (10) 770g -3501V 49.75 42.29
Capacity Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Large Capacity Lock-Grip Pliers
(mm) Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
505A 0 - 100 300mm (12) 810g -8420K 22.11 13.27
Five position slip joint system. Unlock trigger allowing smooth and
safe release. Easy to use and secure. Usable with one hand. Grip Holder
Machined groove in upper
jaw holds small Can be used as a normal C-type
round clamp or converts most 250mm and
sections. 300mm grip wrenches into a
Chromed versatile portable vice. Steel frame
inish. with butterfly adjustment screw and
Capacity swivel clamping pad.
up to 135mm. N.B. Supplied singly.
Nose Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Grip wrench not included.
Width Length each FAC-558 Price/1 Price/1
Page 1049
Sheet Metal Sheet Metal
Clamp Clamp
The wide jaws distribute the clamping force evenly to
prevent damaging the workpiece being handled.
The wide jaws distribute the clamping force evenly Quick
to prevent damaging the workpiece being handled. Lever
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length each VIS-558 Price/1 Price/1
180mm (7) 470g -8080K 24.59 14.75 8R 205mm (8) 550g -0023L 26.09 21.92
Deep throated, suitable for clamping sheet metal, Release
body panels and sills, with split jaws to allow maximum Lever
visibility and access to the working area when welding.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
280mm (11) 790g -8000K 29.27 17.56 Number Length each VIS-558 Price/1 Price/1
9R 230mm (9) 530g -0025W 31.05 26.08
Locking C-Clamps
Wide and deep jaw profile, clears obstacles Locking C-Clamps
to firmly clamp sections that a normal
grip wrench cannot.
Capacity Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Quick
(mm) Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Release
0 - 60 165mm (61/2) 240g -9270K 22.00 13.20
0 - 100 300mm (12) 890g -9280K 30.82 18.49 Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
0 - 260 460mm (18) 1300g -9290K 44.05 26.43 Number Length each VIS-558 Price/1 Price/1
0 - 400 600mm (24) 145Kg -9300K 73.82 44.29 6R 150mm ( 6) 220g -1006R 16.54 13.89
11R 280mm (11) 380g -1011R 29.39 24.69
18R 460mm (18) 1325g -1018R 42.23 35.47
Locking C-Clamps - Swivel Pads
Wide and deep jaw profile, clears obstacles
to firmly clamp sections that a normal Locking C-Clamps with Swivel Pads
grip wrench cannot. With swivel contact pads
to allow tapered surfaces
to be clamped.
Quick Release
Release Lever
Capacity Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Model Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
0 - 50 165mm (61/2) 0.30kg -9330K 24.20 14.52 Number Length each VIS-558 Price/1 Price/1
0 - 80 320mm (13) 1.00kg -9340K 33.02 19.81 4SP 100mm ( 4) 185g -1004S 16.89 14.19
0 - 125 360mm (141/2) 1.20kg -8670K 32.74 19.64 6SP 150mm ( 6) 250g -1006S 19.43 16.32
0 - 240 470mm (19) 1.45kg -9350K 46.25 27.75 11SP 280mm (11) 450g -1011S 31.67 26.60
0 - 400 630mm (25) 1.75kg -9360K 76.02 45.61 18SP 460mm (18) 1400g -1018S 43.49 36.53
Page 1050
Sheet Metal Spindle
Clamp Clamps
Fine spindle clamping adjustment enables accurate clamping. Swivel
joint clamping points allow tapered surfaces to be securely clamped.
Copper plated spindle and clamping points ensure weld splatter will
not adhere.
The wide jaws distribute the clamping force
evenly to prevent damaging the
workpiece being handled.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
length each SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Quick
255mm (10) 700g -7300K 13.77 8.26 Release
Welders Clamp
Deep throated, suitable for clamping sheet metal, body panels and
sills, with split jaws to allow maximum visibility and access to the
working area when Capacity Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
welding. (mm) length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
0 - 25 300mm (12) 300g -8720K 39.48 23.69
0 - 100 330mm (13) 800g -8740K 43.99 26.39
Table C-Clamp
Quick Five holes in base to allow fixture to work surface as a permanent
Lever clamp. Swivel foot to clamp tapered workpieces.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Lever
length each SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
205mm (8) 680g -7500K 16.40 9.84
Locking C-Clamps
Wide and deep jaw profile, clear obstacles
to firmly clamp sections that a normal
grip wrench
Capacity Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
0 - 100 300mm (12) 880g -8160K 37.05 22.23
Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Size each SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 length each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
250 x 73 x 165mm 1.20kg -7700K 28.43 17.06 305mm (12) 1.20kg -8120K 54.74 32.84
Page 1051
Axial Grip
For auto body repair and steel fabrication. Chrome steel body with narrow profile jaws for confined areas. Straight line jaw motion allows
clamping through holes. Push button release for one-handed clamp releasing. No provisional (or track) welding required to hold auto body
parts for assembly.
Flanged Lap Joint Clamp -J-Type
Clamps two flanged adjacent joints.
Jaw width: 18mm.
Throat depth: 7mm.
Page 1052
Plier Tools
A range of folding pliers with pen-knife style blades. Featuring knives, can/bottle openers, metal/wood files (single and double cut),
screwdrivers, chisels, saw blades, rules, wire benders, fish scalers, hook removers etc. Ideal for maintenance engineers, DIY enthusiasts,
fishermen and hobbyists. Manufactured from the finest quality steel.
MTM610: 6 Blade - 10 Function MTS1016: 10 Blade - 16 Function
All stainless steel construction, spring-loaded pliers, All stainless steel construction, easy to open blades.
easy to open blades. Folds down to a compact 30 x 115mm.
Folds down to a compact 20 x 70mm. Plier overall dimensions: 55 x 180mm.
Plier overall dimensions: 105 x 320mm. Functions:
Functions: 55mm scalloped edge knife with
35mm clipt point mini knife blade, 8mm chisel blade,
5 x 25mm flat screwdriver, 60mm wood cutting blade with hook remover,
bottle opener with 2mm flat driver, 65mm clipt point super sharp knife blade,
flat single/double cut file 5 x 22mm flat screwdriver,
with hook remover, 35mm reamer, 7mm flat screwdriver with bottle opener,
tin opener, serrated jaw pliers, 2 x 25mm flat screwdriver,
wire cutting jaws, spring return 70mm single/double cut file,
opener, key ring. awl/punch tool,
6 Blades 10 Blades
10 Functions 16 Functions
Model Number of Order Code List Offer Model Number of Order Code List Offer
Number Functions SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Number Functions SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
MTM610 10 -5010K 9.49 5.69 MTS1016 16 -5040K 16.62 9.97
8 Blades 10 Blades
13 Functions 15 Functions
Model Number of Order Code List Offer Model Number of Order Code List Offer
Number Functions SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1 Number Functions SEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
MTP813 13 -5020K 11.33 6.80 MTS1015 15 -5030K 12.88 7.73
Page 1053
Set No. of Font Overall Weight List Offer
Stamps Description Pieces Size (mm) Length each
Order Code
KEN-560 Price/1 Price/1
Drawn carbon steel nickel-plated hand stamps with chamfered edges 1.5 73 1000g -6400K 37.48 29.98
to prevent accidental damage to workpiece. 2.5 73 1000g -6410K 29.08 23.26
3.0 73 1000g -6420K 29.08 23.26
Positive Indent (Standard) Letter 4.0 73 1000g -6430K 32.59 26.07
A-Z 27 5.0 78 1600g -6440K 32.59 26.07
Plus & 6.0 78 1600g -6450K 37.48 29.98
8.0 80 3800g -6460K 66.92 53.54
10.0 92 4000g -6470K 86.95 69.56
12.0 92 4000g -6480K 114.89 91.91
1.5 71 330g -6000K 15.16 12.13
2.5 71 330g -6010K 11.49 9.19
3.0 71 340g -6020K 11.49 9.19
4.0 71 340g -6030K 13.04 10.43
Figure 9 5.0 75 540g -6040K 13.04 10.43
0-9 6.0 75 530g -6050K 15.16 12.13
8.0 83 1000g -6060K 26.50 21.20
10.0 90 1400g -6070K 34.80 27.84
12.0 90 1400g -6080K 46.17 36.94
Font Size Font Size Font Size Font Size Font Size Font Size Font Size Font Size Font Size
Numeric 1.5mm 2.5mm 3.0mm 4.0mm 5.0mm 6.0mm 8.0mm 10.0mm 12.0mm
Character KEN-560 KEN-560 KEN-560 KEN-560 KEN-560 KEN-560 KEN-560 KEN-560 KEN-560
No.0 -5010K -5110K -5210K -5310K -5410K -5510K -5610K -5710K -5810K
No.1 -5020K -5120K -5220K -5320K -5420K -5520K -5620K -5720K -5820K
No.2 -5030K -5130K -5230K -5330K -5430K -5530K -5630K -5730K -5830K
No.3 -5040K -5140K -5240K -5340K -5440K -5540K -5640K -5740K -5840K
No.4 -5050K -5150K -5250K -5350K -5450K -5550K -5650K -5750K -5850K
No.5 -5060K -5160K -5260K -5360K -5460K -5560K -5660K -5760K -5860K
No.6 -5070K -5170K -5270K -5370K -5470K -5570K -5670K -5770K -5870K
No.7 -5080K -5180K -5280K -5380K -5480K -5580K -5680K -5780K -5880K
No.8 -5090K -5190K -5290K -5390K -5490K -5590K -5690K -5790K -5890K
No.9 -5100K -5200K -5305K -5400K -5500K -5605K -5700K -5800K -5900K
List Price/1 3.19 2.38 2.38 2.72 2.72 3.19 5.58 7.32 9.68
Offer Price/1 2.81 2.09 2.09 2.39 2.39 2.81 4.91 6.44 8.52
Page 1054
Letter & 6 Wheel
Number Stamps Number Punch
Standard quality, with strength up to 800N/mm2. Ideal for rapid precise marking
Hardness at the engraving: 58 - 60HRC. of six figure numbers in one impact.
Type of characters according to DIN 1451. Manufactured from nickel-plated
carbon steel, knurled handle for
extra grip.
Manufactured from Sheffield tool steel nickel-plated.
With chamfered edges to prevent damaging the surface of the
workpiece. For making a clear permanent mark legible even after
subsequent painting or plating.
Positive Indent (Standard)
Page 1055
Precision manufactured carbon steel alphabetical and numeric-marking stamps with nickel-plated finish. For producing between eight and ten
clean uniform impressions in one impact, suitable for all batch and general-purpose marking. Each set contents tweezers to allow easy
handling of the individual fount blocks. The knurled grip fount holder has an impact resistant plastic hand shield to redirect the force of
miss-hits safely away from your hand preventing injury. Hexagon wrench for operating the fount retaining screw and 100 characters and
spaces according to the most common use. See diagram for exact character content. Supplied complete in a foam- lined plastic carry case.
Individual Nickel-plated Carbon Steel Founts
For use with holder shown below. 3mm character height. Character set includes:
Page 1056
Stencil Stencil
Sets Sets
Interlocking with sizes 40mm to 75mm manufactured from brass, Stencils manufactured from hard-wearing quality steel with precision
and sizes 90mm to 150mm manufactured from zinc. cut letters for a clean sharp image. Suitable for use with all paints
Available as a 0 - 9 numbered or A - Z lettered set. and marking compounds for marking packing cases with shipping
Numbered 0 - 9 details, loading/work bay walls for identification, car park spaces and
countless other applications.
Sets 0 - 9
Page 1057
Heavy Duty
Lever Action Riveter
Produces strong, vibration proof joints effortlessly. Replaces screws, bolts, ordinary rivets, brazing, soldering and welding.
Moulded comfort grip. Long nose design, ideal for use in recessed areas. With enamelled steel body with storage for four nozzles
and quick change wrench.
Supplied with nozzels: 2.4, 3.2, 4.0 and 4.8mm.
Supplied with 60 assorted aluminium rivets:
2.4mm (3/32), 3.2mm (1/8), 4.0mm (5/32)
and 4.8mm (3/16).
Spare Jaws
Contents Weight
Order Code List Offer
each KEN-569 Price/1 Price/1
Set of 2 10g -9100K 3.01 2.26
Spare Nozzles
Nozzle Weight Order Code List Offer
Riveter Diameter each KEN-569 Price/1 Price/1
2.4mm 10g -9020K 2.18 1.64
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 3.2mm 10g -9030K 2.18 1.64
Length each KEN-569 Price/1 Price/1 4.0mm 10g -9040K 2.18 1.64
260mm 840g -3000K 39.52 24.50 4.8mm 10g -9050K 2.18 1.64
Spare Nose Pieces
644 Size
Order Code List Offer
KEN-569 Price/1 Price/1
M40 -9300K 18.79 14.09
Nozzles Order Code List Offer M50 -9310K 18.79 14.09
Supplied KEN-569 Price/1 Price/1 M60 -9320K 18.79 14.09
M80 -9330K 18.79 14.09
M4, 5, 6, 8 & 10 -3080K 275.00 170.50 M10 -9340K 18.79 14.09
Rivet Nut
This attachment has been specifically designed to insert rivet nuts into sheet metal.
Rapid loading of inserts improves productivity. 1/4 hex drive makes it suitable for use with
cordless, electric or air screwdrivers. Robust moulded polycarbonate body with fluted sides
for extra grip. 26mm hexagonal moulding for gripping with a suitable wrench.
Complete with a set of three threaded mandels, M4, M5 and M6.
Replacement Jaws
Weight Order Code List Offer
Contents each KEN-569 Price/1 Price/1
Set of 3 10g -9120K 3.01 2.26
Replacement Nozzles
Weight Order Code List Offer
Contents each KEN-569 Price/1 Price/1
3.2mm 10g -9070K 2.18 1.64
Lazy Tong Riveter 4.0mm 10g -9080K 2.18 1.64
Nozzles Weight Order Code List Offer 4.8mm 10g -9090K 2.18 1.64
Supplied each KEN-569 Price/1 Price/1 6.0mm 10g -9092K 2.18 1.64
3.2, 4, 4.8. 6.0 & 6.4mm 2.30kg -3020K 112.00 69.44 6.4mm 10g -9094K 2.18 1.64
Page 1059
Chrome vanadium steel blades with magnetic tips.
Fitted with aunique dual grip triangular handle which has been
designed for improved user comfort, allowing more torque to be applied.
With convenient hanging hole in the handle for storage. Parallel Tip
To safely drive these screws, the tip of the
Crosspoint PZ/Supadriv screwdriver should be of the same width as
Crosspoint screws virtually eliminate the PZ/Supadriv has extra cutaways to help the slot in the screw head and fill it as well,
screwdriver slippage if the correct size is drive the screw. Favoured by the construction to minimise slipping and deforming the screw
used. The No.2 screwdriver would be suitable and joinery trade. DIN ISO 8764. head. DIN ISO 2380.
for most applications. DIN ISO 8764.
Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer
Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
3.2mm 75mm 25g -5425K 2.93 1.99 Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 T6 75mm 30g -5260K 3.04 2.07
6.5mm Stubby 40g -5420K 2.95 2.01 6.5mm 100mm 90g -5500K 4.65 3.16 T7 75mm 30g -5262K 3.34 2.27
6.5mm 100mm 85g -5430K 4.00 2.72 6.5mm 150mm 105g -5510K 5.20 3.54 T8 75mm 30g -5264K 3.55 2.41
6.5mm 150mm 100g -5440K 4.34 2.95 8.0mm 200mm 185g -5520K 6.47 4.40 T9 75mm 30g -5266K 3.87 2.63
8.0mm 200mm 170g -5450K 5.64 3.84 10.0mm 250mm 275g -5530K 8.01 5.45 T10 100mm 60g -5268K 4.00 2.72
10.0mm 250mm 240g -5460K 6.00 4.08 10.0mm 300mm 305g -5550K 9.71 6.60 T15 100mm 60g -5270K 4.49 3.05
T20 100mm 25g -5272K 5.01 3.41
For Pro-Torq Screwdriver Sets, See Next Page . . . T25
100mm 85g -5274K
100mm 85g -5276K
5.37 3.65
5.92 4.03
FatMax Sets
Screwdrivers Parallel - 3 x 100mm, 3.5 x 75mm.
Soft grip handles and smooth domed ends to allow added comfort and a fast spinning action. Flared - 5.5 x 100mm, 8 x 150mm.
Chrome vanadium shaft. Colour coded end allows for easy identification of the correct PZ - PZ0 x 75mm, PZ1 x 100mm,
screwdriver for each screw type. PZ2 x 125mm.
Parallel - 3 x 50mm, 4 x 100mm,
6.5 x 30mm. Flared - 5.5 x 100mm,
6.5 x 150mm, 8 x 150mm.
Crosspoint PZ/Supadriv PZ - PZ0 x 75mm, PZ1 x 100mm, PZ2 x
Product Tip Blade Order Code List Offer 5-65-426
Number Size Length STN-572 Price/1 Price/1 Product Tip Blade Order Code List Offer
Number Size Length STN-572 Price/1 Price/1 Parallel - 2.5mm x 50mm,
1-65-204 PH00 50mm -1250L 3.85 2.85 4.0mm x 100mm, 5.5mm x 150mm,
1-65-206 PH0 75mm -1250Z 4.10 3.03 1-65-319 PZ0 75mm -1255D 4.10 3.03
1-65-207 PH1 100mm -1251M 4.68 3.46 1-65-335 PZ1 100mm -1255R 4.68 3.46 6.5mm x 30mm (stubby).
1-65-209 PH2 125mm -1253B 6.42 4.75 1-65-337 PZ2 125mm -1257F 5.85 4.33 Flared - 5.5mm x 100mm,
1-65-316 PH3 150mm -1254C 7.01 5.19 1-65-338 PZ3 150mm -1257T 7.01 5.19 8.0mm x 150mm.
1-65-317 PH4 200mm -1254Q 9.34 6.91 1-65-339 PZ4 200mm -1258G 9.34 6.91
1-65-224 PH2 250mm -1253P 7.01 5.19 1-65-336 PZ1 250mm -1256S 5.85 4.33 Phillips - PH.0 x 75mm, PH.1 x 100mm,
1-65-406 PH1 30mm* -1262Z 3.50 2.59 1-65-408 PZ1 30mm* -1264A 3.50 2.59 PH.2 x 125mm.
1-65-407 PH2 30mm* -1263M 4.68 3.46 1-65-409 PZ2 30mm* -1264N 4.68 3.46 PZ - PZ.0 x 75mm, PZ.1 x 100mm,
* = Stubby * = Stubby PZ.2 x 125mm.
Parallel Tip
Product No. of Order Code List Offer
Product Tip Blade Order Code List Offer Number Pieces Weight STN-572 Price/1 Price/1
Flared Number Size Length STN-572 Price/1 Price/1 5-65-425 7 590g -1267R 24.47 18.11
1-65-006 2.5mm 50mm -1242C 2.91 2.15 5-65-424 9 950g -1267D 37.46 27.72
Product Tip Blade Order Code List Offer 1-64-978 3mm 50mm -1240A 3.25 2.41 5-65-426 12 1001g -1267X 42.32 31.32
Number Size Length STN-572 Price/1 Price/1 1-65-008 3mm 100mm -1242Q 3.74 2.77
1-65-477 2.5mm 50mm -1265P 2.91 2.15 1-64-979 3mm 150mm -1240N 4.10 3.03 TXS
1-65-016 4mm 100mm -1243D 4.10 3.03 1-64-983 3.5mm 75mm -1241B 3.50 2.59
1-65-098 5.5mm 100mm -1246V 4.68 3.46 1-64-984 3.5mm 100mm -1241P 3.85 2.85 Product Tip Blade Order Code List Offer
1-65-141 6.5mm 150mm -1249K 6.42 4.75 1-65-017 4mm 100mm -1243R 4.10 3.03 Number Size Length STN-572 Price/1 Price/1
1-65-137 8mm 150mm -1247H 7.01 5.19 1-65-093 4mm 150mm -1244E 4.10 3.03 1-65-340 TT10 75mm -1258V 4.68 3.46
1-65-138 8mm 175mm -1247W 7.61 5.63 1-65-476 5.5mm 125mm -1265B 4.92 3.64 1-65-395 TT15 75mm -1261K 5.24 3.88
1-65-139 10mm 200mm -1248J 8.18 6.05 1-65-094 5.5mm 150mm -1244S 5.02 3.71 1-65-396 TT20 100mm -1261Y 5.85 4.33
1-65-143 12mm 250mm -1249Y 9.34 6.91 1-65-097 6mm 200mm -1245T 7.01 5.19 1-65-397 TT25 100mm -1262L 6.42 4.75
Page 1060
Chrome vanadium steel blades with magnetic tips. Fitted with a unique dual grip triangular handle designed for improved user comfort,
allowing more torque to be applied. Manufactured with hanging hole in the handle for storage. DIN ISO 2380/8764.
6-Piece Set Contents (mm): 6-Piece Set Contents (mm): 8-Piece Set Contents (mm):
Crosspoint: No.1 x 75, No.2 x 100. PZ: No.1 x 75, No.2 x 100. Crosspoint: No.1 x 75, No.2 x 100,
6 6 8
Flared: 6.3 x 100, 8.0 x 200. Flared: 6.5 x 150, 10.0 x 250. No.3 x 150.
Parallel: 5.0 x 75, 5.0 x 150. Parallel: 5.5 x 100, 5.5 x 200. PZ: No.2 x 100.
Flared: 6.3 x 150, 9.5 x 250.
PIECES PIECES Parallel: 5.0 x 100, 5.0 x 200. PIECES
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
6 810g -5970K 19.38 11.63 6 925g -5975K 20.64 12.38 8 1280g -5990K 30.47 18.28
8-Piece Set Contents (mm): 8-Piece Set Contents (mm): 12-Piece Set Contents (mm):
Crosspoint: No.1 x 75, No.2 x 100. Crosspoint: No.2 x stubby, No.2 x 100. Crosspoint: No.2 x stubby, No.2 x 100,
PZ: No.2 x 100. PZ: No.1 x 75, No.2 x 100, No.3 x 150, No.3 x 150.
Flared: 6.3 stubby, 6.3 x 100, 8.0 x 200. Flared: 6.3 x 150, 8.0 x 200. PZ: No.1 x 75 No.2 x 100 No.3 x 150.
8 8
Parallel: 5.0 x 75, 5.0 x 150. Parallel: 5.0 x 150. Flared: 6.3 x stubby, 6.3 x 150, 9.5 x 250.
Parallel: 5.0 x 100, 5.0 x 200, 5.0 x 250.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
8 1010g -6000K 25.56 15.34 8 1105g -6010K 31.29 18.77 12 1660g -6020K 48.00 28.80
12-Piece Set Contents (mm): 12-Piece Set Contents (mm): 9-Piece TX Set Contents (mm):
Crosspoint: No.2 x stubby, No.1 x 75, Crosspoint: No.1 x 75, No.2 x stubby, TX: T6 x 75, T7 x 75, T8 x 75,
No.2 x 100, No.3 x 150. No.2 x 100. T9 x 75, T10 x 100, T15 x 100, PIECES
PZ: No.2 x 100, No.3 x 150. Flared: 6.3 x stubby, 6.3 x 100, 6.3 x 150, T20 x 100, T25 x 100, T30 x 100.
Flared: 6.3 x stubby, 6.3 x 150, 8.0 x 200. 8.0 x 200, 9.5 x 250.
Parallel: 5.0 x 75, 5.0 x 150, 5.0 x 250. Parallel: 5.0 x 75, 5.0 x 100, TX
5.0 x 200, 5.0 x 250.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
12 1467g -6030K 45.81 27.49 12 1581g -6040K 42.54 25.52 9 790g -6050K 35.22 21.13
Page 1061
Engineers &
Electricians Screwdrivers
With a traditional fluted design handle. High quality steel blades with satin finish. Magnetic tips, hardened and ground to prolong tool life.
This range offers the widest choice of blade selection and blade length. The high impact plastic handles are acid and oil resistant.
A comprehensive selection to meet the demands of modern industry.
DIN ISO 2380/8764.
6.5 stubby, 3.2 x 100, No.1 stubby, 6.5 stubby, 3.2 x 75, No.0 x 75, 6.5 stubby, 3.2 x 75, No.0 x 75,
6.5 x 100, 5.5 x 150. No.1 x 75, 6.5 x 100, 3.2 x 150, No.1 stubby, 6.5 x 100, 3.2 x 150. No.1 stubby,
6.5 x 150, No.2 stubby, 8.0 x 200, 5.5 x 75, No.1 x 75, 8.0 x 200. No.1 x 75,
10.0 x 250. No.2 x 100, 10.0 x 250. 5.5 x 150. No.2 stubby, No.2 stubby,
No.3 x 150. No.2 x 100, No.2 x 100,
No.3 x 150, No.3 x 150,
No.4 x 200.
11 15 12
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
11 1.0kg -9900K 35.62 21.37 15 1.39kg -9920K 48.67 29.20 12 1.05kg -5940K 38.79 23.27
Page 1062
Designed for maximum grip under load application. The red moulded cushion grip gives optimum
operator comfort. Ideal for assembly work. Tough alloy steel blades with satin finish.
Magnetic tips, hardened and ground to prolong tool life. DIN ISO 2380/8764.
*Flat blades have hexagon bolster to allow higher torque to be applied via a spanner.
Crosspoint PZ/Supadriv Flared Tip, Round Blade
Crosspoint screws virtually eliminate the PZ/Supadriv has extra cutaways to help Slotted head screws are the most commonly
screwdriver slippage if the correct size is drive the screw. Favoured by the construction used screw. To safely drive these screws, the
used. The No.2 driver is suitable for most and joinery trade. DIN ISO 8764. tip of the screwdriver should be of the same
applications. DIN ISO 8764. width as the slot in the screw head and fill it
as well, to minimise slipping and deforming
the screw head. DIN ISO 2380.
Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer
Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
No.0 75mm 35g -0000K 2.44 1.66 Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer 6.5mm Stubby 65g -0320K 2.53 1.72
No.1 75mm 75g -0010K 2.96 2.01 Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 6.5mm 100mm 115g -0340K 3.72 2.53
No.2 100mm 110g -0020K 3.21 2.18 No.1 75mm 75g -0210K 3.42 2.33 6.5mm 150mm 125g -0360K 4.13 2.81
No.3 150mm 170g -0030K 5.41 3.68 No.2 100mm 110g -0220K 3.89 2.65 8.0mm 200mm 195g -0380K 4.84 3.29
8 11
No.2 Stubby 65g -0120K 3.02 2.05 No.3 150mm 170g -0230K 5.41 3.68 10.0mm 250mm 265g -0400K 7.45 5.07
TX Set Contents (mm): Set Contents (mm):
TX head screws are used predominantly for Supplied in clear plastic wallet. Supplied in clear plastic wallet.
engineering and automotive applications. No.1 x 75, 6.5stubby, PIECES T6 x 75, T7 x 75, T8 x 75, PIECES
The design of the screw allows high torque No.2 stubby, FLARED 6.5x100, TX T9 x 75, T10 x 75, T15 x 100,
levels to be applied without the driver slipping POINT No.2 x 100 6.5x150 T20 x 100, T25 x 100, T27 x 100,
potentially damaging the components. No.3 x 150. 10.0x250. T30 x 100 and T40 x 100.
Set Contents (mm):
Supplied in clear plastic wallet.
6.5stubby, No.2 x 100 PIECES
FLARED 6.5x100, CROSS No.3 x 150.
6.5x150, POINT
Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer
Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 No.1 x 75,
T6 75mm 40g -6060K 2.88 1.96 PZ
No.2 x 100
T7 75mm 40g -6070K 3.06 2.08 No.3 x 150.
T8 75mm 40g -6080K 3.23 2.20 No.1 x 75,
T9 75mm 40g -6090K 3.47 2.36 No.2 stubby,
T10 75mm 40g -6100K 3.61 2.45
T15 100mm 80g -6150K 4.05 2.75 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
T20 100mm 800g -6200K 4.51 3.07 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
T25 100mm 110g -6250K 4.84 3.29 8 1.05kg -9870K 30.11 18.07 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
T30 100mm 110g -6300K 5.32 3.62 12 1.58kg -0490K 36.35 21.81 11 830g -6450K 34.11 23.19
Cabinet Screwdrivers
Traditional design cabinet screwdrivers with matt grey high impact plastic handles to ensure a firm yet comfortable grip
allowing constant use, giving maximum torque. Chrome alloy steel blades with satin finish.
Magnetic tips, hardened and ground to prolong tool life.
DIN ISO 2380/8764.
No.3 150mm 165g -7030K 5.41 3.68
Group 573
PZ/Supadriv has extra cutaways to help
drive the screw. Favoured by the construction PIECES
and joinery trade. DIN ISO 8764.
Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer
Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
6.5mm Stubby 55g -7320K 2.53 1.72
Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer 5.5mm 75mm 65g -7330K 2.42 1.65
Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 6.5mm 100mm 90g -7340K 3.98 2.71
No.1 75mm 65g -7210K 3.42 2.33 6.5mm 150mm 105g -7360K 4.45 3.03 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
No.2 100mm 90g -7220K 3.89 2.65 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
8.0mm 200mm 185g -7380K 5.54 3.77
No.3 150mm 165g -7230K 5.41 3.68 10.0mm 250mm 250g -7400K 6.86 4.66 12 1.45kg -7490K 50.44 30.26
Page 1063
Hi-Grip Pound Thru Pound Thru Set
Supplied in display box.
Screwdrivers No.1 x 75,
Through blade screwdriver No.2 x 100,
with chrome vanadium steel blades and striking heads, suitable for CROSS
POINT No.3 x 150.
striking with a hammer to free up seized screws.
Fully hardened magnetic tips. 6 x 100,
Comfortable moulded grip. Hexagon blades. 6 x 150,
DIN ISO 2380/8764. FLARED
8 x 200,
9.5 x 250.
Crosspoint Flared Tip
Crosspoint screws virtually eliminate the Slotted head screws are the most commonly
screwdriver slippage if the correct size is used screw. To safely drive these screws,
used. The No.2 screwdriver would be suitable the tip of the screwdriver should be of the
for most applications. DIN ISO 8764. same width as the slot in the screw head and
fill it as well, to minimise slipping and
deforming the screw head. Hexagon blades.
DIN ISO 2380.
Tethered Protwist
Screwdrivers Screwdrivers
Conforms to DIN ISO 2380-2, blade tip Good torque transmission and fast screwing speed. Natural grip,
DIN ISO 2380-1 Form A. Blade in vanadium plus steel. excellent comfort. Soft polyurethane zone, polymide core for
high resistance to impact, stress, abrasion and chemical agents.
Screwdrivers AN/ANF
For slotted heads - machined blades (ANF10 x 200 has forged blade
for optimum tip grain structure). Round shank allows reach into
recesses. Matt chrome blade, hardened black tip. Extra-long blades
for increased accessibility.
ANF 10.0 200mm -4824K 13.03 11.08
8 Piece Set Contents:
Slotted 4, 5.5, 6.5, and 8 x 75mm.
Phillips PH1 and PH2 x75mm. PIECES
Flat Tip Pozi PZ1 and PZ2 x 75mm.
10 Piece Set Contents:
Slotted AW round blades:
2.5 x 75, 3.5 x 100, 5.5 x 1.25mm.
Product Tip Blade Order Code Offer Slotted AW hexagonal blades:
Number Size Length TAR-572 Price/1 6.5 x 150, 8.0 x 175mm. PIECES
TA100939 3.0 80mm -0939S 8.83 Phillips: PH0 x 75, PH1 x 100,
TA100940 4.0 100mm -0940T 9.57 PH2 x 125mm.
TA100941 5.5 125mm -0941V 12.83 Pozidriv: PZ1 x 100,
TA100942 6.5 150mm -0942W 13.73 PZ2 x 125mm.
TA100943 8.0 175mm -0943X 17.28
13 Piece Set Contents:
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Protwist Insulated Interchangeable
Screwdrivers Screwdriver Set
MOD.A1VE - 8 Piece Insulated Screwdriver Set Ergonomic insulated full size handle, swivel cap and eight interchangeable drivers supplied in
Screwdrivers built for electrical safety to a compact protective pouch with belt loop. 2-in-1 design, use the detachable swivel cap for
European Standard EN 60900 specifications, fast (low torque) driving,
and designed for working on live components or use the full size detachable ergonomic
up to 1,000 V AC and 1,500 V DC. handle for
higher torque
8-Piece Set Contents:
Slotted: Safe up to 1000V AC/1500V DC.
A3.5 x 100VE,
A4 x 100VE,
A5.5 x 100VE, PIECES
A6.5 x 150VE.
AP1 x 100VE, 10-Piece Set Contents (mm):
AP2 x 125VE. 0.4 x 2.5 x 100mm,
0.5 x 3.0 x 100mm,
AD1 x 100VE, 0.8 x 4.0 x 100mm,
AD2 x 125VE. 1.0 x 5.5 x 100mm and
1.2 x 6.5 x 100mm.
No.0 x 100mm,
No.1 x 100mm and
POINT No.2 x 100mm.
Number Blade Order Code LIst Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces Length FAC-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
8 75mm -7515M 100.61 85.52 10 365g -5870K 38.22 22.93
the screw head.
Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer
Tip Blade Weight Order CodeList Offer Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 2.5mm 75mm 20g -7940K 4.04 2.75
No.0 60mm 20g -7900K 4.05 2.75 4.0mm 100mm 60g -7950K 4.49 3.05 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
No.1 80mm 60g -7910K 5.01 3.41 5.5mm 125mm 75g -7960K 5.20 3.54 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
No.2 100mm 90g -7920K 5.86 3.98 6.5mm 150mm 110g -7970K 6.14 4.18 7 715g -8000K 30.99 18.59
plastic wallet.
2.5 x 85,
4.0 x 100,
PARALLEL 5.5 x 125,
Crosspoint Parallel Tip 6.5 x 150mm.
Crosspoint screws virtually eliminate the Slotted head screws are the most commonly
screwdriver slippage if the correct size is used screw. The tip of the screwdriver should No.0 x 75,
used. The No.2 driver is suitable for most be of the same width as the slot in the screw CROSS
No.1 x 100,
applications. head and fill it as well, to minimise slipping. POINT No.2 x 100mm.
Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer PIECES
Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
Size Length each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 2.5mm 85mm 30g -5760K 3.52 2.39
No.0 75mm 27g -5820K 3.52 2.39 4.0mm 100mm 45g -5780K 3.83 2.60 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
No.1 100mm 50g -5830K 4.37 2.97 5.5mm 125mm 80g -5790K 5.49 3.73 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
No.2 100mm 80g -5840K 6.06 4.12 6.5mm 150mm 100g -5800K 6.48 4.41 7 495g -5900K 23.92 14.35
Page 1065
Ergonomically designed handles which are dual material and three-sided for improved torque and
reduced fatigue. Chrome vanadium steel blades with magnetic tips and
a hanging hole in the handle.
Featuring a classic slimline design favoured by the automotive industry. Black high impact plastic handles. Chrome finish alloy steel blades
with satin finish. Magnetic tips, hardened and ground to prolong tool life. Flat blades have hexagon bolster to allow extra torque to be applied
using a spanner.
6.3 stubby,
No.2 x 100 and
6.3 x 100, No.3 x 150mm.
Tip Blade Weight Order Code List Offer FLARED
Size Length each YMT-572 Price/1 Price/1 6.3 x 150,
No.1 75mm 45g -0710K 2.27 1.52 8.3 x 200 and
No.2 100mm 85g -0720K 2.86 1.92 9.5 x 250mm.
No.3 150mm 150g -0730K 4.07 2.73
No.1 x 75,
Flared Tip, Round Blade CROSS
No.2 x 100 and
POINT No.3 x 150mm.
Page 1066
Screwdriver Dual Grip Screwdriver Sets
Sets Comfort rubber grip handles with chrome vanadium,
Chrome vanadium steel blades with chrome-plated blades and magnetic tips.
magnetic tips. Acrylic handles.
5-Piece Set Contents (mm):
8-Piece Set Contents (mm): No.2 x 100,
6 stubby, No.3 x 150.
3 x 100 and CROSS
8 x 200.
3 x 75,
3.2 x 75 and 5 x 150.
8 Acrylic
5 Rubber Grip
PIECES Handles
No. of Weight Order Code List Offer No. of Weight Order Code List Offer
Pieces each SEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 Pieces each SEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
8 690g -9980K 23.50 12.93 5 600g -9050K 10.35 5.69
12 10
Acrylic Handles
No. of Weight Order Code List Offer No. of Weight Order Code List Offer
Pieces each SEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 Pieces each SEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
12 1.25kg -9990K 31.15 17.13 10 995g -9100K 18.67 10.27
6 x 150,
8 x 200,
9.5 x 300,
6 x stubby.
8 Acrylic
Handles 15 Rubber Grip
No. of Weight Order Code List Offer No. of Weight Order Code List Offer
Pieces each SEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 Pieces each SEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
8 580g -9890K 32.66 17.96 15 1.63kg -9150K 26.99 14.84
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Offset Double-Ended Mini Screwdriver
Screwdrivers Extra light duty screwdriver with magnetic tips. Designed for
Designed to give access into use on terminals and other electrical work.
otherwise restricted areas. N.B. Do not use on live circuits.
A versatile tool suitable for use
in many applications.
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Size each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 Size each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
No.1 x 3/16 20g -4210K 1.78 1.21 No.0 x 65 10g -5190K 0.92 0.63
No.2 x 1/4 30g -4220K 2.39 1.63 3.0mm x 65 10g -5220K 0.69 0.47
No.3 x 5/16 80g -4230K 2.98 2.03 3.0mm x 100 10g -5240K 0.69 0.47
Set - 1 each of above 140g -4250K 6.44 3.86 Set - 1 each of above 35g -5250K 3.62 2.17
Nut Spinners
Manufactured from hardened and tempered chrome vanadium steel, with satin chrome finish. Oil and acid resistant high impact plastic
handles. 6 (150mm) combined socket and blade length.
Overall length: 230mm.
7 9
4.0mm 80g -7400K 8.02 5.61
4.5mm 80g -7450K 8.02 5.61
5.0mm 80g -7500K 8.02 5.61
5.5mm 80g -7550K 8.02 5.61
Metric 6.0mm 80g -7600K 8.02 5.61 PIECES PIECES
7.0mm 90g -7700K 7.74 5.42
8.0mm 90g -7800K 7.74 5.42 BA METRIC
9.0mm 100g -7900K 7.74 5.42
10.0mm 110g -8100K 7.74 5.42 Sets
0BA (.413) 110g -1200K 7.74 5.42
1BA (.365) 100g -1210K 7.74 5.42 No. of Weight Order Code List Offer
Pieces Contents each KEN-556 Price/1 Price/1
2BA (.324) 90g -1220K 7.74 5.42
BA 3BA (.282) 90g -1230K 7.74 5.42 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
7 670g -9520K 38.30 22.98
4BA (.248) 80g -1240K 7.74 5.42 5 & 6BA
5BA (.220) 80g -1250K 8.02 5.61 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6,
9 720g -9620K 42.65 29.86
7, 8, 9 & 10mm
8 10
6BA (.193) 80g -1260K 8.02 5.61
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each S&J-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each S&J-572 Price/1 Price/1
8 455g -4980A 29.46 21.21 10 720g -4984E 39.96 28.77
Page 1068
Spiral Ratchet
Polished chrome plated body. 3-way ratchet. Quick release chuck, with swivel grip. Lacquered wooden handles. Chrome vanadium steel bits.
Supplied with No.1 and No.2 crosspoint and 5.5mm and 7.0mm flared screwdriver bits.
Order Code Offer
Bits Sizes KEN-572 Price/1
5.5mm Flat -8820K 1.41
7.0mm Flat -8840K 1.41
No.1 Crosspoint -8860K 1.41
No.2 Crosspoint -8880K 1.41
12-Piece Set Contents (mm):
Non-Insulated Volt-Tested
6.3 2.5 x 85, No.2 x 1/4 PIECES
stubby. PARALLEL
4.0 x 100, CROSS
5.5 x 125 POINT offset.
4.8 x 75, and No.0 x 75,
4.8 x 150 6.5 x 150. No.1 x
and 4.8 x 100,
250. No.2 x
1.0 5g -9100K 0.75 0.51 Type Tip Size Weight Order Code List Offer
1.2 10g -9110K 0.46 0.31 (mm) each KEN-572 Price/1Price/1
1.4 10g -9120K 0.79 0.54 PH0-4 5g -9200K 0.70 0.48
1.8 10g -9130K 0.53 0.36 PH0-3 10g -9210K 0.75 0.51
2.0 10g -9140K 0.88 0.60 PH0-2 10g -9220K 0.85 0.58
2.4 15g -9150K 0.93 0.63 PH0 15g -9230K 0.92 0.63
3.0 20g -9160K 0.98 0.67 CROSSPOINT
PH1-1 30g -9250K 1.02 0.69
3.8 30g -9170K 1.14 0.78 PH1-2 20g -9260K 0.94 0.64
Awl Magnet
Handle size:
90 x 7.7mm diameter.
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Type each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 Type each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
Awl 15g -9300K 0.66 0.45 Magnet 15g -9320K 0.66 0.45 7 -9000K 17.08 10.25
Page 1069
Jewellers & Watchmakers Tool Sets
Carbon Steel & Alloy Steel Blades
A quality range of precision screwdrivers. Combination tool and driver sets have carbon steel blades (tweezers are stainless steel).
Driver only sets have nickel chrome molybdenum alloy steel blades. All with attractive chromed handles.
Contents: Key Driver Set
1.0, 1.2, Contents:
1.4, 1.8, 0.9, 1.3,
PARALLEL 2.4 and 1.5,2.0
3.0mm. HEXAGON and 2.5mm.
PHO and
CROSS Fine point
awl and
tweezers. PIECES
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
11 220g -9040K 7.82 4.69 5 130g -9886K 6.40 3.84
11-Piece Set CARBON STEEL BLADES 6-Piece Parallel & Crosspoint Set ALLOY STEEL BLADES
Contents: Contents:
1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 2.0,
1.4, 1.8, 2.4, and
PARALLEL 2.4 and 3.0mm.
PHO and
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
11 210g -9050K 7.62 4.57 6 155g -9090K 6.47 3.88
Contents: Contents:
1.0, 1.2, PHO-4,
1.4, 1.8, 2.4 PHO-3,
and 3.0mm. CROSS PHO-2,
PHO-2, PHO PH1-2
and PH1, and PH1.
CROSS fine point,
awl and
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
11 225g -9060K 7.51 4.51
6-Piece Parallel Set ALLOY STEEL BLADES 5-Piece Nut Driver Set ALLOY STEEL BLADES
Contents: Contents:
3.0, 3.5,
1.0, 1.4, 4.0, 4.5
2.0, 2.4, HEXAGON and
PARALLEL 3.0 and 5.0mm.
6 5
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
6 155g -9070K 6.19 3.71 5 170g -9888K 7.12 4.27
Page 1070
Precision Screwdrivers
Expert quality, hardened and tempered chrome alloy steel blades with black magnetic tips. Fitted with a unique dual grip handle with revolving
top designed for added user comfort whilst allowing more torque to be applied.
6 9
Set Set
Alloy steel blades, black oxidised tips, dual material Complete with protective zip case.
handles for improved grip, revolving end caps.
Supplied in leatherette zip around case. Set Contents:
PIECES 1.4 x 40mm, PH0-3 x 40mm, PIECES
Set Contents: PARALLEL 2.0mm x 40mm, CROSS PH0-2 x 75mm,
T6 x 40, T8 x 40, 2.4mm x 75mm, POINT PH-0 x 75mm and
T9 x 50, T10 x 50, 3.0mm x 75mm and PH1 x 100mm.
T15 x 60 and 4.0mm x 100mm.
T20 x 60.
Group 558
All screwdrivers have 40mm blade length.
Complete with protective zip case. Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Set Contents: of Pieces each KEN-572 Price/1 Price/1
1.4, 2.0, 2.4 PH0-3, PH0-2 9 265g -4470K 17.26 10.36
PARALLEL and 3.0mm. CROSS and PH-0. PIECES
Page 1071
Magnetic Ratchet
Screwdriver Bit Set Screwdriver
11 piece 1/4 hexagon bits. Chrome vanadium steel blade with ACL.1PB
moulded dual grip handle designed for improved user comfort One-handed selector ring offers 3 settings, Bi-material, ergonomic
allowing more torque to be applied. handle is partly hollow for storage of additional bits or screws. A
Switchable forward, reverse and fixed positive industrial powerful magnetic adaptor holds the bit and the screw.
quality ratchet action. Bright finish Contains 8 bits:
chrome vanadium blade. 2 x 4 and 6.5mm. 2 x PH1 and PH2. 2 x PZ1 and PZ2.
2 x 4 and 6mm.
25mm Driver Bits:
Crosspoint: No.1, 2 & 3 Product Order Code List Offer
Number FAC-572 Price/1 Price/1
PZ: No.1, 2 & 3 ACL.1PB -3420J 32.12 27.30
Flat: 3, 4, 5 & 6mm PIECES
Product Overall Order Code List Offer Magnetic Screwdriver
Number Length KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 Bit Holder
DBH100 200mm (8) -7050K 14.76 9.59 Chrome vanadium steel blade with moulded dual grip handle
for improved user comfort allowing more torque to be applied.
Heavy Duty Fixed blade with a quick release magnetic chuck.
Magnetic Driver Overall length: 185mm. Blade length: 80mm.
Square section mechanics pattern handle. Suitable for use
with 1/4" hexagon driver bits etc. Hexagonal blade also allows the
application of a spanner for high torque.
Overall Order Code List Offer
Length KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
200mm (8) -7420K 13.30 10.64
ClicFix Telescopic
Screwdriver Set
Fixed 36933
Chrome vanadium steel blade with plastic sheaving to prevent Built-in magazine with 6mm hex mount. Blade length
damage to fragile components. adjustment (50 - 85mm). Quick-change magnetic
holder for true one-handed operation. High quality
steel blade, hardened and chrome plated.
DIN 3126.
Supplied with 25mm long 6mm (1/4) hex bits: Includes: screwdriver bits:
PH: 1, 2 and 3. PZ: 1, 2 and 3. Slotted: 6.5mm
Product Blade Length Order Code List Offer
Code adjustment WIH-573 Price/1 Price/1
Crosspoint PZ Flat:
36933 50 - 85mm -3693C 46.40 41.76
No.1 and 2. No.1 and 2. 5 and 6mm.
Order Code
Ratchet Screwdriver
Ratchet 200mm (8) 175g -7040K 16.50 10.73 Bit Holders
Fixed 200mm (8) 205g -7060K 11.90 7.74 Easy change of direction. Ergonomically designed,
non-slip 2-component handle for optimum force transmission.
1/4 hex socket. 250mm (8) has a Storage compartment
Reversible Blade Screwdriver for six bits in the handle.
145mm long reversible hexagon blade with 6mm flat point and
No.2 crosspoint ends. Cabinet handle style.
Overall length: 155mm.
Page 1072
Bits 38mm
All Kennedy screwdriver bits have a 25mm overall
hardness of 58 - 62HRC. High alloy overall length length
chrome molybdenum steel for use on
hand and power tools. 32mm 50mm
overall length overall length
overall length
1/4 Hex Drive Bits 1/4 Hex Contractor Packs
Flat The most popular style driver bits, multi-packed for
economy. Supplied in plastic pocket cases that are
ideal for the industrial user.
Point Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Insert Bits: plain shank for use with bit adaptors etc.
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 Direct Bits: ball recessed for use in power tools.
3.0 25 5g -1360K 0.84 0.67
3.0 38 5g -1760K 0.92 0.74 No.2 PZ
3.5 25 5g -1370K 0.84 0.67
3.5 38 5g -1770K 0.92 0.74
4.0 25 5g -1380K 0.84 0.67 Bit Length Pk Weight Order Code List Offer
4.0 38 5g -1780K 0.92 0.74 Style mm Qty per Pk KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
4.5 25 5g -1390K 0.84 0.67 Insert 25 10 60g -1125K 7.81 6.25
4.5 38 5g -1790K 0.92 0.74 Insert 50 5 60g -1725K 6.16 4.93
5.0 25 5g -1400K 0.84 0.67 Direct 53 5 60g -2125K 8.21 6.57
5.0 38 5g -1800K 0.92 0.74
5.0 150 30g -1170K 3.65 2.92 No.2 Crosspoint
5.5 25 5g -1410K 0.84 0.67 TX20
5.5 38 10g -1810K 0.92 0.74
5.5 150 30g -1172K 3.65 2.92
6.0 25 5g -1420K 0.84 0.67 Bit Length Pk Weight Order Code List Offer
Style mm Qty per Pk KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 Bit Length Pk Weight Order Code List Offer
6.0 38 10g -1820K 0.92 0.74 Style mm Qty per Pk KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
6.0 150 30g -1174K 3.65 2.92 Insert 25 10 60g -1025K 7.81 6.25
6.5 25 5g -1430K 0.84 0.67 Insert 50 5 60g -1625K 6.16 4.93 Insert 25 10 60g -3705K 10.69 8.55
6.5 38 10g -1830K 0.92 0.74
8.0 25 5g -1460K 0.84 0.67 Hexagon
8.0 38 10g -1860K 1.13 0.90
10.0 25 10g -1500K 1.10 0.88
No.2 150 30g -1152K 3.65 2.92 4.0 25 5g -3548K 1.35 1.08
No.3 25 5g -1030K 0.87 0.70 Tamperproof TXS 5.0 25 5g -3550K 1.35 1.08
No.3 50 10g -1630K 1.37 1.10 For repair and servicing on electronic, 6.0 25 5g -3552K 1.35 1.08
No.3 150 30g -1154K 3.65 2.92 electrical and
No.4 25 5g -1040K 1.75 1.40 Tamperproof Hex
No.4 32 30g -1156K 1.65 1.32 mechanical
1/4Hexagon Drive Cup Hook Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Driver Bit Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 Hex Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
TX60 25 4g -4100K 1.28 1.02 Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
A hollowed out Y' shaped TX70 25 4g -4110K 1.28 1.02 1.5 25 5g -8680K 1.26 1.01
driver bit designed for the TX80 25 4g -4120K 1.28 1.02 2.0 25 5g -8682K 1.26 1.01
driving in of cup hooks. TX90 25 4g -4130K 1.28 1.02 2.5 25 5g -8684K 1.26 1.01
Overall length: 25mm. TX10 25 4g -4140K 1.28 1.02 3.0 25 5g -8686K 1.26 1.01
TX15 25 4g -4150K 1.28 1.02 4.0 25 5g -8688K 1.26 1.01
TX20 25 4g -4160K 1.28 1.02 5.0 25 5g -8690K 1.26 1.01
TX25 25 4g -4170K 1.28 1.02 5.5 25 5g -8692K 1.26 1.01
Overall Order Code List Offer TX27 25 5g -4180K 1.28 1.02
Length KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 6.0 25 5g -8694K 1.26 1.01
TX30 25 5g -4190K 1.28 1.02 7.0 25 5g -8696K 1.26 1.01
25mm -7500K 1.65 1.32 TX40 25 5g -4200K 1.28 1.02 8.0 25 5g -8698K 1.26 1.01
Page 1073
1/4 Hex Square Double-Ended 1/4 Hex Bits
Bits All with overall length 60mm (23/8).
ACR Ribbed Cosspoint System Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Crosspoint x Slotted
Anti-Cam-out Recess. Keeps the bit securely Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
mated to the screw during removal, reducing 0 25 5g -8510K 0.77 0.62
damage to the recess and surrounding areas. 1 25 5g -8512K 0.77 0.62
2 25 5g -8514K 0.77 0.62 Tip Width Weight Order Code List Offer
This ensures securely removal every time x Size each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
with lower costs, more productivity and less 3 25 5g -8516K 0.77 0.62
4 25 5g -8518K 0.77 0.62 4.5mm x No.1 10g -5610K 2.02 1.62
drill outs. Also allows off-angle driving and 5.5mm x No.2 10g -5620K 2.02 1.62
acts as torque limit on installation. Preferred Spline 7.0mm x No.3 10g -5630K 2.02 1.62
system for aerospace and military industries.
Slotted x PZ
Phillips ACR
Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
4 25 5g -8530K 1.26 1.01 Tip Width Weight Order Code List Offer
Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer x Size each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 5 25 5g -8532K 1.26 1.01
6 25 5g -8534K 1.26 1.01 4.5mm x No.1 10g -5710K 2.02 1.62
No.1 25 5g -8648K 0.92 0.74 5.5mm x No.2 10g -5720K 2.02 1.62
No.2 25 5g -8650K 0.92 0.74 8 25 5g -8536K 1.26 1.01
10 25 5g -8538K 1.26 1.01 7.0mm x No.3 10g -5730K 2.02 1.62
No.3 25 5g -8652K 0.92 0.74
ACR II Ribbed Cosspoint System Spanner Crosspoint
Anti-Cam-out Recess. Designed to meet the
ever-challenging needs of faster assembly
processes that can cause bit cam-out, Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Tip Width Weight Order Code List Offer
creating component surface damage and Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 x Size each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
scrappage. Allows off-angle driving in difficult No.4 25 5g -8660K 1.26 1.01 No.1 x No.2 10g -5810K 2.02 1.62
No.2 x No.3 10g -5820K 2.02 1.62
positions and reduces end-load pressure, No.6 25 5g -8662K 1.26 1.01 No.2 x No.2 10g -5920K 2.02 1.62
reducing operator fatigue. Improves assembly No.8 25 5g -8664K 1.26 1.01
times, reducing defects and rework, also No.10 25 5g -8666K 1.26 1.01 PZ
makes disassembly easier for more effective No.12 25 5g -8668K 1.26 1.01
service and maintenance. Preferred system Torq Sets
for automotive, electronics and general Tip Width Weight Order Code List Offer
assembly industries. x Size each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
Phillips ACR II Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer No.1 x No.2 15g -5850K 2.02 1.62
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 No.2 x No.3 15g -5860K 2.02 1.62
No.2 x No.2 15g -5950K 2.02 1.62
No.4 25 5g -8600K 1.77 1.15
Tip Overall Weight List Offer No.5 25 5g -8602K 1.77 1.15
Size Length each
Order Code
KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 No.6 25 5g -8604K 1.77 1.15 10mm Hex Drive Bits
No.1 25 5g -8640K 0.92 0.74 No.8 25 5g -8606K 1.77 1.15 TX
No.2R*25 5g -8642K 0.92 0.74 No.10 25 5g -8608K 1.77 1.15
1/4 25 5g -8610K 1.77 1.15
No.2 25 5g -8644K 0.92 0.74
No.3 25 5g -8646K 0.92 0.74 Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
* R = Reduced neck diameter
Clutch Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
TX20 30 13g -8750K 1.44 1.15
Pozi ACR II 75 43g -8770K 2.37 1.90
Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
TX25 30 13g -8752K 1.44 1.15
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 75 43g -8772K 2.37 1.90
5/32 25 5g -8580K 1.26 1.01
TX30 30 13g -8754K 1.44 1.15
Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 3/16 25 5g -8582K 1.26 1.01 75 43g -8774K 2.37 1.90
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 1/4 25 5g -8584K 1.26 1.01
TX40 30 14g -8756K 1.44 1.15
No.1 25 5g -8630K 0.92 0.74 75 44g -8776K 2.37 1.90
No.2 25 5g -8632K 0.92 0.74 5/16 Hex Bits TX45 30 15g -8758K 1.44 1.15
No.3 25 5g -8634K 0.92 0.74 75 45g -8778K 2.37 1.90
ACR is a trademark of the Phillips Screw Co. 30 16g -8760K 1.44 1.15
TX50 75 46g -8780K 2.37 1.90
Point Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
TX55 30 18g -8762K 1.96 1.57
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 75 48g -8782K 3.09 2.47
No.1 32mm 5g -2410K 1.17 0.94
No.2 32mm 5g -2420K 1.17 0.94 Hexagon
No.3 32mm 10g -2430K 1.17 0.94
No.4 38mm 10g -2440K 1.17 0.94
Point Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
PZ Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
4 30 12g -8800K 1.46 1.17
Group 270 Point Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
15g -8802K 1.46
16g -8804K 1.46
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 7 30 15g -8806K 1.46 1.17
Tri-Wing No.1 32mm 10g -2510K 1.17 0.94 8 30 16g -8808K 1.46 1.17
No.2 32mm 10g -2520K 1.17 0.94 10 30 19g -8810K 1.46 1.17
No.3 32mm 10g -2530K 1.17 0.94 12 30 24g -8812K 1.71 1.37
No.4 38mm 10g -2540K 1.17 0.94 4 75 42g -8820K 2.07 1.66
Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 5 75 44g -8822K 2.07 1.66
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
Flat 6 75 44g -8824K 2.07 1.66
No.0 25 4g -2900K 1.82 1.46 7 75 45g -8826K 2.07 1.66
No.1 25 4g -2910K 1.82 1.46 8 75 46g -8828K 2.07 1.66
No.2 25 4g -2920K 1.82 1.46 Point Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 10 75 64g -8830K 2.07 1.66
No.3 25 4g -2930K 1.82 1.46 Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 12 75 67g -8832K 2.44 1.95
No.4 25 5g -2940K 1.82 1.46 6.0 41mm 15g -2720K 1.62 1.30
No.5 25 5g -2950K 1.82 1.46 8.0 41mm 15g -2780K 1.62 1.30 Spline
No.6 25 6g -2960K 1.82 1.46 10.0 41mm 20g -2800K 1.62 1.30
No.7 25 7g -2970K 1.82 1.46 12.0 41mm 20g -2820K 1.62 1.30
No.8 25 8g -2980K 1.82 1.46 14.0 41mm 25g -2880K 1.62 1.30 3Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
SIT TX 5 30 12g -8880K 1.46 1.17
6 30 13g -8882K 1.46 1.17
Point Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 8 30 14g -8884K 1.46 1.17
Tip Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 10 30 17g -8886K 1.46 1.17
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 TX25 35mm 10g -4250K 2.73 2.18 12 30 18g -8888K 1.71 1.37
No.10 25 5g -8620K 1.26 1.01 TX30 35mm 10g -4300K 2.73 2.18 5 75 39g -8900K 2.07 1.66
No.20 25 5g -8622K 1.26 1.01 TX40 35mm 15g -4400K 2.73 2.18 6 75 40g -8902K 2.07 1.66
No.25 25 5g -8624K 1.26 1.01 TX45 35mm 15g -4450K 2.73 2.18 8 75 42g -8904K 2.07 1.66
No.30 25 5g -8626K 1.26 1.01 TX50 35mm 15g -5500K 2.73 2.18 10 75 46g -8906K 2.07 1.66
No.40 25 5g -8628K 1.26 1.01 TX55 35mm 20g -5550K 2.73 2.18 12 75 54g -8908K 2.44 1.95
Page 1074
Titanium Desoutter Shank Bits Direct Drive Bits
Screwdriver Bits 5/16 hex. with Desoutter style ball locator. for Power Tools
Titanium bits improve wear resistance. Crosspoint 1/4 Hex with ball recess.
For use with hand and power tools. TX
1/4 Hex Bits - Flat Point Overall Weight Order Code Offer
Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1
Point Length Order Code Offer No.2 53 15g -3020K 1.66 Point Overall Weight Order Code Offer
Size (mm) KEN-573 Price/1 No.2 94 15g -3180K 2.54 Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1
5.0 25 -8042K 1.27 TX7 38 5g -3950K 1.41
6.0 25 -8044K 1.27 PZ TX8 38 5g -3960K 1.41
TX9 38 5g -4000K 1.41
Hex Bits - TX10 38 5g -4010K 1.41
Crosspoint Point Overall Weight Order Code Offer TX15 38 5g -4020K 1.41
Point Length Order Code Offer Size Length each KEN-573 Price/1 TX20 38 5g -4030K 1.41
Size (mm) KEN-573 Price/1 No.1 53 15g -3110K 1.66 TX25 38 5g -4040K 1.41
No.1 25 -8010K 1.27 No.2 53 15g -3120K 1.66 TX27 38 10g -4050K 1.41
No.2 25 -8012K 1.27 No.3 53 20g -3130K 1.66 TX30 38 10g -4060K 1.41
No.2 50 -8052K 2.14 TX40 38 10g -4070K 1.41
No.2 150 -8032K 5.98 Desoutter Shank Adaptors
No.3 25 -8014K 1.27 5/16 hexagon shank with Desoutter style Flat
1/4 Hex Bits - PZ ball locator. For use with insert bits.
Page 1075
Screwdriver Torx Bit Sets 10mm AF Hex Drive Torx Bit Set
T8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 27, 30 and 40. Contents: 1/2 Sq. drive x 10mm Hex.
Bit Set All 1/4 hex. x 25mm overall length, complete bit holder.
Contents: with quick release 1/4 hexagon bit adaptor. TORX 10 x 75mm: T20, T25, T30, T40,
Hex: 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 and 6mm. PIECES T45, T50 and T55.
PZ: No.1 x2, No.2 x3, No.3 x2. TX - Torx Bit Set TORX 10 x 30mm: T20, T25, T30,
TX: TX10, TX15, TX20 TX25, TX30, TX40.
Crosspoint: No.0, No.1 x2, No.2 x3,
. TXS - Tamperproof Torx Bit Set PIECES
T40, T45, T50 and T55.
Torx is a registered trade mark of
No.3 x2. Camcar/Textron Inc.
Flat: 3, 4, 5, 6 and 6.5mm. PIECES
1/4 magnetic drive adaptor.
No. of Weight Order Code List Offer Mechanics & Enginners Bit Sets
Pieces each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 All 1/4 hex. x 25mm overall length, complete with magnetic spinner handle,
1/4 hexagon bit adaptor and 1/4 square socket adaptor. PIECES
33 240g -6480K 16.00 10.40
Flat & Crosspoint Bit Set Mechanics Bit Set Engineers Bit Set
Flat: 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8mm. TX: T6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 27, 30 Hexagon: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8mm.
3/32, 1/8, 5/32, 3/16, 1/4, 7/32 and 5/16
Crosspoint: No.0, 1, 2 and 3. PIECES and 40.
All 1/4 hex. x 25mm overall Crosspoint: No.1, 2 and 3. Flat: 3, 4, 5, 5.5, 6.5 and 8mm.
length, complete with quick Crosspoint: No.1, 2 and 3.
release 1/4 hexagon bit adaptor. Flat: 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5 &
8mm. PZ: No.1, 2 and 3.
No.1, 2
and 3.
No. of Weight Order Code List Offer No. of Weight Order Code List Offer No. of Weight Order Code List Offer
Pieces each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 Pieces each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 Pieces each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
10 120g -6410K 12.63 8.21 29 480g -6470K 34.58 22.48 29 500g -6450K 29.14 18.94
Tri-Wing Bit Set Magnetic Hexagon Nut Setter 1/4 Drive Set
Tri-Wing: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1/4 drive set consisting of 6 quick change hexagon nut setters with strong magnetic
7 and 8. All 1/4 hex. x 25mm. PIECES adhesion. For use on hexagon headed screws, bolts and nuts and compatible with impact
overall length, complete with quick drill/drivers. Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel and supplied in a robust case.
release 1/4 hexagon bit adaptor.
Set contents: 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13mm nut setters.
Conforms to DIN 3126, ISO 1173, style E 6.3.
Single Nut Setters
Page 1076
10mm Hexagon Torsion Bits 1/4" Hex Drive
Power Bit Set Manufactured from chrome vanadium
Contents: 75mm x 10mm for greater impact resistance and a
3/8 and 1/2 Square Hex bits: longer lasting bit. Colour coded to aid
x 10mm Hex Bit Hexagon: 4, 5, 6, 7, speedier recognition.
Adaptors. 8, 10 and 12mm.
TX: Tx20, Tx25,
Crosspoint 25mm
30mm x 10mm Tx30, Tx40,
Hex bits: Tx45, Tx50 and
Hexagon: 4 -8, 10 Tx55. 50mm
and 12mm. Spline: 5, 6, 8, 10
TX: Tx20, Tx25, and 12mm. Point Overall Order Code Offer
Tx30, Tx40, Tx45, Size Length KEN-573 Price/1
Tx50 and Tx55. No.1 25 -8220K 0.83
Spline: 5, 6, 8, No.2 25 -8222K 0.83
No. of Case Order Code Offer No.3 25 -8224K 0.83
10 and 12mm. PIECES Pieces Type KEN-573 Price/1
No.2 50 -8226K 1.32
40 Moulded -6490K 23.24 No.3 50 -8228K 1.32
Torsion Bit Set Slot
Tx: 15, 20, 25. NEW NEW 25mm
Hex: 3, 4, 5, 6mm. 0.8 x 4.0 25 -8240K 0.83
Torsion quick release magnetic 0.6 x 4.5 25 -8242K 0.83
bit holder x 60mm. 0.6 x 4.5 25 -8244K 0.83
Number List Offer 0.6 x 4.5 25 -8246K 0.83
of Pieces
Order Code
KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
PZ Torsion
15 -6460K 22.65 14.72 25mm
Service Set PZ: No. 1, 2 and 3.
1/4Hex 60mm Long Double-Ended: 50mm
hex. bit holders1/4 and 3/8
square drive. No.1 Crosspoint x 4.5mm Flat
1/4 Hex 25mm Long: No.1 PZ x 4.5mm Flat Point Overall Order Code Offer
Size Length KEN-573 Price/1
TX: T6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 27, 30 No.2 Crosspoint x 5.5mm Flat No.1 25 -8250K 0.83
and 40. No.2 PZ x 5.5mm Flat No.2 25 -8252K 0.83
Flat: 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 8 and No.3 Crosspoint x 6.5mm Flat No.3 25 -8254K 0.83
10mm. No.3 PZ x 6.5mm Flat. PIECES No.1 50 -8256K 1.32
No.2 50 -8258K 1.32
Crosspoint: No. 0, 1, 2 and 3. No.3 50 -8260K 1.32
PZ: No. 1, 2 and 3.
1/4 Hex 38mm Long: Square Torsion
Flat: 3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5 and 8mm. 25mm
1/4 Hex 50mm Long Ball Retainer Fitting:
Flat: 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10mm. Point Overall Order Code Offer
PZ: No. 1, 2 and 3. Size Length KEN-573 Price/1
Crosspoint: No. 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. No.1 25 -8262K 0.83
No.2 25 -8264K 0.83
1/4 Hex 50mm Long Plain Hex Shank:
Number Order Code List Offer No.3 25 -8266K 0.83
Crosspoint: No. 1, 2 and 3. of Pieces KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
64 -6500K 62.71 40.76 TX Torsion
Bit Impact Screwdriver Bit Sets
Holders NEW Specifically designed for use in high torque
Order Code
impact drivers. Manufactured from heavy- TX10 25 -8270K 1.08
Stainless steel body with black oxide finished TX15 25 -8272K 1.08
shank. Powerful rare earth magnet. C-Ring duty, high-grade steel. Supplied in a moulded
ABS resin case. TX20 25 -8274K 1.08
design for secure holding. 1/4 Hex shanks. TX25 25 -8276K 1.08
22 Piece Set: TX30 25 -8278K 1.08
-7256A 7x PH: sizes 1, 2 and 3.7x PZ: sizes 1, 2 and 3. TX40 25 -8280K 1.08
7x Torx: sizes T20 and T30.
1x Magnetic Screw Hold Attachment. Hexagon
Part Order Code List Offer
Number IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
Point Overall Order Code Offer
Page 1077
Mechanics Screwdriver
Bit Set
Mechanics screwdriver bit set contents:
1/4 sq. drive dual density spinner handle.
1/4 sq. drive - 1/4 Hex Magnetic bit holder.
1/4 Hex x 25mm Screwdriver Bits:
Crosspoint: No.1, No.2, No.3.
Pozidriv: No.1, No.2, No.3.
Torx: T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T15,T20, T25,
T27, T30, T40.
Slotted: 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 8.
Hexagon: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Tri-Wing: No.3, No.4, No.5.
Torq Set: TS.5, TS.6, TS.8, TS.10.
SIT: No.10, No.20, No.25, No.30, No.40.
1/4 Sq Drive Single Hex Sockets:
4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14mm.
1/4 Hex Y adaptor for cup hook.
32 32
Number Case Weight Order Code List Offer Number Case Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces Type each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces Type each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
32 Moulded 260g -6320K 20.04 13.03 32 Moulded 270g -6300K 20.04 13.03
Page 1078
Ken-Grip Mechanic's
Bit Set
Featuring Ken-Grip patented design sockets that grip fasteners that up to 95% rounded off and will not damage worn or
rusted fasteners. Manufactured from Chrome Vanadium, they will fit a range of non-metric hexagons and E-Torx drive sizes.
The screwdriver bits are manufactured from Chrome Molybdenum.
Metric sockets: 4mm, 4.5mm, 5mm, 5.5mm, 6mm, 7mm, 8mm,
10mm, 11mm, 12mm, 13mm. 14mm.
Screwdriver bits: Crosspoint: No 1, No 2, No 3.
Pozidriv: No 1, No 2, No 3.
Torx: T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40.
Slotted: 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6.5, 8.
Hexagon: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Tri-Wing: No 3, No 4, No 5. PIECES
Torq Set: TS.5, TS.6, TS.8, TS.10. SIT: No 10, No 20, No 25,
No 30, No 40.
Accessories: 1/4 Square drive, 1/4 hex magnetic bit holder, Y
adaptor for cup hook, Spinner handle.
No. of Case Weight Order Code List Offer
Pieces Type each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
60 Moulded 1.20kg -6370K 49.95 32.47
torque screwdriver rotation action. Ideal for ensuring fasteners are securely tightened and for freeing stuck fasteners.
Hex drive nose pieces can be removed to allow use with 1/2 square drive impact sockets.
5-Piece Set
14-Piece Set To suit 5/16 hex and
1/2 square drives.
To suit 5/16 hex, PIECES
3/8 and 1/2 Complete with:
square drives. Crosspoint: No.2 and 3.
Complete with: Flat Bits: 8 and 10mm.
Crosspoint: No.1,
2, 3 and 4. Flat
Bits: 6, 8, 10
and 12mm. Hex
Bits: 4,5, 6 and
No. of
Order Code
Price/1 14 No. of Weight Order Code List
Pieces each KEN-573 Price/1
14 Moulded 1.20kg -7100K 23.97 19.18 PIECES 5 0.75kg -7080K 15.26 9.92
12mm, TX: Tx55.
Spline: 5mm, 6mm,
8mm, 10mm, and
Order Code List Offer
KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1
Number Case Weight Order Code List Offer Ratchet only -9050K 18.34 14.67
of Pieces Type each KEN-573 Price/1 Price/1 One touch
40 Moulded 1.20kg -7140K 43.00 34.40 PIECES adapter only -9060K 9.99 7.99
Page 1079
Safety Tools EXTENDED
Spark-resistant tools are used to eliminate the chances of accidental fires or explosions in potentially combustible
or explosive environments. They resist the sparks that a standard tool could potentially create when striking hard surfaces. The use of spark
resistant tools is essential in many industrial applications such as petroleum and chemical manufacturing, spray booth operations, the
marine industry, the mining industry, the paper industries, or any location where flammable vapours or combustible residues are present.
Spark-resistant tools must be maintained with special care. Frequent cleaning/re-dressing to remove ferrous particles or
contaminants, which may impair the spark-resistant properties, is essential.
Safe for use in high risk hazardous locations, Ideal for chemical, pharmaceutical, power, oil and gas and fire rescue.
For gases, vapours and mists the zone classifications are:
Zone 0 An atmosphere where a mixture of air and flammable substances in the form of gas, Aluminium
Be-Cu vapour or mist is present frequently, continuously or for long periods. Al-Br Bronze
Zone 1 An atmosphere where a mixture of air and flammable substances in the form of gas, are manufactured to
Be-Cu Al-Br vapour or mist is likely to occur in normal operation occasionally. 20-30HRC and offer a
Zone 2 An atmosphere where a mixture of air and flammable substances in the form of gas, breaking strain of
Be-Cu Al-Br vapour or mist is not likely to occur in normal operation but, if it does occur, will persist for 782 N/m - 989 N/m.
only a short period.
For dusts the zone classifications are:
Zone 20 An atmosphere where a cloud of combustible dust in the air is present frequently, Beryllium
Be-Cu continuously or for long periods.
Be-Cu Copper
Zone 21 An atmosphere where a cloud of combustible dust in the air is likely to occur in normal are manufactured to
Be-Cu Al-Br operation occasionally. 30-40HRC and offer a
Zone 22 An atmosphere where a cloud of combustible dust in the air is not likely to occur in normal breaking strain of
Be-Cu Al-Br operation but, if it does occur, will persist for only a short period. 1117 N/m - 1236 N/m.
Page 1080
Open End Ring End Slogging Wrenches
Slogging Wrenches With flat striking
With flat striking faces to allow
faces to allow hammer blows
hammer blows to be used to
to be used to loosen or
loosen or tighten tighten
stubborn stubborn
fasteners. fasteners.
Aluminium Bronze Al-Br
Aluminium Bronze Al-Br Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer length each KEN-575 Price/1 Price/1
Size Length each KEN-575 Price/1 Price/1 24mm 140mm 250g -6600K 38.52 28.50
24mm 165mm 275g -6400K 39.13 28.96 27mm 150mm 350g -6610K 49.88 36.91
27mm 175mm 350g -6410K 56.92 42.12 30mm 165mm 460g -6620K 65.64 48.57
30mm 185mm 470g -6420K 65.64 48.57 32mm 180mm 610g -6630K 79.55 58.87
32mm 195mm 535g -6430K 79.97 59.18 36mm 210mm 780g -6640K 92.33 68.32
36mm 210mm 780g -6440K 93.15 68.93 41mm 225mm 985g -6650K 138.00 102.12
41mm 225mm 965g -6450K 121.00 89.54 46mm 245mm 1275g -6660K 155.00 114.70
46mm 240mm 1140g -6460K 152.00 112.48 50mm 255mm 1545g -6670K 181.00 133.94
50mm 255mm 1445g -6470K 177.00 130.98 55mm 265mm 1720g -6680K 216.00 159.84
55mm 270mm 1705g -6480K 207.00 153.18 60mm 275mm 2080g -6690K 226.00 167.24
60mm 285mm 2015g -6490K 225.00 166.50 65mm 290mm 2440g -6700K 238.00 176.12
65mm 305mm 3060g -6500K 230.00 170.20 70mm 300mm 2735g -6710K 259.00 191.66
70mm 325mm 3620g -6510K 238.00 176.12 75mm 315mm 3190g -6720K 297.00 219.78
75mm 345mm 3905g -6520K 247.00 182.78 80mm 342mm 3320g -6725K 323.00 239.02
Page 1081
Pipe Sledge Hammers
Wrenches Spark-resistant sledge hammers with
Serrated jaws with knurled adjusting nut. wooden handles.
Heavy Duty
Adjustable Wrenches
Smooth jaw adjustment with self-locking design which prevents the
jaws opening Aluminium Bronze Al-Br
unintentionally Head Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
under load. Weight Length (mm) each KEN-575 Price/1 Price/1
1lb 310 680g -3020K 39.22 29.02
11/2lb 340 950g -3040K 48.80 36.11
2lb 350 1205g -3060K 51.95 38.44
Sliding T-Handles
The sliding bar gives many options for leverage within a given Aluminium Bronze Al-Br
space. Fitted with a spring-loaded ball bearing socket retainer. Square Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Drive Length each KEN-575 Price/1 Price/1
1/2 245mm 615g -7000K 123.84 91.64
3/4 320mm 1430g -8000K 235.00 173.90
Page 1082
Safety Universal Joint 2 Square Drive
Extensions Hinged through 180 in both directions for
Fitted with a spring-loaded ball bearing socket retainer. operation at varying angles.
Fitted with a spring-loaded ball
bearing socket retainer.
Impact Sockets
12-point, for additional
torque grip.
Page 1083
Square Wedges
Spark resistant shovel with square mouth,
polypropylene YD handle and
wooden shaft.
For general dismantling and stripping applications. 11mm 200 x 50 x 13mm 500g -0580K 48.05 35.56
200 x 30 x 30mm 1315g -0600K 85.41 63.20
V-notch for use on nails. 200 x 40 x 40mm 1200g -0620K 148.00 109.52
Blade Blade Overall Order Code List Offer Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length Width Length KEN-575 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) Length (mm) each KEN-575 Price/1 Price/1
100mm (4) 25mm (1) 200mm (8) -2760K 53.19 39.36 14 160 160g -2020K 19.71 14.59
16 160 210g -2040K 20.86 15.44
18 200 345g -2060K 32.60 24.12
Scrapers 20 200 430g -2080K 41.87 30.98
20 300 645g -2100K 59.23 43.83
25 240 800g -2120K 63.86 47.26
25 300 1000g -2140K 82.40 60.98
25 400 1360g -2160K 113.00 83.62
Aluminium Bronze Al-Br
Order Code
Price/1 Beryllium Copper Be-Cu
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
95mm (33/4) 75mm (3) 200mm (8) -2860K 86.99 64.37 (mm) Length (mm) each KEN-575 Price/1 Price/1
14 160 175g -1860K 100.33 74.24
Beryllium Copper Be-Cu 16 160 231g -1880K 166.48 123.20
Blade Blade Overall Order Code List Offer 18 200 382g -1900K 232.63 172.15
Length Width Length KEN-575 Price/1 Price/1 20 200 473g -1920K 249.69 184.77
20 300 710g -1940K 298.78 221.10
95mm (33/4) 75mm (3) 200mm (8) -2880K 112.49 83.24 25 240 1042g -1960K 319.00 236.06
Page 1084
Open Jaw Open Jaw Slogging Spanners Ring Slogging Spanners
Spanners Forged and hardened steel. Flat striking faces Manufactured from forged and
Made from forged and hardened steel. to allow hammer blows to be used to loosen hardened steel with machined
Black oxidised finish. Conform to DIN 894. or tighten stubborn fasteners. To DIN 133. drive faces to ensure good
contact with the fastener.
Single-Ended With flat striking faces to allow hammer
blows to be used to loosen or tighten
stubborn fasteners.
Manufactured to DIN 7444.
14 x 15 160 74g -3420K 4.42 3.27 21/8 270 1.50kg -7670K 97.07 71.83
14 x 17 160 70g -3460K 5.02 3.71 C-Hook Spanners 23/16 270 1.50kg -7680K 97.07 71.83
16 x 18 170 104g -3540K 5.06 3.74 21/4 270 1.50kg -7690K 97.07 71.83
17 x 19 170 99g -3580K 5.10 3.77 Chrome vanadium steel. Specifically designed 25/16 280 1.80kg -7700K 115.36 85.37
17x 21 193 143g -3620K 7.20 5.33 for use with slotted retaining rings. 23/8 280 1.80kg -7710K 119.92 88.74
19 x 22 195 119g -3700K 6.25 4.63 Conform to DIN 1810A. 27/16 280 1.80kg -7720K 104.31 77.19
19 x 24 205 191g -3740K 7.14 5.28 21/2 300 2.20kg -7730K 150.08 111.06
22 x 24 220 216g -3820K 7.50 5.55 29/16 300 2.20kg -7740K 150.08 111.06
24 x 27 244 257g -3900K 9.94 7.36 25/8 300 2.20kg -7750K 150.41 111.30
24 x 29 265 283g -3950K 11.90 8.81 23/4 330 3.30kg -7760K 150.41 111.30
24 x 30 265 283g -4000K 11.79 8.72 Range Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length each KEN-580 Price/1 Price/1 213/16 330 3.30kg -7770K 152.32 112.72
30 x 32 273 450g -4100K 15.04 11.13 27/8 330 3.30kg -7780K 166.88 123.49
30 x 36 305 528g -4150K 20.13 14.90 16/20 108 20g -5160K 12.79 9.46 215/16 330 3.30kg -7790K 178.08 131.78
32 x 36 305 534g -4200K 20.13 14.90 25/28 135 45g -5250K 11.89 8.80 3 330 3.30kg -7800K 161.51 119.52
36 x 41 340 705g -4250K 27.88 20.63 34/36 170 90g -5340K 12.57 9.30 31/8 360 4.50kg -7810K 255.74 189.25
41 x 46 380 985g -4300K 33.93 25.11 40/42 170 95g -5400K 12.57 9.30 31/4 360 4.50kg -7820K 394.24 291.74
46 x 50 420 1170g -4350K 40.76 30.16 45/50 205 160g -5450K 14.26 10.55 31/2 390 5.50kg -7840K 376.23 278.41
50 x 55 460 1530g -4400K 52.44 38.81 52/55 205 165g -5520K 14.26 10.55 35/8 420 5.30kg -7850K 497.28 367.99
55 x 60 500 1645g -4500K 67.78 50.16 58/62 240 270g -5580K 16.84 12.46 37/8 420 6.50kg -7870K 468.13 346.42
65 x 70 580 2865g -4600K 130.18 96.33 68/75 240 270g -5680K 16.84 12.46 41/4 450 8.00kg -7900K 621.60 459.98
75 x 80 660 3960g -4700K 252.57 186.90 80/90 280 410g -5800K 21.36 15.81 45/8 450 7.80kg -7920K 731.36 541.21
Page 1085
Scaffolding Tools
Manufactured to surpass the performance test BS2558: 1954.
The sockets locate directly onto the handle relieving stress on the rivet.
Reversible Ratchet All sockets are plated, hardened and stress relieved to ensure they retain
Podger Spanners their shape.
Chrome vanadium steel. Suitable for heavy Double Ended Swing Over Spanner Podger Hammer
duty construction applications. Ratchet action Swingover handle spanner with a 7/16 Manufactured from a one piece forging.
for use in confined spaces. Reversible Whitworth socket end and 1/2 socket end Features a hammer end and cranked round
head has two internal for use on fixings. Suitable for use with all taper podger end used to line up holes and
bi-hexagon sizes. popular scaffold fixings used in the UK. manipulate fixings.
Overall length: 320mm.
Bar diameter: 15mm.
Socket size: 7/16W x 1/2W.
Page 1086
Ratchet Box
Wrenches Spanners
Used for installation and servicing work. For use in confined areas where there is not enough space to fit a normal spanner at 90.
Ratcheting head mechanism for use in Typically used in a car engine to reach down
confined spaces. The ratchet wheels and into a spark plug recess or similar.
pawls are made of carbon steel, hardened Manufactured from high quality
and tempered. Finished in black with red steel tube. Zinc plated for corrosion
plastic handles. resistance, each supplied with
tommy bar.
Hexagon Turnover
For use on hexagon head fasteners.
Size Wrench Weight Order Code Offer
(mm) Size each LEY-580 Price/1
8 No.1 50g -1006F 23.90
10 No.1 60g -1007G 23.90
13 No.2 175g -1111L 24.62
14 No.2 190g -1112M 24.62
17 No.3 490g -1216R 29.46
19 No.3 750g -1217S 29.46
22 No.3 730g -1218T 33.75
24 No.3 720g -1219V 33.75
30 No.4 1490g -1311L 54.78
32 No.4 1470g -1312M 54.78
36 No.5 2450g -1408H 90.92
Size Wrench Weight Order Code Offer Metric Sets
(inch) Size each LEY-580 Price/1 7 Piece Metric: 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11,
1/2 No.2 180g -1106F 24.62 Size Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1 12 x 13, 14 x 15, 16 x 17 and 18 x 19mm.
5/8 No.2 490g -1108H 24.62 6 x 7 102 40g -1060K 3.24 2.59
11/16 No.3 720g -1209J 29.46
8 x 9 105 60g -1080K 3.24 2.59
6 Piece AF: 1/4" x 5/16", 5/16" x 3/8", 3/8" x 7/16",
7/8 No.3 -1211L 33.75 1/2" x 9/16", 9/16" x 5/8" and 11/16" x 3/4".
10 x 11 103 70g -1100K 3.34 2.67
12 x 13 102 80g -1120K 3.52 2.82 6 Piece BA: 0 x 1, 2 x 3, 4 x 5, 6 x 7, 8 x 9,
Square Turnover 14 x 15 125 140g -1140K 3.52 2.82 10BA.
For use on square head fasteners. 16 x 17 127 175g -1160K 3.70 2.96
18 x 19 130 190g -1180K 3.93 3.14
20 x 21 127 190g -1200K 4.16 3.33
22 x 23 150 415g -1220K 5.32 4.26
24 x 25 150 420g -1240K 7.26 5.81
26 x 27 150 425g -1270K 9.08 7.26
Metric AF
Size Wrench Weight Order Code Offer
(mm) Size each LEY-580 Price/1 Size Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1
8 No.1 60g -1005E 23.90 1/4 x 5/16 103
10 No.2 150g -1109J 24.62 60g -1530K 3.24 2.59
5/16 x 3/8 100 60g -1550K 3.24 2.59
12 No.3 180g -1213N 29.46
3/8 x 7/16 100 60g -1560K 3.56 2.85
14 No.3 210g -1214P 29.46
1/2 x 9/16 125 145g -1580K 3.96 3.17
16 No.3 250g -1215Q 29.46
9/16 x 5/8 127 150g -1600K 3.96 3.17
20 No.4 600g -1307G 33.75
11/16 x 3/4 125 185g -1630K 4.14 3.31
24 No.4 610g -1308H 54.78
Page 1087
16mm Spigot 16mm Spigot End Fittings 16mm Spigot Drives
End Fittings Ring End
Open End
Reversible Push-Through
Ratchet Head Ratchet Head
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Square Weight Order Code List Offer
Weight Order Code List Offer each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1 Drive each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1
Size 16mm Bore - Metric Reversible Ratchet Head
each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1
3/8 190g -5550K 44.70 35.76
16mm Bore - Metric 8mm 100g -4300K 38.69 30.95
8mm 100g -2810K 36.51 29.21 10mm 100g -4310K 38.69 30.95 Push-Through Square Drive Head
10mm 110g -2820K 36.51 29.21 11mm 100g -4320K 39.73 31.78 1/2 290g -5900K 46.12 36.90
11mm 110g -2830K 36.51 29.21 12mm 100g -4330K 38.69 30.95
12mm 110g -2840K 36.51 29.21 13mm
-4340K 38.69 30.95
-4350K 38.69 30.95
16mm Spigot
13mm 110g -2850K 36.51 29.21
14mm 120g -2860K 36.51 29.21 15mm 120g -4360K 38.69 30.95 Drives
15mm 120g -2870K 36.51 29.21 16mm 120g -4370K 38.69 30.95
16mm 140g -2880K 36.51 29.21 17mm 120g -4380K 38.69 30.95 Blank
17mm 140g -2890K 36.51 29.21 18mm 120g -4390K 38.69 30.95 End Fitting
18mm 140g -2900K 32.60 26.08 19mm 130g -4400K 38.69 30.95
19mm 160g -2910K 36.51 29.21 21mm 130g -4410K 40.15 32.12 Fixed Square
20mm 160g -2920K 36.51 29.21 22mm 170g -4420K 40.15 32.12 Drive Head
21mm 160g -2930K 37.82 30.26 24mm 160g -4430K 40.15 32.12
22mm 220g -2940K 37.82 30.26 27mm 150g -4440K 40.15 32.12
23mm 220g -2950K 37.82 30.26 16mm Bore AF (Inch)
3/8 100g -4450K 46.93 37.54
24mm 220g -2960K 37.82 30.26 Reversible
1/2 100g -4460K 46.93 37.54
25mm 220g -2970K 38.82 31.06 Ratchet Head
9/16 100g -4470K 46.93 37.54
26mm 220g -2980K 39.82 31.86
27mm 240g -2990K 42.35 33.88 Product Square Weight Order Code List Offer
Flare End Number each NBE-555 Price/1 Price/1
30mm 240g -3000K 42.35 33.88
32mm 240g -3010K 42.35 33.88 Fixed Square Drive Head
16mm Bore AF (Inch) 29828 3/8 120g -1488C 36.91 32.85
3/8 100g -3500K 46.93 37.54 29827 1/2 160g -1488F 36.91 32.85
7/16 110g -3510K 46.93 37.54 Reversible Ratchet Head
1/2 120g -3520K 46.93 37.54 29830 1/2 280g -1488T 67.45 60.03
9/16 120g -3530K 46.93 37.54 Blank End Fitting
5/8 140g -3540K 46.93 37.54 29832 - 140g -1488W 33.78 30.06
11/16 140g -3550K 46.93 37.54
Blank Open End Fitting
160g -3560K 46.93 37.54 85242 - 90g -1489D 33.78 30.06
13/16 220g -3570K 46.93 37.54
7/8 220g -3580K 54.79 43.83 Weight Order Code List Offer
15/16 220g -3590K 54.79 43.83 Size
each KEN-581 Price/1 Price/1 22mm Spigot Square Drive
1 220g -3600K 54.79 43.83 16mm Bore - Metric 3/4
11/16 240g -3610K 54.79 43.83 fixed square drive.
11/8 240g -3620K 54.79 43.83 10mm 100g -5200K 41.59 33.27
13/16 240g -3630K 54.79 43.83 11mm 100g -5210K 42.72 34.18
11/4 240g -3640K 54.79 43.83 13mm 110g -5220K 41.59 33.27
14mm 110g -5230K 41.59 33.27
22mm Spigot End Fittings 16mm 120g -5240K 42.72 34.18
17mm 110g -5250K 41.59 33.27
Open End 18mm 120g -5260K 41.59 33.27
19mm 120g -5270K 41.59 33.27
21mm 120g -5280K 53.96 43.17
22mm 120g -5290K 52.55 42.04 Product Weight Order Code List Offer
24mm 120g -5300K 52.55 42.04 Number each NBE-555 Price/1 Price/1
27mm 130g -5310K 46.93 37.54 29969 540g -1541E 129.44115.20
Ring End
Page 1088
Professional Ratchet
Combination Spanners
Chrome vanadium steel with mirror polish finish, preventing oil and dirt from adhering to the spanner, making for easier cleaning and
preventing rust. 72-teeth ratcheting system
which needs only 5 movement to
operate ratchet. Thin wall design for
greater access. Conform to ASME B107.6.
Metric AF
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 (AF) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
3/8 160 60g -2144K 19.61 12.16
8 135 38g -2158K 17.72 10.99 7/16
10 155 65g -2160K 19.04 11.80 168 70g -2146K 19.61 12.16
1/2 179 90g -2148K 21.28 13.19
11 160 75g -2162K 19.04 11.80 9/16
12 172 85g -2164K 20.67 12.82 198 115g -2150K 23.99 14.87
5/8 214 150g -2152K 26.69 16.55
13 180 95g -2166K 20.67 12.82 11/16
14 190 115g -2168K 23.29 14.44 232 185g -2154K 28.05 17.39
3/4 250 225g -2156K 30.74 19.06
15 200 135g -2170K 23.29 14.44
16 215 155g -2172K 25.91 16.06 Set
17 230 200g -2174K 27.23 16.88
18 240 210g -2175K 28.22 17.50 9 Piece Metric: 10, 11, 12, 13,
19 245 235g -2176K 29.85 18.51 14, 15, 16, 17 and 19mm.
21 285 350g -2177K 31.96 19.82 7 Piece AF: 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16,
22 285 340g -2178K 31.96 19.82 5/8, 11/16 and 3/4.
24 325 475g -2179K 33.15 20.55
25 325 480g -2252K 38.75 24.03
26 325 465g -2253K 39.90 24.74
27 355 600g -2254K 48.22 29.90 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
28 360 600g -2255K 50.32 31.20 of Pcs each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
30 420 918g -2257K 67.68 41.96 9 Metric 2560g -3990K 137.55 85.28
32 425 880g -2259K 74.63 46.27 7 AF 2150g -2230K 135.99 84.31
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
8 140 36g -0340K 10.95 6.79
9 150 50g -0350K 10.45 6.48
10 160 57g -0360K 11.95 7.41
11 165 64g -0370K 12.45 7.72
12 170 76g -0380K 12.95 8.03
13 180 101g -0390K 13.95 8.65
14 190 119g -0400K 14.45 8.96
15 200 125g -0410K 14.95 9.27
16 205 170g -0420K 15.45 9.58 Number Order Code List Offer
17 230 188g -0430K 16.45 10.20 of Pieces YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
18 235 200g -0440K 17.95 11.13
19 250 228g -0450K 19.95 12.37 8 Metric -0490K 120.00 74.40
Page 1089
Professional Reversible
Combination Spanners
Bi-hexagonal 15 offset rings with a 72 teeth lever ratcheting system that requires only 5 degree movement to operate, making them ideal for
use in tight areas. Made from high quality Chrome Vanadium Steel with mirror polish finish
to prevent oil and dirt from adhering to the spanner. Conform to ASME B107.6.
'Flush' fitted reversible
switch enables the
wrench to move in
either direction without
sacrificing the overall
compact surface of the
box end.
Metric 9 Piece Metric:
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 15, 16, 17 and 19mm.
8 135 32g -6808K 13.22 8.20
10 155 56g -6810K 14.24 8.83
11 160 68g -6811K 14.60 9.05
12 172 78g -6812K 15.16 9.40
13 180 96g -6813K 15.60 9.67
14 190 116g -6814K 16.34 10.13
15 200 136g -6815K 16.34 10.13
16 215 160g -6816K 18.41 11.41
17 230 182g -6817K 18.41 11.41
18 240 200g -6818K 20.07 12.44
19 245 248g -6819K 20.96 13.00
21 285 540g -6821K 21.91 13.58 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
22 285 540g -6822K 23.85 14.79 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
24 325 710g -6824K 25.91 16.06 9 Metric 1.2kg -6796K 159.00 98.58
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
10 160mm 58g -2240K 17.13 10.62
11 168mm 80g -2241K 17.58 10.90
12 179mm 90g -2242K 18.27 11.33
13 180mm 105g -2243K 18.79 11.65
14 192mm 130g -2244K 19.67 12.20
15 200mm 152g -2245K 19.67 12.20 Head No. of Order Code List Offer
16 215mm 182g -2246K 22.17 13.75 Type Pieces FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1
17 233mm 213g -2247K 22.17 13.75 Number Weight Order Code List Offer Fixed -0596B 170.80 145.18
18 237mm 230g -2248K 24.18 14.99 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Fixed - Anti-slip 10 -0596T 187.88 159.70
19 249mm 271g -2249K 25.27 15.67 10 Metric 2600g -2250K 184.41 114.33 Flexi -0598A 198.90 169.07
Ratchet Spanners
Ratchet combination spanners ideal for reaching in
to awkward spaces. Ring head has a reversible
ratchet system that gives small increments of only 5.
Both heads are angled at 15 for side access.
Satin chrome finish. Conform to ISO 1711-1.
Product Size Order Code List Offer Product Size Order Code List Offer Product Size Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1
467.8 8.00 -0590M 13.22 11.24 467.12 12.00 -0592D 15.16 12.89 467.16 16.00 -0593H 18.41 15.65
467.9 9.00 -0591D 13.22 11.24 467.13 13.00 -0592H 15.60 13.26 467.17 17.00 -0593M 18.41 15.65
467.10 10.00 -0591H 14.24 12.10 467.14 14.00 -0592M 16.34 13.89 467.18 18.00 -0594D 20.07 17.06
467.11 11.00 -0591M 14.60 12.41 467.15 15.00 -0593D 16.34 13.89 467.19 19.00 -0594H 20.96 17.82
Page 1090
Short Arm Ratchet
Combination Spanners
Manufactured from quality chrome vanadium steel with hardened jaws and high polish mirror finish, corrosion resistant and easy
to clean. Conforms to ANSI 8107.6.
9 Piece Metric:
Metric 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 19mm.
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 7 Piece AF:
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 3/8, 7/16, 1/2,
10 95 40g -2188K 12.66 7.85 9/16, 5/8,
11 100 50g -2189K 13.13 8.14 11/16 and 3/4.
12 103 55g -2190K 13.53 8.39
13 106 60g -2191K 14.17 8.79
14 114 75g -2192K 14.17 8.79
15 117 90g -2193K 15.95 9.89
16 120 100g -2194K 15.95 9.89
17 127 120g -2195K 15.95 9.89
19 138 155g -2197K 18.75 11.63
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Inch Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
3/8 97mm 45g -2180K 12.74 7.90
7/16 113mm 85g -2181K 13.15 8.15
1/2 108mm 70g -2182K 14.49 8.98
9/16 114mm 85g -2183K 14.90 9.24 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
5/8 120mm 110g -2184K 16.66 10.33 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
11/16 127mm 120g -2185K 17.55 10.88 9 Metric 1880g -2236K 120.83 74.91
3/4 135mm 155g -2186K 19.30 11.97 7 AF 770g -2228K 87.02 53.95
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
10 97 30g -2200K 9.46 5.87
11 100 40g -2202K 9.46 5.87
12 105 43g -2204K 9.46 5.87
13 110 51g -2206K 9.46 5.87
14 114 65g -2208K 9.46 5.87
15 119 75g -2210K 9.46 5.87
16 124 85g -2212K 9.46 5.87
17 130 95g -2214K 9.46 5.87 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
18 133 110g -2216K 9.75 6.05 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
19 140 130g -2218K 9.95 6.17 10 Metric 840g -2225K 76.30 47.31
39 Short
Combination Wrenches
To ISO 7738, NF ISO 7738. Short shank and compact heads.
Ideal where access is restricted. 12-point ring angled at 15.
Product Size Order Code List Offer
Numer FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1
39.3.2H 3.20mm -0289M 9.46 8.04
39.4H 4mm -0289P 9.46 8.04 Product Size Order Code List Offer
39.5H 5mm -0289R 9.46 8.04 Numer FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1
39.5.5H 5.50mm -0289T 9.46 8.04 39.1/8H 1/8 -0288A 9.46 8.04
39.6 6mm -0290A 9.46 8.04 39.5/32H 5/32 -0288C 9.46 8.04
39.7 7mm -0291B 9.46 8.04 39.3/16H 3/16 -0288E 9.46 8.04
39.8 8mm -0292C 9.46 8.04 39.7/32H 7/32 -0288G 9.46 8.04
39.9 9mm -0293D 9.46 8.04 39.1/4 1/4 -0288J 9.46 8.04
39.10 10mm -0294E 9.46 8.04 39.9/32 9/32 -0288L 9.46 8.04
39.11 11mm -0295F 9.46 8.04 39.5/16 5/16 -0288N 9.46 8.04
39.12 12mm -0296G 9.46 8.04 39.11/32 11/32 -0288Q 9.46 8.04
39.13 13mm -0297H 9.46 8.04 39.3/8 3/8 -0288R 9.46 8.04
39.14 14mm -0298J 9.46 8.04 39.1/2 1/2 -0288S 9.46 8.04
39.15 15mm -0299K 9.46 8.04 39.9/16 9/16 -0288V 9.46 8.04
39.16 16mm -0300L 9.46 8.04 39.5/8 5/8 -0288X 9.46 8.04
39.17 17mm -0301M 9.46 8.04 39.11/16 11/16 -0288Z 9.46 8.04
Page 1091
Wall Drive Ring End Feature Fig.1 shows the point loads that occur with standard contact
The wall drive ring end feature has no points on the internal wrenches.
bi-hexagon ring end. This is achieved by a series of radii Fig.2 shows the increased surface contact area loads of wrenches
that gives a wavy look to the internal with wall drive feature.
bi-hexagon ring end. The increased contact surface area
The internal radii design promotes has three main advantages: helps
the use of higher torque loads to to reduce stress to the tool,
be applied to the fastener prolonging tool life. Increases the
through increased surface tightening torque transmission
contact areas. force that can be applied to
Prevents fastener damage,
e.g.rounding off.
Fig.1 Fig.2
Combination Spanners
Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel with highly polished mirror finish. Mirror finish prevents oil and dirt from
adhering to the spannermaking for easier cleaning and preventing rust. Long reach, wall drive.
Conform with ASME B107.6.
Metric Sets
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 14 Piece Metric: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 and 19mm.
6 130 26g -3060K 6.99 4.33 14* Piece Metric: 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 27,
7 136 30g -3070K 6.99 4.33
8 148 35g -3080K 6.99 4.33 30 and 32mm.
9 167 53g -3090K 6.99 4.33 18 Piece Metric: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15, 16, 17, 18,
10 172 57g -3100K 7.08 4.39 19, 20, 21, 22, and 24mm.
11 186 70g -3110K 7.48 4.64
12 197 80g -3120K 7.48 4.64 26 Piece Metric: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,
13 207 88g -3130K 8.70 5.39 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 32mm.
14 223 119g -3140K 8.70 5.39 9 Piece AF: 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16 and 3/4.
15 233 133g -3150K 9.90 6.14
16 243 145g -3160K 9.90 6.14 13 Piece AF: 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4, 13/16,
7/8, 15/16 and 1.
17 261 179g -3170K 10.79 6.69
18 270 199g -3180K 11.43 7.09
19 280 220g -3190K 11.92 7.39
20 290 323g -3200K 13.78 8.54
21 301 323g -3210K 14.82 9.19
22 318 361g -3220K 14.82 9.19
23 325 400g -3225K 17.80 11.04
24 338 443g -3230K 17.80 11.04
25 350 540g -3231K 19.57 12.13
26 350 525g -3232K 22.13 13.72
27 370 610g -3233K 23.35 14.48
28 370 585g -3234K 23.35 14.48
29 400 715g -3235K 24.97 15.48
30 400 735g -3236K 27.78 17.22
32 430 915g -3237K 31.42 19.48
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(AF) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
11/32 143 32g -3239K 7.83 4.85
1/4 130 26g -3240K 7.18 4.45
5/16 148 35g -3250K 7.18 4.45
3/8 167 53g -3260K 7.18 4.45
7/16 186 70g -3270K 7.74 4.80
1/2 207 88g -3280K 8.97 5.56
9/16 223 119g -3290K 8.97 5.56 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
5/8 243 145g -3300K 9.89 6.13 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
11/16 261 179g -3310K 11.14 6.91 14 Metric* 1.65kg -3960K 109.22 67.72
3/4 280 220g -3320K 12.83 7.95 14* Metric 4.60kg -3972K 164.85 102.21
13/16 297 296g -3330K 15.39 9.54 18 Metric 2.85kg -3970K 164.32 101.88
7/8 320 350g -3340K 15.39 9.54 26 Metric 8.90kg -3974K 251.98 156.23
15/16 340 435g -3350K 18.53 11.49 9 AF 1.00kg -3920K 72.95 45.23
1 355 510g -3360K 23.67 14.68 13 AF 1.95kg -3930K 138.63 85.95
Page 1092
Combination Spanners
Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel with a satin finish body and highly polished heads. 15 open jaw angle to shank and
ring end offset. Conform to: 5.5mm - 25mm, 1/4 - 1 AF - DIN 3113. 26mm - 95mm, 11/16 - 2AF -
ASME B107.6. 1/8 - 1/2 Whitworth - DIN 3113 & BS192:1982. 9/16 - 7/8 Whitworth - ASME B107.6 & BS192:1982.
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
5.5 93 10g -2560K 9.95 6.17
6 100 14g -2570K 6.36 3.94
7 110 18g -2580K 6.36 3.94
8 120 27g -2590K 6.36 3.94
9 130 33g -2600K 6.36 3.94
10 140 36g -2610K 6.44 3.99 AF Whitworth
11 150 47g -2630K 6.80 4.22 Size Overall Weight Order CodeList Offer Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
12 160 55g -2640K 6.80 4.22 (AF) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Whit Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
13 170 66g -2660K 7.91 4.90 1/4
14 180 82g -2670K 7.91 4.90 100 14g -2260K 6.52 4.04 1/8 140 30g -3370K 10.12 6.27
5/16 120 27g -2270K 6.52 4.04 3/16 160 50g -3380K 10.12 6.27
15 190 90g -2680K 9.00 5.58 3/8
16 200 107g -2690K 9.00 5.58 140 33g -2280K 6.52 4.04 1/4 180 65g -3390K 11.42 7.08
7/16 150 47g -2290K 7.04 4.36 5/16 200 97g -3400K 13.37 8.29
17 210 130g -2700K 9.81 6.08 1/2
18 220 138g -2710K 10.40 6.45 170 66g -2300K 8.15 5.05 3/8 220 150g -3410K 15.56 9.65
9/16 180 82g -2310K 8.15 5.05 7/16 250 200g -3420K 19.30 11.97
19 230 159g -2720K 10.84 6.72 5/8
20 240 185g -2730K 12.53 7.77 200 107g -2320K 8.99 5.57 1/2 280 228g -3430K 24.80 15.38
11/16 210 138g -2340K 10.13 6.28 9/16* 332 430g -3440K 32.71 20.28
21 250 193g -2740K 13.48 8.36 3/4
22 260 225g -2750K 13.48 8.36 230 159g -2350K 11.66 7.23 5/8* 380 690g -3450K 43.85 27.19
7/8 260 225g -2360K 13.99 8.67 11/16* 418 885g -3460K 48.59 30.13
23 260 265g -2760K 16.18 10.03 13/16
24 280 294g -2770K 16.18 10.03 250 268g -2370K 13.99 8.67 3/4* 461 850g -3470K 59.36 36.80
15/16 280 294g -2380K 16.84 10.44 7/8* 486 930g -3480K 100.75 62.47
25 295 330g -2780K 17.79 11.03
26 295 435g -2790K 20.12 12.47 1 295 330g -2390K 21.52 13.34
27 310 387g -2800K 21.23 13.16 1 16* 358 540g
1/ -2400K 22.57 13.99 Sets:
28 340 675g -2810K 21.23 13.16 1 8* 380 675g
1/ -2410K 24.07 14.92 11 Piece: 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 36, 38,
29 340 1280g -2850K 22.70 14.07 11/4* 418 820g -2420K 31.39 19.46 41, 46 and 50mm
30 340 675g -2820K 25.26 15.66 15/16* 461 972g -2430K 54.10 33.54 14 Piece: 6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19,
32 360 485g -2830K 28.57 17.71 13/8* 461 972g -2440K 55.55 34.44
17/16* 486 1280g -2450K 58.50 36.27 22, 24, 27, 30 and 32mm.
36 410 600g -2840K 55.63 34.49 14* Piece: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
38 430 1280g -2860K 65.00 40.30 11/2* 486 1280g -2460K 90.70 56.23
15/8* 540 1800g -2470K 95.00 58.90 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19mm.
41 460 1800g -2870K 78.00 48.36 18 Piece: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
46 500 1900g -2880K 102.00 63.24 13/4* 611 1900g -2480K 110.00 68.20
50 540 2350g -2890K 127.00 78.74 17/8* 611 2350g -2490K 115.00 71.30 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 24mm.
55 560 3085g -2891K 191.00 118.42 2* 611 2350g -2500K 135.00 83.70 26 Piece: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
60 600 3750g -2892K 261.00 161.82 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,
65 675 5700g -2893K 374.00 231.88 Sets 27, 28, 29, 30 and 32mm.
70 675 5400g -2894K 393.00 243.66 Number Weight Order Code List Offer 9 Piece AF:
75 720 5700g -2895K 418.00 259.16 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16
80 720 6500g -2896K 445.00 275.90 11 Metric 2.60kg -2980K 331.00 205.22 and 3/4
85 730 6800g -2897K 609.00 377.58 14 Metric 3.10kg -2900K 110.00 68.20 11 Piece AF: *1 1/16, *1 1/8, *1 1/4,
90 730 7000g -2898K 630.00 390.60 14* Metric 1.20kg -2960K 99.29 61.56
95 750 7200g -2899K 652.00 404.24 *1 5/16, *1 3/8, *1 7/16, *1 1/2, *1 5/8,
18 Metric 2.20kg -2970K 149.38 92.62 *1 3/4, *1 7/8 and *2.
26 Metric 5.75kg -2910K 221.00 137.02
Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel 09 AF 0.80kg -2920K 66.32 41.12 12 Piece: 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16,
5/8, 11/16, 3/4, 7/8, 15/16 and 1.
(except * which is made from drop forged 11 AF 2.65kg -2940K 351.00 217.62
carbon steel) with a satin finish body and 12 AF 1.80kg -2930K 113.43 70.33 7 Piece Whitworth: 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 5/16,
7 Whitworth 0.95kg -2950K 94.23 58.42 3/8, 7/16 and 1/2.
highly polished heads.
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Set
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 14 Piece Metric: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and
6 127 20g -3880K 7.21 4.47 19mm.
7 135 25g -3881K 7.21 4.47
Page 1093
Combination Spanners
Made from chrome vanadium
steel with polished head and
15 offset. Conform to
ASME B107.6.
14 Piece
Metric: 6, 7, 8,
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1 9, 10, 11, 12,
6 100 14g -2570K 3.45 2.14
13, 14, 15, 16,
7 110 18g -2580K 3.45 2.14 17, 18, and
8 120 27g -2590K 3.95 2.45 19mm.
9 130 33g -2600K 3.95 2.45
10 140 36g -2610K 4.45 2.76
11 150 47g -2630K 4.45 2.76
12 160 55g -2640K 4.95 3.07
13 170 66g -2660K 4.95 3.07
14 180 82g -2670K 5.45 3.38
15 190 90g -2680K 5.95 3.69
16 200 107g -2690K 5.95 3.69 No of Weight Order Code List Offer
17 210 130g -2700K 6.45 4.00 Pieces each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
18 220 138g -2710K 6.95 4.31
19 230 159g -2720K 7.45 4.62 14 Metric 1.60kg -2960K 64.62 40.06
Manufactured from drop forged
steel with 15 cranked heads.
Conform to ASME B107.6.
14 Piece
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Metric:
(mm) Length each SEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
6 100 10g -2570K 3.92 2.27 11, 12, 13,
7 110 14g -2580K 3.95 2.29 14, 15, 16,
8 120 18g -2590K 4.03 2.34 17, 18 and
9 130 33g -2600K 4.13 2.40
10 140 36g -2610K 4.25 2.47 19mm.
11 150 47g -2630K 4.66 2.70
12 160 55g -2640K 4.86 2.82
13 170 66g -2660K 5.08 2.95
14 180 82g -2670K 5.48 3.18
15 190 90g -2680K 5.70 3.31
16 200 107g -2690K 6.31 3.66
17 210 130g -2700K 6.36 3.69 No. of Weight Order Code List Offer
18 220 138g -2710K 7.35 4.26 Pieces each SEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
19 230 159g -2720K 7.34 4.26 14 Metric 1.30kg -2960K 59.98 34.79
440.12 12.00 -0544Q 6.18 5.25 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
440.13 13.00 -0544S 7.19 6.11 Inch
440.14 14.00 -0544V 7.19 6.11 Product Size Order Code List Offer 16, 17, 18, 19,
440.15 15.00 -0544X 8.18 6.95 Number (inch) FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1 22, 24mm.
440.16 16.00 -0544Z 8.18 6.95 440.1/4 1/4 -0547C 5.93 5.04 PIECES
440.17 17.00 -0545B 8.92 7.58 440.5/16 5/16 -0547E 5.93 5.04
440.18 18.00 -0545D 9.45 8.03 440.11/32 11/ 32 -0547G 5.93 5.04
440.3/8 3/8 -0547J 5.93 5.04 Product Order Code List Offer
440.19 19.00 -0545F 9.85 8.37 Number FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1
440.20 20.00 -0545H 11.39 9.68 440.7/16 7/16 -0547L 6.40 5.44
440.21 21.00 -0545K 12.25 10.41 440.1/2 1/2 -0547N 7.41 6.30 440.JP14PB -6035Y 104.15 88.53
Page 1094
12-In-1 Reversible
Ratchet Spanners
Double ended ratchet spanners with 12 sizes each. These spanners fit mm, inch and E-TORX fasteners saving space and weight
in the toolbox. The 72 teeth lever ratcheting system requires only 5 degree movement to operate making them ideal for use in
tight areas. Made from high quality chrome vanadium steel with mirror polish finish to prevent oil and dirt from adhering to the spanner.
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Range (mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
8 - 13 160 97g -6862K 32.16 19.94 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
14 - 19 230 263g -6864K 35.95 22.29 2 Pieces 380g -6870K 61.29 38.00
Page 1095
Reversible Ratchet
Ring Wrenches
For use where access is limited. With a built-in ratchet mechanism to provide speed and a reversible action which can be achieved by
depressing the reversing lever or by simply turning the wrench over. All ratcheting ring wrenches are manufactured from chrome vanadium
steel with bi-hex rings.
Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(AF) each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
1/4* x 5/16 60g -9732K 10.61 6.58
3/8 x 7/16 90g -9733K 12.50 7.75 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
1/2 x 9/16 160g -9734K 18.35 11.38 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
5/8 x 11/16 270g -9735K 20.88 12.95 7 Metric 1300g -9730K 77.24 47.89
3/4 x 7/8 305g -9736K 21.26 13.18 5 AF 930g -9740K 66.95 41.51
25 Offset
Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(AF) each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
1/4* x 5/16 60g -9752K 11.14 6.91
3/8 x 7/16 90g -9753K 13.14 8.15 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
1/2 x 9/16 170g -9754K 19.28 11.95 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
5/8 x 11/16 265g -9755K 21.93 13.60 7 Metric 1280g -9750K 81.10 50.28
3/4 x 7/8 300g -9756K 22.33 13.84 5 AF 930g -9760K 70.29 43.58
11 x 13mm,
14 x 15mm
and 17 x 19mm.
Page 1096
Double Ended
Ring Spanners
Made from chrome vanadium steel with a satin finish body and highly polished heads, with double ended closed jaw bi-hexagon offset.
Conform to DIN 838 Metric & AF, BS 192 : 1982 & BS 3555 : 1998 Whitworth.
Size Overall Weight Order CodeList Offer
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
5.5 x 7 168 40g -1550K 9.62 5.96
6x7 180 40g -1570K 8.20 5.08
8x9 190 60g -1590K 8.23 5.10
8 x 10 200 60g -1600K 8.23 5.10
10 x 11 205 87g -1610K 8.59 5.33
10 x 13 220 120g -1620K 9.01 5.59
12 x 13 220 120g -1640K 9.21 5.71
13 x 17 270 190g -1660K 9.95 6.17
14 x 15 235 152g -1670K 10.03 6.22
16 x 17 250 186g -1680K 11.18 6.93
17 x 19 270 240g -1690K 12.48 7.74
18 x 19 270 240g -1700K 12.48 7.74
19 x 22 290 350g -1710K 16.40 10.17
19 x 24 330 380g -1720K 17.95 11.13
20 x 22 290 320g -1730K 16.40 10.17
21 x 23 315 400g -1740K 18.55 11.50
22 x 24 330 368g -1750K 19.30 11.97 Sets
24 x 26 335 465g -1760K 22.95 14.23 7 Piece Metric: 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13, 14 x 15, 16 x 17
24 x 27 340 465g -1770K 24.44 15.15 and 18 x 19mm.
24 x 30 362 495g -1780K 24.95 15.47 11 Piece Metric: 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13, 14 x 15,
25 x 28 360 545g -1790K 32.61 20.22 16 x 17, 18 x 19, 20 x 22, 21 x 23, 24 x 27 and 30 x 32mm.
27 x 30 380 638g -1800K 32.61 20.22
30 x 32 380 638g -1810K 33.26 20.62 5 Piece AF: 1/4 x 5/16, 3/8 x 7/16, 1/2 x 9/16, 5/8 x 11/16 and
3/4 x 7/8.
30 x 36 420 820g -1820K 51.00 31.62
32 x 36 420 900g -1830K 54.00 33.48 10 Piece AF: 1/4 x 5/16, 5/16 x 3/8, 3/8 x 7/16, 7/16 x 1/2, 1/2 x 9/16,
9/16 x 5/8, 5/8 x 11/16, 11/16 x 3/4, 3/4 x 7/8 and 15/16 x 1.
36 x 41 430 1100g -1840K 65.72 40.75
41 x 46 440 1300g -1850K 89.00 55.18 5 Piece BSW: 3/16 x 1/4, 5/16 x 3/8, 7/16 x 1/2, 9/16 x 5/8 and
46 x 50 505 1570g -1860K 115.00 71.30 11/16 x 3/4 BSW.
55 x 60 635 4000g -1870K 320.00 198.40
Size Weight Order Code List Offer
AF each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
1/4 x 5/16 60g -1260K 8.35 5.18
5/16 x 3/8 75g -1270K 8.75 5.43
3/8 x 7/16 94g -1280K 8.73 5.41
7/16 x 1/2 124g -1290K 9.36 5.80
1/2 x 9/16 152g -1300K 9.83 6.09
9/16 x 5/8 157g -1310K 11.04 6.84
5/8 x 11/16 218g -1320K 11.40 7.07
11/16 x 3/4 250g -1340K 15.06 9.34
3/4 x 7/8 320g -1350K 16.15 10.01
13/16 x 7/8 335g -1360K 16.68 10.34
15/16 x 1 465g -1380K 23.44 14.53
11/16 x 11/4 618g -1410K 29.00 17.98
11/8 x 15/16 640g -1420K 29.50 18.29
Size Weight Order Code List Offer
Whitworth each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
3/16 x 1/4 110g -2010K 12.33 7.64
1/4 x 5/16 150g -2020K 13.64 8.46
5/16 x 3/8 200g -2030K 15.42 9.56
3/8 x 7/16 256g -2040K 20.82 12.91
7/16 x 1/2 354g -2050K 25.31 15.69
1/2 x 9/16 455g -2060K 31.45 19.50 No. of Weight Order Code List Offer
9/16 x 5/8 490g -2070K 41.21 25.55 Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
5/8 x 3/4 638g -2090K 48.39 30.00 7 Metric 1.20kg -1960K 61.13 37.90
11/16 x 3/4 660g -2100K 54.90 34.04 11 Metric 1.90kg -1970K 144.51 89.60
3/4 x 7/8 825g -2110K 73.66 45.67 5 AF 0.92kg -1920K 49.01 30.39
7/8 x 1 1150g -2120K 89.10 55.24 10 AF 2.00kg -1930K 109.90 68.14
11/8 x 11/4 1800g -2140K 150.15 93.09 5 BSW 2.75kg -1950K 134.26 83.24
Page 1097
Swivel End
Socket Wrenches
Designed to give greater flexibility and improved access when working in difficult conditions. Bi-hexagon (12 point).
Manufactured from fully polished chrome vanadium steel. Conform with ANSI B107.5M.
6 Piece Bi-hexagon:
8 x 9,
10 x 11,
12 x 13,
14 x 15,
16 x 17 and
18 x 19mm.
4 Piece E-Torx:
E6 x E8,
E10 x E12,
E14 x E18 and
E20 x E24mm
Torx Ring
21TX Chrome alloy
steel with chrome
Product Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Product Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) Length each STH-582 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) Length each STH-582 Price/1 Price/1
41250608 6 x 8 30.8 18g -1026L 13.83 10.65 41251418 14 x 18 34.6 22g -1034T 18.02 13.88
41251012 10 x 12 30.6 18g -1030P 15.19 11.70 41252024 20 x 24 34.3 22g -1040Y 24.37 18.76
Page 1098
Professional Flared
Nut Ring Spanners
Conform to: ASME B107.4. Made from chrome vanadium steel with a highly polished mirror finish. Made to AmericanFederal Standards,
giving higher torque therefore improved performance. The wrench will fit over the pipe to give a positive location on the nut.
Can be used on hydraulic pipes, brake pipes etc.
Page 1099
Open Ended Spanners
Chrome vanadium steel (except * which are made from drop forged carbon steel) with a satin finish body and highly polished
heads, with a 15 offset.
DIN 3110: 4 x 5mm to 32 x 36mm, 1/4 x 5/16 to 15/16 x 15/8 AF.
ASME B107.39: 36 x 41mm to 46 x 50mm, 17/16 x 15/8 to 113/16 x 2 AF.
DIN 3110 & BS192:1982: 1/8 x 3/16 to 1 x 11/8 Whitworth.
Metric Whitworth
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Whitworth each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
4x5 103 12g -0530K 5.57 3.45 1/8 x 3/16 55g -0010K 6.12 3.79
5 x 5.5 103 15g -0540K 5.57 3.45 3/16 x 1/4 70g -0020K 6.63 4.11
5.5 x 7 122 25g -0550K 5.57 3.45 1/4 x 5/16 90g -0030K 7.24 4.49
5/16 x 3/8 120g -0040K 8.61 5.34
6x7 122 25g -0570K 5.57 3.45
3/8 x 7/16 225g -0050K 10.67 6.62
7x8 122 25g -0580K 5.57 3.45
7/16 x 1/2 230g -0060K 12.72 7.89
8x9 140 32g -0590K 5.57 3.45
1/2 x 9/16 325g -0070K 14.27 8.85
8 x 10 140 32g -0600K 5.57 3.45
9/16 x 5/8 385g -0090K 19.04 11.80
10 x 11 156 48g -0610K 5.76 3.57
9/16 x 11/16 435g -0100K 18.96 11.76
10 x 12 156 48g -0612K 6.05 3.75 5/8 x 11/16
10 x 13 172 63g -0620K 6.35 3.94 490g -0110K 25.53 15.83
5/8 x 3/4 495g -0120K 25.53 15.83
11 x 13 172 63g -0630K 6.40 3.97 11/16 x 3/4
12 x 13 172 63g -0640K 6.50 4.03 495g -0130K 27.55 17.08
3/4 x 7/8 740g -0140K 34.91 21.64
12 x 14 172 63g -0644K 7.23 4.48 7/8 x 1
13 x 15 186 100g -0650K 7.70 4.77 910g -0150K 44.00 27.28
13 x 17 188 96g -0660K 7.95 4.93 1 x 11/8 1100g -0160K 62.70 38.87
14 x 15 188 96g -0670K 7.95 4.93
14 x 17 188 96g -0677K 8.15 5.05 Sets:
16 x 17 204 120g -0680K 8.66 5.37 7 Piece Metric: 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13, 14 x 15, 16 x 17
17 x 19 220 171g -0690K 10.12 6.27 and 18 x 19mm.
18 x 19 220 171g -0700K 10.12 6.27
19 x 21 234 198g -0709K 11.55 7.16 8 Piece Metric: 24 x 26, 25 x 28, 27 x 30, 27 x 32, 32 x 36, *36 x 41,
19 x 22 234 198g -0710K 11.95 7.41 *41 x 46 and *46 x 50mm.
19 x 24 234 198g -0720K 12.25 7.60
20 x 22 234 198g -0730K 12.34 7.65 11 Piece Metric: 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13, 14 x 15, 16 x 17, 18
21 x 23 247 200g -0740K 13.02 8.07 x 19, 20 x 22, 21 x 23, 24 x 27 and 30 x 32mm.
22 x 24 247 200g -0750K 13.64 8.46 5 Piece AF: 1/4 x 5/16, 3/8 x 7/16, 1/2 x 9/16, 5/8 x 11/16 and 3/4 x 7/8.
24 x 26 266 311g -0760K 16.44 10.19
24 x 27 266 311g -0770K 16.44 10.19 10 Piece AF: 1/4 x 5/16, 5/16 x 3/8, 3/8 x 7/16, 7/16 x 1/2, 1/2 x
9/16, 9/16 x 5/8, 5/8 x 11/16, 11/16 x 3/4, 3/4 x 7/8 and 15/16 x 1.
24 x 30 285 405g -0780K 17.98 11.15
25 x 28 285 405g -0790K 18.53 11.49 8 Piece Whitworth: 1/8 x 3/16, 3/16 x 1/4, 1/4 x 5/16, 5/16 x 3/8, 3/8 x 7/16,
30 x 32 302 460g -0810K 23.09 14.32 7/16 x 1/2, 1/2 x 9/16 and 9/16 x 5/8.
27 x 30 302 460g -0820K 21.66 13.43
27 x 32 302 460g -0830K 21.98 13.63
30 x 36 319 692g -0840K 34.40 21.33
32 x 36 319 692g -0850K 37.00 22.94
*36 x 41 434 1340g -0860K 41.86 25.95
*41 x 46 465 1782g -0870K 60.75 37.67
*46 x 50 495 2368g -0880K 89.00 55.18
Size Weight Order Code List Offer
AF each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
1/4 x 5/16 25g -0260K 5.57 3.45
5/16 x 3/8 32g -0270K 5.95 3.69
Page 1100
Open Ended Spanners
Chrome vanadium steel with a highly polished mirror finish preventing oil and dirt from adhering to the spanner. Made to American
Federal Standards, extra thick heads offer higher torque forces to be applied therefore improved performance.
Conform to ASME B107.39
7 Piece Metric:
6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13,
14 x 15, 16 x 17 and 18 x 19mm.
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 12 Piece Metric:
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13,
6x7 126 25g -2990K 6.13 3.80 14 x 15, 16 x 17, 18 x 19, 20 x 22,
8x9 135 45g -3000K 6.13 3.80 21 x 23, 24 x 27 and 30 x 32mm.
10 x 11 146 55g -3010K 6.34 3.93
12 x 13 165 90g -3020K 7.15 4.43
14 x 15 185 120g -3030K 8.75 5.43
16 x 17 185 138g -3040K 9.53 5.91
18 x 19 230 210g -3050K 11.13 6.90
20 x 22 250 280g -3051K 13.57 8.41 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
21 x 23 250 290g -3052K 14.33 8.88 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
24 x 27 290 400g -3053K 18.09 11.22 7 Metric 780g -3900K 49.63 30.77
30 x 32 360 750g -3054K 25.40 15.75 11 Metric 2730g -3910K 114.45 70.96
Metric Metric
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length each SEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) Length each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
6x7 126 25g -0570K 2.81 1.63 6 x7 126 25g -0570K 4.18 2.59
8x9 135 34g -0590K 2.98 1.73 8x9 135 34g -0590K 4.18 2.59
10 x 11 146 48g -0610K 3.68 2.13 10 x 11 146 48g -0610K 4.32 2.68
12 x 13 165 88g -0640K 4.00 2.32 12 x 13 165 88g -0640K 4.88 3.03
14 x 15 185 110g -0670K 4.74 2.75 14 x 15 185 110g -0670K 5.96 3.70
16 x 17 185 132g -0680K 4.62 2.68 16 x 17 185 135g -0680K 6.50 4.03
18 x 19 227 186g -0700K 5.60 3.25 18 x 19 227 186g -0700K 7.59 4.71
Set Set
7 Piece Metric: Metric 7 Piece
6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13, 14 x 15, 16 x 17 and 18 x 19mm. 6 x 7, 8 x 9, 10 x 11, 12 x 13, 14 x 15, 16 x 17 and 18 x 19mm.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each SEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
7 Metric 1.25kg -0960K 21.98 12.75 7 Metric 0.85kg -0960K 33.84 20.98
Page 1101
11 Piece Ignition Crowfoot Wrenches
Wrench Kit 3/8 Chrome vanadium wrenches designed to be used for
Contents: getting into tight spots and hard to reach areas, in
8 open end spanners particular around tubing such as hydraulic lines etc. For use with 3/8
4 - 7.5mm x 0.5mm increments, square drive tools.
screwdriver, file, a
0.40mm gap gauge.
b c
10 Piece Metric:
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22 and 24mm.
Supplied on a sliding socket rail for storage.
Metric. Conform to BS 192 : 1982 & DIN 3110.
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
3.2 x 4 70 6g -1001K 4.37 2.71
4x5 70 6g -1002K 4.41 2.73 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
5 x 5.5 80 11g -1003K 4.41 2.73 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
5.5 x 6 80 11g -1004K 4.41 2.73
6x7 80 10g -1005K 4.43 2.75 10 Metric 610g -6300K 69.42 43.04
7x8 90 15g -1006K 4.43 2.75
Flexi-ring End Sockets
BA. Conform to BS 1842 : 1952.
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 1/2 Made from polished chrome vanadium. These tough flexi-ring end
(BA) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 sockets are designed to allow access over long studs and for
0x2 89 25g -0190K 4.78 2.96
awkwardly positioned nuts and bolts. Swivels through 220.
1x3 67 20g -0200K 4.78 2.96
4x6 63 10g -0220K 4.78 2.96
5x7 63 5g -0230K 4.78 2.96
8 x 10 64 5g -0240K 4.78 2.96
9 x 11 51 5g -0250K 4.78 2.96
6 Piece BA: 0 x 2, 1 x 3, 4 x 6,
5 x 7, 8 x 10 and 9 x 11BA.
6 Piece Metric: 3.2 x 4, 4 x 5,
5 x 5.5, 5.5 x 6, 6 x 7
and 7 x 8mm
Page 1102
T-Type Adjustable C Hook Spanners
Wrenches Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel
For use in restricted areas. Ideally suited to changing with a highly polished chrome plated finish.
spark plugs as the one piece design ensures that no
socket or extension bar can become stuck on the
plug or drop into the engine compartment. Single hex.
Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel.
Hinged Pin
Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel with satin chrome finish.
Pins hardened to 40 HRc.
Page 1103
l Grips fasteners which are up to 95% rounded off
Patented Design
l Will not damage worn or rusted fasteners
l Also fits a wide range of non-metric Hexagons
and E-Torx Drive Sizes
l Fully chrome plated finish for easy clean Grips
Grips up
to 95%
l Unique Double-Knurl for high grip damaging rounded FASTENERS
l Aluminium-free finish
Will also fit a wide range of non-metric Hexagons and E-Torx Drive Sizes.
Standard Length Standard Length Sockets
Sockets 1/2
Conform to DIN3124.
1/4 Conform to DIN3124.
Page 1104
Side Drive
Socket Sets
1/4 Square Drive 19 Piece Metric Set
Metric Ken-Grip Sockets: Patented Design
4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14mm.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer ROUNDED
of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
19 880g -8800K 76.60 47.49
padlock hole and cushion grip handle.
Page 1105
Push Through Disc Type Reversible
Steel Handles Rubber Handle
1/4 Chrome - molybdenum with mirror polished finish. Push through 1/4 40 tooth chrome vanadium quick release ratchet with rubber grip,
square drive, needs only 3% movement to operate ratchet. disc for reversing without having to remove the socket or accessory.
Overall Number of Weight Order Code List Offer Ratchet Wrench
Length Teeth each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
140 20 170g -4020K 32.94 20.42
1/4 With thumb lever for reversing without having to remove the
socket or accessory. 72 Tooth ratchet mechanism.
Lever Reversible Rubber Handle Easy to maintain, service kit available.
1/4 Chrome vanadium. Rubber grip, 72 tooth ratchet. With thumb
lever for reversing without having to remove the socket or
accessory. With quick release. A high quality wrench for the
professional user.
Size Overall Order Code List Offer
Length BTL-582 Price/1 Price/1
1/4 140mm -1030F 30.68 22.70
Swivel Handle
1/4 The hinged link allows operation at varied angles to aid access in
restricted areas. Knurled grip.
Overall Number of Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length Teeth each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
143mm 72 120g -4015K 60.17 37.31 150mm 125g -4180K 28.47 17.65
Product Overall Order Code List Offer Product Overall Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Length FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1 Head dia. Length FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1 Length each FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1
R.161 124mm -7054D 43.07 36.61 27mm 120mm -7101H 57.82 49.15 R.360PB 77g -7158S 38.61 32.82
Page 1106
Sliding Speed
T Handle Brace
1/4 Manufactured from high quality chrome vanadium with a fully 1/4 Manufactured from high quality chrome vanadium, fully polished
polished finish. The sliding bar will give many options for finish. Ideal for nut spinning.
leverage within a given space.
American Pattern
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Product Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length each STH-582 Price/1 Price/1
105mm 50g -4040K 12.82 7.95 413 440mm 352g -1413B 64.59 49.73
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Length each PTO-582 Price/1 Price/1
50mm 25g -4060K 9.36 5.80 50mm 20g -2589T 7.61 6.09
100mm 50g -4080K 9.56 5.93 75mm 30g -2590J 10.30 8.24
150mm 70g -4100K 11.75 7.29 150mm 60g -2591V 10.77 8.62
250mm 115g -4120K 16.17 10.03 350mm 130g -2592W 17.55 14.04
Steel wire braid allows access into obstructed areas. Spinner
1/4 Fixed Type: chrome vanadium blade with spring loaded ball
bearing socket retainer.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Overall length: 150mm. Bi-Material
150mm 150g -4140K 17.76 11.01
In areas where clearance may be a problem the wobble square drive
can be used at an angle of up to 15.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
50mm 25g -4070K 11.11 6.89 Handle Weight Order Code List Offer
100mm 50g -4090K 12.09 7.50 Type each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
150mm 70g -4110K 14.00 8.68 Bi-Material 110g -4190K 13.95 8.65
250mm 115g -4130K 17.95 11.13 Polypropelene 110g -4200K 9.95 6.17
Page 1107
Standard Length Standard & Deep Pockets Sockets
Sockets Ideal for assembly and servicing of small precision mechanisms associated
Conform to DIN3124.
1/ 4 with electrical, electronic, ignition and refrigeration work. All bi-hexagon
1/4 unless stated.
Double knurl feature gives a high grip which is essential for a
Patented Design 1/4
quick tool change when your hands are greasy/oily. The 12 point
Grips fasteners which are up to 95% bi-hexagon side drive design will give a higher torque than normal
sockets. Manufactured from chrome vanadium, fully chrome
Will not damage worn or rusted fasteners.
rounded off.
plated with a mirror finish and aluminium-free. Chamfered leading
Also fits a wide range of non-metric edge ensures easy fastener location.
4.0mm -4800K 9.95 6.17 5.0 50mm 10g -4672K 10.15 6.29 1/2 50mm 50g -4590K 11.26 6.98
5.0mm -4810K 9.95 6.17 5.5 50mm 10g -4673K 10.15 6.29 9/16 50mm 40g -4592K 11.26 6.98
6.0mm -4820K 9.95 6.17 6.0 50mm 10g -4674K 10.15 6.29 AF (Single Hex Deep)
8.0mm -4830K 9.95 6.17 7.0 50mm 20g -4675K 10.15 6.29 3/16 50mm 10g -4555K 9.84 6.10
Hexagon 8.0 50mm 20g -4676K 10.15 6.29 7/32
1/8 -4840K 9.95 6.17 50mm 10g -4556K 9.84 6.10
5/32 -4850K 9.95 6.17 9.0 50mm 20g -4677K 10.15 6.29 1/4 50mm 10g -4557K 9.84 6.10
3/16 -4860K 9.95 6.17 10.0 50mm 20g -4678K 10.15 6.29 9/32 50mm 10g -4558K 9.84 6.10
7/32 -4870K 9.95 6.17 11.0 50mm 30g -4679K 10.15 6.29 5/16 50mm 10g -4559K 9.84 6.10
1/4 -4880K 9.95 6.17 12.0 50mm 30g -4680K 10.15 6.29 11/32 50mm 20g -4560K 9.84 6.10
5/16 -4890K 9.95 6.17 13.0 50mm 30g -4681K 10.15 6.29 3/8 50mm 20g -4561K 10.57 6.55
T6 -4685K 16.72 10.37 14.0 50mm 40g -4682K 10.15 6.29 7/16 50mm 30g -4562K 10.57 6.55
T7 -4686K 16.72 10.37 Metric (Single Hex Deep) 1/2 50mm 50g -4563K 11.26 6.98
T8 -4687K 16.72 10.37 6.0 50mm 10g -4566K 10.15 6.29 9/16 50mm 40g -4564K 11.26 6.98
T9 -4688K 16.72 10.37 7.0 50mm 10g -4567K 10.15 6.29 *Single Hex BA
T10 -4689K 18.01 11.17 8.0 50mm 10g -4568K 10.15 6.29 0 25mm 30g -4600K 6.67 4.14
Torx T15 -4690K 18.00 11.16 9.0 50mm 10g -4569K 10.15 6.29 *1 25mm 30g -4610K 6.67 4.14
T20 -4691K 18.01 11.17 10.0 50mm 10g -4570K 10.15 6.29 2 25mm 20g -4620K 6.67 4.14
T25 -4692K 18.01 11.17 11.0 50mm 20g -4571K 10.15 6.29 3 25mm 20g -4630K 6.67 4.14
T27 -4693K 18.00 11.16 12.0 50mm 20g -4572K 10.15 6.29 4 25mm 20g -4640K 6.59 4.09
T30 -4694K 18.01 11.17 13.0 50mm 20g -4573K 10.15 6.29 *5 25mm 10g -4650K 6.59 4.09
T40 -4695K 18.01 11.17 14.0 50mm 40g -4574K 10.15 6.29 *6 25mm 10g -4660K 6.59 4.09
Page 1108
Disc Type Lever Reversible Rubber Handle
Steel Handle 3/8 Chrome vanadium. Rubber grip, 72 tooth ratchet.
With thumb lever for reversing without having to remove
3/8 Basic wrench with high polished finish. the socket or accessory. With quick release. A high quality wrench for
Fitted with spring loaded ball bearing socket retainer.
the professional user.
Disc Type
Rubber Handle
3/8 With disc for reversing without having to remove the socket or
accessory. 28 tooth ratchet mechanism. Easy to maintain, service
kit available. Overall Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Length of Teeth each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
200mm 72 235g -7510K 31.45 19.50
Overall Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Length of Teeth each SEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Reversible
200mm 40 345g -4940K 16.95 9.83 Rubber Handle
3/8 With thumb lever for reversing without having to remove the
Steel Handle socket or accessory. 28 tooth ratchet mechanism.
Ratchets Easy to maintain, service kit available.
3/8 Steel handle ratchets with polished finish. Quick release button
and thumb lever for reversing.
Product Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Product Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Length each STH-582 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length each BTL-582 Price/1 Price/1
435QR 193mm 244g -1435H 65.16 50.17 E113848B195mm 270g -1130F 36.81 27.24
Page 1109
Swivel Swivel
Handles Handle
3/8 The hinged link allows operation at varied angles to 3/8 Chrome finish. American style handle.
aid access in restricted areas.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
225mm 310g -5060K 23.25 14.42
Heavy Duty American Pattern Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
150mm 240g -5100K 10.13 6.28
Sliding T Handle
Page 1110
3/8 Extensions
Manufactured from high quality chrome vanadium with a fully polished finish. All with knurled finger grip.
Standard Wobble
Standard 75 75g -4960K 8.79 5.45 5 Piece Contents:
3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16
Standard 150 145g -5000K 10.61 6.58
Wobble 250 235g -5140K 15.94 9.88 and 5/8.
See below for
expansion set. PIECES
Chrome vanadium. For use with Number Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
male headed TX fasteners of Pieces Length (mm) each IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
5 27mm 50g -3610A 30.64 22.98
commonly found in the automotive
industry. 29mm overall length and
each weighing 45g. Bolt GripTM 5 Piece Expansion Set
Order Code List Offer Covers a complete range of
Size KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 fastener sizes. Unique PIECES
E6 -5960K 8.15 5.05 reverse spiral flute design
E8 -5962K 8.15 5.05 securely grips and
E10 -5964K 8.15 5.05
E12 -5966K 8.15 5.05 removes stubborn rusty
E14 -5968K 8.15 5.05 or painted nuts and bolts.
E16 -5970K 8.15 5.05 Fits into bolt-grip base
sets storage slot.
Single Hexagon 5 Piece Contents:
5/16 (8mm), 10mm,
Sockets 13mm, 11/16,
Metric single hexagon torque plus wrenching 3/4 (19mm) additional
system. Allows the socket to contact removal sockets.
the fastener away from the
corners dispersing stress - Number Weight Order Code List Offer
allows 15% more torque of Pieces each IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
to be applied whilst 5 -3620B 24.03 18.02
reducing the risk of
rounding. 7 Piece Power-GripTM
Fastener Remover Set
for longer life.
Overall length: 27mm.
Flexible Extension
7 Piece Contents:
3/8 Black oxidised finish. 1/2, 7/16, 9/16, 3/8,
5/16, 1/4, 3/16. PIECES
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Number Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Description Length each PTO-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces Length (mm) each IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
Flexible 205mm 110g -3015B 22.32 17.86 7 27mm 50g -8100K 34.91 26.18
Page 1111
Standard Length
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer
Type Size Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
6mm 26 30g -5832K 7.62 4.72 -5240K 6.62 4.10 -5240K 4.97 3.08
7mm 26 30g -5833K 7.62 4.72 -5250K 6.62 4.10 -5250K 4.97 3.08
8mm 26 30g -5834K 7.62 4.72 -5260K 6.62 4.10 -5260K 4.97 3.08
9mm 26 30g -5835K 7.62 4.72 -5270K 6.62 4.10 -5270K 4.97 3.08
10mm 26 30g -5836K 7.62 4.72 -5280K 6.62 4.10 -5280K 4.97 3.08
11mm 26 30g -5837K 7.62 4.72 -5290K 6.62 4.10 -5290K 4.97 3.08
Metric 12mm 26 30g -5838K 7.62 4.72 -5300K 6.62 4.10 -5300K 4.97 3.08
13mm 26 30g -5839K 7.62 4.72 -5310K 6.62 4.10 -5310K 4.97 3.08
3/8 14mm 30 40g -5840K 7.28 4.51 -5320K 6.62 4.10 -5320K 4.97 3.08
15mm 30 40g -5841K 7.88 4.89 -5330K 6.85 4.25 -5330K 5.14 3.19
16mm 30 50g -5842K 8.12 5.03 -5340K 7.06 4.38 -5340K 5.30 3.29
17mm 30 60g -5843K 8.37 5.19 -5350K 7.28 4.51 -5350K 5.46 3.39
18mm 30 70g -5844K 8.45 5.24 -5360K 7.35 4.56 -5360K 5.51 3.42
19mm 30 70g -5845K 8.45 5.24 -5370K 7.35 4.56 -5370K 5.51 3.42
20mm 30 80g -5846K 8.45 5.24 -5380K 7.35 4.56 -5380K 5.51 3.42
21mm 30 80g -5847K 8.45 5.24 -5390K 7.35 4.56 -5390K 5.51 3.42
22mm 27 100g -5848K 9.15 5.67 -5400K 7.95 4.93 -5400K 5.96 3.70
1/4 27 30g -5430K 6.62 4.10 -5430K 4.97 3.08
5/16 27 30g -5440K 6.62 4.10 -5440K 4.97 3.08
11/32 27 30g -5450K 6.62 4.10 -5450K 4.97 3.08
3/8 27 30g -5460K 6.62 4.10 -5460K 4.97 3.08
AF 7/16 27 30g Patented Design -5470K 6.62 4.10 -5470K 4.97 3.08
1/2 27 30g Conform to DIN3124. -5480K 6.62 4.10 -5480K 4.97 3.08
3/8 9/16 27 40g -5490K 6.62 4.10 -5490K 4.97 3.08
3/8 Square Drive
5/8 27 50g -5500K 7.13 4.42 -5500K 5.35 3.32
11/16 30 60g -5510K 7.95 4.93 -5510K 5.96 3.70
3/4 25 70g -5520K 8.20 5.08 -5520K 6.15 3.81
13/16 27 80g -5530K 8.20 5.08 -5530K 6.15 3.81
7/8 27 10g -5540K 9.67 6.00 -5540K 7.25 4.50
Grips Grips up
27 35g without to 95% -5580K 7.00 4.34 -
3/16 27 45g -5590K 7.00 4.34 -
damaging rounded
Whit 1/4 30 45g off -5600K 7.00 4.34 -
5/16 30 45g -5610K 7.00 4.34 -
3/8 3/8 30 45g -5620K 7.23 4.48 -
See page 1104 -5630K
Deep Sockets
Page 1112
Double Screwdriver Bit Sockets
Lug Often used in the automotive and
aerospace industries. The weight
3/8 Chrome vanadium.
For connecting two to strength ratio ensures the
female square reliability and accessibility that is
drives. 25mm long. important in this type of
environment. Made from chrome
Drive Weight Order Code List Offer vanadium steel, fully chrome
Male x Male each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
3/8 x 3/8
plated with a mirror finish and
10g -5170K 5.95 3.69 aluminium-free. All have ball
retaining grooves.
Female/Male Converters Conform to DIN standards.
3/8 Chrome vanadium. For
using a combination
of socketry in the Bit Lgth Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer
same application. Size (mm) Lgth (mm) each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
Drive Weight Order CodeList Offer 3mm 20 50 25g -6000K 9.72 6.03 -6000K 7.29 4.52
Female x Male each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
3/8 x 1/4
4mm 20 50 30g -6010K 9.72 6.03 -6010K 7.29 4.52
20g -5180K 10.98 6.81 5mm 20 50 30g -6020K 9.72 6.03 -6020K 7.29 4.52
3/8 x 1/2 40g -5190K 10.07 6.24
1/2 x 3/8
6mm 20 50 35g -6030K 9.72 6.03 -6030K 7.29 4.52
50g -6700K 10.85 6.73 8mm 20 50 45g -6040K 9.72 6.03 -6040K 7.29 4.52
10mm 20 50 55g -6050K 9.72 6.03 -6050K 7.29 4.52
Hex Bit Adaptor 1/8 20 50 25g -6080K 9.27 5.75 -
5/32 20 50 30g -6090K 9.27 5.75 -
3/8 Chrome vanadium. 3/16 20 50 30g -6100K 9.27 5.75 -
For converting 7/32 20 50 35g -6110K 9.27 5.75 -
square drive tooling 1/4 20 50 40g -6120K 9.27 5.75 -
to use hexagon bits. 5/16 20 50 45g -6130K 9.27 5.75 -
3/8 20 50 55g -6140K 9.27 5.75 -
Drive Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
x Hex Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Crosspoint
3/8x1/4 30mm 30g -5200K 5.25 3.26 No 1 20 50 50g -6201K 8.59 5.33 -6201K 6.44 3.99
No 2 20 50 50g -6202K 8.59 5.33 -6202K 6.44 3.99
Spark Plug Sockets No
6.44 3.99
For insertion and removal of spark PZ
plugs. Neoprene insert helps retain No 1 20 50 50g -6211K 8.85 5.49 -
the plug and protect the insulation No 2 20 50 50g -6212K 8.85 5.49 -
material from damage. No 3 20 50 55g -6213K 8.85 5.49 -
3/16 20 50 50g -6222K 8.35 5.18 -6222K 6.26 3.88
7/32 20 50 50g -6223K 8.35 5.18 -
1/4 20 50 55g -6224K 8.35 5.18 -6224K 6.26 3.88
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer T6 20 50 50g -6231K 7.74 4.80 -
(Plug) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 T7 20 50 50g -6232K 7.74 4.80 -
M10 65mm 110g -5670K 15.83 9.81 T8 20 50 50g -6233K 7.74 4.80 -
M12 65mm 110g -5680K 15.83 9.81 T9 20 50 50g -6234K 7.74 4.80 -
M14 68mm 140g -5660K 15.83 9.81 T10 20 50 50g -6235K 8.12 5.03 -6235K 6.09 3.78
T15 20 50 50g -6236K 7.74 4.80 -6236K 5.80 3.60
T20 20 50 55g -6237K 7.74 4.80 -6237K 5.80 3.60
Spark Plug T25 20 50 50g -6238K 7.74 4.80 -6238K 5.80 3.60
Sockets T27 20 50 55g -6239K 7.74 4.80 -
T30 20 50 55g -6241K 7.74 4.80 -6241K 5.80 3.60
For insertion and removal of spark T40 20 50 55g -6242K 7.74 4.80 -6242K 5.80 3.60
3/8 plugs. Neoprene insert helps retain T45 20 50 55g -6243K 7.74 4.80 -
the plug and protect the insulation T50 20 50 55g -6244K 7.74 4.80 -6244K 5.80 3.60
material from damage.
Long Screwdriver Bit Sockets &
Socket Bit Sets
Ideal for accessing deep seated bolts that have been fitted knurled bodies for extra
grip. Made from S2 chrome vanadium. Supplied on storage rail.
Hexagon Bit Sets
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
(Plug) Length each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1 Description each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
M10 65mm 110g -5670K 11.88 7.37 Hexagon 6 Piece Set 310g -6324K 42.56 26.39
M14 68mm 140g -5660K 11.88 7.37 TX 6 Piece Set 410g -6340K 42.60 26.41
4mm 100mm 40g -6314K 8.46 5.25
drive tooling to 6 Piece Set Contents: 5mm 100mm 40g -6315K 8.46 5.25
use hexagon bits. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10mm. 6mm 100mm 45g -6316K 8.46 5.25
Drive Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 7mm 100mm 45g -6317K 8.46 5.25
x Hex Length each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1 TX 8mm 100mm 55g -6318K 8.46 5.25
PIECES 10mm 100mm 65g -6320K 8.46 5.25
3/8x1/4 30mm 15g -5200K 3.94 2.44
Individual Bits - TX
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Range Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
Available Patented Design T20 95mm 65g -6330K 8.46 5.25
T25 95mm 65g -6331K 8.46 5.25
Grips up T30 95mm 65g -6332K 8.46 5.25
See Page Grips to 95% T40 95mm 65g -6334K 8.46 5.25
without rounded 6 Piece Set Contents: T45 95mm 65g -6335K 8.46 5.25
1104 damaging off
T20, T25, T30, T40 T45 and T50 T50 95mm 65g -6336K 8.46 5.25
Page 1113
Push Through 1/2
1/2DRIVE: The most popular drive size used in the
Rubber Handle service and maintenance industries. This popularity is
1/2 A very economic wrench with a
due to its strength and robust nature.
one way ratchet. Push through
square drive allows left and
right hand operation.
Overall Number of Weight Order Code List Offer
Group 575 Length
Ratchet Repair Kits
Meets requirements of
ISO 3315, DIN 3122, NF ISO 3315.
Product Size Overall Order Code List Offer
Number Inch Length FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer S.154 1/2 404mm -7445R 70.34 59.79
Page 1114
Disc Type Quick Release
Steel Handle Ratchet Handle
1/2 Basic wrench with high polished finish. 1/2 With thumb lever for reversing without having to remove the socket or
Fitted with spring loaded ball bearing accessory. Highly polished chrome vanadium with rubber grip.
socket retainer.
Product Number Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Number of Teeth each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Length of Teeth each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
245mm 44 655g -6400K 52.23 32.38 250mm 72 510g -6412K 49.33 30.58
Joint Overall
of Teeth
Order Code
1/2 Chrome finish. 245mm 44 640g -6400K 19.95 11.57
SD Flexible
Headed Ratchet
1/2 72 tooth ratchet mechanism. 5 increment. ISO 3315 - DIN 3122.
Ratchet Adaptor
1/2 Converts a fixed handle to a
ratchet handle. Product Overall Order Code List Offer
Number Length BTL-582 Price/1 Price/1
E113708B 250mm -1230F 46.00 34.04
Steel Handle
Product Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 1/2 Steel handle ratchets with polished finish. Thumb lever for reversing. DIN3122, ISO3315.
Number Length each PTO-582 Price/1 Price/1 512-QR is quick release.
5447 33mm 390g -3197C 70.10 56.08 512-QR
Page 1115
1/2 Rubber grip, for fast nut spinning.
Manufactured from high quality
chrome vanadium, fully polished finish.
Ideal for nut spinning.
Group 582
Handle Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Type Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
Steel Grip Rubber Grip 400mm 470g -6560K 21.96 13.62
Steel Grip 425mm 510g -6600K 56.38 34.96
In areas where clearance may be a problem the wobble square drive
can be used at an angle of up to 15.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
75mm 125g -6460K 9.34 5.79
125mm 195g -6480K 10.07 6.24
250mm 385g -6500K 13.30 8.25
Order Code
75mm 65g -6630K 12.38 7.68 Bars
125mm 120g -6640K 15.41 9.55 1/2 Chrome finish.
250mm 260g -6660K 20.58 12.76
A lever at the ratchet end of the extension pushes down a rod inside
the bar which locks out the socket retaining ball, securing the socket
to the bar. Ideal for use where there is a risk of leaving a socket in a
Page 1116
1/2 The hinged link allows operation at varied angles
to aid access in restricted areas. American Grip
Swivel Swivel
Handle Handles
1/2 This flexible handle ensures greater freedom of movement. 1/2 With hinged link permitting operation at varying angles.
Whatever the angle, the extra-long construction (600mm)
enables easier force transmission. DIN 3122/ISO 3315.
requiring rigid set up. 19mm 77mm 152g -1185K -36.26 22.48
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces Contents each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
200mm 255g -6590K 14.99 9.29 8 As above 1.3kg -1190K 145.95 90.49
Page 1117
Bi-Hexagon Standard
Length Sockets
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer
Type Size Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
8mm 36 50g -6871K 8.20 5.08 -6900K 7.13 4.42 -6900K 5.35 3.32
9mm 37 50g -6872K 8.20 5.08 -6910K 7.13 4.42 -6910K 5.35 3.32
10mm 37 50g -6873K 8.20 5.08 -6920K 7.13 4.42 -6920K 5.35 3.32
11mm 37 50g -6874K 8.20 5.08 -6930K 7.13 4.42 -6930K 5.35 3.32
12mm 37 50g -6875K 8.20 5.08 -6940K 7.13 4.42 -6940K 5.35 3.32
13mm 37 50g -6876K 8.20 5.08 -6950K 7.13 4.42 -6950K 5.35 3.32
14mm 37 50g -6877K 8.56 5.31 -6960K 7.45 4.62 -6960K 5.59 3.47
15mm 37 60g -6878K 8.56 5.31 -6970K 7.45 4.62 -6970K 5.59 3.47
16mm 37 60g -6879K 8.56 5.31 -6980K 7.45 4.62 -6980K 5.59 3.47
17mm 37 60g -6880K 8.89 5.51 -6990K 7.73 4.79 -6990K 5.80 3.60
18mm 37 80g -6881K 8.89 5.51 -7000K 7.73 4.79 -7000K 5.80 3.60
19mm 37 70g -6882K 8.89 5.51 -7010K 7.73 4.79 -7010K 5.80 3.60
Metric 20mm 37 80g -6883K 9.07 5.62 -7020K 7.89 4.89 -7020K 5.92 3.67
21mm 37 70g -6884K 9.56 5.93 -7030K 8.32 5.16 -7030K 6.24 3.87
1/2 22mm 37 90g -6885K 10.26 6.36 -7040K 8.92 5.53 -7040K 6.69 4.15
23mm 37 110g -6886K 10.78 6.68 -7050K 9.37 5.81 -7050K 7.03 4.36
24mm 37 110g -6887K 10.78 6.68 -7060K 9.37 5.81 -7060K 7.03 4.36
25mm 40 150g -6888K 11.71 7.26 -7070K 10.19 6.32 -7070K 7.64 4.74
26mm 40 140g -6889K 11.71 7.26 -7080K 10.19 6.32 -7080K 7.64 4.74
27mm 40 170g -6890K 12.84 7.96 -7090K 11.17 6.93 -7090K 8.37 5.19
28mm 40 170g -6891K 13.60 8.43 -7100K 11.83 7.33 -7100K 8.87 5.50
29mm 40 170g -6892K 14.10 8.74 -7110K 12.27 7.61 -7110K 9.20 5.70
30mm 45 210g -6893K 14.10 8.74 -7120K 12.27 7.61 -7120K 9.20 5.70
32mm 45 230g -6895K 14.94 9.26 -7130K 12.99 8.05 -7130K 9.74 6.04
33mm 45 230g -6898K 16.27 10.09 -7140K 14.15 8.77 -7140K 10.61 6.58
36mm 45 245g -6899K 24.09 14.94 -7150K 20.95 12.99 -7150K 15.71 9.74
5/16 37 50g -7160K 7.17 4.45 -7160K 5.38 3.34
3/8 37 50g -7170K 7.17 4.45 -7170K 5.38 3.34
7/16 37 50g -7180K 7.17 4.45 -7180K 5.38 3.34
1/2 37 50g -7190K 7.17 4.45 -7190K 5.38 3.34
9/16 37 50g -7200K 7.39 4.58 -7200K 5.54 3.43
19/32 37 60g -7210K 7.39 4.58 -
5/8 37 60g -7220K 7.39 4.58 -7220K 5.54 3.43
AF 11/16
37 60g Patented Design -7230K 7.73 4.79 -7230K 5.80 3.60
37 70g -7240K 7.73 4.79 -7240K 5.80 3.60
13/16 37 80g -7250K 8.31 5.15 -7250K 6.23 3.86
Conform to DIN3124.
40 90g -7260K 9.35 5.80 -7260K 7.01 4.35
15/16 40 110g 1/2 Square Drive -7270K 9.35 5.80 -7270K 7.01 4.35
1 40 130g -7280K 9.35 5.80 -7280K 7.01 4.35
11/16 40 160g -7290K 11.77 7.30 -7290K 8.82 5.47
11/8 40 170g -7300K 11.96 7.42 -7300K 8.97 5.56
13/16 45 200g -7310K 12.22 7.58 -
11/4 45 230g -7320K 12.36 7.66 -7320K 9.27 5.75
1/8 37 50g -7380K 10.72 6.65 -
3/16 37 50g Grips -7390K 10.17 6.31 -7390K 7.63 4.73
Grips up
1/4 37 50g -7400K 9.64 5.98 -7400K 7.23 4.48
without to 95%
5/16 37 60g -7410K 10.28 6.37 -7410K 7.71 4.78
damaging rounded
Whit 3/8 37 50g off -7420K 11.27 6.99 -7420K 7.95 4.93
7/16 37 70g -7430K 11.96 7.42 -7430K 8.25 5.12
1/2 1/2 40 90g -7440K 11.96 7.42 -7440K 8.97 5.56
9/16 40 140g -7450K 13.09 8.12 -7450K 9.82 6.09
5/8 40 170g -7460K 13.95 8.65 -7460K 10.47 6.49
See page 1104 -7470K
9mm 37 50g -7347K 7.17 4.45 15mm 77 130g -7580K 15.16 9.40
10mm 37 50g -7348K 7.13 4.42 Metric 16mm 77 120g -7590K 15.16 9.40
11mm 37 50g -7349K 7.13 4.42 17mm 77 120g -7600K 15.16 9.40
12mm 37 50g -7350K 7.13 4.42 1/2 18mm 77 150g -7610K 15.88 9.85
13mm 37 50g -7351K 7.13 4.42 19mm 77 150g -7620K 15.88 9.85
14mm 37 50g -7352K 7.45 4.62 21mm 77 160g -7630K 17.67 10.96
15mm 37 60g -7353K 7.45 4.62 22mm 77 200g -7640K 19.60 12.15
16mm 37 60g -7354K 7.45 4.62 24mm 77 220g -7650K 21.06 13.06
17mm 37 60g -7355K 7.73 4.79 26mm 77 210g -7660K 19.97 12.38
Metric 18mm 37 80g -7356K 7.73 4.79 27mm 77 250g -7670K 19.97 12.38
30mm 77 320g -7680K 24.61 15.26
19mm 37 70g -7357K 7.73 4.79 32mm 77 340g -7690K 24.61 15.26
1/2 20mm 37 80g -7358K 7.89 4.89 1/2 77 110g -7700K 14.48 8.98
21mm 37 70g -7359K 8.32 5.16 9/16 77 100g -7710K 15.36 9.52
22mm 37 90g -7360K 8.92 5.53 5/8 77 120g -7720K 15.36 9.52
23mm 37 110g -7361K 9.37 5.81 AF 11/16 77 110g -7730K 15.36 9.52
24mm 37 110g -7362K 9.37 5.81 3/4 77 140g -7740K 14.91 9.24
26mm 40 140g -7364K 10.19 6.32 1/2 13/16 77 160g -7750K 16.91 10.48
27mm 40 170g -7365K 11.17 6.93 7/8 77 190g -7760K 18.74 11.62
28mm 40 170g -7366K 11.83 7.33 15/16 77 220g -7770K 16.68 10.34
30mm 45 210g -7368K 12.27 7.61 1 77 200g -7780K 16.68 10.34
32mm 45 230g -7370K 12.99 8.05 11/8 77 270g -7790K 19.65 12.18
36mm 45 245g -7374K 20.95 12.99 11/4 77 390g -7800K 18.76 11.63
Page 1118
E-TX S Screwdriver Bits
Sockets For insertion and removal of
fasteners and fixings using
1/2 Chrome vanadium. 1/2 square drive tooling.
For use with male
headed TX fasteners Made from chrome vanadium
commonly found in the steel, fully chrome plated
automotive industry. with a mirror finish and
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer All have ball retaining groove on
(Plug) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 each face of the square drive.
E10 37mm 50g -7485K 13.65 8.46 Conform to DIN standards.
E12 37mm 55g -7487K 13.65 8.46
E14 37mm 55g -7489K 13.64 8.46
E16 37mm 55g -7491K 16.75 10.39
E18 37mm 70g -7493K 16.78 10.40
E20 37mm 90g -7495K 16.78 10.40 Bit Lgth Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer
Size (mm) Lgth (mm) each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 YMT-582 Price/1 Price/1
Double Ended Lug Slotted
8mm 20 55 80g -7832K 8.58 5.32 -
1/2 Chrome vanadium. 9mm 20 55 80g -7834K 8.58 5.32 -7809K 6.33 3.92
For connecting two 10mm 20 55 90g - -7810K 6.33 3.92
female square drives. 12mm 20 55 100g -7836K 8.58 5.32 -
Drive Weight Order Code List Offer 14mm 20 55 130g -7838K 8.58 5.32 -
Male x Male each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 16mm 20 55 140g -7839K 8.58 5.32
1/2 x 1/2 35g -6750K 6.06 3.76 Hexagon
4mm 20 55 80g -7840K 9.83 6.09 -7840K 7.37 4.57
5mm 20 55 70g -7841K 9.83 6.09 -7841K 7.37 4.57
Hex Bit Adaptors 6mm 20 55 70g -7842K 9.83 6.09 -7842K 7.37 4.57
1/2 Chrome vanadium. 7mm 20 55 70g -7843K 9.83 6.09 -
For converting 7mm 20 100 110g -7807K 8.58 5.32 -
square drive tooling 8mm 20 55 70g -7844K 9.88 6.13 -7844K 7.41 4.59
to use hexagon bits. 10mm 20 55 80g -7845K 10.82 6.71 -7845K 8.11 5.03
12mm 20 55 100g -7846K 10.82 6.71 -7846K 8.11 5.03
Drive Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 14mm 20 65 160g -7847K 13.35 8.28 -7847K 10.01 6.21
x Hex Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 17mm 20 70 205g -7848K 14.47 8.97 -7848K 10.85 6.73
1/2x1/4 35mm 40g -6710K 11.25 6.98 19mm 20 70 245g -7849K 14.76 9.15 -7849K 11.07 6.86
1/2x5/1675mm 45g 3/16 20 55 58g -7851K 11.29 7.00 -
-6720K 11.97 7.42
1/4 20 55 59g -7853K 11.29 7.00 -
5/16 20 55 65g -7854K 11.31 7.01 -
Female/Male Converters 3/8 20 55 76g -7855K 11.31 7.01 -
1/2 20 55 107g -7856K 12.87 7.98 -
1/2 Chrome vanadium. For 9/16
using a combination 20 55 144g -7857K 14.91 9.24 -
3/4 20 70 144g -7859K 14.06 8.72 -
of square drive socketry in
the same application. Crosspoint
No.2 20 55 55g -7861K 16.29 10.10 -7861K 12.21 7.57
Drive Weight Order CodeList Offer No.3 20 55 65g -7862K 16.29 10.10 -7862K 12.21 7.57
Female x Male each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 No.4 20 55 70g -7863K 16.29 10.10 -7863K 12.21 7.57
3/8 x 1/2 40g -5190K 10.07 6.24 PZ
1/2 x 3/4 40g -6680K 13.85 8.59
1/2 x3/8 No.2 17 55 70g -7865K 18.48 11.46 -
50g -6700K 10.85 6.73 No.3 17 55 75g -7866K 18.48 11.46 -
3/4 x 1/2 55g -8120K 19.59 12.15 No.4 17 55 80g -7867K 20.76 12.87 -
Spark Plug Sockets T20 20 58 60 -7870K 11.60 7.19 -
Designed for insertion/ removal of T25 17 55 70 -7871K 11.60 7.19 -
spark plugs. The neoprene insert helps T27 17 55 70 -7872K 11.60 7.19 -
retain the spark plug and protect the T30 17 55 70 -7873K 11.60 7.19 -
insulation material from accidental damage. T40 17 55 70 -7874K 12.17 7.55 -
A unique double knurl gives a high grip T45 17 55 70 -7875K 12.17 7.55 -
essential T50 17 55 70 -7876K 12.17 7.55 -
T55 17 55 80 -7877K 12.17 7.55 -
for a quick T60 17 55 105 -7878K 12.17 7.55 -
tool change T70 17 55 115 -7879K 11.60 7.19 -
when hands
are greasy.
Spline Screwdriver
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Bit Set Weight Order Code List Offer
(Plug) Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 7 Piece set containing short Description each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
M10 65mm 85g -7520K 13.76 8.53 bits for bolts in tight areas and 6 Piece Set (M6-M14) 665g -7340K 64.59 40.05
M14 67mm 150g -7500K 16.47 10.21 long bits for accessing deep
seated, tight fitted spline bolts. Individual Bits
Page 1119
Screwdriver Bit
Socket Sets
1/2 Used most often in the automotive and aerospace industries. The weight to strength ratio ensures the reliability and accessibility that is
so important in this type of production environment. For insertion and removal of fasteners and fixings using 1/2 square drive tooling.
Unique knurled body gives extra grip which is essential for a quick tool change when your hands are greasy/oily.
Registered Design No. 2053516UK. Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel and are fully chrome plated with a mirror finish and
aluminium-free. All have ball retaining groove on each face of the square drive. Conform to DIN standards.
Overall length: 55mm. Bit length: 20mm.
Engineers 20 Piece Set Contents: Mechanics 20 Piece Set Contents:
Crosspoint Slotted:
20 20
No.2, 3 and 4. 8, 9, 12, 14, and 16mm.
Hexagon TX:
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17 and 19mm, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50, T55 and T60.
3/16, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2, 9/16 and 3/4. PIECES Crosspoint: PIECES
No.2, 3 and 4.
No.2, 3 and 4.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces Contents each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces Contents each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
20 As above 1.90kg -7880K 113.40 70.31 20 As above 2.50kg -7890K 113.40 70.31
1/2 1/2 drive hand socket. Supplied in robust storage case. by compressing onto the fixing as the socket is turned,
Set Contents: applying pressure to grip, turn and remove.
Hexagon Unscrews left and right hand threads.
4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12mm. PIECES Set Contents: 6mm, 8mm, 10mm, 12mm.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces Contents each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces Contents each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
7 As above 2.55kg -7900K 15.58 9.66 4 As above 835g -9480K 56.75 35.19
Stud Extractor
1/2 Manufactured from chrome alloy steel
Concentric Roller
Extractor Set 4
with a bright nickel and chrome finish. PIECES
The locking wheel has a black oxidised finish. 1/2 Concentric
roller type stud
To use, place the extractor over the stud, extractor set.
then fit any 1/2 square drive handle and turn.
The locking wheel moves into place to grip 4 Piece Set
the stud and then remove it. 58mm outside 6, 8, 10 and 12mm.
diameter x 65mm high. Supplied in moulded
plastic box.
Range Weight Order Code List Offer Product Range Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
6 - 19 585g -6760K 31.41 19.47 661950 6 - 12mm 654g -6950R 39.95 31.56
Page 1120
3/4 DRIVE: A heavy duty range designed to cope with
Lever Reversible Steel Handle
the demands of industrial, agricultural machinery and 3/4 Spring loaded ball bearing socket retainer.
heavy plant, static or mobile. A high quality wrench for the professional user.
3/4 The hinged link allows operation at varied angles to aid
access in restricted areas.
Sliding T Handle
3/4 Manufactured from high quality chrome vanadium with a fully
polished finish. Sliding bar gives many options for leverage
within a given space. Overall Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Length of Teeth each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
500mm 50 3.00kg -8045K 126.00 78.12
Universal Joint Drive Converters Double Ended Lug Ratchet Repair Kit
3/4 Knurled for extra grip. 3/4 For using a combination of 3/4 Chrome vanadium. For use To suit ratchet number
square sockets in one in push through ratchets KEN-582- 8000K.
application. and
Male x female:
x 3/4. Male x male: 3/4 x 3/4.
Drive List
Order Code Offer
Overall Order Code List Offer FxM KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Overall Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Length KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 3/4 x 1 -8140K 32.90 20.40 Length KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
110mm -8020K 99.00 61.38 1 x 3/4 -9140K 47.67 29.56 60mm -8130K 8.91 5.52 550g -8010K 37.86 23.47
Bi-Hexagon Sockets
Size Overall
A heavy duty range designed to cope Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
with the demands of industrial
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer AF
agricultural machinery and heavy plant, Length each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 7/8 50mm 140g
static or mobile. All Kennedy Professional -8400K 19.51 12.10
Metric 15/16 50mm 160g -8410K 19.51 12.10
sockets have a unique double knurl to give a 1 50mm 180g -8420K 20.56 12.75
high grip essential for a quick 22 50mm 210g -8150K 19.51 12.10
24 50mm 210g -8170K 19.51 12.10 11/16 50mm 200g -8430K 20.56 12.75
tool change when hands 26 50mm 210g -8190K 19.97 12.38 11/8 50mm 240g -8440K 22.76 14.11
are greasy. Manufactured 27 50mm 210g -8200K 21.06 13.06 13/16 54mm 250g -8450K 22.39 13.88
from chrome vanadium and 29 50mm 240g -8220K 21.28 13.19 11/4 54mm 260g -8460K 24.00 14.88
fully chrome plated 30 53mm 280g -8230K 21.28 13.19 15/16 54mm 260g -8470K 27.34 16.95
with a mirror finish 32 55mm 280g -8240K 22.19 13.76 13/8 57mm 280g -8480K 28.01 17.37
and aluminium-free. 33 55mm 310g -8250K 23.65 14.66 17/16 57mm 280g -8490K 29.60 18.35
Chamfered leading 36 55mm 400g -8260K 23.65 14.66 11/2 60mm 290g -8500K 31.85 19.75
edge ensures easy 38 60mm 450g -8280K 23.65 14.66 15/8 62mm 320g -8520K 41.31 25.61
fastener location. 41 60mm 540g -8300K 28.84 17.88 111/16 65mm 320g -8530K 42.93 26.62
46 60mm 650g -8320K 35.27 21.87 13/4 65mm 330g -8540K 45.35 28.12
Registered Design 50 70mm 800g -8340K 41.10 25.48 113/16 65mm 350g -8550K 50.06 31.04
No. 2053516UK. 55 70mm 880g -8360K 45.11 27.97 17/8 69mm 360g -8560K 50.26 31.16
60 70mm 950g -8380K 59.00 36.58 2 71mm 380g -8580K 55.42 34.36
Page 1121
1 Drive The ultimate for high torque hand applications. Designed to give strength and reliability under heavy loads.
Used extensively in heavy plant, rail, shipyard and oil rig industries.
Overall Number of Weight Order Code List Offer Spares Order Code List Offer
Length Teeth each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Description KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
740mm 40 5.40kg -8980K 330.00 204.60 Ratchet Repair Kit -8990K 71.95 44.61
Sliding T Handle
1 Manufactured
given space.
from high quality chrome vanadium with a fully polished finish. The sliding bar will give many options for leverage within a
1 Manufactured from high quality chrome vanadium with a fully polished finish. Knurled finger grip.
Page 1122
Rail Trays
Steel trays that comprise of 430mm rails with clips for retaining
1/4, 3/8 and 1/2 sq. drive sockets.
Trays are fitted with carry handles and hanging holes
for workshop storage.
screwdriver bit
Powder coated tray
with carrying handle.
30x 1/2 sq. drive socket clips,
30x 3/8 sq. drive socket clips,
20x 1/4 sq. drive socket clips.
Powder coated tray with
integral hanging slots.
30x 1/2 sq. drive socket clips,
30x 3/8 sq. drive socket clips, SRT110
30x 1/4 sq. drive socket clips,
20x 1/4 hexagon screwdriver bit holders.
Socket Clips
Socket Rails Sq.Drive Weight Order Code List Offer
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Size per 100 KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
Length per 10 KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 1/4 60g -9880K 0.37 0.23
220mm 290g -9820K 2.01 1.25 3/8 90g -9890K 0.39 0.24
420mm 430g -9840K 2.93 1.82 1/2 150g -9900K 0.42 0.26
Socket Racks
Page 1123
1/4 Drive Ideal for assembly and servicing of small precision mechanisms associated with electrical,
electronic, ignition and refrigeration work.
3/8 Drive Used in the automotive and aerospace industries. The weight to strength ratio ensures the
reliability and accessibility that is so important on this type of production. Sockets have a knurl feature to give a high grip which is
essential for a quick tool change when your hands are greasy/oily. The 12 point bi-hexagon side drive design will give a higher
torque than normal sockets, grip worn nuts and will not round off existing nuts. Manufactured from chrome vanadium and are
fully chrome plated with a mirror finish and aluminium-free. Chamfered leading edge ensures easy fastener location. Sockets
manufactured to: ANSI B107.5M: 1987, ANSI B107.1: 1978 & BS 4006 : 1992.
Accessories manufactured to: ANSI B107.10M : 1982 & BS 4006 : 1992.
Sets Now
SA40MA 40 Piece - Metric & Inch Available
3/8 Drive Bi-Hex Sockets: Grips Grips up
See Page without to 95%
3/8 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 and 21mm. damaging rounded Patented Design
1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 7/16, 11/16 and 3/4 AF. 1105 off
Deep Sockets:
10, 11, 12, 13 & 14mm.
9/16, 5/8, 11/16 and 3/4 AF.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each SEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces BAH-582 Price/1 Price/1
100 5.00kg -0080K 143.46 65.99 81 -9081M 297.20 219.93
Page 1124
Side Drive Drive Ideal for assembly and
servicing of small precision mechanisms
Socket Sets associated with electrical, electronic,
1/4 Square Drive 19 Piece Metric Set ignition and refrigeration work. Sockets have a knurl feature to give a
Metric Ken-Grip Sockets: high grip which is essential for a quick tool change when your hands
4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14mm. are greasy/oily. The six point bi-hexagon side drive design will give a
higher torque than normal sockets, grip worn nuts and will not round
Accessories: ratchet handle, spinner handle, sliding T-handle, off existing nuts. Manufactured from chrome vanadium and are fully
flexi-drive 145mm, universal joint, extension bar 100mm. chrome plated with a mirror finish and aluminium-free. Chamfered
leading edge ensures easy fastener location.
Sockets made to: ANSI B107.5M : 1987, ANSI B107.1 : 1978 &
BS 4006 : 1992.
Patented Design Accessories made to: ANSI B107.10M : 1982 & BS 4006 : 1992.
Conform to DIN3124.
1/4 Square Drive TS19M - 19 Piece Metric Socket Set
Metric Hex Sockets:
Grips Grips up
1/4 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14mm.
without to 95%
damaging rounded
off Accessories:
See page ratchet handle,
1104 spinner handle,
sliding T-handle,
Number Weight Order Code List Offer 145mm,
of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 universal joint,
19 880g -8800K 76.60 35.24 PIECES extension bar
RSD43 - 43 Piece
Metric & Inch
High quality chrome vanadium for garage, Number Weight Order Code List Offer
workshop and home maintenance. of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
1/4 Sockets: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12mm. 19 880g -4893K 69.25 31.86
3/16, 1/4, 5/16, 11/32, 3/8, 7/16 and 1/2 AF.
Long Series (50mm) Bits: Slotted 4, 5, 6mm. Crosspoint No.1, TS29MA - 29 Piece Metric & Inch Socket Set
No.2, No.3. TX T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45.
Metric Sockets: 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
Short Series (25mm) Bits: 1/4 14mm. AF Sockets: 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 9/32, 5/16, 11/32,3/8, 7/16,
PZ No.1, No.2. Hex 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 5.5 and 6mm. 1/2, 9/16.
Accessories: ratchet spinner handle, 150mm flexible extension bar, Accessories:
100mm hex bit extension bar, 1/4 coupler, 50mm socket coupler. ratchet handle,
spinner handle,
sliding T-handle,
universal joint,
extension bar
Accessories: ratchet handle, sliding T-handle, spinner handle, 100 and 250mm extension bars, 50 and 150mm wobble
universal joint. 50, 75 and 150mm extension bars, extensions, universal joint, spinner handle, 150mm flexible
extension, swivel handle rubber grip.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each SEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
60 1.50kg -0060K 58.67 26.99 51 3.2kg -4902K 179.55 82.59
Page 1125
Drive Ideal for assembly and servicing of small precision mechanisms associated with electrical, electronic,
ignition and refrigeration work. Sockets have a knurl feature to give a high grip which is essential for a quick tool
change when your hands are greasy/oily. The 12 point bi-hexagon side drive design will give a higher torque than
normal sockets, grip worn nuts and will not round off existing nuts. Manufactured from chrome vanadium and are fully chrome plated with a
mirror finish and aluminium-free. Chamfered leading edge ensures easy fastener location.
Sockets manufactured to: ANSI B107.5M: 1987, ANSI B107.1: 1978 & BS 4006 : 1992.
Accessories manufactured to: ANSI B107.10M : 1982 & BS 4006 : 1992.
TSD46M - 46 Piece Metric Set TS46MA - 46 Piece Metric & Inch
Standard & Deep Sockets Standard Sockets
1/4 1/4
with Screwdriver Bits with Screwdriver Bits
Sockets: 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14mm. Sockets: 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14mm.
Deep Sockets: 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14mm. AF Sockets: 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16, 11/32, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2.
Screwdriver Bits: Slotted 4, 5.5, 7mm. Screwdriver Bits: Slotted 4, 5.5mm. Crosspoint No.2, No.3.
Crosspoint No.1, No.2, No.3. Hex 3, 4, 5, 6, 8mm. Hex 3, 4, 5, 6, 8mm. Hex 1/8, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16 AF.
Accessories: sliding T-handle, ratchet handle, extension bar 50 and Accessories: sliding T-handle, ratchet handle, wobble extension 50
150mm, wobble extension 100 and 250mm, universal joint, jointed and 150mm, extension bars 100 and 250mm, universal joint, jointed
swivel handle 150mm, spinner handle. swivel handle 150mm, flexible extension 150mm, spinner handle.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
46 3.20kg -4897K 139.65 64.24 46 3.00kg -4898K 103.74 47.72
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
82 3.80kg -4896K 161.70 74.38 50 8.10kg -4899K 286.65 131.86
Page 1126
Drive Used in the automotive and aerospace industries. The weight to strength ratio ensures the reliability
and accessibility that is so important on this type of production. All Kennedy professional sockets have a double
knurl feature to give a high grip which is essential for a quick tool change when your hands are greasy/oily.
The 12point bi-hexagon side drive design will give a higher torque than normal sockets, grip worn nuts and will not round off existing nuts.
Manufactured from chrome vanadium and are fully chrome plated with a mirror finish and aluminium-free. Chamfered leading edge ensures
easy fastener location. Sockets manufactured to: ANSI B107.5M: 1987, ANSI B107.1: 1978 & BS 4006 : 1992.
Accessories manufactured to: ANSI B107.10M : 1982 & BS 4006 : 1992.
S30M - 30 Piece Metric with Screwdriver Bits S40MA - 40 Piece Metric & Inch
Sockets: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Metric & Inch Sockets: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
3/8 3/8
21 and 22mm. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22mm. 1/4, 5/16, 11/32, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2,
9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4, 13/16 and 7/8 AF.
Spark Plug Sockets: M10 and M14.
Screwdriver Bits: Slotted 5mm, 6mm. Crosspoint No.1, 2, 3, 4. Spark Plug Sockets: M10 and M14.
Accessories: ratchet Accessories: ratchet handle, sliding T-handle, universal joint,
handle,sliding T-handle, 75 and 150mm extension bars, 150mm wobble extension,
1/4 and 1/2 male adaptors, 1/4 hexagon coupler. Robust fitted case
swivel handle, universal
joint, 75mm extension with security padlock hole and cushion grip handle.
bar, 150mm wobble
extension, parts tray with
magnetic insert. Robust
fitted case with security
padlock hole and cushion
grip handle.
Crosspoint No.1, 2, 3, 4.
Hexagon Sockets: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm.
Accessories: ratchet handle, sliding Patented Design
T-handle, spinner
handle, swivel handle,
universal joint, 125
and 250mm
extensions, 250mm
wobble extensions,
1/4 and 1/2 male
adaptors, 1/4 socket Number Weight Order Code List Offer
bit coupler. Robust of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
fitted case with 50 4.75kg -6180K 208.95 96.12
security padlock hole
and cushion grip handle. Accessories
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Description Order Code List Offer Description Order Code Offer
KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 KEN-567 Price/1
of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Locking
50 3.00kg -8810K 228.24 104.99 Case -2870K 24.48 17.14 Clasps (Pair) -6000K 1.89
Page 1127
SS90MAW - 90 Piece Metric, Inch & Whitworth
with Screwdriver Bits
Sockets: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
3/8 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22mm.
1/4, 5/16, 11/32, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8,
11/16, 3/4, 13/16 and 7/8 AF. 1/8, 3/16, 1/4,
5/16, 3/8, 7/16 and 1/2 Whit.
Screwdriver Bits:
Slotted 3/16, 7/32 and 1/4. Crosspoint No.1, 2,
3, 4. PZ No.1, No.2, No.3. TX T6, T7, T8, T9,
T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30, T40, T45, T50.
Hex 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10mm. 1/8, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32,
1/4, 5/16 and 3/8 AF.
Deep Sockets: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22mm. 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16,
3/4and 13/16 AF.
Page 1128
Square Drive Manufactured from industrial quality chrome vanadium steel with corrosion resistant high
polish mirror finish, aluminium-free. The 12 point bi-hexagonal side drive sockets allow higher torques to be
applied to nuts without damage and grip worn nuts. The strength and robust design of 1/2 drive make them
suitable for the heavy use encountered in agriculture, service and maintenance industries.
Sockets manufactured to: ANSI B107.5M:1987. Accessories manufactured to: ANSI B107.10M:1982.
30 Piece Metric 50 Piece Metric
Sockets: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 1/2 Sockets: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30 and 32mm. 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33 and 36mm.
Spark Plug Sockets: M14 and M10. Screwdriver Bits: Hex 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, 17 and 19mm.
Accessories: quick release flick lever ratchet with rubber grip, Phillips No.2, No.3, No.4.
T-handle uni-joint, 75, 125 and 250mm extension bars, robust fitted Chrome Molybdenum Screwdriver Bits:
case with padlock hole and cushion grip handle. 9 and 14mm chemically blacked.
Spark Plug Sockets: M14 and M10.
Accessories: black rubber ratchet handle, T-handle, swivel handle,
universal joint, 75, 125 and 250mm extension bars. Robust fitted
case with magnetic parts tray, padlock hole and cushion grip handle.
Sockets: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24 8 - 19mm. Hex key
and 27mm. 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4, 13/16, wrenches: 1.5, 2.0,
7/8, 15/16, 1, 11/16, 11/4 AF. 1/8, 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8,
7/16, 1/2, 9/16 and 5/8 BSW.
2.5mm. Magnetic bit:
1/4 hex driver.
Spark Plug Socket: M14 (21mm). Screwdriver bits:
Accessories: ratchet, T-handle, brace, universal joint, 125 and 1/4 hex driver. Converter:
250mm 2x 1/4 sq. male, Slotted
extension 2x 3.5, 4mm 1x 5.5, 6.5,
bars. 8mm, PZ No.1, 2, 3,
Crosspoint 2x No.0, 1,
2, 3, TX 10, 15, 20, 25,
27, 30, 40,
Tri-Wing No.1, 2, 3, 4,
Square 1, 2 ,3, hex 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7mm.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each SEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each SEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
42 6.15kg -0180K 139.11 63.99 208 10.7kg -9000K 283.00 130.18
Page 1129
1/2 Square Drive The most popular drive size used in the service and maintenance industries. This popularity
is due to the strength and robust nature of 1/2 drive. All Kennedy Professional sockets have a knurl feature to
give a high grip which is essential for a quick tool change when your hands are greasy/oily.
The 12 point bi-hexagon side drive design will give a higher torque than normal sockets, grip worn nuts and will not round off existing nuts.
Manufactured from chrome vanadium and are fully chrome plated with a mirror finish and aluminium-free. Chamfered leading edge ensures
easy fastener location. Sockets manufactured to: ANSI B107.5M : 1987, ANSI B107.1 : 1978 & BS 4006 : 1992.
Accessories manufactured to: ANSI B107.10M : 1982 & BS 4006 : 1992.
M20M - 20 Piece Metric M25M - 25 Piece Metric
Sockets: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 22, 24, 27, Sockets: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22,
1/2 30 and 32mm. 1/2
24, 27, 30 and 32mm.
Spark Plug Sockets: M10 and M14. Spark Plug Sockets: M10 and M14.
Accessories: quick release ratchet handle, sliding T-handle, universal Accessories: quick release ratchet handle, sliding T-handle,
joint, 125 universal joint,
and 250mm 75, 125 and
extension 250mm
bars. Robust extension bars.
fitted case Robust fitted
with security case with
padlock hole security
and cushion padlock hole
grip handle. and cushion
grip handle.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
20 4.90kg -7983K 176.40 81.14 25 4.90kg -7985K 182.70 84.04
Accessories Accessories
Description Order Code List Offer Description Order Code Offer Description Order Code List Offer Description Order Code Offer
KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 KEN-567 Price/1 KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 KEN-567 Price/1
Replacement Locking Replacement Locking
Case -2960K 24.48 17.14 Clasps (Pair) -6000K 1.89 Case -2970K 24.48 17.14 Clasps (Pair) -6000K 1.89
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each BTL-582 Price/1 Price/1
30 5.55kg -7940K 186.90 85.97 22 4kg -1248C 131.22 97.10
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each FAC-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each INS-582 Price/1 Price/1
29 5.95kg -7530B 353.56 300.53 19 3.6kg -6090Y 449.00 404.10
Page 1130
Square Drive The most popular drive size used in the service and maintenance industries. This popularity
is due to the strength and robust nature of 1/2 drive. All Kennedy Professional sockets have a knurl feature to
give a high grip which is essential for a quick tool change when your hands are greasy/oily.
The 12 point bi-hexagon side drive design will give a higher torque than normal sockets, grip worn nuts and will not round off existing nuts.
Manufactured from chrome vanadium and are fully chrome plated with a mirror finish and aluminium-free. Chamfered leading edge ensures
easy fastener location. Sockets manufactured to: ANSI B107.5M : 1987, ANSI B107.1 : 1978 & BS 4006 : 1992.
Accessories manufactured to: ANSI B107.10M : 1982 & BS 4006 : 1992.
M30M - 30 Piece Metric M30MA - 30 Piece Metric & Inch
Sockets: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, Sockets: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30 and 32mm. 1/2
and 24mm.
Spark Plug Sockets: M10 and M14. 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4 and 7/8 AF.
Accessories: quick release ratchet handle, sliding T-handle, universal Spark Plug Sockets: M10 and M14.
joint, 75, 125 and 250mm extension bars. Robust fitted case with Accessories: quick release ratchet handle, sliding T-handle, universal
security padlock hole and cushion grip handle. joint, 75, 125 and 250mm extension bars. Robust fitted case with
security padlock hole and cushion grip handle.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
30 5.50kg -7991K 194.25 89.36 30 5.30kg -7987K 205.41 94.49
Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer
Accessories KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Accessories KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
Replacement Case -2910K 24.48 17.14 Replacement Case -2900K 24.48 17.14
Order Code Offer Order Code Offer
Accessories KEN-567 Price/1 Accessories KEN-567 Price/1
Locking Clasps (Pr) -6000K 1.89 Locking Clasps (Pr) -6000K 1.89
MD30MA - 30 Piece Deep Metric & Inch 1/2 Square Drive 30 Piece Metric Set
Sockets: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, Ken-Grip: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
1/2 1/2
26, 27, 30 and 32mm. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,23,
1/2, 9/16, 5/8, 11/16, 3/4, 13/16, 7/8, 15/16, 1, 11/8 and 11/4 AF. 24, 25, 26, 27, 30 and 32mm. PIECES
Accessories: offset handle, swivel handle. Parts tray with magnetic Spark Plug Sockets: M10 and M14.
insert. Robust fitted case with security padlock hole and cushion grip Accessories: quick release ratchet handle, sliding
handle. T-handle, universal joint, 75, 125 and 250mm
extension bars. Robust fitted case with security
padlock hole and cushion grip
Patented Design
Accessories Order Code Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
KEN-567 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1
Locking Clasps (Pr) -6000K 1.89 30 5.50kg -8820K 214.20 98.53
Page 1131
MS50M - 50 Piece Metric
with Driver Bits
Sockets: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer Order Code Offer
of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Accessories KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Accessories KEN-567 Price/1
50 9.85kg -7993K 382.20 175.81 Replacement Case -2920K 32.59 22.81 Locking Clasps (Pr) -6000K 1.89
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Order Code List Offer Order Code Offer
of Pieces each KEN-582 Price/1 Price/1 Accessories KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Accessories KEN-567 Price/1
70 12.2kg -7995K 475.65 218.80 Replacement Case -2930K 36.38 25.47 Locking Clasps (Pr) -6000K 1.89
Square Drive Manufactured from industrial quality chrome vanadium steel with corrosion resistant high
polish mirror finish, aluminium-free. The 12 point bi-hexagonal side drive sockets allow higher torques to be
applied to nuts without damage and grip worn nuts. The strength and robust design of 1/2 drive make them
suitable for the heavy use encountered in agriculture, service and maintenance industries.
Sockets manufactured to: ANSI B107.5M:1987. Accessories manufactured to: ANSI B107.10M:1982.
50 Piece Metric, Inch & Whitworth
Sockets: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24,
27, 30 and 32mm. 5/16, 3/8, 7/16,
Page 1132
SH 26MA - 26 Piece
Metric & Inch
Sockets: 22, 24, 27, 30, 32, 36, 38,
3/4 41, 46 and 50mm. 7/8, 15/16, 1,
11/8, 13/16, 15/16, 13/8, 17/16, 15/8,
13/4, 17/8 and 2 AF.
Accessories: 100 and 200mm extension
bars, ratchet handle
and T-handle.
Drive A heavy duty range designed to cope with the demands of industrial agriculture machinery and heavy
plant, static or mobile. All Kennedy Professional sockets have a knurl feature to give a high grip which is
essential for a quick tool change when your hands are greasy/oily. The 12 point bi-hexagon side drive design will
give a higher torque than normal sockets, grip worn nuts and will not round off existing nuts. Manufactured from chrome vanadium and are
fully chrome plated with a mirror finish and aluminium-free. Chamfered leading edge ensures easy fastener location.
Sockets manufactured to: ANSI B107.5M: 1987,
ANSI B107.1: 1978 & BS 4006: 1992.
Accessories manufactured to:
ANSI B107.10M: 1982 & BS 4006: 1992.
Page 1133
Chrome Molybdenum
Impact Sockets & Accessories
Manufactured from high quality chrome molybdenum steel.
Black oxidised finish with permanent laser etched markings.
1/4 Drive Metric, Standard Length, 6-Point
1/4 Conform to: DIN 3129.
Style A Style B
Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
6 A 13.0 10.0 6.0 23.0 15g -0640K 6.94 4.58 1/4
7 A 13.0 11.3 6.0 23.0 15g -0650K 6.94 4.58 Drive Extension Bars
8 A 13.0 12.5 7.0 23.0 15g -0660K 6.94 4.58
9 A 13.0 13.8 7.0 23.0 15g -0670K 6.94 4.58
10 A 13.0 15.0 7.0 23.0 17g -0680K 6.94 4.58
11 A 13.0 16.3 8.0 23.0 20g -0690K 6.94 4.58
12 B 13.0 17.0 8.0 23.0 17g -0700K 6.94 4.58
13 B 13.0 18.8 8.0 23.0 22g -0710K 6.94 4.58
14 B 13.0 20.0 8.0 23.0 20g -0720K 6.94 4.58 Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
1/4 Drive Reducers & Adaptors 50 (2) 24g -7490K 14.86 9.81
100 (4) 43g -7495K 16.35 10.79
Drive Inch Size, Standard Length, 6-Point
Conform to: SAE, USA Federal Standard GGG-W-660A.
Style A Style B
Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer
(inch) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
1/4 A 19.0 11.0 4.0 30.0 30g -1430K 7.59 5.01
5/16 A 19.0 12.5 8.0 30.0 30g -1440K 8.36 5.52
3/8 A 19.0 14.5 8.0 30.0 35g -1460K 8.36 5.52
7/16 A 19.0 17.0 9.0 30.0 35g -1470K 8.36 5.52
1/2 B 19.0 19.0 9.0 30.0 35g -1480K 8.36 5.52
9/16 B 20.0 20.0 9.0 30.0 40g -1490K 8.36 5.52
Style A Style B Style C 5/8 B 24.0 24.0 11.0 30.0 70g -1500K 8.36 5.52
11/16 B 24.0 24.0 11.0 30.0 70g -1510K 8.36 5.52
3/4 B 26.0 26.0 11.0 30.0 80g -1520K 8.36 5.52
Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
6 A 19.0 11.0 4.0 30.0 35g -1240K 7.47 4.93 3/8
Drive BSW Size, Standard Length, 6-Point
7 A 19.0 12.5 8.0 30.0 40g -1250K 7.47 4.93 Conform to: SAE, USA Federal Standard GGG-W-660A.
8 A 19.0 13.8 8.0 30.0 40g -1260K 7.47 4.93
9 A 19.0 15.0 8.0 30.0 40g -1270K 7.47 4.93
10 A 19.0 16.0 8.0 30.0 40g -1280K 7.47 4.93
11 A 19.0 17.5 9.0 30.0 40g -1290K 7.47 4.93
12 B 19.0 19.0 9.0 30.0 40g -1300K 7.47 4.93
13 A 22.0 20.0 9.0 30.0 55g -1310K 7.47 4.93
14 A 22.0 21.0 9.0 30.0 55g -1320K 7.47 4.93
15 B 22.0 22.0 11.0 30.0 55g -1330K 7.52 4.96
Page 1134
Impact Hex Driver Impact Sockets 3/8 Sq. Dr.
Sockets 3/8 Hexagon sizes:
Manufactured from high quality chrome molybdenum steel. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 and 12mm.
Black oxidised finish with permanent laser etched markings. Conforms to DIN 3129.
3/8 Drive Metric,
Deep Length, 6-Point
Conform to: DIN 3129.
12 50mm 70g -1972K 7.23 4.77
12 B 19.0 19.0 25.0 65.0 90g -1740K 11.39 7.52
13 A 22.0 20.0 25.0 65.0 120g -1750K 11.39 7.52 7 Piece Set
14 A 22.0 21.0 25.0 65.0 120g -1650K 11.39 7.52 Contents as above.
15 B 22.0 22.0 25.0 65.0 120g -1760K 11.39 7.52
16 C 22.0 24.0 25.0 65.0 140g -1770K 11.39 7.52 PIECES
17 C 22.0 25.0 25.0 65.0 140g -1780K 11.75 7.76
18 C 22.0 26.0 25.0 65.0 150g -1790K 11.75 7.76
19 C 22.0 27.5 25.0 65.0 170g -1800K 11.75 7.76
21 C 22.0 30.0 25.0 65.0 185g -1820K 11.75 7.76
Drive Inch Size,
Deep Length, 6-Point
Conform to:
SAE, USA Federal
Standard GGG-W-660A. Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
7 550g -9820K 43.00 23.22
Standard length: metric 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer 3/8
(inch) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22mm.
3/8 A 19.0 14.5 12.0 65.0 80g -1840K 10.88 7.18 Standard length: A/F 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2, 9/16, 5/8,
7/16 A 19.0 17.0 25.0 65.0 80g -1850K 10.88 7.18 11/16 and 3/4.
1/2 B 19.0 19.0 25.0 65.0 90g -1860K 10.88 7.18 Deep metric: 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, PIECES
9/16 B 20.0 20.0 25.0 65.0 100g -1870K 10.88 7.18 19 and 21mm.
3/4 B 26.0 26.0 25.0 65.0 100g -1880K 11.62 7.67
Drive BSW,
Deep Length, 6-Point
Conform to:
SAE, USA Federal Standard
Style A
Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
(inch) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
3/8 A 22.0 26.5 42.5 57.5 126g -1910K 12.52 8.26 39 3.50kg -9810K 143.00 77.22
Page 1135
Chrome Molybdenum
Impact Sockets
Manufactured from high quality chrome molybdenum steel. Black oxidised finish with permanent laser etched markings.
1/2 Drive Metric, Standard Length, 6-Point 1/2 Drive Inch Size, Standard Length, 6-Point
Conform to: DIN 3129. 1/2
Conform to: SAE, USA Federal Standard GGG-W-660A.
rapid identification. Tough, impact-resistant carry case. Conforms to: Metric DIN 3129, Inch SAE USA Federal Standard GGG-W-660A.
9 Piece Set - Metric 18 Piece Set - Metric
Standard length: 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 19, 24, 27 and Standard length: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
1/2 1/2
30mm. 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 30 and 32mm. PIECES
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
9 1.70kg -9870K 59.50 32.13 18 3.40kg -9860K 122.00 65.88
Page 1136
Chrome Molybdenum
Impact Sockets
Manufactured from high quality chrome molybdenum steel. Black oxidised finish with permanent laser etched markings.
1/2 Drive Reducers & Adaptors 1/2 Drive Extension Bars
1/2 1/2
3/4 C 30.0 44.0 54.0 78 450g -2980K 41.63 27.48
Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1 7 Piece Set - Deep Metric
10 A 25.0 17.5 14.0 78.0 170g -2600K 17.06 11.26 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 24
11 A 25.0 18.7 14.0 78.0 170g -2610K 17.06 11.26 and 30mm. PIECES
12 A 25.0 20.0 14.0 78.0 175g -2620K 17.06 11.26
13 A 25.0 21.0 14.0 78.0 180g -2630K 17.06 11.26
14 A 25.0 22.5 17.0 78.0 210g -2640K 17.06 11.26
15 A 30.0 23.7 17.0 78.0 200g -2650K 17.70 11.68
16 A 30.0 25.0 17.0 78.0 200g -2660K 18.15 11.98
17 A 30.0 26.0 17.0 78.0 260g -2670K 18.39 12.14
18 A 30.0 27.5 17.0 78.0 270g -2680K 18.15 11.98
19 A 30.0 28.7 19.0 78.0 260g -2690K 18.15 11.98
21 B 30.0 30.0 24.0 78.0 260g -2700K 19.51 12.88
22 C 30.0 32.0 24.0 78.0 290g -2710K 20.85 13.76
23 C 30.0 32.0 24.0 78.0 290g -2720K 20.85 13.76
24 C 30.0 35.0 24.0 78.0 290g -2730K 20.85 13.76
27 C 30.0 38.7 54.0 78.0 330g -2740K 25.45 16.80
28 C 30.0 40.0 54.0 78.0 350g -2750K 30.33 20.02 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
30 C 30.0 42.0 54.0 78.0 450g -2760K 32.14 21.21
32 C 30.0 44.0 54.0 78.0 370g -2770K 33.33 22.00 7 2.20kg -9880K 76.95 41.55
Page 1137
Impact Wheel 3 Piece Set
Contains one of each size 17, 19 and 21mm.
Nut Sockets 1/2
Impact Hexagon 10 Piece Set
Bit Drivers 1/ Contains one of each size 6mm to 19mm as shown left.
1/2 Hexagon sizes:
6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14,
15, 17, 18 and 19mm.
19 75mm 200g -3028K 10.62 7.01
Impact TX Sockets
Page 1138
Chrome Molybdenum
Impact Sockets
Manufactured from high quality chrome molybdenum steel. Black oxidised finish with permanent laser etched markings.
3/4 Drive Metric, Standard Length, 6-Point 3/4 Drive Inch Size, Standard Length, 6-Point
Conform to: DIN 3129. 3/4
Conform to: SAE, USA Federal Standard GGG-W-660A.
Drive Inch Size,
Deep Length, 6-Point
Page 1139
Chrome Molybdenum
Impact Sockets
Manufactured from high quality chrome molybdenum steel. Black oxidised finish with permanent laser etched markings.
3/4 Drive Reducers & Adaptors 7 Piece Set - Metric
Standard length:
19, 24, 27, 30,
32, 36 and
Male Drive x Weight Order Code List Offer 46mm.
Female Drive each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
3/4 x 1/2 175g -7430K 23.42 15.46
1/2 x 3/4 335g -7440K 31.11 20.53
1 x 4
3/ 175g -7450K 46.22 30.51
Male Drive x Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Female Drive each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
3/4 x 3/4 640g -7860K 96.72 63.84 7 4.20kg -9890K 133.00 71.82
Retaining Rings 3/4 Drive Extension Bars
Supplied with pins 3/4
1 Drive Metric, Standard Length, 6-Point 1 Drive Inch Size, Standard Length, 6-Point
1 Conform to: DIN 3129. 1 Conform to: SAE, USA Federal Standard GGG-W-660A.
Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer
(inch) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
7/8 A 51.0 39.0 15.0 58.0 550g -5610K 33.26 21.95
15/16 A 51.0 40.0 18.0 58.0 550g -5620K 35.21 23.24
1 A 51.0 42.0 18.0 58.0 550g -5630K 35.61 23.50
11/16 A 51.0 44.0 19.0 58.0 600g -5640K 35.75 23.60
11/8 A 51.0 46.0 19.0 58.0 600g -5650K 37.17 24.53
13/16 A 51.0 48.0 21.0 60.0 650g -5660K 37.73 24.90
11/4 B 51.0 51.0 22.0 60.0 650g -5670K 38.27 25.26
15/16 C 52.0 53.0 22.0 62.0 733g -5680K 41.01 27.07
17/16 C 52.0 56.0 25.0 62.0 700g -5700K 47.75 31.52
11/2 C 52.0 58.0 25.0 62.0 800g -5710K 50.09 33.06
19/16 C 52.0 60.0 25.0 62.0 800g -5720K 52.69 34.78
Style A Style B Style C 15/8 C 52.0 61.5 27.0 62.0 800g -5730K 56.35 37.19
111/16 C 52.0 65.0 27.0 64.0 900g -5740K 61.58 40.64
13/4 C 58.0 66.0 27.0 64.0 1000g -5750K 64.10 42.31
Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer 113/16 C 58.0 68.0 30.0 64.0 1100g -5760K 65.52 43.24
(mm) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1 17/8 C 58.0 70.0 32.0 66.0 1100g -5770K 66.60 43.96
21 A 54.0 38.0 15.0 60.0 700g -5050K 33.71 22.25 2 C 58.0 74.0 35.0 70.0 1250g -5790K 84.14 55.53
22 A 54.0 40.0 15.0 60.0 700g -5060K 33.71 22.25 21/16 C 58.0 75.0 35.0 70.0 1250g -5800K 85.47 56.41
24 A 54.0 42.0 18.0 60.0 800g -5080K 33.71 22.25 21/8 C 58.0 78.0 35.0 70.0 1250g -5810K 88.50 58.41
25 A 54.0 43.0 18.0 60.0 800g -5090K 33.71 22.25 23/16 C 62.0 80.0 35.0 72.0 1500g -5820K 93.62 61.79
26 A 54.0 44.5 18.0 60.0 800g -5100K 33.71 22.25 21/4 C 62.0 84.0 40.0 75.0 1500g -5830K 104.00 68.64
27 A 54.0 46.0 19.0 60.0 800g -5110K 33.71 22.25 23/8 C 62.0 87.0 42.0 78.0 1500g -5850K 126.00 83.16
28 A 54.0 47.0 19.0 62.0 800g -5120K 33.71 22.25 21/2 C 62.0 91.0 42.0 80.0 2500g -5870K 144.00 95.04
29 A 54.0 48.0 19.0 62.0 800g -5130K 33.71 22.25 29/16 C 62.0 93.0 42.0 80.0 2500g -5880K 147.00 97.02
30 A 54.0 50.0 21.0 62.0 700g -5140K 33.71 22.25 25/8 C 62.0 95.0 42.0 82.0 2500g -5890K 158.00 104.28
32 A 54.0 52.0 22.0 62.0 800g -5160K 33.71 22.25 23/4 C 62.0 100.0 42.0 96.0 3000g -5910K 213.00 140.58
33 A 54.0 53.0 22.0 62.0 800g -5170K 33.71 22.25 213/16 C 62.0 102.0 45.0 96.0 4000g -5920K 207.00 136.62
34 B 54.0 55.0 22.0 62.0 800g -5180K 33.71 22.25 3 C 86.0 107.0 48.0 100.0 4000g -5950K 251.00 165.66
35 B 54.0 55.0 22.0 62.0 800g -5190K 36.50 24.09 31/8 C 86.0 111.0 48.0 100.0 5000g -5970K 277.00 182.82
36 B 54.0 57.0 25.0 67.0 900g -5200K 38.79 25.60 31/2 C 86.0 124.0 52.0 105.0 5000g -6000K 361.00 238.26
37 B 54.0 59.0 25.0 67.0 900g -5210K 38.79 25.60
38 B 54.0 60.0 25.0 67.0 900g -5220K 38.79 25.60 1 Drive BSW Size,
41 B 54.0 63.0 27.0 70.0 1000g -5250K 42.30 27.92 1 Standard Length, 6-Point
42 B 54.0 65.0 27.0 74.0 1200g -5260K 42.30 27.92
46 B 54.0 70.0 30.0 76.0 1200g -5290K 52.09 34.38 Conform to: SAE, USA Federal
47 B 54.0 71.5 32.0 76.0 1200g -5300K 48.58 32.06 Standard GGG-W-660A.
48 B 54.0 72.5 32.0 76.0 1200g -5310K 48.58 32.06
50 B 54.0 75.0 35.0 80.0 1500g -5330K 64.65 42.67
52 B 54.0 77.0 35.0 84.0 1500g -5350K 75.06 49.54
55 B 54.0 81.0 35.0 84.0 1750g -5380K 79.47 52.45
56 B 54.0 82.0 40.0 84.0 1750g -5390K 82.96 54.75 Style A Style B
60 B 54.0 87.0 42.0 87.0 1750g -5430K 93.89 61.97 Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order CodeList Offer
65 B 54.0 93.0 42.0 90.0 2000g -5460K 130.00 85.80 (BSW) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
70 B 54.0 100.0 42.0 96.0 3000g -5480K 133.00 87.78 11/16 A 54.0 51.0 21.0 62 800g -6080K 40.67 26.84
75 B 86.0 106.0 45.0 98.0 4000g -5500K 168.00 110.88 3/4 B 54.0 53.0 22.0 62 800g -6090K 42.11 27.79
80 B 86.0 112.0 48.0 100.0 4000g -5520K 204.00 134.64 13/16 B 54.0 56.0 22.0 65 800g -6100K 49.68 32.79
85 B 86.0 118.0 52.0 105.0 5000g -5530K 237.00 156.42 1 B 54.0 66.0 27.0 74 1200g -6130K 63.07 41.63
90 B 86.0 125.0 52.0 105.0 5000g -5550K 288.00 190.08 1 8
1/ B 56.0 70.0 32.0 66 1100g -6140K 69.86 46.11
95 B 86.0 131.0 52.0 115.0 6000g -5570K 314.00 207.24 1 4
1/ B 54.0 77.0 36.0 84 1500g -6150K 88.27 58.26
100 B 95.0 137.0 58.0 115.0 7000g -5580K 324.00 213.84 1 2
1/ B 62.0 89.0 42.0 78 1500g -6170K 133.00 87.78
Page 1140
Chrome Molybdenum
Impact Sockets & Accessories
Manufactured from high quality chrome molybdenum steel. Black oxidised finish with permanent laser etched markings.
1 Drive Metric, Deep Length, 1 Drive Inch Size,
1 6-Point 1 Deep Length, 6-Point
Style A
Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer
(inch) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
1 A 51.0 42.0 25.0 90.0 900g -6760K 59.55 39.30
11/16 A 51.0 44.0 27.0 90.0 1000g -6770K 60.99 40.25
1 8
1/ A 51.0 46.0 29.0 90.0 1000g -6780K 61.39 40.52
1 16
3/ A 51.0 48.0 30.0 90.0 1000g -6790K 62.93 41.53
11/4 B 51.0 51.0 32.0 90.0 1000g -6800K 64.67 42.68
1 16
5/ C 52.0 53.0 34.0 90.0 1200g -6810K 67.55 44.58
13/8 C 52.0 54.0 35.0 90.0 1200g -6820K 67.86 44.79
1 2
1/ C 52.0 58.0 38.0 92.0 1200g -6840K 77.12 50.90
19/16 C 52.0 60.0 38.0 92.0 1200g -6850K 84.23 55.59
1 8
5/ C 52.0 61.5 38.0 92.0 1200g -6860K 88.79 58.60
Style A Style B 1 16 C 52.0 65.0 38.0 92.0 1200g -6870K 91.48 60.38
13/4 C 58.0 66.0 38.0 92.0 1400g -6880K 105.00 69.30
113/16 C 58.0 68.0 38.0 92.0 1400g -6890K 105.00 69.30
Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer 1 8
7/ C 58.0 70.0 38.0 92.0 1600g -6900K 118.00 77.88
(mm) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1 115/16 B 58.0 72.0 38.0 100.0 1500g -6910K 132.00 87.12
23 A 54.0 41.0 23.0 100.0 1200g -6250K 52.09 34.38 2 C 58.0 74.0 40.0 95.0 1750g -6920K 133.00 87.78
24 A 54.0 42.0 24.0 100.0 1200g -6260K 52.09 34.38 21/16 C 58.0 75.0 40.0 95.0 1750g -6930K 140.00 92.40
27 A 54.0 46.0 27.0 100.0 1200g -6290K 54.95 36.27 2 8
1/ C 58.0 78.0 40.0 100.0 2000g -6940K 162.00 106.92
28 A 54.0 47.0 28.0 100.0 1200g -6300K 55.47 36.61 23/16 C 62.0 80.0 40.0 100.0 2250g -6950K 162.00 106.92
30 A 54.0 50.0 30.0 100.0 1200g -6320K 55.90 36.89 2 4
1/ C 62.0 84.0 40.0 100.0 2500g -6960K 180.00 118.80
32 A 54.0 52.0 32.0 100.0 1400g -6340K 56.86 37.53 2 16
5/ C 62.0 86.0 40.0 105.0 2500g -6970K 199.00 131.34
33 A 54.0 53.0 33.0 100.0 1400g -6350K 55.48 36.62 23/8 C 62.0 87.0 42.0 105.0 3000g -6980K 208.00 137.28
34 B 54.0 55.0 34.0 100.0 1400g -6360K 55.48 36.62 2 16 C 62.0 89.0 42.0 110.0 3000g -6990K 273.00 180.18
36 B 54.0 57.0 35.0 100.0 1400g -6380K 56.86 37.53 21/2 C 62.0 91.0 42.0 110.0 4000g -7000K 273.00 180.18
37 B 54.0 59.0 37.0 100.0 1400g -6390K 79.55 52.50 25/8 C 62.0 95.0 42.0 125.0 4000g -7020K 323.00 213.18
38 B 54.0 60.0 38.0 100.0 1400g -6400K 76.91 50.76 2 4
3/ C 62.0 100.0 42.0 125.0 4000g -7040K 323.00 213.18
41 B 54.0 63.0 38.0 100.0 1400g -6430K 79.55 52.50 2 8
7/ C 86.0 104.0 42.0 125.0 5000g -7060K 362.00 238.92
42 B 54.0 65.0 38.0 100.0 1400g -6440K 79.55 52.50 2 16 C 86.0 105.0 45.0 135.0 6000g -7070K 362.00 238.92
46 B 54.0 70.0 38.0 100.0 1600g -6480K 97.89 64.61 3 C 86.0 107.0 48.0 135.0 6000g -7080K 362.00 238.92
50 B 54.0 75.0 38.0 100.0 2000g -6520K 97.89 64.61 31/8 B 86.0 111.0 48.0 135.0 6000g -7100K 454.00 299.64
52 B 54.0 77.0 40.0 100.0 1750g -6540K 99.94 65.96 1 Drive BSW Size, Deep Length, 6-Point
55 B 54.0 81.0 40.0 100.0 2000g -6570K 156.00 102.96 1
56 B 54.0 82.0 40.0 105.0 2000g -6580K 156.00 102.96 Conform to: SAE, USA Federal Standard GGG-W-660A.
60 B 54.0 87.0 42.0 120.0 2500g -6630K 156.00 102.96
65 B 54.0 93.0 42.0 125.0 3500g -6660K 265.00 174.90 Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Weight Order Code List Offer
70 B 54.0 100.0 42.0 125.0 5000g -6680K 265.00 174.90 (BSW) D2 D1 L2 L each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
3/4 A 54.0 53.0 50.0 100 1500g -7150K 69.33 45.76
75 B 86.0 106.0 45.0 135.0 6000g -6700K 265.00 174.90
80 B 86.0 112.0 48.0 135.0 6000g -6720K 291.00 192.06 13/8 B 54.0 81.0 65.0 105 1500g -7220K 194.00 128.04
11/2 B 54.0 86.0 77.0 120 2000g -7230K 256.00 168.96
Universal Ball Joint 13/4 B 54.0 99.0 80.0 155 2500g -7250K 300.00 198.00
7 Piece Impact Socket Set
Socket sizes:
1 27, 30, 32, 33,
36, 41 and 46mm.
Male Drive x Weight Order Code List Offer
Female Drive each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
1 x 1 640g -7880K 129.00 85.14 PIECES
1 Drive Reducers & Adaptors Number Weight Order Code List Offer
1 of Pieces each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
7 5.95kg -9920K 321.00 173.34
Female Drive each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1 Socket Style Dimensions (mm) Order Code List Offer
3/4 x 1 335g -7460K 54.25 35.81 (mm) D2 D1 L2 L KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1
11/2 x 1 670g -7480K 139.00 91.74 30 54.0 56.0 21.0 78.0 -8430K 94.56 62.41
32 86.0 58.0 22.0 78.0 -8432K 98.44 64.97
1 Drive Extension Bars 33 86.0 60.0 22.0 78.0 -8433K 98.44 64.97
1 36 86.0 64.0 24.0 78.0 -8436K 98.44 64.97
38 86.0 66.0 26.0 80.0 -8438K 98.44 64.97
41 86.0 70.0 28.0 80.0 -8441K 98.44 64.97
46 86.0 76.0 30.0 84.0 -8446K 98.44 64.97
48 86.0 79.0 32.0 87.0 -8448K 98.44 64.97
50 86.0 81.0 32.0 87.0 -8450K 98.44 64.97
52 86.0 83.0 34.0 87.0 -8452K 98.44 64.97
55 86.0 87.0 37.0 90.0 -8455K 98.44 64.97
Length Weight Order Code List Offer 56 86.0 88.0 37.0 92.0 -8456K 98.44 64.97
(mm) each KEN-583 Price/1 Price/1 60 86.0 94.0 39.0 95.0 -8460K 125.00 82.50
100 (4) 590g -7650K 66.21 43.70 65 86.0 100.0 42.0 100.0 -8465K 146.00 96.36
150 (6) 610g -7660K 79.20 52.27 70 86.0 106.0 46.0 105.0 -8470K 157.00 103.62
200 (8) 1000g -7680K 97.61 64.42 75 86.0 112.0 49.0 108.0 -8475K 195.00 128.70
250 (10) 2100g -7690K 128.00 84.48 80 86.0 119.0 53.0 115.0 -8480K 236.00 155.76
300 (12) 2500g -7700K 110.00 72.60 85 86.0 125.0 56.0 118.0 -8485K 272.00 179.52
380 (15) 2600g -7720K 197.00 130.02 95 95.0 137.0 61.0 123.0 -8495K 342.00 225.72
Page 1141
Self Adjusting 9-in-1 Universal Key Wrench Continuity
Basin Wrenches Can be used on most technical locking Bonds
Heavy Duty systems in electrical engineering, supply of All ROTHENBERGER continuity bonds are
With spring loaded jaws of gas, water, air conditioning made from 10mm2 multi strand tri-rated
hardened forged and milled and ventilation systems. cable, rated to 600 volts with heat resistant
steel. Jaw swivels 180 5, 6, 7, 8mm green and yellow insulation as specified in
allowing easy tightening BS6231 type CK.
and loosening of 7, 8, 9mm 6.7000 - 120cm
basin nuts on both Heavy duty earth bonding complete with
15mm and 25cm chains.
22mm pipes.
With sliding Daimler- 6mm 3-5mm
tommy bar. Benz
Capacity: Order Code List Offer
10 - 32mm (3/8 - 11/4). Description KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
9-in-1 Key Wrench -4640K 49.39 33.09
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
265mm 520g -6020K 10.84 7.26
Basin Wrench
Tightens and loosens nuts in particularly
Telescopic Type Basin Wrench awkward positions such as under basins and 6.7049 - 250cm
Box section extending behind pipes. Handle 2.5m heavy duty earth bonding complete with
shank with spring manufactured from solid brass crocodile
loaded retainer. steel with removable lips.
Spring loaded jaws tommy bar.
of hardened forged
and milled steel. Hardened serrated steel
Jaw swivels head and jaws. The spare jaw
180 allowing easy can be stored on the handle.
tightening and Capacity: 10 - 32mm (3/8 - 11/4).
loosening of basin
nuts on both 15mm Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each MON-588 Price/1 Price/1
and 22mm pipes.
With sliding tommy bar. 345V 644g -0345V 33.18 29.86
10 - 32mm (3/8 - 11/4). Immersion Heater Spanners 6.7002 - 800cm
Heavy duty earth bonding complete with
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Box Ring Type 100cm chains.
Length each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 Manufactured from a single piece casting of
245mm 840g -6030K 14.09 9.44 malleable iron. Overall clearance around
spanner 22mm (7/8) for easier fitting on
insulated copper cylinders.
Back Spanner Basin Wrenches
For use in vertical or horizontal
confined spaces. Grips on
smooth and oily surfaces. The handle can be
Double ended wrench for struck to loosen very tight
13mm (1/2) and immersion heaters.
32mm (11/4) lavatory Capacity: 86mm (33/8).
and basin nuts. Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Made from Number each MON-588 Price/1 Price/1
cast iron. Product Weight Order Code List Offer
361T 940g -0361T 22.97 20.67 Number each RBD-566 Price/1 Price/1
6.7000 360g -6700A 18.80 18.33
Shetack Basin Wrench 6.7049 550g -6749D 49.06 47.83
6.7002 1370g -6702D 57.60 56.16
Manufactured from malleable iron. Suitable
for fitting back nuts and union nuts for taps
behind basins, sinks and baths. Stikfast
Sticky Washers
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 581L
A plumber's third hand. Centralising,
350mm 590g -6000K 7.64 5.12 anti-swivel, acrylic washers. Double sided
Product Weight Order Code List Offer adhesive washer sticks the tap or fittings in
Immersion Heater Box Spanner Number each MON-588 Price/1 Price/1 place leaving both hands free for threading
This heavy duty box spanner complete 327R 530g -0327R 8.45 7.61 and tightening backnuts. Universal size for
For radiator air bleed keys 21mm.
see page 1156.
Product Hex. Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity Weight
Order Code List Offer Number (mm) each MON-588 Price/1 Price/1 Product Pack Order Code List Offer
each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 2053U 12.7 175g -2053V 4.54 4.09 Number Quantity MON-588 Price/1 Price/1
86mm 520g -6050K 11.10 7.44 2054X 12.0 155g -2054X 4.55 4.10 581L 2 -0581L 1.88 1.69
Page 1142
Chain Pitch
Separators Model SCS1
All steel construction, industry quality Chain: 9.525 - 15.875mm
roller and bush chain separator. (0.375 - 0.625) pitch,
Designed for separating roller and bush to BS & ANSI standard.
chains that have end softened pins. To Roller Chain
remove hardened pins the ends must Pin, roller and bush assembly.
first be removed by grinding. Simple to
operate: Grip the chain in the self-closing Bush Chain
jaws that also supports the chain to Model LCS2
Chain: 19.05 - 31.75mm (0.75 - 1.25) Identical to roller chain, but with the
prevent twisting as the link pins are omission of the roller.
driven out. Then turn the T-handle to pitch, to BS standard.
drive the pins out. Always ensure that Chain: 19.05 - 25.40mm (0.75 - 1.00) Product Weight Order Code List Offer
the machine is switched off before pitch, to ANSI standard. Number each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
disconnecting or connecting a chain. SCS1 445g -1010K 120.00 80.40
LCS2 765g -1020K 125.00 83.75
One piece forged alloy steel handle.
Chain Wrench
One piece forged alloy steel handle with heavy duty replaceable alloy
steel jaw.
Page 1143
Pipe Drain
Unblocker Unblocker
This pipe unblocker is easy to use and comes with a corrosion-resistant Suitable for unblocking domestic drains
body. Its 4.6m coil length makes it ideal for including: sinks, baths, showers and other
unblocking domestic small diameter pipes. The spring is housed
waste/drain pipes. within the container to avoid contact with
clean surfaces. Corkscrew spring end is for
dislodging and moving any obstructions.
Order Code List Offer
Spring size: 6mm x 8m.
Description KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
Pipe Cleaner 4.6m -6700K 26.63 17.84
1452B Toilet
Overall length: 290mm. Safely provides the explosive power of a
Order Code List Offer water jet to unblock sinks, baths, showers,
Size MON-588 Price/1 Price/1 toilets and drains. First you fill the unit with Handy
28mm -2039C 7.04 6.34 water then hold the unit over the waste
and pump down (or hit) the
handle to create a powerful
Pump Nut Spanner water jet.
Steel tool works on most nuts next to
domestic circulating pumps.
Page 1144
Drain Available with two different types
of joint;
Rods Universal: rods fitted with this type
Use for cleaning and unblocking drains, pipes and of joint should only be rotated in a
sewers. A range of accessories are also available clockwise direction.
including drop scrapers, double worm screws and
plungers. Manufactured from polypropylene fitted Lockfast: rods fitted with this type
with solid brass joints securely fitted with brass of joint can be rotated in either
rivets. Rods are strong, durable and rigid with the direction and will remain secure in
right amount of drain rod flexibility. the most demanding conditions.
Type Weight Order Code List Offer Type Weight Order Code List Offer
each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
Universal 190g -7240K 5.33 3.57 Lockfast 245g -7250K 10.66 7.14
Type Weight Order Code List Offer Type Weight Order Code List Offer
each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
Universal 2.37kg -7200K 64.67 38.80 Lockfast 2.60kg -7210K 125.00 75.00
Drop Scraper
Weight Order Code List Offer Glides over small obstructions and drops into a vertical position to
Colour each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
Green 200g -7700K 20.02 13.41
allow material to be dragged back.
Red 200g -7710K 20.02 13.41
Blue 200g -7720K 20.02 13.41
Available with two different type of joints:
Universal: rods fitted with this type of joint should only be rotated in a
clockwise direction.
Lockfast: rods fitted with this type of joint can be rotated in either
direction and will remain secure in the most demanding conditions.
Page 1145
3-in-1 3-in-1 Mini
Bender Benders
For bending 3, 4 and 6mm diameter copper and aluminium 210 Mini-Bender
tubes up to 90. With a For bending 3, 4 and 6mm diameter copper and aluminium tubes up
graduated scale for to 90. With a graduated scale
partial bending. for partial bending.
Ribbed die-cast Ribbed die-cast
aluminium aluminium
construction for construction for
lightness and 3mm 4mm 6mm lightness and
strength. strength. 3mm 4mm 6mm
Length: 140mm. Length: 140mm.
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 Number each HIL-588 Price/1 Price/1
3, 4 & 6 150g -6080K 27.11 18.16 T210 150g -2100A 27.11 21.15
Capacity Angle Weight Order Code List Offer Product Length Pipe Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Range each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) Size each HIL-588 Price/1 Price/1
6, 8 & 10 0 - 90 430g -6100K 47.13 31.58 T676810 218 (81/2) 6, 8 & 10mm 400g -3150E 52.64 41.06
Page 1146
Pipe Universal
Benders Bender
300 Series UL223
Long tubular steel handles with cushion non-slip grips. Portable and versatile, used for bending light and
Offset to prevent knuckles clashing. With a plastic guide reducing the medium gauge copper, light gauge stainless steel,
effort needed to bend copper piping up to 180. medium gauge steel, steel conduit, soft steel rod, steel
seam, gas and water pipe.
Light gauge copper:
up to 42mm o.d./11/2 nom.
Medium gauge copper:
up to 42mm o.d./11/2 nom.
Light gauge stainless:
up to 35mm o.d. /11/4 nom.
Medium gauge steel:
up to 32mm/11/4 o.d.
Steel conduit:
up to 32mm/11/4 o.d.
Soft steel rod:
Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Capacity each RIG-564 Price/1 Price/1 up to 20mm/3/4 dia.
Steel seam, gas and
36962 16mm 6.30kg -3696J 114.80 101.02 water pipe:
up to 15/8 nom.
400 Series
High strength, long forged steel handles, offset to avoid knuckle
clash, with cushion grip. The oil-absorbent guide is self-lubricating as
the pipe is bent to prevent sticking.
Page 1147
Spring Loaded Midget Pipe Cutter Mini Pipe Cutter
Pipe Cutter For use on copper, brass, Compact and robust construction
Designed to cut copper, brass, aluminium and thin wall ideal for use in confined spaces.
aluminium, plastic and thin conduit. Supplied with Grooved rollers allow
wall conduit, this pipe cutter spare blade. close-to-flare cuts. Large
has a 3-30mm capacity Width: feed screw for
and spring loaded 25mm. accurate
mechanism. It also Overall cutting of
features an internal pipe length: aluminium,
deburrer. 95mm. brass, copper
and steel
Length: 66mm.
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer For Aluminium, Brass, Copper & Steel
(mm) each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
3 - 28 270g -5490K 17.99 12.05 (mm) each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
Spare Cutter 5g -5800K 1.53 1.03 3 - 22 140g -5450K 10.10 6.77
Spare Cutter 5g -5800K 1.53 1.03
Pipe Cutters For Stainless Steel
With high strength cast bodies and single Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
cutting wheels with two rollers. Suitable for (mm) each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer stainless steel, brass and copper tubes. All
(mm) each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 3 - 22 140g -5700K 15.61 10.46
fitted with deburring blades. Spare Cutter 5g -5790K 7.44 4.98
3 - 30 -4720K 39.57 26.51
2-in-1 Automatic Ratcheting Pipe Cutter
Pipe Cutter No.101
Designed to cut Suitable for use in confined
copper, brass, areas on small
aluminium, plastic - 5500K diameter piping.
and thin wall Highcarbon steel
conduit, this pipe cutting wheel and
cutter has a large knurled feed
6 - 28mm capacity screw for easy
and spring loaded For Aluminium, Brass, Copper & Steel control of cutting
mechanism. It features Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer pressure for clean
(mm) each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
a detachable ratchet cuts.
handle for use in tight 3 - 30 195g -5500K 25.95 17.39
Spare Cutter 5g -5590K 4.74 3.18 Product Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
work areas and has a
hanging hole for storage. Number (mm) each RIG-564 Price/1 Price/1
40617 6 - 28 100g -4061M 19.90 17.51
Replacement Cutting Wheel
33185 -3318H 4.50 3.96
Internal pipe
For Aluminium, Brass, Copper & Steel Product Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer Replacement Number (mm) each RIG-564 Price/1 Price/1
(mm) each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 Cutter Wheel - 5690K 32825 50 3.5kg -3282M 139.90 123.11
5 - 64 625g -5550K 37.57 25.17 Replacement Cutting Wheel
Spare Cutter 5g -5690K 5.43 3.64 33100 -3310B 13.50 11.88
Page 1148
Pipe Pipe Rubber Hose Cutter
Cutters Deburrer 6 - 37mm cutting capacity.
Copper Pipe Cutters For internal and Spring opening. Lightweight
Rigid construction 266E external edges. moulded polypropylene body.
suitable for use in Stainless steel blade.
265B Guillotine action ensures a clean cut every
confined spaces. Large
feed screw with fluted time. Handle retaining hook for compact
handle for accurate storage and blade safety. Reversible blade.
adjustment of cutter Not suitable for cutting metal.
depth. The cutter is Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
manufactured from (mm) each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
hardened and tempered
steel. Type 265B and 3-40 (1/8-15/8) 250g -5900K 15.70 10.52
266E are supplied with
spare cutter in the fluted Automatic Pipe Cutters
handle. These robust pipe cutters will cut copper,
brass, aluminium, PVC and thin-wall conduit.
They automatically tighten
and cut when turned
264Y around the pipe.
The compact Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
Product Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer design makes (mm) each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
Number (mm) each MON-588 Price/1 Price/1 them ideal for
264Y 3 - 22 170g -0264Y 16.51 14.86 6 - 37 270g -5000K 16.44 11.01
265B 4 - 28 350g -0265B 21.83 19.65
working in
266E 12.7 - 44 458g -0266E 24.69 22.22 confined spaces.
Spare Cutter for Copper, Brass & Aluminium Weight Order Code List Offer
Plastic Pipe Cutter -
273A -0273A 2.13 1.92
Capacity each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 Mini Hose Type
Spare Cutter for Stainless Steel 15mm 186g -4800K 14.95 10.02 Manufactured from tough hard wearing
284I -0284J 3.27 2.94 22mm 192g -4820K 16.60 11.12 ABS plastic. Spring loaded with a heat-
Spare Cutter 5g -4840K 3.65 2.45 treated steel blade.
Automatic Copper Pipe Cutter Pipe
For work in confined spaces. Strongly made
outer zinc-coated metal body Deburrer
houses the inside For burr removal on both internal and external
mechanism made from edges. Compact hand
steel which takes the load held tool with steel
of the cut. Cuts copper blades housed in a
pipes once the gate of the robust plastic casing.
tool is closed over the pipe. Suitable for copper,
Tool can be rotated in aluminium or brass
either direction. pipe.
Product Order Code List Offer
Number Capacity MON-588 Price/1 Price/1
Model Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer Capacity Weight
1715C 15mm -1715C 14.71 13.24 Order Code List Offer
1722Y 22mm -1722Y 16.33 14.70 Number (mm) each RIG-564 Price/1 Price/1 each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
1728Q 28mm -1728Q 26.94 24.25 34965 6 - 37 110g -3496G 34.30 30.18 12.7mm 35g -5400K 4.84 3.24
Page 1149
Double Flaring Tool & Tube Cutting & Bending Set
Pipe Cutting Set Contains flaring press, 45 spreader, 30mm capacity tube
Flaring tool for 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8, 7/16, 1/2 and 5/8 steel, aluminium cutter, tube springs 14, 18, 16 and 20mm diameter.
and copper pipes. Cutter for 1/8 to 11/4 outside diameter pipe. Robust moulded case.
Robust moulded case.
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 Capacity each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
3/16 - 5/8 1.5kg -9570K 56.31 33.79 3/16 - 5/8 2.3kg -9600K 74.18 44.51
Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
Capacity each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 Capacity each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
3/16 - 5/8 1.03kg -9550K 41.18 24.71 3/16 - 5/8 2.5kg -9620K 99.95 59.97
Tool Sets
Each set can be used to produce convex and double lap flares to SAE and DIN standards, accurately, reliability and efficiently on automotive
brake and clutch pipes. Manufactured from hardened and ground steel, the formers are mounted on a revolving turret for easy selection with
cam lever action for positive former location in the die. Automatic return.
027002 027008
Pipe sizes: Pipe sizes:
SAE single and double: 3/16, 4.75, 6, 8 and 10mm. SAE single and double: 3/16, 1/4, 5/16, 3/8 and 1/2. 4.75, 6, 8, 10
DIN single: 4.75mm. and 12mm.
DIN single: 4.75mm.
Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1 Number each SYK-503 Price/1 Price/1
027002 5.50kg -1102C 239.00 188.81 027008 6.60kg -1103D 310.00 244.90
Page 1150
Mopitup Pressure Testing
Cloths Pump - 860psi
2951Y This robust piece of equipment has a 10ltr powder coated tank and comes with a
Versatile super absorbent sheet, and a quick, 1.5m 1/2 reinforced hose and a pressure gauge graduated in Bar and PSI.
easy and effective way to clean up all water
based spillages in the home or workplace. HEAVY
This no drips, no mess, no stains absorbent DUTY
sheet locks the water in and cannot be
squeezed out, unlike a sponge. 10
Will ONLY absorb water based fluids. LTR
NOT to be used on
oil or chemical
based fluids. DO
NOT cut or pierce
before or after use
as the gel or
absorbed water will
spill out. Designed
for a slow steady
trickle, not two
litres tipped
straight on it, or
water will splash
off. Can be
disposed of in
land fill/builders Replacement Parts for
skip or standard Pressure Testing Pump
house waste.
Description Order Code Offer
KEN-567 Price/1
Gauge 60 Bar -9000K 30.77
PIECES Hose 60 Bar -9020K 68.29
Seal Kit 60 Bar -9040K 14.97
Product Pack Order Code List Offer Product Tank Test Capacity Hose Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Quantity MON-588 Price/1 Price/1 Number Cap. Bar Psi Con each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
2951Y 3 -2951Y 8.35 7.52 PTP060 10ltr 60 860 1/2 BSP 9kg -8700K 371.00 248.57
Product Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Product Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Length each MON-588 Price/1 Price/1
Number of Pieces each MON-588 Price/1 Price/1 257C 300mm 234g -0257N 19.15 17.24
1621R 10 600g -0477V 73.06 65.75 PIECES 258F 600mm 420g -0258F 32.35 29.12
Page 1151
Drop Head
Strong-arm ratchet threading set complete with 1/2, 3/4 and 1 quick change dies. Manufactured to the highest quality with comfortable
2-part handle to give greater leverage. Complete with tough moulded carry case.
Weight Order Code List Offer
Description each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
Head 1/2 BSPT 660g -8820K 49.62 33.25
3/4 BSPT 584g -8830K 49.62 33.25
1 BSPT 839g -8840K 57.97 38.84
Die 1/2 BSPT 69g -8920K 34.63 23.20
3/4 BSPT 72g -8930K 34.63 23.20
1 BSPT 132g -8940K 34.63 23.20
Ratchet 1.5kg -8980K 79.97 53.58
Supercut Hand
Ratchet Threaders
Convenient, lockable reversible ratchet. High quality rigid aluminium construction. Ultra lightweight. Die heads can be inserted from either
side. Slim, compact shape for working in confined areas. Enclosed ratchet mechanism with fine teeth, reduces angle requirements to 22.5.
Offset threading handle reduces effort required. Precision dies are manufactured from high quality tempered steel for a long working life.
New optimal cutting geometry, easy to start the cut and excellent chip charge. Supplied in blow moulded plastic case. The quick change die
heads are CNC produced, ensuring precision die fit. Positive octagonal universal drive. Long pipe guide for perfect centring.
Fits in all Rothenberger hand
and electric threaders. A full
range of replacement ratchet
handles, die heads and dies
are also available.
Page 1152
Used for repetitive tasks on pipework.
The frame of the pipe vice is made
from cast iron with jaws made from
hardened tool grade alloy steel with a
corrosion resistant coating. The top jaw
of the pipe vice is held in position with
a hook which automatically engages
when the vice is closed. The stand is
fitted with an integral tool tray, wide
angled legs give greater stability and
the folding design provides easy
storage and transportation.
Stand Only
Product To Suit Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) each KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
TTS055 55 20.1kg -8520K 209.00 140.03
TTS085 85 24.9kg -8540K 246.00 164.82
Page 1153
Pipe Heavy-Duty
Wrenches Wrenches
Jaws are serrated in the opposite direction to ensure a secure grip. Heavy-duty pattern.
Used mainly in the plumbing industry for gripping pipes and nuts. Drop forged, single
Cast iron frame, drop forged handles and jaws. All moving parts are piece body.
heat treated. Conform with BS 3594: Part 1.
Standard Duty - For most general-purpose applications.
Aluminium Offset
Pipe Wrench
Lightweight yet heavy-duty, this quality
Length Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer tool is a must for pipe fitters.
(mm) (mm) per 6 KEN-588 Price/1 Price/1
200 (8) 27 1.65kg -3680K 32.99 22.10
255 (10) 35 3.20kg -3700K 60.18 40.32
305 (12) 43 4.70kg -3720K 62.12 41.62
355 (14) 50 6.25kg -3740K 80.70 54.07
455 (18) 60 9.90kg -3780K 100.44 67.29
600 (24) 80 11.20kg -3840K 159.71 107.01
900 (36) 102 14.00kg -3860K 309.46 207.34
1200 (48) 140 35.00kg -3880K 605.81 405.89
Product Weight Order Code List Offer
Number each RBD-566 Price/1 Price/1
Spare Jaw & Nut
Page 1154
Offset Handle Aluminium Offset
Hex Wrench Pipe Wrench
Handle manufactured from forged cast iron with high strength Handle made of extremely lightweight aluminium which is as robust
I-beam handle provides a comfortable grip without excess weight, as heavy-duty cast iron. Jaw opening sits parallel to the handle
helping to reduce user fatigue. High alloy steel jaw with knurled making it ideal for overhead applications.
adjustment screw. Offset handle for Narrow jaw head makes it easier
areas of restricted access. to use within tight areas.
3.0 - 64mm maximum capacity 35mm. Can be used on pipes, nuts and bolts and
(1/8 - 21/2). will also grip rounded nuts. Manufactured from fully chrome-plated
drop forged steel.
(12) 300mm:
6.0 - 75mm
(1/4 - 3).
Page 1155
Radiator Radiator Air Bleed Key Manhole Cover
Key 2055A Lifting Keys
Square opening brass key for use on Turned brass keys for releasing air trapped in Tee Handle
domestic radiator bleed screws with easy to radiators that can reduce heat output. 1010L
turn clock key type handle for releasing air 125mm (5) D' shaped end, malleable iron
from water filled radiators. keys. Used to lift manhole covers for
inspection or repair to sewers.
Supplied in pairs.
7, 8, 9mm
Sliding tommy bar for Type
use in areas with
Daimler- restricted access.
Benz Manufactured from
case hardened steel.
6mm 3-5mm
Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer Product Length Order Code List Offer
DescriptionKEN-588 Price/1 Price/1 Number each MON-588 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) MON-588 Price/1 Price/1
9-in-1 Key Wrench -4640K 49.39 33.09 2052R 190g -2052R 13.91 12.52 339C 1060 -0339C 14.05 12.65
Page 1156
Heavy Duty Adjustable Fibre Grips
Twin Roller Stand Fibre-faced aluminium vice jaws for use with copper,
Ideal for supporting long and aluminium, brass and wooden workpieces to prevent
heavy duty pipe and timber. marking of work surface.
Adjustable feet. Lock-knob to Supplied in pairs.
securely lock-in height settings.
Cast iron base with levelling pads
for stability.
Adjustable height 29 (736mm) to
43 (1092mm),
13/8 (35mm) diameter x 6 (150mm)
width with spring-loaded axle.
Adjustable roller stands with double
rollers forming vee groove for added
stability allowing easy rotation and feed
of up to 7 (180mm) diameter pipe or
Width Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-589 Price/Pr Price/Pr
76 (3) 165g -0300K 11.40 9.12
90 (31/2) 180g -0350K 15.27 12.22
100 (4) 180g -0400K 16.16 12.93
110 (41/2) 230g -0420K 17.01 13.61
115 (41/2) 245g -0450K 17.36 13.89
127 (5) 245g -0500K 18.80 15.04
133 (51/4) 260g -0520K 19.97 15.98
150 (6) 280g -0600K 20.48 16.38
Page 1157
General-Purpose General-Purpose
Tinsnips Tinsnips
Manufactured from drop forged carbon steel with G245 - Straight Blade
hardened and precision ground blades which can be
Standard Type
A traditional design, suitable for the general-purpose cutting of sheet
metal in a wide range of materials such as copper, aluminium and Straight
mild steel.
Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each GIL-591 Price/1 Price/1
250 (10) 445g -0108A 21.54 17.23
300 (12) 660g -0109B 24.08 19.26
Straight Blade Tinsnips
Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) per 6 KEN-591 Price/1 Price/1 A traditional drop forged carbon steel design with
200 (8) 1.90kg -1080K 17.77 11.73 induction hardened and ground blades. Suitable for the
250 (10) 2.90kg -1100K 21.54 14.22 general purpose cutting of sheet metal in a wide range of materials
300 (12) 4.00kg -1120K 24.08 15.89 such as copper, aluminum and mild steel.
360 (14) 5.10kg -1140K 30.46 20.10
Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) per 6 KEN-591 Price/1 Price/1
Curved Cutting
250 (10) 3.95kg -1950K 44.29 29.23
Multi-Purpose Cutters
Cut For cutting cardboard, leather, rope, cord, wire, paper and many other
materials. Precision ground and hardened stainless steel blades
HRC 50~54 with one serrated cutting edge to reduce slipping.
Lightweight polypropylene handles with spring-loaded
Length Weight Order Code List Offer action with an easy reach thumb catch convenient
Page 1158
Compound Action Compound Action
Aviation Snips Aviation Snips
Non-slip serrated jaws are made of wear-resistant molybdenum steel Drop forged chrome vanadium ground blades (54 - 58HRc). The
with a compound lever action to provide extra strength. Cuts low double fulcrum compound action amplifies the pressure applied for
carbon cold rolled steel. Self-opening action for fast, effortless feed, easier cutting of up to 1.2mm cold rolled steel sheet. Spring loaded,
with a built in convenient, protective safety latch. self-opening action for fast, effortless feed and single-handed
Left Hand or Right Hand Cut operation. Anti-slip guards for extra safety. Thumb lock ensures the
Cut from tight curve to straight. jaws stay closed when not in use. For use on mild steel and other non-
ferrous materials.
Left Hand or Right Hand Cut
Cut from tight curve to straight.
Product Length Weight Order Code List Offer Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Type (mm) each WIS-591 Price/1 Price/1 Type (mm) per 6 KEN-591 Price/1 Price/1
M-2R Right Hand 250 (10) 400g -2520D 29.24 23.39 Right Hand 270 (101/2) 2.40kg -2170K 16.51 10.90
M-1R Left Hand 250 (10) 400g -2510A 29.24 23.39 Left Hand 270 (101/2) 2.40kg -2160K 16.51 10.90
Cut Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) per 6 KEN-591 Price/1 Price/1
270 (101/2) 2.50kg -2180K 16.51 10.90
Number (mm) each WIS-591 Price/1 Price/1 1x pair 250mm (10) straight aviation snips 591-218.
M-3R 250 (10) 400g -2530G 29.24 23.39
Metal Nibbler
For cutting sheet materials without bending or distorting, metal up to
1.2mm (18 gauge) and plastic up to 2mm (14 gauge). Positive spring
loaded action enables the cutter to be used single-handed. Right
Replaceable molybdenum front blade. Cut
Side jaws for wire cutting.
Safety jaw lock.
Overall length: 250mm.
Straight Left
Cut Cut
Length Weight Order Code List Offer Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each SEN-591 Price/1 Price/1 Type (mm) per 6 KEN-591 Price/1 Price/1
250 (10) 505g -8090K 11.65 7.69 Right Hand 250 (93/4) 2.40kg -2150K 19.95 13.17
Replacement Blade 25g -8095K 2.93 1.93 Left Hand 250 (93/4) 2.40kg -2140K 19.95 13.17
Page 1159
Compound Action Light Duty
Aviation Snips Cable Cutters
Compound action to amplify the cutting action from the short For cutting copper cable, plastic pipe, wooden dowels, rope cord and
handles. Made in three styles for left, right and straight cutting, with similar materials up to 10mm diameter.
spring return. Precision ground and hardened stainless
Left Hand or Right Hand Cut steel blades - 50~54HRC.
Cut from tight curve to straight.
Lightweight polypropylene
handles with spring-loaded
action, easy reach thumb
catch convenient for right
Right and left hand users.
Cut Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-558 Price/1 Price/1
200 (8) 425g -5680K 23.95 14.37
Product Length Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Type (mm) each GIL-591 Price/1 Price/1
Mini Bolt Cutters
G18 Straight 250 (10) 425g -0101B 16.51 13.21
Mini Cutters - Clipper Cut
Manufactured from forged hardened steel, with spring return, allowing
Heavy Duty single-handed use. Compound action magnifies the pressure applied
Cable Cutters to the handle. Ensures a concentration of force between the jaws.
For use when cutting aluminium and copper cable, using a Non-slip moulded plastic grip. Available with straight and bent jaws.
slicing action. Manufactured from forged steel with PVC dipped For low tensile materials. Clipper cut.
Capacity: 60mm2.
Page 1160
Replacement Low Tensile Bolt Cutters - Centre Cut
Jaws Drop forged hardened carbon steel jaws suitable for round and
Centre Cut Jaws flat sections. With adjustable arms and cushion grips.
To efficiently cut high tensile materials by Tubular handles for maximum strength combined
directing the force being applied into a with low weight.
small area. For use on non-ferrous rods and
bars, mild steel bolts etc. NEW
Centre Cut - High Tensile
Tubular steel handles with cushion grips for user comfort. The jaws are manufactured
from drop forged carbon steel and employ a compound cutting action
to minimise the effect required to cut. For non-ferrous
rods and bars, mild steel bolts etc.
up to 10mm.
Centre Cut
Product Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Product Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Length (mm) each REC-565 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length (mm) each REC-565 Price/1 Price/1
BC914H* 355 (14) 1.00kg -8753F 91.90 64.33 924H 610 (24) 3.00kg -8810J 182.36 127.65
BC918H* 460 (18) 1.50kg -8758L 111.13 77.79 930H 760 (30) 4.80kg -8816N 219.69 153.78
BC924H* 610 (24) 2.50kg -8768W 153.04 107.13 936H 915 (36) 6.80kg -8821R 303.12 212.18
Page 1161
Small Parts Small Parts
Storage Cabinets Storage Cabinets
Manufactured from heavy gauge steel, painted finish with impact Manufactured from heavy gauge steel, painted finish with transparent
resistant transparent polypropylene drawers, allowing contents to be plastic drawers, allows contents to be viewed when the drawer is
viewed when the drawer is closed. The lip on the rear of the drawer closed. The lip on the rear of the drawer allows it to be opened fully
allows it to be opened fully without falling out. The cabinets can be without falling out. The cabinets can be stacked or mounted to the
stacked or mounted to the wall to maximise use wall to maximise use of storage space.
of storage space. IMPACT
- 5320K RESISTANT - 5320K
- 5300K DRAWERS - 5300K
- 5200K - 5200K
- 5220K - 5220K
Cabinet size 551 306 155 Cabinet size 551 306 155
SCC036 30 Drawers @ 36.5 54 140 SCC036 30 Drawers @ 36.5 54 140
59 140 140 4.50kg -5300K 84.32 59.02 59 140 140 4.50kg -5300K 62.92 45.93
4 Drawers @ 4 Drawers @
2 Drawers @ 59 280 140 2 Drawers @ 59 280 140
Cabinet size 551 306 155 Cabinet size 551 306 155
SCC048 45 Drawers @ 36.5 54 140 SCC048 45 Drawers @ 36.5 54 140
59 140 140 4.20kg -5320K 84.32 59.02 59 140 140 4.20kg -5320K 62.92 45.93
2 Drawers @ 2 Drawers @
1 Drawers @ 59 280 140 1 Drawers @ 59 280 140
Page 1162
1200 Series Organiser Cabinets
Cabinets Robust steel cabinets
Manufactured from heavy gauge steel, with up to 44 drawers of
painted finish with transparent impact proof plastic.
polypropylene drawers, allows contents to Can stand alone or be
be viewed when the drawer is closed. The hung on a wall.
lip on the rear of the drawer allows it to be
opened fully without falling out.
All the drawers can be sub-divided to meet
specific storage requirements. The cabinets
can be stacked or mounted to the wall to
maximise use of storage space.
Dividers for the 1200 Series Drawers Dividers for the 250 Series Drawers
The dividers can be fitted both crossways The dividers can be fitted both
and length ways within the drawers to create crossways and length ways within the
smaller spaces, to store small components drawers to create small spaces for
or tools. storing small components or tools.
Product To Height Width Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Suit (mm) (mm) each RAC-593 Price Per Price Per
101981 108980 35 52 135/60g -5610Q 8.19 7.37/60 Product To Height Width Weight Order Code List Offer
101998 104692 35 64 145/48g -4902K 8.19 7.37/48 Number Suit (mm) (mm) each RAC-593 Price Per Price Per
102049 104708 57 135 185/16g -4901A 8.19 7.37/16 106757 107273 45 75 180/36g -5725A 8.19 7.37/36
111386 104692 35 135 180/24g -5620R 8.19 7.37/24 106764 107259 80 155 280/12g -5730A 8.19 7.37/12
The tilt box system is based on a range of clip together plastic housings, which contain
transparent small parts boxes with a forward tilt action to give access. Tilt box storage is
useful in all environments including office, retail and manufacturing providing highly visible,
dense and dust protective storage for most small components. Choose the -1031L
individual models, or the mixed kit of the 9/6/5/4 compartment versions. 3 box unit
All models are 600mm wide.
Bench Stands & Bench Kits
Tilt box units can be located within this bench top stand which will accept any combination of
tilt boxes within the usable height of 500mm. Supplied in red only.
The most popular tilt box combination is shown.
Dimensions (W x D x H): 610 x 150 x 500mm.
Individual Units
Product Overall size Boxes Compartment Size Pack Order Code List Offer -1032M
Number D x H (mm) W x D x H (mm) Qty BOT-405 Price/1 Price/1 Mixed Kit
02513043 51 x 77 9 60 x 47 x 66 3 -1034P 32.74 30.78
02513044 96 x 112 6 88 x 65 x 98 3 -1035Q 42.20 39.67
02513045 170 x 206 5 113 x 104 x 151 2 -1036R 43.95 41.31
02513004 200 x 240 4 142 x 133 x 193 1 -1030K 29.28 27.52
02513005 200 x 240 3 191 x 154 x 225 1 -1031L 33.56 31.55
Page 1163
Service Case Organiser wtih Polycarbonate Lid
Organiser Reinforced body for added strength and durability. Includes
Robust stacking unit for containing four lockable organiser cases, 12 storage bins and 2 large and 9 small dividers. Lid
which lift and slide out. The expandable system allows units to be interlocks with inner dividers to prevent movement of parts between
attached on top or side by side. Cases have translucent lid for compartments and is transparent to enable contents to be viewed at
selecting contents and multi-positional compartment separators. a glance.
Used for storing up to four service cases. Dimensions (H x W x D):
Dimensions (L x W x H): 425 x 350 x 375mm. 110 x 400 x 389mm.
Maximum load: 6kg.
It is recommended that no more than three organisers should be
stacked at one time.
(See below)
Overall Overall Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length Width Depth each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Height Width Depth Order Code List Offer
(mm) (mm) (mm) KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
240mm 178mm 36mm 200g -6000K 5.06 3.54
200mm 130mm 45mm 180g -6040K 4.50 3.15 390 200 340 -1760K 21.12 14.78
Page 1164
Sortmaster Junior Small Parts FatMax Small Organiser
Organiser FMST1-72378
1-97-483 Connectivity - up to 3 organisers click together this allows a one-
Moveable Dividers to allow customisation, designed to store tools hand, easy transportation. 6 Removable cups allow flexible
that require a modular space. Seal tight compartment to keep heavy configurations. Durable, full transparent PC lid for full view, quick and
components in place. See-through lid. Manufactured from premium easy access to stored
grade plastic material. No rusting, therefore longer life due to no parts. Made with PC
metal parts. Can be joined onto other SortMaster Juniors enabling and a water seal for
you to carry up to 3 boxes at once. durability, safe outdoors
usage. Side latches for
secure stacking and
transportation of multiple
units. Integrated carry
handle for easy grip.
3 In 1 Tool Organiser
The movable dividers allows the user customisation for small parts,
larger hand tools and power tools. Built-in inner tote allows for large
hand tools organisation. Full opening structure allows access to
content of 3 storage parts at once. The organiser is made from 2mm
Polypropylene plastic
making it tough and
Product Height Width Depth Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) (mm) (mm) each STN-593 Price/1 Price/1
1-97-517 60 440 300 1.6kg -8650F 21.21 15.91
Product Height Width Depth Weight Order Code List Offer Product Height Width Depth Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) (mm) (mm) each STN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) (mm) (mm) each STN-593 Price/1 Price/1
STST1-71-963 312 426 234 2.75kg -9280M 41.19 30.89 1-97-518 100 460 360 0.89kg -8651H 25.57 19.18
Page 1165
Service Handy Box
Cases Impact resistant
Manufactured from co-polymer plastic. Resistant to denting, plastic carry case,
scratching. Virtually unbreakable. Suitable for transporting and storing stackable with
smaller items, with opaque lids that allow the contents to be seen at fold down handle.
a glance. The lids have three hinges for increased strength Holds up to four
and durability, sliding catches securely hold professional
the lid closed. Available with service cases,
either fixed compartments or for easy
without, so that you can select transportation.
divider inserts to meet your
requirements. All cases are
fitted with feet to allow them to
be stored in the vertical
(See left)
Page 1166
Polypropylene assorter cases fitted with opaque lids to allow the contents to be seen at a glance.
The lids have three hinges for increased strength and durability, sliding catches securely
hold the lid closed.
Product Height Width Depth Order Code List Offer Product Height Width Depth Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) (mm) (mm) RAC-593 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) (mm) (mm) RAC-593 Price/1 Price/1
PSC5-01 56 241 195 -3050G 7.70 6.93 PSC6-01 32 175 143 -3100L 5.51 4.96
Product Height Width Depth Order Code List Offer Product Height Width Depth Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) (mm) (mm) RAC-593 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) (mm) (mm) RAC-593 Price/1 Price/1
137195 230 476 228 -5993M 20.27 18.24 136235 78 338 261 -5989K 17.69 15.92
Page 1167
Nail Pouches - Leather, two pockets, one loop, deep pocket. Double stitched
seams with riveted corners for extra strength.
Leather, two pockets and one loop.
Double stitched seams with riveted corners for extra strength.
Webbed nylon belt.
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
370 x 220 290g -3240K 22.55 15.79 360 x 250 370g -3340K 31.91 22.34
Leather Belts - Heavy Duty Combination Pouches Leather, made with five pockets and one
loop. Belt not included.
Heavy duty natural split Leather, made with one pocket, two loops
leather with heavy and nail pouch. Belt not included.
buckle and retaining
Tool Belt
Comfortable, 3 padded tool belt for easy belt
support. Thick, vented
foam padding for
comfort. Nickle-
plated 2 double
tongue metal roller
buckle. Nickel-plated
grommets set firmly for
durability. Nickel-plated suspender
anchors. Polyester. Tools Not
Included Tools Not
Size Order Code Offer Included
(mm) TAR-593 Price/1
L -5550G 30.42 Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
XL -5550J 30.42 (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
2XL -5550L 30.42 210 x 250 340g -3450K 36.74 25.72 220 x 210 300g -3470K 16.65 11.66
Page 1168
Nail Bag - Combination Tool Pouch Double Tool
Nylon Double Nail Bag & Pouch
Heavy duty polyester allows exceptional Combination Tool Pouch 10 Pocket 2 Loop
resistance to punctures or tears. Heavily Heavy duty polyester allows exceptional Double Tool Pouch - Oil Tan
stitched webbing belt complete with heavy resistance to punctures or tears. Heavily Manufactured from butt split leather. Fully
duty double capped riveted clasp for added stitched webbing on belt loop and edges, riveted construction. 10 pockets with T-bar
strength and support. and double capped riveted for added chain and spring clips. Belt supplied
strength and support. separately.
Leather, made with eight deep pockets, Electricians Tool Pouch Nail & Tool Pouch - Large
two nail pouches, two loops, webbing belt
and tape holder. Manufactured from 3 Pocket 2 Loop Nail & Tool Pouch - Oil Tan
natural split leather, four Large nail and tool pouch with three pockets
pockets, seven tool and two tool loops. Fully brass riveted
loops, T-bar and chain, construction. Manufactured from oil tanned
spring clip, tape pocket. leather.
Fully riveted construction.
Belt not included.
Tools Not
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
550 x 220 670g -3510K 51.47 36.03 200 x 260 410g -3770K 29.67 20.77 300 x 230 695g -3280K 31.08 21.76
Page 1169
Spanner/Tool Drill Holster Plier/Wrench Holster
Holster Manufactured from natural split leather, Leather-made with a
Manufactured from natural split leather. Two fitted with two additional tool loops and an 100 x 45 x 30mm
spanner, tan leather. Reinforced joints. adjustable drill safety strap, four slits for belt pocket fully stitched
Belt not included. attachment, riveted construction. Tan leather and riveted at corners -
with chuck key holder, adjustable retaining double riveted at base.
strap and one tool Two slots for belt
loop. Belt not attachment.
included. Belt not included.
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
85 x 90 100g -3800K 7.63 5.34 100 x 150 130g -3100K 6.46 4.52
Page 1170
PVC-Coated Fibre Board PVC Double-Coated Nylon Multi-Tool Roll
Tool Case Puncture resistant and rot proof PVC outer encasing heavy-
Waterproof, puncture resistant and rot proof PVC outer encasing rigid duty nylon weave. 100% waterproof, easy to clean. With 12 flat, and
fibre board. Grained finish with 36 elasticated tool loops. two pleated pockets, one large end pouch divided into two with a
Full zip around fastener. Black finish. press stud containing flap. Tools secured with flap cover.
Leather tie with metal buckle.
Tools Not
Tools Not
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
315 x 30 350g -0310K 33.86 23.70 700 x 315 340g -0520K 21.57 15.10
Tear Resistant Tool Roll PVC-Coated Rayon Tool Rolls PVC-Coated Cotton Multi-Tool Rolls
Manufactured from heavy-duty tear resistant Waterproof, puncture-resistant and rot proof Waterproof, puncture-resistant and rot proof
material with reinforced stitched edging. PVC outer with soft non-scratch rayon inner to PVC outer with medium duty, non-scratch
Two metal rings for hanging on to a wall when protect tools. cotton inner. With 15 pleated pockets, two
opened. 20 pockets, 18 elasticated tool Multi - With 14 pockets. Tools secured by webbed ties. Tools secured with flap cover.
loops are stitched on the inside. A velcro flap cover with two webbed ties.
fastening secures
the roll when shut.
Fitted with a
riveted carry
on the outside.
Tools Not
Tools Not
Size Weight Order CodeList Offer Included
(mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Size Weight Order Code List Offer
650 x 270 270g -0870K 11.53 8.07 (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
660 x 320 390g -0440K 17.78 12.45
Multi - With 12 pockets and two pouches. Tools
secured by flap cover with two webbed ties.
Bench Stone Holder
To suit stone size 200 x 50 x 25mm.
Page 1171
Canvas Medium Weight Jumbo Tool Bag
Holdall Holdalls Heavy-duty double thickness
Manufactured from heavy duty water Reinforced board base with four riveted canvas. Five internal pockets
resistant canvas. Handles wrap underneath plastic feet. Plastic zip fastening, webbing and a fibre board base with six
the bag for added strength, fitted with a covered rope handles. rivetted metal feet. Webbing
heavy-duty zip. handles and straps with plastic
PVC Tool Bag Heavy Duty PVC Nylon Coated Canvas Holdall
The PVC makes the tool bag puncture Canvas Holdalls Heavy-duty water resistant. Canvas covered
resistant, waterproof and rot resistant. Reinforced fibre board base with four riveted rope handles, fully stitched, wrap
PVC holdall riveted leather handle and straps metal feet and zip fastening. Webbing underneath bag for extra support. Three
with metal buckles, fibre board base and top. covered rope handles and welded D-rings at webbed straps with metal buckles for
either end. closing, two of which fully wrap around the
bag to give extra support.
Page 1172
Professional Large Electricians
Tool Organiser Tool Bag
Large capacity storage which opens at the top for quick and easy Manufactured from heavy duty tear resistant material with
access and has a false bottom which provides separate storage reinforced stitched edging. Velcro fastening flap with soft touch carry
for important items. Durable handle and double webbed shoulder strap fixed with metal release
plastic water resistant bottom clasps. Two small organiser cases stored in two outer pockets,
with reinforced handle features two removable tool boards (one velcro fastened) are kept inside.
extra strength rivets. Made Unique tool storage securing system built-in.
from polyester which is
durable and virtually
maintenance free. Soft,
rubberised handle
is ergonomically designed
to evenly distribute weight.
Product Size Order Code List Offer Size Order Code List Offer
Number L x D x H (mm) IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 L x D x H (mm) KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
10503819 380 x 270 x 240 -2530F 25.82 19.37 320 x 340 x 125 -0560K 65.50 45.85
Tools Not
Product Size Order Code List Offer Product Size Order Code List Offer
Number H x W x D (mm) FAC-593 Price/1 Price/1 Number L x D x H (mm) IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
BS.T20PB 360 x 520 x 250 -2320K 78.06 66.35 10506532 420 x 210 x 250 -5680D 33.76 25.32
Page 1173
Heavy Duty Heavy Duty Tool Bag
Tool Caddy 600 denier durable fabric. Adjustable shoulder strap.
600 denier durable fabric. Adjustable shoulder strap. 13 external pockets. One large internal compartment.
Locking telescopic handle. 26 internal pockets. Main compartment can be divided into five pockets using removable
12 external pockets. Large internal compartment. divider. Heavy duty water-resistant base for extra strength.
Padded handles and strap. Heavy duty zip. Padded handles and strap. Business-card holder
and key strap. Heavy duty zip.
Tools Not
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(H x W x D) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (H x W x D) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
370 x 480 x 260mm 2kg -0960K 67.27 47.09 280 x 340 x 200mm 1.8kg -0980K 28.80 20.16
3x large internal
15x internal pockets.
2x external pockets.
46x elasticated tool
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
L x D x H (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (H x W x D) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
340 x 150 x 440 4.3kg -2530K 147.00 102.90 335 x 530 x 190mm 1.5kg -5050K 36.25 25.38
mesh pocket, pockets at each end, and a front u-shaped pocket with
interior zip
Colour: red/grey.
300 x 520 x
Tools Not
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Length Order Code List Offer
(H x W x D) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) SWP-593 Price/1 Price/1
250 x 470 x 270mm 1.3kg -0940K 30.73 21.51 520 (21) -0080K 14.65 10.99
Page 1174
Soft-Sided Professional
Tool Organiser Bag Service Case
Soft-sided tool organiser, long enough to carry saws and levels as Hard wearing cordura with nylon reinforced webbing handles. Two tool
well as having space and pockets for other tools. Strong plastic boards and unique repositionable tool
reinforced pocket to resist wear and punctures. Durable reinforced retaining system, ceramic
throughout for added durability. Industrial grade metal clasps provide sheath for hot soldering
added strength irons and three press stud
for heavy pockets. Zippable.
Tools Not
Product Size Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
10505369 600 x 260 x 400 -3780B 39.41 29.56 450 x 330 x 80 2.10kg -2850K 99.62 69.73
Product Size Order Code List Offer Product Size Order Code Offer
Number L x D x H (mm) IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) CTL-593 Price/1
10503820 340 x 280 x 220 -2540G 24.60 18.45 513002 410 x 250 x 290 -0351S 39.21
Product Size Order Code List Offer Product Weight Size Order Code List Offer
Number L x D x H (mm) IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 Number each L x W x H (mm) IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
10506531 500 x 260 x 300 -5679C 46.20 34.65 10506529 2.03kg 460 x 190 x 320 -5677A 24.10 18.08
Page 1175
Aluminium Heavy Duty Aluminium Case
Reinforced Case High strength, impact resistant case. Reinforced edges and
Impact resistant case. Two removable tool boards with elasticated hinges. Rubber padded handle for comfort. Two fitted and
tool retaining loops, one with document pocket, divided hinged tool boards with elasticated tool retaining loops, two
storage compartment. expandable document pockets and divided storage compartment.
Double locking with two Double locking with two keys.
Tools Not
Included Tools Not
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
445 x 340 x 190 2.85kg -2550K 200.00 140.00 480 x 360 x 185 2.60kg -2650K 324.00 226.80
Tools Not
Page 1176
Impact Resistant Plastic Case High Impact Resistant Tool Case
High strength ribbed double-wall constructed case. Two fitted hinged Manufactured from composite aluminium and rubber resin
tool boards with elasticated tool retaining loops, four repositionable which is normally used in the automotive industry. Chromed
dividers in the bottom compartment, expandable document pocket in steel hinges with lid support mechanism, two chromed steel locks
the lid and two removable small parts trays. with keys, a heavy duty plastic
Double locking with two keys. handle and four rubber feet.
Inside are two secured hinged
tool boards, each with 31
elasticated tool loops, an
expandable document
compartment, two small
organisers and a customisable
storage compartment with
repositional dividers.
Tools Not
Tools Not
Included Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
Size Weight Order Code List Offer 470 x 390 x 347 6.5kg -2780K 438.00 306.60
(mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
465 x 350 x 200 2.85kg -2500K 273.00 191.10 Order Code Offer
Spares KEN-567 Price/1
Order Code Offer D Shape Case Handle to suit -7601K 22.53
Spares KEN-567 Price/1 Locks with Keys to suit -7608K 41.30
Locks & Keys to suit -7602K 31.29 Upper Tool Board to suit -7670K 32.99
D Shape Case Handle to suit -7601K 22.53 Lower Tool Board to suit -7672K 30.46
Dividers to suit -7603K 11.26 Telescopic Handle &
Tool Board to suit -7654K 31.30 Wheel Set to suit -7700K 88.49
Service Engineers Technical Service Tool Case RANGE
Flight Case Constructed from impact and temperature resistant injection
Manufactured from high impact double walled HDPE polyethylene moulded high thickness polypropylene. The case has a large thick
shell, corrosion-shock and temperature resistant. Full length heavy- aluminium trim with a strength maximising triple metal hinge, it is
duty piano hinge. Two expandable document pockets, two hinged and highly functional with a significant load carrying capability but has a
fitted tool boards with elasticated tool retaining loops. Shockproof, classy appearance to suit the technicians image.
bottom storage area fitted with adjustable dividers and two small Features include:
component boxes. The two 100mm wide rubber wheels with ball Injection moulded high thickness polypropylene. Telescopic handle
bearings and retractable telescopic aluminium handle allows the and heavy duty rubber wheels. Two removable tool trays.
case to be moved when fully loaded with the minimum of effort. Storage area with removable
Double locking with two keys. dividers. Two clasps with
Strong enough to be used to key locks.
transport tools when
travelling by aircraft.
Tools Not
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 L x D x H (mm) each KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
485 x 370 x 190 5.7kg -2700K 318.00 222.60 465 x 352 x 215 7.00kg -2520K 204.00 142.80
Order Code Offer Order Code Offer
Spares KEN-567 Price/1 Spares KEN-567 Price/1
Telescopic Handle & Carry Handle to suit -5534K 20.94
Wheel Set to suit -7600K 101.41 Clasps to suit -5536K 11.01
D Shape Case Handle to suit -7601K 22.53 Spare Central Lock & Keys to suit -5538K 5.50
Locks & Keys to suit -7602K 31.29 Trolley, Handle, Axle, Screws& Nuts -5540K 71.65
Upper Tool Board to suit -7650K 50.34 Upper Tool Board to suit -5542K 16.53
Lower Tool Board to suit -7652K 47.59 Lower Tool Board to suit -5544K 16.53
Page 1177
Service Engineers Executive Engineers Aluminium Tool Case
Aluminium Tool Case Large, lightweight case for tool storage, ideal for the mobile
Heavy duty case for tool storage, ideal for the mobile service- engineer. Offers the storage and portability of a large amount
engineer. Offers the storage of many tools with the professional look of tooling with the professional look of a briefcase. Black aluminium
of a briefcase. Silver aluminium with reinforced edges and corners. case with silver reinforced edges and corners. Internal base
Internal base compartment is fitted with adjustable dividers to offer compartment is fitted with adjustable dividers to offer choice of sizes.
choice of sizes. Removable rigid tool board stored in the lid with 17 Removable rigid tool board stored in the lid with 17 pockets of
pockets of various sizes. various sizes. 1 wide, length adjustable lightweight nylon shoulder
Supplied with fixed handle and two security locks and keys. strap with rubber shoulder protector for added comfort.
Supplied with fixed handle and two security locks and keys.
Size Weight Order Code List Offer Size Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each SEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each SEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
457 x 330 x 150 3.00kg -4400K 36.67 26.77 457 x 330 x 150 5.70kg -4360K 48.02 35.05
Page 1178
26 Pro Galvanised Tool Box
Tool Box 1-95-830
Metal tool box with plastic lid and removable tray, extra wide soft grip
1-92-258 handle on top for easy lifting 100mm (4) deep drawer for small
Large capacity toolbox with removable tote. Full length fold down parts organisation or power tool storage, fitted with large heavy-duty
handle and nickel plated steel fastening latches. latches to secure the content with ball bearing slides, for heavy
level holder inside lid.
Product Size Order Code List Offer Size Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) STN-593 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) STN-593 Price/1 Price/1
1-92-258 660 x 280 x 270mm -5658R 30.96 23.22 540 x 335 x 280 -8442B 49.85 37.39
Tools Not
Product Size Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) STN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Size Order Code List Offer
(mm) STN-593 Price/1 Price/1
1-97-514 670 x 323 x 251 -8649F 36.05 27.04
STST1-70317 556 x 320 x 249 -4032L 30.89 23.17 600 x 270 x 260 -6550W 28.96 21.72
Rust-resistant metal
Product Size Order Code List Offer Size Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) STN-593 Price/1 Price/1
10503817 660 (26) -2510D 66.94 50.21 710 x 308 x 285 -7935D 41.27 30.95
Page 1179
Tote Tool Power Tool
Organisers Case
Multi-purpose tote tray organisers are an ideal way to store and Sturdy plastic case, suitable for a variety of tools, such as angle
transport tools. The tote provides two deep trays for storage, built-in grinders, honing machines, drills,
tool holders and a ribbed handle for extra grip. planes, sanders, etc.
Small: 392 x 281 x 110mm.
Large: 520 x 340 x 200mm.
Tools Not
Size Order Code List Offer Product Size Order Code List Offer
(mm) STN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) FAC-593 Price/1 Price/1
481 x 279 x 287 -4031K 33.42 25.07 BP.C16PB 410 x 260 x 190 -2120A 14.64 12.44
Page 1180
Tool Box Heavy Duty
with Tote Site Tool Boxes
Manufactured from impact resistant high-density plastic. Powder coated. Soft grip carrying handle and
Internal eight compartment tote tray. Features moulded metric rule lightweight design. The black plastic overriders
on the lid, lid locking clasps and sturdy plastic handle that also locks add to the overall ruggedness helping to prevent
lid shut when lifting. Padlock hole and piano damage to the box or items around it. The lid
hinges. has V' section to allow measuring and cutting
short lengths of pipe. There is a tote tray for
smaller items. Fitted with heavy-duty metal
latches designed to stay closed even
when in transit.
ergonomic and comfortable grip. Product Size Weight Order Code List Offer
Can be stored vertically. Number (mm) each RAC-593 Price/1 Price/1
117173 475 x 240 x 190 1.90kg -2510B 36.39 32.75
Compact 27
Supplied with insert dividers,
sizes shown below.
Tote tray size:
56 x 449 x 200mm.
Drawer sizes:
2@ 45 x 166 x 158mm.
Box dividers supplied
2 of each:
A9-1, A9-2, A9-4, A8-1, A7-1.
Product Size Order Code List Offer Product Size Weight Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) STN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) each RAC-593 Price/1 Price/1
95-615 497 x 293 x 295 -8415R 41.17 30.88 117180 475 x 240 x 250 2.60kg -2530D 45.17 40.65
Page 1181
Multi-Utility 4-Drawer Tool Chest
Storage Box Manufactured from high impact
A lightweight high capacity injection moulded polypropylene co-polymer polypropylene.
box for tough, heavy duty use. Water-resistant design and
integral lifting grips on both sides. The lid features a full
length steel pin hinge with positive pressure cam style
clasping mechanism that seals the case to create a water-
resistant closure. Also features integral trolley suit-case
style wheels and a pull-out handle, a robust fold flat carry
handle and a slide out clear ID/nameplate holder.
Shock-resistant and corrosion-proof. Moulded padlocking
hasp and stacking locators.
Metric graduated
V-groove in the lid securely
holds workpiece while being cut.
Tools Not 4 sliding drawers Tools Not
Included enclosed with a slide Included
clasp front panel to
Size Order Code List Offer prevent opening whilst in transit. Top carry
(mm) KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
handle with soft touch grip zone and large
780 x 410 x 330mm -1600K 183.00 128.10 locking clasps. Front cover panel and lid
have aligning padlock hole for added security.
Mobile Tool Box
Sturdy mobile tool box with a large lower storage area Size Order Code List Offer
for power tools, etc. The tool box has an integral (mm) KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
handle slides out for ease of transport, two nested 450 x 250 x 325 -1500K 35.26 24.68
tote trays for smaller tools. The lockable lid has two
storage compartments for fixings. 20" Toolbox with 9 Organisers
& Tote Tray
Lightweight reinforced body for
added strength and durability.
Supplied with 3 removable organisers with
lids and 6 organiser compartments built into
the lid. Includes removable tote tray with
Tools Not
Size Order Code List Offer
(mm) KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1
580 x 370 x 480mm -2000K 84.65 59.26
Page 1182
2-in-1 Rolling Toolbox with Organisers & Tote Tray
Tool Box Lightweight reinforced body for added strength NEW
Mobile storage solution manufactured from impact and durability.
resistant plastic, making it ideal for heavy duty use. 18" Mobile Toolbox with 8 Organisers
Features include - soft bi-material handles, padlock & Tote Tray
eyes, heavy-duty steel catches, side handles for Made up of 2 stacking toolboxes and
dual lifting, high strength wheels with rubber tyres, including 8 organisers (4 removable with lids)
integrated footplate to aid tilting, reinforced corners, and removable tote tray with handle.
and lock-in latches to secure the two tool boxes Recessed rigid handle with lock
together. mechanism
Dimensions (LxWxH): and rubber
Small box 560 x 285 x 245mm coated plastic
Large box 660 x 375 x 445mm wheels for
easy movement.
Product Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer
Number STN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Number STN-593 Price/1 Price/1 Number STN-593 Price/1 Price/1
1-92-083 -5083M 51.60 38.70 1-94-210 -8110M 123.86 92.90 1-79-206 -4030J 100.78 75.59
Page 1183
18 Professional Heavy Duty Tool Boxes
Cantilever Heavy gauge steel, all welded construction. Durable and
Heavy gauge steel with all-welded construction for continuous corrosion resistant two-part epoxy powder paint finish. With
industrial use. Durable corrosion-resistant two part epoxy powder quick release lid clasps,
coat finish. Fully enclosed cantilever padlock hasps and
mechanism for added security. Quick textured carry handles.
release lid clasps with padlock hole for Full width piano hinges
security. Two- piece cantilever lids that provide rigidity and
can be padlocked for additional strength, ensuring
security (padlock not included). Full smooth operation and
width piano hinges provide rigidity additional security.
and strength. Removable tote tray for
Large base smaller tools and
compartment (450 components. Can be
x 260 x 170mm) padlocked for
with four cantilever additional security
trays for additional (padlock not
storage. The included). Supplied
cantilever action of the with fixed carry
top trays makes tray handle on the lid.
contents instantly available.
Supplied with fixed carry
handle on the lid.
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer (mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
(mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1 483 180 180 3.65kg -0040K 40.81 28.16
459 255 333 9.10kg -0140K 99.78 68.85 508 218 243 6.35kg -0060K 54.67 37.72
rigidity and
Supplied with
fixed carry
handle on the
Page 1184
Tool Chests
This range of containers is manufactured from aluminium, giving tremendous strength combined with
light weight. Ideal for transportation and storage of valuable or delicate items where weight is an
important issue, such as air freight.
10-14 Days
Model External Dimensions Internal Dimensions Capacity Weight Order Code List Offer
A1250 Number W x D X H (mm) W x D X H (mm) Litres (kg) BOT-406 Price/1 Price/1
A620 585 x 385 x 250 550 x 350 x 220 42 4.5 -1001A 136.64 128.44
A840 A640 585 x 385 x 410 550 x 350 x 380 73 5.3 -1002B 162.41 152.67
A833 785 x 385 x 340 750 x 350 x 310 81 6.1 -1003C 180.43 169.60
A840 785 x 585 x 410 750 x 550 x 380 156 8.1 -1004D 239.75 225.37
A860 785 x 585 x 610 750 x 550 x 580 239 9.6 -1005E 263.01 247.23
A930 885 x 485 x 380 850 x 450 x 350 133 7.7 -1006F 226.77 213.16
1185mm A1250 1185 x 785 x 510 1150 x 750 x 480 414 15.4 -1007G 469.02 440.88
Page 1185
XLOCK High Security
Tool Vaults & Boxes
Substantial construction from 1.2, 1.6, 2 and 2.5mm sheet steel with powder coated finish and an advanced XLOCK - four point locking
system. This system operates with one lock and one key and has worldwide patents pending. All boxes are supplied with two keys and are
numbered for an optional replacement key service. Fitted with anti-jemmy bars all round, twin hydraulic arms, drop down handles and a full
width split heavy-duty piano hinge. Covered by a three years manufacturers warranty for defective parts.
Sentri XLOCK Vanbox & Vehicle Box Sentri XLOCK Tool Vaults
Made from 1.2mm and 2mm steel Made from 2mm and
with a black powder coated finish 2.5mm sheet steel with a
fitted with a protective tool mat. black powder coated finish
Internal dimensions (L x H x W): fitted with a protective tool
VanBox - 894 x 450 x 446mm mat and one removable
VehicleBox - 1242 x 450 x 446mm shelf. Fitted with
forklift/pallet truck skids
with a facility for bolting
Internal dimensions
(L x H x W):
442 1130 x 570 x 1200mm
542 1391 x 570 x 1200mm
CARRIAGE 2 - 3 Days Contents Not
CHARGE Included
Product Overall Size Weight Order Code List Offer
Number L x H x W (mm) each WPT-593 Price/1 Price/1
442 1168 x 600 x 1275 140kg -4000A 898.00 610.64
542 1428 x 600 x 1275 165kg -4100D 1158.00 787.44
2 - 3 Days
Sentri XLOCK Flamboxes
Made from 2mm and 2.5mm sheet steel with a red powder coated
Product Overall Size Weight Order Code List Offer
Number L x H x W (mm) each WPT-593 Price/1 Price/1 finish fitted with removable drip tray to contain spillage. High and low
Vanbox 930 x 472 x 450 35kg -5000A 238.00 161.84
level louvred venting with internal mesh to allow fumes to escape.
VehicleBox 1279 x 472 x 445 44kg -5100D 318.00 216.24 With warning label and forklift/pallet truck skids with a facility for
bolting wheels.
Sentri XLOCK Site & Truck Boxes Internal dimensions
(L x H x W):
Site Box FB422
Made from 2mm and 2.5mm sheet steel with a black powder coated 1130 x 571 x 555mm
finish fitted with a protective tool mat. Fitted with forklift/pallet truck
skids with a facility for bolting wheels. FV442
1130 x 570 x 1200mm
Order Code List Offer
Description WPT-593 Price/1 Price/1
2 - 3 Days T4 Divider Kit -6100D 178.00 121.04
T5 Divider Kit -6101E 198.00 134.64
Wheel Kits
150mm/6 heavy-duty wheel kit
(300kg/wheel), two fixed, two swivel with
brakes. Same kit for all Sentri-boxes
2 - 3 Days
CARRIAGE (excluding Vanbox and 515). Quick and
CHARGE easily fitted to pre-drilled holes in base of
Product Overall Size Weight Order Code List Offer pallet truck skids with nyloc nuts and
Number L x H x W (mm) each WPT-593 Price/1 Price/1 bolts supplied.
Order Code List Offer
2 - 3 Days
422 1168 x 600 x 629 73kg -3000M 478.00 325.04 NO Description
432 1168 x 600 x 925 87kg -3020P 658.00 447.44 CARRIAGE WPT-593 Price/1 Price/1
622 1800 x 600 x 630 116kg -3060T 838.00 569.84 CHARGE 6 Wheel Kit -9000A 180.00122.40
Page 1186
rmorg rd Tuffbank High Security
Boxes & Chests
Built to a very high specification featuring the unique Internal Anti-jemmy System, which is guaranteed to baffle thieves!, Extremely strong,
sturdy and secure but also very cost effective, Defeated thieves time and time again, Heavy duty construction with 3mm lid, Ultra robust 5
Lever deadlocks with anti-drill plates on both sides and anti-cut rollers in deadbolt, strong chubb style keys supplied, Extra reinforcing around
locks to prevent drilling, Welded on serial numbers for overnight key replacements, Gas struts on all sizes to assist with lid opening and
closing. Continuous heavy duty fully welded hinge, Internal lid support stay.
Contents Not
Contents Not
2 - 3 Days CHARGE
2 - 3 Days
Product Overall Size Weight Order Code Offer
Number L x H x W (mm) each AMG-593 Price/1
TB1 0985 x 540 x 475 45kg -8520H 176.92 Product Overall Size Weight Order Code Offer
TB12 1275 x 510 x 445 50kg -8220F 253.85 Number L x H x W (mm) each AMG-593 Price/1
TB6 1970 x 675 x 665 115kg -8230G 661.54 TB21 0760 x 675 x 665 50kg -7820A 307.69
TB2 1275 x 675 x 665 80kg -7821B 369.23
TB3 1275 x 675 x 970 100kg -7822C 530.77
Tuffbank Site Chest
Can be used with optional castors.
Flambank Hazardous Storage Chest
Fully complies with all regulations for the safe storage of chemicals
and flammables, Popular for external fixed applications where
security is also an issue, Fully welded and tested sump base to
prevent leakage, Ultra-robust 5-lever
deadlocks with anti-drill plates on both
sides and anti-cut rollers in deadbolt,
Robust chubb style keys supplied, High
and low level ventilation to prevent build-
up of fumes, Flame arrester gauze fitted
Contents Not on all boxes, Finished in bright red with
Included relevant hazard warning signs fitted as
standard, Built to specification for half
an hour fire resistant. Can be used with
optional castors.
Contents Not
2 - 3 Days
Optional Castors
6" diameter, heavy duty
rubber tyred on a steel NO
centre, 2 fixed and 2 braked CARRIAGE
swivel, complete with fixing CHARGE
kit. All suitable boxes have
pre-drilled holes in the fork 2 - 3 Days
Product Weight Order Code Offer Product Overall Size Weight Order Code Offer
Number Per Set AMG-593 Price/1 Number L x H x W (mm) each AMG-593 Price/1
CAS 5kg -2820A 92.31 FBC4 1275 x 675 x 1275 170kg -4210L 846.15
Page 1187
Roller Cabinets
& Tool Chests
Our Ultimate Range of Tool Storage Combines Maximum Capacity with a Superior Finish
Robust and hardwearing, this range is made from a two part construction with strong steel inner walls and reinforced back panels for added
security. The angled corners protect against mobility strains or cracks and preserve product shape for longer. These items feature anti-rust
and solvent resistant powder coat finish. Fully opening drawers with classic design pulls to allow easy access with a drawer weight capacity of
40-45kg. The increased drawer load capacities allow storage of most tools and can be fully loaded.
Security Mobility
Top lid fitted with gas struts Strong ergonomic side handles
For safe and easy access Can fit to either side of unit
Full height rear locking mechanism 125mm diameter castors with brakes
For greater security Absorbs shock and can support heavy loads
Anti - rust and solvent resistant powder coat finish
Maintains paintwork and protects against scratches
Perforated sides
Optimise space with easy to install accessories
and tool holders
45 angled corners
Protects against mobility strains and cracks, -2240K
plus preserves unit shape
Plastic bumpers on each corner
Protects against impact
Non-slip 10mm EVA top mat
Prevents damage and protects tools.
ABS top tray available
Drawers Drawer
Fully opening Capacity 45kg
Allowing greater access
Auto return
Magnets secure drawers into place
Full width individual catches Static Weight
Only allows one drawer to open at a time, Capacity
prevents cabinet from tipping
3.0mm EVA liners Roller Cabinet only
Maintains paintwork and protects tools
45mm Ball bearing slides
Give good drawer
stability and smooth
action - even under load
Total drawer
load capacity
Tool Chests: 270kg.
Roller Cabinets:
Top Chest
6 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
3@ 170x400x75mm
3@ 570x400x75mm
Roller Cabinets
5 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
1@ 570x400x75mm
4@ 570x400x155mm
7 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
5@ 570x400x75mm
2@ 570x400x155mm
Page 1188
Roller Cabinets
& Tool Chests
Our High-end Industrial Range Robust Enough for the Demands of Every Workplace
This range has been made with the heavy industrial user in mind. These items feature full width top chests and full height cabinets with alloy
style castors. All units are finished with anti - rust and solvent resistant powder coat paint. Made from robust steel with inner walls and
reinforced back panels. All corners are angled to maintain product shape and protect cabinet during transportation. Fully opening drawers
with classic design pulls to allow easy access with a drawer weight capacity of 30-35kg. Our Kennedy logo is pressed into the top chest lid
and cabinet bottom drawer.
Security Design
Top lid fitted with 2 steel stays Anti - rust and solvent resistant powder coat finish
Lock into position - Option of gas struts available Maintains paintwork and protects against scratches -2220K
Full height rear locking mechanism Perforated internal sides
For greater security Optimise space with easy to install
accessories and tool holders available
Mobility Side locker
Strong ergonomic side handles (Roller Cabinets) Creates extra storage capacity
Can fit to either side of unit Steel inner walls
125mm diameter castors with brakes For added strength and extra ridgidity
Absorbs shock and can support heavy loads Non-slip 10mm EVA top mat
Drawers Prevents damage and protects tools.
Fully opening ABS top tray available
Allowing greater access
Auto return
Magnets secure drawers
into place
Individual latches
Prevents unexpected opening of drawers Drawer
when repositioning Capacity 35kg
2.5mm EVA liners
Maintains paintwork and protects tools
45mm Ball bearing slides 450kg
Give good drawer stability and smooth Static Weight
action - even under load Capacity
Total drawer load capacity
Tool Chests - 105-210kg Roller Cabinet only
Roller Cabinets - 105-245kg
Top Chest Roller Cabinets
3 Drawer Size (WxDxH): 3 Drawer Size (WxDxH): -2120K
3@ 170x400x75mm 3@ 570 x 400 x 75mm
6 Drawer Size (WxDxH): 5 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
3@ 170x400x75mm 1@ 570x400x75mm
3@ 570x400x75mm 4@ 570x400x155mm
7 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
12 Drawer Size (WxDxH): 5@ 570x400x75mm
9@ 170x400x50mm 2@ 570x400x155mm
2@ 570x400x50mm
1@ 570x400x75mm
-2040K -2420K
Page 1189
36 Drawer Cabinet
with Side Lockers
Our High-end Industrial Range Robust Enough for the Demands of Every Workplace
Finished with anti-rust and solvent resistant powder coat paint. Made from robust steel with inner walls and reinforced back panels.
This item features side lockers fitted with gas struts and fully opening drawers with classic design pulls to allow easy access.
Security Design
Full height rear locking mechanism Anti - rust and solvent resistant powder coat finish
Side doors lock individually Maintains paintwork and protects against scratches
Perforated internal sides
Mobility Optimise space with easy to install
Strong ergonomic side handles (Roller Cabinets) accessories and tool holders available Spares Order Code
Can fit to either side of unit Side locker Lock & Key SPR-567-3320K
125mm diameter castors with brakes Creates extra storage capacity
Key Blank SPR-567-2220K
Absorbs shock and can support heavy loads Castors SPR-567-2910K
Steel inner walls Top Mat SPR-567-7830K
Drawers For added strength and extra ridgidity Draw Liner SPR-567-2810K
Fully opening Non-slip 10mm EVA top mat Gas Struts SPR-567-7820K
Allowing greater access Prevents damage and protects tools. Draw Slides
Contact your
ABS top tray available local branch
Auto return For Prices see Page 1201
Magnets secure drawers into place
Individual latches
Prevents unexpected opening of drawers
when repositioning
2.5mm EVA liners
Maintains paintwork and protects tools
45mm Ball bearing slides
Give good drawer stability and
smooth action - even under load
Total drawer load capacity
Roller Cabinet - 175kg
5 Drawer Roller Cabinet Capacity 35kg
1@ 570 x 400 x 75mm
4@ 570 x 400 x 155mm
Static Weight
Roller Cabinet only
Number of Width Depth Height Order Code List Offer
Drawers (mm) (mm) (mm) KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
5 907 474 815 -2620K 594.19 409.99
Spare Parts
Order Code Offer
Description SPR-567 Price/1
Side Handle -7810K 14.99
320mm Paper Gas Struts Multifunctional Tray ABS Work Top Tray 7 Piece Hook Rack
Roll Holder Size: (WxDxH) Size: (WxDxH) Size: (WxDxH)
Size: (WxDxH) 320x90x120mm 720x470x25mm 325x5x29mm
7 Piece
Screwdriver Holder
Size: (WxDxH)
Side Tray 4 Piece Can Holder 200x39x65mm
Size: (WxDxH) Size: (WxDxH)
300x120x60mm 325x90x70mm
Waste Bin
Size: (WxDxH)
Tote Tray 300x135x250mm
Size (WxDxH):
Description Order Code List Offer 440 x 175 x 85mm
KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
Paper Roll Holder -1560K 19.99 13.79
ABS Work Top Tray -1580K 43.46 29.99
4 Piece Can Holder -1590K 17.99 12.41
7 Piece Hook Rack -1610K 14.99 10.34
7 Piece Screwdriver -1630K 10.99 7.58
Tote Tray -1640K 14.48 9.99
Multifunctional Tray -1650K 14.99 10.34
Side Tray -1660K 19.99 13.79
Waste Bin -1670K 26.07 17.99
Gas Struts -6600K 14.99 10.34
Page 1190
Tool Chests
Manufactured from heavy gauge steel with all welded construction. Durable and corrosion-resistant two part epoxy powder paint finish. With
quick release lid clasps, padlock hasps and textured carry handles. Full width piano hinges provide rigidity and strength, ensuring smooth
operation and additional security.
2 Drawer 3 Drawer
Two full-length drawers with rigid aluminium lipped handles. Three full-length drawers with rigid aluminium edged handles.
Automatically locks the drawers when the lid is closed, to prevent Fully lockable unit with a handle on the top and a carry handle on
accidental opening. each end. The lid automatically locks all of the closed drawers when
Drawer size: 508 x 190 x 76mm. lowered to prevent opening.
Overall dimensions (W x H x D):
520 x 340 x 215mm.
Drawer sizes:
2@ 460 x
180 x 55mm.
1@ 460 x
180 x 75mm.
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
534 218 288 10.4kg -0100K 113.00 77.97 520 215 340 10.4kg -0120K 152.00 104.88
2 - 3 Days
Spares Order Code
Lock SPR-567-7210K
Key Blank SPR-567-7320K
Draw Slide SPR-567-7040K
Grade 430 Grade 304 Castors SPR-567-6920K
Top Mat SPR-567-7540K
Description Order CodeList Offer Description Order Code List Offer Draw Liner SPR-567-6610K
PRO-594 Price/1 Price/1 KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
Tool Chest -0003A 362.30 235.50 Tool Chest -1540K 510.00 351.90 For Prices see Page 1201
Roller Cabinet -0004A 652.16 423.90 Roller Cabinet -6020K 880.00 607.20
Page 1191
Step-up 12 Drawer
Top compartment size (W x D x H):
Units 660 x 150 x 90mm.
2 Drawer Drawer sizes (W x D x H):
Manufactured from heavy gauge steel, electro-coated enamel finish 6@ 125 x 410 x 50mm.
for superior appearance and protection. Steel panels in the drawers 1@ 170 x 410 x 155mm.
for extra rigidity, ball bearing drawer runners. Supplied with drawer 2@ 130 x 410 x 75mm.
liners and top mat. 2@ 590 x 410 x 50mm.
Drawer sizes (W x D x H): 1@ 590 x 410 x 100mm.
2@ 590.5 x 410
x 102mm. Uses 14 drawer slides.
Type B lid stays.
2 - 3 Days
Spares Order Code
Lock SPR-567-7210K Spares Order Code
Key Blank SPR-567-7320K Lock SPR-567-7240K
Draw Slide SPR-567-7040K Key Blank SPR-567-7320K
Top Mat SPR-567-7560K Draw Slide SPR-567-7040K
Draw Liner SPR-567-6610K Lid Stays SPR-567-6950K
Draw Liner SPR-567-6610K
For Prices see Page 1201
For Prices see Page 1201
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1 Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
Red 280 44.0kg -5400K 201.00 138.69
688 459 Red 690 445 490 48.0kg -5280K 429.00 296.01
Green -5410K 201.00 138.69
6 Drawer 9 Drawer
Top compartment Over 25% deeper than
size: standard size tool chests
660 x 150 x 90mm. for extra storage.
Drawer sizes Drawer sizes (W x D x H):
(W x D x H): 6@ 295 x 405 x 50mm.
2@ 2@ 595 x 405 x 50mm.
125 x 285 x 50mm. 1@ 595 x 405 x 100mm.
Page 1192
Manufactured from heavy gauge steel with double wall construction side panels and welded joints for added rigidity. Coated in a hard wearing
epoxy powder. Fully opening drawers for extra accessibility. Quick release smooth running ball bearing drawer slides with double sliders on base
drawer. Supplied with top mat and drawer liners. Fully locking. 125 x 50mm heavy-duty extra strong castors, fitted with two brakes.
Overall dimensions: 890 x 690 x 460mm. Castors are rated to 100kg capacity standing load per castor. Drawer loads should be evenly
distributed. Roller cabinets are not suitable for frequent relocation when loaded, and when moved should only ever be pushed.
3 Drawer 5 Drawer
Internal drawer dimensions bottom compartment (W x D x H): Drawers (W x D x H):
610 x 430 x 355mm. 4@ 590 x 410 x 100mm.
Drawers (W x D x H): 1@ 590 x 410 x 200mm.
3@ 590 x 410 Uses 16
x 100mm. drawer slides.
Uses 16
drawer slides.
2 - 3 Days
2 - 3 Days
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1 Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
Red 890 44.0kg -5500K 422.00 291.18 Red 890 44.0kg -5540K 520.00 358.80
690 460 690 460
Green -5510K 422.00 291.18 Green -5550K 520.00 358.80
Page 1193
Extra Deep, Heavy Duty Extra Deep, Extra Large,
Tool Chest Heavy-Duty Tool Chest
4 Drawer + Top Compartment 9 Drawer + Top Compartment
Heavy gauge steel, welded and riveted to form an extremely rigid Heavy gauge steel, welded and riveted to form this extra large chest.
construction. The two part epoxy powder paint finish gives excellent Corrosion resistant powder coated finish provides superb durability.
corrosion-resistance and ensures durability. Central locking system. Locking mechanism locks all drawers as the lid is closed and each
A full width piano hinge provides rigidity, strength and additional drawer has its own safety catch. Four heavy-duty type carry handles
security. The drawers have smooth running ball bearing slides and with comfortable grips for easier lifting. The lid has a full width piano
each has its own safety catch. The four full-length drawers have rigid hinge giving extra rigidity, strength and additional security. Drawers
aluminium edged handles and are sized: have smooth running ball bearing drawer slides and rigid aluminium
edged handles.
Drawer sizes (W x D x H): Drawer sizes (W x D x H):
2@ 560 x 340 x 40mm. 1@ 560 x 340 x 65mm. 2@ 560 x 340 x 40mm. 2@ 305 x 340 x 40mm.
1@ 560 x 340 x 95mm. 2@ 560 x 340 x 65mm. 1@ 305 x 340 x 65mm.
1@ 560 x 340 x 95mm. 1@ 305 x 340 x 180mm.
Spares Order Code
Lock SPR-567-7240K
Key Blank SPR-567-7320K
Draw Slides SPR-567-7060K
Lid Stays SPR-567-4820K
Draw Liner SPR-567-6610K
Lock Link SPR-567-7410K
For Prices see Page 1201
Lock Links to suit
Extra Heavy-Duty Chests & Cabinets
To suit Cabinet/Chest Order Code Offer
(Order Code) SPR-567 Price/1
KEN- 594-4820K
KEN- 594-4860K -7400K 5.99
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) (mm) (mm) each KEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
700 405 450 35.5kg -4820K 437.00 301.53 1050 405 530 68kg -4860K 810.00 558.90
HD Castors HD Side Handle Checker-plate Top Gas Strut HD Chest Handles Individual Catches Ball Bearing Slides
Extra Deep, Heavy Duty Roller Cabinet Extra Deep, Extra Large,
7 Drawer Heavy Duty Roller Cabinet
Heavy gauge steel, welded and riveted to give an extremely rigid 13 Drawer
construction. Corrosion resistant powder coated finish. Locking Heavy gauge steel, welded and riveted to give extremely rigid
mechanism locks all the closed drawers which have individual safety construction. The two-part epoxy powder paint finish gives excellent
catches to prevent accidental opening. Four heavy-duty castors, corrosion resistance and ensures durability. Central locking system.
two fixed and two swivel which when combined with the heavy-duty Heavy-duty castors and side handle designed to cope with the extra
side handle enable the user to move it with ease. All drawers have large size and weight. Drawers have smooth running ball bearing
smooth running ball bearing drawer slides and aluminium edged drawer slides and rigid aluminium edged handles.
handles. Drawer sizes (W x D x H):
Drawer sizes (W x D x H): 2@ 560 x 390 x 95mm. 1@ 305 x 390 x 95mm.
1@ 570 x 393 x 52mm. 4@ 560 x 390 x 65mm. 3@ 305 x 390 x 65mm.
4@ 570 x 393 x 80mm. 1@ 560 x 390 x 205mm. 1@ 305 x 390 x 180mm.
1@ 570 x 393 x 108mm. 1@ 305 x 390 x 205mm.
1@ 570 x 393 x 154mm.
Page 1194
Extra Large Tool Chests & 11 Drawer Roller Cabinet
Roller Cabinets Drawer sizes (W x D x H):
4@ 270 x 415 x 50mm. 2 - 3 Days
Manufactured from heavy gauge steel with double wall construction 4@ 560 x 415 x 50mm.
side panels and welded joints for added rigidity. Coated in a hard 2@ 560 x 415 x 100mm.
wearing epoxy powder. Fully opening drawers for extra accessibility. 1@ 560 x 415 x 170mm.
Quick release smooth running ball bearing drawer slides.
Supplied with top mat and drawer liners. Fully locking. 125 x 50mm Uses 14 drawer slides. For Spares
heavy duty extra strong castors, fitted with two brakes. Castors are Type B lid stays. see Page
rated to 100kg capacity standing load per castor. Drawer loads
should be evenly distributed. Roller cabinets are not suitable for
frequent relocation when loaded and should only ever be pushed.
11 Drawer Top Chest
Top compartment (W x D x H): 1020 x 390 x 100mm.
Drawer sizes (W x D x H):
5@ 580 x 415 x 50mm. 1@ 580 x 415 x 100mm.
4@ 270 x 415 x 50mm. 1@ 270 x 415 x 150mm.
2 - 3 Days
Page 1195
Roller Cabinets
& Tool Chests
Our Mid-Range of Tool Storage Modern Design thats Sturdy, Stylish and Secure
Introducing our trade-pro tool storage range. This range compromises of full height cabinets with a stylish and modern design with ergonomic
drawer pulls. These feature 35mm ball bearing slides and have drawer load capacities 25-30kg which are the highest within our Yamoto range.
Made to be sturdy these have steel inner walls with a pressed steel back strengthener with angled front corners to prolong cabinet life.
Security Design
Reinforced lid fitted with steel stays Anti - rust and solvent resistant powder coat finish
Lock into position Maintains paintwork and protects against scratches
Full height rear locking mechanism 45 angled front corners
For greater security Protects during transportation and prolongs life of the unit
Pressed steel back strengthener
Mobility Protects during mobility and makes cabinet much more robust
Chromed steel side handles Steel inner walls
(Tool Chest) Gives added strength and extra rigidity giving longer life -1500K
For ease when transporting unit Reinforced top lid and corner protectors
Strong ergonomic side handles To protect against impact and keep shape intact
(Roller Cabinets) for longer
Can fit to either side of unit Non-slip 5mm EVA top mat
125mm diameter castors with brakes Prevents damage and proctects tools.
Absorbs shock and can support heavy loads
Anti - rust and solvent resistant powder coat finish
Maintains paintwork and protects against scratches
45 angled front corners Drawer
Protects during transportation and prolongs life of the unit Capacity 30kg
Pressed steel back strengthener
Protects during mobility and makes cabinet much more robust
Steel inner walls 400kg
Gives added strength and extra rigidity giving longer life Static Weight
Reinforced top lid and corner protectors
To protect against impact and keep shape intact for longer Capacity
Non-slip 5mm EVA top mat Roller Cabinet only
Prevents damage and proctects tools.
Ergonomic pull -1640K
Providing easy access to tools
Auto return
Magnets secure drawers into place
2.5mm EVA liners -1620K
Maintains paintwork and protects tools
35mm Ball bearing slides
Give good drawer stability and
smooth action - even under load
Total drawer load capacity
Tool Chests - 150-180kg
Roller Cabinets - 90-210kg
Top Chest -1600K
6 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
3@ 170x275x50mm
2@ 570x275x50mm
1@ 570x275x75mm
12 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
9@ 170x400x50mm
2@ 570x400x50mm
1@ 570x400x75mm
Roller Cabinets
3 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
2@ 570x400x75mm
4@ 570x400x155mm
5 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
1@ 570x400x75mm
4@ 570x400x155mm
7 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
5@ 570x400x75mm
2@ 570x400x155mm
Spares Order Code
Lock & Key SPR-567-2880K
Key Blank SPR-567-2260K
Draw Liner SPR-567-2810K
Contact your
Draw Slides
local branch
Top Chests only
Lid Stays SPR-567-3290K
Roller Cabinets only
Roller Cabinets
Castors SPR-567-2850K Number of Width Depth Height Order Code List Offer
Top Mat SPR-567-2845K Drawers (mm) (mm) (mm) YMT-594 Price/1 Price/1
3 680 460 860 -1600K 376.80 259.99
For Prices see Page 1201 5 680 460 860 -1620K 413.03 284.99
7 680 460 860 -1640K 449.26 309.99
Top Chests
Number of Width Depth Height Order Code List Offer Spare Parts
Drawers (mm) (mm) (mm) YMT-594 Price/1 Price/1 Order Code Offer
Description SPR-567 Price/1
6 660 310 380 -1500K 188.39 129.99
12 660 440 490 -1520K 309.00 213.21 Side Handle -2860K 9.99
Page 1196
Tool Tool Chests Spares Order Code
Lock SPR-567-7240K
Chest Double thickness side walls. One piece Key Blank SPR-567-7320K
6 Drawer Tool Chest drawer slides. Epoxy powder coated finish. Draw Slide SPR-567-7020K
Made from 0.8mm steel panels with 0.6mm drawers. Powder coated Carry handles. All steel construction. Lid Stays SPR-567-6950K
yellow/grey with aluminium drawer pulls. The fully locking lid encloses Supplied with drawer liners. Piano hinge Draw Liner SPR-567-6610K
For Prices see Page 1201
the six drawers which have foam liners and smooth running 250mm and lid stays. Supplied with tote tray.
ball bearing drawer slides. Supplied with a loose tote tray for carrying
tools to work area. 3 Drawer
Drawer sizes
Overall dimensions (W x D x H): (W x D x H):
668 x 315 x 389mm. 1@ 590 x 285
Top compartment (W x D x H): x 50mm.
660 x 305 x 50mm. 2@ 590 x 285
Tote tray (W x D x H): x 100mm.
430 x 170 x 45mm. Top compartment
Drawer sizes (W x D x H): size (W x D x H):
@ 590 x 279 x 101.5mm. 660 x 150 x 90mm.
2@ 590 x 279 x 49mm.
1@ 281 x 279 x 49mm. Uses 10
2@ 127 x 279 x 49mm. Drawer slides.
Spares Order Code
Type A lid stays.
Lock SPR-567-7240K
Key Blank SPR-567-7320K
Draw Slide SPR-567-7020K
Lid Stays SPR-567-6950K
Draw Liner SPR-567-6610K 2 - 3 Days
For Prices see Page 1201
2 - 3 Days Colour Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) (mm) (mm) each YMT-594 Price/1 Price/1
Red 670 315 385 27kg -0200K 143.00 98.67
6 Drawer
Drawer sizes (W x D x H):
2@ 130 x 285
x 50mm.
1@ 280 x 285
x 50mm.
2@ 590 x 285
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer x 50mm.
Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each YMT-594 Price/1 Price/1
1@ 590 x 285
Yellow 668 315 389 22.2kg -5240K 222.00 153.18 x 100mm.
Top compartment
Roller Cabinet size (W x D x H):
7 Drawer Roller Cabinet 660 x 150 x 90mm.
Body made from 1mm steel panels with 0.8mm drawers. Uses 10 drawer
Powder coated yellow/grey with aluminium drawer pulls. Fully opening slides.
drawers. Smooth running 350mm ball bearing drawer slides.
Rubber top mat and foam drawer liners. Fully locking. 100 x 25mm Type A lid stays.
heavy duty castors, with two brakes. Strong 450mm wide handle.
Overall dimensions (W x D x H):
689 (760 with handle) x 459 2 - 3 Days
x 780mm (915 with castors).
Drawer sizes (W x D x H): Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each YMT-594 Price/1 Price/1
4@ 590 x 409 x 49mm.
2@ 590 x 409 x 101.5mm. Red 670 315 385 27kg -0240K 197.00 135.93
1@ 590 x 409 x 206.5mm.
12 Drawer
Spares Order Code Drawer sizes (W x D x H):
Lock SPR-567-7210K
Key Blank SPR-567-7320K 8@ 130 x 410
Draw Slide SPR-567-7050K x 50mm.
Castors SPR-567-6900K 1@ 280 x 410
Top Mat SPR-567-7560K
Draw Liner SPR-567-6610K x 100mm.
For Prices see Page 1201 2@ 590 x 410
x 50mm.
2 - 3 Days
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each YMT-594 Price/1 Price/1 Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each YMT-594 Price/1 Price/1
Yellow 689 459 780 48.9kg -5580K 458.00 316.02 Red 670 445 490 47kg -0280K 309.00 213.21
Page 1197
Roller Spares Order Code
Lock SPR-567-7210K
Cabinets Key Blank SPR-567-7320K
Double wall side panels and welded joints for added rigidity. Solid one piece I-beam drawer slides with Draw Slide SPR-567-7050K
double sliders on base drawer. Supplied with top mat and drawer liners. Fully locking. 100mm rubber Castors SPR-567-6900K
castors, two brakes. Drawer loads should be evenly distributed. Roller cabinets are not suitable for Top Mat SPR-567-7560K
frequent relocation when loaded, and should only ever be pushed. Draw Liner SPR-567-6610K
For Prices see Page 1201
Colour Weight List Offer Colour Weight List Offer Colour Weight
Order Code Order Code Order Code List Offer
each YMT-594 Price/1 Price/1 each YMT-594 Price/1 Price/1 each YMT-594 Price/1 Price/1
Red 43.0kg -0500K 317.00 218.73 Red 46.5kg -0540K 390.00 269.10 Red 52.5 kg -0580K 407.00 280.83
Overall dimensions
(W x H x D):
770 x 960 x 520mm.
2 drawers
(W x H x D Internal):
300 x 70 x 440mm.
2 drawers
(W x H x D Internal):
640 x 70 x 440mm.
Maximum capacities:
Overall: 280kg.
Top tool bay:
675 x 450mm storage.
2x 35 x 470mm
tool storage.
Page 1198
Roller Cabinets
Tool Chests
Our Workshop, General Purpose Range Entry Level Choice for Durability and Mobility
The new Senator tool storage range is ideal for your workshop or the light industrial user. With an anti-rust and solvent resistant powder coat
finish this range will stay looking new for longer. The top chest features corner protectors, reinforced lid and steel lid stays to protect from any
impact or accidental slamming. The new ergonomic drawer pulls provide easy access to your tools. The new workshop range has 35mm ball
bearing slides with drawer weight capacities 20-25kg to store all your tools. These benefit from steel inner walls with a pressed steel back
strengthener making them more robust and longer lasting.
Security Design
Top lid fitted with steel stays Anti - rust and solvent resistant powder coat finish
Lock into position Maintains paintwork and protects against scratches
Full height rear locking mechanism Pressed steel back strengthener
For greater security Protects during mobility and makes cabinet much more robust
Steel inner walls
Mobility Gives added strength and extra rigidity giving longer life
Recessed side handles Reinforced top lid and corner protectors -1660K
(Tool Chest) To protect against impact and
For ease when transporting unit keep shape intact for longer
Strong ergonmic side handles (Roller Cabinets) Non-slip 5mm EVA top mat
Can fit to either side of unit Prevents damage and
100mm diameter castors with brakes proctects tools.
Absorbs shock and can support heavy loads
Ergonomic pull
Providing easy access
to tools
Firm return Drawer
Secures drawer into place Capacity 25kg
2.5mm EVA liners
Maintains paintwork and protects tools
35mm Ball bearing slides
Give good drawer stability and Static Weight
smooth action - even under load Capacity
Total drawer load capacity
Tool Chests - 120kg Roller Cabinet only
Roller Cabinets - 125-175kg
Roller Cabinets Top Chest
3 Drawer Size (WxDxH): 6 Drawer Size (WxDxH): -1570K
3@ 570x400x60mm 3@ 170x275x50mm
1@ 675x460x440mm 3@ 570x275x50mm
5 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
1@ 570x400x60mm
4@ 570x400x125mm
7 Drawer Size (WxDxH):
5@ 570x400x60mm
2@ 570x400x125mm
Page 1199
Tool Tool Chests
Chest For the cost conscious, DIY and light industrial use.
6 Drawer 3 Drawer
Body made from 0.8mm steel panels with 0.6mm drawers. Piano hinged lid. Carry
Powder coated finish in blue/grey with aluminium drawer pulls. handle. Cantilever top tray.
The fully locking fold down lid encloses the six drawers which have foam Fully locking.
liners and smooth running 250mm ball bearing drawer slides. Drawer sizes (W x D x H):
Supplied with a loose tote tray. Chrome carrying handles. 3@ 450 x 190 x 55mm.
Bearing Uses 10 drawer slides.
Drawer Type A lid stays.
Overall dimensions
(W x D x H): 668 x 315
x 389mm. Spares Order Code
Lock SPR-567-7200K
Top compartment Key Blank SPR-567-7300K
(W x D x H): Draw Slide SPR-567-7020K
660 x 305 x 50mm. Draw Liner SPR-567-6610K
Tote tray (W x D x H): For Prices see Page 1201
430 x 170 x 45mm.
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
Drawer sizes Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each SEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
(W x D x H):
1@ 590 x 279 x Red 520 218 304 9.1kg -0200K 115.00 79.35
2@ 590 x 279 x 6 Drawer
49mm, Piano hinge. Carry handles. Tote tray. Fully locking.
1@ 81 x Two wall construction side panels. I-Beam draw slides.
279 x 49mm, Drawer sizes (W x D x H): Spares Order Code
2@ 127 x 2@ 50 x 125 x 280mm. Lock SPR567-7240K
279 x 49mm. 1@ 50 x 280 x 280mm. Key Blank SPR567-7320K
2@ 50 x 590 x Draw Slide SPR567-7020K
Lid Stay SPR567-6950K
280mm. Draw Liner SPR567-6610K
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer 1@ 100 x 590 x
Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each SEN-594 Price/1 Price/1 For Prices see Page 1201
Blue 668 315 389 22.9kg -5240K 175.00 120.75
Uses 10 drawer
slides. Type A lid
Roller Cabinet stays.
7 Drawer
Body made from 1mm steel panels with 0.8mm drawers.
Powder coated finish in blue/grey with aluminium drawer pulls.
Fully opening drawers for extra accessibility. Quick release smooth
running 350mm ball bearing drawer slides. Rubber top mat and
foam drawer liners. Fully locking. 100 x 25mm heavy duty castors,
fitted with two brakes. Strong 450mm wide handle. Drawer loads
should be evenly distributed. Roller cabinets should only be pushed.
Overall dimensions (W x D x H):
689 - 760 with handle x 459 x 780mm - 915 with castors.
Drawer sizes (W x D x H): 4@ 590 x 409 x 49mm,
2@ 590 x 409 x 101.5mm, 1@ 590 x 409 x 206.5mm.
Width Depth Height Weight Order Code List Offer
Colour (mm) (mm) (mm) each SEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
Red 670 320 390 26kg -0240K 165.00 113.85
Page 1200
Roller Spares Order Code
Cabinets Lock
Key Blank
Double thickness side walls with welded joints and a hard wearing epoxy powder coating. I-Beam draw slides Draw Slide SPR-567-7050K
with double sliders on base drawer. 100mm rubber castors with brakes fitted to two end castors. Fully locking. Castors SPR-567-6900K
Castors are rated to 40kg capacity standing load per castor. Drawer loads should be evenly distributed. Top Mat SPR-567-7560K
Roller cabinets are not suitable for frequent relocation when loaded and should only ever be pushed. Draw Liner SPR-567-6610K
For Prices see Below
3 Drawer 5 Drawer 7 Drawer
Overall dimensions (W x D x H): Overall dimensions (W x D x H): Overall dimensions
680 x 435 x 660mm. 680 x 435 x 660mm.
2 - 3 Days 2 - 3 Days
(W x D x H): 670 x 460 x 885mm.
Drawer sizes (W x D x H): Drawer sizes (W x D x H): Drawer sizes (W x D x H): 2 - 3 Days
3@ 511 x 403 x 75mm. 3@ 511 x 403 x 75mm. 4@ 590 x 410 x 50mm.
Bottom compartment (W x D x H): 2@ 551 x 403 x 155mm. 2@ 590 x 410 x 100mm.
678 x 425 x Uses 16 1@ 590 x
368mm. drawer 410 x
Uses 16 slides. 200mm.
drawer Uses 16
slides. drawer
Colour Weight List Offer Colour Weight List Offer Colour Weight
Order Code Order Code Order Code List Offer
each SEN-594 Price/1 Price/1 each SEN-594 Price/1 Price/1 each SEN-594 Price/1 Price/1
Red 26kg -1030K 262.00 180.78 Red 33kg -1050K 300.00 207.00 Red 51kg -0580K 337.00 232.53
Lock & Key Key Blank Draw Slides Lid Stays Castors Top Mat Draw Liner*
Cabinet/Chest Order Code Offer Order Code Offer Order Code Offer Order Code Offer Order Code Offer Order Code Offer Order Code Offer
Order Code SPR-567 Price/1 SPR-567 Price/1 SPR-567 Price/1 SPR-567 Price/1 SPR-567 Price/1 SPR-567 Price/1 SPR-567 Price/1
KEN-594-1540K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - - - -2800K 12.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-2020K -2870K 9.99 -2220K 2.99 - - - - -2910K 42.99 -2800K 12.99 -2810K 2.99
KEN-594-2040K -2870K 9.99 -2220K 2.99 - - -3300K 5.99 - - - - -2810K 2.99
KEN-594-2120K -2870K 9.99 -2220K 2.99 - - - - -2910K 42.99 -2800K 12.99 -2810K 2.99
KEN-594-2140K -2870K 9.99 -2220K 2.99 - - - - -2920K 52.99 -2800K 12.99 -2820K 3.99
KEN-594-2220K -2870K 9.99 -2220K 2.99 - - -3300K 5.99 - - - - -2810K 2.99
KEN-594-2240K -2870K 9.99 -2220K 2.99 - - -3280K 14.99 - - - - -2820K 3.99
KEN-594-2320K -2870K 9.99 -2220K 2.99 - - - - -2910K 42.99 -2800K 12.99 -2810K 2.99
KEN-594-2340K -2870K 9.99 -2220K 2.99 - - - - -2920K 52.99 -2800K 12.99 -2820K 3.99
KEN-594-2420K -2870K 9.99 -2220K 2.99 - - -3300K 5.99 - - - - -2810K 2.99
KEN-594-2620K -3320K 39.99 -2220K 2.99 - - -7820K 13.99 -2910K 42.99 -7830K 13.49 -2810K 2.99
KEN-594-4820K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7060K 10.99 -4820K 14.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-4840K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6910K 42.99 - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-4860K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7060K 10.99 -4860K 14.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-4880K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6910K 42.99 - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5200K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7000K 7.99 -6950K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5210K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7000K 7.99 -6950K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5240K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7000K 7.99 -6950K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5250K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7000K 7.99 -6950K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5280K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 -6950K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5290K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 -6950K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5340K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7060K 10.99 -6960K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5360K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7060K 10.99 -6960K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5400K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - - - -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5410K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - - - -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5500K -7260K 19.98 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6920K 34.99 -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5510K -7260K 19.98 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6920K 34.99 -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5540K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6920K 34.99 -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5550K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6920K 34.99 -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5580K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6920K 34.99 -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5590K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6920K 34.99 -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5700K -7260K 19.98 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6920K 34.99 -7520K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5740K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6920K 34.99 -7540K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-5780K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 -6970K 2.99 - - -6780K 2.99 -6610K 2.99
KEN-594-6020K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7040K 12.99 - - -6910K 42.99 -7540K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
YMT-594-0200K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7020K 4.99 -6950K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
YMT-594-0240K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7020K 4.99 -6950K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
YMT-594-0280K -7240K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7020K 4.99 -6950K 2.99 - - - - -6610K 2.99
YMT-594-0500K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7050K 7.99 - - -6900K 14.99 -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
YMT-594-0540K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7050K 7.99 - - -6900K 14.99 -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
YMT-594-0580K -7210K 9.99 -7320K 1.99 -7050K 7.99 - - -6900K 14.99 -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
YMT-594-1500K -2880K 7.99 -2260K 1.99 - - -3290K 4.99 - - - - -2810K 2.99
YMT-594-1520K -2880K 7.99 -2260K 1.99 - - -3290K 4.99 - - - - -2810K 2.99
YMT-594-1600K -2880K 7.99 -2260K 1.99 - - - - -2850K 34.99 -2845K 8.99 -2810K 2.99
YMT-594-1620K -2880K 7.99 -2260K 1.99 - - - - -2850K 34.99 -2845K 8.99 -2810K 2.99
YMT-594-1640K -2880K 7.99 -2260K 1.99 - - - - -2850K 34.99 -2845K 8.99 -2810K 2.99
YMT-594-5240K -7180K 9.99 -7340K 1.99 -7080K 4.99 -6980K 4.99 - - - -6610K 2.99
YMT-594-5580K -7180K 9.99 -7340K 1.99 -7100K 12.99 - - -6930K 39.99 -7560K 8.99 -6610K 2.99
Page 1201
CAD designed and high precision laser cut foam tray inserts are designed
to keep tools precisely and accurately in the correct position and drawers
for improved productivity. In some applications a dropped tool is a serious
hazard and colour contrasting foam inserts are used to easily recongise
lost tooling and also reduce audit time.
Areas of use include food industry maintenance, automotive assembly.
Number of
Order Code
Price/1 Dimensions: 590 x 410 x 45mm
TCD025 25 2.3kg -5000K 195.00 107.25 Suitable for Kennedy Toolchests - KEN- 594-5580K & KEN- 594-5590K
(see page 1193 for details)
50 Piece Set - TCD050
3/8 Sockets: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19, 20, 21
and 22mm.
Deep Sockets:
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17,
19 and 22mm.
Screwdriver Bits:
5, 5.5 and 6.5mm.
No.1, 2, 3, and 4.
Hex Bits:
3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10mm.
Ratchet handle, sliding
T-handle, spinner handle,
swivel handle. Universal joint.
125 and 250mm extensions,
250mm wobble extensions,
1/4 and 1/2 male adaptors,
1/4 hex bit coupler.
Page 1202
Complete Tool Control Sets include
Kennedy Professional Roller Cabinet
Manufactured from heavy gauge steel with double wall construction side panels and welded joints for added rigidity. Coated in a hard wearing
epoxy powder. Fully opening drawers for extra accessibility. Quick release smooth running ball bearing drawer slides with double sliders on
base drawer. Supplied with top mat and drawer liners. Fully locking. 125 x 50mm heavy duty extra strong castors, fitted with two brakes.
Overall dimensions: 890 x 690 x 460mm. Castors are rated to 100kg capacity standing load per castor.
Drawer loads should be evenly distributed.
Drawers (W x D x H): 4@ 590 x 410 x 50mm. 2@ 590 x 410 x 100mm. 1@ 590 x 410 x 200mm. 7 Drawer Roller Cabinet
25 Piece Set with Professional Roller Cabinet 50 Piece Set with Professional Roller Cabinet
TCC025 TCC050 Accessories:
Professional Pliers Pro-Torq Screwdrivers Sockets: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, Ratchet handle, sliding
1x 160mm snipe nose, Crosspoint: No.2 x stubby, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, T-handle, spinner handle, swivel
1x 160mm diagonal cutters, No.2 x 100mm. 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22mm. handle. Universal joint. 125 and
1x 160mm combination. Pozidriv(r): No.1 x 75, No.2 x 100, Deep Sockets: 10, 11, 12, 13, 250mm extensions, 250mm
Metric Professional No.3 x 150mm. 14, 15, 17, 19 and 22mm. wobble extensions, 1/4 and 1/2
Combination Wrenches Flared: 6.3 x 150, Screwdriver Bits male adaptors,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 8.0 x 200mm. Slotted: 5, 5.5 and 6.5mm. 1/4 hex bit coupler.
14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19mm. Parallel: 5.0 x 150mm. PIECES Crosspoint: No.1, 2, 3, and 4. PIECES
Hex Bits: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10mm.
+ +
Product Number Weight Order Code List Offer Product Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Number of Pieces each KEN-595 Price/1 Price/1 Number of Pieces each KEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
TCC025 25 55.3kg -5540K 763.00 419.65 TCC050 50 59.2kg -5520K 789.00 433.95
Professional Pliers Metric Professional
1x 160mm snipe nose, Combination Wrenches
1x 160mm diagonal cutters, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
1x 160mm combination. 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19mm. PIECES
Pro-Torq Screwdrivers
Crosspoint: No.2 x stubby, No.2 x 100mm.
Pozidriv(r): No.1 x 75, No.2 x 100,
No.3 x 150mm.
Flared: 6.3 x 150, 8.0 x 200mm.
Parallel: 5.0 x 150mm.
Sockets: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
and 22mm.
Page 1203
208 Piece Apprentice Engineers
Tool Kit - AET200 PIECES
Supplied in a three drawer professional roller cabinet and a
three drawer top chest. Manufactured from heavy
gauge steel with double wall construction side panels
and welded joints for added rigidity. Coated in a hard
wearing epoxy powder. Fully opening drawers for extra
accessibility. Quick release smooth running ball bearing
drawer slides with double sliders on base drawer.
Supplied with top mat and drawer liners. Fully locking.
125 x 50mm heavy duty extra strong castors, fitted with
two brakes. Overall dimensions: 890 x 690 x 460mm.
Castors are rated to 100kg capacity standing load per
castor. Drawer loads should be evenly distributed.
3 Drawer Top Chest
Top compartment size: 89 x 661 x 150mm.
Drawer sizes: 1@ 51 x 591 x 282.5mm.
2@ 102 x 591 x 282.5mm.
3 Drawer Roller Cabinet
Internal drawer dimensions
Bottom compartment size: 610 x 432 x 356mm.
Drawer sizes: 3@ 591 x 410 x 102mm.
25 piece HSS drill set 1 - 13.00mm x 0.5mm.
Six piece 200mm double cut engineers file set.
Six piece 16cm cut 2 assorted needle file set.
25 x 230 x 280mm assorted abrasive sheet.
200mm chrome vanadium steel adjustable spanner.
6 x 150mm flat cold chisel.
19mm x 33m black pvc insulation tape.
76mm, 18 blade combination feeler gauge set.
4.8mm square head centre punch.
150mm/6 stainless steel rule c/w pocket clip.
178mm double ended Engineers' scriber.
Eye loupe.
Adjustable telescopic 30mm dia.
inspection mirror (expands to 180mm).
Six piece parallel pin punch set:
2.4, 3.2, 4.0, 4.8, 5.5 and 6.4mm.
150mm/6 engineers square - BS 939 grade B.
Tap wrenches 1.5 - 6.4mm and 6.4 - 19mm.
Magnetic telescopic pick-up tool
extends to 550mm.
29 piece engineers bit set.
All 6mm hex x 25mm overall length, complete
with magnetic spinner handle, 6mm hexagon bit
adaptor and 6mm square socket adaptor.
Hexagon: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8mm; flat 3, 4, 5,
5.5, 6.5 and 8mm; 3/32, 1/8, 5/32, 3/16, 1/4, 7/32
and 5/16; crosspoint No.1, 2 and 3;
Pozidriv No.1, 2 and 3.
450g (1lb) ball pein hammer wood shaft.
7.5m/25ft steel tape.
Snap-off eight segment blade economy knife.
Retractable trimming knife with five blades.
Junior hacksaw frame.
300mm lightweight professional hacksaw frame.
Six off 12 x 1/2 x 18tpi HSS hacksaw blades.
20 junior hacksaw blades.
Two plastic handle household scissors.
150mm snipe nose plier with side cutter.
150mm diagonal cutting nipper.
150mm Engineers' combination pliers
with side cutter.
250mm curved jaw high strength grip wrench.
Eight piece Pro-Torq screwdriver set:
Page 1204
300 Piece Engineers
Professional Tool Kit
Supplied in a five drawer professional roller cabinet and
a three drawer top chest. Manufactured from heavy
gauge steel with double wall construction side
panels and welded joints for added rigidity. PIECES
Coated in a hard wearing epoxy powder.
Fully opening drawers for extra accessibility.
Quick release smooth running ball bearing
drawer slides with double sliders on base
drawer. Supplied with top mat and drawer liners.
Fully locking. 125 x 50mm heavy duty extra
strong castors, fitted with two brakes.
Overall dimensions: 890 x 690 x 460mm.
Castors are rated to 100kg capacity standing
load per castor. Drawer loads should be evenly
3 Drawer Top Chest
Top compartment size: 89 x 661 x 150mm.
Drawer sizes: 1@ 51 x 591 x 282.5mm,
2@ 102 x 591 x 282.5mm.
5 Drawer Roller Cabinet
Internal drawer dimensions:
4@ 591 x 460 x 102mm.
1@ 591 x 410 x 204mm.
Set of 25 HSS drills 1 - 13.00mm x 0.5mm.
Eight piece 200mm (8) double cut
Engineers' file set.
Six piece 16cm cut 2 assorted needle file set
20x 150mm (6) junior hacksaw blades.
10x 12 x 1/2 x 18TPI HSS all hard
hacksaw blade.
25x 230mm x 280mm assorted abrasive
200mm (8) soft grip phosphate
adjustable wrench.
6mm 150mm flat cold chisel.
3 18-bade metric/inch
comb feeler gauge set.
4 x 3/16 (4.8mm) square head
centre punch.
Set of 6 parallel pin punches.
150mm/6 inch/metric rigid rustless rule.
300mm/12 rigid rustless rule - round end.
150mm (6) Engineers square.
300mm (12) Engineers square.
7 double ended engineers scriber.
11/4 focal length eye loupe.
Adjustable telescopic 11/4 mirror.
Set of two: 1/16 - 1/4 and
1/4 - 3/4 tap wrenches.
1lb ball pein hammer - wood shaft.
16oz black rubber mallet - wood shaft.
51/2 plastic handle household scissors.
81/2 plastic handle household scissors.
5m/16 professional ABS steel tape.
Snap-off 8 seg-blade heavy duty knife.
Snap-off 13 seg-blade mini knife.
Retractable trimming knife c/w five blades.
Beaver style junior hacksaw.
Professional plus cushion grip hacksaw.
Magnetic pick-up tool.
Set of four Pro-Torq pliers.
10 curved jaw grip wrench
Page 1205
100 Piece Mechanics Mechanic's Tool Kit
Starter Tool Kit 52 Piece Mobile Mechanic's Tool Kit
Contents: Specifically designed for mechanics on the move.
8 and 12 satin chrome adjustable wrench set. Contents include: 582 x 298 x 255mm metal toolbox with tote tray,
5m/16ft locking tape rule. adjustable wrenches, pocket knife, pliers, screwdrivers,
Lightweight hacksaw frame. spanners and
400cc lever type steel grease gun. sockets.
150mm long nose pliers.
200mm long nose pliers.
150mm diagonal nippers. PIECES
150mm linesman's combination pliers.
200mm linesman's combination pliers.
250mm waterproof pliers.
12 piece mechanics pattern screwdriver set.
Seven piece 6 - 19mm
chrome vanadium
open ended
spanner set.
14 piece
6 - 19mm
chrome vanadium
combination PIECES
spanner set.
55 piece 3/8
drive socket
and bit set.
Six drawer red
tool chest.
90 Piece Engineers
Workshop Tool Kit
Top chest.
24 piece 1/2 drive metric socket set.
Six piece 16cm cut 2 assorted needle file set.
10x 12 x 1/2x 18tpi all hard hacksaw blades.
8/200mm chrome vanadium adjustable spanner.
12 rule - walleted.
Metric/inch feeler gauge 60mm blade length.
11/2lb ball pein hammer- hickory shaft.
16oz black rubber mallet - wood shaft.
5m/16ft locking tape rule - chromed case.
Eight segment 18mm heavy duty snap-off blade knife.
Retractable trimming knife.
DIY hacksaw.
2x 50mm G-clamps.
2x 100mm G-clamps.
6 snipe nose plier/side cutter. PIECES
8 straight blade tinsnip.
6 diagonal cutting nipper.
7 linesmans pliers.
Page 1206
62 Piece Workshop
Tool Kit
Five compartment cantilever tool box with specially moulded trays
to facilitate enhanced Tool Control and padlock hole for
additional security.
Sockets: 8 - 32mm, M10 and M14 spark plug
250mm sliding T-handle.
125mm and 250mm extensions, 75mm wobble
Quick release 72T rubber hatchet handle.
375mm/15 jointed knurl gripped swivel handle.
Universal joint.
Combination spanners: 6 -22mm.
Pro-Torq screwdrivers: 5.5 x 100mm,
6.5 x 150mm and 8 x 200mm flat,
No.0, No.2 and No.3 cross point.
Pro-Torq pliers:
180mm/7 combination,
150mm/6 snipe nose and
165mm/6" diagonal.
Metric L-wrench ball
driver set 1.5 - 10mm.
Number Order Code List Offer
of Pieces KEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
62 -0050K 363.62 199.99 Specially Moulded Trays
150mm (6) pocket rule.
100cc grease gun.
Eye loupe. PIECES
Page 1207
Computer Technicians
Tool Kit
The kit is supplied in a Kennedy professional tool and lap top bag.
Hexagon wrench set 1.5 to 6mm. Precision nut driver set 3.0 to 5.0mm. Flat blade precision tweezers 170mm.
Sharp nose precision tweezers 115mm. 3-in-1 multimeter. Micro diagonal nipper 110mm. Automatic wire stripper 0.2 to 6mm
capacity. Insulated VDE screwdriver set: parallel: 2.5 x 85mm, 4.0 x 100mm, 5.5 x 125mm, 6.5 x 150mm; crosspoint: No.0 x 75mm,
No.1 x 100mm, No.2 x 100mm. Crimping tool, capacity 8P8C/RJ-45, 6P/RJ-12, RJ-11 and 6P2C. Cable ties, black, 2.5 x 160mm packet
of 100. Precision screwdriver set (in zip case): parallel 1.4 x 40mm, 2.0 x 40mm, 2.4 x 75mm, 3.0 x 75mm and 4.0 x 100mm blade
length; crosspoint PH0-3 x 40mm, PH0-2 x 75mm, PH-0 x 75mm and PH1 x 100mm blade length. ESD long nose pliers 130mm.
ESD bent nose pliers 140mm. ESD flat nose pliers 130mm. Edison aluminium torch. Black PVC insulation tape 19mm x 33m.
Air duster 400ml. Absorbent wipes (pack of 50). Screen wipes (pack of 50). 1x pair Polyco pure dex anti-static gloves.
Non-contact AC voltage detector. Retractable blade knife. Brushes: No.6 and No.10 flat fitch.
organised and readily accessible.
Contents: 160mm diagonal cutting nipper.
Aluminium tool case. 160mm combination plier.
Six piece 16cm needle file set. 4 piece circlip plier set.
150mm adjustable wrench. 177mm locking pliers. PIECES
Digital multimeter. 115mm precision flat nose pliers.
125/250V mains tester. 115mm precision long nose pliers.
19mm x 33m insulation tape: 115mm precision nippers.
black, red and green/yellow PVC. 115mm precision end cutting
25W soldering iron. pliers.
Cable stripping knife. 165mm soft touch pliers.
Desoldering gun. Pro-Torq grip screwdrivers with
60/40 cored solder. chrome vanadium blade: slotted
Butane soldering torch. 100 x 6mm; crosspoint 76mm x
Centre punch 2.4 x 3.2mm. No.0 and No.1, 6mm x No.2;
2x parallel pin punches. supadriv 76mm x No.0
150mm/6 flexible rustless and 1, 4 x No.2; electricians
rule. parallel 150 and 200 x 5mm.
Machinists scriber. Offset screwdrivers:
Page 1208
102 Piece
Service Engineers Tool Kit
Contents Offset screwdrivers:
Hi-impact mobile tool case. 5mm x No.1 and 6mm x No. 2.
Six piece 16cm cut 2 needle file set. 1000V VDU insulated
150mm chrome finish adjustable wrench. screwdrivers:
150mm mains tester range 125/250V. parallel 4 x 100mm;
19mm x 33m insulation tape: black, red slotted 5.5 x 125mm.
and green/yellow pvc. Torx screwdrivers:
Soldering iron 25W 240V. T6, T8 and T10.
Desoldering gun. 11 piece screwdriver
Cable stripping knife. and tool set: parallel 1, 1.2,
17g 1.0mm diameter 60/40 cored solder. 1.4, 1.8, 2.4 and 3mm;
Square head centre punch 3.2 x 100mm. crosspoint PHO-2, PHO and
150mm/6 flexible rustless rule. PH1, fine point awl and tweezers.
Precision tweezers: 115mm sharp nose, Seven piece electronic
120mm flat blade. Eye loupe. screwdriver set:
30mm dia. telescopic inspection mirror parallel 1.4, 2, 2.4 and 3mm;
(handle expands to 480mm). crosspoint PHO-3, PHO-2 and PH0.
225g (1/2lb) ball pein hammer. Six piece chrome
7.5m/25' steel tape. vanadium steel 0 - 11 BA
13 segment blade mini autolock open ended spanner set.
retractable knife. 20mm diameter sash tool.
Junior hacksaw frame c/w hardened blade. Nine piece hex key set
10 junior hacksaw blades for metal. 1.5 - 10mm.
215mm plastic handle scissors. Chrome vanadium
Magnetic pick up tool. combination spanners: 5.5, 6,
160mm snipe nose pliers. 7, 8, 9 and 10mm.
160mm diagonal cutting nippers.
160mm combination pliers with side cutter.
150mm insulation and wire stripping pliers.
115mm precision flat nose pliers.
115mm precision long nose pliers.
115mm precision nippers.
115mm precision end cutting nippers. PIECES
Pro-Torq grip screwdrivers with chrome
vanadium blade: slotted 100 x 6mm; Set contents may
crosspoint 76mm x No.0 and No.1, vary slightly
6mm x No.2; supadriv 76mm x No.0 and according to product Number Weight Order Code List Offer
No.1, 100mm x No.2; electricians': development of Pieces each KEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
parallel 150 and 200 x 5mm. and availability. 102 13.0kg -3020K 568.00 312.40
Page 1209
16 Piece Electricians 1000V Dual Grip Screwdriver & Plier Set
VDE Tool Bag & Kit 10 Piece Set
Heavy duty tear-resistant tool bag with Hook-n-Loop fastening flap. Fully insulated professional high grip
Double webbed shoulder strap fixed with metal release clasps. dual material handles that are VDE
Two removable tool boards inside which have a unique tool storage tested up to 1000V. Screwdrivers have
securing system built in. All tools are VDE approved. magnetic tips, chrome vanadium steel
blades and a hanging hole. Pliers have
Contents: chrome vanadium steel double
Electrician's tool bag (320 x 340 x 125mm). polished head and joint heads.
150mm euro tester will detect live electricity supply. Suitable for
AC to 125 - 250V, 3mm wide tip. Conform to VDE 0630 Part 4. Contents:
145mm (53/4) Pro-Torq grip diagonal nippers, 1000V insulated. Screwdrivers:
160mm (63/8) Pro-Torq snipe nose pliers, 1000V insulated. Crosspoint:
165mm (61/2) Pro-Torq engineers combination pliers, No.0 x 60mm,
1000V insulated. CROSS
No.1 x 80mm,
170mm (63/4) Pro-Torq wire strippers, 1000V insulated. POINT No.2 x 100mm.
7 piece VDE dual grip screwdriver set: No.0 x 60, No.1 x 80 Parallel:
and No.2 x 100mm, 2.5 x 75, 4.0 x 100, 5.5 x 125 and 2.5 x 75mm,
6.5 x 150mm. 4.0 x 100mm,
180mm (7) insulated cable knife, curved blade. PARALLEL 5.5 x 125mm,
2x small parts storage boxes. 6.5 x 150mm. PIECES
63/8 Pro-Torq snipe nose pliers,
61/4 Pro-Torq grip nipper pliers,
61/2 Pro-Torq engineering
combination pliers.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
10 1.4kg -1600K 89.95 49.47
16 29
29 Piece Insulated
General Purpose Tool Kit
PIECES 00007
Manufactured to IEC 600900:2004, Category C'. PIECES
Width Depth Height Order Code List Offer Set Contents:
(mm) (mm) (mm) KEN-595 Price/1 Price/1 8 engineers combination pliers,
320 125 340 -3400K 158.00 86.90 6 diagonal cutting nippers,
8 long snipe nose pliers,
17 Piece Live Line VDE Tool Kit 7 cable jointers coring knife,
Contents: 3 terminal screwdriver 1/8 (3mm),
Tear-resistant tool roll (600 x 300mm). 3 electricians screwdriver 5/32 (4mm),
190mm euro tester - will detect live electricity supply. Suitable for 6 insulated screwdriver 3/16 (5mm),
AC to 125 - 250V. 3mm wide tip. Conform to VDE 0630 Part 4. 6 insulated screwdriver 5/16 (8mm),
145mm (61/4) Pro-Torq grip diagonal nippers, 1000V insulated. No.1 Phillips screwdriver (75mm
160mm (63/8) wire strippers. blade),
Engineers combination pliers and snipe nose pliers, No.2 Phillips screwdriver (4 blade),
1000V insulated. reversible ratchet handle (1/2 sq. dr.),
240mm (91/2) water pump box joint pliers, 1000V insulated. 5 and 10 extension bars (1/2 sq.
200mm adjustable wrench 1000V insulated. dr.), insulated sockets (1/2 sq. dr.):
7 piece insulated VDE screwdriver set: 10 - 14, 17 and 19mm,
parallel: 2.5 x 85, 4.0 x 100, 5.5 x 125 hex keys: 5 and 6mm, open ended
and 6.5 x 150mm; crosspoint: No.0 x 75, spanners: 10 - 14, 17 and 19mm.
No.1 x 100 and No.2 x 200mm. Product Number Order Code List Offer
180mm (7) insulated cable Number of Pieces INS-595 Price/1 Price/1
knife curved blade. 00007 29 -1007H 612.37 551.13
210mm (81/4) cable cutter.
7 Piece
Both rolls have a riveted
carry handle on the outside. Maintenance Tool Kit
Chrome adjustable
PIECES Slotted electricians VDE
PVC tool roll.
Width Depth Height Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) (mm) (mm) KEN-595 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each KEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
320 125 340 -3420K 261.00 143.55 7 1.3kg -0070K 46.05 25.33
Page 1210
33 Piece 51 Piece Home Handyman Tool Kit
Home Handyman Kit HHK51
HHK32 Supplied in a robust Tuff-E tool box, c/w double latch.
Supplied in a robust Tuff-E tool box with a tote tray for carrying tools Contents:
to the job and a multi-compartment storage box with lid. 8 piece fluted handle screwdriver set: flared 6mm stubby,
Contents: 3 x 100mm and 8 x 200mm; parallel 3.2 x 75mm and 4 x 150mm;
18 piece wood, metal and masonry drill set, 6x wood drills 3, 4, 5, 6, pozidriv No.2 stubby, No.1 x 75mm and No.2 x 100mm.
8 and 10mm; 6x masonry drills 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10mm; 10 piece screwdriver bit set: 6mm quick release hex bit adaptor;
6x HSS drills 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10mm. flat 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8mm; crosspoint No.0, 1, 2 and 3mm.
8 piece fluted handle screwdriver set: flared: 6mm stubby, 200mm (8) chrome vanadium adjustable spanner.
3 x 100mm and 8 x 200mm; parallel: 3.2 x 75mm and 4 x 150mm; 225mm (9) hi-vis magnetic boat level. 600mm (24) hi-vis girder
pozidriv: No.2 stubby, No.1 x 75mm and No.2 x 100mm. section level. 150mm mains tester, range 125/250V.
Diagonal cutting nippers 150mm/6. 19mm x 33m black PVC insulation tape. Adjustable telescopic
Snipe nose pliers with side cutter 150mm/6. Set contents 300mm dia inspection mirror. 450g (16oz) claw hammer wood
Linesmans pliers 180mm/7. may vary slightly shaft. 3m/10ft hi-vis locking tape. 13 seg 9mm standard
8 segment snap-off blade knife with a according to snap-off blade knife. Retractable trimming knife c/w 5 blades.
contour moulded grip. product 150mm (6) junior hacksaw frame c/w hardened blade.
3m/10ft locking tape rule in a tough development 150mm (6) junior hacksaw blade for metal (10).
plastic case. and availability. 300mm (12) DIY hacksaw frame.
177mm (7) plastic handle household scissors.
63mm (21/2) half tang filling knife. 76mm (3) half tang scraper.
Magnetic pick-up tool extends
to 650mm. 150mm (6)
linesmans pliers.
PIECES 125mm (5)
snipe nose pliers.
125mm (5) PIECES
cutting nippers.
255mm (10)
straight jaw grip
600 piece
wall plug set.
Set contents
may vary slightly
according to
and availability.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each SEN-595 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each SEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
33 -0500K 59.87 32.93 51 7.0kg -0520K 95.53 52.54
450g (16oz) claw hammer wood shaft.
3m/10ft Senator hi-vis locking tape.
13 segment 9mm standard snap-off blade knife.
Retractable trimming knife c/w 5 blades.
Junior hacksaw frame c/w hardened blade.
DIY hacksaw frame.
177mm (7) plastic handled multi-purpose household scissors.
63mm (21/2) half tang filling knife.
76mm (3) half tang scraper.
150mm (6) linesmans pliers.
125mm (5) snipe nose pliers.
125mm (5) diagonal cutting nippers. Set contents
255mm (10) straight jaw grip wrench. may vary slightly
22 x 8pts homesaw hand saw. according to
Number Weight Order Code List Offer product
of Pieces each SEN-595 Price/1 Price/1 development
61 16kg -0540K 220.00 121.00 and availability.
Page 1211
23 Piece Builders
Construction Tool Kit
9 (225mm) hi-vis magnetic boat level.
24 (600mm) hi-vis girder section level.
6 London pattern pointing trowel.
11 board heel brick trowel.
111/2 x 41/2 plasterers finishing
11/2 ball pein hammer with hickory
16oz claw hammer with wooden shaft.
3m/10ft hi-vis locking tape with yellow
30m/100ft fibre glass measuring tape.
13 segment 9mm standard snap-off
blade knife.
Retractable trimming knife.
6 diagonal cutting nippers.
8 linesmans pliers.
Eight piece fluted handle
screwdriver set.
10 straight blade tinsnips.
24 canvas tool bag.
Page 1212
29 Piece Pro-Torq
Maintenance Tool Bag & Kit
Electricians tool bag (320 x 340 x 125mm). 2x small bits organiser cases. One tool board unique system to secure tools whilst in
transit. 140mm (51/2) autoload and lock knife - 13 segment snap-off blade. 165mm (61/2). Pro-Torq diagonal nippers.
150mm (6) Pro-Torq snipe nose pliers with side cutter. 150mm (6) Pro-Torq combination pliers.
Six piece Pro-Torq screwdriver set: crosspoint No.1 x 75, No.2 x 100; flared 6.3 x 100, 8.0 x 200; parallel 5.0 x 75, 5.0 x 150mm.
Seven piece Pro-Torq
precision screwdriver set:
parallel tips 1.4, 2.0, 2.4
and 3.0mm;
crosspoint tips PH0-3,
PH0-2 and PH-0.
200mm (8) soft grip
phosphate adjustable
Eight piece Pro-Torq hex
wrench set on clip
1.5 - 8.0mm.
Order Code
320 125 340 -3440K 144.00 79.20
set on clip 1.5 - 8.0mm.
Group 534
Width Height Order Code List Offer
(mm) (mm) KEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
330 600 -3460K 175.00 96.25
Page 1213
18 Piece
Decorators Painting Kit
2x 25mm industrial paint brush.
13, 50, 75 and 100mm industrial paint brushes.
240mm economy paint tray - plastic.
230mm wide birdcage (jumbo) paint roller.
230mm long pile polyester roller refill. PIECES
230mm medium pile polyester roller refill.
230mm wide foam paint roller refill.
Long pile radiator roller complete.
Long pile radiator roller refill.
Metal telescopic handle.
General purpose masking
tape 19mm x 50m and
50mm x 50m.
460mm canvas tool bag.
Dust sheet.
22 25
3 - 22mm capacity tubing cutter. and grade 2 glass paper.
3 - 41mm tube deburrer. 50mm half tang scraper.
9.5 - 32mm basin wrench. 75mm half tang scraper.
300mm girder section spirit level. PIECES 38mm chisel point half tang putty knife. PIECES
Telescopic inspection mirror. 200mm half tang combination shavehook.
Junior hacksaw frame c/w hardened blade. Window scraper.
Pad saw. Sanding block - fine and medium.
255mm groove slip joint waterpump plier. 310ml cartridge of decorators acrylic caulk.
6 piece flat wood bit set 9.5 - 25mm. 310ml cartridge gun - plastic.
12mm x 12m PTFE thread sealing tape to BS6920. 460mm canvas tool bag.
100g fluxite paste.
Powerflow lead free solder 3.25mm 250g.
3 row plastic handle wire scratch brush.
450g grade 2 wire wool.
Blow lamp and 2175 gas cartridge.
Cycle Multi-Tools
CMT091 - One of the smallest multi tools on
the market. Comfortable in the hand, or in
the pocket. It has chrome vanadium steel
Cycle not blades and a matt coated frame.
included Includes:
Hex keys, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 and 6mm.
Torx key T25.
No.1 crosspoint bit.
5mm slotted bit.
Product Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer
Number SEN-595 Price/1 Price/1 Number SEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
CWS152 -4480K 170.00 93.50 CMT091 -4420K 11.25 6.19
15 Piece Cycle Repair Kit CMT161 - Another very compact multi tool from
This comprehensive kit is ideal for cycle repairs at home, comes in 16 useful chrome vanadium blades
its own wallet and measures 90 x 200 x 40mm. Large than the and chain rivet extractor.
multi-tools but still small enough to carry in a ruck sack or pannier for
those touring holidays. Includes:
Hex keys: 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5 and 6mm.
Contents: Adaptor for 8mm hex key.
2x Y box wrenches: 8, 9, 10mm and 12, 13 and 14mm. 1x 10mm spanner.
150mm (6) adjustable wrench 20mm max. opening. 1.2mm and No.1 crosspoint bits.
Hook spanner with 15 and 16mm open ended cone wrench. 1.2mm and 5mm slotted bits.
Screwdriver handle: crosspoint No.1 and No.2. 1x tyre lever.
Slotted bits: 4 and 6mm. 2x spoke wrenches: 14 and
3x hex key wrenches: 4, 5, 6 and 8mm hex adaptor. 15 G.E. 1x chain rivet extractor.
1x forged steel O spoke adjuster: 10, 11, 12, 13,
14 and 15 G.E. 3x tyre levers. PIECES Product Order Code List Offer
Number SEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
CMT161 -4400K 33.74 18.56
attractive plastic and cast steel frame.
Hex keys: 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8mm.
Ring spanners: 8, 9, 10, 12
and 14mm.
No.2 crosspoint bit.
5mm slotted bit.
2x tyre levers.
3x spoke wrenches:
3.22, 3.33 and
1x chain rivet
Number Order Code List Offer Product Order Code List Offer
Of Pieces SEN-595 Price/1 Price/1 Number SEN-595 Price/1 Price/1
15 -4460K 39.36 21.65 CMT221 -4430K 37.43 20.59
Page 1215
Tool Tethers,
Lanyards & Accessories
Any Tool, Tether IT!
Dropped tools are a major cause of workplace injury and fatalities most of which could be avoided with the correct tethering and use of
tools. Safe use of tools at height begins with the tool tether, which acts as a secure attachment point for lanyards and ultimately tool belts
and harnesses.
Utilising a patented system developed by Tool@rrest, a pioneering name in the field of tethered tools, Kennedy can Retr@fit almost all new
and existing hand tools with a certified, statistically fail-safe tether. This means you can enjoy industry leading tether safety without buying
new tools and Retr@fitting can be carried out on your site or in a factory setting in a matter of seconds.
And it doesnt stop there. Kennedy can now offer a complete solution to help prevent tools from falling, including securing of the
tools-in-waiting (tools in the work belt or holster) and those in active use.
Page 1216
Quick Change Lifting Buckets
Belt Loops Rugged, tested and large enough
Snap-fit tool belt anchor point for securing tool lanyards. for multiple tools and applications.
With eight internal carabiners stitched in to secure
Maximum working capacity: 2.5kg. tools-in-waiting. 250mm diameter.
CE Certified with serial number for LOLER traceability.
Standard bucket with open top.
Toggle drawstring type - recommended for use in
situations where untethered fasteners or sockets
are being worked with. Closing the drawstring
Product Max. Working Order Code Offer ensures that these loose items are prevented from
Number Capacity KEN-596 Price/1 falling in the event of a bucket tip or drop.
TBL-25Q 2.5kg -1452B 8.28 Safe working load: 34kg.
Retr@ct 360 Retracting Lanyard Product Type SWL Order Code Offer
Number KEN-596 Price/1
High-impact resistant polyamide casing. Self cleaning re-wind brake
and release mechanism. 360 rotational capability. Patent pending. TBB-34C Open Top -1442B 122.58
TBB-34T Toggle Closing -1445E 125.36
SP30 cord tensile strength 260kg.
Length: 1.2m (fully extended). Power Tool WR@P
Maximum working capacity: 2.5kg.
For use with Li-Ion
TLR-135 and Ni-Cad 18V power
Standard lanyard tools only.
with snap hook High strength nylon
carabiner and single webbing. Innovative,
harness buckle. patent-pending design.
Maximum working
capacity: 2.5kg.
With screw carabiner and non-slip double
harness buckle - preferred and specified by
off-shore users
Page 1217
Hardpoint Jack Xpert
Hand Saw Coarse Hand Saw
Hardened and tempered blade. Designed to cut chipboard, 10505542
blockboard, timber, plywood, hardboard, plasterboard and laminates. A coarse tooth handsaw suited for laminated boards, plasterboard and
Specially hardened teeth to stay sharp longer. Tough handle with fast ripping cuts. 1mm thick rigid nose blade is designed to offer
fingerline for comfort and accuracy. 8TPI. maximum blade stability and features triple ground teeth 8TPI for
ultimate cutting performance. The soft grip handle with finger
guide is designed to offer maximum comfort during
prolonged use. Suitable for cutting hardwood,
softwood, rough timber, board
sheet, plasterboard
Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer
Length per inch SSF-597 Price/1 Price/1 Length per inch IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
560mm (22) 8 -4780K 8.36 5.52 560mm (22) 8 -4120B 18.12 13.59
Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer
Length per inch BAH-597 Price/1 Price/1 Length per inch IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
550mm (22) 7/8 -7922Z 12.24 10.40 510mm (20) 8 -4100A 15.85 11.89
Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer Product Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer
Length per inch BAH-597 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length Per Inch STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
350mm (14) 16 -2130F 15.80 13.43 5-15-289 560mm (22) 7 -3090T 17.65 12.88
Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer Product Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer
Length per inch BAH-597 Price/1 Price/1 Number Length Per Inch STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
500mm (20) 11 -8020A 20.79 17.67 5-15-244 550mm (22) 11 -3046A 17.65 12.88
Page 1218
Jack Hardpoint Meteor
Hand Saws Hand Saw
10505212 (20) 550mm (22") hand saw with a high quality hardened and tempered steel blade with specially
10505211 (22) hardened teeth. Stays sharp longer. Fitted with a bi-material handle with
10505213 (22) fingerline for comfort and accuracy. Three ground edges per tooth.
Triple ground hardpoint saw for up to 25% Cuts on back stroke. Designed to cut chipboard,
faster cuts. High quality C75 steel blade. blockboard, timber, plywood, hardboard,
Water based lacquer treated blade providing plasterboard, PVC and
four times the added protection than laminates.
conventional anti-rust agents.
Ergonomically designed soft-grip handle.
8 points per inch (7tpi) Blade Teeth Weight Order Code List Offer
Length Per Inch each KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
550mm (22) 7 540g -4900K 17.65 11.65
550mm (22) 11 540g -4920K 17.65 11.65
Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer
Length per inch IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 Length per inch IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 Length per inch IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
550mm (22) 9 -3725F 13.52 10.14 500mm (20) 8 -4132E 18.44 13.83 335mm (13) 12 -3729K 10.98 8.24
Universal Woodsaw
Supergrip dual material handle for superb
comfort grip. Precision cross ground teeth for
the sharpest cut. Handy 45/90 angles
guide built into handle.
Page 1219
Hardened and tempered steel blades Beechwood Sawing Blocks
with carbide teeth.
Mitre box and block pre-cut at 45 and 90.
Light Concrete Saw
Suitable for cutting Mitre Box
cement based building blocks.
17 tungsten carbide tips on alternate teeth.
Masonry Saw
Suitable for cutting man made
building blocks, bricks, slate and
cement. 35 tungsten
carbide teeth. Blade Blade Teeth Weight Order Code List Offer Internal Size Order Code List Offer
Duty Length per inch each KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
700mm 2 890g -5720K 52.74 34.81 230 x 76 -6090K 14.00 9.24
Heavy 510mm 2 1.20kg -5740K 74.51 49.18
Mitre Block
Hardpoint Compass Saw For cutting and
shaping in wood.
Flexible spring blade. Set and sharpened Steel frame and
teeth. High impact moulded plastic handle. comfortable
For cutting apertures and curves in a wide wooden handle.
range of materials. Supplied with
150mm (6) blade. Internal Size Order Code List Offer
(mm) KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
Can also be used as a 230 x 76 -6190K 5.73 3.78
pruning saw.
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-538 Price/1 Price/1 Bench Hook
290mm 200g -2100K 14.98 9.29 Manufactured from the quality beech wood.
Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer Spare Coping Saw Blades (to suit above): Hooks into the edge of the bench allowing
Length per inch SSF-597 Price/1 Price/1 Teeth Pack Order Code List Offer the workpiece to be held firmly against one
per inch Quantity KEN-040 Price/1 Price/1 end whilst cutting or marking out.
300mm (12) 8 -5340K 4.53 2.99
14 10 -1020K 3.96 2.06 Universal - left and right handed.
Pad Fret
Saw Saw
Heavy-duty foam grip for maximum comfort.
Accepts 1/2" deep hacksaw blades. Fret saw for fine cutting
Suitable for use in areas of awkward access. work in thin materials
such as wood, bone,
plastics, etc - ideal for
model makers. Internal Size Order Code List Offer
(mm) KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
Length: 130mm (5). 230 x 150 -6290K 12.54 8.28
150mm Height: 460mm (183/8).
Saw Block
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer The easy to use solution for precise mitre
Length each KEN-538 Price/1 Price/1 cuts. Patented storage system for storing
210mm (81/4) 130g -1000K 6.55 4.06 Product Length Order Code List Offer saw. 90 and 45 mitre slots as well as
Number (mm) ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 22.5 for octagonal shapes.
Manufactured from
Pad Saw 70-FS1R 460 -0742B 19.30 14.09
lightweight high
For use in confined spaces. Spare Blades (to suit above): impact ABS
Product List Offer
TPI Order Code plastic.
Number ECL-040 Price/100 Price/100
FS22 22 -0960K 37.64 23.34 Length:
FS18 18 -0970K 37.64 23.34 300mm.
FS16 16 -0980K 40.82 25.31
General-Purpose Saw
Blade Weight Order Code List Offer 72-66XR
Length each KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 Overall Order Code List Offer
Nine-position handle enables the blade to be Length STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
230mm (9) 140g -5270K 12.31 8.12 fixed at different angles making the saw
Spare Blade -5280K 2.79 1.84 300mm -3514W 6.05 4.42
easier to use in awkward
cutting positions.
Plasterboard Saw Dry Wall
Suitable for rapidly cutting holes in Saw
plasterboard. Hardened and tempered carbon M/TRW426
steel blade with polished rosewood handle Blade Weight Order Code List Offer Rock warrior saw blade manufactured from
and brass ferrule. 7TPI. Length each ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 tempered, high carbon steel with bevel point
465mm (18) 450g -0780B 20.93 15.28 and comfort grip. The blade cuts on the
push stroke as well as the pull stroke.
Spare Blades (to suit above): Easily penetrates
73-66SR - 10TPI for general work. dry walls.
73-77SR - 7TPI for for wood.
Blade Weight Order Code List Offer Product Weight Order Code List Offer Blade Order Code List Offer
Length each KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 Number each ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 Length MTN-512 Price/1 Price/1
150mm (6) 105g -5660K 12.33 8.14 73-66SR 190g -0790K 12.39 9.04 150mm (6) -6926R 11.07 8.41
Page 1220
Flexi Flush Reversible Gents Saw Steel Back Gents Saws
Cutting Saw Suitable for flush cutting in the most Suitable for precise flush cutting.
Suitable for precise cutting in confined areas awkward corners on the left or right hand Sprung alloy steel blade with rigid
or around obstructions. Flexible alloy steel side. Reversible offset alloy steel blade steel back, polished rosewood handle and
blade, which cuts on the pull stroke. cranked and polished with rigid back. brass ferrule.
Polished rosewood handle with brass ferrule. Rosewood handle with brass ferrule. 15TPI. Blade width: 60mm (21/4).
Clamps Blade Weight Order Code List Offer Blade Weight Order Code List Offer
Heavy-duty accurate mitre clamp. Length Per 10 KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 Length Per 10 KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
Solid grey cast iron body with 250mm (10) 3.8kg -4620K 12.12 8.00 200mm (8) 500g -5420K 47.00 31.02
precision machined clamping
surfaces. Pre-drilled holes
enable the clamp to be Professional Tenon Saw
fixed to a Manufactured from hardened and ground
block of wood Hardpoint Veneer Saw steel with glazed and polished blade,
or bench. tensioned and fully sprung.
Curved end allows cutting up to skirts and Highly polished brass back and handle.
Product Capacity Order Code List Offer corners. Set and sharpened teeth. High Supplied in wallet with tooth guard.
Number MAR-597 Price/1 Price/1 impact moulded plastic handle. Hardened 15 points per inch.
M140 50mm -3024H 16.48 13.18 and tempered spring steel blade.
M141 110mm -3024N 58.35 46.68 14TPI. 15 points per inch.
Saw Tooth
For setting teeth on the
majority of wood
saws from
4 to 12TPI. Blade Weight Order Code List Offer
Length Per 10 KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
250mm (10) 6.0kg -4600K 47.22 31.17
Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer
Length per inch SSF-597 Price/1 Price/1
FatMax Back
330mm (13) 14 -5620K 8.32 5.49
Product Length Weight Order Code List Offer Saw/Tenon Saw
Number (mm) each ECL-553 Price/1 Price/1 Reinforced back for extra rigidity makes a
94-370Y 180 350g -0814G 26.95 19.67 Xpert straighter cut. Handle screwed to blade for
Veneer Saw extra strength. Finger rest - ergonomic
Corner 10503533 - XP3049-325 design, useful for extra control when starting
Shallow bladed round nose saw for cross a cut. Triple edged teeth cut on both push
Clamp cutting, mitre work, PVC, veneer, mouldings, and pull strokes for ease of cutting. Induction
Ideal for use with wood, angle and tubing. sheet laminates and any detail work. With a hardened teeth. 45 and 90 angle quick
Clamping jaws swivel to accept various soft touch handle giving a positive durable reference points. Bi-material handle for
widths. Die cast aluminium body with grip. Hardpoint blade. improved grip and comfort.
bench mounting. 13 points per inch. Size: 12in/300mm. 11TPI.
Base :
158 x 158mm.
Jaw depth: 36mm.
Slot width: 10mm.
Maximum Weight Order Code List Offer Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer Blade Teeth Order Code List Offer
Clamping each KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 Length per inch IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 Length per inch STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
70 x 70mm 1.40kg -6000K 19.10 12.61 325mm (13) 12 -2110F 9.11 6.83 300mm (12) 11 -3502R 10.25 7.48
Page 1221
Using Your Plane Maintaining Your Plane l Use machine oil to keep the
l Always hold the plane firmly to l A plane is a precision tool, surface of the stone wet but
ensure optimum balance and therefore it should always be remove excess before use.
control. Ensure the workpiece is treated with care. Always store This is to prevent dust and
secure and stand behind the the plane on its side this will metal particles from clogging
plane - never pull a plane towards avoid unnecessary damage to the stone.
l Remove any burrs by laying the
your body. the blade.
l When planing end-grain, plywood, l Always sharpen the blade front of the blade flat on the
blockboard or difficult/curly grain, before use. This will make it oilstone and work it in a
the direction of the cut is easier, and safer to use and figure-eight motion.
l Painted surfaces should be
extremely important. A slice' produce a superior surface
action is advised or splitting may finish. sanded or stripped back before
l Before sharpening the blade
occur. This is achieved by holding
the plane at an angle as shown. planing in order to avoid
l Splitting can generally be
take the blade out of the plane clogging of the blade and
and remove the cap iron. damage to the timber.
prevented in several ways:
l Never plane over nails, this will
Always lay the blade cap iron
1) By planing towards the centre of flat on a firm surface before
the workpiece damage the blade.
taking out the screw.
2) Bevel the corner of the workpiece l Sharpen your blade using an l Always wipe the blade with a
before planing oilstone. Best results are cloth before replacing it.
3) Clamp scrap wood level with the achieved by using a honing l Candle wax applied to the sole
edge of the surface being planed guide - this will give the ideal of the plane may reduce
and plane it straight across. angle at the cutting edge of the friction, especially on freshly
blade. cut timber.
Jack Plane
No. 5
Fully adjustable metal plane for stock removal and truing up long edges or levelling wide boards.
Kidney shaped lever cap screw hole prevents accidental slippage of cutter. High performance
carbon steel blade. hardened and tampered to retain a keen cutting edge. Fully adjustable
frog for all tasks and timber types. Virtually unbreakable polypropylene handle and knob
shaped for comfort. Finger tip adjustment for depth of cut and cutter alignment.
Tight fitting spring steel cap iron for optimum shaving flow. Cast fine grey iron base
for stability and wear resistance. Precision ground base and sides ensure
performance to the highest tolerances.
Page 1222
Suitable for end grain work or any application where single handed operation is required. The plane bodies are manufactured from fine grey
iron ground and polished to a high quality finish. The cutter is set at a low angle to ensures vibration is kept to a minimum, producing good
results when used on plastic laminates and other man made materials. All have adjustable cutter alignment and depth of cut.
41/2 Block Plane 51/2 Block Plane 7 Block Plane
Small professional plane made from close Small block plane suitable mainly for model For general purpose
grained fine grey iron. Fully adjustable for makers 25 cutter angle. applications. 40mm
depth of cut, cutter alignment and mouth 35mm cutter width. cutter width.
opening. For end grain and general purpose
fine finishing work. Comes with pouch for
convenient storage.
40mm blade width.
Economy Bench
Bench Plane Planes
SP4 No. 4 Bailey
Used for smoothing and final finishing. Featuring a robust level cap The bases of the planes are manufactured from cast
designed to lock down on three points for secure location of the fine grey iron. The unmachined parts are coated
cutting iron. Razor sharp tungsten vanadium steel cutting iron to cut with a durable, high quality epoxy coating.
even the hardest of woods. Impact resistant ABS High carbon steel polished and precision
resin handle and knob for comfort and control. ground blade, brass adjusting
Traditional adjusting nut for fine seating. nut and contoured handle.
Length: 245mm. For general purpose
Blade width: 50mm. applications and fine
finishing of high
quality work.
Jack Plane
Model Length Iron Weight Order Code List Offer For rapidly removing stock, to prepare
Number (mm) Width each REC-565 Price/1 Price/1 the rough timber before construction.
SP4 245 50mm 2.0kg -8060H 41.24 28.87
Smoothing Plane
No. 4
Used for smoothing and final finishing. Blade width 50mm. Featuring
a robust level cap designed to lock down on three points for secure
location of the cutting iron. Razor sharp tungsten vanadium steel Product Model Length Iron Weight Order Code List Offer
cutting iron to cut even the hardest of woods and is precision Number Number (mm) Width each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
machined to lay flat on the frog face and eliminate 1-12-005 5 355 50mm 2.3kg -2705E 70.34 51.35
chatter. Impact resistant ABS resin handle and
knob for comfort and control. Traditional
adjusting nut for fine seating. The cast Fore Plane
iron fine grained body and frog are CNC No. 6
machined to 0.04mm accuracy with a Fully adjustable for stock removal and truing up long edges or
precision machine-filed mouth. levelling wide boards. Carbon hardened and tempered steel cutter
with a keen cutting edge. Fully adjustable frog for all tasks and timber
Polypropylene handle.
Finger tip adjustment for depth of
cut and cutter alignment.
Tight fitting spring
steel cap iron.
Precision ground
base and sides ensure
performance to the highest tolerances.
Model Length Iron Weight Order Code List Offer Product Model Length Iron Weight Order CodeList Offer
Number (mm) Width each REC-565 Price/1 Price/1 Number Number (mm) Width each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
04 245 50mm 1.7kg -8004D 72.72 50.90 1-12-006 6 460 60mm 2.3kg -2706G 107.62 78.56
Page 1223
Hand Heavy Duty Breast Drill Hand
Drill Heavy duty two speed breast drill with a Drill
Double pinion drill with die heavy cast construction and enclosed Supplied with
cast body and three jaw gearing. Fitted with a three jaw keyless 8mm, three jaw
keyless chuck. Plastic 13mm chuck and supplied with two chuck. Handles
handle with plastic grips removable wooden handles. The plate is are moulded from
and screw top, for bit pressed against the chest to force the drill the same tough
storage. Used for small point into the work. polypropylene as
Extra drilling operations. used for chisel
Grip handles. Precision
die cast aluminium
Double gear wheel and
Pinion twin pinions.
Strong die cast
aluminium body
with black epoxy
Folds Pinion
flat for
Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Overall Weight Order Code List Offer Product Length Order Code List Offer
Length per 6 KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 Length each KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 Number (mm) STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
215mm 2.80kg -0600K 18.44 12.17 330mm 1.10kg -0640K 55.89 36.89 1-03-103 315 -2183A 37.35 27.27
Product Model Weight Order Code List Offer Manufactured from grey iron casting finished with a hard wearing
Number Number each STN-585 Price/1 Price/1 durable epoxy lacquer coating. With fully adjustable cutter alignment
1-12-078 78 1.6kg -2778L 69.15 50.48 and depth of cut. Suitable for rapid stock removal.
Page 1224
Surface Cabinet Scraper Set
Forming Tools For fine surface finishing of intricate
With tough enamelled alloy bodies and high carbon heat treated steel blades. contour surfaces. Used to manually
remove small amounts of material and excels
Flat File - Straight Handle Block Plane in tricky grain areas where hand planes would
For straight filing with flat blade as standard. For single handed use, giving compactness cause tear out. They will stand up to any
Plastic handle. and precision filing. heavy-duty scraping task with minimum tear
Blade length: 255mm. Blade length: 140mm. out. For best results, these scrapers should
Blade width: 40mm. Blade width: 40mm. be burnished to a razor sharp edge.
Overall length: 395mm. Overall length: 140mm.
Page 1225
Bevel Edge Bevel Edge
Wood Chisels Wood Chisel Set
Craftsman M373
Hammer-blow resistant handles. For craftsmen and joiners. Designed to give a life-time of Hardened and tempered one-piece steel
high performance. Chrome vanadium alloy blades, hardened, tempered, ground and polished. blade, used for chamfering, dovetailing and
CAB (Cellulose Acetate Butyrate handles). making clean cuts in tight corners.
With split-proof handles which are
designed to absorb hammer blows
and hard demanding woodwork. PIECES
Classic pattern. For professional carpenters.
Blade Width Weight Order Code List Offer No. of Contents Weight Order Code List Offer
mm Inch per 12 KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 Pieces (mm) each MAR-597 Price/1 Price/1
6 1/4 1.90kg -2160K 13.12 8.66 6, 10, 13 1.9kg -3121M 130.11 104.09
6 19,
10 3/8 2.10kg -2240K 13.12 8.66 25 & 32
13 1/2 2.20kg -2320K 13.85 9.14
14.57 9.62
15.44 10.19
MS500 Bevel Edge Chisels
25 1 2.80kg -2640K 16.95 11.19 5 Piece Wallet Set
38 11/2 3.70kg -2680K 21.90 14.45 Oil and water resistant soft touch handles to
Set prevent slippage and to give improved
No. of Weight Order Code List Offer comfort even during prolonged use. It also
Pieces Contents each KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 reduces vibrations and reduces hand fatigue.
Single piece blade forging gives added
4 6, 13, 19,
& 25mm 800g -2970K 53.42 29.92 strength and durability and has a metal
striking cap allows use with a hammer,
Carpenters prolongs the life of the handle and
prevents mushrooming.
Chisel Set Contents: 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 3/4,
Made from quality materials and complete with its own canvas storage wallet. Bevel PIECES
and 1.
edged chrome vanadium blades, hardened, tempered, ground and polished.
Comfortable bi-material
handles with impact
resistant end caps.
Contents: 6mm (1/4),
13mm (1/2),
19mm (3/4) and
25mm (1) chisels.
Page 1226
Chisel Turning Wood Carving Tool Set
Sets Tool Set Contents: four straight gouges, two
Specially designed 2-component handle Contents: three straight gouges, two skew square chisels, two skew chisels, two
maximises control and comfort. Precison chisels, one V-parting tool, one round nose V-parting tools, one veiner and one spoon bit.
ground blades, honed, hardened and and one diamond point. HSS steel blades. Alloy steel blades. All supplied in a quality
8 12
tempered. With tip protectors. In exclusive All supplied in a wooden presentation case. wooden presentation case.
wooden box. Blade length: 125mm. Blade length: 110mm.
6 Piece Set: 424P-S6-EUR: Handle length: 250mm. Handle length: 95mm.
6, 10, 12, 18, 25 and 32mm. PIECES PIECES
8 Piece Set: 424P-S8-EUR:
6, 10, 12, 18, 25 and 32mm.
Page 1227
Auger Boxed Set
Set contents:
Bits 6, 9, 13, 16, PIECES
American pattern with solid single twist. Spur point and hexagon 19, 22 and
shank for use with hand and power tools. 25mm.
6 Piece Set Contents:
16, 18, 20, 22, 25
and 32mm bits.
PIECES Diameter Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length (mm) each SEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
10 90 45g -5100K 3.61 2.38
Product Number Order Code List Offer 12 90 45g -5120K 3.97 2.62
Number of Pieces IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
15 90 60g -5150K 4.28 2.82
10506628 6 -5908J 49.07 36.80 16 90 65g -5160K 4.35 2.87
18 90 65g -5180K 4.56 3.01
20 90 70g -5200K 4.79 3.16
Blue Groove Power Drill Bits 22 90 70g -5220K 5.02 3.31
For drilling into nail embedded wood - the 25 90 90g -5250K 5.30 3.50
IRWIN Blue Groove Power. 50x more 26 90 90g -5260K 5.53 3.65
durable than standard flat bits in nail 28 90 95g -5280K 5.60 3.70
emended wood. 6x faster than standard 30 90 105g -5300K 5.96 3.93
flat bits. 35 90 120g -5350K 6.33 4.18
40 90 165g -5400K 6.99 4.61
10507720 45 90 180g -5450K 9.27 6.12
3 Piece Set Contents: 50 90 200g -5500K 10.31 6.80
14, 16 and 18mm bits.
10507764 Boxed Sets
3 Piece Set Contents: Contents:
PIECES 5 Piece: 1x each 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35mm. PIECES
20, 22 and 25mm bits.
15 Piece: 1x each 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 25, 26, 28, 30,
Product Number Order Code List Offer 35, 40, 45 and 50mm.
Number of Pieces IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1
10507720 3 -6720X 43.48 32.61 PIECES
10507764 3 -6764V 48.14 36.11
enclosed areas. Suitable for holes
up to 5cm (2in) deep. Set of 3
contains the following sizes:
16mm, 20mm and 25mm. PIECES
Set of 6 contains the following
sizes: IR BLUE GROOVE 6X 5pcs
16mm, 18mm, 20mm, 22mm,
25mm inc Extension
Product Number Order Code List Offer Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Number of Pieces IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces each SEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
1922006 3 -7254R 21.12 15.84 5 0.70g -5650K 27.95 18.45
1922007 5 -7254S 43.50 32.63 15 2.30g -5670K 73.95 48.81
Page 1228
162 Piece Flat
Power Bit Set Bits
Thes Senator multi-purpose power tool bit set contains a truly Forged from high quality tool steel with chip clearance groove and
comprehensive range of the most commonly used screwdriver bits, hollow ground point. Centerless ground and true running.
nut spinners, Torx bits, drills and adaptors that are suitable for use Ground spade bit head. For cutting holes in laminates and wood.
with hand and power tools. They are supplied in a moulded plastic 6mm hexagon shank to prevent slipping at speed.
carry case that has individually storage slots for each piece to ensure
you can locate the bit you require easily.
Overall dimensions (W x H x D): 455 x 178 x 297mm.
Set includes: Cutting Dia. Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
32x 25mm (1) driver bits consisting of: slotted, crosspoint, square, mm inch Length each KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
pozi and torx. 9 3/8 160 50g -4070K 3.73 2.46
24x 50mm (2) screwdriver bits consisting of: slotted, crosspoint and 13 1/2 160 50g -4110K 3.92 2.59
torx. 16 5/8 165 55g -4150K 4.18 2.76
18x nut driver bits. 19 3/4 170 55g -4190K 4.37 2.88
5x300mm (12") extra length 22 7/8 170 60g -4230K 4.50 2.97
masonry drills. 25 1 170 60g -4280K 4.57 3.02
32 11/4 170 60g -4290K 5.65 3.73
11x standard length masonry
1x screw finder. Flat Bit Set
9x flat wood bits. Supplied in wallet.
17x woodworking drills. Contents:
5x holesaw with mandrel. 9 (3/8), 13 (1/2),
1x ruler. 16(5/8), 19 (3/4),
1x centre punch. 22 (7/8) and
1x ratcheting bit 25mm (1).
4x drill bit depth
1x countersink.
162 6
1x carpenters
162 3.4kg -3180K 50.88 27.98
Blue Groove
Flat Bit Set PIECES
8 Piece Set
The innovative Blue Groove 4x flat bit is designed to improve Overall length: 170mm.
productivity Cutting Weight Order Code List Offer
and accuracy. Range Per 12 KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
Its patented 25 - 45mm 1.8g -4400K 37.00 24.42
groove point 40 - 76mm 2.8g -4450K 40.18 26.52
and cutting
edge enable
it to cut Sidewinder
through wood Drill
quickly and Titanium nitride (TiN) coated for increased tool life and performance.
whilst the
parabolic Standard 118 drill point.
scoop 6mm shank diameter
optimises suitable for use in electric
control and
removal and air powered drills.
of wood The side cutting teeth allow
chips. the drill to be used for
producing any size or shape
Overall of hole in wood or plastic.
Product Number Contents Order Code List Offer Diameter Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
Number of Pieces (mm) IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) Length each SEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
12, 16, 18, 20 6 90mm 150g -7500K 4.22 2.79
10506629 8 22, 25, 28 and 32 -5909K 38.53 28.90 8 97mm 150g -7550K 4.22 2.79
Page 1229
Marking & Marking &
Mortice Gauges Mortice Gauges
Beechwood Marking Gauge Rosewood Mortice Gauge Marking Gauge Mortice Gauge
For marking wood Manufactured M2049 M2154
and laminate from rosewood. Standard timber Manufactured from
parallel to edge, Craftsman quality marking gauge, rosewood, with a
prior to cutting, with pull slide, manufactured from brass thumbscrew,
sawing or brass adjustment plantation adjusting slide for
chiselling. screw and grown fine adjustment and
brass plated rosewood, brass facing
head which and strips on the
is wear featuring front of the
With resistant and hardened stock, which
plastic improves accuracy. steel spurs for are wear
thumbscrew. Fitted with a single durability and resistant and
Capacity: and a double spur scribing accuracy. improve accuracy.
0 - 150 (6). for marking out Weight: 175g. Fitted with a
Weight: 142g. mortices. single and a
Capacity: double spur for
0 - 150mm (6). marking out
Weight: 142g. mortices.
Weight: 230g.
Gauge Order Code List Offer Gauge Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer Model Order Code List Offer
Type KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 Type KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 Number MAR-597 Price/1 Price/1 Number MAR-597 Price/1 Price/1
Marking -6600K 6.06 4.00 Mortice -6650K 21.20 13.99 M2049 -3450G 11.89 9.51 M2154 -3464W 58.66 46.93
Angle Rule
Stainless steel
rule blades with
mm, 1/16, 1/32
and 1/64" scales.
High strength built-in
ceramic magnet plus Product Size Order Code List Offer
Number (mm) M&W-340 Price/1 Price/1
vee groove for use MW505-01 100/4 -3651A 69.00 62.10
on bars and pipes. MW505-02 200/8 -3652B 76.50 68.85
MW505-03 300/12 -3653C 86.50 77.85
Dial Order Code List Offer Angle Rules
Reading KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1
MW506-01 200/8 -3661A 35.00 31.50
0-90 (Any Quadrant) -7500K 7.79 5.14 MW506-02 300/12 -3662B 38.00 34.20
Page 1230
Sliding Sliding Rafter Square
Bevels Bevels Manufactured from hardened and
Sliding bevels are used for marking angle Used for marking regular and irregular tempered ground steel. Graduated to
lengths; 250 and 300mm. All measuring angles. The 9 sliding steel blade can be 2mm on one side and 1/8 and 1/16
tools are made from aluminium block and locked into any position using the brass increments on the other. In hands of a skilled
with a steel blade. The thumbscrew. Rosewood stock with brass carpenter the simple rafters square
scales are etched on tips for greater wear resistance. becomes an indispensable calculating device
the surface which of immense capacity. Enabling the carpenter
ensures long to easily determine the length of any
durability. common, hip, valley or jack rafter for any
Edge holder for pitch of roof. To make the proper cuts, top
accurate and bottom as well as slide or cheek cuts for
positioning. any rafter.
35 - 445:
Graduated mm, figured cm one side.
Graduated 1/2, figured 1 other side.
Head Order Code List Offer
Size IRW-565 Price/1 Price/1 Head Weight Order Code List Offer
250mm -2139L 15.24 11.43 Size Per 12 KEN-597 Price/1 Price/1 Product Length Order Code List Offer
300mm -2140M 16.52 12.39 150mm (6) 2.90kg -6860K 15.25 10.07 Number m/feet STN-585 Price/1 Price/1
350mm -2141N 18.42 13.82 230mm (9) 3.80kg -6890K 18.77 12.39 0-35-445 1m/3 -4745D 15.93 11.63
Page 1231
Hexagon Key a
Manufactured from fully hardened carbon
steel in accordance with DIN ISO 2936
ensuring a quality ductile key with precision
square cut ends and accurate AF dimensions
to ensure full socket contact. Black finish. b
Size Overall Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length (mm) KEN-601 Price/100 Price/100
1.5 45 -7520K 32.13 20.24
HEXAGON 2.0 50 -7540K 34.54 21.76
Order Code List Offer 2.5 55 -7560K 34.54 21.76
Description KEN-601 Price/1 Price/1 3.0 60 -7580K 35.29 22.23
4.0 75 -7600K 49.16 30.97
20 Piece Hexagon Key Set -1060K 21.62 11.89 5.0 85 -7620K 82.19 51.78
6.0 95 -7640K 103.00 64.89
Order Code List Offer 8.0 110 -7660K 197.00 124.11
Description KEN-593 Price/1 Price/1 10.0 120 -7680K 320.00 201.60
Spare Case for 601-1060K -4500K 7.67 5.37 9 piece Set 1 of each above -7990K 17.20 9.46/1
Set Contents: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 5.5 and 6mm. 9 Piece Set - Metric
1.5 x 45, 2 x 50, 2.5 x 56, HEXAGON
Inch - 8 Piece Set Contents: Manufactured from
3 x 63, 4 x 70, 5 x 79, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 1/8, 5/32,3/16, 7/32 chrome molybdenum
6 x 90, 8 x 100
and 1/4. steel.
and 10 x 112mm. HEXAGON
Contents: 1.5, 2, 2.5,
Inch - 10 Piece 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and
Set Contents: 10mm.
1/16 x 13/4, PIECES
5/64 x 17/8, 3/32 x 2,
1/8 x 21/4, 5/32 x 21/2,
3/16 x 23/4, 7/32 x 3,
1/4 x 31/4, 5/16 x 33/4
and 3/8 x 41/4.
Number Order Code List Offer Number Order Code List Offer
of Pieces KEN-601 Price/1 Price/1 of Pieces KEN-601 Price/1 Price/1 Number Order Code List Offer
of Pieces PRO-601 Price/1 Price/1
9 (mm) -2970K 12.13 6.67 8 (mm) -2980K 15.45 8.50
10 (inch) -0970K 12.74 7.01 8 (inch) -0980K 15.60 8.58 9(mm) -4240K 9.50 5.99
Page 1232
Hexagon Key
L-Wrenches - Long Arm
Manufactured from fully hardened carbon steel in accordance with DIN ISO 2936 ensuring a quality ductile key with precision square cut
ends and accurate AF dimensions to ensure full socket contact. Black finish.
Metric 9 Piece Long Arm Set Contents: Inch 10 Piece Long Arm Set Contents:
1.5 x 77, 2 x 83, 2.5 x 90, 3 x 98, 4 x 106, 1/16 x 3, 5/64 x 33/16, 3/32 x 31/2, 1/8 x 33/4,
5 x 118, 6 x 137, 8 x 156, 5/32 x 41/8, 3/16 x 41/2, 7/32 x 47/8,
and 10 x 170mm. METRIC HEXAGON 1/4 x 55/16, 5/16 x 6, and 3/8 x 63/4. INCH HEXAGON
Number of Weight Order Code List Offer Number of Weight Order Code List Offer
Pieces each KEN-601 Price/1 Price/1 Pieces each KEN-601 Price/1 Price/1
9 450g -5970K 20.53 11.29 10 380g -3970K 21.53 11.84
2.0 150 25g -6030K 2.56
2.5 150 30g -6050K 2.56
3.0 150 35g -6060K 2.56
4.0 190 55g -6080K 2.56
5.0 190 70g -6100K 2.56 PIECES
6.0 225 120g -6120K 2.76
8.0 225 155g -6160K 3.23
10.0 225 220g -6200K 3.38
Size Overall
(Inch) Length (Inch)
Order Code
3/32 6 25g -6560K 2.56 Number of Order Code List Offer
1/8 6 30g -6580K 2.56 Pieces FAC-601 Price/1 Price/1
5/32 71/2 55g -6600K 2.56 5 -0880X 79.13 67.26
3/16 71/2 65g -6620K 2.56
1/4 9 130g -6660K 2.56
5/16 9 160g -6700K 3.23 FatMax
Number of Weight Order Code Offer Size Weight Order Code Offer
Pieces each KEN-601 Price/1 Product Sizes Order Code Offer each KEN-601 Price/1
5 685g -6450K 10.62 Number STN-585 Price/1 5/64 - 1/4 160g -1020K 8.18
8 765g -6470K 14.22 0-97-552 1.5 - 8mm -3360Q 8.82 1.5 - 8mm 160g -3020K 8.18
Page 1233
Extra Long Ball Driver Ball Driver Hexagon Key
Hex Key Set L-Wrenches
Can be used at angles of up to 30. Manufactured from high grade Heat treated alloy steel blades.
carbon steel to international standards. Ball end allows work up to 25 off METRIC HEXAGON
BL8 8.0 x 170 -6080H 3.14 2.64
BL10 10.0 x 188 -6100J 4.69 3.94
BL12 12.0 x 220 -6105P 11.83 9.94
BL14 14.0 x 260 -6110S 16.92 14.21
Tough ABS plastic case for easy Description Order Code Offer Ball Driver Hexagon Key L-Wrench Sets
KEN-593 Price/1
storage and selection. Spare Case
Heat treated alloy steel blades. Ball end allows work up to HEXAGON
to suit 602-280 -4520K 5.37 25 off screw axis. Supplied in a plastic storage clip.
Hex Ball Driver Set BLX9 - Metric 9 Piece Set Contents:
1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10mm.
34754 BLX7 - Inch 7 Piece Set Contents:
Space-saving hex key set developed to allow easier access to screws
5/64, 1/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32 and 3/16.
when fastening or removing in confined spaces. BLX12 - Inch 12 Piece Set Contents:
Set contents: .050, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32,3/16, 7/32, 1/4 and 5/16.
1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, BLX13 - Inch 13 Piece Set Contents:
4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 8.0 PIECES .050, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 7/64, 1/8, 9/64, 5/32, 3/16, 7/32, 1/4, 5/16
and 10mm. and 3/8.
Wall Product Number of Weight Order Code List Offer
Number Pieces each BON-602 Price/1 Price/1
BLX9 9 (mm) 393g -6509X 14.76 12.40
Number Order Code List Offer BLX7 7 (inch) 90g -6402B 7.71 6.48
of Pieces WIH-601 Price/1 Price/1 BLX12 12 (inch) 258g -6120K 14.11 11.85
9 -4754J 30.30 27.27 BLX13 13 (inch) 402g -6121L 18.06 15.17
Ball Driver
Manufactured from fully hardened carbon steel. A quality ductile key with precision cut ends and accurate AF dimensional to ensure maximum
socket contact. Ball end allows up to 30 work offset. Long arm end is ball drive and short arm end plain. Black oxidised finish.
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer
(inch) Length per 100 KEN-602 Price/1 Price/1
0.050 77mm 0.30kg -4030K 0.83 0.63
Size Overall Weight Order Code List Offer 1/16 77mm 0.32kg -4040K 0.83 0.63
(mm) Length per 100 KEN-602 Price/1 Price/1 5/64 82mm 0.32kg -4050K 0.83 0.63
1.5 63mm 1.21kg -3030K 0.82 0.62 3/32 89mm 0.46kg -4060K 0.86 0.65
2.0 77mm 2.61kg -3040K 0.82 0.62 7/64 96mm 0.64kg -4070K 0.96 0.73
2.5 87mm 4.59kg -3050K 0.86 0.65 1/8 101mm 0.86kg -4080K 0.96 0.73
3.0 93mm 7.17kg -3060K 0.88 0.67 9/64 105mm 1.10kg -4090K 1.00 0.76
4.0 104mm 14.6kg -3080K 1.17 0.89 5/32 113mm 2.10kg -4100K 1.13 0.86
5.0 120mm 26.2kg -3100K 1.38 1.05 3/16 124mm 2.30kg -4120K 1.32 1.00
6.0 141mm 44.3kg -3120K 1.76 1.34 7/32 134mm 3.40kg -4140K 1.48 1.12
7.0 147mm 63.5kg -3140K 3.64 2.77 1/4 150mm 2.80kg -4160K 1.73 1.31
8.0 158mm 89.1kg -3160K 2.93 2.23 5/16 162mm 8.00kg -4200K 2.74 2.08
10.0 180mm 158kg -3200K 4.39 3.34 3/8 186mm 26.00kg -4240K 4.10 3.12
Page 1234
Hexagon T-Handle Pro-Torq T-Handled
Ball Drivers Hexagon Ball Drivers
Manufactured from fully hardened carbon steel. Manufactured from hardened carbon steel with a dual
Ergonomically designed handle to provide high grip and material T handle grip for comfort and extra force.
torque with user comfort. The ball drivers can be used at angles of up to 30 for use HEXAGON
where access is restricted and the shorter hexagon end is
ideal for use when a greater tightening torque is required.
Long arm end is ball drive and short arm end plain.
Black oxidised finish.
Overall Order Code Offer
Length KEN-602 Price/1
Size Overall
(inch) Length
Order Code Offer
KEN-602 Price/1
Size Overall Order Code List Offer
2.5 150mm -6050K 2.77 3/32 6 -6560K 2.77
3.0 150mm -6060K 2.77 1/8 6 -6580K 2.77 (mm) Length KEN-602 Price/1 Price/1
4.0 150mm -6080K 3.10 5/32 71/2 -6600K 3.13 2.0 130mm -7010K 4.25 3.23
5.0 190mm -6100K 3.61 3/16 71/2 -6620K 3.39 2.5 140mm -7020K 4.25 3.23
6.0 190mm -6120K 4.75 7/32 9 -6640K 4.71 3.0 150mm -7030K 4.25 3.23
8.0 230mm -6160K 7.56 1/4 9 -6660K 4.89 4.0 160mm -7040K 4.77 3.63
10.0 230mm -6200K 8.27 5/16 9 -6700K 7.43 5.0 175mm -7050K 5.55 4.22
3/8 9 -6740K 8.19 6.0 185mm -7060K 7.31 5.56
8.0 195mm -7080K 11.64 8.85
10.0 205mm -7100K 12.73 9.67
8 Piece Set
5 Piece Set Contents: HEXAGON Contents:
4, 5, 6, 8 and 10mm. 2.0, 2.5, 3, 4, 5,
6, 8 and 10mm.
7 Piece Set Contents:
2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8
and 10mm.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Description of Pieces each KEN-602 Price/1 Price/1
Pro-Torq Ball Driver Set 8 750g -7800K 42.67 29.87
Number of Weight Order Code List Offer
Hexagon Ball Driver Hand Clip Sets
Pieces each KEN-602 Price/1 Price/1 METRIC
5 650g -7650K 32.28 22.60
7 1007g -7770K 38.88 27.22 7 Piece Set
Contents: 2.5, 3, 4,5, 6,
CV Ball Drivers 8 and 10mm.
Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel with a nickel HEXAGON INCH
plating. Set supplied in an indexed plastic holder. Individual
hexagon key slots help to instantly identify missing drivers. 7 Piece Set PIECES
3/32, 1/8, 5/32, 3/16,
1/4, 5/16 and 3/8.
chrome molybdenum
steel. INCH
Contents: 1.5, 2, 2.5, 9 Piece Set
3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 10mm. Contents: 5/64 - 1/4.
Description Number Weight Order Code List Offer
Number of Order Code List Offer of Pieces each KEN-602 Price/1 Price/1
Pieces PRO-602 Price/1 Price/1 Metric 8 169g -8280K 19.25 13.48
METRIC HEXAGON 9 -0050K 9.99 7.59 Inch 9 149g -8390K 22.06 15.44
Page 1235
Ball Drivers
Can be used at angles of up to 25 from the screw head, making them ideal for awkward access areas. Manufactured from hardened carbon
steel, available with fluted driver handles, L-wrench pattern or T-handle.
Size Blade Weight Order Code List Offer Size Blade Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) Length Per 10 KEN-602 Price/1 Price/1 (Inch) Length Per 10 KEN-602 Price/1 Price/1
1.5 86mm 65g -1030K 2.03 1.54 1/16 84mm 90g -2040K 2.22 1.69
2.0 89mm 90g -1040K 2.38 1.81 5/64 89mm 110g -2050K 2.22 1.69
2.5 99mm 120g -1050K 2.38 1.81 1/8 79mm 200g -2080K 2.55 1.94
3.0 81mm 200g -1060K 2.38 1.81 9/64 84mm 400g -2090K 2.55 1.94
4.0 97mm 450g -1080K 3.05 2.32 5/32 89mm 550g -2100K 2.72 2.07
5.0 109mm 710g -1100K 3.73 2.83 3/16 96mm 1380g -2120K 3.45 2.62
6.0 137mm 910g -1120K 4.32 3.28 1/4 119mm 1320g -2160K 4.77 3.63
8.0 163mm 1580g -1160K 6.73 5.11 3/8 165mm 1530g -2240K 6.75 5.13
10.0 185mm 1840g -1200K 7.47 5.68
6 8
Page 1236
L-Wrench 9 Piece Set
TX Keys T8, T9, T10,
Manufactured from chrome molybdenum steel. Made to manufacturers standards. T15, T20,
Torx is a registered trademark T25, T27,
of Camcar Textron. T30 and
in a
Size Length Weight Order Code List Offer Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-603 Price/1 Price/1 Size (mm) each KEN-603 Price/1 Price/1
T6 46 20g -0060K 3.28 2.69 T25 63 100g -0250K 5.55 4.55
T7 52 20g -0070K 3.28 2.69 T27 69 160g -0270K 5.55 4.55
T8 52 30g -0080K 3.28 2.69 T30 78 210g -0300K 7.17 5.88 TX
T9 54 30g -0090K 3.28 2.69 T40 85 310g -0400K 7.54 6.18
T10 54 40g -0100K 3.99 3.27 T45 92 445g -0450K 7.32 6.00 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
T15 58 55g -0150K 3.99 3.27 T50 100 640g -0500K 7.74 6.35 of Pieces each KEN-603 Price/1 Price/1
T20 61 75g -0200K 5.55 4.55 T55 120 1200g -0550K 10.12 8.30 9 155g -0760K 18.39 13.79
Size Length Weight Order Code List Offer
(mm) each KEN-603 Price/1 Price/1
Size Length Weight Order Code List Offer
T8 52 30g -2080K 3.59 2.94 (mm) each KEN-603 Price/1 Price/1
T9 54 30g -2090K 3.59 2.94 T25 63 100g -2250K 6.09 4.99
T10 54 40g -2100K 4.38 3.59 T27 69 160g -2270K 6.09 4.99 Number Weight Order Code List Offer
T15 58 55g -2150K 4.38 3.59 T30 78 210g -2300K 7.88 6.46 of Pieces each KEN-603 Price/1 Price/1
T20 61 75g -2200K 6.09 4.99 T40 85 310g -2400K 8.29 6.80 9 102g -2680K 23.42 17.57
Type Order Code Offer
TX Torx Key IND-107 Price/1
T6 Flag -5060K 2.33
Size Length Weight Order Code List Offer Size Length Weight Order Code List Offer T7 Flag -5070K 2.33
(mm) each KEN-603 Price/1 Price/1 (mm) each KEN-603 Price/1 Price/1 T8 Flag -5080K 2.33
T6 61 30g -0060D 7.05 5.78 T10 75 60g -0100D 7.20 5.90 T9 Flag -5090K 2.41
T7 61 32g -0070D 6.77 5.55 T15 92 83g -0150D 7.75 6.36 T10 Flag -5100K 2.59
T8 72 34g -0080D 6.80 5.58 T20 96 97g -0220D 8.65 7.09 T15 Flag -5150K 2.49
T9 75 60g -0090D 6.94 5.69 T25 100 100g -0250D 8.81 7.22 T20 Flag -5200K 2.81
Set on Clip
8 Piece Set Contents: Eight keys supplied on robust plastic clip. Keeps all sizes together and readily
T9, T10, T15, T20, T25, T27, T30 and T40. available. Conveniently folds up to a handy
pocket size with penknife type storage.
Wrench size stamped on clip.
Number Weight Order Code List Offer Weight Order Code List Offer
of Pieces each KEN-603 Price/1 Price/1 Size each KEN-603 Price/1 Price/1
8 120g -0720K 18.39 13.79 T9 - T40 164g -1680K 20.60 15.45
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