Guo 2013
Guo 2013
Guo 2013
Precision Engineering
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Article history: The elliptical vibration texturing process is an innovative machining method for the fast generation
Received 15 May 2012 of textured surfaces. It adds a tertiary motion component to the tool tip, which introduces deliberate
Received in revised form 20 August 2012 elliptical vibrations between the cutting tool and the workpiece. The elliptical locus lies in the plane that
Accepted 9 October 2012
is dened by the cutting direction and the radial direction in the turning operation. This paper proposes
Available online 23 October 2012
a new design for a resonant mode 2D tertiary motion generator (TMG) that can deliver the required
elliptical trajectory at an ultrasonic frequency. The device works in the resonant mode, with tangential
and normal vibrations at a nearly identical resonant frequency. Simulation and experiments were carried
Elliptical vibration texturing
Elliptical vibration cutting
out to perform a modal analysis of the system. Different design parameters were adjusted to achieve large
Tertiary motion generator vibration amplitudes in both tangential and normal directions. The elliptical vibration texturing process
Modal analysis was implemented by integrating the newly developed TMG into a turning operation. Preliminary test
Langevin transducer results of dimple array patterns are presented that validate the performance and principle of the proposed
Piezo actuator design.
2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 847 467 1851; fax: +1 847 491 3915. The elliptical vibration texturing process originates from the
E-mail addresses: [email protected], surface-shaping system proposed by Hong and Ehmann [3]. It adds
[email protected] (P. Guo), [email protected] (K.F. Ehmann). to the cutting tool tip a tertiary motion component, which is a
0141-6359/$ see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
P. Guo, K.F. Ehmann / Precision Engineering 37 (2013) 364371 365
Fig. 5. (a) Tangential vibration mode shape, (b) normal vibration mode shape, and (c) spurious mode shape.
P. Guo, K.F. Ehmann / Precision Engineering 37 (2013) 364371 367
Table 1
FEM simulation and modal test comparison.
32.41 kHz). In the experiment, these two modes are so coupled that
they cannot be differentiated in frequency. This resonant frequency
for both the 2nd tangential and 1st normal modes is recorded at
28 kHz, which deviates about (15%) from the simulation results.
This is due to: (1) the simplication in the FEM model, including
the simplied geometry and the missing damping ratio; (2) the
asymmetry in the actual device due to the cutting insert and man-
ufacturing tolerances; (3) the pre-stress effect on the PZT rings,
which is not included in the simulation. Despite of the difference
in resonant frequencies from the experimental results, the simula-
tions provide useful indication on how closely the 1st normal and
2nd tangential modes are coupled.
Fig. 6. Sine sweep response: (a) tangential direction and (b) normal direction. At the resonant frequency of 28 kHz, the system vibrations
possess both the normal and tangential modes. These coupled res-
onant vibrations generate the desired elliptical locus at the tool
between the two vibration outputs and, thus, changes the shape of tip. In order to obtain large vibration amplitudes in two directions,
the elliptical trajectory. This paper focuses on the analysis of the the normal and tangential mode frequencies should be as close
rst and the third factor, namely, the mass distribution and excita- as possible. This is achieved by adjusting the most suitable design
tion signals, through simulation and experimental assessment. parameters, namely, the length of the end mass. The resonant fre-
quencies of the normal and tangential modes change at a different
4. TMG modal analysis rate, when the length of the end mass changes. So, there exists
an optimum length at which the two resonant frequencies cross
Finite element method (FEM) simulations and experiments each other. This condition was studied through FEM simulations
were conducted to identify the different vibration modes of the described next.
TMG. In the natural frequency extraction simulations, the encas- The simplied CAD model of the TMG combines the cutting
tre boundary condition was applied to the bottom side of the base insert and the tool holder. The equivalent tool is attached to the
block. Two main resonant frequencies of the system associated with head block and takes the length of 11.5 mm (this length is dened
the exure structure were identied in the analysis and veried as the equivalent tool length). The length of the end mass is taken
through experimental evaluations. There is also a spurious mode as the control parameter in the natural frequency extraction analy-
associated with the tool tip [17]. In this mode, the exure structure sis. The frequencies of the two tangential modes and of the normal
is not excited, but the tool tip vibrates in a direction perpendicu- mode in question are recorded and plotted in Fig. 7. The general
lar to the tangential and normal directions as shown in Fig. 5(c). trends of the resonant frequencies show a decrease as the length of
This mode is not desirable in the current application but its effect the end mass increases. The 1st normal and 2nd tangential modes
is negligible. are very close to each other in their respective resonant frequencies
From the simulation results, the rst resonant frequency occurs when the end mass length is in the range of 3540 mm. The current
at 12.96 kHz. The mode shape contains only the tangential vibration design is based on 37 mm, which is in the optimal range.
mode (Fig. 5(a)), which is referred as the 1st tangential mode. The
1st normal vibration mode, Fig. 5(b), is found at 32.37 kHz while
the 2nd tangential vibration mode, Fig. 5(a), at 32.41 kHz. The lat-
ter two mode shapes have similar frequencies. The spurious mode,
shown in Fig. 5(c), is found at 22.90 kHz from the simulation and is
identied at 24.3 kHz in the experiments.
A sine sweep test was performed by applying sinusoidal excita-
tion signals with continuously varying frequency. The frequency
range was chosen to be from 5 kHz to 35 kHz. The vibration
responses in two directions were recorded and analyzed by FFT. The
results are plotted in Fig. 6(a) and (b). The rst and third peaks in
the tangential direction response correspond to the 1st and 2nd tan-
gential modes. The second peak in the normal direction response
corresponds to the 1st normal mode. The second peak in Fig. 6(a)
and the rst peak in Fig. 6(b) are the spurious mode. These results
are in accordance with the FEM analysis. The comparison between
the simulation results and experimental observations is listed in
Table 1. Here only the tangential and normal modes are of interest.
The simulation results match very well with the experiments for the
1st tangential mode. At the 2nd tangential and 1st normal modes,
the simulated resonant frequencies are very close (32.37 kHz and Fig. 7. Inuence of end mass length on the resonant frequency.
368 P. Guo, K.F. Ehmann / Precision Engineering 37 (2013) 364371
The tool length also affects the vibration behavior of the device. Fig. 9. Experimental setup.
When the end mass length is set at 37 mm, by varying the equiva-
lent tool length in the simulation, the resonant frequencies of the data are recorded using the same data acquisition card (NI PCIe-
three different modes are plotted in Fig. 8. The general trend is sim- 6361) at a 500 kHz sampling frequency.
ilar to the previous one, i.e., the resonant frequency decreases when
the tool length increases. The current value of 11.5 mm of the tool 5.2. Performance analysis
length is around the optimal, as dened by the point where the two
lines of the resonant frequencies cross each other. The performance of the TMG was evaluated through measure-
ments of the tool tip trajectory at its natural frequencies. By the
5. TMG performance assessment sine sweep test, two major peaks associated with the normal and
tangential modes were found as predicted by the simulation. The
5.1. Experimental setup systems displacement response in two directions at its 1st res-
onant frequency of 13 kHz is shown in Fig. 10(a). The tangential
The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 9. The excitation sig- vibration amplitude is 26.17 m; and the normal vibration ampli-
nals are generated by a National Instrument data acquisition card tude is 7.95 m. The 2D trajectory is then plotted and tted to an
(NI DAQ PCIe-6361), which has two analog outputs. The output sig- ellipse function, as shown in Fig. 10(b). The ellipse has a major axis
nal is sampled at 1.5 MHz to ensure the necessary smoothness. The of 28.74 m, a minor axis of 1.03 m, and a tilt angle of 17 . The
phase difference between the two excitation signals can be set arbi- vibrations in two directions have nearly a 180 phase shift. This
trarily using the Labview program. The excitation signals are sent anti-phase vibration reduces the ellipse locus to a straight line,
to a piezo amplier (TREK PZD 350), which has a 0 to 350 V bipo- which agrees with the simulation results that state that only tan-
lar output and a fast response given by a 500 V/s slew rate. The gential mode vibrations occur at the 1st natural frequency. The tilt
high-voltage two-channel sinusoidal signals (Vpp = 625 V) are sup- angle of the trajectory is caused by the asymmetry in the design of
plied to the two Langevin transducers. The motion of the tool tip the tool tip and tool holder.
is monitored by MicoSense capacitance sensors, whose range of At the resonant frequency at 28 kHz the vibration modes include
measurement is 100 m. The sensor has a sub-nanometer resolu- both tangential and normal vibrations resulting in comparable
tion and 100 kHz bandwidth. An orthogonal block is placed into the vibration amplitudes in two directions as shown in Fig. 11(a).
insert holder as a target for displacement sensing. The vibration The tangential vibration amplitude is 8.79 m while the normal
Fig. 10. (a) Recorded displacement at 13 kHz and (b) vibration trajectory at 13 kHz.
P. Guo, K.F. Ehmann / Precision Engineering 37 (2013) 364371 369
Fig. 11. (a) Recorded displacement at 28 kHz and (b) vibration trajectory at 28 kHz.
vibration amplitude is 7.28 m. The trajectory is again tted into angle of 60 , while the normal vibration amplitude at 0 . These con-
an ellipse with a major axis of 11.09 m, a minor axis of 2.34 m, clusions agree with the analysis above. If the vibration trajectory
and a tilt angle of 39 (Fig. 11(b)). is approximated by an ellipse, the ratio between the major axis
The resonant vibration at 28 kHz is of particular interest, since over the minor axis is determined by the output phase shown in
it meets the requirements of an elliptical trajectory at an ultra- Fig. 12. A larger output phase angle indicates a smaller aspect ratio
sonic frequency for the elliptical vibration texturing process. The between the major and minor axes, which turns the locus more
vibration behavior at this natural frequency is further analyzed toward a circle (where the ratio becomes 1). At a 0 input phase
by changing the phase shift between the two excitation signals angle, the output phase angle is around 50 . The trajectory has the
but keeping the excitation frequency and amplitudes constant. The least aspect ratio and the area included in the ellipse is the largest.
results are shown in Fig. 12. The input phase shift affects the vibra- At a 150 input phase angle, the input phase angle is near 0 , which
tion amplitudes in both the tangential and normal directions. The turns the ellipse into a straight line.
tangential vibration amplitude reaches its maximum at a 60 phase
angle, which agrees with the V-shape angle of the TMG design. The 6. Preliminary test results
normal vibration amplitude reaches its maximum at the 0 phase
angle, since pure symmetric vibrations in the two transducers pro- The newly developed TMG was integrated into a desktop
duce the largest normal direction motions, which corresponds to milling/drilling/turning machine as shown in Fig. 14. The XY stage
the in-phase mode in the previous analysis. Different representa- with a resolution of 0.25 m in both directions carries the TMG
tive shapes of the elliptical trajectory are plotted in Fig. 13. The mounted on a four component Kistler dynamometer. The Z axis
tangential vibration amplitude has a maximal value at the phase supports a high speed air spindle and a linear stage with a 1.27 m
resolution. The machine is congured to operate as a lathe in the
vertical direction. The workpiece is loaded in the spindle along the
Z axis. The spindle provides the primary motion for the turning
Fig. 12. Input phase inuence on the vibration amplitude and phase. Fig. 13. Ellipse shapes at different phase inputs.
370 P. Guo, K.F. Ehmann / Precision Engineering 37 (2013) 364371
Table 2
Experimental conditions.
Process parameter
Texturing Pre-turning
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