Jon Martin Writing Clips
Jon Martin Writing Clips
Jon Martin Writing Clips
Tindalls Electric
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Walk-In Freezers-Ice Machines- Cooler Boxes
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Chronicle Writer Fabians File
Nina McKever entered
one name into a search
engine in 2008 and
began the quest to find
her stepson.
Ninas husband, Tim,
had Fabian when he was Position Class
only 17-years-old. Tim, Tight End Freshman
along with Fabians birth
Height High School
mother, decided to give
their newborn son up for
6-4 South Florence
adoption. Weight Hometown
Spontaneously, 14 230 Florence, S.C.
years later, without any High School Notes
idea of exactly what she Named All-State as senior with the Bruins...
was looking for, Nina Selected to 2012 Shrine Bowl of the
scoured the Internet in
Carolinas... Earned All-Region and All-Pee
hopes of finding Fabian.
Dee Conference honors as a senior... Named
team captain... Also served as team captain
FINDING A for the Bruins basketball team... Graduated
HOME with honors from South Florence High School
Fabian Jefferson, a (Information provided by Ernest Meyers,
tight end on Limestone Limestone Sports Information)
Colleges football team,
was born in Florence, ter chance. She beat us with pipes
SC to Tim McKever Sharing the home with and extension cords,
and Theo Ballard, both Fabian, Rodney and Fabian said. Just me
teenagers and both con- their adoptive mother and my brother. Shed
cerned with how they (who we will call Mrs. come home one day mad
would support their new Jefferson) was an aunt, and thatd be all it took.
son. two uncles and two of Shed bring her biologi- Limestones Fabian Jefferson goes through blocking drills during a recent
Ballard, Fabians bio- the adoptive mothers cal kids food and not practice. (All Photos By Jon Martin)
logical mother, found a biological children. bring us anything.
family friend in Santee, Eight people under So Fabian and Rodney told anyone else. would do whatever nec- happened to his son. He
SC to adopt Fabian and one roof. would wait out the night, I was afraid some- essary to protect his had discussed it with his
his half-brother, Rodney. Fabians new sur- counting down the hours thing would happen to younger sibling, who new wife, Nina, on a
Tim never knew where roundings quickly turned until the next days me, Fabian said. Or shared his birth mother. handful of occasions.
his son was taken. violent, as Mrs. Jefferson school schedule began. It somebody would come I always had him So Nina, along with
My parents just became abusive to both was then, during lunch, and take my brother and there to protect me, Tims sister, went to
couldnt afford me at Fabian and his brother. that they would receive me away, and split us Fabian said. When we work to find Fabian.
the time, Fabian said. Whether verbal or their next meal. up. were being abused, hed All they had was my
Them being young and physical, growing up in Fabian never asked Fabian got his strength take the majority of the first name, Fabian said.
kids themselves, they the Jefferson household Mrs. Jefferson why she from his brother three punishment. I knew as Poring over web
wanted to give me a bet- was a difficult challenge. hit them, and he never years his senior. Rodney long as I had Rodney, pages, Nina finally found
nothing else mattered. Fabian on MySpace.
Fabians birth mother Even though she didnt
would come by about know his last name, she
once every two years, knew she found her hus-
and would send money bands son.
when necessary. But the My dad and I are
mother-son relationship basically twins, Fabian
was never there. laughed. It wasnt hard
I was told when I once she saw the pic-
was 12 that I was adopt- ture.
ed, Fabian said. So So Nina sent 14-year-
I knew who my birth old Fabian a MySpace
mother was. We never message.
had a very good relation- She said, Hey
ship. I dont think it was Fabian, I know you dont
anything she did, I just know who I am but Im
resented her because of your fathers wife,
the adoption. She was Fabian remembers read-
never there when I need- ing. She told me that
ed her. she knew I wouldnt
understand everything
FINDING A right now and if I needed
FATHER anything to contact her.
Tim McKever had She ended it with, From
always wondered what (Cont. on page 2B)
2B THE CHRONICLE Thursday, October 31, 2013
AP Sports Writer
SUNDAY Baseball stole Art Penning-
Continued from Page 12 Moore extended his arm to
Cycling: American Eagle tons future. The Cedar River
me. show Fryou his watch. She re-
Outfitters Tour of washed away his past.
Since Fryou didnt have his to sponded with, Its 9:30.
His house, his car,
nnsylvania, final stage, at work until the second game of With that, Moore simply
clothes, nearly all his pictures,
tsburgh, 4:30 p.m., Versus the CWS, the couple watched said, I want you to remember
even one of his two dogs it
was all onelostfrom to the
Midwest as this moment for the rest of your
olf: PGA European Tour, White and the Tar Heels
floods. Every damn thing I had
away with an 8-4 victory.
came life. Dropping down to one
knee, Moore proposed to his
n de France, final round, 7 just floated down the river, he
., The Golf Channel (same- After the game I was pretty
said. longtime girlfriend.
making his way to Mayber- upset that we lost,
y tape); Champions Tour, He is hardly alone:Fryou
Theresaid.are Everybody around us was
merce (Moore)
10,000 or kept telling
so others me that
totaling up just standing and clapping,
oved of Bank Championship,
his special deputys we had losses
to take ajust picture
nal round,
se of noon,he
language The Golfin a
used their in togeth-
Cedar Fryou laughed. It was awe-
er in front
Rapids, Iowa,ofperhaps
the Rosenblatt
10 times some.
mate KobePGA Tour, Buick
Bryant. Stadium statue thebefore he left. I
, also
n, finalknown
round,as Americas
2 p.m., CBS; as many across waterlogged The couple now has a tenta-
region. him why and hecan
But possessions kept
be tive date of November 2009 for
special deputy inOpen
U.S. Women's 2006 and saying
. replaced. because everybody the Sacred Heart-hosted cere-
ampionship, final round, 2 would want one.
A big part of my life is gone mony.
m., NBC;Sheriff
ement, Mike Tour,
Nationwide Brown Moore and
for good, he said. Fryou got to the
he Wayne
return Gretzky
of the seven-foot- statue surrounded Despite LSU not winning the
ven to him
following work His skin color costbyPenning-
national championship, Fryou
ssic, final round, 5:30 p.m., and family members
ton a shot at the major leagues holding
nst Children Task Force. their cameras. said she wouldnt trade the ex-
e Golf Channel (same-day as a young man. He flourished
e wants to say, as he made I wasinconfused about why perience for anything.
th repeatedtape)lines of Kobe instead the Negro, Cuban,
everybody was wanting to take The Omaha trip just be-
a racially derogatory word Mexican and Venezuelan
this picture with justand,
us in it, ing on the field with the team
ujor areLeague
say. New leagues in the 1940s when AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall
Fryou said. was such an amazing experi-
hork Yankees
antics to setat his
York baseball in He turned finally
America to me
ART PENNINGTON looks at a poster of himself Rapids, Iowa. Pennington lost Submitted
most ofPhotothe
openedaskedthemedoorwhattotime it was.
blacks, in ence, Fryou said. That whole
s,tes,TBS, noon; Chicago
providing only twoCubsdai- from his
week wasplaying days in the
just amazing. ItsNegro League in memorabilia he had from his playing days when
said Ileagues
didnt across
know because
the coun-I JONATHON MOORE proposes to girlfriend Mandi Fryou in
pants, White
hicago revoked the
Sox, special
ESPN, 7 front of his flood-damaged home
try. have a watch. something Ill never forget. frontinof Cedar
Omahashis home wasStadium.
Rosenblatt damaged by recent flooding.
o choice. p.m.
Holliers experience
starting defensive end Charl
injured reserve and re-signed
fensive tackle Hollis Thomas
the 24-year-old
Friday at 7 p.m. when the Pri- wasnt very comfortable.
drifted away and disapp
vateers take on the Wichita
Burch decided to transfer to ter on Monday
State Shockers in Wichita, Kan. UNO, helping
to build
a team
It really feels great, Burch that
decimated following
Clark of the
said. Its the goal we
had when
Hurricane Katrina.
part in the search.
we started in the fall and its re- I knew UNO was
a good
what youre doing
ally special. Just to be a part of gram and I knew a couple of
Hill was described b
it, to play a piece in the champi- players already on the team,
laps in his training
onship, is something Ill never Burch stated. I
made a call
fied his skill, Clark
forget. and took a chance. It has really State regulations req
When the Morgan City na- paid off. craft to wear a life jack
tive got into a jam in the final A big reason the decision has set, said Coast Guard o
frame, he looked towards his worked out for Burch is the op- Hill and his compani
late grandfather, Joseph portunity to learn from former at 7:53 p.m., the Coast G
Charles Russo Jr., to help him Major Leaguer Kirk Bullinger. Hills agent, Albert E
close it out. Russo passed away Bullinger pitched five years since Hurricane Katrina
on March 28. in the big leagues with the including his mother, Sh
I knew he was up there Montreal Expos, Boston Red Submitted Photo
DAVID BURCH, pitcher for the University of New Orleans, From what I hear, h
watching, Burch explained. Sox, Philadelphia Phillies, and and I know he had a gr
Its been a tough year both on Houston Astros. In his time in fires in a strike during Saturdays Sun Belt Conference tour- former LSU quarterba
the baseball diamond and off. See BURCH Page 9 nament game with Middle Tennessee State. LSU. Off field he was a
short time ago. books, but by There are rules liked the idea of No pard,mas3-4 be-with an RBI; Central Kelsey
L Pct
A few weeks earlier, there the rabid fans in UFC (no eye coming socially acceptable. Mounier, 2-4 with Cleveland
a run; Halley 31 19 .620
30 21 .588
was a fight of another kind who booed Jack- gouging or groin Theres no denyingRomero, that UFC 3-4 with Chicago an RBI and 24 23 a .511
Minnesota 26 25 .510
which also had a message at- son from the punching among is hot. A recent cardrun; Regan Barbier,
in Colum- Kansas City 4-4 19 with 34 .358
Roddick ousted
tached. Oscar De La Hoya and moment he en- them) but hitting bus, Ohio, brought in more West Division
W L Pct
Floyd Mayweather Jr. were on tered the arena. a man when hes down isnt one money than a Rolling Stones Los Angeles 32 21 .604
Seattle 25 23 .521
in first round
the front of Sports Illustrated, I had planned to see the fight of them. So Jackson jumped on concert, the shows sell out in Oakland 25 26 .490
and the question was whether in person, but was on another Liddell and started punching Las Vegas, and the company is Texas 19 33 .365
Mondays Games
their fight would save boxing. assignment. So I watched it on him until the referee jumped in doing a card next month in Minnesota 10, Chicago White So
Turns out neither message a big screen in a sports bar in and stopped the bout less than Northern Ireland. PARIS (AP) Boston - Andy Roddick
5, Cleveland 3
Toronto 7, N.Y. Yankees 2
was all it was hyped up to be. Indianapolis to see what Id two minutes after it began. Some 3,000 fans showed up exited in the first
Tampa round
Bay 6, of
Detroit the5
Baltimore 9, Kansas City 1
Yes, De La Hoya and May- been missing. If this had been boxing, there to watch the Liddell weigh-in, French Open for
Seattle the
12, L.A. fourth
Angels 5
weather fought in the richest Sorry, but it sure seemed a would have been cries of a fix. If and the pay-per-view time in six years,
numbers falling
Oakland 5, Texasto 3Igor
Tuesdays Games
fight ever, a megaevent that lot of fuss about a lot of noth- this had been boxing, the refer- are comparable or better Andreev than of Russia Boston 3-6, 6-4, 6-3,
4, Cleveland 2
Toronto 3, N.Y. Yankees 2
drew the rich and famous and ing. ee would have been crucified for most major boxing matches. 6-4. Detroit 14, Tampa Bay 2
generated a staggering $150 For starters, Liddell didnt stopping it too soon. Boxing has floundered Sevenbe- other Baltimore
American 6, Kansas men, City 2
Minnesota 9, Chicago White Sox
million in revenue. They en- seem to take the biggest fight of If this had been boxing, cups cause of a lack of including stars, but James Texas Blake,
4, Oakland 0also
L.A. Angels 4, Seattle 1
gaged in an entertaining if not his career all that seriously. A of beer would have been flying thats not a problem lost. at TheUFC,eighth-seeded Blake Game
terribly dramatic fight, and all gossip columnist reported he into the ring and fans would where they crank outfell to Ivo oneKarlovic 4-6, 6-4,
Chicago White Sox7-5,
(Garland 3-3
a new Minnesota (Baker 1-0), 12:10 p.m.
but the most ardent De La was seen partying in the days have demanded their money every month or so and market 2:35 p.m. 7-5. Texas (Koronka 0-1) at Oakland
Hoya fans went home happy. before the fight on the Las Ve- back. them with zeal. While dozens Rafael of NadalClevelandand Roger (Byrd 5-1)Fed- at Boston (
2), 6:05 p.m.
But it was just one fight, and gas Strip, and he came into the But this is mixed martial promoters and organizations erer, the finalists N.Y. last
Yankees year,
(Clippardad-1-1) at To
boxing remains ill with a lot of ring with a paunch hanging arts, a sport so new that even battle each other forvanced controltointhe second round by
1-1), 6:07 p.m.
Detroit (Robertson 4-4) at Tampa
problems that will never be over his trunks that would those watching arent always boxing, UFC is a company Submitted Photo winning shopin straight
3-0), 6:10 p.m.sets. Aus-
Baltimore (Bedard 3-3) at Kansa
cured. THE UNIVERSITY make James OF New ToneyOrleans
blush. Priva-sure Day what weekend. The Privateers
theyre seeing. The anddefeated can sell its UL-product tralian with Open
a finalist
3-3), 7:10 p.m. Fernando
Seattle (F.Hernandez 3-2) at L.A.
teers celebrateBut
Chuck Liddell, meanwhile, after it was winning the Sun
the fight itselfBeltsport Lafayette
is for real, to get the audi-
but the automatic in the Gonzalez, however,
singular (Jer.Weaver 4-3), lost9:05
met Quinton Jackson in the that
Conference disappointed.over
championship I expected to ence
Memorial NCAA of mostly 20-something
tournament. The formula works, Radek thoughStepanek 6-2, 6-2, 6-4. Games