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THE CHRONICLE Thursday, October 31, 2013 1B

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Chronicle Writer Fabians File
Nina McKever entered
one name into a search
engine in 2008 and
began the quest to find
her stepson.
Ninas husband, Tim,
had Fabian when he was Position Class
only 17-years-old. Tim, Tight End Freshman
along with Fabians birth
Height High School
mother, decided to give
their newborn son up for
6-4 South Florence
adoption. Weight Hometown
Spontaneously, 14 230 Florence, S.C.
years later, without any High School Notes
idea of exactly what she Named All-State as senior with the Bruins...
was looking for, Nina Selected to 2012 Shrine Bowl of the
scoured the Internet in
Carolinas... Earned All-Region and All-Pee
hopes of finding Fabian.
Dee Conference honors as a senior... Named
team captain... Also served as team captain
FINDING A for the Bruins basketball team... Graduated
HOME with honors from South Florence High School
Fabian Jefferson, a (Information provided by Ernest Meyers,
tight end on Limestone Limestone Sports Information)
Colleges football team,
was born in Florence, ter chance. She beat us with pipes
SC to Tim McKever Sharing the home with and extension cords,
and Theo Ballard, both Fabian, Rodney and Fabian said. Just me
teenagers and both con- their adoptive mother and my brother. Shed
cerned with how they (who we will call Mrs. come home one day mad
would support their new Jefferson) was an aunt, and thatd be all it took.
son. two uncles and two of Shed bring her biologi- Limestones Fabian Jefferson goes through blocking drills during a recent
Ballard, Fabians bio- the adoptive mothers cal kids food and not practice. (All Photos By Jon Martin)
logical mother, found a biological children. bring us anything.
family friend in Santee, Eight people under So Fabian and Rodney told anyone else. would do whatever nec- happened to his son. He
SC to adopt Fabian and one roof. would wait out the night, I was afraid some- essary to protect his had discussed it with his
his half-brother, Rodney. Fabians new sur- counting down the hours thing would happen to younger sibling, who new wife, Nina, on a
Tim never knew where roundings quickly turned until the next days me, Fabian said. Or shared his birth mother. handful of occasions.
his son was taken. violent, as Mrs. Jefferson school schedule began. It somebody would come I always had him So Nina, along with
My parents just became abusive to both was then, during lunch, and take my brother and there to protect me, Tims sister, went to
couldnt afford me at Fabian and his brother. that they would receive me away, and split us Fabian said. When we work to find Fabian.
the time, Fabian said. Whether verbal or their next meal. up. were being abused, hed All they had was my
Them being young and physical, growing up in Fabian never asked Fabian got his strength take the majority of the first name, Fabian said.
kids themselves, they the Jefferson household Mrs. Jefferson why she from his brother three punishment. I knew as Poring over web
wanted to give me a bet- was a difficult challenge. hit them, and he never years his senior. Rodney long as I had Rodney, pages, Nina finally found
nothing else mattered. Fabian on MySpace.
Fabians birth mother Even though she didnt
would come by about know his last name, she
once every two years, knew she found her hus-
and would send money bands son.
when necessary. But the My dad and I are
mother-son relationship basically twins, Fabian
was never there. laughed. It wasnt hard
I was told when I once she saw the pic-
was 12 that I was adopt- ture.
ed, Fabian said. So So Nina sent 14-year-
I knew who my birth old Fabian a MySpace
mother was. We never message.
had a very good relation- She said, Hey
ship. I dont think it was Fabian, I know you dont
anything she did, I just know who I am but Im
resented her because of your fathers wife,
the adoption. She was Fabian remembers read-
never there when I need- ing. She told me that
ed her. she knew I wouldnt
understand everything
FINDING A right now and if I needed
FATHER anything to contact her.
Tim McKever had She ended it with, From
always wondered what (Cont. on page 2B)
2B THE CHRONICLE Thursday, October 31, 2013

Limestone Blue And White Football Game - Saturday, Nov. 2 - 1 p.m.

Fabian Jefferson (Cont. From Page 1B)

this point on, we want FINDING
to be in your life.
Fabian kept the mes- nothing anybody Limestone Offensive
sage to himself for a can throw at him Coordinator Craig Kerr
while before sneaking was the coach who found
and calling Nina one that he hasnt Fabian, and immediately
night. Mrs. Jefferson experienced. Its took a liking to the 6-4,
never knew. an honor 230-pound senior.
We talked for a while, Fabian came to
started communicat- having him on Gaffney for his official
ing more on MySpace, this team. visit with a pair of South
Fabian said. Thats - Limestone Coach Florence teammates
when I decided I wanted and was thoroughly
Bobby James
to meet them. impressed.
Fabian met his step- It was a football
mother first, going with as well. community and a coach
Nina to a local Wendys Tim, 31 years old at whos not only fiery
after a basketball game. the time, was now a about football, but actu-
Nina took Fabian back manager at both Yahnis ally invested in the
home that night, again Company and Stefanos kids, Fabian said. That
without Mrs. Jeffersons Italian Restaurant in was huge.
knowledge. Florence. He was ready Fabian was recruited
She still doesnt to be a part of his sons to play tight end, which
know to this day that I life. will be a position heavily
was at Wendys with my We met for the first utilized in Limestones
stepmom, Fabian said. time at a Waffle House, offensive packages.
Three months after- Fabian laughed. We Our offense leads
wards, plans began tak- talked more and more. to tight ends being
ing shape for Fabian to After a while, I wanted extremely successful,
move in with his father. to move in with him. Limestone head coach
Rodney was about to Mrs. Jefferson refused Bobby James said. His
graduate Lake Marion for several weeks before athletic ceiling is to the
High School and move Fabians other aunt, a sky.
Fabian Jefferson (Photo By Jon Martin) out. Fabian wanted out lawyer, made a phone Fabian decided
call. to decommit from
They had a conversa- Newberry, and become
tion, Fabian said. Im part of the first recruit-
not sure what was said, ing class in Limestone
but that was it. I left and football history.
moved in with my dad. Its a new opportu-
nity and a great envi-
FINDING ronment, Fabian said.
FOOTBALL Coach James is so
Fabian played a year invested in our success.
of football at Lake At times you hate doing
Marion, but was never the running and all the
very active in sports. drills, but at the end of
Mrs. Jefferson didnt the day, when youre
want us to be involved in lying in bed, you know
sports, he said. it was all for a purpose.
After moving in I came here for a rea-
with his father, Fabian son, and Im happy to be
enrolled at South here.
Florence High School Fabian, who held a
and began naturally tak- 3.1 GPA in high school,
ing to the gridiron. is majoring in Physical
Fabian played both Education.
tight end and defensive His dream?
end for the Bruins, and Taking Coach James
by his junior year he was job, he laughed. I real-
beginning to receive col- ly want to be a coach.
lege interest.
I only had eight sacks FINDING
in my junior year but my HIMSELF
defensive coordinator
Fabian said that, to a
told me I had the body
certain extent, he still
of a college football
bears some disappoint-
player, Fabian said. I
ment towards his father
never paid any attention
for the 14 years missed.
to it. I didnt know any-
body that went to col- But those feelings are
lege. But I started work- slowly, and surely, being
ing hard and suddenly I worn away.
was receiving interest. I dont hold a grudge
Tennessee showed towards him, Fabian
early interest in Fabian. said. Im glad he decid-
Newberry, Hampton and ed to find me.
South Carolina State Through all of the ups
were there as well. and downs, Fabian has
All through Fabians maintained an even keel,
high school career, he knowing his best days
finally had some fans in are still in front of him.
the stands. What doesnt kill you
My dad and step- makes you stronger, he
mom never missed a said.
game, he said. At Lake Coach James said that
Marion, my brother was with all of the adversity
the only person there to Fabian has faced in his
support me and he was life, college football and
on the sidelines. People academics will be noth-
dont realize how great it ing.
is to have someone in the His story pulls at
crowd pulling for you. your heart, James said.
Fabian erupted his I cant even imag-
senior year, catching 33 ine having to wait for
passes on offense for 462 school to get my next
yards and seven touch- meal. Things that will
downs. Defensively, he disappoint other kids
racked up 15 sacks and here, hell have a com-
was named to the South pletely positive outlook.
Carolina Shrine Bowl Theres nothing anybody
team. can throw at him that he
He originally com- hasnt experienced. Its
mitted to Newberry an honor having him on
before a new program in this team.
Cherokee County began He really is one in a
catching his eye. million.
, 2008, Page 12
Sports The Daily Review
Warrior Fryou sees dreams come true
en State Warriors went for
op pick in the NBA draft, se- Morgan City native Mandi
ph 14th overall in the first Fryou watched from the stands
of Omahas Rosenblatt Stadium
as North Carolina pitcher Alex
White took control of the LSU
baseball team in the 2008 Col-
lege World Series.
The disappointment, howev-
er, couldnt hide her excite-
Ever since I was little, Ive
always loved baseball, Fryou
said. When I was growing up,
LSU was great for a long
NBA Photo stretch of time. I started follow-
Anthony Randolph ing them and it got to the point
s where I was listening to them
SEC honors during his lone on the radio every game. I nev-
oints and 8.5 rebounds. He er missed a game.
Area this past Saturday. Being such a big fan of the
Tigers, it was only natural that
tch kind of guy, Mullin said. Fryou chose LSU as her colle-
am not to make the playoffs, giate destination.
sons for the first time in 16 She tried out for the batgirl
14 years wasnt enough to position on the Tiger baseball
packed Western Conference team in each of her first two
ound of the 2007 playoffs. years to no avail.
Finally, in her junior year,
she was a member of the LSU
s weekend
Submitted Photo
baseball family. MANDI FRYOU, left, sits in the LSU dugout with friends Katherine Clements, center, and
When I finally made it, it Haylee Davis, right.
a.m., Speed; NASCAR was awesome, Fryou stated.
ationwide Series, Camping Being with the team and being Irvine Anteaters in the super
ld RV Sales 200, pole quali- a part of everything was really regionals to advance to their
ng, 9 a.m., Speed; race, 2 cool. first College World Series since
p.m., ABC; NASCAR Her tasks as a batgirl includ- 2004 and close out Alex Box
Craftsman Truck Series, ed working coaches committee Stadium on a high note.
meetings, answering phones, To add to the moment, Fry-
Reilly 200, at Memphis, pole
putting stat sheets in pro- ous boyfriend, Jonathon Moore,
ifying, 5 p.m., Speed; race, was able to make the trip from
grams, selling the programs,
p.m. IRL IndyCar Series, retrieving balls and bats and Florida for LSUs opening game
nTrust Indy Challenge, at taking water to the umpires. against North Carolina.
hmond, Va., 7 p.m., ESPN; Even the lack of success for last Moore, who was an LSU
RA Powerade Drag Racing years Tiger squad couldnt baseball manager for three
Series, Summit Racing dampen her spirits. But there years before graduating, would
uipment Nationals, qualify- was one dream she still wanted be able to make the opening
, atNorwalk, Ohio, 9 p.m., to fulfill. game but had to get back to his
PN2 (same-day tape); AMA It was always my dream to job the following day.
Toyota Motocross go to Omaha for the College His dream was to go to Om-
World Series, Fryou said. I aha too, Fryou said. We met
ampionship, at Lakewood,
used to plan my summers because he was a manager for
o., 10:30 p.m., Speed (same- the LSU baseball team. We had
around post-season baseball.
day tape) been dating about a year and a
The 2008 LSU Tigers helped
to make her dream a reality half. Whenever we won the su-
Tennis: Wimbledon when they put together a mira- per regional he called me and
mpionships, early rounds, 7 cle season capped by a 23-game told me he was going to be able
m., ESPN2 (live); 11 a.m., winning streak and a South- to come up just for the Sunday Submitted Photo
C (live and same-day tape); eastern Conference champi- game, but that was fine with Fryou, left, stands on the field with Ashley Oliver, a fellow
m., ESPN2 (same-day tape) onship. LSU defeated the UC- See FRYOU Page 13 batgirl at the College World Series.

Flood washes away Negro League star's memories

The Daily Review, Morgan City, La., Friday, June 27, 2008, Page 13
ck and field: U.S. Olympic

FRYOU: Trip to Omaha highlighted with proposal

ls, at Eugene, Ore., 7 p.m.,

AP Sports Writer
SUNDAY Baseball stole Art Penning-
Continued from Page 12 Moore extended his arm to
Cycling: American Eagle tons future. The Cedar River
me. show Fryou his watch. She re-
Outfitters Tour of washed away his past.
Since Fryou didnt have his to sponded with, Its 9:30.
His house, his car,
nnsylvania, final stage, at work until the second game of With that, Moore simply
clothes, nearly all his pictures,
tsburgh, 4:30 p.m., Versus the CWS, the couple watched said, I want you to remember
even one of his two dogs it
was all onelostfrom to the
Midwest as this moment for the rest of your
olf: PGA European Tour, White and the Tar Heels
floods. Every damn thing I had
away with an 8-4 victory.
came life. Dropping down to one
knee, Moore proposed to his
n de France, final round, 7 just floated down the river, he
., The Golf Channel (same- After the game I was pretty
said. longtime girlfriend.
making his way to Mayber- upset that we lost,
y tape); Champions Tour, He is hardly alone:Fryou
Theresaid.are Everybody around us was
merce (Moore)
10,000 or kept telling
so others me that
totaling up just standing and clapping,
oved of Bank Championship,
his special deputys we had losses
to take ajust picture
nal round,
se of noon,he
language The Golfin a
used their in togeth-
Cedar Fryou laughed. It was awe-
er in front
Rapids, Iowa,ofperhaps
the Rosenblatt
10 times some.
mate KobePGA Tour, Buick
Bryant. Stadium statue thebefore he left. I
, also
n, finalknown
round,as Americas
2 p.m., CBS; as many across waterlogged The couple now has a tenta-
region. him why and hecan
But possessions kept
be tive date of November 2009 for
special deputy inOpen
U.S. Women's 2006 and saying
. replaced. because everybody the Sacred Heart-hosted cere-
ampionship, final round, 2 would want one.
A big part of my life is gone mony.
m., NBC;Sheriff
ement, Mike Tour,
Nationwide Brown Moore and
for good, he said. Fryou got to the
he Wayne
return Gretzky
of the seven-foot- statue surrounded Despite LSU not winning the
ven to him
following work His skin color costbyPenning-
national championship, Fryou
ssic, final round, 5:30 p.m., and family members
ton a shot at the major leagues holding
nst Children Task Force. their cameras. said she wouldnt trade the ex-
e Golf Channel (same-day as a young man. He flourished
e wants to say, as he made I wasinconfused about why perience for anything.
th repeatedtape)lines of Kobe instead the Negro, Cuban,
everybody was wanting to take The Omaha trip just be-
a racially derogatory word Mexican and Venezuelan
this picture with justand,
us in it, ing on the field with the team
ujor areLeague
say. New leagues in the 1940s when AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall
Fryou said. was such an amazing experi-
hork Yankees
antics to setat his
York baseball in He turned finally
America to me
ART PENNINGTON looks at a poster of himself Rapids, Iowa. Pennington lost Submitted
most ofPhotothe
openedaskedthemedoorwhattotime it was.
blacks, in ence, Fryou said. That whole
s,tes,TBS, noon; Chicago
providing only twoCubsdai- from his
week wasplaying days in the
just amazing. ItsNegro League in memorabilia he had from his playing days when
said Ileagues
didnt across
know because
the coun-I JONATHON MOORE proposes to girlfriend Mandi Fryou in
pants, White
hicago revoked the
Sox, special
ESPN, 7 front of his flood-damaged home
try. have a watch. something Ill never forget. frontinof Cedar
Omahashis home wasStadium.
Rosenblatt damaged by recent flooding.
o choice. p.m.

Timberwolves trade Mayo to Grizzlies for Love

my deputies did something Six decades later, the water
came and carried off nearly the pieces. I played against the best space and defense firm and two
this type of NASCAR
tor sports: racial conduct.
Sprint When you get old, you cant Josh Gibson and Buck Leonard, years for the railroad before re-
re, its barely a slap Tools
on the every bit of proof that Penning-
p, LENOX Industrial ton was the equal of just about keep moving. You have to stay Larry Doby, Jackie Robinson tiring in 1985.
ar, but a well-deserved
, 1 p.m., TNT; Hannspree slap MINNEAPOLIS - Minnesota where people know you. Im not and not just the black ballplay- hisHeloneranseason with the
for sheriff and Tro-
anybody who played anywhere
FIM World Superbike Timberwolves fans went to bed doing too good, but Im lucky to ers. You could ask Roger Maris, jans
townand also dealt with
commission, contro-
sage to the public that the he went.
wondering how O.J. Mayo have a few good friends. With- Harvey Kuenn and Sal Maglie, versy
but dog when a former
catcher, friend al-
ideo wouldat notSanbe Marino,
tolerated 2 Newspaper clippings, pro-
would fit in with their guard- out them, Pennington chuck- any of those boys, too. leged
laughed, thatand
he took
thatsmoney and
m. Speed (same-day
e even if the offender intape); grams, autographed photos
heavy team. led, Id really be up a creek. Theyll tell you I should gifts
the onlyfrom anI agent
office while
could have beenin
RA Powerade
position withDragthe Racing
depart- from Mickey Mantle, Sal
Memphis Grizzlies backers His neighbors remember the have been there, Pennington high
to. and college.
Series, Summit Racing Maglie and a dozen other big
hit the hay hoping that Kevin man who won a batting title added, but I understand why I Mayo
I didntdenied
care the
losing. I
ll heard as Nationals, final
Brown followed leaguers who assured him he
Love would open things up for and hit home runs in bunches wasnt. ... My grandfather was and
was more interested Timber-
impressed the in the
.minations, 6 p.m., ESPN2 wouldGay
Rudy playin thealongside
frontcourt. them wolves
someday, scrapbooks that gave for Keokuk and Cedar Rapids white and he told me life was chancewith the wayout
to speak he handled
s of(same-day
several major tape)athletes Both groups woke up Friday in Iowas Three-I League as his going to be tough all the way, so questions
prejudice,on hethe topic during a
of Shaqs rap video on the his living room the look
morning to a totally different and feel workout in Chicago last week-
of a baseball museum. career was winding down in the I always tried to be tougher. All the while, locals and out-
the Major
cer: countyLeague
officials moves
Soccer, reality, thanks to an eight-play- mid-1950s. When I was growing up, my end.
of-towners knocked on his door
os Angeles at D.C. United, er Last year, trade
blockbuster Billy inValencia,
the wee His own favorite stories were mother was sure Id get killed. to We
ask iffelt
wasTHE a chance
Art Pen- to
ven a spot on a commercial
on, ABC; UEFA Euro 2008, hours of the night that and
Penningtons agent changed his
about the time he homered off With a $5 gift from his aunt take a player who we
nington, and often left with an had
water. guardian
the faces ofangel, talked the old
both teams. ranked as thesouvenir.
third best player
mpionship match, Spain vs. man into letting him draft
scan some the great Dizzy Dean when to cover the trip, he traveled autographed
n approached to become the Hours after the con- their paths crossed on USC separate in Hethekeptdraft, Grizzlies GM
of the albums to create Photo from Arkansas to Memphis, UCLA Photo many of his own.
many, cologne.
priced at Vienna, 1:30 p.m., cluded, the Wolves senta digital
Mayo, barnstorming O.J. Mayo
tours about Tenn., atKevin
17 forLove
a tryout with Chris
Pennington hit one of theI
Wallace said. That
ne ought ABC to do when some- archive. Antoine
forward But thatWalker was just anda think
small fraction of what he had. the only chance black ballplay-
Actually no one was more the Negropower
6-foot-10 Leagues
who longestalmost
home allrunstheinleague felt
the histo-
r. They took away an honor guards Greg Buckner and ers got to measure themselves was third behind Beasley and
hoices with U.S.aOlympic trials,
movie-reality He used
Marko Jaric to carry a camerafor
to Memphis to surprised than we were when will play down low next never
American Giants. And he to Al ry of old Comiskey Park for the
Negro League get-togethers against the white stars of the looked back.
Jefferson, whoHe willplayed
stay atevery
cen- American Giants and had an
at Omaha,deal.7 p.m., NBC Love, shooter Mike Miller and the deal came back, McHale And if anybody has the
and he hadretreadspriceless videos of major We
said. leagues.
wereAnd allthesitting
first position
ter in thisbutrevamped
catcher, played
lineup old brick from the since-demol-
here is no issue with Kobe frontcourt Brian Car- chance to break in and have the
Cool Papa Bell and some other time he faced Satchel
around there looking at eachPaige, is- winter ball
rather thanmost
move years in Latin
to his more ished ballpark, but that was
all done in fun. Nothing
Wimbledon dinal and Jason Collins. type of impact in the NBA that
guys, talking andvice laughing and suing saying,
other his standard
Wow, warning
I guess its America,
natural averaged
power forward about .300
position. sweptand away, too. So were hats,
mpionships, early round, 11 Timberwolves president Rose Beasley seem certain
Throw it and duck! only to at This
every deal
stop.really set us up on
NBC (livefun and
of basketball around,
operationsand Kevinnow back on. There were just too to have, it would be O. in
jerseys and baseballs used J.
theyre allsaidgone, strike out three straight times. so His
manylast pro Minnesota
game wasGM in games.
between the two giant NBA McHale heValencia
thoughtsaid. the many components in it that fit levels, Mayo.
rs personal and profession- dealNow, wasa month
dead pastearlyhis in 85th
the ourIneeds
could not
holdtomy own against
do it. Modesto,
Jim Stack Calif.,
and he Pennington does
Timberwolves fans willhavelikelya
night, butPennington
the Grizzlieswonders re- anybody, except Satch,
The deal allows the Timber- maybe, eventually
pass it up. found his way back scrapbook and a glove
be reminded of another lottery- in the
and field: U.S.
times Olympic
throughout where hell
opened find the cash
negotiations as theorfirst
the wolves to dump Walker, man
and he was the onliest who to The
Cedar Rapids,
Grizzlies, wheregethe
in turn, a Negro League exhibit
swapping move two years ago, at the
trials, strength to begin
to a picking up that unhappy
made a fool out of
theme. But worked 23guard yearsinfor an aero-
hout me.6 p.m., NBC round came close, and was riding bench dynamic Mayo who when See PENNINGTON
Minnesota selectedPage 14
haq, it seems as if you cant Memphis finally relented and on a rebuilding team, and Jar- was widely thought of as the don Roy, then traded him to
en on the video, the music included Miller in the transac- ics contract, which has three third-best player in the draft Portland for Randy Foye and
tion. years and more than $21 mil- behind Memphis guard Derrick cash.

raft, trade Arthur

lion remaining. Rose and Kansas State forward Roy went on to become rookie
Miller also fills a huge hole Michael Beasley, who went first of the year in 2006-07 and an
on the team as a perimeter and second, respectively. All-Star last season, while Foye
shooter and gives them Love, a Mayo averaged 20.7 points in has struggled with injuries.
Hornets coach Byron the Trail Blazers yet, but com-
t said. It was our opinion pletion of the deal was a for-
e really wasnt anybody mality.
e (in the draft) that could With no incoming rookies,
The Daily Review
Sports Tuesday, November 4

Twins earn opportunity MAKING

Grant pl

Holliers experience
starting defensive end Charl
injured reserve and re-signed
fensive tackle Hollis Thomas

Friday night lights

Grant will miss the rema
season because of a triceps in
al manager Mickey Loomis sa
Thomas, who started 26
New Orleans during the p
By JON MARTIN seasons, tore his right tricep
For patrons of Patterson
Theyre as big a
preseason and was released
High School athletics, seeing part of this program ing an injury settlement with
Joseph and Justin Hollier as any player that making him a free agent.
roaming around Lumberjack He has spent the past two
athletic facilities is a familiar has come through habilitating that injury, whi
sight. here. surgery.
The 18-year-olds are each - PHS coach Tommy Minton
known as Twin among PHS
faithful, and the two have been
Steelers r
thought it would be a nice re-
working the sidelines for the ward for them. LANDOVER, Md. (AP)
Jacks in every one of their four The reward was also the re- fives with teammates after th
years on campus. sponse from both the crowd and burgh Steelers lead in the fou
Theyve been managers for the sideline. When it was an- With his left hand. While w
every male sport since their nounced that the twins had en- With Roethlisberger sidel
freshman year, Patterson head tered the game, the fans erupt- ter reinjuring his throwing sh
football coach and athletic di- ed with a huge standing ova- the local kid who used to sne
rector Tommy Minton said. tion. The PHS sideline began Washington Redskins game
They help with football, bas- chanting their names as they an unexpected appearance
ketball and baseball. They also went onto the field. field.
help with softball, and if they I was doing this to reward D.C. native Byron Leftwic
have time they assist Coach (the Holliers), but I never real- on at halftime and led two
(Annette) Boudreaux with girls ized what it meant to all of our down drives in the Steelers 2
basketball and volleyball. players, Minton said. How tory over the Redskins on M
However, Lumberjack fans proud they were of them. The night.
saw a different sight two weeks comments from a lot of parents We all know Bens the gu
ago when Pattersons top 10- who have seen how hard the back of this football team, a
ranked football team hosted twins have worked the last cou- case something happened. So
West St. Mary in their final ple of years have been very What happened was Roet
home game of the regular sea- good. It ended up being a lot the Steelers a 10-6 lead in th
son. bigger than I ever thought it play, the quarterback reagg
The Holliers, for the first would be. It really touched the shoulder that has bothered h
time in their PHS careers, whole school. son.
dressed out. The Holliers were each voted I have no update on Ben a
The coaches were talking onto the homecoming court this Potentially, he was capable
and we wanted to do something year by their fellow students, went down the field with Left
to honor them for all theyve and teammates expressed how Well just see how he is.
done for the school over the last happy they were to see the Daily Review Photo
Roethlisberger was 5-of-1
four years, Minton said. The brothers get a chance to play. Justin Hollier while Leftwich went 7-of-10
Friday of the Berwick game I I was really excited to see Pittsburgh (6-2) beat an NFC
told them that we were going to them on the field, said sopho- attempts this season. Leftwic
do all the paperwork and let more offensive tackle Joe Hen- game all of them Redskin
them dress out against West St. ry. Theyve been supporting ingly that none of them bette
Mary if they wanted to. And of the team for the longest time Washington (6-3) its worst los
course they jumped all over it. and it finally paid off. I think I truly dont know the off
Minton filed the paperwork we were all happy to see them with the Steelers in August.
and gained the Holliers eligibil- get to play. so thats what makes it toug
ity to play in the game. The Junior defensive back Alan during halftime. Its like, If I
twins did all of their manageri- Angeron agreed. The Steelers top-rated def
al duties before the start of the I dont think anybody saw first team this season to int
game, including setting up both any of the actual play because Clinton Portis to 51 yards
sidelines. everybodys eyes were on Twin, straight games with at least
Before the game began, the he said. We were excited for We were hoping to go ou
Holliers went out to midfield them. Without them, we would mouth football, Portis said.
with all the seniors for the pre- probably die because theyve While the Steelers remain
game coin toss. been our water and everything lost ground to the New York
The game kicked off and the else. They do everything for enters its bye week needing t
Lumberjacks systematically de- us. promising drives but struggle
stroyed the Wolfpack. With the Junior linebacker Nick The Redskins came close
game out of hand in the fourth Nolan stated that it was nice to when Campbell threw incom
quarter, Minton looked to the see the Holliers get to experi- the fourth quarter.
two stars of the night. ence what the team has been Campbell went 24-of-43 for
He didnt have to look very able to experience every day. interception reached 271 atte
far. Everybody was loud and got nerback Deshea Townsend gr
I bumped into them every on their feet, Nolan said. the third quarter.
time I turned around, Minton Everyone was pumped up. Campbell, on the run for m
said with a laugh. They really The Holliers, who finish their ception in the fourth quarter.
wanted to play. I told them if Patterson High careers in the When the team that theyr
the opportunity arose to put spring, will continue to help the of put the warrior bandanna
them in the game, we would let athletic teams at Patterson for coach Jim Zorn said of the St
them play. So I sent them in. the remainder of the year. And, The game was the first ho
The twins went in one at a if Minton had it his way, for a presidential election since 19
time, on back-to-back plays. long time afterward. combination of football and e
Joseph was sent out first and Theyve got a lifetime job One fan alternately waved
played wide receiver. Justin fol- with me if they want it, image in the left hand and a
lowed, taking his brothers Minton said. I hope they stay right hand. Sports-themed in
place at the same position. associated with the school after Cain were broadcast by ESPN
I told them to go in and they leave. Theyre as big a part
block the man in front of them,
Minton said. They both went
of this program as any player
that has come through here. Sports o
out there and did it. They came Any player here will tell you
College football: Miami (Ohi
off smiling from ear-to-ear. they respect them as much as
They were very excited. Its they respect anybody else, just at Buffalo (ESPN2, 6:30 p.m
pretty much been a goal of because of what they do every Daily Review Photo
theirs to play and thats why I day. Joseph Hollier Soccer: UEFA Champions

MCHS drops match, awaits playoff destination Trans

Mondays Sports Transactions
From Staff Reports BASEBALL
The Morgan City High vol- American League
leyball team lost a district Alberto Castillo outright to Norfolk (IL).
tiebreaker match Monday to contract option on C Miguel Olivo and agree
Belle Chasse, 19-25, 14-25, 19- to terms with Olivo on a 2010 mutual option
Purchased the contract of C Brayan Pena fr
25. Omaha (PCL). Assigned C Matt Tupman to
With the defeat, MCHS fin- SEATTLE MARINERS Purchased the co
tract of OF Mike Wilson from Tacoma (PCL).
ishes second in District 8-4A TAMPA BAY RAYS Declined their 2009
this season. contract options on DH Cliff Floyd and LHP
Trever Miller. Announced C Michel Hernande
Top players in the match in- cleared waivers and was assigned outright t
Durham (IL).
cluded Ruth Marcrum, one ace TEXAS RANGERS Named Mike Maddu
pitching coach. Announced Andy Hawkins w
and two kills; Heidi Billiot, one remain on the staff as bullpen coach.
ace, 10 kills, five digs and one TORONTO BLUE JAYS Claimed SS An
Sanchez off waivers from Kansas City and R
block; Katie DeHart, five kills; Kelvin Jimenez off waivers from St. Louis.
National League
Alex Clements, seven kills and ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS Sent INF-O
five digs; Brooke Singleton, two Javier Brito and RHP Edgar Gonzalez outrig
to Tucson (PCL).
kills; Megan Adams, 24 assists, FLORIDA MARLINS Claimed LHP Dan
Meyer off waivers from Oakland.
one kill and two digs; Ashlyn MILWAUKEE BREWERS Exercised thei
2009 contract option on OF Mike Cameron.
Reaux, six digs; and Lauren PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES Named Rube
Amaro Jr. general manager and signed him
OBrien, one dig. three-year contract.
Playoff brackets for the 2008 SAN DIEGO PADRES Named Jim Lefeb
hitting coach and Ted Simmons bench coac
season will be released by the SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS Declined the
2009 contract option on SS Omar Vizquel.
LHSAA later today. By finish- WASHINGTON NATIONALS Traded LH
Ryan Butcher to the Chicago Cubs for RHP
ing second, Morgan City as- Matt Avery. Agreed to terms with RHP Pedro
sures themselves a place in the Encarnacion, INF-OF Jairo Bernabel and OF
Aridio Rodriguez.
Full brackets will be posted National Basketball Association
in Wednesdays edition of The Daily Review Photo Billups, F Antonio McDyess and C Cheikh
Samb to Denver for G Allen Iverson.
Daily Review. The Morgan City High volleyball team will find out their playoff destination later today. OKLAHOMA CITY THUNDER Waived G
The Daily Review Wednesday, May
MAKIN The Daily Rev

The road to the College  World Series Death r

TONIGHT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY -10s -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70

Burch overcomes obstacles

sive end Marquise Hill
Billings ruled an accidental
An autopsy found Minneapolis
76/60 no
cohol in Hills
BREEZY body, alth
Mostly cloudy Mostly cloudy Periods of sun Partly sunny. Chance for an planned and will Chicago take
with a couple of with a couple of with a shower or afternoon
t-storms. t-storms. t-storm. thunderstorm.
San Francisco plete, said
By JON MARTIN My Paw Paw was such a big 65/52
Frank Minyard.
82/63 W

Paw Paw, I need help. 68 part of my 80 athletic 69 career, 82 and 64 85 69 88 71

Los Angeles Minyard said Hill mi
University of New Orleans it was very tough to lose him. I 73/59
El Pasomild concussion when h
sophomore right-hander  David remember when  
 I won big 96/68
Burch looked into the sky and games and championships at
 He might Houston of hit the r
asked for a boost as he saw two Central Catholic, he was al-

above the 88/71
eye when he
Middle Tennessee State run- ways the first

person I hugged  Minyard said. He h

ners get on base in the bottom and looked for after winning.
      bruise there. 
of the ninth. Following  thosechampi-
There was a 
The Privateers had the lead, onship moments at Central the brain, which could

and needed this victory to ad- Catholic, Burch decided to take

sion, Minyard said.

vance to the Sun Belt Confer- his baseball talents to Nicholls
 That could have cau
ence tournament championship  
State University. He got a mini-

though we were told he
and keep their season alive. mal number of appearances in
the accident, he could h
The request was answered. 2006, playing
  for a different
Hill played on LSUs

Burch got Adam 
Warren to coaching staff
  than the one that 
ond-round draft pick by
hit into a double play to 
 send recruited him.     
the Patriots,  playing in
UNO to the title game, where He needed

 a change.     

 Hill and a female
they would eventually take The decision to leave

 near the south

shore. I
down UL-Lafayette to win the Nicholls just kind of happened,

vest. Authorities 
  said  t
conference crown.  

Burch said. Throughout the  

where a 
shipping  c

With the conference title year I wasnt really
 happy. With 
The water goes thro
comes the leagues  automatic a
 coaching staff, I did-       
 90 feet deep, said Miny


bid to the NCAA Baseball Tour-
nt really know them and they   While
 the woman
nament, which begins
for UNO didnt really know me. I just


the 24-year-old

Friday at 7 p.m. when the Pri- wasnt very comfortable.

 drifted   away and disapp
vateers take on the Wichita
  Burch decided to transfer to    ter on Monday

State Shockers in Wichita, Kan. UNO, helping
 to build
 a team              


It really feels great, Burch that
 decimated following

 Clark of the 
said. Its the goal we
had when 
Hurricane Katrina.


part in the search. 
we started in the fall and its re-  I knew  UNO was 
a good


what youre doing
ally special. Just to be a part of gram and I knew a couple of 
    Hill was described b
it, to play a piece in the champi- players already on the team,
laps in his training

onship, is something Ill never Burch stated. I  
made a call


fied his skill, Clark

forget. and took a chance. It has really State regulations req
When the Morgan City na- paid off. craft to wear a life jack
tive got into a jam in the final A big reason the decision has set, said Coast Guard o
frame, he looked towards his worked out for Burch is the op- Hill and his compani
late grandfather, Joseph portunity to learn from former at 7:53 p.m., the Coast G
Charles Russo Jr., to help him Major Leaguer Kirk Bullinger. Hills agent, Albert E
close it out. Russo passed away Bullinger pitched five years since Hurricane Katrina
on March 28. in the big leagues with the including his mother, Sh
I knew he was up there Montreal Expos, Boston Red Submitted Photo
DAVID BURCH, pitcher for the University of New Orleans, From what I hear, h
watching, Burch explained. Sox, Philadelphia Phillies, and and I know he had a gr
Its been a tough year both on Houston Astros. In his time in fires in a strike during Saturdays Sun Belt Conference tour- former LSU quarterba
the baseball diamond and off. See BURCH Page 9 nament game with Middle Tennessee State. LSU. Off field he was a

Qualitech, Red Sox come away with wins

And not only for LSU,
chance to meet him thr

BURCH: UNO plays Wichita Friday DIAMOND: Bor

saddened and disappoin
Complex Park threw three strong innings, al- fourth of the season. Keller also and Sage Thibodeaux, 1-2 with After heading to the N
Johnnys 6, Braves 5 lowing just one run on one hit pitched three innings, allowing two runs. training at LSUs Baton
Continued sippi River from New tw O
Johnnys nipped the Braves from
Continued with Page nine 7 strikeouts goingwithto no seven runs
do whatever on threebut
he could hits with
hes gettingTop hitters
it done at thefor MC Rentals from Page 7
Tigers players, universi
in the first game atMajor the Com-League walks. Baseball, to hold MTSU ninedownwalks to andallow Ks. time. were Nick Spinella,and
eightright run; Tamara Ingram, 1-3 M
2-2;a Seth
His presence meant
plex on Tuesday. Bullinger went 2-0 Theriot with also a 6.53had our twobatsRBIsto driveBrennan
in some runs. Ashley wasWith 1-3 witha league Legendre,
title now 2-2un- withwith an RBI; Caylee Deshotel, Ca
a double;
them someone to lookRB u
Top performers for ERA thewith win-22 strikeouts
and scoredand two 13 runs offensively.
Bullinger noted a double theandmain a run; Reed Berg-belts,
der their ErictheStone, 1-2 with
Privateers 2-3awith triple;an RBI; and Olivia Or-
nette said. Heres a 6-fo
ners were Nick Feliciano,
walks. 1-3 Other standouts for the win-
problem witheron,
Burch1-2 when withhean (37-24)
RBI; and Bennett to
will attempt Dussy,
knock 1-1 with
lando, a 1-3.
and yet every time you
with two runs; Zach Aucoin, After 1-3 signing ners with were the Cameron
Pitts- first Fontenot,
arrived onRyan campus Ratcliff,
was 1-3.
his off the Shockers ble; and Brandon
(49-19), whoGivens, a run. hitters for Candy
Leading a big old smile.
with a double and burgh two RBIs; Pirates 3-3 with in a double2004, andmechanics
an out-of- somethingJohn Henrythe pitchedarethree
one in-of the more consistent Shaw Park Fleet were Brandi Albarado, 3-
In between the line
Austin Stroud, two Bullinger
runs; andwasthe-park released in home 2005run two andhave threeworked nings, very allowing
hard tothree teamsrunsinon college baseball. Qualitech 38,with two RBIs; Cassie Giroir,
lines, in the community
Brennan Bergeron and andeventually
Luke runs. returned Fontenot to his also pitched
correct two hits with five Ks. I played at WichitaCandy
ever since. last year Fleet1-3 4 with an RBI; Jahne Bailey, ne
and having a good time
Marino, a run each. hometown of New threeOrleans inningstoallowingbe We
one had
run to help a BV
lot Central
with his with
Park Nicholls, so Qualitech
Im not toppled
going 1-3; Lacey
Candy Morris, 1-2; Jayda W
Visitation will be held
Leaders for the Braves were coach
an assistant on just at UNO. three hits with hand seven positioning,
Rangers noted to be 7
9, MC Rentals in awe Fleetof inanything,
the first of two Alvarez,girls 2-2;
7- Raven Francois, 1- al
and Son Funeral Home
Greg Parker, 2-3 withIa cant tripletellKs youand how three walks. Bullinger. He was
impor- Thecarrying
Rangers Burch said.
his survived MC and 8-year-old softball 2 with gamesa run; and Joevanna Al-
and two runs; VC Caruso,tant and 1-3specialRico it isNavarroto workwashands 1-2 with tooalowRental
for too behindlong andNeal Weve Michael played at Shaw Park on
some varez, 2-2 withuled
bigTuesday. a run. Saturday at noon
Bordens Church. 12,
with an out-of-the-park with ahome Major double Leaguer, and Burchthree RBIs; he wasnt
SammyableTheriotsto get his bighand games this year
game Monday. in front
Leading hitters of for Qualitech Interment Le
run; Justin Morvant, said 2-3;about
and his Bergeron, new mentor. 1-4 with up in a time
run;to make a pitch.
Theriot The the
earned 4,500 winpeople
on were at Ole MissFeliciano,
Cecily and 2-4 with U.S. Liquids 11 will follow al
ball was still down below his 4,000 people at
an LSU.
and just
a run; Bordens
Kennedy edged U.S. Liquids W
Chase Perry, two runs. The insight he gives and the
Spencer Landry, three runs; the mound and went 2-2 at the
Red Sox 11, Dragnas 2 is something and Nick a big hip
only Canty andand he hadplate
Tyler to catchwithupatodouble,it, need two torunsplay our game1-3;
Hebert, not inComeaux,
andShelbie a slugfest.
im- and that wasnt very try to do too 3-3 much. withJust play Leading
Scul- hitters for Bordens w
The Red Sox leaguer upended can give Rogers, you. aMost run each. andworking
three RBIs. three runs; Lexi
portantly, hes a great guy, a well. the same way that
ly, got
3-3 us here.
with a wereAlaina
run; Meghan Amadore, Boxing: Featherwe 3-4 Jo
Dragnas behind Logan Theri- Top hitters for Dragnas were Other hitters contributing to
With a1-special season2-3now with two runs; Katelyn
Adailton De Jesus vs.
ots stellar play. great coach and a great friend.
Brendan Keller, 1-3 Bullinger
with an said the winthatwere in orderAidan Sanders, Deshotel, with two RBIs
Gautreaux, 2-3Ramirez, with twoatruns;
Theriot, the winningBullinger
pitcher, sees a lot of poten-home
out-of-the-park to run,
correct histhe 1mistake,
with a double he nowandunder his belt, the sophomore
two RBIs; See DIAMOND Page 9 Kansas C
tial in Burch, who he believes is has Burch releasing the ball hurler only has the one regret Hallie Autin, 3-3 with(ESPN2, a home9 p.m

UFC needed a good fight to back up the hype

just beginning to scratch the higher around his chest, mak- still lingering. run, three RBIs and two runs; G
surface of his talent. ing the pitcher more balanced Its been sad without Paw Hannah Toups, 3-3Major with a dou- 1-
League Base
The thing you have to like and giving him much more con- Paw here, Burch confessed. ble and two runs; Paige Landry,
calledzone. human cockfighting bywinupset, but only Ibecause 3-3 with their Atlanta
a run; KeAira Turner at Milwauke
The message all about week David long isin,his and work theethic,
UFC wastrol expecting
over the strike After the this weekend,
toHe strike Republican presidential candi- man lost. and Allie Vincent, Noon);
each Cleveland
2-3 with at
was that this was Bullinger
the eventsaid. has ita bull-
rich on aImillion expect him to continue got real emotional. I cried. I
that would help make mixed pay-per-view buys. date John McCain. Now, UFC types a
will run;tell Harley
you (ESPN2,
LaRocca, 1-3 6 p.m.);
with Flo
dog-type attitude every time he making improvements over the knew he was watching, though.
Silly me. Bullinger I know how that muchpart he ofwould an
the beauty of the RBI; Allie Comeaux, 1-3
martial arts more popular
takes than the mound. Liddell Hes such is the a face
coming of themonths,
boxing. The marketing machine When
competitor. UFC, he thewent sports inbiggest
stated. He has There
name, the arm wasnt
speed much haveaction
loved atto be sport
a part is ofits
this. with two RBIs; and Rhea Pa-
that is the Ultimate Fighting and this was
against Middle Tennessee to be a front line guy for us. Ita grudge match to all, and when Jackson But in the minds of Burch tureaux,
landed and that fights can end so 1-3 with an RBI.
Championship drilled it home
State, we knew avenge whatan weearlier
were loss Jack-himthe
hastotaken firstbit
a little good punch and
longer of thehisfightfamily, many Joedifferent
Russo Jr. ways. Leading
That in- hitters for U.S. AmericanLiq-League
East Division
on the covers of the two biggest son. He was fa-
going to get with him. He was than we thought to get here, still is. Liddell crumpled cludes quitting in theuidsmiddle were of Sara Gaudet, W 4-4L Pct
sports magazines, mainstream vored to win not to the canvas like a fight, something viewed with an as RBI
a Boston and three runs;
36 15 .706
25 27 .481
media coverage that would only in the Ve- a Las Vegas hotel badge of honor of sorts. Karley Guidry, Toronto3-4 with24
New York
two 27 .471
21 29 .420
have been unheard of just a gas sports being imploded. Roberto Duran would RBIs and havea run; Tampa Kelleigh
Bay Gas-
21 29 .420

short time ago. books, but by There are rules liked the idea of No pard,mas3-4 be-with an RBI; Central Kelsey
L Pct
A few weeks earlier, there the rabid fans in UFC (no eye coming socially acceptable. Mounier, 2-4 with Cleveland
a run; Halley 31 19 .620
30 21 .588
was a fight of another kind who booed Jack- gouging or groin Theres no denyingRomero, that UFC 3-4 with Chicago an RBI and 24 23 a .511
Minnesota 26 25 .510
which also had a message at- son from the punching among is hot. A recent cardrun; Regan Barbier,
in Colum- Kansas City 4-4 19 with 34 .358

Roddick ousted
tached. Oscar De La Hoya and moment he en- them) but hitting bus, Ohio, brought in more West Division
W L Pct
Floyd Mayweather Jr. were on tered the arena. a man when hes down isnt one money than a Rolling Stones Los Angeles 32 21 .604
Seattle 25 23 .521

in first round
the front of Sports Illustrated, I had planned to see the fight of them. So Jackson jumped on concert, the shows sell out in Oakland 25 26 .490
and the question was whether in person, but was on another Liddell and started punching Las Vegas, and the company is Texas 19 33 .365
Mondays Games
their fight would save boxing. assignment. So I watched it on him until the referee jumped in doing a card next month in Minnesota 10, Chicago White So
Turns out neither message a big screen in a sports bar in and stopped the bout less than Northern Ireland. PARIS (AP) Boston - Andy Roddick
5, Cleveland 3
Toronto 7, N.Y. Yankees 2
was all it was hyped up to be. Indianapolis to see what Id two minutes after it began. Some 3,000 fans showed up exited in the first
Tampa round
Bay 6, of
Detroit the5
Baltimore 9, Kansas City 1
Yes, De La Hoya and May- been missing. If this had been boxing, there to watch the Liddell weigh-in, French Open for
Seattle the
12, L.A. fourth
Angels 5

weather fought in the richest Sorry, but it sure seemed a would have been cries of a fix. If and the pay-per-view time in six years,
numbers falling
Oakland 5, Texasto 3Igor
Tuesdays Games
fight ever, a megaevent that lot of fuss about a lot of noth- this had been boxing, the refer- are comparable or better Andreev than of Russia Boston 3-6, 6-4, 6-3,
4, Cleveland 2
Toronto 3, N.Y. Yankees 2
drew the rich and famous and ing. ee would have been crucified for most major boxing matches. 6-4. Detroit 14, Tampa Bay 2
generated a staggering $150 For starters, Liddell didnt stopping it too soon. Boxing has floundered Sevenbe- other Baltimore
American 6, Kansas men, City 2
Minnesota 9, Chicago White Sox
million in revenue. They en- seem to take the biggest fight of If this had been boxing, cups cause of a lack of including stars, but James Texas Blake,
4, Oakland 0also
L.A. Angels 4, Seattle 1
gaged in an entertaining if not his career all that seriously. A of beer would have been flying thats not a problem lost. at TheUFC,eighth-seeded Blake Game
terribly dramatic fight, and all gossip columnist reported he into the ring and fans would where they crank outfell to Ivo oneKarlovic 4-6, 6-4,
Chicago White Sox7-5,
(Garland 3-3
a new Minnesota (Baker 1-0), 12:10 p.m.
but the most ardent De La was seen partying in the days have demanded their money every month or so and market 2:35 p.m. 7-5. Texas (Koronka 0-1) at Oakland

Hoya fans went home happy. before the fight on the Las Ve- back. them with zeal. While dozens Rafael of NadalClevelandand Roger (Byrd 5-1)Fed- at Boston (
2), 6:05 p.m.
But it was just one fight, and gas Strip, and he came into the But this is mixed martial promoters and organizations erer, the finalists N.Y. last
Yankees year,
(Clippardad-1-1) at To
boxing remains ill with a lot of ring with a paunch hanging arts, a sport so new that even battle each other forvanced controltointhe second round by
1-1), 6:07 p.m.
Detroit (Robertson 4-4) at Tampa
problems that will never be over his trunks that would those watching arent always boxing, UFC is a company Submitted Photo winning shopin straight
3-0), 6:10 p.m.sets. Aus-
Baltimore (Bedard 3-3) at Kansa
cured. THE UNIVERSITY make James OF New ToneyOrleans
blush. Priva-sure Day what weekend. The Privateers
theyre seeing. The anddefeated can sell its UL-product tralian with Open
a finalist
3-3), 7:10 p.m. Fernando
Seattle (F.Hernandez 3-2) at L.A.
teers celebrateBut
Chuck Liddell, meanwhile, after it was winning the Sun
the fight itselfBeltsport Lafayette
is for real, to get the audi-
but the automatic in the Gonzalez, however,
singular (Jer.Weaver 4-3), lost9:05
met Quinton Jackson in the that
Conference disappointed.over
championship I expected to ence
Memorial NCAA of mostly 20-something
tournament. The formula works, Radek thoughStepanek 6-2, 6-2, 6-4. Games

James, Cavs even series with Pistons

Detroit at Cleveland, 6:05 p.m.
same arena Saturday night, ex- see savage punches to the head, white males look like they UFC officials acknowledge they Chicago White Sox at Toronto, 6
Texas at Seattle, 9:05 p.m.
cept the two were fighting in an forearms to the neck, and kicks would be just as comfortable have work to do to expand the Baltimore at L.A. Angels, 9:05 p.
octagon cage instead of a ring. to the midsection. I figured watching Hulk Hogan as Chuck sport outside its core audience. National League
East Division
Nearly 15,000 mostly not-so- there would be blood, and lots Liddell. The latest card was supposed to W L Pct
rich-and-famous paid their CLEVELANDway of it, (AP) as its close,
The a sport
befits onceand IllThe try crowd
to win on thethislearned
night was from his mistakes. See DAHLBERG visitPage to the8 conference
New York
Atlanta finals29 and
33 17 .660
23 .558
jumpers dropped. So did the game. And I was able to do that. In 12 magnificent minutes in each time theyve been tied 2-2
layups and every one of his free James scored 25 points 13 the fourth, he went 4-of-6 from before losing in six games.
throws, including two with four in the fourth and rookie Daniel the field, 5-of-5 from the line and When he was drafted, James
ticks left on the clock and one of Gibson added a season-high 21 added four rebounds and three promised to bring the champi-
the Detroit Pistons talking trash points as the Cleveland Cavaliers assists. He also played defense onship-starved city its first title
in his ear. tied up the Eastern Conference fi- down the stretch on Chauncey since 1964, and hes closing in on
LeBron James ignored Rip nals with a 91-87 victory over the Billups, who went 0-for-3 with one quicker than anyone expect-
Hamiltons taunts. Detroit Pistons in Game 4. three turnovers in the fourth. ed.
He wasnt going to let anyone James was criticized for his If we just get LeBron to the Billups scored 23 points, but
or anything stop him. fourth-quarter failures in Games fourth, Gibson said, we know only five after halftime, Hamilton
This was his fourth quarter. 1 and 2 at Detroit, when he hes going to do whatever it takes 19 and Tayshaun Prince 15 for
His time to shine. passed up the final shot one night to win. the Pistons, who needed last-sec-
I live for the fourth quarter, and couldnt make a last-second The Cavaliers, who lost a sev- ond wins to go up 2-0 in the best-
James said. I told my team- attempt the next game. en-game series to Detroit last of-seven series and are suddenly
mates, Get me to the fourth and Obviously, this 22-year-old has year, are making just their third the team looking for answers.

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