Hypothetical Learning Progression Plate Tectonics
Hypothetical Learning Progression Plate Tectonics
Hypothetical Learning Progression Plate Tectonics
McDonald, S., Bembenic, M., Guertin, L., Licona, P., Preston, S., and Furman, T. (2013).
Developing a Hypothetical Learning Progression for Plate Tectonics. Poster presented at the annual
meeting of the National Association for Research on Science Teaching (NARST), April 5-9, Rio
Grande, PR.
1. Subject/Problem
Plate Tectonics is an organizing principle in Geosciences. Current Earth and Space Science
teaching, like almost all teaching in science (Kesidou & Roseman, 2002), is not organized in a way
that reflects this organizing principle and instead focuses on memorization and fails to help students
make conceptual connections between individual phenomena, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, and
mountain building. The Framework for K-12 Science Education (NRC, 2012), recommend that
teaching focus on big ideas, as well as the practices of science, in order to help students develop
more productive understandings of science content and the way science works as a discipline.
Learning progressions have been proposed as a way to capture how students understandings
develop within big ideas of science over multiple grade levels or years. These big ideas describe
unifying concepts that help make sense of a broad variety of phenomena, offering robust
explanatory power for the world around us (Smith et al., 2006). Learning progressions can then be
used to guide the developing of curriculum as well as supporting innovative teaching practices
around those big ideas (Alanzo & Gotwals, 2012; Corcoran, Mosher, & Rogat, 2009). There is still
significant discussion in the field about how to design, represent, revise, and validate learning
progressions in science; however, there is overall agreement that learning progressions describe how
students may grow in sophistication towards a big idea in science (e.g. Corcoran et al., 2009; NRC,
2007). A learning progression describes how intermediate levels of sophistication can be
productively built upon, rather than focusing simply on eliminating alternative ideas in favor of
normative scientific ideas. In addition, learning progressions describe how instruction can support
students developing understandings across multiple grades or years, though breadth of the
progression and the grain-size of analysis vary between research groups and topics.
Plate Tectonics is the focus of the learning progression research reported here. The choice of
Plate Tectonics as a big idea in Earth and Space Science is an obvious one, as it is the organizing
principle for the phenomena that are driven by the energy systems of the interior of the Earth (e.g.
earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain building). While Plate Tectonics is clearly identified as a big
idea in science (e.g. ESLI, 2010; NRC, 2012), there has been little research focused on
understanding student thinking in this area. This may be because the underlying understandings of
geologic time that are required (Dodick & Orion, 2003) make conceptual understandings difficult. It
may also be that the reliance on diagrams and maps, and thus the interpretation of two dimensional
representations of three dimensional phenomena, makes this a difficult area for students (Gobert,
2005; Gobert & Clement, 1999). In any case, such a critical big idea in Earth Science will benefit
from the development of a learning progression to help guide teaching, curriculum development,
and assessment.
To build a complex learning progression around principles and phenomena, we have adopted a
framework of building a learning progression by examining progress in multiple dimensions (C.
Anderson, personal communication) that combine to form an explanation for Plate Tectonics. This
process is similar to building learning progressions from multiple construct maps each possessing
an upper and lower anchor and levels of increasing sophistication (Wilson, 2009). Figure 1
illustrates the dimensions of the learning progression: constructs on the x-axis are generalizable to
broad areas of science (Earth energy, pressure, size and scale, and time); constructs on the y-axis are
2. Design/Procedure
This research project was part of a larger National Science Foundation funded Math Science
Partnership grant. The Earth and Space Science Partnership focuses on improving students
understanding of big ideas in middle grades Earth and Space Science. The research drew on students
in partner districts across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which included urban (Philadelphia,
Reading, and York City), suburban (State College) and rural (Bellefonte, Bald Eagle and Penns
Valley) school districts. Students from middle school (6th grade) and high school (9th 12th grade)
were interviewed (N=41). The interviews were open-ended and conceptual, focused on eliciting
students understandings around the core three phenomena: earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountain
building. In addition, there were questions explicitly focused on Plate Tectonics.
The analysis of interviews was completed by an interdisciplinary team of educational
researchers (one faculty member, a post-doctoral scholar, and one graduate student) and
geoscientists (two faculty members, a post-doctoral scholar, and one graduate student). This allowed
us to make adjustments to the codes and the emerging dimensions in terms of both learning theory
and normative scientific understandings.
Analysis of interviews focused on the identification of dimensions of the learning progressions
as well as examining student responses for evidence of the use of underlying principles. In an
iterative process of coding the interviews, initial codes were defined from a subset of interviews
then applied to additional interviews, with new codes added and old codes refined as needed to
capture students thinking. Once this system of categories and codes had been applied to the
interviews, we looked ways to sort students ideas, along each dimension with a goal of highlighting
those aspects of students thinking that moves them in productive ways towards the scientific idea.
We used this analysis to begin outlining levels of increasing sophistication along each dimension.
We also looked for connections between dimensions by: 1) considering how students would need to
bring multiple dimensions together to form more sophisticated explanations, based on the analysis
of the discipline, and 2) looking for patterns in how students naturally made connections between
the dimensions.
The findings reported here are the result of both the analysis of student responses as well as a
discussion by the research team of how students ideas might progress given a different structure of
curriculum and teaching. This was necessary as students ideas were very often superficial and
unproductive, thus at this point in the research the learning progression is largely hypothetical.
stored in minerals undergoing deformation. This differentiation between energy systems is an
important distinction and one that is largely absent in the way K-12 Earth Science is taught or
conceptualized. Pressure is a principle that we know to be important to Earth Systems Science and
we anticipate more of a focus on this area as our work develops. The last two principles along the x
axis constitute two areas that we know are existing conceptual issues in understanding Plate
Tectonics. Deep time and large spatial scales are difficult for students to understand (Dodick &
Orino, 2003) and we recognize that these areas will be potential points of intersection with learning
progression work our group is doing in solar system formation. Thus, these two dimensions are
included with an anticipation of evolving focus as the research continues.
Figure 1 is the result of the analysis of student interviews and discussion among the
educational and geoscience researchers in the team. Therefore, they represent initial findings in the
form of dimensions of a hypothetical learning progression. To understand how the findings impacted
the creation of figure 1 we will now discuss some of the finding in detail.
The interview finding that most impacted the hypothetical learning progression was the
recognition that students explain phenomena that are driven by Earth energy in the context of solar
energy processes. For example, students commonly indicate that volcanoes happen in warmer
climates or that depositional rock layers building up over time will lead to earthquakes. This
recognition led us to define an early level in the learning progression as the ability to differentiate
phenomena that are caused by the two different energy systems. This approach is a significant break
from the way K-12 ESS thinks about/teaches these topics, as Earths internal energy is omitted from
the curriculum. Teaching in this way leads to confusion about where the energy for volcanoes and
earthquakes come from and is less productive for understanding Plate Tectonics.
One of the early findings from the analysis of students interviews was that students lacked
clarity distinguishing between phenomena that are events (earthquakes and volcanic eruptions) and
the phenomenological patterns these events manifest over time (faults and volcanoes). For example,
some students saw volcanoes as mountains that exploded, rather than seeing the volcanic mountain
as the result of multiple eruptions. While we chose volcanoes and earthquakes as phenomena that
are common in Earth and Space Science curriculum, we recognize that these are really different
classes of phenomena and need to be treated separately. We changed our learning progression
language to earthquakes/faults and eruptions/volcanoes and an organization of the dimensions that
indicate that students should move from understanding events to understanding patterns of events.
This describes the beginning of the hypothetical learning progression, which is
characterized by students thinking about two of the key phenomena - volcanic eruptions and
earthquakes - as releases of Earth energy, one of heat energy and the other of strain energy,
introducing ideas like deformation, fracture and pressure. This also involves a shift from starting
with volcanoes to focusing first on eruptions, which brings it in line with earthquakes as an event,
rather than a pattern of events. It also means the levels in the learning progression can begin
focusing on where the energy comes from for these events, which begins working downward into
the Earth.
The next level of complexity in the learning progress then becomes patterns of events -
volcanoes and faults. The complexity here comes with volcanoes and differentiating the popular (in
the US) example of Hawaii, which is formed from a point source vs. the volcanoes that help build
toward an understandings of plates - those volcanoes that are in chains and those that form along
plate boundaries. Our approach leads to the introduction of convection and the beginning of thinking
of Earth as a dynamic system rather than independent surface phenomenon.
The transition to talking about patterns of phenomenon, ultimately caused by convection,
leads to the general explanation of Plate Tectonics. It seemed that mountain building, planned as one
of our original phenomenon, makes more sense later in the progression. Mountains are not
something that students think of as a phenomenon, but as a surface feature. To be able to think about
mountains as a phenomenon with a cause and underlying process students already have to have a
sense of the Earth as a dynamic system and some notions of plate movement. This means that
mountain building as a phenomenon will need to develop with Plate Tectonics as an overall theory
to describe all these phenomenon.
4. Contribution
While this work is preliminary, it addresses an area of Earth Science that has not been well
examined in the research literature, Plate Tectonics. Earth Science is an increasingly critical area of
scientific literacy as more and more socio-scientific issues are based in understandings of Earth
Systems Science. A learning progression to guide curriculum, instruction, and assessment is needed
as we move forward toward new science standards based on the NRC (2012) Framework. This
research preliminarily identified some areas within students conceptions of the underlying
phenomena of earthquakes/faults, eruptions/volcanoes, convection and mountain building that may
require a reconsideration of our approach to teaching these phenomena to middle school students in
order to help them develop productive early understandings that will lead to a conceptually clear
understanding of Plate Tectonics.
5. General Interest
This research will be of interest to NARST members with an interest in Earth and Space Science
teaching and curriculum development. It will also interest members who are engaged in learning
progressions research in other areas of science learning.
Alonzo, A. C., & Gotwals, A. W. (2012). Learning progressions in science : Current challenges and
future directions. In . Rotterdam; Boston: Sense
Corcoran, T., Mosher, F. A., & Rogat, A. (2009). Learning progressions in science: An evidence-
based approach to reform. Philadelphia, PA: Consortium for Policy Research in Education.
Dodick, J., & Orion, N. (2003). Measuring student understanding of geological time. Science
Education, 87(5), 708-731. doi:10.1002/sce.105
Earth Science Literacy Initiative (ESLI) (2009). Earth science literacy principles. Retrieved January,
25, 2010. http://www.earthscienceliteracy.org/document.html.
Gobert, J. D. (2005). The effects of different learning tasks on model-building in plate tectonics:
Diagramming versus explaining. Journal of Geoscience Education, 53(4), 444
Gobert, J. D., & Clement, J. J. (1999). Effects of student-generated diagrams versus student-
generated summaries on conceptual understanding of causal and dynamic knowledge in plate
tectonics. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 36(1), 39-53
Kesidou, S., & Roseman, J. E. (2002). Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 39, 522549.
National Research Council (2012). A framework for K-12 science education: Practices, crosscutting
concepts, and core ideas. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
National Research Council (2007). Taking science to school: Learning and teaching science in
grades K-8. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
National Research Council (1996). National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC:
National Academy Press.
Wilson, M. (2009). Measuring progressions: Assessment structures underlying a learning
progression. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 46, 716-730.
This research poster describes preliminary work on a hypothetical learning progression in around the
big idea of Plate Tectonics. While Plate Tectonics is a central principle in geosciences, little research
has been done about students developing ideas around this concept or the underlying phenomena of
earthquakes, volcanoes and mountain building. Based on open-ended, conceptual interviews (N=41)
across urban, suburban and rural students in Pennsylvania, dimensions for a hypothetical learning
progression are proposed. Findings suggest the possibility that emphasizing events (earthquakes and
eruptions) and then moving to patterns of events (faults and volcanoes) might help students build
toward a more productive understanding of earth as a dynamic system. Findings also indicated that
students misattribute phenomenon that are driven by earth energy systems to processes that are
driven by solar energy. These two findings taken together shape a hypothetical learning progression
that focuses on short temporal events and moves toward longer term patterns of phenomena and
focuses on the energy that drives those phenomena as a way to build productive early
understandings as a foundation for Plate Tectonics.