Astronomy Education Review: Improving Student Attitudes About Learning Science and Student Scientific Reasoning Skills
Astronomy Education Review: Improving Student Attitudes About Learning Science and Student Scientific Reasoning Skills
Astronomy Education Review: Improving Student Attitudes About Learning Science and Student Scientific Reasoning Skills
strongly disagree
strongly agree
Figure 2 plots this index for the six questions where the classes differ signicantly. For the question discussed in
Figure 3, the difference exceeds 4r. For all six questions it exceeds 3r.
3.2. Student Interviews
For the purposes of the overall project interviews were comprised of 9 questions. Five of the nine questions were
developed by Duncan, and four were drawn from the views of nature of science (VNOS) Questionnaire version
C (VNOS-C; Lederman et al. 2002). The VNOS authors suggest that the VNOS-C be administered as a written
questionnaire and that the administration be followed up with individual interviews to insure the validity of the
instrument. For the purposes of our project, however, we did not ask students for written responses to the selected
VNOS-C questions and instead asked the questions during student interviews. The nine interview questions asked
are included below. Questions #1, 6, 7, and 8 were derived from the VNOS-C.
1. What, in your view, is science? What makes science (or a scientic discipline such as physics, biology,
etc.) different from other disciplines of inquiry (e.g., religion, philosophy)?
2. What is a scientic theory?
3. What is the scientic method?
4. Does following the scientic method guarantee you will achieve correct results?
5. Does following the scientic method improve your chances of getting correct results?
6. After scientists have developed a theory (e.g., atomic theory), does the theory ever change? If you believe
that theories do change, explain why we bother to teach scientic theories. Defend your answer with
7. It is believed that about 65 million years ago the dinosaurs became extinct. Of the hypotheses formulated
by scientists to explain the extinction, two enjoy wide support. The rst, formulated by one group of
scientists, suggests that a huge meteorite hit the earth 65 million years ago and led to a series of events
that caused the extinction. The second hypothesis, formulated by another group of scientists, suggests that
Figure 3. (a) Test Class and (b) Control Class responses to the EBAPS question, When it comes to science, students either
learn quickly, or not at all. On the x-axis, 2 represents strongly disagree, 1 represents disagree, 0 is neutral, 1 agree,
and 2 strongly agree.
Table 1. Percentage responses of the actual data shown in Figure 3, along with expected values if both
were drawn from the same population.
Observed values Expected values
Test class 39 41 16 4 0 Test class 25 38 12 22 3
Control class 19 37 10 30 3 Control class 25 38 12 22 3
massive and violent volcanic eruptions were responsible for the extinction. How are these different
conclusions possible if scientists in both groups have access to and use the same set of data to derive their
8. Some claim that science is infused with social and cultural values. That is, science reects the social and
political values, philosophical assumptions, and intellectual norms of the culture in which it is practiced.
Others claim that science is universal. That is, science transcends national and cultural boundaries and is
not affected by social, political, and philosophical values, and intellectual norms of the culture in which it
is practiced. If you believe that science reects social and cultural values, explain why. Defend your
answer with examples. If you believe that science is universal, explain why. Defend your answer with
9. Richard Feynman has been quoted as saying, Science is a way of trying not to fool yourself. What do
you think he meant?
The complete results of the interviews will be presented in detail in a future paper. Here, we report on one
question: What is a scientic theory? (The word scientic was emphasized.) Twenty students from the Control
Class and 23 students from the Test Class were interviewed. In addition, nine students who had not yet taken an
astronomy course were interviewed. Students were given a small amount of course credit for participating in the
interviews, and it was emphasized that students of all levels of ability were desired as subjects. To examine and
compare their responses, we developed a 2-category rubric prior to rating student responses for what we consid-
ered an expertlike understanding and a novicelike understanding of what a scientic theory is. Responses were
categorized as novicelike if they included ideas such as (just) an idea, a guess, an opinion or hypothesis
without mentioning any testing. Responses were categorized as expertlike if they included phrases such as based
on [any of the following] data, evidence, experiment, and=or observations or a tested idea. The rubric was
intended to reect the common confusion between a scientic theory and the everyday use of the word theory.
Using the rubric to rate student responses, the authors had an initial inter-rater reliability of 89%. All discrepan-
cies in ratings were resolved through discussion. Figure 4 summarizes the ndings. They show that no statisti-
cally signicant difference is observed in the percentages of students in the Control Class and Test Class that
hold an expertlike understanding and a novicelike understanding on the single question of what a scientic theory
is. Students in both classes have more expertlike understandings of what a scientic theory is compared with stu-
dents that had not yet studied astronomy. Given that understanding what a scientic theory is is a demonstrated
area of deciency with respect to students ideas about NOS (Abd-El-Khalick, Waters, Le 2008) and that this is
demonstrated in the responses of students in this study that had not yet taken an astronomy course, the instruction
students received in both the traditional and transformed courses seems to have successfully facilitated their
attainment of a more expertlike understanding of what a scientic theory is.
Figure 4. Students in the rst week of astronomy instruction (No astronomy studied) misunderstand the use of the word
theory when speaking of scientic theories.
3.3. Final Exam Question
A nal assessment of students views about science in both the Control Class and the Test Class comes from a
question asked on the nal. The nal question of the nal exam was, Has this class changed the way you think
about science? If so, how? A small amount of credit was given for any answer. From each class, we randomly
selected 116 student responses to review, bin (i.e., sort), and code. During the initial binning process, 19 different
categories emerged. A 19-category coding rubric was then used by two independent coders to code the student
responses. It is worth noting that the students open-ended responses were such that one student could give a
response with a variety of comments that fell under different categories within the rubric. Intercoder reliability
was greater than 95% and all initial disagreements were resolved through discussion. We summarize key ndings
in Table 2.
It is worth noting that, as with the interview and EBAPS data, the student responses to the open-ended nal exam
question are self-reported perceptions and we did not have a means of verifying their accuracy in the students
actual day-to-day lives.
The most notable differences between student responses from the Test Class versus the Control Class deal with
(i) the ability to distinguish pseudoscience from science and (ii) the ability to be more critical or skeptical about
information and to make better informed decisions. These ndings are undoubtedly a consequence of the
embedded NOS curriculum used in the transformed course.
Another notable difference is visible in the higher number of students from the Control Class who explicitly
mentioned learning about one or more specic astronomy topics and being more aware of them in their
environment. Recalling that the student responses were free writes to an open-ended question, it is possible that
although students from the Test Class also learned many astronomy topics (as evidenced by their exam scores;
both classes averaged B-grades, their new knowledge of pseudoscience and the abilities they acquired through
the embedded curriculum were much more at the forefront of their minds and therefore possibly overshadowed
specic astronomy content that they learned.
A third difference is in the almost double the number of students from the Control Class who claimed that they
would=might continue to learn more about astronomy either independently or by enrolling in another course. In
this regard, one must remember that the Control Class was the rst course of a 2-course sequence that satises
the core science requirement and the Test Class was the second course in such a sequence. In fact, many students
from the Control Class said that they intended to take the second course in the sequence to satisfy the core sci-
ence requirement.
Table 2. Number of students in the control and test classes associated with each type of response. The type
of response represents a category of student responses, not the actual students wording. Table represents
data derived from a subset of 116 students from both the Control and Test classes.
Type of response Control Test
I learned about pseudoscience or can distinguish
pseudoscience from science. 1 49
I question the credibility of information more, can
nd credible sources of information, and am able to
make more educated decisions (and be less fooled by
scams). 7 75
I learned a lot about astronomy topics and now I
notice these things more in my surroundings and
environment (e.g., phases of the moon, shadows,
etc.). 72 38
I might/will learn more about astronomy either on
my own (e.g., google, reading books, etc.) or by
taking a class. 42 18
I changed my views about the nature of science (e.g.,
what we know changes over time, astronomy is more
than just memorizing facts, etc.). 25 23
A nal comparison in this particular data set shows that similar numbers of students shared comments that
expressed how their views on the nature of science had changed. These comments related to, for example, how
they now know that scientic knowledge changes with time, that physics is intimately connected to astronomy,
that astronomy is more complicated than originally perceived, etc. This nding is perhaps surprising in light of
the goals for the embedded curriculum. However, the embedded NOS curriculum did not address these aspects of
science as consistently and with as much focus as it did with goal #3 (stated under Section 2.1) and it is likely
that these ndings are a reection of this difference within the curriculum itself.
The addition of this embedded curriculum to the transformed astronomy course provided students regular
opportunities to practice thinking, reading, writing, and talking about genuine science, pseudoscience, and how
they learn science. Students from the transformed astronomy course showed signicant differences in their ideas
about NOS when compared with students from the traditional astronomy course. We were able to distill three
major differences using the EBAPS, student interviews, and a nal exam question.
The 6 EBAPS items that showed differences between the Test and Control classes were not a random subset of
the 30 EBAPS items. In particular, ve of the items related to the question of Who can do science? The
differences in responses between the two classes were large, and all support our rst important nding:
Overall, students in the Test Class believed that anyone can do science if they work at it, whereas many
more students in the Control Class believed that one must have natural ability in order to do science.
The sixth EBAPS item that showed a signicant difference dealt with the nature of knowing and learning
science, particularly the importance of making sense of science. Student responses to this item support our
second nding:
Overall, students in the Test Class valued making sense of science as part of their learning experience more
than students in the Control Class did.
The combination of survey results and student responses to the unprompted essay question at the end of the nal
exam lead to our third nding:
The strategy of giving students practice distinguishing valid science and pseudoscience in applications
outside of the introductory astronomy class leads them to self-report more confidence in their ability to
distinguish valid science from pseudoscience, and that they are more likely to think critically in their own
As the National Science Standards suggest, in order to participate effectively in a democracy, citizens must
understand the nature of scientic claims that increasingly inuence or even become matters of public debate
(1996). They must also be willing to participate. The present investigation suggests that explicit instruction of
NOS and regular practice enhances this important outcome.
We plan to use the results of this study to develop a survey instrument designed specically for use in introductory
level astronomy courses to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction on students as well as their attitudes and
beliefs about science through a Collaboration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars (CATS) research project.
We would like to thank the NSF for funding under Grant No. 0715517, a CCLI Phase III Grant for the Collab-
oration of Astronomy Teaching Scholars (CATS) Program. Also, we thank the CU Science Education Initiative
for its support of this study. We thank the reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions. Last, but not
least, we thank Seth Hornstein and all the students involved in this study.
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