NCP Fracture

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Nursing Diagnosis Impaired physical mobility related to neuromuscular skeletal impairment Subjective !

Nabangga"an ko ug ta#i pagpadulong namo sakay ug jeep$ as verbali%ed by the patient& Objective 'imited range of motion Decreased muscle strength Inability to move purposely

Scientific Analysis A fracture is a break in the continuity of bone& A fracture occurs (hen the stress placed on a bone is greater than the bone can absorb& )he stress may be mechanical *trauma+ or related to a disease process *pathologic+& ,uscles$ blood vessels$ nerves$ tendons$ joints and body organs may be injured (hen fracture occurs& -omplication of fractures include problems associated (ith immobility *muscle atrophy$ joint contracture$ pressure sores+$ infection$ shock$ venous stasis and thromboembolism$ pulmonary emboli and fat emboli and bone union problems&

Objective After . hours of nursing intervention the patient (ill regain or maintain mobility at the highest possible level&

Nursing Intervention Assess degree of mobility produced by injury or treatment and note patient/s perception of immobility&

Rationale 0atient may be restricted by self"vie( or self" perception out of proportion (ith actual physical limitations re1uiring interventions to promote progress to(ard (ellness& 0rovides opportunity for release of energy$ refocuses attention$ enhances patient/s self control or self" (orth and aids in reducing social isolation& Increases blood flo( to muscle and bone to improve muscle tone$ maintain joint mobility2 prevent contractures or atrophy and calcium resorption from disease& Improve muscle strength and

Evaluation After . hours of nursing intervention the patient (as able to regain or maintain mobility at the highest possible level&

Encourage participation on diversional or recreational activities&

Instruct patient in assisting in active or passive range of motion e#ercises of affected and unaffected e#tremities&

Assist (ith or encourage self" care activities

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