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Mr. M. A. Rajangam Chairman

Mr. Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta Director

Mr. S. R. Pandian Whole-time Director

Office No. 210, Dheeraj Heritage,
S. V. Road, Milan Subway Junction,
Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400054


Sharepro Services (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Sam Hita Warehousing Complex,
Warehouse No. 52 & 53, Plot No. 13AB,
2nd Floor, Sakinaka, Andheri (East),
Mumbai 400 072. INDIA

S.U.Radhakrishnani & Co.
6A, Amarjeevan 41,Saint Martins Road,
Near Bandra Police Station , Bandra (W), Mumbai:-400 050

Bank of India
Axis Bank Ltd.

Contents Page No.

Notice 2
Directors Report 7
Corporate Governance Report 11
Management Discussion &
Analysis Report 16
Auditors Report 18
Balance Sheet 21
Profit & Loss Account 22
Schedules 23
Notes to Account 26
Cash Flow Statement 31

1 Annual Report - 2009-10


Notice is hereby given that 16th Annual General Meeting of INDO BONITO MULTINATIONAL LIMITED will be held on
Thursday, the 30th September 2010 at Pride Hotel, Opp. Greens Restaurant, Next to Citibank, Off. Link Road, Chincholi Bunder,
Malad (West), Mumbai 400064 at 4.30 p.m. for transacting the following business.
1.. To receive, consider and adopt the Audited Balance Sheet as at 31st March, 2010 and Profit and Loss Account for the
financial year ended as on that date and to receive and consider the Directors Report and Auditors Report thereon.
2. To declare final dividend @ Rs. 0.10 per share for the year 2009-2010.
3.. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. M.A. Rajangam, who retires by rotation and, being eligible, offers himself for
4.. To re-appoint S.U. Radhakrishanani & Co., Chartered Accountants, the retiring Statutory Auditors and fix their remuneration.
5. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modifications, the following resolution as a Special Resolution

RESOLVED THAT consent of the members be and is hereby accorded to rescind the special resolution passed at the 15th
Annual General Meeting for (i) increase in authorised share capital from Rs. 25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Crores
Only) divided into 2,50,00,000 (Two Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each to Rs.
100,00,00,000/- (Rupees Hundred Crores Only) divided into 8,50,00,000 (Eight Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity Shares of
Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten only) each and 15,00,000 (Fifteen Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs. 100/-(Rupees Hundred Only) each
by creation of further 6,00,00,000 (Six Crores) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/-(Rupees Ten Only) each and 15,00,000 (Fifteen
Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs. 100/- each and (ii) Alteration of Memorandum of Association for giving effect of the said
increase in authorised share capital.
6. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modifications, the following resolution as a Ordinary Resolution:
RESOLVED THAT pursuant to section 94 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 and the
Articles of Association of the Company, the authorised share capital of the Company be and is hereby increased from
Rs. 25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Crores Only) divided into 2,50,00,000 (Two Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity Shares of Rs.
10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each to Rs. 50,00,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Crores Only) divided into 5,00,00,000 (Five Crores)
Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each by creation of further 2,50,00,000 (Two Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity Shares
of Rs. 10/-(Rupees Ten Only) each.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the existing clause No. V of the Memorandum of Association of the Company be and is
hereby altered by deleting the said clause No. V and substituting in place and instead thereof, the following:
V. The Authorised Share Capital of the Company is Rs. 50,00,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Crores Only) divided into
5,00,00,000 (Five Crores) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each.
7. To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modifications, the following resolution as a Special Resolution:

RESOLVED THAT in super session of the earlier resolutions passed in this regard and in terms of Section 81(1), 81(1A)
and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 (including any amendment thereto or reenactments
thereof for the time being in force), in accordance with the provisions of Articles of Association, listing agreements and
subject to all necessary approvals, consents, permissions, and/or sanctions of the Government of India, Reserve Bank of
India, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), Financial Institutions and all other appropriate and/or concerned
authorities, and subject to such conditions and modifications as may be prescribed by any of them while granting any
such approval, consent, permission and/or sanction and agreed to by the Board of Directors of the Company (hereinafter
referred to as the Board which term shall be deemed to include any committee which the Board may have constituted or
hereafter constitute for the time being exercising the powers conferred on the Board by this resolution), the consent of the
Company be and is hereby accorded to the Board of Directors of the Company to issue, offer and allot from time to time
in one or more tranches, by way of Global Depository Receipts (GDRs)/American Depository Receipts (ADRs)/Foreign
Currency Convertible Bonds (FCCBs) / Euro Convertible Bonds (ECBs) / Secured Premium Notes (SPN) (hereinafter
referred to as Securities), public issue, rights issue, private placement, preferential allotment, Equity shares/warrants and/
or instruments convertible into Equity shares optionally or otherwise, subscribed by resident or non-resident/foreign
investors (whether institutions and/or incorporated bodies and/or individuals and/or trust and/or otherwise)/Foreign
Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Mutual Funds/Pension Funds/Venture Capital Funds/Banks and such other persons or entity(ies),
whether or not such investors are members of the Company, whether in Indian to all or any of them jointly or severally for
such an amount or amounts (inclusive of such premiums) as may be decided by the Board so that the net increase in the

Annual Report - 2009-10 2

equity share capital of the Company consequent upon issue and allotment of the securities so issued and allotted and/or
consequent upon exercise of all the rights attached to such securities by the holders thereof, at such time or times, with
or without voting rights in general meetings/class meetings, at such price or prices at a discount or premium to market
price or prices in such manner and in such form and manner and on such terms and conditions or such modifications
thereto, including the number of securities to be issued, face value, fixing of record date or book closure and all other
related or incidental matters as the Board may in its absolute discretion think fit and decide in consultation with the
appropriate authorities, the Merchant Bankers and/or Lead Managers and/or Underwriters and/or Advisors and/or such
other person(s), including by way of Initial Public Offer in US or other countries, so as to enable the Company to get listed
at any Stock Exchanges in India and/or Luxembourg/London/New York/Singapore/Hong Kong Stock Exchanges and/or any
of the Overseas Stock Exchanges, but without requiring any further approval or consent from the shareholders and also
subject to the applicable guidelines for the time being in force.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to enter into and execute all such agreements and
arrangements with any lead Manager(s), Co-lead Manager(s), Advisor(s), Underwriter(s), Guarantor(s), Depository(ies),
Custodian(s), Bankers to Issue and all such agencies as may be involved or concerned in such offerings of Securities
and to remunerate all such agencies by way of commissions, brokerage, fees or the like, and also to seek the listing
of such securities in the Stock Exchange(s).
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to issue and allot such number of equity shares as
may be required to be issued or as may be necessary in accordance with the terms of the offering, all such equity shares
ranking pari-passu with the existing equity shares of the company in all respects except provided otherwise, under the
terms of issue and in the offering document.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT subject to the existing law and regulations, such of these securities to be issued, as are
not subscribed may be disposed of by the Board to such person(s) and in such manner and on such terms as the
Board may in its absolute discretion think beneficial to the Company, including offering or placing them with
resident or non-resident/foreign investors (whether institutions and/or incorporated bodies and/or individuals and/or
trusts and/or otherwise)/Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs)/Mutual Funds/Pension Funds/Venture Capital Funds/Banks
and/or Employees and Business Associates of the Company or such other person(s) or entity(ies) or otherwise,
whether or not such investors are members of the Company, as the Board may in its absolute discretion decide.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Securities issued in international offering shall be deemed to have been made abroad in
the markets and/or at the place of issue of the Securities in international markets and shall be governed by English or
American law or any other law as may be decided by the Board as the case may be.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company and/or any agency or body authorised by the Company may issue Global
Depository Receipts and/or other form of securities mentioned herein above representing the underlying equity shares
issued by the Company in registered or bearer form with such features and attributes as are prevalent in capital markets
for instrumentations of this nature and to provide for the tradeability or free transferability thereof as per the prevailing
practices and regulations in the capital markets.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby also authorised subject to approval of the Reserve Bank of India
and the concerned authorities to secure the entire or any part of the issue by creation of the mortgage / charge on the
Companys immovable and movable properties, present and future, such charge to rank either pari passu with or second,
subsequent, subservient and subordinate to all the mortgages / charges created / to be created by the Company for all
existing and future borrowings and facilities whatsoever.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to finalise the mode and the terms of issue and to
allot such number of Equity Shares/ Securities as may be required to be issued and allotted upon conversion of any
Securities referred to in the paragraph(s) above as may be necessary in accordance with the terms of offering and all such
shares to rank pari passu with the existing Equity Shares of the Company in all respects, expecting such rights as to
dividend as may be provided under the terms of issue and in the offer document.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT subject to necessary approval, consent, permission, of the Board be and is hereby authorised
to convert the Global Depository Receipts/Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds into ADRs or any other permitted Securities
and list at NASDAQ/NYSE or in any other overseas Stock Exchanges.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving effect to the above Resolutions, the Board be and is hereby
authorised on behalf of the Company to agree to and make and accept such conditions, modifications and alterations
stipulated by any of the relevant authorities while according approvals, consents and permissions to the issue as may
be considered necessary, proper and expedient and to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things as it may, in its
absolute discretion deem necessary or desirable for such purpose, including without limitation the entering into of
underwriting arrangements and with power on behalf of the Company to settle any questions, difficulties or doubts that
may arise in regard to any such issue(s)/offer(s) or allotment(s) or otherwise and utilization of the issue proceeds and/or
otherwise to alter or modify the terms of issue, if any, as it may in its absolute discretion deem fit and proper without

3 Annual Report - 2009-10

being required to seek any further consent or approval of the Company to the end and intent that the Company shall be
deemed to have given its approval thereto expressly to the authority of the resolution.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving effect to the above resolution, the Board of Directors be and is
hereby authorized to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things as it may, in its absolute discretion deem necessary or
desirable and to settle any question, difficulty or doubt that may arise in regard to the offer, issue and allotment of
By Order of the Board
For Indo Bonito Multinational Limited
S.R. Pandian
Whole Time Director
Dated : 30th August, 2010
Place : MUMBAI
Office No. 210, Dheeraj Heritage
S. V. Road Milan Subway Junction,
Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400054

1. A member entitled to attend and vote, is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and, on a poll, vote instead of himself /
herself. A proxy need not be a member. Proxies in order to be effective must be received by the Company at its
Registered Office not later than forty-eight hours before the commencement of the meeting.
2. Explanatory Statement prepared in pursuance of Section 173 of the Companies Act, 1956 in respect of Special Business is
3. The Register of Members and Share Transfer Books of the Company will remain closed from 28th September 2010 to 30th
September 2010 (both days inclusive).
4. The dividend payable on Equity Shares, if approved by the members, will be paid to those members whose names appear
on the Companys Register of members and as per beneficial owners position received from NSDL & CDSL as at the
closing hours of 27th September 2010.
5. There was no amount required to be transferred to Investor Education & Protection Fund (IEPF) pursuant to the provisions
of section 205(A) of the Companies Act, 1956.
6. Members are requested to notify the changes if any, in their address to the Companys Registrars quoting their folio No.

7. Members are requested to hand over the enclosed Attendance Slip, duly signed in accordance with their specimen
signature registered with the Company, for admission to the meeting hall.
8. Members are requested to please bring their Copies of Annual Report in meeting.
By Order of the Board
For Indo Bonito Multinational Limited
S.R. Pandian
Whole Time Director
Dated : 30th August, 2010
Place : MUMBAI
Office No. 210, Dheeraj Heritage
S. V. Road Milan Subway Junction,
Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400054

Annual Report - 2009-10 4



The Members of the Company at the 15th Annual General Meeting had passed an ordinary resolution for increase in authorised
share capital from Rs. 25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Crores Only) divided into 2,50,00,000 (Two Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity
Shares of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each to Rs. 100,00,00,000/- (Rupees Hundred Crores Only) divided into 8,50,00,000
(Eight Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each and 15,00,000 (Fifteen Lacs) Preference Shares of
Rs. 100/- (Rupees Hundred Only) each by creation of further 6,00,00,000 (Six Crores) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten
Only) each and 15,00,000 (Fifteen Lacs) Preference Shares of Rs. 100/- each and (ii) alteration of Memorandum of Association
giving effect of the said increase in authorised share capital. Due to sluggish market conditions and incapable to generate few
major projects as discussed in the 15th AGM, the company could not increase its capital to 100 crores. However, the company
is in the process to generate more business in the upcoming years and wants to increase its capital. Hence, it preferred to
approach shareholders to take fresh approval and the ordinary resolution passed at the 15th AGM is proposed to be rescinded.

The Directors recommend the resolution for approval of the members to be passed as a special resolution to rescind the
increase in authorised share capital and alteration of Memorandum of Association.


IN view of requirements for additional fund, the Board of Directors of the Company propose to increase its Authorised Share
Capital from Rs. Rs. 25,00,00,000/- (Rupees Twenty Five Crores Only) divided into 2,50,00,000 (Two Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity
Shares of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each to Rs. 50,00,00,000/- (Rupees Fifty Crores Only) divided into 5,00,00,000 (Five
Crores) Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- (Rupees Ten Only) each by creation of further 2,50,00,000 (Two Crores Fifty Lacs) Equity
Shares of Rs. 10/-(Rupees Ten Only) each. Clause V of the Memorandum of Association relating to Capital Clause is proposed
to be altered to effect the said increase in authorised share capital.

A copy of the Memorandum & Articles of Association is available for inspection by the members of the Company at its
Registered Office between 10.30 am to 1.00 pm on any working day of the Company, up to the date of the Annual General

The Directors recommend the resolution for approval of the members to be passed as ordinary resolution for increase in
authorised share capital and alteration of Memorandum of Association.

None of the directors of the company are interested in the said resolution


The Members of the Company at the 15th Annual General Meeting had passed a special resolution under section 81 and 81(1A)
of the Companies Act, 1956. However the Company was not able to raise the required funds. The Company shall issue, offer
and allot Equity Shares by way of public issue, rights issue, private placement and / or preferential allotment to Resident
Indians and /or Non-Resident Indians and that the Board be authorised to issue, offer and allot such shares, at such price or
prices, to such person(s) as they may deem fit and proper.

The Board of Directors proposes to issue securities by way of equity linked instruments like American Depositary Receipts
(ADRs), Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs), or other type of securities for cash or through public offer / private placement as
mentioned in the resolution for such an amount as deemed appropriate by Board including permissible green shoe option or
equivalent in Indian or any other currency (ies) or upto such limit as may be permitted by the Ministry of Finance or such other
authorities. The Company has enquiries from various foreign companies for investing in equity shares of the company subject
to RBI/GOI stipulations or other appropriate authorities. In view of the encouraging market conditions, it is proposed to issue
Securities as set out in the Resolution. The new issue of Securities requires the approval of the shareholders under section 81
of the Companies Act, 1956.

5 Annual Report - 2009-10

The Company will work out the mode of financing plans and also utilization plans in consultation with the Advisors, Lead
Managers and / or other agencies wherever applicable subject to approvals of Government of India, Reserve Bank of India,
Securities and Exchange Board of India and other authorities concerned. Since the modalities and the terms of the issue will
be decided by the board excepting the issue price which will be based on the Guidelines stipulated by Government of India,
Ministry of Finance and may be listed on Stock Exchange(s), whether in India or abroad, as may be deemed fit by Board and
may be represented by depositing receipts and /or such other securities. This resolution gives adequate flexibility in respect of
working out the modalities of issue including size, timing and also issue such securities in such trenches, at such times and at
such price and / or such other valuable consideration(s) as the Board may in its absolute discretion deem fit.

The special resolution, if passed, will have the effect of allowing the Board to issue and allot shares to investors, whether in
India or abroad, who may or may not be, existing, share holders of the Company and also authorize the Board to consider
issue of GDR/ ADR.

The Directors recommend the resolution for the approval of the members to be passed as special resolution for further issue
of shares pursuant to Section 81(1) and (1A) of the Companies Act, 1956.

The Directors of the company may be deemed to be concern or interested in the said resolution to the extent the said
securities may be subscribed by them or by the companies/institutions where they are directors or members.

By Order of the Board

For Indo Bonito Multinational Limited

S.R. Pandian
Whole Time Director

Dated :30th August, 2010



Office No. 210, Dheeraj Heritage

S. V. Road Milan Subway Junction,
Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400054

Annual Report - 2009-10 6



Your Directors have pleasure in presenting their 16TH ANNUAL REPORT along with the Audited Annual Accounts for the year
ended 31st March 2010. The financial results of the Company for the year under consideration are hereby presented.

Rupees In Cr
Particulars Year ended Year ended
March2010 March2009

Gross sales 251.26 140.35

Gross profit before interest, depreciation & tax 15.11 16.95

Less : Interest & financial charges 7.78 14.38

Depreciation 1.10 1.09

Provision for tax 2.15 0.57

Profit after tax 4.08 0.91

Add : Balance brought forward from previous year 1.07 0.45

Amount available for appropriation 5.15 1.36


Dividend 0.25 0.25

Corporate tax on dividend 0.04 0.04

Balance carried forward to balance sheet 4.86 1.07

Your Directors recommend a final dividend of Rs.0.10 per share on the entire paid up share capital of Rs.24.94 crores to
the Members of the Company holding shares as on the book closure date.


During the current financial year 2009-2010 the company has also started import of wooden floor tiles and sale in India.
The company is planning for acquisition and expansion of concrete block and pavers manufacturing unit at banglore .The
total income of the company during the year under review is Rs.242.98 crores as against Rs.142.72 crores for the previous
year. The profit after tax for the year stood at Rs.4.08 crores as against Rs.0.91 crores for the previous year. This has been
achieved mainly due to substantial rise in diamond sale.

Pursuant to Section 256 of the Companies Act, 1956, Mr. R M Rajangam liable to retire by rotation and being eligible is
proposed to be reappointed as Director.

Your company is looking forward for further rise in the export of gold jewellery and diamond due to good order position.
Also your company is planning for rising manufacturing activity building material segment mainly in the line of concrete
block and pavers.

The Company has passed the following resolutions through postal ballot, for which the results were declared on 30.11.2009 :

7 Annual Report - 2009-10

1. Alteration of Memorandum of Association by inserting a new clause III (1A) & (1B) in the Main Object and 90(a), (b)
and (c) of Other Objects.

2. Commencement of Business for objects mentioned under sub clause 69, 74, 90(a), (b) and (c) of Clause III (C) of
Other Objects.

3. Authority to Board of Directors under section 293(1)(a) of Companies Act, 1956.

4. Authority to Board of Directors to make loans, investments and guarantees under section 372A of the Act.

Your company has been proactive in following the principle and practice of good corporate governance. The Company has
taken adequate steps to ensure that the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in clause 49 of the Listing
Agreement of Stock Exchanges are complied with a separate report on Corporate Governance is annexed as Annexure A
to the Directors Report along with the Auditors Certificate on its compliance.

M/s. S. U. Radhakrishnani & Co. , Chartered Accountants, auditors of the Company, will retire at the ensuing Annual
General Meeting of the Company. It is proposed to reappoint M/s. S. U. Radhakrishnani & Co., Chartered Accountants, as
the auditors of the Company, to hold office from the ensuing annual general meeting of the Company upto the next annual
general meeting of the Company. The Company has received a letter from M/s. S. U. Radhakrishnani & Co. seeking re-
appointment at this annual general meeting and have confirmed that their appointment, if made, shall be within the limits
of Section 224 (1B) of the Companies Act, 1956. The Board recommends the appointment of M/s. S. U. Radhakrishnani &
Co. as Auditors and to fix their remuneration.

Clause IX (b) of the Annexure to Auditors Report states about non payment of Income Tax arrears amounting to Rs.12.19,
FBT of Rs.6.39 and Dividend tax of Rs.8.47 Lakhs for more than 6 months by the Company. The payment will be made
during this financial year.


Your Company has not accepted any fixed deposit within the meaning of section 58A of the Companies Act 1956 from
public and the rules made there under during the year.


The information required u/s 217 (2A) of the Companies Act, 1956 read with the Companies (Particulars of Employees)
Rules, 1975 are not applicable to the Company, as the company has not employed any employee whose salary exceeds
Rs.24,00,000/- per annum or Rs.2,00,000/- per month.


The particulars regarding conservation of Energy, Technology Absorption and Foreign Exchange Earning and Outgo is
mentioned in Form A and Form B attached to this report..


The Management Discussion and Analysis has been attached as Annexure B to the Directors Report.


As required under section 217 (2AA) of the Companies Act, 1956 it is hereby stated that:

a) in the preparation of the annual accounts, the applicable accounting standards had been followed along with proper
explanation relating to material departures;

b) the Directors had selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgment and estimates
that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company at the end of
the financial year and of the profit of the Company for that period;

Annual Report - 2009-10 8

c) the Directors had taken proper and sufficient care for the maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance
with the provisions of this Act for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud
and other irregularities; and

d) the Directors had prepared the annual accounts on a going concern basis.


The CEO Certification and Declaration about code of conduct as required under clause 49 of the Listing Agreement, is
obtained from Whole-time Director of the company, as the company do not have CEO. The same is attached as Annexure
C to the report.


The Board of Directors in its meeting held on 30.08.2010 has decided to shift the Registered Office of the Company from
Office No. 210, Dheeraj Heritage, S.V. Road, Milan Subway, Junction, Santacruz (West), Mumbai : 400 054 to 61 - A,
Collector Colony, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai : 400 074 w.e.f. 01.09.2010.

Your Directors wish to place on record their appreciation and acknowledgment with gratitude for the support and
assistance extended to the Company by the Bankers, Shareholders and Customers. Your Directors place on record their
deep sense of appreciation for the devoted service of the executives and staff at all levels of the Company.

For and on behalf of the Board,

Sd/ Sd/-
S. R. Pandian Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta
Whole Time Director Director
Place : Mumbai
Date : 30th August, 2010

9 Annual Report - 2009-10


Explanation to Point No. 13 of Directors Report :

(a) Energy conservation measures taken : Nil.
(b) Additional investments and proposals, if any, being implemented for reduction of consumption of energy : Nil.
(c) Impact of the measures taken/to be taken at (a) & (b) above for reduction of energy consumption and consequent
impact on the cost of production of goods : Nil.
(d) Total energy consumption and energy consumption per unit of production as per Form A of the annexure to the
Rules is as follows :
(Form for disclosure of particulars with respect to conservation of energy)

Current Year 2009-2010 Previous Year 2008-2009

Other Gold Total Other Gold Total
Business (Dry Jewellery Business (Dry Jewellery
Mix Mix
Plaster) Plaster)
A) Power & Fuel Consumption
1. Electricity
a. Purchased
Units (KWH) 242,609 Nil 242,609 56,097 Nil 56,097
Total Amount (Rs.) 1,590,064 Nil 1,590,064 337,680 Nil 337,680
Rate/Unit (Rs.) 6.55 Nil 6.55 6.02 Nil 6.02

b. Own Generation (KWH) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil

2. Other Fuels
Quantity (k.Litres) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
Total Cost (Rs.) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
B) Consumption Per Unit of
1 Product Unit MT 28,965 6,303
2 Electricity (KWH/MT) 8.38 8.90
3 Other Fuels Nil Nil

(Form for disclosure of particulars with respect to Technology Absorption)

No R&D activities have been taken during the year 2009-2010.

Expenditure on R&D Nil.
Import of Technology for the last five years Nil.

Rs. in Cr.

2009-2010 2008-2009
Exports as a % of Total income 56.64% 60.96%
Total Foreign Exchange earned 142.92 86.74
Total Foreign Exchange outgo 0.64 1.17

Annual Report - 2009-10 10

Annexure - A


The Company believes in transparency, empowerment, accountability, safety of people and environment, motivation,
respect for law and fair business practices with all its stakeholders. These practices being followed since inception have
helped the company in its sustained growth.
2.1 Composition:
The composition of your Board is as under:
Executive Director (Promoter)
(i) Mr. S. R. Pandian - Whole Time Director
Non Executive Director (Promoter)
(ii) Mr. Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta
Non Executive Director (Non Promoter)
(i) Mr. M.A. Rajangam Chairman Independent Director
The composition of the Board of Directors is in conformity with Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock
2.2 Dates of Board Meetings held during the year:
During the financial year 2009-2010, eight meetings of the Board of Directors of the Company were held on
30.04.2009, 03.06.2009, 30.07.2009, 12.10.2009, 31.10.2009, 09.01.2010, 30.01.2010 and 25.03.2010
2.3 Attendance of Directors and details of Directorships in Boards and in Committees of other Companies as on
Name No. of Board Attendance No. of Other No. of other committees
Meetings At last AGM Directorship in which chairman / member
Attended Member Chairman

Mr. S. R. Pandian 8 Yes 1

Mr. Subhabrata Sudhansu
Datta 8 Yes 6
Mr. M. A. Rajangam 8 No 1

3.1. Terms of reference

The terms of reference of the Audit Committee are as per the guidelines set out in the listing agreement with the
Stock Exchanges read with Section 292A of the Companies Act. These broadly include approval of annual internal
audit plan, review of financial reporting systems, internal control systems, ensuring compliance with regulatory
guidelines, discussions on quarterly, half yearly and annual financial results, interaction with statutory, internal & cost
auditors, recommendation for appointment of statutory and cost auditors and their remuneration. In addition to the
above, the committee also reviews the following:
(a) Managements Discussions and Analysis of Companys operations,
(b) Periodical Internal Audit Reports,
(c) Letters of Statutory Auditors to management on internal control weakness, if any,
(d) Appointment, removal and terms of remuneration of Chief Internal Auditor,

(e) Statement of significant related party transactions,

(f) Financial statements, in particular investments made by the subsidiary companies,
(g) Risk framework.

11 Annual Report - 2009-10

3.2. Composition, Meetings and attendance:

During the year, 4 meetings of the audit committee were held on 30.04.2009, 30.07.2009, 31.10.2009 and 30.01.2010.
The composition of committee and attendance are as under:

Mr. M. A. Rajangam, an independent Director is the Chairman of the Audit Committee.

Mr. Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta
Mr. S.R. Pandian
Name No. of meetings attended

Mr. Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta 4

Mr. M. A. Rajangam 4

Mr. S.R. Pandian 4

4.1 Terms of reference

To decide the revision in remuneration of the Whole-time Director and payment of commission to them within the
limits sanctioned by the shareholders.

The remuneration to the Whole-time Directors are decided on the basis of following broad criteria:-
a) Industry trend
b) Remuneration package in other comparable Corporates.
4.2. Composition, Meetings and attendance:

One meeting was held during the year on 09.01.2010.

Composition of Committee :

Mr. M. A. Rajangam - An Independent Director is the Chairman of the Remuneration Committee

Mr. Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta
Mr. S.R. Pandian
Name No. of meetings attended

Mr. Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta 1

Mr. M. A. Rajangam 1

Mr. S.R. Pandian 1

4.3. Criteria for payment to Directors:

The remuneration paid to executive directors is in accordance with the provision of schedule XIII of the Companies
Act, 1956. The non-executive directors have not been paid any sitting fees for attending the Board Meeting. The
Company so far has not issued any stock options to Executive/ Non-Executive/Independent Directors.
5.1. Terms of reference:

The Committee oversees the performance of the Registrars and Transfer Agents and recommends measures to
improve the level of investor services. The Company has authorized the Committee to approve the share transfers.
The Board had designated Mr. Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta as the Compliance Officer, who is overseeing the
investors grievances.
The company has received twelve complaints during the year ended on 31st March, 2010. Seven complaints have
been resolved and five complaints are pending. All transfer of shares have been processed on time.

Annual Report - 2009-10 12

5.2. Composition, Meetings and attendance:

Four meetings were held during the year on 30.04.2009, 30.07.2009, 31.10.2009 and 30.01.2010.
The Company had constituted Shareholders/Investors Grievance Committee comprising of ;

Mr. M. A. Rajangam - An Independent Director - Chairman,

Mr. S.R. Pandian and
Mr. Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta.
Name No. of meetings attended

Mr. Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta 4

Mr. M. A. Rajangam 4

Mr. S.R. Pandian 4


Date, Venue and time for the last three Annual General Meetings :
Date Venue Time No of special resolution

28th September, 2007 6, Sanjay Mittal Estate,Bldg. No.2, 11.00 A.M. Nil
Andheri-Kurla Road,Andheri (E),
Mumbai - 400 059.

30th December, 2008 Ajanta Party Hall, Sumer Nagar, 4.30. P.M. 6
Adjacent to Flyover, S. V. Road,
Borivli (West), Mumbai 400092

24th September, 2009 Pride Hotel, Opp. Greens 4.30. P.M. 2

Restaurant, Next to Citibank,
Off. Link Road, Chincholi Bunder,
Malad (West), Mumbai 400064

The Company has passed the following resolutions through postal ballot, for which the results were declared on 30.11.2009 :
1. Alteration of Memorandum of Association by inserting a new clause III (1A) & (1B) in the Main Object and 90(a), (b)
and (c) of Other Objects.

2. Commencement of Business for objects mentioned under sub clause 69, 74, 90(a), (b) and (c) of Clause III (C) of
Other Objects.
3. Authority to Board of Directors under section 293(1)(a) of Companies Act, 1956.
4. Authority to Board of Directors to make loans, investments and guarantees under section 372A of the Act.
(i) There were significant transactions with the related parties viz. Promoters, Directors or the Management, their
subsidiaries or relatives at prevailing market prices. Suitable disclosure as required by the Accounting Standard
(AS18) has been made in the Annual Report.

(ii) There are no pecuniary relationships or transactions of Non-Executive Directors vis-a-vis the company which has
potential conflict with the interests of the company at large.
(iii) No penalties or strictures have been imposed on the company by Stock Exchange or SEBI or any statutory authority
on any matter related to capital markets during the last three years.
(iv) The company has in place mechanism to inform Board Members about the Risk Assessment and Minimization
procedures and periodical reviews to ensure that risk is controlled by the Executives.

13 Annual Report - 2009-10

The Company has a system of sending Annual Report once in a year to the shareholders. The Quarterly results of the
Company are sent to Stock Exchanges as per requirement of Listing Agreement format and hence the quarterly financial
results of the Company are available on BSEs website. The quarterly results are published in English and Marathi
newspapers like Free Press Journal and Navshakti. Pursuant to the listing agreement the company has designated an e-
mail ID for the investors viz. [email protected]
10.1 Annual General Meeting
Date & Time : 30th September 2010, Thursday, 4.30.P.M.
10.2 Financial Calendar : 1st April to 31st March
10.3 Date of Book Closure : 28.09.2010 to 30.09.2010 (both days inclusive)
10.4 Dividend Payment Date : on or after 30.09.2010 for the financial year 2009-10
10.5 Listing of Equity Shares : The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited. BSE Scrip Code : 531084.
10.6 Market Price Data : High, Low during each month in last Financial Year

Month High (Rs.) Low (Rs.)

April,2009 8.62 6.50

May,2009 11.34 6.95

June,2009 14.88 11.50

July,2009 14.25 11.05

August,2009 12.50 9.70

September,2009 14.15 10.50

October,2009 13.50 8.57

November,2009 12.40 7.57

December,2009 11.80 8.90

January,2010 14.25 9.07

February,2010 13.25 6.98

March,2010 10.70 8.02

10.7 Registrar and Transfer Agents : SHAREPRO SERVICES (I) Pvt. Ltd.
Address for Investors correspondence: Sam Hita Warehousing Complex, Warehouse No. 52 & 53, Plot No. 13AB,
2nd Floor, Sakinaka, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 072.
10.8 Share Transfer System :

Share Transfer request received in physical form are registered within 15 days from the date of receipt and Demat
request are normally confirmed within an average of 15 days from the date of receipt.
10.9 Shareholding Pattern as on 31st March, 2010

Category No. of shares held % of shareholding

Promoters 8134500 32.62

Private- Bodies Corp. 9478675 38.00

Public- Individuals 7327125 29.38

Total 24940300 100.00

Annual Report - 2009-10 14

10.10 Dematerialisation of Shares & Liquidity :

The Companys equity shares are included in the list of Companies whose scripts have been mandated by the SEBI
for settlement only in dematerialized form by all investors. The Company has signed agreements with National
Securities Depository Limited (NSDL) and Central Depository Services (India) Limited (CDSL) to offer depository
services to its shareholders. 7674484 Equity Shares of the total number of 24940300 Equity Shares of the Company
representing 30.77% have been dematerialized as on 31/03/2010.
Shareholders may address queries relating to their holdings to Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta, Compliance Officer at the
registered office of the Company.
Plant Locations: Not applicable
The Company has appointed an independent agency to maintain smooth relations with the investors, who give details of
all important events to the investors from time to time.
Mr. Nitul Gosrani resigned as company secretary & compliance officer on 31.07.2010 and thereafter Subhabrata Sudhansu
Datta was appointed as Compliance Officer of the Company.
For Indo Bonito Multinational Limited

Sd/- Sd/-
S. R. Pandian Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta
Whole Time Director Director

Place : Mumbai
Date : 30th August, 2010


I have examined the compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance by INDO BONITO MULTINATIONAL LIMITED for the
year ended 31st March, 2010 as stipulated in Clause 49 of the Listing Agreements of the said Company with the stock
exchanges in India

The compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance is the responsibility of the Companys Management. Our examination
was limited to procedures and implementation thereof, adopted by the Company for ensuring the compliance of the conditions
of Corporate Governance. It is neither an audit nor an expression of opinion on the financial statements of the Company.
In my opinion and to the best of my information and according to the explanations given to me:
(i) I certify that the Company has complied with the conditions of Corporate Governance as stipulated in the above mentioned
listing agreements.
(ii) I further state that such compliance is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the Company nor the efficiency or
effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company.

For S.U.Radhakrishnani & Co

(Chartered Accountants)

Membership No. 31760

Place : Mumbai
Date : 30th August, 2010

15 Annual Report - 2009-10



After undergoing through a challenging time in 2008-09, the Indian gems and jewellery rise like a phoenix and today preempting
an upward trend. This has been possible due to constant endeavour made by Gems and Jewellery Export Promotion Council
to sustain trade relations with US and also expansion by penetrating other markets.
Indias gems and jewellery export grew by 16 per cent to $28.41 billion in 2009-10 due to revival in demand from major
markets like the US and Europe.
Cut and polished diamond export registered an increase of 20.11 per cent to $17.54 billion in 2009-10 compared to 14.6 billion
in the 2008-09.
Besides, coloured gems stone export increased by 10.55 per cent to $286.65 million in 2009-10 compared to $259.29 million in
the previous fiscal, while gold jewellery exports rose by 9.38 per cent to $9.42 billion during the period under review compared
to $8.61 billion in 2008-09.
The Indian economy has registered a growth of 7.4 per cent in 2009-10 in GDP terms. Manufacturing sector has grown by 10.8
per cent while construction has grown by 6.5 per cent. Although there is moderate growth in construction activity, the same is
expected to rise due to sustained growth of Indian economy and rise in per capita income. The growth in construction
industry is expected to be encouraged by factors including the stimulus given by the government to infrastructure development
and the presence of stable and proactive government.
The company has risks on account of contractual obligations as per the agreements with its customers. Also it has risk of
exchange fluctuations for its exports business. The credit risk in export business is mitigated by taking ECGC cover for its
exports business.
As per CRISIL the credit risk profiles of Indias diamond and diamond jewellery players will remain stable over the medium
term, on the back of steady demand expected in key markets, and improved prices of polished diamond in 2010-11. However
company should adopt prudent working capital management practices which they adopted during the recent slowdown in the
The area of concern in the building materials segment is its moderate growth during FY 2009-10. However company expects
to overcome this factor as it supplies concrete blocks and dry mix plaster which are not only cost effective but save the
execution time in construction activity also.
The Company has adequate internal control procedures commensurate with the size and nature of its business. It is an
independent department with objective and assurance functions that is responsible for assessing and improving the effectiveness
of risk management, control and governance process. The role, scope and the functions of the internal audit department are
reviewed by the Audit Committee of Directors.
We patronize a unique and home-grown philosophy of thrusting forward positively in the face of tough competition and
hurdles. Ideally, the company believes in allowing people to set their own targets and gives them the freedom to achieve
them. This has become a constant source of motivation for nurturing our biggest strength: people. Hiring the best people,
retaining them and ensuring their development is a major challenge in todays business environment. The focus is on
maintaining a high level of motivation and on leadership development and the number of employees are maintained according
to business development.
The financial results and performance for the year are elaborated in the Directors Report.
There is no cyclical / seasonal demand as far as the demand for gold studded jewellery is concerned. However, festive season
increases the demand for gold products.
Government policy for exports is encouraging. The Government has reduced the interest rates for exports to 7%.
Statements forming part of the Management Discussion and Analysis covered in this report may be forward-looking within the
meaning of applicable securities laws and regulations. Actual results may differ materially from those expressed in the
statement. Important factors that could influence the companys operations include demand and supply conditions, availability

Annual Report - 2009-10 16

of inputs and their prices both domestic and global, changes in government regulations, tax laws, economic developments
within the country and other factors such as litigation and industrial relations and is a driving force in the companys growth
and performance.
For and on behalf of the Board

Sd/- Sd/-
S. R. Pandian Subhabrata Sudhansu Datta
Whole Time Director Director
Place : Mumbai
Date : 30th August, 2010

Annexure - C
The Board of Directors
Indo Bonito Multinational Limited
Office No. 210, Dheeraj Heritage,
S. V. Road Milan Subway Junction,
Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400054
Dear Sirs:
Sub: Certification by the Whole Time Director on financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31st March, 2010
and declaration for affirmation to Code of Conduct of the Company.
I, S. R. Pandian, Whole Time Director of Indo-Castle Multimedia Limited certify that:
(a) I have reviewed financial statements and cash flow statements for the year and that to the best of my knowledge and
i) these statements do not contain any material untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that
might be misleading ;
ii) these statements together present a true and fair view of the Companys affairs and are in compliance with existing
accounting standards, applicable laws and regulations.
(b) There are to the best of my knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during the year are
fraudulent, illegal or violative of the Companys code of conduct.
(c) I accept responsibility for establishing and maintaining the internal controls for financial reporting and that I have evaluated
the effectiveness of internal control systems of the Company pertaining to financial reporting and I have disclosed to the
Auditors and the Audit Committee, deficiencies in the design or operation of such internal controls, if any, of which I am
aware and the steps I have taken or propose to take to rectify these deficiencies.
(d) I have indicated to the Auditors and the Audit Committee:
i) significant changes in internal control over financial reporting during the period;
ii) significant changes in accounting policies during the period and that the same have been disclosed in the notes to
the financial statements;
iii) during the year there were no instances of fraud which I have become aware. The management and its employees
have a significant role in the Companys internal control system.
Declaration as required under Clause 49 of the Listing Agreement
I hereby confirm that all Directors and Senior Management of the Company have affirmed compliance with the Code
of Conduct for the financial year ended 31st March 2010.

S. R. Pandian
Whole Time Director

Place : Mumbai
Date : 30th August, 2010

17 Annual Report - 2009-10



I have audited the attached Balance Sheet of INDO BONITO MULTINATIONAL LTD. as at 31st March, 2010 and also the Profit
& Loss Account for the year ended on that date annexed thereto. These financial statements are the responsibility of the
Companys management. My responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on my audit.
I conducted my audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in India. Those standards require that I plan
and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.
An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An
audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. I believe that my audit provides a reasonable basis for my opinion.
As required by the Companies (Auditors Report) Order, 2003 issued by the Central Government of India in terms of sub-
section (4A) of section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956, I have enclosed an annexure on the matters specified in paragraphs 4
& 5 of the said order.
Further to my comments in the Annexure referred to above, I report that:
1. I have obtained all the information and explanations, which to the best of my knowledge and belief were necessary for the
purpose of my audit;

2. In my opinion, proper books of account as required by law have been kept by the company so far as appears from my
examination of those books;
3. The Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Account and Cash Flow Statement dealt with by this report are in agreement with the
books of account;
4. In my opinion, the Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss account dealt with by this report comply with the accounting
standards referred to in sub-section (3C) of section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956;
On the basis of written representations received from the directors, as on 31st March 2010, and taken on record by the
Board of Directors, I report that none of the director is disqualified as on 31st March 2010 from being appointed as a
director in terms of clause (g) of sub-section (1) of section 274 of the Companies Act, 1956;
5. In my opinion and to the best of my information and according to the explanations given to us the financial accounts give
the information as required by the Companies Act, 1956 in the manner so required and give a true and fair view in
conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in India:
i. in the case of the Balance Sheet, of the state of affairs of the Company as at 31st March, 2010;
ii. in the case of the Profit & Loss Account, of the profit for the year ended on that date; and

iii. in the case of cash flow statement, of the cash flows of the company for the year ended on that date.

For S.U.Radhakrishnani & Co

(Chartered Accountants)
Membership No. 31760

Place : Mumbai
Date : 30th August, 2010

Annual Report - 2009-10 18



(Referred to in paragraph (3) of my report of even date)
(i) (a) The Company has maintained proper records showing full particulars, including quantitative details and situation of
fixed assets.
(b) All fixed assets have been physically verified by the management during the year. In my opinion, the frequency of
verification is reasonable having regard to the size of the company and the nature of its assets. To the best of my
knowledge, no material discrepancies have been noticed on such verification.
(c) No substantial part of fixed assets, of the company, was disposed off during the year.
(ii) (a) The management has conducted physical verification of inventory at reasonable intervals during the year.
(b) The procedures of physical verification of inventory followed by the management are reasonable and adequate in
relation to the size of the company and the nature of its business.
(c) The company is maintaining proper records of inventory and no material discrepancies were noticed on physical
(iii) (a) The company had granted loans to two parties covered in the registered maintained under section 301 of the
Companies Act, 1956. The maximum amount involved during the year was Rs.270.72 lacs and the year end balance
of the loans granted to such persons is Rs.270.72 lacs.
(b) In my opinion and according to information and explanation given to me, the rate of interest and other terms and
conditions for such loans are not prima facie prejudicial to the interest of the company.

(c) In respect of such interest free loans granted, repayment of the principal amount is as stipulated.
(d) The company had taken loan from two parties covered in the registered maintained under section 301 of the
Companies Act, 1956. The maximum amount involved during the year was Rs.1034.40 lacs and the year end balance
of the loans granted to such parties was Rs.1029.40 lacs.
(e) In my opinion and according to information and explanation given to me, the rate of interest and other terms and
conditions for such loans are not prima facie prejudicial to the interest of the company.
(f) In respect of loans taken, payment of the principal amount is as stipulated and the same are interest free.
(iv) In my opinion and according to the information and explanations given to me, there are adequate internal control
procedures commensurate with size of the company and the nature of its business, for the purchase of inventory and
fixed assets and for the sale of goods and services. During the course of my audit, no major weakness has been noticed
in the internal control in respect of these areas.
(v) (a) To the best of my knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to me, I am of the
opinion that the transactions that need to be entered into the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies
Act, 1956 have been so entered.
(b) In my opinion and according to the information and explanation given to me, the transactions made in pursuance of
contracts or arrangements entered in the register maintained under section 301 of the Companies Act. 1956 and
exceeding the value of rupees five lacs in respect of any party during the year, if any, have been made at prices
which are reasonable, having regard to prevailing market prices at the relevant time where such market prices are

(vi) The company has not accepted any deposits from the public hence I do not have anything to comment on that.
(vii) In my opinion and according to the information and explanation given to me, the company has an adequate internal audit
system commensurate with the size and nature of its business.
(viii) To the best of my knowledge and according to the information given to me, the Central Government has not prescribed
maintenance of cost records under section 209(1)(d) of the Companies Act, 1956 for the products of the company.
(ix) (a) The company is generally regular in depositing with appropriate authorities undisputed statutory dues including,
Investor Education and Protection Fund, Income-Tax, Sales Tax, Wealth Tax, Service Tax, Custom Duty, Excise Duty,
Cess and any other statutory dues applicable to it. Subject to delay in payments of income-tax. Provident Fund and
ESIC Act is not applicable.

19 Annual Report - 2009-10

(b) According to the information and explanations given to us, no undisputed amounts payable in respect of sales tax,
wealth tax, service tax, custom duty, excise duty, cess or any other statutory dues were in arrears, as at 31st March,
2010 for a period of more than six months from the date they become payable. However, Income-Tax dues of
Rs.12.19 lacs, FBT of Rs.6.39 lacs and Dividend Tax of Rs.8.47 lacs was overdue.
(c) According to the records available of the company, there are no dues outstanding of income tax, sales tax, wealth
tax, service tax, custom duty, excise duty and cess on account of any dispute.
(x) The company does not have any accumulated losses at the end of the financial year and it has not incurred any cash
losses in the current and immediately preceding financial year.
(xi) In my opinion and according to the information and explanations given to me, the company has not defaulted in repayment
of dues to financial institutions, banks or debenture holders, if any.
(xii) According to the information and explanations given to me, the company has not granted loans and advances on the basis
of security by way of pledge of shares, debentures and other securities.

(xiii) In my opinion, the company is not a chit fund or a nidhi / mutual benefit fund / society. Therefore, the provisions of clause
4 (xiii) of the Order are not applicable to the company.
(xiv) (a) In my opinion and according to the information and explanation given to us, in respect of dealing/ trading in shares,
securities, debentures and other investments, the company is maintaining proper records of the transactions and
contracts and timely entries have been made therein.
(b) The shares, securities, debentures and other investments have been held by the company in its own name.
(xv) According to the information and explanations given to me, the company has given corporate guarantee for loans taken by
group companies from banks or financial institutions for financials assistance of Rs.20 crores.
(xvi) The company has not obtained any term loan from banks during the year.
(xvii) In my opinion and according to the information and explanations given to me, the funds raised by the company on short-
term basis have not been used for long-term investments, if any.

(xviii) The company has not made any preferential allotment of shares to parties or companies covered in the register maintained
under section 301 of the Companies Act, 1956.
(xix) The company does not have issued any debentures.
(xx) The company has not raised any money through public issue during the year.
(xxi) To the best of my knowledge and belief and according to the information and explanations given to me, no fraud on or by
the company has been noticed or reported during the course of my audit.

For S.U.Radhakrishnani & Co

(Chartered Accountants)
Membership No. 31760

Place : Mumbai
Date : 30th August, 2010

Annual Report - 2009-10 20



In Rupees
12 Months 12 Months
31.03.10 31.03.09
1. Shareholders Funds :
a) Share Capital I 249,403,000 249,403,000
b) Reserves & Surplus : II 55,126,698 17,224,070
304529698 266,627,070
2. Deferred Tax Liability 14765566 12,059,966
3. Loan Funds :
a) Secured Loans III 282,038,032 1,029,681
b) Unsecured Loans IV 284,813,988 266,993,402
566852020 268,023,083
Total Funds Employed 886147284 546,710,119
1. Fixed Assets : V
a) Gross Block 239,910,803 212,976,863
b) Less : Depreciation 35,540,647 24,533,486
c) Net Block 204,370,156 188,443,377
d) Capital Work-in-Progress 93,021,331 51,130,896
297,391,487 239,574,273
2. Investments VI 27,171,756 40,757,134
3. Current Assets, Loans & Advances : VII
a) Inventories 146,780,104 149,986,407
b) Sundry Debtors 743,868,202 231,689,302
c) Cash & Bank Balances 38,173,091 10,982,352
d) Deposits Loans & Advances 65,084,268 72,325,968
993,905,665 464,984,029
Less : Current Liabilities & Provisions : VIII 433,061,624 199,437,817
Net Current Assets 560,844,041 265,546,212
4. Miscellaneous Expenditure 740,000 832,500
(to the extent not written off or adjusted)
Total Assets (Net) 886,147,284 546,710,119

Significant Accounting Policies XIII

Notes forming part of Accounts

As per our report of even date attached

For S.U.RADHAKRISHNANI & CO For and on Behalf of the Board

Chartered Accountants

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

S.U.RADHAKRISHNANI Subhabrata S Datta S R Pandian M. A. Rajangam
Proprietor Director Whole Time Director Independent Director
M. No. 31760

Place : Mumbai.
Date : 30th August, 2010

21 Annual Report - 2009-10


In Rupees
12 Months 12 Months
31.03.10 31.03.09

Sales/Income from Operations 2,512,580,890 1,403,469,768
Other Income IX 10,679,758 19,225,954
Increase/(Decrease) in Stock X (934,30,837) 4,531,086
TOTAL INCOME 2,429,829,811 1,427,226,808

Materials Consumed (including traded goods) 2,193,970,445 1,195,590,875
Administrative,Selling & Distribution Exps XI 84,722,636 62,111,850
Interest & Financial Charges XII 77,846,678 143,838,892
Depreciation 11,007,161 10,904,284
TOTAL EXPENDITURE 2367,546,920 1,412,445,901

PROFIT / (LOSS) BEFORE TAXATION 62,282,891 14,780,907

Provision for Taxation-Current 18,766,400 2,000,000
Provision for Taxation-FBT 0 639,000
Provision for Taxation-Deferred 2,705,600 3,025,000
PROFIT / (LOSS) AFTER TAXATION 40,810,891 9,116,907
Proposed Equity Dividend for FY 2009-10 @ Rs.0.10 per share 2,494,030 2,494,030
Dividend Tax @ 16.609 % 414,233 423,860
Add : Balance from earlier years 10,726,978 4,527,961
Transferred to Balance Sheet 48,629,606 10,726,978

Significant Accounting Policies XIII

Notes forming part of Accounts

As per our report of even date attached

For S.U.RADHAKRISHNANI & CO For and on Behalf of the Board

Chartered Accountants

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

S.U.RADHAKRISHNANI Subhabrata S Datta S R Pandian M. A. Rajangam
Proprietor Director Whole Time Director Independent Director
M. No. 31760

Place : Mumbai.
Date : 30th August, 2010

Annual Report - 2009-10 22



In Rupees

12 Months 12 Months
31.03.10 31.03.09
Authorised Share Capital
25000000 Equity Shares of Re. 10/- each, fully paid-up. 250,000,000 250,000,000
(Previous year 25000000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each, fully paid-up)
250,000,000 250,000,000
Issued, Subscribed & Paid-up Capital
Equity Share Capital
24940300 Equity Shares of Re. 10/- each, fully paid-up. 249,403,000 249,403,000
(Previous year 24940300 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each, fully paid-up)
249,403,000 249,403,000
Share Premium 0 0
General Reserve 212,016 212,016
Profit & Loss Account 54,914,682 17,012,054
55,126,698 17,224,070
Bill Discounting 232,528,706 0
Packing Credit 47,318,660 0
Other Loans 2,190,666 1,029,681
282,038,032 1,029,681

1. Bill Discounting and Packing Credit are secured by first charge on plant and machinery and stock and book debts
2. Other Loans are secured by first charge on vehicles or other assets acquired against them.
From Banks 967,784 2,452,787
Inter Corporate Deposits 220,905,423 177,599,834
Hire Purchase Loan 62,940,781 8,694,0781
284,813,988 266,993,402
1. Hire Purchase Loan was classified as secured loans upto last year; however, as the party
has waived their requiment of charge creation. The same is treated as unsecured loans from this year.
Gross Blaock Balance as Net Book As on
Total as on Balance as Value As on 31-03-2010
Assets Cost as on Additions Deductions on Additions Deductions on
01-04-2009 01-04-2009 31-03-2010 01-04-2009
Land-Advance 15,000,000 0 0 15,000,000 0 0 0 0 15,000,000 15,000,000
Land-Freehold 0 16,293,557 0 16,293,557 0 0 0 0 0 16,293,557
Land-Leasehold 0 1,506,000 0 1506,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,506,000
Plant&Machinery 178,830,527 7,204,389 0 186,034,916 16,899,452 8,510,811 0 25,410,263 161,931,075 160,624,653
Computer 11,363,973 44,425 0 11,408,398 5,397,701 1,842,829 0 7,240,530 5,966,272 4167,868
Office Equipment 801,163 0 0 801,163 295,351 38,055 0 333,406 505,812 467,757
Furniture 3,115,727 30,000 0 3,145,727 1,244,626 198,175 0 1,442,801 1,871,101 1,702,926
Vehicle 3,865,473 1,855,569 0 5,721,042 696,356 417,291 0 1,113,647 3,169,117 4,607,395
Total 212,976,863 26,933,940 0 239,910,803 24,533,486 11,007,161 0 35,540,647 188,443,377 204,370,156
Previous Year 212,325,232 651,631 0 212,976,863 13,629,202 10,904,284 0 24,533,486 198,696,030 188,443,377

23 Annual Report - 2009-10


In Rupees

12 Months 12 Months
31.03.10 31.03.09

A. Unquoted Equity Shares:

[18339011] Kare Labs P Ltd of Re.1/- each fully paid-up(PY[96317]) 27,170,756 4,756,134
[100] The Bharat Co-Op Bank Ltd (PY [100]) 1,000 1,000
Kare Labs Pvt Ltd-Share Application Money 0 36,000,000
27,171,756 40,757,134


A) Inventories (At Cost)

Raw Meterials Stock 92,024,593 1,800,059
Finished Goods Stock 54,755,511 148,186,348
146,780,104 149,986,407
B) Sundry Debtors (Unsecured & Considered Good)
More than six months 59,262,270 50,116,762
Others 684,605,932 181,572,540
743,868,202 231,689,302
C) Cash & Bank Balance
Cash Balance 3,304,927 3,858,925
Bank Balance with Scheduled Banks 34,868,164 7,123,427
38,173,091 10,982,352
D) Loans & Advances (Unsecured & Considered Good)
Deposits 1,878,000 1,746,000
Loans & Advances 63,206,268 70,579,968
65,084,268 72,325,968
993,905,665 464,984,029


A) Current Liabilities
Sundry Creditors 356,699,097 129,630,400
Other Liabilities 19,190,002 28,288,025
375,889,099 157,918,425
B) Provisions
Proposed Dividend 2,494,030 2,494,030
Provision For Taxation 52,485,042 36,818,642
Dividend Tax Payable 1,261,953 847,720
Provision For FBT 931,500 1,359,000
57,172,525 41,519,392
433,061,624 199,437,817

Annual Report - 2009-10 24

In Rupees
12 Months 12 Months
31.03.10 31.03.09
Miscellaneous Income 966,965 232,483
Interest Income 34,031 914,471
Lease Rentals 9,600,000 9,600,000
Rate Diff-Income 0 22,000
Commission A/c 0 1,672,240
Export Incentive 78,762 6,784,760
10,679,758 19,225,954
Stock of Finished Goods
Closing Stock 54755,511 148,186,348
Less : Opening Stock 148,186,348 143,655,262
(934,308,37) 4,531,086
Salary, Wages & Other Benefits 17,320,321 8,816,198
Rent, Rates & Taxes 4,547,779 2,534,819
Insurance Charges 4,254,340 668,606
Printing & Stationery 469,849 321,017
Postage & Telephone Charges 1,173,730 1,152,553
Travelling & Conveyance Expenses 4,313,094 3,886,206
Professional Fees 4,921,448 7,808,720
Auditors Remuneration 100,000 112,500
Miscellaneous Expenses 16,338,777 3,783,521
Freight/Transportation Charges 4,406,181 19,536,326
Selling & Distribution Expenses 26,784,617 11,233,103
Loss On Sales of Investment 0 2,165,781
Prelimnary Expenses W/off 92,500 92,500
84,722,636 62,111,850
Interest On Term Loans 0 175,794
Interest & Bill Discounting Charges,Crystalisation Losses 77,341,116 143,250,712
Bank Charges 505,562 412,386
77,846,678 143,838,892

25 Annual Report - 2009-10

(1) Basis of Preparation of financial statements:-

(i) The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention and in accordance with the
generally accepted accounting principles.
(ii) Accounting policies not specifically referred to otherwise are consistent and in consonance with generally
accepted accounting principles.
(2) Inflation :
Assets and liabilities are recorded on historical cost to the Company. The costs are not adjusted to reflect the
changing value in the purchasing power of money.
(3) Accounting of Income/Expenditure:-
All income and expenditure items having a material bearing on the financial statements are recognized on accrual
basis except as stated otherwise. However, Dividend Income if any is accounted for on receipt basis. Sales are
inclusive of sales tax and revenue is recognized on accrual basis. Sales are inclusive of service charges. In case of
export sales, the bills are discounted and the amount realized in rupees is credited to sales account.
(4) Fixed Assets:-
Fixed Assets have been carried at historical cost, inclusive of incidental expenses, interest , less accumulated
(5) Depreciation:-
Depreciation has been provided on Straight Line Method on pro-rate basis at the Rates and in the manner prescribed
in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956.
(6) Inventories :
i) Finished goods are valued at lower of cost or market price.
ii) Raw materials, stores and spare parts are valued at cost.

iii) Cost of inventory is generally on actual acquisition cost based on FIFO method.
(7) Investments:-

Investment are valued at cost.

(8) Gratuity/Retirement Benefits:-
The Company accounts for gratuity and leave encashment on cash basis. Also none of the employees have completed
5 years of service.
(9) Miscellaneous Expenditure:-
Preliminary expenses, public issue expenses and expenses for increasing the Authorised Capital is written off over a
period of ten years.
(10) Deferred Tax:-
The deferred tax during the year for timing difference is accounted using tax rates that have been enacted. The net
difference arising there on is debited to Profit & Loss A/c.
(1) Previous years figures are regrouped, recast and rearranged wherever necessary to make them comparable with
those of the current year.
(2) Balances of Sundry Debtors, Sundry Creditors are subject to confirmation, reconciliation and consequent adjustments
if any.

(3) In the opinion of the Board, unless otherwise stated in the Balance Sheet and schedules attached thereto, the
current assets and loans and advances as stated in the Balance Sheet are approximately of the value realizable in the
ordinary course of business and provision for all known liabilities for the year has been made in the books of account
of the Company.

Annual Report - 2009-10 26

(4) Additional information as required under Para-III of Part II of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956 (as certified by
the directors and relied by the Auditors).
a) Particulars of Capacity :
1) Licensed Capacity : 285000MT Dry Mix Plaster Leased Unit

2) Installed Capacity : 285000MT Dry Mix Plaster Leased Unit

3) Licensed Capacity : Not Applicable
4) Installed Capacity : 40000 Blocks Or 80000 Pavers per day based on three ship workings
Banglore Leased Unit
b) Quantitative details for the year are as under :During the current year company has dealt in wide range of
products i.e. ceramic tiles, building materials, and gold, Jewellery, wooden floorings, blocks and pavers, dry-
mix plasters and mobile. Hence quantitative information is not provided in the current year. However, in respect
of gold jewellery the quantitative information is given in quantitative schedule.
c) Value of import calculated on CIF basis by the Company during the year in respect of raw materials, trading
goods, components, spare parts and capital goods Rs.44,12,920/- (Previous year 91,47,791/-)
d) Value of all imported/indigenous raw materials, traded goods, stores and spare parts and components consumed
(including through canalized agencies) :

i) Raw Materials Rs. 17,29,65,123/- (Previous year Rs. 74,74,22,119/-)

ii) Stores & Components Nil (Previous year Rs. Nil)
iii) Traded Goods Rs. 211,44,36,159/- (Previous year 44,81,68,756/-)
e) Purchase of traded goods during the year Rs.202,10,05,322/- (Previous year Rs.44,81,68,756/-).
f) Expenditure in foreign currency Rs. 19,79,850/- (Previous year Rs. 26,25,940/-)
g) FOB value of Export Rs. 142,92,13,373/- (Previous year Rs. 86,73,91,046/-)

(5) Contingent liabilities of Rs 62.23 crores includes contractual obligations of the company as per the agreements with
its sundry debtors.(Previous Year Rs 90 crores) and disputed Income Tax Demand Rs.4.09 crores (Previous Year Rs.
(6) There are no dues outstanding for more than 30 days in respect of transactions with small scale industrial undertakings.
(7) Deferred Taxation : The company has provided for deferred tax Liability of Rs. 27,05,600/- (Previous Year Rs.30,25,000/-).
(8) Interest and financial charges include bank charges ,service charges ,and bill discounting charges payable to banks
and interest on unsecured loans, car loans and interest on packing credit.
(9) Disclosure as required by the AS-18 on Related Party disclosure:
I Related Party Disclosures, as required by Accounting Standard 18, Related Party Disclosures, issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India are given below :
Subsidiary Companies where control exists Nil
Group Companies where common control exists Scarlet International Pvt Ltd
Kare Labs Pvt Ltd
Relatives of Key Management Personnel Nil

27 Annual Report - 2009-10

II The Company has entered into transactions with various group companies where common control exists and other
related parties as follows :

Nature of transactions 2009-2010

Rs In Lacs
Group companies where common Purchase of Goods 2092.63
control exists
Investments Sold 135.85
Loan Received (Net) 79.87
Balance outstanding at the
year end
Creditors 211.40
Loan Given 270.72
Investments 271.71
Unsecured Loans 1029.41

Key Management Personnel Remuneration : S. R. Pandian 8.55

The Company has dealt mainly and substantially in the segment of Gold Jewellery Business, which is its primary segment.
Hence, information required by AS-17 is not applicable in the opinion of the Board, however for better disclosure the
company has analyzed its activities in two segments viz. gold jewellery business and other business.
(A) Segment Revenue Results: Rs. in Lacs

Gold Jewellery Business 21265.77

Other Business 3966.84
Total 25232.61
Less : Inter Segment Revenue 0.00
Net Sales/Income from Operations 25232.61
Segment results before net finance charges, exceptional items and tax:
Gold Jewellery Business 761.28
Other Business 640.01
Unallocated income/(expenditure) 0.00
Total Segment results before net finance charges, 1401.29
exceptional items and tax:
Less : Net Finance Charges 778.47
Profit/(Loss) before exceptional items & tax 622.82
Exceptional Items 0.00
Profit/(Loss) before tax 622.82
Less : Tax Expense 214.72
Net Profit (+) / Loss (-) 408.10
(B) Segment Assets: Rs. in Lacs
Gold Jewellery Business 8515.35
Other Business 4180.32
Segment Total 12695.67
Unallocated Corporate Assets 496.42
Total Assets 13192.09
(C) Segment Liabilities: Rs. in Lacs
Gold Jewellery Business 6336.34
Other Business 2922.23
Segment Total 9258.57
Unallocated Corporate Liabilities 888.22
Total Liabilities 10146.79

Annual Report - 2009-10 28

(D) Segment Capital Employed: Rs. in Lacs
Gold Jewellery Business 197.30
Other Business 490.95
Unallocated income/(expenditure) 0.00
Total 688.25
(E) Depreciation/Impairment: Rs. in Lacs
Gold Jewellery Business 24.96
Other Business 85.11
Segment Total 110.07

(11) Additional information pursuant to part II of schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956:-

2009-10 2008-09

(i) Payment to Directors:-

Directors Remuneration Rs. 8,55,100.00 11,56,850.00
Professional Charges Rs. 6,40,000.00
(ii) Payment To Auditors:-
Audit Fees Rs. 1,00,000.00 1,00,000.00
Tax Audit Fees Rs. 12,500.00

(iii) Other information are either NIL or Not Applicable.

(12) Earning Per Share (in Rs.)

(Nominal Value of Rs.10/- per share) 2009-10 2008-09

Basic Earning per share (Rs.) 1.636 0.365
Diluted Earning per share (Rs.) 1.636 0.365

(13) Unclaimed dividends as on 31/03/2010 for FY 2007-08 is Rs.1,06,373/- and for FY 2008-09 Rs.55,216/- (Previous Year for FY
2007-08 Rs.1,23,949/-).
(14) Sundry debtors includes bills discounted with banks.

29 Annual Report - 2009-10

Annexure to Notes attached to and forming part of accounts for the period ended 31st March, 2010
Details of Production, Purchase, Sales, Consumption and Closing Stock

Opening Stock Production/Purchase Sales/Consumption Closing Stock

Qty Qty Qty Qty
Unit Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees
Kgs Kgs Kgs Kgs


Gold Jewellery 09-10 KGS 0 0 182 224,498,713 136 149,573,941 46 74,924,772

08-09 0 733,868,395 733,868,395 0

Other Materials 09-10 MT 1503 1,800,059 34634 38,690,944 27804 23,391,182 8333 17,099,821

08-09 0 15,353,783 13,553,724 1,800,059

Total 09-10 1,800,059 263,189,657 172,965,123 92,024,593

08-09 0 749,222,178 747,422,119 1,800,059

Finished Goods
(Including Traded

Gold Jewellery-Gold 09-10 KGS 0 0 136 36,015,400 136 216,856,230 0 0

Gold Jewellery
Diamond 09-10 CARAT 0 0 307025 1,814,418,402 303356 1,909,720,704 3669 22,255,332

Gold Jewellery 08-09 KGS 0 0 660 0 660 898,915,414 0 0

Other Products 09-10 MT 8524 148,186,348 37927 170,571,520 42032 386,003,956 4419 32,500,179

08-09 143,655,262 448,168,756 504,554,354 148,186,348

Total 09-10 148,186,348 2,021,005,322 2,512,580,890 54,755,511

08-09 143,655,262 448,168,756 1,403,469,768 148,186,348

1. Other Products includes building materials, dry-mix plaster, mobiles, agro products, blocks and pavers, wooden floorings.
2. Other materials includes cement, sand and allied chemicals.
3. Production of dry-mix plaster and chiknaputty was 20865MT during the year

4. Production of blocks and pavers was 8100 MT during the year.

As per our report of even date attached

For S.U.RADHAKRISHNANI & CO For and on Behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

S.U.RADHAKRISHNANI Subhabrata S Datta S R Pandian M. A. Rajangam
Proprietor Director Whole Time Director Independent Director
M. No. 31760
Place : Mumbai.
Date : 30th August, 2010

Annual Report - 2009-10 30



(Pursuant to clause 32 of the Listing Agreement with the Stock Exchange)
Year ended 31st March, 2010
(Amount in Rs.)
31.03.2010 31.03.2009
A) Cash flow from operating activities
Net profit / (loss) before taxes 62,282,891 14,780,907
Adjustment for :
Depreciation 11,007,161 10,904,284
Preliminary expenses written off 92,500 92,500
Interest Income (34,031) (805,072)
Loss on sale of investments 0 2,165,781
Interest Paid 77,846,678 143,838,892
Operating profit/(loss) before working capital changes 151,195,199 170,977,292
(Increase) / decrease in inventory 3,206,303 (6,331,145)
(Increase) / decrease in trade & other receivables (512,178,900) 258,900,415
Increase / (decrease) in trade & other payables 217,970,674 (369,203,935)
Cash generated from operations (139,806,724) 54,342,627
Direct taxes paid (3,527,500) (900,865)
Net cash from operating activities (A) (143,334,224) 53,441,762
B) Cash flow from investing activities
Purchase of fixed assets including CWIP (68,8243,75) (34,655,867)
Interest Income 34,031 805,072
(Purchase)/Sale of investments (Net) 13,585,378 (9,997,857)
Sale of fixed assets 0 0
Movement in other current assets 7,241,700 32,199,729
Dividend received 0 0
Net cash (used in) / from investing activities (B) (47,963,266) (11,648,923)
C) Cash flow from financing activities
Equity share capital issue 0 0
Share application money 0 0
Increase/(decrease) in long term & other borrowings 298,828,937 84,039,550
Interest paid (77,846,678) (143,838,892)
Preliminery Expenses 0 (925,000)
Dividend paid/written off (2,494,030) (2,494,030)
Net cash flow (used in) / from financing activities (C) 218,488,229 (63,218,372)
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) 27,190,739 (21,425,533)
Cash and cash equivalents as at the beginning of the year 10,982,352 32,407,885
Cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the year 38,173,091 10,982,352
1 The above statement has been prepared on the indirect method.
2 Proceeds from long term and other borrowings are shown at net off repayments.
3 Cash and cash equivalents represent cash and bank balances only
As per our report of even date attached
For S.U.RADHAKRISHNANI & CO For and on Behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

S.U.RADHAKRISHNANI Subhabrata S Datta S R Pandian M. A. Rajangam
Proprietor Director Whole Time Director Independent Director
M. No. 31760
Place : Mumbai.
Date : 30th August, 2010

31 Annual Report - 2009-10

14) Additional information in pursuant to part IV of Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956.
1. Registration Detail

Registration No. 8 1 6 0 7 State Code 1 1

Balance Sheet Date 3 1 0 3 2 0 1 0
Date Month Year
I. Capital Raised during the Year (Amount in Rs. Thousands)
Public Issue N I L Right Issue N I L
Bonus Issue N I L Private Placement N I L
Equity Shares
Private Placement N I L
Preference Shares
III. Position of Mobilization and Deployment of Fund
(Amount in Rs. Thousands)
Total Liabilities 8 8 6 1 4 7 Total Assets 8 8 6 1 4 7
Sources of Fund
Paid up Equity Share Capital 2 4 9 4 0 3 Paid up Preference N I L
Share Capital
Reserves and Surplus 5 5 1 2 7 Secured Loans 2 8 2 0 3 8
Unsecured Loan 2 8 4 8 1 3 Deferred Tax Liability 1 4 7 6 6

Application of Funds
Net Fixed Assets (Including capital 2 9 7 3 9 1 Investments 2 7 1 7 2
work in progress)
Net Current Assets 5 6 0 8 4 4 Misc. Expenditure 7 4 0
(to the extent not written off or adjusted)
Profit & Loss Account N I L

V. Performance of Company (Amount in Rs. Thousands)

Turnover 2 4 2 9 8 3 0 Total Expenditure 2 3 6 7 5 4 7
Profit/(Loss) Before Tax 6 2 2 8 3 Profit/(Loss) After 4 0 8 1 1
Current & Deff. Tax
V. Generic Names of Principal Products and Services of Company
Item Code No. 7 1 1 3
Product Description G O L D A N D G O L D J E W E L L E R Y

Item Code No. 6 9 0 4

Product Description B U I L D I N G M A T E R I A L S

As per our report of even date attached

For S.U.RADHAKRISHNANI & CO For and on Behalf of the Board
Chartered Accountants

Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-

S.U.RADHAKRISHNANI Subhabrata S Datta S R Pandian M. A. Rajangam
Proprietor Director Whole Time Director Independent Director
M. No. 31760
Place : Mumbai.
Date : 30th August, 2010

Annual Report - 2009-10 32



Regd Off: Office No. 210, Dheeraj Heritage, S. V. Road Milan Subway Junction, Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400054


I/We .......................................................................................................................................................................... being

a Member / Members of Indo Bonito Multinational Limited hereby appoint Mr./Mrs./Miss
............................................................................................................................................................................... of
................................................................... in the district of ......................................................................... or failing
him/her Mr./Mrs./Miss. ................................................... ......................................................................................................
of ......................................................... in the district of ..................................................... as my/our proxy to vote for
me/us on my/our behalf at the Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Thursday, the
30th September 2010 at Pride Hotel, Opp. Greens Restaurant, Next to Citi Bank, Off Link Road, Chincholi Bunder,
Malad (West), Mumbai 400064 at 04.30 p.m. and at any adjournment thereof.
Affix Re 1/-
Regd. Folio No. _____________________ Revenue

No. of Shares held ___________________

(Signature of Member/s as per specimen signature on Companys record)

Note : Proxies in order to be valid must be duly filled in, stamped, signed and deposited at the Registered Office of
the Company not less than 48 Hours before the time of commencement of the Meeting.

Regd Off: Office No. 210, Dheeraj Heritage, S. V. Road Milan Subway Junction, Santacruz (West), Mumbai 400054


(First) (Middle) (Surname)

I hereby record my presence at the Sixteenth Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Thursday, the 30th September
2010 at Pride Hotel, Opp. Greens Restaurant, Next to Citi Bank, Off Link Road, Chincholi Bunder, Malad (West),
Mumbai 400064 at 04.30 p.m.

Regd. Folio No. _____________________________

No. of Shares held __________________________

(Signature of Member/Proxy)

33 Annual Report - 2009-10

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