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Technology Plan Evaluation

FRIT 7232

Farrah Coker
Beth Lucas
Teara Powell
Stacy Sears
Cokers Resources
Resource 1: Creating a Personal Technology Improvement Plan for Teachers of the Gifted
Besnoy, Kevin. (2007). Creating a Personal Technology Improvement Plan for Teachers of the
Gifted. Gifted Child Today, 30 (4), 44-48.

The article examines the high frequency of today's gifted students need to interactive with their
community through technology tools. In order for gifted students to be able to do this effectively,
gifted teachers must possess an understanding of technology processes and concepts. Although
many educators like to incorporate technology tools as an instructional method, there are two
obstacles that enable these teachers from doing so. These obstacles are access to resources and
continuous professional development. The article presents a Personal Technology Improvement
Plan that provides gifted teachers with the foundation of how to incorporate technology
approximately into the gifted classroom. This plan can improve the abilities of gifted teachers to
use technology for instruction effectively in the classroom. The article also discusses a five-step
process that gifted teachers should follow in order to create an effective plan.
Resource 2: Creating Constructivist Learning Environment: Role of "Web 2.0" Technology
Paily, M. U. (2013). Creating Constructivist Learning Environment: Role of "Web 2.0"
Technology. International Forum of Teaching & Studies, 9 (1), 39-50.

The article examines how constructivist learning, a situation in which learners bring unique prior
experiences and beliefs and knowledge to constructed their own understanding, can be
implemented into the classroom using a variety of technology tools. More specifically, the article
examines general "Web 2.0" in particular and how it can provide different tools and resources for
designing and delivering instruction. This technology tool focuses on social, collaborative, and
user-driven approaches to present content for students. This form of web technology is on the
rise and is being adapted more and more in the classroom today. This article, examines how
various "Web 2.0" tools and the use of these tools can be used to create a constructivist learning

Resource 3: Planning to Effectively Motivate Digital-Age Learners by Addressing Their High-

Tech Interests and Their High-Touch Needs.
Polka, Walter S., Wolfgang, Jerald I., Mete, Rosina E., Ayaga, Augustine, Khokhar, Attique J.
(2014). Planning to Effectively Motivate Digital-Age Learners by Addressing Their High-Tech
Interests and Their High-Touch Needs. Educational Planning, 21 (4), 51-68.
The authors in this article present information regarding the usage of technology in digital age
students and the learning needs for technology. The intended purpose of the article is to guide
educators in planning and implementing programs, projects, and learning assignments that gain
the attention of students by addressing their interests in these technologies. More specifically, it
examines the growth of technology and how this technology can be used in the educational
setting. The article also focuses on how teachers can facilitate the interest of digital-age students.
The article goes on to present useful information for educators. This information provides these
educators with ways to promote effective curriculum and instruction planning that incorporates
technology of the 21st century.

Lucass Resources
Resource 1: Scholarly journal article
Vanderlinde, R., & VanBraak, J. (2013). Technology planning in schools: An integrated research
based model. British Journal of Educational Technology, 44(1), 50-56.

This authors of this article discusses a research based model that integrates research
results of several studies conducted during the past years on technology planning in schools. The
article discusses technology planning as being a cycle that needs continuous updates and
improvements. The next component is content, which involves financing, infrastructure,
professional development, curriculum and vision. The interaction dimension is basically
involvement of all stakeholders and the importance of this. There is also a support component
that must be present, which comes from such people as school counselors and/or online tools to
help create the technology plan. The final aspect is the product-- a plan that supports vision,
curriculum, and infrastructure. The model is for the use of school leaders, policy makers,
instructional technologist, and teachers. The goal is to present a research based model that lends
itself to successful technology planning in schools. Content, interaction, support, product, and
cycling are the components of this model.
Resource 2
Levin, Barbara B., and Lynne Schrum. "Using Systems Thinking to Leverage Technology for
School Improvement: Lessons Learned from Award-Winning Secondary Schools/Districts."
Journal of Research on Technology in Education (International Society for Technology in
Education) 46.1 (2013): 29-51. MasterFILE Elite. Web. 10 Sept. 2015.

This article discusses what is needed in technology for school improvement. Research was
based on findings from eight award-winning schools and school districts. The article addresses
factors that are paramount in successful technology plans: vision, leadership, planning, support,
culture, professional development, curriculum and instruction practices, funding and
partnerships. The article explains why these components are important and how to implement
them. These award winning schools have these elements in their plans, thus indicating their
positive contribution to the overall effectiveness.

Resource 3
Scholarly Journal
Norton, S. (2013). Technology planning: Designing the drive to get there. Knowledge Quest,
42(1), 64-60.

This article focuses on higher levels of technology integration in schools. The author discusses
guidelines set by the AASL on how to use technology to create an effective learning
environment. The author discusses the use of technology planning in conjunction with these
guidelines and strategies to implement. While the technology plans discussed are for school
libraries not school system, valuable information on what is needed for a successful technology
plan is included. Professional development, budgeting, assessment/evaluation are the major
elements that must be involved in a technology plan for a media center as well as a school

Powells sites


Critical Issue: Developing a School or District Technology Plan outlines how to form a
committee that will be beneficial in creating a plan. The author also states that community help,
parent and student input will help the plan be more helpful. The article outlines goals, action
option, different points of view and implementation pitfall.

Source: Developing Effective Technology Plans. (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2015.

Developing Effective Technology Plans outlines how to write a technology plan that will be
effective. The article describes what to include in the plan so that when the plan is presented and
money is needed there are no questions about what the money is for. I also like how the author
states that if we present it as what output we are needing then there is less confusion. The plan
also states that computers are not the all powerful resource that using technology does not just
mean computers.

Source: Schools and Libraries (E-Rate). (n.d.). Retrieved September 7, 2015.

Schools and Librarians E-Rate step system has a step-by-step process of how to create a plan. It
takes you through all the steps and gives links that can help any questions the publisher may
have. As the applicant goes through the steps it prompts the appropriate forms and show how and
what to write. Unlike to two previous links this one shows how to fill out the plan forms and
submit for evaluation.

Sears Resources
Resource 1: Personal Devices in Public Settings: Lessons Learned from an iPod Touch/ iPad
Crichton, S. Pegler, K. White, D. (2012). Personal devices in public settings: lessons learned
from an iPod touch/ iPad project. Electronic Journal of e-learning, 10 (1), 23-31.
This article focuses on a research study that provided iPod and iPad devices for teachers and
students. Both teachers and students were to report the perceived usefulness of the device as it
applied to the learning environment. Findings from the research showed the iPad was used
effectively in the classroom at all levels. Participants in the study did, however, note that a
laptop was more effective for conducting research and creating presentations. Teachers were
also surprised at the number of students who needed training on how to use the device prior to
using it for learning purposes. I think that when schools are implementing new technology it
needs to be a device that has research supporting its usefulness in the learning setting. I also
think that it is important that we train all students with the technology devices to ensure that they
use them effectively.

Resource 2: Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

Harris, J. Hoffer, M. (2011). Technological pedagogical content knowledge in action: a
descriptive study of secondary teachers curriculum-based, technology instructional planning.
Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 4(3), 211-229.
This article discussed how a teachers knowledge of technological strategies could inform their
instructional planning. Teachers planning methods were evaluated before and after a
professional development that focused on implementing technology into the classroom.
Research showed that after training educators provided more varied strategies, student centered
lessons, and an increase in technology implementation. Participants in the study were all veteran
teachers and taught the in same content area. I think that when creating a technology plan,
districts need to provide ample training opportunity to ensure that teachers not only know what
technology is available but also how to use the technology in the classroom.
Resource 3: Technology plan from Cherokee County School District
Upon reviewing and comparing multiple technology plans, I felt that this one stood out as an
exemplar. This plan could be used to develop effective plans in other school districts. Cherokee
County is a large school district that offers a great deal of technology to students and staff. It
was noted in the plan that teachers and students are trained on the technology used in the county.
They plan was very detailed and organized, allowing the reader to understand where they are and
where the plan to be in the future. I liked the wording of many of the initiatives taken by the
Cherokee County School District; for example, the call cell phones or iPods learning devices.
This gives the technology a student centered term that is positive and learning based.

Bethany Lucas
Professional Development Aspect of the Rubric

Bethany Lucas
Ongoing Evaluation

Category Outstanding (4) Proficient (3) Needs work (2) Below

expectations (1)

Professional The plan The plan The plan The plan does
Development includes clear includes staff includes staff not include staff
and detailed goals and a goals and a goals and/or a
timeline for staff timeline for staff timeline for staff
staff goals and training but is training but one training.
a clear and lacking in some or both are
detailed timeline details. unclear and
lacking some
for staff

The guidelines The guidelines The plan does

There are clear for assessing for assessing not include
and detailed staff technology staff technology guidelines for
literacy are literacy are assessing staff
guidelines for
present but present but are technology
assessing staff lacking in detail. unclear and literacy.
technology lacking in detail.
The plan The plan The plan does
The plan provides provides not include
provides clear guidelines and guidelines for guidelines for
requirements for staff to receive staff to receive
and detailed
staff to receive training are training and does
guidelines and training but present but are not mention
requirements for details are unclear or training
staff members to lacking and/or undetailed and or modalities.
receive training few training no training
in various modalities are modalities are
modalities. mentioned. mentioned.

The plan
provides clear
clear and
guidelines staff
training in
hardware, and

A clear and
detailed plan
exists ongoing

Ongoing The plan

Evaluation provides
detailed and
process for
evaluating staff
knowledge and
mastery of
technology as
well as

The plan
detailed and
process for
assessing all
knowledge and
mastery of

The plan
detailed and
process for
whether or not
goals and
timelines have
followed/and or

The plan
detailed and
process for
hardware, tele-
ware, etc.

The plan
detailed and
process for

Budget and Assessment of telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other services
Category Outstanding (4) Proficient (3) Needs Work (2) Below
Expectations (1)

Budget The plan The plan The plan The plan vaguely
provides a somewhat somewhat provides a
budget summary provides a provides a budget summary
for hardware, budget summary budget summary for hardware,
software, for hardware, for hardware, software,
upgrades, software, software, upgrades,
professional upgrades, upgrades, professional
development, professional professional development,
tech support, etc. development, development, tech support, etc.
and how funding tech support, etc. tech support, etc. and how funding
will be allocated and how funding and how funding will be allocated
i.e. grants, will be allocated will be allocated i.e. grants,
federal funding, i.e. grants, i.e. grants, federal funding,
and/or state federal funding, federal funding, and/or state
funding. and/or state and/or state funding.
Additionally, the funding. funding. But, the Additionally, the
budget is Additionally, the budget is not budget is not
realistic and budget is realistic and realistic and
consistent with realistic and consistent with consistent with
the intended consistent with the intended the intended
goals and the intended goals and goals and
objectives of the goals and objectives of the objectives of the
plan. objectives of the plan. plan.

An assessment The plan The plan The plan The plan does
telecommunicati includes an includes an includes an not include an
on services, assessment of assessment of assessment of assessment of
hardware, telecommunicati telecommunicati telecommunicati telecommunicati
software, and on services, on services, on services, on services,
other services hardware, hardware, hardware, hardware,
needed software, and software, and software, and software, and
other services other services other services other services
that are need to that are need to that are need to that are need to
improve improve improve improve
education. education. education, but education and
Additionally, the However, the excludes an excludes an
plan includes an plan does not inventory of the inventory of the
inventory of include a full technology technology
these technology inventory of services and services and
services and every technology products that are products that are
products that are service and being used being used
being used product that are within the within the
within the being used county. county.
county. within the

Stacy Sears

4 Outstanding 3 Proficient 2 Needs 1 Below

Improvement Expectations

Accessibility to The plan The plan The plan Plan lacks a

Technology includes a includes a includes a section
section section section explaining how
describing how describing how describing how technology will
technology will technology will technology will be used to
be used to be used to be used to impact learners
impact learners impact learners impact learners in the special
with disabilities with disabilities with disabilities education
or in special or in special or in special program or
education. education. education. learners with
Additionally, Additionally, Plan does not disabilities.
the plan lists the plan lists list or describe
and describes web-based and the web-based
the web-based software and software
and software programs used programs used
programs used with learners for learners with
for learners with disabilities disabilities or
with disabilities or special special
or special education. education
education Plan does not
describe the
web-based or

4- Outstanding 3- Proficient 2- Needs 1-Below

Improvement Expectations

Goals The plan includes The plan includes The plan is lacking
The plan includes goals that address goals but they are goals or has no
goals that are what is need from vague, unrealistic or obtainable goals.
realistic in teachers, students hard to follow. The plan had no
addressing what is or other personnel Expectations are educational vision
needed from responsible for unclear or school
teachers, students implementing The plan is based on improvement goals.
and other personnel technology only one or two of
responsible for The plan is based the educational
The plan does not
implementing on the educational visions or school
technology. vision or school improvement goals.
The plan is based professional
improvement The plan has
on the educational development.
plans unclear or no
The plan has no
vision and school created by the student
student learning
improvement plans schools. improvements for
created by each The plan is created learning. The plan has no
school. to improve student The plan includes
dates for review
learning professional The plan is out of
The technology The plan has development or date
plan is created to professional support for staff
improve student development every 5 years.
learning, and teach planned for support The plan has a five
necessary skills staff every two or more date for
need for further years. review
education and The plan has an The plan is
possible careers. evaluation plan for outdated.
every three years.
The plan includes The plan has dates
professional of review every
development and three years.
support for staff on
a continuous basis
as new information
is generated.
The plan has an
evaluation plan to
ensure that the
desired results are
The plan has dates
set for review to
ensure all
information is
current .

Combined Rubric!

Category Outstanding (4) Proficient (3) Needs Work (2) Below

Expectations (1)

Budget The plan The plan The plan The plan vaguely
provides a somewhat somewhat provides a
budget summary provides a provides a budget summary
for hardware, budget summary budget summary for hardware,
software, for hardware, for hardware, software,
upgrades, software, software, upgrades,
professional upgrades, upgrades, professional
development, professional professional development,
tech support, etc. development, development, tech support, etc.
and how funding tech support, etc. tech support, etc. and how funding
will be allocated and how funding and how funding will be allocated
i.e. grants, will be allocated will be allocated i.e. grants,
federal funding, i.e. grants, i.e. grants, federal funding,
and/or state federal funding, federal funding, and/or state
funding. and/or state and/or state funding.
Additionally, the funding. funding. But, the Additionally, the
budget is Additionally, the budget is not budget is not
realistic and budget is realistic and realistic and
consistent with realistic and consistent with consistent with
the intended consistent with the intended the intended
goals and the intended goals and goals and
objectives of the goals and objectives of the objectives of the
plan. objectives of the plan. plan.

An assessment The plan The plan The plan The plan does
telecommunicati includes an includes an includes an not include an
on services, assessment of assessment of assessment of assessment of
hardware, telecommunicati telecommunicati telecommunicati telecommunicati
software, and on services, on services, on services, on services,
other services hardware, hardware, hardware, hardware,
needed software, and software, and software, and software, and
other services other services other services other services
that are need to that are need to that are need to that are need to
improve improve improve improve
education. education. education, but education and
Additionally, the However, the excludes an excludes an
plan includes an plan does not inventory of the inventory of the
inventory of include a full technology technology
these technology inventory of services and services and
services and every technology products that are products that are
products that are service and being used being used
being used product that are within the within the
within the being used county. county.
county. within the

Accessibility to The plan The plan The plan Plan lacks a

Technology includes a includes a includes a section
section section section explaining how
describing how describing how describing how technology will
technology will technology will technology will be used to
be used to be used to be used to impact learners
impact learners impact learners impact learners in the special
with disabilities with disabilities with disabilities education
or in special or in special or in special program or
education. education. education. learners with
Additionally, the Additionally, the Plan does not list disabilities.
plan lists and plan lists web- or describe the
describes the based and web-based and
web-based and software software
software programs used programs used
programs used with learners for learners with
for learners with with disabilities disabilities or
disabilities or or special special education
special education education.
Plan does not
describe the
web-based or

Goals - The plan - The plan - The plan - The plan is

includes goals includes goals includes goals lacking goals or
that are realistic that address what but they are has no
in addressing is need from vague, obtainable goals.
what is needed teachers, unrealistic or
from teachers, students or other hard to follow. - The plan had
students and personnel Expectations are no educational
other personnel responsible for unclear vision or school
responsible for implementing - The plan is improvement
implementing technology -- based on only goals. -
technology. The plan is one or two of the The plan does
- The plan is based on the educational not include
based on the educational visions or school professional
educational vision or school improvement development.
vision and improvement goals. - The plan has no
school plans - The plan has student learning
improvement created by the unclear or no plans.
plans created by schools. student - The plan has no
each school. - The plan is improvements dates for review
- The technology created to for learning. - The plan is out
plan is created to improve student - The plan of date
improve student learning includes
learning, and - The plan has professional
teach necessary professional development or
skills need for development support for staff
further education planned for every 5 years. - -
and possible support staff The plan has a
careers. every two years. five or more date
- The plan - The plan has an for review
includes evaluation plan - The plan is
professional for every three outdated.
development and years.
support for staff - The plan has
on a continuous dates of review
basis as new every three
information is years.
- The plan has an
evaluation plan
to ensure that the
desired results
are obtained -
The plan has
dates set for
review to ensure
all information is
current .

Professional The plan The plan The plan The plan does
Development includes clear includes staff includes staff not include staff
and detailed goals and a goals and a goals and or
timeline for staff timeline for staff
staff goals and does not include
training but is training but one
a clear and lacking in some or both are a timeline for
detailed timeline details. unclear and staff training.
for staff lacking some
training. details..

The guidelines The guidelines

There are clear for assessing for assessing There are no
and detailed staff technology staff technology guidelines for
guidelines for literacy are literacy are assessing staff
assessing staff present but present but are technology
technology lacking in some unclear and/or literacy.
detail. lacking greatly
literacy. in detail.

The plan
The plan provides
provides guidelines for
The plan The plan does not
guidelines and staff to receive
provides clear requirements for training are provide
and detailed staff to receive present but are guidelines or a
guidelines and training but unclear and/or plan for staff to
requirements for details are lacking greatly receive training
staff members to lacking and/or in detail, and/or in various
receive training few training no training
modalities are modalities are
in various
mentioned. mentioned.
modalities, i.e.,
web-based, on-
site, off-site,
group, etc.

The plan

The plan
provides clear
clear and
guidelines staff
training in
hardware, and

A clear and
detailed plan
exists ongoing
Ongoing The plan The plan The plan is The plan does
Evaluation provides provides an lacking either a not include an
detailed and evaluation process for evaluation
process for evaluating
comprehensive process for
evaluating staff mastery of
evaluation members technology OR evaluating staff
process for knowledge and lacks a process members
evaluating staff mastery of or tool for mastery of
members technology as evaluating technology or a
knowledge and well as successful process for
mastery of evaluation of implementation evaluating
implementation of technology
technology as implementation
of technology, OR the plan
well as but the plan is includes a of technology.
evaluation of unclear is and/or process for
successful lacking in some evaluating both,
implementation detail. but areas are
of technology. greatly lacking
in detail.

The plan
detailed and
process for
assessing all
knowledge and
mastery of

The plan
detailed and
process for
whether or not
goals and
timelines have
followed/and or

The plan
detailed and
process for
hardware, tele-
ware, etc.

The plan
detailed and
process for
Cobb County Technology Plan Evaluation

Category Outstanding (4) Proficient (3) Needs Work (2) Below

Expectations (1)

Budget The plan The plan The plan The plan vaguely
provides a somewhat somewhat provides a
budget summary provides a provides a budget summary
for hardware, budget summary budget summary for hardware,
software, for hardware, for hardware, software,
upgrades, software, software, upgrades,
professional upgrades, upgrades, professional
development, professional professional development,
tech support, etc. development, development, tech support, etc.
and how funding tech support, etc. tech support, etc. and how funding
will be allocated and how funding and how funding will be allocated
i.e. grants, will be allocated will be allocated i.e. grants,
federal funding, i.e. grants, i.e. grants, federal funding,
and/or state federal funding, federal funding, and/or state
funding. and/or state and/or state funding.
Additionally, the funding. funding. But, the Additionally, the
budget is Additionally, the budget is not budget is not
realistic and budget is realistic and realistic and
consistent with realistic and consistent with consistent with
the intended consistent with the intended the intended
goals and the intended goals and goals and
objectives of the goals and objectives of the objectives of the
plan. objectives of the plan. plan.

An assessment The plan The plan The plan The plan does
telecommunicati includes an includes an includes an not include an
on services, assessment of assessment of assessment of assessment of
hardware, telecommunicati telecommunicati telecommunicati telecommunicati
software, and on services, on services, on services, on services,
other services hardware, hardware, hardware, hardware,
needed software, and software, and software, and software, and
other services other services other services other services
that are needed that are needed that are needed that are needed
to improve to improve to improve to improve
education. education. education, but education and
Additionally, the However, the excludes an excludes an
plan includes an plan does not inventory of the inventory of the
inventory of include a full technology technology
these technology inventory of services and services and
services and every technology products that are products that are
products that are service and being used being used
being used product that are within the within the
within the being used county. county.
county. within the

Accessibility of The plan The plan The plan Plan lacks a

Technology includes a includes a includes a section
(Americans with section section section explaining how
Disabilities Act) describing how describing how describing how technology will
technology will technology will technology will be used to
be used to be used to be used to impact learners
impact learners impact learners impact learners in the special
with disabilities with disabilities with disabilities education
or in special or in special or in special program or
education. education. education. learners with
Additionally, the Additionally, the Plan does not list disabilities.
plan lists and plan lists web- or describe the
describes the based and web-based and
web-based and software software
software programs used programs used
programs used with learners for learners with
for learners with with disabilities disabilities or
disabilities or or special special education
special education education.
Plan does not
describe the
web-based or

Goals - The plan - The plan - The plan - The plan is

includes goals includes goals includes goals lacking goals or
that are realistic that address what but they are has no
in addressing is need from vague, obtainable goals.
what is needed teachers, unrealistic or
from teachers, students or other hard to follow. - The plan had
students and personnel Expectations are no educational
other personnel responsible for unclear vision or school
responsible for implementing - The plan is improvement
implementing technology based on only goals.
technology. - The plan is one or two of the - The plan does
- The plan is based on the educational not include
based on the educational visions or school professional
educational vision or school improvement development.
vision and improvement goals. - The plan has no
school plans created by - The plan has student learning
improvement the schools. unclear or no plans.
plans created by - The plan is student - The plan has no
each school. created to improvements dates for review
- The technology improve student for learning. - The plan is out
plan is created to learning - The plan of date
improve student - The plan has includes
learning, and professional professional
teach necessary development development or
skills need for planned for support for staff
further education support staff every 5 years.
and possible every two years. - The plan has a
careers. - The plan has an five or more date
- The plan evaluation plan for review
includes for every three - The plan is
professional years. outdated.
development and - The plan has
support for staff dates of review
on a continuous every three
basis as new years.
information is
- The plan has an
evaluation plan
to ensure that the
desired results
are obtained
- The plan has
dates set for
review to ensure
all information is

Ongoing The plan The plan The plan The plan does
Evaluation provides provides an provides an not include an
detailed and ongoing ongoing ongoing
comprehensive evaluation evaluation evaluation
ongoing process focuses process that process.
evaluation on most areas of focuses on some
process that the plan and areas of the plan
focuses on all includes a and provides an
areas of the detailed evaluation
plan., and evaluation or a timeline or time-
includes a time-frame frame.
detailed timeline. Additionally, the
evaluation Additionally, the ongoing
timeline. ongoing evaluation
Additionally, the evaluation involves some
ongoing involves most stakeholders.
evaluation stakeholders.
involves all

Professional The plan The plan The plan The plan

Development provides clear provides provides does not provide
and detailed guidelines and guidelines for guidelines or a
requirements for staff to receive
guidelines and plan for staff to
staff to receive training some
requirements for training but details are receive training
staff members to details are present but are in various
receive training lacking, a few unclear and a methods.
through various training methods few training
methods and an are mentioned methods are
extensive list of and a list of mentioned and a
opportunities is few
opportunities is
provided, and opportunities are
provided. And, the plan listed, and
the plan provides provides the plan provides The plan does not
clear and guidelines for some guidelines provide
detailed staff training in for training but guidelines for
guidelines for software, is missing detail staff training in
staff training in hardware, and in areas such as hardware,
technology hardware or software, or
implementation software or
hardware, and based on data technology technology
technology and research but implementation implementation.
implementation is lacking in but is based on The plan does
based on data detail. data and not provide an
and research. The plan also research. explanation of
The plan also provides an The plan also how members
explanation of provides a brief
provides a clear will be provided
explanation of
and detailed how staff incentives/and or
how staff
explanation of members will be members will be compensation
how staff provided with provided for professional
members will be incentives and/ incentives/and or development or
provided or compensation compensation how time will be
but does not
incentives/and or and allowed time mention how allowed.
compensation for professional time will be Additionally,
and allowed time development but allowed. The plan does
for professional the explanation not provide a
the plan provides
development. is lacking in a vague description of
Additionally, the clarity and/ or description of how professional
plan provides a detail. how professional development is
clear and Additionally, the learning is tied tied to goals
detailed plan provides a to goals and/or and/or standards
description of description of standards AND nor does it list
lists few learning
how professional how professional any learning
outcomes, or the
development is development is plan is missing outcomes.
tied to goals and tied to goals how goals are
or standards and/or standards tied to
AND lists AND lists some professional
numerous learning development OR
learning outcomes. does not list

Recommendations for Revisions:

1. Goals

We scored the plan as being proficient in the category of goals. The goals were written in
a detailed manner, were up to date, and were directed toward the school districts vision. Our
plan was current and had an evaluation date, and listed methods for evaluation.
The plan addressed current issues and was focused on improving the following areas: student
engagement, technology literacy, and the continuation of learning beyond the classroom. Our
plan has deficits in the area of specification of funding for goals. Each of the written goals had
multiple funding deficits and it was noted that additional funding may be needed, but the sources
of funds were listed as to be determined. It looks as if the budget needs to be re-evaluated to
address the goals of the plan. The district needs to have a back-up plan in place in the event that
SPLOST does not pass. To improve the plan the district needs to re-allocate funding to address
each of the goals listed in their technology plan. Having a large number of sections noted as to
be determined makes it appear that strategies are not being implemented to meet the written
goals. The vision and goals may need to be re-evaluated if sufficient funding is not available to
achieve the goals. If a review of the budget reveals that insufficient funding will limit efforts to
meet current goals, the goals will need to be re-written to make them more realistic. Goals are
not realistic if the funds are not available to implement strategies to reach the goals.

2. Professional development: We scored the professional development area of the plan as needs

improvement. The school system utilized results from a gap analysis to identify areas of

weakness or needs improvement in the area of technology. In addition, the system used LoTi, a

personal computer use survey, a Current Instructional Practices survey, and a SIP survey to

retrieve data about the systems technology use, implementation, and competencies. The data

revealed that the technology use was lacking and not being used to its full potential, thus

indicating a need for professional development. The plan gives a general description of a few

professional learning opportunities and how they are funded and when/how some are offered.

The description lacks detail as well as a concrete plan of action. The system coordinates a

summer conference, which includes a technology component and may/may not have a

technology based annual in-service day training. Professional learning is also included as a

strategy for meeting benchmarks. The strategies include opportunities for Web 2.0 training,

learning management systems, NETSA, training, and web teaching. Professional learning is

offered face-to face, pure online, blended, and blackboard collaboration shells, and the plan

states that PLUs are earned by participating in these opportunities. A few general learning

outcomes are mentioned. The professional learning component exists; however, it is not detailed

and organized. To improve this section, there needs to have a lengthy list of professional

learning opportunities; these opportunities should be based on research or system-data based

rationale, and that should be explained in detail In addition, direct learning outcomes need to be

addressed. What will participants learn, and in turn, what are the direct learning outcomes for

students? How does this align to the Common Core and technology? A timeline with a

professional development schedule and deadlines for roll-out and implementation would be an

asset to the plan. While a time-frame does exist, a detailed timeline of professional learning and

strategy implementation does not. While this plan does have a great deal of data that shows

where technology gaps exist, detailed strategies that are tied directly to data, standards, and

objectives need to be listed.

3. An assessment of telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other services needed

In the category of assessment of telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other
services needed, our group scored the plan as proficient. The plan did an excellent job in
explaining the countys usage of telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other
services and how these services can be used to improve educational gains for students. The plan
provided graphical data to describe the frequency of technology usage by teachers, students, and
parents as well as the district's overall score achieved on the technology literacy assessment.
Additionally, the plan outlines uses of a few programs implemented throughout the county.
However, the plan excludes inventories of all services, hardware, and software that is being used
within the county. The is one essential revision that can be made in order to improve this
section. To do so, the plan needs to include technology assessment inventory. This inventory
should include detailed information pertaining to the number of computers, peripheral devices,
software, network equipment, and telecommunication links. Specifically, numbers should be
provided for each of these categories for classrooms, computer labs, and media centers across the
county. In addition to adding a technology assessment inventory, the plan also needs to explain
how these sources are being used and in what ways they may be used in order to improve student
performance and teacher usage. The ultimate goal of this section should be to provide a detailed
account of how assessment of telecommunication services, hardware, software, and other
services are being used and how these sources can be improved to allow for efficiency for
students, teachers,and parents.

4. Accessibility of technology resources (Americans with Disabilities Act)

We scored the plan as not meet expectations, in the category of accessibility of technology. The
plan had great deficits in the area of accessibility of technology for students will disabilities. The
plan did not specify any of its components of how technology would be utilized to enhance
learning for students with disabilities. In the mission statement the plan stated that technology
would be used to enhance learning for all students, yet fails to address the learning needs of
students with disabilities. To improve the plan the district needs to add a section that addresses
the needs of learners with disabilities. The added section needs to list the technology
components that will address these learning needs. In addition to listing the technology that will
be utilized the district needs to include a description of the technology that will be used to meet
the needs of learners with disabilities. To further improve the plan the district needs to add a
table in the appendix that details technology programs available for students with disabilities.
5. Budget: We scored the budget portion to be below expectations due to how the money was
divvied out to be spent. Many of the categories had (TBD) To Be Determined by it and was
never updated to where the money was to come from. To improve the district needs to plan
ahead to where the money will be obtained from. When deciding on the person who is
responsible for obtaining the money they should also require that person to be responsible for
updating the plan. The designated person needs to state where the money came from or if it was
ever received. The plan should also be more friendly in showing the budget total and then the
allotment of where the money should be used.

6. Ongoing evaluation: We rated this portion to be needs improvement based on there are
evaluations planned but no dates for the evaluations to occur as well as many areas are missing
clear-cut evaluation methods and stakeholder involvement.. To improve this plan, the county
needs to incorporate dates for the evaluations and then what they evaluations showed. The plan
needs to include if implementation showed the desired results or if other actions were needed. If
other tools or data needed to be given then they should be stated. A new evaluation date needs to
be included along with the results of the second evaluation results. In addition, some of the areas
of the technology plan have annual evaluations yet other areas do not mention any type of
evaluation. For example, the use of technology in communications-- while it appears that a great
deal of technology is being used, there is no documentation or evaluation to support or improve
these areas. Evaluation of funding is loosely alluded to as well as hardware, but there is no
evidence of a concrete ongoing annual or bi-annual evaluation of these areas. Also, more
stakeholders need to be included in the evaluations. Ongoing evaluation is crucial, and while the
system does include evaluations for some areas, many important areas are lacking.

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