FoCal MultiClass Manual

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FoCal Multi-class: Toolkit for Evaluation,

Fusion and Calibration of Multi-class

Recognition Scores
Tutorial and User Manual

Niko Br
Spescom DataVoice
[email protected]

June 2007

1 Introduction 3
1.1 Availability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Relationship to original FoCal Toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Does it work? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Manual organization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.5 Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

I Tutorial: Basic Principles 6

2 Application-independent multi-class recognition 7
2.1 Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 Detection vs Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.1 Hard decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3.2 Soft decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 Cllr: Objective for Evaluation and Optimization 12

3.1 Multi-class Cllr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.1.1 Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
3.1.2 Interpretations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.3 Implementation in toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.4 Relationship to other definitions of Cllr . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2 Refinement/calibration decomposition of Cllr . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2.1 Calibration transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3 Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4 Generative Gaussian backends 18

4.1 Linear backends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2 Quadratic backends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

II Toolkit User Manual 21
5 How to get up and running 22
5.1 Software Versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

6 Package Reference 23
6.1 Multi-class Cllr evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
6.2 Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
6.3 Linear backend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
6.4 Quadratic backend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
6.5 HLDA backend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
6.6 Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.7 Nist LRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
6.8 Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
6.9 Other packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Chapter 1


This document is the user manual for the FoCal Multi-class Toolkit,
which is a collection of utilities, written in MATLAB, to help researchers
with the problems of evaluation, fusion, calibration and decision-making in
multi-class statistical pattern recognition.
Although applicable more widely, the toolkit has been designed primarily
with the NIST LRE-071 language recognition evaluation in mind.
This toolkit does not form a complete pattern or language recognizer,
rather it helps the creators of such recognizers to:

Evaluate the quality of a recognizer under development.

Fuse the outputs of multiple recognizers to form a better recognizer.

Calibrate the recognizer output, so that it can be used to make cost

effective Bayes decisions, over a wide range of multi-class recognition

1.1 Availability
Documentation and MATLAB code for this toolkit are available at:

This toolkit is made freely available, for non-commercial use, with the un-
derstanding that the authors of the toolkit and their employers cannot be
held responsible in any way for the toolkit or its use.

1.2 Relationship to original FoCal Toolkit
The original FoCal Toolkit2 , by the same author and also written in
MATLAB, was designed with application to the NIST SRE3 speaker de-
tection evaluations in mind. Speaker detection is a two-class recognition
In contrast, the FoCal Multi-class toolkit is designed for multi-class
recognition problems, but it has the following in common with the original

Both are applicable to the evaluation, fusion and calibration of recog-

nizer scores.

Both strive to optimize the information delivered to the user by the

recognizer, by (i) information-theoretic evaluation (Cllr ) and (ii) by
optimizing fusion and calibration via logistic regression.

Both emphasize application-independence and strive to help researchers

design recognizers that can be applied to a wide variety of recognition

1.3 Does it work?

Most of this toolkit as it stands, has been tested only on synthetic data,
but the central ideas have been proven in published language recognition
experiments. In particular:

The multi-class Cllr evaluation objective and its refinement/calibration

decomposition have been demonstrated on NIST LRE05 data [3].

The generative Gaussian backend is well-known in language recognition

and has been used by the author of this toolkit also on LRE05 data [4].

1.4 Manual organization

The rest of this manual is organized as follows:

Part I is a tutorial introduction to the basic principles on which this toolkit

is based. The following should be considered essential reading:

All of chapter 2 (except possibly for section 2.3, if it does not
interest you).
All of chapter 3.
Relevant parts of chapter 4, if you are interested in using Gaussian

Part II has installation instructions as well as a reference section for all of

the functions in the toolkit.

Also keep in mind that MATLAB-style help comments is available (in the m-
file source code) for most of the functions and provides extensive additional

1.5 Acknowledgements
The author wishes to thank Lukas Burget for making his HLDA optimization
code available for use in this toolkit and David van Leeuwen for research

Part I

Tutorial: Basic Principles

Chapter 2

multi-class recognition

This toolkit is designed to be applicable to very general multi-class recog-

nition applications. In particular, these applications include the following
flavours of recognition problems: (i) both closed-set and open-set and (ii)
both identification and detection. The toolkit design is grounded on the
assumption that for every kind of multi-class recognition problem:

There is given a list of N pattern classes, H1 , H2 , . . . , HN , for each

of which a (i) prior probability is given and for each of which a
(ii) likelihood can be calculated from the input data.

In the context of the NIST Language Recognition Evaluation, we note:

When doing detection of a target class, say Hi , even though we need

only to make the binary decision of whether Hi is present or not, we
still require the above assumption about priors and likelihoods for the
other N 1 classes to hold.

In the closed-set language recognition case, H1 , H2 , . . . , HN represent

N different explicitly specified languages (or dialects). In the open-
set case, H1 , H2 , . . . , HN 1 are explicitly specified languages, and HN
denotes the none-of-the-above, or the out-of-set language hypothesis.

2.1 Input
In all cases of multi-class recognition (detection or identification), we assume
that the following four essential inputs are given:

1. Input data x. (In language recognition x is a speech segment.)

2. Prior knowledge in the form of a list of N possible classes to which

x may belong, as well as a prior probability distribution,

Pprior = [P1 , P2 , . . . , PN ]T , (2.1)

over these classes.

3. A recognition question, such as:

Which of the N classes does x belong to? (Identification)

Does x belong to class Hi or to one of the other N 1 classes?
(Detection of Hi .)

4. A cost function, which quantifies the consequences of wrong decisions.

2.2 Processing
The toolkit is designed to be applicable when the above-listed inputs are
processed with the following four steps (of which the toolkit does steps 2
and 3):

1. Extract from input x basic recognition information in the form of mul-

tiple scores (not done by this toolkit).

2. Fuse and or calibrate these scores, to obtain the following canonical

application-independent representation of the recognition information:

log P (~` (x)|H1 ) c

`1 (x)

~` (x) =
`2 (x) log P (~` (x)|H2 ) c
= (2.2)

.. ..
. .
`N (x) ~
log P (` (x)|HN ) c

where c is an unspecified constant. We shall refer to ~` (x) as the log-

likelihood-vector. The calculation of ~` is the main purpose of the toolkit
and it provides several different ways to achieve this. In the MATLAB
code, the variable name loglh, for log-likelihood is used throughout to
denote ~` . Note:

~` is in a symmetrical, but redundant form. An asymmetri-
cal, but non-redundant form can be obtained, e.g., by letting
c = P (~` (x)|HN ), so that the last component is always zero and
then omitting that component. In this toolkit, we work with the
symmetrical, redundant form.
P (~` (x)|HN ) is not the same as P (x|HN ). All of the processing
between input x and ~` (x) leads to some inevitable information-
loss. Given this information loss, an optimal representation of the
information that remains is in the well-calibrated form of equa-
tion (2.2).

3. Use the log-likelihoods, ~` = [`1 , `2 , . . . , `N ]T and the prior, Pprior =

[P1 , P2 , . . . , PN ]T , to obtain the posterior probability distribution,
which is an optimal representation of both the prior information and
the information ~` (x) that was extracted from the input x:

P (H1 |~` )

P 1e
P (H |~` ) N P2 e`2
PHi |~` = = P e . (2.3)

.. j ..
. j=1
P (HN |~` ) PN e`N

The posterior may be calculated by the toolkit function


4. Apply the posterior and the cost-function to make a minimum-

expected-cost Bayes decision. For example:

To make a minimum-probability-of-error detection decision, use:

P (Hi |~` ) 1
accept Hi ,
P (Hi |~` ) 1
reject Hi .

Caution: In the NIST LRE, a different prior is prescribed for

detecting each target class Hi . This means that step 3 must
be repeated once for every target class. See toolkit function
To make a minimum-probability-of-error identification decision,
just choose the hypothesis that maximizes the posterior, i.e., make
a MAP decision.

These four steps can be grouped as follows:

Steps 1 and 2 are application-independent steps to extract recognition
information from the input and to format this information.

Steps 3 and 4 are application-dependent steps to apply this information

to make decisions.

2.3 Detection vs Identification

This section may be skipped without loss of continuity by the reader who is
interested only in applying the toolkit. It contains some motivation for the
design principles of this toolkit.
As noted, this toolkit is applicable to a wide range of different multi-class
recognition applications, including both detection and identification. This
section serves as a note to point out that these two flavours of recognition
are closely related and that as long as recognition information is represented
in log-likelihood form, it does not really matter all that much, whether per-
formance is evaluated by (or optimized for) either one or the other flavour.

2.3.1 Hard decisions

Let us first consider the case of hard decisions. When there are N classes,

Identification is to decide: To which of the N classes does the input belong?

Detection of class Hi is to make the binary decision: Does the input belong
to class Hi or not?

(When N = 2, detection and identification are the same.)

Take the case of three classes H1 , H2 , H3 as example: There are three ways
of writing the identification task as combinations of detection tasks:

1. Decide if it is H1 or not. If not, decide between the other two.

2. Decide if it is H2 or not. If not, decide between the other two.

3. Decide if it is H3 or not. If not, decide between the other two.

For more hypotheses, this recipe is applied recursively and there is a combi-
natorial explosion of ways to write any N -class identification as combinations
of one-against-K detections, where K ranges from 1 to N 1.

2.3.2 Soft decisions
The case of soft decisions is similar. Once the prior information has been
incorporated, a soft N -class identification decision is just a (posterior) prob-
ability distribution over the possible answers, which can be written for the
two cases as:
For identification the soft decision is a probability distribution of the
form: [P (H1 ), P (H2 ), . . . , P (HN )]T .
For detection of Hi the soft decision is a probability distribution of
the form: [P (Hi ), P (Hi )]T , where denotes not and where
P (Hi ) = 1 P (Hi ) = P (Hj ), (2.5)

which gives the relationship in one direction: The detection posterior

can be written in terms of the identification posterior.
To show that the relationship holds in the other direction as well, consider
the 3-class case again: There are three different ways to write the soft iden-
tification decision in terms of two soft detection decisions, of which the first

P (H1 ) P (H1 )
P (H2 ) = P (H2 |H1 )P (H1 ) . (2.6)
P (H3 ) P (H2 |H1 )P (H1 )
(The other two ways are similar.) Here the RHS has been written in terms of
the detection posteriors [P (H1 ), P (H1 )]T and [P (H2 |H1 ), P (H2 |H1 )]T .
Note that the second posterior is obtained by simply removing the class H1
from consideration and proceeding as with any other 2-class soft decision.
Applying this recipe recursively, any N -class identification posterior can
be written1 as the product of N 1 different one-against-K detection pos-
teriors, where K ranges from 1 to N 1.

2.4 Summary
The toolkit works on the principle of representing general milti-class recog-
nition information as log-likelihood-vectors, where there is a likelihood for
each possible class. If well-calibrated, these likelihoods can be used to make
cost-effective Bayes decisions in a wide variety of recognition applications.
Again, there is a combinatorial explosion of different ways to do this. If you need to
know exactly how many ways there are, see sequence A109714 in the On-Line Encyclopedia
of Integer Sequences:

Chapter 3

Cllr: Objective for Evaluation

and Optimization

In the previous chapter, we showed how multi-class recognition information

can be represented in log-likelihood-vector form. The subject of this chapter
is measurement and optimization of the information content of these log-
likelihood vectors.
In order to optimize information content, we need to be able to measure
it. This measurement is implemented in the toolkit by an objective function
that we call multi-class Cllr . This objective serves two useful purposes:

It is an evaluation objective that researchers can use to judge the per-

formance of their recognizers.

It serves as optimization objective when the toolkit does supervised

training of fusion and calibration coefficients.

3.1 Multi-class Cllr

Let there be N classes and let there be T supervised trials, where for every
trail t:

xt is the input,

c(t) {1, 2, . . . , N } denotes the true class,

~` (xt ) is the log-likelihood-vector computed by the evaluee. (Of course,

the evaluee sees only xt , not c(t).)

The multi-class Cllr measure of goodness of these log-likelihoods is:
Cllr = wt log2 Pt (3.1)
T t=1

where Pt is the posterior probability for the true class of trial t, as calculated
from the given log-likelihoods and the flat prior, P (Hi ) = Pflat = N1 :

exp `c(t) (x t )
Pt = P Hc(t) |~` (xt ) = PN

j=1 exp `j (xt )

and where wt is a weighting factor to normalize the class proportions in the

evaluation trials1 :
Pflat no. of trials of class Hi
wt = , Qi = . (3.3)
Qc(t) T

3.1.1 Properties
Cllr has the sense of cost: lower Cllr is better.
Cllr has units in bits of information.
0 Cllr .
Cllr = 0 only for perfect recognition, where the posterior for the true
class, Pt = 1, for every trial t.
Cllr = , if Pt = 0, for any trial t. Keep log-likelihoods finite for finite
Cllr . More generally, keep log-likelihood magnitudes moderately small
for small Cllr .
Cllr = log2 N is the reference value for a useless, but neverthe-
less well-calibrated recognizer, which extracts no information from
the speech, and which acknowledges this by outputting equal log-
likelihoods: `1 (xt ) = `2 (xt ) = = `N (xt ) = ct .
Cllr < log2 N indicates a useful recognizer which can be expected to
help to make decisions which have lower average cost than decisions
based on the prior alone.
Cllr > log2 N indicates a bad recognizer which can be expected to make
decisions which have higher average cost than decisions based on the
prior alone.
If there are an equal number of trials of each class, then wt = 1.

3.1.2 Interpretations
For details, see [1].
log2 N Cllr is the average effective amount of useful information, about
the class of the input, that the evaluated recognizer delivers to the user,
relative to the information given by the flat prior.

The logarithmic cost for the posterior, log2 (Pt ) can be interpreted
as an expected cost of using the recognizer, over a wide range of differ-
ent identification and detection applications, and over a wide range of
different cost coefficients.

The logarithmic cost for the posterior, log2 (Pt ) can be interpreted as
an integral, over a wide range of different identification and detection
applications, of the error-rate of the recognizer.

3.1.3 Implementation in toolkit

See the toolkit function MULTICLASS CLLR.

3.1.4 Relationship to other definitions of Cllr

The objective function Cllr was originally proposed in [2] for application in
the two-class recognition problem of speaker detection and has subsequently
been used in NIST SRE 20062 .
Multi-class Cllr is a generalization of the two-class version, in the sense
that the two versions are identical when the number of classes, N = 2. The
multi-class variant was proposed in [3] for use in language recognition and is
discussed in more detail in [1].
The reader is cautioned that some confusion may result between the
multi-class and two-class versions of Cllr :
The two-class version has been specified as alternative evaluation ob-
jective in the 2007 NIST Language Recognition Evaluation Plan3 . The
two-class version becomes applicable if the multi-class log-likelihood-
vectors are converted to detection log-likelihood-ratios (see toolkit func-
tion LOGLH2DETECTION LLR). These detection log-likelihood-ratios can
be evaluated with two-class Cllr . For this purpose, the toolkit provides a
See the SRE06 Evaluation Plan at:
See the LRE07 Evaluation Plan at:

function that computes an average two-class Cllr over target languages
(see toolkit function AVG CDET AND CLLR).
Although this toolkit is aimed at application in NIST LRE07, we pre-
fer to use the multi-class version rather than the averaged two-class
version. The multi-class Cllr is employed in the all of following toolkit
MULTICLASS CLLR (for evaluation)
MULTICLASS MIN CLLR (for evaluation)
CALREF PLOT (for evaluation)
TRAIN NARY LLR FUSION (for fusion and calibration)

3.2 Refinement/calibration decomposition of

The toolkit further makes available a refinement/calibration decomposition
of the multi-class Cllr metric. The decomposition works like this:
The total loss is the sum of the calibration loss and the refinement
loss. The total loss is just the raw multi-class Cllr as computed by (3.1).

Cllr = calibration loss + refinement loss. (3.4)

The calibration loss is the maximum amount by which the total

loss can be reduced, by a simple calibration transformation of the log-
likelihood-vectors of the evaluee. The calibration is optimized by the
evaluator (toolkit function MULTICLASS MIN CLLR), while using the true
class labels.
The refinement loss is the optimized (minimum) value of Cllr as ob-
tained with the above optimization of the calibration.
The total loss measures the actual effective performance of the recognizer.
The aim of the whole exercise is to make the total loss as low as possible. The
decomposition is to help the researcher understand where the problems lie
that may be contributing to high total loss. For example, if a recognizer has
low refinement loss, but high calibration loss, it indicates that the recognizer
output does have the potential for good recognition, but that this potential is
not being realized because of a calibration problem, which may be relatively
easy to fix.

3.2.1 Calibration transformation
The calibration transformation which is used to perform the above-mentioned
decomposition is:
~` 0 (xt ) = ~` (xt ) + ~ (3.5)

where ~` (xt ) is the original log-likelihood-vector for trial t; ~` 0 (xt ) is the trans-
formed (calibrated) log-likelihood-vector; is a positive scalar; and ~ is an
N -vector. Note the the calibration parameters (, ) ~ are constant for all the
trials of an evaluation. This calibration transformation serves a dual purpose
in this toolkit:

As mentioned, it makes possible the refinement/calibration decompo-


If a recognizer is found during evaluation by this decomposition to suf-

fer from a calibration problem, then this same transformation may
be used to fix that problem. This is done by toolkit functions

We can now explicitly specify the refinement and calibration losses in terms
of the calibration transformation (3.5):
refinement loss = min Cllr , (3.6)
calibration loss = max(Cllr Cllr ), (3.7)

where Cllr is defined by rewriting (3.1) and (3.2) in terms of ~` 0 ():
0 1X
Cllr = wt log2 Pt0 , (3.8)
T t=1
Pt0 = P Hc(t) |~` 0 (xt ) .


3.3 Fusion
Multi-class Cllr has a third purpose in the toolkit, namely as logistic regres-
sion optimization objective for the fusion of multiple recognizers. Let there
be K input recognizers, where the kth recognizer outputs its own (not nec-
essarily well-calibrated) log-likelihood-vector ~` k (xt ) for every trial t. Then

the fused (and calibrated) log-likelihood-vector is:
~` 0 (xt ) = k ~` k (xt ) + ~ (3.10)

This is implemented by toolkit function APPLY NARY LIN FUSION. The fusion
coefficients may be found as:
~ = arg max C 0 ,
(1 , 2 , . . . , K , ) (3.11)

where Cllr is calculated for the fused ~` 0 () over a supervised training database.

This fusion is also a calibration, because:

Equation (3.10) is a generalization of the calibration transformation

(3.5), in the sense that these equations are identical for the case K = 1.

There is no need to (i) separately pre-calibrate each input system, or to

(ii) post-calibrate the fusion, because of the linearity of the fusion and
the calibration: Additionally applying the calibration transformation
would give no more genertality than just using the fusion on its own.

The training of fusion (or calibration when K = 1) is implemented by toolkit

function4 TRAIN NARY LLR FUSION. This function is somewhat more general
than equation (3.11), because it has options for (i) allowing ~ to remain
zero, (ii) regularization penalties to keep coefficient sizes smaller, and (iii)
using priors other than Pflat to define the optimization objective. For more
information, type at the MATLAB prompt:
 help train nary llr fusion

NARY multi-class; LLR Linear Logistic Regression.

Chapter 4

Generative Gaussian backends

This toolkit provides generative Gaussian backend modelling as an alterna-

tive to (and a generalization of) the discriminative fusion and calibration of
section 3.3. The basic principle of the generative backend is very simple:

Classes are effectively recognized in score-space, by using (uncalibrated)

recognition scores of one or more recognizers as features.

There is a generative score-vector model for each class, in the form of

one multivariate Gaussian probability density per class.

During training, the parameters (mean-vector and covariance-matrix)

of the Gaussians are estimated with the maximum-likelihood (ML) cri-
terion, but subject to certain constraints.

During recognition, the log-likelihood for each class is just the log Gaus-
sian probability density of the score-vector, given the language.

If output scores of multiple recognizers are stacked into one score-vector,

then this backend effectively performs a calibrated fusion of the recognizers.
It therefore performs the same function as the discriminative fusion, but the
backend is more general because it allows input of a more general form. (It
also has many more parameters.)
Since the backend packages can do everything that the fusion package can
do, it is up to the user to decide which to use. Under some circumstances, it
may even be a good idea to follow the generative backend by discriminative

There are two main kinds of backend, linear and quadratic:

1. By assuming homoscedastic models (where all models share a common
within-class covariance) a linear (or more correctly affine) transform
results from score-space to log-likelihood-space.

2. Heteroscedastic modelling (with possibly different covariances for every

class) leads to a quadratic backend transform.

4.1 Linear backends

For linear backends, we provide the following choices of covariance regu-
larizing constraints, where the options differ according to how the d-by-d
common-within-class covariance, C, is structured:

The PPCA (Probabilistic Principal Component Analysis) covariance

model is: C = I + W W 0 ; where > 0; I is the identity matrix of size
d; W is d-by-r; and r < d. See [6].

The FA (Factor Analysis) covariance model is somewhat more general:

C = D + W W 0 ; where D is diagonal positive-definite matrix of size d;
W is d-by-r; and r < d. See [5].

See the reference section 6.3 for more details.

4.2 Quadratic backends

For the quadratic backends, we provide the following choices of covariance
regularizing constraints, where the options differ according to how the d-by-d
within-class covariance, Ci , for each class i is structured:

PPCA, see above.

FA, see above.

In HLDA (Heteroscedastic Linear Discriminant Analysis):

0 D 0
Ci = R R (4.1)
0 K

where R is an orthogonal rotation matrix of size d, D is a positive-

definite, diagonal matrix of size r; and K is positive-semi-definite of

size d r. Additionally, the mean is also constrained: The mean i ,
for class i, is constrained so that:
0 mi
i = R (4.2)

where mi is r-dimensional and different for each class, while m0 is

constant across classes. See [7, 8]. Under this model, the data can be
rotated by R, after which the last d r components of the data may
be discarded. In this reduced and rotated space, the covariances are
heteroscedastic, but diagonal.

The quadratic backend additionally allows smoothing over the class covari-
ances, where each class covariance is smoothed by convex combination with
the average of the covariances. The degree of smoothing is controlled with
the combination weight. A weight of 0 means no smoothing, while maximum
smoothing with a weight of 1 gives a linear backend again.
See the reference sections 6.4 and 6.5 for more details on quadratic back-

Part II

Toolkit User Manual

Chapter 5

How to get up and running

The toolkit is a collection of MATLAB m-files, arranged in a number of


1. To install the toolkit, copy these directories to an appropriate location

and set your MATLAB path to include all of the directories.

2. To see if everything works and to get a demonstration of what the

toolkit does, type at the MATLAB prompt:
 multifocal example1 fusion

5.1 Software Versions

This user manual is applicable to FoCal Multi-class Toolkit version
1.0. To see the version of the toolkit, type at the MATLAB prompt:
 help about multifocal

This toolkit has been tested to run on versions 5 and 7 of MATLAB.

Chapter 6

Package Reference

All of the toolkit functions are written as MATLAB m-files and every function
has the usual help comments in the m-file. These comments form the detailed
documentation for each function, which we do not repeat here. Instead, we
give a general overview of the functions and where and how to apply them.
The functions in the toolkit are grouped under a number of subdirectories
according to functionality. We shall refer to each of these groups of MATLAB
funtions as a package. The rest of this chapter documents each package in a
separate section.

6.1 Multi-class Cllr evaluation

This package provides the primary evaluation mechanisms of this toolkit.
It performs application-independent evaluation of multi-class recognition
scores that are intended to be calibrated in log-likelihood-vector form as
defined in equation (2.2). Evaluation is performed on a set of supervised
log-likelihood-vector outputs from the system under evaluation.

This package provides the following functions:

MULTICLASS CLLR for calculating Cllr of equation (3.1), which is the

primary measure of goodness of a recognizer under evaluation.

MULTI CLASS MIN CLLR, which performs the refinement/calibration de-

composition of Cllr , as explained in section 3.2.

CALREF PLOT, which evaluates and graphically compares the outputs of

multiple recognizers by plotting the refinement/calibration decomposi-
tions in bar-graph form.

See figure 6.1, for an example of the plot produced by this function:
There are 5 coloured columns which compare the performance of 5
different 3-class recognizers against the reference value1 of log2 3 as
represented by the leftmost black column. The user-supplied name
of each system is printed under its corresponding column. The total
height of each column represents the total Cllr , the green part represents
refinement loss and the red part the calibration loss.
At the MATLAB prompt, type help function name for more information
on the above functions.

Calibration and Refinement


Cllr [bits]

refinement loss
calibration loss

0 1 2 3 1+2+3

Figure 6.1: Example output of CALREF PLOT

6.2 Fusion
This package performs discriminative (logistic regression) training to cal-
ibrate the scores of a single recognizer, or to form a calibrated fusion of
the scores of multiple recognizers. Training is performed on a supervised
database of scores.
The scores that serve as input to the calibration or fusion must be in
log-likelihood-vector form (as defined by equation (2.2)), but need not be
well-calibrated. See section 3.3, for more detail on fusion and calibration.

See section 3.1.1

This package provides the following functions:

TRAIN NARY LLR FUSION for supervised training of calibration or fusion.

APPLY NARY LIN FUSION to apply the fusion to new scores.

At the MATLAB prompt, type help function name for more information
on the above functions.

6.3 Linear backend

This package provides functions to train and apply (homoscedastic) linear
backends to transform general score-vectors to log-likelihood -vectors.
If output scores of multiple recognizers are stacked into one score-vector,
then this backend effectively performs a calibrated fusion of the recognizers
and is therefore a generalization of the fusion package. It is more general
because is allows input of a more general form. It is up to the user to decide
whether to use the discriminative or generative options, or indeed to even
chain them.
The linear backend is less general than the quadratic ones and therefore
more strongly regularized. It is therefore probably a safer backend to use
when training data is scarce.
As noted in chapter 4, the linear backend can be further regularized by
assuming structured PPCA or FA covariance models.

This package provides the following functions:

TRAIN LINEAR BACKEND for supervised training.

APPLY LINEAR BACKEND to apply the backend to new data.

COMPOSE LINEAR BACKEND is an auxiliary function, which the uesr will

probably not need to call.

TRAIN LDA This function is not presently used by any other part of this
toolkit (and will probably not be needed by the user), but is included
to document the relationship between the linear Gaussian backend and
linear discriminant analysis (LDA).

At the MATLAB prompt, type help function name for more information
on the above functions.

6.4 Quadratic backend
This package provides functions to train and apply (heteroscedastic)
quadratic backends to transform general score-vectors to log-likelihood -
If output scores of multiple recognizers are stacked into one score-vector,
then this backend effectively performs a calibrated fusion of the recognizers
and is therefore a generalization of the fusion package. It is more general
because is allows input of a more general form. It is up to the user to decide
whether to use the discriminative or generative options, or indeed to even
chain them.
The linear backend is less general than the quadratic ones and therefore
more strongly regularized. The linear is therefore probably a safer backend
to use when training data is scarce.
As noted in chapter 4, the quadratic backend can be regularized by
assuming structured PPCA or FA covariance models, or by smoothing
between class covariances.

This package provides the following functions:

TRAIN QUADRATIC BACKEND for supervised training.
APPLY QUADRATIC BACKEND to apply the backend to new data.
At the MATLAB prompt, type help function name for more information
on the above functions.

6.5 HLDA backend

This package provides functions to train and apply the specialized HLDA
quadratic backend, to transform general score-vectors to log-likelihood -
vectors. This backend uses the HLDA assumption, rather than PPCA or
FA to regularize the model estimates.
If output scores of multiple recognizers are stacked into one score-vector,
then this backend effectively performs a calibrated fusion of the recognizers
and is therefore a generalization of the fusion package. It is more general
because is allows input of a more general form. It is up to the user to decide
whether to use the discriminative or generative options, or indeed to even
chain them.
The linear backend is less general than the quadratic ones and therefore
more strongly regularized. The linear is therefore probably a safer backend
to use when training data is scarce.

As noted in chapter 4, this HLDA backend can be further regularized by
smoothing between class covariances.

This package provides the following functions:

TRAIN HLDA BACKEND for supervised training.

APPLY HLDA BACKEND to apply the backend to new data.

At the MATLAB prompt, type help function name for more information
on the above functions. Also see the HLDA package for more details on the
HLDA implementation.

6.6 Application
This package provides functions to serve as a link between applications and
the application-independent information carried by the log-likelihood-vectors
used in the rest of this toolkit.

This package provides the following functions:

LOGLH2POSTERIOR Implements equation (2.3), to convert from log-

likelihood-vector form to posterior probability form.

LOGLH2DETECTION LLR Converts from log-likelihood-vector, ~` , to de-

tection log-likelihood-ratio, Li , where for a given target class Hi , the
detection log-likelihood-ratio is:

P (~` |Hi )
Li = log (6.1)
P (~` |Hi )

At the MATLAB prompt, type help function name for more information
on the above functions.

6.7 Nist LRE

This package is specifically to apply this toolkit to the NIST LRE-07
speaker detection evaluation. It provides functions to convert from the
log-likelihood-vector format as used in the rest of this toolkit to the required
outputs for the LRE language detection, namely detection log-likelihood-
ratio confidence scores as well as hard accept/reject decisions. It also

provides average Cdet and average Cllr tools to evaluate these outputs.

This package provides the following functions:

LRE DETECTION Maps log-likelihood-vector inputs to detection log-

likelihood-ratio confidence scores and to hard decisions. Applicable
to both closed-set and open-set conditions.

AVG DETECTION COST This evaluates decisions or log-likelihood-ratio

scores respectively as average Cdet or average Cllr .

AVG CDET AND CLLR This combines the above two functions, calling first
the one and then the other. It therefore takes log-likelihood input and
calculates average Cdet and average Cllr .

CDET CLLR PLOT Bar-graph comparison, in terms of Cdet and Cllr of

multiple recognizers.

CDET and SURPRISAL, auxiliary functions, not called by the user.

At the MATLAB prompt, type help function name for more information
on the above functions.

6.8 Examples
This package provides a number of example scripts which serve the following

To check that installation is correct.

To demonstrate the functionality of the toolkit.

To show how to call and how to use together several of the toolkit

As test code for the functions in the toolkit.

This package provides the following scripts (they are m-file scripts, not func-

HELP ABOUT MULTIFOCAL Displays versioning and licensing information

for this toolkit.

MULTIFOCAL EXAMPLE1 FUSION This example serves as introduction
and demonstration of the toolkit. It starts by generating synthetic
training and test data in log-likelihood-vector format, for a number of
different hypothetical, 3-class recognizers. The training data has been
purposefully made scarce in order to create a difficult fusion problem.
It then demonstrates multi-class Cllr evaluation of these recognizers as
well as a (discriminative) fusion between them. Then it also demon-
strates a variety of generative Gaussian backend fusions on the same
MULTIFOCAL EXAMPLE2 QUADPPCA The synthetic data for this example
is in general score-vector format (not log-likelihood-vector format). The
generative backends are applicable to this data, but not the discrim-
inative fusion. The data is generated according to a heteroscedastic
PPCA model. A variety of different generative backends are tested on
this data.
MULTIFOCAL EXAMPLE3 LINPPCA The synthetic data for this example is
in general score-vector format (not log-likelihood-vector format). The
generative backends are applicable to this data, but not the discrimina-
tive fusion. The data is generated according to a homoscedastic PPCA
model. A variety of different generative backends are tested on this
MULTIFOCAL EXAMPLE4 LINFA The synthetic data for this example is
in general score-vector format (not log-likelihood-vector format). The
generative backends are applicable to this data, but not the discrimi-
native fusion. The data is generated according to a homoscedastic FA
model. A variety of different generative backends are tested on this
MULTIFOCAL EXAMPLE5 HLDA The synthetic data for this example is in
general score-vector format (not log-likelihood-vector format). The
generative backends are applicable to this data, but not the discrimi-
native fusion. The data is generated according to an HLDA model. A
variety of different generative backends are tested on this data.
MULTIFOCAL EXAMPLE6 FUSION This is a repeat of the first part of
MULTIFOCAL EXAMPLE1 FUSION, with the same types of data and the
same discriminative fusion. But in this example, evaluation is done
with the function CDET CLLR PLOT, instead of CALREF PLOT, which
was used in the former example. (See section 6.7 and type help
cdet cllr plot in MATLAB for more information.)

The above m-file scripts do not take or return any parameters and do not
display any help. Just type the script-name at the command-prompt to
execute. The user is encouraged to edit these scripts in order to experiment
with the toolkit.
The data in all of these examples is synthetic, used here just to demon-
strate how these tools work. Dont base conclusions about relative merit of
the toolkit backends on this data. Instead, use the tools demonstrated here
to base conclusions on your own real data.

6.9 Other packages

In addition to the above-documented packages there are a few more packages
that will probably not be called directly by the user. These packages include:

UTILITIES General utility functions.

COVARIANCE Functions for making various flavours of covariance esti-


PPCA Functions for PPCA regularization of covariances.

FACTOR ANALYSIS Functions for factor-analysis regularization of covari-


HLDA Functions for training and applying HLDA.

DATA SYNTHESIS Functions for creating the synthetic data used by the
EXAMPLES package.

See the comments in the MATLAB source code for more information.


[1] Niko Brummer, Measuring, refining and calibrating speaker and lan-
guage information extracted from speech, Ph.D. dissertation, Stellen-
bosch University, to be submitted 2007.

[2] N. Brummer and Johan du Preez, Application-Independent Evaluation

of Speaker Detection, Computer Speech and Language, 20:2-3, April-
July 2006, pp. 230-275.

[3] Niko Br
ummer and David van Leeuwen, On Calibration of Language
Recognition Scores, Odyssey 2006.

[4] David van Leeuwen and Niko Br ummer, Channel-dependent GMM and
Multi-class Logistic Regression, Odyssey 2006.

[5] Z. Ghahramani and G. E. Hinton, The EM algorithm for mixtures of

factor analyzers,, Tech. Report CRG-TR-96-1, Univ. of Toronto, 1997.

[6] M.E. Tipping and C. Bishop, Mixtures of Probabilistic Principoal Com-

ponent Analysers, Neural Conmputation 11(2), pp. 443-482, 1999. On-

[7] N. Kumar, Investigation of Silicon-Auditory Models and Generalization

of Linear Discriminant Analysis for Improved Speech Recognition, Ph.D.
Thesis, John Hopkins University,Baltimore, 1997.

[8] M.J.F. Gales, Semi-tied covariance matrices for hidden Markov Models,
IEEE Transaction Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 7, pp. 272-281, 1999.


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