Laluan Iqra
Laluan Iqra
Laluan Iqra
How does sunlight create a rainbow? Light enters a drop of water. The drop
acts as a prism, and refracts the light. This means the light is broken up
into the individual colors, or spectrum, that are contained in the light. If the
light enters the drop at just the right angle (about 42 degrees), the back of
the drop acts as a mirror and reflects most of the light back out the front.
Have you ever seen a double rainbow? They are caused when the droplets
reflect the light twice. The colors in the spectrum of the second rainbow are
in the opposite order from those in the first.
Why is a rainbow arc-shaped? This is due to the angle between the sun,
the droplet and the viewer. The viewer sees only one color of light, for
example red, reflected from a certain droplet. Droplets a slight distance
away are at a slightly different angle, and so the viewer sees only the
orange light reflected, and so on through the spectrum. A rainbow is
actually circular, which can be seen if viewed from above, such as from an
airplane. Usually, however, half of the circle is below the horizon when
seen from below, giving it the appearance of an arc.
Rainbows are not only caused by raindrops. They can also be seen in mist,
such as that created by waterfalls. You can even make them yourself, by
spraying water into the air on a sunny day!
Reading Comprehension/Science
Reading Comprehension/Science
Answers to RAINBOWS
1. b
2. a
3. c
4. b