Web Container Components Servlet - JSP - Tag Libraries

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Web Application Development, Best Practices by Jeff Zhuk, JavaSchool.


Web Container Components

Servlet JSP Tag Libraries
Standard Java class to handle an HTTP request and
Mixes Java and HTML code

Allows some separation of Java and HTML code
Using JavaBeans as backend helpers
JSP scriplets mix a lot of Java and HTML code

Tag libraries
Define custom tags to remove Java code from JSP
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Java Servlet and JSPs
Supported by all current application servers,

JSPs are automatically translated into Java servlet classes.

Java servlets and JSPs are collaborative mechanisms; they can be

used in together or in isolation.

In JSP, HTML code looks exactly as it would appear in a .html

file. The JSP interpreter automatically translates into servlet
compatible form.

JSPs introduced the notion of tags;

The custom or user-defined tags is also supported by the JSP

Java Standard Tag Library, Struts, BEA WebLogic , and more tag
library frameworks are available.
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Java Servlets serve HTTP
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), like HTML was developed by Tim
Berners-Lee and CERN in1989 with the main purpose to transfer arbitrary
data, and therefore is not restricted to just text, as its name might suggest.

HTTP is a stateless, connectionless protocol

HTTP 1.1 requests

Although the HTTP 1.1 spec. contains 7 types of requests, many simple
HTTP servers only know the commands GET, POST, and HEAD

HTML forms have (hidden or visible) input fields and the ACTION field
Default request method is GET

<FORM ACTION="/directoryName/ServletClassName METHOD=POST>

Name: <INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME=name"/>
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
What is Servlet?
A servlet extends functionality of a web server
similar to an applet in a browser.

Servlet is a piece of Java code

Servlet is loaded by a Web server to handle client requests
Servlets code stays in memory when the request terminates
Servlet can retain its connection across requests
Servlet can chain a client request to another Servlet (servlet chaining)
Servlets usually:
1) Accept input data
2) Run or delegate business logics
3) Dynamically generate or just transfer HTML response page

For example, when a browser sends a request to the web server, the server
may forward the request to a servlet that can process the request and
construct a response, usually an HTML page, that is returned to the browser.

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Servlet Code Planning
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class AbstractServlet extends HttpServlet {

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse

response) throws ServletException, IOException {

//Get HTTP headers, cookies, session and form data from the request
//Apply business logic, e.g., user authorization
//Fill outgoing "response" to specify the HTTP response
//including status code, headers, cookies, session data,
// send output HTML page back to a client

ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Servlet Code Example
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.io.*;

public class HelloServlet extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet {

public void doGet(

HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws javax.servlet.ServletException, java.io.IOException {

String html = <HTML>\n" +

"<BODY>\n" +
"<H1> This is just an example</H1>\n" +

} ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Servlet Best Practices
New services can be added run time as new JSPs/ASPs or Java/.NET classes
//serviceName and serviceDetails are to be populated
// by servlet doPost() , doGet() or service() methods

String serviceName = request.getParameter(service);

Hashtable serviceDetails = getServiceDetails();

Service service = // known or new service

(Service) Class.forName(serviceName).newInstance();

String content = service.run(serviceDetails);

response.setContentType(text/html"); // application/xsl and etc.

XML based Service API allows us to describe any existing and future service
<ServiceRequest service=Mail action=get>

We can find both Dispatcher and Factory patterns in this example. This approach makes it
possible to create a unified API for client server communications. Any service (including
new, unknown design time services) can be requested by a client without code change.
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Servlets Initialization and web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application
2.3//EN" "http://java.sun.com/dtd/web-app_2_3.dtd">
<web-app id="WebApp">
<description>Location of SQL statements relative to WEB-INF</description>
<!-- Initialization code is in the ITSServletContextListener.java -- >
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Servlets Summary
Servlet-Centric Architecture
Web Tier
Submit Servlets
Client(s) Form Other
execute Enterprise
Request business
Web Applications
Browser logic,
Display provide data
Http Page access, and
Response Create
pages Database

Java code in servlets mix together business and presentation layers

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Servlet Summary
1. A servlet extends functionality of a web server
similar to an applet in a browser.

2. Servlets usually:

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Servlet Summary
1. A servlet extends functionality of a web server
similar to an applet in a browser.

2. Servlets usually:
1) Accept input data
2) Run or delegate business logics
3) Dynamically generate HTML response page

3. In Servlet-based architecture there is a mix

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

JSP Concepts
JSP, similar to Microsoft ASP Technology, simplifies web design.
Web Designers who understand HTML can create most of the page
using HTML tags and leave the rest for programmers

As compared to ASP, JSP is better language for dynamic part

Portable to multiple servers and operating systems
As compared to pure servlets, JSP is more convenient to create HTML
Can use standard tools (e. g., HomeSite, DreamWeaver MX)
Model / view / controller paradigm
JSP programmers still need to know servlet programming


<HEAD><TITLE>Simple date with JSP</TITLE></HEAD>
Todays date is <%= new java.util.Date( ) %>.
Regular HTML for rest of on-line stores Web page
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
MVC Model 1: JSP-to-JSP
Page-Centric Architecture
Web Tier
Submit JSPs
Client(s) Form Other
with Enterprise
Web Applications
Browser Java Beans
Http Page to execute
Response business
logic and
provide data Database
Interrelated JSP pages provide presentation, control, and business processing
with scriplets and embedded Java beans encouraging spaghetti code in JSP.
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
JSP Custom Tag Library
What is Tag Library?

Standard actions
In JSP, actions are elements that can create and access
programming language objects and affect output
JSP spec 1.1 defines standard actions that can be used
to interact with any Bean
useBean, setProperty, getProperty, include, forward,
param, plugin

JSP 1.1 and above supports development of reusable

modules called custom actions
A custom action is invoked by using a custom tag in a
JSP page
A tag library is a collection of custom tags
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
MVC Model 2 - Better Separation of
Business and Presentation Layers
Web Tier
Client(s) Form Controller Other
Request Enterprise
Web Applications
Http Page Web Tier Model
Post/Get Java Beans
Response JSPs are
forming Database
Service Layer
The View
Servlet and JSP work together. Servlet and related classes, like Struts Action,
control application logic and interact with services while JSP forms the presentation
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Custom Tag Library Examples




Your own custom tag library

ITS, Inc. [email protected]
JSP/Tags Summary/Repetition
JSP provides better .

Custom Tags .

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Web Application Development, Best Practices by Jeff Zhuk, JavaSchool.com

Web Container Components

Servlet JSP Practice
Open Dynamic Web Application Project in Eclipse

Create JSP - index.jsp

Remember what is JSP?
Allows some separation of Java and HTML code
Using JavaBeans as backend helpers
JSP scriplets provide access to Java in HTML

Create Servlet train.ServletExample

Remember what is servlet?
Standard Java class to handle an HTTP request and
Often mixes Java and HTML code
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
MVC Model 1: JSP-to-JSP
Page-Centric Architecture
Web Tier
Submit JSPs
Client(s) Form Other
with Enterprise
Web Applications
Browser Java Beans
Http Page to execute
Response business
logic and
provide data Database
Interrelated JSP pages provide presentation, control, and business processing
with scriplets and embedded Java beans encouraging spaghetti code in JSP.
ITS, Inc. [email protected]
JSP/Tags Summary/Repetition
JSP provides better .

Custom Tags .

Practice ...

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Open NEW Dynamic Web Application
Project in Eclipse
NEW Project -
Web Dynamic Web Project

Project name: webTrain

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Create index.jsp
WebContent right mouse click NEW JSP file index.jsp


<HEAD><TITLE>Simple date with JSP</TITLE></HEAD>
Todays date is <%= new java.util.Date( ) %>.
Regular HTML for rest of on-line stores Web page

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Deploy Your Application

Find the webTrain directory in the Eclipse workspace

Copy the WebContent directory to c:/uop/apps
Zip the content of the folder (without the folder itself) and
rename the compressed file into yourName.war

Email this file to me and I will Copy the file yourName.war to the
deployment directory, for example, Tomcat/Webapps

Point the Browser to the following URLs to test your application:


ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Servlet Code Planning
import java.io.*;
import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

public class AbstractServlet extends HttpServlet {

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse

response) throws ServletException, IOException {

//Get HTTP headers, cookies, session and form data from the request
//Apply business logic, e.g., user authorization
//Fill outgoing "response" to specify the HTTP response
//including status code, headers, cookies, session data,
// send output HTML page back to a client

ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Prepare Eclipse to Servlets
1.Provide the Servlet Library

Place servlet-api.jar in the Eclipse - WEB-INF/lib

Right mouse click on the jar Add to Build Path

2. Create the train package under the src and

create the ServletExample class in this package

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Servlets Initialization and web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
... Keep existing code generated by Ecllipse... and add after the <web-app ......
<web-app id="WebApp">


ITS, Inc. [email protected]
Servlets Summary
Servlet-Centric Architecture
Web Tier
Submit Servlets
Client(s) Form Other
execute Enterprise
Request business
Web Applications
Browser logic,
Display provide data
Http Page access, and
Response Create
pages Database

Java code in servlets mix together business and presentation layers

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Servlet Summary
1. A servlet extends functionality of a web server
similar to an applet in a browser.

2. Servlets usually:

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Servlet Summary
1. A servlet extends functionality of a web server
similar to an applet in a browser.

2. Servlets usually:
1) Accept input data
2) Run or delegate business logics
3) Dynamically generate HTML response page

3. In Servlet-based architecture there is a mix

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

Deploy Your Application
Make sure that your code was compiled with no read spots
Find the webTrain directory in the Eclipse workspace
Copy build/classes into WebContent/WEB-INFO
Copy the WebContent directory to c:/uop/apps
Zip the content of the folder (without the folder itself) and
rename the compressed file into yourName.war
Deploy the file yourName.war to the deployment directory,
for example, Tomcat/Webapps

Point the Browser to the following URLs to test your application:

ITS, Inc. [email protected]

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