Java Servlets & Java Server Pages: Brad Rippe Fullerton College
Java Servlets & Java Server Pages: Brad Rippe Fullerton College
Java Servlets & Java Server Pages: Brad Rippe Fullerton College
What is a Servlet?
A servlet is a java class that extends an application hosted on a web server. Handles the HTTP request-response process
(for our purposes)
Often thought of as an applet that runs on a server. Provides a component base architecture for web development, using the Java Platform The foundation for Java Server Pages (JSP). Alternative to CGI scripting and platform specific server side applications.
Common Uses
Processing and/or storing data submitted by an HTML form. Providing dynamic content, e.g. returning the results of a database query to the client. Managing state information on top of the stateless HTTP, e.g. for an online shopping cart system which manages shopping carts for many concurrent customers and maps every request to the right customer.
Architectural Roles
Servlets provide the middle tier in a three or multi-tier system. Servlets provide logic and/or traffic control for requests/response to the server. Servlets allow web developers to remove code from the client and place the logic on the server.
Architectural Roles
Connection management Business rule enforcement Transaction management Mapping clients to a redundant set of servers Supporting different types of clients such as pure HTML, WML clients, other Java based clients
What is required?
Servlets are not run in the same sense as applets and applications. Since they extend a web server, they require a servlet container to function. A servlet container is a part of a web server or application server that provides the network services over which request and response are sent. Contains and manages the servlets through there lifecycle. The container provides other services as well.
Java Classes
Deployment Descriptor is used to configure web applications that are hosted in the App Server.
Compiled servlet classes and other utility classes Any required third party jars
BEAs WebLogic ATG Dynamo Allaire/MacroMedias JRun IONA iPortal Suns Java Web Server * available with the J2EE SDK ex.html
All servlets implement the Servlet interface. The API provides two classes that implement this interface, GenericServlet and HttpServlet Servlet API is specified in two packages, javax.servlet and javax.servlet.http
Servlet Interface
This is a contract between the servlet and the web container. Guarantees that all containers can communicate with a servlet.
public public public public public void init(ServletConfig) void service(request, response) void destroy() ServletConfig getServletConfig() String getServletInfo()
Abstract class that extends GenericServlet Provides additional methods that are called by the service() method automatically. Both methods throw ServletException and IOException Methods of most concern:
Instantiation web container creates an instance. Initialization container calls the instances init(). Service if container has request, then it calls the service() method Destroy before reclaiming the memory (destroying the servlet), the container calls the destroy() method. Unavailable instance is destroyed and marked for GC.
Create Servlet (ResourceExampleServlet) which extends HttpServlet and saved in the classes directory Create web.xml and save it in the WEB-INF directory
Configuration - web.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" ""> <web-app> <servlet> <servlet-name>resourceExample</servlet-name> <servlet-class>ResourceExampleServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>dbUser</param-name> <param-value>testUser</param-value> </init-param> [ Repeat above for each parameter init-param ] </servlet> </web-app>
Note: You should define the doPost() method as well, even if it just calls doGet()
Interfaces used for accessing request parameters and constructing client responses. The web container has concrete objects which implement these interfaces and passes into the servlet.
Servlet Sessions
Since http protocol is stateless, Java API provides the following techniques for session tracking:
Servlet Sessions
Servlet API requires that web containers implement session tracking using cookies.
Web containers provide an implementation of this interface to provide session tracking. Session objects can be retrieved from the HttpRequest object also provided by the container.
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
If a session object does not exist for the client, one will be created. The duration of this session object can be configured in the web.xml file or in a servlet,
setMaxInactiveInterval( int interval );
Servlet Context
Servlet API provides an interface for storing information that is relevant to all servlets being hosted in a web application. Common for facilities like application logging, access to other resources (Database Connection Pools), and request dispatching. There is one context per web application per JVM. Parameter information is configured in the web.xml file in name/value pairs.
High cost of maintenance HTML and Java exist in the same file. Web Designers dont understand java code, dont like the java code Programmers dont particularly like the messing with <HTML> code!!!! Better to separate JAVA code from the HTML code.
if( developer == javaProgrammer) System.out.println(Stick to Java code!); else if( developer == webDesigner ) System.out.println(Stick to html code!);
Java Server Pages (JSPs) provide a way to separate the generation of dynamic content (java) from its presentation (html) (???) JSP specification builds on the functionality provided by the servlet specification.
Generated Servlet
Contains html code like static html pages with the JSP tags and scripting included in the page. Three basic types of jsp tags
Scripting Elements
Allow java code variable or method declarations, scriptlet, and expressions. Declaration tag <%! %> Scriptlet tag <% %> Expression tag <%= %>
Declaration Tag
<%! %>
Scriptlet Tag
Expression Tag
<%= %> Accepts any Java expression, evaluates the expression, converts to a String, and displays. <%= counter %> <%= uBean.getUserName() %> Short hand for:
<% out.println( uBean.getUserName() ); %>
JSP Directives
Directives provide global information to the JSP engine For example, a directive can be used to import java classes. Directive elements have a syntax of the form <%@ directive %>
Page Directives
The page directive defines a number of page dependent attributes <%@ page language=Java [ extends=className ] [ import=importList ] [ session= true|false ] [ buffer=none|sizekb ] [ autoFlush=true|false ] [ isThreadSafe=true|false ] %>
Page Directive
If language attribute is set, must be = Java Default import list is java.lang.*, javax.servlet.*, javax.servlet.jsp.* and javax.servlet.http.*. If session = true then default session variable of type javax.servlet.http.HttpSession references the current/new session for the page.
Include Directive
The include directive is used to inline text and/or code at JSP page translation-time.
<%@ page include file=relativeURL %> <%@ page include=/navbar.html%>
JSP Actions
The syntax for action elements is based on XML(i.e. they have a start tag, a body, and an end tag). The JSP specification includes some action types that are standard. New action types are added using the taglib directive.
Standard Actions
Web container implements these actions <jsp:useBean> <jsp:setProperty> <jsp:getProperty> <jsp:include> <jsp:forward> <jsp:plugin> <jsp:param>
Standard Actions
<jsp:useBean> Associates an instance of a bean to a variable to use with in the jsp page <jsp:useBean id=name scope=page|request|session|application class=className type=typeName> </jsp:useBean>
page javax.servlet.jsp.PageContext
Objects only accessible from within the page Objects accessible in pages processing request where bean is created Objects accessible from user session Objects accessible in pages belonging to same application
request ServletRequest
session HttpSession
application ServletContext
Type (optional)
Allows scripting variable to be cast to another type from implementation class, java casting rules apply. Fully qualified class name that defines the implementation of the object
<jsp:setProperty> Sets the value of properties in a bean <jsp:setProperty name=beanName property=propertyName|(param=par ametername|value=propertyValue)/ > Use property=* to set all properties from the request
Variable name as defined in useBean Name of the bean property Name of the request parameter (if omitted same name as bean property name) Value assign property (Performs necessary conversions)
Bean Example
<html> <title>Random JSP Test</title> <body bgcolor=white> <jsp:useBean id=rnd scope=page class=random.NumberGenerator/> <ul> <li>Next number is: <jsp:getProperty name=rnd property=nextInt/> </ul> </body>
Bean Example
package random; import java.util.*; public class NumberGenerator { Random rnd = new Random(); public int getNextInt() { return rnd.nextInt(); } }
<jsp:include> Allows you to include resources in the same context as the current page <jsp:include page=url flush=true/> page:
<jsp:forward> Allows you to dispatch the request to a different page <jsp:forward page=url/> page:
Relative url
Creates HTML that contains OBJECT or EMBED constructs that result in Java Plugin download and execution of Applet <jsp:plugin type=applet code=applet.class codebase=/html> <jsp:fallback> <p>Cant display applet</p> </jsp:fallback> </jsp:plugin> Fallback is used if the plugin cannot be started
<jsp:param> Used to provide key/value information for <jsp:include>, <jsp:forward>, and <jsp:plugin> <jsp:param name=name value=value/> Name and value are mandatory
Access Models
Two approaches to building application with JSPs Model 1: JSP page processes all input Model 2: Servlet acts as a controller and directs http traffic to appropriate responses
Model 1
JSP is responsible for processing incoming requests and replying to clients All data access is through beans
Model 1
Suitable for simple applications Easier to understand May lead to lots of Java code embedded within JSP pages for complex applications (Ive never used this model???)
Model 2
Combine use of servlets and JSP Servlet acts as controller, JSP as presentation layer
browser JSP
Its a rap!
JSP arent total separation of logic from the presentation. Although its a good start. Look into Custom tags to encapsulate your application logic and move it outside of the jsps. Creation of your own custom tag libraries help to eliminate java code from being embedded in the jsp. Frameworks like WebMacro, Struts, and Velocity provide additional features to
Tomcath Struts Apache J2EE Web Site Servlet 2.3 Spec JSP 1.2 Spec Free Development space for jsps/servlets Lecture available at
J2EE Developers Guide ocs/guides/ejb/html/DevGuideTOC.html J2EE Tutorial Server Side Programming