Pert Chart

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It gives the description of online examination system that manages the exam online for
students of college. It contains all the functional requirements and non-functional
requirements like the students and faculty functionality in the system. There are three users
of the system i.e. student, subject expert, admin.

Our system is specifically used for an online exam system which to be organized for a
college or an institute and the exam cant be given outside the college exam lab. Subject
Expert must upload the questions online and after completion of the exam score card must
be shown to the student. There must be a timer system during the exam and the database
will be handled online.

This system would be used by the members who may be student or subject expert of that
college to check the eligibility of every student in the specific exam, to check the
performance of any individual student and by the subject expert can update the databases
regarding question papers and personal information. The purpose of this document is to
analyze and elaborate on the high-level needs and features of the Online Exam System. The
details of what Online Exam System and if it fulfills these needs are detailed in the use case
and supplementary specifications.
Chapter 2

CLIENT SURVEY/Result (Details):

1. Keyprompt Technology:-
Training & Placement Management System
Project Requirements:-
1. Students update their academic marks for classes like 10th, 12th and B. Tech.
2. Admin can share placement papers, documents.
3. Admin can also announce the companies arriving in the campus.
4. The criteria for each company will be provided.
5. Company details for summer training can be provided.
6. After summer training, students can update his/her training details.
7. E-mails can be sent to the students if they satisfy the criteria for company.
8. E-mails will be sent to the students if selected.
9. Workshop details and information will also be displayed.
10. User-friendly Interface.

2. DataInfo:-
Chat server
Project Requirements:-

They were basically proposed us to design a web application which is similar to

skypeexpect the facility of video chat which is provided by skype.
3. Poornima Group of Colleges:-
Online Examination System:
Project Requirement:
1. Admin can share placement papers, documents.
2. Admin can also announce the companies arriving in the campus.
3. The criteria for each company will be provided.
4. Company details for summer training can be provided.
5. After summer training, students can update his/her training details.
6. E-mails can be sent to the students if they satisfy the criteria for company.
7. E-mails will be sent to the students if selected.
8. Workshop details and information will also be displayed.
9. User-friendly Interface.

Requirements of Client

Unique Login for every student.

Choices available for test.
a) Unit wise b) Subject wise
Questions to be uploaded by subject expert accordingly as per their ease of time and
Questions will be uploaded by following domains:-
a) Unit wise
b) Subject wise
c) Combination of above two.
Instant result on the test completion.
Test will be scheduled at the time of question uploading.
24 X 7 availability.
Different types of objectives as one correct answer, multiple correct answer.
Timer should run on starting of the test.
Feedback facility will be available in following terms:-
a) To report any question wrong.
b) Enquiry about certain questions.
Negative or non-negative which can be decided at the time of questions uploading.
Same test cant be given twice in single day.


Decomposition of Functional Requirements


Modules and Divisions



Requirement gathering, analysis and module division.

Admin Module
Admin Home
Change Password
Scheduled Tests
See Previous Reports
Schedule Test
Change Time Table
Confirmation of student registration
Confirmation of faculty registration

Faculty Home
Change Password
Instruction Page by Admin
Enter/Edit Question
Answer to Questions
Feedback Page

Student Module
Change Password
Test Page
Previous Results
Feedback page
Review of Questions
Formation of Database
Integration and Testing
Subnet Masking implementation
Survey & Research

Work plan and work assignment (PERT, CPM, WBC)

Work assignment:-

Requirement gathering, analysis and module division:

Chitransh Bhatnagar, Deepak Kr. Bansal, Deovrat Bharadwaj, GopalJee
Forms of Admin: ChitranshBhatnagar
Forms of faculty: Gopal Jee
Forms of Student: Gopal Jee
Formation of Database: Deepak Kr. Bansal
Connectivity: Deepak Kr. Bansal , DeovratBharadwaj
Integration & Testing: Deepak Kr. Bansal
Subnet Masking implementation: Deovrat Bharadwaj
Themes : ChitranshBhatnagar
Survey & Research: Deovrat Bharadwaj , Deepak Kr. Bansal
Documentation: Gopal Jee

d time
Activity Predece Time estimates
ssor / (O+4M+
no Activity
Depend P)/6
Opt. Norma Pess.
(O) l (M) (P)

A ient
- 0.5 1 2 1.08
n & Project

B A 2 3 4 3.00
and Fixation

C t B 0.5 1 2 1.08

High level
and Low B,C 1 2 3 2.00
D level design

Interface D 2 3 4 3.00
E design

Database D 1 2 3 2.00
F design

y and D,E 1 2 3 2.00
G integration


TE =

TE = TE =
TE = TE =
7 2
1 4 G

TE = 2
1 3 TE = 2

Gantt Chart

Software Requirement Specifications

1.0 Introduction:-

It gives the description of online examination system that manages the exam
online for students of college.It contains all the functional requirements and non-functional
requirements like the students and faculty functionality in the system.There are three users
of the system i.e.student, subject expert and admin.
Our system is specifically used for an online exam system which to be organized
for a college or an institute and the exam cant be given outside the college exam
lab.Subject expert must upload the questions online and after completion of the exam score
card must be shown to that student. There must be a timer system during the
exam.Database must be online handled.
This system would be used by members who may be students or professors of
that college to check the eligibility of every student in the specific exam, to check the
performances of any individual student, and by the subject expert can update the databases
regarding question paper and personal information. The purpose of this document is to
analyze and elaborate on the high-level needs and features of the Online Exam System.The
details of what all are the needs of the Online Exam System and if it fulfills these needs are
detailed in the use-case and supplementary specifications.

1.1 Purpose:-
The purpose of Software Requirements Specification (SRS) document is to describe
the external behavior of the Online Exam System. Requirements Specification defines
and describes the operations, interfaces, performance, and quality assurance
requirements of the Online Exam System. The document also describes the
nonfunctional requirements such as the user interfaces. It also describes the design
constraints that are to be considered when the system is to be designed, and other
factors necessary to provide a complete and comprehensive description of the
requirements for the software. The Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
captures the complete software requirements for the system, or a portion of the
system. Requirements described in this document are derived from the Vision
Document prepared for the Online Exam System.
1.2 Scope:-
The Software Requirements Specification captures all the requirements in a single
document. The Online Exam System that is to be developed provides the online
facility of exam for every student and many other facilities. The Online Exam System
is supposed to have the following features.

Unique login id for student and Subject experts.

Questions to be uploaded by the subject experts.
Subject wise and unit wise test .
Questions to be uploaded in text format.
Feedback facilities

1.3 Definition, Acronyms, and Abbreviations

ASP.NET(Active Server Pages dot Network Enable Technology): It is used

to create static web pages.

Visual C# : It is used to create function requirement.

MS SQL Server 2008 (Microsoft SQL Server 2008): It is a database

management system that provides a flexible and efficient database
plateform to raise a strong on demand business applications.

XML : (Extensible Markup Language): It is a markup language that was

designed to transport and store data.

HTTP(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol): It is a transaction oriented client/

server protocol.

MS VS 2010(Microsoft Visual Studio 2010): It is a programming plateform,

belonging to the plateform, which is used for developing and
running distributed applications.

Ajax(Asynchronous Java Script and XML): It is a technique used in JAVA

Script to create dynamic web pages.
1.1 References:-

1.4 Overview:-
The SRS will provide a detailed description of the Online Exam System. This
document will provide the outline of the requirements, overview of the characteristics
and constraints of the system.

One of the section of the SRS will provide the general factors that affect the
product and its requirements. It provides the background for those requirements.
The items such as product perspective, product function, user characteristics,
constraints, assumptions and dependencies and requirements subsets are described
in this section.

Another section of SRS contains all the software requirements mentioned in

the above section in detail sufficient enough to enable designers to design the
system to satisfy the requirements and testers to test if the system satisfies those

2.0 Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective:-

The Online Exam System is a package to be used by Exam Cell to improve the
efficiency of Examiner, Admin of Exam Cell and Students. The Online Exam
System to be developed benefits greatly the Subject Expert and Admin of Exam
Cell of Colleges. The system provides exam catalog and information to student
and helps them to gives the exam in proper manner. The Admin of Exam Cell can
keep the Exams catalog updated all the time so that the members (students and
the Subject Experts) get the updated information all the time.
The product to be developed has interactions with the users: Admin of Exam Cell,
Subject Experts and Students of the College. The product has to interact with
other systems like: Internet, LAN. We are taking the idea of this project from
2.2 Interfaces:-
2.2.1 System Interfaces:-
A firewall will be used with the server to prevent unauthorized access to the system.

2.2.2 User Interfaces:-

Modules User of the modules
Registration Module Student , Subject Experts
Login Module Student, Subject Experts , Admin
Question Uploading Subjects Experts
Feedback Student
Test Conduct Admin
Database Admin

2.2.3 Software Interfaces:-

Microsoft SQL Server 2008: It is used as database content.

2.2.4 Hardware Interface:-

The existing Local Area Network (LAN) will be used for collecting data from the
users and also for updating the Exam Cell Catalogue.

2.2.5 Communication Interface:-

The Online Exam System will be connected to the World Wide Web.

2.3 Product Function:-

2.4 User Characteristics:-

The users of the system are Student and Subject Experts and Admin of Exam Cell of
the College and the administrators who maintain the system. The users are assumed
to have basic knowledge of the computers and Internet browsing. The administrators
of the system to have more knowledge of the internals of the system and is able to
rectify the small problems that may arise due to disk crashes, power failures and
other catastrophes to maintain the system. The proper user interface, users manual,
online help and the guide to install and maintain the system must be sufficient to
educate the users on how to use the system without any problems.

2.5.1 Constraints:-
The information of all the users must be stored in a database that is
accessible by the Online Exam System.
The College information security system must be compatible with the Internet
The Online Exam System is connected to the College computer and is running
all 24 hours a day.
The users access the Online Exam System from any computer that has
Internet browsing capabilities and an Internet connection.
The users must have their correct usernames and passwords to enter into the
Online Exam System.

2.5.2 Assumptions and Dependencies:-

The users have sufficient knowledge of computers.
The College computer should have Internet connection and Internet server
The users know the English language, as the user interface will be provided in
The product can access the College student database

Client comments:-
Guide comments:-
Expert comments:-
FAQs about Projects:-

Can the system can be accessed outside the college.

Do I need a High speed Broadband?
How many attempts will be given to a specific student?
Should I be a college student to register for the system?
What if I forgot my password?
Can access the system offline?
What are the minimum computer requirements?
What about Scorecard?
How and when we can register on the system?
When I can book my slot?

Roger S. Pressman (2000) Software engineering-A practitioner approach
Stephen Walther 4.0 Unleashed (2010)
Pro ASP.NET 3.5 in C# 2008 (Apress)
Unleashed ASP.NET 2.0 (SAMS Publication)
The Complete Reference
Professional VB.NET 3.5 with Visual Basic (Wrox)
Software Engineering A Practitioners Approach by Roger S.
Pressman (TMH)
Korth Database Management System
Jennifer Niederst Learning Web Design 2nd Edition



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