4 LabManual

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Format No. QSP/7.1/01.F01 (B) Issue No. 05, Rev. No.

5, Dated: Jan 1, 2017


School of Computer Science

Programme : B. Tech. CSE spl. In Cyber Law
Course : Advanced Data Structures Lab
Subject Code : CSEG 1104
No. of credits : 1
Semester : II
Session : January 2019 – June 2019
Batch : 2018 - 2022
Prepared by : Dr. Malay Kumar

Email : [email protected]

Approved By

_______________________ _______________________

Faculty HOD

UPES Campus Tel: +91-135-2770137

“Energy Acres” Fax: +91 135- 27760904
P.O. Bidholi, Via Prem Nagar, Dehradun Website: www.upes.ac.in


Basic knowledge of C programming and Data Structures.


The Course “Advanced Data Structures lab” would help the learners to enhance their object-
oriented programming skills using C++ language. Data structures are the foundation for computer
programs and algorithms. A good program or algorithm usually comes together with a set of good
data structures that allow the algorithm to manipulate the data efficiently. The learners would be
able to implement the common data structures that are used in various computational problems.


Solution to the problems should be designed (algorithm/flow-chart/pseudocode) and tested. After

obtaining a successful design, the solution to the problem is implemented using C++ language.
Students are evaluated based on Performance (via efficient design, implementation) and record
keeping, and preparation of students (via viva-voce/quiz).


Big Ideas/ Topics Modality
1 Classes and Objects F2F/e-lab
2 Constructor and Destructor F2F/e-lab
3 Dynamic Memory Allocation F2F/e-lab
4 Friends to a Class, Inheritance F2F/e-lab
5 Redefinition and Overloading F2F/e-lab
6 Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes F2F/e-lab
7 Generic Programming F2F/e-lab
8 File Handling F2F/e-lab
9 Exception Handling and Hash Tables F2F/e-lab
10 Trees and Graphs F2F/e-lab

No. of Labs Sessions planned No. of Viva planned

10 2
One Session = 120 minutes


Students are continuously evaluated through the proceedings of the course based on the following:
1) Performance & Record (50%)
2) Viva Voce or Quiz (50%)

F.1 Performance & Record: WEIGHTAGE - 50%

A minimum of 10 experiments should be handled as F2F in the lab or online through e-
labs/virtual labs. This component is obtained through continuous evaluation after performing
the experiments. Each experiment requires several activities to be performed for better
understanding of C++ programming and data structures concepts by the students. More details
of these lab activities are available in Section G.

Sample Scheme of Experiment Evaluation

(10 marks per experiment)
Algorithm Design 3 Marks
Coding Syntax 2 Marks
Execution / Bug Finding 2 Marks
Records (submitted before the very next turn.) 3 Marks

F.2 Viva Voce or Quiz Examination: WEIGHTAGE - 50%

The preparation of the students would be evaluated based on two viva-voce/quiz/test
conducted by mid-term and end-term.

It is mandatory for the students to attend the above said evaluations. Students who do not attend
will lose their marks. Continuous Internal Assessment Record Sheet will be displayed at the end of
the semester.


At course completion, the student is awarded with a grade (on a 10-point scale) based on the overall
marks obtained comprising the above two mentioned out of 100 marks. Students scoring less than
35 absolute marks in individual course shall be awarded a ‘F’ grade. Students scoring 85 marks
and above as composite score shall be awarded a ‘O’ grade. The minimum individual course grade
is ‘C’.
The student who is debarred due to shortage of attendance or with Grade ‘F’ for a lab course will
need to repeat the continuous evaluation during summer vacation (June-July) after the registration
by payment of the prescribed fee per subject as notified by the University. The grades are awarded
based on the performance of the students and capping as per the University guidelines. All other
rules and regulations such as requirement of passing, etc. will remain same.


Activities listed under ‘Lab activities’ should be performed F2F (face-to-face) in the allocated
laboratories (either compiled in lab machines or compiled online using e-labs). In addition to the
‘Lab activities’, the instructor should also select the necessary number of ‘Practice activities’ to be
performed using e-labs other than laboratory hours.


Title: Classes and Objects

Objective: To understand the concept of classes and objects, data hiding and encapsulation

List of Lab Activities:

Write algorithm, prepare test cases and dry run the algorithm to test the design. Code using C++
language and evaluate the code using the test cases so as to obtain the desired results.
1. Consider rectangle, square, triangle and circle as 4 given shapes with a
common area of 314 sq.cm. The length of a rectangle is 2cm and height of
right-angled triangle is 4cm. Find the shape which has the smallest perimeter
and largest perimeter.
2. Use for loop to print the truth table for the expression XY+Z.
3. Convert Decimal number into a Binary Number using 1D array.


Title: Constructor and Destructor

Objective: To understand the concept of Constructor and Destructor

List of Lab Activities:

Write algorithm, prepare test cases and dry run the algorithm to test the design. Code using C++
language and evaluate the code using the test cases so as to obtain the desired results.
1. Design a class with a recursive member function with prototype “int fact(int &no)” to find the
factorial of a number (n) obtained using a parameterized constructor. The class also has a
destructor. Illustrate dynamic initialization of the variable ‘int result’ with a suitable function
call to fact() from main().
2. Implement the operations of a Queue Data Structure using 1D array and constructor
initialization list.


Title: Dynamic Memory Allocation

Objective: To understand the concept of Dynamic Memory Allocation

List of Lab Activities:

Write algorithm, prepare test cases and dry run the algorithm to test the design. Code using C++
language and evaluate the code using the test cases so as to obtain the desired results.
1. Implement the operations of a dynamically allocated Stack data structure using a self-referential
structure and single Linked List.
2. Create a C++ class with member functions that use this pointer to perform complex number
arithmetic. The objects of this class should only be dynamically allocated [Hint: use private


Title: Friends to a Class and Inheritance

Objective: To understand the concepts of friend function, friend class and Inheritance

List of Lab Activities:

Write algorithm, prepare test cases and dry run the algorithm to test the design. Code using C++
language and evaluate the code using the test cases so as to obtain the desired results.
1. Implement Inheritance as shown in the diagram.
Class Student has members functions
student_Details() and display_Student_Details() and
name, roll no, and gender as data members.
Internal_Exam and External_Exam classes have
separate functions to get and display Internal and
External marks for 6 subjects. Define Result class to
evaluate and display the results suitably (40%
Internal + 60% External).
2. Read molecular values for Oxygen, Hydrogen and Sulphur in three different classes named
Oxygen, Hydrogen and Sulphur. These classes have a common non-member friend function
which is used to find out the chemical compounds (Sulphuric acid, Sulphurous acid,
Thiosulphuric acid) that can be formed based on the given input molecular values.
3. Create a student class with student sapid, name, marks of 6 subjects as its members and
initializes the details. Use friend class that access the details of student, calculates total marks,
average marks and prints the result.


Title: Redefinition and Overloading

Objective: To understand the concepts of Redefinition and Overloading

List of Lab Activities:

Write algorithm, prepare test cases and dry run the algorithm to test the design. Code using C++
language and evaluate the code using the test cases so as to obtain the desired results.
1. Base class ‘Temperature’ obtains temperature value in Celsius (c) through its parameterized
constructor with default arguments and convert it into Fahrenheit value (f) and prints it using
the function calculate(). Class ‘Temp’ inherits class ‘Temperature’ to obtain the temperature
value in Fahrenheit and converts it into Kelvin value (k) and prints it using the redefined
function calculate().
2. Define a class with following member functions
a. constructor to obtain side1, side2.
b. void choice() to have menu driven control to find and print the area of square, rectangle,
or triangle
c. int calculate(int) to compute the Area of Square
d. int calculate(int, int) to compute the Area of Rectangle
e. float calculate(int, int) to compute the Area of Triangle
3. Add two matrices by overloading binary operator +.


Title: Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes

Objective: To understand the concepts of Virtual Functions and Abstract Classes

List of Lab Activities:

Write algorithm, prepare test cases and dry run the algorithm to test the design. Code using C++
language and evaluate the code using the test cases so as to obtain the desired results.
1. Base class ‘Temperature’ obtains temperature value in Kelvin (k) through its parameterized
constructor, convert it into Celsius value (c) and prints it using the virtual function calculate().
Class ‘Temp’ inherits class ‘Temperature’ to obtain the temperature value in Celsius (c),
converts it into Fahrenheit value (f) and prints it using the overridden function calculate().
2. Abstract Base class ‘Temperature’ obtains temperature value in Celsius (c) through its
constructor and has a pure virtual function calculate(). Class ‘Fahrenheit’ inherits class
‘Temperature’ to obtain the temperature value in Celsius (c), converts it into Fahrenheit value
(f) and prints it using calculate(). Class ‘Kelvin’ inherits class ‘Temperature’ to obtain the
temperature value in Celsius (c), converts it into Kelvin value (k) and prints it using calculate().


Title: Generic Programming

Objective: To understand the concepts of Generic Functions and Generic Classes

List of Lab Activities:

Write algorithm, prepare test cases and dry run the algorithm to test the design. Code using C++
language and evaluate the code using the test cases so as to obtain the desired results.
1. Write a generic function to sort the given elements in ascending order using bubble sort
algorithm. This generic function must support integer and float types.
2. Write a generic class to implement the operations of a stack data structure using arrays. This
generic class must support integer and float types.


Title: File Handling

Objective: To understand the concept of File Handling

List of Lab Activities:

Write algorithm, prepare test cases and dry run the algorithm to test the design. Code using C++
language and evaluate the code using the test cases so as to obtain the desired results.
1. Write contents into a Test file. Get a word from the user as input, compute the number of
occurrences of this word in the file and print the count.
2. Define class ‘Residence’ with data member house_no, income, house_name, and house_type.
The class has the following member functions:
a. void input() – obtains house_no, house_name and income. Calls assign()
b. void assign() – allocates house type based on income (A/B/C/etc.)
c. void output() – prints house details
d. int house() – returns house_no
main() is menu driven to (1) add multiple records as required into a binary file in append mode
(2) Enter house_no to locate the record in the binary file and modify it using random access (3)
display records from the binary file.

Title: Exception Handling and Hash tables

Objective: To understand the concepts of Exception Handling and Hash tables

List of Lab Activities:

Write algorithm, prepare test cases and dry run the algorithm to test the design. Code using C++
language and evaluate the code using the test cases so as to obtain the desired results.
1. Implement a hash function on student SAP-ID and categorize them in to their families based
on the last three digits. (E.g. Student with SAP-ID 5000423 belongs to family 9 and student
with SAP-ID 5000425 belongs to family 2 based on last three digits)
2. Implement a Hash table using arrays. Perform Insert, Delete and Search operations on the hash
table using the above Hash function. Adopt a suitable user-defined exception handling strategy
if collision occurs while inserting data.
3. Repeat S.No.2 with Linear probing as Collision avoidance strategy.


Title: Trees and Graphs

Objective: To understand the concepts of Trees and Graphs

List of Lab Activities:

Write algorithm, prepare test cases and dry run the algorithm to test the design. Code using C++
language and evaluate the code using the test cases so as to obtain the desired results.
1. Create a binary tree using an array/Inked List
2. Implement Heap Sort.
3. Create a graph Data Structures using array/Linked List.


Text Books
1. Herbert Schildt, “C++: The Complete Reference”, McGraw Hill Education, 2003.
2. John R. Hubbard, “Data Structures with C++”, Schaum’s Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill
Education, 2000.

Reference Books
1. Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia, David Mount, “Data Structures and Algorithms in
C++”, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., 2004.
2. Seymour Lipschutz, “Data Structures”, Schaum’s Outlines, Tata McGraw Hill Education,

Cell Phones and other Electronic Communication Devices: Cell phones and other electronic
communication devices (such as Blackberries/Laptops) MUST be turned off during the lab session.

E-Mail and online learning tool: Each student in the class should have UPES e-mail id and a
password to access the Blackboard regularly. The best way to arrange meetings with faculty or is
by email and prior appointment. Various research papers/reference material will be
mailed/uploaded on online learning platform time to time.

Attendance: Students are required to have minimum attendance of 75% in the subject.

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