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IFCEE 2015
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March 17-21, 2015

San Antonio, Texas

International Association of Foundation Drilling
Deep Foundations Institute
Pile Driving Contractors Association
The Geo-Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers

Magued Iskander, Ph.D., P.E.
Muhannad T. Suleiman, Ph.D.
J. Brian Anderson, Ph.D., P.E.
Debra F. Laefer, Ph.D.

Published by the American Society of Civil Engineers

IFCEE 2015
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Published by American Society of Civil Engineers

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ISBN 978-0-7844-7908-7 (E-book PDF)
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IFCEE 2015

This Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) contains selected papers from the
International Foundations Congress and Equipment Expo (IFCEE15) held in San
Antonio, Texas on March 1721, 2015. This Congress combined the 2015 annual
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meetings of ASCEs Geo-Institute, the International Association of Foundation

Drilling (ADSC), the Pile Driving Contractors Association (PDCA) and the Deep
Foundations Institute (DFI). This mega event was the first time since 2009 that
leading geotechnical organizations joined together to have one annual congress.
IFCEE15 provided an international forum to discuss technological advances, case
histories, and present challenges related to geotechnical and foundation engineering.
The congress was heavily attended by a wide range of geo-professionals including
engineers, contractors, academicians, equipment manufacturers, geo-technologists,
researches, and suppliers of tools and services.

An international call for papers and a rigorous peer review process yielded 265
accepted technical papers that were presented in 38 sessions, in addition to invited
keynote presentations.

The editors would like to express their appreciation for having been provided the
opportunity to be a part of this Congress organization, and hope that these
proceedings will be of use to the geotechnical engineering community, for many
decades to come.

The Editors,

Magued Iskander, PhD, PE, F.ASCE, New York University

Muhannad T. Suleiman, PhD, Lehigh University
J. Brian Anderson, PhD, PE, Auburn University
Debra F. Laefer, PhD, University College, Dublin

IFCEE 2015

The success of this Congress is credited to the authors of the technical papers for their
valuable contributions to the geotechnical literature. The commendable quality of the
Congress technical content and these proceedings are also the result of the efforts of
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the hundreds of reviewers who conducted over 600 reviews. We thank the reviewers
for generously contributing their valuable time and expertise, in many cases, under
time pressure and demanding deadlines.

Acknowledgment is also due to the many members of the G-I, DFI, ADSC, and
PDCA who provided valuable and much needed support to assure the success of this

The following individuals served as the technical program committee. They deserve
special acknowledgment and recognition for their extraordinary efforts in making this
Congress a reality and a resounding success: William M. Camp (Co-Chair), J. Brian
Anderson (Co-Chair), Peggy Hagerty Duffy, Jess E. Gmez, Mohamad Hussein,
Michael D. Justason, and Mary Ellen (Bruce) Large.

To all of you, and the many others who are too numerous to name, THANK YOU.

Finally, we wish to gratefully acknowledge the support we received from our

employers New York University, Lehigh University, Auburn University, and
University College Dublin.

The Editors

IFCEE 2015
Organizing Committee
Michael D. Moore, Chief Executive Officer, ADSC: The International Association of
Foundation Drilling
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Theresa (Rappaport) Engler, Executive Director, Deep Foundations Institute
Robert Schweinfurth, Director, Geo-Institute of ASCE
Stevan Hall, Executive Director, PDCA

J. Brian Anderson, Ph.D., P.E., Auburn University
William M. Camp, III, P.E., D.GE, S&ME, Inc.
Peggy Hagerty Duffy, P.E., ADSC: The International Association of Foundation
Jess E. Gomez, Ph.D., P.E., D.GE, Ing., GEI Consultants
Mohamad H. Hussein, P.E., GRL Engineers Inc.
Michael D. Justason, P.E., M.Eng., MBA, Bermingham Foundation Solutions
Mary Ellen (Bruce) Large, P.E., Deep Foundations Institute
Proceedings Co-Editor(s)
Magued G. Iskander, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE, Polytechnic Institute of NYU
Muhannad T. Suleiman, Ph.D., Lehigh University
J. Brian Anderson, Ph.D., P.E., Auburn University
Debra F. Laefer, Ph.D., University College of Dublin
Short Courses Chair
Van A. Hogan, Pile Driving Contractors Association
Student Program Chair
Aaron Scott Budge, Ph.D., P.E., Minnesota State University, Mankato
GeoCompetition Chair and GeoWall Chair
William A. Kitch, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, California State Polytechnic University,
GeoPoster Chair
Scott M. Merry, Ph.D., P.E., M.ASCE, University of the Pacific
GeoPrediction, Chair
Eric J. Steward, Ph.D., A.M.ASCE, University of South Alabama

IFCEE 2015
Review Criteria

Review Criteria for Papers Published in this

Geotechnical Special Publication
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Following standards of practice of the Geo-Institute of The American Society of Civil

Engineers, each paper published in this Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) was
peer reviewed by at least two anonymous, qualified, technical reviewers (and in some
cases three or four reviewers) and selected for publication by the proceedings editors.
An advanced document management service was utilized in order to assure
anonymity and maintain uniformity of standards. As such, the papers contained in
these proceedings are eligible for discussion in the ASCE Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering and for ASCE awards.

Review Board
The following individuals served as Track and Session Chairs. They coordinated and
managed the peer review process of the papers included for publication in this
Geotechnical Special Publication. The quality of these world-class proceedings is a
testament to their professionalism and dedication. Listed in alphabetical order by last
name, they are:

Robert Alperstein Malay Ghose Hajra

Scott T. Anderson Jess E. Gomez
Adda Athanasopoulos-Zekkos Jan Jay Hartman
mer Bilgin Laureano R. Hoyos
Dennis W. Boehm Jianying Hu
Mary Ellen Bruce John Jenkins
Mark E. Bryant Michael D. Justason
L. Sebastian Bryson Jeffrey R. Keaton
Raymond J. Castelli Larry L. (Lance) Kitchens
Bhaskar C. S. Chittoori Dimitrios C. Konstantakos
Jose Luiz Machado Clemente Anne Lemnitzer
Brady R. Cox Roberto A. Lopez
Peggy Hagerty Duffy Augusto Lucarelli
Elizabeth M. Dwyre Ali Maher
Usama Samir El Shamy Sanjeev Malhotra
Roderic A. Ellman, Jr. Paul W. Mayne
George M. Filz John S. McCartney
Quan Gao Ramin Motamed

IFCEE 2015
Morgan NeSmith Armin W. Stuedlein
Won Taek Oh Greg Sullivan
Anand Puppala Sai K. Vanapalli
Daniel J. Rich Gerald Verbeek
Helen D. Robinson Andrew C. Verity
Kyle M. Rollins Kord J. Wissmann
Charles W. Schwartz Nazli Yesiller
Timothy C. Siegel Xiong (Bill) Yu
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Eric J. Steward Mourad Zeghal

Muhannad T. Suleiman

IFCEE 2015

The editors are grateful to the following 301 individuals for working tirelessly under
a tight schedule in order to peer review the papers included for publication in this
Geotechnical Special Publication. As a group the following individuals performed
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over 600 peer reviews, and their service to the geotechnical community is gratefully

Yasser Abdelhamid Sam Brown Chris Diaz

Hossam Abuel-Naga Mark Bryant Stephen Dickenson
Kofi Acheampong Lindsey Bryson Brian Diefenderfer
Hana Adem Paul Bullock Vishnu Diyaljee
Waddah Akili Marty Burford Paul Doherty
Robert Alperstein Jon Bussiere Eric Drumm
Glen Andersen Allen Cadden Mangtao Du
Scott Anderson David Campo Margaret Duffy
Ron Andrus Riccardo Cappa Peggy Duffy
Eng Chew Ang Terrence Carroll Elizabeth Dwyre
George Aristorenas Raymond Castelli Usama El Shamy
Tom Armour Francesco Cecinato Roderic (Rick) Ellman,
Jeramy Ashlock Bora Cetin Jr.
Paul Axtell Ian Chaney Carlos Englert
Alireza Ayoubian Shunyi Chen Melvin Esrig
Juan Baez Les Chernauskas Matthew Evans
Paola Bandini Tatiana Chernova David Fadling
Curt Basnett Bhaskar Chittoori Peter Faust
Prasenjit Basu Andrew Cho Bengt Fellenius
Andrew Baxter Deepankar Choudhury George Filz
Ira Beer Mala Ciancia Brendan FitzPatrick
Anya Benda Sam Clemence Mitchell Fong
Jomaa Ben-Hassine Jose Clemente Kevin Franke
Shobha Bhatia Joseph Coe Raymond Franz
Dale Biggers Blake Cotton Brian Freilich
mer Bilgin Brady Cox Patricia Gallagher
James Blackburn Rossana D'Antonio Quan Gao
Derrick Blanksma Shideh Dashti Luis Garcia
Dennis Boehm John Davie Chris Garris
Tom Bonnie Paul Davies Sarah Gassman
Ralph Borjeson Hubert Deaton Ehsan Ghazanfari
Peter Bourne-Webb John Deeken Dan Gillins
Azadeh Bozorgzadeh Peter Deming Roger Gobin
Scott Brandenberg Mandar Dewoolkar Aaron Goldberg

IFCEE 2015
Jesus Gomez Phil King Morgan NeSmith
Russell Green Lance Kitchens Kam Ng
Yuan Guo Brandon Kluzniak Khoi Nguyen
Joe Hagerty Josh Kolz Fawad Niazi
Paul Hamilton Van Komurka Steven Nicoson
Chanjuan Han Dimitrios James Niehoff
Jie Han Konstantakos Robert OConnor
Zhong Han Tanya Kunberger Guney Olgun
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Rick Hanke Lyesse Laloui Ed O'Malley

Adel Hanna Carlos Lazarte Angelica Palomino
Sherif Hanna Minh Le Walter Papp, Jr.
Kenneth Hanson Thomas Lee James Parkes
Fransiscus Hardianto Anne Lemnitzer Ujwalkumar Patil
Dean Harris Bo Li Meghdad Payan
Jan Hartman Yuru Li Jonathan Pease
Terry Harvey Bon Lien Aravind Pedarla
Youssef Hashash Garland Likins Thomas Pennington
Chunmei He Guoming Lin Dayakar Penumadu
Bernard Hertlein Xiaobin Lin Frank Pepe
Wing Heung Roberto Lopez Lee Petersen
Terence Holman Barbara Luke Gregg Piazza
John Horne Ronaldo Luna John Pizzi
Sandra Houston Alan Lutenegger Eric Pond
Isaac Howard Scott Mackiewicz Edward Prost
Jonathan Howson Ali Maher Hefu Pu
Laureano Hoyos Andy Majewski Anand Puppala
Jianying Hu Sanjeev Malhotra Sastry Putcha
Qiangbing Huang Kalehiwot Manahiloh Shunchao Qi
Yuewen Huang Derek Manheim Jane Raba
Jeremy Hung Antonio Marinucci Walt Rabe
Magued Iskander H. Benjamin Mason Al Rasband
Hudson Jackson James Mason Frank Rausche
Robert Jameson Frederic Masse Ravee Raveendra
John Jenkins Nasser Massoudi Krishna Reddy
Ken Johnson Paul Mayne John Rice
Allen Jones John McCartney Daniel Rich
TJ Ju Alexander McGillivray Thomas Richards
Michael Justason Andrew Merritt Brent Robinson
Ismail Karatas Dwight Metcalf Helen Robinson
Wayne Karem Barry Meyer Adrian Rodriguez-
Jeffrey Keaton Ramin Motamed Marek
Sara Khoshnevisan Michael Mudalel John Rogers
Sadaf Khosravifar Kyle Murphy Nidal Abi Saab
Golam Kibria Mo Nasim Amr Sallam

IFCEE 2015
Samantha Schardein Armin Stuedlein Ravi Vedantham
Charles Schwartz Beena Sukumaran Gerald Verbeek
Kevin Scott Muhannad Suleiman Andrew Verity
Allen Sehn Sonia Swift Lubinda Walubita
E. Anna Sellountou William Swigart Joe Wang
Hoyoung Seo Won Taek Oh Xueming Wang
Lisheng Shao Takefumi Takuma Zhijie Wang
Lijun Shi Burak Tanyu Joseph Wartman
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Timothy Siegel Martin Taube Darrell Wilder

Lyle Simonton Aaron Taylor Ragui Wilson-Fahmy
Nicholas Sitar Firat Testik Kord Wissmann
Kurt Sjoblom Dan Thome Christian Woods
C.J. Smith W. Robert Thompson Hong Yang
Elizabeth Smith III Xiaoming Yang
Jerry Smith Binod Tiwari Kazuya Yasuhara
Trevor Smith Thomas Tuozzolo Nazli Yesiller
Khaled Sobhan Benjamin Turner Hao Yu
Ali Soleimanbeigi Luis Vallejo Xinbao Yu
Moncef Souissi Sai Vanapalli Xiong Yu
Sasanka Sravanam Daniel VandenBerge Natasha Zamani
Lisa Star Jerry Vandevelde Mourad Zeghal
John Starcevich Rob van Dorp Dimitrios Zekkos
Mark Stephani Soto Vardakos Bin Zhang
Eric Steward Mike Vaught

IFCEE 2015
Table of Contents
Analysis and Design
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Allowable Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings on Jointed Rock Masses: A 1

Reliability Based Approach

B. Munwar Basha, K. Chandrakanth, and Arif Ali Baig Moghal

Numerical Simulation of Earthquake Induced Soil Liquefaction: Validation 11
against Centrifuge Experimental Results

Zana Karimi and Shideh Dashti

On Foundations over Salt Encrusted Desert Flats (Sabkha): Properties, 21
Challenges, and Guidelines

Waddah Akili
Settlement of a Shallow Foundation Resting on Piedmont Residual Soils of 32
Northern Virginia

Behzad Amir-Faryar and Richard E. Finnen Jr.

Soil, Foundation, and Superstructure Interaction (I): Advanced Analyses of 42
Shallow Foundations

Hany Farouk and Mohamed Farouk

Soil, Foundation, and Superstructure Interaction (II): Superstructure and 52
Foundations' Tie Beams Analyses

Hany Farouk and Mohamed Farouk

Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on Seismically Isolated Nuclear Power 63

Vasileios A. Drosos and Nicholas Sitar

Tactile Pressure Sensors in Centrifuge Modeling of Rocking Foundations 74

Panagiota Kokkali, Tarek Abdoun, and Ioannis Anastasopoulos

A Novel Method to Estimate the Compression Index for Gulf Coast Clayey 84

Minh Le, Shailendra N. Endley, Anand J. Puppala, and Chris Mings

IFCEE 2015
Aging in Sand: Fatigue at Grain Contacts and Modeling Using Discrete 95
Element Method

Zhijie Wang and Radoslaw L. Michalowski

Large Scale Simulation of Granular Materials via Impulse-Based Discrete 105
Element Method

Seung Jae Lee, Youssef M. A. Hashash, and Eun Hyun Park

Model for Consolidation Analysis of Layered Soils under Depth-Dependent 115
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Hefu Pu and Patrick J. Fox

Modelling Ettringite Induced Heaving in Cement Stabilized Soils within a 125
Chemo-Mechanical Constitutive Framework

Pawan Sigdel and Liang Bo Hu

Preliminary Study of Pore Water Chemistry Effect on the Physical and 133
Mechanical Behaviour of Artificial Mixed Soil

T. W. Zhang, Y. F. Deng, S. Y. Liu, and D. W. Zhang

Response of Soil-Foundation-Structure Systems to Multidirectional Seismic 142
Motion: A Micromechanical Approach

Usama El Shamy and Natasha Zamani

Settlement Estimations of Peat during Centrifuge Experiments 152

Riccardo Cappa, Samuel Yniesta, Anne Lemnitzer, Scott J. Brandenberg, and Ali
Settlement of Embankment Constructed with Geofoam 161

B. Umashankar, S. Sasanka Mouli, and Chennarapu Hariprasad

Strain Rate Dependency of Sand Response under Uniaxial Monotonic 171

Mohammed Baamer, Eduardo Suescun-Florez, Nikolaos Machairas, and Magued

Undrained Behavior of Sand by DEM Study 182

H. B. K. Nguyen, M. M. Rahman, and D. A. Cameron

Validation of a Numerical Model to Analyze Pile-Supported T-Walls 192

Alex Reeb, George Filz, Jehu Johnson, Richard Varuso, Panagiota Kokkali, Anthony
Tessari, and Tarek Abdoun

IFCEE 2015
Enhanced UniCone Expressions for Axial Pile Capacity Evaluation from 202
Piezocone Tests

Fawad S. Niazi and Paul W. Mayne

Probabilistic Seismic Design of Soil-Pile Raft-Superstructure System 217

Biplab Das, Rajib Saha, and Sumanta Haldar

Service Limit State Design for Individual Drilled Shafts in Shale Using t-z 227
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Thuy Vu and J. Erik Loehr

State of Practices in Databases for Deep Foundation Load Tests 237

Naser Abu-Hejleh, Murad Abu-Farsakh, Muhnnad T. Suleiman, and Ching Tsai

The ICP Design Method and Application to a North Sea Offshore Wind Farm 247

Richard J. Jardine, Andrew S. Merritt, and Felix. C. Schroeder

Using Cone Penetration Testing to Predict the Capacity and Drivability of 257
Tapered Piles in Sands

Terrence Carroll and Shuang Hu

Finite Element Analysis for Spatially Stochastic SoilAnisotropic Studies 271

H. B. K. Nguyen and M. M. Rahman

Numerical Investigation of Group Anchors 279

Buse Emirler, Seluk Bildik, and Mustafa Laman

Response of Beams on Nonlinear Foundation 289

S. Haldar and D. Basu

R-LRFD: Robust Load and Resistance Factor Design 299

Wenping Gong, Sara Khoshnevisan, Hongwei Huang, C. Hsein Juang, and Jie Zhang
Soil-Structure Interactions in a Skewed Integral Abutment Bridge 309

Karrthik Kirupakaran, Kanthasamy K. Muraleetharan, and Gerald A. Miller

Streamlining of Bridge Pier as a Scour Countermeasure: A Feasibility Study 319

Junhong Li, Junliang Tao, and Xiong (Bill) Yu

Visualizing the Shallow Failure Mechanism of the T-Bar Penetrometer 330

Jeff F. Wallace, Christopher M. Chini, Cassandra J. Rutherford, and Joshua M.

Evaluation of Moisture Susceptibility and Healing Properties of 339
Nanoclay-Modified Asphalt Binders

Zahid Hossain, Musharraf Zaman, Mrinal C. Saha, and Takumi Hawa

IFCEE 2015
In-Place Recycling Moisture-Density Relationships for High-Traffic 349

Ben C. Cox, Isaac L. Howard, and Randy Battey

Investigation of Rheological Properties of Asphalt Rubber toward 359
Sustainable Use of Scrap Tires

Biswajit Bairgi, Zahid Hossain, and Robert D. Hendrix

Merits of Asphalt Concrete Durability and Performance Tests When Applied 369
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to Cold In-Place Recycling

Ben C. Cox and Isaac L. Howard

Pavement Repairs' Long-Term Performance over Expansive Soil 380

Samer H. Dessouky
Recent Discussions of p-y Formulations for Lateral Load Transfer of Deep 388
Foundations Based on Experimental Studies

Camilla Favaretti, Anne Lemnitzer, Armin W. Stuedlein, and John Turner

Response of Resilient Modulus to Moisture Variation in Unsaturated 400
Subgrade Soils

Ayan Mehrotra, Murad Abu-Farsakh, and Kevin Gaspard

Sustainable Alternatives in Low Volume Road Base Course Applications 409
Evaluated through Accelerated Pavement Testing

Hasan Kazmee, Debakanta Mishra, and Erol Tutumluer

Use of Fluidized Bed Combustion Ash in Full Depth Reclamation 419

Shervin Jahangirnejad, Dennis Morian, Barry Scheetz, and Mansour Solaimanian

Vertical Pressures Produced by Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) 429
Poured into Pipe Trenches

Medji Sama, David W. Sykora, and Antonios Vytiniotis

Case Histories and Lessons

A Case Study and Lessons Learned: Retaining Wall Design and Construction 442
of the Maid of the Mist Winter Storage Facility

Hosam Salman, Thomas S. Lee, Joseph J. Fonzi, and Mark L. Bajorek

IFCEE 2015
A Synthesis of Pile Performance Monitoring Projects in Downdrag 457
Environments in Minnesota

A. S. Budge, D. D. Dasenbrock, and D. J. Mattison

Assessment of Old Stone Walls 472

Issa S. Oweis, Abraham Gutman, and Luma Oweis

Case Histories of Full-Scale Comparative Load Testing of Base Grouted and 486
Ungrouted Test Shaft Pairs
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Jon Sinnreich and Robert C. Simpson

Current Limitations and Challenges of Driven Piles in Rock as Demonstrated 500
Using Three Case Studies in Wyoming

Kam W. Ng, Seyed Yashar Yasrobi, and Todd A. Sullivan

Reconstruction of Route 33 Bridges at West Point, Virginia 518

Jan J. Hartman, Frank Pepe Jr., and Ragui W. Fahmy

Statnamic Load Test for 30-Inch Precast Prestressed Square Concrete Pile: 533
A Case History

Raymond R. Mabnkbadi and Aravinda M. Ramakrishna

Dry Soil Mix Column Shear Panels Constructed beneath Lost Lake Dredge 546
Disposal Island Levee

Tyson Deklavs
First Known Application of Cutter Soil Mixing for Support of a Heritage 554

Chris Leach and Franz-Werner Gerressen

Lessons Learned from Ground Improvement on BART Fremont Central Park 569
Subway Project in Fremont, California

Ravi K. Vedantham, Kit Tung, Thomas S. Lee, and Mitchell L. Fong

Moisture Content and Relative Compaction Influences on Swell Potential 583
and Strength of a Compacted Residual Soil

Michael Boone and Donald Gerken

Performance of Tanks Supported on DMM Columns in the Gulf Coast: 598
Hydrotest Monitoring and Settlement Analysis

Mahi Galagoda, Keun Rhee, and Carlos Fuentes

Stone Columns: Lessons Learned, Settlements, and Future Project 612

S. Caleb Douglas and Vernon R. Schaefer

IFCEE 2015
Design and Monitoring of a Sheet Pile Wall Installed in Soft Industrial 627

Ming Zhu, Ali Ebrahimi, Meena Viswanath, Laura K. Brussel, and John F. Beech
Electronic Thickness Gauge Measurements on a 36-Year-Old Steel Bar Mat 636
Reinforced MSE Wall

Jennifer E. Nicks, Michael T. Adams, and Matt Runion

Geo-Characterization of Brownfield Site for Modernization of a Large 648
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Industrial Facility

Jos L. M. Clemente, Dena G. Morgan, and Michael R. Lewis

Old Technology Enhanced by Dynamic Replacement 662

Issa S. Oweis, James T. Malak, and Tom Martin

The Great Salt Lake CausewayA Calculated Risk 50 Years Later 680

Lynn A. Salvati, Stephen J. Guarente, and S. Caleb Douglas

Deep Foundations
Load Displacement Behavior of ACIP Piles in Mixed Soil Profile 695

Kalaiarasi Vembu and C. Vipulanandan

Overburden Effect on the Axial Resistance of Instrumented CFA Piles 703

Timothy C. Siegel and Peter Faust

Region-Specific Load Transfer Model for Augered Cast-in-Place Piles in 712
Granular Soils

Nasim Adami and Armin W. Stuedlein

Thermal Integrity Profiling of ACIP Piles 723

Matthew L. Becker, Travis L. Coleman, and Daniel S. Belardo

A Study of Plane Strain Pile Jacking and Driving in Granular Media 738

Filippo Boccalini, Zhibo Chen, Mehdi Omidvar, and Magued Iskander

Development of Removable Load Distributive Compressive Anchor 748

Carlos M. Englert, Jess E. Gmez, Chris Wilkinson, and Vaughn Godet

Development of Very Low Head Room Press-In Sheet Pile Driver 763

Takefumi Takuma, Hiroyuki Nishimura, and Shigeru Kambe

IFCEE 2015
Enhancement of Pervious Concrete Pile Subjected to Uplift Load Using 775
Microbial Induced Carbonate Precipitation

Hai Lin, Muhannad T. Suleiman, Hanna M. Jabbour, and Derick G. Brown

Experimental Study of Installation of Concrete Suction Caisson in Clay 784

W. Guo and J. Chu

Installation and Load Capacity of Torpedo Anchors in Offshore Applications 792

Anirban De, David Pecorini, and Alberto Morgante

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Model Tests of Laterally Loaded Piles under a Horizontally Scoured 802


Omar K. Ismael and Jie Han

The Effects of Pile Installation on Vertical and Lateral Response 809

Lusu Ni, Muhannad T. Suleiman, and Anne Raich

The Importance of Interfaces in Geotechnical Foundation Systems 817

Alejandro Martinez, J. David Frost, and Jiaxing Su

Uplift Tests on Shallow Cast-in-Place Enlarged Base Pedestal Foundations in 827

Alan J. Lutenegger
Axial Tension and Lateral Capacity of Step-Tapered Helical Piles for 839
Transmission Pole Structures

Mark H. Fairbairn, Lee Goen, Jason Herron, and Gary L. Seider

Bearing and Friction Design Capacity Software for Helical Anchors and Piles 851

Gary L. Seider
Lateral Performance of Large-Capacity Helical Piles 868

Mohamed A. Elkasabgy and M. Hesham El Naggar

Monitoring Micropile Foundations of Bridge during Construction 878

Ronaldo Luna, Devin T. Dixon, Kyle A. Kershaw, and Timothy C. Siegel

Numerical Modeling in Micropile Design for a Pusher Furnace 890

Timothy C. Siegel and R. Michael Bivens

Axial Load Tests on Drilled Shafts Socketed in Hard Clays and Shales 899

Terry B. Burkett, Robert B. Gilbert, Robert C. Simpson, John A. Wooley, Antonio

Marinucci, and Jose A. Arrellaga
Case History: Margaret McDermott Bridge over I-30 908

Bo Walker and Andrew Smith

IFCEE 2015
Elastic Analysis of Drilled Shaft Foundations in Soil Profiles with 922
Intermediate Caliche Layers

Moses Karakouzian, Rouzbeh Afsharhasani, and Brandon Kluzniak

Numerical Simulation of a Drilled Shaft in an MSE Wall under Cyclic Loading 929

Md. Saidur Rahman, Jie Huang, and Sazzad Bin-Shafique

Seismic Site Characterization in Support of Drilled Shaft Design 939

Rinu Samuel, Yasaman Badrzadeh, Barbara Luke, Andrew J. Lawrence, Raj

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Siddharthan, and Abbas Bafghi

Separating Contributions from Pre-Mobilization and Ground Improvement 951
for Post-Grouted Drilled Shafts

Tayler J. Day, Andrew Z. Boeckmann, and J. Erik Loehr

Corrosion Study of Existing Steel H-Pile Installed through Cinder-Ash Fill 961

Lei Gu, Sarah E. McInnes, Jean Hervey Fenton, Stephen J. Welsh, and Ara G.
Elastic Analysis of Rock-Socketed Piles 973

Hoyoung Seo, Monica Prezzi, and Rodrigo Salgado

Evaluation of Pile Set-Up Using iCAP Dynamic Restrike Software Analysis in 980
the State of Alabama

Ronald Jones and Eric J. Steward

Foundation Support CostApplications to Driven-Pile Design 990

Van E. Komurka
High-Strain Dynamic Pile Testing for the I-40/I-240 Interchange in 1006
Memphis, Tennessee

Ashraf Elsayed, Craig Kaibel, Ian Engstrom, and David Arellano

Kentucky Lake Pipe Pile Load Test Program 1021

Ronald J. Ebelhar, Jeffrey D. Du, Darrin P. Beckett, and Jerry A. DiMaggio

On Design and Installation of Driven Piles in Coral Deposits: A Case Study 1036
from the Red Sea Coast of Saudi Arabia

Waddah Akili
Pile Driving Formulas Revisited 1052

Ryan Allin, Garland Likins, and Jon Honeycutt

IFCEE 2015
Pile Setup and Axial Capacity Gain for Driven Piles Installed Using Impact 1064
Hammer versus Vibratory System

Malay Ghose-Hajra, Rebecca Jensen, and Laura Hulliger

Soil Plugging Mechanism on Large Diameter Pipe Piles: Insight from 1075
Discrete Element Simulations

Yuan Guo and Xiong (Bill) Yu

Tension Tests on Driven H-Piles in Sand and Clay 1087
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Alan J. Lutenegger, Jahan Khalili, and Thomas Orszulak

Uplift Resistance of Coated Driven Steel Piles 1097

Alan J. Lutenegger and Jahan Khalili

Effects of Demolishing the Deep Excavation Support System Used for Tall 1107
Building Construction on Adjacent Metro Line: Modeling and Field

Bo Liu, Wei Xu, and Krishna R. Reddy

Experimental p-y Curves for a Laterally Loaded Single Pile in 1122
Cement-Improved Soft Clay

Hoda Soltani and Kanthasamy K. Muraleetharan

Full Scale Crash Test on a Group of Piles in Clay 1132

Mojdeh Asadollahi Pajouh, Jean-Louis Briaud, Dean Alberson, Dusty Arrington, and
Alireza Mirdamadi
Group Effects on Piles Behavior under Lateral Loading 1142

Pooya Allahverdizadeh
Numerical Simulation of Pile Installation and Setup for Bayou Lacassine Site 1152

Firouz Rosti and Murad Abu-Farsakh

Design for Extreme Events

A New Approach to Measure Water Film Due to Void Redistribution in 1162
Layered Soil

Quan Gao, Yang Yang, and Xiong (Bill) Yu

Analysis of Drilled Shaft Settlement Caused by Liquefaction 1176

Benjamin Turner, Scott J. Brandenberg, and Jonathan P. Stewart

IFCEE 2015
Assessing Liquefaction-Induced Lateral Spreads Using CPT Cases from the 1189
Christchurch, New Zealand, Earthquakes

Sara Khoshnevisan, Hsein Juang, Yan-Guo Zhou, Chih-Sheng Ku, Lei Wang, and
Hai-Jun Ding
Centrifuge Testing of Levees: Saturation Techniques during Model 1197

Samuel Yniesta, Riccardo Cappa, Anne Lemnitzer, and Scott J. Brandenberg

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Comparison of Soil Response during Earthquake Excitation and Uniform 1207

Cyclic Loading

Soheil Kamalzare, and C. Guney Olgun

Experimental Modeling of Rainfall Induced Slope Failures in Compacted 1217

Binod Tiwari and Santiago Caballero

Liquefaction and Residential Foundations: Lessons Learned from Past 1227

Levi T. Ekstrom, Kevin W. Franke, T. Leslie Youd, Fernando Fonseca, and Mathew
Liquefaction of Granular Soils at the Microscale 1237

Usama El Shamy and Yasser Abdelhamid

Magnitudes of Prehistoric Earthquakes at the Hollywood, South Carolina, 1246

Emad Gheibi and Sarah L. Gassman

Multiscale Modeling of Fine Particles Migration in Granular Filters 1257

Yasser Abdelhamid and Usama El Shamy

Performance of Skewed Abutments from Large-Scale Testing 1267

K. M. Rollins, K. Palmer, and A. Fredrickson

Regional Geology and Seismic Site Amplification in the Washington, DC, 1278
Metropolitan Area

Mark Tilashalski, C. Guney Olgun, Adrian Rodriguez-Marek, Elizabeth A. Godfrey,

Martin C. Chapman, Sharmin Shamsalsadati, and Morgan A. Eddy
Response of a Silty Sand Centrifuge Deposit to Repeated Earthquakes 1288

Waleed El-Sekelly, Tarek Abdoun, and Ricardo Dobry

IFCEE 2015
Scour Characteristics of Saturated Levees Due to Floodwall Overtopping 1298

Mazdak Karimpour, Kyle Heinzl, Emaline Stendback, Kevin Galle, Siavash Zamiran,
and Abdolreza Osouli
Seismic Hazard Curves for the Probability of Liquefaction 1308

Kristin J. Ulmer, Kevin W. Franke, and Brian D. Peterson

Soil Compressibility in Transient Unsaturated Seepage Analyses 1318

Timothy D. Stark, Navid H. Jafari, Aaron L. Leopold, and Thomas L. Brandon

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Earth Retention and

Design and Construction of a Permanent Earth Retention System in Stiff 1333
Fissured Clay and Landslide Rubble

R. J. Valentine and Thomas Brandon

Monitoring a Drilled Shaft Retaining Wall in Expansive Clay: Long-Term 1348
Performance in Response to Moisture Fluctuations

Andrew C. Brown, Gregory Dellinger, Ali Helwa, Chadi El-Mohtar, Jorge Zornberg,
and Robert B. Gilbert
North American Trends and Developments of Complex Support of 1358
Excavation Systems

Robert Jameson, John Starcevich, Rick Hanke, and Nick Turus

Numerical Investigation of Gravity Wall-Granular Soil Interaction 1370

Dimitrios Loukidis and Rodrigo Salgado

Robust Design Optimization Applied to Braced Excavations 1380

Sara Khoshnevisan, Lei Wang, Wenping Gong, and C. Hsein Juang

Apparent Lateral Earth Pressures below the Lowest Support Level 1389

Dimitrios C. Konstantakos
Compressive Strength Variations of Lime-Treated Expansive Soils 1402

Muawia Dafalla, E. Mutaz, and Mosleh Al-Shamrani

Durability of Lightly Stabilised Granular Material Subjected to Freeze-Thaw 1410
and Wet-Dry Cycles

Mathanraj Theivakularatnam and Carthigesu T. Gnanendran

IFCEE 2015
Experimental Investigation of Applicability of Sand Tire Chip Mixtures as 1420
Retaining Wall Backfill

Pradeep K. Dammala, Bali R. Sodom, and Murali K. Adapa

Interface Properties of Metal-Grid and Geogrid Reinforcements with Sand 1430

B. Umashankar, Chennarapu Hariprasad, and S. Sasanka Mouli

Seismic Performance of Cantilever Retaining Walls with Clayey Backfills 1439

Siavash Zamiran and Abdolreza Osouli

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Three Dimensional Effects of Vertical Stiffeners on Infinitely-Long 1449

Sheet-Piles in Cohesionless Soil

Khaled Lotfy, Rami El-Sherbiny, and Abdelsalam Salem

Analysis of Reinforced Soil Wall Considering Oblique Pullout of 1464
Reinforcement Resting on Two-Parameter Pasternak Subgrade

Shantanu Patra and J. T. Shahu

Effect of Single and Double Anchored Systems on the Behaviour of Cellular 1473
Reinforced Fly Ash Walls

B. Ram Rathan Lal, A. H. Padade, and J. N. Mandal

Impact of Compaction Level and Depth of Fill on the Pullout Resistance of 1483
Ribbed Strip MSE Reinforcement

Priyantha W. Jayawickrama, William D. Lawson, Timothy A. Wood, and James G.

Numerical Simulation of a Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Integrated Bridge 1493
System during Construction and Operation Using Parametric Studies

Majid Talebi and Christopher L. Meehan

Numerical Study of Deformation Behavior for a Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil 1503
Bridge Abutment under Static Loading

Yewei Zheng, Patrick J. Fox, and P. Benson Shing

Seismic Thrust vs. Wall Inertia in Non-Yielding Retaining Walls under 1513
Earthquake Loading: Synchronous or Asynchronous Action?

V. G. Kitsis, V. S. Vlachakis, G. A. Athanasopoulos, and A. Athanasopoulos-Zekkos

Case Studies of New York City Projects with Varying Site Constraints 1522

Arthur J. Alzamora Jr., Laurence E. Ford, and Andrew J. Ciancia

Design and Construction of a Sheet Pile Earth Retention System in Soft 1536

Justin R. Lewis and Shane J. Farr

IFCEE 2015
Foundation Design and Construction in Urban Environments 1550

Alfred H. Brand and Ketan H. Trivedi

Foundation Features: Tall Buildings and Braced Excavations in Houston 1560

Edward J. Ulrich Jr.

Performance of Deep Excavations in Clay in the Boston Urban Environment 1575

Bryan P. Sweeney and Damian R. Siebert

Reconstruction of Tsunami-Ravaged Levees by the Press-In Piling Method in 1585
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Japans Northeast

Takefumi Takuma, Hiroyuki Nishimura, and Shigeru Kambe

Removable Compressive Load Distributive Strand Anchors: Case History and 1597
Lessons Learned

Jason S. Hertz, Greg Moormann, Michael Paquette, Saul S. Shapiro, and Marc J.

Energy FoundationsWind,
Transmission, and Geothermal
Development of a Full-Scale Soil-Borehole Thermal Energy Storage System 1608

Tugce Baser and John S. McCartney

Effect of the Unsaturated Soil Condition on the Thermal Efficiency of Energy 1618

Ghassan Anis Akrouch, Marcelo Snchez, and Jean-Louis Briaud

Experimental Investigation of Bridge Deck Deicing Using Energy Piles 1628

G. Allen Bowers Jr. and C. Guney Olgun

Full-Scale Field Testing of Energy Piles 1638

Melis Sutman, C. Guney Olgun, and Tracy Brettmann

Investigation of Construction Specification Effects on Energy Pile Efficiency 1648

Robert A. Caulk and Ehsan Ghazanfari

Investigation of Thermo-Mechanical Load Transfer (t-z Curves) Behavior of 1658
Soil-Energy Pile Interface Using Modified Borehole Shear Tests

Suguang Xiao and Muhannad T. Suleiman

IFCEE 2015
Numerical Modeling of Thermally Induced Pore Water Flow in Saturated Soil 1668
Surrounding Geothermal Piles

Omid Ghasemi-Fare and Prasenjit Basu

Preliminary Studies of the Use of Abandoned Mine Water for Geothermal 1678

Zhen Liu, Jay Meldrum, Pengfei Xue, and Christopher Green

Response of an Energy Foundation to Temperature Fluctuations 1691
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John S. McCartney, Kyle D. Murphy, and Karen S. Henry

Sensitivity Study on Factors Affecting the Heat Exchange in Geothermal 1701
Heat Pump System

Chanjuan Han and Xiong (Bill) Yu

Temperature Effects on Sand-Steel Interface Shear and Quantification of 1711
Post-Shear Surface Texture Characteristics of Steel

James L. Hanson, Andrew Flores, Derek Manheim, and Nazli Yesiller

Thermal Operation of Geothermal Piles Installed in SandA Comparative 1721
Assessment Using Numerical and Physical Models

Omid Ghasemi-Fare and Prasenjit Basu

Thermal Stress and Displacement Response of Geothermal Energy Piles in 1731

Rajni Saggu and Tanusree Chakraborty

Centrifuge Modeling of Offshore Wind Turbine with Bucket Foundation 1741
under Earthquake Loading

Xuefei Wang, Xiangwu Zeng, Hao Yu, and Haijun Wang

Cyclic Performance of Single and Group Micropiles on Loose Sand 1751

Rui P. Matos, Paulo L. Pinto, Carlos S. Rebelo, Luis S. da Silva, and Milan Veljkovic
Mass Soil Mixing for Wind Tower Turbine Foundations 1764

Brett Zitny and Tyson Deklavs

Preliminary Design of Suction Pile for Mooring of Concrete Floating 1773

Juhyung Lee, Duhyun Baek, and Chul Soo Park

Simulation of Dynamic Response of Offshore Wind Turbine with Group-Pile 1781
Foundation Using Centrifuge Tests

Xuefei Wang, Xiangwu Zeng, Hao Yu, and Jijian Lian

IFCEE 2015
Geo-Characterization, Risk, and
A Methodology for Axially Loaded Drilled Shaft Performance Predictions 1791
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Ramin Motamed, Kevin Stanton, Mahdi Nasimifar, Nelson Pearson, and Brandon
Allowable Design Strength of Geosynthetic Reinforcement for Veneer 1806
Stability of MSW Landfills: A Reliability Based Approach

B. Munwar Basha, Shilpi Mahapatra, and Bappaditya Manna

Alternative Method of Flow-Back Water Treatment in Shale Gas 1816
Development for Environmental Protection

Maria Peraki and Ehsan Ghazanfari

Assessment of Shear Failure Parameters for Sand-Clay Liners 1826

Muawia Dafalla and Mosleh Al-Shamrani

Characterization of Collapsible Soils 1834

John C. Lommler and Paola Bandini

Effect of Parameter Uncertainty on Factor of Safety Calculations in a Slope 1842
Stability Problem

Noha Ahmad Rabie, Sherif Adel Akl, and Ashraf Kamal Hussien
Impact of Proof Load Test Programs on the Reliability of Foundations 1850

Youmna Abdallah, Shadi Najjar, and George Saad

Laboratory Determination of the Time-Dependent Interface Frictional 1861
Behavior between Cohesive Soil and Construction Materials

Eric J. Steward and Marcus Shekouh

Large Diameter Triaxial Testing of AASHTO Open Graded Aggregates and 1870
the Effect of Relative Density on Strength

Thomas Gebrenegus, Jennifer Nicks, and Mike Adams

Predicting Immediate Settlement on Spread Footings for Highway Bridges 1880

Aseel Y. Ahmed, Maria M. Szerszen, and Andrzej S. Nowak

IFCEE 2015
Probabilistic Methodology for Developing Regional and Site-Class 1895
Dependent Seismic Site Amplification Factors

Elizabeth A. Godfrey, Adrian Rodriguez-Marek, and C. Guney Olgun

Probabilistic Settlement Analysis of Shallow Foundations on Heterogeneous 1905
Soil Stratum with Anisotropic Correlation Structure

Amaneh E. Kenarsari and Reza Jamshidi Chenari

Quantitative Comparison of Direct Monte Carlo Simulation to Simplified 1915
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Reliability Approaches for Evaluating the Stability of Unreinforced Slopes

Matthew D. Sleep and Michael P. McGuire

Reliability-Based Robust Geotechnical Design of Rock Bolts for Slope 1926

Lei Wang, Wenping Gong, Zhe Luo, Sara Khoshnevisan, and C. Hsein Juang
Risk Analysis on Bridge Scour Failure 1936

Congpu Yao, Jean-Louis Briaud, and Paolo Gardoni

The Random Finite Element Method (RFEM) in Probabilistic Slope Stability 1946
Analysis with Consideration of Spatial Variability of Soil Properties

Pooya Allahverdizadeh, D. V. Griffiths, and G. A. Fenton

Unconfined Compressive Strength and Deformation Modulus Relationship 1956
for Two Carbonate Rock Formations

Hazem Sarhan and Mohamed Askar

Updating Single Pile Capacity by Load Tests 1964

Jinsong Huang and Richard Kelly

A New Borehole Tool for Subsurface Seismic ImagingA Full Waveform 1971
Inversion Approach

Pengxiang Jiang and Dennis R. Hiltunen

An Appraisal of a New Generation of Surface Wave Techniques at a Test Site 1981
in Florida

Pengxiang Jiang, Khiem T. Tran, Dennis R. Hiltunen, and Nick Hudyma

Bender Element Testing and Discrete Element Modeling of Shear Wave in 1993
Granular Media

Asheesh Pradhan and Xinbao Yu

Centrifuge Modeling the Influence of Soil Anisotropy on Seismic Response 2003
of Foundations

Jin Qin, Xiangwu Zeng, and Haiyan Ming

IFCEE 2015
Comparison of Image Analyses Algorithms for Video-Based Remote 2013
Structure Vibration Monitoring System

Yang Yang, Nathan Zimmer, and Xiong (Bill) Yu

Creep Behavior of Shale Formations in Shale Gas Development 2024

Rafael Villamor Lora and Ehsan Ghazanfari

Effect of Different Parameters on Steady State and Monotonic Liquefaction 2034
of Gravelly Soils
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M. Payan, P. Ayoubi, and S. M. Mirmoazen

Geomechanical Properties of Coal Mine Roof Rocks in Illinois 2049

Abdolreza Osouli and Behrooz Moradi

Reliability of Coal Mine Roof Rating in Mining Applications 2058

Iman Shafii and Abdolreza Osouli

Settling Characteristics of Fine-Grained Dredged Sediments Used in 2068
Louisiana Coastal Restoration and Land Building Projects

Malay Ghose-Hajra, Christine Mebust, and Gregory Mattson II

Constitutive Modeling of Unsaturated Soils Using Results from Suction 2075
Controlled Odometer Tests

Xiong Zhang
Deformation Non-Uniformity of an Unsaturated Soil during Triaxial Testing 2084

Lin Li and Xiong Zhang

Evolution of Interphase Contact Angle in Partially Saturated Granular Soils 2092
Using Digital Analysis of X-Ray Computed Tomography Images

Kalehiwot Nega Manahiloh and Christopher L. Meehan

Numerical Analysis of Vertical Moisture Barriers in Controlling Expansive 2102
Soils in Presence of Soil Cracks

Lizhou Chen and Rifat Bulut

Prediction of the Resilient Modulus of Unsaturated Base-Course Materials 2112

Zhong Han and Sai K. Vanapalli

Shrinkage Induced Pressure Measurement to Address Desiccation Cracking 2122
in Expansive Soils

Raju Acharya, Aravind Pedarla, Tejo Vikash Bheemasetti, Anand J. Puppala, and Nan

IFCEE 2015
Simplified Equivalent Linear and Nonlinear Site Response Analysis of 2131
Partially Saturated Soil Layers

M. Mirshekari and M. Ghayoomi

Suitable Shearing Rate for Triaxial Testing of Intermediate Soils under 2141
Vapor Controlled Medium to High Suction Range

Ujwalkumar D. Patil, Laureano R. Hoyos, and Anand J. Puppala

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Geotechnical Education
Are There Gender Differences in the Value That Civil and Environmental 2151
Engineering Students Place on Service Provided through Service-Learning

John E. Lens and Mandar M. Dewoolkar

Disciplinary Diversity in the Development of Geotechnical Engineering 2161
Undergraduate Education Materials

Arthur Ornelas Jr., Sandra Houston, Wilhelmina Savenye, Claudia E. Zapata, Eddy F.
Ramirez, and Allen Corral
Enhancing Students Problem-Solving Skills through Progressive 2169
Integration of Project-Based Learning

Hudson Jackson and Kassim Tarhini

Inclusionary Instructional Methods Addressing a Diversity of Learners in 2179
Geotechnical Engineering Education

T. Kunberger
Support of Women Geotechnical Engineering Faculty: History and Initiatives 2189

Sharon W. Alestalo, Shobha K. Bhatia, and Beena Sukumaran

Views and Concerns with Regard to Teaching Geotechnical Engineering: 2203
Viable Strategies for the Classroom Environment

Waddah Akili

IFCEE 2015
Ground Improvement and
A Numerical Study of the Installation-Induced Stresses and Excess 2214
Pore-Water Pressures around Rigid Inclusions Using a Linear-Elastic
Perfectly-Plastic Soil
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Alfonso J. Rivera, C. Guney Olgun, Thomas L. Brandon, and Frederic Masse

Characterization of Smear Zone Caused by Mandrel Action 2225

Buddhima Indraratna, Cholachat Rujikiatkmajorn, and Made Ardana

Contact Fatigue: A Key Mechanism in Time-Dependent Behavior of Sand 2233
after Dynamic Compaction

Radoslaw L. Michalowski and Srinivasa S. Nadukuru

Drained Shear Strength of MICP Sand at Varying Cementation Levels 2242

K. Feng and B. M. Montoya

Enzyme Induced Carbonate Precipitation (EICP) Columns for Ground 2252

Edward Kavazanjian and Nasser Hamdan

Ground Improvement of Marine Clay for Highway Construction in Mumbai, 2262

Sarika S. Desai, Deepankar Choudhury, and J. S. Salunkhe

Ground Improvement: Difficulties in Measuring Success 2274

James C. Pegues, Jacob A. Jordan, and Yingwu Xu

Mitigation of Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction via Microbial Denitrification: 2286
A Two-Phase Process

Edward Kavazanjian Jr. and Sean T. ODonnell

Post-Grouting Stability of Bentonite Suspensions within Sand Pores 2296

Chadi El Mohtar, May ElKhattab, and Ritika Sangroya

Shear Wave Velocity Measurements of Stone Column Improved Ground and 2306
Effect on Site Response

Armin W. Stuedlein, Abbas Abdollahi, H. Benjamin Mason, and Rowland French

IFCEE 2015
Stability Analysis of Embankments Supported by Geosynthetic Encased 2318
Stone Columns

Shaymaa Kadhim, Robert L. Parsons, and Jie Han

Stress-Strain Behavior of Cement-Improved Clays 2328

Allison J. Quiroga, Kanthasamy K. Muraleetharan, Amy B. Cerato, and Gerald A.

Development of a Flexible Mold for Bio-Mediated Soil Materials 2339
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Lin Li, Farshad Amini, Qian Zhao, Chi Li, Kejun Wen, Mingdong Li, and Ubani
Dynamic Centrifuge Tests on Soft Clay Reinforced by Soil-Cement Grids 2349

Mohammad Khosravi, Shuji Tamura, Ross W. Boulanger, Daniel W. Wilson, C. Guney

Olgun, Deepak Rayamajhi, and Yongzhi Wang
Field Investigation on Compaction and Strength Performance of Two Coal 2359
Wash-BOS Slag Mixtures

S. M. Ali Tasalloti, Buddhima Indraratna, Gabriele Chiaro, and Ana Heitor

Ground Improvements for a Sloped Runway Expansion 2369

Curtis R. Cook, Mark E. Plaskett, and Ed J. Garbin

Implementation of Optimized Ground Improvement Techniques for a Prime 2379
Real Estate Location in Southern California

Lawrence K. Stark, Gary Taylor, Lisheng Shao, and Thang V. Nguyen

Large-Scale Bending Tests on Soil Mix Elements 2394

Nicolas Denies, Nol Huybrechts, Flor De Cock, Bart Lameire, Jan Maertens, and
Andr Vervoort
Seismic Soil-Pile-Structure Interaction in Improved Soft Clay: Centrifuge 2410

Amirata Taghavi, Kanthasamy K. Muraleetharan, Gerald A. Miller, and Amy B. Cerato

Wet Grab Samples vs. Cored Samples as QC/QA Methods at the Rio Puerto 2420
Nuevo Project in San Juan, PR

Filippo M. Leoni and Wesley D. Shcmutzler

IFCEE 2015
Quality, Testing,
Instrumentation, and
Application and Accuracy of Structure from Motion Computer Vision Models 2432
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with Full-Scale Geotechnical Field Tests

Logan M. Palmer, Kevin W. Franke, R. Abraham Martin, Brendan E. Sines, Kyle M.

Rollins, and John D. Hedengren
Effect of Container Wall Friction on the Consolidation of Clay Specimen 2442

Owais S. Mir, Yashwant A. Kolekar, Dasaka S. Murty, and B. V. S. Viswanadham

Failure Mechanism of Earthen Levee Strengthened by Vegetated HPTRM 2452
System and Design Guideline for Hurricane Overtopping Conditions

Pan Yi, Farshad Amini, and Lin Li

Full Scale Crash Test of a 36-Ton Truck against a Barrier on Top of an MSE 2462

D. Saez, L. S. Maddah, R. Bligh, A. Mirdamadi, and J.-L. Briaud

Development of an Improved Calibration Procedure for the Electrical 2472
Density Gauge

L. Sebastian Bryson, B. Scott Embry, and Kirk A. Jenkins

The Measurement of Suction Stress Characteristic Curve for a Highly 2482
Collapsible Loessial Soil

S. Mohsen Haeri, Ali Khosravi, and Shahin Ghazizadeh

A Framework for Premature Pavement Distress Evaluation 2492

Nazmul Chowdhury, Zahid Hossain, Shu Yang, and Andrew Braham

Construction Monitoring for the Transbay Transit Center Excavation in San 2502
Francisco, California

Youssef M. A. Hashash, Mohamad Jammoul, Kaitlyn L. Fleming, Stephen McLandrich,

Andrew Yeskoo, Nick ORiordan, Pierre Gouvin, and Michael Riemer
Dual Tip PenetrometerA New In Situ Approach to Identify Cemented Sand 2512

Zhihong Hu, Michael C. Mcvay, David Bloomquist, and David Horhota

Exposure of Deep Foundations for the Kentucky Lock Addition Project 2519

Thomas Weinmann, Robert Nyren, and W. Allen Marr

IFCEE 2015
Field Calibration and Data Interpretation of a Settlement Cell System 2533

Ali Ebrahimi, Meena Viswanath, Ming Zhu, John F. Beech, and Robert Bachus
Initial Steps toward Characterizing Particle Mobilization Using Pore-Scale 2544
Particle Mobilization Imaging Experiments

Benjamin T. Adams and Ming Xiao

Intelligent Compaction of Stabilized Subgrade of Flexible Pavement 2554

Manik Barman, Syed Asif Imran, Moeen Nazari, Sesh Commuri, and Musharraf
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Strength and Stress Estimation in Soil Bentonite Slurry Trench Cutoff Walls 2567
Using Cone Penetration Test Data

D. G. Ruffing, J. C. Evans, and C. R. Ryan

The Subjective Element in Dynamic Load Testing Results 2577

Gerald Verbeek, David Tara, and Peter Middendorp

Theory on Measuring Orientation with MEMS Accelerometers in a Centrifuge 2584

Ryan D. Beemer, Madhuri Murali, Giovanna Biscontin, and Charles Aubeny

Thermal Activity of Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil Piers 2594

Michael Adams, Jennifer Nicks, and Thomas Stabile

Using Thermal Integrity Profiling to Confirm the Structural Integrity of 2607
Foundation Applications

George Piscsalko, Dean Cotton, Daniel Belardo, and Garland Likins

Visualizing the Fundamental Physics of Rapid Earth Penetration Using 2617
Transparent Soils

Zhibo Chen, Mehdi Omidvar, Magued Iskander, and Stephan Bless

Behaviour of Reinforced Stone Dust Model Walls under Uniformly 2627
Distributed Loading

Sumitra S. Kandolkar and J. N. Mandal

Characterization and Surface Analysis of Commercially Available Biochars 2637
for Geoenvironmental Applications

Erin N. Yargicoglu and Krishna R. Reddy

IFCEE 2015
Influence of Physico-Chemical Properties of Different Biochars on Landfill 2647
Methane Adsorption

Bala Yamini Sadasivam and Krishna R. Reddy

Laboratory Study of Electromagnetically Induced Contaminant Removal 2657

Vahab Bolvardi, Arvin Farid, Atena Najafi, Jim Browning, and Elisa Barney Smith
Macropore Flow Modeling Using the Root Zone Water Quality Model 2667

Duraisamy S. Saravanathiiban and Milind V. Khire

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Optimum Dimensions of Reinforced Soil Berm for Vertical Expansion of 2677

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Landfills

B. Munwar Basha, Shilpi Mahapatra, and Bappaditya Manna

Phytoremediation of Mixed Contaminated Soils: Enhancement with Biochar 2687
and Compost Amendments

Reshma A. Chirakkara and Krishna R. Reddy

Structural Effects on Effective Conductivity of Compacted Clays 2697

Wassim E. Tabet and Amy B. Cerato

An Overview of Sustainability Applied to Earth Structures 2707

Daniel R. VandenBerge, Alan J. Esser, and Kristi Bumpas

Beneficial Reuse of Fine Grained Soils for Port, River, and Shoreline 2717

Mohammed O. A. Bazne, Farshid Vahedifard, and Isaac L. Howard

Beneficial Reuse of Waste Insulation Material in Drilling Applications 2728

Madison Bertoch, Nazli Yesiller, and James L. Hanson

Carbon Footprint of Tuttle Creek Dam Seismic Retrofit 2738

Patricia M. Gallagher, Adam Cordi, and Sabrina Spatari

Effect of Compost Soil Treatment on Surficial Slope Stability in Fully 2748
Softened Condition

Minh Le, Anand J. Puppala, and Aravind Pedarla

Effect of pH on the Leaching of Elements from Highway Base Layers Built 2758
with Recycled Concrete Aggregates

Janile Lewis, Bora Cetin, and Ahmet H. Aydilek

IFCEE 2015
Geotechnical Properties of Lightly Stabilized Recycled Demolition Materials 2767
in Base/Sub-Base Applications

Alireza Mohammadinia, Arul Arulrajah, Jay Sanjayan, Mahdi M. Disfani, Myint Win
Bo, and Stephen Darmawan
Improving the Shear Strength of Soils by Adding Agricultural By-Products 2777

Karen Schaefers and Soonkie Nam

Investigation on Clogging Potential of Recycled Concrete Aggregate in 2787
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French Drain Systems

Boo Hyun Nam, Zachary Behring, Manoj Chopra, John Shoucair, and Soonkie Nam
Recycling of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Ash as Aggregate 2797
Replacement in Concrete

Baig Abdullah Al Muhit, Jinwoo An, and Boo Hyun Nam

Soil Crust Development throughout a Two-Dimensional Profile by Discrete 2807
Element Method

Seungcheol Yeom and Kurt J. Sjoblom

Steel Slag: Chemistry, Mineralogy, and Morphology 2816

Irem Zeynep Yildirim and Monica Prezzi

Stormwater Sediment Filtration Using Sand versus Synthetic Fibers 2826

Milind V. Khire, Duraisamy S. Saravanathiiban, Mark Verwiel, Christopher Prucha,

and Terry Johnson
Sustainability Assessment of Two Alternate Earth-Retaining Structures 2836

Rajiv K. Giri and Krishna R. Reddy

IFCEE 2015

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