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Keywords: Structural equation modeling (SEM) has become the methodology of choice for many family business
Structural equation modeling (SEM) researchers investigating complex relationships between latent constructs, such as family harmony or
Covariance-based SEM family cohesion. Its capability to evaluate complex measurement models and structural paths involving
Partial least squares-SEM a multitude of variables and levels of constructs has enabled family business researchers to investigate
Family rms
complex and intricate relationships that previously could not be easily untangled and examined. In many
Organizational reputation
Organizational trustworthiness
cases, however, researchers struggle to meet some of the challenging requirements of covariance-based
SEM (CB-SEM), the most commonly used approach to SEM, such as distribution assumptions or sample
size. In this article, we point out the benets and disadvantages of CB-SEM, and present a comparison
with partial least squares-SEM (PLS-SEM) using an identical sample. We nd that even though both
methods analyze measurement theory and structural path models, there are many advantages in
applying PLS-SEM.
2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Structural equation modeling in a nutshell & Edwards, 2009). Concurrently combining factor analysis and
linear regression models, SEM allows the researcher to statistically
Structural equation modeling (SEM) has seen a dramatic rise in examine the relationships between theory-based latent variables
attention and utilization across a variety of scientic disciplines and their indicator variables by measuring directly observable
such as strategic management (Shook, Ketchen, Cycyota, & indicator variables (Hair, Hult, Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2014). While SEM
Crockett, 2003), marketing (Chin, Peterson, & Brown, 2008) and is similar to multiple regression in the sense that both techniques
psychology (MacCallum & Austin, 2000) over the last decade (Hair, test relationships between variables, SEM is able to simultaneously
Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2011b). Statistically, SEM represents an examine multi-level dependence relationships, where a dependent
advanced version of general linear modeling procedures (e.g., variable becomes an independent variable in subsequent relationships
multiple regression analysis), and is used to assess whether a within the same analysis (Shook, Ketchen, Hult, & Kacmar, 2004, p.
hypothesized model is consistent with the data collected to reect [the] 397) as well as relationships between multiple dependent
theory (Lei & Wu, 2007, p. 34). While SEM is a general term variables (Joreskog, Sorbom, du Toit, & du Toit, 1999).
encompassing a variety of statistical models, covariance-based The objective of this article is to evaluate the benets and
SEM (CB-SEM) is the more widely used approach in SEM, and many limitations of SEM in general, and in family business research in
researchers simply refer to CB-SEM as SEM. This reference is nave, particular, by directly comparing two major approaches to
however, because partial least squares (PLS) is also a useful and structural modeling covariance based SEM (CB-SEM) and
increasingly applied approach to examine structural equation variance-based SEM (PLS-SEM) (Sarstedt, Ringle, Smith, Reams, &
models (Hair, Sarstedt, Ringle, & Mena, 2012). Hair, 2014; Sharma & Kim, 2013). While CB-SEM and PLS-SEM are
Structural equation modeling is a multivariate analytical two different approaches to the same problem namely, the analysis
approach used to simultaneously test and estimate complex of causeeffect relations between latent constructs (Hair, Ringle, &
causal relationships among variables, even when the relationships Sarstedt, 2011a, p. 139), they differ not only in terms of their basic
are hypothetical, or not directly observable (Williams, Vandenberg, assumptions and outcomes, but also in terms of their estimation
procedures (Hair et al., 2014; Shook et al., 2004). PLS-SEM uses a
regression-based ordinary least squares (OLS) estimation method
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 404 242 0803.
with the goal of explaining the latent constructs variance by
E-mail address: [email protected] (G. Wanzenried). minimizing the error terms [and maximizing] the R2 values of the
1877-8585/$ see front matter 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.B. Astrachan et al. / Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (2014) 116128 117
(target) endogenous constructs (Hair et al., 2014, p. 14; Ringle, independent and dependent variables that are mediated or
Sarstedt, Hair, & Pieper, 2012). CB-SEM, on the other hand, follows a moderated by some other variable, e.g., the effect of family
maximum likelihood (ML) estimation procedure and aims at ownership on rm performance is moderated by the owning
reproducing the covariance matrix [i.e., minimizing the difference familys involvement in management. Total effects relate to the
between the observed and estimated covariance matrix], without sum of two or more direct or indirect effects. In comparison to
focusing on explained variance (Hair et al., 2011a, p. 139). In other other statistical procedures such as regression, SEM enables
words, with CB-SEM, the R2 is a by-product of the overall statistical researchers to not only simultaneously assess the relationships
objective of achieving good model t (Hair et al., 2014). between multi-item constructs, but also to reduce the overall error
Using a sample of 253 Swiss consumers surveyed in 2012 associated with the model. In contrast to multiple regression
evaluating the effects of corporate expectations on the perceived analysis, which cannot directly deal with the measurement issues
level of expertise and trustworthiness of family-owned companies, of multi-item constructs, SEM is specically designed to improve
we apply both CB-SEM and PLS-SEM to analyze the data. This multi-item measurement models by directly accounting for error.
approach enables us to not only compare the requirements of each When assessing structural models: While regression also allows
method, the way in which the models are specied, and the researchers to evaluate structural relationships using path analysis
applicability and user-friendliness of available software, but also (examining each path separately), SEM facilitates simultaneous
the results and interpretations. analysis of all structural relationships (i.e., relationships or paths
The remainder of this article is structured as follows: rst, we among numerous variables, e.g., family ownership, family cohe-
briey highlight the most important benets of SEM. We then sion and performance), and is an inherently simpler approach that
summarize the results of several important articles in family leads to more accurate results. CB-SEM and PLS-SEM use different
business research that utilized SEM, and point out how SEM approaches when assessing the quality of a structural model. For
contributed to the ndings of these studies. Third, the research example, with CB-SEM t is based on accurately estimating the
context of the example used in this study is briey described, and observed covariance matrix, while with PLS-SEM t is based upon
the hypotheses as well as an outline of the methodology are accounting for explained variance in the endogenous constructs
presented. Fourth, we discuss the results from the CB-SEM and PLS- (Hair et al., 2014). As a result of model t requirements, however,
SEM analyses. Finally, practical observations and conclusions are CB-SEM often eliminates relevant indicator variables, thereby
provided, and limitations and suggestions for further research are reducing the validity of constructs. In contrast, PLS-SEM creates
presented. composite constructs that generally include additional theory-
based indicator variables (Rigdon, 2012), while still optimizing
2. The benets and limitations of SEM predictive accuracy and relevance. Also, PLS-SEM analyses can
easily incorporate single-item measures, and can obtain solutions
2.1. The benets of SEM to much more highly complex models, i.e., models with a large
number of constructs, indicators and structural relationships (Hair
The question of why researchers might want to use SEM is quite et al., 2014; Ringle, Sarstedt, & Hair, 2013).
simple. The process of applying SEM enables researchers to more
effectively evaluate measurement models and structural paths, 2.2. The limitations of SEM
particularly when the structural model involves multiple depen-
dent variables, latent constructs based on multi-item indicator The fact that modern SEM software (such as AMOS, LISREL and
variables, and multiple stages/levels of constructs in a structural SmartPLS) does not require profound statistical knowledge has
model. While there are many reasons to use SEM in social sciences made investigation of complex statistical problems accessible to
research, we consider the following to be the most relevant. non-statisticians (Babin, Hair, & Boles, 2008; Hair, Black, Babin, &
When dealing with latent constructs and complex models: Many Anderson, 2010). Yet, while ease of access to SEM has increased the
constructs investigated in the social sciences are latent constructs number of meaningful and valuable contributions, recent reviews
that cannot be observed, or measured directly. Examples include of SEM applications provide grounds for criticism of methodologi-
family inuence and family cohesion. Moreover, especially at the cal aws and shortcomings in the execution of SEM in many
theory development and testing stages there may be multiple contributions (e.g., Hair et al., 2012; Williams et al., 2009). Being a
constructs and interactive effects resulting in a complex model. highly sophisticated statistical tool, insight and judgment are
While a latent construct may be measurable to some extent by crucial elements of its use (Shook et al., 2004, p. 397). Thus, to
means of a directly observable indicator variable (e.g., degree of obtain meaningful and valid results it is essential to understand
family ownership, number of family members in management), when it is appropriate to use SEM, its requirements and
these indicator measures may not reect the latent variable interpretation, and also the potential trade-offs when compared
entirely accurately, which means the measurement will contain to other methods.
error as will the results. By explicitly assessing error in the When unable to correctly identify a research model: In the case of
structural model, SEM provides a powerful means of simultaneously CB-SEM in particular, since it is a conrmatory approach, the
assessing the quality of measurement and examining causal relation- method requires the specication of the full theoretical model
ships among constructs (Wang & Wang, 2012, p. 1). So while prior to data analysis. The researcher(s) must therefore dene the
multiple regression analysis assumes there is no error in the data, exact number of dependent (endogenous) and independent
SEM recognizes and accounts for the error in each measured item (exogenous) variables used in the theoretical model, the relation-
in an effort to improve the accuracy of ndings. Additionally, the ships between these latent variables, the type of measurement
SEM approach is designed to consider interactive effects and model (formative or reective), and the number of indicator
complex models to nd an optimal model that reduces cross- variables required to ensure a valid and reliable measure of all
loadings and identies the higher loadings for relevant measures. constructs (e.g., Williams et al., 2009). Only when a model is
When analyzing direct, indirect, and total effects: SEM facilitates correctly specied can all parameters be estimated (Lei & Wu,
the assessment of direct, indirect and total effects. Direct effects 2007). Thus, if the model lacks a sound theoretical foundation, and
include relationships between independent and dependent vari- if the direction of the relationship between variables cannot be
ables, e.g., family ownership has a direct positive effect on rm determined, CB-SEM should not be the method of choice. In
performance. Indirect effects involve relationships between contrast, PLS-SEM, which is particularly suitable for early-stage
118 C.B. Astrachan et al. / Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (2014) 116128
theory development and testing (Hair et al., 2014; Ringle et al., sophisticated and rigorous statistical analysis techniques, such as
2013), permits examination of constructs and relationships in SEM (e.g., Debicki, Matherne, Kellermanns, & Chrisman, 2009; Dyer
complex structural models. Since the primary purpose in theory & Dyer, 2009; Westhead & Howorth, 2006). One assessment of
development is to nd relationships, their directions and empirical articles published in family business research revealed
strengths, as well as observable measures, PLS-SEM is appropriate. that only 13 empirical studies investigating family businesses
The model t constraints of CB-SEM are more appropriate for published between 1989 and 2013 used SEM methodologies, seven
established theory testing and conrmation, but require a of which (from a total of 183 empirical articles) were published in
substantially larger sample size, which may not be available in Family Business Review. Interestingly, a broader EBSCO database
general, and particularly at the early stages of theory development search using the keywords family business and structural
in the context of family research. equation modeling resulted in considerably larger numbers
When experiencing data collection constraints: Recommenda- however, many of these contributions only point out in their
tions regarding the ideal sample size for SEM analysis range from discussion or contribution sections that using a SEM approach
50 to 200 observations (e.g., Anderson & Gerbing, 1988; Kline, would provide additional insights, and that further research should
2005). The appropriate sample size for SEM models depends rst look into applying these methodologies. The low number of actual
on the method used. Specically, CB-SEM requires larger samples applications using SEM methods mostly CB-SEM based is a
than PLS-SEM because relationships between all variables must be particularly unfortunate shortcoming given the possibilities these
assessed (i.e., a full information approach), while with PLS-SEM the methods offer to family business research, as some of the widely
model is separated into different smaller components (a compo- cited examples presented below illustrate (Wilson et al., 2014).
nent for each construct in the model; hence the name partial least Aspects related to causality: Mustakallio, Autio, and Zahra
squares). In comparison with CB-SEM, which imposes rigid sample (2002), analyzing a sample of 192 Finnish family rms, explored
size restrictions on the researcher(s), PLS-SEM works efciently the effects of both contractual (formal control) and relational
with small sample sizes and complex models and makes practically no (social control) governance systems on strategic decision quality
assumptions about the underlying data [distributions] (Hair et al., and commitment. Using CB-SEM, the authors evaluated the t of
2014; Ringle et al., 2013). This makes PLS-SEM particularly suitable the overall measurement model as well as the strength and
for family business research, where researchers often experience signicance of the relationships (or paths) between the exogenous
data collection constraints and struggle with low response rates. In and endogenous variables. For instance, the results suggest that
PLS-SEM, the guideline is that sample size should be ten times the family size has a negative effect on the degree of social interaction
number of arrows pointing at a construct (Hair et al., 2014). In within the family, i.e., the larger the family the fewer family
contrast, CB-SEM requires a sample size of ve times the number of members interact with each other. Moreover, while the relation-
indicators included in the original model (e.g., a CB-SEM model ship between board monitoring and the board commitment to
with 40 indicator variables on three constructs requires a sample strategic decisions was hypothesized to be positive the results did
size of 200 (5 40), but if those 40 indicators are associated with not conrm the relationship. In sum, SEM can shed light on the
the same three constructs and two exogenous constructs are theoretical causality of relationships between latent and observ-
predicting a single endogenous construct, then the required able variables, and can help researchers decide whether to accept
sample size with PLS-SEM is 20 (2 10); i.e., arrows pointing or reject hypothesized relationships.
from the two exogenous constructs to the one endogenous Theory testing and scale development: In addition to analyzing
construct). relationships between multiple variables or constructs, SEM is
When data are not normally distributed: The CB-SEM maximum particularly useful for testing theoretical models with non-
likelihood approach, like many other multivariate statistical experimental data (Bagozzi, 1980). Astrachan, Klein, and Smyrnios
methods, requires multivariate normality. In contrast, PLS-SEM (2002; see also Klein, Astrachan, & Smyrnios, 2005) used CB-SEM
does not require normally distributed data (Hair et al., 2014), and is when developing their continuous (rather than dichotomous) F-
therefore the more appropriate method of SEM for many social PEC scale of family inuence, which today is one of the few widely
science studies, including family business, where data are often accepted, measureable, and validated conceptualizations of fami-
non-normally distributed (e.g., distribution of ownership among ly-owned business (see also Holt, Rutherford, & Kuratko, 2010).
US companies; Astrachan & Shanker, 2003). Moreover, when data The F-PEC scale is an index of family inuence, measured by three
are categorical or ordinal (quasi-metric), or includes single item dimensions (power, experience, culture), which include nine
measures, PLS-SEM can be used (Hair et al., 2014). subscales with 23 corresponding indicator variables (Power: 4;
In sum, SEM approaches offer a range of unique benets, as Experience: 6; Culture: 13). The authors used CB-SEM when
compared with rst generation statistical procedures. There may developing the original scale to conrm the theoretically developed
be situations, however, where a simpler approach like regression model with data (Klein et al., 2005, p. 327). In comparison to other
analysis might be adequate, or when investigating a simple model statistical procedures, SEM models enable researcher(s) to
involving two-stage (single path) models. However, regression evaluate complex models with regard to their compatibility (t)
analysis does not directly permit assessment of measurement with all the relationships (covariances) in the data set. By
characteristics so latent constructs must rst be converted to some calculating a range of goodness-of-t statistics, CB-SEM can assess
composite or average of individual measures, such as factor scores whether the theoretical model is conrmed. While scale develop-
from an EFA or summated scores. SEM based models inherently ment is possible based on exploratory factor analysis (EFA), an
include evaluation of individual measures and retention of inherent advantage of SEM is that it includes Conrmatory Factor
relevant indicators at appropriate loading levels, e.g., at a level Analysis (CFA), which is considered a superior approach to scale
of .70 or higher (Hair et al., 2010). development (Hair et al., 2010). SEM based modeling enables more
precise evaluation of indicator variable loadings as well as
3. SEM in family business research reliability and validity of measurement models.
Inclusion of mediating/moderating effects: SEM approaches are
Despite the fact that SEM is an increasingly popular approach in particularly useful when examining mediating and moderating
business research and related social sciences, family rm effects (Hair et al., 2010). Using a sample of 163 Swiss companies,
researchers have used the method sparingly (Wilson et al., Memili, Eddleston, Kellermanns, Zellweger, and Barnett (2010)
2014). Several family business researchers have called for more investigate the mediating effects of entrepreneurial risk taking
C.B. Astrachan et al. / Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (2014) 116128 119
(willingness to undertake high risks) and family rm image to a superior reputation, it has been suggested that it may be the
(promotion of the rms family background) on the relationships owning familys dedication to the companys ongoing success and
between the degree of family ownership and the owning familys survival that strengthens the rms reliability and increases
identication with the rm (independent variables) and rm stakeholders trust in the organization (Dyer & Whetten, 2006;
performance (dependent variable). Using a CB-SEM approach, and Miller, McLeod, & Young, 2001; Tagiuri & Davis, 1996).
comparing the t indices of both a fully and partially mediated Another driver of stakeholder trust may be the continuity and
model enabled the authors to show that a fully mediated model t stability that a family rms long-term existence implies. The fact
our data best, showing, for example, that the possible relationship that a company has been around for decades, implying that
between family expectations and family rm performance was fully knowledge and experience have been accumulated and transferred
mediated by family rm image and risk taking (Memili et al., 2010, across generations, creates a perception of expertise (Miller & Le
p. 206). Breton-Miller, 2005; ODonnell, Carson, & Gilmore, 2002; Zahra,
Besides the three examples presented above, other interesting Hayton, Neubaum, Dibrell, & Craig, 2008). Accordingly, family-
possible applications in family business research might include the owned companies are assumed to be viewed as more trustworthy
examination of group differences such as differences between than publicly-owned rms, which might lead to higher levels of
family and non-family rms but also, and possibly more customer satisfaction, loyalty and trust (e.g., Carrigan & Buckley,
important, within the family rm group cross-cultural compar- 2008; Dyer & Whetten, 2006; Memili et al., 2010; Orth & Green,
isons (e.g., family rms in Germany vs. the United States), or the 2009; Tagiuri & Davis, 1996; Ward, 1997).
investigation of differences between generations, for example in For this study, we draw from and extend the ndings from a
terms of attitudes, values, or expectations. Despite the fact that previous study examining the effects of distinct family rm
family rms are far from being a homogeneous group of reputation on customer preferences (Binz et al., 2013). In this
organizations, and numerous calls for within-group comparisons, research, we use the adapted reputation construct with two
most studies thus far focus on the differences between family and dimensions, which was identied in the previous study based on
non-family companies. Given that family business researchers exploratory factor analysis. The social expectations dimension
often experience theory specication and data collection con- refers to how a company conducts its business, while the business
straints, SEM approaches and in particular, PLS-SEM may be a expectations dimension refers to what a company does in order to
valuable tool for research in the family business context. be successful. As suggested by prior research, we assume that
satisfaction of customer expectations leads to trust, e.g., if a
4. Research context company claims to have high quality standards, and customers are
satised with the quality of the products they purchased, the
To illustrate how the applicability and the results of CB-SEM company fullled their claim and is deemed trustworthy.
and PLS-SEM compare, we applied both SEM approaches to the Furthermore, we assume that a high level of perceived expertise
same research context. In this example, we examine the (i.e., the company is skilled, has substantial experience, and broad
relationship between organizational reputation and corporate expertise) strengthens the relationship between an individuals
credibility. Specically, we investigate whether two distinct expectations (e.g., this company is a loyal employer, the company
dimensions of reputation, namely social expectations and business develops innovative products and services) and the degree to which
expectations, lead to organizational trust, i.e., the degree to which they trust that an organization will fulll their claims.
individuals consider an organization to be trustworthy. Further- The literature and its synthesis suggest the conceptual model
more, we test if perceived expertise acts as a mediating factor. shown in Fig. 1 and the following hypotheses.
Corporate credibility refers to the expertise and trustworthi-
ness a potential customer attributes to an organization, or in other H1. Business expectations are positively related to organizational
words, the extent to which consumers feel that the rm has the expertise.
knowledge or ability to fulll its claims and whether the rm can be
H2. Business expectations are positively related to organizational
trusted to tell the truth (Newell & Goldsmith, 2001, p. 235).
Corporate credibility has been shown to inuence customer
attitudes and ultimately purchase decisions and therefore rm H3. Social expectations are positively related to organizational
performance (Fombrun, 1996). Being viewed as credible (i.e., as expertise.
experienced and trustworthy), is therefore a source of competitive
advantage for companies. This phenomenon may be particularly H4. Social expectations are positively related to organizational
relevant in the context of family rms as this type of governance trustworthiness.
structure has repeatedly been characterized by its ability to create
long-term, trust-based relationships (Tagiuri & Davis, 1996; Ward,
Recent research has shown a growing scholarly interest in the
areas of family rm reputation and branding, and ndings indicate
that stakeholders are likely to perceive family-owned businesses
differently, and possibly view them in a more positive light as
compared with publicly listed companies (e.g., Binz, Hair, Pieper, &
Baldauf, 2013; Carrigan & Buckley, 2008; Craig, Dibrell, & Davis,
2008; Kashmiri & Mahajan, 2010). Several studies have suggested
that a distinct family rm brand, which refers to the active
promotion of a rms family background (e.g., SC Johnson: A family
company), may lead to superior organizational reputation, and
that such distinct family rm reputation could be a unique asset
that family rms can leverage to obtain a competitive advantage
(e.g., Craig et al., 2008; Zellweger, Kellermanns, Eddleston, &
Memili, 2012). While the research is inconclusive as to what leads Fig. 1. Theoretical model and hypotheses.
120 C.B. Astrachan et al. / Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (2014) 116128
Table 1
H5. Organizational expertise is positively related to organizational
Exploratory factor analysis.
Variables Factor 1: Factor 2:
Social Business
expectations expectations
5. Methodology I have a good feeling about family rms .881
I trust family rms .884
5.1. Measures I admire and respect family rms .883
Family rms stand behind their products .747
and services
To investigate the relationship between distinct family rm
Family rms look like good companies .645
reputation and perceived trustworthiness of family businesses, a to work for
standardized questionnaire was developed based on two estab- Family rms support good causes .705
lished scales. One scale was the Fombrun, Gardberg, and Sever Family rms are environmentally friendly .658
Family rms have high standards with .812
(2000) Reputation Quotient Scale, which consists of six dimen-
sions of corporate reputation, namely emotional appeal, products Family rms develop innovative products .759
and services, vision and leadership, workplace environment, social and services
and environmental responsibility, and nancial performance, Family rms offer high quality products .557
measured with 7-point Likert scales. The original wording of and services
Family rms offer good value for money .563
the scale items was adapted by replacing the term organization
Family rms have a clear vision for .741
with family rm in each question to t the family business their future
context (see also Holt et al., 2010; Zellweger, Nason, & Nordqvist, Family rms recognize and take advantage .838
2012). of market opp.
The second scale was Newell and Goldsmiths (2001) Corporate Family rms look like they have good .549
Credibility Scale, a self-report scale designed to measure Family rms have a strong record .663
corporate credibility or the amount of expertise and trustworthi- of protability
ness that consumers perceive in a corporation (p. 235). The scale Family rms tend to outperform .580
consists of two dimensions (4 items each), namely expertise and their competitors
Family rms have strong prospects .638
trustworthiness, which were both assessed by 7-point-Likert
for future growth
scales. In addition to the two scales described above, respondents
were asked to provide basic demographic information, including Eigenvalue 6.88 2.65
% of variance 40.4 15.6
whether they had previously worked in a family or non-family rm
Total variance explained 56.0
(see Binz et al., 2013 for details).
Note: N = 253. Varimax rotation. Factor loadings higher than .35 shown. Kaiser
MeyerOlkin measure of sampling adequacy = .917. The KMO measures the
5.2. Sample prole sampling adequacy, which should be greater than .5 for a satisfactory factor
analysis to proceed (Hair et al., 2010).
An invitation to participate in the online survey on unipark.de
was sent to 480 potential respondents, all of which were personal
of questions). The SE and BE constructs along with the Expertise
and professional acquaintances of 24 lecturers working at Lucerne and Trust constructs were then used to run the CB-SEM and PLS-
University of Applied Sciences in Switzerland. Two follow-up
SEM analyses.
emails were sent after 14 and 21 days, respectively, and 266
respondents followed the link and completed the questionnaire.
6. Results from the SEM analyses
After eliminating respondents that failed to complete the
questionnaire, a total of 174 usable responses remained, repre-
In this section we discuss the results from applying the CB-SEM
senting an overall response rate of 36.25%. The sample size exceeds and PLS-SEM methods separately to examine the theoretical model
the minimum required for the application of either CB-SEM or PLS-
and hypotheses. We present an overview of our approach and
SEM (Hair et al., 2014; Hair et al., 2010). The sample diversity was ndings as well as comparative results. We also discuss the specic
satisfactory with 51% of all respondents being male. The average
ndings to evaluate the theoretical model and delineate the
age of the sample was 38 years. A test for non-response bias strengths and limitations of the two SEM approaches, as indicated
(Armstrong & Overton, 1977) did not reveal signicant differences
by this study.
between early and late respondents. As a preliminary step the data was examined for kurtosis and
skewness to obtain insights about the distributional character-
5.3. Initial measurement model evaluation istics. This step is particularly important for CB-SEM since it
assumes normality in the data, but not for PLS-SEM since normality
In the Binz et al. (2013) study, CFA was used to examine the is not assumed. Where both Kurtosis and Skewness fall within a
dimensionality, reliability and validity of the reputation con- range of 1 to 1, data are considered within an acceptable range
structs. When the CFA did not achieve acceptable t, and thus the (Hair, Celsi, Money, Samouel, & Page, 2011). In this case, Kurtosis
data did not reect the six dimensions proposed by Fombrun et al. for 5 of 25 parameters fell outside the normal range, while
(2000), it was necessary to re-assess the theoretical foundation of skewness for the sample was generally acceptable. The data were
the scales. Subsequently, an EFA was executed, and after several therefore somewhat close to a normal distribution but a note of
iterations and the removal of weaker items, an empirically caution about checking distribution normality is necessary for the
validated two-factor solution emerged (see Table 1). Based on a CB-SEM analysis, and for this type of analysis in general.
qualitative assessment of the loadings, the new constructs were
named social expectations (SE, related to how a company does 6.1. CB-SEM
business) and business expectations (BE, related to what a business
does in order to be successful), which differs slightly from the Conrmatory factor analysis (CFA) was undertaken to further
original wording used in the previous study (see Appendix for list assess the factor structure and validate the scales (Hair et al., 2010;
C.B. Astrachan et al. / Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (2014) 116128 121
however, since it represents a relationship between an exogenous respectively, are relatively stronger than the paths from BE to Trust
construct and an endogenous construct. Examination of the of .12, BE to Expertise of .21, and Expertise to Trust of .32. The R2 for
indicators for these constructs shows the content in general is the single indicator Expertise is .48 showing that Expertise is a
distinct from a face validity perspective as well as based on the meaningful mediator. The overall R2 for Trust, the dependent
literature (Fombrun et al., 2000; Newell & Goldsmith, 2001). In variable, is .89, which is considered strong however, the high R2 is
sum, the three-construct model was considered satisfactory in likely an artifact of the reduced measurement model that the
terms of content and convergent validity, discriminant validity, constraints of CB-SEM force on the researcher. Table 3 summarizes
and composite reliability. the hypotheses tests based on the CB-SEM analysis. Four of the ve
The next step in CB-SEM is to analyze the structural model. hypotheses are supported at a signicance level of p < .05. The BE
Fig. 3 shows the model tested and the path coefcients as well as R2 to Trust relationship is rejected.
for the endogenous constructs. The chi-square for the structural
model is 58.99 with DF 30 resulting in normed x2 of 1.966 and a 6.2. PLS-SEM
p = .001. A normed x2 of 2 or less suggests the p = .001 is due to
sample size and not to lack of t. The CFI is .969 (.9 or greater The 25 indicator theoretical model was run using the SmartPLS
recommended) and RMSEA is .075 (.08 or less recommended). version 2 software, as shown in Fig. 4. Note that with PLS-SEM the
These t measures are comparable to those obtained with the CFA. analysis begins with a structural model and the CFA results are part
The path coefcients are all signicant at the p = .000 level, with of the initial calculations. Recall that CB-SEM executes and conrms
the exception of the Business expectations to Trust path at p = .129, the CFA before moving on to examine the structural model.
and the Business expectations to Expertise path which is p = .037. The initial output includes metrics to assess the measurement
The SE to Expertise and Trust path coefcients of .54 and .61, characteristics of the outer model, which is what the constructs
Table 3
Results of hypotheses tests based on CB-SEM model.
and their indicators are called in PLS-SEM (Sarstedt et al., 2014). had three indicators, the business expectations construct had ve
The standard metrics provided by SmartPLS are the indicator indicators, and the social expectations construct had six indicators.
loadings, Cronbach alphas and composite reliability, convergent Fig. 5 shows the nal structural model used for hypotheses testing.
validity (AVE), path coefcients, cross loadings, interconstruct The rst step in evaluating a PLS-SEM model is to examine the
correlations, latent variable scores, t-values, and more. A outer model in an effort to validate the measurement model (Hair
systematic process of examining the loadings and removing et al., 2014). To do so, relationships between the constructs and
indicators with loadings below .70 was followed (Hair et al., 2010). their indicators are assessed. Note that with PLS-SEM the Expertise
The result was the elimination of eight of the original 25 indicators. construct survived as a 3-indicator construct. As shown in Table 4,
Note that the Trust and Expertise constructs in the nal model both composite reliability ranged from .86 to .90 for the four constructs,
Table 4 Table 5
PLS-SEM average variances extracted, composite reliability and R2 for endogenous PLS-SEM FornellLarcker test for discriminant validity.
Business Expertise Social Trust
Construct AVE Composite R2 Cronbach alpha expectations expectations
Business expectations .56
Business expectations .56 .86 .81 Expertise .31 .67
Expertise .67 .86 .42 .76 Social expectations .52 .39 .56
Social expectations .56 .88 .84 Trust .42 .54 .57 .75
Trust .75 .89 .69 .83
Diagonal values in bold are AVEs and off-diagonal values are squared interconstruct
exceeding the minimum requirement of .7. The average variance We next examined the R2 values for the two endogenous
extracted (AVE) for the measurement models exceeded .56 for all constructs Expertise and Trust. R2 can be classied into one of
constructs, while the cutoff is .50 (Hair et al., 2012), thus indicating three categories for social science research: weak (.25), moderate
convergent validity for all constructs. Table 5 shows the AVEs on (.50), or substantial (.75) (Hair et al., 2010). Prediction of Trust, the
the diagonal and the squared interconstruct correlations off the primary outcome measure of the model, was close to substantial,
diagonal. The FornellLarcker criterion (Fornell & Larcker, 1998) with an R2 = .69. Prediction of expertise was slightly below
demonstrated that all AVEs were higher than the squared moderate, with an R2 = .42. The sizes of the R2 values for both
interconstruct correlations, except SE which exhibited an AVE of endogenous constructs were considered meaningful for interpre-
.56 and a shared variance with Trust of .57. At the same time, the tation purposes (Hair et al., 2014).
AVE of Trust was .74 so it met the guideline for discriminant PLS-SEM includes an additional approach to evaluate structural
validity. An alternative assessment of discriminant validity using model predictive ability called blindfolding, which is not available
cross loadings was also examined. All indicator loadings were from CB-SEM analyses. Blindfolding was executed to evaluate the
higher than their respective cross loadings, providing further predictive relevance of the endogenous latent construct indicators
evidence of discriminant validity (Hair et al., 2014). Thus, overall (Hair et al., 2014). The blindfolding procedure produces the Q2,
discriminant validity was achieved with the PLS-SEM analysis. which applies a sample re-use technique that omits part of the data
After the constructs have been conrmed as reliable and valid, matrix and uses the model estimates to predict the omitted part.
the next step is to assess the structural model results to identify For PLS-SEM models, a Q2 value larger than zero in the cross-
patterns in the data relationships. Before assessing the structural validated redundancy report indicates predictive relevance. As a
model, we examined the model for collinearity, an important rst relative measure of predictive relevance, values of .02, .15 and .35
step since the estimation of the path coefcients is based on OLS indicate that an exogenous construct has a small, medium, or large
regressions and they may be biased if multicollinearity is present predictive relevance for a selected endogenous construct (Hair
(Hair, Ringle, & Sarstedt, 2013). Minimum multicollinearity was et al., 2014). For our path model the predictive relevance Q2 of Trust
found so we then examined the models structural relationships. was .496, the Q2 of Expertise was .264. The Q2 exceeded zero for
The key criteria are the size and signicance of the path both endogenous constructs, indicating predictive relevance of the
coefcients, the level of the R2 values, and the predictive relevance construct indicators. Moreover, the predictive relevance for Trust
as measured by Q2 (Hair et al., 2014). We rst examined the sizes was large and for Expertise it was medium.
and signicance of the path coefcients that represent the
hypothesized relationships. To obtain the signicance levels the 7. Discussion of CB-SEM and PLS-SEM results
bootstrapping option was run using 5000 subsamples (Hair et al.,
2014). Table 6 shows the coefcients, T statistics, and summarizes Both analytical methods produced robust results and provided
the results of the hypotheses tests. conrmation that the Expertise construct acts as a meaningful
An analysis of path coefcients and levels of signicance shows partial mediator. The results from both the CB-SEM and PLS-SEM
that all ve hypotheses were accepted. Hypothesis 1 predicts a analyses show that a large amount of the variance in the
positive relationship between BE and Trust, and it was accepted at endogenous construct Trust is explained by the three constructs
p = .05 (note that Hypothesis 1 was rejected with CB-SEM). The of Social Expectations, Business Expectations, and Expertise,
relationship between BE and Expertise (H2) was also accepted namely, 89% (CB-SEM) and 69% (PLS-SEM), respectively. Both
(p = .05). Hypothesis 3, which predicts a positive relationship models, therefore, clearly illustrate that the individuals social
between Social Expectations and Trust is accepted at p = .01. The expectations (How does a family rm do business?) inuence their
positive relationship between Social Expectations and Expertise perception of organizational trustworthiness more than their
(H4) was accepted at p = .01. Finally, the relationship between business-related expectations (What does a family rm do in order
Expertise and Trust (H5) was accepted (p = .01). The sizes of the to be successful?). In other words, being perceived as, for example,
structural coefcients for the accepted hypotheses were all an environmentally friendly company that supports good causes
considered meaningful for interpretation purposes (Hair et al., contributes relatively more to organizational trustworthiness than
2014). a companys growth perspectives or level of protability.
Table 6
Results of hypotheses tests based on PLS-SEM based model.
Critical t-values for a two-tailed test are: <1.96 (p > .05*), 1.96 (p = .05**), and 2.58 (p = .001***).
C.B. Astrachan et al. / Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (2014) 116128 125
In terms of the strength of the relationships, the CB-SEM model however, higher order models are more appropriate and some-
revealed a weak and insignicant relationship between Business times necessary. A hierarchical component model (HCM) is a
Expectations and Trust (.12), and a much stronger relationship general construct that consists of several subdimensions, often
between Social Expectations and Trust (.61). In PLS-SEM, the referred to as rst order components. There are four main types of
relative strength of the relationships was similar (.13 and .40), but HCMs discussed in scholarly literature (Jarvis, MacKenzie, &
both relationships were signicant. The strength of the relation- Posakoff, 2003; Ringle, Sarstedt, & Straub, 2012; Wetzels,
ship between Expertise and Trust was somewhat higher for PLS- Odekerken-Schroder, & van Oppen, 2009). The HCM that was
SEM (.41) than it was for CB-SEM (.32) The results of this research modeled in this study was reectivereective, which means the
therefore suggest that if family businesses want to gain trust from relationships between the higher order construct and the two rst
their stakeholders, their focus should be on promoting character- order constructs, as well as the relationships between the rst
istics such as their workplace or environmental policies rather than order constructs and their associated indicators, were all reective.
their nancial goals or performance objectives. Finally, it should be Selection of this type was based on theoretical considerations that
noted that responses of individuals from Switzerland or of family provided the underpinnings of this research.
businesses in Switzerland might differ from perceptions in other Among the most important reasons for establishing HCMs is to
countries, so one should be cautious in generalizing these ndings. reduce the number of relationships in the structural model, making
While the results were similar, some important distinctions were the path model more parsimonious and easier to understand (less
evident. The constraints of t requirements in the CB-SEM model complex). A second situation where HCMs are useful is when rst
resulted in the elimination of 15 of the original 25 latent variable order constructs are highly correlated (Hair et al., 2014). If high
indicators. A particularly notable result of the t requirements was multicollinearity exists among the rst order constructs structural
that the Expertise construct was reduced to a single item construct. model coefcients may be biased, the signs may actually change,
The overall model t was satisfactory, but was achieved at a and discriminant validity may not be possible. In such situations,
signicant cost in construct validity and reliability. Generally, the HCMs (most often 2nd order constructs) can reduce collinearity
recommended minimum number of indicators to measure latent problems and possibly solve discriminant validity issues.
constructs is 35 (Hair et al., 2010), thus the minima were met for HCMs are possible with both CB-SEM and PLS-SEM, but there
both SEM approaches, except in the case of Expertise with CB-SEM. are different considerations. For example, in general CB-SEM
The deleted indicators had meaningful content and face validity, and requires a minimum of three rst order constructs in order to
the number of indicators that had to be eliminated with CB-SEM was overcome identication issues (Hair et al., 2010). The exception to
much higher than with PLS-SEM. While the R2 values of .48 and .89 this requirement is if you set the variance of the second order
for Expertise and Trust for CB-SEM were strong, the loss of content at construct to 1, or x the values of the two relationships (paths)
the theory development stage is a difcult trade-off to accept. In fact, between the second order and rst order constructs to the value of
several scholars recommend maximizing retention of measures the most reliable rst order loading, typically somewhere in the
even at the cost of model t, if needed (Byrne, 2010; DeVellis, 2011; range of .75.85 (note that some scholars believe that fooling the
Hair et al., 2010). mathematics in this manner to overcome identication problems
The PLS-SEM analysis, on the other hand, resulted in retention with CB-SEM is problematic). In contrast, PLS-SEM can easily be
of 17 indicators and more importantly, the expertise construct had executed with only two rst order constructs since identication is
3 indicators after elimination of only one item. The comparative not a consideration with this method.
retention of indicators in the PLS-SEM approach enhances the The PLS-SEM HCM is shown in Fig. 6. Note that the repeated
validity and reliability of that model, and provides insights for indicators approach was used to execute this PLS-SEM HCM (Hair
future research and managerial implications that otherwise would et al., 2014). As with other PLS-SEM approaches, the rst step in
be lost. For example, with the PLS-SEM approach the differential evaluating a model that includes an HOC (Higher Order Compo-
measures retained reected perception of prospects for future nent) is to examine the outer model in an effort to validate the
growth, competitive standing and high product quality and measurement model. Since the constructs were the same as in the
services. Face validity and literature supports the importance of previous model, with the exception of the HOC, the model again
these measures to the company prole in the minds of customers exhibited reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validi-
(Fombrun et al., 2000; Newell & Goldsmith, 2001). ty. Moreover, the HOC demonstrated convergent validity. Exami-
Another set of differences arose in the signicance of the nation of the path coefcients and levels of signicance indicated
Business expectations to Trust path coefcient, which was not that all ve hypotheses were accepted when the HOC was included
signicant in CB-SEM. In contrast the PLS-SEM structural paths in the structural model. Finally, the structural path coefcients and
exhibited signicant path coefcients of p < .05 in all cases. While explained variances in the endogenous constructs were compara-
the differences were not major, the possibility of the CB-SEM ble to the previous PLS-SEM results. The major difference was in
approach resulting in lower signicance and thus elimination of the meaningful contribution of the Business expectations con-
entire relationships must be kept in mind. struct to the HOC, and ultimately toward predicting the other
Notably, the CB-SEM approach resulted in a signicantly higher endogenous constructs. The path loadings of the rst order
R2 of .89, as compared with .69 for PLS-SEM. The R2 values for both constructs can be used to interpret the contribution of the LOC
models are in the substantial range. A deeper analysis, however, (lower order constructs) to the HOC. Note that the loading of the BE
reveals that the apparent difference can be misleading. Specically, construct is .89 and of the SE construct is .95. In short, the
the AVE of the endogenous construct Trust in the CB-SEM approach structural model with the HOC is better able to capture the
was lower than the AVE of Trust using the PLS-SEM approach. As a contribution of the BE construct than was the previous model.
result, the overall variance predicted in the Trust construct by both While multicollinearity among the exogenous constructs was not
methods was comparable (CB-SEM = 55%; PLS-SEM = 52%), even an issue in this SEM, if it had been the HCM would have
though nominally appearing different. represented an excellent solution. In terms of theory development,
there is some theoretical support for the HCM so in the current
7.1. Theory and hierarchical component models study it would be considered an acceptable alternative competing
model. Thus, both models can contribute toward better under-
The previous examples of SEM are based on rst order standing of these types of relationships within a family business
hierarchical component models. In some research contexts, context.
126 C.B. Astrachan et al. / Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (2014) 116128
8. Observations and conclusions were not included in the questionnaire, as we wanted to assess the
respondents subjective attitudes toward these types of organiza-
This study illustrates the use of two SEM approaches and tions. It is possible that providing an exact denition of both rm
provides researchers with a format for CB-SEM and PLS-SEM types might have led to different results.
reporting. We explore the benets and applicability of SEM As SEM provides researchers with a comprehensive means for
methods by discussing the application of CB-SEM by means of assessing and modifying theoretical models (Anderson & Gerbing,
extant literature and the research study in this article. 1988, p. 411), the use of PLS-SEM has grown in other disciplines
Methodologically, our ndings highlight the differences re- such strategic management or marketing (Hair et al., 2014). We
garding the requirements, application and analysis of the CB-SEM recommend the use of SEM approaches because it has been found
and PLS-SEM approach. We found that the PLS-SEM approach at that contributions using SEM applications are more likely to be
the theory development stage enables retention of more indicator recommended by reviewers, and hence more likely to published
variables and also conrmed the potential of a second-order than papers using other statistical procedures (Babin et al., 2008).
construct (Expectations). CB-SEM, while achieving a seemingly The rising popularity of second generation statistical approaches,
better variance explained, on the other hand, resulted in a such as SEM methods, does not mean that traditional statistical
signicant loss of indicator variables in order to nd an adequate approaches such as multiple regression analysis are obsolete and
model t. Both approaches provided similar results, which were the results obtained using these methods are defective it simply
robust in terms of R2. CB-SEM also requires the presumption of represents the evolution of statistical methods over time, and we
normal distribution of data. In this case the data was not normally encourage family business scholars to consider using these new,
distributed and the consequence was a most likely a higher powerful and exible tools. Unlike in rst generation methods,
estimated R2. But the CB-SEM approach also requires a normal data SEM approaches enable the researcher(s) to be more exible in
distribution. In this case the data was not normally distributed and developing complex and realistic structural and measurement
the consequences are lack of stability in the weights, and models: we are now better able to develop new, or extend existing
potentially an inated R2. On balance, at the theory development theory and to evaluate the accuracy with which a theoretical
stage and low likelihood of normal distribution in general in the model reects reality (Kline, 2011). In fact PLS-SEM based
social sciences, PLS-SEM seems to be more appropriate. CB-SEM is approaches can work with virtually any level of complexity in
more useful for later stage theory testing. constructs, observables and multi-level structural models (Hair
In terms of content, this study shows that social and business et al., 2014).
expectations, two distinct dimensions of organizational reputa- We recommend the use of SEM methods, and in particular, PLS-
tion, are directly related to organizational trustworthiness. Our SEM, because of its ability to handle small sample sizes, complex
ndings show that individuals social expectations are more models with numerous endogenous and exogenous constructs and
inuential on peoples perception of organizational expertise and indicator variables, or non-normal data distributions many
trustworthiness, as compared to business expectations. Moreover, situations commonly encountered in social sciences research (Hair
both social and business expectations are mediated by the et al., 2014, p. xii) while still producing viable results. Lastly, we
customers perception of expertise, which is enhanced by business recommend PLS-SEM because it is currently accessible to
and more particularly social expectations. This level of insight in everyone; the software can be downloaded at no cost, the
the early stage of theory development as here can be useful for instructions are provided on the website, and the active PLS-
further and managerial implications. We would like to note that SEM community are extremely helpful in becoming familiar with
specic denitions of family or non-family (publicly-listed) rms the software.
C.B. Astrachan et al. / Journal of Family Business Strategy 5 (2014) 116128 127
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Appendix. Family rm reputation survey: scale items
Fornell, C., & Larcker, D. F. (1998). Evaluating structural equation models with unob-
How well do you think the statements below apply to a typical servable variables and measurement error. Journal of Marketing Research, 18(1),
family rm? (1 = I strongly disagree, 7 = I strongly agree) 3950.
Social expectations Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., & Anderson, R. E. (2010). Multivariate data analysis
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Emotional appeal, workplace environment, social &
Hair, J. F., Celsi, M., Money, A., Samouel, P., & Page, M. (2011). Essentials of business
environmental responsibility
research methods (2nd ed.). Armonk, NY: ME Sharpe.
(SE1) I have a good feeling about family rms
Hair, J. F., Hult, G. T. M., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2014). A primer on partial least
(SE2) Are trustworthy squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Thousand Oaks: Sage.
(SE3) I admire and respect family rms Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011a). PLS-SEM: Indeed a silver bullet. Journal of
(SE4) Have high standards with employees Marketing Theory and Practice, 18(2), 139152.
(SE5) Stand behind their products and services Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2011b). The use of partial least squares (PLS) to
(SE6) Support good causes address marketing management topics: From the special issue guest editors.
(SE7) Are good companies to work for Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 18(2), 135138.
(SE8) Are environmentally friendly Hair, J. F., Ringle, C. M., & Sarstedt, M. (2013). Partial least squares structural equation
modeling: Rigorous applications, better results and higher acceptance. Long Range
Business expectations Planning, 46(1-2), 112.
Vision & leadership, nancial performance, products & services Hair, J. F., Sarstedt, M., Ringle, C. M., & Mena, J. A. (2012). An assessment of the use of
(BE1) Recognize and take advantage of market opp. partial least squares structural equation modeling in marketing research. Journal of
(BE2) Develop innovative products and services the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(3), 414433.
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