Course Content IISER Berhampur

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Indian Institute of Science Education and

Research Berhampur

BS-MS (Dual Degree)

Course Curriculum

2016-17-I Semester


I Semester
Course No. Course Name Lec Hr Lab Hr Tut Hr SS Hr Credit
BIO 101 Biomolecules and The Origin of Life 3 0 1 6 3
BIO 103 General Biology Laboratory I 0 3 0 0 1
CHM 101 General Chemistry 3 0 1 6 3
CHM 103 General Chemistry Laboratory 0 3 0 0 1
CS 101 Introduction to Computers 2 1 0 6 3
HSS 103 Basics of Communication Skills 1 0 0 2 1
MTH 101 Calculus of One Variable 3 0 1 6 3
PHY 101 Mechanics 3 0 1 6 3
PHY 103 General Physics Laboratory I 0 3 0 0 1
Total 15 10 4 32 19


Lec Hr: Lecture Hours per week; Lab Hr: Laboratory Hours per week;
Tut Hr: Tutorial Hours per week; SS Hr: Self Study Hours per week

Every Lecture Hour is associated with a certain number of Self Study Hours
Tutorials will have no credits.
Typically, every regular course will have 3 lecture hours per week
Number of Credits = [(Lec Hr + Lab Hr + SS Hr)/3]
All laboratory work (including notebook writing) should be completed inside the

For example, CHM 222 has 3 Lec Hr and 6 SS Hr. So, Number of Credits =
[(3+0+6)/3] = 3

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BIO 101: Biomolecules and the Origin of Life (3 Credits)

Learning Objectives:

This course aims at orienting the students to important small and big molecules that
are basic building block of biological systems and their assembly into further
complex compounds structure and an understanding about the origin of life on the

Course Contents:

Elemental Composition of Biomolecules; Properties of Water, hydrogen bonding and

its biochemical properties; Concept of pH, pKa and buffers; Basic structure and
function of Biological Macromolecules: Amino acids, Nucleotides and
Monosaccharides, fatty acids (building blocks) Proteins, Nucleic Acids,
Carbohydrates and Lipids (polymers); Origin of Life- Spontaneous generation;
Pasteur and Miller experiments; An Introduction to plant and animal cell - Compare
and contrasts, Cell organelles.

Suggested Books:

Principles of Biochemistry: Lehninger, Nelson and Cox; W.H. Freeman; 5th

edition; 2008.
Molecular Biology of the Cell: Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis,
Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter; New York: Garland Science; 5th
edition; 2008
NCERT basic Biology books

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BIO 103: General Biology Laboratory I (1 Credit)

Introduction to lab instruments and general lab practices

Buffer preparation - amino acid titration (Glycine)
Carbohydrate estimation
Protein estimation Bradford and Lowry
Saponification and use of detergents
Visualization of cells
Histology slides
Model preparation

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CHM 101: General Chemistry (3 Credits)

Learning Objectives:

This is an introductory course that covers fundamental concepts in general

chemistry. The course will focus on a conceptual understanding of the principles of
chemistry. Topics of discussion will include atomic structure, periodicity of
elemental properties, chemical bonding and reactivity, electronic effects in organic
molecules and properties of gases.

Course Contents:

Atomic Structure, Periodic Table and the Concept of Periodicity: Atomic structure;
Vector model of atom and electronic configuration of polyelectronic atoms; Atomic
structure as the basis for periodicity; Applications of the periodic law. Effective
nuclear charge; Slaters rules, screening effect. Size of atoms and ions, ionization
energies; electronegativity, electron affinity; periodic properties of elements and
periodic trends, diagonal relationships; Fajans rules.
Chemical Bonding: Lewis theory; Formal charges, resonance and rationalization of
structures; VSEPR theory and shapes of molecules. Applications of VSEPR theory in
predicting trends in bond lengths and bond angles. Molecular orbital theory of homo
and heterodiatomic molecules, concept of HOMO, LUMO and SOMO. The solid state
structures, lattice energy and Born-Haber cycle.
Electronic effects: Dipole moment, inductive and field effects, polarizability,
resonance effect, hyper-conjugation; fundamental aspects of aromaticity.
Acids and Bases: Various theories of Acids and bases; Brnsted acids and bases.
Protonic acids, gas-phase vs solution behavior of acids. Lewis acidity, Hard and
Soft Acids and Bases. Solid acids. Concepts of pH, pKa, pKb as applied in different
chemical structures.
Properties of the Gaseous State: Gas Laws, equation of states, critical constants, law of
corresponding states, Distribution of molecular speeds and its applications, mean-
free path, compressibility factor, barometric distribution law.
Heat capacity of gases, real gases and virial expansions.

Suggested Books:

Concise Inorganic Chemistry, J. D. Lee, Fifth Edition, Blackwell Publishing, 2006.

Basic Inorganic Chemistry, F. A. Cotton, G. Wilkinson, P. L. Gaus, 3rd Edition, John
Wiley and Sons Press, 1995.
Shriver and Atkins, Inorgranic Chemistry, 4th Edition Oxford University Press
Atkins, P.W., de Paula, J., Physical Chemistry, 9th Edition Oxford University Press
Chemistry and Chemical Reactivity, J. C. Kotz, P. M. Treichel, J. R. Townsend, 7th
Edition, Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, Canada, 2010.
Chemistry, R. Chang, 9th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2006.
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CHM 103: General Chemistry Laboratory (1 Credit)

Learning Objectives:

To learn practical experimental execution of basic chemical reactions including

synthesis, purification, analysis, kinetics etc.

Suggested Experiments:

Synthesis of cyclohexanone oxime

Acetylation of salicylic acid
Synthesis of polymer, Nylon 6-10
Determination of strength of acid and base
Estimation of acetic acid in vinegar solution
Preparation of hexamine nickel chloride [Ni(NH3)6]Cl2
Detection of common cations and anions
The clock reaction
Thin Layer Chromatography
Photochemical reduction of ferric oxalate

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CS 101: Introduction to Computers (3 Credits)

Learning Objectives:

The aim of the course is to teach algorithmic problem solving and its actualization in
a real programming language. The course has a lab component to give students
hands-on experience with computers and programming.

Course Contents:

Data types, Variables, Identifiers

Variable declaration, Assignment statement
Input/Output, Comments
Operators and Expressions
Conditional expressions
Conditional statements: if-then, if-then-else, nested conditionals, switch-case
Loops: for, while, repeat
Arrays, multi-dimensional arrays
Memory and its management
Data Structures

Suggested Readings:

Schaum's Outline of Programming with C by Byron Gottfried, McGraw-Hill

Programming in ANSI C by Balaguruswamy.
The C Programming Language by Kernighan and Ritchie, Prentice-Hall India.

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HSS 103: Basics of Communication Skills (1 Credit)

Communication Skills: Process of Communication, Principles of Communication,

Barriers to Communication, Ways to avoid barriers, Oral and Written
Communication, Verbal and Nonverbal Communication

Reading Skills: Process of Reading, way to improve reading skills Reading

Comprehension Skills: Discovering structure; identifying themes and sub-themes;
understanding and interpreting facts; distinguishing facts from opinions and specific
from general statements; searching for information; drawing information and
making generalizations.

Language Skills:

a. Common Grammatical Mistakes: Sentence fragments, Comma splice, Run-

together-fused sentences; Faulty agreement and reference of pronouns; Shifts
in point of view; Mixed constructions; Omissions; Incomplete and illogical
b. Diction: Denotation and connotation; Exactness, appropriateness and
effectiveness; Idiomatic usage; Colloquialisms
c. Strategies: Economy, emphasis, Clarity, concreteness, unity and coherence

Spoken Language Skills: Descriptive, narrative, argumentative and expository

techniques in spoken language use

Listening Skills: Importance and Process of Listening, Types of Listening, Barriers to


Role Plays

Suggested Books:

Andrea J. Rutherfoord, Basic Communication Skills for Technology, Pearson

Education. Inc., Eleventh Edition, 2010
Matthukutty M Monippally, Business Communication Strategies, Oxford
University Press, Sixth Edition, 2011
Meenakshi Raman & Sangeeta Sharma,Technical Communication, Oxford
University Press, Sixth Edition, 2011

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MTH 101: Calculus of One Variable (3 Credits)

Learning Objectives:

This is a core mathematics course for first-semester BS-MS students. The course
introduces the basic concepts of differential and integral calculus of one real variable
with an emphasis on careful reasoning and understanding of the material.

Course Contents:

Introduction to the real number system, field axioms, order axioms and the
completeness axiom.

Sequences and series of numbers, convergence of a sequence, Cauchy's criterion,

limit of a sequence, supremum and infimum, absolute and conditional convergence
of an infinite series, tests of convergence, examples.

Limits and continuity, definitions, continuity and discontinuity of a function at a

point, left and right continuity, examples of continuous and discontinuous functions,
intermediate value theorem, boundedness of a continuous function on a closed
interval, uniform continuity.

Differentiation, definition and basic properties, Rolle's theorem, mean value

theorem, Leibnitz's theorem on successive differentiation, Taylor's theorem.

Integration, Riemann integral viewed as an area, partitions, upper and lower

integrals, existence of the Riemann integral, basic properties, fundamental theorem
of integral calculus, integration by parts, applications.

Suggested Books:

G. B. Thomas and R. L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic Geometry, 9th Edition,

Indian student edition, Addison-Wesley, 1998
T. M. Apostol, Calculus, Volumes 1 and 2, 2nd Edition, Wiley Eastern, 1980
R. Courant, F. John, Introduction to Calculus and Analysis, Volume 1, Classics in
Mathematics, Springer, 1989

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PHY 101: Mechanics (3 Credits)

Learning Objectives:

The course will introduce foundations of Newton's laws of mechanics and its
application to many particle sytems, rotational motion, non-intertial systems. The
course will also introduce the theory of special relativity.

Course Contents:

Kinematics: Introduction to coordinate systems, polar coordinate system, velocity

and acceleration in polar coordinate system.

Kinetics: Force, Newtons laws of motion, Frames of reference, Momentum,

Momentum of system of particles, Conservation laws, Center of mass, Variable mass
system, Collision in laboratory and Center of mass system and Scattering.

Relativity: Axioms of relativity, Lorentz transformation, length contraction, time

dilation, relativistic mass energy, Doppler effect.

Rigid body motion: Rigid body, Moment of inertia, Rigid body kinematics, Rigid body
kinetics, Motion of gyroscope.

Non Inertial Frame: Physics in the rotating coordinate system, Fictitious force.

Central force and Motion of planets and satellites

Oscillations and Waves: Small oscillations, damped harmonic oscillation and forced
oscillation, Q factor and resonance. Differential equation of one dimensional wave
and its solution, reflection and transmission of waves.

Note: Mathematical tools may be introduced as and when required.

Suggested Books:

D. Kleppner and R. Kolenkow, An Introduction to Mechanics.

R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton and M. Sands, The Feynman Lecture of Physics Vol
C. Kittel, W. D. Knight, M. A. Ruderman, and A. C. Helmholz Mechanics (Berkeley
Physics course) Vol 1.
D. Resnick, R. Halliday and K. S. Krane, Physics, Vol 1, 5th Edition
M. K. Verma, Introduction to Mechanics.

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PHY 103: General Physics Laboratory I (1 Credit)

Learning Objectives:

The laboratory course will provide hands on session on the experiments that involve
understanding theoretical principles gathered by the student in PHY-101 course.

Course Contents:

Measurement of length and error analysis

Determination of g by bar pendulum
Pohls Pendulum
Determination of g by free fall
Shear modulus using Tortional pendulum
Mechanical hysteresis
Youngs modulus
Moment of Inertia
Velocity of sound using resonance tube
Velocity of sound using Kundts tube
Spring constant

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