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Abstract: Polymer Phase change material (PCM's) are materials used to store Energy for a broad range of Applications.
Unlike conventional storage materials, PCM absorbs and release heat at a nearly constant temperature. They store 514 times
more heat per unit volume than sensible storage materials. Increasing demand in solar engineering and spacecraft thermal
control applications; require the continuous development of such materials to maximize its efficiency. One of the options is
to develop energy storage devices, which are as important as developing new sources of energy. In This paper we can show
that combination of low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) paraffin wax and glycerin is an alternative material that can be used as
PCM's. Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC); Melt Flow Index test and FTIR technique were used to characterize the
new developed Compound. Results obtained indicate that a reduction of more than 10C in melting temperature (Tm) of the
pure LDPE-resin was achieved.
Keywords: PCM's, Phase Change Material, Paraffin Wax, LDPE, PP, Heat Storage
The development of a latent heat thermal energy storage particular field, with the main focus being on the
system hence, involves the understanding of three essential development and assessment of the thermal properties of
subjects: phase change materials, containers materials and various PCMs. Combination of high melting point
heat exchangers. Atul Sharma and co-authors [7, 8] published polyethylene and polypropylene with low melting point
a technical review on thermal energy storage with phase paraffin waxes, Polyethylene glycol, glycerin and
change materials and applications, shown in Figure 1. polyethylene oxide in combination with special nano
Phase change materials (PCM) are Latent heat storage graphene additives and fillers were used in this study.
materials. The thermal energy transfer occurs when a Altering molecular weight of the developed compound has
material changes from solid to liquid, or liquid to solid. This the aim to reduce melt temperature and to increase the
is called a change in state, or Phase. Initially, these specific heat of the material to be developed. Our ideal
solidliquid PCMs perform like conventional storage candidate is a PCM material that will show a eutectic
materials; their temperature rises as they absorb heat. Unlike reaction. In this project, the target was to reduce the melting
conventional (sensible) storage materials, PCM absorbs and point so that we could reach a better heat observing in energy
release heat at a nearly constant temperature. They store saving applications.
514 times more heat per unit volume than sensible storage Solid materials have basically, a higher molecular weight
materials such as water, masonry, or rock. [6] and melting temperature. By heating the material it
A large number of PCMs are known to melt with a heat of transforms to the liquid phase. As the molecular weight for
fusion in any required range. However, for their employment the material decreases, we can get a lower melting
as latent heat storage materials these materials must exhibit temperature. Lowering the melt temperature yields a
certain desirable thermodynamic, kinetic and chemical material that can melt upon absorbing lower amount of heat
properties [9, 10]. Moreover, economic considerations and capacity. This heat will be giving off when the atmosphere
easy availability of these materials has to be kept in mind. cools and we can get a better heat cycle in a shorter heating
In this work we have investigated new PCM's in this time interval.
Figure 1: Technical options available for storing low temperature thermal energy materials as shown by Atul Sharma
temperature [13-17]. Phase transitions of this kind, wax(Figure 3). An increase in latent heat represented in
particularly in low molecular weight materials, being enthalpy change of more than 100% was achieved (Figure
associated with sharp discontinuities in some primary 4).
physical properties, such as the density or volume, V, [ V = MFI measurements were carried out to investigate the
(G / P)T ] and entropy, S, [S = (G / T)P ] , which change of flow ability of the different ingredient added to
are first derivatives of free energy, are commonly termed polyethylene to determine changes related to change in
first order transitions Molecular weight. Changes in Molecular weight are
related to changes in Melt temperature of the developed
2.1. Latent Heat compound and as well to the specific heat change that taking
Differential Scanning Calorimeter was performed to place during compounding.
measure changes that took place during the compounding Figure 5 and 6 shows MFI changes versus wax
and mixing of the different materials. The thermal behavior concentration at 0% and 5% glycerin constant concentration
of the test samples was recorded to analyze the influence of whereby the wax concentration was varied. As expected an
applied ingredient on latent heat storage, using a Netsch increase of melt flow index was obvious due to the flow
instrument type DSC 2920 piloted on PC with TA ability of the wax. It's very obvious that adding of low
Advantage control software. The measurements were molecular weight paraffin wax was acting as a lubricant to
performed by using constant heating rate of 10 C/min. The the resin increasing its flow behavior exponentially from 4
values of latent heat were found equal within the to approximately 30 [email protected] and 160C for 10 minutes.
measurement accuracy for both pure paraffin micro particles In our selected formulation Glycerin could act in this since.
and polymer. The value of the latent heat was measured and Adding Glycerin combination (2) was unexpected and
found equal to approximately 116 J/g. surprising. Figure 7 shows the result for the formulation
contains glycerin. The results indicate less change in MFI.
We were not able to measure the MFI for formulations
3. Experimental containing high percentage of glycerin. This indication
shows that a kind of crosslinking of polymer chains was
Materials used throughout this investigation were LDPE taking place. Although DSC results confirm an increase in
and PP as a matrix resin. Blends containing as a single enthalpy of compound containing glycerin compared to
ingredient or multiple ingredient were paraffin wax; virgin resin, the unexpected behavior in MFI leads to the
Polyethylene- glycol; Glycerol; stearic acid and conclusion not to use Glycerin any more in the development
polyethylene oxide. As nano filler graphene was used. A of polymeric phase change materials.
Brabender plastograph was utilize to prepare the different
concentration listed in table 1 and 2 under constant Table 1: Formulation used
processing conditions (160C. and 5 minute mixing time). Sample Paraffin Glyceri
Sheets of 2mm were pressed using carver hot press. LLPDE Tm(C)
number WAX n
1 100% - - 124.4
4. Results and Discussions 2 90% 10% - 123.5
Figure 2: DSC plots measured using Netsch DSC 2920 for specimen listed in table 1
Figure 3: The figure indicates changes in Tm versus wax concentration at Figure 5: The figure indicates relation between enthalpy and glycerin
const. glycerin Concentration Concentration
Figure 4: The figure indicates changes in enthalpy versus glycerin Figure 6: The figure indicates relation between Melt index wax
concentration Concentration
172 Amin Al Robaidi: Development of Novel Polymer Phase Change Material for Heat Storage Application