(1912) A New Chapter in An Old Story

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A Great
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Copyright, 1912, by
Prepared, Pictured and

The Seven Remarkable Full -

Page Illustra-
Book —
tions found in this including the Front
Cover Picture TRIBUTE OF THE AGES — are
Actual Photographs from Life.


This book has been written to tell of an important event
important to us who write and to you who read. Like most
important events its preparation commenced years ago.
Perhaps it would be as well to start at the very beginning,
for it is an interesting story.

History and Before

How it Began
naked savage found to escape. He knew that he had
himself in the great- saved his life, but there was some-
est danger. A wild thing else which his dull brain failed
beast, hungry and to realize.
fierce was about to He had invented arms and ammu-
attack him. Escape nition !

was impossible. Re- In other words, he had needed to

treat was cut off. strike a harder blow than the blow of
He must fight for his life
— but how? his fist, at a greater distance than the
Should he bite, scratch or kick? length of his arm, and his brain
I IS Should he strike with his fist? These showed him how to do it. After all,
were the natural defences of his body, what is a modern rifle but a device
but what were they against the teeth, which man has made with his brain
the claws and the tremendous muscles permitting him to an enor-
of his enemy? Should he wrench a mously hard blow at a wonderful
dead branch from a tree and use it for distance? Firearms are really but a
a club That would bring him within
? more perfect form of stone-throwing,
striking distance to be torn to pieces and this early Cave Man took the
before he could deal a second blow. first step that has led down the ages
There was but a moment in which to the Remington Arms and U MC
to act. Swiftly he seized a jagged ammunition.
fragment of rock from the ground and This strange story of a development
hurled it with all his force at the that has been taking place slowly
blazing eyes before him; then another, through thousands and thousands of
and another, until the beast, dazed years, so that to-day you are able to
and bleeding from the unexpected take a swift shot at distant game in-
blows, fell back and gave him a chance stead of merely throwing stones, this —



is the story which we shall leaves, they saw him pick up a

briefly tell. pebble from the bank and then
The Earliest Hunters to their surprise, take off his
The Cave Man and his girdle of skin and place the
descendants learned the stone in its center, holding
valuable lesson of stone- both ends with his right hand.
throwing, and it made Stranger still, he whirled the
hunters of them, not big- girdle twice around his head,

game hunters that was far too risky; then released one end so that the
but once in a while a lucky throw leather strip flew out and the stone
might bring down a bird or a rabbit shot straight at a bird in the water.
for food. And so it went on for cen- The mystery was solved. They had
turies, perhaps. Early mankind was seen the first slingman in action.
rather slow of thought. The Use of Slings
At last, however there appeared a
— The new plan worked with great
great inventor the Edison of his day.
success,and a little practice made
He took the second step.
expert marksmen. We know that
A Nameless Edison
most of the early races used it for
We do not know his name. Pos-
hunting and in war. We find it
sibly he did not even have a name, shown in pictures made many thou-
but in some way he hit upon a scheme sands of years ago in ancient Egypt
for throwing stones farther, harder, and and Assyria. We find it in the Roman
straighter than any of his ancestors. Army where the slingman was called
The men and women in the Cave a
Colony suddenly found that one We find it in the Bible where it is

bright-eyed young fellow, with a little written of the tribe of

straighter forehead than the others, "among all these people there were
was beating them all at hunting. seven hundred chosen men left
During weeks he had been going away handed; every one could sling a
mysteriously, for hours each day. stone at an hair breadth and not
Now, whenever he left the camp he "
miss. Surely, too, you remember
was sure to bring home game, while the story of David and Goliath when
the other men would straggle back the young shepherd "prevailed over
for the most part empty-handed.
the Philistine with a sling and with a
Was it witchcraft? They decided stone."
to investigate.
Today shepherds tending their flocks
What They Saw
upon these same hills of Syria may
Accordingly, one morning several of be seen practising with slings like
them followed at a careful distance as those of David. Yes, and slings were
he sought the shore of a used in European Armies
stream where water-fowl until nearly a hundred years
might be found. Parting the after America was discovered.
Something Better since now but one
Yet they had hand was needed
their draw-backs. to twirl the spin-
A stone slung dle, and the other
might kill a bird or could hold it in
even a man, but it place. This was the
was not very effective "bow-drill" which
against big game. also is used to this day.
What was wanted was A Fortunate Accident
a missile to pierce a thick hide. But bent wood is apt to be
Man had begun to make spears springy. Suppose that while one were
for use in a pinch, but would you bearing on pretty hard with a well-
like to tackle a husky bear or a tightened string, in order to bring fire
well-horned stag with only a spear for quickly, the point of the spindle
a weapon? should slip from its block. Naturally,
No more did our undressed ances- it would fly away with some force if

tors. The invention of the greatly the position were just right.
desired arm probably came about in This must have happened many
a most curious way. times, and each time but once, the
Long ages ago man had learned to fire-maker may have muttered some-
make fire by patiently rubbing two thing under his breath, gone after his
sticks together, or by twirling a spindle, and then settled down stu-
round one between his hands with pidly to his work. He had had a
its point resting upon a flat piece of golden chance to make a great dis-
wood. covery, but didn't realize it.
In this way it could be made to But, so it has been suggested,
smoke, and finally set fire to a tuft there was one man who stopped
of dried moss, from which he might short when he lost his spindle, for
get a flame for cooking. This was a red-hot idea shot suddenly
such hard work that he bethought through his brain.
him to twist a string of sinew about He forgot all about his fire-
the upright spindle and cause it to blocks while he sat stock still

twirlby pulling alternately at and thought.

the two string ends e or twice he
some savage races sti Luckled to him-
do. From this it was self softly. There-
a simple step to fas upon he arose
ten the ends of and began to
the two strings to experiment.
a bent piece of He chose a
wood, another longer, springier
great advantage pieceof wood, bent
it into a bow, and strung it with to huddle with his fellows in some
a longer thong. He
placed the end cave to avoid being eaten by prowl-
of a straight stick against the thong, ing beasts. Instead he went where
drew it strongly back, and released he would and boldly hunted the
it. fiercest of them. In other words, his
The whizzed with brain was
X shaft away beginning to tell, for
force enough to delight him, and lo, though his body was no match

there was the first Bow-and-Arrow! for the lion and the bear, he had
What Came of It thought out a way to conquer them.
After that it was merely a matter Also he was better fed with a
of improvement. The arrow-end was greater variety of game. And
apt to slip from the string until some now, free to come and go wher-
one thought to notch it. Its head ever he might find it, he was
struck with such force that the early able to spread into various .,'*
< :.-

hunter decided to give it a sharp lands and so to organize the

point, shaped from a flake of flint, in tribesand nations which at last n
order that it might drive deep into gave us civilization and history.
the body of a deer or bear. Unfortunately his weapons were
But most of all it must fly true and not always used for hunting. Wars
straight to its mark. of all
these simple people first learned to
Who came, and arrows were seen to be as
deadly against mankind as against
feather its shaft? Was it some one the animals.
who had watched the swift, sure- Thus, from the earliest days down

footed spring of a bushy-tailed through the Middle Ages and into

squirrelfrom branch to branch? modern times, we find archers in

Possibly, for the principle is practically every army.

the same. At all events A Great Variety-
with its feathers and It is
interesting to
its piercing see how many differ-

point the ent forms of bow

arrow became the were used. The Eng-
most deadly of all mis- lish had a six-foot
siles, and continued "long bow" made of
to be until long after yew or ash, in a sin-
the invention of fire- gle straight piece,
arms. that shot arrows the
Ruler of the Earth length of a man's
Armed with his arm. The Indians
bow-and-arrow, man had bows only forty
now was lord of cre- inches on the aver-
ation. No
longer was age, since a short bow
it necessarv for him was easier to handle

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in thick forests. They used various chose well-seasoned mulberry, and

kinds of wood, horn, or even bone, such encased each piece with two fire-
as the ribs of large animals. These toughened strips of bamboo. These ^
they generally backed with sinew. they wound tightly together with
Sometimes they cut spiral strips rattan fiber. Where the strings were
from the curving horns of a moun- attached at the ends was placed a
tain - sheep, and steamed them cover of sharkskin, and the whole
straight. Then they glued was then given coat after coat of
these strips together into a their famous lacquer, a varnish which
wonderfully tough and springy never cracked, wore like iron, and
bow. Once in a while they even resisted all kinds of weather. The
took the whole horns of some result was a bow most wonder-
of the
young sheep, that had not curved ful lightness, strength, spring, and
too much, and used the pair just as durability.
they grew. In this case each horn An Unusual Shape
made one-half of the bow, and the Its shape was quite as scientific.

piece of skull between was shaped The bigger the bow, the stronger the
down into a handle. This gave the shot, and of course they wished for
shape of a "Cupid's Bow," but it
large bows. The Japanese archers
could shoot to kill. were much too short to handle large
Other Types bows of ordinary shape, but this is
V Many of the ancient pictures that where brains told again, and every
have come down to us from Egypt one knows that the little brown men
and Assyria are filled with archers have brains.
doing various kinds of feats So they shaped their bows, seven
with odd angular bows. feet high in some cases, with the cen-
The Greeks tral part straight, the top curve long,
used curved and the bottom curve short. This
ends and a gave a powerful drive from the lower
straight cen- part of the string, and made it possible
tral handle. to fit the arrow a foot below the
But perhaps center. The result was archery like
the most sci- that of the English long bow.
entifically con- As to Arrows
structed, were The arrows were quite as important,
the built-up and their making became a great in-
bows of the dustry with every race. This
Japanese. was because so many must be
These carried for each hunt or battle.
clever lit- Who is not familiar with
tle fellows the chipped flint arrow-
heads that the farmer
so often turns up with ;

/'-V i i

his plow as a rel- chance of losing an

ic of the period occasional arrow?
when Americans He did not need
were red-skinned to invest many
instead of white? millions in an
These arrow- ammunition fac-
heads have gen- tory like the vast
erally a shoulder Union Metallic
where the arrow Cartridge plant
was set into the at Bridgeport.
shaft, there to be STRANGE TYPE OK BOW AND ARROWS IN Instead he, him-
bound tightly self, both
with sinew or plant and work-
fiber. Many of them are also ing force, as he squatted under a for-
barbed to hold the flesh. est tree and skilfully chipped a pile of
A Workshop Near the Capitol flint-flakes into proper shape.

Strangely enough, one of the Or perhaps he would be working

largest workshops ever found was on shafts. In this case he would take
in the District of Columbia within a stick from a bundle of service-berry
sight of ourCapitol building. shoots, or some other chosen wood,
In some parts of the country and patiently straighten it by bend-
may be found obsidian, or vol- ing it back and forth through a piece
canic glass, and keen - edged of pierced horn. Occasionally he
splinters of this were even better would squint along its length until
than flint.
Later when the Indians had
his practiced eye was satisfied.
Then he would round it, smooth it, M :

learned from the White Alan the and gauge it with other simple tools.
use of iron, they began to send Every arrow in a quiver must be ex-
iron-headed arrows between his actly alike and as straight as a sun-
ribs in return for the loss of their beam. The slightest error would
country. spoil the aim of the marksman, and
Can you see the Indian arrow- this too frequently might be a matter
maker at his task in the of life and death.
days when the "Blood-Getters"
"cost of living Cut off at the proper

problem length, headed, i

consisted notched,
mere feath-
ly in

run crosswise, and the arrow must
enter in a fiat-headed position.
Since the notch gives the arrow its
position in leaving the bow, hunting-
arrows must therefore be straight-
notched with reference to the head,
and the best war-arrows cross-notch-
— a truly ingenious idea.

"Frog Crotch" and "Bowel Raker"

Most nations, of course, had metal
Courtesy of Longmans Green Co. arrow-heads, and in Japan these
had strangely named forms for

perhaps painted as well, the arrow special purposes. The "Frog

was finally complete, and yet not Crotch" and "Knife Prong,"
before the arrow-maker ofttimes did for example, were made to cut the
a curious thing. Taking up a blunt helmet strings and armor-lacing
pointed stone he dug zig-zag grooves of the foe. One was called the
along its may be seen in
length, as "Armor Piercer," and was pro-
museums. What was the meaning vided with a hardened steel head
of this? shaped like a mechanic's center-
Opinions differ. Some believe that punch.
they were to let air into the wound The "Bowel Raker" was a mur-
and cause a flow of blood. Hence derous affair which tore the abdomen
their name "blood-getters." Others ofits victim. Still others were called
think they helped the arrow cling from their shapes "Willow Leaf,"
and others claim
to the
"Turnip Top," etc. To use arrows
flesh, still

they are merely a primitive symbol for special purposes like these indi-
of lightning, because they were sup- cates that the Japanese were clever
posed to give extraordinary swift- archers. We
are told that some of
ness and accuracy through a sort them could even "sew the wings" of
of magic. a flying bird, that drive a single
Deer's Ribs and Man's Ribs
Even the matter of notching i

was not as simple as it might seem

to be. Arrows were aimed at the
heart, but the heart is partly pro-
tected by ribs which the arrows
must slip between. In hunting
four-footed animals like the deer
and buffalo with up-and-down ribs,
the arrow must drive forward with
the head standing nearly upright.
On the other hand, man's ribs ma
Courtesy of Longmans Green Co.

arrow through both wings through warfare. Man has been a

without touching the savage fighting animal through pretty
bird's body. much all his history, but while he
Barbs and Poisons tried to kill the other fellow, he
It would take volumes objected to being killed himself.
to tell the story of archery Therefore he took to wearing ar-
in peace and war through mor. During the Middle Ages he
all itsthousands of years. piled on more and more, until at last
We must hasten, and can one of the could
not examine the barbed walk, and it took a strong horse to
arrows of some races that carry him. When such a one fell, he
were made to pull loose went over with a crash like a tin-
from their shafts and re- peddler's wagon, and had to be
main in the wound, or the picked up again by some of his men.
cruel, poisoned points of Such armor would turn most of the
others. We can not stop arrows. Hence invention got at
to consider the wonderful work again and produced the Cross-
marksmanship which could bow and its bolt. We have already
split a slender hazel rod at learned how the tough skin of ani-
400 yards, nearly a quarter mals brought about the bow; now we
of a mile, or the power see that man's artificial iron skin
which could pierce a stout caused the invention of the cross-
oak plank or drive an bow.
arrow completely through What It Was
the. body of a buffalo. What was the Cross-bow? It was
Cases have been known the hand-shooting machine.
first real
where two buffaloes, run- It was another big step toward the

ning side by side, have been day of the

rifle. The idea was simple
with a single arrow.
killed enough. Wooden bows had already
All these and many other points been made as strong as the strongest
prove to us that the bow and arrow man could pull, and they wished for
have played a very important part in stronger ones

steel ones. How
the history of the world. Their use could they pull them? At first they
was undoubtedly one of the principal mounted them upon a wooden frame

steps in the development of modern and rested one end on the shoulder
arms. for a brace. Then they took to
A Shooting Machine pressing the other end against the
But the age of machinery was com- ground, and using both hands. Next,
ing on. Once in a while there were it was a bright idea to put a stirrup
glimpses of more powerful and com- on this end, in order to hold it with
plicated devices to be seen among the foot.
these simple arms. Still they were not satisfied.
A new weapon now came about "Stronger, stronger!" they clamored;
"give us bows which will kill the into place, and the whole ten can be
enemy farther away than he can shoot sent at their mark in fifteen seconds.
at us! If we cannot set such bows Would you like to charge that kind
with both arms let us try our backs!" of a proposition ? Some of them were
So they fastened "belt-claws" to their used in the war between China and
stout girdles and tugged the bow Japan, and it appeared that a man
strings into place with their back killed with a cross-bow bolt was
and leg muscles. about as dead as one shot with the
"Stronger, stronger again, for now latest thing in modern ammunition.
the enemy has learned to use belt- And Now for Chemistry
claws and he can shoot as far as we. Human seemed to have
Let us try mechanics!" reached mechanics seemed
its limit,
So they attached levers, pulleys, to have reached its limit, but still the

ratchets, and windlasses, until at last world clamored, "Stronger, strong-

they reached the size of the great er! How shall we kill our enemy
siege cross-bows, weighing eighteen farther away than he can kill us?"

pounds. These sometimes needed a For answer, man unlocked one

force of twelve hundred pounds to of the secrets of Nature and ^5
draw back the string to its catch, took out a terrible force. It
but how they could shoot! Notice was a force of chemistry.
the pictures of the cross-bows and Who
first discovered
you will see that now the weapons the power of gunpowder?
began to look a little like guns as Probably the Chinese,
we know them. They had shoulder although all authorities
pieces. do not agree. Strange, is it
In the Chino-Japanese War not, that a race still using
Everything is until
something cross-bows in its army
better comes. Cross-bows were very should have known of
good indeed in their day, and the explosives long before
smaller sizes became popular for the Christian Era, and per-
hunting in many countries. Some haps as far back as the time
forms also were made to throw ofMoses?Hereis a passage
stones and bullets instead of arrows. from their ancient Gentoo
It will surprisemost people to learn Code of Laws: "The
that cross-bows are still carried by magistrate shall not make
Chinese soldiers in some of the in- war with any deceitful
terior provinces. machine, or with poisoned
Don't smile, the Chinese repeating weapons, or with cannons
cross-bow is really a very clever arm, orguns,or any kind of fire-
and none of us would like to get in arms." But China might
its way. It has a box above the frame, as well have been Mars
and in this box are ten arrows. As before the age of travel.
fast as one is fired another drops Our civilization had


SK^ -

- ^-«. -
which he had used pure instead of
impure saltpeter.
Suddenly there was an explosion, /•v<.
shattering the chemical
to work and probably alarming the whole
out the building. "Good gracious!" we can
problem for itself. imagine some of the startled brothers
Playing with Fire saying, "whatever is he up to now!
It all began through playing Does he want to kill us all?" That
f& with fire. Itwas desired to throw explosion proved the new combina-
fire on an enemy's buildings, or tion was not thrown
fitted for use as a
his ships, and so destroy them. fire; it also showed the existence of
Burning torches were thrown by terrible forces far beyond the power
machines, made of cords and of all bow-springs, even those made
springs, over a city wall, and it of steel.
became a great study to find the Roger Bacon thus discovered what
best burning compound with which was practically gunpowder, as far
\ to cover these torches. One was back as the thirteenth century, and
needed which would blaze with a left writings in which he recorded
great flame and was hard to put mixing 11.2 parts of the saltpeter,
out. 29.4 of charcoal, and 29 of sulphur.
Hence the early chemists This was the formula developed as J
made al

possible mixtures of pitch, the result of his investigations.

!| resin, naphtha, sulphur, saltpeter, Berthold Schwartz, a monk of
I I etc.; "Greek fire" was one of the Freiburg, studied Bacon's works
most famous. and carried on dangerous experi-
What Two Monks Discovered ments of his own, so that he is
Alany of these were made in ranked with Bacon for the honor.
the monasteries. The monks He was also the first one to rouse
were pretty much the only peo- the interest of Europe in the great
ple in those days with time discovery.
for study, and two of these And then began the first crude,
shaven -headed scientists now clumsy efforts at gunmaking.
had a chance to enter his- Firearms were born.
tory. Roger Bacon was Shooting Tubes
the first. One night he Do you realize the priv-
was working his diabolical ilege of living to-day in-
mixture in the stone-walled stead of five hundred
laboratory, and watched, years ago? Suppose
by the flickering lights, that you had to lay
the progress of a cer- aside your hand- "

•- :
- .,-".;< .:^- '-'•*

tain interesting some, accurately
bination for balanced

THE SLING MAN IN ACTION Practice Developed some Wonderful Marksmen
Among the Users of this Primitive Weapon

Remington barrel and ignite it with a

rifle with its de- trigger. These matches were
pendable UMC fuses of some slow-burning fiber,
ammunition, like tow, which would keep a spark
and then to stick for a considerable time. Formerly
a lighted match they had to be carried separately,
into the vent hole but the new arrangement was a
of a clumsy iron tube great convenience and made the
on a woodenhandle. matchlock. The cock, being
Suppose that you could not be sure curved like a snake, was called the &
whether the unscientific mixture "serpentine."
would burst the barrel, fire out the Winding Up a Gun
projectile, or merely refuse to go off. About the time sportsmen were
Would you be the enthusiastic sports-
through wondering at the conven-
man you are to-day?
ience of the matchlock, they began to
That was what your ancestors realize its inconvenience. Thus do
were "up against," only they prob- ideas change; you simply cannot keep
S^/> ably thought the weapon wonderful, humanity contented. But then the
and felt they were very much up-to- "kicker" is a valuable member of
date. We will not go into details. society. He brings us progress. The
It took centuries for guns to become "
kicker" said that matchlocks burned
perfect enough to take the place of
up a great deal of fuse, and were hard
bows and cross-bows, and we shall to keep lighted. Both statements
only glance at a few of the principal were true, so inventors racked their
changes. brains again for something better.
The Coming of the Matchlock They all kn(
Hand bombards and culverinswere could bring sj
among the early types. Some of with flint and st<
these were so heavy that a forked and that seeme
support had to be driven into the an idea worth
ground, and two men were needed, working on
one to hold and aim, the other to A Nu rem-
prime and fire. How does that strike berg inven-
you for a duck-shooting proposition? tor, in 1515,
Of course such a clumsy arrangement hit on the
could only be used in war. wheel-lock.
Improvements kept coming, how- In this a
ever. Guns were lightened and bet- notched
tered in shape. Somebody thought steel wheel
of putting a flash pan for the powder, was wound
by the side of the touch-hole, and now up with a key
it was decided to fasten the slow- like a clock.
match, in a movable cock, upon the Flint
or pyrite, was held against the jagged in many large museums to this day.
edge of the wheel by the pressure But now the robbers had their
of the serpentine. You pulled the turn. There are two stories of the
trigger, then "whirr," the wheel re- invention of the flint-lock. Both
volved, a stream of sparks flew off deal with robbers, both have good
into the flash-pan, and the gun was authority, and both may be true, for
discharged. inventions sometimes are made inde-
The Invention of the Chicken Thieves pendently in different places.
This gun worked beautifully, but One story runs that the flint-lock
it was expensive. Wealthy sports- which was often styled "Lock a la
men could afford them, and so for the Miquelet," from the Spanish word,
first time firearms began to be used
" — marauders, — told its
for hunting. Some of these sixteenth origin in name. The other is,
and seventeenth century nabobs had that the flint-lock was invented in
such guns of beautiful workmanship, Holland by gangs of thieves, whose
so wrought and carved and inlaid, principal business was to steal poul-
that they must have cost a small The Dutch expression for chick-
en thieves is "snaap-hans" we —
une. might say "snap

hens" and the
will flint-lock was therefore called
n d "snaphance" in Holland.
hem In either case the explanation
is easy. The matchlock showed
its fire at night and wouldn't do i "i

for thieves,the wheel-lock was

too expensive, so again necessity
became the mother of a far-reach-
ing invention.
The Gun of Our Ancestors
Everybody knows what the
flint-lock was like. You sim-
ply fastened a flake of flint
in the cock and snapped it
against a steel plate. This
struck off sparks which fell
into the flash-pan and fired
the charge.
It was so practical that it

became the form of gun for all uses;

thus gun-making began to be a big
industry. Invented early in the seven-
teenth century, it was used by the
hunters and soldiers of the next



That was the combina-
tion of guns with other

weapons, and their

concealment in vari-
ous peaceful looking
two hundred years. Old people re- Guns were made which were battle
member when flint-locks were plenti- axes at one end and muzzles at
ful everywhere. In fact they are the other; muskets were combined
being manufactured and are sold
still with pikes. Pistols were made a part
in some parts of Africa and the Ori- of daggers and at times the muzzle
ent. One factory in Birmingham, was plugged with a dagger point that
England, is said to produce about had to be removed for firing. In
twelve hundred weekly, and Belgium some cases even the frame of a cross-
shares in their manufacture. Some bow was made into a gun-barrel. It
of the Arabs use them to this day in was also a favorite trick, especially
the form of strange-looking guns with with robbers, to conceal a pistol in an
long, slender muzzles and very light, innocent looking whip-stock, or other
curved stocks. unlikely place.
Freak Guns The Scotch Clergymen
There were freak inventors in the We must not forget that rifling
flint-lock period just as there are was invented about the time that the
to-day. Some of them wrestled with wheel-lock appeared, and had a great
the problem of repeating guns, and deal to do with the improvement of

put together a number of barrels, shooting. Austrians claim its inven-

even seven in the case of one carbine. tion for Caspar Zollner of Vienna who
Others tried revolving chambers, like cut straight grooves in the barrel's
our revolvers, and still others, maga- bore. His gun is said to have been
zine stocks. Pistols came into use used for the first time in 1498, but
in many interesting shapes, but these the Italians seem to have still better
were too practical to be considered warrant as these significant words
freaks. appear in old Latin Italian, under
Pistols, by the way, are named date of July 28th, 1476, in the inven-
from the town of Pistoia, Italy, tory of the fortress of Guastalla:
where they are said to have been "Also one iron gun made with a twist
invented and first used. like a snail shell." The rifling made
there was one
odd idea which
seems to have
been very popu-
lar for a time. SCOTCH WHEEL-LOCK
'li iw'i'i- raw*

j' «ji»"
—_ r , _

the bullet spin like a top as it flew another great devel-

through the air, thus greatly improv- opment, the Breech-

ing its If this were a

precision. Loader.
complete history, instead of a brief Perhaps you have
story, we should stop and tell about had to handle an old
the different kinds of grooving. muzzle-loader. It was
As it is we shall jump over to the all right so long as
year 1807, when the Rev. Alexander you knew of nothing
John Forsythe, LL.D., got his patent better, but think of it
papers for something far better than now that you have
even the steady old flint. He had your beautiful Rem-
invented the percussion system. In ington and yourUM C
some form this has been used ever ammunition! Do you
since. Which is to say remember how some-
that when the hammer times you overloaded,
of your gun falls, it and the kick made
doesn't explode the your shoulder lame
powder, although it for a week? Or how,
seems to. Instead it when you were ex-
sets off a tiny portion cited you shot away
of very sensitive
a your ramrod? The DOUBLE-BARRELED PISTOL '

chemical compound gun fouled too, and

called the "primer," and was hard to clean, the nipples broke
the explosion of this off,the caps split, and the breeches
"primer" makes the rusted so that you had to take them
powder go off. Of to a gunsmith. Yes, in spite of the
course the two explo- game it got, it was a lot of trouble,
sions come so swiftly now you come to think of it. How
that your ear hears only different it all is now!
a single bang. From Henry VIII to Cartridges
Caps and Breech-Loaders were hardly new.
Primers were tried King Henry VIII of England, he of
in different forms called the many wives, had a match-lock
"detonators," but the arquebus of this type dated 1537.
familiar little copper cap Henry IV of France even invented
was the most popular. one for his army, and others worked
No need to describe a little on the idea from time to time.
them. Millions are still But it wasn't until fixed ammunition
made to be used on came into use that the breech-loader
old-fashioned nipple really came to stay, and that was —
guns, even in this day only the other day. You remember
of fixed ammunition. that the Civil War began with muzzle-
But now we come to loaders and ended with breech-loaders.
rr - T
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Houiller, the French development of arms

gunsmith, hit on the and ammunition.
great idea of the car- We have not touched
tridge. you were going
If upon that other great di-
to use powder, ball and vision of firearm history
percussion primer, to get dealing with ordnance.
your game, why not put Cannon, too, have passed
them all into a neat, j
through a succession of
handy, gas-tight case? wonderful changes.
Simple enough, when 1 The clumsy stone-
you come to think of throwingguns,used by
it, like most great Mohammed II in 1453
ideas. But it re- when besieging Con-
quiredgood brain- stantinople, have
stuff to do that been developed into
thinking. tremendous modern
naval and coast-de-
These are a few fence guns hurling
reasons why you armor-piercing pro-
can hunt with such jectiles many miles.
convenience. There While these changes
are a thousand have been full of in-
other things that terest, our brief his-
might be spoken of tory has kept in mind
had we the space. the steps that have led
Some will come into to the Twentieth Cen-
the other chapters, tury Hunting-Arm.
but most of them But one thing,
will have to be you can see that
taken for many forgot-
granted, unless ten men have
you wish to get working been
books and begin your benefitfor

studying about the entire throughout thousands of years.

. t


The Romance of Remiagton Arms

A Refusal and What Came of It

wo men, a smithand In reality, it was such a very
his son, both named good gun that soon the neighbors
Eliphalet Reming- ordered others like it, and before
ton, in 1816, were long the Remington forge found
., working busily one itself hard at work to meet the
day at their forge increasing demand. Several times
in beautiful Ilion each week the stalwart young man-
Gorge, when, so ufacturer packed a load of gun-
tradition says, the barrels upon his back, and tramped X

son asked his father all the way to Utica where a

for money to buy a rifle, and gunsmith rifled and finished them.
met with a refusal. The request At this time there were no real
was natural for the surrounding hills gun-factoriesin America, although
were full of game. The father must gunsmiths were located in most of
have had his own reasons for refusing, the larger towns. All gun-barrels

but it made Remington Armsl were imported from England or

Eliphalet Jr. closed his firm jaws Europe.

tightly, and began collecting scrap A Machine to Save His Shoulders
iron on his own account. This The broad shoulders of Eliphalet
hewelded skilfully into a gun- Jr. must have ached under his load,
barrel, walked fifteen miles to Utica for busy brain soon devised
to have it rifled, and finally had a machinery with which he
weapon of which he could do the
might well be proud.

& .'-• ... <ST.-.




rifling for himself. Thus the

wheels from Steele's Creek, and set up
became a complete gun-factory, re- his big tilt-hammer, trip-hammers,

ceiving material as scrap iron, and bellows, grind-stones, and boring- and
turning out finished rifles. Shotgunsrifling-machines; the racket they made
also were made. Up in the gorge was was music to his ears, for the busy little
a ledge of red sandstone. This plant was the child of his brain
00ammm and hands. The business
furnished the first grind
stones which ground ^W grew with a jump; within
down the barrels i
one year demand ran
proper form by power id of supply.
from the brook. 5 "Stone Forge"
Thus father and o Remington
son worked away put up an addi-
briskly creating tional building,
a brand-new since known as
American in- the "Stone
dustry. They Forge." Into
put brains as this he put
well as metal more trip-
into their guns, hammers spe-
and soon Rem- ci a lly for
ington Arms welding and
began to be forgingbarrels.
famous in all the By this time
surrounding the demand was
counties. so great that he
Bursting the Shell organized a ship-
In 1828, the same g department
year that the elder and carried a stock
Remington met his of all parts needed by
death through accident ELIPHALET REMINGTON a gunsmith.
the business outgrew the FIRST GUN Affairs ran along with con-
little shop by the brookside — stant improvements for a de-
burst its shell like a "seventeen-year cade, and the energetic young smith
locust"— and bought a large farm developed into a famous and pros-
near the Erie canal. There to-day perous manufacturer. Finally, in 1839,
the great plant stands. he founded a partnership with Ben-
No town was there at that time, jamin Harrington for the purpose of
merely a country "corners," and Mr. making, as a separate industry, farm
Remington, after his father's death, utensils and other iron articles, al-
built a house to live in, and put up a though this is not a part of our story.
wooden shop for his machinery. Gathering Scrap
Here he brought water for several You can't make iron goods without
&'MMm£^m c

and supply was not well organ-

iron, some reason this firm wished to be
ized then.So you must imagine Mr. relieved of this order,and Mr. Rem-
that this was the
Remington sending men with teams ington perceived
great chance for which he had
throughout the surrounding country
to stop at all farmhouses, bargain for
been waiting. He purchased the
contract and their special machinery,
broken plows, hatchets, kettles, odds l?
and became a Government con-

Of course the carbines were well

made. Carried by the American
forces, they helped to win the Mexi-
can War. Eliphalet Remington was
therefore not without his share in the
extension of the Union. Another
building was added, and another
water-race constructed in order to
take care of the carbine contract;
thus the plant grew. This building,
the "Old Armory," still stands.

and ends of all kinds, to feed the busy

of its
Thus the country was drained
scrap iron, fresh metal was
drawn from the Clinton ore beds of
Oneida County, while timber, cut
from the surrounding hills, was
burned into charcoal for fuel.
In the meantime Air. Remington
had sons of his own growing into
maturity, and Philo his eldest, pre-
pared to enter the industry.
The Mexican War
In 1845 a war-cloud grew suddenly
out of the southwest. At the distant
mutterings of the coming conflict
with Mexico, the Government looked
about hastily for firearms.
William Jencks, having invented a
carbine, the War Department gave
Ames & Co. of Springfield, Mass., a
contract to manufacture several thou-
sand under the Jencks patent. For
ceived an order for five thousand Steam was added to water-power,
rifles of the "Harper's Ferry" expensivemachinery was installed.
model; and later additional orders Work, day and night, went on to
for seventy-five hundred. In 1857 the limit of human endurance.
and 1858, the Government called on Besides the rifles, there were such
him for five thousand Maynard self- urgent calls for Remington pistols
priming musket locks. Remington that an additional building was
revolvers under the Beal patent rented in Utica, the daily output
were also made in quantities. being three hundred pistols.
Meanwhile, in 1856, the firm of E. A Hero's Death
Remington & Sons was formed with The terrific strain was more than
the three sons, Philo, Samuel, and Eliphalet Remington could stand.
Eliphalet, as partners of their father, It was a matter of patriotism as
and a thriving village took the place pure as any that had called others
of the country "corners." to the firing line. Many men could
The Storm handle a musket but he, "The
1861 came, the storm-cloud burst Father of American Gun-Making,"
in all its fury, and Government as he has been called, must bring his
orders began to pile in upon the tremendous energy and mechanical
factory. Five thousand "Harper's genius to the task of producing mus-
Ferry" muskets came in to be kets for the rush of volunteers. At
changed so that either sabers or no point had he spared himself, and
bayonets could be attached. The when on August 12, 1861, he passed
work had to be completed within away, his great organization was a
two weeks, for the emergency was vital link in the chain of national
tremendous. Every man and boy defense. He truly gave his life for
in Ilion was engaged and the gigantic his country. Thus did the youth of
task finished on time. twenty-three, who forty-five years
Additional buildings were put up. before had forged the first gun-barrel,

3 ;

:.^ *v:

sisaaas^^S^' "*^* "...'. _, ...;'.: .

live to see his tightly about the brave but exhausted
name the great- Southerners. The great Northern
est in the an- forces, many them armed with
nals of Ameri- rifles of Remington make, at last
can gun-mak- proved and upon the 12th
ing, his arms day of April, Gen. Lee surrendered.
relied upon in Mingled with the great rejoicing,
the country's there came a touch of severe misfor-
direst need, tune to Ilion, for the Government
thus met his cancelled all unfilled orders, and the
death in the ser- complicated organization, built up
vice of the Union. with so much trouble and expense, to
The Sons meet the strain of production, stop-
The three sons ped short with a jar. Large indebt-
proved equal to edness for machinery, material,
the burd ,
had been incurred
Philo, the eldest, too pon the Government
charge of the manu- contract. Cutting off
facturing. Samuel, all resources meant
the next in age, be- disaster, and the local
came the general bank, a large creditor,
agent, negotiating was forced into fail-

contracts and pur- ure. Later, when

chasing machinery prosperity returned,
and materials. Eli- the Remingtons in
phalet, the youngest was honor paid in
a beautiful penman and ^ with interest, all the
had great command of lan- stockholders and creditors
guage. Therefore he took up the cor- of the unfortunate bank
respondence. This was before the days The Breech-Loader
of typewriters —
another industry in This crisis was a kind
which, by the way, the Remingtons of "acid test." First it
were destined to play an important tested credits. Theirs
part. were so high that
In 1865 the partnership of E. Rem- notes were extended
ington and Sons was succeeded by and new credits
a corporation of the same name, granted. Next it
having a nominal capital of one mil- tested character.
lion dollars, and a plant valued at Some one has said
one and one-half million dollars. that when trouble
Peace and Disaster comes "weak men
Meanwhile, in Virginia, Gen. Grant take to the woods
steadily, surely drew his lines more but strong men
take to work." The Remingtons were Large additions were made to every
strong men; and they worked. department. At times 1,850 hands
The war had shown that the arm of were employed, and the plant run for
the future must be a breech-loader. twenty-four hours a day, the daily out-
Very well, the Remingtons would lead put reaching a total of thirteen hun-
the procession, as always before, by dred rifles and two hundred revolvers.
producing the world's best breech- A Bad Cartridge
loader. inventive genius named
An Some interesting incidents occurred

John Rider was engaged to develop in connection with these foreign

the new arm, surrounded by the best contracts. Samuel Remington had
skilled mechanics securable. These practically closed with Prussia for
soon presented the famous system of an order of two hundred thousand
a dropping breech-block backed up by rifles. The Army Board, after the
the hammer. The world took notice. severest tests, was enthusiastic in

The new plan was so simple, so prac- favor of this arm, when the King
ticable, so serviceable, that Den- came to the place of demonstration
mark placed an immediate and asked to see it. Samuel Rem-
order for forty-two thou- ington handed him a loaded rifle
sand rifles. Prosperity and stood back confidently.
returned, and again the The monarch raised it to
windows of the big plant his shoulder, sighted ;: .

all night as work along the barrel, pulled

was pressed upon this con- the trigger, and the — ,,_ )0>&>.£$
tract. In 1867 the United hammer merely Mi
States Navy Department snapped! A bad
adopted the Remington breech- cartridge at this of .„;*;

loader and ordered twelve thousand. all moments! Im-

During the same year Spain ordered patiently Wilhelm
eighty -five thousand. Next year threw down the rifle
came a demand for thirty thousand and strode away. The deal was ^
for Sweden; Egypt took fifty thou- off, a matter of several million

sand; in 1870 France called for the dollars.

extreme capacity of the factory. Once an order was pending
Samuel and Philo for equipping the whole Turk-
These orders proved the Remington ish Army with four hundred
the best rifle in the world. Other thousand rifles, when a cer-
factories were now making breech- tain individual demanded
loaders, but governments clamored a royalty so exorbitant
for the output of one company. that Samuel Reming-
Samuel Remington spent his entire ton refused. "Roy-
time abroad, as sales-agent; his alty" is a po-
brother, Philo, was presiding genius lite word for
of the factory at Ilion. "graft."
THE "LONG BOW" IN SHERWOOD FOREST One of Robin Hood's Famous Band Encounters
a Savage Tusker at Close Range
The Egyptian Palace ever-memorable Spanish Ball. Pat-
In spite of such incidents the busi- rick Gilmore and his famous band
ness was enormous. France took a were imported for the occasion and
total of one hundred and forty-five everything else was in proportion.
thousand arms; New York State Well might Ilion celebrate, for Spain
bought twenty-one thousand for her and her colonies had taken more than
militia; Porto Rico took ten thousand; three hundred thousand rifles, which
Cuba eighty-nine meant millions in
thousand; Spain one wages to the town.
hundred and thirty This was the high-
thousand more; and water mark of that
Egypt fifty-five period. Conditions
thousand. changed again and
The Egyptian the day of huge
Khedive was so im- foreign orders began
pressed with the fill- to pass.One cause
pfe ing of his contract was graft. The
that he presented Remingtons, being
Samuel Reming- unwilling to take
ton with a business through
marble palace bribery, lost possible
near Cairo. From orders. Further-
Mexico came more, many coun-
orders for fifty tries now established
thousand arms; factories.
from Chile for Retire or Serve
twelve thousand. Thus another time
The great New York sporting goods came when a critical decisionmust
house of Hartley and Graham, who be made. Philo Remington and his
come into our story,
further along will brother, being wealthy and full of
disposed of one hundred and forty- honors, thought seriously of retiring
four thousand. from business.
One of the agents of this latter con- But success brings duties as well
cern put on Chinese clothes, made as rewards. The town depended on
his way to Pekin, and gained the the factory, and the brothers felt that
ear of Li Hung Chang, who ordered the hands must be kept from want.
Remington rifles for the Chinese It meant to go backward, or to go
Army. All these brought the total forward upon new lines and again
sales up to the million mark. they decided to go forward. It was
The Great Ball at this time that they brought out
It was while the Spanish officers the famous Remington Typewriter,
were in Ilion, that the town gave its which now occupies a large building

near the parent plant. Sewing ma- Sewing-machine lost about one mil-
chines and farm implements also lion dollars; an enterprise for making
were made for a while. electric-lighting plants was unsuc-
The Day of the Repeater cessful; large gifts to charity and edu-
But a new day had dawned in the cation had lowered their resources;
history of arms. Just as bows had and finally they were led to disaster
replaced slings, and the percussion by helping a false friend.
system had taken the place of flint A Glimmer of Hope
and steel, so now repeaters began to Just at this time Turkey appeared
show theiradvantage over single fire. again in the market, and for a while
The Remingtons employed inven- hope ran high that her order for six
tors to develop the world's best repeat- hundred thousand rifles would be
er, just as they had done with breech- placed in Ilion. This would have
loaders. The first model, developed saved the day. The Turkish experts
at large expense proved unsatisfac- reported favorably upon the Reming-
tory, and rather than have the Rem- ton-Lee, but the German Government
ington name associated with anything was able finally to secure the order for
inferior, the heavy investment was a German manufacturer.
charged to profit and loss. Creditors now began to press. Some
James P. Lee's bolt mechanism was cash was raised by the brothers
a different proposition. Mr. Lee, through selling their interest in the
after experimenting for several years to its pre-
Remington Typewriter
at the Remington factory, perfected sent manufacturers, but not suf-
the parent of modern military rifles. ficient to save them, and in i!
Why the Chinese Defeated the French the business, that had begun
These new rifles were first used in
seventy years before with the
action by the Chinese. At the battle making of the amateur gun-
of Lang Son in the '8o's, the French
with their Kropatcheck guns were
three times repulsed by the Chinese
armed with Remington-Lees. The I

American-made guns could be re-

charged in a few seconds, while those
of the French took much longer.
The latter were at the mercy of the
foe when their magazines were empty.
Still difficulties followed. It was ex-
pensive to build necessary machinery;
there had been heavy losses in other
enterprises; three hundred and fifty
thousand dollars went in the Agri-
Works; the Scattergood Cot-
ton Gin was a financial failure; the
barrel, passed into a receiver's hands. the following pages. At this point it is
Two years were taken in winding enough to say that a strong, far-sighted
up its and in March, 1888,
affairs, man of ample resources and great
Hartley and Graham of New York, constructive ability now took control.
bought a large interest. Philo Rem- That is why the highest grade of
ington survived but one year longer. invention and mechanical skill have
Like his father's, his death was also continued to be employed, and the
chargeable to service; he had con- American marksman, the best shot in
tinued his business in order that his the world, has been given the best
dependents might not come to want, arms to shoot with. Shotguns have
and the struggle broke him down. been made selling as high as $750.
The Entry of Marcellus Hartley Solid breech hammerless guns have
Philo Remington died, but the carried the name Remington to a
business survived. To-day, as for- higher point in recent years than in
merly, the great factory at Ilion is any of its former days, and the mar-
pulsing with life and teeming with vellous auto-loading action seems to be
prosperity. To-day, as for nearly a practically the last word in firearms.

century, the name Remington stands To-day

at the very head of the arm-making Upon the death of Mr. Hartley in
industry; the hunters and marksmen 1902, his grandson, Marcellus Hart-
of the world look to it for the newest ley Dodge became President of the
ideas, and the most perfect mechanism. Company, and his associates are
This is largely due to another re- unanimous in believing that in the
markable personality whose life and future lie the greatest days of the
career will be touched on more fully in venerable business.


The Tale of UMC Ammunition

The Young Merchant
— . t takes more than a Southern trips to solicit trade. Trav-
perfect gun to make eling in those days had many hard-
good shooting, the am- ships, and at one time he was ship-
munition also must wrecked in a hurricane on Lake Erie
1, beright. That is why with the thermometer at 15 degrees
you always specify below zero. However, he gained
"U M
C," and the much knowledge and experience,
story of that famous red made many friends, and at twenty-
and white trademark is worth seven decided to go into business
telling. At the start, the story is so for himself.
much that of the remarkable man One day three young men, J. Rut-
who founded the business that we sen Schuyler, Marcellus Hartley, and
shall gain a better understanding by Malcolm Graham, met in a Maiden
glancing at the early life of Mr. Lane restaurant for a serious talk.

Hartley. Before they left, the firm of Schuyler,

Thirty-one years after the younger Hartley and Graham had been decided
Eliphalet Remington made his famous on, and soon after, March 1, 1854, the
gun-barrel, Marcellus Hartley, at the new name appeared at 13 Maiden Lane.
age of twenty, became entry clerk and Weathering a Panic
assistant book-keeper with Francis The young men had to borrow
Tomes and Sons, dealers in hardware most of their capital, but had brains,
and sporting goods. Soon he found energy, and experience of their own.
himself in the gun department, which Mr. Hartley's part consisted in trips
meant more to him than he then to Europe to buy stock, principally
realized. He advanced rapidly, and sporting guns, and in acting as his
the firm sent him on Western and own drummer in the West. They
,; ^. «;''

:; < - V'^ -
* • u

made money from the start, and by i860 had

become the largest American dealers in firearms
Then came the war; America's young industry
could supply only a part of the needed arms.
While the factories and elsewhere were
at Ilion
pushed to their limit, it also became necessary to
buy large quantities abroad. Mr. Hartley was the
most competent buyer of foreign guns to be found,
and Secretary-of-War Stanton surprised him with

an appointment. With a rank equivalent to that

c/ of brigadier general,
and a large credit upon
Baring Brothers of
London, this young
man of thirty-five
sailed abroad in July,
1862. It meant a great
business sacrifice but
he was too patriotic to
hesitate at his coun-
try's need.

A Difficult Mission

The mission was

very difficult. Eng-
land was full of hostile
spirit. The cotton
supply for her great
mills came from the
Southern States, and
the war hurt business,
consequently there was
wide-spread sympathy for the South that
hindered Mr. Hartley at every turn. Con-
federate agents were abroad endeavoring
to buy up all possible supplies; and a third
difficulty appeared in the combinations of
manufacturers to corner the gun market.
His task, therefore, was to create sym-
.pathy for the North, to out-general the
Confederate agents, and to break the
corners in arms. In all these he succeeded LATER TYPES OK I

wonderfully. He printed and distributed


AM?" :


fifteenthousand copies of John Bright's great anti-

slavery speech at Birmingham. First and last he
secured about two hundred thousand rifles in the
months he spent abroad.
A Strange Encounter
Many years later he attended a dinner where a
Mr. Trenholm was one of the speakers. In the
course of his remarks this gentleman referred to war
times, when he had to purchase arms as European
agent for the Confederacy. Often when upon the
point of securing
greatly- needed guns
he had found that some
secret influence was
defeating him. In one
case a Belgian manu-
facturer had slipped
away when hehad
thought he was certain
of his rifles, and he had
wondered at the mys-
terious skill of his un-
known opponent. This
dinner meeting was a
surprise to both, for it
came out that the
unknown was Mr.
Returning from
Europe he resumed the
HOI work of his firm, which
had prospered greatly,
and then his career broadened into four
main lines of development.
A Four Enterprises
One of these undertakings brought close
relations with the Remingtons, and led later
to the acquisition of that famous business. 1

Another was the formation of the Bridge-

port Gun Implement Co. to make rods,
cleaners, extractors, powder measures, etc.,
VKTRH.IGKS for the old-style arms; and later, other

sporting articles when breech-loaders


.'...'" -'- '
changed the situation. A third was and on August The Union
9, 1867,
the engagement, to experiment with was incorpo-
Aletallic Cartridge Co.

dynamos and lamps, of Mr.. Hiram rated. Mr. Hartley,

It consisted of

Maxim, since famous as the inventor Mr. Schuyler, Mr. Graham, Mr.
of the Maxim gun, then best known Charles H. Pond, and Mr. Robert J.
in electricity. This laid the founda- White. The oak had taken root.
tion of what is now the great West- Then began the first successful
inghouse Electric manufacture of me-
Company, later tallic cartridges in
sold to Mr. West- the United States.
inghouse. The Back in the '50's
fourth was the sub- percussion caps,
ject of this chapter, skin cartridges for
The Union Metallic revolvers, linen car-
Cartridge Co. tridges for Sharp's
From a Souvenir to a breech-loaders, and
Great Industry a few poor rim-fire
Years before, copper cartridges
while traveling in had been made,but
the West as sales- now came this new
man Tomes
for industry more im-
and Company, Mr. portant than all the
Hartley was shown rest combined. At
a roughly -made first they made rim-
metallic shell for fire cartridges, for
the charge of a gun. the center-fire had
He begged the shell as a souvenir, not been invented, percussion caps
and from this acorn a big oak finally and shotguns, but soon dropped the
grew. guns to concentrate on ammunition.
After the war, ten years later, he A Versatile Genius
took action. By thistime he fully Mr. Hartley and his associates
realized the great importance of had created an
their business sagacity
metallic cartridges for the new breech- opportunity, and were on the lookout
loading arms. Several factories after for a mechanical genius. He came;
trying to make them without much his name was Alfred C. Hobbs.
success had given up. These plants Hanging on the wall of the present
and patents were for sale. New York City office is a former lock
Mr. Hartley's firm bought the of theBank of England. The English
Crittenden and Tibbals Manufactur- Government had offered a prize of
ing Company of South Coventry, one thousand dollars to any one who
and the business of C. D. Lett of could pick it. Mr. Hobbs, jack-of-
Springfield. These they moved all-trades, finally did it in fifty-one
to Bridgeport, Connecticut, hours. He had been

superintendent of the Howe Sewing
Machine Company, and, after five

years brought his great ingenuity

to the problems of cartridge-making.
For twenty years he remained in

charge, inventing nearly all the

special machinery that made the
business so successful. It is difficult
to get a permit to visit the Bridgeport
factory. The mechanical secrets are
too valuable.
Col. Berdan's Center-Fire Idea

The cartridges consisted in


packing powder, ball, and wads into the firing-pin that ignited this little
a single case so that the powder was
cap, the priming mixture was driven
ignited by a very small quantity of
against the anvil and exploded. This
high explosive called "priming mix-
explosion was transmitted to and
ture." For a while this priming mix-
ignited the powder through a small
ture was concealed in a hollow rim
opening in the base of the shell.
and exploded by the pressure of the
Owing to the position of the primer,
falling hammer. But Col. Berdan these cartridges were called "central-
revolutionized cartridge-making. He firecartridges" and are well known
manufactured a form of our present
primer; placed the priming mixture These cartridges were first made
in a little cup, then secured, just
below but in
at the U M C factory.
Surrounded by the Enemy
contact with
In 1870 occurred an incident un-
OFF TO FRANCE. this mixture,
Material Aid for the Struggling Republic— equaled in the history of salesman-
A Cargo of Arms En Route. a piece of ship. France, in a desperate struggle
The steamer Ontario, of Boston, twioship with the
Erie, overwhich vessels the "Hub" went nearly wild metal called with the invading Prussian armies,
when they were launched, and which were to ruin Mr.
Cuoard in return for his letter to the "Hubbites" on the "anvil." needed American arms and ammuni-
the occasion of their protest against the withdrawal
of his steamersfrom their little town, after lying at a This cup,
dock in Boston ever since, came here a short time ago
tion, and in August the firm's special
to seeif something could not be made, all hope of ever

doing so at Boston having been abandoned.

now called
representative, Mr. W. W. Reynolds,
She cleared from the Custom House yesterday for
Cowes and a market; with a full cargo of arms and
— the "prim- secured in Paris an order of con-
munitions of war, as follows;
73,640 muskets.
20,950' carbines.
500 rifles.
' '
was siderable size, and also a large
500 army revolvers.
seated in the for preceding shipments.
I7.785.S5* cartridges.
1 case moulds.
55 pieces artillery.
center of the
The total value ol the warlike material, $1,853,497,
three-fourths of which is shipped by one bouse. The
Paris being besieged, how was he
is a vessel of 2,889 tons, and has a crew of
base of the to get them to America with every
There were no passengers reported at the Custom
House, but it would be singular if there were not a
few enthusiasts accompanying such an important cartridge. foot of the surrounding country
addition to the resources of France. The Ontario
cleared "for Cowes and a market," which means
that she will stop there to get a convoy of French
German war
When the guarded by watchful Germans?
men-of-war in case any enterprising
vessel took a fancy to try whether such a cargo was
contraband of war. The Ontario
hammer fell The Pinch of the Siege
Captain Towns
and struck After a few days food

began to Cuzon,
grow and the
sea rce, aero-
but ever naut
as he Dure-
strolled vilio.
about he Danger in

thought the Air

ofescape. At eight
He must minutes
get his past e-
order 1 e v e n

and his theropes

payment were
past the thrown
Prussian off, and
lines. The only pathway lay through the balloons shot high into the clear
the air. Armed with a permit from sky. A breeze bore them toward the
Peard, the Finance Minister, he sought Prussian lines; soon there were puffs
out an old theater which had been of smoke far beneath them. Bullets
converted into a balloon factory; to whistled through the air; cannon,
complete one balloon took ten days, musketry and rockets were turned
and cost $1,250 in gold. upon the adventurers, and for a time
At point word was received
this they were in the greatest danger.
from the Government that M. Gam- Swiftly moving specks
— mounted
betta, the great War Minister, must Uhlans — galloped along the thread-
leave Paris for reasons of state, and like roads below, expecting the voyag-
the use of the American's balloon ers would be forced to descend; but
was requested. A period of bad fortune favored, and the freshening
weather followed; from day to day breeze finally bore them out of range.
Gambetta was forced to delay his A Narrow Escape
start, sothat the second balloon was Then there came a new peril.
finished before the first left. Friday, Gambetta's engineer lost control of
the morning of departure, came. An his balloon which dropped close to the
immense crowd of people drew to- ground and then shot swiftly up again
members of the Govern-
gether; the directly beneath Mr. Reynold's car;
ment were present, and both bal- for a few minutes it looked as though
loons bore the French tricolor. Gam- a fatal collision could not be avoided.
betta and his companions climbed A sudden breath of wind changed its
into the wicker basket attached to course, and once more the two swept
one. In the other were seated Mr. onward together.
Reynolds, his friend Mr. C. W. Way Gambetta attempted to land at
of New York, a French officer M. Criel but discovered just in time that
itwas a Prussian camp. He escaped Turkish inspector was the famous
by throwing his baggage overboard Tewfik Pasha, later Minister of
and was wounded in his hand by a Finance, and at one time minister to
shot. Later he came down into a this country.
tree top near Amiens. The Americans The "Irish Turk"
Some of the older men of the
£> ^ Company recall one inspector
called the ''Irish Turk." A real
Turk by birth, he had the face, the
build, and even the brogue of a

red-haired,blue-eyed Irishman.
./, ,//•? The Turkish contract amounted
to two hundred and ten million
rounds, the largest order ever
placed in this country.
The Russian contract really
began some years before the war,
in 1868. The coming of the
Russian inspector, Gen. Gorloff,
was of great advantage to the
»%^i*e-cL- -,/

kept on for ninety-live miles

and made a safe landing at Ville
Roy whence they, too, went by
rail to Amiens.
Russia and Turkey Clash
Then Russia and Turkey de-
cided to fight. Both patronized
the Bridgeport factory, and the
strange situation developed of
one plant daily grinding out
v/.~ *„*,/?j*
thousands of cartridges for the &yLc
combatants to fire against each I. I »1

other in deadly battle. Both

nations had their inspectors at
the works. The officers treated
each other with formal courtesy
while they inspected millions of
the little messengers of death
which were to rill the air of LmwUUu. <&/*• fa OtmuSU,

Southeastern Europe with noise

and destruction. The chief SHOWING SI OF FIRM AND FRENCH VISES

business. This competent officer was New York, arriving April, 1871.
a very severe inspector, and thus Much of this ammunition had been
helped establish the highest standard under water five weeks. The whole
of product. After two years of was taken out and returned to the
strict application to business Mr. factory, the wet paper boxes removed,
White, secretary of the Company, and ten thousand, four hundred and
took him out for a social evening; fifty of the cartridges fired, proving
Gen. GorlofT then remarked that it them uninjured." Twenty years later
was his first outing in America, and more of this lot were tested without
added that if the contract were a a missfire. UM
C cartridges from
failure he might as well blow his the wrecked "Maine," found in good
brains out. condition after thirteen years' sub-
Was it a failure? Gen. GorlofT re- mergence, furnish another striking
ported: "There have been fired in example. Could there be better proof
our regular work twenty thousand, of the quality of the primer, its water-
seven hundred and twenty cartridges tight fit in the primer pocket, or the
without one missfire, and two hundred excellence of the lubricator and the
reloaded ten times, making twenty- crimp?
two thousand, seven hundred and In 1871, the Russian Grand Duke
twenty total, without a missfire, in the Alexis came to this country and
inspection of two million." visited Bridgeport, where he made a
Recovered from a Wreck speech. U The M
C plant was in
Robert J. White reported in 1871: gala one long line of "grass-
"The bark Forya from New York to hopper machines" being decorated
Cronstadt with three million, six hun- with bouquets that rose and fell
dred and forty-five thousand, one with the motion of the mechanism.
hundred and twenty U M
C cart- So many factory girls appeared in
ridges for the Russian Government silk dresses that the Duke was much
was dismasted in a gale, had the deck amazed at the condition of operatives
stove in, and was abandoned at sea. in America.
The steamer Iowa from Liverpool The Russian Tramp
found her partly filled with water, A poorly clothed man, apparently
pumped her out, and towed her to a vagrant, one day approached Gen.
Gorloff with a request for work. He
said he was a Russian who had been
told by the Consulate in New York
that he might find a job at Bridge-
port. The General directed him
to the UM
C Company who
set him to work cleaning
the office,



looking after guns, etc. limitby United States authorities.

Though his clothes were Very much the same experience
shabby, he had small marked many of the other Central
hands and feet, and kept and South American wars and up-
himself remarkably However much these factions
clean. One day, two differ
might among themselves, they
months later, he failed all agreed as to what were the best
to appear as usual, but
rifles and cartridges. In one case there
about ten o'clock arrived
was the curious situation of two nations
faultlessly attired from — Colombia and ^ mi
hat to polished
Venezuela at — , iimiTiiiiiiirnri i 1 1

shoes, and said with a

war with each
courtly bow:
other, while a sep-
morning, General, I leave you to-
arate insurrec-
day. Good-by."
tion was proceed-
He was a nobleman's son who had
been detailed to serve as a spy upon ing in each coun-
the General. try; all four of
the warring bod-
An International Secret
At one time Gen. Gorloff rejected a
ies fired U MC
bullets from
large quantity of cartridges to the
great surprise of the Company who Remington rifles.
had believed them perfect. Spain, Perhaps noone
is more deeply TfRAND DUKE ALEXIS AND
engaged with a Cuban rebellion, GENERAL CUSTER
versed in the in-
promptly bid for the rejected lot;
there had been a secret understanding side stories ot in-
that these should be refused by Russia ternational conflicts during the past
to aid Spain. thirty years than is Mr. W. J. Bruff,
It was well that Spain secured this the Company's general manager. Did
shipment since the Insurrectionists not the seal of business confidence
had not neglected to provide them- fasten his lips, there is much of recent
selves with Remington rifles and history that he might illumine.
U M C ammuntion. In the later Making Paper Shells
Cuban rebellion, that just preceded In the panic of 1873, the steady
the Spanish-American War, all wages of the U M
C plant relieved
the forces fighting under Gomez, Bridgeport. This same year the Com-
Maceo, Garcia, and the others, were pany bought from C. D. Wells of
so equipped although it had been a Springfield his equipment for making
difficult matter for the "Junta" to
paper shells which were practically all
forward their munitions to the scene hand-made. Soon machines were in-
of war. More than one such fili- —
vented for this work, an important
bustering expedition was overtaken development, because shotguns were
and captured within the three-mile rapidly increasing in use. This was

< AM. .- 4 J>

largest ammuni-
"f tion factory in the
work! is thus a pro-
duct of "Brains and Op-
portunity." Every new rifle,

shotgun or revolver of any

caliber, is known immediately;
thereupon the best ballistic experts
in the country, under the direction
of Mr. Wm. M. Thomas, Ballistic
due Engineer, at once develop the load
the best adapted to it. So perfect and
fact uniform are the results, that arm-
that as makers have adopted them as stand-
the country ard, and work in accord with the
r became settled UMC Company in making changes.
and big game grew One incident the care
harder to find, taken every point: In making
sportsmen gave paper shells, the paper tube, where
more attention to the edges lap, naturally had a ridge
wing-shooting. A sup- that was awkward in the gun. In
posedly ample stock was order to lap over smoothly, machinery
made up, and the Com- was introduced to grind thin these
pany advertised that edges; this step having been noted
such a shell was on by Mr. Bird, the paper manufacturer,
the market. Orders he developed a thin -edged paper
aggregating ten million, specially for this process. That is
fairly flooded the plant, why a C U M
loaded shell slips so
thus showing the power smoothly into your gun.
of advertising and the Mr. Hartley's Energy
size of the market. Until his death in 1902, Mr. Hartley
The first U M C watched the work closely, and threw
shot shells were of into it his inspiring energy. Once
brass, but the paper while making empty paper shells the
shell followed. At primer had to be changed. At the
first furnished to be factory great haste was being made,
loaded by sportsmen, the when Mr. Hartley arrived and in
factory began supplying them his forceful way exclaimed: "Do it
ready loaded in the '8o's. more rapidly. Put benches in the
To-day several hundred mil- storehouses. Get a thousand more
lions are turned out each year. girls if necessary. I want those
Brains and Opportunities shells reprimed!" It was done.
The vast plant
— much the The marvelous speed with

DEER-STALKING WITH THE CROSS-BOW This Compact Arm with its Small Bolt and Great
Power was Popular with Many Sportsmen
"^%//v ; -


.<*9*!C-' which the great ten- creasing scale.

story shot-tower was Ideas born within
rushed to completion its walls have devel-

several years ago, shows oped until they re-

that the energetic spirit 4ji quired more build- .

of Mr. Hartley survives Co.;..

ings. The growth

in the present manage- /J *f
J-t/f St has been continu-
ment. The ground was ously from within
broken in July, and per-
outward. Men
fect shot produced in once factory hands
the following February. have risen by their
Smokeless powder own abilities to
Glutei f* Au«* ty*y »«
came into use the ; lai^t St,/* ifatt*!
important places,
U M C Company led ORIGINAL EXPENSE ACCOU)N1T as Jerome Orcutt
in applying it to fixed

has done forty-six
ammunition. It needed years ago a tool-
new primers for perfect ignition, after maker, now the second vice-president.
careful experiments, these were per- This great Company has played its
"Nitro Club"
fected, resulting in the part in the wars of the earth but the
and "Arrow" brands of shot shells. principal role today is that of peace
Foreign orders, an increasing de- in serving hunters and marksmen.
mand for sporting ammunition, both For these it produces loads to fit

at home and abroad, the needs of every known make of modern hand
the growing army of operatives, the firearm, and carries in stock the
addition of much new machinery, the enormous total of fifteen thousand
necessary equipment for so great a different kinds of loads.
business — all of these have compelled The subject is growing more com-
from time to time repeated enlarge- plicated as new inventions are being
ments of the factory, developed; in the future, as in the
And so the big past, the Union Metallic Cartridge
plant's his- tory has Company be found foremost in
run on in ever-in- the manufacture of ammunition.

x --




A Visit to the Bridgeport Plant

Getting Impressions
t is no easy matter to tent operatives, and the steady click-
secure a pass to the ing of innumerable parts blended into
Bridgeport plant. Its a softened wide-spread sound. It
great advantage over seems absolutely endless; it is a mat- •

other concerns lies, to ter of hours to go through the plant. , - '-


a large degree, in the


Stop at one of the machines, and see

exclusive machinery, the speed and accuracy with which it
that has been developed at so much turns out its product; then calculate
pains and expense, and the secrets of the entire number of machines and
which are so carefully guarded. In
our case, however, there will be
nothing to hinder us from getting a
few general impressions, provided
we do not go into mechanical
details too closely.
The very size of the great manu-
factory is impressive
— sixteen
acres of floor space, crowded
with machinery, and resound-
ing with activity. In building
after building, floor above
floor, the sight is similar:
the long rows of busy
machines, the whirling
network of shafts and
belts above, the in-
ience, that you are not surprised at
this general air of content, so different
from that found in many plants.
It is an interesting fact that, among
the 2,500 hands, labor troubles have
been practically unknown throughout
the Company's entire history. This
truly speaks volumes, both for the
reasonableness of the hands, and the

you will begin to gain a little idea as

to what the total output of this vast
institution must be.
More than once you will find your-
self wondering whether there can be
guns enough in the world, or fingers
enough to press their triggers, to use
such a tremendous production of
ammunition. But there are, and the
demand is steadily increasing. This
old world is a pretty big place after all.
No Labor Troubles
One of the earliest impressions you
are sure to get is of the superior grade consideration of the management.
of employes. These are not the ordi- High wages, steady employment, con-
siderate treatment and opportunities
nary factory hands, but men and
women of a very intelligent type — for advancement, these have been
Americans mainly. They are work- the policy from the first, and the men
at the top are in many cases those
ing under such comfortable condi-
tions of light, heat and ventilation,
who have grown old in the service.

and the machines are equipped with Handling Deadly Explosives

such devices for safety and conven- Another thing to strike you is the
matter-of-fact way in which these op-
eratives, girls in many cases, handle
the most terrible compounds. We
stop,for example, where they are

making primers to go in the head of

your loaded shell, in order that it may
not miss fire when the bunch of quail
whirrs suddenly into the air from
the sheltering grasses. That grayish,
pasty mass is wet fulminate of mer-
cury. Suppose it should dry a trifle
too rapidly. It would be the

you ever did suppose,

last thing
for there is force enough in
that double handful to blow
its surroundings into fragments.
You edge away a little, and no
wonder, but the girl who handles
it shows no fear as she deftly

but carefully presses it into

The empty carrier then* passes

through a door at the side of the

building, and drops into the yawning

mouth of an automatic tube. In the
twinkling of an eye, it appears in front
of the operator in one of the distrib-
uting stations where it is refilled, and
returned to its proper loading ma-
chine, in order to keep the machine
going at a perfectly uniform rate;
while at the same time it allows but a
minimum amount of powder to re-
main in the building at any moment.
moulds which separate it into the Each machine has but just sufficient
proper sizes for primers. She knows powder in its hopper to run until a
that in its present moist condition it new supply can reach it. Greater
cannot explode. precaution than this cannot be imag-
Extreme Precautions ined, illustrating as it does, that no
Or, perhaps, we may be watching effort has been spared to protect the
one of the many loading machines. lives of the operators.
There a certain suggestiveness in
Learning a Secret
the waythe machines are separated
Did you ever find an imperfect
by partitions. The man in charge
takes a small carrier of powder from
a case in the outside wall and shuts
the door, then carefully empties it
into the reservoir of his machine, and
watches alertly while it packs the
proper portions into the waiting shells.
He looks like a careful man, and needs
to be. You do not stand too close.
*The bullet breaks a metal tape at the moment of
leaving the muzzle. This time and the time of striking
target are electrically recorded on the Chronograph.

';-.. -„..:- -V ..-.: ^v'v


Does- cu pro-
n't it strike you as re- nickel, such as is used
markable that, in an in jacketing certain

output of something bullets. A corner of

like four millionper each strip is first bent
day, every cartridge over at right angles,
should be perfect? then back in the other
Such things are direction until it is

not accidental. doubled, then

The secret is straightened. It does
U M C inspection. not show the slight-
Let us see what that est sign of breaking
means. It means or cracking in spite
laboratory tests to of the severe treat-
start with. Here are ment, therefore it is
brought many sam- perfect. Let but the
ples of the body pa- least flaw appear, and

per, wad paper, met- the shipment is re-

als, water - proofing wi^mm^mmmmi^ jected.

mixture, fulminate of mercury, sul- Photographing the Invisible
phur, chlorate of potash, antimony Another man is engaged in
sulphide, powder, wax, and other in- photographs of the invisible— invisi-
gredients, and even the operating ble, that is, to the naked eye. By
materials such as coal, grease, oil, and means of a powerful microscope at-
soaps. In this room we see expert tachment he first enlarges tiny metal
chemists and metallurgists with their crystals until it can be seen whether
test-tubes, scales, Bunsen burners, the structure shows the chance of
retorts, tensile machines, microscopes, fracture. This is most important.
and other scientific-looking apparatus, It indicates why U M
C shells do not
busily hunting for defects. burst in use. Even the severe govern-
*Such the speed of these presses, that the brief interruption necessary for taking this photograph, caused
the loss of nearly 40,000 cartridge shells, although the presses were stopped for less than five minutes.


•;-; "j^.^Hy: i*

Ml !

ment test, requiring that the same The Inspection of Empty Shells
shell be fired and reloaded twenty
Perhaps may be interesting to
times does not worry this plant, for it from a
quote summary prepared by
has the record of some of its shells, that Mr. Thomas, showing but one stage
have been fired and reloaded eighty of the process:
times, finishing in good condition.
Shot shells are received by inspec-
Then come the various branches of tion after the
department heads,
the inspection work. These are too
tubes, bodies, primers, and battery
many and long to examine in detail. cups have been carefully examined,
Our guide explains that the Inspec-
gauged, sized and tested; they are
tion Department is a unit by itself,
distinctfrom the rest of the shop.
Itshead reports directly to the Man-
"(i) Gauged for body diameter
in chamber gauges.
ager of Works and is not connected
"(2) Gauged for head thickness
with the manufacturing departments.
and head diameter, and if any quan-
His word is law. No matter whether
tity of these defects be found, all
a carload shipment is being held up shells in inspection department of
for a handful of one particular kind
that particular brand are returned
of cartridge, the car cannot go until
to manufacturing department to be
this man is satisfied that all are
either corrected or scrapped.
"(3) Primers carefully examined.
Expensive Care
"(4) Entire shell examined for
It expensive to take such pains.

We are told that it costs more to

inspect shot shells than it does to load
them, and that some of the high-power
cartridges are inspected so many

times that, were it not for the use of

automatic machinery, they could not
be sold at a reasonable price. Here
and there, as we go, we get glimpses
of this process which takes the entire
time of several hundred employes.
At one point large inspection belts
covered with the product, move slowly
between rows of bright-eyed girls who
occasionally make little darting grabs
at something that has seemed defect-
ive to their practiced glance. In
other rooms, long rows of operatives
are holding hands full of shells up to
the light, or rolling them over their
hands in the same keen search.

any blemish which might mar the druggist's prescription department,

general appearance. Slight scratches are weighing the bullets carefully,
on head, or spots on bodies are suf- one by one, hour after hour, day after
ficient causes for their rejection. The day, giving all their thought and at-
average consumer would be unable to tention to this one thing; while other
determine in many cases, if shown employes explode about two million
our scrap pile, why the shells in primers a year in testing their sensi-
question had been rejected." tiveness.

Similarly, metallic cartridges The loaded shells and cartridges go

must have shells gauged for size of through a series of gauges and tests
pocket; heads gauged for diam- seemingly unnecessary after all that
eter; shells carefully inspected have preceded the loading. For ex-
inside and out for flaws, dents ample, it does look a little wasteful 0'
and buckled necks; primer pockets to see men take shells at random from
examined for shape and condition; the various loading machines and
shells gauged for length; shells packing tables, in order to cut them
gauged in chamber gauge for body up and examine the contents. When
diameter; necked shells gauged for we learn that a half-million perfectly
profile and distance from head; good shells are thus destroyed each
shells examined for depth of primer year,it impresses us as painstaking

seating, condition of anvil, and ex- run mad, but it helps to explain why
ploded primer; and shells finally gone there are no misfires in your UMC
over for general defects that may box.
have escaped other inspections. Testing for All the World
Weighing Bullets And then at last come the shooting
In the same spirit, girls with deli- tests. Five hundred thousand rim-
cate scales, like those you see in a fire cartridges, two hundred and fifty

; ;.---.^V--
thousand center-fire cartridges, and finds its way into this
five hundred thousand loaded shells room. In an adjoin-
must still be sacrificed on the various ing room, filled with
shooting ranges each year, in order to pungent fumes of
study Velocity, Intensity of Sound, powder, a rackful of
Penetration, Pressure, and Shot Pat- these guns is being used
tern, also the Mushrooming qualities with the appropriate loads.
of soft-point bullets, and the Rigidity Thus the process of destruction
of those with metal cases. Each of serves that of construction, and the
these points in what is known as the apparent waste of a large sum of
"Ballistic" work has special experts money each year in
"burning pow-
and apparatus. There is no guess- der," is really a wise
work anywhere. Maintaining the standard at what-
Among other points we step into ever cost, is a business investment in
the gun-room. It looks like the the future.
arsenal of a fort. There are case after Deer In the Powder Park
case of rifles, shotguns, revolvers, and Two miles distant is the powder
pistols of practically every style, park, a really beautiful spot where
caliber,and make, ever put on the curiously enough, a small herd of wild
market, some of them classified as deer that broke into the park several
English,German, Turkish, Argentine, years ago, have lived contentedly ever
French, etc. These are all for test since. Many small buildings are
purposes, for it is the determination scattered through the three hundred
of the Company to produce the and sixty-one acres, and in these is
standard load for every known kind stored the main supply of powder.
of firearms; and as soon as a new type By means of a pouring plant this pow-
appears anywhere, its counterpart der is turned from the kegs into
small car- heavy, steamy odor of wet felt where
riers, and the wads are being made; and there
every for- on the other hand, are printing presses
ty-f i v e of unusual shape turning out a shower
minutes of printed "top-shot wads."
one of If you look at the end of your shot-
the Com- gun load you will find the shell
pany's lit- closed with a disc of cardboard bear-
tle engines ing the size and description of that
takes a particular load. If you were to dig

single car out this disc you would find it printed

of these on both sides. Why?
sealed car- Economy of Handling
riers over
Formerly these were printed on
their pri- one side only, but in handling mil-
vate rail- lions of such small objects a large
way to the number were sure to be turned over,
factory. and then needed to be righted. This
Thus the took time, and time is money.
powder is Finally it was decided to print on
delivered both sides, which was quite as easy,
only as fast and then the discs would be always
as needed.
right side up.
Various Departments Other presses are printing labels
It is not our purpose to see things and box covers. At one point girls
systematically, and we shall ramble are fitting cardboard boxes together
at will from one department to with a deft speed that is fascinating
another. At one place we find to watch. At other points packing
whole rows of machinery turning out is going on with many clever little

old-fashioned percussion caps, and mechanical aids to quick handling.

realize that there must be still many And then there are the great ware-
of the old muzzle-loading nipple guns rooms for raw materials, and the
in use in various out-of-the-way cor- other rooms for crating, marking, and
ners. Again, we find somewhat sim- trundling into waiting box cars.
ilarmachines pressing the steel linings The Big Teapot
that have made the U M
C steel-lined High above the huge plant stand
shot shells famous the world over. two objects that may be seen for
In another room we sniff the fra- miles around. One of these is the
grance of cooking flour, sug- new shot tower, and the other the
gestive of a cracker bakery, water tank of one hundred thousand
but it is only paste for the — the "big teapot" they call

paper tubes the shot

it familiarly
—which connected with

shells. Again, here is the the intricate system of sprinkler pipes

in every building. This means that center, coming down through the ceil-

every nine square feet of floor space ing from above; we are invited to look
has automatic fire protection. through an open port in one of these.
Neat this is the power plant with Raining Shot
its lofty boilers, mighty engines, We see nothing but the whitened
and marvelous dynamos sending life opposite wall, against which a light
through wires to the army of machines. burns.
The electrical equipment is of the It appears absolutely empty, though
finest, and the switchboards are every- within it is raining such a swift
where enclosed in wall cases with shower of invisible metal that if we
glass doors and asbestos lining, to were to stretch our hands into the
guard against chance of accident. apparently vacant space they would
Built in Seven Months be torn from our arms.
All this time, however, we have A large water tank below is churned
had the shot tower in mind. Occa- into foam with the impact of the
sionally we have caught glimpses of falling shot, and as we* look down-
it from various windows, and when we ward we make out finally the haze of
have stepped outdoors in passing motion. It is so interesting that we yl';-:

from building to building, there it has take the elevator and rise ten stories
stood, dominating the whole scene. to the source of the shower.
Our guide, with the satisfied air of Here high in the air are the large
having saved the best for the last, caldrons where many pigs of lead,
now says that we will go there, and with the proper alloy, are melted into
tells us, as we cross the yard, how it a sort of metallic soup. This is fed
was rushed to completion in seven into small compartments containing
months, and that it represents the last sieves or screens, through the meshes
word in scientific shot production. of which the shining drops appear
The great building is
solid masonry, and then plunge swiftly downward.
metal, and concrete. There does not Cascades of Shot
seem to be a burnable square inch But this only begins the process.
about it anywhere. Two large iron Taken from the water tanks and
in the
hoisted up again, the shot pellets, in quire an average of thirty-five opera-
a second journey down, through com- tions each, or one hundred and forty

plicated devices, are sorted, tumbled, million operations in ten hours.

polished, graded, coated with graphite, "One day's shipment will some-
and finally stored. times run to seven million loads.
The building is almost bare of work- "From four to five million paper
men; everything is mechanical. wads are cut every day.
One pretty sight i§that of cascades In the shot tower one hundred and
of shot pouring out of spouts, and fifty tons of metal can be daily con-
rolling smoothly. down glass inclines, verted into the inconceivable total of
tier above Here perfect shot,
tier. twelve hundred million one and —
moving more swiftly than the occa- one-fifth billions —
of shot pellets.
sional imperfect ones, shoot over low Laid out in a row touching each other,
partitions, which check the latter,
and one day's production of shot would
drop them into separate bins. Noth- reach two thousand miles, or from
ing imperfect enters any UMC load. New York to Salt Lake City.
A Bunch of Statistics "The ammunition produced ranges
Now we return to our starting point, all the way from tiny 'B. B. cap*
but our guide feels that we should cartridges to five-inch shells. Some-
take with us figures of what we have thing over one million of these smallest
seen,and runs over the following list: cartridges would be required to equal
"There are one hundred and one one of the largest."
buildings with a total The Office Building

floor area of sixteen acres, Nothing has been said

in a twenty - five - acre of the brain of the plant,
tract. Including the its offices. These are to

powder park and other be found in every fac-

land, the Company owns tory, but rarely so spa-
four hundred and twen- cious as here, occupy-
ty-seven acres. ing as they do a whole
"There are fifty thou- building with many
sand dollars' worth of fire departments. Here 4 ;

protection apparatus. we began, and here

"The private railway we end our journey,
system includes about a with bodies tired <§|
mile of track between and minds weary
the buildings, in addition but inter-
to the track running out e s t e d .

to the powder park.

"About four million
loads are produced each
working day. These re-


•*%«% M


An Interesting Day at Ilion

The Growth of Eighty Years

ot far from the banks of manufacture of guns differs from all
..•> the Erie Canal, where These we will notice
other processes.

N ,

it runs through Ilion,

stands a group of large

brick buildings about
whose early days we
To Prevent
At the
When you
we touch
raise a
a point of
gun to
have already learned. Here, your shoulder you take a chance. It
an earlier chapter,
as described in must be pressed close to your face,
came Eliphalet Remington more than since that is the only way for you to

eighty years ago; but how amazed he sight it. It must contain a powerful
would have been could he have real- charge, or it will not shoot to kill.
ized the greatness of
present its Suppose that there be a flaw in the
growth, for, as we roam through
the barrel near the base, the gun might
works, we come upon signs, Building explode with serious results.
No. S3," "Building No. 69," etc. It This often happened with the
is borne in upon us that a deal of clumsy arms of olden time. It is

space is required to produce all the occasionally heard of today.

Remington arms that the world de- Therefore, if you are a sportsman,
mands. it is reassuring to step into the room

Of course, as in the cartridge fac- where they test materials. Modern

tory, we find here similar vistas of science has learned a thousand things.
swiftly whirring shafts, belts and pul- It takes no chances.
leys; long rows of resounding machin- A new shipment of steel enters the
ery, and armies of operators. There works. It comes from a steel mill
are, however, points in which the famous for its products, and is sup-
posed to be made upon a than double the pressure

formula which must give of a service charge, the steel
perfect results, according to the is rejected. That is one of the reasons
laws of metallurgy, but even these why you can raise your Remington

passports are not sufficient. It must to your face with perfect safety.
stand the test. Remington arms, by the way, are
By Machine and Chemistry made of "acid open-hearth steel,"
which is stronger, weight for weight,
Accordingly, numerous samples are
than the Bessemer steel _%-..
taken from different parts of the lot
used by most manu- .:"*.' -\
and fashioned into "Test Plugs."
Question number one is asked of the

1 metal by the keen-eyed man in We "Pass the Test"

charge of the laboratory: were tested as severely

If visitors
"Were you carefully made upon as the material, we should all be
that formula? Do you contain the turned back at this point. Fortun-
exact percentage of carbon which ately, we are favored and allowed to
will give the best results?" pass inside. Here we spend, most in-
The answer involves weighing in terestingly, several hours wandering
the most delicate scales, and test- from building to building, and admir-
ing with chemical reactions until it ing the ingenious skill with which the
is absolutely certain that the steel modern firearm is produced.
is according to formula, and is uni- Some departments quiver with
form throughout. But this does the shock of huge hammers which
not pass it until question number come crashing down upon the
two is asked: metal parts and give them,
"Are you as strong as you should roughly, the shape that
be? Come, show your strength." later will be finished and
"" '

And now the test plugs go into perfected by machine and

a powerful contrivance that strains tool.
them in the most scientific way, At other times, we
and shows the answer upon an stand fascinated by the
indicator. Since the giant force automatic machinery ,Jk
of 300,000 pounds pressure to the that hums busily
square inch can be brought to bear, along, almost unat-
the slender plug must break at tended as some .^
some point, and this point faithful, intel-
carefully recorded. ligent servant flmr-
If it fall even a trifle who can be
short of the strength trusted to work by himself.
required, which is In one place, a press is

5,000 pounds to the rapidly engaged in giving

square inch, more the correct bend to


The "Kentucky Rifle" with its Flint-Lock was
AN UNEXPECTED MEETING Accurate but must be Muzzle-Charged
the shining inner surface and run room until it had been separately
down the barrel toward your eye. measured and proved perfect.
These lines are straight as a die, there- There are two hundred and forty-
fore, the barrel is perfect. Should five inspection points, and five hun-
either one waver the
slightest frac- dred and seventeen gauges must be
tion the inspector's quick eye at once used: forty-nine on the guard; forty-
detects it. Yours might not. Swiftly six on the receiver; thirty on the

he picks up one after another and breech-block, and so on. On the

Ah! there receiver for the No. io repeating
repeats the process. is

one that doesn't sat- shotgun, however, seventy gauges

isfy. This he places are used, and thirty-one for the trig-
in a frame having a ger alone.
three point bearing ; Beyond the Power of Sight
taps gently once or
it Some .of these gauges are mar-
twice, looks through is one
vels of delicacy, but there
it again, repeats the machine used which perhaps
process, and now finds has never been equaled. Not
it absolutely true. only will it make measurements
Or perhaps he uses to one twenty-thousandth of an
a slightly different de- inch but it is actually sensitive
vice and does the to differences of a one hundred- *.V
straightening with a thousandth of an inch. Such -

hook instead of a ham- a minute dimension we can ^&j|

mer. Either method not even imagine; it is be- •

accomplishes the pur- yond the range of the most :<~'^f*i

pose. powerful microscope, and
An Inspecting Machine here is a of
UNS AND RIFLES yet piece
But the spirit of the mechanism which can
factory never rests really detect it. ;.

contented with past achievements. with the this

That is why there isnow being in- machine which can test ma-
troduced a new machine, of even terial up to 300,000 pounds
greater delicacy, showing reflected to the square inch, already
circles in the barrel, and doing the
spoken of. Do you wonder
straightening mechanically. No that an arm coming from a place
other manufacturer uses such a
machine. -

We must not forget the gauges.
Have you any idea how many times
your Remington rifle or shotgun has
had to pass through the gauging pro-
cess? Not a single part of the
mechanism could go to the assembling
where they use such devices should
be a "game-getter" ?
From Past to Present
One room links us with the past,
for in it are to be found a collection
of the guns manufactured at Ilion

during the past fifty years.

We look in vain, unfortu-
nately, for examples of
the original rifles as made
in the little forge by the

brookside; even
Jencks carbine, which be-
gan the series of Govern-
ment contracts, is not
however, is the
"Harper's Ferry" model,
an antiquated muzzle-
loading musket
— while
the next inorder shows
the great step to the
breech-loader. In the
third, the nipple-lock has
been replaced by one of
more modern make; a
little farther beyond is

seen the entry of the fam- 3. Rider pat. 22 cal.

ous dropping breech-block 4. Rem. pat. 44 cal.
5. Smoot pat. 41 cal.
backed up by the hammer. 6. Eliott pat. 32 cal.
7. Beales pat. 32 cal.
It was this improvement X. Rider pat. 50 cal.
that started the flood of
foreign orders narrated in
"The Romance of
Remington Arms."

MODELS— Continued
Remington pat. juvenile, No. 4 model.
Passing over several types, the next Remington pat. juvenile. No. C model.
to claim special attention shows the Remington pat. target, No. 7 model.
transition from to Browning pat. sporting, auto-loader.
single-fire repeater.
Pedersen pat. trombone repeater.
This is the Remington-Lee bolt-mech-
anism rifle, developed after years of
experimenting in this fac-
i HH tory. It constitutes the
H. Beales pat. 38 cal.
parent of modern military
10. Rider pat. 32 cal.
magazine repeater rifles, and is the arm that
11. Smoot pat. 32 cal.
12. Eliott pat. 41 cal. was first used in battle by
single derringer as
the Chinese, already
described, proving so
superior to the Kropat-
chek rifles of the French.
The series of rifles cul-

minates, of course, in the

familiar pump
—or trom-
bone — action, and the
automatic repeater; in this
latter the recoil is utilized
to perform all the opera-
tions of setting, firing,
ejecting empty shells, and
replacing them with
fresh loads.
Shotguns, Pistols, and
13. Smoot pat. 3K cal. Nor must we overlook
14. Eliott pat. 22 cal.
15. Rider pat. 32 cal. the similar progress, as
16. Rem. pat. 22 cal.
17. Beales pat. 44 cal here set forth, in shotguns,
from the dropping breech-
block type to the trom-
bone action and automatic repeaters.
Shotguns form an increasingly large pro-
portion of the total output, because
the greater number of sportsmen hunting
birds and other small game. The require-
ments of these hunters are closely
studied. The many styles of pis-

tols and revolvers displayed Rider pat. 20 ga., single shot, No. 1 model
are relics of the past. Whitmore pat. 12 ga., 2-bar'l, lift lever.
Remington pat. 12 ga., 2-bar'l, mod. 1889
Their manufacture, Rem. pat. 12 ga., 1-bar'l, semi-hammerless
Rem. pat. 12 ga., 2-bar'l, hammerless.
Browning pat. 12 ga. auto-loader.
Pedersen pat. 12 ga. trombone repeater.

with the exception of the double Accordingly the gun is laid in a

derringer, has now been discontinued rest with its muzzle pointed through
by the Company in order to concen- an opening in the wall into a bank of
trate attention upon the production sand. We get behind a steel plate
of rifles and shotguns. for safety, and put cotton in our ears;
Rifling and Other Matters the trigger by
is means of a
There is much more to notice as we string,
— bang! pulled
the gun
uninjured; is

go from building to building in the itsstrength has been assured.

big enclosure. In some places we Then follow tests for action and
come out upon elevated passage- speed, and if the gun be an auto-
ways, running over the roofs of loader the swift rattle of its dis-
buildings; we examine with interest charges surprising.isThe well-
the rifling department, one of the gauged parts as move
smoothly as the
most critical points in the shop works of a watch. And finally there
where the shallow spiral grooves are are the target tests.
cut into the barrel in order to give Firing at Targets
the bullet the rotation which will Rifle after rifle in succession is laid

keep true in flight.

it These grooves in a rest and fired at a mathematically
of course must be of exactly the right divided target upon the hillside.
depth and spiral that the best results The results are noted through a
shall always follow. telescope. Difficulty at this point in-
We shall see, without stopping to varibly rejects the rifle.
describe, the big oil-pumping engines Shotguns are discharged at paper
that supply oil for the lathes and targets in the shooting gallery. We
drills; also the brazing furnaces, to- walk through the hallway that runs u.

gether with many other things; and outside to the point where a boy is
we shall come at length to the gun- handling the targets. We hear a
testing rooms. distant bang. The boy pulls a han-
"What! "you exclaim, "more tests? dle in the side of the wall, and a
Is there to be no end to it?" Ap- frame emerges bearing a well-peppered
parently not, for these are Remington sheet of paper. This he unfastens
guns with ninety-five years of repu- and hangs up for reference, pinning a
tation to sustain. fresh sheet in its place. These targets
Testing with Loads must all be examined and every shot-
First, then, is the barrel as perfect as hole be counted. If in any case there
we believe it? We know that it is per- be found less than 75% of the shot
fect ingauge and workmanship, but is within a circle of thirty inches from
there the slightest chance of an invis- the center, the gun is at once rejected.
ible flaw in material? The original Every Remington gun must pass
tests of material made this very, very triumphantly through each of its

unlikely, but we will take no chances. tests. You will find the inspector's
If there be such a flaw, it must burst mark at the base of your rifle or shot-
at more than double the service charge. gun barrel; it is never placed there


' '


MASTER OF THE SITUATION The Modern Sportsman with his Remington-UMC
Automatic Rifle is Prepared for all Emergencies
—* jr.. W-

until the completion of this entire as much care as the inspection

process. of a barrel. Many minds have
Utilizing "Kicks"
The auto-loading gun, the especial
pride of the Remington Works, with
its solid breech, its side ejectment,
its perfect balance, and its

mechanism, makes use of the recoil, —


"the Kick" and turns it into ser-
vice. Something very much like this,
in another sense, takes place in the
factory office, and perhaps it is after
all the most
interesting feature of
the institution. All the rest deals
with the present, but this has its
bearing on the future. i

Onceweek, on Tuesday, the

department heads gather for the
purpose of discussing all letters, sug- many points of view. It is possible
or that some kick may contain a hint of J ft
gestions, complaints. Complaints?
Is it possible that such incredible

pains as we have witnessed can ever

great value, of which no one has
yet thought. The kick must be %
fail to Yes, occasionally,
satisfy? made of service.
for the human
being is a curious Your Letter
creature, and no one has ever satisfied Therefore, if at any time you feel
him everywhere. moved to write to the makers of
But the Company invites com- your gun, you may do so with the
plaints, isgrateful for them. Each certainty that the letter will be read
point is weighed and discussed with and discussed around the table in the
long room, that has the
big bison-head at one end,
surrounded by a collection
of curious and historic guns.
There men, who have made
guns for more years, perhaps,
than you have lived, will con-
sider every point you raise,
and if should happen, as

might chance, that the point

you make be new, they will
hold you in grateful remem-

— „.

r- -S~ i y -ymr-


The New Chapte

The Greater Future

his the Chapter of the years to come.
is Thousands of
dealers,and millions of customers will help us write it in
every land. You have already traced with us the biographies
of two great institutions. Each started with small begin-
nings, and rose steadily to a stage many times greater than
was dreamed in its early days. In so doing the Remington
Arms Company acquired acknowledged leadership in the
manufacture of and shotguns, while the Union Metallic Cartridge

Company became easily the world's foremost producer of ammunition.

Then one day in the recent past two famous trade-marks slipped
quietly into one, thus:

Remingtoti + D
new chapter — this Chapter
— in the world's in-
dustrial history had begun.
A Symbol and What It Means
Trade-Marks and symbols may mean much
or little. "Old Glory" beheld the first
time is merely a pretty flag, but an
American who sees it flying in
ri .' :
some foreign land, bares
his head,

and thinks with emotion of the great of the Ilion authorities. Thus it does
Republic it represents. "Remington" not have to stand the test of outside
and"U M C" call to mind the years use in order to prove success or failure.
of time, the lives of men, and the From the start it necessarily is right.
millions of capital, that have been Matchless Facilities
devoted to the upbuilding. Each has Brains, however good, must be
gained a meaning, full of interest to backed by resources. The Remington
those who know, but taken together Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
they represent a force, so much greater has the advantage of unequaled facil-
than the sum of both, that it may ities. From laboratory apparatus to
be years before the world realizes its mechanical equipment, commercial
full significance. organization, and financial capacity,
The new trade-mark, therefore, its development is not hampered at

stands for the tremendous weight of a single point. Many of its devices
past achievements, but its principal are exclusive, and every new resource
bearing is on the future. of value, that can contribute ever so
It means that the greatest experts slightly to the general welfare, is
known to both industries have been supplied as soon as it appears.
brought into close co-operation under Impelling Spirit
a single head. This is important in But more important than either,
view of the fact that guns are made is the spirit behind both men and
for ammunition, and ammunition for means. This country stands upon
guns. Each is useless without the the threshold of greater commercial
other. An improvement in either, development than the world has ever
that not accompanied by a corre-
is seen. No past leadership will suffice
sponding improvement in the other, unless newly won with each new
loses much of its value. year. Manufacturing, no longer
Creative Brains merely an industry, is coming
But two corps of experts working to be thought of as a science
together from both sides of a single and an art. The full, broad
problem, are like the two blades of a realization of these facts is the
pair of shears cutting swiftly and largest asset of this Institution;
truly because of their union. There its dominating thought of the

can be no uncertainty under such future, and its determination to

Every new theory in gun-
conditions. keep a place in advance of even the
making must be developed through general forward movement, con-
the co-operation of those who will stitute the strongest insur-

produce the ammunition for its use. ance that every development
Every idea, arising in the busy brains of value will make its
of the cartridge and shell makers, is first appearance bearing
instantly influenced by the the symbol
keen practical judgment "Remington-UMC"

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