Diabetic Foot Clinic Brochure

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Aditya Birla Hospital Marg, Chinchwad, Pune - 411033

Helpline : 020 4070 7500 / 3071 7500
Emergency : 020 3071 7777
E-mail : [email protected]
website : www.adityabirlahospital.com
The diabetic foot - a clinical challenge
I marvel that society would pay a surgeon
a fortune to remove a persons leg but
nothing to save it !

Diabetes is a serious chronic disease that needs attention.

Approximately 15% of all people with diabetes will be affected
by a foot ulcer during their lifetime. Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs)
often co-exist with vascular insufciency and are the major
cause of gangrene and amputation in people with diabetes. Risk A) Diabetic Toe ulcer B) Complete healed toe ulcer
of developing diabetic foot ulcers is greatly increased by with proper wound care
reduced sensation and blood perfusion. Diabetic foot ulcers
represent a huge risk to the patients quality of life escalating So you have type 2 diabetes. And youve heard how important
wound/infection management and costs, and account for a it is to take care of your feet.
large proportion of all national healthcare budgets.
But what do your feet have to do with type 2 diabetes ?
Five-year recurrence rates of diabetic foot ulcers are 70%
Foot problems are common in people with type 2 diabetes
Up to 85% of all amputations in relation to people with diabetes Taking care of your feet is important when you have type 2
are preceded by a diabetic foot ulcer. diabetes. Its common for people with type 2 diabetes to have
People with diabetes with one lower limb amputation have a foot problems. In fact, these problems are common
50% risk of developing a serious ulcer in the second limb complications of type 2 diabetes.
within 2 years.
People with diabetes have a 50% mortality rate in the 5 years What kinds of foot problems can occur with type 2 diabetes ?
following the initial amputation. Type 2 diabetes can cause many different types of foot
problems. Some examples include athletes foot, caused by
It is possible to reduce amputation rates by 49-85% through a fungus; ulcers, areas of broken skin that look like open sores;
care strategy that combines prevention, the interprofessional and gangrene, a severe infection that happens when a part of
diabetes care team, appropriate organization, close monitoring your body does not get enough blood and causes the tissue in
and education. the affected body part to die.

Our experience Foot problems can be severe but are 100% preventable !
Diabetes foot problems that are not properly cared for can lead
to hospitalization - or worse, amputation, which means the
affected toe, foot, or leg is removed with Surgery

The good news - foot problems are preventable !

For further information please contact -

020 - 3071 xxxx, xxxx
A) Diabetic foot ulcer B) Ulcer healed with regular Department of Peripheral Vascular Surgery
pre - treatment dressing and wound care

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