Physics Formulas
Physics Formulas
Physics Formulas
τ Fd d F v vo
v = speed of sound
v o = vel. of observer
Translational Equilibrium f fo v s = velocity of source T
v vs v=0
F up F down f o = actual frequency U = max
f = perceived KE = 0
Rotational Equilibrium v o is (+) if observer moves toward source v=0 mgsinθ mg mgcosθ
U = max v = max
τ c w τ ccw v o is (-) if observer moves away from source
KE = 0 U = min
v s is (+) if source moves toward observer
Angular Momentum I 1 ω1 I 2 ω2 KE = max
L mvr L Iω conservation v s is (-) if source moves away from observer equilibrium position
Phantastic Physics Phormulae and Phacts Phlyer ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 3
Mechanics Energy Electricity
1. Weight (force of gravity) decreases as you move away from 1. Mechanical energy is the sum of the potential and kinetic 1. A coulomb is charge, an amp is current [coulomb/sec] and a
the earth by distance squared. energy. volt is potential difference [joule/coulomb].
2. Mass and inertia are the same thing. 2. Short fat cold wires make the best conductors.
3. Constant velocity and zero velocity means the net force is 2 .Units: 3. Electrons and protons have equal amounts of charge
zero and acceleration is zero. (1.6 x 10-19 coulombs each).
a = [m/sec 2]
4. Weight (in newtons) is mass x acceleration (w = mg). 4. Adding a resistor in parallel decreases the total resistance of
Mass is not weight! F = [kg•m/sec 2] (newton) a circuit.
5.Velocity, displacement [s], momentum, force and acceleration work = pe= ke = [kg•m 2/sec 2] (joule) 5. Adding a resistor in series increases the total resistance of a
are vectors. circuit.
6. Speed, distance [d], time, and energy (joules) are scalar 6. All resistors in series have equal current (I).
quantities. 3. An ev is an energy unit equal to 1.6 x 10 -19 joules
7. All resistors in parallel have equal voltage (V).
7. The slope of the velocity-time graph is acceleration. 8. If two charged spheres touch each other add the charges
8. At zero (0) degrees two vectors have a resultant equal to 4. Gravitational potential energy increases as height increases.
and divide by two to find the final charge on each sphere.
their sum. At 180 degrees two vectors have a resultant equal to 9. Insulators contain no free electrons.
their difference. From the difference to the sum is the total 5. Kinetic energy changes only if velocity changes.
10. Ionized gases conduct electric current using positive ions,
range of possible resultants. negative ions and electrons.
9. Centripetal force and centripetal acceleration vectors are 6. Mechanical energy (pe + ke) does not change for a free
11. Electric fields all point in the direction of the force on a
toward the center of the circle- while the velocity vector is falling mass or a swinging pendulum. (when ignoring air
positive test charge.
tangent to the circle. friction)
12. Electric fields between two parallel plates are uniform in
10. An unbalanced force (object not in equilibrium) must produce strength except at the edges.
acceleration. 7. The units for power are [joules/sec] or the rate of change
13. Millikan determined the charge on a single electron using his
11. The slope of the distance-tine graph is velocity. of energy.
famous oil-drop experiment.
12. The equilibrant force is equal in magnitude but opposite in 14. All charge changes result from the movement of electrons
direction to the resultant vector. Checkoutʼs Axiom:The other line not protons (an object becomes positive by losing electrons)
13. Momentum is conserved in all collision systems.
14. Magnitude is a term use to state how large a vector quantity will always move faster.
Interchangeable parts ...wonʼt.
11. At the critical angle a wave will be refracted to 90 degrees. 22. Coherent light waves are all in phase.
1. Real images are always inverted. 1. The particle behavior of light is proven by the photoelectric 1. Alpha particles are the same as helium nuclei and have
the symbol . α
2. Virtual images are always upright.
2. A photon is a particle of light {wave packet}.
3. Diverging lens (concave) produce only small virtual 2. The atomic number is equal to the number of protons
images. 3. Large objects have very short wavelengths when moving and (2 for alpha)
thus can not be observed behaving as a wave. (DeBroglie
4. Light rays bend away from the normal as they gain speed Waves) 3. Deuterium is an isotope of hydrogen
and a longer wavelength by entering a slower (n) medium
{frequency remains constant}. 4. All electromagnetic waves originate from accelerating charged 4. The number of nucleons is equal to protons + neutrons
particles. (4 for alpha)
5. The focal length of a converging lens (convex) is shorter
with a higher (n) value lens or if blue light replaces red. 5. The frequency of a light wave determines its energy (E = hf). 5. Only charged particles can be accelerated in a particle
accelerator such as a cyclotron or Van Der Graaf generator.
6. The lowest energy state of a atom is called the ground state.
6. Natural radiation is alpha, beta, and gamma (high energy
7. Increasing light frequency increases the kinetic energy of the x-rays)
emitted photo-electrons.
7. A loss of a beta particle results in an increase in atomic
2nd Law of Location: You always find 8. As the threshold frequency increase for a photo-cell (photo number.
something in the last place you look. emissive material) the work function also increases.
8. All nuclei weigh less than their parts. This mass defect is
9. Increasing light intensity increases the number of emitted converted into binding energy. (E=mc2)
photo-electrons but not their KE.
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Focal Length (f)
f is + for a concave mirror
f is - for a convex mirror F F Gm1 m 2
F =
Object Distance (d o ) r2
do is + if the object is in front of the mirror (real object)
do is - if the object is behind the mirror (virtual object) r
Image Distance (d i ) This is Newton's Law of Gravity (or more formaly Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation). It was
discovered by Newton in 1665 (327 before 1992) when he was only 23 years old. It states that any two
di is + if the image is in front of the mirror (real image) point masses attract one another with a force that is directly proportional to the product of their masses
di is - if the image is behind the mirror (virtual image) and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. This equation is exact only for
point masses or sperical masses of uniform density. It's also exact for spherical masses of non-uniform
Magnification (m) density if the density of the spherical mass varies as a function of radius only. If the density of the
spherical mass varies as a function of lattitude or longitude (or both) then this equation does not apply
m is + for an image that is upright with respect to the
object exactly. The constant of proportionality, G, which is called the Universal Gravitational Constant, was
m is - for an image that is inverted with respect to the found by experiment to be equal to 6.6732E-11 NT-M2/KG2. The determination of this constant, first done
object by the English physicist Henry Cavendish in 1797, is known as "the Cavendish experiment" and is also
called "weighing the Earth".
R3 R2 R1
R T = R1 + R 2 + R 3 R2
1 1 1 1
R3 = + +
Adding a resistor in series increases the total
R T R 1 R2 R3
resistance of a circuit. Adding a resistor in parallel decreases C3
the total resistance of a circuit.
All resistors in series have equal current (I).
All resistors in parallel have equal C T = C 1 + C 2 + C 3 + ......
it = voltage (V).
AC Lo a d
1 = primary µ0 I Tm
I ro n 2 = secondary B= µ0 = 4π x 10 -7
N = turns 2πr A
I = current
V = voltage µ0 = permeability of free space
V 1 N1 I1 N2
= V1 I 1 = V 2 I 2 =
V 2 N2 I2 N1 This equation gives the magnitude
of the magnetic field at a distance r
from a straight wire.
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a 2
Top planet focus focus θ = Displacement
4π 2 a3 C
Torque (t)is the product of the length of the lever B T2 = ω = final velocity
arm and the component of the force causing the GM t = time
a = semimajor axis α = acceleration
torque that is perpendicular to the lever arm.
1. Planets revolve the sun in elliptical
t = r F sin Ø orbits ω i = initial velocity
2. The segment joining the planet and
Side the Sun sweeps out equal areas in UNITS
equal radians
Fsi n Ø
time intervals ω= α=
3. T2 is proportional to a3 s s2
M = mass of Sun Nm2
Side G = 6.67 x 10 -11 2 θ = radians t=s
kg 1 rev = 2π radians
a=-max a=0 a=max P E =max P E= 0 P E= m a x f F
x=-A x=0 x=A x=-A x =0 x=A
Hydraulic Press
SHM-Acc. (a) a =- k x SHM-PE PE = k x2 f F
m 2 =
a A
v=0 v = - m a x v=max v=0
F f
x=-A x= 0 x=A
R r
x = -A x= 0 x=A
SHM-Velocity FR =f r
m k 2 2
SHM-Per. (T) T = 2 π v =
k m (A - x ) FORCE on a
Phantastic Physics Phormulae and Phacts Phlyer ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 7
incident r a y
I = P
50 W a t t s
reflected rays
d 5 m2
2d sin Ø plane o f atoms 10 W/ m 2
Irradiance is power per unit area.
Irradiance is also called radiant flux
density. The more power per unit
area the greater the irradiance.
50 W a t t s
1 m2
50 W /m 2
Size of Image
CONVEX LENSES Object Image Image Image Orientation
refracted rays Position Position Type Relative to Relative to
parallel intersection gives
image location on Object Size Object
object f
f principal Infinite
I Beyond 2Fʼ
At F Real Reduced Inverted
Finite Between
m = - di II Beyond 2Fʼ F & 2F
Real Reduced Inverted
do 1 1 1
+ = Same size
m = hi do di f Converging III At 2Fʼ At 2F Real
as object
ho Between
do is + if the object is in front of the lens
IV 2Fʼ & Fʼ
Beyond 2F Real Enlarged Inverted
do is - if the object is in back of the lens
di is + if the image is in back of the lens V At Fʼ No Image No Image No Image No Image
di is - if the image is in front of the lens
Between Same side
f is + for a converging lens VI Fʼ & O as object
Virtual Enlarged Erect
(sometimes called a convex or positive lens)
f is - for a diverging lens
Diverging Anywhere in Same side
(sometimes called a concave or negative lens)
All Front as object
Virtual Reduced Erect
Finite Between
II Beyond C C&F
Real Reduced Inverted
Same size
Concave III At C At C Real
as object
Beyond C Real Enlarged Inverted
vx π’s r round
vy v 2v sinθ
o v x = vo cos ø T= o Conservation of Filth:
v y = vo sin ø
Inorder for something to
ø vx become clean, something else
X vo2 sin[2θ ] must become dirty.
vx is constant tup = tdown R=
g ∆L = k L ∆T T1 T2
a y = constant
vy = 0 at max height g = -32 ft/s2 g = -9.8 m/s2 L ∆L
Linear Ex pans io n
A=πr 2 r
13 14 15 16 17
C=πd Sph er e
C=2πr V = 4 πr 3
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
V = π r 2h
1N = 1kg
s2 A = 1/2bh
1Dyne = 1g 2
-b ± b 2 - 4ac
x =
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Mechanics! ! ! Symbols Electricity & Magnetism! Symbols