Unit Planning Template With Design Questions

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Unit Planning Template with Design Questions

Title Of Unit: Matter Subject/Course/Grade: Science/8th grade/ Physical


Dates of Unit: January Designer(s): Clinton Rorex

Stage 1- Desired Results

SPI0807.9.1Recognize that all matter consists of atoms.

SPI0807.9.2Identify the common outcome of all chemical changes.

SPI0807.9.3Classify common substances as elements or compounds based on their

symbols or formulas.
SPI0807.9.4Differentiate between a mixture and a compound.

SPI0807.9.5Describe the chemical makeup oftheatmosphere.

SPI0807.9.6Compare the particle arrangement and type of particle motion

associated with different states of matter.
SPI0807.9.7Apply an equation to determine the density of an object based on its
mass and volume.
SPI0807.9.8Interpret the results of an investigation to determine whether a
physical or chemical change has occurred.
SPI0807.9.9Use the periodic table to determine the properties of an element.

SPI0807.9.10Identify the reactants and products of a chemical reaction.

SPI0807.9.11Recognize that in a chemical reaction the mass of the reactants is

equal to the mass of the products (Law of Conservation of Mass).
SPI0807.9.12Identify the basic properties of acids and bases

Big Idea or Concept: Essential Questions:

The periodic table What will I learn today?
All matter consists of atoms. How will I learn it?
All elements have different atoms. How will I know that I have learned it?
How will I use it?
Students will understand/know Students will be able to
The atom and matter Apply an equation to determine the density of
Balancing equations
an object based on its mass and volume.
elements of the periodic table
chemical changes
chemical make up of atmosphere Identify the basic properties of acids and bases

Compare the particle arrangement and type of

particle motion associated with different states of

Stage 2- Assessment Evidence

Monitoring and Feedback: Other Evidence:
Use KWL charts for feedback Classroom discussion
Reinforcing answers given from students. Hands-on labs
Formative assessments

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
What learning experiences, strategies and instruction are you going to provide to enable
students to achieve the desired results? This should be a step by step daily outline of the
learning experiences. The learning plan needs to guide you through the unit and each days
plan should be short- a few words or a short sentence.

Day 1: Matter and atoms; video and discussion

Day 2: Particle arrangement in different types of matter

Day 3: Periodic table; Task cards

Day 4: Difference between compounds and mixture; Venn diagram

Day 5: Compounds and elements

Day 6: Law of Conservation of Mass

Day 7: Balancing equations; practice

Day 8: Hands-on activity on balancing equations

Day 9: Quiz on content

Day 10: Reactants and products

Day 11: Chemical or Physical change;

Day 12: Determining density

Day 13: Acids and Bases;

Day 14: Lab activity on acids and bases

Day 15: Unit test

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