Counting Atoms
Counting Atoms
Counting Atoms
Lesson Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to give students the basic understanding
of how atoms build molecules and then take this concept to apply it to how molecules
can be broken down into their atoms, and the atoms can then be counted, as a segway
into chemical bonding.
Student Outcomes:
Describe and explain the role of collecting evidence, finding relationships, and
proposing explanations in the development of the periodic table. (109-2)
Identify examples of common elements and compare their characteristics and
atomic structure. (307-15)
Identify the elements and number of atoms, given a chemical formula. (307-16)
Authentic Student Assessment: Following the completion of this unit, students will be
assessed summatively on this outcome in the form of a test. During the lesson, students
will demonstrate knowledge based on how accurately they have previously completed
the Element Periodic Table guide. Observational assessment will be noted formatively
but not summatively recorded based upon how students interact as a team (learner
profile), preparedness (learner profile), and comprehension and demonstration of
outcomes in relation to atoms/elements/protons/neutrons/electrons/atomic calculations.
Students will show their understanding by participating in the Jeopardy game.
Prior Knowledge: It is expected that students have previously been introduced to atoms
both previously in this unit, and also in Science 7 and Science 8. Students will have a
basic knowledge of the periodic table and how to use it. Students are familiar with the
concept of elements and the use of the periodic table from the Adopt an Element
Project they previously completed. Students have also completed 4 previous activities
in this class based upon atomic calculations. Students have been exposed to Mendeleev
and his contributions to the periodic table as we see it today.
Students will be expected to complete fill-in-the-blanks on the notes sheet
during the direct instruction.
Following this, together as a class, we will work through direct instruction on
Counting Atoms.
As a class, we will be working through many examples together.
Students will have the opportunity to read aloud Dr. Birdly on Atoms and
Students will spend the rest of class working on the practice sheets for counting
Near the end of class, we will correct the sheets together by playing Jeopardy
using the previously created template.
Link to Video:
Notes and Worksheet packet for Counting Atoms
Dr. Birdly Article
Previously created Jeopardy Game Template
A winner will be declared for the Jeopardy game, and students will be reminded
of their upcoming expectations and due dates (quiz, lab, binder check).
Professional Growth Target:
Identify students in each particular class who require extra attention and begin
to come up with unique strategies on how to personally assist them.