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These are the key points that I am going to incorporate every time I
Good posture
Breathing deeply employ the diaphragm not just the lungs
Release jaw cheek massage
Drink warm liquids
Do scales this will warm up the bottom and top range of my voice
Try lip and tongue trills
For example if I was a singer I would have to make sure I warm up my voice
by singing high notes carefully. Another way of warming up your voice is
playing piano scales whilst singing them.
For my piano pieces, I will make sure that I warm up by playing scales and
arpeggios at varying degrees of tempo in order to make sure I am fluent in
the wrist.
- I will make sure I ask my teacher or my music tutor what I as an artist can
improve on. They may be big improvements or little improvements.
Regardless I need to act on them. I will use my practice diary to record this
information and act upon it.
- I will make sure I bring a note pad to each lesson so when my teacher/tutor
gives me constructed criticism I will need to write it down.
From the example below, you can see boxes containing different rehearsal
criteria. In the first box it asks you what you did in the lesson. This would
mean that you as a musician would need to write in what things you
practised, how long you practised them and what progress you made. I
personally would write how I practised my whole fifteen minutes
performance start to finish. It took me approximately 10 minutes. However
these are not my only pieces, I have another two group pieces, which would
bring the time up to fifteen minutes. My continuous practise of my fifteen,
minute performance throughout the lesson has resulted in me making
significant progress. I practised the transitions that are in between each song.
I decided to put these transitions in place to capture the audiences attention
and to add a bit of flavour within my songs, which are a lot of the time sad
and miserable.
The third and final box is about your what went wells and your even better
ifs (WWW and EBI) this is a box for evaluation I must evaluate my own
performance by watching it back over and over again, but you must always
ask your teacher for some advice, maybe even you music tutor. My what
went wells would be for fluidity and confidence and that the pieces were
played to a good standard, however my even better ifs would be to
concentrate on my own skill level and to not add any funky notes or musical
phrases into the original piece of music to make it sound better.
You can see my improvements over time in 1.2. rehearsal processes, where I
am completing my diary logs.
Example of the practice diary I use with my piano teacher:
1.1c: refinement of my image as an artist and my inspirations:
As an artist I am inspired
and influenced by a lot of
people. But one that stands
out Michael Buble. His vocal
skill exceeds everyone
elses. However I do not
wish to sing like him. But
dress like him. His black and
white snazzy suits look
sharp and represent him as
a true gentleman.
1.1c part two: refinement of my image as an artist
1.1d: impact of consistent punctuality and attendance:
- I respect all criticism given to me and I act upon it to ensure I get the best out
of my lessons.
- I attend all of my music tuition with again the odd lessons I am ill. Which is
good because I learn more if I attend more
- I also believe I work to the best of my ability and also encourage others to do
so too.
- I need to make sure that I bring all of my books and notepads to my music
1.2: Describe the profile of the rehearsal process for specific performances
of fifteen minutes material defining the following:
The purpose of rehearsal is to get better at our set for our final exam. And to
spot any weaknesses or weak points and work on them to erase them and to
erase the chance of making those same mistakes on the performance day,
which will result in a flawless performance. You can talk over the rehearsal
with your peers or band and see if anything needs to be changed or arranged.
When we rehearse we get a better idea and view of our performance. Adding
new things into performances adds contrast especially if one song or section
is a lot different to the others.
1.2b: why I chose the pieces for my repertoire: