Singer's Self Reflection
Singer's Self Reflection
Singer's Self Reflection
sometimes seemed like a vibrato, just a very forced and unnatural sound. I think what I wanted most was that pretty vibrato
that every other singer had but me. I still do. I really felt like once you had a vibrato in your voice, you were a REAL singer.
He never really got to the root of why that never happened for me. After I had worked with him for a few months, I stopped
going to my voice lessons because, as I said before, they were at the discretion of my academic teacher, and also I really
didnt care for him.
The next year I began taking lessons from a woman (also provided through my school) who was my good friends
mother, Mrs. Jen Miller. My experience was much better with her than I had with Mr. Jones. In studying with her, my range
broadened, my tonality improved, and I knew a lot more about the mechanics of my voice. My breath support and control is a
constant work in progress for me at every lesson. Mrs. Miller and I worked extensively on it every class, and it has definitely
gotten better in terms of taking low breaths from the diaphragm rather than the lungs and shoulders. I honestly think I got that
bad habit from being in the chorus of a lot of very heavy dancing shows and being placed on the highest male vocal line.
Naturally, I was only ever told to do whatever I can to sing my part as loudly and as accurately as possible, which often
meant that I would throw technical stuff out the window and do as I was told. Often during my high school career there was a
constant push for professionalism which basically meant shut up and do what youre told regardless if its good for you or
not. So thats what I did for years. I would do a ridiculously long tap dance or production number and there of course is a big
finish to it where the top tenors have to scream out a high G or A, AND in the adrenaline rush of the show, you really dont
think of proper breath placement (especially when youve never been properly taught). I definitely have a long way to go
from this moment to where Id like to be as a singer.
Over the next four years I would like to improve upon the technical base of my singing, because I feel that Ive had
a lack of very technical training. Most of my vocal knowledge was either self-taught or very vague in my high school years. I
look forward to an in depth study on my vocal health and knowledge of solid technique. Id also like to explore how to
handle the energy of a large production number without jeopardizing my voice in the end. I also know that my goal later in
life is to become a director/choreographer and maybe have a musical theatre program of my own at a college. Therefore, a
very solid knowledge of every possible situation that musical theatre singers might be in would be very beneficial. Right
now, my mind is a sponge, and I am looking forward to soaking up as much as I possibly can.