The document lists the names, pigments, opacity, lightfastness ratings, and series of various artist paint colors. It includes colors from Daniel Smith and Schmincke Horadam paint lines. The colors cover a wide range of hues including reds, blues, yellows, greens, browns and more. Lightfastness and permanence ratings indicate how well the colors are expected to withstand degradation from light over time.
The document lists the names, pigments, opacity, lightfastness ratings, and series of various artist paint colors. It includes colors from Daniel Smith and Schmincke Horadam paint lines. The colors cover a wide range of hues including reds, blues, yellows, greens, browns and more. Lightfastness and permanence ratings indicate how well the colors are expected to withstand degradation from light over time.
The document lists the names, pigments, opacity, lightfastness ratings, and series of various artist paint colors. It includes colors from Daniel Smith and Schmincke Horadam paint lines. The colors cover a wide range of hues including reds, blues, yellows, greens, browns and more. Lightfastness and permanence ratings indicate how well the colors are expected to withstand degradation from light over time.
The document lists the names, pigments, opacity, lightfastness ratings, and series of various artist paint colors. It includes colors from Daniel Smith and Schmincke Horadam paint lines. The colors cover a wide range of hues including reds, blues, yellows, greens, browns and more. Lightfastness and permanence ratings indicate how well the colors are expected to withstand degradation from light over time.
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Nazwa koloru Pigment Krycie Trwao Seria
(ASTM) Alizarin crimson 004 PR83 T B 1 Antwerp blue 010 PB27 T A I 1 Aureolin 016 PY40 T A II 4 Bismuth yellow 025 PY184 SO A 3 Brown madder 056 PR206 ST A 1 Brown ochre 059 PBr7 ST AA I 1 Burnt sienna 074 PR101 T AA I 1 Burnt umber 076 PBr7, PR101, PY42 T AA I 1 Cadmium lemon 086 PY35 O A I 4 Cadmium orange 089 PY35, PR108 O A I 4 Cadmium red 094 PR108 O A I 4 Cadmium red deep 097 PR108 O A I 4 Cadmium scarlet 106 PR108 O A I 4 Cadmium yellow 108 PY35, PO20 O A I 4 Cadmium yellow deep 111 PY35, PR108 O A I 4 Cadmium yellow pale 118 PY35 O A I 4 Caput mortuum violet 125 PR101 O AA I 2 Cerulean blue 137 PB35 SO AA I 3 Cerulean blue (red shade) 140 PB35 O AA I 3 Chinese white 150 PW4 SO AA I 1 Cobalt blue 178 PB28 ST AA I 4 Cobalt blue deep 180 PB74 ST AA 4 Cobalt green 184 PG50 SO AA 4 Cobalt turquoise 190 PB28, PB36 SO AA I 4 Cobalt turquoise light 191 PG50 SO AA 4 Cobalt violet 192 PV14 ST AA I 4 Davy's gray 217 PG17, PBk6, PBk19, PW5 SO AA I 1 French ultramarine 263 PB29 T A I 2 New gamboge 267 PY150, PR209 ST A II 1 Gold ochre 285 PY42 ST AA I 2 Green gold 294 PY129 T A 2 Hooker's green 311 PY110, PG36 T A I 1 Indian red 317 PR101 O AA I 1 Indian yellow 319 PO62, PY139 T A II 1 Indantherene blue 321 PB60 ST A 3 Indigo 322 PBk6, PV19, PB15 O A II 1 Ivory black 331 PBk9 O AA I 1 Lamp black 337 PBk6/7 O AA I 1 Lemon yellow (nickel titanate) 347 PY53 O AA I 4 Lemon yellow deep 348 PY159 SO AA 2 Light red 362 PR102 SO AA 1 Manganese blue hue 379 PB15 SO A II 2 Magnesium brown 381 PY119 O AA 1 Mars black 386 PBk11 O AA I 1 Naples yellow hue 422 PW6, PBr24 O AA I 1 Naples yellow deep 425 PBr24 O AA I 1 Neutral tint 430 PB15, PBk6, PV19 O A II 1 Olive green 447 PY65, PB15:6, PR101 T A II 1 Opera rose 448 PR122 ST B 2 Oxide of chromium 459 PG17 O AA I 3 Perylene green 460 PBk31 T A 2 Payne's gray 465 PB15, PBk6, PV19 SO A II 1 Permanent alizarin crimson 466 PR206 T A 3 Perylene violet 470 PV29 T A 2 Permanent carmine 479 Quinacridone Pyrrolidone T A 3 Permanent magenta 489 PV19 T A I 3 Permanent mauve 491 PV16 ST A I 3 Permanent rose 502 PV19 T A II 3 Permanent sap green 503 PG36, PY110 T A I 1 Perylene maroon 507 PR179 T A 3 Phthalo turquoise 526 PB16 T A 2 Potter's pink 537 PR233 SO AA 2 Prussian blue 538 PB27 T A I 1 Quinacridone magenta 545 PR122 T A 3 Quinacridone gold 547 PR206, PV19, PY150 T A 3 Quinacridone red 548 PR209 T A II 3 Raw sienna 552 PY42, PR101 T AA I 1 Raw umber 554 PBr7 T AA I 1 Rose dore 576 PY19, PY97 T A II 4 Rose madder genuine 587 NR9 T B 4 Scarlet lake 603 PR188 ST A II 2 Sepia 609 PBk6, PR101 O AA I 1 Terre verte 637 PG23, PG18, PB28 ST AA I 1 Terre verte (yellow shade) 638 PG23 T AA I 1 Titanium white (opaque white) PW6 O AA I 1 644 Turner's yellow 649 PY216 O AA 3 Transparent yellow 653 PY150 T A I 1 Ultramarine (green shade) 667 PB29 T A I 2 Ultramarine violet 672 PV15 ST A I 2 Vandyke brown 676 PR101, PBk6 ST AA I 1 Venetian red 678 PR101 O AA I 1 Viridian 692 PG18 T AA I 3 Winsor blue (green shade) 707 PB15 T A II 1 Winsor blue (red shade) 709 PB15 T A II 1 Winsor green (blue shade) 719 PG7 T A I 1 Winsor green (yellow shade) 721 PG36 T A I 1 Winsor lemon 722 PY175 ST A 1 Winsor orange (red shade) 723 PO73 SO A 1 Winsor orange 724 PO62 SO A II 1 Winsor red deep 725 PR264 SO A 1 Winsor red 726 PR254 ST A 1 Winsor yellow 730 PY154 ST A I 1 Winsor yellow deep 731 PY65 ST A II 1 Winsor violet (dioxazine) 733 PV23 T A 1 Yellow ochre 744 PY43 SO AA I 1 Yellow ochre light 745 PY43 SO AA I 1