The Seven Years War
The Seven Years War
The Seven Years War
Tonifranz F. Sareno
considered to be the last conflict that involved all the then major
Prussia, Russia, France and Great Britain. It also involved minor states
such as Saxony, Sweden, Hanover (though Hanover and Britain shared the
considered separate from Britain), and, later, Spain (by this time not
It has been called a world war. Indeed, many has claimed that it is
the first World War. It was fought in three continents: Europe, North
America, and India. The battlefield ranged from the forests and plains of
American Indians, and Native Indians of India, Filipino recruits were also
European contenders.
Great Britain, Hanover, and Prussia. There are two main theaters of the
war. The first theater is the continental European theater, where it was
Encyclopdia Britannica, 15 ed., vol. 10, Seven Years War, pg. 666.
greatest continental powers. 3 Prussia, with very little assistance from its
allies, fought Austria, Russia, and France. The war was about the
Prussia, and for Prussia to somehow stay alive and intact. The other
theater of the war is the colonial theater. In this theater, the main
combatants are Great Britain against France and Spain, and the main
battlefields are North America and India, with peripheral theaters such as
the Philippines. The main object of this struggle is the contest for
same time, Charles VI, of Austria, Holy Roman Emperor, also died. He
European country, including France, tried to grab bits and pieces of the
and Saxony to dismember the Habsburg crown lands. 4 But Maria Theresa
proved a resourceful ruler, and in the end, managed to beat back all
Dill, Marshall, Jr. Germany: A Modern History, new ed., revised and enlarged. (Ann Arbor: the
University of Michigan Press, 1970), 53.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed., vol. 19, Frederick the Great pg. 560.
attacks and regain lost territoryexcept Silesia, which Frederick managed
to maintain. The War of Austrian Succession lasted until 1748, when the
The only ally of Austria during this time is Great Britain. The
reason for the alliance is that France and Great Britain are rivals for
overseas colonies, especially in North America. The result when the war
ended was a stalemate, with neither power gaining any new territory at the
Maria Theresa wanted to have Silesia back, and she began scheming
to have it happen. Since France was an ally to Prussia during the War of
F re d e r i c k t h e G r e a t M ar i a Th e res a
Austrian Succession, the principal way to ensure Austrian victory in the
next war against Prussia make sure that France would not aid Prussia, and
Austria. Great Britain was a maritime nation concerned with the struggle
against France for overseas colonies, while the Habsburg realm was
Pompadour, mistress of King Louis XV, gained power and consented to the
alliance between Austria and France. Great Britain was alarmed by the
the two countries. Tzarina Elizabeth of Russia, who hated Frederick, soon
joined the anti-Prussian alliance. This was generally called the Diplomatic
Revolution of 1756. 7
surrounded. He decided to strike first. The Seven Years War in Europe had
Major, J. Russel. The Western World : The Renaissance to the Present. (New York: V.B. Lippincott
Company, 1966), 420.
Dill, 52.
Kagan, Donald, Steve Ozment, and Frank M. Turner. The Western Heritage, 2nd ed. (New York:
Macmillan Publishing Company, Inc., 1983), 604.
Meanwhile, both Great Britain and France claimed the Ohio country,
Louisiana. In 1753, the French began building a series of forts in the Ohio
sent 21 year old George Washington to the French governor and insisted
that the French leave the area to the British. The French naturally
dismissed the British claims to the land. As a result, fighting broke out
between the French and the British forces in the Americas in 1754,
although during that time, France and Britain were officially at peace.
The British sent several offensives in 1755 and 1756 to try to take
New France, as the French possessions in North America were called, but
the British, and laid siege to Port Mahon, the capital. The British tried to
rescue the island, but failed. Port Mahon fell on June 28. The French then
prepared for an invasion of England, with 50,000 troops concentrated on
the ports of the English Channel. The British have only 35,000 troops at
home and in America. Yet the British navy was stronger than the French
navy, and in the end, it prevented the French from crossing over into
England. 8
Williamson, James A. A Short History of British Expansion: The Old Colonial Empire, 3rd ed. (London:
Macmillan and Company Limited, 1945), 395.
M ap o f E u r op e , 1 7 4 0
major force to take the major French forts along the Ohio from being
formed in the Americas, and the French captured some English forts in the
laid siege to Prague, and beat the Austrian army which tried to relieve it,
but was beaten back when he lost to a second Austrian army at the battle
The situation began to get desperate for Frederick in the latter part
of 1757. A French army of 54,000 men advanced from the West, a Russian
army of 43,500 men advanced from the East, and an Austrian army of
65,000 advanced from the south. With Frederick fighting alone, things
as a military genius and beat back the attacks. Frederick, with 22,000
men, marched west to meet the French first, and defeated the much larger
only 169 men compared to 5,000 men killed and 5,000 captured French. 9
numerically superior Austrians. 1 0 The Prussians have 1,141 dead and 5,000
wounded while the Austrians suffered 3,000 dead, 7,000 wounded and
Meanwhile, George II, King of Great Britain, desperate to win the
war, appointed William Pitt to manage the war and to give the country
victory. Pitt proved that he was a master organizer of the war. He replaced
old and incompetent generals with young and vigorous officers, and
when his generals were able to gain several victories. General James
and giving the British control over the seas. In Germany, a British Army
desperate. His three main opponents have much larger populations to draw
soldiers for their armies, and each year, massive armies from Austria,
Russians at Kunersdorf. The Prussians lost 6,000 men dead, and 13,000
wounded, and 26,000 men were scattered. Of the 50,900 troops that he
went to battle with, only 3,000 men remained with him at the end of it.
McLynn, Frannk. 1759: The Year Britain Became Master of the World. (The Random House Group
Limited, 2004),192-223; 284-314; 354-388; 254-284.
The Russians, with originally 59,500 men, lost only 15,000 men. He was
by the enemy. 1 3 Seeking death, two horses shot under him, he cried out
against the bullets that would not hit him and was with difficulty
cavalry. 1 4
Frederick wrote:
T h i s m o r n i n g a t 11 o ' c l o c k I h a v e a t t a c k e d t h e e n e m y. . . . Al l m y
men got into confusion. I assembled them three times. In the end I was
bullets, two horses of mine have been shot dead. My misfortune is that I
a m s t i l l l i v i n g . . . O u r d e f e a t i s v e r y c o n s i d e r a b l e : To m e r e m a i n s 3 , 0 0 0
m e n f r o m a n a r m y o f 4 8 , 0 0 0 m e n . At t h e m o m e n t i n w h i c h I r e p o r t a l l
o f t h e s a f e t y o f a n yb o d y i n B e r l i n i s a g o o d a c t i v i t y . . . I t i s a c r u e l
failure that I will not survive. The consequences of the battle will be
worse than the battle itself. I do not have any more resources, and -
the doom of my fatherland. Farewell forever!
from annihilation, and within four days, most of the men who scattered
However, another setback for Prussia near the end of the year happened
Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed., vol. 19, Frederick the Great pg. 561.
under Friedrich August von Finck . Yet, like the Russians after Kunersdorf,
they failed to follow up their success and missed an opportunity to end the
war. Together with the French defeat at Minden, the delays resulted in
Prussian survival.
Marburg, and the Swedes captured Pomerania, Prussian land along the
Baltic coast. The Austrians captured several towns in Silesia, while the
Russians briefly occupied his capital, Berlin. All seems lost for Frederick,
Battle of Plassey in 1757. They captured one French colony after another.
Louisbourg in Cape Breton Island and Senegal of the West African Coast
fell in 1758, Canada and the French Island of Guadaloupe fell in 1759,
and Martinique fell in 1762. Spain entered the war in 1761 as a French
ally. The British proceeded to capture both Havana, Cuba, and Manila,
spite of the victories he won, his enemies kept coming. His manpower is
dwindling, and his state is exhausted from five years of war. Many
Prussian towns fell to the Russians and Austrians, and the British stopped
in total, and much of the troops were raw recruits having very little
training because of the losses of experienced troops for much of the war.
the Prussian fort of Kolberg. East Prussia was occupied by the Russians.
Peter III succeeded to the throne of Russia. Peter was a fervent admirer of
Frederick. He at once made peace with Prussia, and even allied with
Prussia against Austria and France! Sweden immediately made peace with
Prussia as a result. Frederick was happy, and in the summer that year,
withdrawal, the will of the Austrians and the French to continue the war
remain as it was before the war. Prussia survived the war without losing
any territory.
In the treaty of Paris of 1763 between Britain and France, France
River to Britain, and those west of the river to Spain. Britain gave back
from Spain in exchange for returning Cuba and the Philippines to the
The war was significant in several respects. The war showed that
vis--vis Prussia.
Had the Prussians lost the war and was dismembered, as it was
against Napoleon in the early nineteenth century, and under Otto von
Bismarck, was the state that will unite Germany into one nation in the
without Prussia. All subsequent history would be very different had not
colonial affairs. France was shut out of North America and India. The war
the war was when the British finally achieved the global supremacy they
of the taxes the British tried to impose, the Americans revolted. Thus, it
could be said that the Seven Years War indirectly led to the formation of
McLynn, 1.
A. Books
B. Internet'_War