Partnership Review Notes
Partnership Review Notes
Partnership Review Notes
De facto partnership
E. As to representation of others
I. Contract of Partnership 1. Real partnership
It is a contract where two or more persons bind 2. Partnership by estoppel (1769, 1825)
themselves to contribute money, property or industry F. As to Publicity
to a common fund, with the intention of dividing profits 1. Secret Partnership
among themselves. (Art. 1767) 2. Notorious or open Partnership
F. As to purpose
Characteristics of the contract of partnership 1. Commercial or trading
2. Professional or non-trading
1. Consensual it is perfected by mere consent although such
consent must be manifested in certain cases by proper Universal Partnership All Present Property (UPAPP)
formalities. One wherein the partners contribute all the property
2. Nominate it is designated by a specific name. which actually belong to them to a common fund with
3. Principal its existence does not depend on the life of the intention of dividing the same among themselves
another contract. as well as all the profits which they may acquire
4. Onerous there are certain contributions that have to be therewith. (Art. 1778)
made. Only properties that belonged to each partners at the
5. Preparatory in the sense, that after it has been entered time of the constitution of the partnership becomes
into, other contracts essential in the carrying out of its common property to all partners. This excluded future
purposes can be entered into. properties. ( Art. 1779)
because partnership demands that the
Essential Requisites contributed things must be determinate,
known and certain.
1. There must be a valid contract. Profits from other sources may become common only
The other essential elements of contract if there is a stipulation to such effect.
must be present.
There is not required form but the contract is Universal Partnership of Profits (UPP)
subject to the provisions of Art. 1771, 1773 Comprises all that the partners may acquire by their
and Statute of Frauds. industry or work during the existence of the
partnership and the usufruct of movable or immovable
2. The parties must have legal capacity to enter into the property which each partner may possess at the time
contract. of the celebration of the contract. (1780)
3. There must be a mutual contribution of money This is presumed by law when a universal partnership
property or industry to a common fund. has been entered into without specification. (1781)
The common fund may be intangible such as Reason: UPP imposes less obligations on
credit or industry. (Lim Tong Lim v. Phil. the partners since they preserve the
Fishing Gear Industries Inc, November 3, ownership of their separate property.
Note: as rule, universal partnership cannot be entered into by
4. The object or purpose must be lawful. (Art. 1770) persons who are prohibited from giving each other donation or
The object or purpose must be within the advantage.(Art. 1782 NCC, Art 739 NCC, Art. 87 FC)
commerce of man, possible and not contrary
to law, morals, good customs, public order or The reason is that universal partnership is virtually a donation
public policy, otherwise the partnership to each other of the partners properties or at least their
contract is VOID AB INITIO. (art. 1409) usufruct. Therefore if persons are prohibited to donate to each
If a partnership has several purposes, one of other directly, they cannot be allowed by law to donate
which is unlawful, the partnership can still indirectly.
exist so long as the illegal purpose can be
separated from the legal purposes. Particular Partnership
5. The primary purpose must be obtain to profits and It has for its object determinate things, their use or
divide the same among themselves fruits, or specific undertaking, or the exercise of a
6. There must be at least one general partner. profession or vocation.