ORDINANCES For Five-Year BCA or MCA (Dual Degree) Course

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Five-Year BCA/MCA (Dual Degree) Course

(W.E.F. Academic Session


1. The duration of the course leading to the degree of Master

of Computer Applications (M.C.A.) shall be fve academic years.
2. Each year shall be divided into two semesters. A candidate shall
have to pass all the ten semester examinations within a maximum
period of nine years of his/her admission to the frst semester of 5-
Year Dual Degree M.C.A. Programme failing which he/she will be
deemed to be unfit for the programme. The candidates who
successfully complete frst to sixth semester examinations will be
awarded the degree of B.C.A. and an opportunity of exit will be
provided to such candidates who dont want to go in for 5 year Dual
degree M.C.A. course.
3. Students will be given admission in 4th year (7th Semester) if and only if
the candidate has cleared 50% of the papers within fve years from the
year of joining the course. In case, the candidate has not cleared 50%
of papers within fve years of joining the course, the candidate will not
be allowed to pursue MCA Course in continuation of this dual degree
program. In such cases, the candidate can complete the BCA course
only within a total of six years from the date of joining the course. In
any case, the candidate will not be allowed to continue in dual degree
for getting MCA degree.


3. The First Semester examination shall be open to a person :

(a) Who have passed 10+2 examination with Physics & Mathematics as
compulsory subjects along with one of the
Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/Technical Vocational subject with at least
45% marks (40% in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST/Physically
handicapped category) in the basic subjects taken together.

(b) Satisfes the following requirements :

(i) Has been on the rolls of the Department throughout the
semester preceding the examination;
(ii) Has his name submitted to the Registrar by the Head of the
Department alongwith a certifcate of having attended not less
than 75% of the periods delivered in each paper during the

The department shall be required to deliver at least 75% of the
total number of lectures prescribed for each paper.
Provided that a defciency in attendance may be condoned for
special reasons, as per the relevant rules/ordinances on the
Has completed the prescribed course of instructions for the
examination, but has not appeared or having appeared has failed and
has been recommended by the Head of the Department, for admission
to such examination as a late Department student without attending a
fresh course of instruction. (Theory & Practical) within a period of two
years from the date of completion of the course.

4. Every candidate shall be examined in the subject(s) as laid down in

the Scheme of
Examinations/Syllabus prescribed by the Academic Council from time
to time.

5. The medium of instruction and examination shall be English


6. The last date of receipt of admission forms and fees shall be fixed
by the University.

7. The amount of examination fee to be paid by a candidate for each

semester shall be as per the decision of the University as applicable
from time to time.

8. The Examination for the odd semesters shall ordinarily be held in

the month of November/December and for the even semesters in
the month of May/June or on such dates as may be fixed by the

Supplementary examinations will be held for re-appear/failed

candidates as under:
Semester When held
First Semester Along with the 3rd Semester
Second Semester Along with the 4th Semester
st rd th
Third Semester Along with the 1 /3 /5
nd th th
Semester (d) Fourth Semester Along with the 2 /4 /6
st rd th th
Semester (e) Fifth Semester Along with the 1 /3 /5 /7
nd th th th
Sixth Semester Along with the 2 /4 /6 /8 Semester
st rd th th th
Seventh Semester Along with the 1 /3 /5 /7 /9
Semester (h) Eighth Semester Along with the
nd th th th th
2 /4 /6 /8 /10 Semester (i)

st rd th th th
Ninth Semester Along with the 1 /3 /5 /7 /9 or
after 9
Semester along with 10 Semester.
nd th th th th
Tenth Semester Along with the 2 /4 /6 /8 /10
Semester or after 10 semester.

9. The Head of department of the University/ The Principal or The

Director of the college or institute shall forward to the Controller of
Examinations t h e e x a m i n a t i o n f o rm s a n d a list of the eligible
students as per rules of the University who have satisfied the
requirements for appearing in the fnal Examination.

10. (i) As soon as possible, after the termination of the examination, the
Controller of Examinations shall publish a list of candidates who
have passed the Semester Examination.

(ii) Each successful candidate shall receive a copy of the Detailed

Marks Card on having passed the Semester Examination.

11.The list of successful candidates after the sixth/tenth semester examination

shall be arranged as under in two divisions on the basis of aggregate marks
obtained in the (a) frst to sixth semester examinations for the award of B.C.A.
degree and (b) seventh to tenth semester for the award of M.C.A. degree
taken together and the percentage obtained by the candidate will be stated in
his/her degree.

12. The University medal will be awarded to a candidate of the said course
who secures frst position in the University on the basis of the marks
obtained in the B.C.A. and similarly to the topper of M.C.A. course by taking
all the six/ten semesters taken together respectively. The general rules and
conditions of the University for the Award of medal/prizes etc. will be
applicable in the award of University medal to the topper of this


13. (i) The Head of department of the University/ The Principal or The
Director of the college or institute shall forward the Internal
Assessment marks /Practical awards to the Controller of
Examinations, as per the scheme of examinations, wherever

(ii) As pe r the rule s of the unive rs ity The Head of department

of the University/ The Principal or The Director of the college or
institute will preserve the records on the basis of which the,

Internal Assessment awards etc. have been prepared for inspection,
if needed by the University.
14 (i) The internal assessment/practical /training report/project report
awards etc. of a candidate who fails in any semester/paper(s) shall
be carried forward to the next examination.

(ii) A Candidate who i s n o t a b l e t o a p p e a r i n t h e m i d

S e m e s te r Te s t s d u e t o s o m e ex t r a o rd i n a r y c i rc u m s t a n c e s
o r the reasons beyond their control, a make up shall be arranged for
them after due permission of the Academic Committee of the
Department (ACD) or the Principal/ The Director of the College/
Institute and the appropriate university authorities in this regard.

(iii) A candidate who fails to obtain pass marks in training

report/project report shall be offered an opportunity to undergo
training again and conduct another project as the case may be,
within one year from the date of declaration of the result and the
same shall be assessed by a Board of Examiners appointed by the
university on the recommendations of The Head of department of
the University/ The Principal or The Director of the college or the

(iv) A candidate who fails to obtain pass marks in practical/viva-

voce shall have to re-appear before the board of examiners as per the
schedule specified for supplementary examinations.

15. (a) Every student of Fi v e Ye a r I n t e g r a t e d Dual degree MCA Course

shall be required to undergo a practical training in an industry/ the
Department / the college approved by the
department/college/institute for atleast sixteen weeks during
tenth semester. The project developed by the candidate during the
training period shall be compiled in the form of training cum
project report. The fve copies of this report will be submitted in
the typed form as per the guidelines prepared by the department. The
last date for the receipt of training report in the department shall be
one month after the date of completion of training.

(b) The evaluation of the project Report shall be done by the

examiner(s) as the ordinances laid out for the evaluation of the Three
Year M.C.A. course by the University.

16. The examination branch of Punjabi University, Patiala will award the
percentage of marks/ division to the candidates of Five Year Dual
degree M.C.A. course as per the the ordinances laid out for the Three
Year M.C.A. course for the same by the University.

17. (a) In each course 50% of the total marks are assigned to the
continuous assessment and 50%marks in the University examination
in theory papers and 60% of the total marks are assigned to the
continuous assessment and 40% marks in the University examination
in practical/laboratory papers.
(b) The minimum number of marks required to pass the examination
shall be 40% in each paper in aggregate, provided the candidate gets.
(i) Minimum 33%of the marks in the continuous assessment in each
(ii) Minimum 33% of the marks in the University examination.
(c) When a candidate has failed or placed under re-appear in the
University examination, but passes in continuous assessment, the
marks in the Continuous assessment shall be carried for subsequent
(d) If a candidate fails or placed under re-appear in the continuous
assessment, but passes in the University examination, the marks in the
University examination shall be carried for subsequent examination. In
that case, the candidate will have to improve his/her score in
continuous assessment by taking only a single test, which will consist
of 50 marks. Such candidate will have to inform the department in
writing and in turn the test will be scheduled by the department.
18. Subject to requirements of the Course, attendances and ordinance
18(c) below and ordinance 3(b).
(a) There will be no condition of passing papers for promotion from odd
semester to even semester in an Academic Session.
To qualify for admission to 2nd year of the Course, the candidate must
have passed 50% of total papers of the two semesters of the 1 st year.
Similarly to qualify for admission to 3 rd year of the course, the
candidate should have passed 50% of the papers of four semesters of
the earlier two years. This rule will also be applied for taking
admission to fourth year and ffth year.
(b) A candidate placed under re-appear in any paper, will be allowed two
chances to clear the reappear which should be availed within
consecutive two years/chances, i.e. to pass in a paper the candidate
will have a total of three chances, one as regular student and two as
reappear candidate.
The examination of the reappear papers of odd semester will be held
with regular examination of the odd semester and reappear
examination of even semester will be held with regular examination of
even semester. But if a candidate is placed under reappear in the last
semester of the course, he will be provided chance to pass the
reappear with the examination of the next semester, provided his
reappear of lower semester does not go beyond next semester.
(c) Subject to fulflment of requirements of ordinance 18(a) and 18(b). A
candidate shall be allowed to join :
(i) Second Semester
Provided that he/she has undergone a regular course of studies of frst
semester as provided under the regulations and fulfls the conditions
as laid in ordinance 3(b) for each semester.
(ii) Third Semester
Provided that he/she has undergone a regular course of studies of First
and Second semesters as provided under the regulations in sequential
order and fulfls the conditions as laid in ordinance 3(b) for each
(iii) Fourth Semester
Provided that he/she has undergone a regular course of studies of
First, Second and Third semesters as provided under the regulations in
sequential order and fulfls the conditions as laid in ordinance 3(b) for
each semester.
(iv) Fifth Semester
Provided that he/she has undergone a regular course of studies of
First, Second, Third and Fourth Semesters as provided under the
regulations in sequential order and fulfls the conditions as laid in
ordinance 3(b) for each semester.
(v) Sixth Semester
Provided that he/she has undergone a regular course of studies of
First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Semesters as Provided under the
regulations in sequential order and fulfls the conditions as laid in
ordinance 3(b) for each semester.
19. Semester II, III, IV, V and IV examination shall be open to a person who
has passed the previous semester examination or fulfls the conditions
provided in ordinance 5 and satisfes the requirements as provided in
ordinance 3(b).
20. Successful candidates who obtain 60% or more of the aggregate
number of marks of all the six semester examinations taken together,
shall be placed in the 1st division, those who obtain 50% marks or more
but less than 60% in the 2nd division and all below 50% marks shall be
placed in the 3rd division.
Successful candidates who obtain 75% or more marks in the aggregate
shall be placed in the 1st division with Distinction.

Note : The Internal Assessment will be formulated and sent to COE as per
prescribed schedule, failing which the result of the concerned
candidate will be shown as 'RL'


21. The grace marks will be allowed as per University Rules.

22. No migration of any candidate in any semester will be allowed in the

23. Notwithstanding the integrated nature of this course which is

spread over more than one academic year and the Ordinance in
force at the time a student joins the course shall hold good only for
the examination held during or at the end of the academic year and
nothing in this Ordinance shall be deemed to debar the University
from amending the Ordinance and the amended Ordinance, if
any, shall apply to all the students whether old or new.

24. Any other provision not contained in the above shall be governed by
the rules and regulations framed by the University from time to
time. In case of any dispute arises the matter will be referred to the
Vice-Chancellor for interpretation whose decision shall be fnal.

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