Rotational Molding: 1 History 2 Equipment and Tooling

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Rotational molding

and G.W. Perkss process of making hollow chocolate

eggs in 1910. Rotational molding developed further and
R.J. Powell used this process for molding plaster of Paris
in the 1920s. These early methods using dierent ma-
terials directed the advancements in the way rotational
molding is used today with plastics.[1]
Plastics were introduced to the rotational molding pro-
cess in the early 1950s. One of the rst applications was
to manufacture doll heads. The machinery was made
of an E Blue box-oven machine, inspired by a General
Motors rear axle, powered by an external electric motor
and heated by oor-mounted gas burners. The mold was
made out of electroformed nickel-copper, and the plastic
was a liquid PVC plastisol. The cooling method consisted
of placing the mold into cold water. This process of rota-
A three-motor powered (tri-power) rotational-molding or spin- tional molding led to the creation of other plastic toys. As
casting machine demand and popularity of this process increased, it was
used to create other products such as road cones, marine
Rotational Molding (BrE moulding) involves a heated buoys, and car armrests. This popularity led to the de-
hollow mold which is lled with a charge or shot weight velopment of larger machinery. A new system of heating
of material. It is then slowly rotated (usually around two was also created, going from the original direct gas jets
perpendicular axes) causing the softened material to dis- to the current indirect high velocity air system. In Eu-
perse and stick to the walls of the mold. In order to main- rope during the 1960s the Engel process was developed.
tain even thickness throughout the part, the mold con- This allowed the creation of large hollow containers to be
tinues to rotate at all times during the heating phase and created in low-density polyethylene. The cooling method
to avoid sagging or deformation also during the cooling consisted of turning o the burners and allowing the plas-
phase. The process was applied to plastics in the 1940s tic to harden while still rocking in the mold.[2]
but in the early years was little used because it was a slow In 1976, the Association of Rotational Moulders (ARM)
process restricted to a small number of plastics. Over the was started in Chicago as a worldwide trade associa-
past two decades, improvements in process control and tion. The main objective of this association is to in-
developments with plastic powders have resulted in a sig- crease awareness of the rotational molding technology
nicant increase in usage. and process.[2]
Rotocasting (also known as rotacasting), by comparison, In the 1980s, new plastics, such as polycarbonate,
uses self-curing resins in an unheated mould, but shares polyester, and nylon, were introduced to rotational mold-
slow rotational speeds in common with rotational mold- ing. This has led to new uses for this process, such as the
ing. Spin casting should not be confused with either, uti- creation of fuel tanks and industrial moldings. The re-
lizing self-curing resins or white metal in a high-speed search that has been done since the late 1980s at Queens
centrifugal casting machine. University Belfast has led to the development of more
precise monitoring and control of the cooling processes
based on their development of the Rotolog system.[2]
1 History
In 1855, R. Peters of Britain documented the rst use of
biaxial rotation and heat. This rotational molding process 2 Equipment and tooling
was used to create metal artillery shells and other hollow
vessels. The main purpose of using rotational molding Rotational molding machines are made in a wide range of
was to create consistency in wall thickness and density. In sizes. They normally consist of molds, an oven, a cooling
1905 in the United States F.A. Voelke used this method chamber, and mold spindles. The spindles are mounted
for the hollowing of wax objects. This led to G.S. Bakers on a rotating axis, which provides a uniform coating of


the plastic inside each mold.[3] long narrow parts. Some are of the clamshell type, thus
Molds (or tooling) are either fabricated from welded sheet one arm, but there are also shuttle-type Rock & Roll ma-
steel or cast. The fabrication method is often driven by chines, with two arms. Each arm rotates or rolls the mold
part size and complexity; most intricate parts are likely 360 degrees in one direction and at the same time tips
made out of cast tooling. Molds are typically manufac- and rocks the mold 45 degrees above or below horizon-
tured from stainless steel or aluminum. Aluminum molds tal in the other direction. Newer machines use forced hot
are usually much thicker than an equivalent steel mold, as air to heat the mold. These machines are best for large
it is a softer metal. This thickness does not aect cycle parts that have large length-to-width ratio. Because of
the smaller heating chambers, there is a saving in heating
times signicantly since aluminums thermal conductiv-
ity is many times greater than steel. Due to the need to costs compared to bi-axial machines.[4]
develop a model prior to casting, cast molds tend to have
additional costs associated with the manufacturing of the 2.2.2 Clamshell machine
tooling, whereas fabricated steel or aluminum molds, par-
ticularly when used for less complex parts, are less expen- This is a single arm rotational molding machine. The arm
sive. However, some molds contain both aluminum and is usually supported by other arms on both ends. The
steel. This allows for variable thicknesses in the walls clamshell machine heats and cools the mold in the same
of the product. While this process is not as precise as chamber. It takes up less space than equivalent shuttle and
injection molding, it does provide the designer with more swing arm rotational molders. It is low in cost compared
options. The aluminum addition to the steel provides to the size of products made. It is available in smaller
more heat capacity, causing the melt-ow to stay in a uid scales for schools interested in prototyping and for high
state for a longer period. quality models. More than one mold can be attached to
the single arm.[5]
2.1 Standard setup and equipment for ro-
tational molding 2.2.3 Vertical or up & over rotational machine

Normally all rotation molding systems have a number of The loading and unloading area is at the front of the ma-
parts including molds, oven, cooling chamber and mold chine between the heating and cooling areas. These ma-
spindles. The molds are used to create the part, and are chines vary in size between small to medium compared
typically made of aluminium. The quality and nish of to other rotational machines. Vertical rotational molding
the product is directly related to the quality of the mold machines are energy ecient due to their compact heat-
being used. The oven is used to heat the part while also ing and cooling chambers. These machines have the same
rotating the part to form the part desired. The cooling (or similar) capabilities as the horizontal carousel multi-
chamber is where the part is placed until it cools, and the arm machines, but take up a much less space.[6]
spindles are mounted to rotate and provide a uniform coat
of plastic inside each mold.
2.2.4 Shuttle machine

2.2 Rotational molding Machines Most shuttle machines have two arms that moves the
molds back and forth between the heating chamber and
2.2.1 Rock and roll machine cooling station. The arms are independent of each other
and they turn the molds bi-axially. In some cases, the
shuttle machine has only one arm. This machine moves
the mold in a linear direction in and out of heating and
cooling chambers. It is low in cost for the size of product
produced and the footprint is kept to a minimum com-
pared to other types of machines. It is also available in
smaller scale for schools and prototyping.[5]

2.2.5 Swing arm machine

The swing-arm machine can have up to four arms, with a

bi-axial movement. Each arm is independent from each
other as it is not necessary to operate all arms at the same
time. Each arm is mounted on a corner of the oven and it
A Rock and Roll rotational molding machine built in 2009 swings in and out of the oven. On some swing-arm ma-
chines, a pair of arms is mounted on the same corner thus
This is a specialized machine designed mainly to produce a four-arm machine has two pivot points. These machines

are very useful for companies that have long cooling cy-
cles or require a lot of time to demold parts, compared
to the cook time. It is a lot easier to schedule mainte-
nance work or try to run a new mold without interrupting
production on the other arms of the machine.

2.2.6 Carousel machine

Rotational Molding Process

A Carousel machine with four independent arms

This is one of the most common bi-axial machines in the

industry. It can have up to 4 arms and six stations and
it comes in a wide range of sizes. The machine comes
in two dierent models, xed and independent. A xed-
arm carousel consists of 3 xed arms that must move to-
gether. One arm will be in the heating chamber while the
other is in the cooling chamber and the other in the load-
ing/reloading area. The xed-arm carousel works well
when working with identical cycle times on each arm.
The independent-arm carousel machine is available with
3 or 4 arms that can move separately from the other. This
allows for dierent size molds, with dierent cycle times Unloading a molded polyethylene tank in a Shuttle machine
and thickness needs.[6]
Part Removal /
Plastic Addition

3 Production process
Molded Part

The rotational molding process is a high-temperature,

low-pressure plastic-forming process that uses heat and
Heating Station
biaxial rotation (i.e., angular rotation on two axes) to
produce hollow, one-piece parts.[7] Critics of the pro-
cess point to its long cycle timesonly one or two cy-
Cooling Station
cles an hour can typically occur, as opposed to other
processes such as injection molding, where parts can be
made in a few seconds. The process does have distinct
advantages. Manufacturing large, hollow parts such as
oil tanks is much easier by rotational molding than any
other method. Rotational molds are signicantly cheaper Heating Element
than other types of mold. Very little material is wasted Water Spray
Bi-axle Rotation

using this process, and excess material can often be re-

used, making it a very economically and environmentally
viable manufacturing process. Rotational Molding Process

The rotational molding process consists of four distinct


1. Loading a measured quantity of polymer (usually in 4 Mold release agents

powder form) into the mold.
A good mold release agent (MRA) will allow the mate-
rial to be removed quickly and eectively. Mold releases
2. Heating the mold in an oven while it rotates, until can reduce cycle times, defects, and browning of nished
all the polymer has melted and adhered to the mold product. There are a number of mold release types avail-
wall. The hollow part should be rotated through two able; they can be categorized as follows:
or more axes, rotating at dierent speeds, in order
to avoid the accumulation of polymer powder. The
length of time the mold spends in the oven is criti- Sacricial coatings: the coating of MRA has to be
cal: too long and the polymer will degrade, reducing applied each time because most of the MRA comes
impact strength. If the mold spends too little time in o on the molded part when it releases from the tool.
the oven, the polymer melt may be incomplete. The Silicones are typical MRA compounds in this cate-
polymer grains will not have time to fully melt and gory.
coalesce on the mold wall, resulting in large bubbles Semi-permanent coatings: the coating, if applied
in the polymer. This has an adverse eect on the correctly, will last for a number of releases before
mechanical properties of the nished product. requiring to be re-applied or touched up. This type
of coating is most prevalent in todays rotational
molding industry. The active chemistry involved in
3. Cooling the mold, usually by fan. This stage of the
these coatings is typically a polysiloxane.
cycle can be quite lengthy. The polymer must be
cooled so that it solidies and can be handled safely Permanent coatings: most often some form of PTFE
by the operator. This typically takes tens of min- coating, which is applied to the mold. Permanent
utes. The part will shrink on cooling, coming away coatings avoid the need for operator application, but
from the mold, and facilitating easy removal of the may become damaged by misuse.
part. The cooling rate must be kept within a cer-
tain range. Very rapid cooling (for example, water
spray) would result in cooling and shrinking at an
uncontrolled rate, producing a warped part.
5 Materials
More than 80% of all the material used is from
4. Removal of the part. the polyethylene family: cross-linked polyethylene
(PEX), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), linear low-
density polyethylene (LLDPE), high-density polyethylene
(HDPE), and regrind. Other compounds are PVC plasti-
3.1 Recent improvements sols, nylons, and polypropylene.
Order of materials most commonly used by industry:[8]
Until recently, the process largely relied on both trial and
error and the experience of the operator to determine Polyethylene
when the part should be removed from the oven and when
it was cool enough to be removed from the mold. Tech- Polypropylene
nology has improved in recent years, allowing the air tem-
Polyvinyl chloride
perature in the mold to be monitored, removing much of
the guesswork from the process. Nylon
Much of the current research is into reducing the cycle
time, as well as improving part quality. The most promis-
ing area is in mold pressurization. It is well known that
applying a small amount of pressure internally to the mold These materials are also occasionally used (not in order
at the correct point in the heating phase accelerates co- of most used):
alescence of the polymer particles during the melting,
producing a part with fewer bubbles in less time than at Aluminum
atmospheric pressure. This pressure delays the separation
of the part from the mold wall due to shrinkage during the Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS)
cooling phase, aiding cooling of the part. The main draw-
back to this is the danger to the operator of explosion of
a pressurized part. This has prevented adoption of mold Acrylic
pressurization on a large scale by rotomolding manufac-
turers. Epoxy
7.2 Designing for rotational molding 5

Fluorocarbons the client be willing to change colors? Designers are re-

sponsible for considering all the limitations and benets
Ionomer of using certain plastics. This may result in a new process
being decided upon.[13]

7.2 Designing for rotational molding
Another consideration is in the draft angles. These are re-
Polyurethane quired to remove the piece from the mold. On the outside
walls, a draft angle of 1 may work (assuming no rough
surface or holes). On inside walls, such as the inside of a
Various foods (especially chocolate) boat hull, a draft angle of 5 may be required.[14] This is
due to shrinkage and possible part warping.
Another consideration is of structural support ribs. While
5.1 Natural materials solid ribs may be desirable and achievable in injection
molding and other processes, a hollow rib is the best solu-
Recently it has become possible to use natural materials tion in rotational molding.[15] A solid rib may be achieved
in the molding process. Through the use of real sands and through inserting a nished piece in the mold but this adds
stone chip, sandstone composite can be created which is cost.
80% natural non-processed material.
Rotational molding excels at producing hollow parts.
Rotational molding of plaster is used to produce hollow However, care must be taken when this is done. When the
statuettes. depth of the recess is greater than the width there may be
Chocolate is rotationally molded to form hollow treats. problems with even heating and cooling. Additionally,
enough room must be left between the parallel walls to
allow for the melt-ow to properly move throughout the
6 Products mold. Otherwise webbing may occur. A desirable par-
allel wall scenario would have a gap at least three times
the nominal wall thickness, with ve times the nominal
Designers can select the best material for their appli- wall thickness being optimal. Sharp corners for parallel
cation, including materials that meet U.S. Food and walls must also be considered. With angles of less than
Drug Administration (FDA) requirements. Additives for 45 bridging, webbing, and voids may occur.[16]
weather resistance, ame retardation, or static elimina-
tion can be incorporated. Inserts, graphics, threads, han-
dles, minor undercuts, at surfaces without draft angles, 7.3 Material limitations and considera-
or ne surface detail can be part of the design. Designs tions
can also be multi-wall, either hollow or foam lled.
Products that can be manufactured using rotational mold- Another consideration is the melt-ow of materials. Cer-
ing include storage tanks, furniture, road signs and bol- tain materials, such as nylon, will require larger radii than
lards, planters, pet houses, toys, bins and refuse contain- other materials. Additionally, the stiness of the set ma-
ers, doll parts, road cones, footballs, helmets, canoes, terial may be a factor. More structural and strengthen-
rowing boats, kayak hulls and playground slides. The pro- ing measures may be required when a imsy material is
cess is also used to make highly specialised products, in- used.[17]
cluding UN-approved containers for the transportation of
nuclear ssile materials,[9] anti-piracy ship protectors,[10]
seals for inatable oxygen masks[11] and lightweight com- 7.4 Wall thickness
ponents for the aerospace industry.[12]
One benet of rotational molding is the ability to exper-
iment, particularly with wall thicknesses. Cost is entirely
dependent on wall thickness, with thicker walls being
7 Design considerations costlier and more time consuming to produce. While the
wall thickness can be nearly any thickness, designers must
7.1 Product design remember that the thicker the wall, the more material and
time will be required, increasing costs. In some cases, the
There are many considerations for a designer when de- plastics may signicantly degrade due to extended peri-
signing a part. Which factors are most important to a ods at high temperature. Also, dierent materials have
client? For instance, a part may need to be cheap and a dierent thermal conductivity, meaning they require dif-
certain color. However, if another color is cheaper, would ferent times in the heating chamber and cooling chamber.

Ideally, the part will be tested to use the minimum thick- be swapped quickly or dierent colors can be used with-
ness required for the application. This minimum will then out purging the mold. With other processes, purging may
be established as a nominal thickness.[18] be required to swap colors.
For the designer, while variable thicknesses are possible, Due to the uniform thicknesses achieved, large stretched
a process called stop rotation is required. This process is sections are nonexistent, which makes large thin panels
limited in that only one side of the mold may be thicker possible (although warping may occur). Also, there is lit-
than the others. After the mold is rotated and all the sur- tle ow of plastic (stretching) but rather a placing of the
faces are suciently coated with the melt-ow, the ro- material within the part. These thin walls also limit cost
tation stops and the melt-ow is allowed to pool at the and production time.
bottom of the mold cavity.[18] Another cost advantage with rotational molding is the
Wall thickness is important for corner radii as well. Large minimal amount of material wasted in production. There
outside radii are preferable to small radii. Large inside are no sprues or runners (as in injection molding), no o-
radii are also preferable to small inside radii. This al- cuts (thermoforming), or pinch o scrap (blow molding).
lows for a more even ow of material and a more even What material is wasted, through scrap or failed part test-
wall thickness. However, an outside corner is generally ing, can usually be recycled.
stronger than an inside corner.[18]

8.2 Limitations
8 Process: advantages, limitations, Rotationally molded parts have to follow some restric-
and material requirements tions that are dierent from other plastic processes. As it
is a low pressure process, sometimes designers face hard
to reach areas in the mold. Good quality powder may
8.1 Advantages help overcome some situations, but usually the design-
ers have to keep in mind that it is not possible to make
Rotational molding oers design advantages over other sharp threads that would be possible with injection mold-
molding processes. With proper design, parts assembled ing. Some products based on polyethylene can be put in
from several pieces can be molded as one part, eliminat- the mold before lling it with the main material. This can
ing high fabrication costs. The process also has inher- help to avoid holes that otherwise would appear in some
ent design strengths, such as consistent wall thickness and areas. This could also be achieved using molds with mov-
strong outside corners that are virtually stress free. For able sections.
additional strength, reinforcing ribs can be designed into
the part. Along with being designed into the part, they Another limitation lies in the molds themselves. Unlike
can be added to the mold. other processes where only the product needs to be cooled
before being removed, with rotational molding the entire
The ability to add prenished pieces to the mold alone is a mold must be cooled. While water cooling processes are
large advantage. Metal threads, internal pipes and struc- possible, there is still a signicant down time of the mold.
tures, and even dierent colored plastics can all be added
Additionally, this increases both nancial and environ-
to the mold prior to the addition of plastic pellets. How- mental costs. Some plastics will degrade with the long
ever, care must be taken to ensure that minimal shrinkage
heating cycles or in the process of turning them into a
while cooling will not damage the part. This shrinking al- powder to be melted.
lows for mild undercuts and negates the need for ejection
mechanisms (in most pieces). The stages of heating and cooling involve transfer of heat
rst from the hot medium to the polymer material and
In some cases rotational molding can be used as a feasible next from it to the cooling environment. In both cases,
alternative to blow molding, this is due to the similarity in the process of heat transfer occurs in an unsteady regime;
product outputs, with products such as plastic bottles and therefore, its kinetics attracts the greatest interest in con-
cylindrical containers, this is only eective on a smaller sidering these steps. In the heating stage, the heat taken
scale as it much more costly to blow mold regarding a from the hot gas is absorbed both by the mold and the
small output, and with fewer resulting products rotational polymer material. The rig for rotational molding usually
molding is much cheaper, due to blow molding relying on has a relatively small wall thickness and is manufactured
economies of scale regarding eciency. from metals with a high thermal conductivity (aluminum,
Another advantage lies in the molds themselves. Since steel). As a rule, the mold transfers much more heat than
they require less tooling, they can be manufactured and plastic can absorb; therefore, the mold temperature must
put into production much more quickly than other mold- vary linearly. The rotational velocity in rotational mold-
ing processes. This is especially true for complex parts, ing is rather low (4 to 20 rpm). As a result, in the rst
which may require large amounts of tooling for other stages of the heating cycle, the charged material remains
molding processes. Rotational molding is also the desired as a powder layer at the bottom of the mold. The most
process for short runs and rush deliveries. The molds can convenient way of changing the cycle is by applying PU
9.1 Bibliography 7

sheets in hot rolled forms. [15] Beall 1998, p. 69.

[16] Beall 1998, pp. 7577.

8.3 Material requirements [17] Beall 1998, p. 71.

Due to the nature of the process, materials selection must [18] Beall 1998, p. 70.
take into account the following:

Due to high temperatures within the mold the plastic

9.1 Bibliography
must have a high resistance to permanent change in Beall, Glenn (1998), Rotational Molding, Hanser
properties caused by heat (high thermal stability). Gardner Publications, ISBN 978-1-56990-260-8.
The molten plastic will come into contact with the Todd, Robert H.; Allen, Dell K.; Alting, Leo (1994),
oxygen inside the moldthis can potentially lead Manufacturing Processes Reference Guide, Industrial
to oxidation of the melted plastic and deterioration Press Inc., ISBN 0-8311-3049-0.
of the materials properties. Therefore, the chosen
plastic must have a sucient amount of antioxidant Thompson, R (2007), Manufacturing Processes for
molecules to prevent such degradation in its liquid Design Professionals, Thames & Hudson.
Revyako, M (2010), Certain Problems of Heat and
Because there is no pressure to push the plastic into Mass Transfer in Rotational Molding, Journal of En-
the mold, the chosen plastic must be able to ow eas- gineering Physics & Thermophysics.
ily through the cavities of the mold. The parts design
must also take into account the ow characteristics
of the particular plastic chosen. 10 Further reading
Crawford, R, Throne, James L., Rotational Mould-
9 References ing of Plastics, William Andrew Inc. (2002). ISBN
[1] Beall 1998, p. 6.
Crawford, R, Kearns, M, Practical Guide to Rota-
[2] Ward, Noel M. (Winter 1997). A History of Rotational tional Moulding, Rapra Technology Ltd. (2003).
Moulding. Platiquarian Reprints. Archived from the ISBN 1-85957-387-8
original on 2009-12-03. Retrieved 2009-12-03.

[3] Todd, Allen & Alting 1994, pp. 265266.

[4] Beall 1998, p. 154.

11 External links
[5] Beall, Glenn (1998). Rotational Molding. Hanser Gardner Rotational Moulding Technical Guide
Publications. p. 152. ISBN 978-1-56990-260-8.
Rotational Molding process videos
[6] Beall 1998, p. 155.
Animation of the rotational molding process
[7] John Vogler (1984). Small Scale Recycling of Plastics. In-
termediate Technology Publication. p. 8. Association of Rotational Molders
[8] Beall 1998, p. 18. Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia
[9] British Plastics Federation - Rotational Moulding
view/classified-nuclear-fissile-material-container.html Overview
Basic principles of rotational molding Manufac-
turing Weekly, September 1971, p28.
WhatIsRotomolding/Default.aspx Rotational Moulding Machinery

[12] Rotational Molding resources

What is rotomolding ?
[13] Beall 1998, pp. 6268.
How rotomolding works ?

12 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

12.1 Text
Rotational molding Source: Contributors: William Avery, 7265, Or-
angemike, Shotwell, Kaisershatner, Smalljim, Atlant, Firsfron, V8rik, Ground Zero, Smartyhall, Voidxor, Nate1481, Wirthi, Extraordi-
nary, Britiju, Tanersonmez, Septegram, Chris the speller, Bluebot, SeanWillard, Stevage, Radagast83, Chazchaz101, Peterlewis, Jim lad,
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Thirdright, Rlsheehan, Omnitin2004, Pdcook, Wilochka, Philip Trueman, Cerebellum, Lamro, Deconstructhis, Thisisjonathanchan, Wuh-
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Addbot, Friend of the Facts, Delemon, Yobot, Daniele Pugliesi, Gbpackfan31, ArthurBot, LilHelpa, Nrpepper, Rotoexxpert, Valryti, Wee-
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Waters, Woodywomble, ClueBot NG, Snotbot, Cntras, Helpful Pixie Bot, Stphan Courtois, Sma44-NJITWILL, Samfp, ChrisGualtieri,
RotacasterUK, SJ Defender, Martyn D E, OliverTodd1962, FrostyFro, Bender the Bot and Anonymous: 123

12.2 Images
File:Carousel_CRM3200.JPG Source: License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Stphan Courtois
File:Commons-logo.svg Source: License: PD Contributors: ? Origi-
nal artist: ?
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Contributors: Transferred from en.wikipedia to Commons. Original artist: The original uploader was Bert bert at English Wikipedia
File:Mold_graphics_into_rotationally_molded_parts.jpg Source:
graphics_into_rotationally_molded_parts.jpg License: CC-BY-SA-3.0 Contributors:
Original artist: Rishi Saran
File:Rock&Roll_HRM1800.jpg Source: License:
CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Stphan Courtois
File:Rotational_Molding.jpg Source: License: CC-
BY-SA-3.0 Contributors: Original artist: Rishi Saran
File:Rotational_Molding_Process.svg Source:
svg License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Valryti
File:Rotational_molding_animation.gif Source:
animation.gif License: CC BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: LaurensvanLieshout
File:Rotocasting_machine.jpg Source: License: CC
BY-SA 3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Emccorm
File:Rotomolded_parts.png Source: License: CC-BY-
SA-3.0 Contributors: Original artist: Rishi Saran
File:Unloading_Tank.JPG Source: License: CC BY-SA
3.0 Contributors: Own work Original artist: Stphan Courtois

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