University of The East - Manila: Rolling Process
University of The East - Manila: Rolling Process
University of The East - Manila: Rolling Process
I. DEFINITION OF TERMS…………………………………………………………….2
II. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………..3
A. FLOWCHART………………………………………………………………...4
B. DISCUSSION OF PROCESS………………………………………………6
C. RAW MATERIALS……………………………………..………………...….7
IV. DEFECTS…………………………………………………………………………..12
V. REFERENCES………………………...…………………………………………...13
Ingot - a block of steel, gold, silver, or other metal, typically oblong in shape.
Crystallization - the process of forming crystals; the process of becoming definite and
Oxidized Iron – the iron metal is oxidized to form the iron oxide known as rust.
Shot Peening - works by striking a surface with a shot (round metallic, glass or ceramic
particle) with enough force to generate plastic deformation.
Rolling Process is one of the most important processes for metal in industry. The
use of rolling mill along the time makes an improvement time by time until it produces a
perfect result. It was first discovered in the Middle East on 600 B.C. In Leonardo da Vinci’s
sketch on 1480, the first project of rolling machine has started and illustrated to put the
material between two cylindric rolls to know and modify its thickness. By 1500, it is the
first time that the rolling mill was used to produce coins.
Years has passed and rolling mills kept developing until today. Rolling mills are also called
train of rolls in this present time which this machine process with a high performance and
speed that can be able to perform well in heavy material or in thin sections and with its
specific dimension tolerance. Modern Rolling mill is more efficient and effective in an
industry which it can handle and work for over a hundred of metal a day.
Rolling Process or metal forming process where the stock of material is passed between
one or more pairs of rollers to decrease and to maintain the consistent thickness. This
technique is primarily concerned with the cross-section of the ingot or metal that is
forming. When doing this process, the temperature is most essential. Rolling process is
used in a very high production mostly in a supplier of metals etc. It is focused of the
increase and decrease of its length and thickness with its constant width.
There are different types of the rolling process these are the hot rolling process and cold
rolling process. A hot rolling procedure is used to create hot rolled items. The procedure
is carried out at an extremely high temperature, exceeding 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit.
This temperature is the re-crystallization temperature for most metals. Hot-rolled product
is converted into cold-rolled product. When the hot-rolled product cools, it is re-rolled at
room temperature. It is referred to as Cold Rolled Product. It is used to achieve more
precise or ideal proportions and to improve surface quality.
Cooling Bed
Cutting Machine
Inspection & Bundling
REHEATING PROCESS is the critical part of rolling mill where billets will undergo
Reheat Furnace. Billets will be placed on the hot charging area and will be pushed
continuously in the Reheating Furnace with the help of hydraulic pusher, but it will
depend on its quality. Reheat Furnace is divided into four (4) zones, and it will be
needing a gas and preheated combustion to make it possible. Inside reheat furnace is
an air filled with burners on the wall until it reached the needed temperature to reheat
the billets. To get a furnace discharge ('drop-out') goal temperature, computer models
determine the Billet's intended roughing mill exit temperature. The computer assists the
operator in setting the production rate and zone set points that will optimize production
of uniformly heated Billets as near to the goal temperature as feasible by continuously
estimating the temperature profile through the thickness of Billet fed into the furnace.
When the Billet approaches the 'discharge door' at the furnace's exit end and the
computer determines that the Billet has been sufficiently heated, the door opens, and
the material is sucked out of the furnace using Ejectors. The very hot Billet is placed on
a roller table, which transports it through the roughing mill.
variety of coatings to prevent recently descaled steel from deoxidizing. Lime, polymers,
and oil are among the most popular and effective coatings. Depending on the
application, each form of coating has advantages and disadvantages.
ROUGHING MILL is independent rolling mill. Billets heated in the furnace until they
glow brilliant orange yellow are rolled through one stand at a time to generate transfer
bars ready for final rolling. Along the route, high-pressure water-jet nozzles remove the
oxidized iron, or scale, off the surface. The thickness of the transfer bar's leading edge
is evaluated when it exits the last roughing mill stand. A pyrometer, on the other hand,
monitors the temperature profile of the bar from head to tail. Depending on the gauge,
breadth, and quality of the rolled product. This information is gathered in preparation for
the end of the rolling process.
INTERMEDIATE MILL steel products are given their ultimate shape and size in
rolling mills through a series of shaping and finishing procedures. Most of the billets are
heated in reheating furnaces before being rolled into final shape in hot- or cold-rolling
FINISHING MILL is where the transfer bar's head and tail ends will be sheared to
square them up, ensuring correct threading and tail-out. Adjustments are required to
guarantee that the strip threads pass through each of the finishing mills without looping
up and folding over or straining and breaking apart. The position of each rolling mill is
fed back to the finishing mill's sophisticated automation system, which works to
smoothly adjust the roll gaps and speeds in order to maintain the stable rolling of the
strip to the required thickness despite the temperature variations present in each bar.
WATER COOLING is where metal are being cooled. Heat is generated during the
metalworking rolling process in hot and cold rolling mills by friction and distortion in the
mechanical shape of the rolling stock. As a result, adequate cooling of the rolls and the
surrounding roll zone is necessary for the forming process to maintain consistent roll
temperatures and efficient heat conversion or removal The purpose is to provide
constant, uniform cooling throughout the width of the roll while maintaining a consistent,
appropriate temperature distribution
COOLING BED is used for cooling and cross transferring the finished product
towards the discharge end.
SD30 14400 12 120
4 0.996 200 15.875 12
𝑉𝐵𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑡 (120𝑚𝑚)(120𝑚𝑚)(12000𝑚𝑚)
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑌𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠 = =
𝑉𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡 (200𝑚𝑚2 )(6000𝑚𝑚)
A billet is a piece of metal that is rolled into bars, rods, and sections. It can be
manufactured using ingots or directly through continuous casting. Billets are used as
raw materials or feedstock in metal-processing activities like as extrusion, forging,
rolling, and others.
A continuous furnace in which heated workpieces are carried across the hearth or
hearth beams by an electric or hydraulic pusher positioned behind the charge In
metallurgy and machine construction, pusher furnaces are used to heat metal
workpieces for hot pressure shaping or heat treatment. This type of furnace can heat
workpieces across a wide temperature range (400°-1400°C).
Roughing mills are typically configured with horizontal and vertical supports. These roll
stands can be designed with a cantilever or without a housing. Precise control of roll
gaps enables better stock control in each pass and avoids excess loading on mill rolls
and drive systems owing to improper roll gaps.
Intermediate mills are also commonly equipped with horizontal and vertical supports of
housing-less design, as well as a quick-changing device. It is made up of eight stands
that are alternately horizontal and vertically arranged. The first four stands include 450
short-stress rolling mills, while the last four contain 350 short-stress rolling mills. In the
roughing mills, the arriving bar was rolled with no torsion and micro-tension.
Typically, the finishing mill contains five to seven finishing roll stands that reduce the
thickness of the transfer bar to the desired gauge. To obtain specified mechanical
qualities in the hot rolled strip, the rolling speed is regulated to allow the last stand to
conduct the last reduction at the finishing temperature.
The cooling bed is a metallurgical steel rolling industry working table used to cool rolled
goods (rebar, round steel, steel pipe, etc.). The mechanical transmission system, water
cooling system, cooling bed table, fixed support, and other components make up the
cooling bed.
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Machining is a secondary manufacturing technique that removes superfluous material
from a pre-formed blank in the form of chips using a wedge-shaped cutting tool to
achieve the desired shape, polish, and tolerance.
There are partial or intermittent groove patterns on the surface of the steel. They
are usually straight or curved This is due to improper installation. Import and export
guides and guards or rolled component scratches Transportation equipment; rolled part
de-grooving. Rolling Clean parts transportation equipment and operation sites are
required. Seamless with correct import and export processing, installation, and use
facilities for export advice and protection.
There are uneven or incomplete periodic concave patterns on the steel's surface
flaws. The steel surface exhibits bump on the rolled pass or adhering iron scale does
not remove without leaving root scars, and foreign metal objects are changed. After
rolling off, the pass was created. The pass's refreshing water type must be clear and
plentiful; the quality of the billets must be high should be licensed, and the working
environment should be tidy.
The steel has a rough or scaly surface with varying numbers of "tongue-shaped"
or "nail-shaped" scars, variable thickness, and odd shapes. Under the scar, there is
typically an iron oxide scale, whether closed or open; rooted or unrooted. Twisted skin is
a common term used to describe raised scars. Defects scars, thick skin, and inclusions
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are present in the billet; semi-finished products have trachoma, pass cuts, local bumps,
pass nicks, or welds. Scars, slipping fragments of metal in the pass, and external metal
sliding into the surface of the rolled piece, and the partially finished rolled piece has
external scratches objects.
• Dey, A. K. (n.d.). Rolling Process: Definition, Working, Application, Defects,
Type of Rolling Mills [PDF]. Learn Mechanical. Retrieved September 12, 2022,
• Rolling process: from origin to modern rolling mill > Invimec. (2021, August 6).
• Steel Mill, Rebar Rolling Mill Machinery | Hot Steel Rolling Mill Plant. (n.d.).
• Banaag, L. (2016, May 12). Why Do We Need to Descale: 5 Important Reasons.
Redox Chemical Industries.
• Finishing Rolling Mill Process Explanation. (2020, March 13). Hani Tech.
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