Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park Brochure

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Pigeon Point Our Mission

The mission of the California Department of

Light Station Parks and Recreation is to provide for the

health, inspiration and education of the

State Historic Park

people of California by helping to preserve
the state’s extraordinary biological diversity, In June 1853 the Boston-
protecting its most valued natural and based Carrier Pigeon,
cultural resources, and creating opportunities
for high-quality outdoor recreation. on her maiden voyage,
was torn apart by a
fog-blanketed rock off
Whale Point. Thereafter,
California State Parks supports equal access. it was called Pigeon Point.
Prior to arrival, visitors with disabilities who
need assistance should contact the park at the
phone number below. To receive this publica-
tion in an alternate format, write to the Com-
munications Office at the following address.


P. O. Box 942896
Sacramento, CA 94296-0001
For information call: 800-777-0369
916-653-6995, outside the U.S.
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Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic Park

c/o Año Nuevo State Reserve
New Years Creek Road
Pescadero, CA 94060
© 2002 California State Parks (rev. 9/2007) Printed on Recycled Paper
L ike a siren perched where coast and
ocean meet, the lighthouse at Pigeon
A series of wrecks off the point indi-
cated the need for a lighthouse. On
The lighthouse sits on an eight-
foot foundation. Its walls, four-and-
Point Light Station State Historic Park calls November 15, 1872, the station’s fog signal a-half feet thick at the base and
to motorists along Highway 1. It’s hard to began sounding a distinctive bellow that tapering to two feet at the top, employ
miss the stately 115-foot structure, the guided mariners for more than a century. structurally connected inner and
tallest operating lighthouse on the West The lighthouse was outfitted with the most outer walls that were strong enough
Coast. Pigeon Point Light Station is on the powerful lens of the day— a first-order to emerge undamaged from the 1906
National Register of Historic Places — a Fresnel lens. Perched in a glass-enclosed San Francisco and 1989 Loma Prieta
reminder of the days when whalers and room at the top of the lighthouse, the lens earthquakes.
Gold Rush era clipper ships fought gales, stands 16 feet tall and weighs four tons. Its
stiff seas, jagged coastal rocks and unfor- designer, French physicist Augustin Jean Natural History
giving fog. Fresnel, used 1,008 handcrafted, brass- History may be the park’s
framed prisms to concentrate the source of top billing, but the point’s Gull
The Point’s Colorful Past light, thereby maximizing light efficiency. natural beauty is also a
Pigeon Point’s original name, Whale Point, The prisms, stacked vertically to major attraction. Its high
was inspired by the gray whales that form two dozen nine-and-a-half-foot tall perch provides scenic views
migrate past the point. California’s boom panels, were joined together to form a of harbor and elephant seals
from gold rush to statehood brought many six-foot-diameter circular frame with the and whales. During spring and winter
ships to these rugged waters. In June 1853 light source in the middle. A clockwork migrations, the whales travel relatively
the Boston-based Carrier Pigeon, on her mechanism rotated the panels, producing close to the lighthouse grounds,
maiden voyage, was torn apart by a fog- a light flash precisely every ten seconds. particularly in the shallow waters of
blanketed rock off Whale Point. Thereafter, The lighthouse’s signature beam continues the cove south of the point. Standing
it was called Pigeon Point. today, flashing light from a 1,000-watt light on the station’s overlook boardwalk,
bulb every ten seconds. The fog signal was visitors can observe northward-bound
replaced by modern aids to navigation in California gray whale cows and their
1976, although it is sometimes sounded on new calves taking advantage of the
special occasions. safety of the cove. Farther out the
spouts of humpback and blue whales
can often be seen.
Some 50 species of migratory
and native birds live here, including
marbled murrelets, an endangered
species that nests in nearby old
growth forests and feeds in coastal
waters. Tide pools are a short walk
north of Pigeon Point. Below the point,
frothy waves washing over rock ledges
cause sea palms to sway.
Where, When and Weather For a virtual tour of the light station and
Pigeon Point Light Station is approximately more park information, select Pigeon Point
midway between Half Moon Bay and Santa Light Station SHP at www.parks.ca.gov.
Cruz, near the village of Pescadero. The
grounds are open daily from 8:00 a.m. to
sunset. Fridays through Sundays from 10:30 The Fresnel lens is lighted during our
a.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting, park annual celebration held on the Saturday
docents recount the light station's rich his- closest to November 15. Activities
tory while leading visitors among the old include docent-led tours of the grounds,
buildings and around the grounds. A new marine mammal displays, living history
interpretive center and bookstore are also demonstrations and educational videos.
available to provide information to visitors. The celebration concludes with the
The lighthouse tower itself is currently lighting of the lens from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
closed to tours. The California State Parks For more information contact the park
Foundation is spearheading a fund raising Friday to Sunday at (650) 726-2120.
campaign in an effort to restore the light- Pigeon point Hostel Spiral staircase inside the lighthouse
house and reopen it to the public. Visit
Four Light Station buildings, converted to
www.calparks.org for more information. Accessible features
lodging for up to 50 people, are op­erated
Be prepared for unpredictable weather.
by Hostelling International. Pigeon Point Light Station State Historic
Rain may occur between
Each house has two male or Park currently has no developed, wheel-
November and March, and
female bunkrooms. Separate chair accessible facilities that meet the
even summer brings chilly
bunk­rooms can be reserved regulatory standards of the Americans
fog, particularly in the
for families or couples. with Disabilities Act.
mornings. Stiff northwest
Hostel guests share
winds can develop anytime, Nearby State Parks
bathrooms, kitchens and
so dress in layers. • Año Nuevo State Reserve,
living rooms, and participate
in housekeeping activities. 27 miles south of Half Moon Bay
To make reservations, call (650)879-0227/2025
(650) 879-0633 from • Butano State Park, seven miles
7:30 a.m. to 10 a.m. or south of Pescadero (650)879-2040
5:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. • Pescadero Marsh State Beach,
Information is also available 141/2 miles south of Half Moon Bay
Living history demonstration at www.norcalhostels.org. (650)879-2170

Educational and interpretive programs at this park are supported through a nonprofit
organization. For more information contact:
Annual lighting of the Fresnel lens San Mateo Coast Natural History Association • P.O. Box 3245 • Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
Please Remember
• Dogs and smoking are not permitted
on the lighthouse grounds.
• Cliffs can collapse onto the rocks below—
stay off the cliffs and on pathways.
• A public phone and restrooms are near
the entrance to the park grounds.

0 50 100 150 Feet

0 10 20 30 40 Meters

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